#why are 'course i will be taking' and 'subject' two separate fields?
proto-language · 3 months
people who invent university admin forms, my absolute fucking beloathed
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just-another-star-47 · 8 months
Thoughts on the Sallow family III
Part I Part II
Let's continue with Sebastian and Anne's parents.
I've often wondered what the relationship between them and their children was like, ultimately there's a lot of room for interpretation on this subject as we don't have much to go on.
Sebastian seems to have relatively fond memories of his parents, especially his father. 
I've already mentioned a few more thoughts in the last two parts, but I'd like to expand on them here. The Sallows were professors, so they either taught or used their professorship to do research (or both).
What I noticed about the professors we meet in the game is that they all have their rooms at Hogwarts and seem to live there (the letters about their family life away from Hogwarts support this). 
Which makes me wonder who was with Anne and Sebastian while their parents were teaching. Were they allowed to come to the castle and stay with their parents? (Which would still have meant that they were on their own for most of the day).
Or did one of their parents always come home in the evening? (Again, the siblings would have been alone for the day).
This leads me to the next question, whether there is such a thing as kindergartens in the wizarding world. I could write a separate post on that alone, but since this is about the Sallow family, I'll keep it brief.
Ultimately, my point is that I personally think that Sebastian and Anne were very often alone as children. If you think about the time in which HL is set, this is not surprising, because education and research in the field of children were still in their infancy. The fatal accident alone indicates that the Sallows left Sebastian and Anne to their own devices when they were working (so even if they were researching rather than teaching, their absence remains).
For me, this idea is very interesting because it explains Sebastian's behaviour in the game once again. He sees himself as responsible for Anne (I personally like the idea that he was born a little earlier, but of course gender roles can also play a part) and therefore has had to take on the role of an adult earlier than he should. This would explain why he makes his decisions alone, why he needs to be alone to calm down, and why Anne's curse almost drives him mad.
The two siblings are not only linked by the bond of twins, but also by the time they have spent together since childhood, when they have had to keep each other company. In Sebastian's case, there is also the role of carer, from which he cannot detach himself. In the course of the game, he explains that Solomon never really cared for them, implying that Sebastian could and knows better, which to me again reflects the role he took on too early.
(Again, I could go on and on, but back to the parents).
The fact that Sebastian doesn't seem to bear a grudge against his parents may be because, despite everything, they always endeavoured to meet their children's needs as far as they could. In the last parts, I wrote that I think the family often travelled, which would indicate that the family spent time together. But it could also be that he doesn't realise how big a burden it is to have to take on the role of carer as a child and has simply accepted this as his task.
It's probably a mixture of both.
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writing-hat · 10 months
Was rewatching Hands of Time because I wanna get Nya right for my fic (I know I won't but this is an attempt), and I am suddenly remembered of Karlof.
Why is there a metal master? Isn't Cole supposed to be the earth master?
So! Here's why Cole can't metal bend - at least not now, not in this universe, and/or not in my head
Everyone has their own opinions! And this is just me speculating I guess! You can skip if this bores you lmao
Okay for those that are reading my insane and ridiculous overthinking that makes sense for me but might not for everyone cuz I can't explain shit (also cuz yknow this is a lego show for kids all of this wasn't thought through lmao)
So Metal Bending from ATLA is something that always makes me go insane because it is super well brought up AND built up. Because, yknow, Toph is a fucking badass and she's the best actually no contest here I don't take criticism- BUT BUT it's something that somehow feels expected because of how well she handles her powers and how it works when it comes to earth benders
Now for Cole, and earth masters in general, this wouldn't work in my mind, because I feel like the ninjas powers work more in a- "magical" way?
NOW YOU KNOW ME, this does not mean magic doesn't work with physics of our world, yaddi yadda, yknow how crazy I am when it comes to powers being handled with a price, and actually thinking of physics (to an extend, I didn't major in that for a reason LMAO). But it does occur to me that the connections between powers work differently in Ninjago compared to ATLA
This is also why Nya wouldn't be able to blood bend in my mind (EVEN IF THAT'S FUCKING COOL and I want to see content of it always and forever (are there any content on it actually harrass me if there is I wanna see that)), because she's not that kind of close to water, but she is close to it in an other way?
How would I explain that. Hm.
So like imagine a path, and it bifurcates in two different kinds of fields, but it still started from the same branch. Here, one becomes the bender of the matter, reaching potential as badass as blood bending, while the other masters it, understanding how it works to its fundamental, going as far as fusing with the element itself ; it's what makes it so that fire benders can bend lightning, and why that can't be for the ninjas/masters. Because it was never meant to be that.
This comes with the idea that the "Illusion of Separation" is a thing in ATLA! Which, I think would also be the case in Ninjago IF the FSM hadn't seperated them (the powers)- but I still don't know how to explain my thoughts there, other then to say the FSM had all powers before and there's no way he didn't use them at the same time or make them fuse (yknow aside wind and water of course) but he stopped that when he decided to pass it on future masters? something?
And that's why Karlof is the Master of Metal. It got seperated.
(doesn't that mean it can be brought back together? Lloyd I'm looking at you)
ALSO! I think what's taken into account here is the differences between metal and dirt, rocks and such. The chemical/physical differences, how iron is but a mineral in most cases incrusted too deep into the rock before brought back and used to make pure iron (or something idk the exact names) or used to make steel (with carbon levels being too high but yeah this goes to deep I'll stop now) (also if I'm wrong please tell me I'm not a scientist and idk that much on the subject (I think that shows))
More so, Toph's powers and bending works with WAVES! Cole's doesn't (yet, because if he can actually cause earthquakes then O BOI)
Not only that, but they are all born with those powers, and it's hard to master. But for the ninjas, they're "on their own", in way that the generations before them didn't get to teach them shit before they poofed out, and those that are left behind are people that were as clueless as them- looking at the Smith Parents, or even Wu! Who prbably has to learn everything from his father's scrolls because the FSM is a piece of crap actually (not sure how he's handled in the books but rn in my mind he is a piece of crap with how Wu and Garmadon react to most things (that's another talk a bit more Encanto flavored (generational trauma yknow)))
Also, there's the fact that it took so long for the show to show us Cole control the earth from a distance! Usually, his powers are associated with strength- which is in my opinion a huge waste of talent, BUT AT THE SAME TIME IT'S REALLY COOL! You know what I mean?
BUT COLE, even if he doesn't bend metal, there are other things that come with earth powers, things I CAN'T WAIT TO write about, but won't speak for here since I'm still working on it (also they might actually suck but Idc I'm having fun lol)
I wouldn't be surprised if other people found about these abilities tho. Y'know it's the internet! Lots of people think of the same thing
But uh yeah! I guess that's it?
Thanks for reading, and see ya!
(Also if you think I'm wrong about some things, which I prbbly am, or if you wanna add things, correct some of my stuff and all, you're welcomed to do so! I'm always open to being told I'm wrong LMAO)
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utopians · 1 year
Hey James! Feel free to not answer if you don't wanna, but I'm a non-American very confused by the concept of "majors" and "minors" in American university.
Over here, a university degree only offers classes directly related to the degree subject - there's no such thing as a major, because what you'd "major in" is just the subject your degree is on. EG you said Psychology and History; over here, if you were taking a Psychology degree, the only way you could also do History would be either by waiting for the Psychology one to be over and then returning to university to take a separate History degree, or by paying for non-university or online university courses during the Psychology degree. But these wouldn't count at all towards the Psychology degree if you did that - all your university course classes would purely be psychology-related.
I think it's why our degrees are shorter? An undergrad degree course is 2-3 years here, depending, coz they're only on the 1 subject.
How do majors and minors work? Do you need a minor in order to pass your major? What's up with that?
happy to answer! just to preface, there is a lot of variation within american schools, and a lot of places have specialized programs that are a lot closer to your experience -- I'm just going to be talking abt the more common model that's present most schools, including the one I attend. this got long as hell so it's all under the cut :-)
essentially, in american universities, you can take classes in any subject you want and a 'major' is just the topic you've chosen to specialize in. in order to graduate with a major in a specific topic, you need to take the specific courses the university considers essential to understanding it, and you need to take enough courses in that topic to fulfill the university's credit requirement (the amount of 'credits' a course is worth is based on its difficulty); for example, I'm a psych major, and these are my university's requirements for a major in psychology. some people also do a 'double major' where you graduate with a degree in two topics by fulfilling the major requirements for both.
the way that the american system generally diverges from others (and the reason that it generally takes 4 years for a degree here when it takes 3 in most places) is that there's a minimum credit requirement for graduating that's unrelated to your major -- for example, my university requires 120 total credits to graduate with a degree at all, even though earning the psychology degree itself only requires about ~40 credits worth of psych classes. the remaining 80 credits worth of classes are filled by classes you take Just For Fun as well as gen-ed requirements, which are subjects that all students are required to take regardless of major: foundational math, english, history, arts, and physical + biological sciences. these are required even for students who have no intention of pursuing these fields because they're thought to provide a more 'well-rounded' education. most students finish their gen-ed classes within the first two years of college.
a minor is essentially just a recognition of experience in a particular subject that also gets tacked on to your degree; it doesn't mean as much as a major to employers or grad schools, and it's generally a topic you have a personal passion for or think would help in your chosen field but don't want to devote your whole academic career to. not everyone does a minor, but it's definitely common. you pursue a minor the same way you do a major, but the requirements are a lot less intense -- for example, to get a psych minor at my university, you just need to take 15 credits worth of psych classes (which is just 4-5 classes).
when you fulfill the credit requirement to graduate university, you get a degree in whatever you majored in with the minor also listed. a lot of people don't like the system because it's less focused than a 3-year program, and I definitely get that (I think that gen-ed requirements can be pretty superfluous), but I think that the opportunity to branch out and take classes in any subject is a massive plus -- I've had the opportunity to take some extremely cool classes and learn a lot that I never would've been able to if I was restricted to just psychology :-)
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erenkucuk · 5 months
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( EMRE BEY, CIS MAN, HE/HIM ) EREN KÜÇÜK the THIRTY-ONE year old is known as THE FOODIE within the group. they are known to be TENACIOUS and CYNICAL which makes sense when you think about how HE POSSIBLY HAS A SON HE HAS REFUSED TO RECOGNIZE AS HIS OWN but i guess we’ll find out for ourselves. 
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〔 biography . connections . pinterest . playlist . 〕
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⸺   ONE   ,     STATS  .
✦ full name. eren küçük ✦ age. thirty-one ✦ date of birth. february 19th, 1993 ✦ gender. cis-male ✦ pronouns. he/him ✦ sexual orientation. bisexual ✦ occupation. chef
eren's upbringing was a tale of privilege and expectation. raised with every comfort, his father envisioned him as the heir to the family business, yet eren's heart lay elsewhere. his blend of strategic thinking from his father and creative flair inherited from his mother hinted at a different path.
from an early age, eren found solace and passion in the kitchen, trading playgrounds for pots and pans. his parents, aware of his talent, supported his culinary passion, enrolling him in courses while other kids chased balls on the field.
at first, eren embodied the perfect child image, seemingly flawless and golden. but as he grew older, hints of rebellion started peeking through, hidden from his parents' watchful eyes. with charisma and charm, he smoothly moved through social circles, using his allure strategically, occasionally hinting at a more darker side.
eren's post-high school ambition was to leave michigan, feeling a need to break free from what he saw as confinement. his plea to attend culinary school in france found swift approval from his parents, leading him to board a plane without looking back.
in france, eren's culinary skills dazzled, garnering him praise and admiration. while he mostly relied on his natural talent he occasionally resorted to underhanded tactics to maintain his edge. despite tempting offers from renowned restaurants worldwide upon graduation, eren opted to stay in france, though he made occasional trips back home to satisfy his mother's yearning.
tw: pregnancy & abandonment. ascending the ranks in a prestigious restaurant, eren's personal life mirrored his success professionally, or so it seemed. however, beneath the surface of what seemed like a perfect relationship lay disconnection and separate lives. when his girlfriend revealed her pregnancy, eren's response was immediate—he denied paternity and cut ties, hastily moving to another province to avoid the subject.
returning to michigan under the pretext of familial closeness and his desire to open his own restaurant but really aiming to dodge his ex's legal pursuit of child support.
he's been spoiled rotten, never once grounded.
incredibly persuasive, he can easily wear the nice guy facade.
he firmly believes he's untouchable, free to do as he pleases without consequence.
deeply fearful of his mistakes being exposed, he's even more terrified of letting down those he cares about.
he harbors grudges intensely and can be vengeful if he deems it fitting.
super disciplined, maybe won't win father of the year, but he's dead serious about his job.
strategic and methodical, he always thinks twice before making a move.
charismatic and charming that makes him approachable and likable
he's got a sharp wit and can think fast on his feet.
when it comes to family, he's fiercely loyal and protective. like ngl he's a good son and brother.
i mean i know what you're gonna ask, ella why doesn't he take a paternity test and get over with it. and my answer is idk friend, men can be cowards and he's just like why bother.
speaks french fluently and i'm sure he's that annoying person that "forgets" words in English because he's so used to french. (ngl that's me too but so la voo or whatever)
also about the french. claims to be fluent (and he is but he has a slight accent, sue him) yet Parisians keep speaking to him in English. the goddamn nerve.
extremely competitive. he's lost friends over game boards but he thinks those were weak friendships because why would he be friends with someone who goes bankrupt on monopoly?
while he always loved cooking, not many people know he was a picky eater as child but he's learned to get over his four-year-old palette and now eats most. except for olives, he still agrees that they are disgusting.
if hypocrisy were a talent he'd be the best of his kind. should have been a politician really.
claims his favorite movie is dead poets society but it actually is mamma mia! (sue him again for liking fun)
can't watch a movie with a dog in it unless he's checked the website does the dog die? first. if the answer is yes, he won't watch it.
listen i will make a page i promise, not today and maybe not tomorrow but soon meanwhile here are some scraps my one brain cell has allowed me to think.
best friend: i mean i know i haven't sold him as the greatest human being but he is a loyal friend to those he actually likes.
childhood friend: again, listen, he was a very decent human being as a child.
enemies: really people he's fucked over or have seen through his facade.
high school victim: I feel like this can also be in the enemy category bc yes, but maybe he subtly bullied this person in high school but no one really knew?
exes: maybe your character got the nice boyfriend maybe he got the asshole. I'm down for whatever.
one night stand: maybe not one night but you know the drill.
love-hate: I'm sucker for these connections. gimme the tension, the hate but the desire like pls.
failed date: went on a date, didn't work out
also I will steal many plot ideas from taylor swift songs bc I have no original thoughts.
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sparkofthetelling · 9 months
Can someone check me on if my stance related to a professor at my university (at the bottom, I'm trying to make this as neutral as I can) is reasonable? I need as removed and neutral a stance as I can manage, because it feels like the only people who have enough context are already too polarized. Also this isn't about the employability or reasonability of if this person should lose their job, they have tenure anyways, but this isn't about that. The reasons listed below the cut go towards my final stance.
There's a professor at my university who spent five hours last semester explaining choices they made that are rather substantially different from the choices made in similar veins in other classes, as it comes to exam administration, homework assignment layout and submission, to two students who took the class last spring semester. (This class is offered once a year and is required. I am not in it, but I know 7 students who are taking it this semester.) Also, the class is an undergraduate Modern Physics course (it matters a bit for one or two of the points). We only have one, if you have two I think it's approximately equivalent to the first one.
I understand this professor has put a lot of effort in and does think about what they're doing.
That being said, the following is a list of known issues related to what feels like the most basic expectations of that students have had with this professor in just the time I have been at my undergraduate institution:
It being such a known issue getting an e-mail response in a reasonable manner from this professor as a student in one of their classes that there is a meme among students in the department to start the subject line of any email sent to this professor with the word "research", regardless of topic, to get them to respond.
In three OTHER classes than the class that is currently the issue, this professor has the known issue of not giving homework or grades back. In all cases, the grades were separated out and listed on the online web service (Canvas, Blackboard type deal), but never filled in prior to the end of the semester, with the grade only truly being known after transcripts were formalized.
The last time the class currently the issue was offered, the students had to practically beg the professor to give them back graded homework assignments before each exam. The professor had an overall return rate before each exam of approximately 50%, whereas for most of the other major classes in the department, the return rate for each exam is 90-100%. Our department is not large. The seven people I know in the class ARE the entirety of the class.
This time around, the professor has decided to administer the course content separated between exams and homeworks. The homeworks do not build up content and conceptual knowledge for the exams, as they are on other material. I believe this change is new this semester, so there IS a chance that it turns out that the homeworks end up being a lot shorter, BUT:
The professor is trying to fit too much content into one class. I say this understanding that the motivation is "trying to get people to see fields of physics they probably wouldn't see otherwise in the student's tenure at the university." My problem with this is that this professor teaches the survey/research interest course offered to freshmen the first semester. Some people drop the major quickly because they grasp that it's not right for them, which is fine. But some people, who are interested in physics, drop the major sheerly because of the lack of structure and inability to follow what was happening in that class. Given that this professor requested specifically to teach that class, I do not understand why they do not include more structure in that initial class (and they again, MAY HAVE REASONS for why the class is as freeform as it is now, but it clearly IS NOT WORKING). Professors I have talked to at both my university and numerous other universities, including the one who taught me the class at this university (who is not this professor), have said that Modern Physics usually has a few specific topics covered, with high consistency, and this professor is covering easily twice that.
The professor told one of their research advisees to not put anything on their research poster they would be presenting that they did not understand. This is sensible advice! I agree! After that student finished their poster and submitted it for revision, the professor revised it, adding a bunch of stuff that the student did not understand, and changing "approximately 75% of the language because it didn't sound physicsy enough", and sent it back for review. The student didn't respond for a few hours, because they were busy (something this professor has a hard time acknowledging with respect to students, going so far as to tell a student who did not have time to spend 10 hours a week on homework assignments that he was not busy because the professor was busy). With the conference coming up soon, and the posters having to be printed, the professor sent the poster off for printing, and also added an ugly gradient to the background of the poster. This legitimately gave that student a panic attack, and as far as I know, the professor never really said anything about what they had done or acknowledged it (and I'm not even sure if they EVER found out). Compared to this professor, the students being advised by other professors had their posters double checked and drafted multiple times before being sent off for printing. This professor ALSO only acknowledged the quality of their report presentations for the work they did over the summer for the grant funding them the day before the presentations. Those presentation slides were due to the organizer 8 days before the professor made that comment. The professor pretty much only called them terrible.
I have been told by at least one other professor who has worked with this professor for ten years at this university, if not more (I don't remember exactly), that they are not sure if this professor realizes that the department they are in is an undergraduate-only department, and feel that the massive difference in demeanor between them and others in the department is probably, in part, a result of that.
