#why türkçe
pockcock · 2 months
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@bluebellhairpin yOU MONARCH—
I swear the god, I'm living my best Jacegan dream.... mY HUSBANDS!!! MY GAY HUSBANDS!
Thank you so so so much for this incredible artwork, I'm crying-kicking my feet-trashing-exploding-imploding-barking. Your hands are carved by God herself, may she protect them from all the evil eyes 🧿🧿🧿
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sinemahanedani · 7 months
"Çok şey var anlatacak. Bir sen anlarsın ama bir sana anlatamam.."
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fanofstuff01 · 2 months
Okay so I have no idea why I’m sharing this and all but since this is a place where I just post things from the back of my head why the fuck not.
I’m recommending you Turkish covers of the Hazbin songs.
Turkey isn’t the best when it comes to song dubs (even though we’re an expert on the actual dubbing of animations in my opinion) but Hazbin songs, especially these three were pretty good and sometimes even near the originals lol
Soo… Here it goes.
Respectless, 9/10
They sound much angrier than usual for some reason lol, but I felt the emotions all the way through and the voices fit perfectly lmao
Hell is Forever 8/10
The only thing that brings this down is the guitar solo part but other than that, Adam’s VA is just one of the best castings in the Turkish dub, he’s so fucking funny and overall doing a good job. Obviously nowhere near Alex Brightman but he’s still pretty good.
Lyrics translation:
I didn’t tried to rhyme but trust me it does in the language.
C: There’s so many things to say and so little time,
C: And I think you didn’t get me,
C: Here I go!
C: Your population problem has gotten out of control,
C: We know it’s bad, you’re fed up,
C: If we clean the souls of sinners,
C: At my Hazbin Hotel!
C: Wait! Not this yet!
C: Okay, extermination,
C: You go down once a year and kill,
C: Aren’t you getting tired of going all the way?
C: If they come to Heaven, you won’t have to!
C: Farewell to this burden,
C: It’ll be a happy day in-
A: Stop, don’t waste your breath, our time is valued
A: The suggestion is letting them climb?
I’ll continue later lol
Hell’s Greatest Dad 9/10
It just doesn’t have “Wap bap boom” and Mimzy is…. Something…
These are literally the only bad parts in this in my opinion. Everything else is just pure greatness.
Alastor and Lucifer’s voice actors mash so well, Lucifer’s VA is just amazing on his own, they deliver their perfectly translated lines so good come ON.
Please at least listen this one.
So yeap. Some really good shit if you wanna check out. I can post the lyrics translated later.
Okay back to Adamsapple byee
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nevzatboyraz44 · 1 year
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Tarık Suresi Mekke döneminde inmiştir.
Tamamı 17 ayettir.
Bu sure adını birinci ayetteki "et-Târık" kelimesinden almıştır.
Tarık, şiddetle çarpan, vuran ve gece gelen şey anlamına gelmektedir.
Surede insanın yaratılışı, yapıp ettiklerinin kaydedildiği, öldükten sonra dirilmesi, Kur'an'ın muhtevasının ciddiyet ve önemi, inkarcıların tuzaklarının er geç bozulacağı gibi konulara yer verilmiştir.
Tarık Suresi Arapça Okunuşu
1- Ve-ssemâ-i ve-ttârik
2- Vemâ edrâke mâ-ttârik
3- Ennecmu-śśâkib
4- İn kullu nefsin lemmâ 'aleyhâ hâfiz
5- Felyenzuri-l-insânu mimme hulik
6- Hulika min mâ-in dâfik
7- Yahrucu min beyni-ssulbi ve-tterâ-ib
8- İnnehu 'alâ rac'ihi lekâdir
9- Yevme tublâ-sserâ-ir
10- Femâ lehu min kuvvetin velâ nâsir
11- Ve-ssemâ-izâti-rrac
12- Vel-ardi żâti-ssad
13- İnnehu lekavlun fasl
14- Vemâ huve bil-hezl
15- İnnehum yekîdûne keydâ
16- Ve ekîdu keydâ
17- Femehhili-lkâfirîne emhilhum ruveydâ
Tarık Suresi Türkçe Anlamı
Rahmân ve Rahîm olan Allah'ın ismiyle.
1- Andolsun gökyüzüne ve gece çakıp görünene!
2- O, gece çakıp görünen nedir bilir misin?
3- Karanlığı delen yıldızdır.
4- Hiç kimse yoktur ki, başında bir gözetleyeni bulunmasın.
5- İnsan neden yaratıldığına bir baksın.
6- O, atılan bir sudan yaratıldı.
7- O su, bel ve göğüs kafesi arasından çıkar.
8- Şüphesiz Allah onu (öldükten sonra) tekrar yaratmaya elbette kadirdir;
9,10- Bütün sırların ortaya dökülüp de insanın ne bir gücü ne de yardımcısının bulunacağı gün.
11,12,13- Andolsun içindekilerin gidip geldiği semaya ve bitkiyle yarılan yere ki Kur'an (hak ile bâtılı) ayıran bir sözdür.
14- O asla bir şaka değildir
15- Onlar bir tuzak kuruyorlar;
16- Ben de bir karşı plan hazırlıyorum.
17- Sen o inkârcılara süre ver, onlara biraz zaman tanı.
Surah Tariq was revealed during the Mecca period.
It is 17 verses in total.
This sura takes its name from the word "at-Tariq" in the first verse.
Tariq means something that strikes violently, hits and comes at night.
The surah includes topics such as the creation of man, recording his deeds, his resurrection after death, the seriousness and importance of the content of the Quran, and the traps of the unbelievers that will be foiled sooner or later.
Arabic Recitation of Surah Tariq
1- Ve-ssemâ-i ve-ttarik
2- Vemâ edrâke mâ-ttârik
3- Ennecmu-śśâkib
4- In the slave soul, the lemma 'alaiha hafiz
5- Felyenzuri-l-insânu mimme hulik
6- Hulika min ma-in dafik
7- Yahrucu min brain-ssulbi ve-tterâ-ib
8- Innehu 'ala raj'ihi lekâdir
9- Yevme tublâ-sserâ-ir
10- Femâ lehu thousand strength velâ nasir
11- Ve-ssemâ-izâti-rrac
12- Vel-ardi żâti-ssad
13- Innehu lekavlun chapter
14- Vema huve bil-hezl
15- Innehum yekîdûne keydâ
16- And ekîdu keyda
17- Femehhili-lkâfirîne emhilhum ruveydâ
Surah Tariq Meaning
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Merciful.
