#while imagining the same things with women is like wow. peace and love on planet earth
50000bears · 6 months
Now that I'm letting myself seriously revisit the idea that I could be a lesbian, it's getting difficult to find even fictional men attractive. I must be onto something.
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Peter Quill x Reader
Prompt: “can we share the blanket?”
Summary: quill catches you building a blanket fort to surprise groot with, and surprises you by helping. the two of you decide to test it out before the crew get back, and he shows you a side of him you haven’t really seen before.
Warnings: smut, fluff, hint of angst, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, adult language.
Word Count: 4,486
Got a Request? Prompt List: here
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You were humming quietly along with the dulcet sound of the Fleetwood Mac you’d left playing over the ship’s speakers, enjoying the way it echoed lightly down the metal walls of the corridor towards you. You made your way down to the cargo bay of the Benatar, your arms piled high with the sheets and blankets you’d just pilfered from your bunk. You cursed quietly to yourself as the toe of your slipper caught on a seam in the floor, tripping you up slightly as you went. Still, it did nothing to dull your good mood.
You dumped the blankets on the floor once you reached the quiet corner of the cargo bay you’d selected earlier, joining the stacks of pillows you’d already brought out between two shoulder-high storage crates. You smiled, pleased with yourself, releasing a happy sigh before setting about your self-appointed task. You never got hours like this, peaceful, simple moments without the sounds of crewmates arguing or the clattering of metal on metal. You loved your life with the Guardians, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t sometimes crave the quiet.
You bent over, searching through the stack of blankets for the biggest.
“Not that I mind the view, but you wanna tell me what you’re doing with my bedding?”
You jumped, startled, before arching your neck to look back over your shoulder. Peter Quill was standing behind you, leaning his shoulder against the ladder to the cockpit with his arms folded across his chest. He’d removed his jacket since re-boarding, the short sleeves of his tee shirt showcasing the muscles in his arms. He had an eyebrow raised in wry amusement, a trademark smirk on his lips. You rolled your eyes at him before turning back to what you were doing, unsure if you’d imagined his gaze lingering over your backside.
“Your bedding is safe. This is all from crew quarters,” you assured him. Both you and Mantis struggled with the cold of the ship when you were off world, so you’d made it a mission even before she’d joined the crew to always have more than enough blankets on board. They’d kind of become bulky souvenirs of the planets you visited, and you usually kept them stacked in a locker in the corner of the bunk you shared with her and Gamora. Thankfully now that you’d all upgraded to the Benatar, you had more space – while Quill, as captain, still had his own private quarters, there was now an extra bunk for Drax, Rocket and Groot to use. You glanced down at the pillow in front of you. “…and a few from the medical supply crate.”
“What, you finally got sick of hearing Drax’s snoring through the wall?”
You turned around to face him properly, sitting cross-legged on the floor. “Are you kidding? It’s like white noise to me now. I don’t think I could ever sleep again without an active sawmill present.” Quill chuckled. “What are you doing back? You guys only left like an hour ago.”
He shrugged. “Xandar gets boring fast.”
It was your turn to raise a brow. “There’s a whole planet out there full of gullible idiots, pretty women with loose morals, and plentiful booze. What more could you want?”
“Wow.” he snickered. “I feel seen.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “So? Why couldn’t all the wonders of Xandar’s seedy underbelly hold your attention, Star Lord?”
He ignored the question, the easy smile still on his lips. “The hell are you doing, Y/N?”
“Why don’t you come join me and find out?”
He gave you a smirk, the glint in his eyes mischievous. “Can we share the blanket?”
“I think there’s more than enough to go around,” you said dryly, and his smile widened. Your impatient answers to his flirty remarks always seemed to entertain him. Which was probably why he kept doing it. “But that would be the idea.”
You pulled one of the pillows to your chest and wrapped your arms around it. “It’s a surprise. For Groot.”
“Is he sick of Drax’s snoring?”
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, standing and shaking out one of the largest, heavier quilts. You flung it over the crates, letting it hang over them like a canopy. “I’m building him a pillow fort, jackass.”
“A pillow fort.”
“A pillow fort.”
You gave him an exasperated look. “Quill.”
“Why exactly?”
“C’mon, dude.” you said, tossing a pillow at him. He caught it, one-handed, with a grin. “Didn’t you ever build a pillow fort as a kid?”
Peter was quiet for a moment before he made a show of rolling his eyes and shrugging. Still, a small smile teased at the corner of his lips. “Want a hand?”
You sighed in satisfaction, wiping your hands together as you surveyed your work. The two of you had, on his suggestion, shoved the crates back against the wall, and in the little alcove you’d created together was one hell of a pillow fort. You’d draped sheets and blankets over the entire thing and layered more over the metal floor. Pillows had been thrown into haphazard piles, making the whole thing seem like some kind of gaudy, cozy nest. Quill had surprised you by rigging the string of lights he and Rocket sometimes used to do repairs at night to a much lower brightness and had hung them around the makeshift tent like the fairy lights you’d had as a kid.
“I think it’s safe to say that we nailed it.” you said proudly, holding up a hand. Peter grinned beside you, slapping it with his own in a high-five. “Groot is gonna love it. Storytime was always better in a fort when I was a kid.”
“Wanna try it out?”
You grinned widely at him, and the two of you dropped to your knees at the same time. Peter held the ‘door’ open for you, letting it drop closed behind him as he crawled inside after you. You turned to collapse happily among the cushions, sighing contentment as you stretched out languidly. Peter took a similar position beside you; the two of you barely fit inside, his shoulder bumping against yours. You bent your knees and drew them up towards you to bring them inside the fort, and you hooked one over one of his. He had his bent as well, and your foot dangled a couple of inches off the floor. He tucked his hand behind his head, looking over at you with an amused smile.
Peter looked up, considering the fort. “Y’know, I don’t think we made it big enough.”
You furrowed your brow, turning your head to look at him. “What d’you mean? Groot and I will be fine in here.”