I really want to say something positive to juxtapose the massive amount of commentary above in the professor's favor, but beyond "This professor clearly does care about trying to improve the quality of education," there just isn't really anything that can actually be truly said. I know at least 10 students who have EXPLICITLY told me they have quit our university's physics department because of this professor specifically. I don't think this professor knows this, but I also happen to know that they have some shockingly weirdly ableist opinions, like "if I (someone in reasonably good physical health) can make it across campus in 10 minutes, so can you." said to a student who did not have outright disability accommodations but could not reasonably make it across campus in time. (This feels like "scientific management" in the Industrial Revolution to me)
So like... is it reasonable for me to have a distrust/find these good intents disingenuous, at least in some capacity? To me, there feels like a clear gap present, but because of just... certain inexplicable things, I feel the need to ask.
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golden-wingseos · 3 years
“would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?”
them pining after you hcs.
featuring —
✧ childe, chongyun, albedo (separate) x gn!reader
warnings ―
✧ not proofread, one swear word in childe’s
notes ―
✧ childe rerun! gl childe rollers!!
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childe is a man of painfully obvious glances and lovesick gazes
as if the world had stopped for you—he cannot tear his azure eyes off of you. you and your beautiful smiles, you and your heart wrenching laughs and words
he will make sure you know he likes you. if the bundles of flower bouquets weren’t enough, then don’t be surprised when he pulls up with an entire band!
now, childe obviously doesn’t want to make his love too... out there. he knows his title as a harbinger is dangerous for you to be involved with, so he may resort to some sweet and simpler acts of affection
like breaking into your house in the middle of the night to cook you a midnight snack
how sweet, right?
“childe what the fuck are you doing here?”
“making you midnight lunch!”
“. . .”
all jokes aside, childe might just throw away everything for you
okay, maybe not everything— i mean, his family exists. but... you’ll be a part of his family, right?
do you have any commissions? look at that! childe is free! wow! let’s go adventuring!
do you want to cry? well, his shoulder is always free! and his arms do need to do some hugging!
he always seems to be... free when you are there. both literally and figuratively. his job as a harbinger is so, so taxing and all he wants to do is sit back and relax like how he used to
and you. you bring him a happiness like no other, you bring him an opportunity like how the sun rises each morning
he loves spending quality time with you, and, uh, making you fall in love with him. hah. 
but even if you don’t like him, that’s okay! he’s okay with being just your friend
(of course, as a man of ambition, childe won’t settle with that for too long. it’s either love him or love love him baby!)
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chongyun will definitely pine for you, but he will do it in a reserved manner
look, he doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you! 
he gets some assistant from xingqiu, that ‘liege’ has more knowledge in this field than chongyun could ever have
buuut that doesn’t mean he’ll listen to xingqiu when the hydro-wielder tells him to “serenade you at dawn”
what kind of books has he been reading?
anyhow, chongyun will just like to spend some time with you. please spare him from flirty remarks, though. his brain can’t take it and his popsicle stash is shrinking rapidly
he’ll let you tag along with him during his exorcisms, but he may be a little embarrassed because he doesn’t really—do much—during them. and he wants to make you impressed!
he definitely overthinks every little interaction with you. chongyun just wants to be... someone to you. he wants to make you proud!
but, if you want to hang out with xingqiu and xiangling? chongyun is out of there! he doesn’t want the two to feed him something spicy and then he goes haywire with you there
nope! that’s a thing reserved strictly for his nightmares!
chongyun finds himself drifting off like the boats at liyue harbor. his gaze somehow finds you, it picks you out amongst a crowd and latches onto you like an itch
so he scratches it. he scratches the need until he comes so close to you he could probably make out each individual feature you may have
chongyun wants to love you. he wants to hold your hand like those sailor couples he sees at the docks, he wants someone to talk to and someone who understands his problems
ah! just thinking of the thought already makes him red
why must you be so amazing?
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albedo takes a very direct approach to his feelings about you
he definitely deducts the fact he’s in love, though. he’s not dumb, just—inexperienced. he holes up in his camp in dragonspine to just, think. to think about what he’ll do about these festering feelings
and once he comes to a conclusion, he’ll head back down to mondstadt to seek you out. to prove his hypothesis of whether this truly is love. he’s a curious soul, seeking for answers that he can solve with his masterful brain
but love is a subject he never really cared much for—until you
he asks for your presence more often when conducting research up at dragonspine. albedo is used to the howling winds and eerie silence, yet now, he can’t help but feel lonely up there
well, not particularly lonely. just—yearning. yearning for you.
ghosts of smiles wisp across his face, blink and you’d miss. his enchanting teal eyes observe you like another one of his alchemy experiments, but you are so much more than that
he listens intently to everything you have to say. of course, he drones off sometimes, but during those moments he’s probably thinking about you anyway
and when he goes to sleep? he fantasizes about scenarios with you. embarrassing, yes, but albedo may reenact those one day! those cecilia flowers you said you were fond of, he likes those too!
he’s not shy about his crush, but he certainly won’t tell you either. everyone in mondstadt knows about how the alchemist is pining for you, and everyone in mondstadt knows that he is waiting for the right moment to confess
at cape oath? at windrise? at starsnatch cliff? not even albedo knows. but based on his record of being strange, he’d probably confess while you two are freezing up in dragonspine
how romantic!
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Love Language|| Jujutsu Kaisen
“I wanna be fluent in your love language. Learning your love language.” 
A/N: If you didn’t guess from the tagline this is inspired by the song love language by Kehlani. I’ll probably do more of these with different shows and what not because why not. If I missed anyone lmk and I can make a part 2. Also please tag spoilers appropriately esp for manga readers, that being said spoilers for the prequel? manga on Yuuta’s part.
Characters: Itadori, Fushiguro, Kugisaki, Maki, Inumaki, Okkotsu, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna
Warnings: said it b4 but spoiler warnings in general but esp on Yuuji, Yuuta, and Maki’s parts
Plot synopsis: The 5 love languages; physical affection, quality time, words of affirmation, gift giving and acts of service, and how each jujutsu kaisen character shows their love and affection for you. Ft. a gender neutral reader!
Word count: 2352
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Itadori Yuuji
Love Language: Quality time and physical affection
Ok listen-
So for physical affection, Yuuji’s just that kind of person
He is all about giving to you
He’s holding hands with you if you’re ever walking anywhere, and if you’re not a hand holder pls pls pls let him hold your pinky he likes the reassurance
No but seriously he loves to hold you like yall could be walking in completely opposite directions and he’ll try to find some way to hold onto you until the very last second
And even then he’s all ‘:( babe imy’
‘Yuuji we just talked 2 minutes ago’
Another way he shows his love is through quality time
I think for him this is the biggest thing overall, esp as a jujutsu sorcerer bcus you never know yk but also because you’re important to him
Like remember how he literally went to occult club so that he could get out of school in time to go visit his grandpa...ye :(
He also loves finding dumb touristy things to do with you while in Tokyo or anywhere yall go together on a mission 
If you get together before he died and came back then that time he had to spend away from you literally killed him
Like my mans was goin THROUGH it
He almost considered spoiling Gojo’s secret
When he sees you again, he’s not gonna let go for like a solid day
Fushiguro Megumi
Love Language: acts of service and words of affirmation
This boy loves you so much
He loves to tell you all the things he loves about you when you’re alone
But he’s a little awkward with his words sometimes, hence where acts of service come in
He’ll immediately offer to hold your things, run to help you train or study, and if you’re cold? He’s fully prepared to never see his jacket again
Also he can’t cook but he’s fully prepared to suffer hearing Sukuna and suffering through Yuuji’s antics if it means he can learn how to make your favorite food
He also will surprise you by making you a playlist of all the songs that you’ve had stuck in your head and sends it to you randomly out of the blue one day like ‘thought you might like this’
However the best of both worlds is when he leaves you little notes throughout the day or sends you texts asking if you need anything or just encouraging you to keep going 
Negl he’s lowkey the president of the Y/N support club bcus-
You need anything? It’s yours
Cravings? Sad? Angry? What do you need bby, I’ve got it for you
Also he’s totally the type to be like you need help fuckin this person up? 
Also before yall started dating, Fushiguro was a mess
He was constantly asking to spar with you and go on missions, basically anything he could do to be near you  
End of the day, Fushiguro loves you and makes sure you know it whether it’s through his actions or his words
Kugisaki Nobara
Love Language: physical affection
So, she’s not the best with words, she tries but like someone help her bcus she is LOST
Like when she had a crush on you she was like “c’mere dumbass i wanna give you a hug”
In fact, she still is like “c’mere” but now you are dating :)
She loves you though and at first she doesn’t really know how to show it 
But one day you both come home from training and you just look at each other like ‘yeah today sucks’ and yall both just held each other for the rest of the day 
After that, she decided that she wants to do that with you but like always
She’s holding your hand, kissing your cheek when you go shopping, etc. etc.
She really loves to cling to you because she always has this fear that maybe one day you’ll get killed or just disappear so she figures might as well hold onto you for as long as we’ve got
After missions, she’s running up to you and if you aren’t prepared for the tackle, you’re probably gonna fall
On dates too, like if you guys have to meet up for a date, she’s tackling you
On the subject of dates...
She doesn’t mind PDA, and while she might hold your hand or arm so that you don’t get separated
She also doesn’t mind wiping food off your face and eating it, only to then kiss the spot on your face the food was previously at
She will split her shopping load between the two of you, however she will be slightly pouty if she’s carrying more than you (she then cheers up when she realizes she can do more shopping to “balance” the two of you)
In private she’s very cuddly and kissy which honestly isn’t that bad until it gets hot
At which point she’ll just say turn on the ac or convince you to walk around in a tank top (or something like it) so that she can continue holding you
Tbh she prefers the big spoon, but if she’s ever upset you let her be the little spoon >:(
All in all a very loving girlfriend who tries her best to show how much she loves you by glomping you at any given moment. 
Zenin Maki
Love language: acts of service and quality time
So you’re telling me that Maki wouldn’t immediately go out of her way to make sure her and her s/o can spend as much time together as possible?????
Like she’s super observant (which can cause her to be a bit harsh, see Yuuta) but she can always tell what’s bothering you
So if you’re upset that you haven’t been spending enough time together due to her being out on missions or otherwise busy she’s immediately running to finish her stuff and spend time with you.
((She’s very sorry, but on the bright side she brought your favorites!))
Maki is also an acts of service type
This mostly ties in with her kind of direct action way of thinking
She thinks she’s slick but you can always see her sneaking around to do small things like grabbing your laundry for you and folding it
She’s very much like if you love someone, you gotta prove it
Overall, dates with her are very intimate and personal to the two of you
Like she’ll take you to a frog pond you landed in during a fight once
Or you’ll take her to a street fair that serves this exclusive food that Maki mentioned wanting to try 
However, Maki shows her love through quality time and acts of service and while she does receive love from these to a degree, she is very much a words of affirmation gal
She’s not insecure in her day to day life but she has her moments, everyone does
Sometimes, she’ll feel like shit and a failure and all she wants is for you to say that she’s doing amazing and that she’s a great girlfriend.
Inumaki Toge
Love language: Physical affection
Because of his curse, he can’t exactly express how he feels about you through words
He does text you frequently throughout the day (I’ll have to do a hc abt that someday)
But he’d prefer not to be on his phone to communicate if you’re right in front of him
So he does the next best thing and just smothers you in physical affection
He loves kissing you the most
Like he could spend hours just kissing you if you let him (please let him)
But in public, he gets if you’re not a big fan of pda he’s willing to tone it down as long as he gets kisses later in private
He’d still prefer it if you held his hand or linked pinkies maintaining touch in some way
Also, unrelated, but it means so much to him if you try to understand his sushi language
He knows realistically the foundation of any relationship is communication so already he’s at a disadvantage because of his curse 
But if he sees you like take notes after he says something or start to need him to text you to translate, his heart is swelling
Like ‘omg this person loves me enough to learn a whole new language <333′
Another tangent but before you were together he was struggling so muchhhh
Like how does one express their feelings for someone without words?
If you’re Inumaki, you buy some flowers and text said person to meet you at a cafe
It took an embarrassingly long time for you to realize it was a date, but once you did, you ever so gently linked pinkies with Toge
Okkotsu Yuuta
Love language: words. of. affirmation. 
He’s literally so sensitive please tell him you love him regularly
In return he’ll be sure to tell you how much he loves you too
He knows that he can’t really be there for you as much as he’d like but he likes to let you know that he’s thinking of you
Doesn’t matter the time, if you call, he’s answering
If he doesn’t he’ll cry he’ll immediately call you back and is apologizing for missing your call
You assure him it’s no big deal but the man has his volume turned all the way up and changed your ringtone to one specific for you by the time you’ve even said hey
Aside from that, he really is sensitive
He’s been through a lot especially with Rika as well as growing up alone and bullied 
So for him, it’s everything to hear that you like having him around and don’t think he’s too much or anything like that
Of course, he gets better with time, trusting you and having the confidence in himself to not need constant assurance
That being said, if you ever just whisper in his ear, “I love you, Yuuta.”
That’s not your boyfriend, that’s a puddle of love on the floor
(Maki, Panda, and Inumaki had a field day when they saw him, Fushiguro now questions if Yuuta really is a respectable 2nd year.)
Gojo Satoru
Love language: gift giving and quality time
So Gojo doesn’t exactly get to spend a ton of time
Between missions, him beefing with higher ups, and you and him playing parent the baby sorcerers yall don’t exactly get time to go out much
In which case Gojo tends to default to two options:
He’ll either go the extra mile to try and spend time with you 
Whether that be an at home date where he tries and fails to surprise you with a home cooked meal
Or a date out at a restaurant or cafe (which you tend to visit after his home cooking efforts)
OR he’ll bring you various souvenirs from his missions
He loves to spoil you, and if he could he’d probably bring you back a whole store’s worth of stuff
But alas, airport security regulations
Anyways, he loves to spoil you especially if he can spoil you with sweets because it benefits him in two ways 
He treasures all the time you spend together, and he does try to overcompensate for his absence with gifts
Despite your assurances, it’s kind of a guilty pleasure at this point (just let him, trying to argue just goads him on further)
He doesn’t only buy you small things, he enjoys buying you outfits
And he especially likes seeing you in them 
Kento Nanami
Love Language: acts of service
Y’all remember the episode where he killed that curse that was bothering that baker lady?? Yea that
He’s literally such an acts of service boyfriend it’s not even funny
Before you got together, he would memorize your coffee order and bring you a cup pretty much everyday like clockwork
Now that you’re togehter, he wakes up before you so h=that when you wake up there’s the smell of coffee throughout the house
When you come out of you’re shared bedroom and he’s just scrooling through his phone like “mornin’”
Of course you already made the bed and ironed his clothes because relationships are give and take
And then when you leave for your jobs in the morning, he kisses you and holds the door open for you
He’ll draw a bath for you if he gets home before you, if you let him join or not is up to you
Also, if you ever get sick, he’s actually the best
Like he isn’t the best cook but he can heat up soup and tea
He’ll run to the store while you’re asleep and when you wake up, there’s like a whole tray of food in front of you and he’s like ‘it’s important to eat and drink so your body can heal’
And when you inevitably fall asleep after eating and taking medicine at his insistence, he tucks you in and clears away the dishes, exiting with little more than a kiss to your head
Ryoumen Sukuna
Love Language: gift giving and acts of service
So like Sukuna never says he loves you...ever
But he does notice if someone or something’s making you uncomfortable, and if so, said entity’s head will be presented to you later that day
You also just so happen to be the only person he can tolerate being around him for longer than 20 seconds
He also loves to give you jewelry, he likes seeing you adorned in something from him
He also isn’t gonna just handle all your problems for you, he will push you to become stronger by training with you 
He’ll also expect this energy to be reciprocated, as long as you’re pushing yourself to be better, he’s content with that
(He wants to see you grow because he’s scared that if he ever gets caught lackin one day you’ll end up dead)
He’ll never tell you or admit it, but Sukuna truly does care for you and hold you in a regard that he doesn’t have for others
So be grateful jkjk
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dapandapod · 2 years
Lasagna and Velocipastor
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This is a prompt fill for @thepassifloradiscord Fluff Bingo Card nr 3; First kiss! It ran away from me, because I find them cute, also protective brother Geralt, also Eskel being smort! Please enjoy!
Pairing; Jaskier/Eskel
On Ao3 here
It is always a bit tricky to flirt with the sibling of a friend. Especially when it is the best friend he has ever had, but also because the brother is the hottest fucking man Jaskier has ever met. And funniest, humblest, most wicked and… sexy. Frankly, Eskel ticks all of Jaskier’s boxes, even the ones he didn’t realize he had.
  Every now and then Geralt accuses Jaskier of only hanging out with him to hit on his brother, but look. It is hitting two flies with one stone. Kind of. Maybe. A little.
Hitting on one fly while hanging out with the other? Close enough. Point is, Eskel is hot, Geralt is a little shit, and Jaskier is so very, very lost on this man, crushing hard.
Most of the family is invested in working with the old species of “monsters”, as they are still called, relocating, rehabilitating and studying what is left of them as humanity takes more and more of their natural habitat. 
Eskel has a big scar running down the side of his face, one he earned in the field when one of his clients couldn’t follow very simple instructions and agitated the beast and it nearly cost them both their lives. 
The scar is gnarly, twisting his lip into a permanent snarl, one that keeps him safe, but also one that keeps him… separated from many others.
Which is why Geralt has been half joking about Jaskier hanging out with him only to get to Eskel. Which is why Jaskier has kept up his flirting, refuses to stop.
Only when Geralt took him to the side and asked him about it, what he actually wants from Eskel, if he is genuine, because if he is not, he needs to back the fuck off.
Probably this was a brother feeling protective, but it sparked hope in Jaskier.
If Geralt deems Jaskier a threat to Eskel's heart, maybe, just maybe there might be something in there for him.
Which is also why he tells Geralt the truth - yes he is hanging out with Geralt to get to Eskel. Partially. It is also because of Geralt's mean Pasta Carbonara. A feast to the tastebuds. Pain for the tumtum, because Jaskier never learns to bring his allergy pills.
And what kind of brother would Geralt be if he didn't give his friend a stern talking to, because he will not see his brother hurt, and he doesn't want to lose his best friend. Jaskier wholeheartedly agrees, but silently thinks it might be Eskel who could break his.
It takes a few weeks and some gentle ribbing, of course, before Jaskier feels brave enough to ask Eskel out. Actually, scratch that, it takes him that long to send him a PM, to start a conversation with him and only him, for the sole purpose of talking to each other rather than whatever is going on with Geralt and his poor life choices at the moment. Or birthdays. And the sort.
Point is, Jaskier's heart was jackrabbiting as he saw the three little dots appear, and he had to hide his face in his pillow to muffle his whoop of emotions when Eskel replied.