1- I swear to the sky and to the one who flashes at night!
2- Do you know what it is that flashes and appears at night?
3- It is the star that pierces the darkness.
4- There is no one who does not have a watcher over him.
5- Let man look at why he was created.
6- He was created from thrown water.
7- That water comes out between the waist and ribcage.
8- Surely Allah is able to create him again (after death);
9,10- The day when all secrets will be revealed and man will have neither power nor helper.
11,12,13- I swear to the sky where the things in it come and go and the place split with vegetation, the Qur'an is a word that distinguishes (truth and false).
14- He is never a joke
15- They are setting a trap;
16- I am also preparing a counter plan.
17- Give those disbelievers time, give them some time.
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Okay i don’t know how these even work and why am i published this. I'm late and hope this alright because i finish this at yesterday's afternoon but can't have a connection to my computer after that. Did i also mention i start this with protection then accidentally turn it into angst ? I start to believe i have power to turn everything to angst. English isn’t my first language you know even i check almost everythingif you found a mistake please tell me
While Akko is afraid of not being able to fly again after flying once and seeing everything as a chance when Luna Nova’s flight test was tomorrow, Diana wonders whether Akko really wants her as a friend or more and they find each other between the marble walls
Relstionships : Diana Cavendish & Akko Kagari
Türkçe link : Turkish link:
(Not my active wattpad account
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nikethestatue · 1 year
Öncelikle merhaba, ben fandomda ve tumblr da yeniyim. İngilizcem maalesef yok bu yüzden ana dilim türkçe ile size yazıyorum. Şunu söylemeliyim ki sizin bloğunuzu yeni keşfettim ve çeviri yaparak takip ediyorum. Düşünce tarzınızı ve konulara pragmatik bakış açınızı çok beğeniyorum. Fandoma katılmadan önce instagramda sürekli karşıma gwyn ve azriel resimleri çıkıyordu ve kitapların hepsini okuduğum halde bunun nereden çıktığını anlayamadım. Tarafsız bir gözle iki çift hakkında yazılanları takıntılı bir şekilde okumaya başladım. Fandomun gwyn ve azriel olan kısmıyla ilgili ilgimi çeken ilk şey gwyn'a fazla önem vermeleri ve elain'in hikayesini ve duygularını hiç umursamadıklarını fark ettim. Bonus bölümü okuduktan sonra neden bu şekilde düşündüklerini anlıyorum ama elain hala oradayken sanki bir anda hikayeden çıkmış ya da bir arka plan karakteriymiş gibi onu ciddiye almamaları bana göre en büyük yanılgı. Azriel'in gwyn ile birlikte olduğu bir senaryo elain'in hikayesini çöpe atar ve elain/lucien hikayesine büyük bir darbe vurur. Azriel'in elain yerine seçim yaptığı ve başka bir seçenek kalmadığı için lucien ile birlikte kalan elain'in hikayesinin ne kadar sorunlu olduğunu göremeyen herkese çok şaşırıyorum. Bunun sebebinin elain'in sevilmediği bu yüzden önem verilmediği olduğunu düşünüyorum ama sarah'ın böyle düşündüğünü sanmıyorum. Bu bir elain/lucien hikayesi olacaksa bunun bir sonraki kitap olması gerek çünkü elain'in seçimini elinden aldığınızda sarah'ın onunla ilgili yazdığı her şeyi çöpe atması gerekecek. Her neyse umarım beni anlayabilirsin. Bu arada yazdığınız kurgu harika <3
(this is the translation of your ask)
First of all hi, I'm new to fandom and tumblr. Unfortunately, I do not speak English, so I am writing to you in Turkish, my mother tongue. I have to say that I just discovered your blog and I am following it by translating. I really like your way of thinking and your pragmatic approach to issues. Before joining the fandom, I was constantly seeing pictures of gwyn and azriel on Instagram and although I read all the books, I couldn't understand where this came from. With a neutral eye, I began obsessively reading about the two couples. The first thing that caught my attention about the part of the fandom that was gwyn and azriel was that they cared too much for gwyn and didn't care at all about elain's story and feelings. After reading the bonus chapter, I understand why they think that way, but it seems to me the biggest mistake is that they didn't take her seriously while she was still there, as if she was out of the story or as a background character. A scenario where Azriel is with Gwyn throws Elain's story in the trash and deals a big blow to the Elain/Lucien story. I am very surprised to everyone who can't see how problematic Elain's story is when Azriel chooses over Elain and stays with Lucien because there is no other option left. I think it's because Elain is not loved and therefore not given importance, but I don't think Sarah thinks so. If this is going to be an elain/lucien story, it has to be the next book because when you take away Elain's choice, she'll have to trash everything Sarah wrote about her. Anyway, I hope you can understand me. By the way, your writing is amazing <3
I think generally speaking, the difference between the two ships is very simple: Elriel is canon, and Gwynriel is fanon.
Elriel is based on text, on what SJM wrote, on what her thoughts were and where she wanted to take the story of bot ust Elain and Azriel, but the rest of the characters, and how it all intertwined. Elriel is SJM's vision. It's pretty clear, and in her own words OBVIOUS.
Gwynriel is a creation of the fandom. It's not SJM's creation. Gwynriel is fanarts on Insta, it's headcanos, it's TikToks, it's aggressive arguments. It has very little to do with SJM or her vision, or her story. It's things like 'Azriel's shadows love Gwyn so much, they call her mama'.
With Elriel, we don't really need any 'extras'. We don't need to make up things about shadows, mysterious paternities, 'maybe she is Tamlins/Eris/Lucien's daughter' or making up things like 'Fate' and how Gwyn is connected to it. We don't need to create an entirely new character in order to make Gwyn 'fit' with Azriel. We don't need to borrow any of Gwyn's characteristics or traits for Elain, because the thing is that of course Azriel likes Elain just as she is. And Elain likes Azriel. THe story is already there, embedded in SJM's writing.
It's Truth Teller and 'I am getting her back' and 'sit down. I'll take care of it' and 'oh, it's from me' and Azriel's joyful laugh, and Elain calling his hands 'beautiful', and quiet conversations, charged glances, and touches and glances.
We write fanfics and headcanons for fun and to flex our creative muscle, but if we didn't do any of it, the story of Elain and Azriel would still be there. Just like the story of Lorcan and Elide, or Feyre and Rhys.
And as you said, SJM has no need or reason to not write the continuation of that story.
