#which is just great when you have LOST YOUR JOB BECAUSE OF THIS DISABILITY
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blackfilmmakers · 10 months
I pirated wish & the movie was just so mid. The concept art look more finish then the actual movie. Asha wasn’t really adorkable as people was complaining about since they saw how she acted in the trailers but rather she have no personality to me. The choices made in the movie was dumb like Asha asking for her grandfather’s wish to be granted during an interview. It was like asking for a raise during an interview for a job. And the king showing how the wishing process work make his look foolish until they had her be an apprentice already. Also I’m sure the whole kingdom would knows that not everyone wishes will be granted since Asha’s grandfather is 100 and still hadn’t gotten his wish granted which would also apply that the king is way older then he look since it was stated he built the kingdom. They could had made him want to keep the wishes to keep him immortal. And it suffer from show don’t tell cause people losing their wish doesn’t really affect them nor did anyone seem miserable in the movie until the king turn evil. It would had been cool to see them lose their creativity. Plus even if you forget your wish once you gave it to the king, won’t your family and friends remember it cause I bet you would tell them what you wish for. It would also had been interesting for as the person change so do their wishes which would reflect to something else different then what they originally wish for when they was 18. That way the king can keep an eye on his subjects since the wish show what’s in their heart. And I wish they based Asha on Tiana since they both lost their fathers and it could show Asha processing it still through being a great apprentice and seeing the king as a father figure so that when he show his true colors, it would make Asha feel like she lost another father figure. She rarely ever mention him and we don’t even get to see his face or any flashback. And I wish they kept the villain couple and star being a star boy because star wasn’t even important since it only made animals and plants talk . I wish they added the romance in the movie for Asha, considering Disney don’t do romance that much in movies but that have been happening just as they starting putting more girl of colors in lead who deserve to see themselves desire. Wish just felt like it failed black girl and black women again like they did with princess and the frog except worse because instead of turning Asha into an animal, they didn’t make her into a character at all.
It really was a nothing movie wasn't it?
I hate that Disney chose to do this with a Black princess once again, because they refuse to turn back to 2D again
They just somehow managed to be more lazy with her design and background heritage, and worldbuilding ontop of it
And then they have the nerve to say Wish isn't doing so well, because they made the mistake of pandering to the 'snowflakes' and focused more on representation rather than story
Like no yall just suck, and you didn't represent anyone in this story. Not the Amazigh, not Spanish people, not disabled people(according to some mutuals that pointed out Dahilia's cane isn't designed properly, and she walks like an abled-bodied person using a cane), not animators
I can't even see Asha having a love interest, because she just doesn't have a personality. Ontop of concept art pointing out that human Star was meant to look like her grandfather. But in terms of romance in the story, the concept of "love conquers all" used for the villain couple? That I could get behind
Supposedly, the reason they didn't go with this is because studios didn't want the monarchy to look bad? Skill issue, but anyways hmmm almost sounds like this could be an easy fix by making Asha a princess
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uncloseted · 5 months
Do you have any advice for being a better student in college? This is my first semester at a new school and I feel bad because I didn't do good. I didn't fail but I didn't get the grades I wanted and I feel like I wasted all my time and I'll never get those opportunities back, and it makes me depressed. I want to do better next semester
I think that really depends on why you were struggling in your first semester. What do you feel like you were wasting your time on that wasn't your classes? Is there a way to find a happy medium between the things you were distracted by and the work that you want to get done? Is it that the classes you were taking weren't interesting to you or that they're subjects that you're not naturally good at? Are there subjects that might be easier or more interesting for you? Are you struggling with a learning disability or mental health issue that's making it difficult for you to do well in your classes, and, if so, are there accommodations that your school could provide to even the playing field for you? Were you just struggling to adjust to a new environment and a new way of learning? There are a million reasons why your first semester might have gone badly, and until you know why it was hard, it will be difficult to figure out how to fix it.
All that said, there are some things that I think are generally good ideas to make college easier:
At the beginning of each semester, look at the syllabus for the class. Notice which areas of the class are the most important (homework, exams, participation), and make sure you're putting your effort into whichever area is the bulk of your grade. Sometimes it's worth knowing which areas of a class you can skimp on and still get a good grade.
Look at the syllabus for the class and put any key assignments into your phone's schedule or a physical planner. Figure out when you're going to start each assignment and put those in your schedule or planner as well. I know every professor tells you to do this and nobody ever does, but doing a little bit of work on an assignment every day really is way easier than doing the entire thing in one go the night before. (I say this, but this could never be me. My ADHD brain has never started anything in advance ever in my life).
Go to class. I know it's really easy to skip classes because you feel like doing something else (and that's fine once in a while), but a lot of the time, just showing up will help you understand enough of the material that you're not lost when you start studying or working on an assignment.
Similarly, skim the readings. You don't have to read them all- there's usually just not enough time for that- but getting a general idea of what the point is makes a big difference when those readings are discussed in class and on your overall grasp of the topics. I think there are also some websites/apps that will summarize the reading for you and pull out the big ideas if you're short on time. Simple English Wikipedia and the r/explainlikeimfive subreddit are also great resources for easy to understand explanations of simple topics.
See if your school has on-campus tutors. The tutors are usually free, and it's way easier to learn in a one-on-one environment than it is to learn in a big lecture hall. Plus, the tutors will help to make sure your work is getting done on time.
Similarly, go to office hours. Pretty much nobody ever goes, and so they're a really good time to talk to your professor one-on-one and get them to clarify anything you're struggling with. Plus, in my experience, professors bump up the grades of students who they like and who are engaged in their class.
In terms of how to actually study, this article from UNC Chapel Hill is a really good resource, and I would highly recommend checking it out.
On a larger scale, I think it's important to remember that for the most part, your college grades don't really matter. If you want to apply to graduate school or a very competitive job, your GPA might be relevant, but in general, the adage that "Cs get degrees" is true. A lot of the time, getting a job has more to do with internships and networking than it does with your grades or which school you went to. That's not to say that you shouldn't study hard or that grades aren't important, but just to say that not doing well in college isn't going to ruin the rest of your life, even if you never get the grades that you want. It's okay to cut yourself a little slack if you need it. Figuring out how to learn, how to manage tasks, and how to be an adult is a part of college that's as important as the actual grades you get.
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pizzacatdelight · 1 year
My Birthday
Yay, today’s my birthday! I turned 28 years old! And avoided the dreaded “27 Club” where some of the biggest musicians from the 60s’ and 70s’ died when they were 27 years old! (They mainly died due to massive drinking, doing drugs, etc.…)
My 27th year on this planet was not a good one. Early this year, I quit my toxic part-time job at a well-known pizza restaurant that I won’t name. I got scammed into paying for my own equipment for a new job I thought it was a job, but wasn’t. So, I lost over $2,000 because of it and I have to freeze my credit scores to keep the scammers from opening any new credit cards under my name! Then there’s the fact I can’t even find a job that would even hire me due to both my disability and my limited skill list! I even got rejected from getting Disability (or SSI); two months later because of the fact I even had a job!
At home, my youngest niece graduated from high school in June and instead of going to University, she’s working a full-time job at Sally’s Beauty in order to save up money to buy her own car since the car her mom gave her last year and it‘s too expensive to go University right now. My only nephew started 11th grade last month, which means once he graduates in 2025, mom’s planning to sell the family house. She told me and my older sister this back in March/April where after she sold the house; she’s planning to (probably) move to Oregon to get away from the politics of conservative Texas and to retire. Of course, we’re going to move with her as she’s planning to buy land and build a condo house where my sister and I can live on one side of the condo.
For my hobbies, on the other hand, they’re doing great! I beat over 15 games this year, which include “Pokémon: Emerald”, “Hypnospace Outlaw”, “Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Cindered Shadows DLC” and “The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog”. “BAD END THEATER” became the first Steam game where I 100% all the achievement. I preordered “Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” a few days before it came out in May and played it on release day. I remembered staying up all night going around Hyrule, completing the Shrines and not being dicks to the Koroks who only wanted to be reunited with their friends. I’m looking forward to the release of the remaster of “Super Mario RPG”, which comes out in less than two months! I saw four LPs of the game in the past and played it myself for the WiiU. I can’t wait for it to come!
My webcomic is going along. I just finished Chapter 9 and I’m currently taking a small break from it to focus on making this site. I changed how I publish my comics, where I used to release 6-7 pages at a time. But now, I have changed it to 2 pages per week, which means I’ll get more views compared to what I did before. I’m planning to post the links to my webcomic here; I’ll have to find the motivation to do so.
