#where’s the gif of the chick from Little Women going ‘WOMEN’ desperately
Showed Me (How I Fell In Love With You)
summary: dean helps you up your flirting game, but there’s really only one set of eyes you want on you.
paring: dean winchester x female reader
rating: R for language
word count: 2.7k
warnings: language, implied sex/nudity, strands of hair falls on reader’s face
author’s note: you probably already know this but sideblogs (like this one) can now answer comments!! super excited about this update and fingers crossed the next one is for sending asks lol 🤞💞
music: showed me (how i fell in love with you) by madison beer — i was listening to this song and kept imagining dean, idk
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Dean always had incredible luck with women. He could go into a bar crowded with guys and walk out with the only woman—the bartender who’d been dodging men all night.
You, on the other hand, could go into that same bar and end up going back to the motel alone. It bothered you; what in the hell were you doing wrong?
So, you did the unthinkable—you asked Dean to help you get better at flirting.
That’s how you ended up here at the bar with Dean; he was showing you how to play pool. You had protested the idea of him “teaching you” something you already knew, but he claimed it was important.
“You’re standing wrong,” he told you when you were about to break.
“Uh, no I’m not?”
“If you’re trying to win the game, you’re doing great. If you’re trying to get your opponent to fuck you, you’re failing miserably.”
“Thanks,” you grumbled.
“Hey, you were the one who asked me for help!” He shrugged. “If you want to back out now-”
“No, I don’t want to back out,” you sighed. “I’m fucking desperate at this point.”
“So, are you gonna do what I say, then?” he asked, folding his arms over his chest.
“Yeah,” you mumbled. “How am I supposed to stand?”
He walked up behind you and put his hands on your hips.
“Stick your butt out a little,” he instructed and you did as he asked. “Alright, now when you bend over,” he moved his hands up and forward, resting them on your lower chest, “you’ll want to point your breasts in the direction of the person you want to attract.”
“What if he’s standing behind me?” you asked.
“Then his eyes are gonna be glued to your ass,” he replied, not getting the message. “If he’s standing behind you then focus more on the actual game, and less on where you’re pointing your boobs. Trust me, though, if he’s standing in front of you, he’s gonna be trying to see down your shirt, now…” he walked back around to the other side of the table. “Bend over, and before you hit the ball, make eye contact with him.”
“Okay…” You bent down and lined up your shot before looking up and into Dean’s eyes.
“Perfect! If you look at him kinda like through your eyelashes, there’s exactly one thing that’s suddenly stuck front and center in his mind.”
“And this works on…all guys?” you asked, still looking at him through your lashes.
“If he was standing where I am and didn’t want to fuck you, he’s either related to you or just not into chicks.”
“Good to know,” you mumbled, mostly to yourself. You were about to start the game but a few strands of hair fell on your face.
“Don’t move,” Dean said before he hurried back to where he had been before and tucked the hair behind your ear for you. “Now, since he’s already thinking about that one thing, is that something you want him to think about even more?”
“Um, yeah,” you said quietly.
“Alright, pout your lips,” he instructed. He moved his hand down from your ear and tugged your lip out a bit. “Perfect, that’s gonna draw his attention to your lips.”
“So, now I start actually playing the game?” you asked, not sure if he had any more pointers for you.
“If you want. Or we can go over to the bar where there are three different guys that have been eyeing you the past ten minutes.”
“Really?” you stood up straight, whipping your head around. You saw the guys he was talking about and they all quickly looked down at the drinks in front of them. “Let’s go to the bar, then.”
“So, now that you know all those guys are interested,” Dean said as you both took your seats at the bar, several stools away from the other people already there, “you need to pick one.”
“Isn’t that the easy part?” you laughed a little.
“Oh no, most guys are monsters.” Dean shook his head, motioning the bartender over with his hand. “What’re you drinking?” he asked, looking at you.
“Just a beer’s fine,” you said, a little confused. Usually when you, Sam, and Dean went out drinking you each ordered your own drinks. Dean took initiative and ordered two beers. “And I know before taking someone back to my room I have to do the usual tests; holy water, iron, and silver.”
“Not those kinda monsters, sweetheart,” Dean said. “The guy on the far right has a little motor home keychain attached to his keys. Given the fact there’s a dilapidated RV parked outside that looks like a serial killer’s lair, I’d say he’s a creep.”
“Well, what about the guy in the middle?” you asked.
“I heard him talking with someone on the phone in the bathroom earlier about the fact his ex-girlfriend doesn’t know she got the clap from him.”
“Dear lord,” you groaned, making a disgusted face. “What’s wrong with the guy on the left?”
“Well, uh…” Dean started, looking at the man you were talking about and trying to find something wrong with him. “Nothing. If he comes over here, I’d say it’s worth a shot.”
“Shouldn’t I go and talk to him?” you asked.
“Oh no! No, no, no! Bar like this, pretty girl like you; he’ll think you’re a hooker.”
“I mean, unless you wanna make a couple hundred bucks tonight?” he teased, earning a smack to his upper arm. “I’ll take that as a no,” he laughed.
“I’d make at least four-hundred,” you scoffed.
“Look, you’re cute and sweet and guys tend to turn their heads when you walk by them. Now, for your next lesson, take a look around the bar and tell me how many women you see.”
You looked around, counting in your head. “Five, including me and the bartender,” you said.
“And how many guys?”
“I’d say like twenty at least?” you estimated.
“Exactly,” he said. “See, at least half of those guys have their eyes on you. When we were playing pool earlier I guarantee you they’d have done anything to be where I was.”
“So…what’s your point?”
“You’re way above any of these guys’ leagues.” He shrugged. “Which is okay, but you need to know that you’re too good for them, just a fact. They’re spending their Wednesday night in a bar looking for a hookup, you came here to get a drink with your friend. So, like I said, you are in fact way out of their leagues.”
“You really think so?”
“Please tell me you’re joking,” he laughed a little then looked at you and realized you were serious. “Oh dear god, yes! Not only are you fucking gorgeous, you’re smart, funny and a total badass! I mean you killed two vampires this morning!”
“Thanks, Dean.” You smiled.
“Of course,” he replied. “Now, before we head back to the motel is there anything else? You know how to kiss someone, right?”
“Ha, ha!” You smiled sarcastically. “I know how to kiss, Dean. But, I actually do have a question.”
“What about…the friend zone?”
“You wanna know how to friend zone a guy?” He furrowed his brows.
“No, how do I get out of the friend zone?”
“Oh.” He nodded. “That’s, um, I’m actually not sure. And I didn’t think you had friends?”
“Again, very funny Dean,” you laughed somewhat sarcastically. “What if I’m good friends with a guy and I really like him, but I’m scared to tell him because I don’t want to lose the friendship?”