The obsession with the tertiary (and not very interesting) character like Gwyn will never not be weird. T
The good thing is that people are finally coming to their senses. Lastly, and I said it about a million times, but SJM does not write FFM love triangles. Two traumatised women aren't going to fight with each other over a guy. SJM is not going to do that to Elain, and won't do that to Gwyn. SJM isn't perfect, but it's ALWAYS, ALWAYS MMF triangles. ALWAYS. SJM won't make Gwyn Azriel's 3rd choice, because the other two chicks that he liked said 'no' and she won't take choice away from Elain.
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EGARATE Shrine, giant ginkgo tree. 900-year-old
【Türkçe aşağıda gösterilmiştir】
This section introduces the Egara Tenjinsha shrine in Kamakura and its beautiful sacred tree. It takes about 60 minutes from Tokyo Station to Kamakura Station.
Egara Tenjinsha is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning. Michizane lived from 845 to 903 and is widely worshipped as a god of learning who helps those who aspire to study and honesty.
The shrine dates back to the first year of Chouji (1104). One fine day, the sky suddenly darkened, and with a thunderstorm, the image of a heavenly god in a black sashes descended from the sky. The villagers, fearing the power of the deity, decided to build a shrine to house and worship the image. The shrine has branches in various parts of Japan, mainly in the Kanto region, and is one of the three oldest Shinto shrines, along with Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine in Fukuoka and Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in Kyoto.
When visiting the shrine, please ring the bell and bow in the manner of Nirei, Ni-rei, Ni-applause, Ichirei.
Egara Tenjinsha has a sacred tree called Oiginko. According to an old historical document, the villagers planted the ginkgo tree to prevent it from being trampled on because they were in awe of the place where the image of the god Tenjin had descended from the heavens. Therefore, this large ginkgo tree is believed to be around 900 years old, just like the shrine. At 25 metres high and 10 metres in girth, this large tree has an overwhelming presence. The ginkgo tree is very beautiful in autumn, when it turns golden.
Characteristics of ginkgo nuts and how to eat them Ginkgo nuts have a unique flavour and texture and are used in a variety of dishes. Common cooking methods include
Stir-frying: ginkgo nuts can be lightly roasted in a pan and sprinkled with salt to make a tasty and savoury snack. Boiling: Boil ginkgo nuts quickly in boiling water to soften them and make them easier to use in salads and salad dressings. Chawanmushi: Adding ginkgo nuts as an ingredient in chawanmushi adds a subtle sweetness and a unique flavour to the dish.
It is safe to use around 10 ginkgo nuts per day for adults and 5 for children. Allergy note: Some people may have allergic reactions to ginkgo biloba. Try small amounts when eating them for the first time. Proper cooking: ginkgo nuts should be cooked thoroughly before eating. Eating them raw may cause indigestion.
Ginkgo nuts are harvested in autumn and are a popular autumn delicacy. Gingko nuts are often served at Japanese autumn festivals and events in particular, and are enjoyed as a dish that reminds people of the changing seasons.
When visiting Egara Tenjinsha, feel the presence of the large ginkgo trees and ponder the taste and nutritional value of their fruit. Also, on 8 February, a ceremony is held to offer needles. Used needles are inserted into 'soft tofu', to honour their spirits and pray for the improvement of their skills.
Click here for access to Egara Tenjinsha: 74 Nikaido, Kamakura, Kanagawa 248-0002, Japan. Egara Tenjinsha is conveniently accessible by foot or bus from Kamakura Station.
From Kamakura Station on foot: It takes about 30 minutes on foot from the East Exit of Kamakura Station. By bus: take the Keikyu bus from the east exit of Kamakura Station and get off at the Sugimoto-dera bus stop, from where it is a 5-minute walk.
As Kamakura city is dotted with tourist attractions, it is recommended to enjoy a walk around the city.
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Egara Tenjinsha is a special place where ancient history and natural beauty merge. Why not pay a visit?
Bu bölümde Kamakura'daki Egara Tenjinsha tapınağı ve onun güzel kutsal ağacı tanıtılmaktadır. Tokyo İstasyonu ile Kamakura İstasyonu arası yaklaşık 60 dakika sürmektedir.
Egara Tenjinsha, öğrenme tanrısı Sugawara no Michizane'ye adanmıştır. Michizane 845-903 yılları arasında yaşamıştır ve çalışma ve dürüstlük isteyenlere yardım eden bir öğrenme tanrısı olarak yaygın bir şekilde tapınılmaktadır.
Tapınağın tarihi Chouji'nin ilk yılına (1104) kadar uzanmaktadır. Güzel bir günde gökyüzü aniden karardı ve gök gürültülü bir fırtına ile birlikte siyah kuşaklı göksel bir tanrı görüntüsü gökyüzünden indi. Tanrının gücünden korkan köylüler, görüntüyü barındırmak ve ona tapınmak için bir tapınak inşa etmeye karar verirler. Başta Kanto bölgesi olmak üzere Japonya'nın çeşitli yerlerinde şubeleri bulunan tapınak, Fukuoka'daki Dazaifu Tenmangu Tapınağı ve Kyoto'daki Kitano Tenmangu Tapınağı ile birlikte en eski üç Şinto tapınağından biridir.
Tapınağı ziyaret ederken lütfen çanı çalın ve Nirei, Ni-rei, Ni-applause, Ichirei şeklinde selam verin.
Egara Tenjinsha'nın Oiginko adında kutsal bir ağacı vardır. Eski bir tarihi belgeye göre, köylüler bu ginkgo ağacını, tanrı Tenjin'in göklerden inen görüntüsünün bulunduğu yere huşu duydukları için çiğnenmesini önlemek amacıyla dikmişlerdir. Bu nedenle, bu büyük ginkgo ağacının da tıpkı tapınak gibi yaklaşık 900 yaşında olduğuna inanılıyor. 25 metre yüksekliğinde ve 10 metre genişliğindeki bu büyük ağaç, ezici bir varlığa sahiptir. Ginkgo ağacı sonbaharda altın rengine büründüğünde çok güzeldir.
Ginkgo fıstığının özellikleri ve nasıl yeneceği Ginkgo fıstığı eşsiz bir lezzet ve dokuya sahiptir ve çeşitli yemeklerde kullanılır. Yaygın pişirme yöntemleri şunları içerir
Karıştırarak kızartma: Ginkgo f��stığı tavada hafifçe kavrulabilir ve üzerine tuz serpilerek lezzetli ve tuzlu bir atıştırmalık haline getirilebilir. Haşlama: Ginkgo fındıklarını yumuşatmak ve salatalarda ve salata soslarında kullanımını kolaylaştırmak için kaynar suda hızlıca haşlayın. Chawanmushi: Chawanmushi'ye bir bileşen olarak ginkgo fıstığı eklemek yemeğe hafif bir tatlılık ve eşsiz bir lezzet katar.