I also made a Tumblr account in June after Reddit decided that they're going to start pricing the 3rd party apps that use its’ code (Apollo, you will be missed). While things are great on Tumblr, I have to get used that most of everyone there is very left-leaning compared to Reddit, where everyone is either in the center or right-leaning, depending on the subject. Yes, I know there are left-leaning people and subreddits there, but it’s the right-leaning groups that are the ones who make the headlines. At least the fandom on Tumblr is way nicer compared to Reddit, where you get attacked for saying or doing something that the fandom subreddit doesn’t like. It’s the reason why I was too scared to either post or comment on Reddit.
Then early this month, I made a NeoCities website and learned how to code again after 11 years. It’s not easy and sometimes it’s even frustrating when you want to do something cool to your page and the code won’t work! At least coding is a skill I can use when I try to look up jobs since it’s one of the most important skills that businesses need. And I also started to blog to write about my thoughts as well. I’ve been doing it on Tumblr for a while, so now I have two sites to pour it all out.
As for what I will be doing for my birthday, it’s not going to be much as I tend not to ask for a lot. I know mom normally gives me a $50 Amazon gift card so I can buy something nice for myself. And I already have plans to make brownies for desserts since we have so much flour and a huge box of brownie mix is in the cabinet.
So yeah, my 27th birthday wasn’t that great, but it could’ve been worse. I hope my 28th year will be a little better and things will improve.
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leaderintitleonly · 1 year
It's really funny (it's not) when Disney fans think we hate Rachel Zegler because she's "not white" when in reality I just need someone with red lips (lipstick baybeee) and a soprano who can sing opera to play the part. That's really it. That was all I asked for. Because all I need is the illusion of blood on the snow. Or in this case, rose petals on the snow. Whatever cute stuff you want here. I just need bold red lips and that's anyone. Anyone could have played this. But instead we have someone who can't grasp that this is a story about overcoming abuse and being resilient, not talking shit on the own part you're playing. That's incredibly antifeminist and disgusting. So for someone to make a tweet about bleaching her own skin and then deleting it, honestly says she doesn't have the maturity to play this part. Emotional maturity would have been nice instead of insisting you're a "more modern girl". Nor did this adaptation need another male part when this movie had an amazing job of the principle speaking roles being women. When you look at the script, half of the speaking time is women... and that's only two roles. The rest is divided up by the men scrambling for speaking time and good riddance. We didn't need a Jonathan. We didn't need a new love interest. Honestly, get lost. You're missing the point entirely of the vision of "young love" overcoming hate which was Walt Disney's original inspiration with Romeo and Juliet's many nods in the film. Except this is supposed to end with life instead of death, giving the hope that despite your parent working against you, you just might succeed with enough support. Enter the dwarfs, the only time I have ever once seen disability and potential neurodivergence ever treated correctly and not as a stupid punchline. We're doing better today but just barely and even today we're still tripping in places. Rather than a chance to remind people dwarfism isn't just a white person thing, we have this. Pretty shameful when Mirror Mirror is running circles around us. We had a chance to remind people that women have dwarfism and when you have dwarfism, much like other disabilities, you usually have an entire package with you.
The dwarfs were inspiring to me. Doc's anxiety and Dopey's mutism meant I wasn't a weird child. I was just different and that was okay. I had a family who accepted me, much like Snow White's and even with my medical issues, I was my own definition of normal. I was okay. I wanted diversity. This is still heavily skewed white, we get one woman, and if Peter Dinkelage is proud of himself, the stupid smiling comment he made... guess what the leaks are? Stupid smiles. We could have made this a great opportunity to elevate more people to his employable status but unfortunately he's pulled the ladder up behind him and I'm very disappointed. If you like this live action concept, you're missing the point. You are entirely missing the point of what this short, animated film was meant to accomplish. It was meant to show a range of emotions in an animated medium and to be treated just as any film or play would have been treated. It was entirely serious and full of heart with a few jokes peppered in. And it's not meant to shame women. Let's put some emphasis on this. Snow White is someone who survives and despite it all, thrives. She didn't need to be aged up. The point was that she survives. There's also nothing wrong with young love. I had a crush at fourteen on both boys and girls. It's part of growing up; exploring your feelings. Denying that feels oddly weird and like you want to sterilize teenagers of all thoughts. You should let teenagers be teenagers. The fact the OG Snow White doesn't have a safe place to explore her thoughts until she runs away should tell you something. There are teenagers right now who are facing similar circumstances but I suppose Disney and others are content to put their fingers in their ears. We could have had some fleshing out of concepts and had parts of the film restored but this misses the mark entirely. Not my Snow White but because it pretends that childhood is charmed and disability is a joke.
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Why did you elbow me? 211
Achilles Castle part 113
Lemonade and lies Part 56
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 20
Barton walker: pov I really like you and your resume is great but I do have some concerns about your health. How about you come in tomorrow so I can see how you work and if I like what I see the job is yours. Is tomorrow okay, you don't have a Dr's appointment or anything else. You know you're going to be the talk of the range. Is it okay if we head to the range I would like to see you shoot if you don't mind.
Kate/Stana: pov I can't let him know I'm a cop. I expertly load my gun and shoot the target, Barton looks very impressed all ready. He is saying something about me being the best shooter he has seen in a while. Well I practiced a lot when my shooter was at large he was eventually caught by the police. He offered to introduce me to the other employee and explain everything to them, except my medical history. He told me it's for me to tell them tomorrow. I can actually start right now if you want. I'm already here and ready to work. He seems impressed by me and agrees. I have to tell my husband he's waiting outside in the car. He was my ride today. Our other car is in the shop.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov in the car Kate tells me everything and says we need a second car. well I can call the guy from the drug unit to get us one, we could meet at a used car lot or mechanics shop. Kate says it sounds good. I'm going to the meeting with kovitch after my job interview. I will see you tonight have a great day. I will call you after my interview don't forget your emergency bag in the trunk.
Barton walker: pov Stana walks back in with a bag on her shoulder she says it's her emergency bag. I tell her where she can put her bag, she has a smaller one she is wearing. I call the employees in so I can introduce them to her and she can talk to them about her health.
Kate/Stana: pov the employees are nice and welcoming, I start to explain my health to them from the beginning. A male employee named Jeffrey has questions.
Jeffrey: pov did you just say you were shot in the chest, stana says yes on the left side. Was the bullet a, through and through. Also did they let you keep the bullet. Stana no they had to remove it and I didn't get to keep it, it was evidence. Assuming there was probably some damage how long did it take them to remove the bullet
Kate/Stana: pov a woman who is a medical examiner rode in the ambulance with me and my husband. She saved my life until the medics could come. In the ambulance I went into cardiac arrest, they had to use the paddles on me, another medic was bagging me since I wasn't breathing right, the medical examiner was doing CPR the whole way even when we arrived at the hospital and I lost vitals in front of them. I had a chest tube put in to help remove the blood and help my left lung. During my emergency thoracotomy which is a type of heart surgery they discovered the bullet nicked my left inferior pulmonary vein and left ventricle I then went into vfib which turned into cardiac arrest again they used the paddles on me and did manual heart massages, then I flatlined and somehow managed to come back to life spent a week in the CICU unconscious hooked up to a bunch of monitors was on disability for 3 months had to learn to walk in pt since it had been a while since I hadn't been on my feet because I had been so critical. 3 months after I was shot I officially got diagnosed with a heart condition once everything was healed enough for the special test.
Jeffrey: pov wow I can't believe you went through that and survived. It must have been so hard. You're like a super woman or something. Did they ever catch the person, stana says yes for his other crimes. She also tells us about her PTSD and what triggers it. Stana also has some food allergies.
Kate/Stana: pov Thankfully they are nice, I understand they are concerned, I ease their worry as best as I can. The male employee named Parker offered to show me around and so did a female employee named Pamela. I let them both show me around. The gun range is big, at the shooting range they are showing me how to properly teach the clients. I can't let them know I'm a cop and have taught at the police academy before for a case. Pamela is playing the role of the client, I easily show her everything and get it done expertly. They both have a shocked face asking me if I have done this before. I have had practice at a gun range and I'm interested in guns. Barton tells me I can have the next customer.
Barton walker: pov Stana is doing a fantastic job with the customer, I'm watching her from afar. She is such a natural at this. The guy seems very happy at the register he tells me how amazing she is.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov I make it to my job interview on time. In the room where the interview is, the boss seems more than happy with my resume. It looks like I got the job, that was very quick. We go over the details some more before I head to my meeting with kovitch.
Stana: pov Barton says I can take a break and have a snack If I want. Pamela and Parker are in the break room. He asks if I would like something to drink or eat. No thanks, I'm good, Pamela is curious and wants to know what foods I can't have. Grapefruit and pomegranate, it messes with my meds, I can't have spicy or salty foods and I just found out I'm allergic to pineapple and peanuts. Anything with caffeine is a big no. To be continued. ………..
