#wholesome mental image
cilil · 2 years
picture this: the classic image of a kind old person sitting on a bench in the park and feeding the birds
got it?
now picture it with Manwë on his perch throne in Ilmarin, feeding his beloved birds - from tiny hummingbirds to the great eagles - with lembas
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jjkpjmoon · 2 years
when i’m overstimulated and someone tries to comfort me
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ixtaek · 8 months
LinkedUniverse, but the rides/mounts come along.
Crimson just chilling overhead no matter where they are
Like three different Eponas following them—they all come running if Time plays the song
Wind stubbornly dragging his boat behind him till Wild puts it in the slate, but insisting he take it out every night so Wind can sleep in it
Legend trying hard to keep his dignity when a kangaroo, baby dodongo, and flying bear are constantly scooping him up
Everyone thinks that Wild’s giant Gerudo horse is as bad as it will get—then he breaks out the Master Cycle
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moongothic · 6 months
I'm watching Impel Down/Marineford for the first time (I know what happens but seeing the How is. painful. ouchie.) but I'm really loving how competent?? Croc is?? between reminding the escapees that 'we have cannons too' and calling them idiots for not knowing how to handle a tsunami and squaring up with a variety of heavy hitters. IDK it's just nice.
It is delightful! Especially considdering Crocodile had been living a life of luxury for well over a decade in Alabasta (not having to lift a finger to do anything and probably not going out to the sea much if at all) followed by spending an undisclosed amount of time in prison; like the man hasn't been participating in The Yar-Har Pirate Life in a long time, and yet he's such a veteran that all comes back out seemingly naturally. It's really impressive
But it just goes to show how independent Crocodile is (when he wants to), which makes sense. If the man doesn't trust others then it's very likely he's spent time alone even on the seas and could take of himself and whatever funny little boat he might've had. Like yes, having people who can do shit so he doesn't have to is nice and convenient (especially since there are things that would be a pain in the ass to do with just one hand, like the hook only helps so much), but like. Push comes to shove, he can handle it by himself.
Which would make him kind of a cute opposite to Luffy who 100% would not survive without friends around
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groundhogfancy · 2 months
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sirswooshnoodles · 2 months
The things you do might not ever be the light at the end of the tunnel for someone
But that doesn’t mean they’re not important
There’s a light.
A brief respite from the darkness.
I soak in the soft warm glow of the lamp.
I watch as a spider spins her web and catches the moth. It’s the cycle of life. The world keeps turning.
But for this moment, I’m safe and content. The darkness kept at bay.
I will have to continue eventually, but the next light will come. Then another, and another.
Like stepping stones across a raging torrent.
Even the faintest glimmer can provide the strength to keep going.
I’m so glad I’m here. Even if it’s hard, there are moments when it’s worth it. To keep kicking, to keep fighting, to Live. To Live!
“Live on!!” I cry, into the darkness. It might be unending, but it is not all there is, and I am not alone.
You are not alone.
We’re in this together.
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faebriel · 10 months
c!rainduo should’ve been able to go to at least one dinner party together smh
HARD VOUCH !!!!! i feel like they would be so deeply un fucking serious at a dinner party like. okay niki would show up dressed to the nines and depending on what period in his life we're talking about wilbur he would either be Entirely trying too hard (l'manberg or before) or half-assing so hard it's mildly embarrassing (post-revival). but i cannot stress enough that if it's the latter? they're on the same page about it. this is a purposeful snub. turn your depression into pettiness with this one smart trick
and depending on what period of NIKI'S life we're talking about she would either stand on the sidelines staring at everyone with silent large bug eyes (nlm to healing TM era) OR she would be scurrying around small talking and then scurrying back over to wil to goss. and very strongly vice versa. every two fucking seconds wilbur is tapping niki on the shoulder going LOOK at that guys hair, do you BELIEVE what they just said. meanwhile niki nods politely through a whole conversation and then politely excuses herself to go refill her drink, stands next to wilbur discreetly, and starts spilling all of the gossip she's encountered
also i think in pre-l'manberg days they would go to fancy parties and lie for fun. like wilbur would start some dumbass running lie and niki would go :] cool and commit to it far harder than anyone has needed to ever
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anxious-witch · 1 year
lmao question because i’m an overthinker, you know how people send celebrities something every day until they see it? i started sending cat pictures to jan i’m on day 3 but i already feel annoying i know he gets hundreds of messages and probably doesn’t even see mine but yeahh
Hxxjxkxkxkxj anon, I think sending cat pictures is the most wholesome way to take on this trend. And that Jan would appriciate it if he saw it.