He shrugged. “I’m just sayin’, we barely fit in here as it is…”
“Why, Peter Ignatius Quill,” you said teasingly, laughing when he cocked an eyebrow at you. “Are you saying that you want to join us for story time?”
“You know that’s not my middle name, right?”
“I blanked.” you admitted with a shrug. “What is it?”
He laughed loudly, the sound breaking through the peaceful bubble the two of you had created between the blankets. “It’s Jason!”
“My bad,” you giggled, shying away from his as he reached out to poke you in the side. “It was the first thing I thought of!”
“Think of something cooler next time!”
“Alright, alright…” you surrendered, turning your head towards him and reaching over to prod his arm with a fingertip. “But don’t dodge the question. Are you – the big, bad, space pirate leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy—saying you would like to come read children’s stories with me and Groot?”
“It is such a turn on when you start describing me like that.”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up.”
“Seriously, I get all tingly, all the way down to my—"
“You’re still avoiding the question.” you said pointedly, cutting him off. He breathed a quiet chuckle as you did, his bottom lip catching between his teeth. “Story time?”
“Well, why not?”
“You know we’ve moved past picture books, right?”
He smacked you lazily on the bicep with the back of his hand by way of retort, letting his hand fall back to rest on his stomach. He interlocked his fingers above his belt buckle, the picture of casual relaxation. Your leg was still thrown over his, your calf pressed against his inner thigh. His gaze returned to the canopy above, and you studied the angle of his jaw absentmindedly, your eyes tracing along the dusting of strawberry blonde stubble that seemed darker in the muted light. “I spent a good chunk of my quality time building this stupid thing, I should get some use out of it.”
You raised a cynical brow, amused. The two of you never could help but poke at each other with childish barbs and banter, maybe even more so than the two of you dished it out to the other members of the crew. Maybe it was a reflex at this point, but it was still always entertaining. You affected an offended tone as you spoke again, even with a smile on your face. “Well, if you think it’s so stupid, why’d you spend all this time on it?”
“It’s not…” Peter sighed, shaking his head. “Sorry. It’s not stupid. It’s just…”
Your brow furrowed as you watched him struggle to find the words. You sobered, surprised that he hadn’t caught you in your joke. Instead, he seemed… flustered. “Quill?”
“You know, I forgot about it ‘til now.” he said ruefully, almost disbelievingly. He raised a hand to run his fingers through his hair. “…I used to build these when I was a kid.”
“Yeah…” you said slowly, confused. “I mean, a lot of kids did…”
He sighed, shaking his head. “No, I mean when my Mom got sick.”
It was all you could think to say.
“It got… it got really hard, once she was hospitalized.” he said, a small, sad smile playing on his lips. His voice was soft and thoughtful, almost as if he’d forgotten you were there. Even so many years later, you could hear the thread of pain in his words. He reached up to touch his fingers to the edge of one of the blankets. “I built one of these one night, and basically never left it. I’d tuck myself away in it for hours with my Walkman and just ignore the rest of the world. Got to the point where I didn’t even come out for meals; Grandpa had to drag me outta there every day for school.”
You hesitated a moment before reaching over slowly and covering his hand with your own. “Peter…”
His eyebrows twitched upward as he looked down at your hand in surprise. You felt his hand turn under yours, his fingers smoothing almost carefully over your skin as he took hold of it. He looked up, turning his head to meet your eye. “You never call me that.”
You could feel the rise and fall of his stomach against your fingers with each breath he took. The edge of his belt buckle brushed against your knuckle; a stark coldness compared to the surprising heat of his body.  You meant your response to be cavalier, dismissive even, at this sudden change in the atmosphere between the two of you. Instead, it came out softly, barely more than a murmur. “Sure, I do.”
He shook his head, a small smile curving at one side of his mouth. Even though neither of you had moved, he seemed so much closer to you now, the two of you shoulder to shoulder. “No, you don’t. Not really. Closest you’ve ever gotten was tacking ‘Ignatius’ on it just now.”
You shook your head in amusement, smiling back at him. “It was a joke.”
His thumb brushed rhythmically over the back of your hand, his head turning to look back up at the blankets above you. “Sure it was.”
“What do you care?” you said teasingly. “I didn’t think you liked your first name so much, Star Lord.”
He shrugged the shoulder pressed against yours, meeting your eye again. His eyes were dark in the dull light, shining with amusement and affection. They were almost magnetic, and you felt warmth rise in your cheeks as your gaze fell to his lips briefly. You felt his hand squeeze yours, and there was a charming, knowing quirk to his lips that made your heartbeat quicken.
You swallowed as he leaned towards you, and when he spoke, his lips were barely an inch from yours, his voice was so soft that you almost didn’t hear it over your own heart.
“I don’t mind it so much when you say it.”
Peter’s lips met yours, brushing against them in a chaste, whisper of a kiss. It was soft and gentle, his nose bumping against yours. His tongue touched your bottom lip as you parted them to breathe, his thumb still smoothing circles over your hand. You felt a shiver tingle its way up your spine, and his other hand came up to slide over the leg still thrown over his as he rolled onto his side to face you. His tongue slid languidly over yours, and you could feel his smile as he kissed you more deeply.
You exhaled shakily against his lips as his hand smoothed up your thigh, and he gave a light snicker as you parted, his forehead pressed against yours.
“Apparently you really like it.” you said after a moment, your voice unsteady. He grinned, his hand still trailing slowly up your leg, and your breath caught as it teased down to your inner thigh. He moved to kiss you again, but you pressed your free hand to his chest. “Peter.”
He smiled softly and reached up to tuck hair behind your ear, his fingers trailing along your jaw. “Yeah?”
“What exactly are we doing?”
He smirked, his face moving towards yours again. “Want me to draw you a diagram?”