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cvm-jpfilm · 6 months
Kitano - Hana-bi
Hana-bi is a really interesting film. At first I was pretty confused about the plot and themes, besides it being a proto-John Wick film. But then when I rewatched it, I actually really liked it. The cuts that used to feel sporadic felt like they were trying to instill certain feelings and imagery, and the characters were much more compelling. I think there's probably a couple of films like that in this class, where the viewing atmosphere or a rewatch changes your view on it.
I think that Hana-bi is a commentary on how people deal with tragedy and how material/social worth is the only indicator of success in society.
So obviously, the movie follows two main protagonist, Nishi and Hirobe, who are Japanese cops that throughout the movie face great tragedy. On one hand, you have Nishi, whose daughter dies before the events of the film and his wife is diagnosed with leukemia; on the other hand, you have Hirobe, who is shot by a gangster, leaving him permanently disabled from the waist down, and shortly after left by his wife and kid. Two horrible paths for these men to have gone down, but drastically different outcomes.
Nishi, in order to protect his dying wife and give her the best remaining life, choses to rob a bank to pay for his debts and kills any yakuza in his way. When faced with tragedy, Nishi chooses to take and destroy to deal with the pain. He's a man with almost nothing left to loose: his partner disabled, his daughter dead, and his wife on death's doorstep. Despite being a cop, he shows no hesitation to commit crime, even holding up innocent bank tellers to rob the bank. Similarly, he shows no remorse to the yakuza who not only permanently harmed his partner, but are constantly taking away time from being with his wife. In fact, it's not just the time on film, as a cop he was on the lookout for the yakuza on the regular, preventing him from visiting his wife at the hospital.
Hirobe is quite different from that. He was a man who had it all: an attractive wife, a child that loved him, a respectable job, and an able body. He loses all of that, yet instead of choosing to destroy, Hirobe creates. He takes up painting in his free time and creates beautiful pieces of art, some of which foreshadow later events in the movie. Admittedly, I understand Hirobe's arc less because of the large use of imagery, but to me it felt like Hirobe expressed what he wanted to do in his paintings.
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An alternate future is portrayed in his paintings, until the very end, where he throws paint over his suicide piece. Nishi and his wife both commit suicide, but Hirobe instead moves on from that feeling, finding a new purpose in life.
Through these men's tales, I think Kitano expresses how people deal with tragedy, some destroy and some create. The man who had nothing to lose, like a cornered animal struck back against the world trying to protect the only thing that still mattered. The man who had it all and lost it gained a newfound appreciation for life through his works of art that added meaning to the world.
Like I mentioned before, I also think that the film critiques the importance of material/social worth. Notably, this is still something I'm thinking over, but I couldn't quite put aside the connection in the depiction of Nishi's wife and Horibe. Nishi's wife, except by Nishi, is treated as some pitiful creature that is slowly awaiting her death. It's almost heartbreaking how in society's eyes, she almost doesn't exists, merely because she will soon die. Similarly, Hirobe is quickly discarded by society once he suffers that paralyzing injury. His beautiful wife and loving child abandon him once he can no longer work. In the film, society is quick to cast out these characters who suffer from a sort of disability that prevents them from performing their socially/monetarily important roles. In Hirobe's case, his injury prevents him from being a cop and a father, and Nishi's wife from being a wife, much less work.
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phawareglobal · 7 months
Cam Wells - phaware® interview 457
Stroke survivor and journalist, Cam Wells, discusses his mission to change the way disability stories are portrayed in the media.
Cam also discusses his work in the disability community, including his involvement with the Italian Canadian HandiCapable Association, which provides sports and recreation opportunities for people with disabilities.
Cam believes that disabilities and rare conditions affect everyone in some way and advocates for inclusivity and respect. #RareDiseaseDay
My name is Cam Wells. I am a stroke survivor and I hold four diplomas from St. Clair College. After getting the first one, which is journalism, I came to realize there's a great imbalance in the way disability stories are typically portrayed in the media. Portrayed as either really bitter or really inspirational. You don't often see the middle ground. I figured after graduating, I could set myself the task of trying to change all that. I've been actually doing a show [Handi Link].  for 15 years now. As a person with a disability myself, I've come to appreciate that there are so many beautiful shades out there to be appreciated. I've actually been honored both locally and nationally. I'm a nominee for Canada's Disability Hall of Fame. God willing, I'll actually get it sometime. I've interviewed everyone from a cast member of TV's Breaking Bad to a couple from Corner Gas, but really the best stories are the ones that come totally out of the blue. Like during the opening of the pandemic, there's a quadriplegic pilot, a friend of mine who had lost I think it was his home and his vehicle to a fire. The health restrictions didn't allow people to do very much, but this town got together and they said, "We want to rebuild for this guy. He's part of our community." So they took it upon themselves and did what they could to help him out. I was your typical kid. I didn't know much about the world beyond just your typical kid. You go to school, you spend time with your friends and family. That was my world. September 29th, 1995, I was eating a can of frozen juice, I remember. I was at school having lunch and I thought I was having a brain freeze. Must've been the world's biggest brain freeze, because it resulted in a first round of neurosurgery and six days in a coma, which is I might add, the only time in my whole life I got enough sleep, but I couldn't move my left side. For 35 days, I was in the hospital and went through various rehab procedures only to find that part of the anomaly in my brain had been left behind. They couldn't get it. I had what was essentially an experimental procedure at that point. I was the youngest kid they had ever done it on at this hospital. It wasn't available where I was, so thanks to a long and tedious insurance battle, ultimately, we were able to get what was called gamma knife surgery and successfully remove the anomaly. I came back a different person. The truth is, I would not change it for anything. I basically discovered who and what I am spending time among people with disabilities and various rare conditions. In an academic sense, yeah, you can learn the medical model of this condition may be this or that, but you can't learn the strength factor. For every condition out there, there's always that one unaccountable person who's defied the odds. The best way of learning about such people, just spend time with them. Share a meal, share some time, tell them a bad joke, what have you. Probably the biggest moment for me was... and I’m not real proud of this, but I chose entirely the wrong program my first year of college, entirely the wrong thing. I figured because I was working in a job related to the field, I'd be good at the academic side. I was not. I actually found myself academically dismissed from the college. Through various acts of misunderstanding, I was basically forced out and spent an entire summer begging to get back in. But when I found myself doing the correct field of study, something I could do, a journalism scholarship was granted to me by a disability group that I now work for. That's where I met Egidio Novelletto, a man who was advocating for his people. I grew more and more fascinated by the work they were doing, and I started writing articles on the subject and even did a field placement doing public relations materials for them. I realized that so many stories are just not shared. You look at a traditional sports page and you'll see some great athletics, but every night of the week, there's disabilities athletics. There's people who medically complex. They're out there doing it. They're putting on a great show, playing a great game, but where is the representation of that? Now, it was a long gap between my years in elementary school, which I was in when I had the stroke and my years in college, but the funny thing is the reporter who did the story on the experimental surgery I alluded to was actually later one of my professors. As a graduation gift, I gave her what may be the only surviving copy of that footage. I became more and more fascinated by the world of disabilities, and since I was doing PR for them, I wasn't able to do anything with the radio station at the time, but the program director, she left the door open. She basically said, "If ever you want to do anything, come and pitch a show for us." Basically upon graduating, I went to them and I said, "Hey, can I do something on disability issues?" Well, the rest is history. However, I realized that there were others involved in similarly interested stuff. I actually worked with a team in 2013 to release a guide for radio stations on accessibility. Some of the things people don't think about like adapting your physical space, or some of the language you use. Even things as simple as the lighting for people with seizure disorder. I'm coming to realize that I wasn't the only person who actually wanted to see the best in people, wanting to see them living up to their own strengths. It was really an eye-opening experience. One thing I always have maintained, when a person with a disability gets up and they make toast, that is not inspirational per se. That is called breakfast. That is a very human thing. But really people with disabilities, they do what they do