#which essentially boils down into
pavus · 29 days
i have an offering of Girl Pinterest.
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A very basic, SPOILER FREE guide to understanding Evillious for casual fans
Basically this is exactly what the title says. This is a guide to understanding Evillious and what it’s about for people only casually interested in the series without A) presenting all of the information as confusingly as possible, B) exposing them to every single spoiler and plot twist in the narrative, or C) requiring someone to read hundreds of wiki pages or 13+ novels worth of story. Note that because I am reducing spoilers as much as possible, some of this information may be “incorrect” (as in, it presents information that’s given by the story as true, only to be later revealed as false).
Guide is under the cut. I will attempt to make this friendly for people with a poor attention span like myself but no promises.
Series Labels
First off, a break-down of the terms you’ll see fans throw around for the series and what they mean or are used for. This is not all-encompassing, but these are the most common you’ll see out there.
Evillious Chronicles/Evillious----This is the label that English-speaking fans use for the overall series. Note that this is, from what I can gather, an entirely fandom term, and is not used in any official capacity. Most Japanese fans will call it the 悪ノ series (the “of Evil” series).
Arcs----This is a fan term often used to refer to specific points in Evillious’ chronology where a song or novel takes place. Lunacy of Duke Venomania is “Lust Arc”, Evil Food Eater Conchita is "Gluttony Arc" Daughter of Evil is “Pride Arc”, Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep and Fifth, Pierrot are “Sloth Arc”, Judgment of Corruption and Muzzle of Nemesis is “Greed/Wrath/Grath Arc”, etc.
Story of Evil/Daughter of Evil----While Story of Evil will sometimes be used to refer to Evillious as a whole, and in fact is the name of a children’s series mothy has written which does not take place in Evillious, generally when people use either of these terms they are referring to the events that take place in the “Daughter of Evil” songs. As a note, Daughter of Evil is the official name of mothy’s first novel series that adapts these songs (the series that begins with Cloture of Yellow).
Seven Deadly Sins/Deadly Sins of Evil----This is a term used to refer to the parts of Evillious that revolve around the deadly sin contractors and their actions in the classic songs by mothy--Daughter of Evil, Lunacy of Duke Venomania, Evil Food Eater Conchita, Gift from the Princess Who Brought Sleep, The Tailor of Enbizaka, Judgment of Corruption, and Muzzle of Nemesis. And more specifically, Deadly Sins of Evil refers to mothy’s second novel series that adapts these songs (and begins with Lunacy of Duke Venomania).
Original Sin Story/OSS: This refers to anything that takes place during Evillious’ chronological beginning. Note that while content relating to these events was released for a long time in songs and album booklets, it is only very recently that the novels adapting them were released, so some people discussing it may be referring to the former, but not the latter.
The vast majority of characters in Evillious that you are likely familiar with from the songs are based off of VOCALOID characters in design, and “voiced” by them in the songs. Note though that multiple characters can be based off of the same VOCALOID, so fans will usually insist on referring to them by their character names rather than the VOCALOID that they are based on. Fans can usually tell who is who by context, but even without it, you can usually tell them apart by their unique clothing designs or specific hairstyles.
The series takes place primarily in a region called Evillious, on a continent called Bolganio. Evillious is roughly analogous to Europe, with many of its countries being counterpart to ones in the real world.
The most obvious ones are Lucifenia=France, Elphegort=Germany, Marlon=Britain, Beelzenia=Italy/Spain, Asmodean=Arabian Peninsula, Levianta=Russia. Note that Tailor of Enbizaka does NOT take place in Evillious, but rather a country to the far east called Jakoku. Jakoku=Japan.
For clarification’s sake, when I say Evillious, I am referring to the series as a whole, NOT the region in which most of the series takes place.
Evillious will share events in its history that are roughly analogous to those in our own world. The most clear-cut example is the events of Daughter of Evil, which mirror the French Revolution. However, Evillious’ history takes place in a compressed timeline--it spans the length of only one thousand years--and so there is much that is blended together or shifted around. Another clear-cut example of this is that the Age of Exploration is merged into the Victorian era during the events of Gift From the Princess Who Brought Sleep.
As the series covers 1000 years, there is a very large cast of characters and a huge set of political developments that are only barely touched on in the songs. Be advised--All but two of the main Seven Deadly Sin songs take place in completely different countries and time periods to each other (the exceptions being Judgment of Corruption and Muzzle of Nemesis).