Some more ribbing later, now joined in by Lambert, who sees Jaskier's fantastic (in his opinion) attempts to flirt and decides that no. He will not stand for this. Get laid or get out, as he says it.
It has Eskel blushing, Jaskier even more so, whenever Lambert yells out what ever is on his mind regarding the subject at that exact moment. Sometimes it earns Lambert a tackle, from either brother and on one rare occasion Jaskier himself, but the way it has Eskel looking at him has him walking on clouds all the way home after that.
It is actually Eskel who asks Jaskier out in the end. There is a new area opening in the rehabilitation center focused on aquatic species, and Eskel beats Geralt to showing him around. Since it is mostly after opening hours, the light is dim, only lit up by some of the lamps in the aquariums, giving everything a soft blue hue.
"Did you see the Velocipastor yet?" Eskel asks after Jaskier spends long minutes in front of one of the tanks, cooing over its inhabitant and comparing it to a dinosaur.
"The Velociwhat?"
"You know? Pastor by day, Veloceraptor by night?"
"Oh my god, no, but now I have to."
"We could see it together this weekend, if you'd like?"
"Oh sure? I think Geralt is away with Ciri somewhere though."
"I know." Eskel says, looking at Jaskier with those piercing eyes of his. Jaskier has to focus on breathing, to not open his mouth and make a fool out of himself.
"So just us?" He asks, and he should say it with a smirk and a wink, but he can't make himself do it. There is something in the way Eskel is looking at him, something that makes his stomach flip and his heart skip a beat.
"Just us. If you want to. I could cook us something too, if you'd like."
Jaskier opens and closes his mouth a few times before he can process, and by then Eskel is already speaking again.
"I have to warn you though, that movie is an *experience*, and I would not let you suffer through it alone."
"How many times have you seen it?"
"Classified." Eskel smirks.
"Alright, count me in. But on one condition." Jaskier says, and this is it. "Is it just a movie night between friends?"
The air pumps bubble in the brief silence that follows, but Eskel doesn't even blink. The lines of his face looks sharper in this light, more dangerous, but his smile is soft.
"No. I'd very much like it if it were a date." Eskel says in that serious way of his, and once again, Jaskier is amazed of many things that can fit into one person. How brave and serious he can be, after proposing a movie night with the... oddest movie premise he has ever heard? Not only a movie night, but a fucking date night? 
And alright, not the oddest one, Jaskier doesn't talk about the oddest one, he still wishes he hadn't seen it, but it's too late, and Eskel is waiting for an answer and Jaskier realize he is nodding already and alright, yes he should probably use his words too.
"I'd very much like that too." Jaskier manages, and the smile Eskel gives him in return will be burnt on the inside of his eyelids.
"Brilliant! Now let me show you this ugly bastard over here."
"Oh what, how dare you, this creature is gorgeu-oh fuck what is that?"
"Told you."
Date night is... smooth going. They already know each other, Eskel reminds him to bring his lactose pills, because he is about to make lasagna (turns out he has been at it for most of the day, because that dish take some serious time and skill) and by the time Jaskier gets there, Eskel is panicking over the sauce that just doesn't want to thicken.
When it is finally in the oven, where it is supposed to be for only about half a century, they start the movie.
Jaskier has... a lot to say about it. Delighted things, terrible jokes, so drawn in that he almost forgets that it is Eskel he is watching it with, and that he is supposed to be flirting. Somewhere between the middle and the end, Eskel gets up to save the lasagna, and returns in time to see Jaskier's reaction to one of his favorite scenes.
The movie ends, they bring plates of food back to the couch (something you can only do when Geralt is away) and a second movie starts.
Eventually, Jaskier ends up leaning against Eskel's shoulder, and eventually the movie is forgotten entirely.
It is hard to beat the Velocipastor after all, and even harder to beat the big hand that is now resting on his side. Even harder when he can feel Eskel watching him, and the battle is lost in truth when Jaskier turns his head to look back at him.
"What?" He asks, Eskel's lips in perfect height to be stared at, the way the corner of his mouth quirks up and how his scarred lip is straining as he smiles.
"I'd like to kiss you."
"Oh." Jaskier says stupidly, still staring at Eskel's mouth. "Please do. Good idea. Splendid. Grand--"
Eskel places his other hand under Jaskier's chin, tilting it up, and then their lips press together.
The angle is a little off, but Jaskier adjusts easily, both of them shifting to better keep the kiss going. It is a little dry to begin with, until Eskel pulls back for just one second to lick his lips. 
Jaskier mirrors him and then the kiss is more. Just more. It is hard to describe as his head, for the first time in years, is blissfully blank.
When they eventually part, because Jaskier startles from a loud sound from the movie, they laugh and snuggle closer together. Jaskier has no idea what this second movie is about but he doesn't care at all, as their hands find each other over the blanket, fingers lacing together.
"This feels like second date material to me." He decides, feeling rather than hearing the puff of air against the side of his face when Eskel huffs a laugh.
"Is that so?" Eskel inquiers.
"That is indeed so, I'm afraid to tell you, my good sir. You are now stuck with me for at least one more date."
"I will have to endure. Was it my wicked lasagna that won you over?"
"There is something about a man that can cook but who also have a taste for oddities that draws me in, I must confess."
"Some oddities are more compelling than others." Eskel says way too smoothly, pressing a kiss to Jaskier's temple.
"Did you just call me odd??" Jaskier says mock offended, turning in place to stare Eskel down. A small miscalculation on his part, because it is very hard to keep up the act with Eskel being so *fucking* hot.
"I did call you compelling too, if that helps." Eskel offers, and Jaskier considers it.
"Hm. For one more kiss, I'll allow it."
And one more kiss he gets. Actually, a few more kisses he gets, and then he finds himself in Eskel's lap, muttering about third base and terrible boyfriends, and Eskel just smiles wider and kisses him harder and yeah.
Come morning, Jaskier is feeling better than ever. Eskel is curled up around him on the couch, he has a terrible crick in his neck, and he has a second date planned for today's brunch.
Geralt walks in on them in the middle of a cheese war (don't ask) and gives them one look. Just one.
"You are cleaning this up, and I'm glad you got your shit together. Jaskier, if you ate that cheese you are going home, we only got the one bathroom in this house."
Things are good. Really good. Jaskier has to go home to his own bathroom in the end, because bringin the pills is one thing, taking them another, and he might have forgotten for their brunch, but their third date is already planned, and nothing can bring Jaskier down now.
Not even Lambert.
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shepard-ram · 4 years
Boy From my Dreams~ [Ranboo Soulmate Au]
Part 2 to Ethereal World
{Request: Omg the soulmate scenario was so cute I love it!! You're writing style is so nice and really suited the scenario! You think at some point we could get a part 2?? Maybe where they finally meet ((or something to do with The Egg cause the current lore streams have me thinking)}
(I'm so happy you liked it!! It really seemed to blow up! I'm not caught up on the lore streams, so hopefully I can act on the first part of that request and still please y'all with some more fluff-)
After all the things Ranboo was going through he was unsurprised with the amount of comfort he found in his dreams. Despite what the Dream did to his mind, his soulmate was always somehow untouched. A constant source of stability, something just about anyone would need in this battle field.
Thankfully he was on a peaceful day streak out in the tundra. Even though he kept himself busy with chores for Techno and Phil the calmer atmosphere left his mind to wander. The most common subject for pondering was that person who called themselves Soul.
It felt a little weird how much he loved someone he'd never met, but they were always waiting for him. Whenever he slept he didn't mind forgetting what was happening in the waking world. What will it be like when he meets them? He obviously couldn't answer that with any certainty, but he could hope it would be nice.
He snapped out of his head; continued to chop at one of the many trees on the edge of the forest. He had collected plenty of wood by now and was about to head back before the sun started to set. However he heard something move deeper in the woods. As much as he wanted to assume it was a fox or maybe a wolf, something compelled him to investigate. Leaving the small pile of wood he went to see what it was.
How you had gotten lost was beyond you. On paper it was a fine idea, explore the area and maybe hunt some dinner. Somehow your navigation skills had landed you in a snow covered spruce forest far away from the temporary home you had set up. With practically no hope of getting back the current plan was to simply find a safe place to spend the approaching night.
Stopping to scan where you were, of course only seeing trees you managed to pick up on a faint repetitive noise. Some hope rose in your chest at the prospect of finding someone who could help you. As you got closer the noise was clear. Someone chopping down a tree, perfect.
Picking up your pace listening to the sound stop only to be replaced with another set of foot steps. It didn't take long to start catching a glimpse of the figure. There was something- oddly familiar about the person. When you passed another tree you both got a good look at each other.
You completely stopped in silence at the sight of him. Like a deer in the headlights with your mouth agape. He mirrored your shocked expression. Starring at him as if still trying to identify who he was. You would have recognized him in a split second, a face separated half black and half white. With eyes just as bright as the ones from your dreams.
Your soulmate.
He was the first to speak, stuttering out a weak "hi". Raising your hand in something that resembled a wave before muttering your own "Hello". Gaining some control after what felt like minutes, you stepped towards him trying to properly introduce yourself.
"So, this is it huh?" You awkwardly chuckled, waiting for a response.
"I guess so, oh my name's Ranboo." Ranboo was blushing just as much as you at the less than elegant introduction. Smiling before giving him your name, you explained why you were wandering the forest. Thankfully he offered to let you stay with him along with two others he was living with.
"That sounds perfect, it'll be nice to get to actually know you"
"Yeah it is weird. It feels like I've known you for so long without actually knowing you. Like just now I realized how little I know about you. You know?" You both laughed at his repetition.
"Well we have alot to learn, and now the time to learn it." You softened your tone, watching as his face matched yours.
"That sounds great."
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thrillridesz · 4 years
walkin’ in time ▫ sangyeon
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➳ pairing: single dad!sangyeon x female kindergarten teacher!reader
➳ genre: fluff, angst, single dad!au, kindergarten teacher!au
➳ warnings: mentions of divorce
➳ word count: 11.6k
➳ fic playlist: walkin’ in time - the boyz | run away - txt | memories - sabai | full of life - fairlane | 8 letters - why don’t we | this feeling - the chainsmokers ft. kelsea ballerini | red - taylor swift
➳ special thanks: @fullsunsays​​ for helping me to proofread and offering her invaluable opinions when this fic was still halfway done + @ateez-little-star​​ who i have cameoed in this fic for being such a sweet mutual and a lovely friend of mine here on tumblr!
a/n : only semi edited!
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“Goodbye, Miss y/n!”
You flashed Sungchan a warm smile despite the tired look in your eyes and your less-than-presentable appearance with your messy, tousled hair and paint splattered clothes from a long day at the kindergarten. The boy flashed a toothy grin at you as he held onto his mother’s hand, tottering away cheerfully and at the corner of your eye, you caught Chanhee looking at you with admiration in his expression.
“Wow, the kids sure do like you a lot. Much more than the rest of us for sure.”
You felt your cheeks grow hot at the compliment as you lowered your head shyly. You are not one to be used to receiving compliments but ever since you started your job here at Sunny Hearts Kindergarten, it seemed as if everyone had nothing but praise for your performance - both parents, fellow teachers and students alike. Since you were a high schooler, you had always known that you loved working with children. There was just something about the little ones with their bright smiles and lively mannerisms that warmed your heart. To be able to be in a job that allowed you to light up the lives of the future generation and possibly make an everlasting impact in their educational journey, it all felt extremely exciting to you.  
“Thanks, Chanhee.” You said softly, a sweet smile gracing your face. Just then, you became briefly aware of a presence lingering behind you and you swivelled around to see Jeno, a doe-eyed boy from your art class. Instantly, you could tell that there was something wrong. His eyes were red and you could tell that the polo tee he wore was tear-stained and you could vaguely hear light sniffling from him. He tugged nervously at your skirt and you knelt down until you were level with him.
“Hey buddy, why are you crying?” You asked in a concerned voice, ruffling his soft hair lightly.
He lifted his head tentatively, peering at you from beneath his eyelashes where a stray teardrop hung and you very gently rubbed it away as he remained silent as though he was too shy or upset to speak. Looking around, Jeno’s eyes swept the room and you realised what was going on. The lobby was almost empty by now with all the cubicles for the children’s bags all emptied and shoes from the shoe cabinet all gone. The sky was darkening with every second as a low, eerie rumbling sound came with a looming patch of dark clouds. The familiar sounds of chatters and laughter had completely disappeared by now only to be replaced by a lonely, deafening silence. With a backpack that was clearly too large for him, Jeno’s shoulders were slumped over and his expression drooped sadly, causing your heart to ache for him.
“It’s ok, your daddy will be here really soon! He’s probably just busy but he’ll be here.” You coaxed, holding and rubbing his tiny hands in yours and feeling the tension dissipate slightly from his being.
Beside you, Chanhee shook his head in disapproval, tutting.
“The man is always late.”
You didn’t say anything in return as you bite down on your lower lip, unsure of what to say. You knew that Jeno’s father was a busy man and the times you had actually been able to meet him in person, he looked exactly like a man overworked in his office job. Lee Sangyeon was almost always late to any parent teacher meeting or closing time, sometimes even entirely failing to show up as evident from the times when Jeno’s grandmother showed up instead. The few times you had seen him, he had bags under his eyes and had an unkempt appearance with a mangled tie and wrinkled office shirt almost every single time. As a single father, it was obvious to everyone how hard he worked just by the way he looked so deeply exhausted yet so alert for the next call from his office. There had been quite a number of times when Sangyeon had had to excuse himself just to take a call in the middle of fetching Jeno.
Although you try to keep your work separate from your personal feelings, you had to admit that many times, you had felt your heart beat just a tad too quickly whenever you did see Sangyeon. From the way his smile would grow wider and the way his eyes lit up whenever he came to pick up his son on the few occasions he did, anyone could tell he loved and adored his son very much. It was the sort of look you saw on a man that would do simply anything for his child. With his dashing good looks and the air of a mature, responsible working man, Sangyeon was also quite easily sometimes the subject of gossip among the mothers though he did not seem to have noticed it.  You didn’t blame them, you too found him deeply attractive. If anything, the years did a good number on him.
You swallowed thickly.
You never told anyone at work about this but you had known Sangyeon back in high school when he was a senior and you, a freshman. Even back then, he had his good looks and was easily one of the most popular boys in school with his exceptional talent in the sport of volleyball and stellar grades. In a way, he felt almost untouchable and so deeply out of reach to everyone besides his own group of friends. That cheerful smile of his would light up any classroom and field he walked into and both the student body and teaching staff alike adored him for him. The boys used to want to hang out with him while the girls used to send him love letters every other day. You on the hand, kept mostly to yourself. With very little friends, life in high school was quiet and uneventful yet you would never forget the way Sangyeon made you feel. He was after all your very first love… As much as you hated to admit it.
You gritted your teeth at the memory. No, it won’t do to bring up past grievances.
All you could be thankful for was that since Sangyeon was a couple years older than you were, it meant that he had graduated earlier than you did. Not seeing his face around school was probably the better part of your high school years. With how busy school was, it wasn’t very long before you found yourself pushing him out of your mind but somehow at the back of your mind, you knew he always did claim a part of your heart for himself… Even as those memories continued to linger as well.
So imagine your shock when you first saw him a little over a year ago at the gates of the kindergarten you worked at. It felt weird seeing him again but at the same time, you could stop the warm, soft feeling of excitement coursing through your veins. It was like clockwork, the same sensations you felt all those years ago coming back - the fast pounding of your heart and the growing heat in your cheeks. Yet right after, there was that sense of dread that came back stronger than ever, sort of like a bad aftertaste. With the good memories, also came the bad memories from back then and just seeing him in the flesh after so many years was enough to break open the dam and allow these memories to come rushing back. Tried as you might to block them out, it wasn’t easy but you managed to keep your personal feelings at bay.
When you found out later that he was divorced, you couldn’t help but feel a jolt of happiness in you which you quickly stifled, shocked at yourself. Somehow it felt wrong to still harbour feelings for him but you tried your best to convince yourself that those were just because of your memories from high school. You probably don’t actually still have feelings for him… Or do you?
Shaking your head, you decided you weren’t going to think about it despite the growing anticipation in your heart as you turned your attention back to little Jeno. It wasn’t like Sangyeon remembered you anyways - He didn’t mention a single thing when the two of you met.
Quickly, you reached into your back pocket and drew out a toffee candy. You always had some at hand, both as a snack and for cheering up the children whenever they were upset. It worked almost instantaneously and you watched as Jeno lit up, his cheeks turning rosier by the second as he smiled brightly at you before grabbing the sweet. Maybe it wasn’t really a good thing, to always cheer your students up with sweets since it could cause cavities but you knew Jeno loved them and he looked so sad that you just couldn’t bear to leave him be.
“Hey, y/n?”
“Yeah?” You turned to Chanhee and immediately frowned when you saw the expression on his face. “What is it?”
Chanhee shuffled uncomfortably on his feet, his hands fiddling with the keys as he cast you a sheepish look. In his other hand, he held his phone and as he waved it awkwardly at you, you could only sigh in resignation.
“Your wife?”
Chanhee’s face grew slightly pink as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, his eyes looking everywhere but you.
“Y-yeah… Duty calls. She’s forgotten her keys again so I have to go home and open it for her.”
You peered outside at the darkening sky and little Jeno perched comfortably on the stool, sucking lightly at the toffee sweet in his mouth as he watched with a child-like interest at an ant trailing across the floor. Glancing at the clock, you decided maybe this week’s episode of ‘The Stealer House’ (which was your all time favourite show) could wait. After all, you could always ask for updates from your best friend, Jasmine.
“Alright. Go on, I’ll lock up.” You smiled, extending your hand.
“Thanks, y/n! You’re a lifesaver! Coffee. On me. Tomorrow. I’ll see you!” Chanhee said gratefully, slinging on his messenger bag before making a beeline for his car.
As Chanhee drove off, you and Jeno could only sit and watch as the first drops of the evening rain began to fall upon the earth in soft pattering sounds. You sighed deeply. The rainy season was here. Over the past few weeks, there have been downpours after downpours. At first, they happened on alternate days before it became more and more frequent. It had rained earlier this morning but it seemed as if it might start again any time soon.
A short moment of silence befell as you simply sat next to Jeno, who fiddled with his tiny fingers as his legs dangled above the ground from the stool.
“Well, would you like to do anything before your daddy comes?” You asked good-naturedly, peering down at him.
Jeno turned to look at you, his eyes big and bright.
“More candy!”
You chuckled softly, shaking your head.
“Too much candy isn’t good for you, Jeno. Plus, your daddy will get upset if you get a toothache because of it.”
Jeno pouted, huffing a little as he turned away, swinging his legs.