“Look, Sam loves you but he doesn’t see you…that way,” he said.
“It’s not Sam, dumbass,” you said. “I have plenty of friends! And there’s this one friend, who’s a guy that I really like. I don’t think he feels the same way, but it’s driving me absolutely crazy that I can’t just tell him.”
“I, uh, I don’t know. I mean, I always think the guy has more to lose if that situation goes south, cause he’ll always be attracted to the girl but she might…get bored with him.”
“But what if the guy doesn’t like me back? What if I tell him and he says ‘gross, you’re like a sister to me’?”
“If he does see you as a sister, he’s not gonna say ‘gross’ when you tell him how you feel?”
“How do you know?”
“Cause I know Sam and he’d be lucky to have a girl like you.”
“It’s not Sam, you moron!” you exclaimed, a little louder than intended.
“What if the guy I really like is also really dumb?” you asked.
“I mean, I wouldn’t say Garth is dumb…”
“Oh my god,” you groaned. “Yeah, never mind.” You put your face in your hands for a moment before starting to drink the beer Dean had ordered for you. He watched you with furrowed brows and it felt like an eternity (really it was about sixty seconds) before he suddenly broke the silence.
“Holy shit!” he exclaimed. “Is it…me?”
“I’m sorry,” you said, looking over at him. “I didn’t plan on letting that slip tonight, I swear.”
“But, it is me? You like me?” Dean asked, you nodded. “Oh my fucking god!”
You couldn’t tell if he was happy and you were beginning to really worry.
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly. You turned on your chair to leave but he gripped your upper arm and kept you in place.
“No, don’t—fuck! I feel like I just won the fucking lottery and I just need a second to catch up.”
“Wait, you’re happy? You…You like me too?”
“Oh yeah,” he nodded, “I may be stupid but I’m not an idiot.”
“Well…” you teased.
He rolled his eyes, still smiling; “Just let me kiss you, already,” Dean muttered. He put his hands on your cheeks, stood up off his chair, leaned toward you, and kissed you deeply. His hands moved to your shoulders then down to your lower back as you put your hands on his cheeks.
“Wait,” you mumbled, pulling back slightly.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, you’re incredible! I’m just now realizing how many creepy guys are staring at me.”
“Told ya,” he said, taking a look around the bar.
“Could we, maybe…head to your motel room?” you asked somewhat nervously.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Hundred percent.” You nodded vigorously, looking at his lips then up and into his bright green eyes. “Unless…you don’t want to?”
“Oh I definitely want to, I’ve wanted to since Sam and I picked you up after he left Stanford,” he said.
“And you didn’t say anything? Dean, it’s been like ten years?” You furrowed your brows then noticed he actually seemed a little embarrassed. “For the record, I’ve wanted to kiss you for about twelve.” His eyes widened.
“What? Wow, I guess we’re both a little stupid,” he laughed a little before leaning in for another kiss.
“Excuse me, Winchester?” You quirked a brow, looking at him.
“I mean, you’re smart, so smart,” he rambled a little. “And sexy, so fucking sexy.” He kissed you and you kissed him back, smiling against his mouth. “Let’s get the hell outta here, sweetheart.”
“Mmh, just another minute,” you mumbled, not wanting to stop kissing him.
He pulled away after a moment, both of you smiling.
“My god you’re beautiful.” He smiled, putting a hand on your cheek.
You hopped off the stool but stayed looking into his eyes; “You’re so fuckin’ hot, Dean Winchester,” you mumbled and kissed him again, pulling him down by the collar of his jacket.
He pulled out his wallet and was about to pay for both drinks but you stopped him.
“What’s wrong?”
“If you pay for my drink then this would count as our first date,” you said.
“Huh, I didn’t think of it like that,” he replied. “Alright, we each pay for our own drinks.”
“Exactly.” You nodded and took out your own wallet, each of you leaving a ten on the counter. “Now, shall we go to your motel room?”
“I’m sharing a room with Sammy,” he said.
“My motel room it is.” You pulled him down again and kissed him.
“Lead the way.”
You woke up to the sound of Dean snoring lightly behind you and a smile formed on your lips as you recalled what had happened only a few hours ago. You felt Dean’s arm snake around your waist and he pulled you closer to him.
You assumed he was awake now and you turned to kiss him but he was actually still snoring. The thought that he wanted you closer to him even when he was sleeping made your smile deepen.
A wave of calmness washed over you, followed by an unnerving idea; how serious was Dean when he said he liked you?
Did he think this was a one-and-done situation? Were he and Sam just gonna drive off in that beautiful Impala and leave you to start hunting alone?
You hadn’t hunted alone since re-connecting with the Winchesters back in ‘05. Before that you’d been hunting alone or with Dean while Sam was in college. Before that you’d hunted with your dad, who occasionally worked with John.
You honestly didn’t really remember the first time you met Dean. You were both just kids and you blocked out a lot of your childhood due to the fact you’d been hunting your whole life. (It was actually a similar story to Dean’s—after a monster killed your mom, your dad became obsessed with hunting and seemed to forget he was a father with a four-year-old in the back seat of his pickup truck.)
What you did remember was the first time hunting alone with Dean. You were twenty-two and (finally) not hunting with your dad when you ran into Dean who was also hunting alone. He had recently had some kind of falling out with Sam, who had been at Stanford a couple years already. You remembered how Dean reacted to the fact you were hunting alone.
He was genuinely worried for your safety and insisted he hunt with you for a while. You took him up on the offer and spent a couple months together before parting ways but still staying in touch.
You were drawn back to the present when Dean let out a breath of air as he stirred awake.
“Good morning,” he mumbled, a smile on his full lips when he opened his eyes. He sat up on his elbow and tilted your chin up with his finger. “My god, how are you so beautiful?” You giggled a little before he bent down and kissed you.
He sat up further and slipped an arm under you, bringing you to the center of the bed. He caged you beneath him by putting his hands on either side of you as your hands went into his already ruffled hair. You brought him back down and kissed him again, his left hand moving again and trailing down your side, bringing your bare thigh up to graze his own.
You could tell where things were going so you stopped him, “Dean.”
“Y/n,” he mumbled back.
“Dean, wait,” you said quietly.
“What is it?” he asked, looking down at you.
“How, um, how serious is this?” you asked.
“What?” He furrowed his brows a little.
“Is this a one-night thing?”
“Oh,” he realized. “Um, it can be, if that’s what you want.”
“Is that…what you want?” you asked.
He looked into your eyes and slowly shook his head negatively, your smile returning to your flushed face.
“I was kinda thinking this would be at least a two-night thing,” he said, showing off his adorable smirk and making you roll your eyes a little. He bent down and kissed you. “Maybe a three-night thing.”
“A four-night thing?” you teased.
