#which MEANS i can upload it before the end of August!!!!!!!
castielsprostate · 1 year
okay today i am finally finishing chapter one of NBTFT aka the deanpala fic!!!!!!!!
please interact with this post if you want to be tagged when i upload!!!! <3
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demphix · 3 months
Fuck it we ball: Charif Master Post
So a little while ago I made a Deltarune secret boss based on this dialogue from Rudy in Chapter 1
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So I took this design I originally posted on December 24th, 2023 that I wasn't using at all and reworked her to fit the new idea
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And here's the first sketch dump I did of her to get my ideas a little more ordered (originally posted June 6th, 2024)
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Most of what I could say is already just kinda said in the sketch dump (though I'll admit it is kinda badly organized), but I should say the two defeat quotes near the bottom right aren't too in line with what I wanna do with her now so uhhh Ignore Them. And ignore the original music titles those also got changed
Speaking of the music, after posting that art I started working on her songs and their cover arts for YouTube and Bandlab. (All uploaded on June 11th, 2024)
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(As stated before these are also on my YouTube channel in a playlist. Here's the link to it: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWcBEk8qiFhUEMeydinegtXnklzvRqYfg&si=ZzYex2g-dzL-qeDv)
And after all that there was one other sketch dump I've done, which was posted on June 14th, 2024.
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Once again, most of the stuff I could say is already in the sketch dump (though there's a lot more joke drawings than the first), but if there are any questions feel free to send an ask my way
Edit (July 15, 2024): I ended up changing Charif's boss arena to something in line with the carnival theming of Spamton and Jevil and designing a main boss for the chapter, so I felt I should add that here.
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Another Charif Sketch Dump with a whole Two important things. This was originally posted on July 7th.
Edit (July 29th, 2024): I made an additional theme for Vesper. Felt it should be here too since she's so tied to Charif.
Here have this too since I haven't drawn her much
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Edit (August 7th, 2024): I made a plot guide for her! I could've conveyed some things better, but I hope it works for what it is.
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Edit (August 17th, 2024): plot guide part 3.
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Edit (August 28th, 2024): plot guide part 4: the one where I'm worried I was too mean to her
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Edit (September 2nd, 2024): I remastered her themes! All tracks but "PRAYERS & PLEAS" (V2) were posted on September 2nd, with "PRAYERS & PLEAS" (V2) originally being posted August 7th.
You can find a post with all of them here, because I can't fit them all in one post. I may just make a new master post when the cover art is done tbh.
And here's the cover art for PRAYERS & PLEAS V2! I'll add the rest as they're made.
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palestaticexchange · 4 months
FAQ... 2
(Feel free to message my inbox, queries will be added here as and when questions are asked)
Do I need to answer the "likes/ dislikes" part of the form?
Nope! If you're not fussed on what is created for you then by all means leave them blank, the only required questions are your URL (so that I can contact you) and your chosen medium. Your partner will have your URL so they can always mooch through your blog if unsure.
Why did you ask for our chosen mediums if the draw is random?
Because I'm genuinely curious! You're a talented bunch!
You keep using the word "partner" will the person I get, get me?
No, I'm saying partner because it's thematic for DE and I can't think of a better general term.
How will the draw be done?
Incognitosanta seemed to work pretty well last time, so I'll be doing that again! (Unless responses from THIS poll indicate otherwise) This means I'll post a link and once live you click on YOUR OWN url to see who you've been paired with!
I will create a random draw, then me and @koreplus will message half of you each with your recipient and their likes/ dislikes. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU'RE FOLLOWING OUR BLOGS IF YOU HAVE "only blogs I follow can message me" ON IN THE SETTINGS!
I want to change my Tumblr URL but I've already filled in the form!
Just DM me @thegrimreaperisanerd I'll make sure I amend it in my notes so that you get tagged in everything correctly :)
Help! I signed up and I'm not going to be able to create something in time! What do I do?!
Things happen, it's okay. However PLEASE let me know ASAP so I can make sure your partner isn't left out on posting day.
What do you mean I have to contact my recipient myself if I've not posted anything by August 5th?
That form question is irrelevant for 99% of people, it's more so that I'm not trying to chase up missing gifts over a month after the upload date... Running/ setting this up last year ended up being moderately more effort than I anticipated. Which is fine! I'm glad so many people were interested!
But, I ended up begging for assistance and @koreplus very kindly became a second point of contact. However, I am just *generally* not very organised, so it's to help mediate some of MY stress.
Like I said: will most likely be irrelevant, but if you don't contact me before upload day (I can try to work with you to help you finish/ potentially assign your partner to somebody else; IF I am given enough notice) and time passes and your partner hasn't received a gift OR an explanation, it's not really fair to them, is it? Nobody likes to feel left out.
Who are you?
Hiya~ Tumblr user thegrimreaperisanerd here. I use they/them pronouns. If you have any experience running/ moderating something like this then don't hesitate to reach out! For the love of God!
We had 56 responses last time, so as this grows (and with this having been done previously) I'm expecting that number to be higher this time. After this summer cycle I would *really* like to give this project away to somebody more capable than myself!
My partner's "likes" are all things I'd rather not create, what now?
The likes section is more of a guideline! I included that in case you draw your partner and think "Well, I don't know this person at all." As long as you create something and put your heart into it then I can't imagine this will be an issue.
Just don't create something from their "dislikes" section, *THAT* is more important!
Huh, since the last Pale Static Exchange was based around the Winter Solstice I kinda thought this one would be based around the Summer Solstice?
Yeah me too~ Teehee~
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causeilikelix · 6 months
During The Rainstorm - Chapter One
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↳ Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Yoon Seol (OC)
↳ Genre: Romance, comedy, smut (eventual), slow burn, enemies (idiots) to lovers, non!idol au, angst
↳ Summery: Yoon Seol, a young poet, is forced to gather her wits and attend her cousin's wedding on Jeju Island. The last time she took a trip, she learned that her boyfriend was cheating on her so she doesn't want a reminder of that fateful weekend or the man who ended up saving her from the mortifying situation. Hwang Hyunjin. They embark on a memorable weekend that leaves Seol scared of abandonment so she herself leaves before she can get hurt again. She thinks she's in the clear until she walks into the wedding hall and sees Hyunjin again and he does not look happy to see her. Can she repair the relationship? Does she even want to? How much longer can she ignore her feelings for the handsome, successful, and charismatic Hwang Hyunjin? Only time will tell.
↳ Series warnings: Language, short chapters >.< , eventual smut, future mentions/allusions of pregnancy but no actual pregnancy, mentions of heavy anxiety, the OC has a couple of panic/anxiety attacks, mentions and depictions of cheating. I think that's it.
↳ Read on my A03: Here
↳ Masterlist: Here
↳ Notes: This is a repost of this series and I think a re-upload of the first chapter. I also am taking the liberty of making a name change of one of the characters. Woojin and Minho are switching names/characters.
Chapter Two >
THE SOFT TOUCH of his fingers lingered on her skin for hours even after she left.  Before, he sat with her at the dirty plastic table outside the convenience store as she rambled mindlessly with no end to her distress.  She drank the first bottle of soju by herself but he shared the second one with her.  Sometimes she was angry while other times she cried into her sleeve. She blamed her tears on the spiciness of the ramyeon, but both she and the man across from her knew the truth. 
“How could Woojin do this to me?  I thought for once that maybe someone would like me.  And... just me... you know?  Am I really that bad?”  Seol lamented.
“I don’t know.  I think you’re definitely better than her.  In my opinion the girl he was with wasn’t even that pretty.”  He shrugged, tossing his head back and wincing at the burn from the shot of alcohol.
“Right!  I mean, it’s not like I think I’m a ten out of ten, but she was barely even a five.  I don’t get it.”  Seol threw her hands up and he grinned at her.  One of his shallow dimples dented his cheek and Seol huffed at the sight.  “No fair.”
“Your dimples.”  She pointed towards his sharp cheekbones, which gave his face a pixie-like charm.  “They’re an unfair advantage.  People with dimples are automatically ten times more attractive than anyone else.  Maybe that’s it.  Maybe she has dimples and I don’t.”  
“Mine aren’t even that deep.”  He palmed his cheek thoughtlessly.
Seol frowned and cupped her own cheeks with her hands.  The man just chuckled, deepening his dimples further.  Seol covered her face with her hands and sighed.  She hadn’t realized that her hair had fallen in front of her face until it brushed against her wrist.  Seol dropped her hands and looked up to see that he had reached forward and was gently pushing her hair away from her face.  His fingertips brushed over the curve of her ear and along the underside of her jaw, igniting her skin wherever he touched.  
“You look pretty with your hair down.”  He muttered under his breath, his gaze softening as he watched her.  Her eyes followed his plush lips as they spoke and she found herself jealous of his shot glass.
Maybe that was the moment.
“EARTH TO YOON Seol!”  Eun Bi’s voice rang out and she waved a hand between the computer screen and the other woman.  “Hello?  We miss you in Seoul.”
