#why’s my askbox a place to ask for commissions
habken · 5 months
I humbly ask of thee to draweth me a comic.
I want Izuku being a goof by slapping Kacchan on the ass as he walks by and Katsuki just stands there in shock for a good moment absolute confused as heck. He turns to Izuku who winks with a smirk and disappears off screen leaving Kacchan absolutely confused.
Perhaps also Kaminari in the background filming for fun. It was all part of the plan >:)
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That’ll be $300
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You know how you always apologize in the tags when you go on a Paw Patrol rant? Well, I for one really enjoy your little essays, I love how unashamedly passionate you are about Paw Patrol, how you overanalyze and theorize about it just like I do, it's why I love this blog so much, I love nerding out with you over these cute cartoon dogs
How dare you do this to me when I'm sick and emotional (/j) 😭🫂💜 I'm gonna cry (edit: ok I actually did, a bit XD)
Seriously now, thank you so much too. Every time I see you popping up around in any of my askboxes I go like "OH MY GOD COTTON CANDY SENT ME AN ASK AGAIN AAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THEM SO MUCH LET'S SEE WHAT IT'S ABOUT THIS TIME" - really, Blue and Eryx can confirm, I go nuts for a whole minute or two in our little Discord server XDD it's always a joy to see you around.
I guess I tend to apologize because it's a little like an automatic reaction... It wasn't THAT MUCH or that bad, but I've been told numerous times I shouldn't focus so much on things that are soooooo not for my age. I always have to remind relatives and their friends that it's people my age or older who get to work on producing these things in the first place. And I know people hear these things since early on too, it's annoying, like what the hell, let us live our little lives, we're not actively affecting yours XD
I still find it funny, how passionate I got about Paw Patrol, because when I started watching it, I wasn't expecting to get SO INTO IT.
When I stop to think, most my profile pics on social media/messaging apps are now of Paw Patrol. I've been watching it since January, right after my dog Dakota died. I got now two blogs (and a half bc I'm sorta "helping" Eryx with her askblog of Everest/Tracker/Rex so I was added as a mod there) only for Paw Patrol stuff instead of mixing it around in my personal blog like most my other interests/fandoms. My Telegram art channel has been 90% Paw Patrol arts this entire year so far, except for commissions. I met amazing people in this fandom and even got one hate comment LMAO there's this old Tumblr saying that states your blog hasn't truly started until you get a hate message 😂 Heck I even bought three toys so far! It's been AGES since I last bought anything fandom related for myself, on anything at all. The one thing that comes to mind is the Lightning McQueen origins storybook last year (still gotta remember to buy Jackson Storm's and Cruz Ramirez's too). I usually make/paint/craft my own stuff instead of buying (one of the several reasons I relate to Rocky!).
I just, wow? It's real. I got this whole thing going on and it makes me smile every day and I don't want it to stop any soon. I started watching the show as a way to soothe myself and relax my stressed brain after Dakota's passing. Didn't expect to get so far. I'm glad I did and that I'm here with you guys.
Thanks for being part of what makes it so special for me too, Cotton Candy. You're amazing and I love it whenever you show up bringing more stuff for me to talk about 💜 PAW PATROL IS ON A ROLL, MY FRIEND, LET'S GOOOOOOO
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arctic-shard · 1 year
Okay, I should probably have a pinned post
This is an SCP sideblog mostly focusing on 049, 035, 132-ARC, Alagadda, and my OC Dr West. There's plenty of other SCPs I like, I'm just keeping things in this area because it's easier for me to keep track of.
Anything I say about the SCP characters/places is going to be my interpretation and not to be taken as canon. The SCPs were all written by other people, they are not mine, I'm just playing with them. SCP-035 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-035 SCP-049 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049 SCP-132-ARC https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-132-arc Alagadda articles I reference the most: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2264 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-701 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6681 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6624 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5462
I try to keep things more or less PG-13 around here, since I know I've got a lot of younger followers. If you're an adult looking for my Mature-rated stuff, it's on Ao3.
I am almost certainly the oldest one in this little circle at 40+ and I'm very aware of it. If I ever seem a bit stand-offish, it's because I'd rather err on the side of not getting over-familiar. I'm just here to talk SCP, post my little drawings, and admire yours.
I am queer ( ace/bi. ) I don't talk about it a whole lot but it's probably why most of the characters I write are ace-spectrum and not real fussed about the gender of their partner. I try to be a safe space for LGBT+ types.
I like answering asks and often illustrate the answers with little sketches. Asks are generally answered in a week or two, depending on how full the askbox is and how much free time/urge to draw I have.
I don't do commissions. Best you can do is drop a prompt in the askbox.
I don't do RP. I'm fine with you guys clowning around doing RP on my posts, but I will not contribute. If you want to interact with any of my usual characters, send an ask prompt.
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"Open to Interpretation" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 16/16: Epilogue- Reinterpretation Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: General Chapter Word Count: (986/24K) Summary: Emma Swan is appalled at works by modern artist Killian Jones- until a handsome stranger convinces her otherwise- and after introducing himself as the artist in question, he invites her out on a date. As their relationship develops, they find that they might not be as different from each other as originally though. Chapter Summary: Killian's painting at the Nolan Blanchard Art Museum is unveiled. Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, modern au Author's notes: This has been such an exciting journey. When I think that this was originally just a silly little oneshot from a silly little prompts list... I'm not gonna get all emotional, but I want to thank everyone whose enthusiasm and excitement over this fic has gotten me through to the end of it. I hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I have! Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda @pawshapedheart  [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Killian's residency at the Nolan Blanchard ended a year later, with the unveiling of the painting the museum had commissioned him for. His brother came up to see the unveiling, along with Uncle Nemo and Paige, the latter of whom was more than "just" a friend of Liam's by this point. August and the new Mrs. Booth came by to support him as well, along with the Nolans- and their new infant son.
 But Killian, admittedly, didn't care one iota about whether or not those people were here for the celebration- and if he did, he didn't care nearly as much as he did that Emma was there- today was a day to celebrate her too.
 On his way to his wing, Killian saw his girlfriend, staring at a new painting that had recently been put on display in the museum.
 "I can't believe this Emma Swan has a painting in this museum now," Killian teased, as he came up behind her.
 "Why not?" Emma asked, with a playful smile as they stood in front of her newly recommissioned painting of "Small."
 "Because it's just one painting. She deserves a whole gallery of her paintings, so everyone can see her talent," Killian smiled as he put his arm around her, "though none of the masterpieces could ever live up to their artist."
 "Or her boyfriend, for that matter," Emma nudged him.
 "You've got that right, love," he kissed her forehead.
 They walked into his wing together, where his new painting hung behind a large sheet. There were cameras and a few other people around as well as Killian's guests, all waiting for Killian to unveil his masterpiece.
 "Go get 'em, tiger," Emma said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
 As Mr. Nolan announced him to the group, Killian didn't feel as nervous as usual- though maybe that was just because he was comparing how terrifying this would be with what he was planning on doing afterwards.
 "I want to thank you all for coming out here today," Killian said, "and while I don't want to keep you all waiting too long when there's refreshments in a moment, I'd like to give a few brief words. When I partnered with the Nolan Blanchard a year ago, I was a mess. My life was empty, sad, and lonely. During my time here, I got to know some pretty cool people- Mr. and Mrs. Nolan, who've become like family to me, and my beautiful girlfriend Emma. This piece, hopefully, reflects that."
 He pulled off the tarp off the canvas to reveal a painting he was rather proud of. It featured two hearts- anatomical hearts- one bright red, though cracked and bruised in a couple places, but with a glow coming from behind it. The heart next to it was in perfect condition, but was gray and dusty, and had metal bars like a jail cell across it.
 "Sometimes we go through so much hurt that we don't think we can keep going," he pointed at the farther, grayed heart, "we think we'll do better if we avoid breaking our hearts, so we avoid even using them, and instead we let them wither away in their pristine condition."
 He then pointed at the closer heart, the cracked and glowing one.
 "But if we use our hearts- if we let ourselves risk getting them hurt- they'll flourish, and thrive, and keep beating. We have to let people in- we have to love. Too often we think 'my heart's too broken to love again-' but that's how you know you can love again. If it can be broken, it means it still works- and the more we use our broken heart, the sooner we can heal it."
 Killian nodded and stepped away from the painting as those watching started clapping. He crossed paths with Mr. Nolan, whom he assumed would give him a handshake but instead gave him a hug.
 Mr. Nolan then dismissed everyone for refreshments, August and Belle especially making sure everyone cleared out of the room quickly- and August giving Killian a thumbs up, as he was the last one out besides Killian and Emma.
 "We probably better get down there if we want there to be refreshments left for us," Emma said.
 "Wait," Killian said, taking her hand, "I have something to ask you about first."
 "What is it?" Emma asked.
 "When we first started out, our relationship was open to our interpretation," Killian said, his throat drying up as he fished around in his pocket, "and then you agreed to be my girlfriend, and now," he half chuckled, "I want to reinterpret us. I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore," and he pulled a little box out of his pocket, and he got down on one knee, and he opened the box to reveal a ring, "I want you to be my wife instead," he gulped, "Emma Swan, will you marry me?"
 Killian wished he could capture her face in that moment on canvas. Sure, he always wished for that, but never more than when he looked up at her on his knees in his gallery, like a ship looking up to its lighthouse, drawn in by the smile beaming on her face.
 "Yes," Emma said, "yes, I'd love to!"
 Killian smiled as well, all of his fear melting away at her excitement. Energy coursing his veins, he slipped the ring onto her finger, and she helped him up, off of the ground and into her arms.
 Emma smiled down at the ring on her finger, then back up at Killian.
 "Permission to kiss the masterpiece?" Emma asked.
 Killian bit his lip, never having been more in love with her than he was in that moment- but knowing that love would continue to grow with every moment he spent at her side.
 "Aye, love," he said, as they drew their lips together, "permission granted."
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axolotlclown · 6 months
Would you happen to have some studies to back up the "more than one coffee means you're addicted" thing, please? Pretty sure I've seen that disproven as a lens to understand addiction through at all
~ 🪴
Hey! So sorry I never saw this anon. It never appeared in my notifs and I'm really bad about checking my askbox.
You have asked a question that falls in line with a field I am very passionate about! I found some interesting articles in my school library. I'm going to go ahead and write this response, but I'm still waiting on access to a few journals. I'll have to convert those ones to PDFs as they are likely behind paywalls.
Anyway, here's my long post where I intend to rant about a lot of different barely related topics. Caffeine addiction is one of those really controversial but historically significant subjects in psychology!
So let me start off with how to read and break down a journal. It's one of those things where if you don't go to college and specifically major in a research related field, no one ever teaches you how to do it. That sucks.
So when you're looking at a journal, the first thing you want to do is background check the author. What school did they go to? What degrees do they have? (For research, they should have a Ph.D. no matter what.) What is their current place of employment?
Often companies, or other private businesses, will commission someone to do some research and fudge the results to make that company look better. We saw this recently in regards to gender affirming care. The United States House of Representatives had proposed legislation to restrict gender affirming care for transgender youth. The Republican sponsor of the bill had presented a single piece of research that he claimed was significant. The research found that transition regret rates were somewhere in the 30% range. (I don't remember exactly and I know that I could quickly look it up, but I just spent the past two hours reading addiction research. I'll find it tomorrow.) Upon looking into the author and the sponsors of this research, psychologists found that the journal the congressman presented was commissioned by a conversation therapy center in Florida. The research held obvious bias, poor peer review, and inconclusive results. The bill didn't pass. I'm not sure they even voted on it, actually.
Anyway, this is why we need to be critical of the research we read. Chocolate, wine, caffeine, gender dysphoria, and autism are notorious subjects that require more scrutiny before reading.
So, caffeine addiction. This is a subject that more than one field is interested in. Before you read an article, you need to be sure what question you are asking. Psychologists are concerned with a more scientific or factual approach. In this context, a psychologist would be researching the concrete effects of caffeine on mood, sleep, and other psychological disorders. Sociologists are more concerned with the overall social consequences of caffeine addiction. They would be asking how mood and sleep affected family, work, and personal welfare. For your question, we're going to look into the psychological aspect. Also, I'm studying psychology, not sociology, so I would feel like an idiot answering those types of questions.
This distinction matters. When I opened my school's EBSCOHost database, I simply typed in "caffeine addiction" to start. I was bombarded with sociological articles and journals about the affects of caffeine addiction on productivity at work and on mood. Strange overlap with psychology. Two problems: some of the top articles had researchers with ties to coffee companies, and all "caffeine addicts" were self-reported. For the latter, this meant that there was no standard for how much caffeine was consumed. Rather than being a concrete article about caffeine consumption, it was more of a survey of public opinion. You want to avoid those unless you specifically want to know about the public opinion. Even psychologists run surveys all the time (they're cheap and easy), but people often lie on surveys, even if they're anonymous.
So I typed in more specific key words and came up with these articles. I'll talk about some without leaving a link, but that's because I had to request the PDFs for sharing. I'll come back to this post and link them. (Let me know if the ones I do link are broken.)
Okay, so I'm going to start off with a journal that interested me, personally. This study actually observed the effects of caffeine on psychiatric patients. This is an important reminder that different drugs influence different brains. Someone with ADHD experiences caffeine differently for a neurotypical person. Caffeine is a stimulant, and ADHD medications are stimulants. Cool. What about other disorders?
Here's the Sparknotes of the study, "Caffeine intoxication was more prevalent in psychiatric patients than in healthy subjects. The amount of caffeine intake was shown to be associated positively with the severity of pathology and inversely with sleep quality."
The study goes more into depth about the different psychological disorders that different patients had. There were 401 patients participating in this study (150 healthy individuals). Overall, continuous caffeine intake showed a decline in sleep quality and a general increase in severity of other mental illnesses.
So what causes that? What is caffeine? Here's an article that looks into studies about caffeine consumption and performance, as well as what the causes of an addiction could be and what constitutes an addiction. This is one I recommend giving a read, as it helps to illuminate a common problem with researching intoxicants.