Peter kissed you again, his hand on the side of your neck. You let it linger for a moment, your fingers curling in the front of his shirt and tugging him closer. Peter responded eagerly, his hand moving down to take hold of your hip and pulling you towards him. You rolled onto your side, and Peter slung your leg up over his hip, his hand sliding up the back of it. It lingered just below the curve of your ass, gripping your leg almost possessively.
You felt his hips press suggestively into yours, and you couldn’t help but whimper against his lips, your hand tugging at the hair at the back of his head. Peter chuckled as you did, and you pulled away, embarrassed by your reaction.
You moved your hand to his shoulder, avoiding his gaze and looking down at his chest. You took a steadying breath, willing your heart to stop pounding. “Peter.”
You could feel a quiet laugh in his chest, his hand moving up to your waist. You shivered as his fingers ghosted up under your shirt to tease at bare skin. “Y/N.”
Your lips parted, intent on questioning him again… to ask what you were doing, where this sudden change in your friendship had come from… to ask what would happen later, if you didn’t stop. But then you felt the gentle, affectionate brush of his lips against your forehead, and suddenly, you didn’t feel the need to talk anymore. Instead, you met his eyes for a moment before you kissed him again, cupping his cheek in your hand.
Peter smiled into the kiss, the hand on your hip moving to the small of your back, urging you closer to him. The cold metal of his belt buckle was a stark contrast to the heat of his body, and your ran your other hand down his stomach to the hem of his shirt. He groaned lightly into your mouth as your fingers crept under his shirt to caress the smooth skin of his stomach. You traced your nails over the muscles, and they twitched in response.
His hand moved to your ass, squeezing it eagerly and urging you closer. Peter slung his hips into yours, and you whimpered into his kiss at the feeling of him hardening against your thigh. Your hand moved to his side, and he broke the kiss with a light laugh, his face falling to the crook of your neck.
You grinned widely. “Are you ticklish?”
“Pfft, no!” he scoffed obnoxiously, wriggling away from you as you ran your fingertips across his waist again. “You—”
He caught hold of your hands, forcing you onto your back and straddling your waist. He pinned them on either side of your head, a cocksure smirk on his face as he looked down at you. “Now you’re in trouble.”
You snickered, wetting your lips with your tongue. You pushed your hips up into his suggestively. “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it, Star Lord?”
His grin widened, interlacing his fingers with yours and moving them above your head as he bent down towards you. His nose brushed lightly against yours, his mouth hovering teasingly above yours. You arched up to kiss him again, and he moved out of reach playfully, instead trailing kisses along your jaw and down the side of your neck.
He lingered over your pulse point, and your eyes closed, a light moan escaping you as he sucked a mark into your skin. “Oh, well, that just sounded… cute.” He murmured against your skin, releasing your hands, and tugging your shirt up over your stomach. “But, that’s not what I’m looking for.”
He moved down to press kisses down your stomach, and you ran a hand through his hair. He leaned into it as he undid your jeans with practiced ease, and your hand tightened reflexively as he tugged them roughly down your thighs. Goosebumps erupted over your legs, his nose ghosting over your stomach and his teeth catching the waistband of your underwear and snapping it against your skin teasingly.
“And what exactly are you— Oh!” you jerked under him as he forced your legs apart and bit your inner thigh, his hands gripping tightly at your hips as he lathed his tongue over the mark he left behind.
“I’m not ticklish, Quill.” you told him, rolling your eyes as you caught on to what he was trying to do. “But I— fuck, Peter!”
You bucked under him as he pushed your underwear to the side and rolled his tongue against your clit, your hand tightening in his hair. He snickered at your reaction, the sound devolving into a groan as your nails scraped against his scalp, his stubble agitating the sensitive skin of your inner thigh as he brought you undone with his tongue.
The lights danced behind your eyelids as Peter slid two fingers inside you; tucked away in your little oasis and feeling everything he did to you made your heart flutter and your stomach tighten. You grabbed at the pillow under your head as you rolled your hips up into him, your chest heaving. “Pete—fuck, don’t… God, I’m gonna—”
He sucked on your clit and you came, arching up against him and your thighs clenching around him. You moaned aloud as you did, too loud for your little hideaway, eyes squeezed shut and toes curling. Peter continued to slowly pump his fingers inside you as he moved up to kiss your hip softly before straightening into a kneel between your legs. He watched his hand, his thumb circling lightly over your clit. He broke into a wide smirk as you twitched at the sensation, his eyes travelling up your body to your face. “Yeah, you love it.”
You bumped your knee hard against his side by way of retort and he finally withdrew his hand with a grin, holding your gaze as he licked his fingers clean. “You’re an ass.”
“Yeah?” he ran a hand up your thigh, his other unbuckling his belt. “What are you gonna do about it?”
You pushed yourself up onto your elbow, fisting a hand in his shirt and dragging him down for a kiss. It was long, and languid, his tongue sliding over yours, his hand on your hip and his thumb hooked in the waistband of your underwear. You broke away to tug at his shirt pointedly and he straightened to pull it off. Your eyes followed the muscles of his arms, your hand smoothing over a pectoral as he leaned down to kiss you again. He dropped the shirt to the side, moving to remove yours as well.
You stopped him, urging him back down onto the cushions. You swung a leg over his hips slowly, running your hands down his chest before pulling off your shirt. Peter’s eyes dropped heatedly to your chest as you unclipped your bra, his lips parting. He looked almost awed as he stared up at you, his face cast in shadows by the dull lights above you. Your spine tingled at his expression, and you held his gaze as you ran your hands over your chest and rolled your hips slowly over his.
Peter’s head fall back against the pillows at the sensation, his eyes closing and a soft groan slipping between his lips. The sound was intoxicating, as was the feeling of the hard length of his erection pressing up against you. You bit your lip, brow creased as you slowly continued to grind against him. His hands slid up over your thighs, squeezing them rhythmically with every roll of your hips.
