#while e/riels theorize about vasa/lucien being tRuE mAtEs vassa/jurian are fucking nasty style
pan-withnoplan · 4 months
"I don't ship vassien because I'm an elriel, I think they would be hot"
Tamcien has more ao3 works than vassien.
Tamcien has more ao3 works than vassien
Normally I wouldn't say that fans need to create content to be valid in their shipping, but at some point you have to wonder, if vassien is such a hot ship and has potential, then why, since Vassa was introduced in 2016/2017 (I'm not sure), there are only 69 vassien works? And why, of these, only 36 are tagged together with elriel?
Let's make a few comparisons.
Out of 1450 elriel works, 131 are also tagged elucien, and 57 gwynriel.
Out of 1464 elucien works, 226 are also gwynriel, and 131 elriel.
The numbers match with 1141 gwynriel works, 226 confirmed with elucien, and 58 with elriel.
My readings told me that gwynriels don't like to write about elriel, preferring to have that not-relationship fade and focus on developing gwynriel. Which is to be expected, and I bet elriels think the same of gwynriel. Eluciens tend to use elriel as a side ship to add tension to elucien, and elriels tend to use elucien because they have a canon bond, however "fake" they think it is. All three are rival ships after all.
What stand out though, is how even rival ships have more relevance in each tag, rather than the frankly puny number of works elriels popped out for a ship that they call "interesting, hot, endgame, true mates etc."
So yeah, I do not believe you.
"the fire lord and the firebird" or whatever they call it. If you shipped less based on Feyre's art dumping and paid more attention on actual romantic chemistry you'd realize vassien has none.
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