“I think you’re gonna be stuck with me for a lot longer than that, sweetheart,” he mumbled into your mouth.
“You really think?” you asked, smiling.
“Hate to break it to you, but I’m kinda in love with you.” He stopped kissing you, realizing what he said. “I, uh, I mean, not—fuck, I really am. I’m sorry.”
“Dean,” you interrupted his spiraling, “I’m kinda in love with you too.”
“Oh thank goodness,” he whispered and kissed you again.
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nellielsss · 4 months
ᴜᴘᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ: ᴀ ʟɪꜱᴛ
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𐦍༘⋆ ݁A/n: Sooo... I've been in a brainstorming mood (ever since I graduated high school and had more time to think), and I have a few upcoming fics that I'm thinking about doing. I've also REALLY been thirsting over Toji like yes that is my man!! I will indeed be standing beside him. Anyway!! Here's some of my ideas in order of which one's I'm most likely to write.
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Heartbreaker songfic!: one of my personal favorite Mariah Carey songs, it's such a sweet and fun bubblegum (with a mix of R&B) song to listen to! Basically in this songfic, the reader's just playing a bunch of characters and stringing them along LMAO. I felt like turning the tables on the men & making them pine instead.
Blow songfic: basically just headcanons on how the men give head. Whether it be pussy-eating, dick-sucking or ass-eating, these men are down for anything, and this details how they get down (in my opinion).
Meeting the Zen'in Clan: a Toji-centered fic, this details meeting the Zen'in Clan and how (poorly) it turns out. Basically, Toji has a grandmother who tried to care for him during his time with the clan, and she's fallen ill, so he wants to see her one last time at a banquet. Naoya, the little shit he is, somehow gathered details about reader and outs her as a trans woman in front of everyone at the table. You can guess how it goes from there!
Marriage Eyes: headcanon + mini-fic on how the guys look at you when they know they wanna lock you in.
Touch My Body songfic: a forbidden romance featuring Toji, Satoru & Nanami!
Too Much Sex: the guys love you(r holes), but it's beginning to be a little too much for you. How would they react when you instate a sex ban on them?
Beautiful Liar songfic: you're on a date with a guy, and it all goes to shit when you run into the girl they're seeing on the side. Two-timing is not your thing, so you decide to ditch him with the most attractive man you see at the bar!
Stay The Night songfic: short little drabble where you don't wanna see your man go, so you opt to have a sleepover on the spot.
The Boy Is Mine songfic: how would the guys react when the girl they've been seeing ultimately ends up being the only girl who's not murdered?
Baddest Chick Wearing Their Chain: the guys wonder how you'd look wearing their initials/name around your neck.
Honey songfic: what's one way to show your partner some love? By dripping it all over 'em, of course! (if you catch my drift)
Fashion Week: the guys start dating a model, and they get a firsthand look at the fashion biz. He wonders if the stereotype about models being catty holds up...
Gym Pics: short and sweet, self-explanatory.
Fighting a Cat?!: cats can be a pain in the ass if they don't like you, so when they finally get invited over to their girlfriends' house, the guys are at a loss when their sweet angel's sweet angel isn't exactly a sweet angel to them in private.
Hey, Neighbor!: Wisteria Lane (Desperate Housewives ref. hehe) wasn't a place where they expected to meet fine young women, but the guys could at least hope, right? So when the answer to their prayers moves in down the street, they're more than eager to go after what they've been waiting for.
Up Out My Face songfic: they know they've messed up badly, and they also know that their girlfriends have suitors lined up just waiting to take their places. So, how are they gonna go about getting them back before it's too late?
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ᡣ𐭩 If you couldn't tell, I really like listening to music. Some of these might take a while (like the Zen'in Clan fic), so bear with me (ó﹏ò。) but trust, I'll get to each of these eventually!! I also might update 'em as time goes on, just to make sure that the writing's all cohesive and makes sense.
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© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 6/8/2024
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Chenford + “Kojo did what?!”
Tim (on the phone) Your dog is in trouble with the neighborhood dogs.
Lucy: Why is he MY dog whenever he gets in trouble?
Tim: Isn’t that how he became my dog? He got into trouble because of you and your lack of Inherent Alpha dogged-ness…Ergo…
Lucy: Ergo? What is this? Are you studying for another snooty test or something?
Tim: Babe, please try to stay on topic. Kojo … well, he was a bit of a “dawg” a big ole dirty dawg.
Lucy: Kojo did what now? I’m confused, he is a big and often times dirty dog. Can you be more specific?
Tim: Really? You make me listen to poppy gangsta rap for hours on end and then you don’t know what I’m saying when I speak that language?
Lucy: Tim, you are a white-boy from the suburbs. You should never use that language. So again, what did Kojo do?
Tim: yeah, so apparently when Trish walks him during the day, she usually walks one of the other dogs in the neighborhood. There’s 4 main pups that rotate in and out. Trish thinks that each lady dog secretly loves Kojo - thinks they are his girlfriend.
Lucy: And? (Knowing full well what he means but egging him on anyway)
Tim: You really need me to explain this? Good grief. Ok. The trouble started when one of his “regular” walking mates got pregnant and the owners can’t figure out how it happened and there was a big blow up at the dog park when all 4 dogs and their owners were there when Kojo and Trish showed up. The dogs started barking and growling at each other and Trish said three of them ganged up and growled at the pregnant dog - who btw has the most hilarious new haircut and Kojo sat there like…. he was king of the park. You know … like..
Lucy is desperately trying to stop herself from laughing, but little squeaks and huffs keeps eking out as he gets deeper and deeper into the story.
Tim: Oh god. Well like that super misogynistic old season of The Bachelor you made me watch - with Jake Pavelka? - where all the bachelorettes hated that one chick with the sausage name and thought she was trashy because she was from the Florida swamps and she just wanted to beat them all and win for winning’s sake, and then she did beat out the tea name lady who had a voice like a chipmunk because Ali - who went on to be the next bachelorette- got fired from Facebook for being on the show and out for so long- left the show to try to salvage her job. She really dodged a bullet. Anyway…. Vienna - that’s her name- Vienna won but then forgot that the douche canoe was the prize… and Tenley -
Lucy finally cannot hold it in any longer - she busts out into hysterical laughter at Tim’s spot on analysis of that season. “Stop, please stop. I can’t breathe… I can’t…. Hahahaha…. You … you are comparing our dog - OUR DOG- to arguably the worst bachelor in the history of the franchise?! Oh oh god… my sides hurt… I’m getting a cramp. Honey… oh.. oh… I get it “dawg” d-a-w-g. Nice pun. Oh … oh… because his four walking companions were being all possessive of him and what ganging up on the pregnant one like oh! That one party where they ganged up on Vienna and totally bullied her? …. Stop it, stop,. you never said any of that stuff when we were watching, just gave me that annoyed side-eye… (snort). This might be my favorite retelling of the days events ever. Ohhh. I should’ve recorded it….”