But if you are overthinking it, maybe send one every couple of days or once a week?
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riwooga · 2 years
Them looking like paper dolls makes me think of PC at the asylum making drawings of all their "friends"
Please, that'd be so cute omg!!! 😩
Honestly being cooped up in the asylum, especially for weeks or months,,,, it'd probably be so comforting to have even just art of their "friends",, like having something physical to try and remind their brain of normalcy and holding onto that bit of sanity
Also just imagining it unintentionally starting up a whole impromptu arts-and-crafts day with other patients also reminiscing over their loved ones 🤧💕
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captivemuses · 1 year
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what colour is your love language?
Key words: friendship, happiness, light.
Best matched with: Fern, Lavender, Cerulean.
A canary's love is freeing, and brings the recipient true and pure happiness. Everyone you love is your best friend in one way or another, whether it's your fiancess, your little sister, your mother, or your favourite English teacher. You're most likely to buy small gifts for the people you love, such as their favourite snack or little trinkets, to show that you were thinking about them. Yours is the love of holding hands, singing in the shower, Spring time and wide smiles.
tagging: @protectivemuses (your choice of muse), @reflective-muses (your choice of muse when you come back), @ofluminance (your choice of muse), @momdstadt (I say do this for Jean, if you don't wanna do her then your choice!)
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"I know the odds aren't good, but we've got to try." (either regular doc or you can have my doc gets to be part of the DTI so i could throw him into the trek universe verse al;sdfj)
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The android nodded in silent compliance, ushering in the scientist’s initiative with his signature composure and pragmatism — anything was preferable over being incarcerated in the late Cretaceous period. Momentarily, his chartreuse eyes scanned the horizon, the silhouette of slender necks towering high into the sky, swaying like the palm trees scattered about the Academy in San Francisco, embellished the view. The mountains embracing them climbed high and formed an impressive valley of lush vegetation — a safe haven for herbivores, except that it was not... safe...
His receptors continually received feedback from seismic vibrations either caused by naturally occurring phenomena, a volcano rumbling in the distance, tectonic plates shifting underneath their feet, or the vocal oscillations of sizable land animals communicating with one another, fighting for dominance, for survival... The frequent susurration of the ferns bordering the circumference of the modest lake could host the arrival of a herbivore desperate for a sip of water, or a carnivore stalking the two legged individuals darting around the metallic beast on the edge of the lake, looking for an easy prey to pounce on.
‘I concur. Let us proceed,’ Data said, retrieving his attention to the matter at hand.
The DeLorean had been off by a number of several million years — an understatement, evidently —, a malfunction that they were presently attempting to rectify. Although, he was not unacquainted with solving the conundrum that was the aftermath of a “successful” episode of time travel, he had never traversed through the fabric of time this far into Earth’s past... The only upside to this time travel escapade was that the chances of them violating the Prime Directive were relatively slim, unless, of course, they accidentally terminated the lives of the mammals that were crucial in the evolution of the homosapiens who would later roam the plains of Africa prior to their migrating to other regions of the planet.
‘I believe it is safe to attempt a jump, sir,’ he said, diligently examining the mechanical contraption crammed in the booth of the classic automobile, laying aside the rudimentary devices that had aided him to repair and modify the plutonium-powered time machine. ‘I sincerely hope your vehicle will travel forward in time — if we go further back, we might find ourselves on an Earth during one of its initial stages of formation, when it primarily consisted of molten magma...’
He stressed to himself that he was not deliberately exhibiting signs of pessimism; he was simply emphasising that it was paramount they did not wander deeper into the folds of the past with no way out...
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Three Eye handles his own housework. At most, he hires a nanny to watch over his children, and they can help, but he manages the lion's share of chores- cleaning, laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, etc. Most of the time he doesn't use magic to zip through it either, he finds it keeps him grounded to handle these things. (The one area he consistently cheats is folding the fitted sheets. He claims that is impossible without magic.)
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hecho-a-mano · 1 year
hey hey you. yes you! you are looking fantastic today.