There are a handful of belief systems in Evillious, but key for the setting (and for later plot developments) is the Levin faith. This religion has multiple branches, but it is, as might be expected, roughly equivalent to Christianity. ...Sort of.
The beliefs of the Levin faith describe the world as having been created by 4 main gods. The Earth God, Held (otherwise referred to as the Millennium Tree), the Sun God, Sickle, and the twin-headed dragon god, LeviaBehemo (or rather, the twin gods, Levia and Behemo). The most popular denomination of the Levin faith, the “Levia sect”, posits that LeviaBehemo is the only true god, and that all others are “false or evil gods”.
Bear in mind that all of these figures do genuinely exist in the world itself, even if their true nature is not as the Levin faith describes.
Also worth noting that in addition to their big 4 gods, there are also the 62 “god kin”, which exist in the setting as a collection of spirits that live under Held’s protection in the Millennium Tree forest in Elphegort.
The Levin faith posits that the world was created by the main gods as the third attempt at creating a paradise, the last two having been destroyed by malice/HER (we’ll get to that later). For this reason, the timeline of Evillious is referred to as the Third Period, with the previous two attempts being the First Period and Second Period.
Many fan guides will go into more detail on the First and Second Period, but this is huge spoiler content and absolutely unnecessary to understanding most of Evillious’ plot.
Disclaimer: You do not need to know ANY of this History section beforehand to understand the early books in the series or most of the songs.
Related to Evillious’ religion, its 1000 year history begins with what they call the Magic Kingdom Levianta (NOT the same thing as modern Levianta), which is roughly analogous to the Roman Empire, and the originator of the Levin faith. This kingdom was a highly advanced society run by magical individuals, with technology that was fueled by said magic. This technology came from relics found under the kingdom--these are said to be remains of the society their gods came from.
This is, for reference, the time period where Original Sin Story takes place.
At this time in their history Magic Kingdom Levianta was suffering from a problem with HER syndrome--short for Hereditary Evil Raiser. This is a genetic trait that hails from the Second Period, also sometimes referred to as Malice. Those born with it take joy in committing acts of violence and destruction, and generally sought to destroy society’s mores and norms (with a broader goal of destroying the world). Some key HER individuals in the series also express a desire to make more people like themselves through various means.
Levianta’s queen gave a prophecy that the world would be destroyed by the ark “Sin” (a vessel that the kingdom was built around) if they did not produce a set of twins for Levia and Behemo to incarnate into (referred to as the Twins of God). As a result, the senate created Project ‘Ma’ (Ma being short for Mem Aleph), which sought to use women with high magical potential to give birth to these twins.
The project failed. The only set of twins produced by it, named Hansel and Gretel, were taken away by their mother before Levia and Behemo could incarnate in them, and they become regularly occurring characters in the series. The twins were later kidnapped from their mother (who is herself killed) by a woman called Eve, a previous candidate in Project ‘Ma’. This act is referred to in-universe as the Original Sin, which later results in the formation of the Demons of Sin by Hansel and Gretel.
Magic Kingdom Levianta is eventually destroyed when the “Sin” ark blows up, setting back civilization by centuries and eliminating almost (but not quite) all of the population of people who are capable of and well-trained in using magic.
Demons of Sin and Magic
The Demons of Sin are presented as a collection of 7 demons that cause the major events of the Seven Deadly Sins songs by possessing the characters who carry them out (though they do possess other, less noteworthy people over the course of the series). They take the form of various monstrous animals in their “true” form, but their physical forms are actually the seven Vessels of Deadly Sin in which they reside. These vessels (which take the form of various objects such as a wineglass, a sword, mirrors, etc) are passed around by many, many hands over the course of the series, and show up frequently even if they are not the main demon of focus.
As you might expect, they correspond to each of the 7 Deadly Sins as detailed in the Bosch painting, “The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things” (with the Four Last Things relating to Evillious’ “ending”, which is an advanced spoiler concept there’s no need to go over.)
People can form contracts with them, which grant them special powers and immunities until the contract is broken. One of these abilities includes being able to transform into a being with features of the demon they are possessed by, such as having six wings or goat horns. While the demons are capable of influencing a person’s behavior, they usually do not outright control them save for in specific instances in the series, leaving most of these characters culpable for their own actions while possessed.