Here's the big take away: "Although caffeine is widely perceived to have beneficial psychostimulant effects, appropriately controlled studies show that its apparent beneficial effects on performance and mood are almost wholly attributed to reversal of the withdrawal effects that occur after fairly short periods of abstinence (e.g. overnight)."
In habitual coffee users, the increase of mood and performance after consumption of caffeine is caused by the removal of withdrawal symptoms. Grouchy mood and lack of coordination are symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. Where one may perceive positive reinforcement for initial consumption, for habitual consumers, withdrawal symptoms become a negative reinforcement.
So, for people that drink coffee everyday, it's less about getting the positive effects of caffeine, but rather avoiding the negative effects of withdrawal. This can be classified as an addiction. There is now a reliance on this substance.
Something this article also points out is that caffeine is not just found in coffee. It's found in chocolate and most medications these days as well. Therefore, complete stone cold abstinence from caffeine can be next to impossible, making control groups difficult to find. This leads to the varying research and controversy between psychologists.
Okay, but coffee can't be as bad as alcohol or anything right? Caffeine is practically harmless! Let's take a look into an article discussing the health impacts of caffeine. (I'll provide the full text to this one tomorrow.)
In Dr. Saimaiti's article titled, "Dietary Sources, Health Benefits, and Risks of Caffeine," she explores the benefits of occasional consumption of caffeine and weighs them against habitual overconsumption of caffeine.
While occasional consumption can actually improve mood and cognitive ability, these benefits are lost with daily consumption.
Few people drink their coffee black. For those that put creamer, milk (especially oat), or straight sugar or syrups in their coffees daily, they may be overconsuming sugar. This is especially hard on an empty stomach. This is part of the reason you "crash" later in the day. The sugar raises your blood sugar. For most healthy people, this may not be the biggest deal in the world. For others, it could be a key factor in developing diabetes later in life. In general, don't drink coffee on an empty stomach. Have it with a meal. It's also easier on your liver.
Speaking of liver, what does your body do with the caffeine after you drink it? Caffeine follows the same principle as alcohol. Occasional consumption of red wine can help thin your blood and lower your hemoglobin (something that women may be more concerned about as they get older). However, daily consumption of wine can cause stress on the liver and potentially lead to dementia later in life (I say potentially because there has been a correlation, but no solid research as to why. While correlation does not always mean causation, it's important to acknowledge them in the meantime.)
Caffeine behaves in the same way. Continuous consumption of caffeine can put some real stress on your liver over time.
Caffeine is dangerous for those with cardiovascular problems. While this seems like a "duh!" point, many people don't know that they may be prone to cardiovascular issues until an event happens. This sounds like fear mongering, but it's something to take into account.
The article discusses pregnant women as well, but I would hope that's intuitive? Maybe not? If you're pregnant you should avoid intoxication in all forms.
I'll drop this quote from the conclusion of the article for now (I felt weird quoting text that you can't access yet, so I'll come back with more quotes when I can give you the PDF): "the long-term or over-consumption of caffeine can lead to addiction, insomnia, migraine, and other side effects."
The point is, caffeine consumption can be more dangerous to some than others in general, but excessive consumption with lack of knowledge can lead to long-term damage to one's health.
Okay, that study talks about a relatively small niche. Let's get broad. Let's talk about sleep and cognitive performance. (Another study I'll have the PDF for tomorrow.)
In Dr. Gottselig's article titled, "Random Number Generation During Sleep Deprivation: Effects of Caffeine on Response Maintenance and Stereotypy," she looks at the effects caffeine has on cognitive performance during sleep deprivation.
The conclusions of this research makes a very important point: "caffeine preserves simple aspects of cognitive performance during sleep deprivation, whereas caffeine may not prevent detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on some complex cognitive functions."
This article particularly found that while small cognitive functions such as motor ability improved with caffeine, complex cognitive functions such as problem solving and memory declined.
While a college student could read this and understand that pulling an all nighter and drinking 10 Red Bulls probably won't help them pass their test, there's something much more to be said about these findings.
One sleep deprived night won't kill you, and certainly drinking a cup of coffee to get you through the day won't either. But caffeine cannot prevent the damage that regular sleep deprivation does. Sleep deprivation leads to memory loss, worsening symptoms of depression/anxiety/ADHD, increased chances of developing dementia early (this one is real), and a decline in overall cognitive ability.
Rough. But it is a trap. If you have insomnia, caffeine may feel like your only choice to be somewhat functioning throughout the day. Caffeine promotes symptoms of insomnia. It's a vicious cycle if you can't afford proper treatment, and one, that I hope, that will be addressed with time.
So if you have the ability, it's better to prioritize a good night's sleep. I'll come back to this.
For now, why is caffeine addiction so controversial then? Well, it may not be for long. While there was a push to add "caffeine" to the list of diagnosable addiction in the DSM since the 1980's, the inconsistent and inconclusive research has led to a standstill. As we say with Dr. Jame's article, it is difficult to get a control group for caffeine. However, as research for alcohol and marijuana progresses, our knowledge of how to properly study intoxicants does as well.
The long-term health side effects of caffeine are still being studied as well. While this aspect isn't unique to caffeine at all (marijuana, for example, is just now getting approved for research, where before it was illegal), it's still worth acknowledging what we do know, for now at least.
So, coming back to the DSM. There's a new one coming out pretty soon. It's the talk of the town among psychologists right now. Everyone is arguing about what should be in the DSM-6. It'll be crazy when it does come out. Autism, OCD, Gender Dysphoria, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Facial Dysmorphia are just a few examples of disorders that will likely be completely recategorized.
(Unrelated, but Autism Spectrum Disorder is a big one because a lot of psychologists are arguing that it shouldn't be classified as a disorder at all. The reason being is that Autism is so common, that psychologists are theorizing that the majority of the population falls on the spectrum somewhere. Either way, the diagnosis is about to completely change because of this fact.) (Well, all of them are big ones. I could make a whole separate post about it.)
Anyway, the push to make caffeine diagnosable is becoming a promising endeavor as research continues to come out.
One psychiatrist pushing for this is Ronald Griffiths. In his opinion piece, Griffiths recalls his patients experiencing caffeine withdrawal symptoms that led to a decline in the quality of life. One of his patients was diagnosed with breast cancer and needed to stop drinking coffee immediately. This patient struggled with severe withdrawal symptoms that were difficult to manage while on cancer treatment.
Griffiths explains how difficult it was to treat this patient because it wasn't something he could easily diagnose with the DSM-5, something insurance companies use to decide whether they're going to pay for care or not. Add on the bills for cancer treatment, and you rapidly have a distressing situation on your hands.
Joseph DeRupo, spokesman for the National Coffee Association in the U.S. as quoted in this article states, "What we have here is really the opinion of one scientist who is a lone voice against the accepted view of the scientific community."
Lone voice? In barely an hour I was able to find 5 credible articles, all backed by credible researchers, supporting the understanding that American society consumes too much caffeine. You can take a General Psych class in college and the textbook would spend half a chapter going over caffeine addiction and the controversial research around it. Coffee companies piss me off. And most companies use slave labor to harvest their beans and lobby to prevent legislation to prevent it. Guillotine.
Griffiths also claims that "[e]ven people who consume as little as 100 milligrams of caffeine a day—the equivalent of one small cup of coffee—can become physically dependent."
So this ask is pretty old, but I'm guessing it was in response to me saying that you should only drink one cup of a random beverage a day and the rest be water. This keeps you hydrated and helps cut out where the majority of your sugar intake is. I called it the "desert beverage" and that "coffee counts."
It really does. In the morning, one feels tired, foggy, and grouchy. "Don't talk to me until I've had my morning coffee." They would make their coffee out of habit, barely minding the taste of it—drinking to medicate the headache they've already caused.
Life is worth celebrating, and if we can find little things in our day to celebrate, we should! When coffee becomes a habit, it's just a habit. That's sad.
I worked as a barista for a while at a coffee shop that hired people with intellectual disabilities. That experience is what made me switch my major to psychology in the first place. But I saw the joys coffee could bring, and the damage it can do, too. I had a coworker who would come in and throw a tantrum if we didn't immediately stop what we were doing and make him a coffee—and again in two hours before the end of his shift. It's upsetting.
I do remember the joys, too. Our manager would show us a new niche coffee drink from a random country. We would make cubanos like they would in Haiti and talk about the different names they had in different countries around the world. It ruled.
I don't drink coffee every day anymore. But it's always a wonderful thing when I do. You don't need to have an "excuse" to drink a cup of coffee—you don't need to celebrate anything at all. Coffee, tea, wine, soda, and juice should be celebrated as they are. Drinking them out of habit destroys joy. Intentional habits create stable foundations in life. Unintentional habits create monotony and boredom.
Anyway, the sleep thing I said I'd come back to. So if you're having trouble sleeping, here's the hot tip: avoid screens 30 minutes before going to bed. That sounds easy, but how many of us scroll our phones, watch TV, or play a video game right before bed? It's not worth it.
Instead, do something away from your phone that you enjoy. I like to read, but you can draw, journal, listen to some music, practice an instrument, or write something. Doesn't matter, just don't use your phone or laptop. Set a 30 minute timer for time.
If you're still struggling to sleep, you may find meditation useful. Meditation uses techniques that make your brain send beta waves which relaxes you and is the first step to falling asleep. But! If you try to learn some meditation, you'll have to commit to practicing it every night for it to be useful. It's a skill that requires practice.
Anyway, I could make a whole separate post about evening/morning/afternoon routines as that is another one of my passions, but yeah.
TLDR; An occasional cup of coffee is actually great and wonderful, but you really shouldn't drink it every day, especially more than once a day.
PS. I love Red Bull cream sodas more than the God that created them, I swear, but I only drink maybe one or two energy drinks a year. Energy drinks will dissolve your liver faster than hydrochloric acid can. An alcoholic drinking 5 packs of beers a day will look at your liver and be impressed. Also the Panera lemonade should be illegal. That shit is CRAZY. That bitch had more caffeine than a Bang energy drink. It literally killed a man. Wild.
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ldknightshade · 7 months
This is the cube anon. I am sorry for my presence in your box here, I know people would like me gone. However since you are still archiving the events, I want to share with you what I sent to glassguillotine, who told me to kill myself. Is that okay? I said "Hello, it is Toki Cube anon. I wanted to apologize for the hurt I've caused this community and especially you. I know you've said in discord I ruined your birthday and I am deeply sorry. That said it hurts me that you would tell me to kill myself. I mean no harm and no hurt for anyone with my requests, but I have not done more than leave a like on any of the art because I fear people want to hurt me. I do not know why everyone assumes I wanted the pictures to be sexually explicit, I did not. I am fine with all the jokes, they are funny. What bothers me is that people are saying I am akin to a sexual predator and am wishing I hurt or end my life. That is very painful to see. I meant you no harm and I am truly sorry for it. Please do not look for me as I will be remaking my accounts free of this anyway. But not free of Toki as I need him for my comfort in life. I am sorry again and thank you."
I know this may go unanswered and ignored and I may still be seen as a parasite to the community but I simply wish my voice to be heard and be known I mean no harm for anyone despite what is being said. I will not be back again most probably.
Oscillating fronters rn, so we're just gonna colorcode so everyone's two cents makes it to the table. - Under a cut, due to length, as we're a wordy bunch.
Frankly, Cube Anon, I don't mind your presence. I'm not sure how to feel about this from the archival standpoint, as on one hand, this does help unravel the mystery a bit, but on the other hand, I will admit this feels a little bit like unintentional triangulation. Which, honestly, I've used worse tactics in a self-unaware manner while completely emotionally wrecked, so I don't blame you. However, I will not let it go unacknowledged.
That said, we now know what you sent the user and what their post was responding to.
We do intend to publish this to have your voice be heard. And honestly, this mostly reads like... just a mistake? I don't know, even if it wasn't intended to be fetish-farming, it sounds like you got wrapped up in things and needed to dial it back a bit. Like you thought it'd make a good running gag or something and didn't realize what it came off as. ...Are you a minor, by any chance? Because that would explain it being intended as a joke, but unintentionally reading as fetish farming; something you were potentially unaware even existed.
But, in all honesty, if it was fetish stuff, general consensus - within our system and in the fandom - is to just commission as replied to in this ask you sent to pipartuuli.
It's because fetish farming is something artists really have to look out for, if this was fetish related, because like... you know, something more on the innocuous side like this when it's intended for fetish purposes isn't exactly something all artists consent to. That's why even if it's not fetish stuff, the sheer amount of asks you sent combined with the fact that it's anon, and whatnot... it just looks a lot like fetish stuff, you know.
And like, I dunno, I don't think any of it makes you a parasite, per se? Regardless of the intentions, it sounds like you didn't know better, to a degree, and like you got in over your head.
I don't think a misunderstanding of online etiquette necessarily means you're a predator, even if it's fetish stuff? Because here, as well as in the previously mentioned ask you sent pipartuuli indicates remorse. I'm just saying, three times is a pattern - and this is technically the third time you've expressed remorse for the ask spam. While I respect your decision to leave the community after this - I really don't know if I wouldn't do the same - I do want to offer our askbox as a place for you to give us answers, clear the air on the mystery a bit. You know, let us get all the facts and let your voice be heard, since there's a lot of high emotions underneath what it became.
While I, myself, am not too invested in this, I do think it's in your best interest to separate yourself from the parts of the fandom that responded to you with vitriol. I can't imagine this has done any wonders for your mental health, so do what you can to remedy that. The more we think about it, at the very least I know Bell and I are inclined to agree with Dick; that is, you are potentially a minor and something you sent as a joke got a little out of hand. I, and the others, are glad to see you've taken the wave caused by this in stride. Please, do take care of yourself.
Echoing their sentiments, I agree with Dick, you can totally use our askbox to help answer things, get your side of everything across if need be, because honestly, the fact you came to us to mediate horrifies us a bit. And on top of that, I know a lot of us have questions, so by all means, go ahead and just talk to us, if you feel the need to further clarify things.
