#why is being fem-presenting such a threat to my safety and respect as a person and an employee.
cuntess-carmilla · 4 years
The level of performance you demand from bi people as a whole, but especially of bi women, is motherfucking insane. I really don't get why you all demand bi women virtue signal their sexuality by "rejecting" men in order to not deem them gross lesbophobes by virtue of existing. "Even" if they prefer men that's not necessarily out of some internalized homo/biphobia. They just like men. That’s kind of part of (most bi people’s) bisexuality. Shocker, I know.
A lot of the behaviors you all accuse bi women of (not taking other women seriously as partners, for example) are behaviors a lot of lesbians in denial exhibit too but in us you see victims of our own pain and misogyny who need help and understanding, while in bi women you see vile irredeemable perpetrators who must be ostracized and punished.
You blame them of their own abuse at the hands of cis straight men in ways that if you remove the "bi" from "bi women" you would recognize as disgusting victim-blaming, WHILE rejecting them & pushing them out of LGBT spaces, which, guess what you fucking geniuses; leaves them to have cis straight men as their only viable option. Funny how that works. You're all "women should stay away from dating bi women" or "bi women fetishize lesbianism by wanting to be with women" but shame bi women for being with men IN THE SAME BREATH. What the fuck do you want them to do? Be celibate for your own biphobic comfort?
I legit saw idiots on Twitter say "normalize lesbians only dating other lesbians" as if that's not what's normalized already. Bi women are already seen as gross sluts that kiss women at parties to turn men on and only seriously date men. What the fuck isn’t normalized about lesbians dating lesbians only?
You think that I, a literal fucking dyke, didn't see women at some point as hot for sex and men as the only viable partners for serious relationships? Would you see me as a disgusting dangerous misogynist for having been there, or as struggling with internalized homophobia? If it’s the later, why don't you extend that same compassion to bi women? Only difference there is that I'm a lesbian and they're bisexual.
Sure, they like men so being with men isn't INHERENTLY torture for them like it is for me, but you don't think that thinking/behaving that way is traumatizing for them too? They love women and are depriving themselves of that experience out of internalized biphobia, misogyny and homophobia. You think that doesn’t fuck them up too? They're hurting too, but you think that, unlike a lesbian who does the same, THEY deserve that suffering.
And no one is telling you to date them or to suffer for them through it just because they're suffering too. What you're being told is to see them as the non-straight women they are who're suffering too and understand the complexity of their situation the same way you would someone like me.
You think too that the “solution” to the horrendous rates of IPV they face with cis straight men is swearing off men. Would you tell straight women to do the same if they don’t want to be abused by male partners? You wouldn't. Because you see straight women as not having "an option" but think bi women do and thus they MUST be asking to be abused. Literal “asking for it” shit. It's all victim blaming + Boys Will Be Boys, but add a "bi" to it and it's progressive somehow.
This points to you seeing women's attraction to men as only ok when it's not "chosen", just a passive reception of misogynistic violence (which, way to take away the agency of women’s sexualities, you dumb bitches), but when they IN THEORY have a "choice" because they also like women, their attraction to men is active instead of passive, and thus they're cock-sucking sluts who’re choosing to endanger themselves. You see women whose desire for men is active, as deserving of whatever results from their involvement with men. You can't be a biphobe without being a misogynist.
You see bisexuality as a fractured amalgam of homosexuality + heterosexuality instead of its own standalone identity, and thus they can and MUST choose one or the other, because their “heterosexual” attraction and their gay attraction are in active competition within them like the fucking two wolves shit. You can’t be a biphobe without being a homophobe.
Bi women's attraction to men is NOT normalized and biphobes are living proof of it. It's not normalized; they're bisexual, not straight. Their attraction to men coexists with, interlinks with and isn't independent of their attraction to women. Bi women ARE shamed and punished for liking men because they don't like men alone, they simultaneously like women and those are inseparable for them.