You scratched your nails lightly down his stomach before unfastening his pants and wrapping your fingers around his cock. His breath caught as you did, leaving him in a shaky sigh as you stroked him, moved your underwear to the side and slowly sunk down onto his erection. “Jesus Christ, Y/N…”
“Yeah,” you said breathlessly, offering him a cocky smile of your own. “You love it.”
He laughed quietly, taking hold of your hips as you began to fuck yourself onto him slowly. You leaned forward to take hold of his biceps, enjoying the feel of the bulging muscles under your hands as you rode him. He encouraged you to grind against his pelvic bone and you whimpered; you could feel him stretching you wonderfully, each corkscrew of your hips sending sparks dancing up your lower back.
“Fuck, you feel good,” he muttered, watching you with half-lidded eyes. He ran a hand up your side to your ribs, his thumb resting along the curve of the underside of your breast. “You’re like… fuck, you’re like…”
“Having trouble finding the words there, Star Lord?” you teased quietly, your head lolling back, your eyes closed. You moaned as he pinched your nipple, rolling it between his fingers.
“Can’t help it,” he replied, exhaling slowly as you down to press kisses to his collarbone. His hand moved to your hair, bunching by your ear, and you felt his lips brush the top of your head. “None of my blood is exactly rushing to my brain right now.”
“I’m flattered,” you joked lightly, nipping playfully at his throat.
“But I can say: you call me that again, and this’ll be over a lot quicker than it should be.”
You giggled into his neck, kissing him headily before straightening again. You ran your hands up your sides, bouncing languidly on top of him. Each rise and fall had him sliding against your g-spot, and you bit your lip, your eyes rolling back as his hand returned to your sex. He circled your clit with his thumb and you moaned brokenly.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got fucking fantastic tits, sweets?”
You whined, cupping your breasts and squeezing. Your hips jerked as he pinched your clit, and he swore, thrusting up into you. “Somehow, it – oh, fuck, Peter—”
“God, you’ve got the sweetest voice,” he sat up, his free hand ghosting up your side and gliding over your chest. You shivered at the feeling of it, falling against him, your hips never stopping. Peter’s fingers quickened on your clit as you wrapped your arms around his neck, and he murmured in your ear as you tightened around him, an intoxicating mix of sweet nothings and cursing. You ran your fingers through his hair, clinging to him s you felt your orgasm approach.
Peter wrapped his other arm around your waist and bit down on your shoulder, and you came with a cry, hips stuttering against his as each wave of it hit.
Peter hooked his fingers under your chin and raised it gently from where your face was buried against his neck, pressing a kiss to your temple… your cheek… your forehead… the tip of your nose… as you came down, before cupping your face in his hand and capturing you in another breath-stealing kiss.
You rode him unsteadily as your hips shuddered with aftershocks, your thighs squeezing around him. Peter grunted against your lips, his moan muffled as he came, still buried inside you.
You kissed him again, your chest heaving against his, eyes fluttering open as you finally caught your breath. “Mmm?”
He grinned at you, pushing hair out of your face with a careful hand. “Yeah. You love it.”
You shoved at his chest, smiling as he laughed in response. You climbed off of his lap shakily, your face warm. “You’re such a—”
Peter let himself fall back against the pillows again, refastening his pants but not bothering with his belt. “Heartthrob? Casanova? Sexual—”
Peter smirked, reaching up to ruffle your hair. You ducked away from him, smacking at his arm as you found your bra and clipped it back into place. “Where’re you going?”
“The last thing we need is for the crew to come back and find us like this,” you pointed out, tugging on your pants and the first shirt you grabbed. “Rocket’ll never let us hear the end of it, and Drax’ll be… Drax.”
“That’s a good look on you.” Peter said, his hands tucked behind his head. You looked down at yourself; you’d pulled on his shirt instead of your own. You flushed, but he caught hold of your wrist before you could pull it off again. “Leave it.”
You smiled down at him softly, tucking hair behind your ear. “Isn’t that just as obvious?”
Peter’s hand moved down to your hand, delicately interlacing his fingers with yours. “Would it be so bad?”
“You… you want the others to know about this?”
He pushed himself up onto his elbow, his free hand sliding against the side of your neck and giving you an affectionate smile before pulling you down for a soft, lingering kiss.