The magic rules of the series overall are a bit too complicated to go into in brief, but to get some idea of what it entails, there’s classic magic ideas like glyphs, rituals, and spells, as well spell-songs, body-swapping, enhanced physical abilities, homunculi, mind control, and reincarnation. Only a select few characters in the series can use magic (though many of them are main characters or protagonists), and the fantasy elements become sparser as Evillious modernizes (usually being replaced by soft sci-fi elements instead).
I won’t go into this much because it is, as the title suggests, the ending, but the world of Evillious does eventually get destroyed at the end of its one thousand years due to the actions of Nemesis, one of the Seven Deadly Sins characters. The actual destruction is not the ending--it’s what occurs afterwards that concludes the series.
Key Characters
I will not be making an exhaustive list on every important character in the series, because the cast is absolutely enormous, but here is a brief handful to give you an idea.
Eve: The “Original Sinner”--a sorceress who was responsible for kidnapping Hansel and Gretel, which is the catalyst behind the release of the Demons of Sin, and as such, most of the series events. Her story is a fair bit more complex than I’m making it sound (there are other characters, like Adam, who are equally if not more to blame), but this is the short version that you’re given through much of the series.
Elluka: A series-wide protagonist of the story. She is a sorceress from the Magic Kingdom Levianta who is functionally immortal, and seeks to collect the Vessels of Deadly Sin. She shows up in pretty much every major arc of the series.
Allen: Another series-wide protagonist, albeit a contentious one among fans. He has been in the series since the beginning, as he is the “Servant of Evil” in the Daughter of Evil series, but chronologically he was only present halfway through Evillious’ timeline. He doesn’t take an active role until later, but he witnesses much of the story’s events.
Seth: A scientist who is one of the main “villains” of the series, albeit one who is fairly inactive as an antagonist. He is responsible for the spread of HER in the Magic Kingdom, the creation of the Demons of Sin by Hansel and Gretel, and other things besides.
Irina/Red Cat Mage: Another series-wide villain, she serves as Elluka’s foil in that she is also a sorceress from Magic Kingdom Levianta who is functionally immortal and seeks to sow chaos and destruction using the Demons of Sin in every major arc of the series.
The series can be described as a broad mix of science fiction and fantasy, generally aimed at teenagers in terms of its content level but varying wildly in terms of how light-hearted or dark it can be depending on each installment. Despite being generally non-graphic as a rule, it can cover an astonishingly wide range of upsetting topics including (but not limited to) rape, incest, parental abuse, cannibalism, body horror, genocide, and exploitation, so those who are of a sensitive disposition regarding the fiction they consume may wish to keep their distance.
In addition to the obvious point that almost all of the main cast are based heavily on VOCALOID characters, the series makes frequent use of cultural references to the Abrahamic faiths and European culture. Mothy himself is a Japanese Buddhist (at least, as I recall, he stated he was Buddhist on twitter once when asked his religion) who enjoys video games and anime, and his writing reflects that too.
In terms of order, there’s a lot of contention over which viewing/reading order is “best” for new fans to get into the series with. I personally have always pushed for release order--that is, the order in which mothy released his songs and published his novels. Evillious is at its easiest to understand in Daughter of Evil, the novel series released first, as the first two novels feature very little of the backstory, magic, or demons, and focuses instead on interpersonal relationships and political drama (drama which mirrors the French Revolution, and as such is relatively easy to understand as well). Things become gradually more complicated over time, allowing the reader to learn information organically as they get more invested, rather than dumping it on them all at once.
Many fans have argued that chronological order is best, largely on the basis that the release order of the series is not the chronological order. I strongly disagree with this. For reference, the chronological beginning of the series is the most recently released installment, so this wasn’t even possible to do for most of the series’ run.
In general though, there’s 60+ songs in the series, so don’t freak out if you don’t watch them in exactly release order. While the novels are pretty important to read in order, the songs were made with the assumption that people would miss some of them or view some before they were supposed to. Note though that there’s a handful of songs that require novel knowledge to know what’s going on (to list only one example, Handbeat Clocktower was made essentially to advertise Praefacio of Blue).
If you’re interested in more, [here] is a release order guide I have put together for this purpose. The novels are in italics.
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wizardnuke · 10 months
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thefandomlesbian · 2 months
The older I get, the more I realize I am attracted to the same archetype in fictional intrapersonal relationships, and therefore all of my ships across all fandoms are the same characters in different fonts.
