#which is seeing how various players from different teams interact
rymurrsneckbeard · 8 months
Pretty sure we can all agree that holy shit never let McDavid 'redesign' anything ever again.
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bonefall · 1 year
Why did Runningbrook get shot? That’s a pretty horrifying way to die, especially if any other cat was nearby to see it happen :(
It was!
So this time, the Suburban Expansion of TNP is getting overhauled. I've actually sat down and worked out a couple human factions; the
Land Owners (Windovers)
Unnamed Development Company (Devco)
The Scientists.
The cats won't be able to notice that there isn't just one group of humans at play here, but you will be able to notice them if you pay close attention to what's happening during the first part of TNP. The three groups interact very differently with Clan cats.
The FIRST group at play here, and the one that isn't a player for very long, is the Windovers. It's openly known by the locals that the cats in the woods are 'a bit strange', especially the farmers near WindClan. The Windovers own that land, and lease it out to various hunters and visitors and such.
But they've been approached by Devco, who want to expand Chelford by purchasing their land.
Problem that the Windovers have: If it gets out there are sapient cats, complete with religion, war, and possibly even tool use (rumored but unconfirmed) there's going to be a HUGE problem in selling it.
SO they're trying to 'quietly' deal with the pests. First they poisoned the rabbits, knowing that they eat those. That worked a bit. Next, they tried to scare them off by actively setting deadly animal traps, and taking shots as if they're pest rabbits. That was how Runningbrook died.
(If I end up moving away from gun, she will end up dying to some sort of snare. The point here though is that it's a, "Wait! They're trying to hurt us!" moment)
Around this point, the sale goes through and suddenly Windover persecution stops. NOT their problem anymore, THANK god, Windovers Exit Stage Right.
But at this point, the Clan cats are well aware that they are being actively targeted. Several cats were poisoned, injured, or outright killed. Devco begins development, first cutting through the trees near the Thunderpath, and eventually bringing in the Bulldozer
Which, Speckletail deals with! Buying them just a bit more time. Suddenly, it's calm for a bit, like they're "mourning their monster."
But THIS is actually the moment where Millie's Radio Collar begins; a cat attacking a construction worker is not something that can be ignored, it's all over the news, "CAT ATTACKS BULLDOZER, CLAIMS LABOURER."
(The Windovers got out just in time, they KNEW something like this was going to happen but now it's Devco's problem)
So this is where the Scientists come in. There's a huge clamor over this, Locals saying, "THE CATS ARE SPECIAL," others saying they need to be removed and rehomed, in any case, it's agreed that the White Hart west of the road needs to be de-catted before construction continues (though construction continues to the west, where ShadowClan is)
And this is when the "round-up" efforts come in, where there are live traps, a big white tent set up, and the cats are going to get weighed, tagged, and studied.
These guys are peaceful and DO NOT want to hurt the cats; but the Clans don't know that. To them, humans are a monolith and they're now terrified of them.
From here, the story returns to normal. A coordinated effort from the Clan cats frees the cats they've captured. Graystripe is the only one the scientists are able to hold onto, by slamming the door of the van just before he can leap out. Millie is later released with him, wearing a radio collar accurate to the tracking tech of the time.
And that brings us to the way humans interact with Clan cats now! The team tries to keep their distance to not stress them out any more, using trail cams and staying several hundred feet away while observing them.
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the-silly-urge · 11 months
Sharran Cleric/Paladin Dialog Options
So I assume at some point you were supposed to be able to pick Shar as your deity when creating your character, much like how you used to be able to pick a deity for Paladins, and that was removed later on (which... honestly makes sense) Anyways there are a few specific interactions for Sharran Paladins/Clerics. At this point now, "Cleric of Shar" options are basically just Shadowheart options, so I specifically looked in the files for the PALADIN_SHAR tag. Most of these are shared with Clerics. I might look into more Cleric-specific ones, but those can mostly just be encountered in game by playing as Shadowheart already.
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These both come from the conversation in which Shadowheart admits she worship Shar.
More under the cut cause I don't know how long this will be. I'm putting in basically everything, even if it's not riveting
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Following Lae'zel and Shadowheart's fight.
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The devnotes here kind of confuse me, since it says it's for players who do not have a Shar tag but know of Shadowheart's worship. I also feel like I might have seen these options in game. But the tags are there? Including just in case
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Various lines of questioning with Shadowheart.
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Once again not 100% sure whether or not this is actually unique as it says, considering I don't see anything for regular players. But it might just be in a different file.
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When first entering Shar's Gauntlet. (Also the files confirm the suspicion I had that Shadowheart will always succeed this check. Selûnites and Sharrans will as well)
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Successful checks when encountering the remains of a Nightfall feast in the temple overtaken by duergar.
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Encountering a defaced statue of Shar.
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Interacting with the Orb of Darkvision (a Sharran artifact)
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Finding Dark Justiciar corpses by yourself.
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And finding those same corpses with others on your team. Shadowheart's response depends on whether or not the player knows she worships Shar as well.
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Finding a crossbow. Fun fact, the dialog files refer to the temple occupied by duergar as "Ketheric City"
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And finally, seeing the Selûnite prayer which is bound to the chest in the owlbear cave in Act 1, and reaction to the murals in the Druid Grove.
That's all I could find! I found this very interesting though, and I wonder how much of this is actually voiced. If you know whether or not this was ever implemented in EA I'm quite curious. It's also interesting seeing how Shadowheart reacts to a fellow Sharran in her party. Eating it up
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thefirstknife · 2 years
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Posts like these are really getting to me because they confidently state things without actually knowing what any of this means. This is not helping to parse through criticism and feedback, nor is it helping anyone to understand how writing for video games work.
Specifically for this post, this is a posting for a new position. Bungie is not firing anyone and writers aren't leaving in droves; Bungie is simply in the position to open many new positions (Sony money helped) and they've been hiring new people for months now, in all departments. They are currently hiring more people for the narrative team.
A narrative design document is not a one and done thing. This franchise is 8 years old and story and lore are being developed over time. This is how storytelling works, especially for big live service game franchises. A narrative design document is also being developed over time, it can be added to and it can change with the changing mechanics, gameplay, direction and player population.
This listing specifies that the job requires you to aid in that development. It doesn't mean that the narrative design document doesn't exist. And it certainly doesn't mean that a narrative design document changing or being added to is wrong or strange. It also probably doesn't mean what you think "narrative design" means. I'll get to that later.
This particular listing is also a smaller role, as per the intro:
In this role you will work closely with the various small teams within systems to write strings for rewards and collaborate on narrative context for features. This includes being an advocate for Franchise narrative goals and collaborating with the Expansion and Seasonal teams to help support their creative goals through your content.
This isn't a big writing position. First example of what the job is:
Work with the Systems team to write compelling strings for gear and features
Only occasionally write actual dialogue:
Occasionally create captivating activity dialogue and cinematic content that remain on tone with the established style of the franchise and the product 
Improvements should definitely be made and Bungie at this point needs a much more solid narrative design document due to the incredible amount of accumulated lore and gameplay mechanics over the past 8 years. Which is the point of looking for more people to help in that section. This is a good thing.
All writing will always develop over time, but especially the writing for live service games. A narrative design document is an ongoing project. It is literally impossible to develop something like that once and never touch it again. Perhaps for one-shot singleplayer games, but even then narrative changes throughout development in ways we don't even see.
Also, as I said earlier, "narrative design" is not what people think it is. Especially not for video games. A really in-depth article about narrative design, how it works and how to do it. Incredibly relevant bit:
In an MMO, we see a lot more emergent storytelling, or rather stories that emerge over time from the interaction between players and the world. It’s a call and response where fan theories emerge, and the MMO responds to them.
