#will i finish this before jan ends whos to say
everwisp · 9 months
was out the all day and my eyes are tired so I can’t finish guy’s bday piece 🤧 preview for now i guess
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dreamings-free · 2 months
Louis about LT3
a summary UPDATED
Sep 2022 first time Louis mentions a 3rd album. Louis is quoted in Euphoria Magazine saying: “Ideally, I’d like to try and write the next record before I go on tour next year. I want to do something similar to what I’ve done this past year.” (but from what we know now it seems it didn't play out that way..)
Sep 14th 2022 Louis leaves a comment on Faith In The Future co-writer Nico Rebscher's instagram post about Out Of My System saying "Can’t wait to do more on the next album!"
Jan 2023 Louis is on holiday in Cabo, Mexico and is spotted travelling with his guitar - maybe in case inspiration strikes!?
Feb 22nd 2023 Louis is seen "a tiny village with a recording studio in it". A few days later both Louis and Matt Vines likes an instagram post by Faith In The Future co-writer David Sneddon captioned "Spent the week at @ angelicstudiouk with friends and heroes." Another FITF co-writer Theo Hutchcraft is seen in one of the photos.
May 11th 2023 Louis tweets: "Also probably shouldn’t mention this so early in the process but I’m feeling really confident creatively, just finished a week of writing and it was unbelievable. Exciting!"
May 13th 2023 When asked about the next album at the LA screening of All Of Those Voices, he answered: “I recently just started, yeah. The majority have been my own, but some of the lyrics is less direct, so it’s maybe not quite as specifically about me but,I felt really fulfilled, the last couple of writing sessions I’ve done have been really, really good.”
Nov 23rd 2023 Louis gets asked about album 3 at the Rolling Stone UK Awards and is quoted saying: “It’s funny, I wrote maybe 4 or 5 tunes in one of the breaks of the tour legs, and actually, I just wanna spend a bit of time. I’m really excited for those songs, but I don’t know when the next records gonna come and the thing about me is when I start writing, I’m just desperate to release things as soon as a possible, so I wanna take a bit of time on this record. So when that might be, who knows.” He also talks a bit about potential collaborators and mentions DMA'S.
Jan 20th 2024 Louis follows producer James Ellis Ford who has worked with Arctic Monkey, Gorillaz and many, many more.
Jan 24th 2024 When asked in a twitter Q&A if he has "a concept in mind already for the next album?" his answer was: "Started drawing the outline in my head". He also told fans asking at the meet 'n' greet in Jakarta that it would be "soon, in my context of the word" 😜
Mar 30th 2024 At the Tecate Pa'l Norte press conference he said: “At the moment, um— to be honest, I haven’t really— the question was what I listen to which is a slightly different thing but; I haven’t really given the next record real thought yet. Obviously it’s been on my mind. But in terms of conceptually, or even finding references, I’m not really at that point yet because I’ve done a lot of touring— just kind of getting that out of the way before I really start thinking about that proper.”
April 4th 2024 He told Chilean radio station Bio Bio: “I have written a couple of songs, but when I was writing them I wasn’t thinking about what they would be for a new album, they were just written to give me something to write and not put pressure on those songs. But I think I will start the work on a new album at the end of this year, maybe.” futher elaborating to Radio Disney Chile: “The good thing about this record is I’m gonna have plenty of time to experiment and with that it gives you plenty of room to just kind of find where the edges of the record live. So yeah I’m looking forward to getting into the process, but like I said I’ve been loving touring at the moment so just been kind of sticking to that.”.
He also told Paraguayan radio station HEI Now: “Of course there’ll be a new album. When? I’m not overly sure. I think I’ll probably start writing at the end of the year. I just wanna let as much life in first and then I can really start emoting and writing.”
June 2024 In the FITF tour LatAm recap video posted to Louis’ instagram 25/6 he says: “At some point I gotta think about the next record, but.. I’m a bit scared of that, truthfully right now, feel like I’ve been enjoying the success of Faith in The Future for.. quite a while. And yes, it’s been the pressure of the shows but I delivered what I think was a good record and a record that was successful. So now going into the next cycle it’s a little bit.. a little bit tentative going into it. I know that’ll change once I get off the road and really start thinking about the essence of the record and the concept of the record and stuff like that. But right now.. yeah, I’m just thinking about the festivals, I’m excited for those.” (he also talks - in past tense about playing in Mexico City and about the upcoming Away From Home Festival, so we can assume this interview was done somewhere in early June)
August 4th 2024 Responding to a fan sign at Santander Music Festival that said "How close R we to the next album 1-5?" showing three - possibly four? - fingers! meaning the album is 3/5 (or 4/5?) done!
170 notes · View notes
lunexrin · 9 months
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"Why the hell would you do that?!" "Did you think I wanted to?! Your germs... Ew.”
Blurb: A few glimpses of certain episodes if you and Tsukishima Kei were in a shoujo anime!
Genre/Tropes: academic rivals, slice of life, shoujo, romance, slow burn (?).
Reader: fem. (you will be addressed as 'Seiu' which is your supposed last name because i hate putting 'y/n' in my writings. it feels like a turn-off, for me.)
WC: 4.7k.
A/N: oh my god it has been so long?? this idea came from back in SEPTEMBER, on his birthday. and yes it took that long to finish *insert crying emoji*. this is my longest work so far (7 jan 24). but i don’t really like it? i think it’s tedious. i apologize for any grammar mistakes, and would love any feedbacks or critics *insert crying emoji again*.
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“Aw, look at you,” He cooed, and you're actually contemplating on smashing your head straight into the glass window of your class rather than hearing his taunts to degrade your scores on this stupid, science quiz.
His pale, slender fingers came into your harsh gaze, watching him tap the wood of your desk in an unknown yet familiar rhythm, gazing down at you. “Why the sour face? You got a ninety-nine, your scores are higher than most in this class— ah!” He snapped his fingers like something suddenly clicked in his mind that he definitely hadn’t thought of before and that he definitely wasn’t using it to brag about it. “But I don’t think you’re the highest, though..”
Darn him for getting the highest. Darn him for getting a hundred.
You could just see him grinning like the fucking Cheshire cat even though your eyes are still glued on your scores.
Ninety-nine. And a little ‘good job’ note the science teacher wrote on the side, with a little smiley face next to it.
Now, why the hell did that smiley face seem like it's mocking you?
“Hey,” he crouched down, resting his forearms on the edge of your desk, and looked into your eyes, his smirk growing bigger. You looked back at him, and your eyes narrowed. “Thought you were crying for a sec.”
You felt offended and immediately went defensive. “I was not!” You exclaimed, accidentally slamming your arms on the desk louder than intended, resulting in dozens of heads turning, and a disapproving look of your teacher from the front of the class.
“Good. You were too quiet, made me uncomfortable.” 
You opened your mouth to continue the argument, but before you could say anything, the teacher spoke. “Seiu! Tsukishima!” You both turned towards the teacher, and she gauged her eyes at you both. You knew what she meant, and so you slumped back in your chair defeatedly, while the blonde returned to his seat— that was unfortunately next to you— triumphantly.
“Remember the deal.” He whispered from his seat, scoffing while he took out his notebook and pens. 
You sighed and clenched your jaw. “Fine. I’ll get you the darn strawberry shortcake after school.”
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“I was afraid that you’d run off,” He was leaning against the wall, close to the gates of your school. “You can be a little cranky about saving a few pennies, don’t you?” He took off his headphones, letting out a small chuckle.
Yes, you can be cranky about money, but a promise is a promise.
There's this stupid bet, or dare I say a tradition where after every quiz, debate, and exam— the one who tops gets to ask the other to buy whatever they wish.
“The usual?” You asked, with the most deadpan expression you could’ve pulled. Tsukishima burst out laughing at that, pointing his finger at your face and mocking every little detail he could.
“It’s either you shut that darn mouth of yours or the strawberry shortcake—”
“Okay, okay! The— pfft— the strawberry shortcake, sure sure.” 
You dragged him out of the school gates by the end of his uniform, and he laughed again.
So annoying.
He sees that you are leading him (dragging him) around the familiar streets that lead to the café that you both always went to, ever since freshman year.
He sighed. “The usual it is.”
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A few moments passed by, and you both fell into a comfortable silence, which was almost too good to be true. You often just stared at the long shadows on the ground, following you and Tsukishima’s every little movement. Once in a while, crows would caw as they fly high up in the sky, making you look up to the orange-purple skies, the orange rays illuminating your eyes.
At times you overlooked nature, and sometimes you just lost yourself in it.
And at times you overlooked the way your heart beats faster when he looked at you like this— under the sunset where no other soul was near.
“What?” You asked, looking at him in the corner of your eye. Your heart beat faster when you saw him literally glowing under the sun, looking at you with a smile that seemed a whole lot more genuine than you’d like it to be.
He scoffed, staring up at the sky, and then at you. You noticed the two tiny twinkles of light in his golden brown eyes— wait, since when was it there and why are you noticing it just now?
“Nothing, pipsqueak.” He says, staring up ahead with a cheeky grin.
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The familiar ding of the bell echoed through the empty, dim-lighted bakery, the nostalgic aroma of freshly baked bread and brewed coffee hits your nostrils, feeling at home.
A small smile curved on your lips, and a sigh of contentment escaped your lips. "Home sweet home." You said, eyes twinkling in fondness.
Making your way towards the counter, you paid for everything that you would be indulging, including his strawberry shortcake that looked ridiculously good. Sitting in the very corner of the small shop, you got yourself lost in the atmosphere as the rain fell outside. 
You rested your head atop the wooden table, eyes watching out the race of rain droplets to see which one won, just like when you were a kid— when life was nothing but sunshine and rainbows, unlike now, where everything felt so nonchalant to you, for some reason.
Shamelessly, you kept your mouth stuffed with the cream bread you'd always eat, ever since you discovered this precious of a place. Glancing at the male who's apparently just as caught up with the rain as you are, stuffing his mouth with some strawberry, you begin talking (with your mouth full, still.)
"Are you ever going to try something else?" Your eyes shot to the cake, then back to him. He scrunched up his nose, an expression of disgust as he saw your stuffed mouth. You rolled your eyes, not caring. "It's not like you ever tried anything else— and stop eating like that. It's not like the bread would run off—"
"It's not like the bread would run off." You mimicked him, and he gritted his teeth. "Annoying little shit." He whispered, sipping at the warm coffee to try to keep his cool.
"I didn't know you had a habit of talking to yourself." You smirked, glancing at the tall, clear jug filled with water right in between you both on the table, doing a splendid job at reflecting himself on it. His eyes shot open, glaring at you and the poor jug.
"You weren't this talkative earlier," he said, setting his coffee on the table. "Finally getting over your marks?" He asked, his smirk returning which made your eyes roll.
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“Oi, Seiu.” He almost grumbled out your name, your ears catching the sounds of flipping papers, even through the headphones sitting on your head.
“What?” You replied groggily, taking off your headphones. You’re just about to fall asleep but he ruined it!
You were slumped next to him on the train, temple resting against the cold, metal railing on your side. Maybe it’s because of the scorching weather this July that you felt so incredibly exhausted— all your willpower was drained out at school earlier, and coming to cram school to violate your energy and brain further certainly doesn’t help your current state in any way.
You feel as if your soul is going to be sucked out, yet he’s still reviewing the papers? Doesn’t he feel tired or something?
“English essay papers. The one the teacher graded earlier.” His palm was lazily exposed in front of you, expecting the marked sheets to arrive in it upon his demand. Tsukishima doesn’t know what ‘asking’ is.
“You can still study?” You mumbled, eyes narrowing as you rummaged through your bag. Wrinkles formed on your forehead when your eyes turned into thin slits trying to search for what you wanted, the blur decorating your eyes not subsiding as quickly as you wanted it to.
“You’re going to get old faster than anyone else with that frown of yours.” His voice was lower than usual, but the playful spark remained. His banter was replied to only by the click of your tongue. You’re too tired to joke around.
When you finally found it, you shoved the crumpled sheets into his hand and slumped your head back onto the railing. “Don’t you know what rest is?” You said, sighing as you got into a more comfortable position, forgetting about the device hanging on your neck.
“I need to work harder to beat you.” His eyes narrowed as he read the messy scribbling of your writing, but he can’t deny how he adored your talent to form a masterpiece with a foreign land’s words, every. single. time.
“You’ve already beaten me a lot of times, didn’t you?” At times like this when your consciousness stays for the sake of a conversation, you’re more truthful, or maybe even less hostile. You didn’t have the energy to have an ongoing banter with him no more.
Even though your vision was black, you could feel his eyes glued to you. You were expecting some witty comebacks to launch from his mouth, but he was silent, for a while. It’s deafening.
It almost makes you uneasy.
“I’m not as smart as you, Seiu.” He finally blurted out, but it was so quiet.
Your eyelids fluttered open just slightly as if you couldn’t believe your ears.
He beat you every single time, so what nonsense is spitting out from his mouth? Did the weather get to him too? Until he’s feeling ‘under the weather’? (With all puns intended.)
Ironically as that thought finished, the rain fell. Hard. 
You moved the back of your head towards the glass window instead, the coldness of the rain droplets spreading through the glass sent a wave of relief onto your body.
You eyed him from the corner of your eye. That bad posture, the metal frame that sits atop the bridge of his nose that looked like it was about to fall any second from now, the crumpled sheets that were lucky enough to feel the caress of his slender fingers—
You’re doing it again. You’re too observant at times like this, it’s more than necessary.
“You’re insane.” You snorted, closing your eyes again.
“You’re a fucking genius without trying, Seiu.” It’s his time to sigh, almost frustrated. “You don’t even try.”
It’s true. You’re lazy. You hardly even try and yet you score all of your exams.
“If ever someday you decided to pick up a book and scribble more notes..” He drifted off, and you’re kind of eager for him to continue.
“I’m done for.” He mumbled.
What a compliment, you thought. Maybe you would’ve grinned cheekily if you had the energy, but you don’t.
“Wow.” That’s all you could utter.
You could hear him huff as if he was regretting what he said.
“Just don’t get all romantic and don’t sleep on my shoulder.” He mumbled, the sound of turning pages starting again.
“I don’t want your cooties either.”
“Good night, Seiu.”
You both snorted out loud.
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It was P.E., and another class had joined yours’ to play.
It was a warming-up session, and everyone needed to jog a few laps before playing.
You weren’t exactly the sporty type that had a lot of stamina, and you never liked running. The summer was taking a toll on you again, and you were slower than usual— than everyone. You were at the very back when the other girls were a few meters away. You’re not too slow, but not that fast enough.
Behind you were the boys, from your class and the other. You didn’t pay much to them and kept jogging.
You did notice a couple of times that Tsukishima was staring at you, and even when you caught his gaze, his eyes were still on you. It was nothing new, just that same old glare he always gives you.
You heard laughter erupting from behind, footsteps becoming louder as a group of guys caught up beside you. One of them pushed the other and he ended up bumping into you hard. You fell, scraping your knee and palms in the process.
All you heard next was laughter. Mocking ones, from both the guys and— whom you thought was— your friends.
It turns out the one who bumped into you was someone you had a few problems with in the past. He was your… not enough to be a former lover, far from a friend but yet, he’s no stranger. He held a grudge against you, it seems.
The guy laughed along, as well.
It was only for a few seconds the scene unfolded, but it felt like an eternity of humiliation.
Did Tsukishima join them?
You slowly got yourself up, the burn in your knee only increasing with each inch you elevated from the ground. 
Halfway through, someone grabbed your upper arm and shoulder tight, slowly helping you up. Those pale, slender arms..
Exaggerated gasps were heard, and whispers were accentuated. Honestly, you would’ve acted the same way, if you were them. 
Tsukishima… helped. He didn’t make fun of you.
You heard him click his tongue, and you raised your head just enough to see the scowl on his face, and the way he glared at the guys from earlier.
“Can’t you fucking see she was next to you?” He cursed, and everyone fell silent. Everyone was always a little wary of him, even scared. His height was intimidating, but seeing him in such a way was a lot scarier.
Even you haven’t seen him this angry.
The teacher jogged over, a tense expression on his face.
“Tsukishima-kun, enough. You can go on and I’ll put her aside—“
“Don’t bother, sensei.” He quickly cut the teacher off, eyes glued to the fuckers that were too irrelevant to be in the same place as he is.
“I don’t feel like playing football with people who are clearly blind.” He snickered, almost mocking them.
He brought you under a tree, and you freed your wrist from his grasp and slumped against the tree. Your head was down low as if the skin of your legs had some ancient scripture that you were so persistent on staring at. A large shadow emerged, and turns out it was him standing in front of you with his hands on his hips, eyes ahead staring at the other students.
Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry.
“Don’t worry.” He tried to reassure, but he sounded a little too bitter— he’s not used to it. “I won’t let them see how ugly you are when you cry.”
You cried anyway.
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“Know how to treat a wound?” He asked as if he wouldn’t already do it himself as he rummaged through the cabinets.
Your silence in speaking and a few sniffles are enough to tell.
He sighed, reaching for a box filled with stuff that’ll help heal your wound— only on the outside, though. It’ll only help what’s on the surface, only helping your scraped skin, but the humiliation inside? Who knows how long the tear of your heart will last? Who knows who is going to tape it up for you, saying everything will be okay?
A small part of your heart’s tear was stitched up already at the sight of him getting down on one knee in front of you, getting the band-aids, antiseptic, tweezers, and cotton wools out.
“What’s the point in hiring nurses if they’re just never going to show up to work?” He rambled on like an old grandma, complaining how he needed to do everything himself. 
But really, even if the nurses were here and you were being tended to, he’ll never really leave you. He’s treating you like you needed all the help in the world as if you were in a coma or something.
The rustling of the bed sheets when you squirmed, the annoyingly strong scent of the antiseptic throughout the whole room, and Tsukishima’s rambles as he treated your wound made you… strangely emotional.
Your shoulders shook rather violently, and your gaze blurred with the salty liquid once again.
His eyes widened upon taking in your appearance, drawing the cotton wool soaked with medicine away from your wound as quickly as time allowed it.
“Woah, woah, woah, hey! Does it hurt that bad?!” He almost yelled, and did he not panic like the world was going to end.
“Okay, look— okay I’ll stop! I told you to prepare yourself beforehand—”
“Arigato, Tsukishima-kun.”
You wailed like your life had crumbled— looking back, it was kind of funny with the snot and everything, he’ll definitely tease you for that later— and you sobbed your heart away. You didn’t even cry like this when a relative died but you cried when someone insisted on treating your wound? Wow.
And Tsukishima? His face could be taken as pure gold. He was dumbfounded, with wide eyes while staring at you crying like so. In literal words, it’s best to say he malfunctioned. You were crying way harder than before, you’re crying harder now than when you fell!
