#willam Shakespeare
edwardian-masquerade · 11 months
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"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine..."
-Macbeth; Willam Shakespeare
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editor-the-benjamin · 2 months
Willam Shakespeare (something rotten) and Doug Simon (Gutenberg) should make out to Thrill of First Love from Falsettos
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supercomputer-lizard · 2 months
Which one would you want to be the protagonist or antagonist of? (Forgot about side characters, but they are also included)
pick one of these things by William Shakespeare
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yorgunherakles · 1 year
kimileri bilgi nehirinden kana kana içer; kimileri ise yalnızca ağzını çalkalar.
woody allen - yan etkiler
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nicholas30 · 1 year
This is Palamedes Shakespeare headcanon
I'm sure this once happened at least
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This is so Paladiam (my bestie created a name for them huh)
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angeloflove997 · 2 years
"O amor não se vê com os olhos mas com o coração."
"Love is not seen with the eyes but with the heart."
William Shakespeare
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unrighteousbooks · 3 months
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There really are quite a lot of these little Tudor Shakespeare volumes floating around, aren't there? Every time I believe that I've corralled them all, another stack pops up.
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limonlukek · 6 days
İnsanların çoğu
Kaybetmekten korktuğu için, Sevmekten korkuyor
Sevilmekten korkuyor,
Kendisini sevilmeye layık görmediği için.
Düşünmekten korkuyor,
Sorumluluk getireceği için
Konuşmaktan korkuyor, Eleştirilmekten
korktuğu için.
Duygulanını ifade etmekten korkuyor,
Reddedilmekten korktuğu için
Yaşlanmaktan korkuyor,
Gençliğinin kıymetini bilmediği için
Unutulmaktan korkuyor
Dünyaya iyi birşey vermediği için.
Ve ölmekten korkuyor,
Aslında yaşamayı bilmediği için
#william Shakespeare
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faustandfurious · 2 months
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Vox populi || Henrik Ibsen: An Enemy of the People / Willam Shakespeare: Coriolanus
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marvin-falsettos · 4 months
why are you so crabby about looking like Willam Shakespeare???? Is it hard to be the bard??? Is writing demanding, mentally challenging, a bore, such a chore??? Do you need to go and harass some Bottoms?????
I just don't see it! While yes, writing is difficult, that might be the ONLY thing we have in common. And I'm choosing to ignore that last sentence.
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christian-borle · 3 months
I love you so much I wish Willam Shakespeare was real
Ha-ha! Did you know 🥹 my Husband Mackitty is Shapesphere Reincarnation
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"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
- Hamlet, Shakespeare
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editor-the-benjamin · 3 months
wow I love christan borle i wish william shakespeare was real
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uwmspeccoll · 7 months
Shakespeare Weekend
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Edmond Malone’s (1741-1812) The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, in ten volumes, published in 1790 and printed by Henry Baldwin, begins its tenth volume with a full-page frontispiece of the 3rd Earl of Southampton, Henry Wriothesley (1573-1624) followed by a dedication to him written by Shakespeare and several verses written in Wriothesley’s memory by Shakespeare’s contemporaries before opening with Venus and Adonis. The frontispiece was engraved by William Sharp (1749-1824) from a painting by Dutch artist Michiel Janszoon van Mierevelt (1566-1641). 
A second dedication to Wriothesley by Shakespeare appears before The Rape of Lucrece. While extravagant dedications were not unusual at the time, several scholars speculate about the relationship between the two men. English essayist Nathan Drake (1766-1836) proposed that the Earl was the Fair Youth of Shakespeare’s Sonnets and English poet Willam Davenant (1606-1668) chalked the adoration up to Wriothesley patronizing Shakespeare’s work.  
Volume Ten concludes with a thorough appendix, including sheet music Malone inserted at the request of a “musical friend”, and a full glossarial index.  
View more Shakespeare Weekend posts. 
-Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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yorgunherakles · 1 year
son olarak da fazla monologdan kaçmayı öğrendim.
marguerite yourcenar - hadrianus'un anıları
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themuffin2649 · 1 month
Vincent Willam Van Gogh
Vincent unlocks is True artistic Potential
TW: Cursing
Within the famous Modern art museum, Vincent leads a group of the wealthiest tourists (his family’s friends) to the finest masterpiece his genius mind has ever conceived.
