#which features 100% more smut than will's birthday sequence
robthegoodfellow · 1 year
NSFW snippet from next chapter of Upside-Down (which I swear is coming soonish). Just the product of my wondering whether it’d be possible for them to work out together without it immediately detouring to a different equally valid form of exercise.
He’d returned to the castle that evening and found Harrington working out in the makeshift home gym set up in the garage. Been at it a while, given the shifting shine of his skin, muscles bunching on his back, his arms, as he huffed through a set of dumbbell pushups, pulling each weight to his pec, one at a time, whenever he straightened.
“Don’t let me interrupt,” Billy said, smarmy, when Harrington glanced over, sweaty strands of brown plastered to his brow. He panted a laugh, kept going.
Hands on hips, Billy assessed the many tantalizing directions he could take the scene before him: Harrington shirtless, wearing gym shorts with nothing underneath, if the line of his dick cradled in red mesh was anything to go by. Some running shoes, feet spread for stability.
Strolling to Harrington’s side, he dropped to a crouch, ghosted fingertips down the slick spine to watch him twitch. “How many you shooting for?”
The chuckle had an edge—Harrington fully knew what was coming. “Ten more.”
“Wanna make it harder?” Billy asked, tracing over the clenched ass, down his thigh.
“Already there, bud,” Harrington said, strained, and Billy checked, cupped his stiffy through the shorts while the hand on his thigh smoothed back up, snuck under the mesh where the skin was pale and soft. Harrington bit off a whine, a shaky descent on the rep.
Billy tugged on the fabric from inside, pulled it snug against his dick on the ascent. “Want to, though?”
Harrington hadn’t finished wheezing a slew of yeahs when Billy rubbed him firm, root to tip, and the left dumbbell wavered upward. Quested with his hand under the shorts to grip a rigid asscheek, and the right weight likewise bobbled.
Sometimes, Billy reflected, he felt kinda evil in a shitty way, and then there were times he was evil in a purely sexy way. Like Catwoman.
Clinging to control, gasping a bit, Harrington lowered, and Billy abandoned the asscheek in favor of tracing past his taint, his balls, to adjust his tortured, throbbing cock—position it, with the help of his hand on the outside, so that the crown peeked from the waistband, tucked against his trembling stomach. Right where Billy could brush the flushed wet, back and forth.
“How many left?” he asked, hushed, as Harrington pushed up with an audible squeak, arms extended.
The answer, through gritted teeth: “Seven.”
Billy hummed, kept rubbing the head while the other hand returned whence it came, thumb swiping a wide arc to his tight crack. Spoke before the dumbbells could rise, complete the rep. “Spread your feet more.” Repeated more until his cheeks were adequately parted, and Billy skated the pad of his thumb to the clenched whorl of skin.
Steady stream of fucks accompanied the lift of the left weight, the right. Billy pressed on his hole, testing, and Harrington grunted, lowered again—like Billy was the one pushing him down.
Still quiet: “Can you relax for me, babe?”
Harrington was gulping air, fine tremors racing under slick skin. Billy quit rubbing his dick, but left his hand there, almost propping him up, and that was when he felt it—this flutter where Billy was lightly pressing, so he pressed more, crooked at the knuckle. Sank in.
Sank in way easier than expected.
“Having fun earlier?” Barely a question, more an observation, and Harrington shifted, pushed back on the intrusion, begging for more. “Ah-ah,” Billy scolded, even as he fed him the rest of his thumb. “That’s not proper form.”
Groaning, Harrington brought his hips back into alignment, straight as an arrow from shoulder to ankle—then completed the next rep, clenching around Billy like a vise.
“Five more.” Tried to make it encouraging as he resumed his feather-light torment of Harrington’s crown, smearing precome on his belly. “Do it and I’ll suck you.”
Harrington chuckled, thready. “I do this, you fuck me.”
Through sheer force of will, Billy did not rip his shorts off then and there. “Or that.”
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risthebrave · 4 years
okay so i was going to send in an ask for the director’s cut thing, but there were too many fics i wanted to ask about 😭 i’ll send them in but PLEASE keep in mind you don’t have to do them all i feel bad dmfjsjf
move so pretty (you’re all i see), sleeping on our problems, works like a charm, just a flicker in the dark, and sweet like honey
ahhh omg thank you for sending these in! i’m so sorry for how long it took to get out - i may have forgotten about it shjkskss also i don’t mind talking about all of them but i’m definitely going to keep each one short. you can find them under the cut:
move so pretty (you’re all i see) ~
this fic was started initially when i was doing word prompts using curiouscat! people would send me words and i’d write a quick little drabble/snippet... they’re typically around 300-ish words but i got the word “owns,” and maybe got a bit carried away? i think that prompt ended up being 1k words - too long to post using cc so i had to take screenshots and post as separate tweet. 