tags: @peterquillthecutest @lovely-dreamer19 @wittyforachange @wefracturedmotivation @january-echoes @glossyloner @capitalnineteen @youclickedthislink​ @s0ftness​ @bombardia​
if you would like to be tagged in future stories for quill or any other character, please let me know :) don’t forget to like/comment and please reblog :)
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breakingmllc · 4 years
Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt
CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND THIS IS GOING THIS IS WATER ON ALL THE Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt PLANETS ARE ALL THE MOONS IT’S VERY VERY PREVALENT SO THE OPPOSITE THAT WE’VE BEEN TAUGHT THE WATER DOESN’T EXIST IS WRONG SO I THINK THIS’LL BECOME MORE MORE MAINSTREAM INFORMATION AS TIME GOES BY NIGHT I SINGLENESS OUT THIS TIME I CAROL BECAUSE. Victory how would his relationship with Dr Melfi play out what he walk away from the life altogether we get answers to some of these questions Dr Melfi cut them off when she realizes Tony is a lost causeand Tony does not walk away from the life the final scene in the show takes place at a diner where Tony scheduled to meet his family for a regular dinner Carmela shows up his daughter has some difficulty parking we noticed that several of the other patrons in the diner are acting kind of suspiciousand giving Tony decide I journeys don’t stop believing increases in volume to the point that it’s almost overwhelming is really dissonant dark comedic tone seen as buildingand building intentionand then cuts to blackand that is the end of the Sopranosand as came from 12 years later the loss will be one angry creator David Chase knew how is going toand for a while saying no one was trying to be audacious honest to God we did what we thought we had to do no one was trying to blow people’s minds are thinking wow this will piss him off people get the impression that you’re trying to fuck with themand it’s not true I actually really like the ending of the Sopranos I think it works both thematicallyand dramatically Tony might’ve died in a moment cut black or he may just have had a boring dinner but as long as he stuck in that life he’ll always be living on a knife’s edge going to do differently with the little things but the Sopranos set the stage for memorable endingand another lesson was learned here the wrong one in my opinion a memorable even controversial ending is the same as a good one service also merits discussion here because fans in recent years have had a much more active role in shaping media typically the longer thing goes the more fan service gets jammed in the keep people engagedand not all fan services bad one of the positive changes from the books of the fight between Breannaand the hound in season 430 to what she in the book the hound goes down from blood raising from a stupid wound he gets in a bar fight but in the show you have two characters both care about fighting over aria to the death Lake was involved in a big no no my children screaming so click gain bull dog nightand best gain bowl is was abandoned the that combine both bookand a lot of Internet mean cultureand the burning desire to see this giant man to be asked of this other giant man revenge fight so epic that it would rock the foundations of Western’s itself you will see the hound looks the way he doesand is afraid of fire because brother the mountain shoved his face into a fire when they were kidsand ever since then he’s wanting some revenge for thatand some other things all about that revenge is really really needs that mountain that ride Satan is a live eights in the hound for memorable list once revenge yesterday itself was a lot of fineand we got everything is a plot point it down through down one not only is the mountain functionally dead by this point like overand Martel killed himand what we have now is basically just a mindless zombie that does whatever Circe says but to the books make it pretty clear that Sandor is finally at peace with himselfand his need for revenge Georgia room being mistaken for justice is a big thing in the booksand we will get to that later his art wasn’t about getting revenge it was about moving past the show. On the masses they are the same as the same yes now the so called Iris didn’t bonding America day ago people this is okay gonna do it is divide and conquer as his finest the oldest trick in the book Anatolia America is all about that that’s what they about that you don’t have to ask when you see the callout of flags what’s wrong to be fair is what works for tourism is not here we go with our service is a look at these people and they gonna bring that all your people you never get it to Seth Scholl daft to bring the so called black people to talk about it because a so called Iris is black and these people is fighting for black people you believe it on TV fake that if you take them as black people are fighting for you dumbass tall steel is like she was born American dream is born in Oakland California and how stainless work bloodstream MRI to the bloodstream and pay attention people remember the election is so called November watch out for the drama that gonna come with it under divide and conquer what
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Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt
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I love a Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt couple of them in a different attorney I was presented the hike across the modulesand now you chop a sheet tool to have Sal down almost hundred 30 confronting his faceand boosting his confidence will finding new ways to get highs wanting the minister to in Tony Strickland. WARNS OF THE HUNDRED AND 11 PRICE INCREASE FOR CALIFORNIA AND THIS IS BECAUSE IN CALIFORNIA THEIR DRIVERS ARE BEING RULED AS EMPLOYEES IN THE NEXT AND GOOBER WANTS TO BE THE NEW AMAZON OF TRANSPORTATION AND THIS IS OBVIOUSLY AS SOME OF THE STUFF FOR THE PANDEMIC IS WIPED OUT A LOT OF THEIR CORE BUSINESS. There there there rate like a furiousand fast seminar now that in the top six highest grossing all is called the dominating meaning I am not going to the moon anybody that loves these movies they don’t do it for me but hey there making me a ton of money they’re gonna keep coming great prior to the Caribbean guilty pleasure mine wanted to see this weekend that I have to pirate my own Duffy ship insteadand I have some wine on that little vesseland not an crap line like sharks out there he goes back painfullyand I’m in the bayand so I did see some seals because I think the running away or so tell no tales it’s going to make its moneyand a lot of money I think they watch with you that they watch as I think it’s good you well overseas because of the brand Baywatch was like I was more popular overseas they watch was David Hasselhoff treasure all over the worldand in Germany ready toand then you have the rock so I think it’s going to do well the rock took on moving man’s on Twitter insane is such an obvious the movie man’s going in with his box office a report in the rock said listen brother we still have some international markets is going to open a lot like all over the world see how it does for me know it is a lean covenant dropping 71 I wonder now if Ridley Scott is going to get to finish his he is swinging for the fences with this thing I really admire Prometheus I really enjoyed the movieand I admired that he was still going for with alienand that’s where that movie fell apart for me because shoehorning those aliens in there with that story he’s telling the creation datedand what he’s doing there with Michael Fassbender’s character I’m very interested to see the conclusion that story the box office results tell me that might not happen bummed out about a lean covenant you know I’m I’m sorry that all of you sci fi horror fans are not going to go see this movie because it really is worth seeing in the theater mean what whatever you care about whether you hated Prometheus or like you don’t like alien love alien I think it’s a fun horror film I think is a lot of the things that Scott Mr like he doesn’t deal enough to cover the bases for the people who loved Prometheus he drops a lot of those thingsand brings back a link is if you like however was crying about alien I thought that thing was you know what I like to say was toaster burnt his way like saying I is a very weird way of freezing it on but the look at to see a drop 71 is kind of a bummer because the movement takes risks sound afraid to be differentand has a very cool storyline I thinkand there’s a lot of you know there’s some holes as Pottle’s guess what this bigger plot holes in the fastand the dumb thing you could possibly ever imagine I just made 1 billion does kind of embarrassing that the movie going public is so constantly cracking on a garbage he type of film which really literally is just like a bunch of cool starts in some dumb guysand family 1 million times nothing meaninglessand stupid it was of the tries to make something that has a little bit of some kind of storyline was up low visit everyone who complained pride about that movie I think Matthewand now I need to fasten See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt
