#wheres his toe printing . or the eyes on his wolf symbols .
nyaskitten · 5 months
Dear god. I am a simple, very simple, SUPREMELY simple man, you know this of me already. Please, let Jay stay dark blue. I happen to think my beautiful wife Nya looks INCREDIBLE with a fully azure gi, don't you? you do? Great, then please let Jay remain dark blue! Forever!
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In fact, Why not return ot the gorgeous coloration ideas of his movie gi? Dark blue as his primary color, the lighter blue as naught more than an accent color... please? For me?
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kanobarlowe · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
Thanks to @charlesjosephwrites for the tag!!
I'll tag @my-forgotten-notepad, @faye-violet, and @likegemstone — if you want to of course, no pressure to if you don't want to. For you 3 though, try to find these words in any WIPs: Lend, Active, Philosophy, and Fade. (Or similar/related words if that helps)
My words are beg, able, double, and company. I will be using Brim's Bane.
Sam clutched the jar closer to his chest. “He split before I was born,” he said. “I didn’t get a say in that. And I didn’t run away — I got a job. She knew where I was.”
Hiram’s glare bored into Sam’s skull. Sam glared back.
“A job you begged for?” Hiram sneered. “You weren’t even wanted for a printing job — and why bother? You had good work here. You had a future.”
"I don’t want to play with wood all day.”
Hiram’s face contorted into a snarl. “Carpentry’s honest work,” he snapped. He closed the distance between himself and Sam and jabbed a finger into Sam’s chest. “You’ve always been a lazy bastard. A lazy bastard and a coward — running from everything while acting like a kicked puppy.” He spit again. The saliva splattered across Sam’s face. “We both know you ain’t no pup. Like your dad — a damned dirty wolf hunting the flock.”
One winter night, Sam returned to his hut early from dinner with Leona. He’d kissed her cheek and wished her a good night after walking her home. For a moment, she’d lingered as if she were tempted to ask him to follow her inside. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to resist that offer and was thankful when she did not ask. Now he worked outside in the light of a new oil lamp and the waxing moon. He carved the dining table, creating intricate patterns on its edges. He poured his heart into its design, with natural symbols centered upon the beautiful sun that reminded him of Leona’s golden, shining hair.
The beast looked like a wolf while being far too human to be one. It stood on two legs, its human-like feet stretched out nearly double the natural length with toes that all appeared broken. Claws grew over the nails, tearing through the nail bed. It was hairy,head to toe, but with patches of hairless flesh along the hands and feet, the arms and legs. And the face…
It was an ungodly face with blackened human eyes. The maw resembled a human nose and mouth stretched out and distorted impossibly long to mimic a wolf’s muzzle. broad, sweeping tail swung behind the beast as it crept closer toward him.
Sam stepped to the side, gesturing with his hand toward the table. Leona covered her mouth as she approached it, her free hand reaching out to stroke the wood. Behind her, Sam caught sight of Halvard’s equally round face peering out. His eyes sparkled at the sight of the table. “What a beautiful courting gift!” he bellowed. Sam wondered if he’d wake the neighborhood. “Grizelda! Come look at what the young man made for our daughter!”
Leona and her family fawned over the table Sam had crafted. Leona herself kissed his cheek, praising him. Halvard clapped him on the back, complimenting his fine workmanship while he gave his wife a sheepish grin as she reminded him of the miniature wooden spoon he’d made her over twenty years ago.
Something unusual was happening around the Marryat, Sam knew that. Something that directly involved him. But for now, he enjoyed the company of the beautiful woman he courted and her beautiful family that welcomed him into their home.
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