Narrative design itself is not just "people writing a story." Narrative design can often be done without any writing:
Simply put, narrative design is the use of story to make sense of gameplay in a video game. Like a novelist, the narrative designer focuses on elements such as structure, character, and setting, but the key difference is that the hero in the story is the player and their experience is interactive.
The narrative designer’s role on a team is much more than just being a good writer and storyteller. The narrative designer works with her team to build a world, inventing characters and events, and reconciling mechanics or rules. The job is part writing and part championing the importance of story throughout the process of making a game.
And more:
Narrative design is all about the intentional use of story and the flow of the game, either linear or nonlinear. More than merely story building, narrative design is about world-building. It’s an evolving art form, and with the development of AI and virtual reality, it’s becoming much more immersive.
On top of that, narrative design is still a new concept in video games:
Narrative designers are still quite a new concept in game creation. Hiring professional writers might seem like an obvious thing to do, but for years developers and producers have been writing storyline and dialogue. There are some old attitudes about the role that can make it difficult for a narrative designer to integrate well into a team. But integrate you must.
More stuff about what narrative design is and what it does (sorry this one is in French for the most part).
There's always feedback and criticism to give Bungie when it comes to lore. Them hiring more people for narrative design is not it. Like, Bungie being interested in fixing and mitigating these issues to combat things we have problems with is a direct opposite of criticism. They're actively hiring for narrative design. That's a good sign.
A lot of criticism often comes from the fundamental misunderstanding of how video game writing works, and especially how live service writing works. Over 8 years, there will be new information and even contradictory information to what was said previously. This isn't always a retcon. And even if it is, it's not always a bad retcon. Retcons are not inherently negative.
Most importantly, over 8 years, gameplay will change. And narrative design is about merging and making sense of the story and gameplay combined with the player involvement.
A lot of people complain because some aspect of the story is no longer the same as it was described when D1 launched. This is normal. New information being revealed is a good thing. Stories are not static, worlds are not static and characters are not static. Sometimes characters are mistaken or they lie. Sometimes things seem one way but they are another way. This is instrumental in creating a world that feels real. Because that's what happenes in reality. People are sometimes wrong in how they interpret the world around them.
Sometimes this will fall flat on some players or even all players (when it falls flat for the majority, that's usually when the game dies or is struggling; this happened to D1 Y1 and D2 Y1). In live service and ongoing projects, there will always be people who just don't vibe with the new direction or new information. New reveals can be off-putting to some and that's completely normal. It doesn't mean there's an objective fault with the writing though.
This is all a part of the narrative design, including how to tie all of these things into gameplay and player experience. This is a forever ongoing project in MMOs.
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everygame · 1 year
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Telling Lies (PS4)
Developed/Published by: Sam Barlow, Furious Bee / Annapurna Interactive Released: 28/04/2020 Completed: 14/07/2023 Completion: Finished it. Trophies / Achievements: n/a
I enjoyed Her Story quite a bit, so I’m just going to admit front and center that I found that this was basically the exact same game kind of… disappointing? I thought there’d be some sort of evolution of the play, rather than just being “search for, and watch, videos until you work out what is going on, or get bored” again, but I suppose the counter-argument here is to imagine someone going to see their second movie ever and being like “This second movie was just exactly the same, it was just different images and a different story???”
So let’s assume we’re all fine with it being the exact same game and you just have to judge it based on how much you enjoyed the content. Which… I did!
Telling Lies is… a bit too long, and it suffers the exact same problem as Her Story where if you hit the natural end of a thread and can’t quite find the next (or just lose your place) you can spend a lot of time just watching videos basically at random hoping something starts to coalesce. It is, however, still superbly well structured; I’d be fascinated in how Sam Barlow and team script the games and if there’s a pre-filming playtest, because it feels like you get driven carefully along various hypotheses about what is “really going on” until a few twists and turns allow you to put it all together.
(Unfortunately for me this was long enough before the scheduled end of the game I had to piss about watching extra videos to get it to end.)
Anyway, in the spirit of things… I LIED. I’m not fine with just judging this solely based on the content! Because actually, how you interact with Telling Lies is as important as what you take away from watching the videos, and I’d like to complain bitterly that the game hides the ability to start a video automatically from the beginning behind a key combination (push rewind while starting the video, basically) and it worked way less consistently than anyone could ever hope. In addition, the game being (cleverly!) based around video chat means there’s tons of dead-time in videos, and so you often end up just scrubbing through them because they’re often quite boring. I get that the player is really intended to just be jumping from keyword to keyword, but trying that you’d lose context without rewinding and you could end up watching videos over and over, so it doesn’t really work.
I won’t be too unfair to it. I do think being in charge of the non-linear route through the game makes this better than, like, just watching a movie with the same mystery, your a-ha moment feels earned. I just feel like if the whole experience was a little tighter I’d remember this more fondly; it doesn’t stand up to Her Story, I’d say.
Will I ever play it again? I don’t think I would. Definitely had enough of Logan Marshall Green’s face, the guy who looks like what you think Tom Hardy looks like even though Tom Hardy doesn’t actually look like that.
Final Thought: I’m very confused by the jarring epilogue sequences in the credits in which (no spoilers) some characters explain what happened to them for the entire rest of their lives. I’m going to gamble here that the studio simply felt it was important to emphasise these characters were rich, full people outside of the context of what happened to them in the game, but it falls extremely flat because that’s not really the story that was being told/not how stories really work, and if that mattered to you probably don’t hide it behind playing the game in a particular way. Odd!
Support Every Game I’ve Finished on ko-fi! You can pick up a digital copy of exp. 2600, a zine featuring all-exclusive writing at my shop, or join as a supporter at just $1 a month and get articles like this a week early.
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checkcashing247 · 20 days
AlexisTogel: A Comprehensive Guide
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In the rapidly evolving world of online gaming and betting, alexistogel has emerged as a notable name. This article aims to provide a thorough overview of AlexisTogel, including its features, offerings, and why it has gained attention in the online gaming community.
What is AlexisTogel?
AlexisTogel is an online platform that focuses on lottery games and other betting services. It caters to enthusiasts of togel (a popular type of lottery game in Southeast Asia) and offers various options for those looking to try their luck. The platform has gained traction due to its user-friendly interface, diverse game offerings, and commitment to fair play.
Key Features of AlexisTogel
Wide Range of Games: AlexisTogel offers a variety of togel games, including traditional lottery draws, number predictions, and special themed games. This diversity allows players to choose from different types of games based on their preferences.
User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed with ease of use in mind. Players can navigate through the website effortlessly, whether they are placing bets, checking results, or managing their accounts.
Secure Transactions: AlexisTogel prioritizes security and ensures that all transactions are encrypted and protected. This includes deposit and withdrawal processes, which are crucial for maintaining trust and reliability.
Live Draws and Results: For players who prefer real-time updates, AlexisTogel provides live draws and results. This feature adds excitement and transparency to the betting experience, allowing players to see outcomes as they happen.
Customer Support: A dedicated customer support team is available to assist players with any issues or queries. Support can typically be accessed through various channels such as live chat, email, or phone.
Promotions and Bonuses: AlexisTogel often runs promotions and bonuses to attract and retain players. These can include welcome bonuses, referral rewards, and seasonal offers, providing additional value to users.
How to Get Started with AlexisTogel
Register an Account: To start playing, users need to create an account on the AlexisTogel platform. This involves providing some personal information and verifying identity to ensure secure and fair play.
Deposit Funds: Once registered, users can deposit funds into their account using various payment methods. AlexisTogel supports multiple payment options to accommodate different preferences.
Choose a Game: Players can browse through the available games and select one to participate in. Each game will have its own rules and betting options.
Place Bets: After selecting a game, players can place their bets by choosing numbers or options as per the game’s requirements. Bets can usually be placed at any time before the draw.