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{ Even this time, I couldn’t resist and I need to write about this fandom so here we go again! }
Prompt: 25- Stargazing Pairing: Hilda x Cala Maria Rating: Green Number of words: / / /
The ocean and the sky were fusing together; it was a rare and magnificent vision, it seemed something magical and inexplicable was happening, it was like the mystery of the existence. An unsolved enigma that did not need to be solved. All the Cosmo was dancing around the two incredulous women while this spectacle in nature appeared in front of their eyes. It was as if they were returned little girls, it’s been a while from the last time some peace happened, and their souls were finally free just like those stars that shined above. They were more gleaming than the stars in the firmament and none could ruin this moment, because it was perfection. For Hilda , she was the one who was still an expert about space, this spectacular was familiar and she felt like at home every time she admired the Vault of Heaven and maybe that Heaven for her was not just a dream and her wings grew again. She could aspire to something better and she could feel free to fly with no more chains or debts. Flying like a rocket discovering new planets and universes. Hilda felt invincible! The same feeling was housed by Maria’s heart even if she has never seen the night sky since she lived in the deep sea and for a mermaid like her was not so healthy leaving her safe ocean because the land was full of dangers. Her eyes were sparkling like two pearls, her mind cleaned out from all those preoccupations and fears, and now she was able to explore any places she desired and no anchor would have stopped her journey. She could set sail and not even the perfect storm would have been able to break her down. She was that tempest. In the background, natural sounds surrounded the environment, the cicadas sing their last song and the wind blew through the trees, caressing the green grass nearby the shore. For a moment, Hilda’s eyes touched Maria’s figure because she seemed a little girl, so curious and tender, and the redhead woman perceived a warm feeling in her heart and she recognized her own self in Maria. When Hilda was younger, she explored for the first time the space through her telescope. She understood the mermaid, and this view was too fantastical to deny. The mermaid perceived Hilda’s eyes on her, she turned her head towards Hilda, and Hilda, seeing her beautiful gaze, those two eyes that shined like the light of dawn, blushed moving her sigh on the other way, concentrating herself to the ocean. Maria noticed the timid expression of her companion, she got closer to Hilda posing her head on her shoulder and this gesture made the poor Hilda blushed even more. «It seems an enormous ocean in the sky, don’t you think?», said Maria admiring the dark blue sky that made her remember about the abyss of her sea and all those lights seemed corals that shined in the dark, just like her eyes that could be confused with those stars up above. «Uhm… I don’t know, the sky is not made of water. », maybe she was too analytic and not as romantic as Maria and this one looked her with a dubious face but only for a second, because her sweet smile showed up again on her face, and that Hilda could admire for the rest of the night without being bored for a moment. «Yes, I know but I’d like to fish there, it would be funny… I guess what kind of fishes I would take in the space!», Maria chuckled softly. «There are fishes in the sky, there’s the Pisces Constellation, and the Cancer, they are all marine creatures, aren’t they?», at this observation, Maria’s curiosity became much bigger and she was surprised. The desire of exploring the space got stronger in her, and she wanted to see the fishes of the space. «Oh, wow! Where is it? », with a delicate gesture, Helga pointed the right position of the constellation. «There, don’t you see? Between the Aquarium and Aries», it was not difficult to her to identify a constellation since it was one of her passions, and she wanted to surprise Maria with her space’s knowledge. The mermaid, after a difficult research, was capable to find the Pisces Constellation, she seemed so content, and she could not imagine a couple of fishes were swimming across the space. Maria has never paid attention to the sky because she did not understand anything about it but now all appeared so new and magical and she wanted to learn something more thanks to Hilda’s help. «Next time we can go to my observatory and you could see the stars so much better, with a telescope is another story. ». But she did not think about how she could transport a mermaid who could not walk in an observatory, it was not so easy, she realized and she felt like an idiot, «Oh, you could stay in my bathtub if you want. Could it be good bed for you?». Maria chuckled and that scene was hilarious but she could not deny her invitation. «It’s ok… So are you dating me?», Maria said with her flirtatious tone of voice and the other blushed because she did not realize and then, to escape from this embarrassment, Hilda started telling stories about the other constellations, showing how many things she knew about the space and Maria listed to her with curiosity. The mermaid was right saying the sky and the sea were not so different because they belonged to the same universe and they hid a lot of wonder inside them. The sea was an uncharted mystery just like the space, but they possessed an immeasurable beauty that was difficult to define. Hilda and Maria were so different and similar, their elements were dissimilar, but it was the reason why they loved each other and they could complete themselves just like the sky that embraced the sea in this magical night and the sea itself melted with the vast space. They shared the same blue, the same dreamers admired them with joyful eyes, and the same enigma that surrounded all the universe.  
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lrosenthal11 · 8 years
Here's to my start at @CollegeIsMyLife <3
Hi!! ♌
 My name is Laurunce Rosenthal and this is my first blog for my new job ayeeee. We have a loootttttt to cover so here we go. Wow I don’t think anyone, including myself, is ready for what’s about to be written. Here we fuckin go.
Okay let’s start from the start. I’m Laurunce, some know me as LJ some Laurunce, some call me names they make up like Lauren or Lawrence or LG or even shit like TJ like idk where we getting these letters from…but anyway that is me. I’m Laurunce. And you’ve probably never heard the name Laurunce before which is so lit for me because now I hope you never forget it. I’m the girl that’s going to make an impact on this world. Wanna know why? Because no one else is going to? “Oh LJ so many people are doing stuff for this world..” well my niqqa why aren’t you? Glad you just asked yourself that question I want you to ask yourself it again…and again… Ask yourself why you aren’t doing something for this world; some action to better this world. And if you are HELL YEAHHH glad you’re on the winning team. Now for people not doing anything positive for this world, or even worse doing stuff that NEGATIVELY IMPACTS our Earth, yuuuuuppp I’m calling you out bartards and litterers, and yep even you past LJ meanie gal. You were not a nice human in your past. Glad you woke up girl. Make some positive changes in this world people, we gotta do it not only for us, but for our children and grandchildren, and our grandchildren’s grandchildren. I’m doing this for you, my babies I hope to have. Obviously cannot predict the future, but my two beautiful baby girls, hopefully twins, if not the best of friend sisters: Summer Raine Rosenthal and Brooke Lynn Rosenthal. How cute omg cannot wait for these beautiful humans to enter the world Anyway back to start, we are going to stray off track a lot I feel like but it’s worth it to me because my ideas are all over the place but begging and pleading to be put onto this page, which will then transfer to your brains. This is my literal thought process running like a wild lion (where my Leos at?) through my brain, and leaving my fingertips to be available for your eyes to read and your soul to listen to. These are my lyrics on some platform, somewhere, wherever you are. And wherever you are I hope you are at home and at peace, because you are your own home. “You can’t make homes out of human beings, someone should have already told you that.” – Warsan Shire (my twitter bio for idk maybe the past 4 years), and as Porter Robinson said at the event that sparked this enlightenment of my soul, #OkeechobeeMusicFestival2017, “Every place you’ve ever imagined, it’s real. There is a fictional city in your mind and you know every corner of it. Your mind is a world, each of us is a place.” Do you understand why music is my new favorite drug? Lyrics and beats SPEAK TO ME.