Tim, on the other end of the phone is again giving her the annoyed side-eyed look, but he’s never heard Lucy laugh like this - so overcome that the sound of pure joy is bursting out of her and he feels another hole in his heart close up and mend. He now knows it’s not if he’s going to ask her, but when.
Lucy is still laughing when Tim scratches Kojo’s head and leans down to whisper good job. “Too bad you’re fixed or it really would be the most dramatic season ever…”
PS - I love that in most fan fiction, Lucy makes Tim watch trashy tv. So I could totally see him analyze both the men and women who are on the bachelor and bachelorette and know so much more than he ever lets on. He’s masterful at reading people and their motivation. The Bachelor seasons would be a gold mine for him. Plus Tim would watch because Lucy loves it and he loves her - that is… unless The Rams are playing Monday night then all bets are off.
PPS - that is not Jake in the gif below - but Jesse Palmer, former QB of the Giants, who would’ve been the bachelor my season if I had made it beyond the semi-final round of auditions.
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muertawrites · 2 years
Following a Siren (Eddie Munson x Reader) [18+]
Summary: Corroded Coffin desperately needs a singer to help balance out their first ever album. Lucky for them, Eddie shares a hall with a certified siren. 
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: 18+ only because i went a little crazy with perv!eddie (i just love him ok). i might write a second part where he gets to live his little fantasy... 👀 sappy romcom shit that i hate watching / reading but have no problem writing 
Author’s Note: aged everyone up to their mid-late 20s when everybody is out of hawkins and happy. posting this unedited because it’s 4am and i have to at least try to get some sleep. inspired by my own experience singing this song in my high school choir (it’s so much fun the chorus parts are better than the solos) and amber riley’s performance which is the only redeeming quality of the glee version. 
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"I'm telling you, man, it's not gonna work. We need a chick."
Eddie glances between Gareth and Jeff, arms braced against the back of a chair, lips pursed together in frustration.
It's been hours and they still can't get any of the harmonies right. They're so close, but the song is just... unmemorable. A song easily and readily skipped, when it has the potential to be a totally amazing, stop-what-you're-doing, turn-the-volume-up, cream-in-your-pants showstopper. And Corroded Coffin needs it to be a showstopper; this is their first album - recorded in an actual studio with professional equipment and a genuine producer -and they can't blow their one chance at glory by having it flop.
But Gareth is right - it isn't going to work. They need vocals in a much higher range to balance out their lower tones. Unfortunately, they know about as many women between them as they did in high school.
"We can't afford to pay anyone," Jeff states. "Why don't we just scrap it?"
"We can't scrap it," Eddie quips. "It's too damn good. It just needs a little push."
"Could we do the harmony with instrumentals?" Gareth suggests. "You could just sing with the guitar."
"Nah, that wouldn't have the right umph," Eddie disagrees. "A vocal harmony would smash way harder."
"So we're stuck."
Eddie sighs, raking a hand through his hair.
"... I'll figure something out," he decides. "Just gimme some time. We're gonna do this if it fucking kills me."
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Eddie huffs as he throws himself down onto his couch, snapping the tab on a beer can as he takes a long drag from a freshly rolled joint.
He's totally fucked. There's no way in hell he can find someone on short notice, with no budget, to carry the missing harmony. Nothing he has scrawled in the various notebooks stashed around his studio apartment is anywhere near finished, and even if it were, it wouldn't live up to what they already have.
Nobody will ever hear the song the way it's supposed to be heard. The thought crushes him.
The chime of keys and tread of boots echoes from the hallway, distracting Eddie from his visions of doom; you've returned home for the day. He closes his eyes, letting his mind wander to you - how you smiled sleepily at him this morning when you left for work, how pretty you looked in the dress you wore, how your lips were chapped and split, darkened with dry blood towards the center, how sweet your groggy laughter sounded when he said something stupid in passing. You've lived across the hall from him for the better part of a year - sharing the space above a convenience store, where you run into each other constantly - and his thoughts have been consumed by you since the day you moved in.
His cock twitches in his jeans, perking up at the images of you flitting around in his skull. Shame starts to rise in his stomach, but that doesn't stop him from going completely hard. He sighs.
C'mon man, don't be gross.
But it's too late. He's already relapsed into his favorite fantasy about you; inviting you backstage after one of his gigs and fucking you so hard you can't speak, skirt hiked up, panties pushed aside, makeup smeared and running as he drives you toward a messy, mewling orgasm. Holding you against his chest and kissing your lips, your face, your neck as you ride out the high.
His hand is in his pants before he can think better of it.
He's barely two strokes in when a gorgeous sound breaks him from his sexed-out haze. It starts as a simple chime, floating on the air as effortlessly as dust, before slowly growing louder, more joyous, every note driven with the force of a hurricane.
It's you.
You're singing.
And you're incredible.
Eddie springs to his feet, jeans still completely undone. He rushes across the hall, tapping frantically at the door to your apartment; your singing stops, and he almost regrets interrupting you for the loss.
The door swings open and you give him a once over, smirking amusedly when you clock his open fly, boxers tugged down to reveal the tiniest patch of his pubic hair.
"Eddie, I'm flattered," you tease, "but a date first would be nice."
"Shit, fuck, sorry."
He stuffs himself back into his pants, grinning bashfully before clearing his throat, leaning an arm against the doorframe as casually as he can. You can't help but giggle, having spent enough time with him that you'd developed an ever-growing crush on the eccentric, well-meaning man.
"What's up?" you ask.
"My band," he tells you. "We desperately need a singer and I think you're perfect."
He pauses for a moment, thinking over what he's said.
"As a singer!" he quickly clarifies. "As a singer."
You smile, biting your lip and entirely unable to stop the warmth that creeps across your cheeks. The way you gaze up through your lashes at Eddie makes him weak in the knees.
"I haven't done any serious singing since high school," you admit. "And never anything like you guys do. Plus... aren't you the vocalist?"
Eddie scoffs, waving away your statement with a slender, ring-adorned hand.
" 'Vocalist' is a stretch," he chuckles. "All I do is carry a tune. And it wouldn't be just you, anyway, we'd sing together. We can cover up each other's mistakes."
You sigh, still not entirely convinced.
"... I don't know. Like I said, I've never performed in a band before and I just... I would feel bad if I brought you guys down. I'm really not that good."
Eddie furrows his brow in confusion, craning his neck toward you as if you just told him Ozzy was a mediocre musician. He raises a hand to your forehead.
"Are you feeling okay?" he questions. "Your voice is fucking amazing! Why would I run over here with my pants down if it wasn't?"