It was good to see you, Cube Anon. Sorry if this is messy, too many cooks in the kitchen right now, clearly.
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sageinacage · 3 years
ok retry because tumblr deleted the prompt from your askbox >:( how about a fic with lee!eret and ler!foolish where foolish knew that eret was ticklish in the past, and now in present day, he wants to know if that fact is still true and tries to discover it for himself? i love ur fics btw!!! :D
Old Pal summary: foolish is curious if his old friend eret is still ticklish. a/n: THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING THEIR DYNAMIC I APOLOGIZE THAT ITS PROBABLY A BIT OOC BAHAHA warnings: n/a w/c: 1.6k DSMP, Platonic
‘Was the sun always this bright?!’ Foolish squinted in thought, looking up at the clear sky as he raised his hand to block the rays of light aimed right at his face. He huffed, lowering his hand and leaning against the furnaces he set up in his construction area.
It was a sunny afternoon, a light breeze brushing through the leaves on the trees scattered around the area. Foolish was busy today, working on the mansion he was commissioned to build for his friends Ranboo and Tubbo. It was a beautiful building so far, so much done but so much to do still.
“What time is it?” The shark-totem hybrid asked himself, opening his inventory to grab ahold of his clock. He smiled to himself. It was only one in the afternoon, a perfect time for a lunch break.
He walked down the path, going back to town. As Foolish walked, he took the time to look around, looking at the buildings around him. He smiled as nostalgia filled his heart, then filling at a newfound speed when he saw the castle.
Arriving at the gates of the castle after a swift speed-walk, he walked in. You see, his old pal Eret lived in the walls of the gorgeous castle, and Foolish was one loving guy and just wanted to see his friend.
“Eret- King Eret? Are you hooome?!” He called out, chuckling at the echo he heard. Amused by the echo, Foolish kept on yelling. “Yoo-hoo, Eret! Your pal is here!” He continued to shout, laughing at each echo he heard back. About to shout again, he heard a chuckle; one that didn’t belong to himself. Foolish whipped around, seeing a person wearing the signature sunglasses of his friend.
“How’s my friend doing?” They smiled, opening his arms for a hug. Foolish, being much taller than the monarch, bent down to surround them in a tight hug, lifting them up with him as he stood up straight. “Alrihight, put me down, Foolish!” Eret laughed warmly, being put back down on their feet only after a dramatic whine from the hybrid.
“Still a big softie, I see?” The monarch chuckled, fixing their shades which got tilted from the big hug Foolish gave. “Eret, you’re talking like I haven’t seen you in years. Well- I mean, it has been a while…” He rubbed the back of his head, bashfully smiling at the light chortles Eret produced. “It has been a while, you goof.”
The two had some good laughs as they ate lunch together, catching up on what has been going on in each other's lives; but also talking about memories they remember. One really stuck with Foolish, a memory of when they used to playfully fight all the time. By ‘playfully fight,’ I mean tickle each other.
“Foolish, do you remember our old tickle fights? Those were always so fun.”
Did they just read his mind? Foolish’s eyes widened before he composed himself, smiling. “Yeah, I usually won them as well.” He sniggered, earning an exaggerated gasp from his friend. “You did not! I was usually the victor, don’t lie to yourself!” Eret laughed, picking up Foolish’s and their plates to bring them to the kitchen.
Foolish smiled to himself, then looked up in thought. ‘Were they still ticklish? Could someone even lose ticklishness? Am I still ticklish?’ The hybrid hummed as thoughts played in his mind, not noticing Eret’s fond smile at the doorway of the living room. “Whatcha thinking about there, pal?” They smiled, Foolish cowered sheepishly at the sudden voice.
“Oh- Eret! I didn’t notice you were b- back already!”
“You’re nervous. What’s on your mind?”
“N… Nothing!”
“I don’t believe that, Foolish.” The monarch sighed, sitting on the soft couch near the table. “Why don’t you sit down?” Eret offered, Foolish slowly making his way to sit next to them on the pillow-filled couch.
“Are you sick? You’re quite red.” They furrowed their eyebrows, placing the back of their palm on Foolish’s forehead. “I’m fine, I promise!” Foolish smiled, snickering to himself at how Eret really never changed. They’ve always been so kind and caring, always taking care of their friends and people who mean loads to them.
“You’re lost in thought again, friend.” Eret smiled, the other crossing his arms. “You can tell me what’s on your mind, you know I wouldn’t judge you for anything.”
“Are you ticklish, Eret?” Foolish blurted out, Eret’s raising their eyebrows in surprise, but melting into a soft smile. “Why were you so nervous to ask that, you goof? Though I don’t know if I am… maybe? Who knows.” Eret thought, before chuckling at Foolish’s sudden expression: it was a mix of surprise and happiness. It was a quiet moment- until Foolish’s little smirk turned into a wide, toothy grin.
“Let’s test it. I think it’s fair if I reclaim a few victories of my own, yeah?” Foolish giggled evilly before diving his fingers down to squeeze their waist. The sudden jerk the monarch produced exposed the truth. Yes, Eret was still ticklish. Definitely.
“Fooholihish!” Eret laughed playfully, holding Foolish’s wrists; but not pushing him away. “Aha! So you are still ticklish!” Foolish excitedly announced, his squeezing fingers turning into fluttering fingertips up Eret’s ribs over their dress shirt. “Nihihice obsehervation!” The sassiness is definitely still there as well, apparently.
Foolish hummed in thought, trying to remember any sweet spots. You could practically see a lightbulb appear over his head as his face lit up. “Whahat are you plahanni-IHIHAHAHA- FOOLISH!” Eret squealed, throwing themself back on the couch. Foolish’s hands gently squeezed up and down their thighs, eventually settling on the spot right above their kneecap.
Laughing at the sudden cackle, Foolish stopped his squeezing to just rake his slight claws up and down their thighs instead. “It looks like getting a victory will be easier than I thought, huh?”
Eret shook their head. “You neheed to t- try haharder than thahat, paha-AHAHAL, NOHOT THEHERE!” They threw their head back, glasses almost flying off as the squeezing started up again, moving to the under-sides of their thighs. The mix of squeezes and raking on the backs of their thighs was driving Eret mad, the feeling nearly unbearable.
“Fiiine, it would be fun to figure out your tickle spots allll over again, don’t you think?” Foolish sniggered, slipping his hands out from under them, only to wiggle his fingers over Eret’s stomach. They immediately sucked their stomach in on reflex, squirming gently to get away from the impending claws over his belly.
“Oh? What’s wroooong, Eret? You think you can get away from my tickles? Is that it?” Foolish raised an eyebrow, lowering his hands before Eret could get a word of retaliation out. The monarch kicked their legs, arms crashing down to weakly shove at the attacking hands. “F- FOOHOLISH! SHUHUSH!” Eret let out more high-pitched giggles, a few hiccups peppering through their laughing fit.
“No, I don’t think I will. It’s fun to talk about how ticklish you are, and how much I’m gonna tickle tickle tickle you! Laugh for me!” The hybrid teased, cooing little noises at the monarch as he wagged a single claw over their ribs, as his other hand prodded on the side of their belly. “Oooh, maybe instead of the ‘King of the SMP,’ you could be the ‘King of Giggles!’ I like that better. What do you think about that, King?”
Eret shook their head, face growing red and warm at the new title bestowed onto them. “STOHOP T- TAHALKING!” They playfully rebuttal, earning a head shake from Foolish. “That wasn’t very nice, King of Giggles! I think I should humble you a little bit, yeah?” Before Eret could retaliate, their words evaporated into nervous giggles as they felt the bottom buttons of their dress shirt come undone.
“Y’know Eret, a while ago when we had these tickle fights, you always did something that made me lose every time. Do you remember what that was?” Foolish started, then smirked. “I believe the technique is called a ‘raspberry.’ Does that ring a bell, Eret? I bet it does, you’re blushing right now.” He smiled, pushing the bottom of their shirt aside.
As they felt cold air brush over their belly, shivers rushed over them and butterflies erupted in their stomach, now excited giggles bubbling up from their throat. “Juhust do ihit!” Eret complained, digging their heels into the couch behind Foolish.
He laughed, leaning down. “Alriiight, you technically asked for it, though!” Foolish smirked at Eret before planting a large raspberry right underneath their navel. Screw Foolish and his strong shark lungs. “F- FOOLIHISH- YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIN- I GIHIVE! PLEHEHASE!” Eret managed to get out through their laughter, grabbing a pillow to protect themselves with as they caught their breath.
“One win for Foolish, let’s go! Looks like I’m in the lead now.” Foolish crossed his arms triumphantly, a proud smile plastered on his face. “Wehe’re tahallying up wihins now?” Eret asked, fixing their crooked glasses. The hybrid nodded at them, putting his hands on his hips as he stood up.
“Hmm, I better get my lead back then.” Eret smirked, Foolish’s proud grin shifting into a skittish smile. “Wh- what? Wait, Erehet. Yohou don’t need toho!” He shook his head, putting his arms out in front of him as a ‘defensive mechanism.’
“Watch yourself, old pal. I think it’s time I discover your tickle spots now.”
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sds-mod · 3 years
Excuse me can I just say, I was just gone a a year and OMG YOUR ART really improved, the mod who drew naruto. The uh black hair girl white eye color lol. Do you use anything fancy like a cintiq? I personally just have an ipad 10.5 😭 but I haven’t been drawing as much, and practicing. Can you share your drawing tips? You use clip studio right? What brushes did you use to color or lineart? My art friends all say, to look up refs, trace, study the anatomy. Cause dear god, listen if you ever have commissions open please please. I would absolutely throw money at you. Sorry if this ended up being long lol. If you have a personal blog I’d be cool messaging you over there instead. Don’t wanna clog up the askbox -art anon
Tumblr media
sdkfjhdsfj okay lemme gather uhmm:
- This is my personal blog so you're in the right place :D asks are only at asksds
- I've been using a Wacom Intuos Pro M for years and I'm very happy with it!! I do actually have a Cintiq at work, and it's very handy for what I'm doing there, but for my private art I prefer the Intuos because with the Cintiq I always feel like my hand is in my way haha. That's just me and my preference though! My best friend uses her iPad, after she has worked with a regular drawing tablet and screen tablet, and she's super super happy with it, so it depends on the person.
- I do use Clip Studio, I even upgraded to EX in the last sale because I love it so! Currently my favourite brush for sketches is this one, and I occasionally use it to line as well (like with these Hinata-doodles), but generally I use the basic G-Pen in Clip for lineart, like here. For asks in asksds I use a brush I got from the asset store once called Bird's Lineart Brush, but I think it was deleted ;; it's very similar to the G-Pen though, the only difference is that the stroke-tips are a little more blunt.
- As for tips (this got a bit long so I'm putting it under a Readmore):
1) be lazy. I don't have as much time for drawing anymore since I got a fulltime job (hence why I don't upload a lot), so when I do I just take shortcuts, which is why I love Clip so much. I have downloaded countless brushes in the asset store so I don't have to draw a full plate of macarons 3 times and can just use a brush for it (btw. I counted and I have 67 lace brushes...wow.), and make a lot of use of the 3D-Models, especially for perspective. The bigger comic-updates in sds exist only because I use 3D-Models and rulers and whatnot, and I love them. Fuck the mindset of that being cheating (which I did have myself, I used to be like "But I should just KNOW how to do perspective!"). It gets the job done and you have more time for other art or other things. Win-Win!
2) Using refs, tracing and studying anatomy are all true tips which I also support, but just saying it like that is frustrating and too nebulous as a concept (it always felt that way to me at last), so lemme try to explain why. An excellent tip I read once is that art is like a language - you can't just craft something from yourself, but you need to learn the vocabulary first to get there. Likewise, you need to do those things so you train your hands and muscle memory. If you trace a thigh 100 times, your hand starts to just kinda know how the line is supposed to flow. tbh you could compare it to rhythm games, the longer you play, the more your fingers just kinda take over, and actively thinking about it makes you play worse.
That's not to say that it's some magical fix or you "know" art then! It's just that you don't have to actively think about everything you do anymore since your hands do part of the work, because you trained them for it and they remember.
Using refs and studying anatomy imo are intertwined. What I felt has worked the most for me (and keep in mind that I don't study a lot and I really really should do it a lot more so don't be like me) is actually trying to grasp the basics of skeletal structure and muscle build. There's a really good book called "Anatomy for sculptures", which is WILDLY useful for explaining and grasping muscle structure (you can find it online if you know where to look wink wink), and an app called C.Anatomy, which has a paywall for the full content, but the free version has a really nice 3D-Model of a skeleton which you can rotate and look at. I also really recommend MangaMaterials, she's a pretty big inspiration to me and explains the concepts of studying anatomy extremely well on her Youtube-channel.
Basically, if you know at least the base structure of the body, you start to kind of understand the random bumps and connections on the human body which makes it easier to reproduce them I feel. And again, I don't do this NEARLY enough myself and I make a lot of mistakes still, but even just doing it for a bit helps a lot imo.
HOPE THIS HELPS!! This ask made me so happy skdfhjkj I hope you have a fantastic weekend Art Anon!!
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ressyfaerie · 3 years
Request: I saw this tattoo programme where 2 lesbian friends went on and they got to pick the other's tattoo and they can't look till it's done. One picked "you mean everything" for the friend and she was so worried about her seeing in case she hated it. Then hers (from her friend) was "I love you". This had them all emotional and got them both to confess & get together. Anywaaaay, a similar idea for Tyka?
Sorry for the late response! I’m working again and still recovering! This is the LAST FIC REQUEST of this askbox being open!
Soooo likkee. Once upon a time I talked to someone about a tattoo shop AU? This gave me some serious inspiration sooooooo here we gooooo
Halfway through I remembered! I (mentally?) based a lot of this idea on @ishkajules tattoo tyka shop AU!
Oh, disclaimer, I want a tattoo but know NOTHING about them aaaahhhahaha
“You’re a great artist, but you’re scaring away your clients.”