You keep sucking back in the snot that threatens to goo down their way, wiping your tears rather harshly, but it kept coming down anyway. It was embarrassing, but you couldn’t stop crying.
You heard him sigh. 
“You’re disgusting, Seiu.” He said, though not much disgust was evident in his voice. 
You felt a soft cloth arrive on your face, the fabric particularly covering your nose. You stopped your wail and looked at him, blinking rapidly as you were confused about what he was trying to do.
“Blow it out.” He said defeatedly, sighing as he looked away.
He crunched his nose upon hearing the noise, his glasses lifted slightly in the process before settling down to its original position.
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“I kind of feel bad for Seiu.”
You stopped dead in your tracks, and so did Tsukishima. 
It was that group of guys again, and the one who spoke was the one that, well… the one that bumped into you.
“You still like her?” One of his friends said, and the others fell silent.
You both were standing on the top of the stairs like a fool, like deers caught in the headlights. But the question is, why did Tsukishima stop too?!
“I don’t!” He quickly denied but the others burst out into laughter and a series of teasing ‘oooh's.
Your class was just right there. Why did they have to walk through the hallway where your class was located, when there were a dozen others? You don’t want to come across them! Your cheeks were puffy, your eyes were red. You didn’t want them to know you cried, especially not when they were the reason. (Well, partly of the reason).
“Seiu’s quite sensitive. What if she’s like.. I don’t know!” He grumbled.
“Aw, you worried that she cried? You still like her!” Another laughter erupted.
“That’s her class, isn’t it? Where is she?”
They were peeking through the windows, but of course, you’re not there, you’re hiding in the corner of the hallway like a fool.
“She’s not there.” One said, confused.
“Oi… Tsukishima’s not there either.” Some of them gasped, and some of them went silent.
“I think.. Seiu and Tsukishima—” 
Tsukishima grabbed your hand, his gaze hard. He wasn’t looking at you though, but just staring into the clear windows in front of you both, as if he was waiting to get caught or.. as if he was ready to do something.
“Don’t say things like that!” The guy defensively said, his voice raising an octave. He still has feelings for you, it seems.
“But don’t you think it makes sense? They’re always together,”
They’re getting closer. Their footsteps are getting louder, and your body just tensed. Tsukishima squeezed your hand harder, and you looked at him through your sore, reddish eyes. 
You wanted to get out of here, but you can’t just run to somewhere else in the building. You need to get into class, and it’s almost time. You’ll get a cleaning punishment if you’re late, and you don’t want to involve Tsukishima in any of it already. He’s done more than enough.
“—For the last time, they are not!” They were just around the corner, and their shoes came into your sight.
“I just.. I just want to apologize to Seiu and—”
Everything shut down.
Your ears were ringing, succumbing to a forced silence, your whole body refusing to react to anything else.
Your back against the wall.
His hand on your waist.
Your glasses clashing onto each other’s.
His lips on top of yours.
Tsukishima… was kissing you.
Shielding you, almost.
A loud, erratic pair of footsteps ran to the opposite side, kicking you both out to reality once again.
Then followed by a few others.
The ringing slowly subsided, and your irises moved.
Oh, they’re gone.
Your irises drifted to the ones in front of you, the pair being the most nastiest, gorgeous golden brown eyes you have ever seen.
His eyes have twinkles in them.
Don’t know if it has always been there or if you only noticed it now, but it’s pretty.
The loud ring of the school bell rang, and you both flinched and covered your ears— you’re literally below one.
It snapped you back to the current situation. For real, this time.
Wide eyes, you looked at him, gasping.
A little too late to act shocked now, but oh well.
“Why did you do that?!” You yelled into his face, mouth agape. He seems just as shocked as you were, cheeks painted with crimson tints.
“Did you think I wanted to?!” He looked away, eyes frantic.
“Your germs…” He covered his lips with his hand, wiping it down gently with his palm. “Ew.” He stared at his palm blankly.
Is that a cover-up… or was he actually disgusted?
You bolted into class.
And so did he. (Well, after a few seconds of standing there like a pole).
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You couldn't help but glance at him throughout the entire day, barely even focusing on what's been taught ahead of you. You kept fidgeting with whatever you could, with your fingers, sliding your feet from one place to the other and whatnot.
No matter how much you tried, your gaze would return to him.
You saw how he'd stare at you from the corners of his eyes, albeit you pretended not to notice. You noticed how he glided his fingertips over his lips, over and over. You noticed how he zoned out, just like you did.
He barely ever loses focus.
Was he thinking of the kiss, just like how you did?
You had hoped that was the case so you wouldn't be the only one who looked like a dumbstruck, confused fool. And you just prayed that he wouldn't pretend as if nothing had happened because it wasn't. It was one hell of a situation to just throw it over your heads as if it wasn't anything— you both seriously need to talk.
Without noticing, the vibrant azure skies turned orange, and the familiar tone of ringing echoed through the school's speakers, noting that it was time to return home.
You got up as slow as you could, eyeing Tsukishima who was frozen in his seat. You packed your things and shoved them into your bag, the chair screeching quietly across the floor as you stood up.
"Tsukki." Your voice knocked him back from his series of pondering, flinching upon hearing you speak. He looked at you, almost nervous.
"Time to go home." You mumbled, stating the obvious. Might as well mention that the grass is green.
He packed his bag in no rush. It was as if he was trying to slow down his moves, though his intentions remained unclear. He looked guilty almost, his lips pressed into a thin line.
"We need to talk about earlier." You blurted out, and he froze. His bent figure slowly straightened, and a long shadow of his figure emerged and decorated the walls— how did you even manage to catch that? Well, maybe because you were looking at everything but his eyes.
"I thought you didn't want to talk about it." He mumbled, finally facing you. He stared down at you before looking away, scratching at the back of his head.
You took a few steps backward, sitting against the still of an opened window. The wind gushes through your air, making you shiver slightly. The heat was no joke, and the intensity of the situation only escalated it.
"How could I not?" Your voice turned quiet as you stared at the ground. "I can't just go on and pretend nothing happened." You began fiddling with your fingers.
"Why did you do it?" You whispered almost shakily.
"I don't know." He whispered back.
"Do you... like me?" 
Not once did it ever cross your mind to have feelings for him, but now you knew. Now you know why at certain times you tend to be so observant of every little thing that he does. Like how beautiful his eyes look under the sunlight, how gently he turns the pages of your paper sheets as if he was afraid to leave a single crumple, how he manages to insult you every time but never goes too far to actually hurt your feelings—
Now you knew.
The pounding of your heart was because of him. The very presence of him around you calms you down like after a storm and yet manages to roar it wildly and harder than ever.
You, Seiu, have fallen for him. 
Your question was left hanging with no audible answer that left his mouth. Silence.
Something bottled up inside you and it was going to explode.
"I can't believe you." You snarled and gripped the metal still of the window. "Is kissing a random girl in the name of helping just so normal to you? Is that how you help? Without even considering how she feels— how I feel?"
"For you, it might not be anything important," You sniffled, tears rolling down. You lost count of how many times you cried. "But it is important, for me—"
Your breath hitched when his lips landed on yours again. 
Damn, at least let me finish. You thought.
His fingers crept onto your cheeks, cradling them ever so gently. His thumb wiped away the tears wetting your skin. He tilted his head to get a better angle and his kiss got softer by each second. 
"Can't you at least kiss me back?" He mumbled against your lips, eyes still closed as if he was afraid to see your reaction.
You finally closed your eyes, moving your lips again his own by following an unknown flow. The second he got a response from you, his other hand pulled you in closer by your waist, pressing your bodies together. The sudden touch combined with the wind that attacked your back made you shiver. His hand moved and pressed onto your back, rubbing up and down to soothe you.
You let out a shaky breath through your nose, and the wave of relief and pleasure spread throughout your body into every vein and muscle. Your hands found their way linked at the back of his head in which you daringly pulled him closer.
You couldn't get enough. Kiss after kiss, breath after breath, you caught his lips again once you both sucked in a breath to continue. His glasses kept clashing with yours with every movement, and he attempted to take it off.
"It's okay, leave them on." You mumbled and took his hand away. You love his square glasses. You'd never want him to take it off.
He only smirked against your lips, the adorable sharp fang of his showing. "You didn't even let me finish earlier, and now you just can't stop, can't you?" He sighed and pressed his lips to yours again.
"And yeah, I like you, Seiu."
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© 2024 lunexrin, do not copy, translate or repost my works on any other website without proper credits.
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
I sent a timeline into the op, I’ve removed the speculations, so hope this helps some
JM dior show Paris 20th  jan 23 with Hobi 
JM album face promo Feb/march 23
JK visits him at dance practice BB probably Feb time 
1/2 jk goes live bam there 
This is the live where Tae makes him do a instagram live 
3/2 JM live from company late evening 
Same night Jk goes live and JM in comments Jk invites him for fried chicken
Same live where he says Jimins name and bam reacts and runs to the door 
10/2 JM live talks about jk, sings euphoria and talks about acting in photo shoots, 
11/2 jk live at boxing JM comments 
18/2 JM joins Hobi on his bday live at company 
Hobi had said he sees Jimin a lot at company and they play cards 
28/2 jk live talks about going to work and JM is in comments 
4/3 jk goes live gets tipsy 
6/3 JM live at company 
9/3 Yoongi bday, JM records himself watching the live, jk comment on Weverse about marry me thing 
13/3 JM flies to nyc 
Films day with vogue and practice for fallon
And fallon 
14/3 jk. X3 part live on white day- JM abroad but comments- leaves spoiler for smfp2 video teaser at midnight 
19/3 Jimin arrives in Korea 
24/3 Face is released 
24/3 JM on jimmy fallon show not live 
Jk goes love cooking 
27/3 JM goes on suchwita 
28/3 JM live jk spams comments- promos for face are done says to jk that it’s finished, jk says time flies 
28/3 writes I miss you on Weverse , jk replies me too, 
After jk goes live and watches Jimin content including suchwita 
Around early hours- JM replies see you soon the live is cute
29/3- Jimin Weverse live for face 
Late march- all member meal 
31/3- JM on music bank 
2/4 JM on ingagayo 
4th April- JM bb hot 100 live- jk is sleeping comment
8/4 Hobi and Tae go to JKs house and go on Weverse live 
8/4 jk flies to USA 
11/4- JM and Yoongi in weird YouTube show
16/4 jk at cochella 
17/4 Jk arrives home 
19th April - Hobi’s enlistment - epic hug moment 
They were together the night before 
Astro member died 19/4 pm
25/4 JM flies to nyc 
25/4 Jk and Tae attend dream premiere jk comes live straight after it late 
25/4 jk live seems sad and tired and says he is both,,cooks on live
JM had flown to NYC that day 
28/4 Jimin at Tiffany event nyc 
29/4 Jimin at d day concert usa
Jk at lv event in Seoul with Mingyu 
30/4 JM live with Yoongi 
During this time recording Who…
6/5 JM arrives in Korea 
23/5 JM goes to London and HP world
24/5 JK went live , sang angel
27/5 JM arrives home -
5th June Jk live talks about rainy day fight 
Watched Jimin on lee mijun show (sings along to like crazy ) 
12/6 jk falls asleep on live 
13/6 JM letter live for festa 
14/6 jk flying to la
15/6 JM live talks about rainy day fight 
Recording Muse that day too 
22/6 jk arrived home 
Late june- yoongis dday tour attendance Seoul 25th JM and jk 
29/6 jk live working out
1/7 JKs brother posts a pic of family game night ft JMs hand
4/7 jk 4am live with Mingyu 
July seven release 
JK flies to NYC -12/13?
JM flies out next day 13th
14/7 seven is released 
Go missing in NY state for 4 days - Ays filming
18/7 JM flies home 
24/7 jk arrived home from London 
25/7 JM posts about jk bb hot 100
27/7 jk goes live sings letter by Jimin at end 
28/7 - July when they come back from NYC- JKs epic in bed begging JM live 
30/7 jk inkagayo music show v visits him 
Celebrate hot 100  
August - jeju island trip ? Spotted by fans 
12th august- JK in Tokyo with Eunwoo??
3rd august JM d day concert 
3/8 jk goes live 
4th august jk d day concert 
5th august Weverse live JK
23rd and 24th august jk spotted in Busan with Eunwoo and Mingyu eating out 
September - 1/9- JM shirtless pic for JKs birthday 
Jk attends Tiffany even in Seoul. Comes live afterwards….. wearing watch set to JKs. Birthday time.
jK must have prepared 3D content in September 
He must have filmed suchwita on 3/9 ish 
5/9 jk flies to la 
9/9 jk arrived home from la 
12/9 jk flies to nyc
15/9 JM supported v at music show 
16/9 jk arrived home 
Jikook meal with Yoongi at some point ? Spotted but Jimin kind of confirmed this in mmm
21/9 jk flies to nyc 
25/9 jk arrived home 
28/9 chusseouk - JM posts pic on Instagram of whale cloud drawing saying jk did it 
29/9 jk releases 3d 
JM posts single cover 😅 with this emoji
4/10 jk live talked about Jeon Jimin 
Played like crazy x2 and smfp2 and other members songs
Had hung out with 97 friends that day
6/10 jk flies to la 
10/10 jk arrived home 
13 October- JM birthday live days Jk busy makes sad face and such concern 
13/10 jk music bank 
Around here JM Weverse interview said he has been spending time alone which if Jk was gone to 3D he would be 
14/10 jk flies to Budapest 
Oct- Tae posts pics of him and Jikook in jeju from?? 
20/10 jk arrived home 
23/10 jk at ck event Japan 
29/10- JMs production diary live- JK comes on for a minute 
Jm has golden hair…
They found out days before this about the enlistment 
Late October- 30/10 JM fan even
Mini moni music filming he has blonde hair 
3/11 jk live talking about Golden
Tae and JM live outside JKs house
November 4th- golden release 
&& Release party we only know bc JM posts photos 
5/11 jk flies to nyc
11/11 jk arrived home 
15/11- mini moni p2 filming 
16/11 JM flies to Budapest to film who mv 
17/11 ish JM stuck with you this is Jimin dance cover 
19/11 JM arrives home 
20/11 golden live in Seoul 
JM commented that hate you is his fave song
Rm attended 
Around here JM was spotted filming at a hot springs which we now know isn’t one and was a location for his jimmy fallon appearance 22/7/24
22/11- JM records sgmb track video 
Possibly fallon performance too given spotting date posts 
23/11 - they go to Japan together for about a week 
28/11 they arrive home from Japan 
29/11 jk flies to la 
2/11 jk arrived home 
5/12 - jk,JM,v,rm last live before enlistment very touchy feely 
JM said he’d been sick after Japan 
12/12- both at v and rms enlistment 
13/12- they enlisted  together in the buddy system
Very watered down, but I *think* (can't be 100% sure without going and looking everything up right now, but it looks good) totally accurate timeline of Jikook activities through 2023
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alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
The Worthwhile Fight
Chapter 6 of There’s Nothing Like This
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x fem!footballer!reader
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 2.5k
Author’s Note: we’re entering the home stretch now folks - only two more chapters!
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After the gala, things seem different, on and off the pitch. While you were winning games before, now that you were truly unified and working together seamlessly as a team, you were practically unbeatable. You’d started spending more and more time with Jamie, and when you weren’t together you found yourself thinking of him, and you rationalized it by telling yourself that you thought about Mackie all the time too.
Deep down, though, you knew it was different.
More often than not, you and Jamie spend your nights together, relaxing in front of the TV and letting yourselves unwind after all the training you do during the day. You’d been trying to be better to yourself, allowing rest days at the gym and icing your body and taking it easy when you need to, but most of the time, you’re continually pushing yourself past the breaking point, and you know everyone around you notices.
Sometimes, when he sees the way you favor your left leg and how you unsuccessfully try to wiggle out the pain in your foot, Jamie will gently take your feet into his lap, kneading and soothingly rubbing at your sore muscles until you feel like you could cry from relief. You can never seem to find the words to thank him, so instead you’ve started keeping his favorite snacks around and letting him choose the movie or show you watch together.
It’s like everyone around you knows something you don’t with the looks and glances you get walking into Nelson Road as you talk with Jamie. Whenever you enter the dressing room, you feel your teammates eyes boring into the back of your head, even as you get dressed and try to ignore the uncomfortable sensation and the heaviness it creates in your chest.
As a team, you continue to do better and better, winning match after match and soaring through the ranks. The team’s very first year in the league, and you’re predicted to finish first, despite what many of the sports columnists have to say. It amazes you, how so many people could continue to say nothing but negative things about your team when you’ve been winning left and right, knocking even Arsenal back to second place.
Thankfully, everyone at Nelson Road has been doing their part in keeping the positivity alive, shouting the praises of your team whenever they’re asked. If given the opportunity, the players on the men’s team would talk about you for an entire interview, doing whatever they could to counteract the never ending criticism.
“They’re all good players, some of them are better than my teammates,” Jan Maas says currently on your TV and you can’t help but to laugh at his typical Dutch bluntness. All of the boys have gone to bat for you, whether it’s on instagram or a TV interview, a quick comment to a fan or an answer to a reporter. Sitting on your couch as you mentally prepare for the day, you’re a little overwhelmed by the love you feel from everyone at Nelson Road.
Keeley, who has been grinding nonstop ever since she came up with the idea for a women’s team, has organized a photo shoot for you and some other women in the league, as a part of a campaign to get more young girls interested in soccer. As much as you coveted these match-free weekends, you’d do anything Keeley asked and anything to hopefully improve the public��s opinion on women’s soccer.
When you arrive at Nelson Road, though, you’re shocked to see a familiar car and a familiar man coming out of the building.
“Last I checked you played on the men’s team,” you quip when you’re close enough not to yell across the parking lot. Jamie jumps, then a smile overtakes his face when he realizes it’s you that’s talking.
“I was trying to do some training, got kicked out when Keeley needed to set up the lights and shit,” he tells you, coming to a stop next to you instead of continuing on his way to his car, “want me to stick around? I can drive ya home when you’re done?” It’s a little shocking, how sweet that offer is, and you’re almost brought to tears by his thoughtfulness.
“Jamie, this could take hours, go enjoy your Saturday,” you reply, despite the strange urge to take him up on the offer.
“Maybe we could grab dinner, when you’re done?”
“That would be nice,” and it’s a little shocking how much you mean that, so he gives you one last dazzling smile before continuing on to his car and you head inside for the photo shoot.
Once inside, you’re bombarded with hair and makeup and jewelry and your Richmond kit, all thrown at you with lightning speed while you try and introduce yourself to the players around you. It’s intimidating, to say the least, being in the same room with players you still idolize, and it’s hard not to feel like an imposter, hard not to feel like you don’t belong. The girls are all very sweet, and by the time the actual photo shoot rolls around, you’re all laughing and joking like you’ve known each other for more than five minutes.