“What?”  Seol blinked a few times, letting her gaze adjust.  The daydream in her head faded into the real world and she couldn’t remember what she was doing.  
Yoon Seol slipped her glasses off her face in order to press down on her temples.  The ache behind her eyes persisted and she sighed deeply, stifling a yawn building up in her throat.  The computer screen’s light was harsh today for some reason.  The clouds overhead were dark and Seol had to remind herself that it was due to the day coming to a close rather than an oncoming storm.    
“Where'd you go?”  Eun Bi tilted her own glasses down her nose to peer over them at her counterpart.  “Coming up with your next chapter, I hope.”
“Uh... yeah, that’s exactly where I was.”  Seol laughed it off, reaching up to tighten her ponytail before returning her attention to her laptop screen.  She squinted before she remembered her glasses. 
Once the glasses corrected her blurry vision, Writer Yoon Seol was met with her worst nightmare: an empty page in a blank document.  The traditional workday was long-over but the many writers with pressing deadlines didn’t have the luxury to clock off.  Seol had the luxury of a deadline a month away but Eun Bi wasn’t so lucky.  Her next piece had to be done by the end of the week.  For the last several hours, the pair of women had set up camp at the coffee shop across from the publishing company they were signed with, Antares Books, and were hard at work.  Seol wondered how the hell Eun Bi’s keyboard hadn’t caught on fire yet from how quickly she was typing.  
Seol’s keyboard, on the other hand, was growing cold and freezing over.  Writing used to come easily to her but these days it was as if something was missing.  She had several books on the shelf already and at this point she was worried that she had dried up already without having ever written a masterpiece.  Her name had never graced the news or been accompanied by the accolade ‘Best Seller’.  Her books didn’t do terribly, but they weren’t exceedingly popular.  She wasn’t sure if she had anything else left to say. 
“You know...”  Seol began and Eun Bi glanced up at her. 
“Oh no, don’t do this to me.”  She warned.
“Do what?”
“Leave me alone before 9pm.  You haven’t written a single word.”  
“That’s because I have nothing to write.  I’m running dry.”  Seol sighed, leaning back in her chair.  “I don’t think sitting here will do me any good.”
“Are you slacking because you’ve got that vacation this weekend?” 
“I’m not slacking.  I’m blocked.  There’s a difference.”  Seol rolled her eyes and began to gather her things. 
“Well, I guess Jeju Island is the best place to get unblocked.  I just wish I could go with you.”  
“I promise you that you don’t.  My cousin’s wedding isn’t exactly a vacation.”
“Weddings, especially tropical weddings, are the perfect definition of a vacation.  Maybe you’ll get out a collection of love poems or a romance novel.”  Eun Bi suggested.  “Or you could write an angry poem about how you hate getting sand in every orifice known to man.”   
“I doubt I’ll have much time to go to the beach, but that’s not a bad idea.”  Seol grinned, shoving her notebooks and laptop into her bag.  
“What the hell are you doing on Jeju Island if you don’t have time to go to the beach?  That’s why people even go in the first place.”  Eun Bi gasped. 
“My cousin wants me to read one of my poems at her ceremony.  You know, the long one from the Waves at the Beach collection.  I’m nervous that I’ll screw it up so I want to practice.”
“Well, that’s sweet that you’re doing it for her!  But I’m sure you’ll be fine.  Seriously.  I think she chose a good poem, too.”  
“Yeah... but there’s a reason I don’t do book signings or events or things like that.”  Seol shivered at the thought.  “My anxiety gets the best of me.”
“You’re scared that you’ll have a panic attack at the wedding?”  
“I’m so fucking nervous.”  Seol groaned, hiding her face in her hands.  “I write under a penname and don’t do public events so I don’t pass out on stage.  It’s very deliberate, you know.  This will be the first public event I’ve ever done.”
“Seol-ah,”  Eun Bi reached across the table and took Seol’s hand.  “These people are your family and your friends.  Perfect location and perfect audience. You couldn’t ask for a better first public event.”
“I guess.  Still, the last time I traveled things didn’t turn out too great so I’m not exactly looking forward to it.”  Seol leaned back in her chair.  Eun Bi sat back as well, grateful for a break.
“Look, you can’t compare every single trip you take to your trip to Busan.  This time you’re not going to surprise your scumbag cheating ex boyfriend with a romantic evening.  You’re going to celebrate true love.  Your ex won’t even be there.  I don’t think that asshole knows what love even is.”  Eun Bi insisted. 
“I know... I just don’t want a reminder of that weekend.”
“Your trip to Jeju is going to be completely different from your trip to Busan.  You have nothing to worry about.”  
“I guess...  Look, I need to head home and pack.  My flight is tomorrow afternoon and I haven’t even started.”  Seol finally gathered her bag onto her shoulder and rose to her feet. 
“If you must.  Call me when you get back, okay?”
Seol agreed, patting Eun Bi on the shoulder as she passed.  The air outside was warm and heavy from the looming clouds.  Seol made her way to the bus stop and glanced up at the schedule.  Her bus was less than five minutes away, thankfully.  Next she pulled her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and checked the weather.  Seol glanced up at the rolling clouds, illuminated by the orange light pollution from the city. The wind blew through her messy ponytail and Seol grabbed her phone with both hands.  Her fingers shook as she typed in the website for the weather.  She scrolled through the site to read the predictions before looking at the radar.  
She took a deep breath and put her phone back in her pocket.  Her hands still shook, but she could breathe the thick air a little easier now.  The radar promise that there was a little bit of rain on the way but it would be nothing more than a little shower.  The clouds and the wind were enough to keep her heart pounding in her chest.  Just like her therapist taught her, Seol breathed in slowly through the nose and out through the mouth.  She hoped that once she got home then her heart would calm down.  
The bus arrived just in time to shield her from the first few drops of rain that fell from the sky.  Seol leaned her head against the window and watched the rain drops streak their way down the glass.  She traced one with her finger, almost wishing to feel the droplet of water under her touch rather than the cold window.  In all her life, there was only one instance in which she actually enjoyed a rainstorm, but that night was a distant memory and she wondered if she could ever find beauty in thunder and lightning again. 
Although dark storm clouds loomed in the distance, Seol barely noticed them.  She walked with him side by side down the street, peering into shop windows and glancing at the vendor carts.  His knuckles grazed hers every couple of steps and every single brush was lightning through her veins.  His touch sparkled things in her that she’d never even imagined before.  None of the shops had anything in the windows that caught her attention even half as much as he did.  
Hwang Hyunjin. Tall, boyishly handsome, and straight out of a romcom.  It was almost too good to be true.  The fact that she had been continuously annoyed with him from the moment she laid eyes on him this morning made it worse.  At the restaurant, the sight of his cheekbones that were sharper than a knife had sent her already rising blood pressure through the roof.  She already was in the mood to scream and curse and cry.  His arrival hadn’t helped the situation.  At least, not until it did help.  
Now just his touch was sending electricity through her.  
Seol pretended not to be affected as she peered closer at a street vendor selling scarves.  None of the patterns were quite her style but they served as a decent distraction from the next brush of his fingers.  Hyunjin kept his gaze on the offerings of the various shops as well.  The next stall was full of handmade jewelry and Seol perked up immediately.  She stepped up to the table and the shopkeeper greeted her warmly.  Hyunjin trailed behind, watching as Seol peered at the jewelry.  
“Wow, you have such great taste!”  The shopkeeper approved Seol's choice of a pair of earrings.  A pair of seashells made out of clear crystal.  “Those have been really popular.”
“Really?”  Seol smiled warmly.  She held the earrings up to her ear and peered in the small mirror set up on the table.  “Hyunjin-ssi, what do you think?”
“I think...”  He peered closer, not really seeing the earrings but instead being distracted by the brightest smile he’d seen from her all day.  “I think they suit you really well.”
“How much are they?”  Seol turned back to the woman. 
“Hm, well... normally they’d be 35,000 won, but you two make such a cute couple that I’ll give them to you for 30,000.”  The woman’s sly grin made Seol’s cheeks ignite.  
“Ah... we’re not actually a cou-”  Seol began, but was silenced by 30,000 won in cash appearing in front of her face.  The woman snatched it up before Seol could protest. 
“Thank you, ajumma.  I think they look really good on her, don’t you think?”  Hyunjin’s smile nearly blinded her.
Seol gaped at him, unable to believe how easily he handed over his money and played along with the misunderstanding.  Hyunjin’s easy smile took her off guard and she glanced down at the earrings in her hand.  The woman took them from her to put them in a bag.  Seol swallowed a lump in her throat.
Those same earrings taunted her from their perch on her jewelry stand, sparkling in the light.  Seol tried to ignore them as she removed her makeup and brushed her hair for bed.  Her suitcase lay open at the end of her bed with everything packed for her trip except for the dress she had to wear for the wedding.  Her cousin, Dayeon, had taken her shopping for a very specific color and it took them all weekend to find what Dayeon wanted.  Since Seol was reading at the wedding, Dayeon had a specific vision and Seol had no choice but to comply.  Seol was not one to wear pink, but the situation demanded it.  