the idea that came to me was something i love to read in fics: one of them walking in on the other masturbating. i didn’t intend for it to become anything more than that snippet but i what can i say? i got intrigued. my brain helpfully provided a backstory: best friends, harry maybe having feelings for louis but not wanting to ruin their friendship... 
fast-forward three days and i posted an 11k fic shjssks
this was my first attempt at writing a pwp so that was an interesting experience!!! i’m too obsessed with giving backstories and arcs to ever write just pure smut but this is the closest i’ve gotten??? 5.5k/11k being smut, that is. and for once coming up with the title wasn’t too hard because there’s one song i always think of when it comes to best friends to lovers and that’s lucky!! 
i don’t really know what else to say for this one! i remember sarah and i both wrote and posted pwps in a short span of each other so that was fun... she’s actually the one who motivated me to finish and post this fic instead of just letting the idea go. and her dog ended up in the story: chica <3 my absolute favorite <3333
sleeping on our problems ~
welp. this fic was a struggle for a long time. idk if i’ve talked about it on this blog but this fic was initially an exes to lovers fic!!! where they spent harry’s rut together right before breaking up and then louis finds out he’s pregnant and angst ensues. 
changing it to a one-night stand (even though it wasn’t only one night shjksks) ended up being a really good decision in the way that this new version of the story required a lot less angst and reflection of their past relationship, choices, actions!! that first fic was going to be a lot heavier i think shjsks but i really love how it turned out!!
barring the main tropes, the progression of the story and the outline itself changed so. much. in the process of writing... i found an earlier saved version of my outline and the story is almost completely unrecognizable haha. and actually the most recent saved version of the outline is also not 100% accurate to the final story because for the last 10k of the story, i was flying completely free shjsksk. 
also, even after i finished the fic, i went back and added two scenes the next day so it’s safe to say i changed so much of this story -- it was never supposed to be that long either hsjsksk the goal was 48-50k and i thought i was being optimistic!
somewhat in the same vein but also really different: this fic was one of the first fics i ever wrote out of order! before this, i had switched around maybe a couple times when writing a fic but mostly stuck to chronological order. but in this one i kept getting stuck with certain scenes and decided that i’d never reach my goal of finishing unless i switched to parts of the story i had the inspiration to write in the moment instead of getting stuck on one single part i had no motivation for. it really helped the process and i’ve been switching around ever since. 
another thing that really helped me actually finish this fic was the motivation and encouragement of people on twitter and i’m still so appreciative of it now :’) there’s no way i could have finished this fic without the kind words and well wishes of my mutuals!!
(also - i included an easter egg in this fic from another one of my fics... i suppose that’s sort of the type of insight that fits for these things? the ballet louis and harry saw in new york was swan lake <3)
works like a charm ~
ooo i wrote this fic for my friend’s birthday!! she loves hp aus and slytherin hl so it was just a given that i write that for her. i was on a deadline - pretty sure i made the doc on september 4th, aka nine days before i posted - and i hadn’t had my full outline done when i started which is is... let’s just say very uncommon. 
this is another example of me going off outline and changing the story as i went because initially the estimation was about 12k and the basic plot was that after they’d fuck for the first time, they’d immediately talk about the past and resolve those misunderstandings. but when i got to that point, i realized it felt too rushed for how the story was progressing so i extended it a bit and added some more *tension* and *miscommunication* until they finally got their shit together!
also i feel like some would find louis’ blatant lies when interrogated about his feelings for harry to be unrealistic but as someone who has definitely done the exact same thing (lmao - without the happy ending), i find it a definite possibility. and i mean, we all say stuff we don’t mean under pressure - whether it’s to louis’ (and my) extent or not. 
another thing i remember about this fic was having to work out with sarah - who was also posting a fic for this friend’s birthday - posting times and dates. we eventually agreed that she’d post first and i’d post the day after (neither were the actual day of the birthday because we were both running late!) this is a conversation we proceeded to have many other times since we both have made habits of birthday fics and we pretty much have the same friends. 
all of this was also happening in sync with us writing a fic together for our other friend’s birthday which was on the 8th... yes it was exactly as chaotic and stressful as you’re thinking but also fun! and i love all three fics involved!! haha. 
just a flicker in the dark ~
okay this fic is definitely my favorite thing i’ve ever written and i’ve said that before many, many times but it’s true! but it too changed so much from the initial idea to the final end product. 
in fact, the original idea was a 20k somewhat-crack fic where harry was a ghost and louis was the paranormal investigator trying to get him to stop haunting this house. it was just supposed to be a quick and fun halloween fic to work on while finishing up my first blff and finally making head way on my abandoned second blff... obviously, that changed drastically. 