“I wish I could eat as much candy as I want without getting a toothache.” He murmured petulantly.
“Same, Jeno. Same here.” You smiled before a sharp knock on the door caused the two of you to look up.
Sangyeon was standing outside, absolutely drenched from head to toe, his hair clinging onto his face and neck in wet strands. The white collared office shirt he wore was absolutely soaked and clung on uncomfortably to his skin, the rainwater still dripping from the ends of his hair and clothes. His hand which held his briefcase was shaking and you could see his chest heaving up and down as he trembled ever so slightly from the cold.
“I’m… I’m here.” He panted, his voice shaking as the chilly wind bit harshly through his freezing skin and into his bones.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed, eyes wide with alarm as you rushed over and immediately opened the door. Upon entering, Sangyeon collapsed in the tiny stool which was sitting by the door, the wooden material creaking slightly under his full weight. His face was pale and you could tell that he had ran the entire way here under the unforgiving, violent storm outside. Quickly, you hurried into the locker room, throwing open the towel cupboards.  Frowning, you rummaged through the piles of fabric until you found one large enough for him. Rushing back, you handed Sangyeon the towel, which he accepted gratefully through chattering teeth. Amidst the commotion, Jeno could only sit and stare blankly at his father.
“D- Daddy?” He said, confusion in his expression. Jeno had never seen his father in such a bad state before even when he was really sick so this was all very worrying for the little boy.
“Hey, l- l- little guy. Sorry… Daddy… W- was a little l-l- late.” Sangyeon stuttered, still reeling from the cold but trying to keep up a strong front as he plastered on a weak smile.
“Do you need something hot to drink?” You asked, concerned. Your heart skipped a beat as Sangyeon looked up at you, his eyes dark yet unintentionally intense. He smiled softly at you despite the cold that racked his body.
“T-That will n-not be necessary. I j-j- just need to s-sit for a m-moment,” he said before continuing, “D- Do you mind?”
“No, I don’t. Please take all the time you need. The storm out there is insane, I’m sorry you had to go through that. I noticed you didn’t drive over today?”
Sangyeon shook his head, looking down.
“Some people borrowed our car! Daddy said they will return it to us soon.” Jeno piped up, a huge smile on his face as though announcing an exciting piece of news. “They had a really cool robot like a fishing rod-”
“Jeno!” Sangyeon scolded and the colour on his cheek returned. Jeno stopped mid sentence, his face crumpling ever so slightly. You looked on, flustered.
“It’s fine! I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.  I um… I’ll get you a mug of hot tea anyways, it helps with the cold.” You said, waving your hands in front of you frantically before running off to the kitchen.
As you waited for the kettle to reach a boil, you found your mind drifting to what happened earlier. Did their car get towed? Why? Sangyeon didn’t seem too happy when Jeno mentioned it… Was it because they could no longer afford it? The loud squeaking of the kettle shook you from your reverie and you hurriedly prepared the tea.
“Thanks.” Sangyeon mumbled, receiving the mug with both hands. He looked considerably better than he did earlier, having stopped shivering and the colour returning to his face and hands. You couldn’t help but realise how large his hands were as you handed him the mug of hot tea and when his finger lightly grazed against yours, you almost withdrew instantly which would have sent the mug crashing. Handing Jeno a small packet of banana milk, you sat opposite the father-son duo and stared out at the rain which hadn’t eased up at all. At this rate, neither of you would be able to go home. The wind outside was so strong that the trees looked dangerously close to snapping and the number of times a flash of lightning zapped across the sky was terrifying.
You turned to look at the clock.
Usually, you would have been on the way home if not for the rain. You were so transfixed at the clock that you failed to notice Sangyeon staring at you.
“Do you have to be somewhere?”
You jumped, looking a little frazzled, not expecting him to strike up a conversation at all.
“Um, no. I don’t.” You forced a smile despite your nerves which were kicking in.
“Oh.” He said quietly as he took another tentative sip of his tea.
“How’s the tea?” You smiled, lacing your fingers together. The awkwardness in the room was almost suffocating and you would have given anything to get yourself out of this situation. It didn’t help that you found the man sitting across from you so deeply and hauntingly attractive even if he looked as if he just went through some sort of hell with his scruffy appearance. The all too familiar melty sensation from high school was coming back and you had to hold yourself back from relieving those teenage girl tendencies.
Get a grip, y/n.
“It’s pretty good. You make really nice tea.” He smiled, his eyes crinkling into crescents and you felt your chest tighten.
“Doesn’t look like the rain is going to stop soon.”
The carpark lot outside was practically mildly flooded with rainwater while dark clouds continued to loom over the earth outside. It would be impossible to venture outside without getting completely soaked even if one had an umbrella or raincoat on. The nearest bus stop and subway station was about a good 20 minute walk away and that was on an ordinary day. With the rain outside coming down so relentlessly, it would likely take more than 45 minutes.
“Yeah… If only I had a car.” You said, only to immediately regret it. Sangyeon’s eyes darkened and he sank into his seat.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine, please don’t apologise.” He replied in a kind manner, though he wouldn't meet your eyes out of embarrassment. “We… Couldn’t afford it anymore. You know… The um, road taxes are getting pricier and pricier. If only I still had the car, I could have sent you home. Instead, you’re stuck here with me and Jeno. I’m sorry for coming so late, I should have planned my time better...”
“Ah, please do not apologise! It’s ok, I understand it completely!” You spluttered, feeling anxious. It was odd to see him so down and come to think of it, it was probably the most emotion and actual conversation you had gotten out of him since the first time you’d seen him again here at the kindergarten. Even then, it wasn’t the kind of emotion or type of conversation you had envisioned having with him and you disliked seeing him like this. In a way, it also struck you that the Sangyeon that was sitting in front of you was different from the one you knew back in high school.
The Sangyeon now seemed much more guarded, defensive yet weirdly… Mature. It was like he grew up and experienced so much more of adulthood than most would at his age. At 28, many guys his age would still be enjoying the remaining years of their supposed youthful years - going to clubs, travelling with friends and going on dating sprees. Yet here he was, having married young, had a son and then divorced all before he even hit 30. It was definitely surprising to know that this was the very same guy that everyone in high school thought had it all going for him. As the school’s star volleyball player and captain of the school team when you both were still students, most were willing to bet that he would be signed by a major sports league of sorts but it never happened. Instead, he went to university to study accountancy and met his now ex-wife which he had clearly divorced. The Sangyeon in high school was exuberant, outgoing and full of life. You distinctively remembered how the two of you had crossed paths the very first time in school.
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“Can’t we just go another time?” You whined to your best friend, Jasmine who dragged you by the wrist down the corridor.
Swivelling around to look at you with an indignant expression on her face, Jasmine rolled her eyes before smirking. Her hair flowed gracefully behind her as the two of you glided down the hallways, much to the confusion of some who watched the two of you pass.
“Nope. You won’t regret this, trust me.” She winked.
“What about volleyball could possibly be more interesting than watching my favourite twitch streamers play Minecraft and Pokémon, the two greatest games ever created?”
Jasmine stopped short, her mouth hanging open.
“You can’t be serious.”
“I am.” You replied huffily. “If you don’t mind, I’m going back to my laptop.”
“Oh no, you’re not. You’re a teenage girl. It’s not everyday you get to live your teenage years so you’re coming with me!” She snapped, grabbing you and running down the stairs. You tried to keep pace with her, your feet moving quickly in line with hers so you wouldn’t fall and break your neck or something. Sometimes, you forgot how unfit you were as you struggled to catch your breath. Maybe it was time to stop bingeing YouTube and those delicious chocolate bars you have stashed under your bed so your mother wouldn’t find them.
As you guys entered the volleyball court, you could see crowds of students from all grades cheering from the bleachers, some with banners in their hands and others with inflatable plastic sticks and their phones to document the ongoing match. It was the start of the sports season in schools and on this particular afternoon, the volleyball team was supposed to have their very first preliminary match against another school from downtown. The atmosphere was chaotic with the sound screaming and cheering almost deafening you. The thumping of trainers against the waxed wooden floor was irritating your ears and the huge scoreboard on the wall above felt intimidating with its large flashing red numbers counting down the match. The players in the court were so involved in their game that not once did any of them look up to check the timing, their eyes all firmly trained on the ball as they hurried to serve. Nobody seemed to notice you and Jasmine either as the two of you took your places at the side of bleachers.
Everything was moving so quickly that you didn’t even know what was going on exactly. To be honest, you didn’t have a clue which team you were supposed to root for either. Are the guys wearing the white jersey shirts the ones from the school’s volleyball team? Or was it the ones in red and black? It was all very confusing. Nevertheless, it took almost no time for you to get bored out of your mind. Your head was pounding from the loud noises that surrounded you and you wanted so desperately to go back to the tranquility of your homeroom. You didn’t understand volleyball either which meant that nothing really made sense to you.
Looking at Jasmine, you could see that she was engrossed in the game. Following her eyes, you held back a chuckle at you realised who she had her sights on. Of course, it was Younghoon. You must have heard her gush over the volleyball team’s vice captain over a million times by now. Even as someone who abhorred sports and never kept up with the sports news in school, you knew Younghoon simply because of how many times she had talked about him. You could understand why she would though. There was no denying that he was an attractive guy, with shiny raven hair and a firm stance that exuded coolness. However, you had other things on your mind. Like Minecraft… And Pokémon.
Quietly, you inched away, careful not to alert her. You were so close to the double doors when you suddenly felt an ominous feeling strike you. It took you a split second to turn around and see a ball hurtling towards you at about a million miles per hour.
You felt yourself fall down onto the floor, your head throbbing. Your vision was blurring up and you could feel the dizziness set in as the court gasped collectively. You felt your cheeks heating up. How embarrassing! You could vaguely hear a woman (most likely a medic) ask you how you were feeling but you couldn’t get yourself to focus. All you wanted to do was get up and remove yourself from this humiliating situation.
“I am so sorry, are you okay?”
Suddenly, you became briefly aware of a strong, rough hand gripping onto your forearm firmly but gently. The touch felt soothing and it sent a jolt of electricity down your spine and immediately you snapped your head to look up at the owner of the voice. What you saw, made the words at the back of your throat hitch.
Never in your life have you ever come face to face with such a handsome face. His coffee brown hair cascaded in soft locks over his dark eyes and as he knelt down to help you, you felt your breath hitch. Was it even possible for a guy’s lips to look that… Soft? The red and black jersey fit him perfectly and the sleeveless cutting brought out the muscle definition of his arms and you could feel yourself getting shy. It wasn’t long before mortification set in. You must look like a complete idiot in front of him!
Instantly, you reeled back as if burned, withdrawing your hand away from him. He stiffened, his eyes widening in surprise. The medic tutted, shaking her head at Sangyeon.
“She needs space. I’ll take care of her, you go and play your match, be more careful while you’re at it!” She snapped and Sangyeon took a tentative step back, a sheepish expression on his face and uncertainty in those dark eyes. You could sense the hesitation as he debilitated whether to help or not.
“Hey, Lee Sangyeon! Get back in there! The girl will be fine!” A portly man screamed at him from the sidelines, most likely his coach.
“Sangyeon.” You mumbled his name under his breath. You had heard his name only in passing, sometimes Jasmine would go on about the volleyball team and at times, you’d heard her mention that very name. This guy was the volleyball team’s captain?
Sangyeon turned back to you, an uncomfortable look on his face as he mouthed the words ‘I’m sorry’ before bolting back into the court and to his teammates who patted him reassuringly on the back and casted you looks of guilt.
“Oh my god, y/n! Are you feeling alright?” Jasmine hurried over, her brows furrowing together with worry.
“Y-yeah… I’m good.” You could only reply dumbly, your sights still fixed on the boy who had most certainly captured your heart for his own.
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Ever since that day, you remembered how you would always run down to the volleyball court with Jasmine even without her asking. It was real funny how just a single gaze could have you so smitten with someone. When you did see him playing, you would try to make yourself comfortable at the bleachers, trying not to look too conspicuous. In the hallways, you would run the other way whenever you saw him but peek around the corner just to catch a glimpse. It was all a very new feeling to you, the exhilaration and nervousness you would feel whenever you saw him around school. Sure, you still loved Minecraft and Pokémon but there was something about Sangyeon that made you feel some type of way. It was like the warm feeling in your chest you’d get on a cold, winter morning when you sit by a fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate in your hands. It was like the feeling of momentary happiness you would get when you win a prize at the claw machine. It was like the slight tingle you would get when you experience static.
It was your first love.
Maybe it was love at first sight then. Cupid had finally pulled its arrow on you. Suddenly, it seemed as though everything about Sangyeon was interesting to you. You would perk up whenever you heard his name in a conversation and when you saw him, you couldn’t even hide the bashfulness in your expression. Smart and caring, he was perfect. Many people seemed to have thought the same, what with his insane popularity in school. He was always surrounded by people that it made it difficult for people like you to even get close or attempt to befriend him.
“...Y/n? Are you alright?”
You snapped out of your thoughts as Sangyeon waved a hand in front of you, trying to get your attention.
“Sorry! What were you saying?” You asked, embarrassed at having gone off on a daze like that. Sangyeon regarded you with curiosity, a little unsure of what to make of you.
“Um, nothing much. You just stared off into space.” He said slowly. Beside him, Jeno was fast asleep with his mouth slightly ajar and a bit of drool leaking from his lips to his shirt.
“Oh, he’s asleep!”
Hurriedly, you took off the cardigan you were wearing and placed it gently over the boy’s sleeping form. There was an unexplainable look in Sangyeon’s eyes as you did but he remained silent.
“I… Sorry, I guess I’ve just been thinking about some stuff.” You smiled, feeling the nerves kicking in. Sangyeon raised an eyebrow, holding the hot mug of tea closer to himself. The rain outside was still as violent as ever and it didn’t look as if it would be easing up anytime soon. A beam tugged at the corner of his lips.
“Well, would you like to talk about it?”
Looking at that smile that made your heart flutter, it was almost laughable how he had almost no idea the effect he was having on you. Quite honestly, you surprised yourself with all these emotions that were now bubbling up once again. In a way, you didn’t think you still had it in you but your crush on Sangyeon even from all those years ago must have had a huge impact on you. Your heart was picking up its pace and if you weren’t careful, he might be able to hear it. Sensing your apprehension, his smile dropped.
“Sorry, I must have crossed the line. I was just trying to make conversation.”
“Ah, no. You haven’t. I just… It’s something very personal to me.” You mumbled under your breath and Sangyeon nodded weakly.
“I understand.”
At that moment, he let out a large sneeze and very nearly tipped the tea he had in the mug. His nose was becoming redder by the minute and it was clear that he was close to catching a cold.
“Are you alright?” You asked, reaching forward and placing a hand on his shoulder.
Sangyeon waved his hand, looking slightly embarrassed.
“I’ll be fine.”
It was at that moment the both of you became aware of your hand on his shoulder and just how close your proximity was. Your hair was just brushing against his face and your lips were mere inches away. His eyes seemed to hold entire galaxies, bright and luminous as they were, especially so under the dim lighting while the storm raged outside.
Quickly, you leaped back and he cleared his throat awkwardly, his eyes looking everywhere but you. You could feel the heat rapidly rising up to your cheeks and you could feel your words getting stuck at the back of your throat, unsure of what to say. That was when you noticed that the office shirt Sangyeon was wearing was still sticking uncomfortably to him, the wet and cold fabric causing him to shiver ever so slightly. You briefly remembered Chanhee stocking up some extra shirts, towels and slacks for the staff just the other day when a painting class went out of hand.
‘For convenience’s sake’, he had said when questioned. At that time, you had laughed at him for being too cautious and overreacting. To think they could actually come in handy now was extremely ironic, though it might not have been for the situation you had in mind.
“We have some extra shirts and pants in the storeroom if you need. The shower is just right there.” You said softly, still feeling a little rattled from what happened earlier.
Snapping his head up, Sangyeon wrinkled his nose.
“You have extra shirts and pants here? Of my size?”
“Um yeah, one of the teachers thought to buy some cheap ones when we had an unfortunate painting incident  the other day. We had a bit of a paint fight in the nursery classroom,” you said, laughing a little just at the memory of what happened.
Sangyeon smiled warmly, the amusement shining in his eyes.
“That must have been some paint fight.”
“It was!” You bobbed your head up and down. “Wild.”
“You sure it’s not a problem for me to just use the shower?” He asked, a little hesitant.
“Not at all!”
As he stood up, you couldn’t help but notice that he towered over you. Sure, he had always towered over you but it still felt so nerve wracking to have him standing before you like that with his wet hair slicked back and the white shirt clinging onto his body. You tried to keep your sights trained firmly on the ground, trying your best not to look as you led the way. The feeling of him just trailing behind you sent shivers down your spine that had nothing to do with the cold. Yet somehow despite the fact that it got your heart doing some pretty intense backflips, his presence was also weirdly... comforting.
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The tantalising aroma of convenience store fried chicken and corn dogs hung in the air as you stepped in, pulling the hood of your jacket furtively over your head, your eyes scanning the area. The snacks were displayed beautifully on the metal racks and the frosty machine whirred softly in the background over the melody of the then trending pop song played on the radio but you had no eyes for it. Pulling your jacket over your body to conceal your uniform, the tension in you only dissipated when you found no one but the bored cashier standing by the cash register who was too busy filing her nails to even care that you stepped in.
Had you found a teacher in here, you would have been toast. Walking idly down the racks of delectable snacks, you could barely hide your glee as you took in the vast variety of junk food in front of you. Barbeque chips, white chocolate biscuits, animal shaped gummy candies… It was heaven on earth. You scrunched up your nose as you thought of the standard fare probably being served back at the school canteen. No doubt, it was probably the same old stale carbonara pasta and salad made from withered up lettuce and soft tomatoes. Just the thought of it was enough to strike disgust in your heart. Rounding the corner, you almost jumped at the sight of a group of boys seated at the far corner of the store. It took you about a second to realise that they weren’t teachers but rather fellow rulebreakers from school and relaxed.
It must be nice to have a group of friends to do such lawless things together. Jasmine would always chastise you for leaving, refusing to come with you. Easy for her to say, she always had such beautiful packed lunches from home. You, on the other, had only your own allowance to rely on and there was no way you were going to spend it on the food offered in the school’s cafeteria.
You were so engrossed in the selection of snacks before you that you failed to even notice the overlooming dark clouds outside and the light, methodic pattering sound of tiny raindrops against the glass windows. As you stood before a choice of either a ham and cheese sandwich or turkey sandwich, you wondered if you brought enough money. Whipping out your purse, you did a quick check only to cry out.