Seol just wanted the weekend to be over already.  Eun Bi was onto something and she hoped that maybe the beach and the warm summer air would get some writing out of her.  For about a week after her trip to Busan back in February, Seol wrote until her fingertips bled.  She wrote a collection of poems so beautiful that her publisher wanted another collection as soon as possible.  It was from this very collection that Dayeon had selected the poem she wanted Seol to read.  However, now it was like she was all dried up.  She sat in front of the computer and stared at the empty document, willing something to come out but nothing happened.  The only time in the last six months where Seol could write a word was when she thought about... Busan.  
She shook her head, trying to clear the fog in her head.  Even now as she tried to shake away her trip, something bubbled up inside her.  Seol opened one of the drawers in her vanity and pulled out a spiral notebook with a worn down pencil tied to the top ring by a frayed blue string.  She flipped open the book to the last page she’d written on, four whole months ago.  The first line written at the top of the page sent a shiver down her spine. 
“I think I need to see you again... there’s something I need to say... Even though we know nothing about each other.”
Seol sighed and closed the book, shoving it back into the drawer and kicking it closed.  Now was not the time to be thinking about the past.  This weekend was quite literally the beginning of a future and she had to spend the next three days pretending that the world wasn’t weighing down her shoulders.  She made her way over to her closet where the dress hung off the door and in a clear plastic dress bag so the hem wouldn’t touch the floor.  While she wasn’t a fan of the dress itself, she couldn’t bear the thought of it getting wrinkled in her suitcase during the flight.  She wondered if it would be possible for the flight attendants to let her take the dress with her on the plane.  Of course, the people at the hotel would probably steam the dress for her if she asked.  
She sent a quick text to her cousin to ask for advice and sighed heavily when she got a phone call in return.  Seol answered the phone and put in on speaker so she could change into her pajamas. 
“I think you should just take it on the plane with you.  It probably won’t fit in your suitcase if you’re bringing a lot.”  Dayeon suggested. 
“There’s not a lot in my suitcase so it could probably fit.”  
“Oh wow, so then you’re not bringing two stacks of notebooks?  Now that’s what I call character development.”  
“Oh, shut up.”  Seol rolled her eyes.  “This isn’t a vacation, it’s a wedding.  Strictly business.”
“So how many notebooks are you bringing?”  Dayeon asked pointedly.  Seol tugged her sleep shirt over her head and glanced at the suitcase on the floor at the foot of her bed. 
“Um.  Three.”
“Three stacks or three notebooks.”
“Three notebooks, idiot.”  Seol rolled her eyes and slipped into bed, grabbing her phone on the way.  “I’m not going to spend the entire weekend writing.”
“Even though I know how much you want to.”  Dayeon teased.
“Look, you know that no matter how much I want to write I just can’t.  There’s nothing in my head.”  Seol groaned.
“There’s gotta be something in there.  You wrote Waves at the Beach a few months ago and it was really good!  You mean there’s nothing left?”
“I have nothing.  Besides, that’s not the point.  Do I need to bring the dress onto the plane with me or will it survive six hours in my suitcase?”  Seol reminded her. 
“Look, I had to take my dress with me on the plane since it’s expensive and I can't afford to stuff it into a tiny suitcase.  I think your dress will make it in your suitcase.  Besides, the hotel will steam it for you.”  Dayeon decided.
“That’s what I thought.  Thank you.”  Seol started to hang up, but Dayeon spoke again.
“You remember which poem I want you to read, right?” 
“Of course I remember, you won’t stop reminding me.  You picked the most disgusting poem out of the entire collection.  My least favorite.  So of course you would pick it.”  
“Why do you hate it?  It’s so beautiful!  I’m dying to know the whole story.”  
“It came from a moment of weakness.  I don’t exactly like to remember it.  Look, my flight is at the ass crack of dawn so I can make your absurd rehearsal brunch tomorrow, so I’ve gotta go to bed.”  
“Okay, okay.”  Dayeon laughed.  “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.  Text me when you land.  Minho and I will pick you up from the airport.”
“Got it.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Seol finally hung up the phone and plugged it into the charger.  She hesitated to lay down and found herself staring at the book on her bedside table.  A bookmark stuck out the top where she’d marked the poem that Dayeon so desperately wanted read at the ceremony on Saturday.  Seol grabbed the book and flipped it open to the page.  She remembered the moment that the words flooded into her head and the urgency in which she’d written them.  Her publisher loved the poem and now her cousin loved it, too.  Seol hated it and hated that even though it had been six months since she’d spoken to him, she meant every word.  The title of the poem was written across the top of the page and Seol wondered if she would ever feel that way again. 
The One Time I Was Not Afraid of Storms.
Chapter Two >
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The heavenly yard blog infomine, part 7: More Albums and Events, Collaborations, Cloture of Yellow, then, a Break! (to do more work)
Mothy is pretty busy in this set, primarily working on making his songs and videos as well as attending events, so we don't get as much concept and idea discussion, but we do finally get him releasing Cloture of Yellow!
4 March 2010 ~ 26 August 2010
---March 2010---
-mothy announces that he'll be uploading "Last Revolver" to NicoNico.
-mothy releases Last Revolver to NicoNico. He talks about it a little bit--he actually made the song in September of last year, but it was much longer than even Moonlit Bear at the time so he's spent a lot of time cutting the song down to size.
-Naturally, Ichika did all the work on the PV this time around.
-mothy announces his participation in VOCALOID PARADISE 3. He's going to be selling Prelude to Forest there.
-he's also working on a new album that'll have his recent song releases on it.
---April 2010---
-mothy thanks everyone who came to the VOCALOID PARADISE event (apparently it was his first Kansai event)
-mothy will be releasing his new album, Evils Forest, at the next event.
-He also announces that he'll be releasing a new song, "Wendy" for the "Haiten Girl 2" CD.
-The Daughter of Evil musical performs tomorrow. The Classical version of Servant of Evil has also released.
-mothy makes the official announcement that he's going to VOCALOID MASTER 12 alongside twinkledisc (SignalP's doujin thingy). He'll be selling Evils Forest there. He makes clear that some of the new album songs will also get videos in the future, as well as the fact that the album booklet itself will have more content than his previous album releases.
-mothy's going to have Regret Message on the VOCALOGENESIS album.
-He answers one or two questions about the distribution of his new album.
-mothy uploads the video for Heartbeat Clocktower onto NicoNico (and specifies it's a re-arrangement of the one he uploaded onto Piapro before).
---May 2010---
-Tomorrow is VOCALOID MASTER 12. Mothy will be in the same space as Twinkledisc, and he'll be selling content alongside SignalP, Ichika, and Tamura. He lists off a few behavioral requests for anyone going to attend (ex, don't take photos of the booth) and a few other minor things people can expect.
-He thanks people for watching Heartbeat Clocktower.
-Someone asks him if he really intends to retire after the Seven Deadly Sins series is finished. Mothy is just "what lol I didn't say that" (this is HILARIOUS).
-VOCALOID MASTER 12 is over. Mothy's been getting so much attention he's had trouble responding to everyone, so he's sorry about that. He's also selling Evils Forest on consignment at D-Stage now.
-He can't give a lot of details yet but he's gonna be hard at work on the series still.
-he talks a bit about the VOCALOGENESIS album. Someone's made an MMD for all the songs on it, including Regret Message, and the album has also topped the charts at Oricon.
-That doesn't mean he's a millionaire or anything. He doesn't even have a girlfriend!
-He's got some work he'd trying to finish by the end of May, and hopes to start making videos in June.
---June 2010---
-mothy announces he'll be at VOCALOID MASTER 13 (this time by himself it looks like). He doesn't have anything new to release there, but he does intend to have something for Comiket later on down the line.
-Unfortunately, despite lots of requests he isn't going to be reprinting Evils Theater. It's all available for digital purchase still, but as an independent producer it's a bit complicated for him to get another physical run of an album that's a year old by now.
---July 2010---
-mothy's going to be participating in the Supernova 3 album with his new song Desert Bluebird (which he intends to upload a video of very soon)
-mothy uploads Desert Bluebird's PV.
-mothy thanks everyone for watching Desert Bluebird. He's switching to a new video editing software, so he's hoping to make more dynamic videos with it. However, it apparently makes the video quality unnecessarily high, so he's concerned some people might not be able to play them. He'll work on fixing that.
-He says the song is inspired by the "Blue Bird" fairytale (I'm not familiar with it but it looks like it might be a French story?), and has some influence from a Wii game he was playing before making it (some kind of…tank RPG??? I think?). He likes the change of pace, making more of a Sci Fi after so many Medieval style songs.
-Tomorrow is VOCALOID MASTER 13. He gives a brief rundown of what he's selling there (again, nothing new). He doesn't expect it to be as crowded, but he'll also be there by himself so he might be busy anyway.
-Mothy thanks everyone for coming to the event, shares his impressions of it a little.