He dramatically falls onto his knees, taking one of your hands in both of his as he fixes you with a pleading gaze. His thumbs softly stroke at your knuckles, causing an involuntary chill to run down your spine.
"Fair maiden from across the hall," he laments, "gentle lady with the voice of a siren, do us the honor of gracing us with your divine beauty. For my gratitude, I shall henceforth keep the volume on my stereo at a reasonable level, and shower you with the finest tributes of pizza and iced coffee."
You laugh, far too endeared by his antics for your own good.
"Get up, you goon," you playfully scold. "I'll come to your practice tomorrow for an audition. How about that?"
Eddie springs to his feet, wrapping you in his arms and spinning you with joy.
"Thank you," he says as he sets you down. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you, you're a fucking life saver. You won't regret it, I promise."
He plants a kiss on your cheek, leaving you brimming with butterflies as he darts back into his apartment. He pops his head back out a moment later, phone in hand.
"What do you want on your pizza?"
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At promptly six o’clock the next evening, you climb the steps to the little apartment in downtown Indianapolis that serves as Corroded Coffin’s makeshift studio. It’s an attic space, with slanted ceilings and wood floors padded with dirty, worn-out flea market rugs; posters featuring the likes of Sabbath and Megadeath line the walls, and most of the light is provided by a little circular window and a string of white Christmas bulbs strung along the edge of the room. The air is heavy with the scent of cannabis and incense. You’re reminded of Eddie’s apartment as you step inside, a fact you hate to admit calms your nerves a little bit. 
Eddie claps his hands together, grinning at you with his guitar slung over his shoulder. 
“What beautiful sounds will you be blessing us with today, gorgeous?” 
You purse your lips, taking a deep breath as you try to remind yourself that you’re good at this - there’s no reason to be so anxious. 
“You guys know any Queen?” you ask, sounding meeker than you intend. 
“Of course we do!” Gareth chirps from behind the drum set. 
“How about you just start singing, yeah?” Jeff chimes in. “We’ll join in. We do better by ear, anyway.” 
You nod, stepping up to the microphone as Eddie presses the start button on the tape recorder in the corner of the room. You clear your throat, inhaling slowly, holding the breath for a moment in your stomach before letting it go in a light, tentative note. 
“Can... an-y-bo-dy... find me-e-e-e... somebody to-o...” 
Eddie strums the last note on his guitar, making you smile. 
As you start up the first verse, Jeff and Gareth follow your lead, backing up your low, contemplative words with matching instrumentals. To your surprise, Eddie takes over the choral accompaniment, hitting each note as if he’s listened to the song a million times over; his voice compliments yours so well you sound make a symphony together, the vibration of your harmonies causing chills to rush through your body like an electric shock. 
“I get down on my knees and I start to pray ‘til the tears run down from my eyes!” 
Your confidence builds with the song, each note you sing becoming a little more soulful, a little more impassioned as the verse presses on. You lose yourself in the music, having always loved this song and how weightless it makes you feel. Your eyes are locked on Eddie, swaying in time with each strum of his pick across the guitar strings, consumed by the starstruck look in his eye and the expert movement of his ringed fingers. It’s like magic, how enchantingly beautiful you sound together. 
“I try and I try and I try-y-y! But e-e-e-ev’rybody wants to put me down; they say I’m goin’ crazy! They say I gotta lotta water in my brain; I got no common sense; I got nobody left to believe!” 
The final throes of the verse are shouted, Jeff and Gareth playing off your enthusiasm with as much excitement as if they were playing to a packed stadium. You bang your head with each beat, thrashing with their heavy rendition of the song, thoroughly enjoying every second. Your voices fade into the shredding wail of Eddie’s guitar, hammered out into an exquisite solo that leads into the final verse. 
You reach your favorite part of the song; when all goes silent, the slow climb up to the huge finale. Jeff starts you off, his powerful bass rumbling over the speakers. 
“Find, me, somebody to lo-ove...”
Then comes Gareth’s baritone, picking up the harmony in just the right spot. Eddie follows soon after in his achingly handsome tenor, and you fall in line behind him, uttering out the quiet pieces of the harmony that many miss in the chorus. 
“Me somebody, to, lo-ove...” 
Eddie’s voice breaks out of the din.
You fire back, hitting the high note without flinching. 
You shoot back and forth at each other, your higher voice countering Eddie’s lower one in playful symmetry, until you reach the end of the short duel. 
“Somebody find me somebody to love! Can anybody find me-e-e-e...?” 
The men stop playing, pausing with rapt attention on you, anticipating how you’ll drive through the song’s climax. You take a deep breath, entirely unafraid of what you’re about to do. 
“Somebody to-o-o... lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ove!” 
The notes soar from your chest, deafening everything else in the room - hell, in the world, probably. Eddie is the first to cheer, bounding up and down in uncontained joy at just how powerful you are; the other men follow suit, picking up where they left off a few beats too late from being so swept up in your tidal wave of sound. 
Eddie finishes out the song gazing at you with dreamy, sparkling eyes, his chest fluttering as you look back at him and match his voice in perfect harmony. You really are a siren, and he’ll follow you to the depths of the sea if it means you’re the last sound ringing in his ears. 
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All is calm as you follow Eddie out onto the street a few hours later, stepping into the late night cold of the bustling city. 
He turns to you, staring at you for a moment in giddy silence. Then, he lets out a celebratory shout as he wraps his arms around you, lifting you off the pavement and twirling you around. You laugh, your own arms falling around his neck, blushing furiously as he paints your face with kisses. 
“You. Are. Amazing!” Eddie cheers as he sets you back onto solid ground. “Oh my fucking god, that was incredible! You saved us! You beautiful, divine, ethereal goddess! My fucking heroine!” 
He captures you in another crushing hug, lips planting themselves firmly on your cheek once more. 
“I think I’m in love with you.” 
At first, you think he’s joking. But the breathless way he says it, the starry look in his wide, childlike eyes, the tender grip of his hand at your waist, all convey the truth. And you can’t lie to yourself - watching him play, hearing his voice entwined with yours, sharing the intimacy of song... you’re pretty certain you’re in love with him, too. 
“... Kiss me,” you whisper. 
“... What?” 
You giggle, his dumbstruck expression the most adorable thing you think you’ve ever seen. 
“Kiss me,” you repeat. “Baby, pull the string...” 
A smile curls across Eddie’s face, his grip on you tightening. 
“Did you... just quote Van Halen at me?” 
You nod. 
“Oh yeah,” he decides. “Comin’ in hot.” 
You giggle, smiling into the kiss as he presses his lips to yours, leaning his whole body into the movement until you’re flush against him. God, his lips are plush, and he tastes deliciously like his last cigarette, and his chest is hard and broad, and he looms above you like some sort of ivory tower, captivating and unmovable. You clutch at the lapels of his leather jacket, never wanting this kiss to end. 
