#which again is a pity because podd and guy seem to get along really well and their storyline could have had a lot of potential
stormyoceans · 1 year
Hello Monica! How do you like "Hidden agenda"? I didn't want to watch because of Dunk's bad acting. How do you like the show? Did Guy and Podd appear in it?
hello to you too, anon!!!!
MMHHMMMM I MEAN. i can't say im disliking the show because it's a very mindless and easy watch, there's nothing in it that bothers me to the point it makes me want to drop it, but at the same time there's also really nothing in it that i find particularly interesting ;;;;;;;
what frustrates me the most is the lack of screentime and the wasted potential of most of the characters tbh. we're at episode 6 and basically know nothing about them: guy and arm, for example, showed up exactly for 0.3 seconds in two episodes and we didn't learn anything new about them outside of what the character descriptions that came out before the show started already told us. they had such brief on-screen moments that i can't even remember their characters' name ;;;;;;; even jeng and pok (aou's and boom's characters respectively), who are the side pairing of the show, have had VERY limited screentime and most of their storyline from the mock trailer seems to have been completely scrapped from the script, which is a pity considering that aouboom have a nice chemistry and that a lot of people were looking forward to get more of them as a pairing
i guess i probably wouldn't mind it as much if joke and zo had a stronger plot, but unfortunately the agenda has never really been hidden and joke's only personality trait seems to be being in love with zo, so it just leaves me wanting for MORE. i know we're only halfway through the show so there's plenty that still can happen in the time we have left, but we're also ALREADY halfway through the show and i think they could have handled all of the characters way better
tl;dr: i don't dislike it, but up until now it's been very forgettable and i wouldn't really recommend it ;;;;;;
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