If it was normalized, it wouldn't be widespread to blame them for the abuse they receive when involved with men, like they should pick a side for their abuse to count or matter. They wouldn't be pushed out of LGBT spaces for being with men, it wouldn't be seen by other LGBT people (even many bi women themselves) as a flaw in their sexuality that makes them a gay-straight chimera. They wouldn't feel ashamed of their attraction to men. They wouldn't be seen with suspicion for liking men if it was normalized.
Them simultaneously liking men is seen as not loving men "correctly" AND as not loving women “correctly”. No LGBT women (including cis bi women and straight trans women) are seen as doing love and sex "correctly".
You can only claim bi women's attraction to men is normalized if you see bisexuality as a Lego combo of straight + gay and thus their attraction to men is separable from their attraction to women. It's not. They're not cherry-picked bits and pieces of heterosexuality and homosexuality. They're 100% bisexual, always, no matter in what way their bisexuality expresses itself. Be it bisexual with no preference, bisexual with a preference for women, or bisexual with a preference for men.
It's not 50-50% straight-gay, 25-75% straight-gay, or 80-20% straight-gay respectively. ALL are 100% bisexual-bisexual. If you can't respect that, you're a homophobe and a misogynist.
And yes, it is HOMOphobic to see bi women with suspicion for liking men. You see "homosexual" attraction as inherently in jeopardy if there's a coexisting "heterosexual" attraction because the gay one will be lesser and you see the "straight" one as a threat that'll take precedent. That’s your gay insecurity from internalized homophobia speaking.
Then too, there's a reason biphobes think bi men are secretly gay, and bi women are secretly straight. You see men as the superior and inevitable choice for both. That's misogyny. If you're a biphobe, you ARE undoubtedly a misogynist and a homophobe, even if you're gay and/or a woman yourself.
Every time people make armchair judgements of bisexual women as man-worshipers all I can think of is my sister who cried rivers of tears to me about how painful and stressing it is to over-perform her attraction to men who're not even her type (she likes gnc men!) just to stay closeted, and when I think of that, I wish so badly I could slap each and every person doing that.
And yeah! You read right, GNC MEN. Bisexuality is "gay enough", "even" in their different-gender attraction, that plenty of bi women prefer gnc men, and plenty of bi men prefer gnc women. In fact, plenty of bi people, including the cis ones, are gnc themselves (with a specific tendency towards androgyny but there's many who're distinctly masculine/feminine at it) and thus much more visible as gay than someone like me; a fucking lesbian, but I'm fem-presenting.
"Bi people can stay closeted while in relationships." So can gay men and lesbians who have beards, who hide our partners, whose partners are trans and closeted, if we're trans and closeted ourselves, or if we’re single and not visibly gnc.
My relationship would be seen as straight by outsiders because my fiancé is a closeted trans lesbian. Unless you’re a transphobe you would NOT call that a fucking privilege. It’s not a fucking privilege that she’s forced to hide herself and hide that the nature of her exclusive love for women is gay. That shit fucking kills her inside. It’s not a privilege that to keep the love of my life safe and myself too I have to pretend that our love is straight when it was so fucking hard for me to just detect, let alone ACCEPT and take pride in that I don’t like men.
All of that keeps us safe, but at great emotional cost. Being closeted is safety for all LGBT people, but it’s not a privilege, it’s PAINFUL. You understand this when it comes to gay men and lesbians, and can feel compassion for us. Why not for bi people? Why are you so angry at bi people? Why do you hold so much contempt for bi people?