Eddie hums softly as you pull apart, his eyes remaining closed for a moment as if he’s still savoring your lips. When he opens them, they’re lidded, lost within yours as he holds you in a lovers’ embrace on the corner of a busy street. 
“Let’s get you home,” he murmurs. “Then we can make some more music together.” 
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🌹💀 get your eddie fix 💀🌹
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oworiio · 3 years
Am I the only one that thinks when hakkai becomes a model it’ll go to his head and he starts acting more ion know sus, promiscuous I can’t find the word but…
 That got me thinking and I would like to request a cheater hakkai x fem reader where hakkai is cheating on his current gf with reader who is his new modeling partner in the industry and they start to catch feelings especially since his gf can’t take him like reader can, maybe there’s womb fucking, belly bulges and size kinks
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all eyez on me
summary: Hakkai's rising fame makes him a lil' too cocky, yeah he has a girlfriend but you're so alluring... shit, did he really just say that? wc: -2k characters: model!Hakkai Shiba x fem!reader content warning(s): 18+ mdni, infidelity, mentions of jerking off, vaginal sex, kissing, hakkai is a stupid mf, groping, size kink, praise kink, fluff, belly bulges, & light womb fucking, WITH breeding (cus i can't help myself) ;)
a/n: ok, i know you asked for his model partner but i had more ideas with you being his assistant, hope it doesn't bother ya' too much <3
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Hakkai's been mistreated his whole life. Finally getting a ton of attention from everyone, especially affection from women, it got to his head fairly quick, yknow?
It wouldn't be the first time Hakkai has cheated on his girlfriend. Honestly he found out his height and looks had a big impact on chicks so why would he stick to one girl when he could fuck a ton and forget about them the next day?
But when he meets you it's a totally different story. Fucking groupies everyday just wasn't enough— not when his modeling assistant is so goddamn pretty and so damn touchy. Hakkai did feel a slight bit of shame after he cheated but he doesn't seem to have that emotion when he's with you, now he only feels some type of giddy feeling bubbling in his stomach.
Fuck. Maybe Hakkai's falling in love with you... Nah, that's just out of pocket. If he wanted affection or sex he could get it from his girlfriend, even with a groupie if he really felt like it.
But is it so crazy? He knows it's mindless to 1. fall in love with another woman when he's in a monogamous relationship, and 2. fall in love with someone he's supposed to have a professional relationship with.
It's so wrong, the way his boner leaves the biggest print against his newly designed pants each time you touch-him up for a shoot, every time you do that little giggle that puts him at ease, and fuck, that stupid smile you give him when he's posing.
It's gotten to the point you consume everything in his mind— it's as if he's shriveled back into his former self. He becomes completely meek when he has to confront you, desperately finding ways to avoid you. You ask him if he needs your assistance for anything in that soft tone of voice and he completely shuts down.
Fuck it. He's even given into his thoughts, jerking off his oversized cock purely to you. Not even kissing, hugging, fucking you; just you. Your face, and god- your amazing body too. Poor Hakkai, he's so conflicted with extreme feelings of equal parts love, lust and anguish.
Hakkai's been patient enough, his work ethic is turning into shambles all by the likes of you. Maybe he just needs to fuck his feelings away? Yeah. That should definitely do it— feed what's been eating him away. Then he can return to doing his business and be that handsome young man chicks touch themselves to when a new magazine drops with him on the cover.
Hakkai's been avoiding his work. Christ, he doesn't want to see you again and explode internally, hoping his fantasies could happen, but he's so determined now. Now he's going to take back his dignity by fucking it out from you.
"Yo, Kai!" Mitsuya shouted out to an anxious Hakkai. Damn, he doesn't have the stability to have small chit chat with Takashi right now, still he hesitantly walked up to him.
"Where you been?" The pale haired male whispered, "Fuck it. We'll talk later. Go to the changing rooms, [Y/N]'s been waiting for you. Said' she needs to talk to you." Mitsuya shoves Hakkai, firmly patting the back of his shoulder.
'Shit. No turning back now.' He thought
Hakkai breathes out in an exasperated sigh, entering the room, prepared to leave his stupid feelings as he confronted his hardest endeavor. Until you hit him with such an adorable pouty face, damnnit.
"Hakkai, I'm not happy with you!" you cross your arms in a dramatic manner, puffing your cheeks up at the male with furrowed brows, "Hmph!" you couldn't help your sad attempt at trying to seem mean. You break your character to laugh, pouncing onto Hakkai— who deadass thought you were being serious.
"I missed you Hakkai," you snuggle yourself against the male a bit, your plush breasts squeeze up against his chest, fuck. He can feel a throb start to pound under his pants. His throat tightens as his fantasies invade his critical thinking, "You, kay? Your heart is beating kinda fast."
Fuck, shit. A cold sweat falls from his forehead— Don't- don't look at him like that, why do you have to look so goddamn cute?
"[Y/N]..." Hakkai sighs, trying to calm his nerves before his heart takes the lead, but fuck it. His pounding heart can't take another second, nor can his cock either.
And his adrenaline couldn't get any more faster, grabbing you by the sides of your arms into a rushed kiss. Holy, your lips were as soft as he imagined it would be— even better. You softly mewl in between his pursed lips, quickly departing to breathe just to reunite as soon as possible, kissing him back desperately.
Secretly, you've been feeling exactly the same feelings too. Touching him, just to use your hand that was once on his tall body on your cunt, pretending it were his own.
It was so wrong, all of it was wrong, you were his assistant, and he had a girlfriend. But guilty cunts don't get this wet, do they?
Hakkai hikes one of your legs up, gripping one thigh to support you as his riled up hips frantically bucks into your clothed crotch, the heat radiating from your sex's make you both sigh. It was apparent, you both needed this to happen. It was all in a matter of time.
Hakkai reverts himself to your bare neck, nipping on the skin kissing and sucking forming little pinkish red bruises all over; his other hand finding its way to slide up your pleated skirt, cupping your plump ass and squeezing it firmly, rewarding him a squeal from you.
Christ, he wanted to be the reason you made those noises.
"Fuck, I want to fuck you so bad [Y/N], you have no idea." Hakkai confesses in a slight pant. He hurriedly tends to his pants, frantically unzipping and shoving them down to the wooden flooring, quickly returning back to your lips.
"And every single time you asked me if I needed anything," Hakkai huffs in between kisses, "I wanted to tell you I needed you." Your cheeks were burning up, each time the tip of his cock rutted against your swollen clit, the more apparent a damp spot came in between your undergarments.
"Then fuck me already."
