#will Tell
romanarose · 1 year
Washed In Black: Chapter 1
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Darkish!William Tell x fem!Reader
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Summary: A young cocktail waitress at a casino takes interest in William but he rebuffs her advances. Still, he can't get her out of his head. When he follows her home, he stopped an attempted attack and brings her back to his hotel. Wanting company Will invites her on the road with him, just for the summer before her final year of college... It's just a summer fling, right?
Content and Warnings: No happy ending, oops. Darkish!Will, but not really dark to reader. big ole age gap, reader is 21, Will is early 40's. Attempted rape, reader defends herself but William finishes the job. Will briefly stalks her but there was no nefarious intent. Possessive Will, protective Will, hints too Will having OCD (my personal headcanon), PTSD from both Will and reader, reader has a shitty homelife but not abusive like I usually write. Canon typical violence. Alcohol and smoking from everyone involved. More will likely be added as we go but I'll add them in chapters under "additional warnings"
Immersability: References to reader having hair. She works at a casino as a cocktail waitress, takes place in the US and her and her parents live in the US currently. Reader generally dresses "sexy" in casinos, I know not everyone does for different reasons So I figured I should note that.
Authors Note: This fic has been in my head since last November when I saw this movie. It's my comfort movie and IDC how weird that sounds lol. I've gone back and forth on whether this needs to be a one shot or series, but I think miniseries just makes sense. I'm thinking 3 chapters.
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3.5 Words
Will wasn’t stalking you, really, he wasn’t.
He just wanted to make sure you got home safe. You’d caught his eye all week, bringing him drinks at the casino he was at for the time being, pretty, flattering dresses. He liked that you wore flats instead of heels. You looked more comfortable. He liked that you had a soft smile on your face, and he liked that you were clearly eyeing him. He’s only human, after all. Did he feel a bit of guilt for checking out someone so much younger than him? Yes, of course he did, but it was just looking… right?
You threw that out the window when you sat down next to him and slid him a drink. When Will gives you a quizzical look, you clarify. “Ton Collins. That’s what you drink, isn’t it?”
It was. You’d been paying attention. “Yeah, it is. But I didn’t order one.”
“Don’t worry, this ones on me.” You gesture to where your ballet flats had been traded for Converse. “I’m off the clock”
Will takes a sip. “Still doesn’t explain why you gave me a drink.”
You roll your eyes, but smile still. “Men aren’t the only ones who can buy drinks.”
A little bit of bite to you, he notes before condeeding. “Fair enough.” William takes his new class and holds it up, smiling when you clink it to his.
Fidgeting in your seat, you look around at the bright lights and bustle of the casino as you try to stoke a conversation. “What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking.”
Will can sense your nervousness from two seats down, trying to keep his eyes from the tight red dress wrapped around your body. He tried to stay polite, you were just a kid after all. “William Tell, and your-” His sentence was interrupted by your laughter, bright and jovial and although he didn’t know what was funny, it made him happy to hear. “What’s so funny”
“Nothing!” You shake your head, trying to move on, as you cover the smile on your red lips. Same shade as your dress. When you see he doesn’t buy it, you smile harder and elaborate. “It’s just, I expected you to give me a fake name, but I didn’t expect it to be so…”
“To be soooo” He urges you on.
“So obvious!” A fresh bout of laughter, and while he was aware you were making fun of him, he couldn’t help smiling gently. 
“That is my name.” He lied.
“Yeah, and mine’s maid Marian.”
“You’re thinking of Robin Hood.”
“Same thing.”
“Not really.”
“Whatever.” You tell him your name, and he reaches out to shake your hand. The firm but gentle shake makes your heart skip a beat. He was handsome, a head of straight, fully grey hair, and although you were certain he wouldn’t take kindly to you calling him a DILF, that’s what was going through your head. What appealed the most, however, was his manners. Many a man at this casino had attempted to woo you, to buy you, to assault you. Men were disgusting. With this man, however, although you could tell he was checking you out, it wasn’t leering. You didn’t feel like he was mentally undressing you. He simply said please and thank you and kept to himself and god, it made you want him. You didn’t sleep with the men here as a personal rule… but maybe he could be an acception.