-He makes oblique hints at a book (and I think we all know which one) which has gotten pre-orders on Amazon, but he can't give details just yet.
-Unfortunately he doesn't know what's going on with the Gemini CD for the stage play.
-He doesn't have time to make a new album for summer Comiket, but he will be selling some CD-Rs that he'll be burning himself.
-He'll be uploading videos for Lunacy of Duke Venomania and Twiright Prank very soon.
-mothy gives official upload dates for Lunacy and Prank.
-Lunacy has been uploaded to NicoNico!
-Mothy finally announces his new novel, Cloture of Yellow!!!! Oh, also Venomania's hit 100000 views. He'll talk about it some other time.
-He includes the publisher summary of the book, as well as purchase details (again, it was already getting pre-ordered on Amazon). There is a fanbooklet that's included with purchase at select locations.
-mothy finally talks about his new novel in more detail. He answers questions first, such as where it'll be sold, the format it's written in, if it's a standalone (he says he wants to make a sequel but it depends on how well this one sells), what's in the booklet (mostly creator commentary stuff--I don't think there's anything that isn't included with the VG re-release), etc.
-He talks about the contents a little, clarifying that while it is based on the simple plot he provided for the writers of the stage play, it's different in a lot of ways (such as character names). He's added a lot of things and characters that never showed up in the songs. However, despite all the changes, it does still adhere to the plot of the songs--nothing outright contradicts the earlier work, that is.
---August 2010---
-mothy is going to be participating in the DEBUTANTE5 album with his new song "Flames of Yellow Phosphorous". The song is a collaboration with JounetsuP--apparently they've been wanting to collaborate for a long time now.
-He answers questions. He won't be selling the novel at Comiket since it's an officially published work, so that'll still be Evils Forest and the hand-made CD.
-Also apparently there are some issues with the Daughter of Evil pinups included in Cloture of Yellow? But it won't delay the novel's release or anything.
3rd Page 1
-Twiright Prank has been released on NicoNico!
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-mothy confirms that the pinup issue has been sorted out and there will be no complications with Cloture's release. I guess there was some kind of copyright dispute? In any case it's been taken care of.
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-Evil Food Eater Conchita will be released on the VOCALOANTHEMS CD by Exit Tunes. Apparently Exit Tunes will have done a lot of remastering for the VOCALOID parts of the song, so mothy's not sure how it will sound by comparison. Additionally, another, separate remastering of Conchita's song will be on the hand-made CD that mothy is releasing at Comiket (I think this is the Evil Food Eater Conchita CD).
-mothy talks about the novel some more. More sales info, and then contents (primarily the characters this time around). He gives a basic rundown of who everyone is, with name and place in the story. No spoilers. He does note that Elluka might seem a bit of a forced entry, but that's because they weren't selling Elluka at the time the original song came out. He goes on to list Gumillia, Gast, and Keel as additions to the story that hadn't debuted elsewhere, and he applied VOCALOIDS onto them retroactively (so--they might not have originally been the VOCALOID that he turned them into, but their characters already existed previously).
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-Evils Forest will be available online on KarenT
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-Cloture of Yellow now has its own website (the site has since folded, unfortunately)
-mothy gives some more information on promotional events and goodies for the book, though he reminds people that this is just his personal blog and so it might be better to ask questions to his publisher or the retailer they're planning to buy from, as he doesn't know everything.
-More info on Summer Comiket. He is indeed going to be selling the Evil Food Eater revision CD (which has Evil Food Eater with Meiko's vocals revised as well as any other songs that are not on his other albums), as well as Evils Forest.
-These include the old Clockwork Lullaby demo he made with Len instead of Rin.
-Debutante5 is also being sold there, but not by him.
-Cloture of Yellow releases today!
-mothy answers some questions on Venomania and Twiright Prank. Apparently some people recognized a sound effect at the beginning of Venomania from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni--this is news to him, as he hasn't played Umineko and just took the sound from a collection of free sound effects.
-He confirms that Twiright is deliberately mispelled for reasons of having a double meaning. 1. "Twi"=twist "right"=correct, normal, etc. 2. R=Rin, L=Len, and it was Len that shared his snack, not Rin.
-Flames of Yellow Phosphorous has been uploaded to NicoNico.
-Summer Comiket wrapup. Mothy thanks everyone for attending. He ran out of the Conchita CDs really quickly, so apologizes for that. Apparently due to the logistical issues in making them, he doesn't intend to do any more hand-burned CDs. He doesn't intend to make more of those CDs, but he'll come up with a way for people to get the music on it some other way.
-mothy also intends to take a break from attending events as a producer for the time being. He was so busy with the events and writing the novel that he ran out of songs to upload. He wants to shut himself up and take a good look at how he's going to work on his projects going forward. Though, he'll probably still go to events as a member of the general public.
-…That being said, he is participating in the ECHO charity CD. Despite the uplifting theme of the charity, his song is going to be depressing, apparently.
-Servant of Evil has hit 2 million views!
-Daughter of White has hit 50000 views!
-Little announcements. Riliane and Allen are getting their own avatars with the online game TinierMe, Dwango is releasing Evils Forest ringtones, and the Vocaloanthems crossfade has been released (the revised Evil Food Eater Conchita is on it).
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hwd405 · 2 years
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Spyro 3 - The GameSpot Build and Lost Media
I've been actively researching and documenting early builds of Spyro 3 for something like 7 or 8 years now, and while I feel like I've made a significant impact, there's always going to be people that have never seen any the content that I've helped to document - so, every now and then, I get the urge to infodump about one piece of my research to a new group of people, to help make sure that the documentation I've done isn't only known to a very small group of people... that'd defeat the purpose of documentation, to an extent, I think.
Sometimes, outreach ends up being extremely important to the research and preservation of prerelease content - and this is no better exemplified than with Spyro 3's "GameSpot build".
On June 23rd, 2000, several websites and publications revealed early previews of Spyro: Year of the Dragon - this date was probably some sort of online embargo date.
The "April preview", an early build which seems to match the one used at E3 2000, was used by most of these publications. A few of them, according to accounts from those that wrote the previews, received exclusive gameplay sessions from the likes of Mark Cerny - these previews apparently took place quite close to the embargo date and certainly would have used a later build than the April one. We know that IGN received one of these sessions (but, according to the author of the preview article, was allegedly unable to record gameplay during this session, which resulted in IGN having to use the same build everyone else did in their preview articles), and it's a pretty safe bet that GameSpot did, too. In GameSpot's case, we actually got to see what this build looked like:
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As expected, it's a later build than the April prototype - this one seems to be from around the same point in development as the earliest demo disc version, though we're not sure if it's an earlier build or a later one. Three main characteristics stick out in these screenshots:
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We don't ever see what the eggs looked like in this build, but the fragments use this bizarre ornate gold texture.
The HUD uses a green egg sprite similar to some of the eggs seen in the April build; the earliest demo disc version also uses this sprite.
For some reason, transparent polygons are a solid black colour, making some screenshots look sort of ominous and weird.
Perhaps the weirdest thing about this build is that the gold egg fragments it uses, which to most players would be completely unrecognisable and unlike anything they've ever seen before, actually do appear in the final game. And they hatch from every egg in the entire game. In most cases, the fragment flies off screen before the player can spot it.
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The earliest demo build, which seems to be from around May 25th, 2000, does not include this texture at all, which has called into question the timeline placement of the GameSpot build. On one hand, they might've used the final egg texture momentarily, switched to the gold one, and switched back, accidentally leaving one of the textures intact. On the other hand, there have been cases in many Spyro builds of random early assets weeding their way back into the game via means that we don't really understand. Look no further than the August 27th, 1998 localisation prototype of Spyro the Dragon, a post-final build which inexplicably re-uses an early Gnasty Gnorc model, textures, and animations, from around 2 months earlier in development:
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The info we have on this build doesn't just stop at screenshots, though! GameSpot kindly uploaded 5 videos of the build - labelled "Movie 2" through "Movie 6" (thanks GameSpot. that's not confusing at all) - to their website. Most of these videos were later temporarily put behind a paywall, and in 2014, 4 of these videos were deleted during a server move, with only Movie 2 (the one never put behind a paywall) remaining. The one movie that remained didn't even play properly in GameSpot's video player for years, so I had to download the video from the API to view it at all:
While the video is an important piece of history, and did reveal to us that the early Sgt. Byrd theme heard in some old IGN videos of the April preview had a previously unheard guitar section (this was prior to the public release of the April preview), it doesn't tell us very much new about the build. If we really wanted to more precisely date the build, we'd need to know what the eggs looked or sounded like - but the egg collection section was entirely cut from the video. As of yet, we just don't have this information.
As for Movies 3 - 6? These are now lost media. They were up on the site for 14 years, we know that people saw them, and I suspect there were people that downloaded them. However, since they were deleted nearly 10 years ago, nobody has come forward to say that they have one of the videos and to show what was in it. Anyone that does come forward with this info should be met with some scepticism, of course, but I think the only way we'll ever see more of this build is with a greater outreach and more widespread knowledge of the missing videos - the videos were readily downloadable from the website, and so someone still has the videos, I'm sure.