“Why do you care, Tala?”
“I don’t. They come to me after you reject them, or make them so uncomfortable they sit in the next chair over.”
“So then, why are you telling me this?”
Kai cleaned his equipment. It was nearing the end of the day, he figured he wouldn’t have any more walk-in customers.
“I just thought I’d let you know. You’re losing us money. If you don’t fix it, I’ll change your pay to commission only.”
Kai scowled. Who did he think he was? Threatening his pay like that?
“Like I said. You’re a phenomenal artist. But you're lucky I hired you. No one else will with your personality.”
Kai gave him a glare, “I’ll try to do better, boss.”
“Good. Keep that mouth in check.” Tala gave him a ‘I’m watching you’ gesture.
As soon as he turned away Kai rolled his eyes.
The bell in the shop rang.
“Hello! Welcome, how can we help you?” Tala welcomed the new customer with his regular fake friendly greeting.
“Hey... I’m Tyson.”
The kid seemed nervous. He didn’t have any art on his body.
Blank canvas.
“Um. Is Kai here?”
“Kai? Are you looking for him specifically?”
“Yeah! I follow his stuff on instagram and I really want my first tattoo to be done by him!”
The boy’s face brightened the whole shop. Kai’s lip curled.
“Of course! Let me get him for you!”
Tala made his way to Kai in the corner, he got up in his face.
“Listen, this kid’s a newbie—”
Kai rolled his eyes, “you know I don’t ink tattoo virgins—”
“Think of it as a blank canvas. As artists we all like a good canvas, look at him! He’s perfect!”
Kai took a look at this Tyson character. He hated to admit Tala was right. He was a good blank canvas. But Kai hated working with newbie clients; always so nervous, worried about the pain. He would just rather work with a regular.
Tala got angrier, “you will tattoo him. You’ll do exactly what he wants, and above all, you will be nice.”
“Or else what?”
Tala shrugged his shoulders and smiled, “or else you’re fired.”
Kai didn’t want to admit that Tala's threat got to him. He sighed, played off as if he was slightly annoyed but obedient, “fine.”
“Good. Now go do your job.” Tala pointed to the front desk where the new client was waiting.
Kai shot Tala a glare, as he made his way to the desk. He put on his biggest fakest smile.
“Hey, I’m Kai.”
Tyson held a backpack around his shoulder, he grasped it firmly, while giving Kai the widest grin.
“I’ve been following you for a long time! I um… decided when I had enough money I wanted my first tattoo to be done by you…”
Awkward silence.
“Uh, what do you have in mind?” Kai learned how much it hurt when you kept smiling.
“I know you specialize in birds… I would love to have a red phoenix. Eventually I want a dragon. But I’d love to start with your strongest area!”
“Okay. Sounds like a plan.”
Tyson watched Kai like he was a celebrity. He had a popular art account, but that was about it. Kai just stared back at him.
“Um... I think I want it on my back…” Tyson trailed off as he grew more nervous.
“That’s a good choice. Do any designs come to mind?”
Tyson bit his lip, he looked up to the ceiling in thought, “oh!” He pulled out his phone.
He passed it to Kai showing him an old post of his. It wasn’t his best work, but he understood why he liked it.
“I can do that design easily.” Kai wondered why he was so worried—”
“I just… Don’t want it exactly like this.”
Ah right. Newbies.
“So what do you have in mind then?” Kai’s eyebrow twitched.
“I um.” Tyson rubbed the back of his head as his cheeks turned a bit red.
Kai sighed, “kid, I can’t work on you if I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Tala called to Kai, “Hey Kai! Don’t forget about your happy little tattoo gun over here!”
Kai reluctantly put on his big smile, “yeah boss, I haven't forgotten!”
He turned back to Tyson. “So what are your ideas?”
Tyson bit his lip.
“Do you have a reference I can make a design off of? Anything?”
“I… do.”
“Then show it to me.”
Tyson exhaled, then slid his backpack off his shoulder. He opened it and pulled out a sketchbook. He had it turned away from Kai making sure he wouldn’t see. He flipped through a few pages, and turned it towards Kai.
Kai grabbed it, and placed it down on the counter. He saw the sketch of the phoenix that was clearly an imitation of his style… with a twist.
Kai found himself impressed. It was a good design.
“I’ve worked on this for a few months… I’m pretty confident this is what I want… What do you think of it?”
Kai was trying to be extra nice, but he couldn't deny it was good. “It’s well done.”
“Thanks!” Tyson grinned.
The more Kai inspected the drawing the more detailed it became, it gave him new inspiration, a kind he never had before.
“Do you..” Kai cleared his throat and prodded the page with his finger. “Do you want this exact design or a design done by me?”
Tyson looked ecstatic, “would you be willing to make me an original design!?”
Kai thought for a moment. His original designs were usually reserved for regulars or people willing to drop more cash. But something about this design called to him…
He convinced himself he was inspired by his jealousy. He couldn't let this poor imitation see the world.
“I can make you a design based on this one.”
“Really!? Wow, thanks!”
“Can I borrow this sketch book?” Kai asked, while flipping the book closed.
“I need the design.”
“Could you take a picture?”
“I’d prefer to work with the original.” Kai’s lips hurt from smiling.
“Okay… You can borrow it.” It seemed Tyson was an extremely shy guy. “Be careful with it, okay?”
“I will.”
Kai stayed late in the shop. He worked in the studio.
“I’m locking up. Kai, I’m surprised you're still here?” Tala twirled the keys around his finger.
Kai was hunched over the small desk. He had already drawn out a few sketches. Tala inspected his work over his shoulder.
“Can you not?” Kai spat back.
“It’s a good design. I’m surprised you're putting so much effort into this kid's request. It’s not like you.”
Kai shrugged.
“He’s not loaded, you know? You’re not going to make up for it in tips.”
“I know.”
Tala felt a strange proud emotion emerge. “Alright,” he dropped the keys on the desk. “You can lock up. Have fun with your drawings.”
Kai watched the keys as they fell in front of him. He heard the door open, and close.
He sighed, then scrunched up the paper he was working with into a ball, and tossed it into the bin with the rest of the failed projects.
The sketchbook laid in front of him. He wanted to take a look at the design again. But he had lost the bookmark.
He had to look through the book to find the right page.
There better not be anything dirty in here…
He opened it to another design.
Oh, wow.
It was a dragon, scribbled with faint watercolour. Kai grew curious, what other masterpieces did this book hold?
He began to flip through, curiously studying each design.
There were tons of dragons. Kai was interested, as he had always wanted a dragon tattoo, but he hadn’t yet met an artist who could ink scales the way he wanted.
These designs were so close to what he wanted, until—
He turned to a page with a very detailed dragon design. It took up the whole page. The colours were perfect, mixes of blues and silver. He was immediately captivated by it. His mouth hung open slightly.
It had been a long time since an art piece caught his attention.
He ran his finger down the page, careful not to smudge the drawing.
Two days later Tyson came back to the shop, eagerly awaiting his tattoo.
Tala gestures to Kai from across the shop, pointing to the front desk where Tyson had just entered. He mouthed the words ‘be nice!’. Kai looked to the ceiling to stop himself from rolling his eyes.
Kai got up from his station. The night before he had pulled an all-nighter. Until finally—he came out with the perfect piece. He knew Tyson would love it. He was upset with himself for putting so much thought into it, after all, he was just a newbie.
Kai tossed a black file folder on the desk.
Tyson jumped a bit, then settled back in with his backpack on his shoulder, “good morning, Kai!”
Kai put on a smile, “good morning.”
Tyson tilted his head, it was kind of cute, “did you manage to come up with anything? I know it hasn’t been long—”
“I did, I think you’ll enjoy it.” Kai opened the folder and revealed a paper, he placed it on the desk and flipped it around to show the blue-haired boy.
“Woah! Holy shit that’s so cool!” Tyson placed both his hands on the corners, admired it with an open mouth.
“Is it what you wanted?” Kai accidentally let his smile drop as he awaited the response.
“It’s perfect!” Tyson was so happy you could see his dimples.
It made Kai perform… maybe… a real smile.
“I have a test here, do you want to see what it would look like?”
“Can I? Oh man that’s so fucking cool…”
Kai gestured behind the desk, Tyson happily pushed himself through the gate. Kai pointed to his station “that’s my chair, put your stuff anywhere out of my way. Take your shirt off.”
Tyson suddenly stopped smiling and froze, Kai almost ran into him.
“Hey!” Kai started to lose his temper, but saw Tala’s red hair in the corner of his eye, he took a deep breath. “You said you wanted it on your back didn’t you?”
“Yeah…” Tyson answered back nervously.
Kai dropped the folder on his desk near the chair, “then take off your shirt and lay on your stomach.”
Tyson swallowed a hard lump in his throat.
Kai just stared at him.
Newbies. It’s just some skin. So annoying.
Tyson let his bag slide to the floor, he kicked it to the corner of the room, then he folded his arms.
Kai turned around, ready to place the stencil, then he frowned, “why do you still have your shirt on?”
Tyson went to say something, but stopped.
Kai sighed, “it’s just bare skin. I’ve worked on way more intimate body parts. You have nothing to worry about.”
Tyson shrugged, he acted confident but Kai could tell he was nervous. He grasped the ends of his shirt and rolled it over his head, throwing it on top of his bag.
“Now lay down.” Kai gestured to the chair that was horizontal from the last client.
Tyon nodded, and laid down in front of Kai, “is it going to hurt!?”
Kai closed his eyes for a moment, it took everything in him to not retort with sass, “it’s just a sticker, so we can determine the placement. It won’t hurt.”
Tyson nodded.
Kai flicked his arm, “you need to have your arms near your sides… like this.”
Kai had grabbed his closest arm and manipulated it like a rag doll, Tyson hid his face, hoping his idol didn’t see him blush.
“Okay, I’m applying it now.”
Kai expertly placed the test paper exactly where Tyson had described he wanted it. Along his right shoulder. Tyson barely moved, but Kai wasn’t sure how he would react when the actual inking started.
“Done. Take a look in the mirror.”
Tyson jumped up, nearly running to the full length mirror in the shop, twirling his body so he could see it better.
“Wow! It’s so cool!” His voice rang through the whole shop, even Tala’s client looked up from his chair.
“Thank you, Kai!”
“No problem.” Kai sat down in his chair, he picked up his tattoo gun and started to tinker with it, he looked at Tyson. “So are you ready?”
Tyson’s eyes grew wide, “r—right now!?”
Kai gave him a genuine grin, “no better time than the present.”
Tyson made his way back to Kai’s station. He looked down at the chair, “is it going to take a while?”
Kai nodded, “I’ll do the outline today. Then you can come back tomorrow and we will ink as much as we can.”
Tyson sat on the chair, still too nervous to lay down.
“Hey kid!”
Tyson looked around the shop for the echoing voice.
It came from the client on Tala’s chair. He was covered in different tattoos, “don’t be worried! But remember it's addicting! Once you get one you can’t stop!”
Tyson laughed, “thanks man!”
The man gave Tyson a thumbs up, Tala smirked in Kai’s direction.
He must enjoy torturing me… asshole.
Tyson gave Kai a huge smile, “I’m ready!”
“Good.” Kai had reached over to his station, he placed a pair of glasses on his face.
“You wear glasses!?” Tyson was intrigued.
“Yeah? Why is that surprising?” Kai wondered why Tyson cared so much, they just met after all.
Tyson mumbled, “you just… never shared anything on your instagram I guess…”
“There’s more to me than my online persona. Get on your stomach.”
Tyson instantly obeyed. He curled in his fists.
Kai made the necessary procedures, he wiped his back with a sterile wipe, Tyson shivered.
Kai had to bite his tongue from sighing.
“Sorry… it was cold.” Tyson muttered.
“It’s fine, don’t worry.” Kai tried to reassure him but realized he had never really reassured anyone before.
Kai prepared the gun, Tyson turned his head to him, “how much… is it going to hurt?”
God damn it. Why do they always ask...
“Not as much as you’re going to love it.”
Kai impressed himself with his response.
Tyson nodded, and turned his head away from Kai.
“Alright, I’m starting.”
Kai had done it a million times before, but it was Tyson’s first. When the gun first ran along his skin he tensed up, he made a quiet high pitched noise. Kai kept going.
He kept tensing up, too much, it would ruin the work, and Kai’s concentration. Kai stopped for a moment, “you have to untense. It hurts now but it’ll go numb soon, then it won’t be so bad.”
Kai just saw the back of Tyson’s head as he nodded.
Kai grasped his shoulder, “good, now untense.”
Tyson tried to loosen up, but his muscles were still tight.
Kai wasn’t sure what to do, but he still had his hand on his shoulder, he gave Tyson a gentle rub with the edge of his thumb.
He heard Tyson exhale, and his whole body relaxed.
“Good job.” Kai readjusted his glasses, and continued. He was leaning over Tyson’s body.
Tyson was aware just how close his idol was, he could feel his breathing as he worked. His face turned red. Over the next hour he grew used to it. He was loving the closeness. He was excited to see what it looked like done.
Tala was surprised, usually Kai put his earbuds in and avoided talking to clients. But this time, Kai kept glancing at Tyson’s hair, as if he wanted to say something, but was stalling. At just over the hour mark, Kai made his move.
“I have to admit. I looked through your sketchbook.”
Tyson jumped, “what?”
“Don’t move—”
“Sorry, but why did you do that?”
“I lost the page the design was on. Then I just kept looking.”
Tyson went silent, clearly he was upset.
Kai stopped for a second, “they’re really good.” he immediately started again.
Tyson went stone cold.
Kai continued, “your dragons are insanely intricate. I’ve never seen scale work like yours. Are they all original?”
Tyson hesitated, “yes…”
“I’m quite fond of the silver-blue dragon, the one near the end.”
“I know which one you’re talking about. It’s one of my favourites too.”
“Mhm.” Kai trailed off, still not ready to ask the question he wanted to.