“You can call me Bill, since you don’t like my name.”
“I’m not doing that either.”
She’s a bit of a brat, he notes. “Why not?”
“Too King of the Hill.”
A slight chuckle escaped him. She is trouble.
“Can I call you Will?”
“Whatever makes you happy.” You wouldn't be calling him anything. Will would talk to you while he finished the drink, he didn’t want to be rude, but he wasn’t going to indulge you. You weren’t the first young cocktail waitress that had made a move on him, and plenty of girls barely old enough to drink spent their time hooking at casinos, but William wasn’t that kind of guy. He didn’t have anonymous sex, he didn’t really have sex, and he certainly wasn’t entertaining girls young enough to be his daughter… But Will was fighting for his life. You’d scooted over to the chair next to him, had been very clearly leaning in ways to show him your tits, smiling at him with that youthful grin… No, he couldn’t indulge you. 
When you got the hint that he wasn’t about to invite you to his room (he wasn’t staying at the casino anyway), you made a graceful exit, telling him to have a nice night and good luck.
But he couldn’t shake the thought of you.
It was for your safety.
He was just going to make sure you made it out of the crowds okay.
When he saw you were walking home, he was just going to make sure you got home okay. It was dangerous at 2 am for a young girl.
William repeatedly validated his action in his head as he watched you. You were just not being safe. Walking alone, headphones in your ear… something loud and aggressive he assumed by the way you banged your head, did air guitar and drum solo’s… you weren’t paying attention at all. All this was validated on it’s own, however, when William realizes he’s not the only one following you.
The man appears almost out of nowhere not far from the casino and grabs you, pulling you into a dark alleyway before he can jump in. As William runs to the scene, he’s surprised to find you were not quite as helpless as he thought, watching you take a stabber keychain and thrusting it into his side.
“Holy shit” William mutters as he watches the man bleed, but you turn to him, the stabber pointed at his chest.
“WATCH IT!” You yell, but you’re clearly posturing. Your whole body is shaking.
“Relax” William put his hands up, beginning to build his lie. “I saw him following you, I’m not here to hurt you.” 
The man on the ground groans loudly in pain, and your shaking becomes uncontrollable. You drop the stabber and rush into his arms. Jesus, you’re naive. So trusting. Another moan and William looks at the man. He was a rapist. Well, attempted one with you, but men like that dont just rape once.
“Go home.” He tells you. “I’ll take care of this.”
You shout a no. “You can’t leave me alone! We’ll call the police!”
Naive indeed. William takes you a few steps away, holding you by the shoulders. “The police won’t do anything but arrest you for stabbing him.”
Confused, you try to argue. “But it’s self defense, he tried to-”
“Your word against his. Women get arrested for defending themself from rape all the time, it’s hard to prove attempted rape.”
The tears never stopped from your pretty eyes. “Then can’t we just… leave him?”
Sweet young thing… William shook his head. “I’m not leaving a rapist alive.”
The man starts begging for his life, alternating between pleas to you, and then when that doesn’t work, telling William that you were asking for it. That didn't help his case. William carefully guides you, taking you out of the alley and away from the bleeding man. “Stay here” He grabs your dropped airpods and tells you to turn up the music.
And you do. 
Linkin Park, as loud as it can go, still doesn’t drown out all the sounds that came from the alley.
When William came back in sight, he was covered in blood. He thought you should be horrified… but the way you looked at him was like his night in shining amour. “C’mon. I’ll drive you home.”
“No!” You surpsise him with your answer.
“Or we can walk, that’s-”
“I don’t wanna go home!” When he looked confused, you elaborate. “It’s lonely there, my parent… they act like I don’t exist, and I’m scared, Will. I’m fucking scared and they are no help. Please, please can’t I go with you?”
Bad idea. “No, I don’t think that’s-”
William heard sirens not far away. The dead man’s screams must’ve alerted someone… fuck, they needed to leave. “Fuck, come on.” William wrapped an arm around her, taking her through the alley. “Don’t look at him.” He kept a hand at her head, keeping her eyes forward. Through the backways and slipping into darkness, William took her to where his car was parked and ripped out of the  parking lot.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Are you going to tell me where you live?” He asks but you stay silent. He sighs. “Honey how old are you?”