Yetişkinler için günde yaklaşık 10, çocuklar içinse 5 ginkgo fındığı kullanmak güvenlidir. Alerji notu: Bazı insanlar ginkgo biloba'ya karşı alerjik reaksiyon gösterebilir. İlk kez yerken küçük miktarlarda deneyin. Doğru pişirme: Ginkgo fıstığı yemeden önce iyice pişirilmelidir. Çiğ olarak yemek hazımsızlığa neden olabilir.
Ginkgo fıstığı sonbaharda hasat edilir ve popüler bir sonbahar lezzetidir. Gingko fıstığı özellikle Japon sonbahar festivallerinde ve etkinliklerinde sık sık servis edilir ve insanlara değişen mevsimleri hatırlatan bir yemek olarak beğenilir.
Egara Tenjinsha'yı ziyaret ederken, büyük ginkgo ağaçlarının varlığını hissedin ve meyvelerinin tadı ve besin değeri üzerine düşünün. Ayrıca, 8 Şubat'ta iğneler sunmak için bir tören düzenlenir. Kullanılmış iğneler, ruhlarını onurlandırmak ve becerilerinin gelişmesi için dua etmek amacıyla 'yumuşak tofu'nun içine yerleştirilir.
Egara Tenjinsha'ya erişim için buraya tıklayın: 74 Nikaido, Kamakura, Kanagawa 248-0002, Japonya. Egara Tenjinsha'ya Kamakura İstasyonu'ndan yürüyerek veya otobüsle rahatlıkla ulaşılabilir.
Kamakura İstasyonu'ndan yürüyerek: Kamakura İstasyonu'nun Doğu Çıkışı'ndan yürüyerek yaklaşık 30 dakika sürer. Otobüsle: Kamakura İstasyonu'nun doğu çıkışından Keikyu otobüsüne binin ve 5 dakikalık yürüme mesafesindeki Sugimoto-dera otobüs durağında inin.
Kamakura şehri turistik mekanlarla dolu olduğundan, şehirde bir yürüyüşün tadını çıkarmanız önerilir.
Egara Tenjinsha, antik tarih ve doğal güzelliğin birleştiği özel bir yerdir. Neden ziyaret etmiyorsunuz?
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safaksoy · 1 month
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You can see the world, following the seasons Anywhere you go, you don't need a reason 'Cause they never showed you love You don't have to be sorry for doin' it on your own
FULL NAME: Safiye Aksoy
BIRTHDAY: October 10, 1993 (30)
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis female, she/her
OCCUPATION: Physician assistant
LANGUAGES: English, some Türkçe
TIME IN BLUE HARBOR: since November 2023
Even given spoils of wealth by her family, Safiye was met with emotional and physical abandon early in life. Her closest kin were a series of caretakers, which might point to the obvious reason why she devoted her life to becoming a healthcare provider. Her intelligence and diligence won her many academic achievements, and she thrives in her work. Where she is generally gentle-mannered in daily encounters with strangers, in her role as a physician assistant is where she exhibits all of her confidence. When it comes to her patients, she is often thought to be a whole other person.
From childhood, she has always been studious; her dedication to learning stemmed from a natural curiosity about life and her wonderment about every living thing. Her doe eyes were always inspecting things closely, and her mouth would always move to ask, “Why, Baba?” Though Baba never responded, and she learned to turn to herself for most answers. Where her parents were boisterous and bragging, Safiye developed a more reserved and skeptical personality, always playing herself down and meeting people with doubt of their intentions. With those in her circle, she is considerably more engaging, and generally excitable. Her parents’ neglect, however, did not leave her untainted by bruises in the shapes of fear: fear of abandonment, fear of never being good enough, and fear of trusting others.
✽ FULL BIOGRAPHY (tw: abandonment, child neglect) ✽ CONNECTIONS & WANTED
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cubur · 2 years
Heyy are you really from Turkey? I've never seen you write in turkish
Yes I really am ^^; And this is my mother tongue, so don't doubt even for a sec i can write it better than English x) But y'know what !? If I write in Turkish, almost 98% of my followers will not understand what I am trying to say… That's why you can hardly see that I'm writing in my mother tongue
(But if you still want i can write a few things for you (?) it's really not that hard for me)
Merhaba, her şeyi uzaklardan izleyen ama çoğunlukla pek çok şey hakkında sessiz kalan basit bir fan sanatçısıyım. Aslında her şeyin göründüğünden daha kolay olmasını çok isterdim, mesela dünyada sadece tek bir dil olsa iletişim çok daha kolay olurdu, ve nasıl hissettiğimi tam olarak anlatabilirdim… belki. Ama endişelenme roman kadar uzun bir şeyler yazmadan önce şimdi burada durucam. (Türkçe yazabildiğim herhalde belli olmuştur x))
Ve buraya kadar bu sanatçı ne hakkında gevezelik ediyor diye anlamak için çeviri kullanan her kim varsa, bilmeni isterim bir yerlerde seviliyorsun <3
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linguacoreana · 2 years
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General rules
Who needs it?
Be careful of the person who needs something. In Turkish, we will almost always attach it to the verb as a personal suffix. A few of these attach to the "need" word, but not all. Because they are the owners of a verb, what is the subject in English becomes a possessor in Turkish. For example:
Sizin Türkçe daha fazla konuşmanız gerek. = You need to speak more Turkish. (Literally, Your speaking more Turkish is necessary)
You don't need to include Sizin in the last sentence, but if you do include, it must be possessive Sizin and not Siz.
The infinitive
As you probably know, -mak/mek is the Turkish infinitive. This is the ending you will see if there are no other endings attached. However, once you add any personal ending (ex: -m, -n, -sı, -mız, -nız) or any noun case (ex: -ı, -a, -da, -dan, -la), that ending -k is dropped. However, in the absence of any ending, the Turkish verb can keep -mak/mek.
Remember that if you want an impersonal need, you can do that by not adding any personal ending and keeping that infinitive -mak/mek. In English, we would have to change the verb to passive or use a unique adjective like "necessary" to denote impersonal necessity. In Turkish, impersonal is the default, and we must add person by adding a personal suffix.