You didn't need to tell him twice. Hakkai pulls the rest off his boxers with his pants, practically ripping your blouse off, shoving your skirt with the rest of the pile. You roughly kissed him before pulling the v-neck over his head, exposing his tantalizing muscles.
Seeing each other's naked forms seemingly accomplished the impossible— intensifying eachothers lust. Hakkai picks up your dainty body, hoisting you up to the vanity. Damn, his figure seemed much larger than it ever did before. Hakkai returns back into his position advancing in a slow rhythm, moving his hips as his length slips in between your drenched folds, eager lips finding yours again, mixing each other's saliva and moans as he swirls his curious tongue inside of your mouth.
Hakkai was so overcome with lust, the clear desire in his half lidded eyes each time his sensitive tip laps onto your nub, he needed to be inside of you before he bursts.
He gazed over you, looking at your glowing face for some kind of confirmation, giving him a rugged nod. Your eyes did most of the talking for you.
Hakkai spread your legs apart, yearn filled eyes exploring every inch of your sopping cunt, were you really that wet just for him?
He perfectly positions his leaking tip to your entrance, 'Fuck what about a condom?' his thoughts just being shaken away as he thrusts upwards, watching your pussy swallow him nicely— hissing in between his teeth with each inch sliding inside you.
"Fuck- Hah, it's tight.." Hakkai moans, letting your now stretched cunt adapt to the rest of his 7.5 inches— cock awfully hitting your cervix. You mewl in a vicious mix of pain and pleasure, you've never ever felt that type of sensation before, causing your waterline to overfill with your temporary tears, gripping onto his shoulders as you cry out with every sharp pain.
Hakkai's trying everything in his power to not drill every last atom in his body into your pussy, it's so tempting but he understands taking someone as large as him needs some time.
He whines becoming more desperate with each second, "Is it okay if I move?" you nod, blinking away your tears, hugging onto him as his cock leaves slowly, just to re-enter and fill you right back up with a high-pitched mewl escaping your mouth. "It's, so warm, god-"
Hakkai develops a slow yet deep flow, strokes only kissing your cervix lightly. Everything was perfect, you were perfect. His pace doesn't take it's time to grow, the room quickly resonated full of squelching noises and moans coming out in pants echoing in the tiny room.
Hakkai's quivering hands cup your cheek, "So, pretty, so so, beautiful hah-" Hakkai looks down at your tummy, his cock creating some kind of bulge, what a beautiful sight. He never remembered not even his girlfriend taking his like cock this. He breaks out in a moan, his movements are now rough than ever, cock abusing your insides and your unsuspecting womb.
His compliment washes over you, eyes shutting as you grip the edge of the vanity, the other to massage your neglected clit as Hakkai ruthlessly pounds into you, balls slapping against you each time he meets your womb.
"Hakkai! Hakkai! Kai!-" you hiccup in a gasp. Fuck, it hurts so good. The overwhelming knot in your stomach begins to build more with each harsh thrust, your cunt squeezes around his cock— Hakkai was just as close to cumming.
The wooden furniture creaks and thuds against the wall as Hakkai pistons himself forcefully inside of you, the engulfing trance of ecstasy hits you both. Every sense inside of your body comes undone as you and Hakkai tremble into each other, mouth agape from a silent moan. Hakkai's grunts fill the rest of the room as your legs twitch and writhe under him.
"Fuck! I'm cumming! god- I love you! fuck- I love [Y/N]!" Hakkai admits in an awfully loud volume as he grunts his last thrust as he paints and draining his balls everything left in his balls just to fills your womb beautifully with white. Hakkai doesn't seem to mind that he just came inside of you. Actually, he likes the fact you might even end up pregnant with his kid. Fuck, if he wasn't so exhausted his dick would be as hard as a rock just thinking about it.
Hakkai pulls his softening cock out of your now used pussy, cum dribbling from his tip— Must’ve really filled ya’ up. Grazing upon your engorged cunt as his cum effortlessly trickles out of your hole, Hakkai’s cock throbs one last time before returning back to its flaccid form. He went back to look into your eyes but you were still trying to restabilize yourself, weakly.
You look so beautiful sweaty with a heaving chest as you pant, filled with his seed. Hakkai pulls you into a tight hug, rubbing your back slowly. “Sorry, I didn’t hurt you too bad, did I?”
You shook your head in a white lie, this moment was too precious to ruin.
Three loud knocks interrupts you both, "You both good in there?" Mitsuya's voice calls out from across the door, attempting to open the door knob, being harshly denied by the lock.
And just like that, you were back to the harsh reality.
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rabid-pmkn · 3 years
Jinx x GN! reader
A/n: I might do a follow-up one-shot to this with more fluff and romance so let me know if you would enjoy that. I expected this to take longer but I got some unexpected free time.
Prompt: Anon "Hi there! I saw requests were open so can I ask for jinx x male reader (gender neutral is fine too) where R and Jinx knew eachother before everything went down R now being a well know vigilante and one night while fighting enforces jinx and reader reunite they're both like pointing their guns at eachother until R is like "holy shit powder is that you?". You can either do a one shot or headcanons whichever is easier if it its too specific lmk I change it"
Word count:789(sorry it isn't too long)
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Meticulous, methodical, mean, mysterious; all words used to describe you and your work. You sat in a rickety chair in your rundown underground home, studying your plans. Enforcers would be patrolling the bridge tonight. Last week you went topside to gather information. During that trip, you had found out who would be patrolling the bridge. A certain piece of shit would be there. This certain piece of shit you've had your eye on for a while. The enforcer in question had a habit of treating the undercity's children like shit for fun.
You've attempted to put a bullet in his head before, sadly it was too crowded to get a clear shot. You may have a very high body count, but you like to keep bystander casualties to a minimum. You arent a serial killer; you're a vigilante. Typical missions are quick and quiet. Usually, it's only one or two people getting their heads blown to bits but, today would be different. Oh, so different.
Today you're planning on having some real fun. Blow as many heads to bits as possible. 25 dead enforcers are better than 1. You threw on your gear. You grabbed your double-wielding pistols and left.
You went the back way. Constantly stepping over the homeless shimmer addicts that litter the streets. Finally, you reach the bridge. You make sure to stay out of sight for now. You saw your main target having a conversation with his co-worker. You smiled as you lifted up your right hand to aim one of your guns at his head. You took a deep breath in lining it up; you let your breath out as you pulled the trigger. You watched his body go limp contently. Just as you were about to fire on the rest, all hell broke loose.
Chaos is the only word to describe the scene. Smoke from bombs clouded your vision and, the desperate screams of enforcers filled your ears. You walked into the chaos, still on a mission that you wouldn't ditch because things went awry. You gunned down anything that moved in the smoke.
You fired gunshots without much thought.