And before anyone asks, yes, the WayBack Machine has been very extensively searched for these videos - we can't find them, there's just no trace of them on there.
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Judging by the video descriptions, Movie 3 would have focused on Bentley, Movie 4 on either Sheila or Agent 9, and Movies 5 and 6 on Spyro gameplay.
I've only ever encountered one person who claims to have seen these videos, and whether they're to be believed or not, they claimed that one of the videos showed Sunny Villa using Fireworks Factory's theme (levels using the wrong themes was very common in early builds of these games! Additionally, Fireworks Factory's theme is very likely to have been present around this point in development), and another showed Agent 9 gameplay using a track that didn't sound very Spyro-like, but more like "something from James Bond".
When the April preview released later on, it was discovered that early Spyro 3 builds actually do have a number of entirely non-Spyro themes, all by µ-Ziq and Propellerheads, left unused in their soundtrack data. The tracks in these builds seem to line up with the levels present in an earlier build of the game, and by this metric, it seems that "Spybreak!", a theme from the Matrix soundtrack, would have (fittingly?) lined up with Agent 9's Lab, and possibly would have been used in that level in internal development builds. Sure enough, my contact agreed that this was the theme they heard, when I sent them the track - if this is indeed the case, then this build is very very weird indeed.
It remains to be seen whether we'll ever learn anything new about this build, but we can only hope. I've linked to an archived 7z file containing all the screenshots uploaded to GameSpot below, as well as a link to a TCRF article detailing some of the known differences spotted in this build:
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blehblarghblah · 1 year
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I am proud to announce that "Loyalty & Light" now has a date of return! Yeaaaah! That's right, we're back in business... soon. heh. Hopefully, now having a date will tide you all over.
Meanwhile, “The Most Undoing Thing” is well on its way and will follow a more sporadic update format. Meaning, it probably won’t be as frequent as y’all would like. If you still haven’t heard, TMUT is going to 20 chapters so we’ve got three left! Wooo!
But now, it's time to promote what else I got in the works:
Arcane/Legends of Runeterra, Mama Jinx future AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “The Most Undoing Thing”). Returns August 9th, uploads (somewhat) monthly basis.
The Owl House, Lealtad Noceda big sister/beta sister AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “Loyalty & Light”). Returns August 2nd, uploads biweekly basis.
The Owl House & The Ghost and Molly McGee crossover, crossover AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “The Light and Molly McGee”). Work in Progress. (not coming anytime soon).
The Walking Dead (TV series) & Telltale's The Walking Dead (game) crossover, crossover AU, Violetine, Rick meets Clem, multi-chapter story (Title: "The After"). Work in Progress (not coming anytime soon).
The Dragon Prince, Rayllum oneshot collection, multi-AU & canon compliant stories (Title: “Magic Between the Moon & Sky”). Still on hiatus! I've yet to actually even watch season 4! But it'll be back eventually!
Halloween Fics! It's early to promote now, but by October I have three oneshots of three different fandoms planned! All Halloween themed and with ships!
So yeah, we getting busy folks! I would like to lead with that though there are schedules in place, these are subject to change in events of burnout, personal matters, or just inconveniences like tech issues. Or there may be random fics that pop up that weren't listed but I just made for the Hell of it. Keeping up with the fic tags---which is usually the fic name plus "update" at the end---is the best way to stay up to date on my fic series/multi-chapter stories.
I should state for the record, I will be returning to university this coming Fall and working part-time more. I'm going to be more busy of course, but I swear I’m doing my best to make sure I'm not overwhelmed! ᕦ( ò_ó)ᕤ
As always, if you're curious about these WIP fics I have in store, don't be afraid to ask about 'em! I'm always down to answer asks ( ^‿^).
Also, here is my ko-fi. I stated this before, but there is no pressure or need to donate (especially since I haven't been posting as much 😅). Fanfiction is a fun hobby and practice for me, but it's also out of my own free time and effort. So if you want to show your appreciation you can buy me a Coffee but the easy way would be sending me a comment on my stories or simply sharing my works. At the end of the day, I do this to spread my passion but also to entertain others.
By the way, tags with “bleh update” keep track of all incoming fic posts! And check out my Fandom Masterlist to see what I'm into! Also Here’s all my Fanfics!
That's all for now. Stay safe and take care all!
Until next post,
- Bleh
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andromebaa · 9 months
My 2023 Writing Wrap Up
Stole this idea from Lovova lmao. Let’s see if I can figure out what I’ve been writing this year. I mean, we all know what I’ve been writing but let’s just see it in words:
Starting the year strong by not really doing much. Might have been dabbling with some OCs but nothing too notable.
Uploaded the start of a fic version of my play-by-post Danganronpa AU Despair’s Legacy to my brand new AO3 account before promptly leaving it to rot. Also uploaded the first chapter of a silly little Oumota fic that I wrote for funsies. This is the start of the Just the Two of Us brainrot. To prove it, I then proceeded to write and upload five more chapters.
Addendum: Completely forgot that the first fic I ever uploaded to my AO3 this month was my Ishimaru/reader smut I wrote like six years ago lmaoooo gotta remember your roots
Went cazy and uploaded six more chapters of Just the Two of Us. I was officially obsessed.
Also started doing some initial planning for my other two danganhorror fics.
Brain started exploding so I only uploaded three Just the Two of Us chapters this month. Also wrote the side smut story for it, Defragmentation, over the Easter weekend.
Started the far more sustainable action of writing only one chapter of Just the Two of Us a month. Also started planning the Moulin Rouge Oumota au that I never finished - sad!
Began planning for Oumota Week 2023. Wrote a small sci-fi/horror fic called Facsimile for a Kaito/Maki writing week. Published another two chapters of Just the Two of Us.
Through some unholy will I published seven seperate short fics for Oumota week ranging from a mermaid au to a silly family au and a short Haiku poem based on the origin of the Tanabata festival. Somehow published another chapter of Just the Two of Us as well.
Wrote my official oneshot smut for Oumota as part of the package deal which I’m doing for each of my main danganhorror fics. Also managed to complete another chapter of the Just the Two of Us. Also started writing REDACTED.
Another chapter of Just the Two of Us successfully uploaded!
The final chapter of Just the Two of Us is uploaded and I finally allowed myself to rest for like a week or two before going back to the grind.
Ceremoniously failed to work on an original junior/YA story for NaNoWriMo and just like start working on my next Danganhorror fic Every Day is Exactly the Same.
Uploaded the first chapter of my next Danganhorror fic aka the one where Yasuhiro ends up in a time loop. Got nasty bad Togakure brainrot and proceeded to spend most of the month jumping between the main fic and the smut one shot.
Aaaaand that’s a wrap up! It’s been a very very productive year and although it’s almost all been fic stuff I’ve never been more proud of myself. I started and finished a 140,000 word fic and also wrote almost a dozen short fics on the side too.
I can’t wait to see what this new year will bring! I’m definitely not going to go too hard and burn out but I hope I’ll still be productive! My biggest goal will be to finish Every Day is Exactly the Same and hopefully start a new non-fic project too.
Let’s see how it goes!
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About the Yuurivoice potentially copying Redacted anon
Let's go in order of how reasonable to make these cases actually are:
So first of the most asinine one out of the way: "a spunky guy with a boston accent"? By which, i'm gonna assume, you mean to imply that Alphonse might be a copy of Milo? Alphonse, who's first ever video on youtube was uploaded in 2018 ? A year in which Erik hadn't even created the redacted channel yet (that would be 2019) let alone uploaded the first ever Milo video (that would be 2020) In conclusion, you didn't even bother to do the most basic checking of upload dates before making this accusation, didn't you?
Next we have the demons: if you actually went and checked the dates of uploads (again) you can see that when Big Red's (Yuurivoice's demon character) first video was uploaded (october 1st 2020) the only videos featuring a demon on Eriks channel at that time were the first and second Caelum videos (and potentially the first Gavin one i think but the date on that one is now different because Erik had to edit and reupload that one)
There's literally no similarities between Caelum and Big Red besides being demons (a very common trope that Erik didn't invent, not to mention how differently demons actually function on these two channels) and being a bit stupid (in my personal opinion pretty different kinds of stupidity/naivity) and Big Red and Gavin have even less in common. In conclusion, are you serously gonna say that Big Red is a copy of specifically Caelum (based on just his first two videos!) or Gavin (based just on his first video!)? Or did you yet again not check the upload dates for any of these? Also again, demons are a VERY common trope and they're done so differently on the channels in terms of lore, how is this even one you'd mention as a potential copy at all?!
Next the pizza boys: at the time of Charlie's (Yuurivoices "pizza delivery guy") first apperance in bittersweet (august 9th 2021) Guy's only apperances have been being an unamed voice basically saying "here's your pizza" in one Asher video, one Gavin video and the april fools video.