How did this change all occur??? Well, I microdosed on LSD (microdosing is where you cut of a liiiitle piece and take that instead of dropping the whole tab) and my eyes were opened to the effects of drugs and how they can hinder such beautiful people and decided that is not the path I wish to be on anymore. If I can enjoy life without all the drugs and other influences I was under, why do I NEED them? That is not to say I am going to stop cold turkey, but I now know and trust my limits.  I was addicted to this fake feeling of satisfaction for however long my high lasted. Now I truthfully am high on life. I could sit here and type forever about the changes I am making in my life, but I will just show you all, and show myself, because it’s kinda counterproductive to brag (#NOMORENEGATIVITY) and try to explain how amazing it is to finally be happy in my own skin and with a new cleansed and refreshed soul. It’s the flesh I will be in for the rest of my years on this planet, so I should prob get comfy in it, and I encourage you to do the same, get comfy peeps it’s going to be a nice journey. And I am not here to scold you, because who am I to try and control your life, and who are you to try and control mine? I needed to take a drug to realize I don’t need them. I DROPPED a tab (tab = the acid for my family right now reading this going ‘huhhhh what’s a tab??!!!’) Anyway, I DROPPED a drug to realize I could DROP drugs, ahhhhh finally a big part of my life, “Double Entendre” which I hope to call this blog/the book I am going to write. There will be many of those DEs throughout this new blog. Wow I am excited. If you are reading this and it touches you in any way please share. I am just a New York girl trying to be successful, and there are many cliché stories like that, but who is to say I can’t be one of those cliché stories too? They usually have really awesome endings.
           So what am I going to do with this blog platform? I am going to change the world. Don’t believe me? Watch me. THE ONLY PERSONEVER STOPPING YOU, IS YOU. And I believe that about myself. At Okeechobee, a woman who looked JUST like my older sister Janeen, (Janeen you are one of my heroes, this one’s for you) approached me and said to me, “Watch who you hang out with.” and proceeded on her way. You will see throughout my blog I believe in Her, She, The Universe. She is Us it’s so weird and hard to explain but I’ll try…She is not a religion, She is not something we have to go praise every Sunday, or someone who we have to fear, She is within and among us, trying to guide us on our life’s journey so we can experience all the necessary experiences we have to go through in order to become our true selves. I believe in Astrology a crazy amount, and I’m no expert, but I am learning. And I believe She chose me to be a Leo, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio for a reason. (Find your Natal Chart here, it will unlock so many secrets to your life. It very well may be exactly what you need to read in your life right now to start your enlightenment, http://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php. ) If you look up my signs you will learn a lot about me, which if you aren’t interested you don’t obviously have to but you’ll learn more about me than you could imagine. Here’s a video (https://youtu.be/ymmq1E37sJQ?list=PLGn9j5IRilElxuRGQz0Voy7JEHF9nQOqZ)  that literally is so scary spot on I laughed at Her because she has a humorous side I’m so serious. Anyway go look up your info wait lemme get this out first, most of us will be adults reading this…remember no one can tell you what to do but you. Others can influence your decision, but no one can MAKE you do anything. And if someone FORCES you to do something…drop that human out of your life, they have no place in it. That is what I did and look at me now. I listened to the woman in the #BOSS hat at Okeechobee, (she was on the security team not just some random) and holy shit did she remind me of my sister. I let her influence my decisions, and I reevaluated what I was doing with my nights and who I was spending it with. I will always have so much love for the people in my past, and I’m so grateful for all the lessons they have taught me, but some people just don’t have a place in my life anymore. I refuse to let anyone hold me back from pursuing my dreams. Please let these resonate, “BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.” That is exactly what I am here doing, and I encourage you to do the same. That was my senior quote and I am realizing that She has guided me to do many things in my life (that She is still revealing it’s so dope) that have led me to exactly where I am, the happiest I have ever been while on this Earth. That quote was my senior quote, and at the time of choosing that quote I had so many others I was going to pick. (Thank you Universe and Margaret Grace for helping w the selection, YOU ARE MY PERSON. The Meredith to my Christina dude. More like my Froggies Windman to my F’real Pumpkin Cheesecake milkshake let’s be real here, omg I miss you my bff of how long…like 13 years lmao. I love you.) Can you believe I chose that one, and that it has fueled me to where I am today… Florida State University-the best school everrrrr, a working gal-just got hired to do what I love to do, spread positivity and write from the soul, and happy- something I have been striving for my whole life. Once you realize you are the only one in your own way you realize you can break the barricade and dance wild to the beat of your own journey. AHHH LIFE IS SO GOOD I’M SMILING WRITING THIS AHHHHH.