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alymccart · 7 months
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Alright, uh. Screw it. Let's dust off this account. I was embarrassed about even drawing this, and especially about sharing it publicly, but I'm slapping it up here. Why not. Been extremely burnt out lately, doing art professionally has pretty much killed my desire to do art for the sake of enjoying it (sorry, fans of my dead comic). Mental health has been shoddy. Actual health is eh, as well. I've been too busy to really think and have been so guilty about there being so much stuff to do in my life still that I haven't really afforded myself time to relax or unwind. My enthusiasm for anything has been in the dumps for years. I don't think I've drawn more than a handful of fanart pieces in over a decade (what you see on here is pretty much it), and I've certainly never drawn something like... this. Obviously, I watched Hazbin finally (didn't even realize the show was an actual thing now, though I did love the pilot eons ago; I don't tend to traverse into fandom discussion and discourse so I've been out of the loop). I'm actually nearing double-digit rewatches... and the OST has been on repeat for weeks. Well animated, beautifully written adult cartoons? I'm here for it. Musicals? Oh yeeahhhhh! A well animated, beautifully written adult cartoon that is also a musical??? *teakettle noises*
I'm ace as hell, but wholesome, loving, devoted relationships like this in fiction seem to hit me right at my core. I also cry at heartwarming videos and movies, but that's beside the point... I just... hrrrnnnnggg... Charlie and Vaggie's relationship has SENT ME. It has an iron grip on my soul and I cannot stop it. I feel like i'm 14 years old again. I want to write fanfiction. Is it 2004?? Where am I????? What the fffffasdfasfagghfgfjhdd????????!!!! Aannnyyyyywayyyy.... This art gave me stomach butterflies the entire time I worked on it, as well as an immense amount of joy, and I really hope this can maybe do that for others. And I still have... so many ideas........ so many....
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chickennuggetofchaos · 2 months
book of bill thoughts under the cut so like. spolierssssss
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they really put him in the mental institution goddamn i was not expecting THAT
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whatever you say buddy
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nothing much to say here i just like this drawing of stanford and fiddleford as snowmen :D
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bill really went “i’m not like other triangles”
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aroace bill real‼️
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plansexual 😭😭
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gonna start using this as a reaction image
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DAMN??? like damn bill even though he didn’t actually call stan that is messed up. wow
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this has the same vibes as the bill ordering pizza from himself video
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omg wait that’s actually wholesome
anyways gonna rotate this book inside my mind now for like idk a week or so
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adviceformefromme · 5 months
Imagine all the time you wasted overthinking, daydreaming, fantasising about the last guy, the guy before, the guy before that… And where did it land you? Disappointed? Resenting? Grieving, what could have been?….Because you used your precious energy to create a parallel fantasy life of you and him. Your maladaptive day dreaming, which probably started as a trauma response in childhood is quite likely ruining your dating life and here’s why. 
You can’t control the actions of others, in fact you have very little control when it comes to dating, it’s often divine timing, energy compatibility, and a huge part is surrendering. Letting go of the fantasy so the beauty of the unknown can unfold. Unmet needs play a huge role in this. The need for safety and control when dating often leads to creating a mental picture of what you want the future to look like and taking actions that dictate this. For example, you’ve had cute first date, but on your way home you’re already checking your diary to see what dates you’re free next week, maybe he can take you to the theatre on Thursday to see that new show, or maybe you can move your dinner with the girls on Saturday night so you can spend the weekend with him…MEANWHILE he hasn’t even asked you on a second date. All this overthinking and trying to control the future puts you in your masculine energy. Not only is this repelling to a masculine man, but also removes the opportunity to see how things will unfold naturally. So am I saying don’t think about the future with a man? Don’t have hopes and desires? Absolutely not. What I’m saying is when you spend your time away from him overthinking your future with him, imaging conversations in the shower, texting him from a place of trying to control the future - you’re setting yourself up for a fall. You’re wasting your precious energy on overthinking him when that same energy could be spent on you. You’re creating energetic friction between your desires and reality which will show up in how you are with him. You’ll become disappointed he didn’t take you to the theatre on Thursday because he has football, even though that was never the plan. You’re perpetually setting yourself up for disappointment. So here’s the hot take - you want something to control, to obsess over, to love, to cherish, to have and hold forever. Let. That. Be. You. Give yourself the love you’re desperately seeking outside of you, pour into you the way you only dream men would. Buy yourself the gifts you want him to buy you, tell yourself the words you can only imagine he would tell you, love on you so hard that when you are dating you become a reflection of love, love shines through your eyes. Not desperation, not control, not seeking, not wanting. But love, because the most beautiful and wholesome love you could ever imagine - starts within.
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