Like Guy, Charlie was also just meant as a background character at first but compared to Guy at the time actually had only some light references to a pizza place (like his shirt) while he's mainly introduced as and functions as a criminal goon from Alphonse and Seths past. In both cases the fandoms independently asked those two to get their own series/listeners which is not a phenomenon you could copy and as background characters they weren't all that similar, again one being defined by being the pizza delivery guy the other mainly being a criminal goon at first. The pizza thing came back for Charlie in his own series only because the premise of that series is that he's stopping with the crime stuff so it makes sense to go back working at the pizzeria that was lightly referenced in his time as just a side character. Also their similarities pretty much end at their current jobs, their characters and backstories as well as current plots are pretty different past that. In conclusion, i highly, highly doubt any intentional copying, and to summerize they're both happen to be initial background characters that viewers rallied to get their own listeners (something you couldn't intentionally copy and therefore just funny coincidence) that happen to both currently work in pizza delivery (and unlike Guy, "your pizza guy boyfriend", Charlie isn't even called anything related to his job in the thumbnails/titles, it's always things like "your childhood crush" or "soft punk boyfriend" e.t.c.)
Now, last but not least, Aaron and Auron: ok, so Aaron's first video was uploaded january 21st 2021 and only two days later on january 23rd 2021 Yuurivoice and Jackie Eleanor who does the art on the channel do a character reveal art stream on Auron (i'd recommend any Redacted fan who started listening to Yuurivoice only recently and thinks he might be copying Aaron to check out that stream, it's called "YuuriVoice Character Design Stream ft. Jackie Eleanor [Glasses Boy]") and to me it seems clear from how Yuurivoice talks about him (referencing inspiration from Kyoya from the anime Ouran Highschool Host Club for example) and how he had already pitched the character to Jackie so she could already come up with a basic design sketch that he very likely already had thought of and planned this character for longer than literally just two days before this stream (i.e. the upload day of the very first Aaron video)
Now you could choose to believe that Yuurivoice saw the Aaron video on the 21st and then went and did that stream only two days later and talked about the character as if he'd been planning/working on him for longer than that just to idk hide the copying, i guess? But personally that feels like a huge stretch to me.
Interestingly enough another thing Auron and Aaron have in common is a younger brother associated with the color purple and stars (to a degree) but given that Auron and Faust were revealed/comfirmed to be brothers long before the same happend for Aaron and Elliot it would mean that Erik did the copying on those points but i don't believe that's the case either, it's also probably just a weird coincedence.
In summery, they both happen to be dom boss characters (which btw is also a common trope one that neither Erik nor Yuurivoice invented, i mean have you heard of 50 shades of gray? The Secretary?) they happen to have very similar first names and both have a strained relationship with a purple themed younger brother (but again this similarity would actually have to be Erik copying Yuurivoice if it isn't just a coincedence instead)
In conclusion, i believe both sets of similarities are coincedences and i think if you believe the similar name and character trope are intentionally copied then it would be lowkey hypocritical to not also believe that the younger brother parts are also simply too similar to be just coincedence and therefore Erik would have to be copying Yuurivoice right back (which would be a ridicioulous situation)
Another funny thing is that as someone that has been listening to Yuurivoice for much longer than Redacted i almost immediately noticed that they both have a meta and kinda robotic (in Erik's case the voice in Yuurivoice's visual design) character named the exact same thing: Echo. But in this case the first mention of Echo on Yuurivoices channel is the video "YuuriVoice 2.0 Channel Trailer | Patreon & Script Submission Announcement" which was uploaded on March 26th 2020, while Erik uploaded his first ever video on the Redacted channel literally months later in july of the same year, not to mention his first Echo video which would be even later than that. So i actually had the thought before if Erik was inspired by (or, if you wanna be less charitable i guess, copied) Yuurivoice to name his meta channel character Echo as well or if this was just coincidence, especially after Erik literally mentioned having listened to Yuurivoice before he started his channel.
Personally i don't think it matters all that much at the end of the day, though. A name is such a small similarity anyway.
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
Do you really think Taehyung went with Jk to get his tattoo? According to the tattoo artist he did it on 18th June alongside Jk.. also the blurry tattoo-like thing on his thigh in vogue photoshoot, I don't think that's the actual tattoo coz that looks way higher than his actual 7 tattoo..
I think at this point, evidence points to yes, anon.  This is the clear image that PolyC shared today/yesterday:
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This is my screenshot of his story explaining the situation with Tae’s autograph (or lack thereof):
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It’s not 100% definite, but the implication of his explanation is definitely that Taehyung was there when he uploaded the Jungkook photos.  Between that and the fact that, on June 13th, Taehyung said live that he didn’t have his tattoo yet and would go with Jungkook, it seems likely that that’s exactly what happened.
There’s also the fact that someone pointed out that if you squint, you can sort of see the 7 on his leg from before he left for Paris Fashion Week, a few days after June 18th:
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So while I know the photo you mean from the Vogue shoot, which I think took place in August, and I agree that it does seem like slightly different placement in that one photo, I think that was the real tattoo.  I think that photo just throws off the perspective a bit, especially since he’s sort of lying on the couch and you can’t see his knee.
This is a zoomed in section of another photo from the shoot, the one where he’s standing up, and with the contrast boosted a bit, you can pretty clearly see that it’s the 7, in the same spot as these other photos:
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So yeah, at this point I think it’s pretty clear that Tae had the tattoo before the end of June but got it after June 13th -- within the same timeframe as Jungkook, in other words.  We now have proof after proof that the tattoo was done by PolyC, the implication from PolyC himself that Taehyung was in his studio when he posted about Jungkook (and presumably only then, or he could have asked for the autograph sometime later), and Taehyung’s own statement that he planned to get the tattoo with Jungkook.
I guess it’s technically not definite, but at this point signs point to yes: they very likely got their tattoos together.
Thank you to my friend for helping me parse out the timeline and providing me with images lol you’re the best!!
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tenelkadjowrites · 1 year
hello, thank you so much for the recommendations, i’ll check those out in a bit!
after wallflower, i hope you get a good rest before uploading once more. (i've only read part one so far and wow, the word count)
i'm worried some of the writers i follow are gonna drop dead because of the amount of pressure that are placed onto them by some of their readers and life in general, which is obviously not a good thing at all, so i hope you're taking good care of yourself and stay hydrated!
i feel better now than the past few days, i'm just glad i don't have much work to do anymore so i'm trying to make the most of my time until i get busy again.
i wouldn't say i'm an orbit since i just used to listen to their songs, but i'm happy to hear about odd eye circle's comeback as well. my friends even planned a fancy dinner with me when it was announced that loona won their lawsuit against bbc. 😭
- ♟️
i actually have two more fics to post after wallflower is completed lol. i differ from other fic writers a bit in that if i am writing a multi-chapter fic, i write the entire thing before posting part one. i then space out updates in between a week or two to give myself time to edit and polish each part. the editing process is an important part of my writing. this means wallflower was completed over a month ago. so i've written two fics since the completion in my spare time. i basically have stuff to post through end of august with how i am spacing out uploads.
but i appreciate your concern! writing is really my passion and my favourite thing to do. i find it very relaxing to write and it helps manage my stress. uploading it to the blog is secondary. i think i have a nice group of people who enjoy my writings because they've patiently waited sometimes 3 months in between uploads while i worked on multi-chapter fics. i write every fic because it gives me great joy to do so and is a form of self care/mental health help for me.
and i hope you also take care of yourself in your downtime before things get busy again! it sounds like you're making sure to keep time for yourself which is so important...i think all of us can lose sight of that when things are hectic or we place a lot on ourselves to achieve.
omg and your friends sound like my type of people with planning a party like that.
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copperraven · 2 years
Hi everyone.
I hope you're all doing well. I've wanted to say sorry for my lack of drawing in the past few months, as well as the lack of regular uploading in general.
I'm in my last year of study, which mean that if everything goes well I should be going into the work industry by the end of august. The thing is, my university gave me almost all of my major assignments this month so I've been lacking time for drawing currently.
It SHOULD be all back to normal by the middle of April.
But till then, I hope you'll excuse my absence.
If I can draw a few things before then I will post it.
Till then, see you soon.
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trshltna-blog · 2 years
How Malaysians coped under the pandemic- and public health 😷
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P/S : I'm typing this out from my point of view as I experienced the pandemic as an 18 year old who just graduated from high school so basically I was not studying that time, and would play PUBG with friends I barely talk to now until 3a.m. Hopefully I'll still be as insightful.
When Covid-19 hit drastically in Malaysia in 2020, the whole nation went under lockdown which meant people couldn't physically interact with other people who didn't live under the same roof. From here, you can clearly tell how social media fits in this week's post. Call me an optimist but I'm glad to have gone through such a time with social media existing, in the 2nd decade of the 21st Century. I clearly remember a week turning into 3 weeks, to a month, to just 3 whole months of lockdown with no simple way out.