There are individual shots and group shots, shots on the pitch and shots in the dressing room, action shots and posed shots, all with Keeley shouting encouragement from behind the photographer. Even though you all play on different teams, it’s impossible not to feel a sense of comradery with the girls, all of you hyping each other up during solo shots despite the fact that when next weekend rolls around, you’ll all be willing to do whatever it takes to win.
With all the positive energy and the whirlwind of the camera flashes, the afternoon passes quickly and before you know it, you’re being shooed out of the dressing room so the camera crew can take down their equipment. When you make your way out into the parking lot, hair still styled and makeup still near perfect, you’d been so focused on the photo shoot that seeing Jamie’s car waiting for you sends a shock through your body. Before you’re able to doubt yourself, doubt if this is really a good idea or not, you clamor into the passenger's seat, still riding high on the energy of modeling.
“You look nice,” Jamie says as you buckle your seatbelt, stealing a few glances as he pulls out of the parking spot, “how did it go?”
“Really good, I think,” you reply, trying to fly past his compliment and not stray into self deprecation, “everyone was super cool and Keeley seemed happy.”
“Good, good,” he adds before you fall into a comfortable silence and you feel yourself truly relaxing for the first time since you left your house. You’re not sure what it is, but something about just being near Jamie makes you feel calm, makes you feel like nothing could possibly go wrong. It’s very similar to how you feel when you’re with Mackie, but there’s something different that you can’t quite put your finger on.
“I hope this is ok,” Jamie says, breaking the silence as he pulls to a stop outside of a little pub near the Richmond Green. It seems quiet and quaint, and just by looking at the outside you can already tell the food will be your new comfort food while you’re away from home.
“It’s fancier than we normally do,” you reply, even though you’re already reaching to open the car door and already dreaming about the meal you're about to eat, missing the way Jamie’s cheeks and nose and ears tinge pink momentarily.
“Figured we could do something other than takeout, celebrate a weekend off,” he shrugs, acting nonchalant and as if he hadn’t sat awake in his bed planning this moment the night before, planning taking you out to a real restaurant, if only to show you his favorite spots around Richmond. You don’t seem to mind, though, and the second you walk into the pub and can smell the delicious food, you’re sighing in relief and Jamie can’t help the way his heart melts a little.
The pub is busy, but the older woman behind the counter simply nods at Jamie and he directs you to a booth in the back, one that’s more secluded than the rest and you wonder how often he comes here.
“Just let me know when you know what you want, I’ll go up and order and then Mae’ll bring it over,” Jamie says, fiddling with the corner of the plastic menu while you look yours over.
Feeling a little overwhelmed and out of your element, you set your menu down and turn to Jamie, surprised to see him already staring at you with a soft gaze.
“Just get me whatever you think is the best,” you tell him, and with the way he smiles at you, half proud and half embarrassed, you’d let him make every decision for you.
Sliding out of the booth and promising to be right back, Jamie leaves you alone with your thoughts, alone to study the room you’re in. You’re not alone for long, though, before three men approach your table with varying giddy expressions.
“You’re that striker? For Richmond?” The shortest of the three asks, and you ignore the swell of pride in your chest when he doesn’t specify that you’re on the women’s team: you simply play for Richmond. Nodding, you try not to grin as the trio turns to each other in excitement, looking seconds away from bouncing up and down when Jamie approaches the table again.
“Oi, dickheads, get lost,” he tells the group, and they hurry to scramble away, waving goodbye and chattering about meeting both of Richmond’s strikers in one day.
“It’s very refreshing to cheer for a team that wins consistently,” you hear one of the three men say as they disappear back to the bar, and you’re grinning when you look back at Jamie.
Despite all the time you’ve been in Richmond, this was your first encounter with real fans, with people from the community who supported you. It didn’t matter that you played on the women’s team, it mattered that you were a Richmond player, practically a god to the fans in the pub, and it made a little bubble of hope grow in your chest that there were more people like those men out there, who supported you through and through.
Almost as soon as the men leave and Jamie gets settled again, the older woman from behind the bar, who you assume is Mae, is bringing over pints and piles of food, brushing off your thanks with a smile and a wink and you’re already planning your next visit before trying any of the food.
“I might’ve went a little overboard,” Jamie says sheepishly as he surveys the plates that take up most of your table, “I just wanted to make sure there’d be something you like.”
Your heart stutters in a way that’s been happening more and more lately, increasing with the amount of time you spend with Jamie, but you ignore it in favor of digging into the mountain of food in front of you. It’s all wonderful, the perfect comfort food to put you in a good mood to start off your week, but you might enjoy the company more than the food.
After you’re finished and Mar waves away every attempt on your end to pay the bill, Jamie drives you home as you continue your meandering conversations from earlier in the evening, and you find yourself a little sad when he pulls up outside of your door.
“Thank you, for hanging out with me and for the great dinner,” you tell him as you gather your bags, the exhaustion of the day starting to hit you.
“We’ll have to do it again sometime?” It comes out more like a question, even though you’re almost certain Jamie was trying to sound confident and sure of himself, but you nod enthusiastically anyway.
Sending you on your way with a wave and completely ignoring your insistence to pay him for half of the dinner you’d shared, Jamie drives away and leaves you all by yourself for the first time since morning. You feel calmer, though, more open to spending the rest of your Saturday evening with only your thoughts for company, so you let yourself enjoy an extra long shower while you scrub away layers of makeup and hair gel and sweat from the photo shoot.
Stepping out of the shower, you’re met with a series of texts from Keeley, along with a few of the unedited photos from earlier.
I’m not supposed to share these - oops ;)
Smiling, you scroll through the few pictures she’d sent and you almost can’t believe it’s you looking back. You look powerful and strong and badass, like the type of player a little girl could look up to, could aspire to be. It makes you more emotional than you thought, and you sniffle a little as you thank Keeley for sending you the pictures.
It’s in that moment that it hits you that you’re doing so much more than playing soccer, you’re breaking boundaries and becoming a role model and being the person that you’d used to dream about being. The thought was always dormant in the back of your mind, that being a female athlete was always about so much more than sports, but staring at a professional campaign picture of you looking tough and confident, being there for little girls to look up to, solidifies those thoughts.
Feeling a little emotional, you settle on your couch with a fluffy blanket and some snacks, flipping through channels for something comforting to watch when you accidentally land on a channel with Jamie’s face staring down at you. The clip is from yesterday, because you remember the blue hoodie he was wearing, and the reporter must have stopped him as he left training.
You’re about to text him to let him know that apparently you can’t escape him and change the channel when you hear your name and a question that makes all the joy drain from your body.
“… is the female version of you?” The reporter asks from behind the camera, and your heart sinks as you wait for Jamie’s response because as much as you want to, you’re unable to look away.
“Mate, she’s scored more than me, she’s leading in assists this season, I think I’m the man version of her,” Jamie replies before he rushes away, looking beyond irritated and upset.
It shouldn’t surprise you, his response to that question, after all the support he and the other Greyhounds have given your team, but something about that specific question made your stomach drop. Hearing Jamie’s response, though, seeing the anger flash in his eyes on your behalf, elicits a completely different feeling.
Your heart is racing and your head feels fuzzy and it’s getting a little hard to breathe and you can’t think of anything other than Jamie and that’s when it hits you like an unexpected pass, like a tackle from an aggressive defender.
You’re in love with Jamie Tartt.
Tags: @andr0medafallen @whimsical-roasting @sokkigarden @hopefulromances @buckychristwrites @guccilongboard @onceuponaoneshot @presidential-facts @yepyeahuhhuh @allthefandomtherapy @gibby31 @buddyjuststop @ellietartt @cancvr @brianandthemays @sonyume @aiyaiy @captainfrisbee @dalebo3 @theloud-yet-quietone @imsoluckyeverythingworksoutforme @rockchickrebel @legobatmans9thab @curlypeter @lostinwonderland314 @yokolesbianism @jamietarttdodo @fan-goddess @innocentbi-stander @skewedcherries
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butchsophiewalten · 7 months
Snippet of my (personal) recording of the Jan 7th, 2024 Twitter Space Q&A with Martin and Kyle, because it's really important to me.
(Context: an audience member asks a question about if any characters in The Walten Files have Autism, because they are an Autistic person with TWF as a special interest.)
(Transcribed under cut)
Kyle: "Um, they said they accidentally left the stream in excitement. Um, I said my headcanon is that both Sophie and Jenny are au- [fumbles with his words]- Are Autistic. But Jenny is Autistic/ADHD."
Martin: [Unintelligible, talking over Kyle]
Kyle: "Can you say, Martin, who- who you would- 'Cause I know you said Charles would be ADHD, do you know who, if anybody would be Autistic?"
Martin: "Okay, so, um, this is really complicated, but, the episode 5 draft is finished. [Note: This space occurred before TWF4 was broken up into 3 parts. This would now refer to what is going to be Episode 7] I sent it to you, remember?"
Kyle: "Yes! Very good."
Martin: "And I sent it to Eva, and everyone else, and this episode has a bigger focus on Sophie, episode 5, and I think a lot of things, Eva- I talked a lot about it with Eva, and she mentioned how Sophie, was like, had many, many, many, many traits that imply that she is Autistic. And while I said, yes, the intention was to, like, sorta like, allude to it? It isn't, like, I wouldn't- I would never confirm it, because I feel like I would never be able to represent it properly, because I'm not-"
Kyle: [Wheeze laughing] "Sorry, so sorry, I looked at fucking Ash's page and immediately just fucking [Intensely, imitating Ash's enthusiasm] 'The episode five draft!?!? What the fuck!?!?!'"
Martin: "Oh my god. Oh my god. But yeah, I would never be able to like, fully represent it, because it's not an experience I've gone through. But, if anyone is curious, there's a lot of like, unintentional double meaning about Autism with Sophie's, like, what's going on in her head. And how- how like, she behaves, in a way, y'know? But I feel like, from what Eva told me, which- from her experience as an Autistic person, she told me was a really good like, representation, for like, the character. Even if it wasn't intentional, because she's never, like, represented as mentally unstable, or not fit to, like- not competent. She- she acts like a normal person, but you can still see, like, some of her struggles, like, her personal struggles, due to her behavior. So yeah, it's a really cool episode."
End Transcription]
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mogoce-nocoj · 7 months
extensive gig reports, Berlin 12.03.24 + Leipzig 13.03.24 💕
they got kinda long oops
queue curse: missed jure walking by and nace and kris laughing at the queue for turning up the volume of cha cha cha because of looking for a public toilet and getting food respectively 🫠
jc stewart also walked by like four? times and people only started noticing around the third time or something, sorry jc stewart
bojan said that they love playing in smaller venues during soundcheck which made me laugh because of the downgraded berlin venue
kris ngvot but he looked so unenthusiastic about it and only did it after talking to bojan who I guess talked him into it? sorry kris, you were amazing though
bojan loved the shirt @zadig-fate made for him ❤️ he's such a nerd for being obsessed with eurotrip and was so excited to be like “this is a eurotrip quote!!!” lmao
bojan got a harmonica, said he couldn't play it, and then still played the wedding march on it because of course he was able to do that
bojan's slut leather(?) shirt 🫠 I hope damon suggested he should wear it because you could see his chest very well and he was moving so much and jfc
ended up on kris's side and since this was a no barrier stage he and his pants and ass were so close to me that I felt awkward directly looking at him 😭
jan just doing jan stuff. annoying jure and hitting his cymbals. casually sitting down onto the piano chair during umazane misli while continuing to play the guitar. this guy I swear
bojan got so emotional during EW that it actually made me emotional too. and the panic attack cheer 😂
the fact that the song can stay “schlager” for us german audiences and bojan yapping something about imagining that we're at an old people birthday party or something idk
the guys were very confused about the berlin flag 😂 jan was kinda holding it, very unsure, then went over to kiki, then went over to nace and they were just kind of. looking at the flag and then jan turned to kris and mouthed "berlin??" and kris signalled him a yes which was very funny
just. the vibes of the crowd. everyone was so respectful and we genuinely had an amazing energy. berlin crowd I love you so much
vita said they got the stage measurements beforehand and knew that racik's art wouldn't fit on the stage lmao. she's also super sweet and so easy to talk to. love u vita thanks for all the photos (selfishly glad she's pausing her studies for this)
hugged teya before she had to leave and didn't get to talk to nace and kris but managed to catch jan afterwards and had him sign in my gig book and it was? such a nice crowd? everyone was waiting and chatting for a bit and then when we were all finished jan was hovering there a bit awkwardly before saying bye and leaving. it was amazing and so chill (again. berlin crowd I love you.)
jure was walking by and we waved and a person turned around to see who we were waving at and let out a very loud “oh my god” after spotting jure. absolutely hilarious, we all burst out laughing
while the queue was being organised, kris, jc stewart with jure, vita, and nace behind them were walking down the street next to the queue and nace waved at us but no one paid attention (busy with the queue) so he kinda. stopped lmao
literally like ten minutes after that, jan seemed to try catching up to them but didn't know where to go so he just stared very intently at his phone and stopped in the middle of the street, turned left and walked right by us, then apparently went to far and had to turn back. top ten janči moments
kris walked into the soundcheck with a mug in his hand and left pretty quickly again after soundcheck was finished, he's just so funny to me
bojan said that it was a nice change that the EA crowd were mostly germans which like. ok.
the boys came down to us to talk and take pics with us after the soundcheck??? so nice of them but it confused the hell out of me (I wasn't prepared and was very intimidated by suddenly having a bojan directly in front of me)
a friend I was with asked bojan about the jo travel curse and munich because it's been horrible at least for us living in germany (snow chaos for munich, snow chaos when trying to travel to esns in january, train strike on the day of the berlin gig) and he just kinda forgot about munich until he was like “oh yeah right. it was still an amazing gig though.” 🥺
okay so. now we come to what was an absolutely insane concert
first we saw the eyeliner jure pic and went “oh my god??” and then he actually came on stage like that and we lost it. and then bojan came on stage with that lace shirt and we lost it again. not kidding when I say my favourite insane moment was me turning around to grip @itskrejsaitsparty's hand as I was trying to comprehend what I was seeing. Just. jfc.
bojan asked who had never been to a JO gig before and from what I could see it was around 50%? so there were a lot of new people which is probably also one reason why the energy was insane like that
bojan couldn't stop holding his belt and thrusting his hips, what the fuck 🫠
since I was in the middle I was also privvy to many cute jance looks and moments, they really are just like that on stage
the nace solo because someone requested a bass solo?? and how nace started and everyone joined and then bojan's “let's go nace” just. what even was happening at that point
everything surrounding metulji. first bojan giving jan that pic to “get him in the mood.” jan pretending to kiss it. it falling down making us all giggle and bojan already being on the brink of losing it and then losing it completely and jan stopping to just play different chords on the piano while bojan was trying to get it together. we really broke him 😭 and he was trying so hard to get back into the sad metulji mood and then he apologised for it afterwards like “i'm sorry this was so unprofessional of me” like dude. the was the best moment I've ever seen on stage
bojan was so keyed up that when kiki came to him to switch guitars he just bounced around him and started saying stuff to kiki and leaned his face towards him (I wouldn't be surprised if he expected another cheek kiss but shhhhh)
bojan AGAIN because he was jumping over the barrier and back on stage right next to me after umazane misli and I was like. what do I do. Do I, like, help him??? Can he do it by himself??? what if he topples over and I'm right next to him. Gah. In the end I just pressed myself back into @braveheart1418, stared at the back of bojan's lace shirt in slight horror and let Kiki do his thing 🫠 (I need a bojči break now I'm too anxious for any of this)
the gig went by so quickly because of all the stuff that happened that it was such a surprise when they said it was nearly over
I literally sank onto the floor after the gig because I couldn't understand what had just happened. so many memorable moments. I'm glad everyone just went down onto the floor with me, love you ❤️
everyone (except kris) came out to talk and take pics afterwards but bojan left quickly because of his health. and also, you know. damon baker. what a sweetheart. with all the stuff that happened, being able to talk to him about his art was such a lovely moment and I still can't believe that he was there
In the most funniest turn of events I managed to have everyone including damon baker sign in my gig book except for kris which is hilarious to me and so very fitting for him
I'm still trying process everything that happened but thank you so much to everyone I met and talked to and who made stuff for me, in particular @zadig-fate, @izpira-se-zlato, @braveheart1418, @esskuesli, @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare and @itskrejsaitsparty 💕💕💕
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 4 months
Hi!!! May I ask jance 22 kiss please?❤️
hi anon! tysm for your ask, the prompt is in a rush of adrenaline. i've also posted this fic on ao3 here!
Nace stepping up next to Jan in Novi Val is inevitable. They’ve messed around with each other a little throughout the gig, but they’re conscious that they’re being recorded and that they intend to release a concert film, so they’ve tried to tone it down. It’s ridiculous, but Jan has missed glancing across to catch Nace’s eye and reel him in with a look alone, has missed sidling up to him and making a witty comment just to make him laugh. Now, though, with the end of the concert so near, Jan feels unable to think of anything funny to say. He just leans heavily into Nace, who wraps an arm round him and pulls him in tight. They take in the ocean of their audience together, the glittering of their phone torches lighting up the hall in rainbow colours, the towering tiers of fans above their heads.
“We made it,” Nace says, barely audible over the roar of thousands of people singing their music. His voice sounds hoarse, as though he might cry, and Jan lets go of his guitar to slip his arm around Nace’s back in return. Sometimes he wishes he could stop playing for Novi Val, as Jure and Nace do, so he could stay pressed into Nace’s side like this for the whole song.
“We did,” Jan agrees, and as touching as the moment is, he’s still running high on the adrenaline of the past hour on stage, and he’s smiling so widely at Nace that he must look deranged. He wants to pull Nace towards him and kiss him senseless. He leans up so that he can speak directly into Nace’s ear. “We’re so lucky to have you.” 
Nace pulls him closer, his cheeks dimpling. “I’m so lucky to have you,” he answers. “Have I ever told you just how mesmerising you are when you play? And do you even know how gorgeous you look tonight?”
Jan can’t help but blush, though Nace has said these words to him before. “Do you know how proud I am of you,” he counters, “for what you’re wearing? Have you finally realised how hot you are?”
Nace just laughs, and Jan can’t tear his eyes away. “Endless compliments tonight, huh?” he jokes.
“For you, always.”
They’re interrupted by Jure on Nace’s other side, and he’s grinning at them too. He sings raucously at them both, throwing his hands in the air, before spinning off to face the other half of the audience, where Kris is standing. Nace remains at Jan’s side for a while longer, but Jan soon has to resume playing and he reluctantly steps out of Nace’s embrace so as to be able to concentrate again.