just to live the best life they can. That is the principal reason behind my work. As a trained reporter, I love a good story. I love hearing tales of what society doesn't think is possible. I thrive on that. But yeah, in a way, owning it for myself is part of the process. One thing that I've shared any number of times, I had a childhood bully, horrible, horrible experience, I might add. He used to try and stick magnets to my leg to see if it was real, and as I do the show sometimes when I'm interviewing somebody working with younger kids, I think to myself, "I don't want anyone to have those feelings that I experienced in my own youth. I don't want anyone to ever ask the question, am I good enough?" Knowing that you're rare, knowing that you're unique is a way of owning it. I have a friend, Daniel Brenner, great, great guy. He's actually a robbery survivor. He was shot as a child and witnessed several people in his family being essentially murdered in front of him. He was told he'd never walk again, but he picked up a guitar and he used a form of self-healing. He actually gets by just fine now. In fact, I have another friend named Renee who runs a music studio, and she was looking for a teacher, so I introduced them and now they're working together. One of my primary roles in the disability community is working for the Italian Canadian HandiCapable Association, which is an organization that does sports and recreation for persons with disabilities. It's my honor to work alongside them as they provide things like yoga, tae kwon do, soccer, all manner of things for people with disabilities who might not necessarily have any other athletic opportunity. Fact is, when you're out there and you're an athlete with a disability or anything medically complex, you're not thinking about the factors that might hold you down. You're not thinking about somebody telling you you're not good enough or you'll never do that. You're just living in the moment and enjoying the game. The ICHA was founded by a man named Egidio Novelletto, whose son wasn't allowed to participate in a traditional soccer program, which was a very eye-opening experience for him. He decided to found a charity, and working with various levels of government, he was able to build a complex and establish something meaningful for persons with disabilities to be a part of. Normally, that's where it comes from. Having somebody personally connected, it's usually the gateway. Truth is, when it comes to disabilities, rare conditions, they affect us all. There's a term I heard in my work once, not disabled yet, meaning we prepare terms of respect and inclusion. We're only making our own futures better in so much as we're all affected. If you pass 10 people in the street, somebody's got some factor that makes them unique. Somebody has a mental health concern or an emotional disability, or maybe somebody in a wheelchair. One of my primary sources of information is NORD, the National Organization for Rare Disorders. I consult them on an almost weekly basis to reach out to disability and rare disease groups around the world. My thinking is if it's affecting one person here, it's affecting others out there. I figure it's a universal concept, or rather a series of universal concepts. Yeah, you can solve the problem for yourself at home. That's great, but if others around the world don't have the same access to medical information or don't have the same resources or even wherewithal to ask those questions... A few years ago, I actually interviewed an accessible theater in China and I might add I had a very difficult time placing that call due to various satellite connections, but they actually have this great thing where they have a sign language interpreter in stage productions. However, they're an acknowledged character. They're part of the show. Are they providing a service for the audience? Sure they are, but they're actually included. It's shown me what the world really is, if that makes any sense. I've met people and learned things I never would have otherwise. Honestly, one of the greatest people I ever knew, Dr. Marcia Rioux, she was the head of Disability Rights Promotion International, God rest her soul. She introduced me actually to one of the UN Representatives who was involved in writing some of the disability legislation that has now been embraced pretty much the world over. The work I do, there is no end, honestly. It's a stepping stone, but it's incumbent on everyone to try and take that step forward. I always say on the air, it's not about an immediate cure, but it's about the work towards getting there and disability, rare conditions, they affect us all. Maybe you're not the one affected directly. Maybe you're friends with a caregiver, or maybe you just happen to have a friend of a friend. It's the degrees of separation. You can't look at any family. You can't go back all the way or as far back as humanly possible and not find some factor that makes a person unique or rare. As we go, we gain understanding. Look at things like chronic fatigue syndrome. That's a big one. 20 years ago, doctors would argue, "No, that's not a thing. You're just getting old. Just go home, get some sleep. These days, we look at it and we recognize this is a condition. It's about taking the next step forward. It's not about listening to anyone who says, "There is this glass ceiling. This is as far as you can go." Progress is built on the idea that a person will test it for themselves. I had a professor once, a lady I actually have a lot of respect for now who told me it was physically impossible for me to pass some speed drills in my college days, because I only type with one finger. My exact response, "Watch me." And I got through it. There's one story I would like to share as a shout-out to some of the people that I've had the pleasure of meeting over the years. You never know who's going to be connected to who, so keeping an open mind and supporting others. 27 years prior to this, I remember there was a cartoon I loved watching. After the stroke, it was part of my rehab. It was my one half-hour during the week that I didn't have to think about the rehab or the pain. An organization I worked with provided some promotion for Easterseals. They happened to have two of the voice actors from that show speaking at an event in Windsor. So I called in a favor, got photos with them, autographs, and just got to share a little bit of their story. After all those years, I was able to say, "Your show saved my life, so thank you for that." It was actually the 90s X-Men. I was a bit of a comic enthusiast. I actually got to meet Gambit and Rogue, nicest people in the world. They were so kind to me, I cannot stress that enough. But the fact that I had a chance to actually tell them what their work had meant to me. It's important in any condition, any rare disease, just to acknowledge when somebody is there, when somebody does some good. Yeah, there's a lot of hardships people have to endure, but there's always support and if you find the right people and you show them that you appreciate what they do, it just stays with them. My name is Cam Wells and I'm aware that I'm rare.
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littlewalken · 1 year
Sep 25
The First Amendment protects you against the government not Little Walken, my blog my rules, don't liberate my baby.
If I have to chose a side in the divorce of the LGB from the rest of the alphabet soup I'm with the LGB side. Even tho I'm asexual I'm on the side of it being who I'm attracted to not how I identify.
So here's my take- the only time I'm not going to have any Marge Simpson grumble with neopronouns is the joke by Evilwizards how if spiders had pronouns they'd be it/ze/bit/xe.
That's it.
You can have he or she or they, I get there are intersexed people out there who don't make videos about it being their entire identity.
If your pronouns are on your resume or are among the first things out of your mouth it tells me you're going to be the biggest turd in the punch bowl.
I also treat people who bring up their faith, their politics, and other things that they've made in to their identity instead of having a personality.
I spent too much of my life trapped in situations with people I didn't want to be around because I was unable to leave them under my own power. The second half of my life ain't got time for that shit.
Come this time next year I want to look back and tell myself that I got a hell of a lot accomplished and what I'm feeling is well deserved pride for jobs well done.
Change of direction puppy
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She had the biggest grr. Now that I know what the sound was she was born growling. So y'all know she was also half great dane and those feets got huge and those legs got long. In that picture she's barely a month old and probably bigger than any fluffy tea cup pupper she resembles.
I think what's fucked up in my back is the gluteus minimus on the once side. It's the side that locks up if I just walk so I have a long history of something I can only get pain medicine for because otherwise my American health care won't cover anything else for it.
Getting used to the new cane. Good thing I don't like and can totaly sense people sneaking up on me, since like forever, being that pick pockets and purse snatchers in stores like to sneak up on older and disabled looking people. I have enough family members who think they've lost something in my purse that I don't leave it around.
Also managed to find a literal replacement for my purse. It's a plush black cat face with ears and it used to look less ratty before 'oh, was that not supposed to go in the dryer'.
What I plan to do is put the nice one with the full sized plush black cat backpack so I have a 'set' going on. I'm going to have the warn out one in rotation until it literally falls apart or something.
Altho I have a decent collection of purses, half of which go back to work when I needed plain ones, it's not a purse for every outfit thing. It's more of a I just want a different one and I'm not parting one that's still good.
Or I need to get one I can fit my tablet in to. Or I have to replace the one I used to fit my tablet in to because it went to the Mystery Flesh Pit with me and it absorbed the bad mojo and it has rainbow flags on it and kids with pronouns have ruined the rainbow part of The Backrooms.