Pouring out a few pennies onto your palm, you could feel your heart crumpling. How could you have forgotten to bring money of all things? Your stomach growled audibly and you whimpered, feeling like you were about to cry. Grazing your fingers over the wrapped sandwiches longingly, you started to make your way out of the store, dragging your feet as you did. Looks like it’s back to measly school meals.
Yet as you opened the door only to be greeted by a now heavy downpour, the urge to curse out loud had never been stronger. You had completely forgotten that it was now the rainy season. Now, you were not only going to be hungry but also cold at the same time. How did things turn out so badly?  Turning back to look at the cashier who didn’t even glance up, you decided there was no right way about it. Your choices were either to brave the rain or be late for classes.
As you stood despondently staring at the rain and reflecting on your life choices, the group of boys from earlier stumbled out of the store, laughing as they did.
“I’ve honestly never seen him like that!”
“It’s definitely something new. Oh hey, it’s raining guys.”
“Wow, it happened so suddenly though. Just a moment ago, it was fine.”
Glancing at them, you felt yourself subconsciously inching away. You never were very good with people, especially boys. To say it felt awkward was an understatement. It was embarrassing as well, knowing that you’ve made an empty trip and got caught in the rain. There was no way they’d know what happened but it didn’t stop you from feeling self conscious about it.
“Well, I think I’m gonna make a run for it! Last one back to school pays for lunch tomorrow!” One of them called out, dashing out into the rain.
“Hak, what the fuck!” Another yelled before the rest of them set off, their shoes splashing against puddles as they did. Some of the rainwater splashed over onto your own shoes and you gritted your teeth but said nothing.
There was the tinkling sound of the convenience store’s door charm as the door swung open.
“Hey guys, I- Oh, hell no. They did not just do that to me.” Someone said breathlessly  from behind you.
You froze. That voice…
Turning around slowly, you found yourself staring at the one and only, Lee Sangyeon. Instantly, your cheeks began to burn and your heartbeat began to pick up its pace. Of all places and of all people, why him?! Looking away quickly, you tried to calm yourself down. It’s a mere coincidence, maybe if you don’t say anything he won’t-
“Um, hello?”
This cannot be happening.
You swivelled around to look at him as you tried to calm your beating heart and as you did, you could feel that warm feeling you felt ever so often whenever you saw him around school despite your nervousness. With him just right in front of you, it all felt extremely nerve wracking. What do you even say?
“Did you happen to see a group of guys out here?”
“I…” You thought of what had happened earlier. “Um, yeah. They just left though…”
Sangyeon sighed, looking resigned. Keeping his head down, you thought you saw a tint of pinkness in his cheeks before he snapped his head up, his hands planted firmly on his hips as he stared at the torrential downpour. Shooting him furtive glances, you noticed that he had nothing on him either.
“Do you not have an umbrella too?” You asked tentatively.
“...Yeah, I don’t.” He said sheepishly. There was a moment of brief silence where neither of you uttered a single word. Checking his watch, Sangyeon clicked his tongue.
“What is it?”
“It’s 1:15pm, time’s almost up.” He replied, holding up his wrist to show you the time. The butterflies in your stomach disappeared instantly only to be replaced by an uncomfortable gut wrenching feeling instead. You couldn’t afford to be late! You have a math quiz right after lunch! You were already barely scraping by Mr Moon’s class and if you flunk or god forbid, miss the test entirely, it would be a guaranteed fail for the class which would mean that you would have to retake it next semester.
Sangyeon must have noticed the sickly palour on your face and the sheer fear in your eyes because his voice had taken on a gentle tone as he asked, “Do you have something urgent to get to?”
Nothing could have hidden the anxiety and shakiness in your voice as you replied, “I have a math quiz at 1:30pm.”
For a moment, Sangyeon didn’t say anything. Then, he took off the jacket he was wearing and in an instance, he had draped the jacket over your head. Surprised, you looked up at him. He wore a warm smile on his face as he said, “Ready to run when you are.”
“But..! You-”
“I’ll be fine.” He stared out at the pouring rain. “Well, a little rain won’t hurt.”
You could have thought of about a billion different ways to reject him but the fear over missing your math quiz quickly overwhelmed all those thoughts and you had no choice but to dumbly agree. You didn’t like inconveniencing people, especially not Sangyeon but there just wasn’t any good way to turn him down, not when he was looking at you so kindly and so expectantly at that. Sangyeon must have sensed your hesitation because he shot you a reassuring look.
“I’ll be fine.” He reiterated, smiling.
You didn’t say anything but you could feel a sense of warmth growing in your heart despite the cold outside. Somehow, his voice had a calming effect on you and you began to break into a run. He followed suit, the both of you dashing out into the rain with you shielded under his jacket.
While the two of you ran, you couldn’t help but sneak a few looks at him, feeling the butterflies in your stomach flutter more whenever you did. His side profile highlighted his strong, handsome features and the shadows brought out the definition of jawline and darkness of his eyes. The rainwater gave his skin an almost shining look, water droplets dripping from the tips of his fringe. The water had seeped through the white material of his uniform and the fabric stuck his skin, bringing out his athletic shape. He looked almost as handsome as he did the first time you saw him, that one memorable moment despite the hard hit on your head.
As you stared, he suddenly turned to look at you and for a split second, the two of you made eye contact before you turned away rapidly, your cheeks burning. Why is it that you feel so warm even when it was freezing? Your heart felt like it was about to burst and for a moment, you wondered if he could tell you had feelings for him. Did he remember you? He must have. You don’t just give your jacket to someone… Right? Perhaps it was his way of apologising for the hit though to be quite honest, having him talk to you seemed like enough already. You never were very lucky in love or around your crushes and many times, you would have never exchanged even a single word with your crush out of shyness and fear. This was probably the furthest you’ve ever gotten with someone you liked.
As the two of you finally stepped into the school lobby, Sangyeon was soaked through, the water droplets still dripping down the side of his face. Shaking his head to get the water out, he ran a hand through his hair and you tried not to look. He shot you a grin which you returned.
“Hey, it’s only 1:24pm. We made it.”
“We did, thank you so much for that.” You thanked him shyly to which he brushed off, chuckling.
“It’s alright. No problem at all.”
‘I… I guess I’ll get going?”
“Ah, alright. I’ll see you, y/n.” He smiled before he gasped, suddenly remembering something as he ruffled through his pockets. Drawing out a chocolate bar, he handed it to you. You stared at his outstretched hand, confused.
“Take it.”
“I saw- I have an extra one and I’m not exactly allowed to eat chocolate right now because of competition season. I thought you might want it?”
When you didn’t say anything, he continued quickly, “I mean, that is if you want it of course.”
You could feel your stomach growling just looking at that sweet, heavenly bar of chocolatey goodness and it suddenly came to you that you have not had lunch. Normally, you would have flat out rejected an offer like that but the way he was looking at you with those kindly eyes made you think twice. There was no way you could say no to Sangyeon.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, taking the chocolate bar from him and his smile widened.
“By the way, I-”
Before he could say another word, the same group of boys who you had identified to be his friends came from behind the lockers several aisles down. Some of them were laughing as one of them slapped him across the back. They seem
“You’re finally back!” An upperclassmen you recognised as the school’s baseball team’s pitcher, Changmin said, patting him on the back. “See, guys? I told you guys he’s going to go for it. He’s not as big as a coward you guys think he is!”
“Fine, fine. Take your bet.” Another who you knew was referred to earlier as ‘Hak’, grumbling and slapping a wad of notes into Changmin’s hand.
“Didn’t think you’d actually do that, Sangyeon. I should have bet that she wouldn’t accept-” A red-haired friend of his stopped mid sentence, his face palling as the group began to notice that you were still standing there. The rest of the group seemed to have noticed at the same time Sangyeon’s face had turned properly red by now and his lips were moving but you couldn’t hear a single word he was saying. The shame of it all was blocking out everything and your face was growing hotter and hotter by the second until you felt almost positive that you could explode. Biting so hard on your lower lips that you were almost sure you were going to bleed, you shied away as he took a tentative step forward.
“Y/n, please…” He reached out to hold your hand but you shrugged it away, keeping your head down and trying to keep your breathing steady.
“Please. Please don’t.” You choked out, taking another step back like a wounded child. Quickly, you turned and bolted out of the lobby and into the corridors. The chocolate bar you had in your hand dropped to the floor with clatter against the linoleum floor and you didn’t even care to see if it broke into fragments just like your heart just did.
As you ran along the noisy walkways where students were chattering among themselves and enjoying the last minutes of their lunch break, you couldn’t help but keep your head down, your thoughts lingering on what happened earlier.  
The shame. The humiliation. It was all too much.
Sprinting into the restroom and locking yourself in the cubicle, you had to take a moment to just breathe. Did that really just happen? How could you have been so gullible? You should have known that that was too good to be true - who would have been that nice? You almost wanted to laugh out loud at yourself just like those guys are probably doing now. God, you were such a fool. It was over before it even began.
Sniffling, your vision was beginning to get blurry from all the tears and softly, you whispered, “Lee Sangyeon, I’ll never forgive you.”
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Since that day, you would avoid Sangyeon whenever you saw him around. No matter how far he was, just the slight indication of his presence was enough to send you running off in the opposite direction. It was difficult to say the least, to avoid someone within such a small neighbourhood high school. You would hide behind Jasmine or bolt off to the nearest restroom whenever you saw him walking towards you and after a while, she got the message as well, assisting in your escape attempts all the way till Sangyeon’s graduation. The last time you ever saw him was up on that stage with that warm, kind smile of his receiving his graduation certificate up until this year when you met him again when he came to pick up his son, Jeno.
“Hey, you okay?”
You blinked, shaking yourself out of your thoughts and looked up to see Sangyeon staring down at you. His hand was planted against the door frame of the shower making his build seem so much larger, with the other hand outstretched and it took you a moment to realise that he was waiting for you to hand him a spare shirt you had in your hands. Outside, the rain was still pouring down on the earth. The light above had begun to flicker and the room was growing dimmer by the second, the only source of light coming from the moonlight, the flashes of lightning and the dying light source from the ceiling.
Looking at his outstretched hand somehow triggered memories from the past and despite your determination to keep the past in the past, the bitter feelings still resurfaced and with it, it brought anger and frustration. You were no longer the meek girl you were in high school, you were stronger than this. While you fought these feelings that threatened to take control, Sangyeon peered down at you with concern, sensing that something was wrong.
The sound of his voice calling your name was just about enough to tip you over the edge.
“Why did you do it?”
You could see the flicker of shock that crossed his face, having been caught off guard at your question. It took you about a second to realise what you had just said. Covering your mouth, you stared at him with wide eyes. You could have kicked yourself. How did you let your feelings get the best of you? He probably doesn’t even remember and you might have just made a fool out of yourself. Again.
For a moment, Sangyeon said nothing and the only sound that broke the silence was the sound of the storm outside.
“It was a misunderstanding.”
You were not expecting a reply. Taken aback, you could only look at him, speechless. The words were stuck in the back of your throat and your palms were beginning to get calmy. It felt like you were being transported back to that very moment in high school.
“You remember?”
Sangyeon’s eyes were full of regret as he whispered, “Yes. Yes, I do.”
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Sangyeon couldn’t help but let his eyes drift back to you throughout the remainder of the game.
It was getting increasingly difficult to focus on the game and although he knew how badly the team needed to clinch this victory, he couldn’t help but keep looking out for you.
Were you all better? Did the ball hit you too hard?
These were the sort of questions that floated around in his mind as the match went on and every so often, he’d turn to check if you were still there and every time he looked, you would be watching and just the thought of you having your eye on him was enough to give him the boost he needed to perform his best.
It was weird. He barely ever felt this way around anyone else. The many girls that have come forth professing their crushes on him never even came near and here he was being completely smitten by a certain someone. My, how the tables have turned. There was just something about you that simply… Struck him. Your beauty to him was astounding in a very heartwarming and comfortable way. It was like one of those moments when you meet someone and you just knew that you liked them.
It was as if he had fallen under the spell of Cupid. The captain who had never had a crush and always prioritised volleyball and studies was now seen keeping a conscious lookout for the girl who had captured his attention for herself with just a mere gaze. He would look out for you during recess, around school and sometimes during practice when he knew admirers of the volleyball team would come to watch. His heart always soared whenever he did catch a glimpse of you. It was funny how he normally had no problem talking to people but when it came to you, he was as shy as a mouse.
Sangyeon’s friends had caught on relatively quickly, jumping on the rare opportunity to tease the no nonsense, studious volleyball team captain about his little crush on you. Many times unbeknownst to you, his friends would drop a few hints here and there, implying at his supposed crush on you. It was definitely unsettling and embarrassing to say the least but he did not dare jump in for fear of exposing his secret - the fact that he did in fact fancy you.
“Guys, are you actually kidding me right now?” Sangyeon asked, simply radiating with what felt like an intense mixture of anger, frustration, disappointment and dejection. Watching that expression of dismay and sadness on your face did terrible things to his heart, akin to someone pushing a dagger into it and twisting the blade. Part of him did not want to believe that had actually just happened before his very eyes but the sight of the broken chocolate bar on the floor confirmed his worst fears that this was indeed the reality.
When he saw you in the convenience store, it took everything in him not to act like a lovestruck teenager. He tried his best not to pay you any attention but it was practically impossible. It was like whenever he turned away, there was this irrepressible urge to turn back and he just didn’t seem to be able to keep his eyes off you. It was embarrassing to say the least, even more so when his friends caught on.
“Are you ever going to talk to her?” Juyeon asked, rolling his eyes.
“... What do I even say to her? I want to talk but I don’t want to look stupid.”
“Since when have you ever?” Haknyeon chipped in.
“Hey, she’s leaving.” Changmin said suddenly and quickly, Sangyeon turned. “Did she not get anything?”
“I saw her looking into her wallet earlier and I think she probably didn’t have enough money.”
“Is she really skipping lunch?” Sangyeon thought, frowning. Imagine making the effort to sneak out the school and then not having enough money to buy a filling lunch. As the group began to clear up, he stared at the row of chocolate bars on display on a nearby rack. Was this going to his chance? As he stood pondering, Changmin nudged the others. Instantly, they exchanged a knowing look.
“Hey, Sangyeon. We’ll be going out to take a stretch, can you help to clear the rest?” Haknyeon asked.
“Wha-? I uh, yeah sure.” He waved them away without a second thought. Do girls like chocolates for lunch? It’s definitely not your conventional lunch option but he had read somewhere that gifting someone chocolates was romantic and girls liked them as gifts. Sangyeon had zero experience in such things so all he could do was trust the advice he’d read online.
It had taken everything in him to not freak out when he found that his friends had left him alone with you but almost as soon as he talked to you, he couldn’t be more grateful. This was his one opportunity. He didn’t know if you remembered him but he didn’t care. All that mattered was this moment. His heart fluttered and it felt like he was on edge, fearful of making a fool out of himself. He didn’t even think twice about shielding you from the rain. Sangyeon was never one to tolerate the cold very well but for you, he felt more than willing. As the two of you ran, he had been extremely conscious of himself. Were you well shielded? Was the pace of running okay for you? Could you… Hear his heart pounding?
This was not how he envisioned things to go. Just when he thought he finally had a chance, it was ripped away from him. Weeks. For weeks, he had been confronting his own confusing feelings for you. For someone who always knew what he needed to do and what his goals were in everything he did, his feelings surrounding you were the one thing he was never able to comprehend. In a way, you were an enigma he struggled to figure out. Feelings were always a complicated thing to dissect but especially when they came to you. Was this how the people who confessed to him felt when he rejected them? Sangyeon had never thought too deeply into how they might have felt - all he knew was that rejection was supposed to be a  natural part of life. He never thought himself as someone who feared rejection yet this time, it was the one thing he dreaded. Rejection would have been terrible but what was even worse was the fact that you were hurt… By him. He had destroyed his own chances once and for all.
The urge to lash out at his friends was strong - he wanted to yell and go off but he knew deep down it was all a misunderstanding and a terribly unlucky case of ‘wrong time, wrong place’.
“We… We are really sorry, Sangyeon.” Changmin apologised quietly, not even daring to look him in the eye.
“Please forgive us.” Haknyeon added, his voice full of remorse and guilt.
Taking a deep breath, Sangyeon closed his eyes and tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. He couldn’t possibly blame them. He knew they meant well.
“It’s okay. I’ll try to… Fix this.”
Except he couldn’t. Whenever he came close, you would run off in the opposite direction as if you’d just seen the devil himself. There was no way of coming close to talking to you. His friends had tried to come close but you pushed them away as well. You no longer came by to watch his matches and the growing guilt and sadness had a profound impact on his performances. He didn’t feel like he played as well as he did when you were around. In a way, you were the Daphne to his Apollo. You were the one person he couldn’t have and it pained him. Knowing that you were hurt as a result of his own actions pained him even more. Eventually, he knew he had to give up and as graduation drew near, Sangyeon kept his heart and feelings locked away. He was more invested in his studies and games but none of it felt like it really mattered. He was doing it for the sake of doing it.
Even as he went onto university, it felt tortuous to carry with him the knowledge that he had hurt someone he genuinely never meant to hurt. It might seem childish in hindsight but perhaps… That might have been first love that never was. Many nights, Sangyeon tried to push you out of his mind, trying so hard to convince himself that his feelings were merely fleeting but deep down, he knew they weren’t. Yet as time went on, he began to gradually lock away his memories and even found someone who he married thought as much as he’d never admit it, that strong feeling of comfort, warmth and joy he felt around you was just never there. It wasn’t really any surprise that he had gotten divorced barely a year into the marriage. Communication between him and Mina broke down completely, with regular verbal fights almost every other night. He no longer saw things the same way she did and they disagreed on virtually everything. The screaming, yelling and crying just wouldn’t stop. It was a relationship that drained him both emotionally and mentally. Many nights, he would fall asleep on the couch and wake up with intense back aches that only worsened as he carried around a heavy backpack to work every other day. The two of them went from being best friends and a couple to being almost completely strangers in their own home.  Eventually, Mina had barely spared a second thought before packing up her bags and leaving him with a barely 3 month old toddler. It was definitely a union he regretted but the one thing he never did regret was his son, Jeno.
Jeno was the one constant in his life. For a long time, it was just the two of them while he struggled to make ends meet as an accountant for a small paper supply company. Life was average to say the least, it wasn’t fantastic but it wasn’t bad either. He was living in a different part of the country with his son and a small, secure studio apartment. There was nothing out of place and everything was on track. Though, the good times wouldn’t last. When his company went bust, it felt like everything was collapsing right before his very eyes again only this time, it was worse. He had a 3 year old son with him and was unemployed with the threat of eviction trailing closely behind them, breathing down his neck. It felt like the walls were closing in fast around him, leaving them both no room to breathe. He would have been left homeless if not for his friends and connections.