When Novi Val ends, they rush backstage to change into their Eurovision outfits before they play Carpe Diem. Kiki takes Jan’s guitar at the edge of the stage and Mark meets them at the bottom of the stairs with his camera in his hand. They only have a three minute clip prepared for the screen above the stage and Jan knows the crowd will get restless if they have to wait too long, but he doesn’t care. As soon as he gets to the green room, he launches himself towards Nace, who’s already taken off his shoes and half undone his trousers, and kisses him hard, despite the presence of their three bandmates and Mark. Nace staggers a few steps backwards but wraps his arms around Jan to bring him closer and kisses him fiercely back. Jan opens his mouth to Nace, desperately taking advantage of their few moments of peace. This kind of display in front of their bandmates is unusual, but Jan doesn’t care. When the gig finishes, they’ll be immediately surrounded by all the crew and the staff in the arena, Mark will be filming, and they’ll have to go straight into a press conference and be professional. Even at the afterparty, there will be enough strangers and press present that they’ll have to be careful around each other, though Jan knows he’ll be desperate to have Nace under his hands again. 
Someone tugs on the back of Jan’s shirt and says wryly, “can you stop trying to eat each other’s faces and actually get ready? You’ve only got two more minutes.”
Nace breaks the kiss reluctantly, but doesn’t let go of Jan, who’s still holding Nace’s face between his hands. Jan savours the weight of Nace’s arms around him for a few more moments, the sight of his flushed cheeks, the heaviness of his breathing, and then he tears himself away and begins to get changed.
“You’ve ruined a good shot we could have put in the concert film,” Mark chides Jan as he leans down to take off his shoes. 
“Worth it,” Jan mutters under his breath, and Mark playfully swats at his arm in retaliation.
When their allotted time is up, Mark impatiently ushers them out of the green room though Bojan’s shirt is half unbuttoned and Nace is still shrugging on his jacket. Jan just has time to pull Nace in for one more bruising kiss before they head back on stage for the encore.
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hisunshiine · 2 years
—cinema | kth
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→ posted: jan 1, 2023 → pairing: kim taehyung x reader → genre/au: strangers2lovers, camboy!au, angst, fluff, smut → chapter rating: +18 / M for Mature → wc: 2,672 → warnings: very minor angst is introduced, taehyung is forever hot, misreading a situation, reader is jealous, use of pet names, light sexual punishment and praise, explicit sex, multiple orgasms, begging, if you squint there’s daddy/brattybabygirl vibes, aftercare, recording sex. → credits: biggest thanks to sunkissedwriter, you are the best for the most perfect ‘destroyer of the delulu’ plot issue. @moonleeai @downbad4yoongi​ and whippedbywonho1 for beta reading this for me! → taglist: @bts-ruu @missxmarisa @1-in-abillion @yourtmblrgirlfriend @fairy-jaykay → summary: i guess we’re in time, if you’re getting yourself wet for me. KTH is your favorite camboy, & after winning a contest, the two of you have grown closer and gotten to know each other after a one-on-one session. After realizing you live in the same city, he asks to meet you—IRL.
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part 1 | part 2 | series masterlist
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“YN…would you be interested in meeting up with me, in real life? I’d love to get to know you more, without a screen in the way.”
You never expected to be gearing up for meeting the camboy of your dreams in person, and it feels silly to you because he’s not a real celebrity, or atleast, not one you can tell your parents about. He’s just a person like you, and yet, he’s been the main star of your fantasies for months now and somehow, he’s also interested in you. 
Or so you think. From the text messages the two of you have been trading back and forth for the past 2 weeks since the one-on-one session you had, not to mention the few times that the two of you used the synced toys while he was camming (not that other subscribers knew he had it paired to you), he’s shown an interest in you that you can’t help but return. 
He promoted the toys at the beginning as a paid advertisement, utilizing them in the storylines, but those sessions were different from the others with the way he behaved during them, with themes of established relationships, with plenty of praise for how tight your pussy was and small slip ups that only you would notice, mentioning things specific to conversations you had with him. 
He would tease the toy he had, knowing you would feel it, and you got him back a few times, clamping down at the end of a session before he removed himself from it, causing him to stutter and almost scold you by name before he caught himself. 
But lately, messages continued to not be solely sexual in nature, with him asking about your career, your likes and dislikes, and it feels like the two of you are actually getting to know each other on a level that can lead to something…more.
Approaching the cafe you planned to meet at, you feel silly to think you’re someone special.
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You stare at the messages, unsure of what to say. You agreed to meet up at 5:15, and here it was 5:35 and you can’t bring yourself to walk in. Your feet keep you grounded, eyes focused on the man of your actual dreams sitting at the small table in the cafe. 
You’ve been watching him since you caught sight of him, and as soon as you finished your pep talk, ready to walk in and meet face to face, you see a gorgeous woman approach him as if she knew him, talking and smiling with familiarity as she touched his bicep and he smiled back at her just the same. 
And you wouldn’t have minded, would have walked in there despite this, if he hadn’t motioned to one of the two seats at the table nearest them, asking her to join him. The two of them continued chatting, as if he wasn’t waiting for you for your first date. Maybe it wasn’t a date…after all, neither of you called it one. 
You look down at your new outfit, bought just for today, hating that it wasn’t as cute as the one that girl was wearing. You hate the thoughts that enter your head, you don’t like to think of yourself as someone who dislikes another girl just because the guy you like is interested in them, but it’s hard to stop the green-eyed monster from appearing in your ear, whispering hateful comments that tear both the other girl and your own confidence down.  
Watching the two of them talk, you see the moment he texts you checking in, but a part of you is miffed that it took him 20 minutes to realize you were late. What if you were hurt, attacked, or hit by a car? He would be 19 minutes too late. All because he was distracted by this bitch who can’t keep her hands to herself. 
So instead of walking in and meeting Taehyung for the first time face-to-face, you let the green eyed monster convince you to walk back the way you came, typing out a lame excuse for why you couldn’t make it.
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Taehyung stares at his phone, unsure of how to feel. All day he’s been excited, full of restless energy at the thought of meeting you finally, just for you to cancel on him. It doesn’t make any sense to him, because you said you were on your way, and then all of a sudden you couldn’t make it. 
He shakes his black hair out of his eyesight as he looks up from his phone, giving a small smile to the woman who had approached him.
“Looks like my friend isn’t going to make it. It was nice meeting you!” He stands up as the woman nods, smiling widely at him.
“No, thank you! My boyfriend just got here, so thank you for keeping me company until then! That man at the counter was being a real creep, so I appreciate you. Plus, it’s not everyday you meet a local celebrity!”
“Don’t let my mother hear you say that!” he jokes, but the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes as he takes his iced frappacino to exit the bustling cafe. 
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Pausing at the bus stop near the cafe, you look at your phone to see if Taehyung read your message. 
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You hate that he’s so sweet about it. Now that you’ve walked to the bus stop and calmed down a bit from the scene you saw, the negative thoughts have vanished, instead, leaving you with a feeling of self-disappointment. A second buzz from your phone has your heart clenching once more. 
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His offer makes you feel like you’ve misread everything earlier. He still wanted to see you. He left the cafe. You feel even dumber sitting at the bus stop knowing you walked away from Taehyung and you were so close to meeting him. You begin to type out a reply. 
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You startle, standing up quickly from the bench seating. You find yourself looking up at deep brown eyes staring at you. Taehyung’s face is full of confusion, lips poking out in thought as his full eyebrows pinch together above his narrow nose bridge. In person, this close to him, you almost swoon at how handsome he actually is, and you want nothing more than to soothe the wrinkles of confusion off his face.
“I thought—you said—I’m confused.”
You worry the corner of your bottom lip between your teeth unsure of what to say.
“I, um…I guess I just got nervous.” It’s not necessarily a lie, though it definitely isn’t the whole truth. The way that Taehyung is looking down into your soul has you feeling that he is aware of this fact. 
“So you showed up to the cafe?” he asks, walking back through the events that just played out. It’s just the two of you at the bus stop, and you can’t bring yourself to move away from how close the two of you are standing. 
“Yes. I was outside for a bit…I was worried about meeting for the first time.” You look down at your feet, unable to maintain eye contact.
“Mmm,” Taehyung nods as if deep in thought. “And let me guess,” a sly grin grows on his face, “you saw me talking to that girl who was waiting for her boyfriend to show up?”
That bit of information snaps your face back up to his like a cracking whip. “Her boyfriend?”
“Yes, she was being hit on by some creep so she approached me to help save her. I sat with her since I was waiting for you, and she left once her boyfriend showed up. Funnily enough, it was seconds after you texted me that you couldn’t meet. If you had waited just one more minute, you might have been brave enough to go inside.”
Feeling stupid, you can’t help the way heat rushes to your face, burning you up with embarrassment. 
“I feel really dumb right now. I’m so sorry I flaked on you.”
“I’m sorry too, I would’ve loved showing you off…you look amazing.”
Your cheeks stay warm, but this time for a different reason.
“You do too, Tae.”
The two of you stand there looking at each other like a couple of fools infatuated with each other before Taehyung has the smart sense to break the silence.
“So, if you aren’t actually busy, did you want to head over to Yoojung Sikdang and grab an early dinner?” 
He holds his large hand out to you, and unable to think of a reason against the idea, you find yourself nodding your head with a sappy grin on your face as you place your hand in his. It felt nice. Giddy with excitement, the two of you head off in the direction of the restaurant with you feeling more and more relaxed the more time you spend in each other’s company.
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“Fuck, Taehyung…I can’t…”
“You can baby, you’ve always been so good for me.”
You keen in response, back arching away from his chest where he has you sat between his legs, his calves wrapped around your shins to hold your legs open for him. He’s in just his boxers, chest warm against your shoulder blades as his arms encase you.
“But…it’s so intense!” you moan out, and he chuckles softly.
“Look down baby, look at how wet you are.”
You try hard to keep your eyes open, gaze trailing down his veiny forearms to where his hands are in the apex of your thighs, two fingers on his right hand spreading you open as his left hand holds your bullet vibrator to your clit. The relentless pressure is dizzying as you buck in his arms from stimulation. It feels too good to be legal.
You get a moment of reprieve when he pulls the toy away from you, your slick dripping down to the end before oozing onto the sheets beneath you, clear arousal connecting your bed to the toy in a lewd display of just how wet Taehyung makes you. 
In an act so debaucherous, your eyes can’t help but to follow the movement of the toy as it continues towards the man behind you. You turn your neck to continue the path, watching with hooded desire as Taehyung’s lengthy tongue curls around the small silver vibrator and laps up the rest of the evidence of this session.
The low moan he lets out as he tastes you makes your toes curl, and you’re almost unaware as he shifts from behind you to hover over you. He noses at your neck so you wrap your arms around his torso as his lips lightly drag along your skin, continuing to tease you as he has been for the last half hour. 
“You take your punishment so well, baby.”
Pouting, you look into his eyes, no longer afraid of the man before you.
“I said I was sorry, Tae…I was just a little insecure.” 
He pecks at your bottom lip still poking out in defiance of his taunting touches. You know what he’s waiting for you to do and at this point you’re not above begging.
“Please Taehyung, I need you. I need all of you.”
He smiles, grin lighting up your heart as his lips drop to yours and begin to devour you in a rushed kiss. His hips thrust forward and you can feel how badly he’s been waiting for you to give in. Your punishment was just as hard for him as it was for you. You didn’t know it, but he was seconds away from giving you what you wanted without pleading for it.
It was torture, having you in his arms, so wet and wanton for him as you let him tease your folds until your pussy was swollen in need for release. He had to sit behind you for your punishment, or else he would have given in after five minutes instead of thirty. But it was worth it.
Now you lay beneath him, body pliant as he hitches your leg up by the knee to wrap around his hips. Moving his hand from your knee to the waistband of his boxers, he’s rough as he pulls his length free, four fingers then running along your spread center before giving himself a couple of strokes with the erotic sounds of you coating his cock with each tug filling the room.
“Breathe in for me, baby girl,” he huffs out as his tip teases your entrance, circling around as he waits for you to follow directions. “Good girl.”
You preen under his praise, and when he instructs you to let out your breath slowly, you feel him surging into you, swollen walls pushing back against the intrusion despite how good it feels to become full of him. 
“Tae, it feels so good,” you coo, and he feels goosebumps travel along his arms and his spine from how salacious you sound, his dick growing impossibly harder as he begins to piston his hips, thighs slapping against the backs of yours as he drops his face to the crook of your neck. Fingers lacing through the curls at the nape of his neck, you use this for leverage to take him deeper, his hand widening your bent leg for a better angle to bury himself into you.
“Fuck baby, tell me it’s all mine.”
“It’s yours, Tae, all yours.”
“What’s all mine, baby?”
“My pussy, me, whatever you want,” you promise him, and it sends him reeling. You feel so right to him, the way you move with him, as if the two of you were practiced dancers wrapped in each other's arms.  
Your moans are pornagraphic, loud and breathy as he brings you to climax, your limbs trembling from the intensity of the orgasm spurring him on. Unable to stop the way your walls quiver, clenching sporadically around his cock with every stroke leads him to fill you up, cum spurting in hot ropes from his sensitive tip. 
You hold him to your chest as he collapses onto you, his hips still gyrating slowly as he releases every last drop inside of you.
“Oh, fuck, that’s my good girl,” his deep voice speaks to your core, and he peppers kisses to your chest as you cockwarm his softening length.
Slowly, he extracts himself from you, careful not to spill too much onto your sheets, but it was a fool’s errand. Reaching for his phone, he stops recording so he can get up and get a wet washcloth to clean you up. You lay there, spent, enjoying the hazy delirium that comes with the post sex euphoria until you’re as clean as a washcloth can get you and curled up in Taehyung’s arms. 
“I wanna see the video,” you say sleepily, voice muffled against his chest where you lay. His fingers smooth down your hair and he laughs at your request; you were about to pass out, there was no way he would be able to show you the playback of your session without wanting to bury himself inside of you again.
“You will, baby. Get some sleep first.”
“Why?” you whine, despite your eyes having shut several minutes ago in a “long blink”.
“Because you’re gonna need your energy for what happens after we watch it.”
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thank you for reading! feedback is greatly appreciated!! please let me know what you think of this last part! happy new year!
© hisunshiine 2023. All rights reserved.
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theflyindutchwoman · 10 months
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Well, I mean, we could come clean. Are you ready for that? Are you ready for Smitty's commentary on us dating or the "oohs" every time we walk into the roll call room together? Or we could lie. Okay, I have an idea. I heard from a C.I. that there were drugs coming out of the kitchen. And -- And you asked me to join as backup. Right. Like a soft undercover infiltration. Not bad. Thank you.
This moment is actually the perfect introduction of the 'secret relationship' era… of what makes it so good, really : how bad they are at this secrecy thing. Embarrassingly (and hilariously) so. And the irony is that there's no reason for them to be this terrible. They usually thrive under pressure, undercover or not. They're naturally reserved when it comes to their personal life, shying away from PDAs and all… And they already spend so much time together, have a shorthand… And yet, they are downright awful at trying to conceal and pretend that nothing has changed between them.
Just the way they are standing in the bull pen gives them away… The whispering, the awkward smiles, checking every five seconds if anyone is watching them… Tim grinning when Officer Jan passes by… As if that's not suspicious in itself. Honestly, anyone who didn't know they were together before they went official should give their badges back on principle. And then, there's the content of their brainstorming… With Lucy trying to come up with a good reason as to why they were together at the 'most romantic restaurant in town' - other than the real reason. And let's talk about this for a second. It's never been confirmed but I'd like to think that it was Tim's idea to try this place for their first date. As much as he was uncomfortable at the pop-up restaurant at the beach, he doesn't mind going to fancy places either. Like the one he chose for his bet. So I could see him picking this restaurant, especially if Lucy had talked about it beforehand, wanting only the best for her… She's worth the effort after all.
For all the humor in this scene, there's also a more serious side. Starting with Lucy who is ready to come clean right away… Which is quite the statement from her, considering how she used to refuse to even put a label on her previous relationships. And the implications behind this… She is fine with disclosing their relationship to their superior officers after only one date. One that they didn't get to finish. Her certainty in them is so precious. And Tim's face… There are so many different emotions here. But mostly, he's taken aback by her readiness. It's clear he isn't yet - but it doesn't mean that he is less committed. As unserious as his comments about Smitty or the 'ooohs' are, it does reveal underneath what his concerns are : gossip. That their colleagues would be talking about them. About Lucy. And that's quite telling that this was his first thought. Not the issue of the chain of command, not that it could be too soon...
And to be fair, Lucy isn't any more keen to face their colleagues' judgements. Hence her choice to go for a cover story. And this is such a good callback to her approach to their undercover op… The one that started it all. Tim's smile when she tells him her story… I do wonder if his mind went back to her previous cover story, the one that broke his brain… Either way, he is looking so proud. Both of them for that matter. That is, until Nolan comes over… They barely make it a few seconds before blowing it up. All it took was for John to say hi. That's it. They're so worried on getting caught that they end up raising suspicion. Luckily for them, he is just befuddled, wondering what they are even talking about. Their faces once they realise that he doesn't have a clue as to what's going on and they were giving themselves away… They are so transparent. These two are a complete disaster and I love every second of this.
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thatbanditqueen · 11 months
Bless Your Heart
An Elvis-o-Ween One Shot
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A response to the month-long writing prompt for Halloween/Fall
Summary: It's 1957, and Jan's dreams come true when she gets invited up from the gate to join Elvis' parties at Graceland. But not all that glitters is gold, and this new social circle may have a few angels and demons among them.
Warnings: No real smut, suggestions of sex, but there is a teensy bit of scary gore at the end.... so no minors and be forewarned. This was a new experience for me, I easily could have written about Elvis romancing ghost girlies all month, but I wanted to challenge myself. Not sure if it worked but... here goes nothing.
You can check out last week's Elvis-o-ween here:
Little Blue Toes
WC: 6.8 K
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6:05 p.m. Thursday, September 19, 1957
Graceland, Memphis TN
The evening sun was slowly turning red when Jan hopped off the bus, and it burned orange circles into the back of her eyelids. She shook them away, distractedly nodding at the driver as she turned her attention to the crowd down the block. The rolling hills of Whitehaven were still a deep green in the fall, but Jan hardly noticed and clutched her purse as she got closer to the gate. She tried not to be too obvious as she craned her head to see Graceland from the back of the crowd. It looked smaller than she had expected, a grey matchbox on a hill in the dusky twilight. Jan told herself that she would have to come back on the weekend, now that she knew how easy it was to get here. Now that she knew, after reading that article in the newspaper, that his fans regularly gathered in front of the house. She could plan her trip out better than she had today. After reading the newspaper at lunch, she had impulsively jumped on the bus to Whitehaven after work.  Feeling a pebble in her shoe, she was gracefully trying to hop on one foot and shake it out when two shadows loomed over her.
“See, told you it wasn’t Susie. She’s too dressed up.”
Jan squinted up at the girls in front of her.
“No, uh, not Susie.” She straightened her skirt and hesitantly stuck her hand out, grateful for the excuse to talk to someone. “Jan.”