0 notes
velocitypon3 · 1 year
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Parent resources on bullying the place to find them Ladies and gentlemen, moms and dads, step right up! Welcome to the wacky world of parenting where you'll find all sorts of wild creatures – from adorable little angels to mischievous monsters. But fear not, dear reader! Today we're here to tackle one particularly pesky problem: bullying. Now don't go running for the hills just yet; we've got a secret weapon in our arsenal that's sure to leave those bullies shaking in their boots (or at least chuckling uncontrollably). That's right – humor! In this fantastic funhouse of an article, we'll be exploring how laughter can help transform your child from a helpless victim into a comical comeback kid. Join us as we dive headfirst into bully-proofing techniques that are guaranteed to have both you and your kiddos giggling through even the toughest situations. Table of contents: Parent resources on bullying Bully-Proofing Your Child: A Parent's Guide to Chuckling Through the Chaos From Victim to Victor: Turning the Tables on Bullies with a Smile Laugh It Off: Teaching Kids How to Defuse Bullying Situations with Humor The Comical Comeback Kid: Empowering Children Against Bullies One Joke at a Time Giggle Away the Grumps: Using Laughter as an Anti-Bullying Superpower Ah, parenting – the most rewarding and challenging job on the planet. One day you're teaching your little angel how to tie their shoes, and the next thing you know, they come home from school with a black eye because some pint-sized tyrant decided it was "National Punch-A-Fellow-Student Day." Bullying is no laughing matter (unless we're talking about that one time when Timmy tried to steal Susie's lunch money but ended up tripping over his shoelaces – classic!). But fear not! We've got your back with some top-notch parent resources to help tackle bullying like a pro. First things first: let's talk about those pesky bullies. You know who I'm talking about – those kids who think they rule the playground just because their dad drives a fancier minivan than yours. Well, guess what? There are actually websites out there dedicated entirely to helping parents understand these tiny terrors better! For example, StopBullying.gov offers an in-depth look at what causes kids to become bullies in the first place (spoiler alert: it usually has something to do with them feeling powerless or insecure). This site also provides tips for recognizing signs of bullying and strategies for addressing it head-on. Another great resource is Pacer.org/bullying/, which focuses specifically on preventing bullying among children with disabilities. They offer practical advice for creating inclusive environments where all kids can feel safe and supported. Now that we've covered bully basics let's move on to supporting our own kiddos during these tough times (because sometimes even superheroes need a little TLC). When dealing with any kind of emotional upheaval in our children’s lives - be it heartbreak over losing their favorite toy or distress caused by being bullied - communication is key! So go ahead; break out those detective skills honed from years of tracking down lost socks under beds and start asking questions like "How was your day?" or "Did anything interesting happen at school today?. The more open and honest the conversation, the better equipped you'll be to offer guidance and support. And speaking of support, don't forget about the power of a good ol' fashioned hug! Sometimes all it takes is a warm embrace to remind our little ones that they're not alone in this big scary world. If you feel like your child could benefit from some extra help navigating these choppy waters, consider reaching out to organizations like Stomp Out Bullying (stompoutbullying.org) or The Trevor Project (thetrevorproject.org), both of which offer resources specifically designed for kids who are struggling with bullying-related issues. So there you have it – a quick rundown on how to tackle bullying armed with nothing but humor and an internet connection. While we can't promise that these resources will transform every bully into a model citizen overnight (though wouldn't that be nice?), we do believe they'll provide parents with valuable tools for supporting their children through challenging times. After all, as any seasoned parent knows: when life gives you lemons… make lemonade! Or better yet: teach your kid how to make lemonade so they can start their own stand and show those bullies who's boss once and for all! Bully-Proofing Your Child: A Parent's Guide to Chuckling Through the Chaos [caption id="attachment_1979" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Parent resources on bullying Need help navigating the challenging world of bullying? Find resources for parents to understand and manage this difficult issue.[/caption] As parents, we all want to make sure our children are safe and happy. But when it comes to bullying, it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why I’ve put together this guide on how you can “bully-proof” your child! First off, let me just say that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for preventing bullying in kids. Every situation is different and requires a unique approach. However, there are some steps you can take that will help your child feel more secure and confident in their own skin - which will go a long way towards keeping them safe from bullies! One of the most important things you can do as a parent is talk openly with your kid about bullying - what it looks like, how they should respond if they ever encounter it themselves or see someone else being bullied. Make sure they understand that no matter what anyone says or does to them (or others), they have the right not only stand up for themselves but also speak out against any kind of mistreatment or abuse directed at other people too! It's also important for parents to create an environment where their kids feel comfortable coming forward if something does happen - whether its physical violence or verbal harassment. Let them know that you're always available if they need someone who understands and supports them unconditionally; this will give them the confidence needed when dealing with difficult situations involving bullies down the line! Finally, don't forget: laughter really IS the best medicine here! So try not take things too seriously by encouraging lightheartedness whenever possible; after all, sometimes chuckling through chaos makes life so much easier (and more fun! From Victim to Victor: Turning the Tables on Bullies with a Smile [caption id="attachment_1980" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Learn valuable resources and strategies to help your child if they are experiencing bullying. Get the tools you need to support them in this challenging situation. Parent resources on bullying[/caption] It's no secret that bullying can be a serious problem for kids, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tools and strategies, your child can turn the tables on bullies with a smile! That's right - you heard us correctly. We're talking about taking an "eye-for-an-eye" approach to dealing with bullies by using humor and wit to disarm them. Sure, it may sound like a tall order at first glance, but we promise that if your child is willing to put in some effort they can become the victor instead of the victim! So how do you get started? Well first off, make sure your kid has all of their facts straight before engaging in any sort of confrontation or dialogue with their bully. This means doing research into what kind of person they are dealing with so that they know exactly how best to respond when faced with taunting or teasing from them. Additionally, encourage your child not only to stand up for themselves but also others who may be getting picked on as well; this will show strength and courage which could potentially help deescalate any situation quickly and effectively without resorting violence or aggression as solutions (which should always remain off limits). Finally ––and most importantly–– remind your kiddo that no matter what happens during these interactions: keep smiling! A little bit of humor goes a long way when it comes turning victims into victors against bullies ––so don’t forget those pearly whites! Laugh It Off: Teaching Kids How to Defuse Bullying Situations with Humor [caption id="attachment_1981" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Find resources, tips and advice on how to support your child if they are being bullied or are a bully themselves. Learn the best ways to address bullying from experts and fellow parents. Parent resources on bullying[/caption] Bullying is a serious issue, but sometimes the best way to deal with it is to laugh it off. Teaching kids how to defuse bullying situations with humor can be an effective tool in their arsenal of strategies for dealing with bullies. Humor can help kids take control of the situation and show that they are not intimidated by the bully’s words or actions. It also helps them stay calm and focused on diffusing rather than escalating the conflict. Plus, laughter has been known to reduce stress levels and improve moods! When teaching your child how to use humor as a defense against bullying, make sure you emphasize that jokes should never be used as an insult or put-down towards another person—it's important for them to understand that using humor responsibly will help keep everyone safe from harm. Also remind them that if someone doesn't find something funny, they shouldn't push it; instead they should just move on without making any further comments about it. Finally, encourage your child not only when they successfully diffuse a situation through laughter but also when they stand up for themselves in other ways (e.g., walking away from a confrontation). This will reinforce positive behavior while helping build their self-confidence so that next time around, laughing off bullying may come more naturally! The Comical Comeback Kid: Empowering Children Against Bullies One Joke at a Time [caption id="attachment_1982" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Parent resources on bullying Check out our resources to help parents navigate the complexities of bullying. Get advice, tips, and strategies to support your child in a safe and healthy environment.[/caption] Have you ever heard of the Comical Comeback Kid? He's a superhero for kids who are being bullied. His mission is to empower children against bullies one joke at a time! The Comical Comeback Kid teaches kids how to use humor as an effective tool in their fight against bullying. He helps them come up with clever and witty responses that can disarm even the most aggressive bully. With his help, they learn how to take control of any situation without resorting to violence or aggression. But it's not just about teaching jokes; The Comical Comeback Kid also provides resources for parents on how best to support their children when they're facing bullying situations. From tips on talking openly about bullying, providing emotional support, and helping your child develop self-confidence - he covers it all! So if your child is struggling with bullies at school or online, don't worry - The Comical Comeback Kid has got you covered! With his help, your kid will be able to stand up for themselves in no time - all while having some fun along the way! Giggle Away the Grumps: Using Laughter as an Anti-Bullying Superpower [caption id="attachment_1984" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Are you a parent looking for resources to help your child with bullying? Find helpful information, tips and strategies here to ensure they stay safe. Parent resources on bullying[/caption] We all know that laughter is the best medicine, but did you know it can also be a powerful anti-bullying superpower? That's right! Giggling away the grumps can help kids stand up to bullies and feel more confident in themselves. It may sound silly at first, but research has shown that laughter releases endorphins which boost mood and reduce stress. So when your child comes home feeling down after an encounter with a bully, try encouraging them to laugh it off! A few minutes of giggles could make all the difference in their attitude towards bullying. Laughter is also contagious – so if your child finds something funny they’re likely to share it with their friends or classmates (which could even lead to some friendly teasing instead of bullying). Plus, laughing together helps build strong relationships between peers which makes everyone feel safer and more secure against any potential bullies out there. So don't forget: giggle away those grumps! Laughter really is an amazing anti-bullying superpower that every kid should have in their toolkit for dealing with difficult situations like bullying. https://www.stopbullying.gov/ - This is the official U.S. government website dedicated to stopping bullying. It provides a wealth of information and resources for parents, educators, and communities. https://www.parents.com/kids/problems/bullying/ - This link takes you to a page on the Parents.com website, which offers practical advice and tips for parents on how to recognize, prevent, and address bullying. https://www.netsmartz.org/Parents - This is a resource from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children that offers a range of tools and information to help parents keep their kids safe online and offline, including how to deal with bullying.