Check Results: Following the draw, players can check the results on the AlexisTogel platform. Winners are typically notified through their accounts, and winnings can be withdrawn or used for future bets.
Why AlexisTogel Stands Out
Reputation and Trust: AlexisTogel has built a reputation for reliability and fairness. Positive user feedback and a solid track record contribute to its standing in the online gaming community.
Innovative Features: The platform continuously updates its features and offerings to keep up with the latest trends in online betting and gaming. This includes integrating new technologies and enhancing user experiences.
Community Engagement: AlexisTogel often engages with its user community through forums, social media, and events. This helps build a loyal player base and keeps the platform dynamic and interactive.
Considerations and Tips
Responsible Gaming: It’s important to gamble responsibly. Set limits on your spending and playing time to ensure that gaming remains enjoyable and does not negatively impact other areas of your life.
Verify Legitimacy: Ensure that AlexisTogel is licensed and regulated by relevant authorities. This helps in confirming that the platform adheres to industry standards and practices.
Stay Updated: Keep an eye on promotions, new games, and updates from AlexisTogel to make the most out of your gaming experience.
AlexisTogel offers an engaging and secure platform for those interested in togel and other lottery-based games. With its diverse game options, user-friendly design, and commitment to security, it has become a popular choice among online gaming enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the world of togel, AlexisTogel provides a comprehensive and enjoyable gaming experience.
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mymaster1231 · 1 month
Best Fantasy App List MyMaster11 - Your Ultimate Fantasy Cricket App for Exciting Wins and Big Prizes
In the realm of fantasy sports, where strategy meets passion, finding the right app can make all the difference. If you're a cricket enthusiast seeking an engaging and rewarding fantasy experience, the Best Fantasy App List should feature MyMaster11 at the top. This article explores why MyMaster11 deserves its place as a premier choice for fantasy sports aficionados and how it stands out in a crowded market.
The Rise of Fantasy Sports
Fantasy sports have become a global phenomenon, offering fans the chance to immerse themselves in their favorite games in a new and interactive way. By creating their own teams from real-life players, users experience the thrill of managing a squad and competing for top honors. The appeal lies not only in the strategic aspect but also in the excitement of seeing one's team perform well in real-world matches.
With numerous apps available, the challenge lies in choosing one that provides the best experience. The Best Fantasy App List is often a go-to resource for discovering top-rated platforms, and MyMaster11 is a standout choice that frequently features on such lists.
Why MyMaster11 Tops the Best Fantasy App List
MyMaster11 distinguishes itself from other fantasy sports apps through a combination of user-friendly features, strategic depth, and rewarding gameplay. Here’s a closer look at what makes it a top pick on the Best Fantasy App List.
User-Friendly Interface
MyMaster11 offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface that appeals to both novice and experienced users. The app is designed to simplify the process of creating and managing fantasy teams. From registration to gameplay, every step is streamlined to enhance user experience. This ease of use ensures that even those new to fantasy sports can quickly get up to speed.
Comprehensive Player Selection
One of the highlights of MyMaster11 is its extensive player pool. Users can draft real players from various cricket leagues and international matches, providing a wide array of options to build a competitive team. The app keeps player statistics and performance metrics updated in real-time, which is crucial for making informed decisions.
Strategic Gameplay
Success in fantasy cricket requires more than just selecting popular players; it demands strategic thinking and careful management. MyMaster11 encourages users to develop their strategies, manage their teams effectively, and adapt to changing conditions. The app provides tools and resources to help users optimize their line-ups, making each match exciting and dynamic.
Exciting Prizes and Rewards
What sets MyMaster11 apart is its focus on rewarding users for their efforts. The app offers a variety of contests and leagues where users can compete for impressive prizes. The thrill of potentially winning big adds an extra layer of excitement to the fantasy experience. Regular tournaments and challenges keep users engaged and motivated.
Secure and Reliable
Security is a top priority for MyMaster11. The app employs advanced encryption and security measures to protect user data and transactions. This commitment to security ensures that users can focus on enjoying their fantasy sports experience without worrying about their personal information.
Regular Updates and Enhancements
To stay ahead in the competitive world of fantasy sports, MyMaster11 continuously updates its features and improves its services. The app frequently introduces new updates, enhancements, and innovations to keep users engaged and ensure a top-notch experience.
How to Get Started with MyMaster11
Getting started with MyMaster11 is straightforward and quick. Follow these steps to dive into the world of fantasy cricket:
Download the MyMaster11 App
The first step is to download the MyMaster11 app from the App Store or Google Play Store. The app is compatible with both iOS and Android devices, ensuring broad accessibility.
Create Your Account
Once downloaded, open the app and create your account. You’ll need to provide some basic information and agree to the terms and conditions. The registration process is simple and user-friendly.
Explore the Platform
After setting up your account, take some time to explore the platform. Familiarize yourself with the different sections, including player statistics, team management tools, and ongoing contests.
Join Fantasy Leagues
MyMaster11 offers a range of fantasy cricket leagues and contests. Choose the ones that interest you, and start drafting your team. Pay attention to player performance, match conditions, and other factors to make informed decisions.
Manage Your Team
Once your team is set, manage it throughout the league. Make adjustments based on player performance and match outcomes. Stay engaged with the app to track your team's progress and participate in discussions with other users.
Compete for Prizes
As you compete in various leagues, keep an eye on the prize pool. The thrill of competing for exciting prizes adds an extra dimension to the fantasy experience. The more strategic and well-managed your team, the better your chances of winning.
User Experiences and Testimonials
Many users have shared positive experiences with MyMaster11, highlighting its engaging gameplay and rewarding features. Here are some testimonials from satisfied users:
Ravi Kumar: "MyMaster11 is hands down the best fantasy cricket app I've used. The interface is intuitive, and the prize pools are impressive. I've had a great time managing my teams and competing in various leagues."
Aditi Sharma: "As a cricket fan, MyMaster11 has been a fantastic platform to indulge my passion. The real-time updates and strategic gameplay keep me hooked, and I’ve won some exciting prizes too."
Rajesh Patel: "I love how MyMaster11 provides a comprehensive fantasy cricket experience. The app is secure, easy to use, and offers plenty of opportunities to win. Highly recommended for any fantasy sports enthusiast."
The Future of Fantasy Sports with MyMaster11
The landscape of fantasy sports is continually evolving, with new technologies and trends shaping the future. MyMaster11 is at the forefront of these developments, committed to enhancing the user experience and staying ahead of the competition.
As the app continues to innovate and expand its offerings, users can expect even more exciting features and opportunities to engage with fantasy cricket. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the fantasy sports world, MyMaster11 promises a rewarding and enjoyable experience.
For those seeking the ultimate fantasy cricket experience, MyMaster11 is a top choice on the Best Fantasy App List. With its user-friendly interface, strategic gameplay, exciting prizes, and commitment to security, MyMaster11 stands out as a premier destination for fantasy sports enthusiasts. Download the My Master 11 App today, create your account, and embark on a journey filled with thrilling victories and big prizes. Discover why MyMaster11 is a standout option and join the ranks of satisfied users who have found their go-to fantasy cricket app.
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brajeet · 3 months
How to Choose the Best Rummy Game Software
Rummy is one of the best games played for fun and entertainment. But in the digital era, there is a wide array of rummy games available which makes it difficult to choose the best rummy game. It is important to choose a suitable game so that we can have a thrilling experience while playing rummy. Several things need to be considered while choosing the best rummy game.
Whether you are a player looking for the best rummy game, or a business owner who wants to launch a successful platform for providing rummy games, this article will help you understand the major aspects that will help you make informed decisions. So let’s start this article without any further delay.