Arabayla gitmek gerek. = It is necessary to go by car. (impersonal)
Arabayla gitmen gerek. = YOU have to go by car. (personal to you)
When choosing your Turkish ending, try to keep in mind if you are using impersonal you or the actual 2nd person YOU. It might be identical in English, but it can be different in Turkish.
Part of speech?
Something else to keep in mind before listing all these words is what part of speech you need. Do you need a noun or a verb? For example, I need water vs. I need to drink water. This will help you narrow down what you want to use.
-ma + personal ending + gerek
This one is very flexible because gerekmek is also a verb meaning to be necessary/to be needed, to which you can attach time suffixes.
Bugün çamaşır yıkamam gerek. / Bugün çamaşır yıkamam gerekiyor. = I need to do laundry today.
Yarın meşgul olacak mısın? Bana yardım etmen gerekecek. = Will you be busy tomorrow? You'll need to help me.
Bu sabah çok erken uyanmam gerekti. Bu yüzden çok yorgunum. = I had to wake up so early this morning. That's why I am so tired.
Be careful to not put the personal suffix on gerek.
-ma + personal ending + şart
This word originally means "condition," so this affects how we use it. It's an adjective that means "necessary" or "needed," so just like gerek, we don't add a personal suffix onto şart but onto the verb. Because of its meaning of condition, this adjective must be with a nominal verb; you cannot use a noun. A noun is not a condition; a verb is a condition.
Her gün Türkçe öğrenmemiz şart. = We need to learn Turkish every day.
Dışarı çıkmadan önce anahtarım bulmam şart. = I need to find my key before I go out.
-ma + personal ending + lazım
This word has the same meanings as all the others. It is grammatically the same as şart; you should use verbs with personal suffixes and no suffix on the adjective lazım.
Bu kitabı okuman lazım. = You should read this book.
Meyveler ve sebzeler daha fazla yemem lazım. = I need to eat more fruits and vegetables.
verb + -meli/malı- + personal ending
This is not a word. This is an affix. More specifically, it is an infix that you put in the middle of the word with a verb root before and a personal ending after. This can only be attached to verbs.
Üşüdüğümde sıcak çay içmeliyim. = I have to drink hot tea when I am cold.
Çok Türkçe kelimeleri hatırlamalısın. = You have to remember a lot of Turkish words.
-ma + -ya/ye + mecbur + personal ending
The meaning is the same on this one, but the syntax has changed a lot. Again, we need a verb with -ma, but it does not get a personal ending. It gets a dative ending -ya or -ye. This is one of the most common ending when adjectives connect to complements in Turkish. I've written about it on this blog before. Then, we have the adjective mecbur, which gets the personal ending.
Dersten önce bu kitabı okumaya mecbursun. = You have to read this book before class.
Türkiye'ye geldiğinde Kapalıçarşı'ya seni götürmeye mecburuz. = We have to take you to the Grand Bazaar (Kapalıçarşı) when you come to Turkey.
-mak + zorunda + personal ending
This one is unique but closer to the last one. This cannot really be translated properly, so just focus on the syntax. You must use the infinitive form of the verb without any personal ending. Then, zorunda is another word. Then, you add the personal ending to zorunda, just as if it is a location like okuldayım (=I am at school).
Saat 12'dan önce uyuyakalmak zorundanız. = You need to fall asleep before 12 o'clock.
Video oyunu oynamak isterse önceden ev ödevini bitirmek zorunda. = If he wants to play video games, he has to finish his homework beforehand.
ihtiyacı var
noun + -ya/ye + ihtiyaç + personal ending + var
What if you want to say that you need to have something? In English, we can use need with any noun and it sounds natural: I need water, time, space, etc. However, as you know, Turkish is very particular with var and yok.
The person who needs (the subject in English) is the personal ending of ihtiyaç, and the object of necessity (the object in English) is before ihtiyaç with a dative case ending. As you probably know the oddities of var and yok, again the person who is in need is the possessor of ihtiyaç and therefore gets a genitive ending -ın/nın.
Köpeğimin çok yardıma ihtiyacı var. = My dog needs a lot of help.
Bana sınıf nerede olmayı gösterecek birine ihtiyacım var. = I need someone to show me where the classroom is.
ihtiyaç duymak
noun + -ya/ye + ihtiyaç duymak + personal ending
This one is used in the situation of needing a noun or needing to have a noun. To talk about needing a noun, you need this construction: use a noun in the dative case and then ihtiyaç duymak conjugated for person.
What is special about this one is that this is the only one you can nominalize needing something. If you want to make a comment like "It's normal to need to study" or "She talks about needing a guide dog."
Yeni arkadaşlara ihtiyaç duyuyorum. = I need new friends.
Yardıma ihtiyaç duymayı sevmiyorum. = I don't like needing help.
Dünyayı kurtarmak istersek daha az ihtiyaç duymayı öğrenmeliyiz. = If we want to save the world, we need to learn to need less.
Read the full post on my blog.
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Glossika Challenge [Extended]
So, I ended up winning the Glossika Challenge last month. What did I win? 3 free months of Glossika!
Last month I managed to reach 3000 reps in one month with Italian. it was nice review for me and I feel like shadowing the native speakers did help with my pronunciation a bit. however, I did not have time to explore the other languages and the other courses. So, I want to take these next three months to explore some of the other languages they have to offer. 
Here’s a rough idea of how I plan to use Glossika:
Italiano (A2+) - Doing the Glossika Challenge with 100 reps of Italian a day was good. The only problem that I had was that I did not maintain 100 reps a day, so I would play catch-up every few days. I don’t want to do 400 reps of just Italian in a day again. I started from zero with Italian instead of doing the placement test. The sentences were pretty much all review but I did shadow along with the speakers and I think that helped my pronunciation a bit. I’ll just continue with the course and continue with shadowing. I’m not sure what my Italian level is. I feel like I can read more than I can produce (write/speak).
中文 (A2) - Why not? This is supposed to be a focus language for me right now anyway. I do have plenty of resources for Mandarin outside of Glossika so I may not keep up with their Mandarin course.
日本語 (A1) - I keep pausing and restarting my Japanese studies. As a result, I feel like nothing really sticks in my brain. Maybe having a small Glossika habit can help me to solidify some Japanese basics and keep a more consistent study routine going until I reach a higher level.
Türkçe (A0/A1) - I don’t know how Turkish found its way into my language studies but I’m having fun with it right now. Might as well do a bit of Glossika while I have it.
한국어 (A0) - I started the Korean course at 25 reps (5 new sentences) a day because I wanted to test out if Glossika could help me solidify Hangul in my mind. Now, I just want to continue to slowly learn Korean.