You hesitate. “26”
“You’re a bad liar.”
“Why do you care?”
“I want to make make sure I won’t get arrested for kidnapping a minor!”
“I work at a casino!”
Okay. Fair point. “Just checking, because you said you lived with your parents.”
“It’s a shit economy.”
“Hey, I’m not judging you, I was in prison by 26.” That was enough to make you turn to him. He glanced over to you. “Yeah, you still wanna stay with an ex con?”
“What were you in prison for” Nosy little girl.
“You don’t wanna know.”
“Was it it rape?”
“Then I don’t really care.”
“You should”
“But I don’t.”
 “Do you really want to stay with me tonight?”
“Fine. You can stay with me. For one night, I’m heading out tomorrow.”
“Fine.” A short pause. “Thank you.”
“It’s fine.”
“For all of it.”
“It’s fine.”
When you arrived at the motel and Will opened the door, you were regretting your choice. “Oh my god.”
“What?” Of course his room setup was going to be off putting. He didn’t have an explanation for himself, so he never bothered on the rare occasion someone saw it.
“You’re going to kill me.”
Well that was not what he was expecting. William turned to you. “What?” he reiterated with more vigor.
You sigh, rubbing your eyes before groaning. “God dammit I’m so fucking stupid. My dad was right, I was gonna get myself killed some day!”
He called your name. “What are you talking about? I’m not gonna kill you.”
Gesturing vaguely towards the room, all the furniture, paintings, chairs all wrapped up. “Covering the fucking room? Clearly you’re planning to slit my throat and throw away the evidence.”
William pushed past you. “If I slit your throat, the blood would go everywhere, walls, ceiling, all of it. Covering the bedside table won’t do shit.”
“Oh. That’s comforting, I guess.”
“Are you coming in or not?”
Well, what option did you have? You close the door and take in the room. It was so… plain. 
“Why do you cover everything?”
William simply shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine.” He pulls out some clothes, handing you a t shirt and pants and some for himself. “I’m going to shower since I’m covered in blood.” He states plainly, seemingly unphased. “You can shower after, wear these.”
“Thank you.”
After everything was settled, you sat on the bed watching tv while William wrote in a book. “You can lay on the bed, you know. It’s late.”
He didn’t look up. “I’ll sleep here.”
“Oh come on, I’m not taking your damn bed.”
“I don’t sleep much anyway.”
“Ohhhhh mysterious.”
That was enough to make Will turn around, a light smile creeping on his features. “You haven't told me much about yourself either.” He deflected. “What”s a niice girl like you doing in a trashy casino?”
Swinging your legs over the bed, you force yourself up and over to him. “Pays for tuition.”
When you make your way over, Will stands up, looking down at you as his hair flopped in his face. The action closed a lotof distance, bringing him close to you. The left over energy from what happened tonight was buzzing in both of you, unable to sleep despite the late hours of the morning. “Oh yeah? You’re in school?”
“Mhm. Geology at Notre Dame”
“Realy?” He was impressed. 
“Yup, senior year.”
“Hm. Pretty and smart.” The words slipped out before he could stop them. William was so worked up, the brutal murder of the man who attempted to rape her transfering into a sexual energy that was getting hard to control. 
He expected you to get uncomfortable, but you lit up at his words. “You think I’m pretty?”
It was all slipping out now. “You know damn well that you are. All dressed up in those tight, skimpy dresses, showing yourself off, flirting with me all week…” He took a step forward, but you didn’t move back, instead leaning in ever so slightly.
“And you weren’t flirting back?”
William huffed a short laugh. “I was trying not to. You make it awfully hard.”
It was you who closed the gap, feeling his plush lips against yours. His kiss was immediately hungry, starving, William’s mouth opening wide to take all of you in, to taste the expanse of you. “Fuck, I shouldn’t be doing this.” But he made no effort to stop, walking you backwards until you topple on the bed. 
You were winey and desperate, rutting your hips up into him as he pawed at you. “Need you to fuck me.” You beg him. 