0 notes
bruuluuu · 1 year
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Parent resources on bullying the place to find them Ladies and gentlemen, moms and dads, step right up! Welcome to the wacky world of parenting where you'll find all sorts of wild creatures – from adorable little angels to mischievous monsters. But fear not, dear reader! Today we're here to tackle one particularly pesky problem: bullying. Now don't go running for the hills just yet; we've got a secret weapon in our arsenal that's sure to leave those bullies shaking in their boots (or at least chuckling uncontrollably). That's right – humor! In this fantastic funhouse of an article, we'll be exploring how laughter can help transform your child from a helpless victim into a comical comeback kid. Join us as we dive headfirst into bully-proofing techniques that are guaranteed to have both you and your kiddos giggling through even the toughest situations. Table of contents: Parent resources on bullying Bully-Proofing Your Child: A Parent's Guide to Chuckling Through the Chaos From Victim to Victor: Turning the Tables on Bullies with a Smile Laugh It Off: Teaching Kids How to Defuse Bullying Situations with Humor The Comical Comeback Kid: Empowering Children Against Bullies One Joke at a Time Giggle Away the Grumps: Using Laughter as an Anti-Bullying Superpower Ah, parenting – the most rewarding and challenging job on the planet. One day you're teaching your little angel how to tie their shoes, and the next thing you know, they come home from school with a black eye because some pint-sized tyrant decided it was "National Punch-A-Fellow-Student Day." Bullying is no laughing matter (unless we're talking about that one time when Timmy tried to steal Susie's lunch money but ended up tripping over his shoelaces – classic!). But fear not! We've got your back with some top-notch parent resources to help tackle bullying like a pro. First things first: let's talk about those pesky bullies. You know who I'm talking about – those kids who think they rule the playground just because their dad drives a fancier minivan than yours. Well, guess what? There are actually websites out there dedicated entirely to helping parents understand these tiny terrors better! For example, StopBullying.gov offers an in-depth look at what causes kids to become bullies in the first place (spoiler alert: it usually has something to do with them feeling powerless or insecure). This site also provides tips for recognizing signs of bullying and strategies for addressing it head-on. Another great resource is Pacer.org/bullying/, which focuses specifically on preventing bullying among children with disabilities. They offer practical advice for creating inclusive environments where all kids can feel safe and supported. Now that we've covered bully basics let's move on to supporting our own kiddos during these tough times (because sometimes even superheroes need a little TLC). When dealing with any kind of emotional upheaval in our children’s lives - be it heartbreak over losing their favorite toy or distress caused by being bullied - communication is key! So go ahead; break out those detective skills honed from years of tracking down lost socks under beds and start asking questions like "How was your day?" or "Did anything interesting happen at school today?. The more open and honest the conversation, the better equipped you'll be to offer guidance and support. And speaking of support, don't forget about the power of a good ol' fashioned hug! Sometimes all it takes is a warm embrace to remind our little ones that they're not alone in this big scary world. If you feel like your child could benefit from some extra help navigating these choppy waters, consider reaching out to organizations like Stomp Out Bullying (stompoutbullying.org) or The Trevor Project (thetrevorproject.org), both of which offer resources specifically designed for kids who are struggling with bullying-related issues. So there you have it – a quick rundown on how to tackle bullying armed with nothing but humor and an internet connection. While we can't promise that these resources will transform every bully into a model citizen overnight (though wouldn't that be nice?), we do believe they'll provide parents with valuable tools for supporting their children through challenging times. After all, as any seasoned parent knows: when life gives you lemons… make lemonade! Or better yet: teach your kid how to make lemonade so they can start their own stand and show those bullies who's boss once and for all! Bully-Proofing Your Child: A Parent's Guide to Chuckling Through the Chaos [caption id="attachment_1979" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Parent resources on bullying Need help navigating the challenging world of bullying? Find resources for parents to understand and manage this difficult issue.[/caption] As parents, we all want to make sure our children are safe and happy. But when it comes to bullying, it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why I’ve put together this guide on how you can “bully-proof” your child! First off, let me just say that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for preventing bullying in kids. Every situation is different and requires a unique approach. However, there are some steps you can take that will help your child feel more secure and confident in their own skin - which will go a long way towards keeping them safe from bullies! One of the most important things you can do as a parent is talk openly with your kid about bullying - what it looks like, how they should respond if they ever encounter it themselves or see someone else being bullied. Make sure they understand that no matter what anyone says or does to them (or others), they have the right not only stand up for themselves but also speak out against any kind of mistreatment or abuse directed at other people too! It's also important for parents to create an environment where their kids feel comfortable coming forward if something does happen - whether its physical violence or verbal harassment. Let them know that you're always available if they need someone who understands and supports them unconditionally; this will give them the confidence needed when dealing with difficult situations involving bullies down the line! Finally, don't forget: laughter really IS the best medicine here! So try not take things too seriously by encouraging lightheartedness whenever possible; after all, sometimes chuckling through chaos makes life so much easier (and more fun! From Victim to Victor: Turning the Tables on Bullies with a Smile [caption id="attachment_1980" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Learn valuable resources and strategies to help your child if they are experiencing bullying. Get the tools you need to support them in this challenging situation. Parent resources on bullying[/caption] It's no secret that bullying can be a serious problem for kids, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tools and strategies, your child can turn the tables on bullies with a smile! That's right - you heard us correctly. We're talking about taking an "eye-for-an-eye" approach to dealing with bullies by using humor and wit to disarm them. Sure, it may sound like a tall order at first glance, but we promise that if your child is willing to put in some effort they can become the victor instead of the victim! So how do you get started? Well first off, make sure your kid has all of their facts straight before engaging in any sort of confrontation or dialogue with their bully. This means doing research into what kind of person they are dealing with so that they know exactly how best to respond when faced with taunting or teasing from them. Additionally, encourage your child not only to stand up for themselves but also others who may be getting picked on as well; this will show strength and courage which could potentially help deescalate any situation quickly and effectively without resorting violence or aggression as solutions (which should always remain off limits). Finally ––and most importantly–– remind your kiddo that no matter what happens during these interactions: keep smiling! A little bit of humor goes a long way when it comes turning victims into victors against bullies ––so don’t forget those pearly whites! Laugh It Off: Teaching Kids How to Defuse Bullying Situations with Humor [caption id="attachment_1981" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Find resources, tips and advice on how to support your child if they are being bullied or are a bully themselves. Learn the best ways to address bullying from experts and fellow parents. Parent resources on bullying[/caption] Bullying is a serious issue, but sometimes the best way to deal with it is to laugh it off. Teaching kids how to defuse bullying situations with humor can be an effective tool in their arsenal of strategies for dealing with bullies. Humor can help kids take control of the situation and show that they are not intimidated by the bully’s words or actions. It also helps them stay calm and focused on diffusing rather than escalating the conflict. Plus, laughter has been known to reduce stress levels and improve moods! When teaching your child how to use humor as a defense against bullying, make sure you emphasize that jokes should never be used as an insult or put-down towards another person—it's important for them to understand that using humor responsibly will help keep everyone safe from harm. Also remind them that if someone doesn't find something funny, they shouldn't push it; instead they should just move on without making any further comments about it. Finally, encourage your child not only when they successfully diffuse a situation through laughter but also when they stand up for themselves in other ways (e.g., walking away from a confrontation). This will reinforce positive behavior while helping build their self-confidence so that next time around, laughing off bullying may come more naturally! The Comical Comeback Kid: Empowering Children Against Bullies One Joke at a Time [caption id="attachment_1982" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Parent resources on bullying Check out our resources to help parents navigate the complexities of bullying. Get advice, tips, and strategies to support your child in a safe and healthy environment.[/caption] Have you ever heard of the Comical Comeback Kid? He's a superhero for kids who are being bullied. His mission is to empower children against bullies one joke at a time! The Comical Comeback Kid teaches kids how to use humor as an effective tool in their fight against bullying. He helps them come up with clever and witty responses that can disarm even the most aggressive bully. With his help, they learn how to take control of any situation without resorting to violence or aggression. But it's not just about teaching jokes; The Comical Comeback Kid also provides resources for parents on how best to support their children when they're facing bullying situations. From tips on talking openly about bullying, providing emotional support, and helping your child develop self-confidence - he covers it all! So if your child is struggling with bullies at school or online, don't worry - The Comical Comeback Kid has got you covered! With his help, your kid will be able to stand up for themselves in no time - all while having some fun along the way! Giggle Away the Grumps: Using Laughter as an Anti-Bullying Superpower [caption id="attachment_1984" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Are you a parent looking for resources to help your child with bullying? Find helpful information, tips and strategies here to ensure they stay safe. Parent resources on bullying[/caption] We all know that laughter is the best medicine, but did you know it can also be a powerful anti-bullying superpower? That's right! Giggling away the grumps can help kids stand up to bullies and feel more confident in themselves. It may sound silly at first, but research has shown that laughter releases endorphins which boost mood and reduce stress. So when your child comes home feeling down after an encounter with a bully, try encouraging them to laugh it off! A few minutes of giggles could make all the difference in their attitude towards bullying. Laughter is also contagious – so if your child finds something funny they’re likely to share it with their friends or classmates (which could even lead to some friendly teasing instead of bullying). Plus, laughing together helps build strong relationships between peers which makes everyone feel safer and more secure against any potential bullies out there. So don't forget: giggle away those grumps! Laughter really is an amazing anti-bullying superpower that every kid should have in their toolkit for dealing with difficult situations like bullying. https://www.stopbullying.gov/ - This is the official U.S. government website dedicated to stopping bullying. It provides a wealth of information and resources for parents, educators, and communities. https://www.parents.com/kids/problems/bullying/ - This link takes you to a page on the Parents.com website, which offers practical advice and tips for parents on how to recognize, prevent, and address bullying. https://www.netsmartz.org/Parents - This is a resource from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children that offers a range of tools and information to help parents keep their kids safe online and offline, including how to deal with bullying.