Irish (A0) - How many resources are out there for learning Irish? Not as many as more popular languages. I plan to learn irish in the future. I plan to take in person classes next year if possible. There’s also the future learn course. But, while I have the next three months of Glossika for free, I want to try out the Irish course.
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freyaphoria · 23 days
i just found out that we are from the same country💃💃💃
bloglarin suppper, seviliyorsun mwwah <3
ªªª buraya türkçe yazmak çok tuhaf OMG SADECE BENİM SANIYORDUM TUMBLRDA BAŞKA TÜRK ATINYLER Mİ VAR💃🏻kendimi yalnız hissediyordum T_T çok aşırı utandım duygulandım teşekkür ederim🩶🩷💕
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floralbeautysweet · 2 months
My Reaction to CN renewed TTG! for Season 8
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خلاص! لماذا جددت كرتون نتورك الموسم الثامن من أبطال التايتنز إنطالقوا! لماذا؟! لا يوجد سبب لإلغاء أبطال التايتنز إنطالقوا! في حين أنه لا يزال يحظى بشعبية كبيرة ويجني لهم الكثير من المال. إنه سيء وسخيف وممل. أنا أحب أبطال التايتنز إنطالقوا! لكن فقط المواسم 1،3،4،4،5،6 وحلقات منزل الفضاء. بجدية أقسم أنني لا أريد أن أقول كلمات سيئة/سخيفة أتوقف عن مشاهدة أبطال التايتنز إنطالقوا! وارنر براذرز لم تلغي هذا المسلسل! لكن أتعلمون ماذا؟ انسى الأمر، لا يهمني ما يحدث منذ الموسم الثامن، لقد أفسدوا حلقة الخاصة للذكرى المئة وارنر براذرز وأنا لا أشاهدها، الكثير من الحلقات المتقاطعة التي أفسدوها من مسلسلات أخرى، المزيد من الحلقات مكررة الحبكات مملة ولا تصلح لأن تكون مسلسل جيد. كيف يمكن لشبكة كرتون نتورك أن تنهي أبطال التايتنز إنطالقوا! في ربيع 2022، أنا غاضب ولكن هذه المرة لن أشاهده مرة أخرى. لذا، انسى أبطال التايتنز إنطالقوا! سأشاهد الجاسوسات، رينبو بابلجيم و ميغاس بدلاً من ذلك.
Khalas! Cartoon Network neden Teen Titans Go'nun 8. Sezonunu yeniledi! NEEEEENNNDEEEEENNN?!?! Hala çok popülerken ve onlara tonlarca para kazandırırken TTG'yi iptal etmek için hiçbir neden yok. Kötü, saçma ve sıkıcı. Teen Titans Go'yu seviyorum ama sadece 1,3,4,5,6. sezonları ve Uzay Evi Bölümlerini. Cidden yemin ederim Kötü / Küfürlü kelimeler söylemek istemiyorum Teen Titans Go'yu izlemeyi bırakıyorum! Warner Bros. bu diziyi iptal etmedi! Ama ne var biliyor musunuz? Unut gitsin, 8. sezonda ne olduğu umurumda değil, Warner Bros'u mahvettiler. 'un 100. Yıl Özel bölümünü mahvettiler ve izlemiyorum, diğer şovlardan mahvettikleri çok fazla crossover var, daha fazla bölüm tekrarlanıyor, hikayeler sıkıcı ve iyi bir dizi olmaya uygun değiller. Cartoon Network nasıl olur da Teen Titans Go!'yu 2022 baharında bitirebilir, çok kızgınım ama bu sefer bir daha izlemeyeceğim. Unutun, Teen Titans Go! Onun yerine Casus Kızlar, Rainbow Bubblegem ve Megas XLR izleyeceğim.
Khalas! Why did Cartoon Network renewed Season 8 of Teen Titans Go! WHYYYYY?!?! There's no reason to cancel TTG when it's still very popular and makes them tons of money. It's Bad, Ridiculous and Boring. I Like Teen Titans Go! but only seasons 1,3,4,5,6 and Space House Episodes. Seriously I swear I don't want to say Bad/Swear words I stop watching Teen Titans Go! Warner Bros. didn't cancel this show! But you know what? Forget it, I don’t care what It's been going on for 8th season, they ruined the Warner Bros'. 100th Anniversary Special episode and I don't watch it all the crossover are ruined from other shows, more episodes are repeated plots are boring, they're not fit to be a good series. How could Cartoon Network supposed to end Teen Titans Go! in Spring 2022, i’m furious but this time I won't watch it again. So, Forget, Teen Titans Go! I will watch Totally Spies, Rainbow Bubblegem and Megas XLR Instead.
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Poison Thanks for Nothing - Türkçe Çeviri
Müzik ve Şarkı Sözleri: Jayn
Orijinal Videolar: Cyber DIVA Jayn Cover
Çevirili Videolar: Yakında Youtube'a yüklenecektir.
Zehir (Poison)
I never wanted to play make-believe
Evcilik oyunu gibi olsun hiç istemedim
I tried to stay within reality
Gerçekliğe bağlı kalmaya çalıştım.
And from a real young age
Ve de daha küçük yaşlardan itibaren
I learned to cope with pain
Acı ile başa çıkmayı öğrendim.
I never was the same
Aynıları gibi değildim.
I didn't want you to be superman
Süpermenmiş gibi davranmanı beklemedim
I only wanted you to hold my hands
Sadece elimden tutmanı istemiştim.
I guess I asked too much
Galiba senden çok şey istedim
Or wasn't worth enough
Ya da senin için bu kadar değerli değildim.
But I kept faith because
Fakat yine de sana olan inancımı kaybetmedim, çünkü
You're supposed to love & protect me
Senin beni koruyup sevmen gerekliydi.
Sorry that I didn't turn out the way that you wanted, but I just wanted you to stay
Senin istediğin şekilde birisi olamadığım için üzgünüm fakat benim yanımda olmanı istemiştim.
You're supposed to love & accept me
Senin beni kabullenip sevmen gerekliydi.
Instead, I waited wasting so much time, and without you - I really had to sacrifice -
Bunun yerine, beklerken boşa zaman harcadım ve sen yanımda olmayınca-
the part of my heart that believed dreams could come to life
Hayallerin gerçekleşebileceğine olan inancımı feda etmek zorunda kaldım.
I played my part (I did my part) You had my heart (You had my heart)
Ben kendi rolümü oynadım (Kendi görevimi yerine getirdim.) Sana tüm gücümle güvenmiştim. (Sana tüm gücümle güvenmiştim.)