Things to Consider While Choosing the Best Rummy Game
User Interface
The user interface is the first thing which the user interacts with. So it is important to look for rummy game software that offers a smooth and visually appealing interface that enhances the gaming experience. The simple UI not only provides easy navigation but also interprets clear instructions. The visually appealing graphics must be aesthetically pleasing and not overly complicated which makes it cluttered. Simple UI also increase the responsiveness of the app, which makes it supported by a wide range of devices.
Various Game Modes
A good rummy game must contain different game modes which keep the players engaged in the game. The different modes include points rummy, deals rummy, and pool rummy. Apart from this, the customizations in these modes can let the players choose the table limits, speed, and other preferences according to the player’s taste.
Regular Updates
With timely and regular updates, the game is incorporated with new features and elements that keep the game refreshed and new in the market. The updates also ensure that the security of the game software is not compromised and is updated with the latest trends in the gaming industry,
When it comes to online gaming, the game software must have a top-notch security system so that it can protect the user data and the platform data. Security features like encryption protect the player’s data and keep it unreadable. Always choose a rummy game that comes from trusted sources. The game must adhere to rules and regulations set by the regulatory authorities.
Payment Integration and Monetization
The app must support a wide range of payment methods like support payments in global currencies. The secure payment ensures financial information is safe and protected against fraudulent transactions. In addition to this, free-to-play options and in-app purchases are some of the features that you must see while choosing the game.
Customer Support
Reliable customer support ensures that players get an unprecedented gaming experience. Players can raise a ticket if there is a query related to the game which can be solved with the customer support team. Customer support is also useful in determining user behaviour tracking and analytics that can be useful in providing software updates and bug fixes to the game.
Social Media Integration
The rummy game software with social media features enables the players to connect their social media accounts like WhatsApp, Google, Facebook, etc to the game eliminating the registration process so that users can log in to the game effortlessly. Also, the players can play rummy with their social media friends.
Check User Reviews
User reviews are one of the most important aspects when it comes to choosing the best rummy software. You must look for the app’s reviews and ratings. By the user feedback, you can analyse the app's reliability and performance along with customer engagement and satisfaction with the game.
Compare the features
Compare the features and functions of the games available on the internet. Choose accordingly as per your preferences. Suppose you are a seasoned player who frequently participates in rummy tournaments, then you must look for rummy games that organize timely rummy tournaments. By comparing you can make a wise decision.
From UI / UX to varied game modes to payment integration, several things are collectively considered when choosing the best rummy game software. When you consider such important aspects, you can have a high-quality yet engaging gaming experience for yourself. If you are a gaming business owner then you can deliver the best gameplay to your users. If you want to start a gaming business and want to create your own rummy game then share your idea with a leading rummy game development company and turn your ideation into a reality.
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Decoding Project Management Software: Oracle Primavera P6 and Its Rivals
Having the appropriate tools at your disposal can make all the difference in the success of your projects in the field of project management. With its extensive feature set and strong capabilities, Oracle Primavera is a formidable competitor among the many solutions available. But in a market full of rivals fighting for consumers' attention, it's critical to assess how Oracle Primavera stacks up against the competition to see which performs best in terms of satisfying project managers' various needs.
Gratitude Primavera P6 from Oracle
Large-scale, intricate projects in a variety of industries can be handled with Oracle Primavera P6, a potent project management software program. Project planning, scheduling, resource management, risk assessment, and reporting are among its features. Primavera P6, with its focus on scalability and adaptability, is especially well-liked in sectors including manufacturing, energy, engineering, and construction.
Primavera P6's capacity to manage projects with thousands of activities and resources while providing in-depth insights into project performance and progress is a key feature. Its capabilities are further enhanced by its connection with Oracle's portfolio of business applications, which offers a smooth workflow for enterprises involved in Oracle's ecosystem. 
Examining the Rivalry
Although Oracle Primavera P6 is a well-known player, some rivals provide substitute options for project management requirements. Let's examine some of the prominent competitors and how they compare to Primavera:
Microsoft Project: Known for its user-friendly interface and easy interaction with other Microsoft Office apps, Microsoft Project is one of the most popular project management solutions available. Because of its user-friendliness and accessibility, Primavera P6 is still a popular option for smaller to mid-sized projects even though it may not have the depth of capabilities that larger projects require.
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Asana: Asana offers a more agile approach to project management than Primavera P6, with a focus on task and team collaboration. Asana is the go-to choice for teams that value agility and collaboration over precision in scheduling and resource management because of its exceptional ability to streamline workflow and promote communication. Primavera may not be as strong in these areas.
Smartsheet: Marketed as an adaptable platform for task execution, Smartsheet integrates project management, teamwork, and automation features. Smartsheet's user-friendly design and adaptable workflows make it appropriate for a variety of projects and sectors, especially those looking for a balance between simplicity and functionality, even though it lacks some of the more sophisticated features of Primavera P6.
Training for Primavera P6: Realizing Its Complete Potential
Oracle Primavera P6 continues to hold sway in sectors where intricate project management is crucial, even in the face of competition. Nevertheless, to really reap the rewards of Primavera P6, one must be skilled and knowledgeable in using it.
Taking a Primavera P6 training session can give teams and project managers the know-how they need to make the most of the program. Project planning, scheduling strategies, resource allocation, risk management, and advanced reporting are just a few of the topics covered in these courses.
Organizations can increase project outcomes, productivity, and decision-making skills by investing in Primavera P6 training, which guarantees effective software implementation and utilization. 
In conclusion, The Champion in Reign
Oracle Primavera P6 stands out as a strong competitor in the field of project management software because of its unmatched capacity for handling intricate, large-scale projects. Primavera P6 is still the preferred option for sectors needing reliable project management systems, even though rivals like Microsoft Project, Asana, and Smartsheet serve distinct markets and tastes. Oracle Primavera P6, with its extensive feature set, smooth integration, and track record of success, is the best option for companies taking on the most challenging projects and aiming for project execution perfection. When firms receive excellent Primavera P6 training, they can fully utilize the software and achieve success in their project initiatives.
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aavega · 8 months
Be known to the importance of the animation in the gaming industry 
Scale up the users' engagement with appealing visuals in games! 
As we can easily see, the gaming industry is consistently rising without any downfall. The reason behind this is that the gripping visuals and animation used inside the video games increase players' engagement.  
Moreover, games with fantastic animation are seen to achieve maximum popularity and boomed greatly in the gaming market for many years, such as PUBG, Fortnite, Super Mario, Spiderman, etc. Below are some reasons why animation is important for the video game industry, so let's have a quick look. 
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Take your attention to the importance of animation in the gaming area 
Undoubtedly, animation plays a crucial role in gaming, providing various benefits that enhance the overall gaming experience. In addition, animation is of two types; 
2D animation: In this the animation is done in the two-dimensional plane to showcase the best art outcome. For example, Cut Drop Strike. 
3D animation: In this the animation is done in a three-dimensional plane to enhance the visual and make the visionary more realistic. For example, PUBG, Super Mario, etc. 
Thus, according to the demand in the game artists go for either 2D or 3D art and animation work to make the game more captivating. Moreover, here are some of the critical reasons why animation is essential in gaming, let’s fall our eyes on them; 
1. Immersion: Well-executed animations can draw players into the game world and make it feel more realistic. Fluid, natural animations bring characters and environments to life, making players more emotionally invested in the game. 
2. Visual appeal: High-quality animation enhances the visual appeal of a game. Smooth, detailed animations can make the game more aesthetically pleasing and contribute to its artistic quality. 
3. Communication: Animations are an essential means of communication in gaming. They convey vital information to the player, such as character movements, actions, emotions, and environmental cues, which help players understand the game world and make informed decisions. 