A few hours later, Kai stopped, “I think that’s good for today.”
Kai put his equipment down, and laid his glasses back on his desk.
Tyson went to get up, “ow…”
“Yeah, I’ve been in this position too long…”
Tyson slowly rose to a sitting position. Kai admired his shoulder.
It’s great work. I did well.
“I want to see it!” Tyson jumped to his feet making his way to the mirror. He looked in the mirror and gasped in awe.
Tala had approached, he observed the design and raised an eyebrow, “it’s really good, Kai.”
Kai crossed his arms, “come back tomorrow. I’ll colour it. But it will be a bit of work.”
Tala agreed, “it might be best to split the coloring into two appointments. Since it’s his first… How was it, Tyson?”
Tyson was still admiring his tattoo, “the pain? It was fine once I got used to it, Kai really helped.”
“Really!?” Tala looked at Kai in disbelief.
Kai shot him a glare.
Tyson put his shirt back on while Tala described how to take care of it. They made their way to the front desk and finished off some paperwork.
Tala had gone back to his desk, still within earshot.
“Thanks so much. Kai! It’s going to be awesome!” Tyson grinned, “but um… can I have my sketchbook back?”
Kai nodded, then went back to his station, and came back with the book, he slid it across the table, but held on to it when Tyson tried to take it.
Kai didn’t let go of the book, he looked into Tyson’s eyes, with his first genuine expression, “I have a question. About your design.”
“Huh?” Tyson looked up to Kai. He was positive there was nothing he could ask that he wouldn’t know himself.
“I want to buy it.”
“What?” Tyson’s voice rang with disbelief.
“Well, I don’t want to buy the rights. Just the design, so I can have it tattooed.”
“You want my design!?”
“Yes, is that a problem?”
Tala’s ear twitched, the situation tickled his interest, and he made his way back to the counter.
“I uh—um.” Tyson was lost for words.
“How much?” Kai badgered him.
Tala intervened, “Kai leave the poor kid alone, let him think on it.”
Kai looked at Tyson, Tyson stared back.
Tyson let go of the book, “keep the book till tomorrow… I’ll think about what you said…”
Tyson backed up towards the door, “b—bye! See you tomorrow!”
He had left the shop faster than either of them could say bye.
Kai still held the sketchbook, he looked down at it. Tala was immediately furious.
“Kai Hiwatari, what the hell!? Are you an ass or head over heels? You’re going to bully some rookie artist into stealing his design? What is wrong with you—”
Kai had opened the book to his favourite page. Tala’s voice changed right away.
Kai held the open book close to his chest, “I know. It’s well done.”
“You’re not kidding, here let me see—”
Kai handed him the book. Tala admired the drawing for a long time. Before flipping through the book. He let out a long high pitched whistle.
“Could you do it?” Kai asked.
“Do what?”
“Could you tattoo this for me? I want it on my right shoulder—”
Tala laughed, “no. My specialty lies in fangs and fur. I’ve never done a dragon, plus these scales… this could only be done by the original artist.”
Tala looked up from the book, “if you love this design, it has to be done by the original artist. Does he know how to use a gun?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Ah, shame.”
“How come?”
Tala went back to flipping through pages, “because I'd hire him on the spot.”
Kai was dumbfounded, “for real?”
Dude I have so many more ideas for this AU it’s INSANE. AAAH but this is all I have time for now <3 if there’s a demand for more I might write more!
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khaotic-kitsunes · 4 years
Forged of Love
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You were most certainly not too late! In fact, just in time because I’m pretty sure you were the last request before I closed my askbox...so good timing??? And as for this request? *Chefs kiss* I have so much love for this?? How dare you present me with such a fun ask??? I rarely write for Eijiro but he’s actually super fun to write for??? He can either be so soft and fluffy and just...yes?? Or he can be that hot, frustratingly sexy pro you wanna bang.
Either way, I hope you enjoy this scenario! I was gonna write headcanons but the request caught me in a scenario-writing mood. So, yeah.
Let me know what you think!
I would also like to note that I was gonna schedule this for the 27th since I’ve got posts ready to go for the 25th and 26th...but fuck it, I put four sleep-deprived hours into this and I wanna post it now.
🥃 AO3 🥃 || ✉️My Askbox✉️ || 💬Discord💬
Cheeky Kitsune 🦊💋
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 “Thank you again, Mr. Kirishima”
 Eijiro smiled warmly at you as you curtsied in front of him, holding the package that he had taken great care to wrap for you earlier that morning, containing the latest request you had made of him; small enough for him to allow you to take it back to your home without him accompanying you, but large enough to fill your arms.
 Any bigger and Eijiro would have insisted on carrying the heavy iron item back on your behalf, it wouldn’t be proper to allow someone such as yourself, a well-known aristocrats daughter, to carry such a thing home.
 “No problem! And hey, I thought we agreed that you’d start calling me Eijiro? You’re here often enough for it to be normal, Miss. (Name)” You tilted your head at his cheery words, a shy smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you glanced back towards the carriage that awaited your presence. Not nearly enough time for a casual chat, but maybe for a cheeky remark here and there; at least, until your next visit.
 Which, judging by the condition of your horses’ shoes, would be considerably close. Not that you would complain about such an opportunity, you had been using every chance you had to come see the charming, young blacksmith that had surfaced in the town. Errands or requests that you made simply to see him, it didn’t matter.
 Anything was enough.
 “Well in that case, you should be calling me (Name) and not Miss (Name)…right?”
 The corners of Eijiro’s mouth stretched out into a large grin as he laughed at your statement, giving a nod of his head before rubbing at his neck sheepishly; the action causing the muscles in his arm to flex impressively, drawing your thoughts to an inappropriate place.
 “Yeah, sorry about that. You’re right! I guess I’ll see you another time (Name), make sure you take care. Alright?” You gave a simple nod in response to his words of care, turning to make your way towards the carriage despite how much you wished that you could stay and chat with Eijiro a little while longer; however, there was only so long you could stay outside of the house. Any longer and your father would grow concerned, perhaps even look into what had caught your attention as of late and that, was the last thing you wanted.
 “Goodbye, Eijiro.”
 ~  ~  ~
 “So, I saw you with that cute little lady earlier”
 Eijiro frowned as he shoved his latest work in progress into the burning hot forge, making sure to bury it beneath a healthy layer of coals before lifting his gaze to look over at his best friend and greatest rival; Tetsutetsu.
 More than a little surprised to see him in his Smithy at such an hour when usually, his rival’s own business should be booming.
 “Tetsutetsu? Uh, yeah, (Name) had some stuff to pick up this morning.” Eijiro shrugged off Tetsutetsu’s remark, looking back towards the flames before removing the sword and moving to rest it on his largest Anvil, reaching towards his sledgehammer so that he could make the necessary adjustments. He wasn’t sure why Tetsutetsu was bringing you up, but he couldn’t deny his curiosity; he only hoped it wasn’t because he had feelings for you.
 “Strange, don’t you reckon? For a young aristocrat’s daughter, of a marriageable age, to spend all her time in your shop?” Eijiro frowned at Tetsutetsu’s question before hammering the sword in front of him as he needed, using the noise-filled time to think on why his friend was chatting about such a topic; it made no sense to him. None at all.
 “Not really? If you need something, you go get it. Right?” Eijiro grunted with effort, setting the sledgehammer down before moving to dunk the sword in the bucket of cold water nearby, closing his eyes tightly to stop the steam from making his eyes sting; that had been one of the first things he had learnt early on during his apprenticeship days.
 “Really? So, you don’t think it’s odd that she comes in every second day? With a new request, or to pick something up? That she doesn’t just send a butler or a maid to run the errand instead of herself?” Eijiro sighed loudly, lifting the sword from the bucket before putting it down on a nearby bench, turning to face the curious looking Tetsutetsu; unable to focus on his work when you were the topic of conversation.
 “What are you trying to say Tetsutetsu?” His friend scoffed at his question, laughing at the confused expression that Eijiro wore, apparently finding what he had said to be amusing in some way, shape or form; though how, Eijiro wasn’t sure.
 “Tetsutetsu!” The man standing across from him slowly stopped laughing, letting out a sigh as he crossed his arms, observing Eijiro for a moment longer before giving a shake of his head; almost in disapproval.
 “I can’t believe you don’t see it Eijiro…the girl is head over heels for you!” Tetsutetsu’s words had his mouth dropping open in shock, about to protest the idea of such a claim before a frown began to form on his features, his thoughts running over all of his encounters with you; the pieces slowly clicking into place.
 “Well look at that…penny finally drop, did it?” Tetsutetsu grinned, watching Eijiro before chuckling and moving closer, patting the red-head’s shoulder firmly; almost managing to make the strong man stumble. Almost.
 “You should see the look on your face man, it’s priceless!” Eijiro blinked quickly at Tetsutetsu’s words, shrugging off his hand before reaching for the sword he had been working on moments ago, wanting to get the commission finished and now having a good reason to get it done early; he had an interesting conversation to have and little patience to wait for it.
 “Shouldn’t you be at your own shop? Or you gonna give up on your store, come be my apprentice?” Eijiro laughed when he felt Tetsutetsu’s fist against his shoulder, the hit not enough to hurt but enough to make the point that his rival wanted to make; there would be no apprenticeship.
 “Laugh it up, at least I can tell when a woman is interested in me!”
 ~  ~  ~
“Oh, good morning (Name)! Isn’t it a bit early for you to be here?”
 You jolted in surprise as you stepped into Eijiro’s Blacksmith shop, offering a small smile in greeting to the grinning young man that seemed to be putting the finishing touches on something that you couldn’t quite make out.
 “Good morning, Eijiro…I suppose it might be, but you see, my horses need new shoes and who else could I trust to do such a thing but you?” You tilted your head curiously as he chuckled to himself, looking over at you with a mischievous grin decorating his face; his smile easily reaching his eyes as you so loved to see.
 “New shoes? I can have them done today, my day clears up in a few minutes” Eijiro chuckled at the confused look that formed on your features, finding it to be more than a little adorable; he was still surprised that Tetsutetsu had been right the other week, but now that he was aware of your feelings, it was easy to see.
 “A few minutes? Am I interrupting you then?” He shook his head in response to your question, setting down whatever it was that he had been working on before making his way over to you, his grin still present on his lips.
 “Not at all, I just had something I wanted to ask you” You nodded your head in response to his explanation, a sign for him to go ahead with whatever question the cheerful man had for you; you had no idea what that question might be, but your curiosity was beginning to get the better of you.
 “(Name), would you allow me to court you?” His question immediately threw you off-guard, causing your mouth to drop open in a mild form of surprise before you quickly closed it, covering your mouth with your hand to hide the reaction from him; though it was easy to see that it was too late for that.
 “(Name)? If it’s about your father, I already went and asked him for permission to ask you…apparently being the best Blacksmith in town has its perks” Eijiro chuckled nervously as he rubbed at the back of his neck, anxiously awaiting your response; your silence filling him with unease, fearing your rejection.
 “You…you went to my father? And he didn’t kick you out?” You stared at him incredulously before shaking your head, a soft giggle spilling past your lips. Even though you hadn’t expected Eijiro to go to your father, it was something that shouldn’t have actually surprised you; Eijiro was a hard-working man, an honest and up-front man.
 Visiting your father for permission to request such a thing would be nothing to a man like Eijiro, it was one of the things you loved about him most.
 “No…? I thought he might, but we had a drink together and he asked me some things…in the end, he gave his permission. Ah, but he was very clear that if you rejected me, that would be the end of it” Eijiro shuddered at the memory of his visit to your father, intimidated by the threat that he had been given should he disrespect you in any way, shape or form; however, Eijiro had no plans to do such a thing.
 “How unusual…you’re not the first man to ask him something like that…” You trailed off into a curious whisper before shaking your head to clear your thoughts and stepping closer to the man that held your affections, reaching out to take hold of his warm hands; a soft smile decorating your lips, easing his nerves more than he thought possible.
 “I would love it, if you would court me Eijiro…” Your soft murmur of agreement made his grin return ten-fold before his arms wrapped around your waist gently, a chaste kiss placed to your cheek; thankfully leaving you free of soot as he hadn’t fired up any of his equipment just yet. Unusual for his line of work, but then again, perhaps he had other plans.
 “I promise you (Name), I might not be as wealthy as your family, but I will treat you like a princess!”
 “Silly man, I care for you just as you are…you don’t need to spoil me for my affections, you already have them.”
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katsukiboom · 5 years
Late Night Voices || Todoroki x Reader
so I’m not doing too well in the emotional department these days so I thought, what better way to channel that than through writing? I’m sure I’ve done similar stuff in the past, but I’m trying my best to find new ideas while I write my fanfics. Y’all can always drop by the askbox, it’s always open for requests! <3
Ko-Fi || Commissions
It was almost 3 am, complete silence reigning over the dorms, and you were still tossing and turning in your bed, unable to even be able to close our eyes without recalling the events that happened that afternoon.
You knew that dating one of the most popular guys in all of Yuuei would have its consequences, but when it involved other people trashing you and talking behind your back it became something you wished you could overturn. They didn’t know about your own personal struggles with confidence and self-loathing, or maybe they did – it all mattered none to you, a few tears already rolling down your temple and onto the soft pillow below. The cruel remarks you had to endure became only whispers whenever they saw you two together, yet they still clung to your heart like daggers that slowly tore apart at the flesh, leaving all of you exposed for them to make fun of.
You had been dating for little over a year and he had always taken care of you, no matter the situation; he knew all of your soft spots, your weaknesses, what made you happiest and what you couldn’t tolerate. Even if you didn’t talk with him about the current situation, you suspected he already had even the slightest idea but were pretty thankful he didn’t rush into it alone.
Just as if you had summoned him somehow, your phone vibrated next to you, revealing the one picture you had chosen as his contact image: it was Shouto just smiling during one of your many festival dates, but it had fireworks in the background, illuminating his face just enough for only his flawless profile to be on full sight. You couldn’t help but tear up even more, still biting back the need to let it all out.