“Relax.” Will purrs in your ear, slowly grinding into your spread legs. He was going to take his time with you, fuck you right… but god he was barely holding on himself, so worked up that he needed to release himself somehow. He continued kissing you, licking into your mouth and stifling your pretty little sounds because he just can’t keep his mouth off of you when he feels it. You were shaking.
“Hey,” William pulls back, cupping your face. “Hey, you alright?”
When you look up at him, wide-eyed, Will is stuck by how young you look. “Y-yeah I’m fine I just…” You chuckle nervously. “Not a whole lot of experience in this department.”
Will gives you another few inches of space. “Are you a virgin?”
“No,” You try to assure him, but his intense gaze boring into you did not help the nerves. “Just… not much better.”
Sighing, he drops his forehead to yours. “How old are you?”
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m 21.”
Another sigh, Will rolled off, but you try to fix it, grabbing at him. “No! Will, I’m sorry, I want you-”
His eyes were pinched closed. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Let’s just… lets just go to sleep.”
Embarrassed and sexually frustrated, you begin to shuffle under the blankets with Will. “Can you… can you hold me?”
“Yeah, yeah I can do that.”
William wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his body. You could feel his hardness, but his closeness comforted you. Will made you feel safe.
That morning, you were woken up to the sound of Will packing and you made it a point to groan dramatically. “UUUGGHHHH Why the hell are you up so early?”
“I told you, I don’t sleep much” He was folding up his linens, slowly making the room look normal. 
“Ooooo edgy”
“Check out at 10 anyway.”
You grumble, rubbing your face into the pillow. “Do you have to go? Can’t you stay another day?”
Will stopped his movements, pausing before he pulled up a now-uncovered chair to where you lay. With his legs manspreading, he placed his elbows on his knees, folded his hands and leaned towards you. “What’s keeping you here? You clearly don’t care for your parents, your job you can get anywhere, pretty girl like you. What’s keeping you here?”
You’re taken aback by his question, but answer honestly. Early morning grogginess doesn’t leave much room for deception. “Just making enough money to pay for next years school.”
“How much do you think you’ll make this summer.”
You give him an estimate. 
He nods. “Leave with me.”
Blink. “Huh?”
“Travel with me. I’ll pay you what you would make at the end and bring you back to school at the start of the summer. I’ll pay for your food, clothes, anything you need.”
You can’t help but huff at that. “What what money? Sorry, but this isn’t exactly a luxury room.”
Little shit. He grabs one of his bags, opens it, revealing large stacks of hundred dollar bills. “I count cards. I keep to modest means but… there’s no reason I can’t win more.”
“Hooooolyyyyy shit.” He was loaded. Absolutely loaded. You get off the pillow, looking back and forth between Will and the money. There’s no reason you couldn’t go. Well, it was dangerous, a strange man you didn’t know taking you across the country… but you were never one for impulse control. Still, you think of last night. “I’m not… I’m not a hooker.”
“It’s not about sex.” When you look suspicious, he presses on. “It gets lonely on the road. I just… want some company. Two and a half months, just us, like a summer vacation. You’ll have everything you need to finish school, I promise.”
His eyes were earnest, and despite the fact you heard him slaughter a man only feet away from you… you trust him.
A few hours later, you and him were on the road. You sent a text to your boss who was none to happy about quitting with no notice, and left a note for your parents when you got your essential saying you left with a friend. They didn’t care enough to question that you didn’t have any friends in your home town anymore.
Will’s car was old but clean. Comfortable. The next destination was Seattle and after hours of begging, he let you put on your own music instead of the silence.
“What the fuck is this shit.”
“It’s Green Day, I thought you would know Green Day, old man.”
He wanted to wipe that bratty smirk right off her face. “This isn’t any Green Day I know.”
“Yeah, cause you probably only know American Idiot, poser.” When Will turned to you with a cocked eyebrow, you backtrack. “Sorry.”
“That’s what I thought.”
When you and Will check into your hotel, he paid in cash. Great, no paper trail in case you’re murdered. Wonderful. Sometimes you wonder what was going through your head when you left with him, but you couldn’t find yourself regretting it. You enjoyed his company so far, even if he was cranky. It was cute.  He was cute. You wanted to suck his dick.