I'll tell you why: BECAUSE YOU'RE BIGOTS.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 6 years
Our Son (Part 1)
Pairing: Michael Langdon x fem!Reader
Words: 1730
Summary: Michael and the reader previously were together before the nuclear attacks, though separated before after losing touch. During that time, the reader was pregnant and gave birth to their son, only to be reunited post-apocalyptic with Michael.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of pregnancy, FLUFF, short time jump (***)
REQUESTED BY: @thatoneweirdgirl17 
Tags: @del-rcys , @msjamesmarch , @chelsealaur , @m-i-a-m-c-d-e-e , @suzumebailey , @fandoms-allovertheplace , @crownofrowan , @gracethegeek9902 @kellysimagines , @minnesota-loser
A/N - Hope you all enjoy this! It will become a series in future, so TAGLIST IS OPEN! ❤️
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The life as a single mother had proven to be difficult, though you managed. Adam Langdon, your beautiful baby boy was a miracle and it simply was too unbearable to think of life without him: he was your only family. His father, Michael, was out of the picture just days before you’d realised you were pregnant... You loved him, and he loved you. But that was it, you knew that Michael wasn’t the type to just dwell on the past and for that, you made the sole decision of raising the child yourself, without him having the slightest idea that he was a father. Initially, the breakup and the news of being your pregnancy was overwhelming: and many times you’d contemplated on surprising Michael with your growing bump until you’d recall your tragic break up. He’d grown to become distant, you felt he’d grown cold and began to resent you, for reasons still unknown. You felt helpless and unwanted, until you had finally gained the courage to instigate the discussion of breaking up, hoping to see that this misunderstanding would spark something in Michael, hoping it would make him realise how neglectful he’d been towards you...Though to your misery, it had all backfired. He merely agreed to the idea and seemed unstirred by the ordeal he’d caused: carrying on with his life, unconcerned about yours.
Your pregnancy also wasn’t one of the most greatest experiences, in fact, it wasn’t at all what you were expecting... Many of the symptoms you contracted were different to those you’d read previously in books and from the medical consultations you’d receive. Throughout your bizarre pregnancy you’d dreamt of the most surreal things, your cravings sometimes were most disturbing, wanting pieces of raw meat, not to mention your contractions were beyond painful… You constantly anticipated the worst, your anxiety becoming heightened, particularly during Adam’s birth. Despite it being amongst the most excruciating experiences you’d ever faced: if it meant being able to hold what was now your healthy, pure son today, it was definitely worth reliving.
That was until the apocalypse struck the world... Nation-wide coverage of the missile attacks occurring around the world left you tragically in desperate need for help, even if it meant risking your own life for the sake of Adam. Hence, when the decision came to travel with these secret service agents, who’d randomly stormed their way into your apartment, only to have briefly informed you that they’d be your only chance of survival, you took it without any hesitation. He was your sole purpose in life, and that was simply that.
And now Outpost 3 was Adam’s new home and yours...
After 18 months of the repeated schedule that you’d grown accustomed to, the sudden breach into the post disturbed everyone, especially you. With hardly any line of defence in place, no evacuation plans to enact, nor was it wise to escape beyond the walls, if need be, the threat of your life and Adam’s seemed imminent. God knew what had managed to breach the walls of the facility, and you were in no rush to find out.
“All questions will be answered in due course, Miss Y/L/N. Now for the sake of that child of yours, make your way down towards the living room. Our guest wants to have a talk.” She sternly retorted, her cane hitting against the wooden boards of the floor, only to awake Adam out of his serene sleep. Thankfully, he hardly cried nor had he ever proven to be a loud child compared to the adults, who did most of the whining...Gently embracing his tiny body in your arms, the only thing that had been keeping you grounded this entire time was the little boy you’d been cradling. He had much of his father in him, particularly his eyes: both have those mesmirising, piercing blue eyes. He was a constant reminder of Michael and that pained you, though it never not once interfered for the love you have for him. Adam was all you had.
Hastily finding a seat on the couch, adjusting your purple dress to suit your comfort, with Adam nestled on your lap, the suspense of breach was evident in the air. It felt tense, especially since hardly anyone talked during dinner, which was a first: not even a single complaint left Coco’s mouth. Once everyone had made their way into the room, and all were present silence fell bellowed again, and your anticipation for answers was as crisp as ever. Your complete focus diverted towards Miss Venable, awaiting for her to break the void. Although, the only sound that could be heard were the faint footsteps being made, each step louder than before as it edged closer. For some strange reason, you felt that these footsteps felt familiar, they felt so reassuring... Instinctively, your head snapped towards the entrance of the room, only to be shocked senseless that the visitor was Michael, in the flesh.