Woman A: “This is the Vincent, son of the **** family! Do you know how wealthy they are?!”
Man A: “I know! I can’t wait to see what this young prodigy has made for us.”
Vincent: “Settle down everybody, I know the reveal of this artwork is wearing down your patience, but I promise you the wait and buildup will be worth it. For this is the latest sculpture I’ve created and it’s currently worth $50 million as we speak!”
The audience gasps in amazement except Leon, who’s just here to get complete an extra credit assignment on modern art.
Leon: Please hurry up, I have an 800 word essay to write after this.
Vincent: “Before the grand reveal, I have to tell you about ‘Convergence of the Star Bound Lovers’. My inspiration was the moment I learned what it means to be loved, and to love, as well as the raw passion from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It combines themes of both modern and romantic love as the two are unable to let the other go as both their bodies and their souls have merged into one as the stars prophesied it. A lesson that this artwork will teach you all is that it’s what we look deep within someone that separates love from lust. As you’re about to see, I not only put a piece of me into this artwork, but a piece of someone very special as well. ”
Leon gags at the thought of seeing two statues of Vincent and him kissing. This guy already sculpted him as a Neanderthal, what was This going to be?!
Vincent: “And now I present to you, the greatest thing you’ll ever witness! For I am Vincent Van Gogh reincarnated!” He said, pulling away a giant lavish red curtain to reveal the grandeur hiding behind.
The crowd’s eyes widen as they witness the beauty presented inside, some even crying tears of joy.
Leon: “………..…...”
Vincent: “If you look closely, you can see intertwining ‘kiss’ between the two bodies as they elegantly dance around each other. The fluidity of the materials shows that love is a wonderful phenomenon that everybody is capable of. Romantic or not.”
Crowd: clap clap clap “So true!” clap clap
Leon: “Uhh, Vincent… What the hell is this?!”
Vincent: “This is my greatest creation! Birthed out of the pure love I have burning in my heart for him!”
Leon: “That garbage?! Very funny Vincent. Now show us the real thing worth $50 mil.”
Vincent: “Garbage?! It’s a Masterpiece Leon, you’re just to low-class and primitive to understand!”
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The entire crowd gasps at his response.
Vincent: “You just don’t understand true art! This is a representation of all my years and training as an artist. Do you know how HARD it is to get all the hair to STICK into a wall?! It’s a talent not everybody is capable of! There’s a reason why it’s worth 50 million dollars!”
Leon: “VINCNET! You’re a genuinely Talented artist! Look at that hyperrealistic marble statue you sculpted right there of me wearing Neanderthal clothing. Do you know how HARD it is to make STONE look like real FUR?!”
Vincent: “The Modern Neanderthal? That old thing?! Darling! I just took some sticks and rocks one day and bashed at a hunk of marble. There’s a reason why it’s only worth $17 dollars, everybody can make it.”
Vincent: “C’mon everybody, let’s leave him, he’s only distracting us from seeing the real art.”
The crowd scoffs off Leon and heads away.
After everybody had left, Leon looks left and right for any witnesses before vandalizing Vincent’s ‘masterpiece’.
—— 1 day later ——
News Woman: “This just in, the famous artwork ‘Convergence of the Star Bound Lovers’ by 18 year old Vincent **** has as just been Vandalized, as half of the sculpture has been stolen! Here’s Vincent’s reaction to the destruction of his masterpiece.”
Vincent: “It’s a tragic day for art indeed. As you can see, half of the sculpture is falling apart, decaying, as it cannot survive without the loving grasp of the other. It symbolisez loneliness and the tragedy of heartbreak, and how humanity needs the love of others to survive.”
Leon: “Ha! Serves him right.” He says, proudly holding MC’s hair he stole from the ‘artwork’.
News Woman: “According to this incident, people have come around from all over the world to witness what was once a great masterpiece, to experience the anguish of heartbreak, making the sculpture worth 120 million as of today. It’s projected to be 150 million by next week.”
Leon: turns off the TV “……..I hate rich people.”
Note: Vincent knows what he made was garbage, he just needed to do something ‘non-traditional’ and pretend it was a masterpiece for the money laundering. He also needed an excuse to snip off a piece of MC’s hair.
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