#who gave birth
blue-bianca · 7 days
Meet Alexzander!! Luci and Alastor’s kid:
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He is egoistic teenager who thinks too highly of themselves. He smiles all the time like Alastor because he taught him to always smile. He has a favorite thing just like Alastor liking jambalaya and Lucifer liking ducks. He loves bread.. any king of bread 🍞. Alexzander favors his father Alastor more than Lucifer..
Here’s more sketches of himm!!
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He wore a bread costume for Halloween when he was a toddler.
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I have created a Narilamb baby. They don't have a name yet since I'm not creative but he still exists.
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abyssruler · 9 months
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webshood · 7 months
Duke Thomas is actually the Wayne's family pretty boy.
He's a genius of his own, one of the smartest people in the family, his meta powers are like no other and despite being the one who does the day shift he's handling vigilantism, school and his newfound modeling career in stride.
Duke started modeling, because the Wayne family doesn't actually have a public nepobaby. Dick is a cop, Jason is legally still dead by his own request, Cass is not the biggest fan of the media, Steph is technically not a part of the family and Tim is already their corporate nepobaby, Damian is still a kid, so Duke had to take in the reins and assume the role of "famous person who only got that far, due to his family".
He was hesitant about it at first not sure if he could pull it off, but slowly with Bruce as backing and the Wayne Enterprises public relations department on call, he's been recognized as a nepobaby. He's doing every type of publicity, fashion photoshoots, he was Coca-Cola's face for six months, he's the one with a Samsung exclusivity partnership, he's always attending the met gala, going on movie premieres.
People are tired of seeing his face everywhere, when he got cast on the role of a originally white character, the internet was in shambles they were throwing tantrums and screaming about accuracies, but all of that got overshadowed by him appearing on Forbes with Bruce on a father and son photoshoot, where Bruce called him "the son who takes after me the most, he has an aura that attracts every camera on the room, he's like a beam of light."
People got even more pissed with it, after all Bruce isn't even his real dad what does he mean with "who takes after me the most"??? Is he that stupid? Dear god, how can these people have this much money and act like that
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aq2003 · 4 months
guys i don;t know what ur all confused about 73 yards made perfect sense to me <- deranged
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cheekylittlepupp · 6 months
It's annoying that the gayest most flamboyant character in a videogame ever created that I've ever seen can be romanced by female characters canonically. I finally have a gay icon to thirst for and he is being ruined by pussy. Disgusting. I hate you and everyone else who posts hetrosexual content with Astarion. Fuck you and every other vagina owner.
lmfao I’m sorry but this was way too funny not to post
“Vagina owner” “ruined by pussy” says the person who’s actively being a ‘pussy’ by hiding behind anon
I will tell you something scary now tho, listen carefully okay?
He’s canonically pan. 🫢
Also him being “flamboyant” is mostly an act, but even then, being flamboyant doesn’t mean you’re automatically gay, just how being “masculine” or “feminine” doesn’t mean you’re automatically heterosexual. Wild concept I know 😱
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Happy Birthday, John Smith!
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heymeowmao · 3 months
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开始推理吧 | The Truth S2E9 Trailer ° 😏
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chiquilines · 16 days
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Lord forgive me for not posting lesbianism but they are very special to me
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breesperez139 · 1 year
Dc x Dp Prompt #5
Demon Twin AU only Damian never had a blood son phase and has “biological siblings” (how absurd):
Damian would like to start by saying he is not at fault for this… miscommunication. Truly, how was he to know sharing the same blood as Jasmine and Danyal would make them “siblings”? Not once has anyone mentioned such absurd claims. He has never and will never treat either of the two the way he would Richard or any of his other siblings, but apparently sharing the same donors when being created automatically makes people siblings.
Worse, father is upset at him and mother for “hiding away” two of his “children” from him. Richard and Thomas will not stop staring at him. Todd, Brown, and Drake will not stop laughing. Cassandra has not stopped looking at his body language since this whole encounter started. Alfred is giving him his patented disappointed face he oh so hates but what is he to do?
Damian was not hiding anything or anyone. Jasmine and Danyal have not nor will they ever be his siblings. They are the children of Jack and Maddie Fenton just as Richard and the rest of them are Bruce’s children. Blood has nothing to do with family. They are at best “god-siblings” or “cousins” if father refuses to believe they are simply childhood companions.
There is barely a hint of emotion as father purses his lips while his siblings continue looking on at him in disbelief. Damian is not understanding why they are having trouble comprehending such simple logic. It is common sense to know that siblings are the children at least one of your parents have raised other than yourself. Parents are the people who raise you. Talia raised him therefore she is his mother. He lives with Bruce who is now raising him and therefore he is his father.
Neither Talia nor Bruce raised Jasmine or Danyal, therefore they are not siblings. It is merely coincidence that he shared blood with both Bruce and Talia. After all, every time he’s visited Amity Park, most children look nothing like their parents. How can it not be coincidence when it is clearly far more normal to raise children who don’t share an ounce of blood with you, than those who do.
How can it not be normal when Jack Fenton took Jasmine in so easily knowing he didn’t share any dna with her? Even more so with Danyal who doesn’t share even a drop of blood with either Jack or Maddie. Look at yourself father. Out of all your children, only one shares your dna. Do not try and pin this on Damian for being the only sensible person in this family. Blood siblings, ha, don’t make him laugh.
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disney really has a thing with taking their absolutely gorgeous sci-fi time-period-mishmash adventure movies about cool space travel and daddy issues that are heavily inspired by classic works and trying to fucking kill them upon release cause they don’t like the experimentalism and queerness
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armed-saphire · 11 months
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literally Big Boss and Eva
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birdinabowl · 9 months
“Rose used her powers to control Pearl so that means she’s a bad person.”
Genuinely when did Rose ever do this. The only time we see her do it was as Pink during “A Single Pale Rose” and in that episode Pink says that was her last order, meaning she didn’t do it again. This isn’t even taking into account Rose is shown being uncomfortable when Pearl does act like a Pearl.
I genuinely feel like people just make up stuff to be mad about when it comes to Rose. She isn’t the shows main villain, sure she did some things wrong but not to the extent people push it.
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mian hua wa wa 棉花娃娃
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getvalentined · 6 months
After four years, I finally have video proof of Purra* making that horrible noise that is one of the three sounds she makes. The other two are "radio static" and "creaking door hinge." She does not meow. Or growl. All the noises she makes are some combination of these.
She's a freak and I love her.
*Full name Purramid Head, special thanks to @aftepes for giving us the name way back in 2020 when we were calling her "the Silent Hill kitten" because of the noises she made.
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Janet Leigh (Psycho, Little Women)—The famous shower scene in Psycho is iconic. Also, she was Jaime Lee Curtis’ mom.
Keiko Awaji (Stray Dog, A Japanese Tragedy, When a Woman Ascends the Stairs)— Her role as Harumi— a dancer who lives with her mom and will go to incredible lengths for one nice dress— is so fucking killer. she more than holds her own against Toshiro Mifune, the incredible sense of dread and foreboding in their scenes has really stuck with me
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Keiko Awaji:
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Janet Leigh:
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