Believed it all would work out without a shred of doubt (I believed, you'd be there for me)
Bir sorun çıkmadan işe yarayacağına inanmıştım. (Yanımda olacağına inanmıştım.)
But in your eyes (But in your eyes) I couldn't fly (I couldn't fly)
Ama senin gözünde (Ama senin gözünde) Uçamazdım.(Uçamazdım)
Why wasn't I good enough?
Neden, yeterince iyi değil miydim?
Guess I just don't mean much
Sanırım sana göre pek bir şey ifade etmiyorum.
Is it too late
Bu oyunu bırakmak için
To quit this game?
Çok mu geç oldu?
Fill me with poison make me numb
Zehrin ile doldur, uyuştur beni
I don't care if my heart stops
Kalbimin durmasına aldırış etmem
Feed me your bullshit, hope it works
İşe yarayacağını düşünerek saçmalıklarda doldurdun beni
That's all you're fucking good for
Tek yapabildiğin şey bu zaten
Thanks for nothing
Hiçbir yararda bulunmadığın için sağ ol.
Should I apologize for giving up?
Pes ettiğim için özür dilemeli miyim?
Should I be sorry that I've had enough?
Artık sınırıma geldiğim için üzülmeli miyim?
Of broken promises
Tutulmayan sözler
Excessive harsh judgements
Aşırı sert yargılar
And subtle rejections
Ve katı davranarak karşı çıkmalar
Are you aware of what you've done to me?
Bana ne yaptığının farkında mısın?
Or are you so just blind that you can't see
Yoksa göremeyecek kadar kör müsün
The scars that you've left here
Bende bıraktığın bu yaralar
Mutating into fear
Bana yakınlaşan insanlardan
Of people getting near
Korkmama yol açtı.
You're supposed to love & accept me
Senin beni kabullenip sevmen gerekliydi.
Instead, I waited wasting so much time, and without you - I really had to sacrifice -
Bunun yerine, beklerken boşa zaman harcadım ve sen yanımda olmayınca-
the part of my heart that believed dreams could come to life
Hayallerin gerçekleşebileceğine olan inancımı feda etmek zorunda kaldım.
You had a chance (You had a chance)
Bir şansın vardı (Bir şansın vardı)
I took it back (I took it back)
Bu şansını geri aldım (Bu şansını geri aldım.)
Why should I let you go free (I'm sorry)
Canımı yakmayı sürdürürken(Üzgünüm)
When you can't stop hurting me? (But you're the one who chose to leave)
Neden seni serbest bırakmalıyım? (Ayrılmak isteyen sendin)
Wish I were strong (Wish I were strong)
Keşke yeterince güçlü olabilseydim (Keşke yeterince güçlü olabilseydim.)
Enough to hold ... on ( I could hold on)
Buna dayanacak kadar (Dayanabilirim)
But the ache grows and grows
Ama acı büyümeye devam ediyor
As long as I still can't say 'no'
Ben 'hayır' diyemeyeceğim süre kadar.
So ... you've got to go
Bu yüzden ... senin (hayatımdan) gitmen gerekli.
Swallow your poison, just one gulp
Zehrini sadece bir yudumda tat
I want you to drink it all
Hepsini içmeni istiyorum.
Have just a taste of what you serve
Yaptığın şeyin bir tadına bak
This is how bad your lies hurt
Yalanların bu derece can yakıcıydı.
Thanks for nothing
Hiçbir yararda bulunmadığın için sağ ol.
I'm not too sensitive, And I'm not incompetent
Çok hassas değilim, Ve ben beceriksiz değilim.
You failed the job that you were meant to have in my life
Hayatımda yapman gereken bu işi başaramadın.
No, I'm not incompetent. No, I'm not too sensitive
Hayır, beceriksiz değilim. Hayır, çok hassas değilim.
And if you really cared then you'd just say you're sorry!
Ve eğer umurunda olsaydı en azından özür dilerdin!
The saddest part is that you won't even hear this song
En üzücü yanı da bu şarkıyı muhtemelen duyamayacaksın bile...
I wish
That things had been different
Olaylar farklı olsaydı.
But now I just can't leave it all behind
Fakat şimdi bütün hepsini geride bırakamam.
If I could heal the wounds within
Eğer ki bu yaraları iyileştirirsem
Maybe we both could start again
Belki ikimiz yeniden başlayabilirdik
For now I can't, my heart is cracked
Artık yapamam, kalbim kırıldı.
So until then ...
Bu sebeple de ...
Can't let you in
Seni kabul edemem
This is the end
Sonu bu şekilde.
Fill me with poison make me numb
Zehrin ile doldur, uyuştur beni
I don't care if my heart stops
Kalbimin durmasına aldırış etmem
Feed me your bullshit, hope it works
İşe yarayacağını düşünerek saçmalıklarda doldurdun beni
That's all you're fucking good for
Tek yapabildiğin şey bu zaten
Thanks for nothing x8
Hiçbir yararda bulunmadığın için sağ ol. x8
Hak sahiplerinden çevirmek için izin alınmıştır.
Çevirmen Notları:
'Thanks for Nothing' sözünün tam bir karşılığı Türkçede olmaması üzerine şarkının konusuna göre çevirdim. Duruma göre farklı anlamlar taşımaktadır.
Çevirme yetkisi verdiği için Jayn'e çok teşekkür ederim. Bu şarkı aslında benim çevirisini yapmak istediğim ilk şarkıydı ve 2019 yılı civarı çevirmeye uğraşmıştım, tabi o zamanki bilgilerimle bazı deyimleri anlayamamıştım ve Türkçeye nasıl uyarlamam gerektiğini bilmiyordum. Sözleri beni derinlemesine etki etmişti daha o zamanlar ve dinlerken duyguyu anlıyordum. Jayn çok sevdiğim bir müzik yapımcısıdır bu yüzden lütfen kanalına göz atmayı unutmayın (๑>◡<๑)
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linktube · 5 months
i was binging the shayne guesses series and it pushed me to compile some of my all time favorite shows. i tried for a top 3 but i still rambled my way tru rest of those in different levels of "favorites"
top 3 favorite shows
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i was focusing on the shows that i thought about and rewatched the most (not by a metric of a ''perfect'' show, also newer stuff i watched that i really liked doesnt really have a chanse at beating these at this point guess lol. im fully giving into personal involvement) unf. one of the creators of black books turned out to be a raging transphopic but random moments from this show occupies my brain so much that i cant pass it off easily. also tamsin dylan and bill is an exceptional trio! (<3 bran and fernard <3) so much on screen charisma, this is my original awful disfunctional (un)loveble but charming friend group that i felt deep connection with, akin to its always sunny in phildelphia, which i loved the first couple seasons of but never come around to watching rest of it for some reason.
some very honorable mentions under.. (and one or two not that honorable lol) and a lot of ramblings/thoughts that go barely anywhere, only for my sake!