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Alex Recommends: December Books
We made it to the end of 2022! I hope you’re all having a wonderful, relaxing break before we dive head first into the new year and everything that promises to bring. 
My Christmas has been a bit busier and more stressful than usual due to some slight changes within the family. The lead-up to Christmas is definitely my favourite time of year and I had some really lovely times with Mark and my friends and family. December is my birthday month but that’s definitely not why it’s my favourite. I’ve just always thought that it’s an amazing time to stop and reflect on the 11 months that come before it as well as being the ultimate time to be cosy and spend time with your favourite people. And I think that people are generally kinder in December, which is always a huge plus!
I have a busy month of assignments ahead of me now. I have started all three of the assignments that are due in January but they are definitely a point of stress that I’m sure will only grow until I finish them. I have to remember that I’ve chosen to go back to university to pursue something that I am very interested in, so all of this time and effort will be worth it in the end. Sometimes my anxiety gets the better of me and tries to convince me that it’s all pointless because I won’t be able to get a job at the end of it anyway and that’s when I have to tell it to shut the hell up. I’ve got so good at that!
Of course, I have been reading plenty recently. There is another great mix this month, including a special mention of a book that I really think everyone should read (Lessons In Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus -eeep it’s SO good!). I’m really excited to get started on my 2023 TBR. I was lucky enough to get some amazing books over the festive period from my loved ones and I’m going to do my best to read as many of them as possible before next December (she says, laughing but secretly really hoping she does!). Happy new year to you all!
-Love, Alex x
DESERVES THE HYPE: Lessons In Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.
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Elizabeth Zott is a chemist and she wants nothing more than to be known as a brilliant name within her field. But the all-male team at Hastings Research Institute have a dim view of a woman trying to make it within science in the 1960s. They think Elizabeth (and all women) should stay at home, making dinner and babies. It’s only the Nobel prize nominated Calvin Evans that sees Elizabeth as the brilliant mind that she is. Through circumstances beyond Elizabeth’s control, just a few years later, she finds herself a single mother and the presenter of TV cooking show Supper At Six. Her scientific approach to cooking ignites the minds of women across America and a revolution occurs that sparks hope in some and ire in others. I need to start by saying how incredible and completely unforgettable Elizabeth Zott is. It goes without saying that I love books with fearless, passionate women but Elizabeth really was something special. I audibly cheered several times during my reading! Lessons In Chemistry is a very unique, special story about a woman refusing to do what men want her to do. It offers an authentic insight into 1960s attitudes towards unwed mothers, women in science and expectations of what women should be doing with their lives. Considering this is a debut, I am so excited to see what Garmus writes next, if she can write characters as complex and likeable as Elizabeth Zott.
FICTION: The Vanishing of Margaret Small by Neil Alexander.
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Soon after the death of her idol Cilla Black, 75-year-old Margaret Small starts receiving small amounts of money through the post accompanied by notes signed simply ‘C’. Is it Cilla trying to get in touch with her? To unravel the mystery, Margaret needs to go back to the days that she spent at St Mary’s, an institution for people with learning disabilities, where she made and lost friends and love. Once again, it’s a book with a very memorable, fascinating heroine and a harrowing insight into 1950s/1960s views on unwed mothers and disabled people. There are some loose ends not quite tied up at the end and I really enjoy this ‘open to interpretation’ approach but I understand that can be frustrating for some readers. It’s a very heartbreaking story with a very heartwarming ending and I couldn’t put it down.
NON-FICTION: Ace Voices: What it Means to be Asexual, Aromantic, Demi or Grey-Ace by Eris Young.
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Featuring a wide range of a-spec voices, Eris Young talks about sex, intimacy, dating, friendship, family, mental health and more in this all-encompassing manual for a rather marginalised branch of the LGBTQ+ community. It was wonderfully enlightening to hear about such a diverse scope of experiences within the same spectrum. The fact that individuals have different definitions for their orientations and that preferences can differ wildly even within the same ‘label’ was truly fascinating. I was particularly interested in the split attraction model (SAM) because I strongly believe that sexual and romantic attractions (and therefore orientations) are different. This is an important book for anyone who is a-spec but it’s also a very educational read for anyone who isn’t.
MIDDLE-GRADE: Wren by Lucy Hope.
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On Anglesey, Wren lives with her father, brother and aunt in a strange, ancient house. Her father would rather Wren start behaving like a proper lady but Wren is much more interested in going outside and having adventures just like her mother used to. While testing out one of her inventions, Wren realises that there is a deeply embedded mystery within her family home and it could destroy everything. This strange, dark tale is full of Welsh folklore and beautiful imagery of Anglesey, which I adored. Wren is a feisty, determined, young heroine whose cause is very easy to root for. It’s a book that is full of hope while fighting against tradition, exploring the dangers of honouring history over doing the right thing. This is a very relevant message to today’s society and I loved the fact that it was conveyed in a dark, children’s fantasy story.
HISTORICAL FICTION: Hester by Laurie Lico Albanese.
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Isobel’s husband Edward is an opium-addled apothecary whose debts have forced them to flee Edinburgh to Salem, Massachusetts. Almost immediately after arriving, Edward is called onto another voyage leaving Isobel destitute in a new country. She is a talented seamstress and secures work embroidering gloves for a local boutique owner but the pay is awful. Then she meets Nat Hathorne, a struggling writer from a family of former witch burners. With her husband’s fate unknown, Isobel and Nat are drawn together. I haven’t read The Scarlet Letter but Hester is a retelling of how that book came about. Isobel is supposedly the muse for the novel’s heroine and of course, Nat is Nathaniel Hawthorne. I found it to be a thoroughly immersive story about running from injustice and becoming your own woman. There are themes of slavery and witchcraft as well as the wider issues that come with both of those things -racism and misogyny. It features some lovely, brave characters and it ends on such a resounding note of hope. So, apparently you don’t need any previous Scarlet Letter knowledge to enjoy it!
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medicinemane · 2 years
My mom's in a fucking toddler throwing tantrums mood about shit
Like I don't care about whatever shit's going on in your head (especially cause this morning you force me to be therapist then snap at me for saying not the perfect thing)
Clearly I'm fucked in the head myself, you here know literally better than anyone else the state I'm always in
You can't let it get in the way though, as in you have to fucking take care of shit regardless of how you're doing
Here her down there yelling and cussing (which... not great for my mental health due to the past), well the shitty curtain rods had come down, and instead of just getting me to put them back up she's trying to do it herself
I don't care that you feel bad about getting old, fucking do the division of the labor in a way that makes sense. You literally can't do this, you're in the way by trying. You want to be useful, go through shit like I always ask you to, that helps me infinitely more than you putting up a curtain rod
Is this callous? Absolutely. Anyone else I'd have more sympathy for, but barring my grandma anyone else hasn't treated me like shit and told me no one could ever love me (not incorrect, but unacceptable to tell a kid)
You feel like shit because you missed an email about getting into an anthology? That sucks, but you can't just wallow
There's not a day that goes by when I don't feel like trash. Your parents made you feel guilty about not being able to work? Fucking shocking but they did the same to me, and I've never managed a paid job (only volunteer and clinicals stuff), but I just fucking swallow those feelings and stick to the plan
I feel like shit about not bringing in an income, but getting the place cleaned up has to come before making money, especially since any plan I tried would still be half cocked. I but my damn feelings aside and focus on what brings stability
She's a fucking bringer of chaos cause she never stops and thinks, she nearly lost her disability because she got the great idea to apply for an old job she would have had to drive 2 hours to and get a hotel that pays less then her disability does
Dipshit, you may not like it, but the disability is your job at this point. Help out around the house if you want something to do that actually adds value. I keep asking you for that one thing, and you keep wasting time on shit that doesn't pay but "might someday" because otherwise you might be a failure
Well here's the news, you are. You're a burden. You're a millstone. You treated me like shit growing up, you destroyed my ability to be close to family, you made me even more isolated than I was already inclined to be, and now I have to let you live with me... what's to be done?