Immediately upon entering the room, his gaze remained on you, only to in turn fall upon Adam: a small yet genuine smirk emerged against his face. You remained speechless, as he made his way towards where Miss Venable had been standing, only to be excused. Yet Michael still made effort to address you either, nor did he seem rattles by the sight of you holding a baby, that resembled him in so many ways. Instead, he’d introduced himself to the rest: completely immersed in his unexpected arrival, unaware that he’d even survives the attack, you’d completely forgotten about everyone else in the room.
“I’ve been sent to determine if any of you are worthy and fit to join us in the sanctuary, which I’m certain many of you will be” he exclaimed, his full attention prevailing upon you at that exact moment.
“I’ll be conducting interviews throughout these few, coming days.”
“I volunteer to go first!” Gallant shouted, the sheer excitement in his tone causing Adam to jump.
“And so you shall... But, unfortunately these interviews are entirely dependent my discretion, and therefore I get to choose who gets to be interviewed first. And it just so happens to be the mother and the child.” He firmly retorted: trepidation beginning to arise within you, your grip pulling Adam closer to your chest for reassurance.
“Is it because she already has a head start with the procreation bullshit, cause if so that’s totally uncalled for-“
“Enough!” Michael roared, causing Coco to halt in her tracks, shocked by the sudden outburst.
“Miss Venable, if you would be so kind as to lead Miss Y/n and myself to your office” He pleaded, moving aside as his hand gestured her to lead the way. In compliance, nodding against his wishes, she began to direct you both out: you walking behind her as Michael politely insisted on tagging behind, it was a silent yet short journey to her office. Walking towards a seat near the fireplace, Adam tightly adjusted in your arms, his eyes fixated on his father, your chest began to tighten.
Peering over towards Michael who still remained beside the door, began to gradually make his way over, seating himself opposite of you. The silence was endearing and you finally could no longer bear it: your questions needed to be answered for it was still too overwhelming to believe that Michael was there.
“How-how on Earth did you manage to survive? D-Did you have access to this sanctuary?” You bellowed, your face drenched in concern.
“I knew some people... All answers will be addressed once us three make our way back to the sanctuary. Can’t risk you both staying here for another minute.”
“You knew about us? You knew about us this entire time, didn’t you?! And you never thought for a split second, of wanting to meet him up until now, when the entire world has just been desecrated?” You began to shout, your grip tightening as to protect Adam from the unpredictability of his own father.
“Of course I did Y/n. But I had to keep my distance...In fact, I find that there’s no reason for you to pinpoint me as the fault here, when it was I who had those agents escort you to safety. It was I that assured the survival of you both, so that one day we could reunite and restore ourselves as a new family... That is if you still wish for that.”
Your mind blank, it being most difficult to understand Michael’s logic, which had always been far-fetched though always with good intentions. It was too much to digest, though since hearing the news of the other outposts, your motherly instincts of keeping Adam alive and well was all that mattered. And just as you had initially decided to trust the words of strangers, you knew that Michael was no different. A part of you always envisioned a future with him, and there was no denying that he too had mutual feelings. Yet he seemed most persistent in hiding them...
“Why’d you leave? In the first place. Why couldn’t you just have stayed when I needed you most?” You began to cry, trying most difficult to remain composed. Typically, Michael wasn’t an emotional type, and you’d always believed that crying indicated to him how weak of a person you were. Though during times that you found it most relieving to do so, he had always been mindful of your tendencies: he respected your needs, until he’d grown to part from you. The sheer sight of you in pain, as you remembered during the early moments of your relationship, triggered him to comfort you. Embracing you in his broad arms, the gentle kisses he’d give reassuring that you were deeply loved, remaining close to you until you’d managed to overcome the situation. And not once had he ever doubted your resilience to persevere. These flashbacks instantly fading, your thoughts returned to reality, only to find Michael sitting beside you, his arm draped around you ever so tightly, his free hand stroking the identical gold-blonde locks of his son.
“His an angel” you whispered, a smile brewing on your face instantly, as your eyes met Adam’s before returning to Michael’s. Too distracted by the overdue reunion, you’d merely wanted nothing more than to forget the past. Both Michael and you shared the same vision for the future, for Adam’s future.
“Indeed he is” he chuckled.
“But for now my love... I want you both with me always. Understood?”
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