“Heidi.” The blonde announced and tilted to the shorter brunette next to her. “And Arlene.”
“Y’all regulars?”
“Oh yeah, we come here all the time.” Arlene gushed. “We’re just waiting for him to finish breakfast and give Travis the signal.”
Jan looked through the white wrought iron gate up at house.
“What do you mean, wake up and give Travis the signal?”
“Oh, well, he sleeps through the day. Has breakfast round 4 or 5. Sometimes he’ll come sign autographs at the gate, but -” Arlene leaned in toward Jan and her eyes twinkled. “Uh, well, when he’s in town he likes us to be here in case he wants to have some people up for a party. He has parties most nights. We’re kind of in his gang -  OW.” Arlene grabbed her rib cage and hit Heidi back. “Hey, what gives?”
“You shouldn’t be bragging, Arlene, cuz we can't bring her with us and now she’ll feel left out.”
Jan smiled politely, and tugged at the pearl button on her white, linen gloves. “It’s ok - I gotta catch the last bus back home anyway.”
Jan wanted to ask the girls what Elvis was really like in-person. Before she could, though, a loud gasp filled the air and she was pushed into them as the crowd jostled closer to the gates. A tall dark figure strode down the drive dressed all in white. White dress shirt, white sport’s coat, white pants. He looked like an angel. Jan was absolutely mesmerizing and dropped her purse watching his hair flop up and down with each bounce of his white loafers. The kids around her shouted out “Hey Elvis” and cheered, but she couldn’t say a thing. She could barely breathe as her tummy flip flopped watching his mouth form into a crooked grin. She vaguely heard the other girls chatting next to her.
“I wonder if Anita Wood is up there?”
“Nah, she’s down in New Orleans at a beauty pageant, he told me last night.”
“You’re so lucky you don’t have a mom who treats you like a child, Arlene. What I wouldn’t give to stay until 2 or 3.”
The gates opened, and Jan ended up right behind Arlene and Heidi in the semi-circle around Elvis. No one pushed or prodded to tried to sneak past the guard house. It was all very civilized, and a jovial atmosphere percolated between the open gates as Elvis went from person to person, signing memorabilia and teasing the folks he met. When he made it to Arlene, Jan watched in awe as he drew her to him and pecked her sweetly on the ear, asking if she brought him his favorite cigars like she said she would. Jan would give anything to be in his gang. She would bring him all the cigars and if it meant he would hug her and kiss her and tease her too. But when his blue eyes flitted over to her, she found that her mouth had gone completely dry and she couldn’t say a word.
“Who’s ya friend with the big brown eyes?”
“Oh, that’s Jan. It’s her first time here.”
Elvis’ smirk deepened. “Cat got ya tongue?” He winked, kissing the top of Jan’s glove. “S’ok, honey. I don’t bite.”  Then his teeth grazed over her knuckle. “Much.”
Jan felt the air hitch in her throat at the way he looked at her from under his eyelids. She no longer needed her hand. He could have it. He could have anything he wanted.
Elvis chuckled. “Why, you’re as shy as a mouse. Got anything for me to sign, lil mousy?”
Jan stuttered and fumbled about in her purse for something, handing Elvis the first thing she found. Her sweaty, monogrammed handkerchief.
“I didn’t know I was coming today.” She whispered slowly, and her voice trailed off as she watched Elvis wipe his forehead with her hankie and pocket it with a wink.
“S’ok, lil gal, bring something tomorrow.” Then he whispered into Arlene’s ear and moved on through the crowd.
Arlene snaked her hand through Jan’s arm and led her toward the house. “Elvis wants you to come up to the party with us.”
Jan squeezed Arlene with a giggle, smoothing her hand over her skirt as they walked. The house got bigger and bigger as they strode up the drive and Jan realized that the round curve of the hill created an optical illusion that made it look small from the road. But now she found herself in front of a grand, Neo-colonial mansion. Large, white columns flanked the front of the house, and two white marble lions stood guard at the entrance way. It was like standing in front of a magical castle. Jan felt that she ought to be wearing a silk, red evening gown instead of her belted navy shirt dress.
They did not enter the front door. Instead, Arlene led Jan around the front of the house towards the sound of music playing and people laughing on a patio surrounding a large, shimmering pool. There was a gay crowd of young people drinking pop and mingling around. Heidi adopted a hushed, intimate tone as she pointed out the others in the gang.
“That’s Lamar, he’s always eager to please Elvis and does anything he asks - and so is Alan - the shorter stout one. That skinny little creep is Gene, and that’s Mack, he usually drives us home. The guy next to him is Richard and that’s Frances, our friend, I’m not sure how she already got up here - “
“- is she going with Elvis?”
Arlene chimed in. “Well, he’s seeing a few girls. There’s a singer, Anita, who he steps out with pretty regularly. But me, Heidi and Frances, we’re just his friends. EP is a very physical person. Likes to love on all the gals. That’s just the warm, sweet kinda guy he is. Sometimes he’ll pull me on his lap, and give me a little kiss.”
“Lucky girl.” Jan murmured.
“Mmm.” Arlene answered. “I’d rather be friends with him than date him.”
 “Really? Why’s that? Don’t you find him attractive?”
“Of course, Elvis is the most!” Heidi looked at Jan as if she had questioned the existence of gravity. “But, well, once he goes all the way with a gal, he almost never wants to see her again. His dates come and go. But his friends, well, we’re forever.” Heidi exchanged a knowing glance with Arlene.
“Like Susie.”
Heidi clicked her tongue. “Pretty sure Anita’s got her knees sewn shut til she gets a wedding ring.”
“Well, I keep my knees shut too.” Arlene interjected. “I don’t even know why any girl would want to go to bed with Elvis when they can kiss him as much as they want. There couldn’t be anything better than kissing Elvis.”
Jan raised her eye brow, thinking of a hundred other things that she could imagine doing with Elvis. But she kept them to herself and smiled, hanging back to straighten the lines on her hose as the girls joined the party. She had just finished putting the right leg in place when she looked between her legs to find Elvis watching her. His cheeks flushed, and he bite his lip before walking over. All Jan could do was sigh as he grabbed her by the waist and introducing her to everyone around the pool.  His guests, his housekeeper, Alberta, and then his mother who was just about to go inside. Mrs. Presley hugged Jan tightly and thanked her for coming to visit them, adding in a high, chipper voice.
“I’m so glad my baby is making friends like you, I can tell you have a  kind heart, Janice. I really can.”
“Nice of you to say, Mrs. Presley ma’am. I like to think I have kind heart.”
“What’s this about a sweet lil ol’ heart?”
The two women turned to find a petite blonde in the doorway behind them.
“Oh Anita.” Mrs. Presley took the blonde’s hand. “I was just saying to Jan here, how glad I am to know her. She is a good, sweet girl. I’m so glad you get to meet her, I thought you were out of town. Can I get you some food.”
The blonde smiled and licked her teeth, her blue eyes looked Jan over with a cool smile. “Thank you ever so, Mrs. Presley, but I just ate and I’m fit to bust if I swallow another morsel.”
Mrs. Presley smiled. “Well, I just know you two will be thick as thieves. Be good little babies.” She hugged them together tightly once more before saying good night.
Jan could not stop herself from staring at Anita. Her platinum blonde hair shone in the silver light and her short, busty figure filled out a tight, pink wiggle dress. Her creamy white skin was so radiant Jan would have sworn it was glowing and the contrast made her luscious red lips stand out all the more. Some of Anita’s red lipstick had smudged around her mouth and on her front teeth, and Jan pointed to her own mouth to mime helpfully.
“Why, bless ya heart,  you really are the sweetest thang looking out for me. And you’re so pretty too. I could just eat ya up!” Anita squealed as she pulled out a compact and fixed her lipstick. “I cain’t tell you how many other girls would just let me walk around looking like a fool all night.”
“They’re probably jealous, I, uh, heard you’re Elvis’ girlfriend.”
Anita pursed her lips in a tight smile. “Sometimes I think everyone knows that ’cept him. Excuse me.”
Jan walked back over to where Arlene and some of the other girls were huddled around a bucket of pop watching Anita stomp over to where Elvis stood with his arm around a cute redhead while Lamar told stories about the drive home from LA.
Arlene handed Jan a Dr. Pepper. “I see you met Anita, I could have sworn she was supposed to be at a beauty pageant in New Orleans.”
“Look, I think she’s had her nose done.” Heidi gasped. “Or, well, something is different - she looks prettier than the last time I saw her. I wonder if there even was a beauty pageant. Maybe her plastic surgeon is in New Orleans.”
Jan looked at Heidi as she spoke. “You don’t like her very much, huh?”
“She’s too possessive, and she tries to chase us off. You should have seen her trying to convince Arlene that she should go back to Chicago.” Heidi kicked the pavement with her saddle shoe. “Too bad for her, Elvis wants us here. And I plan to hang around as long as I can.”
Just then, the record changed on the jukebox and The Five Satins song. “In the Still of the Night” began to play. Jan looked over and blushed when Elvis caught her eye staring at him. Yes, I plan to stick around as long as I can too, she thought to herself, looking down at her feet. The mischievous way Elvis raised his eyebrows at her made her feel funny and she couldn’t handle looking at him for too long without grinning like a mad woman.
The night went on and Jan’s whole body tingled from the heady mix of music, moonlight and raw, unadulterated exposure to Elvis under the stars at Graceland. Sitting out in the cool night air, caught between the twinkling night sky and the glimmering pool, Jan felt as though she had finally arrived. The evening had turned out to be more magical than she could ever have imagined. She hated to pull herself away, but she gave in at midnight and went to call a cab.
The kitchen was dim this late at night, illuminated only by the soft lights above the stove, and Jan finally found a phone book in a drawer under the cupboards. She was leaning against the counter, flipping through the pages when two hands startled her working their way around her waist. She glanced over her shoulder to find a dark mop of hair grazing her cheek. Then Elvis’ breath was warm on her ear.
“Looks like I caught a lil mousy.” He slowly turned her around to face him, grinning at the way she blushed. Then his eyes fell on the phone book and his lips turned into a frown. “Ain’t going, are ya lil gal? Why, it’s still early. Ain’t had the chance to learn all ya secrets yet.” He winked as he said this, and it made Jan’s heart melt.
She would have told him anything he asked. If she could talk, that is. It was difficult for to do that when she looked into Elvis’ earnest wide-eyed stare. She could hear the party out on the patio, there must have been over thirty people here who wanted to be near him. However, to look at his pouting lips and feel the needy caress of his thumb at her waist made Jan feel as though she was the only person in the world and she was letting him down by deserting him.
“I, um, I have to be at work at 7:30 tomorra.” She stuttered, staring at the floor just to be able to get the words out. “It’s time for me to turn into a pumpkin, I guess.”
Elvis rubbed her cheek. “Aw heck, I guess that’s s’ok. I’ll get Mack to drive you home.” He paused, eyelashes fluttering down for a moment. “But, uh,  you can’t leave before telling me a few of your secrets.”
“Like what?”
“Like, say, how old are you anyway, huh, lil mouse?” His thumb now rolled over her belt buckle, rubbing her stomach back and forth along the edge.
Jane’s face turned a bright, beet red as she stuttered out her response. “Um, I’m 18.”
“In school?”
She shook her head. “Just finished. I - I’m at Goldsmiths, in the steno pool.”
“Hate to think of these poor lil fingees, banging away all day.” Elvis took her hand, examining her fingers. “Didn’t even know a department store needed a steno pool.
“Um, well, uh - we’re in the business offices on the 18th floor. Most people, they, uh, they never see us.”
“That’s the only floor I wanna see, from now on. ‘specially if all the lil gals up there are as cute as you.” Elvis’ ran his hand through his hair, smirking at the way Jan blushed even harder. Their eyes were locked for a moment, and his forehead dropped on to hers as he murmured in a boyish voice.
“Sorry I didn't get to sign nothing for you, like ya wanted. Come back tomorrow?”
Jan nodded.  Elvis kissed her on the cheek and put her into Mack’s car, leaving her with a mouth stuck open in giddy disbelief the whole ride home. She pinched herself at least ten times to make sure she was really awake. That she had really been to Graceland and met Elvis Presley.  Then she fell asleep thinking of a pair of playful blue eyes glistening above her.
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It was not long before Jan became a permanent fixture at Graceland. She would go home from work, change into a cocktail dress and take the bus to the Winchester Road stop.  Every time Travis or Vester let her through the gates she would shiver with anticipation for whatever the night would bring. It was more than just getting to be in the sunshine of Elvis’ affection, though that alone was something she lived for.  No, spending the evening at Graceland also meant trips to the skating rink, nights at the fairgrounds, bonfires, music, swimming or fireworks. It was like a never ending summer camp or a holiday resort, like the ones her cousins in New York told her about. And Jan never wanted to check out of this one.
During her days Jan would carry a little notebook around and write down clever things to say to Elvis that she thought would make him laugh, practicing them at her desk while she typed. She often was too shy to actually make these jokes. But she felt  more confident just having them ready when she went over. It was usually past midnight when she got home, but Jan just doubled her coffee, determined never to miss an evening at Graceland.
That is, until a big storm hit Memphis the following Saturday.
Jan considered taking a cab over, and called a few of the others to see what they were doing, but she couldn’t get through. The switch board operator told her the storm had knocked down several phone lines through town. Resigned to a night in, she had just made a kettle of hot tea and settled into watch Lawrence Welk when the phone rang and Frances told her Elvis was asking where she was.
The rain poured down on Jan’s cab all the way to Whitehaven. As usual, the curtains were all drawn for the family’s privacy, but tonight it made Graceland look more ominous and the exterior lights cast eerie shadows on a building with no visible life to the outside world.  Buckets of rain poured over Jan as she ran from the car to the door, and she stopped at the mirror in the entrance way to try and fix her face. She hated driving in the rain, even as a passenger, she was on edge the whole time and unable to relax until she got to her destination. It made her feel a bit off tonight, and then she felt silly for feeling off. Why, she could hear someone playing a Dean Martin song on the piano, the house was filled with enough music and laughter to block out the sound of the storm, and there she was, feeling like a stick in the mud. She shouldn’t have come. 
Jan was distracted from her thoughts of regret when she noticed that someone had put their cigarette out on the floor, staining the beautiful white carpet that lined the entry way. She had just bent down to pick it up when she heard Elvis’ voice, and looked up to see him leaning in the entryway with a few members of the gang.
“Silly lil mousy, scared of a few rain drops. Havta start calling you fraidy mouse.” He leaned his head back and the others joined in with his laughter. “Stead a fraidy cat, fraidy mouse.”
Jan’s eye twitched, and she looked into the mirror. She looked like a wet rat, not a mouse, and she felt like a silly child. She didn’t want to be here anymore.
“You’re not being fair, Elvis, have you even been outside today? I don’t have a car. And it’s a hurricane out there. If you thought about anyone other than yourself you’d know it wasn’t easy coming here.”
Elvis eyes widened and he jumped back as if Jan had slapped his face. “Not fair, huh? Don’t think of others, huh? I cain’t believe my goddamn ears. That’s all I do. You know all you have to do is call and I’d come get you.” His shoulders were back and his hands were at his hips as he roared to the ceiling. “Ain’t fair. aint’ fair. Well if you feel like that you should jus go on back home. No one wants you here anyhow.”
Jan could feel the tears welling up, and she ran past the staircase, through the kitchen and down to the basement so no one would see her cry. She had never seen Elvis loose his temper before. He could be cocky, teasing, oblivious, but now she knew what it was to feel the pummel of his brief, yet intense, bout of rage. Jan slammed her fists down on her knees, mad at herself for loosing her composure. She had immediately regretted what she said, and now she was sure that she had screwed everything up. Elvis would never let her come back. And the thought of loosing her membership in his special, secret club that she had only just began to experience brought forth another round of deep sobs.
Eventually, once she could breathe evenly without blubbering she found her compact and took a look and then promptly put it away. Her makeup was beyond repair. So instead, she began to think about how she could possibly leave without anyone noticing. Then she heard the floor squeak across the hall, and wandering toward the TV room to take a look. She stood in the doorway and looked around.
“Hello? Someone here?”
“Boo!” Elvis jumped out from the projection closet and grabbed Jan, eliciting a high scream that ricocheted through the rooms.
Elvis grinned and licked his thumb to clean off her runny makeup. “See, I was right. You really are a jumpy little fraidy mouse tonight. A pretty, silly, cute and wet lil baby mousy. Come on upstairs, honey, and let’s fix your face.”
Jan let herself slump into Elvis chest as he walked her up to his bathroom and sat her on the counter. Somehow Elvis had a drawer full of makeup, and she gave herself to him completely as he dried her hair and did her eye shadow.
“I’m sorry, Elvis. Bout earlier. I don’t know why I said that, you’re one of the most thoughtful people. It’s just. I’m just.” She sighed. “Driving in the rain and storms always scares me.”
“Aw, honey.” He rubbed her cheek, then puckered out his lips as a cue for her to do the same. “S’ok. Cain’t bare to stay sore at you. You know I ain’t gonna let nothing bad happen to you, baby. Next time, you call me and I’ll come get ya. You’ll always be safe by my side.”
Jan nodded as Elvis drew her to him, holding her tight as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. He began to get a goofy look on his face, as if he might kiss her on the mouth, when Mack knocked on the door and pulled Elvis aside.
“EP, George just called about a story in the evening paper. I gotta tell you, right away.”
Elvis nodded at Jan to go back downstairs, where she found the other guests exchanging hushed whispers and nervous glances. Walking through the various rooms, she finally found Arlene, Frances and a few of the other girls with Gladys on the back patio listening to the rain thump against the green metal awning.
“Oh Jan, we had to get some fresh air. It’s just too awful for words.”
“What is it Mrs. Presley? What’s happened?”
Heidi took her hand and pulled her into the corner.
“It’s Susie, the police found her body in the woods off the Nashville Road.”
Jan’s brow crinkled. “Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I never met her, but  -  but, ugh, how horrible. What happened?”
“They think she was attacked by animal.” Heidi leaned in closer to whisper in Jan’s ear. “Her heart was torn clean out of her chest. Mrs. Presley is very upset, she was over here all the time.” Heidi squeezed Jan’s hand. Tight. “She was one of us.”
The rest of the night was a blur. Elvis  asked most of the guests to clear out before gathering the gang in his bedroom, where he cried openly and asked Alberta to bring them a coconut cake. Then they sat around eating on the bed, sharing their favorite memories of Susie. Heidi left at midnight, and at three Jan looked over at Arlene and Frances and asked if they shouldn’t go to. Elvis’ soulful eyes looked over from where he was slumped across his bed.
“Aw, don’t leave me babies. I can’t bear to be alone.”
Frances. “What, a slumber party with all of us in your bed tonight? What will people think?”