Get a therapist or get your shit together on your own. Stop making it my problem. Suck it up and just ask for help. You want to do something? Get the mail so I'm not straining myself to get it when my insomnia is bad. There's shit you can do that would help, but you refuse to do it, and instead you wail and throw fits cause you can't do shit you feel inferior for not being able to do
You gave me terrible self esteem, you and your parents have made me feel like trash. What I say about here is a small fraction of what I actually think, but it doesn't matter
Nothing gets fixed unless I keep moving forward. It probably can't change me not being able to get the one thing I want, but my house is a miles better situation than anything I've had before, and there's so much more I can get and make better about my life
Fucking quite making me emotionally regulate you. You made me do that so much when I was little that... I don't know... doesn't put me in a fucking good place when I have to do it
The kitchen was clean till you fucked it up, almost all of the mess I have to go through is your shit. You put your emotional regulation on me
How about instead of worrying if you've gotten physically weak, which while I'm all for doing practical stuff like psychical therapy style exercises, the fact is you can't meaningfully change... how about instead of that you do shit that you can do and that would really make a difference?
But no, you're from your family, and the only reason I don't use that last name like an insult right now is to avoid doxxing myself. It's a trash lineage cause you and your parents are assholes
Many things wrong with me, but at least I never had a kid, treated them like trash, let my parents really really treat them like trash, and then forced them to raise me and take care of me
You want to stop being pathetic? Start there, start by just handling your shit, and then just get me to fix the curtain rod instead of doing shit that sends me back to real bad times, and then I have to fix it anyway
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viraltitta · 2 years
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beyondtsh · 2 years
How to Get Motivated as a Christian
New Post has been published on https://wp.me/pe1Nfh-GE
How to Get Motivated as a Christian
Even Christians need to know how to get motivated in whatever they’re doing. This is especially true if you have conditions such as depression or anxiety. I know there are many days when I get up and I just don’t really feel like doing anything.
Some days you just plain feel lazy and that’s okay unless you have important projects to get done on schedule. Then it’s important to get motivated to get up and do something.
Do You Have a Lack of Motivation?
I do. In fact, I go through this frequently.
Medication Conditions Causing Lack of Motivation
I have a couple of medical conditions with side effects of depression and anxiety. Sometimes it gets really annoying; other times I just throw my hands in the air and simply give in to the laziness. And that’s not really great when you’re trying to build a business.
Some of my lack of motivation comes from not really knowing what I’m supposed to be doing with myself. You’d think I’d know at my age (63 at the time of this post!). After I lost my last full-time job I ended up at home on permanent disability. I’ve been trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing since then.
How to Get Motivated After Failures
I’ve had a couple of home businesses that I had to shut down due to increased physical and medical conditions. My continuous brain fog and pain didn’t bode well with those businesses.
Now with my t-shirt business, I started out all excited about it then fell into a slump. My brother was suddenly killed and my motivation to do anything went right out the window.
I’ve started to do a little more with it lately as far as writing, designing, making ads, and marketing it more.
I Just Need That One Sale to Get Motivated!
But, I think my periodic lack of motivation now comes from not enough sales yet and that gets pretty frustrating. Sometimes just learning to be patient can be how to get motivated!
It’s kind of like when you’re watching a sports game and the team’s losing because they haven’t scored yet. But then, as soon as they get on the scoreboard, they get motivated to move. They may even end up winning the game because they just got that little bit of motivation.
What Things Do You Need to Get Motivated to Do?
What are some things you may need some motivation to do? Well, cleaning, doing laundry, and cooking are some household things you might need to get motivated to do.
If you work from home, you may always need motivation to get things done. Some of those things may be writing, marketing, creating emails or newsletters; things that you have to do yourself if you don’t have the funds to outsource.
One of the ways that I’ve found motivation is by chatting with people in a couple of Facebook groups related to my business. Another is chatting with some of the people I go to church with and I get some encouragement from them.
One of the best ways to get motivated is just by talking to Jesus; simply asking God for motivation in Jesus name, to get my mindset more on creating new blog posts, designing new shirts, and marketing.
And, of course, another great way is just by reading the Bible.
How to Get Motivated Reading Bible Verses
There are many great motivational passages and scriptures in the Bible that can actually teach you how to find motivation and also provide cross references to other passages about motivation. Here are some of my favorites from the New Kings James Bible:
Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Psalm 121:1-2 “I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.”
Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Get this t-shirt design here!
How do you get motivated to get through the day?
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mjgreys · 2 years
Endless sky campaign walkthrough
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Do you farm korath tech first to make the falcons more capable? Or do you wait until you have beetles to do the korath farming? I’ve done both, no preference. A bunked out falcon can absolutely steal 2 (or maybe 3? I doubt it….) Shield beetle ships which sell for around $8 million each.
You could start the free worlds campaign….or head to hai space and start the cycle all over again. You now have the potential for a large fleet and the means to sustain it by selling bounty ships.
You can eventually get falcons and leviathans this way, plus marauder falcons which are amazing. No big deal, once a bounty ship is disabled, you can leave the system, land, come back and its still there waiting, leaving you to refill crew and capture them all. Bounty missions are great because nobody messes with your bounties….except the crews who like to blow themselves up now and then. So now you have your fleet and youve been nobody’s bit….chump about it. With 3 or 4 falcon escorts fully outfitted, you should be able to start taking bounty missions. Now you can start drawing ships you want away from the center of system to make it easier to capture before it gets mowed down by the zealously murderous military. You shuold be grabbing any other ship worth your time to sell as well to pay off the bank loan and keep up with crew salary. Once you have a falcon, you can certainly bunk it out to get more falcons and start a fleet. My typical progression looks like this: Shuttle>argosy>bastion>falcon>beetle Once you are using an argosy, its time to buy rifles and grenades for attack in the nearby system of sargas, just dont forget to move them when you change ships. Keep trying, it takes a while bc everyone loves murdering slave children pirate crews. If you are struggling to get there in time. Again, no shields, no weapons, just enough power to move and the rest is outfit expansions and bunks. You want speed at least 200 but not much more, and turning over 50. Now you have a machine gun, ho…ho….ho….wait, thats not right.ĭont bother building a fleet at this pointunless you just want to, just snag an argosy and sell anything else you grab to pay bills and refit the argosy for max bunks like you did the shuttle. This will help prevent the ship from being taken out by all the kamikaze pirates who cant resist diving at weakened ships. Once you have successfully boarded a ship and captured it, click “done”on the boarding panel and immediately hit the hyperdrive jump button to get out ofd the system, and as soon as you are in aldhibain, immediately click the land button to automatically land on the planet. The best time to do this is when there are a lot of ships in range of the military/trader ships so that they turn to the next ship instead of taking the time to finish off the one you want. Then its 1 in 100 to snag it without it getting blown up. Follow it around until other ships disable it. All you do is left click the ship you want when it comes in so its in the right-hand active target indicator on the hud. This part can be frustrating, tedious, challenging, repetitive, and is super rewarding because this is the action of not being an errand boy.īasically all you do is lurk around so the main planet (where inbound ships congregate) is at the edge of your screen so you can see inbound pirate ships, but they wont be as likely to come after you. You can certainly take jobs that are on the way, but if you dont pay off any of your loan early yet, you wont need to. Open your map and click on aldhibain since it has a ship yard. Head to alniyat system (“map south-west” in what will be called free worlds region), land, now hire crew and take off again. No weapons, no shields, downgrade thruster and turning thruster, buy outfit expansion and max out bunks. New game, pick shuttle, skip tutorial (get lost old man!!) And gut it. Quickstart guide: not for fitfirst timers, the spoilers and tactic will ruin the game lol, this is for speed starting once youve seen it all so you can breeze through the story archs with absurd levels of ease. Its argueably muuuuuch faster money and good for practicing those combat skills. Thats right, grab a shuttle and get ready to steal pirate ships for a living. this is intended to help you understand a fine tuned system for getting through all current story up to 0.9.9 in a quick manner without doing any of the taxi/cargo etc missions found in the job panel. Finish FW and Wander campaign before even reading. This guide is not intended for noobs as there are many big spoilers and also because it is so simplified it makes the game boring if you haven’t already done it a few times.
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