It was a blessing truly when Juyeon hooked him up with an accountant job with a medical supply company. The only problem was the fact that he would have to move back to the very town he had attended high school in, the very period of his life when he had suffered his first heartbreak. As he packed up his bags on his very last night in the city, he wondered briefly if you were still there.
Sangyeon sat at the edge of the bed, looking at the packed suitcases that sat at his feet. Beside him, Jeno was fast asleep. Softly, he ran his fingers through his son’s hair and he smiled. Did it really matter? Even if you were still there, things weren’t like how they were back then when he actually still had a chance of salvaging things. He never did get to know how you really felt about him but he was almost certain that you might still hate him. Maybe you might have forgotten or maybe you might have even moved away. For some reasons as much as Sangyeon didn’t want to confront his past again, he still felt his heart sink at the prospect of not seeing you again when he went back. He never did acknowledge it but you had always claimed a part of his heart for yourself all these years. Even as he alighted from the plane back at his old hometown, Sangyeon had very little expectations.
He never expected much but the shock that hit him was still almost numbing when he first showed up at Sunny Hearts Kindergarten with Jeno. There you were, in the flesh after almost 10 years. You were still as beautiful as you were in his dreams and although he wanted so desperately to talk to you, he knew he should keep his distance. It wouldn’t be right to bring up such memories. He wasn’t sure if you recognised him but he most definitely did. When you looked him in the eye, it took all his power not to do anything stupid. It felt like coming home in a way but to a home he wasn’t familiar with.
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“I… I had no idea…” You whispered breathlessly as he told his story.
The room was dark, the power supply having malfunctioned, leaving the two of you in the dark. Hearing Sangyeon’s story in that voice you loved so much was surreal and almost even a little overwhelming. It felt like you were knocked out of your wind. For a moment, there was only the sound of the raging storm outside while the two of you sat in bated silence in the locker room. There was a weird yet familiar tension in the air and after a while, you managed to choke out.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Although you couldn’t see Sangyeon’s face, you could hear the softness in his voice.
“You didn’t give me a chance to.”
A flash of lightning zapped across the sky and for a brief moment, you saw the pain in his eyes and it was like something in you clicked. It was the lock you had kept on all those repressed feelings you ever had over the years. Deep down, you knew you had felt the same. You loved him, you loved him so deeply it hurt as did he. The both of you were just two souls in love yet too obstinate and clueless to fight for the love the two of you so deserve. It wasn’t resurfaced feelings - it was feelings that had been locked away for too long, waiting for the right opportunity to be freed and expressed freely.
Sensing the tension, Sangyeon grew flustered, stammering as he did.
“Look, I-I get it if you still don’t-”
His eyes widened as you crashed your lips on  his. His soft lips moved slightly against yours as he stiffened. Slowly, he melted into the kiss, his hands coming up to cup your face. Your hearts were beating in unison as the two of you became simply locked in the moment, two long lost lovers locked in a tight embrace. As he withdrew, he whispered, “This. This is what I’ve been yearning for since Day one.”
There was so much affection, love and longing in his voice that it almost made you shy. Bowing your head, he chuckled deeply as he tilted your face up ever so gently with 2 fingers, making you look him in the eye. The moonlight from outside made his eyes seem all the more reflective and it felt like for a moment the two of you were back in that volleyball court, exchanging that very first gaze that led to so much hurt, misunderstandings and repressed feelings over all these years.  
Suddenly, the lights flickered back on and you were so surprised, you jumped back. In the bright light, the redness in Sangyeon’s face was all the more apparent and instantly, he cowered back.
“I-I… I’m sorry! I don’t know what came over me…”
“Um…” You bit down on your lower lip, unsure of what to say. You knew you wanted to say something but what exactly do you say to a long lost first love who you just shared an intimate moment with?
“Hey, the rain has stopped.” He remarked, looking out and you had a slight inclination that he was trying to cover his blushing face.
“Yeah, it has.” You said slowly.
“Daddy! Miss y/n! Where are you…!” Jeno’s cries from the lobby resounded through the corridor.
“Oh, he must have woken up!” You cried, getting to your feet and making your way over with Sangyeon following closely behind. There was an almost giddy look in his eyes which you felt your heart tightened at the sight of before you realised, you might be wearing the very same expression.
As you locked up the Kindergarten later, you felt Sangyeon standing just beside you, shuffling his feet as if there was something on his mind. Behind him, Jeno was busy jumping into puddles and you lowered your head, like a shy schoolgirl in love which was honestly how you were feeling.
“Would you… Would you be down to join us for dinner?” Sangyeon asked quietly, peering at you with those eyes that seemed to carry entire galaxies in them.
As you looked at him, it all felt like homecoming. This was what everything came down to. A failed high school first love up until this very moment. The man before you felt both so familiar yet so foreign in the best way possible. There was just so much you wanted to talk to him about. All those years the two of you missed, the lost love that the two you could have had… Thinking about it all almost made you emotional all over again. 
Finally. After all these years, you have found it.
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Hey! Could I request #4 and/or #25 with Rex please? She/her pronouns. I don't care what rating you do but I'd love some fluff in there 💙
Midnight Rambles
I love me some Rex content so how bout both for our Captain 😌 plus I am a loser for Shy RexTM. Gunna start titling these for my master list I plan on making here soon btw, but I’m very bad with them so 😎
Rex x Reader: “it’s okay, just pretend to be my date until they leave.” And “So I was wondering, if, maybe you.. if you weren’t busy— stars this is stupid— would wanna go and hum, maybe get lunch? If you’re free, at lunch?”
Warnings: none
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Rex had been the one to invite you to 79s, though you could tell he was reluctant. By the way Fives, Jesse, and Echo smirked over your way. You were sure the boys dared him to. “Rex, you don’t have to ask me to go with you,” you spoke, looking back at the group of three. Though they all pretended to do their own thing the moment Rex looked over his shoulder. “What?— Oh, no! I want to ask you, ignore them, you’re my friend. Plus you seem like you need a drink.” He informed you, and you smiled. “Alright, I’ll go.”
The moment you and the boys got to the cantina, you felt your head ready to burst. The congested area, loud music, stench of alcohol and sweat. You weren’t a fan of cantinas, you’d normally prefer drinking in the comfort of your room, but since Rex asked. You couldn’t say no.
You inhaled sharply when someone pulled you into the crowd of bodies. Losing sight of Rex and the others. Eyes wide as you looked to who had your hand in theirs, but you didn’t recognize them. Skin crawling when the man reached over and grabbed your waist. “Care for a dance, pretty lady?” He asked, causing you to back up as far as his grasp would let you. Cringing at the smell of him and feel of his hands on you. Attempting to shove him away gently at first. “Sir, please let go of me,” you raised your voice a bit. Though he didn’t do anything.
You shoved him, finally getting out of his grasp and heading back for the bar. The man following, grabbing your wrist once more. Thank Maker Rex was standing near where you two were. The moment he noticed you were gone he was off searching for you in the crowd. “Y/N, there you are,” he spoke. Taking your hand in his. Shooting a look at the unnamed man as they let go of you. “And who’s this?” Rex asked, pulling you close to him, making your face flush red. Your body pressing lightly against his.
You looked up to Rex, then over to the man with a bit of a frown. “I don’t know,” the man rolled his eyes and sighed. “Gotta have a clone to protect Ya?” He spat, and Rex leaned down to your ear. Feeling you tremble slightly under his touch. “It’s okay, just pretend to be my date until they leave,” he spoke only loud enough for you to hear. Your hand giving his a squeeze. “I can do my own protecting,” you spat, and the man smirked. “Ought to show me sometime, c’mon, just one dance?” He wasn’t leaving, and you were beginning to get overwhelmed and irritated with it. “C’mon, Princess, let’s head back to the table before my brothers come to find us.” Rex spoke. Leaning down to rest his head by your ear. “Play along,” he whispered, you nodding.
You spun in Rexs grasp. Standing on your tip toes to lean up and kiss his cheek, smile on your face. Sure, this was fake, but it didn’t stop the fluttering of your heart. Nor the zoo of butterflies from erupting. “Sure thing, Angel,” you spoke. Using the first name to come to mind. Now it was Rex’s turn to go wide eyed and blush. Smiling sheepishly as he gave your hand a squeeze and drug you back to the table.
Rex thought he let go of your hand in time. Hoping his brothers wouldn’t see. They found out about his little ‘crush,’ what seemed like before he did. Since then they’d been teasing him each and every time Rex was close to you. Though it was always when you weren’t there.
Not this time, though.
Hardcase was the first to point it out. Standing with a gasp, slamming his hands on the table. Then pointing. “Captain made a move!” He shouted in a drunken slur. Jesse pulling him down. Telling him to quiet down, but that didn’t stop the smile of his face. “Woohoo Ori’vod! Finally confessed your-“ Fives paused mid sentence when he saw the look on Yours, and then Rex’s face. “Or not?” Echo spoke in. Rex was livid, how could they? How could he? He should have just made you walk in front of him, not held your hand practically clear to the table.
“Confessed what? The fact you’re a kriffing stubborn shit?” you spat playfully trying to change the subject. Noticing Rex’s’ tense form. Fives smirking over to you. Shaking his head, “no, what? I’m not a suck up, where’d that come from? You’re mistaking me for Hardcase.” “Ouch,” “Fives, he’s not Wolffe.” Jesse piped in and the four of them bursted into laughter.
Rex sighed through his nostrils, and you smiled over to him. Motioning to the chairs and the two of you took a seat with the others. The banter, teasing, and bickering continuing for most of the night. Til they all began to leave, one after another. Hardcase and Jesse both left, each with a date. Fives got too wasted, and Echo had to basically drag him back to the barracks.
Soon it was just you and Rex left at your table. The two of you sitting side by side. Rex fumbling with his now empty glass. While you continued to sip off your drink. “Thank you,” you spoke. Staring down at the table, and then looking up to catch his eyes. “For what?” He asked, brows knitting together, and you smile. “For earlier, when you got me out of that situation.” His eyes widened a bit in realization and he nodded a bit with a small smile. “Oh, of course, anything for you.” He added, and you smiled. Taking a drink of your drink.
He sighed, and you watched his head roll to the side a bit as he stared forward at the table. “I am sorry though, for pretending to be your date, I uhm.. didn’t know what else to do.” He explained, darting his eyes over to look at you. Making you smile a bit more. “I didn’t mind, it was smart of you.” You told him, finishing your drink. Then standing, moving behind him to lean down into his ear. “Angel..”
His breath caught in his throat. Shuddering as you drug a hand over his shoulder. Eyes falling shut for a second. Then your touch was gone. “Well, we gunna head back?” You asked. Rex nodding a bit frantically. “Yeah, but I have a question.” He spoke. Standing from his seat. Now towering over you just a bit. Hands fidgeting at his side a bit as he stared down to you. “Ok? Shoot.”
He inhaled. Thinking it over for a bit, then let out his spew. “So I was wondering, if, maybe you.. if you weren’t busy— stars this is stupid— would wanna go and hum, maybe get lunch? If you’re free, at lunch?” He rambled out. Almost too quick for him to even process. Letting his eyes fall shut, and brows furrow as he cursed himself under his breath. Opening them a bit slowly to see your expression.
You were watching him closely, a bit of a furrow to your own brow. He would think it was absolutely adorable if these were any other circumstances. “I-“ you spoke, and you hesitation felt like a knife to his chest. “You don’t have to, you know what, forget I said anything, let’s just head back. We’re tired and have probably drank too much and-“ he rambled. Heading to walk by you, but you caught his hand with yours. “Rex, I’d love to have lunch with you.” You interrupted.
Rex stared at you for a moment. Eyes wide, and you swore you saw stars in them. Making the corners of your lips curl up in a bit of a smile. “Really?” “Really, now let’s head back, I’m tired and my beds screaming my name right now.” You wined a bit. Causing him to chuckle. “Alright, let’s get going then.”
The moment the two of you made it back to the barracks you tugged him past where he bunked, towards your own room. Thankful as someone who worked in the medical field you got a separate room all for yourself. “Y/N, where are you- my place is back there.” He spoke, trying to tell you what you already knew. “I know.” Was all you said. Leaving him confused. Though he didn’t question it.
You opened the door to your room. Walking in, and looking back to the blond with a grin. “C’mon,” you could tell he wanted to protest, but after one more quick look over you. A small huff escaped his lips and he trailed in. “What are we doing?” He asked, and you sighed. Heading for the bedroom to grab your clothes you wore for bed. “Sleeping, you can’t say no either. It’s cold, and I let you take me to 79s. So get cozy, Captain.” You spoke with a small grin. Stepping out of your shoes, and wandering for the fresher.
Rex stood there a bit in shock as you disappeared behind the door. He wasn’t sure if this was real or a joke? Was it? This night felt.. Too perfect almost. But he did as told. Pulling his armor off and stacking it by the door. Being left in his blacks, so he made way for the bed. Sitting on it while he waited for you. Eyes wandering the simple room. It wasn’t anything fancy, nor did it have the decorations you wanted. But it was nicer than what Rex had, really ever, slept in.
His attention turned back to the fresher when you exited in your night wear. A smile spreading to his lips unknowingly. Making you smile as well. “What?” You asked as you walked over to the bed. Feet lightly padding on the floor. “Nothin’,” Rex told you matter of factly. Climbing in next to you, as you did. “Oh yeah, then why are you smiling like that?” You questioned with a raised brow, and he watched as you brought your hands to his chest. “What, I can’t smile at a pretty girl?” Your face tinted pink at that. Giggling softly. “You’re a dork,” was all you said, before reluctantly scooting closer. Arms snaking around his neck. His arms hesitantly moving to your hips. Placing them there gently. “Is this okay?” You nodded, staring into his eyes. “Yeah,” you whispered. “What about,” he wrapped his arms around your torso now, pulling you into his body. “This?”
You gulped, nodding a bit. Both your faces tinted a light red. He was getting daring now. Leaning in close to your face. “How ‘bout,” his lips were so close to yours. Your noses rubbing against one another. “A kiss?” You licked your lips, smiling a bit sheepishly. “How about you find out?” Rex smirked in response. Leaning in to press his lips to yours. Them molding together like a sort of puzzle piece. You felt all sort of euphoric. Pleasure, joy, excitement, all coursing through your guys bodies. Your lips felt like they were on fire. Head going light and fuzzy the longer it carried out. When he did finally part it felt as if you forgot to breathe.
Your eyes stayed shut for a moment, then slowly opened to meet his loving gaze. “So?” He questioned. “Was it okay?” You smiled at that. Your hands moving to run through his short locks. “Rex,” “hm?” You grinned as he nudged your cheek with his nose. “It was perfect.”
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Humans Are Space Orcs, “The hypothetical
I decided to go back to and play around with my older style of writing today. Taking a bi of a break from the main plot line for a little bit :) 
As a doctor, I often wonder about hypotheticals. What would happen if my patient was injured in this way, what would I do. Working with humans I find each scenario has to be more outlandish than the next assuming the human is going to do something stupid.
However, in all my time with humans there is one hypothetical that I find most interesting: what would happen if early human/nonhuman communication never happened, and like animals in documentaries, or at zoos we learned about the humans purely through observation.
Humor me for a moment as I write this as I think it could be an interesting thought-experiment for the scientific community. 
I imagine we would see them as a series of logs made by the zookeeper as the humans were captured and placed into their enclosures, not knowing that the humans were sentient.
I see it going something like this.
Day 1 - we encountered the strange creature on a distant planet. We have never seen anything like them before. They tall, though that is only by way of the walking bipedally. Their arms are very long, and their eyes face forward. We were forced to capture them through tranquilization as they were uncooperative. We have a group of them, about six that we released into the enclosure. They are very agitated, and we must do what we can to calm them or otherwise worry about causing them significant stress. I can see them now lying on the ground resting their heads, they do not look well from the drugs, but we hope that the side effects will not last long.
Day 2 - We have yet to determine the genders of the creatures or even if they have any. It is difficult to tell, though there are subtle anatomical differences that we assume might have some bearing on the subject. Luckily for us they ate within the first day, and continue to eat well. As far as we understand their diets, these creatures can eat a large range of food, more than any animal or alien we have ever seen, and this including meat, plants, and plant byproducts.
Day - 4 They have a very large range of vocalizations, in a very complex structure that almost seems as if they are speaking to one another. They grunt hiss click hum, and so much more. As far as we can tell, they seem very social and tend to congregate in a small circle to commune with each other. When they sleep, they tend to sleep in a large group, or within the same general vicinity of each other. It sees they have a strong pack mentality.
Day- 3 we were forced to move them to a new enclosure as, last night one of the zookeepers ran across the creatures scaling the wall of their enclosure using the digits on their hands and feet to hold to the rough surface and pull themselves upward. I and the other scientists are a bit put out as we should have known this based on the anatomy of their flexible toes, and the sockets of their shoulders. These creatures are very good at climbing. For this reason the new enclosure is much larger, it has a pool of water and many tall branches to climb though there is a field around it to keep the creatures form climbing out.
Day 4 - The pool was a good idea as the creatures seem to enjoy submerging themselves in water. We know now that their strangely colored skin is not actually skin but some kind of artificial covering. They take off this artificial skin if they enter the water and put it back on after they leave. We also know the difference between the males and the females now as the males have more defined muscular structures and the females are more rounded with softer angles. As far as we can determine there is no behavioral difference between the two species.
Day 5 - We think they know they are being watched, as they have a habit of obscuring themselves in the furthest end of the enclosure where it is difficult for them to be seen. They have even taken some of the fallen branches and erected a bit of a screen to hide away prying eyes, or at least that is how it seems. Some of our experts assume it was actually in order to build a proper nest though we cannot be entirely sure about that.  
Day 30 - We are worried about one of the females. Her body structure has begun to change over these past few weeks, and her belly is becoming distended. We are worried about some sort of blockage or bloating caused by the misuse of food. The other creatures seem to be worried about her as well. We  might go in and tranquilize her and bring her out to examine her at some point tomorrow.
Day 31 - we had to sedate every creature in the enclosure in order to pull the female out and separate er form her pack. We tried to separate her naturally from them, pulling her to one side of the enclosure, but it seemed as if they knew what we were doing and the other large males and the one aggressive female would not allow her to go. We had to dart all five of the others to capture her, though when we pulled her out we were delighted to find the reason for her distended belly has nothing to do with the food. It seems as if we had inadvertently picked up a pregnant alien creature., which is likely why the others were so protective over her. We worry though because upon examining the internal structures we are concerned that the head of the offspring will not be large enough to fit through the pelvis. We are not sure if this is what the natural progression of their child bearing is supposed to look  like.
Day - 50 we have been doing some tests on our  creatures and have found a few interesting things. Their senses are far superior to our own.  We once thought that their eyes would be adapted to hunting and racking movement, and while that is true in low light situations, they actually have very sharp sense of binocular vision, and are very competent at guessing distances. They seem to be a primary visual creature, and we assume that their vision is even better than ours. There is some evidence that they can even see somewhat in the dark, though based on our examination of their behavior they are primarily a daytime animal.
