#who'd've thunk it right?
Look motherfucker, I don't know what planet you're living on, but on the one I'm from it is broadly considered a good idea to look at the road in front of you, so that you can see what's on it before you hit it and die, rather than off into the woods on the right. If you have peripheral vision (which admittedly some people do not, but most of them will not pass the vision test they give you at the DPS office anyway), aiming the part of your vision that can actually focus down the center or even the right side of your lane on a narrow two-lane road very easily puts poorly aimed oncoming LED beams in a place where the sheer contrast between them and the rest of the road will still affect your eyes' ability to focus, without even getting into the more reflexive responses such as squinting, flinching or steering away from the lights that have suddenly crested a backcountry hill or bridge and are now burning your retinas off.
For someone with abnormal vision like me, your excuse for "advice" is even more useless. My particular combination of strabismus and amblyopia means that my brain is only capable of controlling one eye at a time, and it heavily favors the dominant one. This happens to be my right eye, so if I am focusing on the road with it, my outwardly wandering left eye is absolutely going to be heavily affected by oncoming bright lights. When I pass a stopped cop car I even struggle with those new LED light bars reflecting in my wing mirror, which I'm definitely not deliberately focusing on! Trying to switch my focus to my left eye for more than 30 sec or so at a time both results in lower quality vision (because the eye is not capable of as strong a focus) and becomes immensely painful and difficult very quickly. inB4 "stop driving at night" this was not an issue when I got my license because headlights like these did not exist, and I should not have to uproot my lifestyle, quitting both my job and any activity occurring after 5PM that I find enjoyable, just because of a change in fashions of aftermarket parts.
Car headlights have a specific way they are supposed to be aimed to maximize the driver's view of the road without pointing directly into the eyes of oncoming traffic. A lot of these LED headlights are part of aftermarket alterations, where either the headlights are not installed with any concern to aim, or (in some cases especially with trucks) the lift kit which is installed at the same time raises the chassis so much that headlights which were previously correctly aimed are now seated so much higher that they shine much further outwards than originally intended. Major manufacturers have now started to offer similar features as factory options, but many seem to have failed at taking the exact same considerations for these designs even though that's literally their job.
To dismiss all of this with "durr hburr just look at the passenger side bar ditch instead of the road and pray, dumb fucks" is obscenely reductive and misses the entire point of the discussion. It's a very right-wing philosophy where you take a problem that clearly has systematic roots well beyond any one normal person's power to control, and blame it on a failure of individual behavior without even taking into account the multitude of edge cases that don't fit your constructed image of what a person having this problem looks like. You've shown yourself as a real jackass on this one and I'd advise having a long hard think about how this mindset is infecting your approach to anything else you come across in life.
It's funny.. now that I've actually found out why this isn't a problem here, but apparently is a major issue in the US, this particular anon just reads more and more unhinged to me. The very fact that you harbour SO. MUCH. INTENSE. RAGE. over something as arbitrary as car headlights is astounding enough in itself, but at least somewhat understandable given the answers I found.
But the absolutely bottomless pit of venom at what was a genuinely curious question and advice in good faith on my part, is downright fascinating.
Truly, peak online, I'm glad I'll never meet you irl.
Bc assflash newshole, I am legally blind without glasses. I can't see, let alone drive without them. To say I have poor night vision would be a gross understatement, and I have to be constantly followed up by both my GP and an ophthalmologist to make sure it's still within safe parameters for driving.
So don't get uppity with me like I'm some sort of eagle eyed MAGA-redneck that's physically whipping you with electrical cables...alright? It turns out that what's ACTUALLY going on isn't a lot of manufacturing bullshit (that is a problem that comes further down the line. A lot further.)
Firstly, I never suggested DON'T LOOK AT THE ROAD, my god what kind of rage induced haze are you reading comments through? What I SAID was that you can train yourself to focus on things like ROAD MARKINGS ALONG THE ROAD YOU ARE DRIVING ON, you know.. those funny white and yellow stripes that are all over the place as if they have specific purposes. Remember those? Very few of them in the woods. With enough periferal vision you'll still see the rest of the goddamn traffic too.