“Here.” Will handed you a wad of cash. “There’s a strip mall down the street, get something nice for tonight.”
You smile up at him cheekily, swaying your hips a bit as you walk over to take the money. Fuck, you had a sugar daddy. “Don’t you wanna come with? Make sure you approve of what I buy, stay on budget?” You graze his hand with your fingers as you take it.
He simple began to unpack his linens. “Your budget is whats there.” There had to be at least $1000. “I gotta take care of this.”
“Ah. The weird room thing.”
“Yes, the weird room thing.”
You left him too it, taking the money and going for a shopping spree. You do, of course, pick out what you were sent for. A beautiful black sparkling dress, designer because why not, and some fancy jewelry to go with it. Shoes, however, you get from the department store. You’d do a lot of things, but wearing heels was not one of them. You couldn’t take the pain anymore.
While almost out the door, you spot a little something in a store window, something you’d always wanted but you budget wouldn’t justify it.
A few hours later, you exit the motel bathroom all dolled up. Will was sitting on the bed, phone in hand, only looking up when you exited. “Oh.” Was his first muttered response as he stood.
You blush, looking down. “That all?”
“No, shit, sorry.” he mumbles. “You look beautiful. Sorry, I’m… I’m not good with words…”
You’d noticed that. Not that he wasn’t good with words, just that he didn’t talk much. You didn’t mind, he was… peaceful. 
Right before you and William left for the night out, his lady luck on his arms you stop him. “Wait wait!” You say before going to your pile of bags and pulling out a polaroid camera you had bought today.
“Ah come on. Do we have to take pictures?” He grumbled with only a half hearted attempt at resistance.
“If I’m having a summer fling and a road trip, I’m documenting it. I promise I won’t always take pictures of you.”
“You’re like that grumpy eagle muppet.”
“What the fuck-”
 You snapped the picture just as he turned, giggling as it developed. Despite his resistance, Will leaned over to see it: You, smiling brightly at the camera, him, looking grumpy as he frowned at you.
“You’re gonna pay for that.” Will warned, his voice low but a bit of tease was there. His hand gently guided you out the door.
The night awaits.
Almost a year in the making ;-;
Tagging those who've expressed interest in various mentions lol sorry if i forgot anyone! Note that things changed a lot at various points developing this in the minor details but the major plotline stayed the same
Special shout out to Melsy and Clem and Mona and Ceira for always encouraging me with this at various points.
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wiirocku · 2 years
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue July 1986
Cindy Crawford wears a leopard print zipped polo shirt. Cotton/ramie knit by Adrienne Vittadini. Chain bracelets, Bulgari at the Pierre Hotel, NYC. Watch, Will Tell. Hair: Pascal Crucq Make-up: Maria de Schneider & Nariko Tanaka.
Cindy Crawford porte un polo zippé à imprimé léoopard. De tricot coton/ramie par Adrienne Vittadini. Bracelets chaîne, Bulgari au Pierre Hotel, NYC. Montre, Will Tell. Coiffure : Pascal Crucq Maquillage : Maria de Schneider & Nariko Tanaka.
Photo Wayne Maser vogue archive
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tsunami-watch · 7 months
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Name: William Tillich
Age: 35
Occupation/Association: FIA Agent | NUSA
Status: Alive
Short Bio/Backstory:
You can find him in the Black Sapphire Hotel's club/casino on the top floors gambling and dealing secrets with NC's finest politicians and criminals alike. Government client has V meet him in person at the Black Sapphire for secure exchange of details, He doesn't trust much having been given many reasons not to trust anyone, offer him information, Do enough to earn his trust, he might open up a little more and can offer assistance, maybe even friendship.
Iconic Weapon/Item description:
Dice of God & Bargaining Chips (Dual Power Revolvers), names are references to his love for gambling as well as current job as an FIA Agent. Iconic modifier: Every shot fired by Dice of God has a damage increase by 10-60% (random chance). Bargaining Chips fires eurodollars instead of bullets, firing 50e per shot, increases Headshot Damage Multiplier by 77.7%.
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