mzenvs3000 · 4 years
Nature and I through the years
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Image taken by me: Sunset at the Cottage
The Cottage
As far as I can remember back, nature has always played a huge role in my life. My most fondest memories were spent being in the outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and being involved in activities that surrounded me in nature. I owe all this to my parents who took me to our family cottage since I was a newborn, and I had the privilege of literally growing up year after year in my favourite place, the outdoors. I had no idea that this exposure to nature so young would have such a lasting impact and make me the person I am today.
My mom grew up in the small city of Kenora Ontario, literally on the border of Ontario and Manitoba out in the boonies. She also fell in love with nature at a young age having the bush as her backyard, and kept that love as an adult. It was by her enthusiasm and excitement about being in the outdoors and learning how to enjoy our natural surroundings that got me into camping. My first trip started out small, just going to the Elora conservation area for a weekend, and they have only grown to backcountry camping and portaging trips. After these initial trips, I was hooked and I still can’t wait for the next camping or hiking adventure.
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Image taken by my mom Anne Zarnke: An Elora camping trip when I was 10 years old
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Image taken by my friend Kayla Hutchison: Canoe trip in Algonquin 
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Image taken by one of my classmates: Canoeing in Cootes Paradise at the RBG 
Like I said earlier, I couldn’t get enough of nature, and when I found out in grade 11 that I could have class outside, be graded by being outside and while on camping trips through a SHSM in my high school called “Eco-Studies,” I couldn’t contain my excitement. This SHSM taught me the basics of how to enjoy but also respect the nature around us. The program was run through the Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG), in Burlington and we had the opportunity of going to the RBG three afternoons each week to have class in the arboretum. Eco-Studies was what introduced me to an out of school program called the “YES Alliance,” YES standing for “young environmental scientists.” Through both Eco-Studies and YES, I had the opportunity to learn about conservation efforts that were taking place in the environment where I lived, as well as be a part of it. We did tree planting, removal of garlic mustard, as well as share our knowledge and passion with younger kids that came to visit.
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Image taken by a voluteer: Tree Planting with the YES Alliance
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Image taken by me: Friendly racoon interrupting class 
Camp Widjiitiwin
Some of my fondest memories have been created over the past three summers during my time spent working at Camp Widjiitiwin in Huntsville. Cottaging and camping only lasted so long, but working at a camp allowed me to live up north for over 2 months. I think many will agree with me when I say that being outside in nature is very therapeutic and relaxing. This is what it was for the kids that came to camp each week. We were a partnership camp, bringing in kids who were involved in city programs as in Hamilton, Toronto, Etobicoke, and a few others. Many of the kids came from group homes, as well as no experience being up North (I kid you not, some were scared of the chipmunks). It was really cool to see the transformation the kids had at the end of the week, seeing how being up north really allowed them to relax and be kids instead of being tough city kids. They learned to really appreciate the trees around them, the lake, and the deer that came to greet us in the mornings. I could see them getting the warm fuzzy feeling I do when I look outside at nature and I couldn’t be happier that they now too shared a huge passion of mine.
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Image taken by me: Camp Sunsets
I am so thankful and truly blessed to have grown up with the opportunities I have to be around nature. Sometimes I think about what my life would be like if I was never introduced to these things or had the passion I do about the outdoors, and I can honestly say I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Being in the outdoors has always and forever will be my sense of place.
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jdlaverty · 7 years
Make your own lightsaber that works for sparring out of a pool noodle. A little instructional made for the campers at Widjiitiwin. Widjiitiwin dedicates 5 summer weeks to organizations that bring kids to camp who could never come otherwise. More info at www.mycamp.ca/ignite
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camp-widjiitiwin · 8 years
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Would you take this #Widjiitiwin #woodennickel? It could be a necklace, key chain, game token and more... it's 1.5"/3.8 cm diameter
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leoniincanada-blog · 5 years
Gang, Gang, Gang
Gestern haben wir einen kleinen Ausflug in eine Partnergemeinde vom Camp Widjiitiwin gemacht. 
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Wir haben Ephraims Place  besucht, die Gemeinde liegt in einem der gefährlichsten Stadtteile von Toronto. Dementsprechend haben die Kinder dort auch schon viele schlimme Dinge erleben müssen.
Für mich persönlich war es ein sehr Eindrücklicher Besuch dort, da ich über Erzählungen einiges an Hintergrund wissen über das Leben der meisten Kids erfahren hab und es umso schöner war zu sehen, wie sie einfach nur Kinder oder junge Erwachsene an diesem Platz sein konnten und normalen Aktivitäten und spielen nachgehen konnten.
Zu dem Namen “Ephraims Place”:
Ephraim war ein kleiner junge der auf Grund von Ganggewalt gegenüber der Kirche erschossen wurde.
Zu den Hintergründen der Kids:
Von einem Jungen, der gestern High in der Kirche aufgetaucht ist, stellte sich heraus der er den meisten Trubel verursacht. Aber nicht, weil er stress macht, sondern weil einige Leute dort Ihn tot sehen wollen.
Viele Kinder sind so Gefangen in Ganggewalt, dass sie mit vielen anderen Kindern nur reden und spielen können, wenn sie im Camp sind. Außerhalb keine Chance.
Ich find es persönlich immer wieder ergreifend solche Erfahrungen zu machen und aus seiner Comfortzone ein bisschen herausgenommen zu werden. Man bekommt einen Einblick in andere Leben und wie ein jedes Leben auch anders aussehen hätte können. 
Ich bin dankbar dieses Jahr machen zu können und das mein Verständnis für andere und meine Dankbarkeit dadurch steigen kann. 
Es ist nicht selbstverständlich in Deutschland in einer friedlichen und freien Umgebung und mit netten Menschen zu wohnen und nicht gefangen von Ganggewalt zu sein.
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Gott segne euch
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camp-widjiitiwin · 8 years
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#Widji17 summer staff applications are now open at http://widjiitiwin.ca/work-at-widji. #Widjiitiwin – the way camp was meant to be… relational, central, natural, reaching out, a loving community focused on Christ. It’s like coming home, #itsMYcamp!
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camp-widjiitiwin · 8 years
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Up the gang plank to the SS #Widjiitiwin Gala Dinner at #AutumnGetaway @muskokabible. The seniors are fundraising for camper sponsorships! #Widji16! Last year they raised $4K (at Muskoka Bible Centre)
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