‘Just woke up from a nightmare. As soon as you read this in the morning, let me know so I can come over for a bit.’
He did that every time he had a bad dream that involved you getting hurt in any way, yet he hadn’t directly told you that – you discovered it one night he stayed over, hearing his soft cries for you and the frown that adorned his usually calm expression. It was sweet, but that night you couldn’t really wait a few hours more to see him.
‘I’m still awake. You can come over if you want.’
You waited but there was no reply, and you wondered if he had already gone back to sleep, though it was highly unlikely seeing that it took him some time to get his mind off the bad things. Letting out a sigh, you rested your head on the pillow again and closed your eyes, focusing on humming your favourite song while trying your best to keep your mind off everything else.
Until you heard the knocking at the door.
It startled you to say the least yet you still got out of bed as fast as you could, grabbing a nearby sweater to cover you up a bit. Behind the door stood a sleepy Todoroki, the bags under his eyes slightly more noticeable than usual and his dual-coloured hair all messy. He was wearing a simple white shirt and grey sweatpants with no shoes at all, and he was holding his own toothbrush on one hand and a glass of water on the other, handing it to you as soon as he saw you.
- Would you mind explaining why you’re still awake? – He whispered as you took the drink and took a long sip, but you didn’t reply as you made your way back to the bed after leaving the glass on top of your bedside table. Closing the door, he followed and sat next to you, one arm carefully wrapping around your shoulders. – I can tell I’m not the only one with a busy mind. Care to share what’s going on?
And you just broke down in his embrace, burying your face on his chest as you cried out loud and told him everything that had been happening, although you tried your best to evade speaking any names just so that he didn’t get any angrier than he already was. Shouto could only hug you as tight as he could without hurting you, letting you vent out the stress you had been piling up. His warmth was soothing and his scent seeped through to you and made you feel at home, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to calm down as you kept weeping on him even after you finished talking.
Shouto made no attempt of getting you off him, instead bringing one hand to the top of your head to gently caress your hair. It was the growing headache that ultimately made you pull away from the hug, burying your face on your hands and wiping your wet cheeks until there was nothing else coming out. – I… I’m sorry f-for this, - you muttered, your voice feeling rather raspy and your spirits just a bit raised. You were grateful he showed up just in time but at the same time the fear you had just overwhelmed him with your problems crept at the back of your mind, something that made you face the other way from him. – If you want, we could just…
But you could never finish that sentence as he wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you against him as he placed a small kiss on your nape that sent a tingling wave down your spine. – Do you want to know what actually attracts me about you? – He muttered against your skin, his hot breath doing less to calm you down than what you expected. – Your spontaneity. You always know what to do even when something catches you off-guard, it’s truly fucking fascinating. – A smile appeared on your lips at the swearing, and you didn’t dare to correct him. – I love how you’re always willing to help those around you, and how you never expect anything in return. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about things you like, or when you see a cute video or a puppy on the streets.
- I love that you’re never afraid to face any problems, and how loyal you are to your friends. I love that you’re willing to endure many things if it means being happy at the end, and I love you even if you choose to keep that for yourself. I love you because you’re you, and I wouldn’t want you in any other goddamn way.
Somehow, only Shouto knew the right way to make you come back to Earth after having an episode like this, and although you knew it wasn’t a permanent solution it’d do for the time being. Leaning more and more against him, you threw your head back softly on his shoulder and looked up at him – he was giving you an earnest smile, and the sight alone made you forget every little bad thing that remained inside your head. – How come I got so lucky to have you? – You asked more rhetorically than seriously, but it surprised you when he took the time to answer.
- (Y/N), it was me who truly got lucky to date you, - he said with the sweetest voice he had ever spoken to you in, - and I’d do anything in my power to make you believe you are worth more than you think.
You turned around and wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s shoulders, pressing your lips to his as he hugged your waist this time. The kiss soon deepened as you carefully sat on his waist but he leaned down on the mattress, bringing you along and making you laugh as you rolled off him. – Hey, I was busy there, - you laughed as you jokingly slapped his shoulder, but you knew that just having him there with you sufficed your every need.
- I wouldn’t care less about messing around but I don’t want you to miss your alarms tomorrow, - he explained as he kissed your forehead one more time before pulling the covers up and waiting until you got in with him. Cuddling you close, he exhaled and you closed your eyes, feeling the needles in your heart slowly backing off. – Sweet dreams now, princess. I’ll be here in the morning.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 5 years
I want to express an unpopular opinion. I hope for your understanding, because such things don't like to listen. Why does everyone think that Hawks is a bird? I couldn' fit my logical arguments into the askbox :( (about how he sits on a pole "like a bird", supposedly likes jewelry and so on). Even his quirk is called Fierce Wings, not a Hawk, not a Red Bird. Do you remember the names of the quirks of Hound Dog and Tsuyu-chan? We haven't evidence to believe that Hawks is behaves like a bird.
I do believe very much he’s a bird, and if you would let me friend, I would love to try and prove it to you because I think the evidence is overwhelming. I’ll make a TL;DR at the end but I’d really like to take the opportunity to perhaps teach others at least one method for literary analysis since it can be a really dry and boring subject to learn in school but is SO useful not only for getting good grades but getting into colleges as well as interpreting both entertainment and genuinely important information like the news, history, laws, and scientific papers. Using fiction - especially such a rich, engaging one like HeroAca - is a great way to try it out without the pressure of a grade. I don’t have the qualifications to teach in any formal capacity, but as a “peer” tutor I hope I can be helpful.
I’m going to put everything under the cut from here because this is going to get LONG, but I promise the TL;DR at the end will be very easy to read. If you liked this sort of unofficial tutorial please let me know. I’d love to help make “academic” skills like this more accessible for those who might benefit from it and enjoy it, but it doesn’t make sense to put in all that effort moving forward if I’m garbage at it.
Before we get too into things, I want to lay out a few notes to keep in mind as we go.
I will only be using the official translations from Viz’s Shonen Jump website when available. Fan translations are more than close enough to casually enjoy and follow the story, but professional translators are paid to know and get various nuances correct and some of the trickier cultural background behind certain phrases (for example, the phrase “where the rubber meets the road” might make zero sense in a foreign language if translated literally, so an equal cultural phrase should be used instead) that give more exact information. Rarely is this too important, but sometimes it helps, plus it supports the source material.
If you’ve followed my blog for a while you might know I’m very fond of doing this kind of thing in my spare time and that I’m a huge fan of YouTube channels like Game/Film Theory, Overly Sarcastic Productions, Extra Credits, and Wisecrack that do this kind of thing with popular media as well. If you like this sort of content, may I encourage you to check them out after this to see how else you can apply these kinds of analytical skills to things that aren’t homework.
My writing style tends to meander, but I do my best to cut out the fat and only include relevant information so even though there’s a lot of information here, please know that I’m trying to be thorough and explain things to the best of my ability. If I seem to go off on a tangent, I’m trying to set up or contextualize information to explain why it’s relevant and then come back to the point. In other words, please be patient and bear with me as I go.
Now, to start, I want to explain at least my method for analyzing a text/piece of media. There is a set order and number of steps to take, and it’s as follows:
Read the material all the way through.
Come up with a hypothesis about something you’ve noticed when reading it. (In this case, it’s “Is Hawks actually supposed to be a bird?”)
Collect as much relevant information as possible and test the evidence to see if it supports the hypothesis we’ve made.
Step back and look at everything again with those points in mind.
Determine if we were right or wrong with the evidence we have.
If we were wrong, go back to step 3 to figure out what fell apart and see if we need to go back to step 2.
If that sequence sounds familiar it’s because it’s the scientific method! Aha, didn’t think we’d be pulling science into all this, did you? Don’t worry, we won’t be putting numbers or formulas anywhere near this discussion - the scientific method is just a way we can observe something and test if what we thought about it is actually true; and it applies to almost everything we as humans can observe - from the laws of the universe, to arts and crafts, to philosophy and religion, and so on! When you think about it that way, whole new possibilities can open up for you when it comes to understanding how the world works.
So with that set let’s (finally) begin!
Steps 1 and 2 are already done. We’ve read the manga and want to prove that Hawks is a bird. (We’re going to try and prove he IS a bird because in the context of the series there’s a lot that *isn’t* a bird and less stuff that *is* which will make our job easier.) So now, we’re onto: 
Step 3 - collect data and see what conclusions we can get just from our evidence.
Now, to pause again (I know, bear with me!) there’s a few different kinds of information and considerations we have to keep in mind as we collect. There are four kinds of information that are important to know about in order to determine if it’s good data that will help us with the testing phase in Step 4. The kinds of information to keep in mind are:
Explicit information - this is information that is directly spelled out for us. For example, Hawks says, “I like my coffee sweet.” and his character sheet says “Hawk’s favorite food is chicken.” That’s all there is to it, and it’s pretty hard to argue with. This is the easiest type of info to find.
Implicit information - this is info that isn’t directly spelled out but is noticeable either in the background or as actions, patterns, or behaviors that can be observed. For example, Hawks has mentioned in at least three very different places his concerns over people getting hurt while he tries to get in with the League:
Chapter 191 when confronting Dabi about the Nomu he says, “You said you’d release it in the factory on the coast, not in the middle of the damn city!”
Chapter 191 again in a flashback with the Hero Commission he asks, “What about the people who might be hurt while I’m infiltrating the League?”
Chapter 240 when discovering how much influence and power the League has gained, “If someone had taken down the League sooner, all those good citizens wouldn’t have had to die!”
Hawks never says in so many words, “I never want innocent people to get hurt under any circumstances!” but the pattern of behavior and concern is consistent enough to form a pattern and clue us in that this is a key part of his character to keep in mind.
Peripheral information - this is information that isn’t directly to do with Hawks or maybe even the series as a whole but is still relevant to keep in mind for his character and the questions we’re asking. This may include extra content that isn’t the “series” proper, but is still an official source like interviews with Horikoshi, etc. but it can go even further. For example, while we try to prove that he’s a bird, we should have some knowledge about what makes a bird a bird, some specific and notable birdlike habits/behaviors/features, etc. This is just to show how wide-ranging we need to cast our informational net.
Contextual information - this will be important when we get to Step 4, but it’s good to keep in mind now. This is when we compare evidence against the broader scope of the series and consider the circumstances under which we find the information. For example, if I told you, “Harry kicked a dog.” you might think “What a jerk! What decent person kicks a dog?”; but if I said, “Harry kicked a dog while trying to keep it from biting his kid.” suddenly it re-frames the story. “Is the kid ok? Why was that dog attacking? Harry put himself in danger to keep his kid safe - what a great dad!”
I’ll go chronologically to make it easier to follow my evidence as I gather and give references as to where I found that information. I’ll go through the manga first, and then any peripheral sources that are either direct informational companions to the series (like character books or bonus character information sheets) and interviews with Horikoshi. Please note the categories these details fall into may vary based on opinion/interpretation, but I did my best to list them out for reference.
Chapter 185 - Explicit Type: Feathered wings - regardless of the specifics of his quirk it’s undeniable his wings are made up of feathers which is a distinctly birdlike quality. There are many mythical creatures and even dinosaurs that also have feathered wings, but this is our first big piece of evidence.
Chapter 186 - Peripheral Type: Large appetite - birds have an incredibly fast metabolism because flying takes so much energy. They’re constantly eating. Plenty of young men are big eaters, but it was specifically pointed out and works towards our hypothesis so we’ll keep it in our back pocket for now.
Chapter 186 - Implicit/Peripheral Type: Fantastic vision - Hawks senses the Nomu coming before the audience even is able to make out what’s headed their way. It could be implied his wings caught it first, which might be the case, but he looks directly at the Nomu and brings Endeavor’s attention to it. Birds have fantastic long-range vision, especially birds of prey that mainly swoop in from high in the air to ambush highly perceptive prey. Also good to add to the pile.
Chapter 192 + Volume 20 Cover - Implicit/Peripheral type: Wears jewelry and bright colors - birds are well documented to be drawn to bright colors and are known for decorating their nests with trinkets. Scientists actually have to be careful when tagging birds with tracking bracelets because they can accidentally make him VASTLY more popular with the ladies by giving him a brightly colored band to the point they can’t resist him! Male birds are also known for having bright, colorful displays for attracting and wooing mates. While Hawks isn’t the only male character to wear jewelry in the series, he’s the only one (to my recollection) that wears as MUCH jewelry so often both during and outside of work. It may not be obvious, but the illustration on Volume 20 is actually an advertisement for his line of (presumably) luxury jewelry. In other words, Hawks on some level is synonymous with style and flair to the point he can make money by selling jewelry with his name on it.
Chapter 20 Volume Cover - Explicit Type: Hawk emblem on the watch face - If the name “Hawks” didn’t give it away, he’s very clearly trying to align himself with more avian qualities if his merch has bird motifs. In other words Hawk = “Hero Hawks” and “Hero Hawks” = bird.
Chapter 192, 244, clear file illustration - Peripheral Type: birdlike posture. Chapter 244 isn’t quite released yet on the official site as of writing this, but when Hawks swoops in and beats the kids to the punch apprehending the criminals trying to subdue Endeavor, his hands are clenched in a very talon-like manner similar to a swooping eagle. When walking with Endeavor in 192, he holds his resting hand in a similar fashion. On the clear file illustration he’s not only perched on his tippy toes in a pose that has been famously called “owling” (remember that trend/meme, y’all?) but his wings are slightly outstretched to catch the breeze to keep from falling over which a lot of birds can be seen doing when they don’t have great purchase on a surface in a place that’s a little windy. The fact that he seems to gravitate to high places like birds are often seen doing might also be a noteworthy indication.
Extra sources:
Hawks Shifuku: Horikoshi describes Hawks as a “bird person” and says that his initial design was based off of Takahiro from his old manga. 