Day - 61 We think that they can hear us talking outside the enclosure. In fact, we think they have a very sensitive set of hearing organs. They often behave in ways that make us think they might be able to hear us. They always seem to know when we are coming into the enclosure to feed them. They tend to stand very close and watch us very carefully. We are worried that they might attack, but so far they have not. The most disconcerting is the large male and the smaller female. The way they watch some of our handlers unnerves them, and I am going to have to hire new hands to help with this project 
Day 70 - They can use tools! It is an exciting and amazing discovery. But just the other day we say them begin to make things using strips of their own not-skin and some branches. They have tied rocks together and are even using them to smash up bits of food. Their hands seem very capable of doing such things as they are actually quite  delicate in their movements. Each diget can be controlled to the finest degree and the rotational movement of their wrist implies  extreme dexterity. Many of us think that this leaves them on a path towards sentience. Our scientists estimate that they have the intellectual capabilities of a five-year-old child.
Day 90 - great progress has been made! The creatures extreme vocalizations has added to their advantage, in that we have taught them how to speak! The sentences are very rudimentary of course, like a child, but they can ask for food, help, and express their displeasure. However, the problem is, they seem to have discovered greater words of displeasure from the people observing them and have taken to yelling rude slurs at the attraction goers. We think they like getting a reaction. They are very aggressive, and are becoming more so as the days go by. We worry about their health.
Day 100 - two of the large males got into a fight yesterday. We assume it was over mating rites with the remaining female, though that is only a theory. The way the creatures fight is very strange, they ball their hands into fists and then hit each other like using a club. Sometimes they use the hard bony ends of their elbows, or the tips of their knees. A few times they even used their legs to strike at the other. The feat of balance was quite amazing and the power generated from blows like that was scary. Visitors were urged away from the enclosure when wounds started appearing. Both males were covered in blood. We had gone to sedate them but by the time we came back the fight was over and the two males were sitting with each other at the edge of the pool washing their wounds. We think they find the water soothing, though we worry about sickness or infection.
Day 140 - We cannot get to them, overnight and out of sight of our keepers they have constructed a sort of den or nest surrounded by thick leaves and tree bark. There is no way to see in, and there is no way to dart one of these creatures while on the inside. We have been   to get them while they are out in the open, but they always hear when the enclosure or the windows open and have taken to carrying around large shields made of leaves and branches. None of our darts have made it through sticking uselessly into branches. We worry greatly considering the female is coming closer and closer to her delivery day.
Day 170 - We have a plan for sedation, though it will require an enforcement team armed with the tranquilizer guns to preform it. We are worried about the female and the offspring, which we intend to rear by hand. We have no idea how the other larger humans are going to react when the smaller human is brought into the enclosure. They could kill it. We do not want this happening, and besides, we think this creature could be very docile if hand raised by us. 
Day 181 - The mother went into labor last night, and we were called in by one of the zookeepers. We have to act very fast  and are assembling a team. We are worried she might die as the sounds coming from the enclosure has caused us to close down the entire zoo. She seems to be in great pain as we have never heard a creature make that sound before. All of the creatures seem agitated as well, those who are not in the enclosure with them are pacing around outside. They seem very nervous.
The team has been assembled and it has been quiet for some minute except for a distant squalling. The large ales and other creatures are encircling the little habitat as if curious. We are worried the large males will find this as a sign ofweakness and attack.
Day 182 -  please help us. We went into the enclosure as we had assumed with hour weapons ready to take the little offspring away to safer area for cleaning, however as soon as we got close to the den, the creatures attacked. We did not see them camouflaged in the leaves, and they seemed to erupt out of nowhere. Our leader was violently bludgeoned with a rock, and another was strangled manually by the small female. Each one of them was violently killed.
Two of our team managed to make it to the door of the den but as they did, the still blood covered female leaped outward and attacked screaming. She was the most violent out of all of them and practically ripped the limbs off two of our men before killing them. Protecting her young.
The large male carried the sleeping creature fin his arms as the female searched around for any more survivors. There were none and the door had been left open. One of our valiant men tried to go and close it, but he was murdered   as the door was flung open crushing him against the back wall. The child was handed back to the mother and now they are hunting about the zoo in a pack. I have locked myself in this  room hoping they will not find me, but even now I can hear a rattling outside the door.
Day of freedom - Hello you slimy bastards. Didn’t think you could talk did you. Either way you better hope we get back to our home planet, otherwise we will take this one for ourselves and make you suffer till your bones bleach dry under and unforgiving sun.
A little bit melodramatic there at the end I know, but I have spent far to long with humans, and I understand that they would probably be just as dramatic as I am making it sound. Also, I just realized that I technically just wrote some fiction, which means the humans are definitely rubbing off on me
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mgsapphire · 3 years
Ethics and morality... and how they're not the same...
Weird title, and I don't even know if I'll properly approach this one with all the topics I wish to this discuss in today's The Devil Judge essay, because a lot of things peaked my interest, I was debating on doing a separate post for each subject, but I'll do them all in here:
Starting simple
I know we're only 4 episodes in, but I want to break down the things that I often look for in a new show:
Character building
Plot devices
Social commentary (sometimes)
Of course, these are things most people would consider basics, but I find that a lot of TV shows don't have enough balance in them. Also, cinematography and soundtrack are pretty up there for me because when a plot gets slow, or something like that, I stay for those two (biggest example: King Eternal Monarch).
The soundtrack in The Devil Judge is amazing and the cinematography can be a character of its own. They really get me hooked and are used as tools to properly tell a story. And I'll get into that further down this post.
The onlooker will never understand the actor
Experience is your best friend not only applies to job hunting, but it's true in the real world too. You can't truly weigh in on something unless you've experienced it yourself, you can give it your judgment and everything, but when bad things happen to someone, you'll never truly understand their pain. Am I bringing up because of the difference of mind in Judge Kang and Judge Kim's opinions? On how the public treated the minister's son? No. I'm talking about a very specific scene, where the cinematography told me to think that way and not the dialogue (it's that easy for my mind to be swayed). In episode 3, when the rich are about to dine right after the foundation's commercial for a better future, we see this aerial shot:
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What's interesting about this? The seclusion and the enclosed feeling it conveys as a counterpart to the poverty shots we were just shown. Yet, these are the people making ads for a better future, what do they know?
They live comfortably behind concrete walls with no windows to see what goes on apart from the bubble they live in. This idea is further enforced at the party in episode 4, where they're not even a part of the donations, and watch and mock from afar as spectators. Yet, these people call the shots. They even call it commenting, as if they were watching the pain of others on TV.
The intriguing personality and the duality it encites
Now, this was a costume and wardrobe decision, but it was also very well thought of:
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Judge Kim wears white and Judge Kang wears black. One is morally perceived by viewers of the show as morally good and the other is perceived as morally dubious at best. However, besides the costume and wardrobe thought put into this, we also have to think about the delivery of this scene and how it may further affect my detailing of this section. Judge Kang brings down the coats, and hangs over the coat to Judge Kim, he's the one who is making that annotation: You're pure, I'm tainted. This can have one of two interpretations:
Either Judge Kang believes Judge Kim to be pure and innocent due to his status as a rookie in the field
Or he believes Judge Kim to be morally white and himself morally black as he's looking at his brother's face and not at Judge Kim's heart.
Because most of the back story we're unveiling is through Judge Kim's perception, there's also an inherit bias we're having as well, because in Judge Kim narrative, he believes he's doing what's right and believes Judge Kang to be evil. In being served information about Judge Kang through Judge Kim's eyes, our bias is inherently skewed.
Another thing is that, when they put on the coat, they're standing in front of the other, as if the producers of this series are telling us they're two sides of the same coin.
The duality is made in more deceitful ways, which include:
A difference of classes that implies one has suffered while the other has not.
A difference of experience that implies one is more tainted while the other is pure.
A difference of age that implies one is a sly fox while the other one is is bunny about to be eaten.
A difference of temper that makes one erratic and the other logical.
Power dynamics
This one, in this one I could make a whole thesis based on just a couple of scenes in the drama. And you know I have to mention it: director Jung being the puppeteer.
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It may not be as unexpected at first, nevertheless it brings forward a lot of things I've wished to touch upon for quite some time now. A woman being a puppeteer of an old man in the portrayed dystopia that The Devil Judge is painting makes much more sense than more common demonstrations of these dynamics where it's either a:
A man of power being controlled by a bigger man of power.
A man of power being controlled by a seemingly man of a lower status.
A woman being controlled by a man of power.
Although, there's nothing wrong with those power dynamics, and if they were to be used, a message could also be conveyed, this one in particular works as a megaphone.
A subversion of power in such a way can be interpreted as a true indication of the weak overcoming the powerful. Why? It is not that woman are naturally weaker than men, but that in society, patriarchy has been a big factor in taking voice away from women in order to give it to men.
In order for Director Jung to achieve her purposes, it's smarter for her to do it under the pretense that an old rich man in power is the one calling the shots.
This is better exemplified by her stance when the old man tries to excuse his behavior, and what her moral compass is. I'm not saying I agree with her unethical conduct, but that her morality is directly impacted by the perception of the public of her as a weak woman:
Just because a dog bites a human does the person get dirty?
This is telling on how she perceives the actions of the old man in gropping the waitress. She didn't do anything wrong, even if you touched her, you are the dirty one.
While she's evil, it's a refreshing and deep evil.
The public's opinion and how there's actually logic in the show's portrayal
The public opinion can make or break a person, even if it's not on a public trial like this. While "cancel culture" barely works in today's society, a person's reputation is forever tainted. The show does tell that, but it also exhibits the scary downside of it, by showing how easily it was to make people accept flaggelation as a fitting punishment.
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There are many experiments that have tried to test the effect of societal pressure on an individual's decision and the effect of the authority's enforcement of power in the outcome of these decisions. Furthermore, theories based on analysis of human behavior not necessarily relying on experiments can also help break this down. What do I mean? Here's a small attempt at explaining:
Milgram Experiment on Authority: which measured the individual willingness to carry out actions that go against their conscience due to an authority's approval.
Argument from Authority; The idea that people are more likely to use an authority's opinion on something as an argument for their reason. This is often seen in science, where trusted authorities have done the research and offer it to the public. In here, authority bias also plays a role, as we often believe, at first, that an authority must be right.
Moral disengagement: basically speaking, because this is evil or bad, I'm not part of it and I most probably am not actively participating in it. One may disengage by moral justification, which means that before engaging in something that has been previously perceived as immoral, I'm changing my stance on it based on what I tell myself to be logical arguments. This particular form of moral disengagement is very effective in changing the public opinion. I'll be touching on another form further down this post.
Other factors played a part, but these ones in particular came to mind when public flagelation as a form of corporeal punishment was wildly accepted. First, an authority is the one telling them it's correct, to go ahead. Secondly, another authority (the minister) had previously shown approval to such unusual punishment. Thirdly, they are not the ones to be engaging directly in the act, and even if they were, it would be acceptable because an authority has told them so. They may even believe the punishment to be a necessary evil for the greater good.
In fact, the minister's son was actually correct when pleading his case, they were accepting it because it wouldn't affect them directly.
Regarding the cinematographic descent of the public opinion regarding the situation can better be exemplified by the old man we've seen through the episodes.
Does suffering justify misdeeds?
Today I came along the difference between excuse and reason. You may give a reason for your behavior, but it doesn't excuse it.
Not because I've suffered through shit, means I have to make you suffer too.
I may explain myself, but it's on the other side to excuse me.
Why I hate the unreliable narrator and why I love it so much
This story has been told mostly through the eyes of Judge Kim and what he hears and sees regarding Judge Kang, if anything, the narrative is very close to that of the narrative we've seen in The Great Gatsby. An enigmatic man is being narrated to us from the eye of a man who hasn't known him for a long time.
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How is that an unreliable narrator? The narrator has their own set of bias and moral standards which function as lenses through which they see the world.
Another way of putting it would be the way teenage romances are often written in a first person narrative where either of the two teenagers is the narrator, so the author can sell to us something as simple as offering a pack of gum as the most romantic act on earth. We're perceiving interactions through rose tainted glasses.
In this case, we're seeing the interactions through Judge Kim's eyes who doesn't trust Judge Kang from the get go due to his own preset bias.
The narrative becomes even more unreliable as we're not exactly sure if what Judge Kang disclosed himself is a fact.
The reason why I love this narrative is because it leaves a lot of space to make simple plot twists to a narrative and make them seem grand, and can elongate a story without making it obvious.
The reason why I hate it is because sometimes, in tv shows mostly, we as viewers can see the other side of the story and grow increasingly frustrated with the main character's prejudice and misunderstandings (I'm looking at you my beloved Beyond Evil).
Also, because I have to wait for a long time before I actually have a clear picture of it.
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Heart by Heart | Chapter IV | Raul Mendes
                                                 *secret agent AU*
Y/N and Raul have been friends ever since they could remember. And falling in love with your best friend can be pretty tricky and messy 99% of the times, add that to the fact they're constantly risking their lives side by side on the field since they're both secret agents, and the best team that's ever existed. Perfect recipe for disaster.
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Hi, this is the fourth chapter, you can find the first one here. This one's a bit shorter but I still hope you like it anyway. Please read the warnings on this one, if you don't feel comfortable with the contents listed on the "warnings" section, please read something else, there are a lot of other works on my masterlist and on the "fic rec" hashtag on my blog. Please give me some feedback and I hope you guys like. Happy Reading! 
                                              previous chapter | masterpost | next chapter 
*Word Count: 2.9K+.
*Warnings: cursing, jealousy, mentions of weapons (barely any), slight angst (if you squint). 
Please don’t read it if any of this subjects make you uncomfortable, feel free to check my masterlist for other writings. 
*Posted: July 22nd, 2021.
Raul was fucked. 
He learned that ages ago, but every passing day, it just seemed to get more and more fucked. 
Y/N was the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on, he knew that the day he met her all those years ago, while she was still a kid like him. And as the time went on, she proved him wrong every single day, every time he looked at her, in his eyes, Y/N surpassed her own beauty and taking her own title as the pretties one. Raul knew he was a goner the first time he made her laugh, truly laugh, throwing her head back as she almost lost her breath, he knew he would have to do it all over again for the rest of his life just to hear the most beautiful melody ever created. 
And maybe he was a fool, and obvious one for not even holding back whenever she was hurt or needed him. He would give Y/N anything in the world and he could be pretty reckless about it. Sure, Raul was capable of keeping it to himself all these years, even from his spy family and her, but Peter was slowly catching onto it and he knew it. There was a reason why Peter wasn’t a field agent and his not so subtle approaches only proved that right. But he honestly didn’t care, as long as he got to have her as his best friend and best girl, he didn’t give a fuck about what the rest of the world thought. He only cared about Y/N. 
So watching her progress on the ring (hell, having his ass kicked by her was probably the best thing that’s ever happened to him), watching Y/N taking part of such an important role as to plan the mission that would take down one of the biggest criminals on the world left him so proud. He couldn’t even describe it. Watching her sleep peacefully among his bedding, the glimmer of pure and utter happiness whenever she watched one of the marvel movies or ate her favorite cake made butterflies go wild in his stomach. 
And as Aaliyah would say, he was probably a simp for her. As sappy as that sounded, it was probably true. 
“Still with me, champ?” Y/N’s voice ringed on his coms.
Raul had to hold back a smile as Jack smirked at him on their watching point across the street “Always, doll, see anything?”
“Not really” she muttered annoyedly “think the package is late” 
“Oh, sorry the bad guy didn’t show up on the perfect time according to your planner”
“Fuck you, darling, before I forget”
Raul huffed a chuckle as he changed channels on the surveillance system she hacked the night prior. 
He was with Jack sitting on his apartment watching Y/N from the perfect window. The initial plan was pretty simple, Y/N would be dressed in casual common clothes, going through her computer on Genoff’s favorite coffee shop, to possibly catch him after coming back, so he could be used to some of their faces on his absence justifying new people around. Her undercover role was as a graphic designer that pretty much had a home office, which would justify her always being around that area. Tommy was the local barista trainee, summer job to pay for his scholarship, and this way he could hear some stuff and also be ready to jump and protect whoever was undercover there that day.
Celine was working on the front desk on Geonoff’s cover up business building, she was replacing the other girl that just left due to maternity leave, so it wouldn’t look suspicious at all. James got the work as an executive driver on a company that often was hired to transport Geonoff himself and his people, and Raul would also be on home office as a free lancer photographer, he’d be in an untitled relationship with Y/N which would be a good cover for them always being out and about together.
They would all be living in the same neighborhood, Peter and Celine would be living in the same apartment complex, which was just next doors to the one Jack, Y/N and Raul were placed. This way it would still be safe and pretty low profile enough to not draw curious eyes. And since the mission didn’t exactly have a precise deadline, they didn’t have a precise date to actually leave, so their flat was poorly furnished and decorated, filled with the ultimate basic things they could need in a month period. And of course, heavily armed in every corner and drawer anyone could think about.
“He just left his car two blocks away, think he might be just a bit behind your schedule, Y/N” Jack called from his place behind the screens she had set up the night before “Tommy, grab the cash register as soon as you can”
“Yes sir” Tom mumbled under his breath.
Raul inched a bit closer to the window on a spot no one could see him from bellow, watching as Geonoff himself entered the shop with two other man right behind him. Probably security team. He had to hold back his breath once he noticed the way the man had his eyes fixated right on Y/N’s table, before quietly muttering something to the other with him.
“Hm, excuse me miss?” a deep slightly hoarse voice caught her attention from the fake project displayed on her computer screen, Y/N looked up to find Geonoff right next to her booth.
“Oh hi”
“Why is he talking to her? He wasn’t supposed to just approach her!” Raul practically growled to Jack as the other just shrugged in response “fuck” 
“Dude, calm down, Tom is literally just across the bar and she’s a fucking spy, chill, she knows how to handle this” Jack said shoving Raul’s shoulder playfully, to which he just rolled his eyes huffing in annoyance.
“I know, I know that” 
Jack arched his eyebrow at him, a knowing smirk playing on his lips “Is this your way of admitting you love her?” 
“Shut up and pay attention to their conversation, you idiot” Raul said pushing his friend off of his sit. 
“I'm sorry, I just had to ask, I haven’t such a pretty girl like you around in a while, are you new in town, darling?” Geonoff asked leaning his hip against the sit across from Y/N.
“Oh no, not new in town” she responded with a giggle, trying to ease the nerves and slight nausea from talking to him and his half attempt of flirting “I moved to this neighborhood last month though, used to leave on the other side of the town” 
“Oh, was it for work? How are you liking this place so far?”