4. Gameplay feedback: Animations provide feedback to players, showing the consequences of their actions and interactions within the game. This feedback helps players understand the outcomes of their decisions and actions, contributing to their learning and skill development. 
5. Character personality and storytelling: Animation is essential for conveying character personalities and emotions, as well as for telling a compelling story. Expressive character animations can make the game's narrative more engaging and relatable to players. 
6. Gameplay mechanics: Animations are integral to the functioning of gameplay mechanics. They help clarify how different game elements interact and how players can engage with them, contributing to the overall understanding of game systems. 
7. Player engagement: Engaging animations can create memorable moments and experiences for players, leading to increased player satisfaction and enjoyment. Players are more likely to be immersed in a game with well-crafted animations. 
8. Competitive advantage: In the highly competitive gaming industry, high-quality animation can set a game apart from its competitors. Games with exceptional animations are more likely to attract and retain players, contributing to the game's commercial success. 
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Overall, animation plays a vital role in gaming by enhancing immersion, communication, visual appeal, storytelling, and gameplay mechanics, ultimately contributing to a more enjoyable and memorable gaming experience for players. 
Aavega Interactive, a leading gaming company with several virtuous services like game development, game art, and game QA, is continuing to improve the visuals and animation skills used in the games with a team of professionals to enhance our user experience to the next level.  
Stay tuned with our experts! 
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denovotech · 9 months
Secondary Antibodies: Exploring the Key Players in Your Research along with Denovotec
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Secondary antibodies are the unsung heroes that boost the efficacy of primary antibodies in the field of life sciences research. These adaptable molecules serve as essential bridges, making it easier to identify and examine target proteins using a range of experimental methods. A reputable supplier of state-of-the-art life science goods and services, Denovotec provides a large selection of secondary antibodies that enable scientists to explore previously uncharted territory in their research.
Secondary Antibodies' Function
In the discipline of immunodetection, secondary antibodies are essential because they allow researchers to see and measure particular target proteins. They identify and attach themselves to the primary antibodies that have already attached themselves to the desired target proteins. Secondary antibodies' ability to bind twice magnifies the signal and increases detection sensitivity.
Denovotec's Comprehensive Secondary Antibody Collection
Denovotec is aware of how crucial it is to have a wide variety of secondary antibodies to accommodate different types of research applications. They have secondary antibodies in their collection that come from goat, donkey, and rabbit, among other host species. Special care and attention to detail go into the development and validation of these secondary antibodies, which guarantee outstanding performance and specificity and give researchers dependable instruments for study.
Numerous Uses: Western blotting, immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunocytochemistry (ICC), flow cytometry, and other experimental methods are only a few of the many uses for Denovotec's secondary antibodies. They make it possible for scientists to see and examine the distribution, localization, and degrees of target protein expression in various biological materials. Denovotec offers a variety of conjugates for secondary antibodies, including fluorescent dyes and enzymes, giving researchers the freedom to select the best detection strategy for their particular experimental requirements.
Increasing Research Flexibility: The capacity of secondary antibodies to recognize numerous primary antibodies at once is a major benefit of using them. Researchers can run multiplex studies using this property, called cross-reactivity, to identify and evaluate numerous target proteins within a single sample. In order to guarantee minimal cross-reactivity, Denovotec's secondary antibodies undergo extensive testing. This lowers the possibility of false positives or negatives in experiments and gives researchers dependable data.
Expert Validation and Support: Delivering top-notch goods and services to the scientific community is Denovotec's mission. To guarantee specificity, sensitivity, and consistency across various lot numbers, their secondary antibodies go through rigorous validation procedures. The technical support team at Denovotec is also easily accessible to assist researchers in choosing the best secondary antibodies for their particular study objectives and experimental designs.
Cooperation and Innovation: By actively interacting with researchers to comprehend their changing demands, Novotec promotes cooperation and innovation. To guarantee that researchers have access to the most recent developments in immunodetection technology, Denovotec updates and expands their library of secondary antibodies consistently. This dedication to innovation enables scientists to push the limits of their field and produce ground-breaking findings.
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Target proteins can be precisely and accurately visualized and analyzed by researchers thanks to secondary antibodies, which are essential allies that boost the effectiveness of main antibodies. Researchers can discover new facets in their scientific studies with the help of Denovotec's extensive selection of secondary antibodies. Denovotec is transforming the way scientists investigate and comprehend the complexities of biological systems by its dedication to quality, validation, and technical assistance. Researchers can start a journey of discovery and explore new avenues for their research by selecting Denovotec's secondary antibodies.
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theprojectreneblogger · 10 months
Skills Progress Update + Sebastian Doing Push-ups + New Team Member!
21 oct. 2022
This week’s post is all about skills. What are skills? It’s anything that your Parafolks will be able to learn and eventually master. It could be cooking, painting or working out, to name just a few examples. 
Before we get further into that, I’m very happy to announce that someone new has joined our team! Her name is Gabrielle and she will act as an assistant community manager. This means she will be interacting with you Patrons here as well as with followers on social media. She will be hanging out on Discord and she will also be collecting ideas from the community!
Here’s a message from her to you:
Hi everyone! I’m Gabrielle and I’m super excited to be joining the Paralives team as an assistant community manager! I grew up loving life sim games, from playing Animal Crossing on my old Nintendo DS to spending countless hours in the Sims universe and City Skylines. I’m already a big fan of Paralives and I can’t wait to share my love for this project with the community!
Welcome Gabrielle! 👋
🎯 Our Goals for the Skills in Paralives
To help us make decisions on how skills should work in Paralives, we have established various game design goals that I’m sharing with you today:
Skills should make you feel like you are progressing. Skills are one of the core progression elements for your characters so it should be satisfying and motivating to level them up.
Skills should make you feel powerful. As you progress in your skills, you should feel that your characters are getting more and more capable as well as feeling rewarded in different ways for your efforts.
The skill system should have interesting effects on other parts of the game. Education, careers, relationships and more should all have an impact on and be impacted by your character’s skills.
The skill system should have innovations. Our goal is to try different ideas to see which ones are going to make the skills aspect of the game really fun to play with.
With that being said, we are currently testing different new ideas for skills in Paralives. We are looking forward to sharing more about that once we have made progress and tests!
💪 Skill Level Impacting the Character Animations
Some interactions will have different animations based on your current skill level. I made a few GIFs to showcase that today.
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Sebastian is struggling to do push-ups because his fitness skill is low.
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Great! Doing push-ups seems much easier at a higher skill level.
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Here, you can see Sebastian speaking on the phone while doing push-ups. We’re exploring the idea of being able to multitask, if your skill level can handle it!
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Bonus GIF: I added a cheat to set your current skill level. This way, it’s easy for us to test the different animations that vary based on the skill level. I’m sure players will find a use for this cheat as well!
📊 Which Skills Would You Like to See in Paralives?
In the past we’ve held a community brainstorming about skills and you shared many many interesting ideas. Thank you again for that, it was super useful!
Today, I would be very curious to know more specifically which skills you would like to see included in Paralives when it first releases? Think of the most essential or the most interesting ones and please share them in the comment section below!
Take care! Alex Edit - February 2, 2023: This post is now public, feel free to share it!