Takahiro’s design:
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Current character design: The banner image on my blog was commissioned from a friend of mine who doesn’t follow the series. When I showed her reference images of Hawks, you know what she said? “Oh! His hair is feathers!” Even his eyebrows have that fluffy/scruffy texture to them that his hair has. The markings on his eyes can also be seen on him as a young child in Chapter 191 which means it isn’t makeup meant to tie in a theme or look. He has those dark, pointed eye markings like many birds do. So on some genetic level he resembles a bird.
Step 4: Testing our hypothesis with the gathered evidence.
There’s already a lot of compelling evidence that already closely aligns him to birds which is promising. However, to really prove our point we should try to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he is a bird. To do that this time around I’m going to see how the series treats people with animal-based quirks and see if it’s consistent with the way Hawks is portrayed.
You bring up Hound Dog and Tsuyu, and they’re fantastic examples. Let’s start with Hound.
He’s pretty straight forward - he’s like a dog. He has a dog face, has dog-like tendencies, and dog-like abilities. Superpower: dog.
And in Tsuyu’s case - quirk: frog, just frog. She’s stated explicitly to have frog-like features, frog-like tendencies, have frog-like abilities, and even comes from a “froggy family.”
So with these two very explicitly animal-like characters the common theme seems to be “If they’re considered to be like a specific animal, they have to physically resemble that animal, act like that animal at times, and have abilities like that animal.” Let’s see if another animal-quirk character matches up and then put Hawks to the test.
Spinner’s quirk is Gecko. Based on our criteria, is he a gecko?
Does he look like a gecko, even vaguely? 
Yes, he’s covered head to toe in scales, and his face is very lizard-like.
Does he occasionally act like a gecko? 
Unclear. We haven’t really seen any evidence of this, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t. For the sake of our argument, we’ll just say no and move on.
Does he have gecko-like abilities?
 Yes! Though most of his abilities are limited to things like being able to stick to walls, it’s still gecko-like in origin and qualifies.
Spinner hits clearly hits ⅔ criteria and our standards seem pretty consistent, so let’s see how Hawks stands up.
Does he look like a bird? 
Not all of his features may explicitly scream “avian” at first, but upon closer observation and with his clear previous inspiration this is a resounding yes.
Does he act like a bird? 
Many of the mannerisms and behaviors he displays can just be chalked up to him being a little eccentric, but with the sheer number of them that also parallel birds in some way this is also a pretty convincing yes.
Does he have bird-like abilities? 
While most of the emphasis is on his wings and what they can do, it does seem that he not only possesses things like heightened senses which could be attributed to avian abilities but he also very much possess high intelligence and incredibly fast reaction times which birds are also known for.
Even if we only gave Hawks a “maybe/half a point” for those last two, he still meets the 2⁄3 that Spinner did. So we have another question to ask: Does a character have to have an explicitly named “animal” quirk to be considered to be/resemble a specific animal? Let’s look at Ojirou and Tokoyami for reference.
Ojirou’s quirk is just “tail,” but he’s been described by his peers and classmates as a monkey and does seem to share some more monkey-like features. It isn’t lumped in with his quirk because the only notable monkey-like quality he possesses is a tail. He doesn’t have fangs or an opposable toe - he just has a tail. For quirk classification as far as hero work goes, that’s the only important thing to note.
Tokoyami, on the other hand has an entire literal bird head, but nothing else. He has a beak, feathers, and even in illustrations of him as a baby he had fluffier feathers on his head. Even with only those details, he just screams “bird!” However, his quirk is classified as “Dark Shadow” because that’s what sets him apart for hero work.
Back at Hawks we see his quirk classified as “fierce wings” but like Ojirou and especially like Tokoyami, the emphasis on his wings is what sets his abilities as a hero apart. Otherwise, he’s just a guy who looks and acts a LOT like a bird.
But astute observers may have noticed I’ve left out a detail that’s more or less a nail in the coffin on the whole matter, so let me ask a question: Tsuyu in particular has something else of note that solidifies in our minds that she is, indeed, a frog - she explicitly calls herself a frog. Could we say the same about Hawks?
Chapter 199 - Explicit Type
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Bingo. Hawks has known himself for as long as he’s been alive. He knows his habits, his impulses, his family/genes, and so on. If he calls himself a bird, are we going to call him a liar? In fact, he calls himself a bird not once, but twice!
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That’s pretty much it. With the evidence stacked to that degree, I’d be hard pressed to NOT believe he’s a bird.
That was a long amount of text to get through, so if you’re here at the end thank you for sticking out with me to this point. I really appreciate it. This is more or less the process I use when analyzing anything and everything whether it be HeroAca related or not. Maybe it’ll help you if you’ve struggled with literary analysis, or at the very least I hope you got some enjoyment out of it.
TL;DR If Hawks looks like a bird, walks (acts) like a bird, is based on a bird (character), and calls himself a bird, he’s probably a bird.
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ffxivimagines · 5 years
FFXIVWrite 2019 | Prompt #14: Care and Keeping
FFXIV Write 2019 | Prompt #14: Scour | Rating: G
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“Are you quite well?” Alphinaud felt it was a pointless question to ask, given the circumstances, but important enough to voice when the Warrior of Light was laying flat on their back in the middle of Camp Dragonhead.
They do not speak, nor open their eyes. Instead, forcing one cold, trembling hand into some semblance of a thumbs up. 
He blinks at them, worried and unimpressed by their lack of voluntary communication, and asks, “Should I get Ser Haurchefant?”
They shake their head slowly. 
“Then tell me why you are not inside and out of the snow.”
“I feel like chocobo shite, Alphinaud,” they grit out. “Speaking aggravates my nausea.”
The young Elezen pauses to think before asking, “When was the last time you ate?”
“It’s fifteen, now.”
They snort, indignant. “Had egg and some soup broth. Worked before.”
“It will not work forever,” he chides. “You cannot hold it in good faith that taking so little is a way to get by.”
They do not reply, instead breathing in measured inhales and exhales. Quiet. Tired. 
Alphinaud huffs in a way that suggests impending care rather than annoyance before setting off to find Ser Haurchefant. The Warrior stays in the snow. 
They don’t mind it, truly. They know a bed may have been the better choice between the two, but at least the discomfort of snow melting and soaking through their coat is discomfiting enough to keep them grounded. Awake. In the wintry hell of Ishgardian spring rather than high above their body. 
It feels like flowing in reverse when another wave of vertigo hits them. A headache combined with the rush of something telling them to fall backward, lay down, allow themself to rest. They do not fall. It is something taken from them by Hydaelyn in death and their comrades in life. They have little time to sleep and less still that counts as true rest. So they stay where they are. It is preferable to the many trials of being the Warrior of Light. 
They zone out, somewhere between when their fingers begin to fade from feeling and when Alphinaud shows up with the man of the hour, and don’t register Haurchefant manhandling them into some semblance of uprightness until they dry heave over his shoulder. “You should not be resting in such a place, my friend. Come inside with me.” They lean into him instead and attempt to ignore how every part of their body protests at the very thought of moving so much as an ilm. 
He lifts them with a firm grip and ignores their whining and weak thrashing in favor of walking them into his own quarters, peeling off emery piece of ice-crusted armor, and tucking them into bed. Alphinaud follows them in with a mug of tea and an entire bowl of preserved fruit. “Are they hypothermic?”
“No, but I’ve no idea how. Fury bless them.” Haurchefant beats snow from the fur of their hood before hanging their coat to dry by the fire. He sets about looking for something Alphinaud does not know, scouring the entirety of his chest of drawers, closet, and even between the stack of blankets piled at the foot of his bed. “Have you seen a scarf anywhere?”
“I am afraid not.”
They look for a few minutes more while the Warrior defrosts, mumbling unhappily when Alphinaud helps them sip their way through the proffered chamomile tea. “I could have stayed there, y’know.”
“And become the next Iceheart,” Haurchefant says with a wry smile. “Pray, do not worry me so. I had believed you far worse off than despondent and hungry.”
“‘M chronically ill and hungry,” they point out. “Alphinaud is just sore that it is not something to be solved with scholarly pursuits.” He’s lived within books since he learned of it.”
“Ha ha,” Alphinaud laughs with absolutely no mirth whatsoever. “Forgive me for inquiring after your health.”
The Warrior smiles, small a gesture as it is, and thanks, “You’re a good kid, Alphi. Do not worry after me. You too, Haurche. I will be fine. This happens─” their voice cracks on a yawn “─every so often.” They blink slowly, sleepily, and knock out before either of the two Elezen can say a thing. 
Come morning, they wake to a body pressed soothingly to their back. Haurchefant lays kisses sweetly to their brow (his affections are confusing) over breakfast and helps them back into their armor before patrol, wrapping a well-worn woolen scarf about their throat. “Should you ever search for a place to rest your head, know that my home is yours, my friend.”
“I could scour the world and all that is beyond,” they say, “and nothing would be so precious to me as your company.”
Haurchefant smiles at them and it’s bright, but ever so slightly strained. A liar’s mask. 
They inhale, waiting until their nerves settle before adding, “Thank you, my love.” And running full steam out of Camp Dragonhead like Nidhogg is at their heels with a blown kiss and reddened cheeks. 
Askbox | Ask Rules | Commissions | FFXIVWrite 2019 Fills
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Sooooo, I was hoping you'd do headcanons of Chisaki and Dabi having a shy s/o? Also, the s/o is quirkless and she attends a normal college.
admin sam : ≧◡≦ : Oh, nice! I did some first date head canons if that’s okay? I’m really happy with these and hope you are too. Thanks for the request!
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He had to admit, he had you right where he wanted you. The restaurant was carefully chosen and so clean you could eat off the floor if you wanted, check. The table was lit with candles, check. You both were dressed to the nines in formal wear; Him, a tux, complete with gloves; You, a stunning floor length dress check. The place was buzzing with quiet conversation from the other people setting a very intimate mood, check.
“This is really nice place, Kai.” You said smoothing your napkin in your lap out of nervousness, sitting in the chair. He had pulled it out before joining you. 
“Yes, it is. I picked it out with you in mind.” He said it simply with eyes turned down towards the menu. You immediately followed suit.
Not resuming conversation, till after He had ordered for the both of you. 
“I’m really surprised you asked me here, Kai.” Your blush smearing you’re face as you broke the conversation. Finger slowly circling the top of the wineglass as you stared at it not wanting to meet those eyes of his.
“Why wouldn’t I?” He swirled his glass a few times before taking a careful sip, peeking at your defensive stance over the glass. 
“Well, it’s just, your quirk is so beautiful and I’m…” You trailed off meeting his eyes with insecurity flashing through them before continuing. “…q u i r k l e s s. I mean some would say, nicely, it’s an…odd match. If not a waste.” 
“Well, to them I would say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Besides you’re quirklessness is your most appealing feature to me.”
“Why?” You blurted out. “I mean, that’s definitely not my best quality in most people’s opinions’, Kai” You were unsure where this conversation was heading, this unusual opinion striking you as odd even if it was rather endearing.
“Think about it, you’re rare. A relic to a past once lost…Pure.” His eyes held something unreadable as he set down his glass to emphasis the last point. 
“Pure, huh?” You said not quite believing that you found the first person in your life not to care about your disadvantage. A smile creeping on your face. 
“Pure.” He said it so definitively that you couldn’t help but feel butterflies fluttering as your eyes clashed both holding something unspoken. 
Yes, he had you right where he wanted you.
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How in gods’ name did it come to this? Him and you in a dimly lit corner of a hole in the wall restaurant that was nearly deserted. It smelled oddly of some citrus cleaner obviously trying to mask something forlorning, the rating was a ‘A’ but from the amount of dust in the corner it had to be at best a ‘C’, and no one was here. It was literally deserted even at the poorly stocked bar. Not exactly, a romantic and/or welcoming environment one would associate with first dates. Yet it was you’re choice; who knows? maybe you were into this kind of thing.
You’re smiling at him, peeking over the oversized menu to catch a peek at his scared face scanning it for a reaction. Turning away quickly at being caught, with a giant, patchy, and, red streak forming across the bridge of your (s/c) nose when he catches your eye with a wink. 
“I have to admit, doll. Didn’t think you’d pull out all the stops for this encounter of ours.” 
“I-I know it’s not the nicest but I thought I’d give us the seclusion given your…occupation.” You shyly whispered the last part glancing around like heroes were about to burst through the door of the dump. 
“ Yes, yes. My oc-u-pa-tion.” He sounded out the word carefully assessing you’re face with the red streak expanding at the mention of your choice of words, embarrassed. 
“I was really surprised that you followed through with a bad boy like myself. Wouldn’t have thought someone like you had the guts to show up to date with a guy like me.” His gaze still burning yours managing to light a fire in yours.
“I wouldn’t exactly call it a date, per say…” you said trailing off, noticing his narrowing eyes.
“I would call it a encounter, like you said..I think it’s a lot more romantic.” You shyly put the menu down the only barrier between the two of you as he copied your actions. Hand reaching up and then leaning your cheek on it while trying to maintain your poker face; Blushing anew as a cruel smile tugged at his lips. That damned smile.
“Romantic or not, I got to admire you’re guts, love.” He leaned forward across the table closing the gap; stopping just before your face; eyes burning yours; loving that damned blush gracing your cheeks. 
“Last chance to walk out of here alive…Or do you wanna ride on the wild side?” 
“Yes!” You blurted out breaking the tension with your out of character eagerness. Leaning back away, looking down, as he bursts into laughter. “I mean, yes, I wanna stay.” 
“You sure, quirkless girl?” He said teasingly as he casually stood up from his chair. 
“I’m sure…I mean if that’s okay?” You were cautious as he stood up, not sure, what he intended to do. 
“You talk too much.” He started to walk away to you’re dismay at the blatant rejection. 
“Well, what are you waiting for?” He said pausing at the door, hand on it, looking back noticing you’re confusion. “Come on, let’s leave this dump.” 
“Oh, okay!” You scooted out of you’re gathering up your things, racing towards him before the villainous man changed his mind.
“About time, babe. Let’s go and get on with this encounter” He barreled down the dimly lit street with you stumbling after him towards the unknown, bumping his should with yours’ in the process.