“Fuck ‘em. Nah, people know y’all are good lil virgins, so who cares what they think.” Elvis’ eyebrows went up for a split second when Jan looked away at the word virgin. But if he thought anything of it, he kept it to himself.
The girls went into the bathroom to change in to some of Elvis’ pajamas shirts and get ready for bed. Jan cautiously asked if the others had ever slept over before.
“Oh yeah. A few times.” Arlene handed Jan her comb. “It’s all very innocent. You know Elvis, he hates to be alone. ”
Frances nodded, chiming in. “Yeah, hanky panky is the last thing on his mind. He’s proud that we’re good girls. And when he finds out someone isn’t -”
“Gosh I feel so bad.” Arlene looked at her self despondently as she finished rolling her hair. “I thought that was why Susie wasn’t coming back. I thought she had seduced him in a weak moment, and then he couldn’t bear to have her around anymore knowing she was fast.  Boy oh boy, I guess I was wrong.”
“You didn’t know, who would have thought she was dead? Honestly, your theory was the most logical explanation.” Frances rubbed Arlene’s shoulder as they consoled each other.
Jan smiled sympathetically, feeling very awkward because she wanted to share their grief but couldn’t, not really. She looked out into the bedroom at where Elvis lay in the center of his large mattress, staring off into space and wondered if he really banished girls after he slept with them. It seemed an anathema to everything she had learned over the last week about how kind and warm and instantly familiar and sweet he was with women.
Once they were ready for bed, the girls climbed in next to and Elvis he grinned a big crooked grin when Jan scuttled over to claim his right arm. The four of them cuddled in together, talking about Susie, and then musing about the things they wanted to do before they died. Arlene wanted to see the pyramids, Frances wanted to own a horse and Elvis said he wanted to go on a safari in Africa. When it was Jan’s turn, she murmured that this was her dream, to have friends who loved and embraced her so openly. And then she hid her face in Elvis’ chest, blushing as the others cooed over her.
The rain continued, and eventually the conversation moved on to happier topics, such as what people probably eat for dinner in heaven. Spaghetti and meatballs, if Arlene was to be believed. Every so often, Elvis would lean into and start kissing the side of Arlene or Jan’s forehead absentmindedly. Then Frances would claim she was left out and Elvis would make a big production of kissing them all. And then there would be another round of giggles and tickles and little kicks under the covers.
Jan wasn’t quite sure what time she fell asleep, but when she woke up she was nestled into Elvis armpit and the others were gone. Thick black curtains covered the windows and made it impossible to know what time of day it was from the sunlight, at least. Jan hoped it was Sunday morning but she suspected it may already be the afternoon. Pushing her cares aside, she leaned further into Elvis warm body and moving her hand over the cool silk of his white monogrammed pajamas, trying memorize exactly how this felt so she could play it back in her mind’s eye when ever she wanted
“Uh oh, looks like there’s a lil mouse in ma bed.”
Jan felt Elvis’ lips on her forehead, and turned to see his eyes dancing under half open lids. She let out a little snort as she pulled herself closer to him, savoring the cozy cocoon of sheets, blankets and Elvis that enveloped her.
“I wonder where the others are.”
“Probably downstairs stuffing their gob, if I know Arlene.”
Jan swatted Elvis playfully, and he chuckled, stretching his arm out around her with a yawn. She sat up to read the clock on the mantle, and thought of all the little things she had told herself she would do before work tomorrow. Elvis grabbed her pulled her back into his chest.
“Ughhhh, it’s almost 2 in the afternoon.”
“Huh, so, why hurry at this point?” He grinned and caressed her stomach, leaning on his side to hover over her.
“I’m glad ya here, lil gal. Glad we can comfort each other during hard times. An I’m glad you been coming over,  you one of my sweet lil girls now, Jan." He kissed her cheek, his lip spouting. "Now, you gotta promise you won't go on no dates when I’m outta town, it would break my heart.”
Jan nodded up, her mouth hanging open. “No, you can trust me Elvis. I won’t see anyone else.”
A lock of his black hair dangled over his forehead, and Jan flinched when Elvis’ hand moved over the low curve of her belly.
“Honey, you know you ain’t got nothin’ to worry about with me, though. I would never hurt you, or do anything wrong to you.”
Jan nodded. “I know - I just - I guess I’m just not used to being around men like this very often. But I like it. I like being around you.”
“Huh, well, that’s good. I don’t want you spending time with anyone else, lil mouse. You know I meant it when I say I’m glad all you girls are good lil virgins. You know I’m not like most guys, I respect you.” His fingers smoothed over the hair above her widow’s peak. “So you ain’t gotta worry bout that.”
Jan broke their eye contact and looked up at the dark blue ceiling.
“What - what is it, honey? Ain’t nothing to be embarrassed talking bout, should be proud that you’re a good girl.”
“I’m - I.” Jan hesitated and met Elvis eyes as she rolled over the pillow and looked into the mirror, watching his face as he nuzzled his chin into her from behind. He ran his fingers over her matching navy blue pajama shirt.
“What’s the word, lil mouse? You know you can tell me anything?”
Jan rolled back into him, murmuring into the white lining above his collar.
“I’m just afraid you won’t want me around anymore. You - the gang - spending time here. It’s the best part of my day. But I don’t want to lie to you, Elvis.” Her voice got even lower and she trembled. “I’m not a virgin.”
Elvis tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. “Ya not?”
Jan slowly shook her head. “But - but I’m not here to try to seduce with you.”
He let out a loud cackle.
“No? Don’t find me attractive, huh?”
“No, I do. It’s just that I know - I ‘ve heard. That is, they say once a girl goes all the way with you, she’s not allowed to come back.”
Elvis’ brows furrowed and Jan wasn’t sure if he was hurt or about to laugh again until chuckle rang out. “What? That’s the stupidest goddamn thing I eva heard. How would any of those lil hens know, anyway?”
“I - I - I don’t know, I never asked.” Jan’s voice trailed off as Elvis chuckled into her cheek as he kissed her.
“Well, don’ worry baby, I ain’t trying to take advantage of ya, virgin or not.” His hands roved over her sides as he looked deep into her eyes. “Man oh man, mousy gal, look so sweet and innocent though, never would ‘ave guessed.”
Jan felt a tingly warmth start to coil in her belly and she gasped as Elvis rolled his nose over hers. He moved closer, his hand roving under her pajama shirt and trailing under her bare breast.
“Thanks for not taking advantage of me, either way.” Jan muttered, slightly distracted by the nips at her ear and the succession of slow and firm kisses that followed on her neck.
“Naw, honey. Wouldn’t dream a it. Furthest thing from my mind.”
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Jan didn’t know what would happen the next she arrived at the Graceland gate house, she half expected Uncle Vester to turn her away. But he waved her through, and she chided herself for being silly. Elvis was so kind and warm, she could never imagine him banishing her after what they had shared. He had been so sweet, so kind, so gentle. He had conjured a pleasure from deep within her that she had never experience before, and she felt as if she had only truly been with a man for the first time when she was with him. Still, as Jan walked up the hill to the house she vowed to resist the urge to experience that pleasure again. She didn’t want to loose her friendships with the other girls. And so, as she stepped in the door and removed her coat and gloves, she swore to herself she would never go all the way with Elvis Presley. Again.
Solemn oaths, however, are so very difficult to keep. And Jan found herself changing her mind the minute Elvis whispered in her ear to sneak up stairs and wait for him in his bed room when Mack went to drive the other members of the gang home. Heidi, Frances and Arlene said nothing, but Jan could tell they knew something was up. They must, have, she reasoned. Especially once Elvis started picking her up and dropping her off himself. Sometimes he would take her home alone, but when he picked her up most evenings he would park and honk outside her ladies boarding house with some of the other guys and ask if they had any available rooms for Lamar. Jan caught Arlene staring at her out of the corner of her eye all the next week, and then Heidi trapped her on the landing that Friday.
“Just be careful. ‘Member: keep your knees closed, that’s the only way to make it last now that you’re one of his girls.”
Jan’s brow furrowed “But we’re all his girls.”
“You know what I mean, Jan. Anita is coming back from New York in a few days, I hope you know what you are doing.”
Jan swallowed hard as she watched Heidi descend down the staircase. Had she just been a bed warmer during Anita’s absence? Was there a way to go back to how it had been at first, when the most she did in bed with Elvis was have pillow fights and tickling kisses? But then when he squeezed her hand and rubbed his thumb along the side of her palm she was powerless to stop herself from answering his silent call and going to wait for him in his bedroom.
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It was Sunday, Elvis was going back on tour the next day. It was her last night with him and Jan ran out of her apartment the second she saw the winged tips on the back of Elvis’ white Eldorado outside her window. She slid down the banister and jumped off the end, soliciting a humpf and a stern glance from the boarding house matron at the front desk. Jan giggled. She couldn’t help it. But her gait slowed when she noticed the single blonde bob in the driver’s seat.
“Why hey there, Miss Janice, how are you?”
Jan frowned and leaned into the car. “Looking for me Anita?”
The blonde’s a tight fake smile grew across her face. Jan couldn’t help but notice that she had bags under her eyes and the rosy color that had animated her creamy pink skin when they first met had faded. Anita no longer had that radiant glow, she looked sickly and pale. This didn’t seem to dampen her energy, and she giggled and patted the seat beside her.
“Come on, honey, thought we could go for a lil ol drive, have a lil ol talk.” She winked. “You know, girl to girl.”  Jan sighed and rubbed her neck, looking around as she considered what she should do. What was the worst that could happen? Anita might yell at her, she might start a scene with Elvis later. Maybe Jan could stop her from doing that, could talk some sense into her or even convince her she was wrong. So Jan took a deep breath and got into the car.
“How was New York?”
They made small talk as Anita guided her car around the block and drove further from the lights of downtown Memphis into the dark, black night. “In the Still of The Night” came on the radio as the Eldorado made its way through the outskirts of Memphis. After a while, Jan stopped trying to come up with things to say, and awkwardly started to suggest maybe they should get back, unless there was something specific Anita wanted to discuss. Anita turned again to smile, and pulled the car on to the side of the road. She shut off the engine and Jan suddenly felt a tremor of fear rise up her spine. An owl hooted out in the woods, off beyond the shoulder. Other than that, there was no one around.
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, Anita. I thought we were friends.”
Anita shifted in her seat to look at her directly, and Jan could swear she saw a flash of yellowish green in Anita’s eyes.
“Why you must think I was born yesterday, to be friends with a lil tramp that goes doing the hanky panky with my man.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jan whispered, her voice stilted and unsure as she blinked at the ground. She shivered when Anita scooted closer along the front seat and leaned into Jan’s face, sniffing her cheek.
“Heavens to betsy, honey. I can still smell him on you.”
Jan began to mutter that was not even possible, but her voice trailed off and she swallowed hard in disbelief as she watched Anita’s mouth grow wider and wider and her teeth extend into a row of sharp daggers. Jan tried and failed to find the door handle, so instead, she opted to crawl out through the open window. Somehow Anita ran around the front of the car lightening fast and managed to tackled Jan to the ground before she could run. Her small body had the strength of ten men as she held Jan down by her shoulders on the cold dirt that lined the dark road.
“Please, please, I’ll stop, I promise. Cross my heart.”
Anita smiled down at Jan and her yellow eyes burned bright in the black night.
“Bless your heart, that’s just what I’m after too.”
Then, with a flash of her smile, Anita ripped through Jan’s chest with her teeth and devoured her still-beating heart in one gulp, savoring the way it throbbed down her throat. Jan’s screams echoed through the forest and down the Nashville road, but there was no human around for miles and miles to hear them.
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Heidi, Arlene and the others looked for Jan at the gate over the following days and weeks. Once or twice, they thought they saw her walking down the street from the bus stop, but they were wrong.
“She must have slept with him.” Arlene explained, smoothing her skirt as they walked around the pool.
“I warned her, I said, once girls go all the way with him, they never come back.” Heidi tutted, looking across the patio and nodding her head at Anita. “Gosh, she looks even prettier than the last time. Must have had more work down when she was ‘at that job in New York.’”
“Oh fooey, to hell with Anita Wood.”
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OK, but seriously, look at these photos from before and after she started dating Elvis. You cannot tell me Anita wasn't gobbling up the hearts of innocent gate girls when Elvis wasn't looking!
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Happy Elvis-o-Ween.......
I am working on at least one more or two more Elvis-o-ween fics so let me know if you want to be tagged. For now just tagging randomly. So also feel free to tell me to fuck off.
@whositmcwhatsit @arrolyn1114 @be-my-ally @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @vintageshanny @peskybedtime @shakerattlescroll @lookingforrainbows @from-memphis-with-love @powerofelvis @ab4eva @kingdomforapony @ashtag6887 @dkayfixates @eliseinmemphis @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @louisejoy86 @i-r-i-n-a-a @horror-movieshoes @everythingelvispresley @doll-elvis @j-v-9-2 @notstefaniepresley @richardslady121 @crash-and-cure
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calmasyoghurt · 4 months
Back for day 2 of joker out pride project. Before this chapter begins I want to do an extra disclaimer. I’m writing Kris as trans (ftm) in this fic. But Kris doesn’t know that yet. Kris won’t know until day 7 or something. I’m not ftm, so if I write something that would not happen, then please let me know how I can change it.
Anyways, chapter 2 below and on my ao3.
June 2nd, promt 4. Queer people exist?
Kris is not like the other girls in her class. Kris wears shorts instead of skirts in the summer. She plays football and tag instead of family and restaurant during recess. She plays guitar instead of clarinet, flute, or piano. Kris doesn't want to be like the other girls. One time she asked her mum if she could cut her hair short like a boy. When she arrived at school the next day, the other girls started calling her a boy, and secretly it made her happy. She's always liked being called a boy. Not that she is one, of course she isn't.
But one of those people that thinks she's a boy stands out. Kris is 13, and is doing everything to hide the fact that her breasts started growing last year. When she enters her guitar teachers classroom, there's a boy sitting in one of the chairs with a guitar in his lap. Kris looks at the clock on the wall. She is five minutes early, but the class before hers should have ended ten minutes ago. So who is this boy, and what is he doing here? As if on queue, the boy starts speaking.
“Hey, I'm Jan. Apparently I'm here because we would sound good playing together or something”.
The teacher enters the room just as this Jan guy finishes his sentence. He, their teacher, says he would like to hear them play together just this once. When they do, it sounds amazing, and it's decided they'll have joint lessons from now on.
When the lesson is done Jan tries to start a conversation.
“Kris, huh? Is that short for anything? Let me guess, Kristoffer?”
Kris is sure he's joking because sure, she hasn't said that much during the lesson, but he must have heard she doesn't have a guy's voice.
“Uhm, no. It’s short for, well, Kristina” Kris answers.
“Huh. You sure?” Jan says and the confusion must be visible on Kris' face because then he says “Never mind. My bus doesn't leave for another hour, I'll buy you tea at the café”.
When, 15 minutes later, they're sitting at a café table with a mug each, Kris can't help to wonder if Jan has thought this as some kind of date. She hopes he hasn’t. But, once again, it's as if Jan can read Kris' mind, because not even a minute later, he starts speaking again.
“This isn't a date or anything, right? Like, we're just hanging out? As friends?” and Kris can see a bit of relief in Jan's face when she agrees with him. ”Good. To be honest, I did think you were a bit cute, but then you said you're a girl, and well… I'm gay, so that wouldn't have worked”. It takes Kris a moment to really hear what he's said. But then she starts blurting things out.
“Wait, you're gay? Wow, I would have never guessed. I mean, it's not really something you can tell, is it? But like… Okay, yeah, cool”. Kris can feel her cheeks heating up but luckily Jan only chuckles a bit.
“How… how did you know?” Kris then asks nervously.
“I don't know. Had a crush on my best friend. Did not have a crush on the prettiest girl in the school. Stuff like that”, Jan answers. Kris needs wants to know one more thing.
“But like, what if I had a crush on my friend, who's a guy, and then a while later, I maybe have a crush on the prettiest girl too? What does that mean?”. It's the first time Kris admits that her feelings towards Anja last year were anything but friendly.
“Maybe you're bi, dude. It means you like both”, Jan answers.
When Kris gets home a while later, there is so much to think about. That casual ‘dude’ that Jan had used, bisexuality, and the existence of young gay people. It's going to take a while to get used to things.
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ho-ho-homosxual · 3 months
(Sanders sides road trip headcanons because I’m going on one soon and will be doing a cosplay during it)
Seating arrangements & music privileges
Remus sits in the trunk, sometimes on top of the car if Janus is feeling particularly lenient (lost music privileges after he played WAP at full volume to wake everybody up)
Janus drives most of the time, switching off when he gets tired. If he isn’t driving he sits shotgun. Has an air freshener that says ‘I wish people were more fluent in shutting up’ This is his fifth one, Remus keeps eating them (has wireless headphones for his music)
Virgil usually gets stuck with the middle seat. On the off chance he doesn’t, he likes to sit on the left. He also has pretty bad car sickness so there’s always a plastic bag near him, just in case (Shockingly enough, he’s the one most in charge of the music, and he actually plays things other than MCR)
Roman usually sits on the right side of the backseat. He likes to keep the windows down, annoying the others to no end, and be dramatic (Music privileges also revoked. Everyone got really freaking tired of hearing the same Disney song for the sixteenth time, Virgil counted)
Patton sits on the left when Virgil doesn’t. He packs the snack bag, Logan helps, and offers snacks to everyone at least twice before setting it on the floor between his legs (Technically not revoked from music but the others try to distract him from picking. He literally only plays the SpongeBob campfire song)
Logan sits shotgun and switches with Janus. He normally downloads way more e-books than he’ll be able to read and gets cranky if he doesn’t get to finish the chapter. He also tries to keep everyone from killing each other in the backseat, pulls lines like “I WILL turn this car around” (Same music taste as Virgil, usually just lets him handle it but sometimes)
Remy sits in the trunk as well. He really just sleeps or looks at his phone the entire ride. The only exception is that whenever they pass a Starbucks he gets dramatic and basically makes them stop by and let him get an iced coffee. Logan, who plans the routes, specifically avoids them driving by any Starbucks unless Jan or him need it to drive (Not awake enough of the ride to actually make musical decisions)
And Emilie, much to his dismay, also sits in the trunk. Sometimes, out of pity, Patton swaps with him. Most of the time, however, he spends the drive clutching the head of one of the seats and praying to god they don’t hit a bump (Similar to Patton and Roman)
Orange either stuffs himself in the trunk or sits shotgun. He lets Logan get in first then shoves himself up next to him. He relocates each time they stop at a gas station (Was banned from musical privileges within the first five minutes of his first road trip because he blasted ace of spades and nearly punched Remy when he told him to turn it off)
Headcanons Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 2 months
Don’t Go Blindly Into The Dark
To hide that he can't read, Jan Van Eck has been forcing his son to pretend he's blind since he was eight years old. Wylan is now attending Ketterdam University, and meeting Jesper Fahey may very well be about to change his life. But is he safe to tell Jesper the truth? And what will Jesper say if he does?