it initially started with me getting the idea of louis and harry being partners and enemies. and then i was thinking... why not throw exes on top of it while we’re there??? that was completely self-indulgent since exes to lovers is my favorite trope of all time. but the idea was still that they were paranormal investigators trying to work a case on a haunted house and though the estimated wc had raised to 35k, i was still hoping that it’d be quick and easy because i had two other projects that needed a lot of my attention. 
then came the first day of october. i woke up after having the craziest dream about louis and harry and the ghost that was not really a ghost. i ended up writing about 7k that thursday and the story really just took shape from there. the first sequence i wrote was actually the scene where louis goes into the backyard and ends up in the pocket dimension where the spirit imprints on him - i think it was a 3.5k scene and it just flew out of me sjksjsk. after that i took a small break to start my outline but it was more of a messy list of ideas and details and things i wanted to include than my usual organized format. the next scene i wrote that day was the scene where louis is in the bedroom and the demon is there but harry is not but then he is (i’m so good at describing things, right?) that’s actually one of my favorite scenes i’ve ever written and the funny thing is that i barely even knew all the details of the demon plot by this point but my hands just kept typing and my brain had the tendrils of the story forming and that amazing feeling that this is something good. 
i could ramble on forever about the process of writing this fic but i’ll just say that it’s the most fun i’ve ever had writing anything ever. word-building and supernatural elements are my favorite and getting to delve into those things here was so much fun! the entire process took twenty-five days (spanning from october 1st to october 28th - with a small three day break to focus on finishing miss wedding au!!) and though i did have some small struggles and moments of writer’s block, for the most part the story just came to me. and it’s so amazing to me because i didn’t even have all the details and facets of the plot until louis did too but it ended up working out??? if anything, it showed his process of figuring things out really well because it was the process of me figuring things out!
also this was the first time i heavily featured a fic pet in a fic and i fell as much in love with venus as everyone else did :’) she has my heart, truly <3 i love this world and these characters so so much and i hope to return to it sometime in the future!
sweet like honey ~
whooo, okay, this fic... yikes. this fic was a capital s Struggle. 
so basically this fic was written for the blff and though it came out first, it was the second prompt i signed up for, prompt 63: Friends to lovers AU where Harry and Louis are best friends and flatmates in Uni and they both need money, Harry for his gym membership and Louis for cute stuff like sanrio plushies, so they decide to film homemade porn videos together. Louis is shy and sweet and maybe inexperienced and Harry kinda doms him.
i remember the exact moment i saw the blff post on tumblr about it being allowed to sign up for another prompt from that point on - i was sitting at the counter at my friend’s ranch’s kitchen eating crepes and browsing on my phone. i saw the post and immediately signed up for this prompt because it had been my second choice and though i love love loved my first prompt so much, i was disappointed at not being able to write this one... but i did!
the idea and basic outline was actually completed way back in july/august but for some reason i just couldn’t make any actual progress on it for so long??? i’m pretty sure the document was stuck at 5k for over three months shsjksks to be fair, i did keep pushing it to the side in favor of other newer fics but i was just experiencing the biggest barrier when it came to this story and characters. 
in fact, i actually reached out to the mods in late october about a potential extension - they informed me that all writers could use a two week extension if needed and i figured that would be fine. however, i didn’t end up using it! within the first few days of november, i managed to pull the wc up to 8k by the skin of my teeth (was still majorly struggling) - i was still sure i’d need an extension but then something really awful but in this case, helpful, happened... 
election week. 
basically, i’m a big stress-writer. writing is what i do when i’m upset or anxious or stressed because it truly is my happy place. i wouldn’t say writing during that week made me feel much better about everything going on but it provided a distraction. so much though that i went from 8k to 24k in the span of a few days... and i have absolutely no recollection of writing any of it. 
not only did i not need any extension, i also somehow ended up finishing early by a few days. and i really liked what i had!! or what i remembered of it anyway shjskks.
one thing i remember really focusing on in terms of these characters and dynamic was having it actually just be them starting as friends and developing feelings later. i feel like a common trope in friends to lovers fics is having one or both of them with pre-existing feelings that they feel is unrequited. obviously there’s nothing wrong with that (i’ve written it myself lol) and it’s a common trope for a reason - because it’s good - but i wanted to try something a little different. them actually filming these videos is what acted as the catalyst to them beginning to view their relationship with new eyes and open the door to the eventual feelings that developed. 
i also had so much fun writing harry’s pov in this one haha. i feel like this version of him was really bold and shameless and super easy for me to develop. 
this is also the closest i’ve ever gotten to meeting my estimation word count... ever. my estimate was 32k and it ended up at 33k!!! and yes i’m more proud of that than i should be lol
anyways, i pretty much just rambled but if anyone sees this and gets some good insight out of it, then yay! feel free to send more director’s cut inquiries!! i love doing them (even if it takes me weeks - sorry again!)
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