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offorestsongs · 3 months
so many people in this fandom need to realize that when seeing content they don't like, most of the time the best course of action is to block the person/tag and move on instead of making milion discourse posts about it
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I should be able to mass block everyone who interacts with a post
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Stretch definitely pegs bubba. She pegs me too btw ❤️❤️❤️
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bottomvalerius · 2 months
I need a smarter trans person to do a critique of longlegs before I can fully put my thoughts to the page LMAO
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psychangels · 1 year
Roquefort being an animal lover (canon when you use 808’s showtime on his human form in battle) and he saw an injured stray animal (cat or dog) and aided them a bit.
requested by @just-animaxiz
sorry if this is ooc at all, this is my first time writing roquefort and i struggled a bit with how to portray him. but good practice!
It's as he's on his way home, stopped at a stop sign, that Roquefort sees the poor thing. It's a mangy, scrawny hound, lapping at a puddle on the sidewalk further ahead. As he drives closer, he peers at it. There was already cause for concern; now it's grown, thanks to him noticing that it's got one of its hind legs held up.
He comes to a stop a little ways away and parks his car. After getting out and grabbing his cane, he cautiously approaches it. He calls out to it gently so as to not startle it too much.
"Hey there, poochie."
The dog jolts, then whirls towards him. Its ears fold back against its head, tail tucking between its legs.
"It's alright, I won't hurt you," he says.
Adjusting his grip on his cane, Roquefort kneels down and holds a hand out to it. It shies away. After a moment, when he doesn't move, it hesitantly steps closer. When he remains still, it pads even closer. It sniffs at his hand. It looks up at him with its big, brown eyes.
He offers it a smile.
Continuing to stare at him, the dog tilts its head a bit.
He tilts his own head, though he does so in order to get a better look at its neck to see if it has a collar on. Which it...doesn't. He frowns.
Roquefort shifts his gaze to its injured leg. It's hard to tell what exactly is wrong with it from here. It doesn't seem to be bleeding, though, which is good. Most likely just broken.
He hums thoughtfully. The only animal hospital on the island is a decent ways away. Roquefort will have to convince it to get into his car somehow.
He doesn't have any treats on him, unfortunately. But perhaps asking will work? It has in the past. Not always, but enough for him to figure it's worth a shot.
"Do you want to go for a ride?" he asks it. Its ears perk up. It tilts its head to the other side.
Slowly standing up, he turns, gesturing for it to follow as he says, "Come on, then."
The dog pads after him as he makes his way back to his car. It hurries ahead a bit, stopping by the rear door. He chuckles when he sees its tail wagging.
Upon reaching the car, he opens the passenger side door. The dog stares for a moment, before it moves to climb in, only to be stopped by Roquefort putting his cane in front of it.
"You'll hurt yourself, little pup. Give me a moment, and I'll get you in."
Leaning his cane against the door, he slowly reaches towards it. It stares at him. Its ears fold back a bit, but otherwise it doesn't react. Carefully, he picks it up, being mindful of its leg and its reaction. He's a bit surprised that it isn't squirming around, but thankful. That means it's less likely to hurt itself further.
Gently, Roquefort sets it down on the seat. It remains perfectly still, aside from turning to look at him. He frowns.
Poor thing must've froze up.
Grabbing his cane, he shuts the door, then makes his way around to the drivers side.
As he gets in and buckles up, he wonders about the pooch's owner. After all, dogs don't just magically wind up on Vandelay Island. It's owner has to be around somewhere. Hopefully, it has a chip.
Roquefort starts the car and glances over at it. It's still sitting there, just staring at him.
He sighs. Then, he offers it another smile and gently pats it on the back. "Don't worry, poochie. I'll sort this out."
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moodr1ng · 4 months
told my psych i finally got on the autism assessment waitlist but since the average wait to get an appointment is 2 years i was considering private screening even though it costs quite a lot of money. he was just like "to be honest even if you get diagnosed we dont really have any support tools to offer you, its usually just behavioral therapy and social skills training" and therefore its not that useful to be diagnosed faster since i wont get any support either way. i am disappointed to be told straight up that even w a diagnosis i wont get shit to help me but at least he was honest so i can moderate my expectations and not waste hundreds of euros on private screening lol..