Letting you’re uneasiness slide off you’re shoulders as you joined him in his stride.
askbox ; rules/types of requests ; tags ; admin sam ; commissions ; ko-fi
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Still Smiling
Here’s a Ko-Fi request for @wombatking. Thanks for the support and I hope you like this!
If you’ve got a fic idea you want me to write, buy me a Coffee and send the prompt through message or askbox! Here are the Ko-Fi request rules. Or you can commission me for something more personalized.
Rapunzel leaned back on a blanket, staring up at the fluffy clouds with a smile. Pascal crawled onto her chest and she stroked his little head affectionately. The others went about their own activities around them. Tiana and Cinderella were busy handing out bottles of Tiana’s homemade lemonade while Jasmine plaited Pocahontas’ hair, and Mulan and Megara tossed a ball back and forth to each other. Esmeralda taught Kida how to make flower crowns not too far away.
A weight plopped down beside Rapunzel and the blonde glanced over with a grin. “Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?” Merida asked, snuggling close and stroking Pascal’s back.
“Nothing,” Rapunzel responded, leaning over to peck the redhead’s cheek. “Just admiring the clouds.”
“They are a sight, aren’t they?” Merida murmured, also turning her gaze to the fluffballs above. “Reminds me o’ the spray o’ the waterfall whenever I climb it.”
Rapunzel laughed in reply, snuggling into her girlfriend’s chest as they just watched the clouds float by. A shout of ‘catch!’ sounded nearby and before Rapunzel could even blink, Merida’s hand rose to grab the bottle of lemonade right out of the air. “I never understand how you do that,” she murmured as Merida handed the bottle to her.
“Bein’ capt’n o’ the archery club helps ya hone ya skills,” Merida told her, accepting another bottle tossed to them. “Ya shad try a sport sometime.”
“I think I’ll stick with the archery club, thanks.” Rapunzel uncapped the bottle and drank down the soothing sour juice. Tiana really was talented. No wonder she was head of the school’s cooking club. If she kept going like this, she’d achieve her dream of opening her own restaurant in no time.
“Hey, you two,” Esmeralda called. She and Kida strode over and each held out a flower crown. “Want one?”
“You bet!” Rapunzel cheered, carefully taking one of the delicate crowns and placing it on Merida’s hair. “It looks so nice on you!”
Merida smirked and accepted a flower crown from Kida to place on Rapunzel’s hair. “There ya go. Now ya look as pretty as a flower.” Rapunzel blushed at the compliment and Pascal smirked at her with a good natured roll of his eyes.
“We’re gonna be kicking the ball around in a little bit,” Kida spoke up. “You two wanna join us or do you wanna stay here being adorable?”
Blue eyes met green and the girlfriends grinned. “Oh, ya’re so on!” Merida laughed, hopping up and holding a hand out to Rapunzel. The blonde took it and stood, following Kida to where Mulan and Megara had begun setting up poles as goalposts.
Cinderella, Megara, and Pascal settled on the sidelines, eager to watch the game unfold. “It’s going to be a little tight, right?” Cinderella asked. “Because there’s only four of them?”
“Yeah, but it’ll be fine,” the sculptor reassured her. “The best part about street soccer is how much you can bend to keep things consistent. We get to play referees for instance.”
Mulan and Kida stood in front of the other six players. “Alright, everyone!” Kida said loud enough for everyone to hear. “It’s just a simple game. Four person to a team, one person guards each goal while the other three on the team try to score. The first team to reach twenty is the winner.”
“Got it!” Everyone called.
“Great!” Mulan chirped. “I’ll take Merida, Pocahontas, and Jasmine.”
“Which leaves me with Tiana, Rapunzel, and Esmeralda,” Kida grinned.
The teams split off and faced one another. Megara walked forward with the ball and sighed. “Alright, keep the game as clean as ya can!” she told them. “No dirty play or I’m sticking my chisel where the sun don’t shine, got it?”
“Relax, Meg,” Mulan laughed. “We’ll do fine.”
Megara rolled her eyes and tossed the ball into the air, stepping back to the sidelines to watch with Cinderella and Pascal. Once the ball was low enough, Esmeralda leapt into the air, using her skills as a dancer to land a kick toward Mulan’s goal.
“Jasmine!” Mulan called to her teammate. Jasmine nodded and shot after the ball, sliding under it and kicking it toward Merida.
“You’re not the only dancer here, Ralda!” Jasmine cheered as Merida took off with the ball.
Esmeralda smirked at her and helped Kida steal the ball from Merida, kicking it toward Rapunzel. The blonde grinned sheepishly at her girlfriend before kicking the ball toward the goal. Pocahontas slid in front of it and kicked it back into the field. Jasmine snagged it and passed it quickly to Mulan. Mulan sent a kick soaring toward the goal, but a clang rang out through the field. Everyone stopped and turned to find Tiana holding a pan with a smirk.
“Wha-? How is tha’ fair?” Merida shouted, her lips tugging up in a smile.
“What?” Tiana shrugged. “Everyone else is using their skills. Why can’t I? Besides, a kick of anything from a martial artist would’ve taken my head off!”
“Let’s keep going!” Rapunzel cheered, bouncing forward and snagging the ball from Tiana.
The game continued on, laughter filling the field as each team tried to get to twenty points first. They all took the first round to heart, using their unique skills and attributes to help them in the game. Rapunzel used her hair to snag the ball just as Mulan was about to kick it, only for Jasmine to come in and steal it with a quick twist of her body. Esmeralda and Kida were neck-and-neck at one point, only for both of them to slam into a tree. Minimal damage was done and they both laughed it off.
However, things took a wrong turn near the middle of the game. Cinderella was just about to yell for halftime so that everyone could grab a drink and cool down for a bit. Rapunzel was on her way toward Pocahontas, ready to kick and score another goal for the team. They were twelve to ten with Mulan in the lead. Rapunzel took aim, but miscalculated where she stepped. The ball slid from under her.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as everyone watched in horror. The ball shot from under Rapunzel’s foot, the blonde arced through the air, her eyes widened in surprise as she twisted in the air. Her hands made contact with the ground, perfectly safe, but her legs didn’t complete the turn. A crack sounded through the air. No one moved for a long moment before a red bombshell shot across the field.
The entire group moved at once. Pocahontas reached Rapunzel first, carefully rolling the injured woman over so she wasn’t putting pressure on her leg. Cinderella whipped out her phone and dialed for an ambulance, relaying what had happened with forced calm. Merida and Kida slid beside Rapunzel’s downed form, checking her over for any other injuries before Mulan suspended her leg.
“Rapunzel, are ya alright?” Merida asked frantically.
“Y-yeah.” A strained squeak was her response. “Just… don’t move me again, okay?”
“We have to, Rpaunzel,” Mulan told her gently. “We’ve gotta make sure the leg is properly elevated.”
Rapunzel slammed her eyes shut and Merida took her hand. “Hey, I’m righ’ here, righ’?”
“Right.” Rapunzel looked up at her girlfriend and gave a crooked smile. “We were almost there, too. Guess we know I won’t be much help on the soccer team.”
Merida laughed. “Ya jus’ hadja leg broken an’ already ya’re makin’ jokes. I’m glad ya’re not too hurt.”
“Probably gonna need some crutches for a while, though,” Kida chuckled. “Don’t worry. We’ll be there if you need anything in school.”
Sirens sounded nearby and paramedics hurried over with a stretcher. The group moved back so they could put Rapunzel’s leg in a splint and Merida followed along. She waved to the others as she climbed into the front of the ambulance. As it drove away, Mulan leaned over to Kida and whispered, “I still won.”
“You won’t next time,” Kida snickered, the group deciding that this was enough excitement for the day.
“Ya’re sure ya go’ it?” Merida asked, gently helping Rapunzel down the stairs.
“Don’t worry, Meri,” Rapunzel told her with her usual smile. “I’ve got it no problem.”
“I know ya do, I jus’ don’ wantcha ta fall is all.” Merida accompanied Rapunzel down the last few stairs and the pair began making their way from the school building. “I couldn’ be with ya today way ya needed me to, so I’m gonna help ya home.”
“Thanks,” the blonde replied, pulling herself into Merida’s car. She moved the seat back a little and Merida shut the door for her. Hopping into he driver’s side, the redhead started the engine and pulled out of the school parking lot.
“Do ya have ice cream at your place?” Merida asked.
Rapunzel brightened at the mention of an icy treat. “Yeah, Mom recently went out to get some! Maybe we can watch a movie while we eat it?”
“Sounds like a plan ta me,” Merida chuckled, pulling into Rapunzel’s driveway. As expected, her mom was gone, so it would just be the two of them and Pascal. Merida threw one of Rapunzel’s arms over her shoulder and led her inside, carrying the crutches in her free hand. They made their way for the living room and Merida gently set Rapunzel down on the couch.
She was turning to the kitchen when she looked back. “Do ya need a blanket or anythin’? I’m sure I can grab ya one from upstairs…”
“That would be great, thanks,” Rapunzel replied.
Merida grinned and bolted up the stairs. She’d been over to Rapunzel’s enough times to know where practically everything was. Opening the linen closet, the redhead pulled out a blanket and practically leapt down the stairs. She wrapped the blanket around Rapunzel’s shoulders, elevating her girlfriend’s leg on some cushions from the chairs.
“How’s tha’ feel?” she checked.
“Cozy,” her blonde companion chirped. “Though, it’d be cozier if you were in here with me.” Merida’s cheeks flared and Rapunzel laughed.
“Why don’ I get the ice cream first, and then we can cuddle, ya charmer.” Both of them snickered and Merida made her way into the kitchen. She grabbed two bowls from the counter and filled them with mint chocolate chip ice cream, Rapunzel’s favorite. She easily balanced the bowls as she swiped the remote from the counter.
While she set the bowls on Rapunzel’s blanketed lap, Merida switched the TV on and browsed the on-demand movies. “Ooh!” Rapunzel piped up. “Belle recently told me that she and Beau got a big break in a movie. Let’s see that one!”
“Beauty and the Beast, eh?” Merida snorted. “I think Belle looks rather nice covered in fur like tha’. And Beau looks like he’s havin’ the time o’ his life, dancing with someone taller’n him fer once.”
“I know!” Rapunzel chirped. “That’s why I wanted to see it! Come on, let’s watch! Belle’s got sucha flowery voice, I wanna hear what she sounds like as a beast!”
Merida laughed and moved to the couch, careful not to jostle the cast too much as she pulled Rapunzel back against her chest. Rapunzel wrestled her arms free of the blanket and grabbed one of the bowls of ice cream. She took a bite and hummed in delight. “Besht ishe cweam for a movie,” she mumbled through her mouthful.
Merida shook her head with a chuckle and leaned down to snag the next bite. Rapunzel turned offended green eyes to her, but Merida only smirked back. As the movie began, they settled back against the couch, Rapunzel alternating between feeding herself and feeding Merida. By the time the movie was getting to the good parts, she’d forgotten all about her broken leg in favor of cheering on her friends. Merida just watched her with a smile, glad that, even with a broken leg, Rapunzel was still smiling.
I had so much fun making this one! I even spoke in Merida’s accent for most of her lines because I like her having that little quirk.
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ffxivimagines · 5 years
FFXIVWrite 2019 | Prompt #6: Reboot
FFXIV Write | Prompt #6: First Steps | Rating: G
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Watching the doors close, G’raha Tia feels he made the right choice in sealing himself inside the Crystal Tower. It’ll be lonely to sleep for what he knows will be centuries on end. Least of all, without the Warrior he’s grown so fond of having at his side. 
He turns from the flickering blue of runic engravings of the doors to head further inward and heaves a shuddering sigh. The aether of the Tower dims and slows behind him, shutting down in preparation for the hibernation of its master. He hopes it won’t be too long until he is freed from his self-imposed prison. It was his choice, yes, but not one he made easily. Eorzea is not ready for the Allagan technology kept inside the halls he now roams. He needed to protect it, protect the Warrior from it, and keep the warring needs inside him far from their eyes. 
He wants them by his side acutely. Before Unei and Doga had entrusted him with their legacy─and, in turn, the legacy of the Allagan Empire─he had simply thought it to be a want for friendship. Their companionship was manic and a little confusing at times, but they were genuine enough that G’raha found himself soothed by their presence. 
Now, he takes in the majesty of shimmering facets of crystal and gilding with dulled wonder. He remembers how they’d chattered on about how frustrating it would be to renovate a tower this big, or how they want to know if crystals can go bad like plaster. They’d taken the time to be awed, but they’d been far more interested in grilling him for information and poking dangerous inventions. It’s quiet without them and he comforts himself with the thought that, once he’s freed and the world is ready for the true might of Allagan technology, he’ll hear naught but song and story about their deeds. 
He wanders for a while, humming a half-hearted ditty under his breath that exaggerates their deeds to the extremes just for the fun of it, until he finds a place suitable enough for a nap. Ensconced on all sides by smooth, pulsing crystal, G’raha Tia allows himself to sleep. He does not wake for many a year, passing centuries alone inside a dream, until he is not and the world is falling down around his ears. He tries so hard to save them, to beg Hydaelyn for a chance to see them reborn as her Champion once more, but all he gets are dreams of them holding him so gently as if he would be the one to shatter if they so much as looked too hard at him. 
They ask him with a voice made of stars, “My precious Raha, why do you hate yourself so?”
He can’t force words out from where they’re stuck behind the lump in his throat. He buries his face in his hands, wishing the creep of crystal following his veins was not something they could see, and wills himself to keep from allowing his tears to fall. It doesn’t work, each drop floating upward like air. 
“Do not cry for me,” they reply, a specter too genuine to be something made my his own mind, “for I never left you. You need be strong for those who can yet be saved. Become what you must.”
And they reach for him with hands he cannot see save for the shifting of the cosmos, holding him so gently it feels like home, and send him back to the waking world. G’raha stares at the crystal patterning his arms and breathes deeply. He stands before the window between worlds in the Ocular and steps forward into blinding light. Into a new ending.
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