Over the past 2 years, social media has helped a lot in spreading information about the virus which clearly effected the public health. Alongside that, the pandemic effected other concerns too which included people losing their jobs, economic crisis, people's mental health and also the lack of food for households. With social media, it felt as if we weren't totally alone, although most days felt really draining and undetermined.
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Alas in good light, those with access to social media were entertained by applications such as Tiktok, which blew up a lot during the pandemic because of its constant mindless scrolls of videos. I mean, it's not like we could do anything else anyway. There was the Dalgona Coffee trend, a lot of Megan Thee Stallion dances made and the 'I'm bored in the house yeah I'm in the house bored', if you know, you know, I guess!
Okay, I'm steering away a bit, back to public health!
I always say social media is helpful and I see the positive side of it mainly because my insights were all these infographics regarding Covid-19. Day after day they were go viral and with the ever ending use of Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter and Facebook, people were easily aware about these important details.
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For example, this infographic above guides individuals on how to use a face mask, because I do recall some people that weren't sure which type to buy, how to wear it and even shared their face masks with people. That was honestly so dangerous so I'm glad they came up these things to spread awareness.
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I hope many Malaysians (who see this, lol) remember this image above! Because every single day family group chats would be updated with this on the Covid-19 cases and also all over other social media applications. It was so scary when the numbers kept increasing for positive cases, but we were always hopeful for more recoveries in the days coming.
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There was also this application made for only Malaysians called MySejahtera which was quite successful in my opinion. Before this app was created, individuals who went out had to write down their names, phone number and their body temperature before entering a shopping mall, store, restaurant, or anywhere enclosed to be precise. Unfortunately, there was a plothole to this method as people could get away with writing down and also lie about their credentials. This is where the app comes in.
By August of 2021, most people had already gotten their 2 doses of vaccines. With that, all enclosed areas would restrict those with only 2 full doses to enter. A friend of mine who was interning in Kuala Lumpur that time couldn't even enter Pavillion mall because she had only 1 dose. This was all automatically uploaded and kept in each Malaysian citizen's MySejahtera. In order to enter, all you needed to do was scan the QR Code provided.
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Social Media also enabled for this infographic above to be shared around many Malaysians before getting their vaccine. Even though there wasn't much choice since Malaysia had only fully provided Pfizer for the elderly, AZ and Sinovac for the rest, it was still good to be notified about the other vaccines existing.
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I always love a clean, simple yet informed infographic and the image above did just that. It kept to its main point and conducted it well for people to read and dissect the message. That is, the message above is to spread awareness on places that one may highly likely get the virus.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) Malaysia created several infographics and guides for those who seek help during hard times like the pandemic. I'm not going to go in detail but if you check out their site https://www.who.int/malaysia/emergencies/covid-19-in-malaysia/information/mental-health, you can see that WHO provided for those who have lost their loved once, for the frontliners and even those who were struggling with their mental health.
I wasn't enrolled in Swinburne that time but they had also done a Swinburne's Mental Health awareness week, which is good as a university in Sarawak to promote such importance to students. Checklists and Bingos were a way to engage with a lot of people online so it was quite popular at that time. Here, I scrolled all the way down to @/swinburnesarwak's 2020 posts to find this.
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All and all, it's good to know how Malaysians all over used social media to their fullest in maintaining a safe environment for most during the pandemic. Sharing these correct infographics, articles regarding the virus may seem small but here's the beauty of social media : nothing is ever as small when it's already out there.
#week7 #mda20009 #publichealth
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jeffgrant4real · 1 month
Crafted Out of Paperclips by Mossy Stones
I wanted to say a few things about the album my band with my friend Josh Irwin (Mossy Stones) just released. So much thought and work and time goes into making an album and it’s always a little strange these days how you can just upload everything and it’s suddenly available to anyone who wants to hear it. You’ll post about it and get like two likes and then it’s all kind of over before it starts. If we were a band that played shows maybe we’d have a release event or two but we’re not (and don’t even live in the same state), so even though it’s a big deal to us it might not mean much to other people. 
But yeah, we released our first album Luzita last October. I’d gone up to visit Josh and his family in August (I think that’s right). I was going to help him record an e.p. of hymns, which is out now, but we also thought it’d be fun to play around with songwriting ideas. We’re both solo singer songwriters basically and we were both in a bit of a creative rut and wanted to get back to the fun of making music, hoping to inspire each other in a low-stakes way. We wrote a few songs and recorded them, then we each had some sitting around in notebooks to add in. Initially it was going to be five songs, then we got to eight and powered through the last two days to write and record two more to round out a whole album by our new made up band (those ended up being “Still Children” and “Singing in My Sleep”).
Anyway, after putting out that album we were both excited about writing and recording more music. I made a private SoundCloud playlist and we started collecting demos. If I wrote something I’d record it quickly on my phone, if he did he’d do the same. Some were more serious than others, we were trying to keep possibilities as wide open as we could. I think we eventually got to around thirty songs.
Another key thing that happened was on Christmas day when Josh’s wife Amelia gifted him with a new MacBook so he could start recording on his own. Josh has recorded a bunch of music over the years but never much by himself, usually depending on others to set up the microphones and work on the technical side. I think after making his solo album Speed of Life in 2022 and then Luzita and the hymns e.p. last year he got a lot more time around laptops and home recording and it made him want to dive more into it. As the person who’d been recording him I was excited to see what he made, though to be totally honest, I had some doubts that my long-time luddite friend would ever actually record.
My doubts were pretty immediately proven wrong as he got an interface and microphone and hit the ground running. I’d be sharing phone demos and he’d send his more elaborate recordings, which had artificial drumming (that sounded weirdly real), bass parts, organ, synths and lead guitar and whatever else. And Josh is exceptionally good at singing harmonies so it’d be like a Beach Boys song next to my possibly out of tune simple song sketches. 
I had never used the A.I. drummers in GarageBand or Logic but Josh pushed me to give it a shot. I knew that our first album was lacking in sick beats. Once we got to basic tracking, which we were able to do individually at our own homes, which was a new way of working, I had to learn on the job how to program the beats. The first attempts were pretty uninspiring but after getting through a few songs I started to get my bearings. 
On that note, I should probably add that we actually recorded two albums(!) at the same time. Crafted Out of Paperclips is the first. Album #3 is about 95% finished and we’re hoping to put it out in the first half of 2025. This is kind of a key aspect of what Crafted Out of Paperclips eventually became. We had our growing SoundCloud playlist of songs and we noticed there was a definite difference in them tonally. Basically, around half were sincere, heartfelt songs, while the others were lighter, like a fun grab bag of more random topics. I remember feeling like it could be weird to have some sad song segue directly into a funny song about baseball so we decided to split the playlist in half and turn it into two albums. Crafted is the "sincere" one.
After doing most of the recording on our own I went up to visit Josh and his family again for ten days at the beginning of July. It was a wild time to say the least. His wife Amelia was eight months pregnant and Josh had full time parenting and work responsibilities at the inn and bed and breakfast they run in Eureka Springs. AND we had 20+ songs to finish. Basically, I camped out in his studio room connected to their garage and worked on mixes and planning our route through everything. I would record my parts on his songs all day and then at like 4 PM he’d show up exhausted from working all day and do some background vocals or a keyboard solo on one of my songs. His sons were with us in the room and I remember a time or two when they'd be asking him something, he'd tell them to hold on a second, record a harmony vocal on some chorus, then immediately go back into dad mode. It was funny but kind of nerve-wracking trying to inch through all we needed to do. We were flying by the seat of our pants finding 15 seconds of silence here and there to record in between all the nonstop non-band activity. I know I kept wondering if trying to record in such a manic way was best but it was our only option with his schedule. Basically if we didn’t do it those few days they’d be too busy for the rest of the year with their new baby and work and homeschooling their boys. We’d have to push it to 2025, so we just buckled down and made the best of it. I was thankful they were willing to help make it happen.
The goal was to do everything possible to finish recording Josh’s parts on my songs for album #2, then if we had time to work on album #3. My parts on his songs were less pressing because I could do them after I got back home, if need be. Thankfully, we were able to squeeze everything in and make rough mixes of both albums by the time I headed back to Texas.
The title Crafted Out of Paperclips is from a song I wrote 20+ years ago called “Pap Pap Pap - WIN”. It’s a a song we played and recorded in our previous, short-lived band NOYES. We like to include references to that when we can. Even our band name Mossy Stones was a song title from back then. Anyway, I just remember that line echoing in my head because it felt like it described how I felt about a lot of things, including our band, that it was all built out of paperclips, like it could fall apart at any moment. I brought it up as a potential album title and Josh liked it so it stuck. That’s basically how every decision is made. One of us will mention it and it’ll either be approved or meh-ed out of existence (or into solo album Purgatory).
I was going to get into the individual songs and how they came about but this has already gotten pretty long. Maybe I can do another post on that later. Josh and I are hoping to record an episode of my podcast about the album soon and I’m sure we’ll do a deeper dive there. I’ll end this with a link to the album if you’d like to listen to it. This album was over ten months in the making and there’s more to discuss but this was a good start. Thanks for reading! Hope y’all enjoy the music!