Secondly, the thing is that in Norway, we have things that are called -laws- that regulate how high a light can be mounted, what angles, how they're pointed and how bright it can be (etc etc). And apparently, unlike the US, we actually update and enforce these laws extremely strictly.
Dipped (low-beam) headlights;
* The car may only have two dipped headlights. These should not provide light brighter than 0.7 lux at a height of 1.10 metres, measured 25 metres in front of the lamp.
* You may use dipped headlights in combination with full-beam lights, but it is not allowed to use dipped headlights in combination with fog lamps.
* Full-beam headlights; There is no limit to the maximum allowed brightness.
This means that technically people can attach all kinds of crazy ass light rigs to their cars, just like they do in the US, but it's STILL ILLEGAL to have them on when there is oncoming traffic / you have traffic in front of you.
And living in a place where it's dark for almost 7 months every year we're goddamn POLITE ENOUGH to not going around willy nilly burning each others eyeballs out.
And it'd be funny, if it wasn't so goddamn tiring and telling, the fact that this is now the THIRD person to accuse me, a disabled, bisexual, aspec, non binary, trans man, of being both right wing (and anti-Semitic, other post). As if those terms are just thrown around to slap everyone you've ever disagreed with.
So maybe take that extreme US centrism, the aggressive arrogance and the absolutely unHINGED rudeness and stick it right up your visually impaired ass. It's not my fault that you are so singularly jaded by the aggro terfs (and commie worshippers and Nazis) that you read every single word as if it's the most personal attack to ever be uttered upon the internet. Go look in a mirror and touch some grass for chrissakes. You're embarrassing yourself.
And don't fucking send me one of these anons again either! Ya pissbaby.
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arthurslesbian · 2 years
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good lord, i just read some shit i wrote back in October, and it fucking hurts, like-
He doesn't hate his father. He loves him like an ant loves a magnifying glass, like ex-smokers love a new pack, like holding your hand to a fire and begging for once, for it to only warm and not burn. His father is a force beyond his control, a god who forgot the verses on mercy. On forgiveness. He doesn't pray to anyone, not since they stopped going to church. But at night he lies awake, pleading with the universe, allow his father to see the truth. His mother is a good woman. He has done his best to be a good son. They have given their entire lives to him, sacrificed nearly every bit of their own desires to try and make him happy. If, someday, his father should wake up and see all of it, maybe then he would start believing in god again. Until then, he can't see anyone looking out for him. He can't find any father in the stars who actually loves him back.
why did i say any of that at all??? could've kept every bit of that to myself.
When CA turns away from him, his heart aches. He wants so badly to reach over, to hold CA until everything bad that has ever happened to him comes tumbling out. He wants to let CA spill his secrets and leave them here in the sand, buried beside forgotten beer bottles and toy shovels. It's in the rise and fall of his chest, faster and faster as he spirals. He can't imagine where CA's thoughts have gone, what fucked up memory he's gotten lost in. He considers his own past, good experiences tainted by the way they ended. He could tell the story, be the first of them to cut himself open tonight. A bloody invitation for CA to do the same. Not a demand. Not a requirement. An open palm and a promise under moonlight.
like idk who i was thinking i was but i have in fact depressed the shit out of myself three months later
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it's just really. really funny when people are like "omg you're into [that type of] porn?? that is SOOO fucked up........." like yeah. they know. that's why they watch the porn and don't do it irl. like i hate to be the one to break it to you, that is Not her real step-bro and she's Not Actually stuck in the washing machine. that 'jailbait' is actually an adult getting paid to have sex on camera. some of the trannies in tranny porn aren't even trannies.