Jesper is struggling to weigh up his life in the Barrel and his life at the University of Ketterdam, and there's a good chance that his growing debt is about to make the decision for him. He hasn't attended class consecutively for months, but maybe that will change when his newest project includes partnering up with Wylan Van Eck. But can he really leave the Barrel behind him? And how long can he keep up the pretence of who he thinks Wylan wants him to be?
Meanwhile there is a darkness growing in Ketterdam, and it seems a killer may be stalking the streets of West Stave. An unknown evil is closing its jaws over the city, and it’s starting to feel like nowhere is safe.
Tags: @justalunaticfangirl @lunarthecorvus @i-need-help-this-is-my-obsession
If anyone else would like to be tagged please let me know :)
Content warnings for this chapter: imprisonment references, trafficking references, ptsd, implied past sa references, blood, violence, fear of violence, discussions of death and murder, child death references, still born references, loss of children, loss of sibling/s, separation from family, implied neglect references
AO3 link
Chapter 50 - Inej
Inej was so tired that she barely trusted herself to make the climb across the rooftops and up the Stave as she left her perch staking out the Black Tips. This was what she’d wanted though, wasn’t it? She didn’t want enough time for her mind to wander, to try to carry her cruelly home and torture her with the oceans that parted them - not just the True Sea, but the waters that flowed inside her mind as well.
Her legs felt heavy, her entire body did, but the pain in her leg had been dulled massively by Nina’s work earlier today. Inej wasn’t sure if it would last long or if it was just a temporary effect, like the way she dulled emotions for her clients and created a haze of joy that lasted only a few hours, but either way she was grateful for it. Even if it only got her through tonight, it had got her through this job and she could figure something else out for the next one.
She was probably being overdramatic, anyway. The pain had been lessening in its own time over the past few weeks, and it wasn’t inhibiting her anymore. Maybe she should have given it a week longer before she started working again, but Inej didn’t have the time to waste. As day had given way to evening and then night, all of it looked the same beneath this thick layer of cloud that was refusing to lift even now the rain had faded to a thin, persistent mist, she had spent her brief free moments trying and failing to relax. As soon as she’d spoken to Kaz she’d travelled straight up to the Black Tip’s favoured haunt and craned her neck to catch brief glimpses of Riesen at his desk, at the motley crew he shared snippets of time with throughout the evening.
“We easily have the edge on them now,” he’d told Geels, his first lieutenant, “but without Liesbeth in the field we’ll have to find a more creative method to find out Brekker’s plan,”
“Won’t lift a single finger,” Riesen finished, shaking his head, “Brekker’s the problem. Get rid of him - what’s that look for? Don’t tell me you can’t manage it, he’s barely even grown,”
“No-one can get a-”
“Everyone round here ends up with a bullet in their gut eventually, Geels. Just give his sandtimer a little shake, speed things up a touch,” he smiled, and Inej could see his rotten teeth, “You couldn’t bring a fifteen year old girl to my doorstep, don’t tell me you can’t kill a seventeen year old either or we might not continue to get along so well,”
Inej pressed her back against the wall as her blood ran cold, breathing hard. Of course they’d be expecting her. They wanted to get hold of her, to make her turn on Kaz and the Dregs. And surely Riesen knew that it was she who’d killed his prized spider? She thought of Liesbeth’s blood on her hands, beneath her fingernails, her body laid across her lap, the apologies before she tried to bring her knife down into Inej’s chest. For a tiny moment she wanted to say to hell with Kaz’s plans, to hell with all of it, all she wanted as to kick this window in and slice Riesen’s throat open. To cut the heart right out his chest. To make him suffer.
They were ugly thoughts, ripped from something dark and ragged deep inside her, and she closed her eyes and laid her hands against her knives as she whispered apologies to her Saints for thinking them. But she had thought them. And she wasn’t not still thinking them. She listened to Riesen talk to Geels for a while longer, and then waited as he turned to his papers or others walked in and out to speak with him to see if the topic would return to the parley, but after a while had passed and it seemed nothing was going to chance Inej stood to take her leave.
“- you think she stuck Liesbeth?”
Inej paused, halfway off her perch, and clawed herself back in slow motion to listen.
“Who the hell else would it have been? She’s crossed a line with that one, they all have, and I won’t fucking forget it,”
“He’ll bring her to the parley, won’t he? You can-”
“I ain’t offering that bitch terms anymore,” Riesen snarled, “Anyone finds her they bring her straight to me. Clear?”
Inej’s heart was in her throat — no, higher than that, it was inside her mouth and pounding so hard she might begin to spit up blood, as she dove from the side of the building and slipped away into the shadows.
She could have gone straight back to the Slat, could have delayed her report for Kaz until the morning and instead let herself collapse against her pillow, eyes closed, and waited for sleep - or at least rest, if not sleep - to overtake her. But there was one more thing that Inej had to do tonight.
When she left the flat earlier Jeluna had fallen quiet, curled on her little dining chair with her feet tucked under her, unable to speak a further word that what had already spilt so frantically, so frightenedly, from her mouth, but as she crept to the darkened window ledge now it was not the same scene that greeted her. Jeluna was still sitting in the little chair, she seemed to almost always be occupying it and would never touch either of the others at the table, but now her bare feet were planted on the wooden floor and her hands were laid against the table next to a mostly full plate of food. Opposite her sat Elodie, so much younger than Jeluna than any of them had realised, her chin perched in her hand where her elbow rested on the table. She looked unusually at rest; her fingers did not stay to pull on her sleeve or to count themselves in and out of her palm in the little ritual that Inej supposed was designed to calm herself, but she smiled gently, pertussis sympathetically, at Jeluna as she watched her from across the table, nodding slowly in response to the older girl’s softly moving lips.
Inej was invisible from her bird-like choice of perch, watching through the window to the darkened scene, but she could not hear the conversation. Just as she considered moving to change her vantage point, Elodie stood and Inej was forced to back away and press her back against the wall as the girl approached the window. For a moment she touched her pale fingers to the glass and though Inej could see nothing more of her than those fingertips against the glass, pinked by the pressure and the colour that had returned to her since Nina undid her Tailoring, she felt certain that Elodie was peering into the impenetrable Ketterdam night like she thought that someone unseen really was clinging to the edge of the Juliet balcony. Inej felt strangely seen, even though she hadn’t been, and her breath caught in her throat - but then the moment was over, and only as the curtains were being drawn closed was Inej struck by how brief the entire thing had actually been. Elodie had not seen her, no-one had. She was just tired, and shaken by the stress of her day.
Yes, that was it. She was just tired. That didn’t stop her from slipping inside and finding a crawl space and a vent.
Inej managed to position herself quite perfectly above the two girls, now both returned to their seats at the little table, with a slim grate providing her with both a reasonable view and the perfect opportunity to listen. Maybe it was unnecessary to do this, she could admit to herself that she felt at least a little bad for spying in this way, but she was sure that Jeluna would act quite differently alone than she would in company, or indeed with Elodie instead of Inej or any of the others, and she thought that maybe, just maybe, something more helpful in Inej’s quest to help her would reveal itself more easily this way. That was what she told herself, and her Saints, as she lay on her belly like a snake and listened unseen to the girls below.
“Albert is the eldest,” Elodie was saying, her bony elbow returning to the table and, in turn, her chin to the slight arc of her hand, “He is eighteen, now. And then Josef, Henrik, Daan, Sebastian,”
“So many,” Jeluna whispered, counting them on her fingers as Elodie spoke.
“I’m not done yet,” the girl laughed very softly, then suddenly registered some alarm in her companion’s face and added hurriedly: “You aren’t interrupting, I don’t mind. I only mean that that’s already lots, and there are even more,”
Jeluna regarded her for a moment, her nose raised and her eyes drifting down it to study her, then nodded slowly.
“There are more?”
“Well, I am next so that’s six,” Elodie nodded, watching the older girl lift her second hand to raise another finger, “And then Carlotta, then baby Beatrice, and - and there was also Eliza, before that, but…” her voice faded, then picked up again with a slight rise in tone as she added with a very obvious effort to sound like she didn’t care: “Mama was pregnant when I left; I don’t know that one’s name,”
Jeluna stared at the raised fingers on both of her hands, then back up at Elodie. After a long moment she managed to whisper:
“Your mother did it ten times?”
“Eleven,” Elodie shivered, “There was a boy… after Carlotta. They didn’t name him, or if they did they didn’t tell me what it was. I don’t… well, there wasn’t really time to name him,”
“Eleven,” Jeluna stared at her fingers for a moment, as though in awe of a number so large that she could not count it on her hands, “That is…”
There was a pause and Inej could see the colour rising in Jeluna’s cheeks. Elodie reached out a hand and lay one finger flat next to Jeluna’s.
“Eleven,” Jeluna smiled, then dropped it again as she and Elodie both drew away from each other, “Sorry, I don’t… I could do all the way up to 50, maybe higher, in… before. But I was,” she paused, looking down at her hands for a moment before she raised five fingers on one, four on the other, “I was nine, when I came here. No-one taught me numbers in Kerch,”
“I could teach you,” came the immediate, kind reply.
Jeluna looked momentarily wary, leaning back from the table just a touch, but then she gave a slow nod.
“Eleven,” she repeated, tasting each syllable in turn, “Then…?”
“Twelve,” Elodie motioned for Jeluna to hold her hands up again, then added two of her own fingers to the collection, “Then thirteen, then-”
Elodie nodded.
“Eleven children? Eleven… births? For your mother?”
“That’s right,”
“All that… the pain… eleven times? She is so strong,”
“Yes,” if Elodies voice had been right before then now it barely existed, “Yes, she is,”
From her hiding place Inej could only see the girls in profile, sometimes rendering their expressions a harder riddle to solve, but she was quite sure that if she’d been facing Elodie head on she would see that strange mist overtaking her the way she’d seen it in so many others, and she was saw they had seen in her, as she sank into a memory like a blanket being wrapped around her shoulders. She hoped that it wasn’t too tight; that it would not suffocate her.
“How old are they?” asked Jeluna, after a pause and as though she had gathered strength to say it.
Elodie turned, briefly, and Inej got a full view of the little smile that grew between her cheeks as her thoughts turned from her mother onto her siblings.
“Albert is eighteen,” she said, “it was his birthday last week; they will have had a beautiful celebration, I think. I hope. He will be upset that I wasn’t there though, he used to tell me that when he was eighteen, when he was a real adult, that’s when he would - I mean - no, sorry. Forget that.
“Albert is eighteen, and Josef is sixteen - he won’t be seventeen until next year - then Henrik is fifteen, and Daan and Sebastian are twins - they are thirteen. I’m twelve, recently enough, but then after me there’s a gap - I supposed because of Eliza… She was nine, when I was ten, and-” she cutoff abruptly, pulling a sleeve up to her face, before continuing matter-of-factly, “Carlotta is six, but Mama likes to say she has an old soul and you can see that in her, definitely, and Beatrice is not yet one but already an absolute little personality,”
Inej had never seen Elodie so willing to talk, so open. She’d been hoping for the other way around, but this was probably a good thing for the younger girl as well. When she’d headed on her way from the flat this afternoon, to head to the Willow Switch before, as had been her intention, to report back to Kaz and demand from him an explanation for his dreadful affront on poor Jeluna, she had gently pulled Elodie to one side.
“I want to make sure you’re okay,” she’d said, eyes skimming over her blonde curls, her pale blue irises, the freckles that had begun to spread over her nose even though it wasn’t sunny, “this was a lot to throw at you very suddenly, and if it feels stressful, or like it might be too much, you can always-”
“I don’t mind,” Elodie had smiled softly, her cracked lips tugging at the skin around her mouth, “It’s not unlike looking after my sisters,”
Inej had been caught off guard, just slightly, by that. Maybe it was naïve of her, or just a foolish assumption, but when Nina had said that Elodie’s parents willingly sold her Inej had assumed the girl must be their only child.
“You have sisters?”
“Three, I- Two,” Elodie’s cheeks had somehow managed to blanche and flush in near unison, her gaze dropping to Inej’s shoes as she smoothed the front of her skirt with shivering hands, “Two younger sisters. My mother wasn’t…” she gave a very light, very stiff little cough “It was always me who looked after them,”
Inej had frowned, but she hadn’t had chance nor time for follow up. As she watched them now she saw Jeluna fidget in her chair, saw Elodie reach across the table and take a bread roll off the plate, saw Jeluna staring at her as she ripped an edge off of it to eat. A silent promise to her companion that it was safe, Inej acknowledged, already wondering whether Elodie had eaten well earlier or if this was all she was giving herself through her distraction of caring for Jeluna. Inej would make sure she got her something proper if she could, if she needed it, as soon as she got the chance.
“You are twelve?” Jeluna murmured, gaze drifting back to her fingers, still splayed flat across the table.
Elodie nodded.
“All of those,” she said, before placing her own two fingers next to Jeluna’s, cautious to keep some distance between their skin, “plus these two,”
There was a long pause, perhaps too long, before Jeluna spoke again.
“Nineteen?” she whispered, “I was… I was fourteen,”
Elodie shook her head, perhaps having missed the first barely audible word, and laid out nine fingers to place across from Jeluna’s.
“That’s… that’s one more than your brother. Albert,”
Even from here Inej could see the smile, the real smile, that cracked across Elodie’s face.
“Yeah, that’s right. Do you know how many more it is than me?”
Jeluna held up nine fingers, then folded two of them down before she said hesitantly:
Elodie nodded eagerly. As Inej adjusted, forced to briefly shuffle because the weight on her elbows was starting to make them ache, the girls moved briefly out and back into view between the slats of the vent. She saw Elodie stand and pace to the kitchen, and a beat later felt victory spark in her chest as Jeluna reached out and ripped a crust off one of the remaining bread rolls on her plate. She ate it distractedly, her eyes roving to study Elodie in the kitchen, her free hand moving slowly through her hair until she found the heavy mat all along the underside. Her hair was so thick that it was practically invisible beneath the upper layers, but she could not stand for anyone else to be close enough to brush it out and had only taken a comb to the top tresses when Kaz demanded it of her, along with washing her face and hands and the blood off her knee, and for her to drink full glasses of water and swallow something to fill her stomach. Inej still wasn’t sure he should have done that, but she supposed if it had helped Jeluna, in a roundabout way, that it was close enough to… something. Care? Kindness? It certainly hadn’t looked like either of them when she’d helped him move Jeluna from the Crow Club to this little flat.
“Do you…?” Elodie hesitated, setting her glass back down on the table as she watched Jeluna’s fingers twisting around the enormous matting in her hair, “Do you want me to try and brush it out? You don’t have to, I don’t have to, but if you think-”
“I’m not going back, am I?” Jeluna’s voice was soft, quiet.
“That’s real, isn’t it? This is real. Not…” she tapped the side of her head, and Inej frowned, “This is real,”
“This is real,” Elodie stepped a little closer, “You never have to go back, not once. No-one here wants to make you go back,”
The air in the flat seemed to shift sideways quite unexpectedly as Jeluna leaned forwards and grabbed Elodie’s wrist tightly, taking both Inej and the younger girl by surprise. Inej could see her entire face now; her eyes were wild and burning, fear and something else written across her face like the signature in the corner of a finished portrait.
“You promise me, Elodie,” she snarled, twisting her hand and pulling Elodie closer to her, “You promise,”
“I do!” Elodie cried out in shock, tugging at her arm once before falling still beneath Jeluna’s grasp, “I do - Jeluna, I swear-”
Jeluna dropped her arm, tears suddenly pouring down her cheeks as she pulled away and shook her head.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t… I don’t…” she had to stop, quivering hand perched across her chest, and wait for her breathing to settle, “I’m sorry, I just… I don’t know how to believe you. I don’t know how to trust you. I can’t… it was… it’s so dark in here and I don’t…” her voice was shaking, sobs threatening to throw her tone up towards the skyline so it would rise and shatter into pieces upon its ragged return to the ground, “I trusted her. She made me… she made me think things, that I- I-”
She could not finish the thought but it seemed that Elodie, like Inej, had not been expecting her to. Elodie had backed away a pace once Jeluna had let go of her, and now she was playing her sleeve as she watched Jeluna with hesitant close study.
“I haven’t…” she paused and swallowed lightly, as though her mouth had begun speaking before her mind was ready to catch up and she needed a second more to gather her thoughts, “I have not been through the things you have,” she said, “and I can’t say that I know how you feel, because can barely imagine it and it would not be fair. But I can tell you that I can understand, some of it, a little,”
And then she lifted her sleeve, slowly at first and then just shoving it up above her elbow. From here Inej could not see the tattoo, the two roses overlapping across the skin of Elodie’s forearm, but she knew that it was there. She had seen Nina’s enough times to picture it perfectly. The skin on her arm prickled, where the Menagerie tattoo had once been.
Jeluna stared at it. She stared at Elodie.
“I was eleven,” the younger girl said, slowly, deliberately, holding her voice even and emotionless, “at the auction,”
“I’m never going back there. So you can trust that you don’t ever have to go back either,”
A moment passed before Jeluna nodded, very slowly.
“I have a friend who’s going to get rid of it for me, when she gets a chance. She’s busy at the moment, but when she has time she’s going to look at it for me. I’m sure she could get rid of yours too, if you want,”
Jeluna’s blouse, one Inej had found and borrowed from a cupboard in the Slat on her behalf, had long enough sleeves to cover the Willow Switch tattoo on her arm but she looked down at it anyway, as though she could stare straight through the fabric to the ink and skin and flesh beneath.
“What does she want?”
Elodie frowned, confused, then ventured:
“She doesn’t want anything, she’s my friend - oh, you met her! Do you remember? Nina? She took you to the Crow Club, remember, to see Mister Brekker?”
Jeluna’s eyes remained fixed on her sleeve, the slither of her expression visible to Inej made of fear and thunder, as she gave an unhappy nod.
“You could watch when she gets rid of mine, maybe,” Elodie continued, either oblivious to Jeluna’s disagreement or just choosing to brush through it, “And see how you feel,”
Inej wasn’t sure that Jeluna was actually still listening; she was looking away, her hands had found their way back up into her hair. A moment passed and Elodie took her seat again, eyes focused on her companion, before Jeluna looked up.
“I never have to go back,”
Elodie shook her head.
“And- and she’ll never know? She’ll never… she won’t know,”
Jeluna clutched at her hair, leaning forwards across the table, her voice almost hoarse as she dared to whisper:
“Cut it off. Cut all of it off,”
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puuta-heinaa · 8 months
Joker Out -sweater series Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Post 4
Happy Carpe diem's birthday!