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braintapes · 2 years
imagining the concierge with reverse bad vision requiring glasses where when he has his glasses on he can see all the smudged smeared wonderful cosmic colors of the universe and such but when he takes them off he can see in sharp clarity the hotel as just like a mostly normal building. he hates that and finds it exceedingly uncomfortable to work in, he's just naturally attuned to the shrimp colors
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kayzero · 1 year
“Need another reason why Marluxia fits in perfectly [in Kingdom of Corona]? How about the fact that he kept Naminé locked away in a single room in order to abuse her powers, the same exact way Mother Gothel did to Rapunzel?
And now the sort of protection that Marluxia suggests for Rapunzel aligns exactly with Mother Gothel’s goals.”
—“Kingdom Hearts 3 Is Great and I Will Die On That Hill” (https://youtu.be/pytjUj-ciJw)
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
hmmm i am. thinking thoughts abt labyrinth chrysijacks au, but i’m doing funky things to the plot
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thatscrazyrandom · 2 years
I think the presentation I gave on The Meaning of Life in Year 11 would make a banging TED Talk.
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leefsnakesnake · 2 months
There's an EU initiative going on right now that essentially boils down to wanting to force videogame publishers with paid games and/or games with paid elements such as DLC, expansions and microtransactions to leave said games in a playable state after they end support, or in simpler terms, make them stop killing games.
A "playable state" would be something like an offline mode for previously always online titles, or the ability for people to host their own servers where reasonably possible just to name some examples.
I don't think I need to tell anyone that having something you paid for being taken from you is bad, which is a thing that routinely happens with live service and other always online games with a notable recent example being The Crew which is now permanently unplayable.
Any EU citizen is eligible to sign the initiative, but only once and if you mess up that's it. You can find it here. (https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home)
Even if you're not European or you signed it already, you can share this initiative with anyone who is, even if they don't care about videogames specifically because this needs a million signatures and there is different thresholds that need to be met for each EU country for their votes to even count and could also be a precedent for other similar practices like when Sony removed a bunch of Discovery TV content people paid for. EDIT: There are also some things people outside the EU can do, as well as additional things some people in specific EU countries like Germany and France can do that aim to solve this same issue as well. You can find that here. (https://www.stopkillinggames.com/)
(Note: There was a petition for UK people but the recent politics stuff there means it's on hold and has to be resubmitted and that may take some time.)
Additionally if you want to keep up with this you can check out Ross Scott (Accursed Farms on youtube or his website) who has been posting monthly about this and deserves a lot of credit for all this work.
(I hope that's all the stuff I missed)
EDIT 2: I changed the link to go directly to the form instead, this SHOULD work!
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vamptastic · 3 months
It can just be sort of exhausting growing up in a time where everybody's worst projections and stereotypes and misconceptions about transness are constantly shoved in your face by assholes if you're remotely involved in trans communities online. Or hell, they're just in the news headlines themselves. Or being espoused by peers that wouldn't have had transgenderism so much as cross their mind twenty years ago. I'm tired of the evil voice in my head having an endless supply of ammunition.
#that rogd shit makes me want to kill someone#my mom even fell for it and was interrogating me abt my friends in middle school#in reality i knew internally years before telling classmates was outed against my will by a friend and everybody who turned out queer#came out after me or while i was planning how to come out myself whilst convinced i would then promptly be kicked out of my house#and also a lot of that theory presupposes that#a. I can't tell the difference between gender dysphoria and normal insecurity and general mental illness#b. Addressing those other issues would eliminate the gender dysphoria#and c. That I received any kind of social reward for coming out (cough cough being outed) as an 11 year old (I did not)#in short it's the neuroses of a bunch of idiot mothers who would've done the same shit about any other myth shoved in their face#rainbow party and satanic panic level of critical thinking.#but well. it plays well into the fears of parents and the notions people have about young GNC women#and in terms of a demand it essentially boils down to keep existing the way that makes you miserable forever#until you convince yourself it's not so bad. Which I've spent 7 years on. And am very sick of.#well. anyway. there's just a lot of awful ideas in my head from some of the most bigoted people alive tormenting me.#sometimes looking at that sort of drivel helps in that i realise these people are idiots#they usually are just very mean sadistic people or deeply scared and paranoid. or both. or just dumb.#and finding the logical holes helps. but some of it just nastiness and the nastiness sticks.#and it doesn't help when i know most cis people around me buy into these ideas at least a little
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