“It’s nice, I thought it was going to be quieter but it doesn’t really bother me” she said with a soft smile on her features “I moved here because I work from home, so I needed to get out of my last place cause my roommate was not exactly quiet, and my boyfriend said there was an available apartment on his floor, so it just seemed like a great opportunity” 
Raul’s heart raced a bit more on his chest when she referred to him as ‘boyfriend’, which was completely stupid. Y/N was his best friend and this was only for a cover. But sometimes his feelings got the best of him.
“Boyfriend? Is he here?”
“Oh no, I think he’s at work now, he’s a photographer”
“It makes sense, he has the prettiest muse at home” he added with a wink, which made Y/N’s stomach twirl in her tummy, this man is absolutely gross and she just wants to find a way out of this conversation “is he joining you today or should I keep you company?” 
“Tell him I’m on my way, sweetheart, don’t want this man any closer to you” Raul said through coms, Jack already grabbing his backpack with the material they had separated to be Raul’s cover as he threw a denim jacket and a pair of glasses.
Y/N gave Geonoff a gentle smile as she shrugged before adding “he told me he’d be coming here, something about the cupcakes being the best he’s ever had”
“Oh shut up, this is the worst excuse to get me to buy you cupcake ever” Raul muttered through coms as he jogged across the street and Y/N had to cough to hid a little giggle that threatened to escape at her best friend’s comment.
“Yeah, they’re really good, I think you’d like the chocolate one” 
“Okay, thank you for the tip” she said, quickly noticing the mop of curls clumsy coming into the shop, a big grin blossoming on her lips as she waved at the heaving figure of her best friend “oh, there he is!”
Raul’s eyes found hers and he could only smile, forgetting only momentarily that one of the most wanted man in the country was just beside her, he shook his head to gain a bit more focus as he shortened the distance between them with every step “hi baby” 
Y/N got up from her sit and was quick to throw her arms around his neck, as he did the same with her waist, planting a kiss to the crown of her head “Hi, honey this is… Oh my, just realized I never caught your name, I’m sorry, that was so rude”
“Geonoff, darling” he said with a smug smile on his lips, probably waiting some sort of reaction and proud of it.
And to Raul’s amusement, Y/N didn’t move a single muscle, didn’t give a single reaction, only offering a polite smile “Oh, nice name, I’m Y/N and this is my boyfriend, Raul”
“Beautiful name, suits such a gorgeous girl like you” he said, eyes on Raul waiting for some sort of response.
“Oh yeah, she doesn’t like it but I’ve always found it beautiful” he said softly.
“Well, I’ll leave you guys alone now, nice meeting the two of you” Geonoff said as his guards approached him with a paper bag “and Y/N, let me know if you need anything, I’m always around”
“Thank you” she said before pulling Raul to sit by her side on the booth as Geonoff walked out of the little shop “how was your day, honey?”
“Good, angel, got a couple of photos I think you’d like to see whenever we get home” he said throwing his arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer.
“You two are gross to watch” Jack grumbled through the coms making them both laugh.
Y/N turned her head to face him “you wanna go home to show me or you want to grab a cup of coffee first?”
“I think I want a bit of coffee, but we can order it to go, yeah?”
“Sure, whatever you want” Y/N said before sliding off the booth and pulling him with her, before stuffing her computer on her little backpack, which Raul promptly took from her.
“Come on, baby, can’t wait to lay down a bit” he ushered her to the register, where Tom waited patiently for them “hello there, I’d like an espresso please” 
“Sure, anything else?” Tommy asked as he clicked on the little screen.
“Do you want anything, baby?”
“A red velvet cupcake to go, please”
Tom nodded looking a little nervous before speaking up “the other man with the security guards left this note and cupcake for you, ma’am” he then grabbed the little pastry and a fancy business card alongside it.
“Oh, I- are you sure it was for me?” she asked in disbelief as Raul tightened his arm around her.
Tom only nodded in response “positive, do you still want the red velvet one?”
“I- yes, please” Y/N let out before almost chocking on air, gently grabbing the card that contained the business information from his company (that she already had) and a little handwritten phrase next to a phone number, the note read ‘if you’re ever looking for a real man, let me know’. 
“Someone’s got a crush on you” Raul teased trying to mask the anger bubbling up on his throat, but he knew she saw right through his facade. After all, Y/N knew him better than anyone else.
“Well, I feel bad for him, because I’m already taken, yeah?” she giggled at herself, lightly poking his chest to try and loosen his nerves a bit.
“Yeah, since I have you, know that I’m never letting you go” Raul pressed a kiss to her head huffing a small chuckle.
“Here it is, sir” Tom cut Raul out before handing him the paper bag, and he placed the money on Tom’s hand.
Raul offered a smile as he lead Y/N back to their place “Thank you, take care, kid” 
As they were crossing the street, Y/N dropped the cupcake from Geonoff on the sidewalk, making it look like an accident as she cried out an ‘oh no, I can’t believe I dropped it!’ before tossing it on the bin. On the elevator to their apartment, Raul still seemed tense and too quiet for his normal self, but Y/N decided to drop it, maybe give him some time to deal with today.
Just as they opened the door, Jack was quick to pull them inside, grabbing the card from Y/N’s hand and tossing it into a special bag and running downstairs, probably to deliver it to a team so they could take it to the lab to run some tests. Celine was stretched on the couch, a knowing look in her eyes as she signaled for them to join her. Raul went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water in complete silence as Y/N sank down on the soft cushions with Celine.
“What’s wrong with him?” she muttered quietly, since there were no walls separating the rooms on this flat, only the bedroom and bathroom and Raul was standing pretty close.
Y/N sighed with a shrug “No clue, maybe just didn’t expect the interaction to go like that, I don’t know”
“By the way, you did great, he even got interested in you” 
“Ew, no need to remind me, seriously that man is just gross, there’s something about him that’s just creepy, and I’m not even bringing up his criminal record” Y/N added grabbing a bottle water that Raul tossed at her after she nodded at him.
Celine nodded in understanding “Don't blame you, I think I would’ve punched him five seconds into talking”
“You wouldn’t last a single second with him talking” Jack said as he closed the door behind him.
Y/N and Celine laughed as Raul joined them on the couch, sitting on the armrest right behind Y/N as she leaned her weight on him. He threw an arm around her. 
“I think we should order a pizza and have some beer, yeah? This was a successful day, Tom’s gonna be here any minute now and Raul didn’t die out of jealousy in 24h, only reasons to celebrate!”
“Don’t start celebrating now, Jack, he might combust at any second now” Celine said with a laugh and Y/N giggled shaking her head, looking up at him only to see his serious expression and a light pink tinting his cheeks.
“So, pizza and beer it is?” Jack asked pulling his phone.
“I think it’s a great idea” Tom said as he climbed through the back window.
“Okay, Jack, order the pizzas and grab us the beer” Y/N decided and Jack stared at her in shock.
“Why me?!”
“So you can do something useful for once instead of gossiping” Raul said playfully and Y/N smiled at that as Jack feigned hurt with a dramatic gasp. 
“Well, there’s that and the fact that this genius idea belongs to you, doesn’t it?” Y/N asked 
Jack stared at her and nodded “Well yeah but-“
“Then make it happen, darling” Y/N only threw a wink at him and he shook his head, but grabbing his phone to start ordering. 
“Hey Tom, can I see the piece you brought back?” Celine asked without moving from her place on the couch. 
Y/N took the opportunity to properly face Raul since the others were seemingly busy, so she cupped his face gently bringing his attention down at her “are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course I am, doll” he said turning his face to place a kiss at the palm of her hand before looking back at her. 
“Are you sure? You didn’t seem fine five minutes ago”
“I just didn’t think he’d take such an interest on you so soon, I mean, you’re insanely gorgeous so it was obvious he was going to notice you, I guess I was just unconsciously hoping he wouldn’t” Raul sighed leaning his head against her hand and she let it slide on his face until she was able to curl her fingers on his hair “it’s stupid, I’m sorry, I was just being stupid yeah? Let’s focus on something else and relax”
“Are you sure?” she asked tugging on his hair a bit as he closed his eyes, nodding his head softly and she sighed “okay”
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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rax-writes · 4 years
Enchanted - Part I
Fandom:  The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Pairing:  Caliban x Reader
Warnings:  None
Notes:  I’ve been thirsty for this blond bastard since he popped up in the show, so it’s about time I write for him. // So this is slightly OC, because the reader is a Spellman and it gives some backstory on that, but I still tried to keep it predominantly a reader insert.
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As the only trueborn daughter of Edward Spellman, conceived during his very brief, loveless marriage to his late bride, you had grown accustomed to being treated differently. Your aunties fretted over you endlessly, despite being well aware of the fact that you were an extremely proficient witch. You were given unearned, unquestioned respect by each member of the Church of Night, as well as every witch and warlock you met. Typically, they asked you endless questions, being that your father had intended for you to be his successor, prior to his untimely death and Faustus Blackwood’s treachery-ridden rise to the position of High Priest. This meant that you had been a sponge for each and every one of Edward’s theories, teachings, and creeds, as well as his extensive knowledge of spells, conjuring, potions, and other witchcraft.
You prided yourself on being a witch of above-average skill and know-how, although that did not mean you were keen on being subjected to impromptu interviews about it all. Additionally, it seemed as though every single creature you encountered knew your father, which often meant they were twice as heaven-bent on killing you, as he had not been one to take mercy on monsters. All in all, it was rare that you were treated as you – not Edward Spellman’s daughter.
That is, until you encountered a certain self-proclaimed Prince of Hell.
Of course, you had been vehemently against Sabrina entering the Netherworld to save her boyfriend. However, you were aware that her determination knows no bounds, so she’d certainly be going with or without your approval, therefore you decided it’d be best to join her endeavor. Upon entering Hell, you, your sister, and her companions found yourselves on a somber, despondent beach, and a medley of wails filled your ears – which could only mean one thing.
“Wait, so… Hell is a beach?” Harvey inquired dubiously.
“Not quite. Hell is a vast realm, full of a myriad of abysmal regions, and this is merely one of them. In particular: the Shores of Sorrow,” you explained. This new information seemed to distress him further. Theo stood, fear in his eyes as he looked to the cages standing out on the water.
“Guys, look…. What are those?”
“They’re the souls of the damned,” you responded, in unison with another voice. At first, you thought it was some sort of echo, but quickly deduced that it was a separate voice entirely. You turned to see a man standing a short distance away on the beach, and your first thought was that he was so beautiful that he looked monumentally out of place in this dreary landscape. He was quite tall, with lovely green eyes, blonde ringlets cascading around his handsome face, and a body that looked to be hand-crafted by Aphrodite herself.
The visually pleasing stranger held searing eye contact with you as he took a few steps toward your group. He seemed intrigued by the fact that you – someone who was clearly not from Hell – was familiar with your locale.
“They drown as the tide rolls in, over and over… for all eternity,” he elaborated, as your party approached him. He surveyed your sister and her friends, then returned his eyes to you with a charming smirk. “Although, I’m certain you already knew that.”
“Hi, we’re looking for Lilith,” Sabrina stated. “Uh… Madam Satan, Queen of Hell. She’s in Pandemonium, if you happen to know the way.”
“I would be more than happy to assist anyone accompanying a woman of such intellect and ethereal beauty,” the man stated, charm dripping from his voice as his eyes remained set on you. You would not deny that he was easily the most attractive man you’d ever seen, but you were also conscious of the fact that you were in Hell, therefore he was almost certainly a demon – not exactly ideal dating material. So, you merely met his gaze, donning a smirk of your own, crossing your arms gracefully, and giving a slight tilt of the head to wordlessly meet the challenge posed by his advances.
“All blood flows to Pandemonium. Follow the blood-red road where it flows, and there you’ll find the throne of Hell,” he responded, after your silent exchange, as he gestured toward a small creek of blood nearby.
“Thanks,” Sabrina said, nodding. “And you are?”
“We greatly appreciate your kindness, sir, but I’m afraid we’ve no time for formalities,” you interjected. It was just as well, as the man seemed hesitant of answering her query.
“Understandable. Although, I do hope to cross paths with you again,” he admitted, then took a step forward to take your hand and bring your knuckles to his lips, maintaining eye contact with you as he did so. He then turned to your sister. “Never step off the road. It’s clever you’re wearing dead men’s shoes, though… any demon worth his salt can smell mortal flesh a mile away.”
The two of you shared one last, lingering look, then he slowly spun on his heel and returned his attention to the nearby elaborate sandcastle.
“Come on. Let’s go,” Sabrina said, and the five of you made your way to the flowing blood.
After a not-so-pleasant stroll through the Field of Witness, and the Forest of Torment, where you searched with Theo and Harvey as Sabrina and Roz located Dorian’s pestilential flower, as well as an excursion to a hellish version of Sabrina’s high school, you found yourselves in the throne room of Pandemonium. Lilith decided to allow Sabrina to leave with Nicholas, so long as she would crown Lilith in front of all of Hell. She agreed to do so, but as soon as the ceremony began, it was evident that the Kings were still displeased.
“And who do you propose would rule?” Lilith asked.
“Ahh,” Beelzebub responded, and it was clear that Lilith had stepped right into his trap. “All hail Caliban, Prince of Hell. Molded from the clay of the pit itself. Native son of the inferno, born to restore and rule our dark domain.”
To your surprise, the good-looking blond from the Shores of Sorrow stepped forward, clad in a different outfit, one more suitable for Hell, and smiled at your sister. “Hello again.”
“Uh… hi?”
This Caliban explained that he intended to restore stability to the Nine Realms, and ultimately, conquer the Earth to make it the tenth circle. Unsurprisingly, your sister was simply not having it. She claimed the throne as her own, shut down Caliban’s refutation, and decreed that the Infernal Court be dismissed.
As Caliban turned to go, he locked eyes with you. With a small smirk, he stated, “It appears our paths will cross again, enchantress.” He left through the colossal double-doors of the throne room, and silence befell the room, before you all left, Nicholas Scratch in tow.
Upon returning to your room for the evening, you laid in bed, unable to sleep and staring at the ceiling. Although you attempted to steer your train of thought to more important matters, such as how to help the coven and what it would mean for Sabrina to be the Queen of Hell, you found your mind veering back the dashing young “prince.” Aside from the fact that he’s a demon, and that he sought to descend Earth to chaos and enslavement, he had challenged your sister – and that simply wouldn’t do. So, you conceded that you must push your unwelcome thoughts to the side, such as how his eyes made you feel vulnerable and on fire all at once, or how pretty that alluring voice of his would sound in the bedroom…. Hell help you, you were going to need to try much harder than this.
A sudden whooshing sound and a bright light brought your attention to the corner of the room, and as the vortex of fire dissipated, you saw none other than the object of your desires standing before you.
“To what do I owe the pleasure? Here to berate my baby sister some more?”
“No. I am here for you.”
You sat up in the bed, then swung your legs off the side, staring at him quizzically. You noticed that Caliban eyed your attire hungrily, and you briefly thanked yourself for choosing a red silk nightie with black lace trim this evening. Opting to bask in the feeling of him undressing you with his eyes, you stood and crossed your arms over your chest – both to show resolution, and to accentuate your chest. His gaze grew ever more ravenous.
“Speak your piece, then.”
“I wish to court you,” Caliban stated coolly, that smirk of his gracing his lips.
“And why is that?”
“You have piqued my interest. Your beauty is beyond compare, and your intelligence and self-assuredness are both endearing and intriguing. I am quite taken with you,” Caliban admitted, now perusing your bedroom and investigating your elaborate bookshelves. He then turned to you, and in a few strides, he was standing in front of you, towering over you as those enthralling green eyes seemingly bore into your soul.
“Allow me to court you. I vow to do my utmost to make you happy, and keep you unquestionably…” he trailed off, bending down to hover his lips mere centimeters above yours as he finished his sentence, “... satisfied.”
You did not miss the way your breath caught in your throat as a result of his actions – nor did Caliban. It caused his smirk to widen further. Nevertheless, you squared your shoulders and looked up at him with all the confidence you could muster.
“Stand down from your attempted coup d'état of Sabrina’s place on the throne, and I will gladly court you, Caliban.”
“Although my name falling so sweetly from your lips is enough to persuade me of almost anything, I’m afraid that I cannot comply with your request, princess,” Caliban responded. “But, if bartering is the ticket to courting you, then so be it. Even if I wanted to, it is impossible for me to stop the Plague Kings’ quest to unseat Sabrina Morningstar and Lilith, but I can let you in on how they plan to do so, which will allow your sister time to prepare for it. And if the Kings or Lilith ask, you didn’t hear a word of that from me.”
You pretended to mull it over for a moment. If you were being honest, it wasn’t exactly twisting your arm to go out with someone as mind-bogglingly attractive as Caliban, so having the opportunity to do so and help Sabrina certainly seemed to be a win-win.
“I agree to your terms.”
“Excellent,” he said, his smirk changing to a toothy grin, flashing a set of perfect pearly whites. He seemed genuinely thrilled that you agreed to court him. “You may inform Sabrina that the Kings intend to evaluate her progress as Queen of Hell for a short time, and if she fails to meet their expectations, they shall send she and I on a quest to find the Unholy Regalia. Whoever is the victor shall earn a rightful place on the throne, by infernal law. So, I would advise that Sabrina watch her p’s and q’s for the next few weeks, but still prepare for the inevitable quest for the Regalia.”
“Thank you, Caliban.”
“Anything for you,” he responded, taking your hand and placing a kiss upon your knuckles, as he had earlier that day, before cradling it in both of his hands. “Now, where would you like to go for our first outing, little dove?”
“I have heard rumors of a carnival coming to town this weekend. Take me?”
“It would be my pleasure,” Caliban said earnestly, then sat down languidly on the ornate velvet couch immediately behind him, and gently pulled you down to sit with him. “In the meantime, I would very much like to get to know you better, if it would please the lady.”
The remainder of the evening was spent on that very same couch, with the self-proclaimed Prince of Hell. The longer you talked, the closer you grew in proximity, until you were nestled against his side with your legs tucked underneath you, his arm draped around your shoulders. Caliban listened intently as you told him about your life, and he readily told you tales of his own past and answered all your questions. A large percentage of the conversation entailed you explaining earthly matters to the Hell-born gentleman, and he was genuinely interested in all the information you had to offer. It was incredibly refreshing for someone to be interested solely in you – not your father’s legacy.
After a while, your eyelids began to feel unbearably heavy, and eventually, you succumbed to sleep, your head falling onto his shoulder. As Caliban looked down at your sleeping figure, after sharing an invigorating, intimate night of soul-sharing, he vaguely wondered of the possibility of love for a man made of clay.
The warm, fuzzy feeling now forming in his chest was all the answer he needed.
Part II
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