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annyuh · 1 month
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this all of my favorite artist's album, her songs is so soothing for me , its recommadable artirst if u like music like me , fun fact;''Lana Del Rey has one of the most enigmatic personalities of modern pop, and it’s won her one of the most devoted audiences of the 2010s. ''amazing right ,she is very famous in both genders, MORE FUN FACTS ABOUT HERRR ,At age 18, Lana began performing in clubs around Brooklyn, NY under various monikers including Lizzy Grant, May Jailer, and Sparkle Jump Rope Queen. Around the same time, she began attending Fordham University in The Bronx, where she majored in philosophy with a specific focus on metaphysics.and
 was interested in God and how technology could bring us closer to finding out where we came from and why
Is what she said about her degree when asked. The theme of God and science remains persistent in all of her music. Alongside her college major, some of her song themes were the effect of attending a Christian high school.
She signed her first recording contract with 5 Points Records in 2007 and her first digital album, Lana Del Ray a.k.a. Lizzy Grant, was released in January 2010.
Traces of this era can still be found online but this commercially unsuccessful epoch was ultimately abandoned to make way for the rebrand of Lana Del Rey.
In 2011, a homemade music video for “Video Games” was uploaded to Lana’s YouTube channel. The track became a viral sensation, sparking widespread interest in the artist, and she signed with Interscope/Polydor in the October of that year. On the acknowledgements for her fifth studio album, Lust for Life she wrote
''Abel, I still think of the day u posted video games on your Tumblr. Grateful for u.'' now information about her
Since then, Lana has delivered a flair unlike any other artist of her generation, praised for its cinematic sound and references to various aspects of pop culture, particularly that of the 1950s and 1960s Americana.
After many studio releases that were removed from streaming platforms to make way for her rebrand, Lana explained the meaning of her stage name and how it was influenced by her time in Florida while in college.
I wanted a name I could shape the music towards. I was going to Miami quite a lot at the time, speaking a lot of Spanish with my friends from Cuba – Lana Del Rey reminded us of the glamour of the seaside. It sounded gorgeous coming off the tip of the tongue.
Before using Del Rey, she initially chose the alternate spelling Lana Del Ray and released an album under that name, but ultimately chose the latter moving forward.
On January 27, 2012, Lana’s first major-label project, Born to Die, was released. Despite mixed reviews from critics, it is the second-longest charting album on the Billboard 200 by a female artist, and gave Lana her best-known smash hit “Summertime Sadness”.
Later that year, the Grammy-nominated EP Paradise was released, and was packaged alongside the reissue of Born to Die.
Two years later, the atmospheric album Ultraviolence was released, showcasing a slightly darker sound and theme. The term comes from the Anthony Burgess novel, A Clockwork Orange, and refers to excessive or unjustified violence.
2015 saw the arrival of Honeymoon which Lana described as being “a tribute to Los Angeles”. The album became the subject of much critical acclaim, garnering the most praise of all of her projects before it, with some even calling it her best work yet.
Her fifth studio album Lust For Life followed in 2017, packing some high-profile features with artists including The Weeknd, A$AP Rocky, Playboi Carti and Stevie Nicks. Billboard called it a “new-age folk” record and it was named in the Top 50 Best Album of the Year lists by several high-profile music publications.
After much anticipation, teasing and at least one deferred release date, on August 30, 2019, Norman Fucking Rockwell! was debuted to the world. This album earned her Grammy nominations and places on year-end lists, launching her further than ever into the limelight.
Only days after NFR!’s release, in an interview with The Times, Lana confirmed that a new project entitled Chemtrails Over the Country Club (originally called as White Hot Forever) was in the works with a potential release in 2020. Nearing the end of 2019, Lana also announced she would be releasing a spoken word poetry album on January 4th, 2020, as the book itself was taking long to hand-bind.
Similar to the way Chemtrails Over The Country Club was announced, Lana took to Instagram after the release of Chemtrails to announce a follow-up eighth studio album called Blue Banisters (which was originally supposed to be called ‘Rock Candy Sweet’) that was expected to be released on July 4th, 2021, however was delayed for October 22nd of the same year. Three singles from Blue Banisters were released on May 20th, 2021.there is more but lets move on there now im going to tell my recommedation for her songs , in top 10 is born to die , i love this song , it is really famous in most countries , like western , and other more in top 9 is venice b1tch[this is is i cannot say]this song melody is so good , her songs it rymthys so good , this song is about love song and the american-made in top 8 is brooklyn baby this one is also amazing ,it is about her boyfriend, its love song again,which means se saying ''Del Rey declares, “You’re the man of my dreams, ‘cause you know how to leave.” top 7 is ''high in beach'' it is a moody and melancholic after being alone in 2015 top 6 is ''ride'' which the song is about ''No one loves a small-town Americana escape-meets-Lolita story more than Lana Del Rey, and “Ride” delivers a swelling ballad that recalls the quiet brilliance of “Video Games.” in top 5 is '' of to the races'' ''Lana Del Rey’s love of literature is underrated — but hyper-obvious — throughout her discography, but it’s on full display on this singsong-y track, which casts Del Rey as a life-hardened Lolita and her “old man” as a less gentile Humbert'' in top 4 is ''norman f0cking rockwell'' it means uhm i cant really say it but uh ill just put it ''Lana Del Rey opens her 2019 album of the same name with the stinging lyrics “Goddamn, man-child/You fucked me so good that I almost said ‘I love you,'” in top 3 is ''west coast '' it means ''Ambition and romance are warring forces on “West Coast,” one of Del Rey’s most psychedelic, unconventionally structured songs. In the “A” section of the rock ballad, the surf guitar is driving and tense, '' in top 2 is the greatest'' the meaning is “The Greatest” is the climax of Norman Fucking Rockwell!, a brilliant bicoastal reflection of pop culture in the same vein as Bob Dylan’s “Murder Most Foul,” Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire,”  in top one is ''video games'' made in 2011 its about
''The song that started it all: Lana Del Rey’s debut single under her new name created a whole aesthetic movement, changed the goal posts for pop music, and most importantly,'' that is all thank you[the image it isnt mine]
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jelidium-gellyfish · 2 months
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VTuber スタイル (Style) - 2024 July Issue
⚜️Itsuki Natsume Interview - EN Fan TL!
This is your first feature in this magazine. First of all, would you like to introduce yourself?
A singer from the real and virtual world, I’m Itsuki Natsume. I normally upload cover songs as well as original music, all on Youtube. Previously, I had irl activities, where I hid my face, but now I use my virtual self for my activities online. I love “songs with stories”, so I am creating an album based on my own novel.
From all of the songs you have released up until now, which ones do you feel “I really want you to listen to this!” for people who have never heard your music?
Struggle of Egos: The title track for my 2nd concert held at the beginning of this year. Considering the mood and the lyrics, the song is like my own calling card.
Son joyeux: Pronounced as /sʌn/ /ʒwa.jø/. Based on a 100 000 word novel I wrote, the song captures the feeling of the last scene. I think this song best describes the “songs with stories” that I was referring to.
Hyakkaryoran (en. Lit translation: A Profusion of A Hundred songs): The latest [t/n: as of magazine publication] song I have released. “Enjoy this moment!” is the direct meaning this song conveys, and to maintain the vibe of the song, I incorporated old Japanese expressions into the lyrics, which I think made the ending interesting.
Your band's tour concert - “Natsume Itsuki 1st Live Tour ‘Travel 2 U’” starts in August. Did you have any particular feelings when it was decided, and what you are anticipating as it is your first tour?
Well, my first thought was “I can go to Hokkaido!!!” as I’ve actually never been there before. I’ve always wanted to go, and do sightseeing while I am there. Since it’s a tour this time, I want to do my best with this feeling of “going to meet everyone”. I’m usually quite passive while interacting with people, so with the tour, I hope to not be passive and engage with everyone. Also, I hope to meet my fans who live far away and feel “I can’t go to Tokyo, but this place is accessible to me!”
While pursuing your singing, is there anything you would like to do in the future, or any new challenges you would like to attempt?
This year, I would like to create a physical paperback book as one of my merchandise. As I like “songs with stories”, last year in Autumn I published a 100 000 word novel as part of a CD bonus, but it was only available in electronic form. I adore having paperback books, so I hope to be able to get it in print this year. Including but not limited to, I think I would like to challenge that theme of “songs with stories” more intensely. As there are limits to what I can express on my own, I would like to invite guests to do a “story-based live performance” as well.
Finally, a message to your fans and readers of VTuber Style!
My fans who follow me on my free-spirited activities and for those learning about me for the first time, thank you for reading until the end. I’ll do my best during my tour, so please feel free to come and have fun! 
Itsuki's tour starts tomorrow (August 3rd 2024) with Osaka! Tickets are still available for some other dates (Hokkaido and Fukuoka) so if you can be sure to go~
* If there are any issues please dm or email (in profile) me!
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