'but that might make them think it's okay to do irl' you sound exactly like the Broadcast Standards & Practices right now i'm gonna need you to give up one of your pronoun sets in penance
shame & arousal??? in tandem??? in MY sexually repressed society??? who'd've thunk it
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anti-terf-posts · 1 year
I feel like the "being trans is a mentall illness/disorder!" Rethoric is so inherently wrong you can just tell that no one who uses it has ever been to psychologist. Because a mental illness is treatable (Fully or at least in a way that makes it much easier to function without it impacting your life) and in this case the treatement would be TRANSITON!!!!! Like oh this person's brain is doing a meat thing and it makes them feel miserable bc they feel like they are in the wrong body I WONDER HOW WE COULD FIX THAT. MAYBE IF WE CANNOT CONVINCE THE BRAIN THAT THE BODY IT HAS IS RIGHT, THEN MAYBE WE LISTEN TO THE BRAIN AND CHANGE THE BODY?????? it is so simple yet it eludes them so much. Maybe because a significant amount of terfs are not progressive at all and are actually awfully ableist on top of being transphobic. Who'd've thunk it huh.
Sorry for the rant, Love trans people, take the red pill (estrogen)
it's literally like saying "oh depressed people shouldn't be allowed to go on medication to make them happier! they're mentally ill and need help!" like, Sharon, the help is medication.
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stedes-biggest-fan · 10 months
ok so i'm rewatching all the donna and 10 eps in prep for the 60th right? for quite a while, i didn't have access to watch dw, so the last time i've properly watched more than like 2 eps i was maybe 10-12 years old.
turns out, this show has SO much more emotional impact when you're not 11. who'd've thunk?
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tornad001 · 2 months
i just saw a post that was like heres a website u can go to if ur (lists 37 mental illnesses in decreasing order of wokeness) rather than this other one...
and it was just a better designed site. i feel like we so often on tumblr specifically frame things that're just good as being good Because of it's utility to a certain marginalized group. but like... difficulty navigating websites isn't a mentally ill thing. most sites have shit layouts and UI's just cuz that wasn't a focus of development and all tech ppl are utterly delusional about the average capabilities of an end user. but a better designed website is better not just cuz its an accommodation for mental illness, but cuz its just better web design. its better for neurotypicals too. like an elevator or escalator. they're not good Because they're a mobility aid for disabled people cuz the vast majority of ppl who benefit from these technologies are able-bodied, or in the case of web design, neurotypical. mobility aids are just flatly good. better web design is just flatly good. better things r just better, who'd've thunk?
its like capitalism. there's a lot of ill ppl for whom a 40 hour work week is untenable, at least over a long enough period. but reducing work hours isn't like... a disability fight, right? cuz 40 hour workweeks aren't good for even the most neurotypical of people. its easier to see when there's a direct impediment, but a neurotypical's ability to cope with shitty non-ideal things doesn't make them less shitty and non-ideal.
ooh example i just remembered. the us did a lot to install ramps for most sidewalks. and they did it cuz of the ADA, but most of the people who benefit from the new infrastructure are perfectly able-bodied people with strollers or shopping carts or the like. but without the obvious stopgap of a wheelchair user not being able to use sidewalks, we just never thought to do a thing that would come to benefit everyone, but primarily non-wheelchair users.
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titanicfreija · 3 months
So I was having a shitty time in tribute. Just bad plays, I'm rusty.
But I had to take a couple of breaks (one was after bad game that I won, somehow), and I've written it, but I defaulted, when Freija's done, she generally goes to an aftermatch party to chill. This usually happens at a bar, because I don't know many other kinds of places where you just chill and socialize. (Who'd've thunk it.)
But it has occurred to me that she doesn't drink alcohol. I've made a couple jokes about it, but I'm pretty sure she'd be a weepy drunk and probably doesn't have a very good time with it. No doubt she's tried and determined that it wasn't any fun.
So now I'm wondering what she does in between matches or whatever to chill out.
So far I'm not coming up with anything, so right now she just doesn't. Which explains a lot, really.
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looking at the ao3 overview/filters for arcane makes me so mad,,,, like oh the fandom ships two white men together and tosses aside the canonical love interest of a black woman (who is a central supporting character in her own right)? who'd've thunk it!
