#which makes him smile and now Fushimi's all mentally dazzled again
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Sarumi was attacked by a "telepath" strain. and now they can communicate and read each other’s thoughts. Post rok, they love each other, and go on a date for the first time
Okay but imagine them getting used to this and Yata is kinda loving it because Fushimi will be acting all Fushimi-like and acting as if he doesn't really care about Yata or that he's indifferent but mentally he keeps thinking about how much he loves Misaki and how important Misaki is to him. Like say post-ROK they've just confessed their love to each other and have reached the awkward 'we don't really know what to do with our feelings but we like each other a lot' stage. Yata really wants to take Fushimi on a date but it's pretty hard to figure out the kind of date that Fushimi would actually enjoy, like he's picky so you have to be careful with restaurants, he probably wouldn't mind the movies but there can't be too many people there because ugh people, he doesn't like to do too much outdoors especially if it's too warm or too cold out, amusement parks have too much aggressive happiness, it's just a very limited set of options.
He does finally manage to convince Fushimi to go on a dinner date and Yata's all nervously excited about it, like he really wants this date to go well. The day they're supposed to go out though there's a Strain situation and both Yata and Fushimi end up being sent to handle it. They run into each other on the job and Fushimi clicks his tongue and complains about Yata getting in his way while Yata's like hey this is Homra's catch you're getting in my way. As they're kinda playfully arguing the Strain appears and they immediately go back into partner mode, they're still exchanging some trash talk but they're clearly moving together and working closely like old times and Yata gets this silly grin on his face because he thought this would never happen again. While he's so busy being happy though he loses focus and the Strain attacks, Fushimi tries to jump in the way to save Yata and instead they both get hit.
Yata wakes up to Fushimi very frantically yelling his name, worrying that Yata might be hurt and that Fushimi failed to protect him. Yata shakes his head as he sits up, saying that Saruhiko needs to stop thinking that way. Fushimi asks what Yata's talking about and Yata realizes that even though he can still hear Fushimi's 'voice' in his head just worrying and fussing the Fushimi in front of him is staring at him with this flat look, mouth closed. Yata realizes that he must be hearing Fushimi's thoughts but before he can say as much Fushimi's like this idiot thinks he can hear my thoughts. Yata irritably thinks that Fushimi should stop calling him an idiot, wasn't he so worried a minute ago and Fushimi's like I was not worried even as his mind is like 'I guess I don't need to be worried he's fine.' This is about the point that they realize they're hearing each other's thoughts.
At first Yata wonders if maybe they're both just psychic now but they quickly learn that they can only hear each other's thoughts, nobody else's. Yata thinks this is kinda cool at first while Fushimi thinks it's a pain, Yata's like you always complain about this stuff and Fushimi says this is exactly why he said it was a pain, because he can't even get some peace and quiet in his thoughts. Yata grumbles about Fushimi's bad mood but then Yata gives him this small look and says we're still on for dinner right. He can hear Fushimi almost reconsidering, hesitant, but then he nods because 'I don't want to disappoint him again.' Yata smiles softly and says Fushimi doesn't have to agree if he doesn't want to and Fushimi makes a face before saying it's fine, we can go to dinner, and he can hear Yata's mental excitement over the prospect.
So they both go back to their respective clans for the day and Fushimi probably spends all day trying to train himself to not think, I think he more than Yata would be concerned about the whole sharing thoughts thing because he's worried he'll reveal too much or he'll think something awful and Yata will hate him. Yata meanwhile is more cautiously excited, he feels like maybe now he can finally really understand Saruhiko because there's no way for Saruhiko to not tell him things. Of course when Fushimi stops by Bar Homra to pick him up his mental voice is very quiet and Yata's like wait are you just not thinking anything, Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he doesn't have to think anything if he doesn't want to.
They head out to the restaurant and Fushimi probably has a headache from Yata's running mental commentary about wanting all of this to be perfect. The moment he thinks about the headache Yata stops and apologizes, Fushimi curtly says it's fine and he can't stop himself from thinking that it's nice, that Yata's so excited about their date. Yata grins widely at that and takes Fushimi's hand, dragging him to the restaurant. They sit down and their waiter probably quickly becomes confused by these two people who keep lapsing into silence and then exchanging complaints about things neither one actually said. Fushimi looks over the menu and Yata gets to hear the mental picky eating and of course Fushimi in return gets to hear Yata thinking that the vegetables won't kill him. The date actually goes very well though in the end, Fushimi's all hesitant and fumbling the whole time and sometimes he's his usual cold self but Yata keeps hearing all these little mental signs of happiness and it makes him smile, and then Fushimi hears Yata thinking about how much Yata loves him and he buries his head in his menu (but he can't stop himself from thinking that smile makes him feel warm and Yata smiles even wider).
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