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meikaserlya · 11 months
Ai Denny Ja Painting Exhibition: Combining Art and Technology in International MLF
Last month, the art world in Indonesia was enlivened by a unique event that attracted the attention of many people. The Ai Denny JA painting exhibition, which was held at the International MLF, succeeded in combining two fields that might look opposite: art and technology. In this article, we will explore this innovative exhibition and how the merging of art and technology creates a bridge between two worlds that seem different. Ai Denny JA's painting exhibition was presented by Indonesian famous artist, Denny JA, who has long been recognized in the world of Indonesian art. However, what makes this exhibition so interesting is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the process of making paintings on display. In preparation for this exhibition, Denny JA collaborated with a group of AI technology and engineers. They develop a system that uses deep learning technology to analyze various different artwork and art styles. Then, this system is able to produce new paintings that reflect different art styles. This exhibition features a variety of paintings produced by AI, which includes various art styles ranging from impressionism to abstract. Every painting has its own uniqueness and beauty, reflecting the artificial intelligence that is behind it. Exhibition visitors can see firsthand how AI technology is able to create stunning artwork. Not only displaying paintings, this exhibition is also equipped with various interactive activities involving visitors. Visitors can try to interact with AI, provide input and see how AI responds in the form of paintings. This provides a unique and in -depth experience about the combination of art and technology. Ai Denny Ja's painting exhibition is also a place for discussion and reflection on the role of technology in the world of art. Many questions arise about how AI technology can increase the creativity of artists and expand the limits of art. For example, can the art of AI results be considered an original work of art? Can AI be a partner for artists in the creative process? These discussions become an important part of this exhibition, inviting visitors to think more deeply about the relationship between art and technology. This exhibition also provides opportunities for young artists and creative industry players to learn and exchange experiences. Denny Ja held various workshops and question and answer sessions involving artists, industry players, and exhibition visitors. This is a valuable opportunity to expand knowledge and connections in the world of art and technology. At the end of the exhibition, Denny Ja announced his plan to develop this AI art project further. He plans to form a research team that focuses on the development and application of AI technology in art. The ultimate goal is to create a harmonious blend of art and technology, and encourage the creation of more innovative and attractive works of art. The Ai Denny Ja painting exhibition at the International MLF has succeeded in combining art and technology in an interesting and inspiring way. Through the work of art created by AI, this exhibition proves that art and technology are not two conflicting entities, but instead complement each other and create a unique atmosphere.
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braininventoryusa · 11 months
Exploring Innovations and Trends in Fantasy Sports App Development
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Quick Summary:  The popularity of the sports leagues has increased dramatically over the past few years. This can be attributed to various factors like technology, interest in the events, and a change in the mindset of the viewers.
All those who sat back and watched your fantasy sports team from the Earth’s remotest corners have one thing in common—they are all sports enthusiasts. There is an impressive amount of viewership that fantasy sports platforms have driven towards a league match and increased fan engagement.
If you are thinking of building a fantasy sports app, you might want to consider incorporating the following trends. Fantasy sports is on a high rise of being an actual sport in itself, and it has become an “upscale” hobby for entrepreneurs and investors who have invested in fantasy sports companies in the past.
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Top Trends in Fantasy Sports App Development
AI in Sports Application: If you are planning to develop an application for fantasy sports, you can use Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in it. It is essential for website owners to enhance user engagement by adding a personal touch. Users often get frustrated if they are going through common features and options. The results are quite encouraging as compared to other forms of applications and games, which are highly responsive to AI tools.
One of the most important aspects of customer service is providing customers with an easy way to contact you. A good way to do this is by creating a chatbot for your fantasy sports website. Chatbots are used in many different ways and can help improve the services you provide to customers.
It can also assist users in developing risk-mitigation strategies by providing data-driven player recommendations.
AR and VR – Wearable App Integration: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are here, and both have become a growing industry. Instead of using just one virtual reality technology, you’ll want to combine both methods for the greatest results. The top reason for this is because these two technologies work well together. VR allows your users to fully immerse themselves into a simulation where they can interact with objects and move around freely. While in VR mode, your user could be running a Bible study on what their favorite sports team does before every game. AR works by placing an image or video onto the real world so it appears as part of that environment. For example, as your viewer is watching a basketball game with AR-based smart glasses on, they can see what plays were performed during each period of the game. AR is excellent for providing additional insights into how teams prepare for games and keeping fans connected to their favorite sports team day-to-day.
Cybersecurity: When incorporating Cybersecurity into your fantasy sports application, you can enhance user authentication. Using this means that the user authenticates himself/herself when logging into the app. Multi-factor authentication gives users an additional layer of security. This prevents anyone from accessing their accounts as soon as they log out. Using current trends in cybersecurity you can safeguard your fantasy sports application with strong encryption methods. The information is safeguarded using algorithms and other data encoding methods to reduce the chances of it getting hacked or stolen. Biometrics and two-factor authentication can be used for higher levels of protection.
Smart Stadium with IoT: A smart stadium is a great tool for enhancing engagement with users. You could leverage its capabilities to let users monitor the fantasy team’s game and other important stats. By offering virtual reality technology, you can give your customers a first-class championship experience.
The Smart Stadium App enables smart stadiums to manage fans’ relationships with the team, the stadium, and the game. Predictive analytics from smart objects and sensors help you keep your audience up-to-date with real-time data and engage with them through mobile services, social interaction, and virtual and augmented realities.
Streaming Solutions: One way to attract users to your app is the use of live streaming. A live event like a football match brings with it an in-built ‘entertainment factor’. It would definitely be a more interesting experience for the users if they could watch the game live from within the app itself. Allow them instant access to live scores, detailed analysis, follow match proceedings stay updated on time, and also have access to highlights for each match.
Cross-Platform App Development: Stats show that fantasy sports participants have a habit of playing fantasy sports across more than one platform. For example, players will use their smartphones to make picks but then go on the web to check scores and standings. This kind of behavior makes it necessary for companies to develop apps that are available across platforms so a player doesn’t have to build a new identity when switching between devices.
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Top Fantasy Sports Tech Trends & Innovations in Upcoming 2024
Performance Analytics: Competition analysis can help optimize your marketing strategy. It’s important to track and monitor your competitor’s performance in the industry at the same time as considering your own strengths. Effective marketing strategies must be developed by considering how a company will pursue its interests, including analyzing market share in the industry, along with the strengths of its product/service.
Sensor technologies can analyze the velocity, distance, harshness, and acceleration of movement. When combined with some specific in-game metrics such as rebounding, average distance, or the average speed taken. It provides really accurate feedback on a player’s ability, stamina, and potential. This analytics would help coaches understand their strengths and weaknesses better and make better decisions in real time during the game or training session.
Fan Engagement: Sports fans want to pretend they are part of the game as if they are playing it themselves. Engage with your fans using the benefits of mobile technology and Virtual Reality. It’s important to understand this idea while you plan your app development. The more committed your users are, the better it is for you. It’s true that apps with a large fan following have more rewarding marketing plans. But by and large, user engagement goes a long way in ensuring richer experiences and better usability.
Smart Stadium: You can enhance the in-stadium live viewing experience with AI. With the increasing popularity of TV watching, the in-stadium viewers are declining. But it is not too low. However, there are efforts from companies to improve the in-stadium viewership. You can use IoT as a smart parking solution and connect with the fans using artificial intelligence (AI).
eSports: While eSports might be a relatively new concept in the sporting world, it is one that is rapidly gaining traction and popularity. It is time for businesses to invest in eSports, which is the next big thing. Investing in this niche allows more people to engage with your sports. People may not find certain sports engaging or interesting enough. This is why creating eSports opportunities for these games can contribute to boosting viewership.
Immersive Training: Immersive training enables athletes to practice in different conditions and environments. For instance, an athlete practicing for the snowboard circuit will need to have a virtual environment that is equipped with a simulated snowfield. This will help him prepare for real-world competitions under substandard conditions and changing factors.
Advanced Streaming: High-streaming and Virtual Reality solutions are the future of sports broadcasting. Today, most broadcasting channels provide 1080p HD quality and broadcast games to homes. This picture size looks good on TV sets but is not of high quality when it comes to watching content on mobile phones, computers, and tablets. In things like football, basketball, tennis, golf, etc., sports broadcasters have been trying to figure out ways to provide a more enhanced viewing experience that includes terrific ultra-high qualities. The first thing that comes to mind is 4k 360 VR streaming technology that has been developed to bring stunning experiences to users through live streaming. VR was initially hindered by a lack of content but getting back to the discussion about sports broadcasting, a lot of information and research was put into increasing the video quality of broadcasts through highly reliable and user-friendly mediums.