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 5 months
Glad to hear they weren't wincest roleplayers. You've called them that previously and I was like *it's always sunny meme voice* "that doesn't sound right, but I don't remember enough about Supernatural to dispute it"
shdjsd it turns out that sometimes when you only know about spn from social media the things you know are wrong who'd've thunk
- Crystal :)
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thepoeticfox · 9 months
Growing up I didn't have a healthy relationship with medicine. My mother shamed us for using it no matter how bad we felt or how much pain we were in.
The only exception was my Benadryl, which I was on, like clockwork, for nearly 12 years. I had really bad allergies, it wasn't just my mother drugging me, I promise.
Now, I struggle to recognize when I need medicine. My head hurts? I'll eat, drink, sleep, and it'll go away eventually (wrong, they've been migraines this whole fucking time). Cramp in my leg? Apply heat and suck it up. (I use menthol patches and ibuprofen now, it actually helps resolve it). A cold? Steam and cough drops. Maybe tea with honey, if you can keep it down. (Cold medicine to treat symptoms is way more effective for me, who'd've thunk it?)
I do still try other ways to relieve symptoms, like eating and hydrating and napping for a headache before I take my super gross migraine ODT. I still wait to take the cold meds til the symptoms are impeding my comfort even when I rest. It's a virus and the meds are doing anything for it, but they do make me more comfortable. Especially at night when I'd like to sleep without drowning.
I'm in my 30s and having to consciously repair my relationship with these tools that really shouldn't require this much thought.
Right now I really appreciate my repaired relationship with cold meds, even buying better than DayQuil, bc it's helped me get through this cold so much easier. And for my fiance who doesn't shame me for taking them.
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frostworkxfiction · 1 year
Love it when my health just gets dismissed as a "waste of money". I asked my uncle about going to Urgent care because I have been sick since Thursday. He deemed it a waste of money because it was "just allergies" or a "low level cold". Let me say, I have been through both, and I haven't been this sick due to a cold or allergies ever. But of course, my health is a waste of money to him. However if he were to stub his toe or get even the slightest bit of pain, he'd complain like a little bitch and probably go to the doctor. But because it's my health, he doesn't give a shit. He ignores it until he can't and then gets mad at me for "not saying anything".
I'm like 90% sure it's a mild case of the flu or a severe cold. And guess what? When it comes to my body, I'm usually right. Go figure. Who'd've thunk it?
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helianskies · 3 years
god maintaining friendships is pointless why do people even bother
#i am such a bad friend tbh lol#it's just.. sorry i haven't spoken to you in over a month but i couldn't really mentally deal with you yapping on about how great it is to#be abroad working when i am on the verge of having the repeat the year because i have only done 11 WEEKS of placement since last september#and ya know what i am not in the mood to have it rubbed in my face#so sorry you're having a 'low day' but mate ive been having a low YEAR and i didn't hear a peep from you when i need that bestie support#and why? because you were busy suddenly having a girlfriend travelling abroad getting vaccinated and going out to see people#while i have been stuck at home depressed af being messed around by uni with one other person locally i know that i haven seen twice since#march because of fucking restrictions but hey i guess because i always seem to be having a 'low day' it doesn't count???#like yes i know it sucks and i really am sorry you're finding it rough whatever the issue is but i am currently a ball of apathy and spite#so go shake the charity bucket in someone else's face for a while#and your mother trying to message and call me via facebook has not improved my mood <3#and ya see? this is why i am a bad friend#because this guy is p much the only person i can call a close friend from uni and i am actively PUSHING HIM AWAY bc i am an asshole#im gonna go back in october to campus and be the weirdo sat in the corner with no fucking friends because who tf wants to have to deal with#all of this am i right? i just want this year to be over. fuck 2021. somehow it feels worse than 2020. who'd've thunk it?#helia rambles#to delete later
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wow rhythm heaven is so fucking gay, like. there's just so many gay people. wow.
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sincardinality · 5 years
I woke up to a broken bong.
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xcvdfgh · 4 years
society if they had had more episodes like 11.04 where we actually get extended dialogues between dean sam and cas. like actual long conversations. and the interactions between sam and dean. and also a different perspective on the narrative structure.
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