 On to another thing I am going to do with this blog, I have decided to take the initiative of #MAKINGFSUKINDAGAIN. Yes, boys and girls, or rather men and women since we should start to realize this is the beginning of our adult lives (let’s wake up and smell the roses people have your priorities right), and we need to start acting a little more like adults. I have taken it upon myself to start this trend and I won’t stop until FSU IS KIND AGAIN. And the best part is, once FSU is kind again, I’ll choose my next target audience (hello Mr. Solomon your class rocks and Advertising is definitely a part of my career path in the future. S/O to target audience, a term I learned in your class). But yes I have dreams of a world at peace filled with love and kindness and happy humans and pretty flowers and GOOD FUCKING MUSIC THANK GOODNESS. So how am I going to do this…? Lemme tell ya… I am going to pick up as many pieces of trash I see around campus hoping others see me and are inspired to do the same. I am going to spread the light I have within me everywhere and brighten others’ lives as much as humanly possible. Along with my light comes my positive vibes I believe myself to bring around, and if my positivity is bothering you, I hope you take a step back and realize POSITIVITY IS CAUSING YOU DISTRESS. CHANGE THAT.
 Anyways, I have a quick story and I hope you all listen up because you may be my next target (*insert Dracula laugh* harharhar) . I go to a school with a lot of frat boys and sorority gals. Greek life is huge here at FSU and that has many pros and many cons but that’s beside the point. Anyway, I don’t want my school to get in trouble so I won’t mention whatever group(?) these people are associated with, and I will be using different names. But pay attention to the first letters because I am a detail-oriented woman and you all will see that. ANYWAY story time, yesterday I went to a bar for Happy Hour (best day I love happy hour how you gonna be MAD at HAPPY hour lmk) and at HH I went to the clambox of a bar that FSU students will know exactly what bar I am talking about. At this bar a mean kid, let us call him AA because remember what I said earlier, this one’s even more specific but still so vague I love it..nevertheless, AA was A DOUUUUCHHHHEEEEEEE to me. We were at the bar and he would lower his glasses and say some rude shit. He fucking asked me if I was a prostitute like multiple times…. ME, LJ, a new woman of integrity, he asked me that. I was in a killer outfit too like it was honestly modest af and that bothers me even more because his comment wasn’t even relevant. Anyway, he was a douchebag stereotypical “frat boy” which has a negative connotation but wanna know why it has that connotation……. BECAUSE OF BOYS LIKE AA!!!!!!! So yeah he was so mean and so rude and here we go baby… Remember what I told you AA, you probably don’t because you black out every opportunity you get which is gross because you’re a senior with no goals and I’m not judging you I am spitting facts right now (Scorpio in me coming out oh boy) but yeah you need to WAKE.THE.FUCK.UP BOIIIIII because you will never get a job or a respectable woman in your life if you continue these habits. But anyway, do you remember what I told you, no?, okay I gotchu. I said these words right to your mean little face I said, “You’re fucking with the wrong girl.” And guess what everyone, I am a woman of my word so yaaaaaa AA, watch the fuck out who you’re fucking with because I’LL ROAST YOUR ASS IN MY NEW BLOG THAT’S GOING TO MAKE ME FAMOUS YAAA YEEEET BOIIII. And in all seriousness AA, I really do hope you wake up and change (omg Aquarius Rising LJ coming out [just googled Aquarius Rising Woman and found this on the link I put above “our personal destiny and soul function is ultimately related to the impulses toward progressive change, experimentation and innovative, creative thinking which reside in the collective psyche of your generation. You are a conduit for change, for awakening new thought.”] …. Holy shit like lmk if astrology isn’t real…kk wake up it is).  But seriously AA, awaken your soul my dude, you’re in my favorite frat, one I hope to be the first GDI gal to be Sweetheart for, and you’re giving my boys a bad name. Don’t black every time you go out, get happy drunk, and don’t be mean to women or anyone while we are at it, be niceeeee and pretty gals like me and all other gals who start with beauty from the inside will be attracted to you, we are the kind of girls you actually want to be with.
            So yeah, here we go, here is my blog, here is my soul on my sleeve, and I’m super excited to feature my friends and the stories I acquire on my journey, and I can’t wait to instill some positivity into the lives of the people around me and all the people who will see this because SHARESHARESHARE my friends!!!!! If you are my friend, or consider yourself my friend, or have spoken to me, or if I in any way have impacted your life, I am asking you please please share. I am ready to start my life, to put myself out there, and with your help I can. I plan to engulf everything on my path with the fire within me (FIRE SIGNSSSS WYAAAA) and I am ready to do that NOW. If not now….WHEN? Now that I have my attitude chosen, how I go about the next seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years is what really matters. I am only 18 years of age, I am bound to make mistakes, hella mistakes, but if I’m starting at 18, where will I be at 19? I am ready to push my limits in success and respect my limits in life. That’s why I started this blog, so that it’s not a book just yet, so it won’t take as long to write (patience is a virtue which I am learning, but in the meantime, I’m not going to wait around when I can do something about my life). One of my new mottos is “Don’t complain about it if you aren’t doing anything about it.” Well Hi, I am Laurunce Rae (yupp no J we’ll get to that in another blog) Rosenthal and this is me doing something. I have confidence in myself and the people I have met on my journey, whether it be me just flashing you a smile or actually having touched your heart. Maybe I’ve improved your mood one day, or you were a victim of one of my random stranger conversations.  I am grateful for the people I have met and the places I have seen, and now I am ready to expand my horizons even more, see new lands meet new peeps. I hope you will join me on my journey. Spread the love my people and, of course, BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.
Another thing before I end, Daddy, Mark Rosenthal, my huuuuummaaannnn. I adore you, you literally keep me going every.single.day. You are the funniest, most diligent, most resourceful, most reliable human in my life and I cannot wait to make you so so proud with what I do with my life. No one will ever top you my dude. NO ONE. I will never forget where I came from (peep the new back tattoo peeps, ROSENTHAL BABY… REMEMBER THAT NAME.) and I cannot wait to see where She leads me.
With so so so so much love,
Laurunce LJ Rosenthal ♌
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3 Suggestions For Impressive Relevant Love Quotations
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