Conclusion   The fantasy sports application has been gradually gaining popularity. With the ongoing rapid expansion of this app, the landscape for this niche is changing and developing rapidly. Today, many big-name companies like ESPN Fantasy Sports, MyTeam11, and My11Circle Cricket are well-established in this niche with millions of active users. However, there is a huge opportunity to explore the untapped potential in this space. Brain Inventory provides mobile app development services in India. Our focus is to build addictive mobile apps and games for Android and iOS devices. We build capable solutions for businesses that leverage the latest technologies and techniques. Using our expertise, we equip startups with powerful applications to help them grow their business.
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emmiedisuza · 1 year
Fantasy Cricket App Development Cost- A Complete Guide
Fantasy Cricket App Development is an exciting and rapidly growing industry within the mobile application. It involves the creation of applications that allow users to participate in virtual cricket leagues and contests by choosing real-life cricketers and forming their dream teams. These apps have achieved immense popularity among cricket enthusiasts and fans, offering them a unique and exciting way to enjoy the sport.
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What are Fantasy Cricket Sports Apps?
Fantasy cricket sports apps development are online platforms or mobile applications that allow users to make their virtual cricket teams by selecting real-life cricketers from different groups and then competing with other users based on the actual performance of these cricketers in real games. These apps offer a fantasy sports experience where participants can use their knowledge and cricketing expertise to assemble the best possible team within a given budget or point system.
Here's how fantasy cricket sports apps typically work:
Team Creation: Users create their fantasy cricket teams by establishing a specified number of players, such as batsmen, bowlers, all-rounders, and wicket-keepers while staying within a predetermined budget.
Player Selection: Users choose real-life cricketers from various teams who they believe will perform well in upcoming matches. Each player is assigned a specific point value based on their current form and performance.
Scoring System: These apps use a predefined scoring system where users earn points based on the actual performance of the cricketers they've selected. Topics for runs scored, wickets taken, catches, and other significant cricketing actions can be granted.
Competitions: Users can enter different contests or leagues, some of which are free, while others require an entry fee. Prizes are often awarded to the top-performing teams or participants in these contests.
Real-time Updates: As the real cricket matches progress, these apps provide real-time updates on the performance of the selected players, and users can see how their teams are faring compared to others.
Rankings and Prizes: At the end of the matches or tournaments, users are ranked based on their total fantasy points, and prizes are distributed to the winners of various contests.
   The Popularity of Fantasy Cricket Apps like Dream11
Fantasy Cricket apps like Dream11 have experienced a tremendous surge in popularity, driven by several key factors:
Cricket Craze: Cricket is a religion in countries like India, where Dream11 originated. The deep-rooted love for the sport fuels the popularity of fantasy cricket apps.
Enhanced Engagement: Fantasy cricket apps provide users an engaging and immersive experience. Fans can become team owners, making every cricket match even more exciting.
Real-time Interaction: These apps offer real-time updates and statistics during matches, allowing users to track the performance of their selected players and teams.
Social Connection: Fantasy cricket apps allow users to compete against friends, family, or a wider community. This social aspect improves user engagement and creates a sense of competition.
Prizes and Rewards: The chance to win prizes and rewards, including real money, attracts users to participate in contests.
Accessibility: The convenience of accessing these apps on mobile devices makes them accessible to a broad audience.
Wide Range of Contests: Users can choose from various contests with different entry fees, prize pools, and formats, providing diverse preferences.
Legal Framework: Many countries, including India, have selected a legal framework that recognizes fantasy sports as a game of skill, which has boosted users' confidence.
High-profile Partnerships: Dream11 and similar apps often partner with cricket leagues and teams, adding credibility and visibility to their platforms.
Advertising and Marketing: Aggressive campaigns and advertising have significantly contributed to their popularity.
Innovation: Continuous innovation and the introducing of new features, such as in-match predictions and virtual currencies, keep users engaged.
Global Market Size for Fantasy Cricket Apps
Global Fantasy Sports Market size was valued at USD 23.9 billion in 2021 and is poised to grow from USD 27.2 billion in 2022 to USD 76.51 billion by 2030, growing at a CAG of 13.8% during the forecast period (2023-2030).
How Does Fantasy Sports App Work?
Fantasy sports apps permit users to create and handle their virtual sports teams made up of real-life athletes. Participants compete against each other based on the statistical version of these athletes in actual sports events. Here's a step-by-step overview of how fantasy sports apps work:
Registration and Setup
Drafting a Team
Setting Lineups
Scoring and Performance Tracking
Competing and Scoring
Trading and Transactions
Winning and Prizes
Season Wrap-Up
Analysis and Insights
Social Interaction
App Updates and Maintenance
Must Read: How to start an online fantasy sports business in 2023-24?
How to Make Money With a Fantasy App?
Making money with a fantasy sports app involves several strategies to generate revenue. These apps can be cost-effective if you effectively implement monetization methods. Here are some key ways to make money with a fantasy sports app:
Entry Fees and Contest Buy-Ins: Charge users an entry fee to participate in paid contests. These contests often offer higher prizes, attracting users willing to pay for a chance to win.
Commission or Rake: Take a small share of the total entry fees as a commission. This percentage can vary and is typically the platform's cut of the user-generated pool.
Freemium Model: Offer both free and paid (premium) contests. Users can access essential elements for free but must pay for premium features, advanced statistics, or exclusive games.
Sponsorships and Partnerships: Partner with sports teams, leagues, or sponsors to promote their products or services within the app. This can include branded contests, exclusive merchandise, or in-app advertising.
In-App Advertising: Display ads from third-party advertisers within your app. You can generate revenue through various ad formats, such as banner ads, interstitial ads, or video ads.
User Data and Analytics: Analyse user data (in compliance with privacy regulations) to gain insights into user behaviour, preferences, and trends. You can sell aggregated, non-personal user data to interested parties, such as sports marketers and advertisers.
Merchandise and Swag Sales: Sell imprinted merchandise, such as team jerseys, caps, or fantasy sports merchandise, directly through the app.
Affiliate Marketing: Partner with sports-related e-commerce websites and earn a commission on sales generated through referral links within your app.
Live Streaming and Content: Integrate live streaming of matches, sports news, or related content. 
Subscription Models: Offer premium subscriptions that provide users with whole features, content, or early access to contests. Users pay a recurring fee for these benefits.
Cross-Promotion: Promote other related apps or services within your app and earn a commission for every user who engages with those promotions.
White Label Solutions: Empower your fantasy sports app to other brands or businesses, allowing them to use your technology and infrastructure, often for a fee or a share of their profits.
Loyalty Programs: Create loyalty programs where users are rewarded for consistent engagement and participation. Users can earn points or discounts, which can be monetized through business partnerships.
Geo-Targeted Contests: Offer location-based contests with local supporters or prizes, appealing to users from specific regions.
Crowdfunding: Consider launching a crowdfunding campaign or offering equity to raise funds for your app. This option allows investors to share in the app's profits.
Gamification of Ads: Combine gamified advertisements where users can earn in-app rewards or currency by engaging with ads.
List of Factors that Influence Fantasy Cricket App Development Cost:
Fantasy cricket apps have grabbed the imagination of cricket lovers worldwide. They offer users an immersive experience of working in virtual teams, predicting real-life player performances, and competing in various contests. However, creating a feature-rich and successful fantasy cricket app requires careful consideration of several factors that can significantly influence its development cost.