Tumblr media
As promised, here's the chart now that I've finished the yoke! The four rows I added on the go (20, 22, 29, 31) are now part of the chart, so no need to knit any row twice. I did alter the most annoying cloud rows slightly.
There's "colours only" chart at the end of this post.
What you'll need:
Technique Ladderback jacquard/invisible stranding technique is a MUST, and honestly it makes following the chart easier as well! If you don't feel like learning it, you might want to mark the blue lines with stitch markers. Here's an EXCELLENT video of the technique in Finnish, it's very visual + auto-translated subtitles seemed to work reasonably well, so it might work even for non-Finnish speaking people! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtapBYocY80&t
Yarn I'm using Drops Alaska, 17s/10cm in color 15 and 58 and 3. It is widely available and affordable yarn. It's not soft but it's not worst either, somewhere around 29-33 microns I'd say.
In reality I'm using Drops Nepal 0501 for the grey, as I was going to use Nepal in the first place as it is a lovely yarn!!!! I'd say around 25-27 microns, and 35% alpaca, makes even warmer sweater! Colours are sold out in most places in Jan and Feb as it's always on big sale in Nov-Dec, but 6790 or 1709 would work for blue, and 2923 for the yellow.
I used one skein of grey, 1(2) skeins of yellow and as I'm making a crop version like I always do, about 8 skeins of main colour. If you want a regular sweater, you'll need 10-12 skeins of blue depending on your height.
Friendly reminder to check your local shepherd's and local mills' yarns before buying Drops, if that is something you financially can afford.
Needles 5 mm needles. I've recenlty fallen in love with addi's unicorn needles. They're easy for the hands as they are slightly shaped. No need to grip hard = more knitting time per day! And they're pretty! You want to use lacquered or metallic needles for this yarn, you will struggle with bamboo needles.
Some adjustments The chart is not scaled. It's one size. It makes size M/L. The widest part of the yoke is 150 cm, and I'm aiming for 100-105cm for the body. If you need a bigger sweater, use yarn that has 15 or 12 s/10cm and bigger needles, or add a few (blue) stitches on each side of the chart. If you need a smaller sweater, use yarn that has 18-20 s/10 cm and smaller needles. Do some math before choosing your yarn. And please swatch!! It's boring and annoying but you will thank yourself later.
+ stitch markers (you can use yarn loops)
I'll write up the whole pattern once I have energy to do that. I started with 86 stitches, knit rib for 5 rows, placed the stitch markers (17,17,17,17,18), did some shaping for the neck (5 short rows with 42 stitches in total) and moved on to the chart. 1-2 rows with just blue to cast off the ladders, and then I'll move on to sleeves. I don't promise my pattern will be any clearer than these quick notes right here, but if you know someone who knits or have already knit few sweaters, these should give you a decent starting point.
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One with only the colours. The numbers on the cloud are upside down when you're knitting, but they still help somewhat (I had put them in the same table/layer with the colours, and couldn't hide them easily, so we'll just have to live with them.)
Dark grey boxes are stitches that don't exist yet, but where will be a stitch later on on the chart. You add the stitches on rows where the boxes turn white.
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And the second; what you might want to embroider on the suns and clouds as finishing touches.
And yoke part of the sweater for those who hadn't yet seen it yet and didn't click the links:
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Not So Invincible After All
Whumpuary 2023: Prompt 3. Shot
2023 Year of Whump: Jan 1. Whispered Reassurances
Fandom: DC, Batman, Jason Todd, Red Hood, f!reader, Superman/Lois Lane's Daughter!Reader
Summary: Tired of living in your father's shadow, you move to Gotham where you meet Jason Todd. As the two of you become an unstoppable team (in love and crimefighting), everything seems perfect. Until something goes wrong…
Word Count: 3417
TW: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Gun Shot, Blood, Loss of powers, Pain, Ambiguous Ending, Language
Notes: Thank you to @icarusthefoolish for this request!
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Moving to Gotham City is not a hard decision to make. You need to get out of your father’s shadow in Metropolis and the heroes of Gotham could use some extra help after Bruce’s death and Dick taking over the mantle as Batman. So, it seems like the perfect spot for you to start your solo career as a superhero. However, it is only right to get permission from those already protecting the city first.
To your utter embarrassment, your father sets up the meeting for you and insists on coming. Though you are an adult, he still treats you like a child. But, as much as you try to argue against it, once your mother steps in and says he is going, all arguments are over. Not even you argued with Lois Lane when she took that tone.
Which is how you find yourself standing outside Wayne Manor with your arms crossed over the S emblem on your chest, staring down the remaining members of the Batfamily. You had known Bruce extremely well, you had never met any of his wards before, though you knew who they all were.
Damien seems unimpressed by you and quickly turns his attention to other things after his introduction. Tim is the complete opposite, practically bouncing up and down as he shakes your hand and tries to ask you a million questions. Luckily, Dick gently pushes him to the side, reminding him there will be time for that later. The new Batman is so different from Bruce and yet you can still see flashes of his late guardian in the way he holds himself and addresses the situation at hand. Which just left Jason. The formerly dead vigilante didn’t say anything while you were introduced, but his eyes never leave your face the entire time your dad is explaining the situation. There is a playful twinkle in his eyes that you can’t quite understand, but you push it to the back of your mind as your dad finishes up and lifts up into the sky, drifting back a few dozen feet to give you some space for once.
Your eyes quickly flicker across each of the heroes in front of you and you clear your throat. “So, basically what Dad said. I want to leave Metropolis, you guys seem to need an extra set of hands around here– it seems like a win-win.”
For the first time, Damien speaks up. “Who says we need ‘extra hands’? We are protecting the city just fine without assistance.”
You lock eyes with the young Robin, completely unfazed by the death stare he is giving you. “Listen, kid. You guys are doing fine, but don’t think you are living up to The Bat’s legacy, at least not yet. I might not be living in Gotham at the moment, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been keeping an eye on things. Dick is doing an admirable job of being Batman, but it’s pretty obvious he’s just one of the birds playing dress up. And I’m not the only one who's noticed. The criminals in this city are getting bolder and sooner or later, one of them is going to do something the four of you can’t handle. So, if you don’t want my help, that’s fine. There are a million other cities I can move to. But then don’t come crying to me when you get your asses handed to you and you need someone to save you, because I might not be interested anymore.”
Damien continues to stare you down for a moment, then slowly nods, breaking eye contact. And with that, you know you have earned the respect of the one person who you really needed to win over tonight.
Elbowing Tim in the ribs, Jason grins as he mutters, “Wow. I never expected to hear something like that coming from the boy scout’s daughter.” 
One side of your mouth quirks up in a sly smile as your superhearing picks up on what he said. Turning your gaze so you are staring directly into his eyes, you say, “Then you’ve never met my mother. I might get my powers from my father, but I get my spirit and my wicked tongue from her.”
You can see the gears working in Jason’s head as the response forms. The way his heartbeat speeds up slightly, the slight dilation of his pupils, how his jaw tightens as he forces himself not to make the witty comment he desperately wants to but can’t with your father still hovering feet away. And that makes the smile on your lips widen.
The rest of the meeting runs smoothly. It is agreed that you can stay in Gotham and help protect its people as long as you don’t get in the Batfamily’s way. However, they do extend an invitation to team up with them whenever you want. You doubt it will happen, but it is nice to know that option is there.
You say goodbye to your dad and watch as he flies away. Once he is out of sight of even your advanced vision, you pivot sharply and strut straight up to Jason. 
He seems slightly startled by your brash confrontation, but he stands his ground. As you reach him, you lean over until your lips lightly brush the curve of his ear, and you whisper, “Maybe if you play your cards right, I can show you how wicked this tongue can get.” 
With your powers, you can sense the multitude of physical reactions your words send through his body and you chuckle as you pat his cheek before flying off into the night. 
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As it turns out, Jason played his cards very right seeing as you end up waking up in his bed less than a week later. And you haven’t left since. Now, after almost five months of living in Gotham, you and Jason have become the ultimate team, in and out of your costumes. Despite both of your tempers, sarcastic natures, and constant desire to push back against the ideals of your fathers, the two of you balance each other out in some strange way. 
And Jason is never intimidated by your powers or your nigh invulnerability. In fact, he is nothing but supportive of them. In fights, you quickly find a rhythm where you go after the strongest opponent while Jason covers you or takes out the weaker opponents. It’s a system that never seems to fail, and the two of you seem unstoppable.
Until one night….
Jason is chasing two men through the streets. They just robbed Gotham National Bank but for some reason, ditched the bags of money fairly quickly as they tried to lose Jason. But he just let you gather up the forfeited money and fly it back to the bank while he continued his chase. 
By the time you return and spot him, he has chased the men onto the roof of a building. Just as the men realize they are trapped and this will be a fight, you land next to Jason with a grin.
“Hello, boys. What seems to be the trouble here?”
The men exchange angry glances and one of them hisses loudly to the other, “What do we do? We wanted Superman, not Superbitch.”
“Hey! Watch your fucking mouth!” Jason growls, taking a step closer, but you place a hand on his chest, halting him.
“Well, you shitheads are in the wrong city then. Superman doesn’t come here. This is my turf. So, does that mean you want to just give up now, or are we going to have a little fun tonight?” The men exchange glances then pull out their guns. You nod. “Okay, then. Fun it is.”
Before they can react, you have crossed the distance between you and grab one of the men by his jacket and soar up into the air. The man immediately drops his gun as he frantically clutches at your arms, trying to hold on as tightly as he can. But it makes little difference. With a cheeky grin, you release your grip. The man only has a fraction of a second to realize what is about to happen before he plummets towards the ground. 
You continue to hover in the air as you watch him fall farther and farther, his screams of terror slowly growing fainter. Finally, when he is just a few dozen feet from the ground, you sigh and soar downward. You reach him just before he hits the ground, wrapping your arms around his chest and holding him about a foot in the air. 
He continues to scream even once you set him back on the sidewalk, his legs giving out from under him as he collapses in a heap. Bending over to peer down at him, you ask, “Now, are you going to be a good boy and stay put until the cops show up, or do we have to try that again?”
He pales at the very thought and clutches your leg. “N-n-no! Please! N-not again!”
Patting his head, you say, “Good boy. Now, let’s see if your friend is as agreeable.” And you launch yourself back into the air towards the top of the building. 
When you reach the roof, you see Jason has dealt with the other man who is lying face down on the far side of the building. Jason looks up as you land and even through his helmet, you can hear the smile in his voice as he asks, “Did you catch this one in time?”
“One time! I missed one time! And I still stopped him before he was permanently injured. Are you ever going to let me live that down?”
“Nope.” He starts to cross the roof to you.
But just then, you both hear a sound behind him, and turn to look. The man Jason had knocked down has climbed back to his feet, and before Jason can react, the man raises his gun and fires three shots straight at his chest.
“Nice try,” you smirk as you streak forward at superspeed, stopping just in front of Jason as the bullets soar toward him.
However, the smirk drops from your face as the bullets don’t bounce harmlessly off you as expected. Instead, they drive deep into your chest, just above your heart. The force of the impact causes you to stumble backward into Jason, who flinches slightly in surprise at your sudden appearance and collision with him. 
Instantly, it feels like all of your strength is being sapped from your body and you collapse heavily against Jason’s chest. Luckily, he has a firm grip on your waist and keeps you from falling completely. Drawing you in, he lowers both of you to the ground and allows you to lean against him with your legs out in front of you.
Neither of you saw where the gunman disappeared after you collapsed, but at the moment, it is the least of your concerns. Glancing down, you can see three distinct holes in your suit, each one gushing blood. Normally, that should be the most worrisome part of the problem. However, your breath catches in your throat as you notice the faint green sheen mixed with your blood.
But Jason hasn’t realized that yet. Ripping off his helmet to get a better look at your wound, he asks, “What’s going on? How did this happen?”
“I think– I think they were made for my father. Kryptonite bullets.”
The realization of what this means slowly passes over Jason’s face. “That’s why they didn’t just bounce off you. You have Kryptonite buried in your chest?”
“Not just there. It’s some sort of poison bullet that’s releasing it into my system. I can feel it like acid in my veins. Spreading throughout my body.” You cry out as a fresh wave of pain hits you. “God! It hurts so much.”
“I’m calling Supes. Maybe he can–”
“No, Jay, don’t you get it? Even just being near me right now will weaken him. And those guys could still be around waiting for that. I can’t d–do that to him.” You shudder again at the pain and Jason uses his hands to cover your wound in a desperate attempt to slow the bleeding.
“It’s okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay,” he whispers softly into your ear. But you can clearly tell that he doesn’t fully believe the words he is saying.
Jason helps you shift slightly against his chest, trying to make you as comfortable as possible. Looking down, you can see blood still spilling from between his fingers, the crimson puddle tinted with a faint green glow as it grows beneath you. 
“What can I do? There has to be something I can do,” Jason pleads.
“I don’t think there is.” Suddenly, you realize everything seems different, muted. You can no longer see or hear anything clearly beyond this rooftop. Your body feels weaker than it has ever felt before, and not just from the pain or your injury. And when you put all the concentration you can muster into lifting yourself even half an inch off the ground, you can’t even manage to make yourself twitch. Everything that made you special, everything you had inherited from your father is just… gone.
Leaning your head back against Jason’s neck, you ask, “Is this…. Is this what it feels like?”
“What does what feel like, baby?” he asks, stroking your hair gently.
“To be human?”
The question catches Jason off guard. “Um, I–I don’t know. I guess so.”
“I don’t think I like it very much.” Another shiver of pain washes over you and you bury your face in Jason’s neck, hoping to muffle the moan that rumbles in your throat.
But Jason still hears it. “That’s it. I’m calling your dad.”
“No,” you mutter weakly. “I told you–”
“We don’t have a choice. I don’t know enough about Kryptonite or Kryptonian anatomy to help you, but he does. Don’t you think he would want to help you even if it meant feeling the effects of the Kryptonite?”
You are silent for a moment, but you know that he is right. Your dad would have wanted to be here the second you were hurt, regardless of the danger it might put him in. So, reluctantly, you nod. 
Jason removes his hand from your chest – it hadn’t been doing much to stop the blood flow anyway – and he pulls a phone from his pocket. You allow your eyes to drift closed as you listen to him quickly explain what happened and just moments later, there is a loud thud on the other side of the roof.
Peeling your eyes open, you see the familiar red-and-blue suit reflecting in the dim light. Your dad takes a step forward into the light and you can see the concern and fear etched onto his face as he stares at you, his eyes watery and his breathing uneven. He starts to walk towards you, but he stumbles slightly as the first effects of the Kryptonite hit him. 
He tries to take another step, but you mumble, “Please. Don’t. I don’t want you to get hurt too.” Your words are just barely more than a whisper but even across the distance, you know he hears you clear as day. The reluctance is evident on his face, yet he follows your wishes and remains where he is at.
Jason stares at the Man of Steel, the desperation in his voice as he asks, “What do we do? How do we help her?”
“I-I don’t know,” your dad admits, his voice uncharacteristically shaky. “If there is Kryptonite all through her body like you said, I don’t know how we get it out. Normally, Kryptonite by itself isn’t lethal, but no Kryptonian has been exposed this intimately to this amount. And from what I can see, she’s fading fast.”
“But she’s not just Kryptonian….” Jason whispers, as he gazes down at you. Then his head snaps up, and in a stronger voice says, “Clark, she’s just as human as she is Kryptonian. I don’t think it’s actually the Kryptonite in her veins that’s killing her. It’s the bullets. The Kryptonite just made her lose her healing abilities. So, if we just treat this like any old bullet wound, I think she might be okay.”
Your dad considers for a moment before nodding. “It’s possible, and let’s pray it’s true because it’s her only hope. We need to get those bullets out and then get her to a hospital as quickly as possible.”
Jason nods. “Okay. How do we do that?”
“We get help from the quickest person we know.” He pulls out a device and speaks into it. After only a few words, the rooftop shakes slightly as a gust of wind roars past and when you blink, you see Barry standing there with his usual grin on his face.
“You called?” But the smile slips as he takes in the scene before him. “Oh my god! What happened? Is she alright?”
“No, but we’re hoping you could help with that,” your dad explains. “She was shot three times with Kryptonite bullets, and we need to get them out of her. I can’t do it, but can you?”
Barry nodded. “I think so.” Crossing the rooftop, he kneels down beside you. Even in his bright red suit, you are having trouble focusing on him as your vision begins to blur. But you feel the light pressure as Barry places his hand on your arm. “Hey, Kid.”
“Hey, Skidmark,” you mumble weakly.
Barry chuckles. “I’ll let that slide this time since you’re hurt.” His face turns serious as he adds, “And because what’s about to happen isn’t going to feel great.”
Turning towards Jason, he says, “I need you to hold her as still as possible in case she squirms. It might take me a minute to locate all three bullets and the more she moves, the longer I’ll have to keep searching.” Jason nods and his grip on your shoulders tightens.
Barry positions his fingers just above your wound but hesitates as he glances at your face. You nod slightly and he turns his focus back to your chest. His hand begins to move so quickly, it becomes nothing more than a blur. Then, he moves it lower, phasing it through your chest. 
Instantly, you seize up. The intense vibrations reverberate through your entire body, but the proximity of his fingers to your heart and lungs causes them to freeze. Your eyes roll back in your head as you silently gasp for air. Jason is trying to hold you down but it is difficult when your entire body is spasming violently. You vaguely hear Barry, your dad, and Jason yelling at each other, but you can’t make out a single word they are saying. 
Then, mercifully, the vibrations are gone. All your muscles relax and your head falls limply against Jason’s shoulder as you try to catch your breath. Jason rubs his hand over your hair as he whispers that it’s over and how good you did. You aren’t really sure you did anything, but you are too weak and light-headed to correct him. 
From the other side of the roof, your dad calls out, “Barry, get her to the med bay on the Watchtower. They should be able to treat her there. Then, destroy those bullets.”
Barry nods before holding out his arms and Jason helps to ease your broken form into them. However, just as Barry is about to take off, you feebly stretch your fingers towards Jason. He takes your hand and squeezes it tightly. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
You swallow heavily and force the words to spill from your lips. “I need you to know… if I had known what those bullets were… I still would have taken them for you…No regrets…”
Your hand goes limp in his grasp as the last of your energy is depleted. Leaning forward, Jason gently places your hand on your chest before kissing your forehead. Then, with his lips still hovering just above your skin, he whispers, “I love you. No regrets.”
Stepping back, he nods at Barry. The speedster tightens his hold on you and says, “Hold on.” Then he takes off.
As you feel that familiar initial whoosh of moving at super speed, you finally allow yourself to succumb to the darkness.
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Taglist: @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @zebralover, @lolzghost, @thefictionalcharacterssimp, @venomsvl, @sugarysweetsandpainfulteeth, @your-friendly-neighborhood-al, @hellfire-fan-club, @blue-aconite
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