aeternuswords · 2 years
closed, based on this  | @inmontana​ (for Gideon)
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 Willow adjusted the strap of her dress for probably the hundredth time that afternoon, while she waited by the door for the remainder of the guests to arrive. She was a part of the chosen bridesmaids, and had been assigned to be a part of the greeting committee, showing people to their assigned seats based on whether or not they were here for the bride or groom. She felt nervous. Not only because the dress she was wearing was rather form fitting and the curls she had spent all morning were starting to drop in the heat, but because she had been told the night prior her ex had said yet to attend. They had left it last minute to not stress her out, but now it was doing exactly that. The two hadn’t ended on the best of terms, and in some ways the break up was still something she was processing, but she had decided to endure and do her outmost to avoid him. Her hues had been locked onto the ground when someone had appeared in front of her. Without even looking at them at first, she had pointed and said, “Left side if you are here for the bride, right if you are here for the groom.”
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