App Platform (iOS, Android, Web)
App Complexity
User Interface and Design
Data Integration
User Registration and Authentication
Admin Panel
Payment Gateways
Security and Compliance
Testing and Quality Assurance
Marketing and User Acquisition
Maintenance and Updates
Location and Team Expertise
Regulatory and Licensing Costs
Third-Party Services
Youbets- Fantasy Sports App Development Company
At Youbets, we specialise in constructing involuntary, user-friendly, and interactive fantasy sports websites and mobile apps that are second to none. With years of professional and technical experience, our team is dedicated to preparing exceptional fantasy sports solutions for sports businesses, enthusiasts, and professional leagues.
Our expert fantasy sports app developers leverage advanced and cutting-edge technology to deliver feature-rich, eye-catching, and highly profitable apps for all types of sports. When you choose us, you choose a partner committed to your success.
Final words: 
Fantasy Sports App Development is a fantastic way to tap into the fast-growing fantasy sports market. Though it is a complex process, it can be fulfilled with the proper guidance and resources; the app development cost can differ depending on its features and functionality. Still, it is vital to consider the potential return on investment. With the rising popularity of fantasy sports, now is an excellent time to dive into the world of fantasy sports app development.
If you want to create your fantasy sports app, look no further than Youbets. Our team of professional app developers can guide you through the development process, from concept to launch.
With our expertise in fantasy sports app development, we can help you build an impressive and engaging platform for users to compete and win.
Don’t miss this chance to tap into the cost-effective fantasy sports market. Contact Youbets today to discuss your fantasy sports app development requirements.
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stapap · 1 year
A Personal Journey from the Field to the Heart: Lessons Learned from Ted Lasso
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As an avid sports enthusiast, I've always believed that "football is life." The thrill of the game, the camaraderie among teammates, and the invaluable life lessons learned on the field have shaped my perspective in countless ways. It's no wonder that when I stumbled upon the TV series "Ted Lasso," I was immediately drawn in by its blend of sports, humor, and profound wisdom. Little did I know that this show would resonate with me on a deeply personal level, not just because of my love for sports, but also due to my passion for teaching and coaching. "Ted Lasso" is more than just a show to me; it's a reflection of my own journey through life, sports, and education. I want to share how this series has touched my heart and how I see echoes of my own experiences in the life and leadership lessons imparted by the lovable Coach Lasso.
Finding Myself in the Beautiful Game
Growing up, my life revolved around a ball. Whether I was playing with my friends in the neighborhood or watching professional matches on TV, I was captivated by the sport's beauty and its ability to unite people from different walks of life. Like Ted Lasso, I've always believed that sports have a unique power to teach us about life itself. The dedication, discipline, and teamwork required in football are skills that transcend the field and apply to various aspects of our lives. "Ted Lasso" resonates with me not only because it explores the world of sports, but because it delves into the hearts and minds of its characters, revealing the complexities of their personal journeys. It's a reminder that, like in sports, life is a game of ups and downs, and it's how we navigate those challenges that truly defines us.
Teaching and Coaching: A Parallel Journey
My passion for teaching and coaching emerged naturally from my love for sports. Just as Ted takes on the role of a football (soccer) coach despite having minimal knowledge of the game, I found myself transitioning from being an average high school student to a mentor and professor of young and curious minds in different parts of the world, ranging from Europe to the Middle East, and recently in the United States.
"Ted Lasso" highlights the importance of leadership in the world of sports, and I've often found myself drawing parallels between Ted's coaching philosophy and my own approach to teaching and coaching. Alongside my career as a teacher and communication professional, I have the privilege of coaching young athletes, instilling in them not only the skills needed to excel on the field but also the values of sportsmanship, perseverance, and teamwork. The show reminds me that great leaders are those who genuinely care about their team members, foster a positive and inclusive environment, and believe in the potential of each individual. These principles resonate deeply with my own experiences in the classroom and on the field.
One of the key lessons from Ted Lasso is the importance of valuing everyone’s contributions and well-being. He makes everyone feel important and that they matter, regardless of their role or position. This is evident in his interactions with his players, coaching staff, and even his opponents. Ted is also a strong advocate for teamwork. He believes that the best results are achieved when everyone works together towards a common goal. He fosters a collaborative environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and feedback.
Another important lesson from Ted Lasso is the importance of empowerment. He trusts his coaching staff and players to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This gives them a sense of purpose and responsibility, which can lead to increased motivation and engagement. Ted Lasso is also a great believer in the power of feedback. He is always open to constructive criticism and welcomes suggestions from others. This demonstrates his genuine and consistent commitment to personal growth and development. Ted Lasso is a role model for empathetic leadership. He genuinely cares about the well-being of his team members and takes the time to understand their individual needs. This creates a supportive and positive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
"Ted Lasso" has not only entertained me with its humor and heartwarming moments but has also touched a chord in my heart, reminding me of the beauty of sports, the value of teaching, and the significance of positive leadership. As I continue to pursue my passions in education and coaching, I find inspiration in the wisdom and authenticity of Ted Lasso's character. The lessons from the series have become an integral part of my own journey, reinforcing the belief that in sports, teaching, and life, the most valuable victories are often the ones achieved together, as a team. By incorporating these lessons into our own lives, we can strive to be better individuals and create more harmonious and successful communities. As Ted would say, "Believe!"
My favorite Ted Lasso's quotes on life and leadership
"Be curious, not judgmental." This is one my favorite quotes. Approach situations and people with an open mind. Avoid making snap judgments, as it can hinder collaboration and understanding within a team.
"Success is not about wins and losses. It's about helping these young fellas be the best versions of themselves on and off the field.” Ted Lasso's definition of success transcends the scoreboard. In leadership, it reminds us that true success lies in developing and nurturing the potential of those we lead. It's about personal growth, not just professional achievement.
“Be a goldfish.” Ted's advice to "be a goldfish" encourages us to let go of grudges and past mistakes, just as a goldfish has a short memory. Learn to forgive, forget, and move forward without carrying the weight of past grievances.
"Change can be scary fellas. We're broken, we need to change, and look, I know change can be scary." Change is an inevitable part of life. As leaders, it's crucial to acknowledge the fear of change and provide support and guidance to help others adapt and grow.
“I try to love my dad for who he is and forgive him for who he isn't.” Accept people for who they are, and forgiveness can be a powerful tool for healing and personal growth.
“The truth will set you free, but first it’ll piss you off.” Honesty is essential in both personal and professional relationships. While it may be uncomfortable initially, it paves the way for growth and resolution.
“Our greatest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure.” Confront your fears and challenges head-on, as they often hold the key to personal and professional development.
"Doin' the right thing is never the wrong thing." Uphold ethical principles even when it's challenging. Doing the right thing builds trust and integrity in leadership.
"We don’t NOT care, we care very much. We care about who you are and what you must’ve been going through.” Show empathy and understanding towards others. Leaders who genuinely care about their team members foster a positive and supportive work environment.
“Living in the moment, it’s a gift. That’s why they call it the present.” Embrace mindfulness and appreciate the present. Effective leaders focus on the task at hand rather than dwelling on past regrets or future worries.
“I hope that either all of us or none of us are judged by the actions of our weakest moments, but rather by the strength we show when and if we’re ever given a second chance.” Recognize the capacity for growth in others and offer second chances when appropriate. It's an essential aspect of compassionate leadership.
"All people are different people." Celebrate diversity and recognize that each team member brings a unique perspective and strengths to the table.
"I want you to be grateful that you're going through this sad moment with all these other folks. There is something worse out there than being sad and that is being alone and being sad. Ain't nobody in this room alone." Do I need to explain this great line? Build a sense of community and support within your team. In challenging times, knowing that you're not alone can make a significant difference.
Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash
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