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both of these shows are dealing with gender and sexuality in a certain way lol. (for berserk i only watched season 1 (1997), newer one looks ugly. never watched it doesnt count. .p i wish i could read mangas without getting distracted but honestly whatever was given to us for that season i thought was just enough. i like shows that doesnt try to cover everything and tie all the loose ends. i have nothing smart to say, the show just hits you like truck. thats all) coffee prince is a somewhat messy gem that belongs to a certain time period where gender bender(?) themes on japanese/korean shows were popping and boy was i all over them as a teenager.(i wonder why) most of them were garbage (you are beautiful... and many others) this one still has really charming moments that holds up for me mostly due to actors performances
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i finished the sopranos not long ago and it pained me to not put it as a top favorite. i could have safely put that instead of OZ.. but OZ hit me in such a weird time and at this point i watched that shit aproximetely 3 times over so... just by personal impact it had to beat others. i do think sopranos is a perfect show!! i would love a rewatch when i could, honestly should have just caved and made it a top 4, but then i would have 2 hbo shows there?? give it up buddy. relax my guy
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these are just really well crafted shows i enjoyed much more recently. just solid watches (nacho from better caul saul my beloved <3) also we can add the terror here but just the season 1
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some turkish sketch/improv comedy shows that colored my youth lol i honestly dont know how they hold up? probably hit or miss. avrupa yakası mesela tekrar izleyemedim açıkçası. bir demet tiyatro'nun hayal meyal hatırlıyorum beni çok sardığını, tiyatro şeklinde olması çok eğlenceli ve farklı geliyodu bana. ıhlamurlar altında falan ağzım açık izlerdim geçen merak ettim de youtubedan açtım nasıldı diye 2 bölümü atlaya atlaya bitiremedim. yedi numara da öyle. sanırım televizyonda ne çıksa izliyodum o yaş/dönemde de pek bir tutarlılığı kalmıyo şimdi için.
keşke biraz da yeni türkçe dizi izlemiş olsam ama yok.. bi ara şahsiyet izledim biraz ama kafam dağıldı arada yarım kaldı. "gibi" komedi olarak çok övülüyo ama bi türlü elim gitmedi başlamaya. ben popüler bir şeye aşırı geç kalmazsam ben olmazdım zaten maalesef. neyse biraz şansa bakıyo bazen, bir başkadır da yarım kaldı saçma sebeplerden mesela. masum'u da izleyip beğenmiştim sanki ama çok bişey hatırlamıyorum hakkında açıkçası.
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there are a lot of shows that i loved while growing up but i wouldn't/couldn't rewatch them now and have a genuinely good time lol. like doctor who, merlin, chuck, glee etc. and i was actually fully obsessed with glee as a teen for some time! (i remember painstakingly torrenting the reality singing compition that was supposedly made to discover a new glee star?? there was a turkish ''muslum'' girl there and all and they made her do some weird shit lol. no suprises there) but just as a full on episode its mostly unwatchable to me now. even then i dont think i finished the show? maybe i just dont remember the last seasons. some clips still cracks me up tho. i tried to watch a doctor who episode recently that was supposedly one of my favorites as a teen but couldnt get thru it, bored me to tears lol. merlin i remember loving a lot but again im uninterested in watching a full episode now. merlin/arthur did occupy my middle school brain a lot tho, i think it might be the first media i can remember where i searched for fanedits on youtube and watch those a lot as well. ding ding ding shipping gene activated!!1!!! might be one of my first shows where fanlore colored my watching experience much more than just the material. thats why the episodes of the show doesnt really hit as well as they used to probably. also some of these you just simply age out of. to think that i also watched OZ around these times and how wildy different my relationship is with it is so funny. like when i rewatched OZ recently i was just hit with a deeper, somewhat different while still painfully familiar wave of emotions but with glee im like.. okay! i see what was happening there at the time but its not really happening right know lol
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oalgar · 1 year
Powdar Dreams
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Powdar Dreams (2023) is a three part compilation of stories taking place around what is presently known as the Little Cottonwood Canyon starting from our near future to a million years in the future. Their picture of the truth keeps getting clearer.
"Love it. Gibsonian sci-fi".
Why these stories?
Winter of 2023 was not only extraordinary due to its record snowfall but it was a mystical "whale" of an experience for many reasons. Such mystical experiences are hard to retell using a few words in a travel journal or pics in a juicy album. They are better fit for a sincere dialectic conversation within. As with Hegel's study of the successive appearances of the mind to itself.
It is my hope that the compilation of these unimaginable yet ever recurring similar stories share the same sincere intent, desire and joy as the unspeakable richness of each of our own distinct journeys. In our sincere conversation, I am all ears listening to yours.
And who knows, we can start broadcasting for our next journey, Sailbird soon.
"Like taking psychedelics"...
What are the stories?
Part 1 - Three mystical joker siblings Adam, Rohan and Lucius come up with the brilliant idea of a Powdar to offset the effects the global warming and save the lives and souls of their fellow species on Earth. By then many the planet's species have not made it and those who could have packed up and left.
Part 2 - Lieutenant Columbo, Professor Kat and their posse of riders travel from Starbase to Earth a million years later for the ride of their lives in the greatest deepest snow in the galaxy. Chaos ensues when another selfish group of interplanetary iGone riders try to steal one of the Powdars.
Part 3 - The ancient and present groups, both longing for their recurring common desire for truth, start rediscovering their forgotten mysteries and love that surround the Powdars. They seek each other out and make first contact.
> Read the full story on powdar.org (PDF, 6,300 words).
> Türkçe tercümesi: Kar Tanecikleri.
What do you think?
Would love to hear your feedback here.
Initial readers said: (under duress)
"Love it. Gibsonian sci-fi".
"It's the kind of story where you pause for a long while reading, considering the implications of that society as it was suggested by the glimpses we got".
"It left me with a nice feeling after I finished it. Read it twice. I'll definitely read it again".
"Pretty trippy".
"I imagine this is what taking psychedelics is like".
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Photos by @mvonballmo, thank you. Cover photo by @leecohen_pics.
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