You snapped out of your trance when you heard a machine gun going off. You ducked behind one of the enforcer's vehicles to avoid the spraying bullets. The machine gun stopped and, you heard a handgun fire off in rapid succession. You followed the enforcer's cries for mercy to find the action amidst the smoke. With both guns, you fired in the direction of the gunfire. The cries of the enforcers have seized. You continued to fire into the smoke until you heard a scream of pain. The smoke began to clear and, a figure appeared. You aimed a gun at them. Based on their silhouette, they don't seem to be an enforcer.
"Put your gun down and, your hand's up! " You shouted.
Giggling, they were giggling. What a little bitch.
You fired a warning shot.
"Oh darlin', you're messing with the wrong chick," the woman said. Her voice sent a shiver down your spine. The smoke cleared more and, you finally got to see her face as she raised her gun. She looked familiar.
That nose, tiny and cute.
Her big blue eyes. You know them. You saw the women's expression as it changed into one of confusion. Her eyes; darting across your form.
You took a step closer to get a better view of the lady. Who is she?
Finally, it hits you like a punch to the gut. Powder. Same nose, same eyes. Same unruly braided blue hair.
"Powder?" You said quietly. Pain flickered on her face before she fired a shot next to you. She stared down at her feet.
"Powder, powder's dead. It's Jinx..." she said before looking up at you again. "It's Jinx now,"
Jinx, of course, you know of Jinx you weren't living under a rock. You just hadn't seen the bomb-loving gun-slinging maniac before.
"Y/n?" she asked. You nodded.
"I've missed you," you said without thought.
"Then, then why haven't you found me?" Jinx asked.
"I thought you were dead." You replyed. " For fucks sake, you go by a different name and, I mean, look at you," you brought your guns down as you spoke. "You aren't the little kid I remember," you said.
Jinx lowered her gun as tears started to build up in her eyes. You took a cautious step forward. Jinx dropped her gun and aggressively wiped tears off of her face.
"I thought you were dead too," she said. " You were there when Benzo died and..." Jinx took a deep breath. "I've missed you too," she said.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
TL Chapter 1.2: Soulmateless in a Soulmate World
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Zac's POV
Girls talk about how hard it is to be the female in the Soulmate world. Sure, it probably isn't awesome waiting for your Soulmate to make contact, but I wish they'd realize what it was like for us guys. I've heard stories about guys trying to reach out and the girl being the one shutting him out.
When people find that out that I haven't formed my connection and I was reaching the age that it became concerning, they bring up "the poor girl waiting for her Soulmate to stop being a coward and reach out to her".
They always accuse me of being selfish and not thinking about her. They constantly say that my selfishness isn't helping anyone. Instead, it's making her suffer longer than necessary.
They say these things as if I don't think about her. Of course, I think about her. How could I not? It's just there has always been something in the back of my mind not letting me reach out.
Maybe it's fear. Maybe it is cowardice. Or maybe it's that I'm an actor and this career takes too much out of me. I am constantly flying to different countries. If I had formed the connection with my Soulmate, I'm not sure how often I'd be able to talk to her. She deserves a guy who is able to be there for her. I clearly can't be.
I jumped out of my thoughts when I felt someone throw a crumpled up piece of paper at me. I looked up to see my brother Dylan smirking at me.
"Talking to your Soulmate?" He mocked.
"You talk to yours?" I scoffed.
"I'm not allowed to this week," Dylan laughed as he sent me a look. "I guess she's studying for some big lawyer test and is really stressed about it."
"You mean the LSAT?" I laughed. "Dude, that is an intense test. Not hearing your nagging voice in her head will help her focus."
Dylan and I've lived together since he went to California Polytechnic State University to get his degree in economics. He made his connection with his Soulmate back in high school. She's currently attending law school at NYU.
"Have you even tried to reach out to your chick?" I sent him a look causing him to put his hands up in defense. "I know, man. But having someone to talk to really helps. Especially at night when you're a little lonely and can't quite finish. And let me tell you, my girl can definitely get me there."
"That's disgusting," I sighed, throwing a pencil at him. "And that's not what the connection is supposed to be used for, dumbass."
He waved his hand, dismissing me. My brother is the reason girls are warned about their connections. He once told me that the first time he made his connection, his Soulmate was in the shower. It's bullshit, but he admits to trying to catch her in the shower or changing even though the connection is purely mental and only for speaking. You never see your Soulmate's face until you meet them in person.
I sighed as I turned back towards my laptop. I tried to go back to answering emails from my manager about possible roles, but I was distracted. I kept thinking about my Soulmate, the guilt returning. I knew that sooner or later I would have to make the connection before her's got rerouted.
The boy has thirty-five years to reach out to his Soulmate. If he doesn't, his and his Soulmate's connection weakens. After it weakens, both individuals are forced to go back to original ways of meeting people face-to-face. Of course there are services to help with this, but it's socially embarrassing if you have to use them. Girls are pitted if they have to use one of the services. For the guys, it's social suicide if you're using one because you're the one who didn't make the connection in time.
I still had two years before my connection was voided. I wasn't going to wait that long, but I still didn't know when I would make the connection.
The rest of the day, I tried to work but couldn't actually get anything done. Many people agree that if it gets to the point where words aren't sticking and are flying off the page, take a break and talk to your Soulmate. This whole "Soulmates are real" crap is literally brought into everything; stores, schools, work, ads, and any chance they have. Every holiday advertises spending time with your Soulmate.
Normal people eat this shit up. Loving all the ads and crap you can buy and send your Soulmate. It's at the point where you can't ignore the fact that you have a Soulmate because there is a reminder everywhere you look. Don't even get me started on malls, photography company ads, and jewelry stores.
I stood up from the kitchen table and started to head to my room. "Where are you going?" Dylan mumbled as he paused his twelfth episode of Game of Thrones today.
"Heading to the gym. I gotta clear my head," I mumbled.
"Or you could reach out to your Soulmate and. . ."
"Shut up," I cut him off. He raised his hands up in defense as he went back to watching his show.
                         * * * * *
I ran on the treadmill, music blasting through my headphones. Usually the faster I ran, the faster the guilt went away. Not this time. Which means one thing; my Soulmate was thinking about me.
There have been random moments since I turned thirty where I could feel my Soulmate trying to make the connection. Women can reach out, but the man is the one who makes the connection.
Growing up, I constantly felt my Soulmate reach out. Almost weekly. When I was 22, I noticed that she stopped. For a while, she stopped completely. Then a year or so later, she would reach out every few months.
Whenever she reached out, I got this sick feeling in my stomach. I've talked to Soulmate Specialists about this and they've all told me that the feeling is when she is desperate for the connection or she is struggling and needs the connection more than ever. This never made me feel better. Especially since that meant that the few times she reached out to me, she genuinely needed me.
As I worked out, that feeling in my stomach got worse. I was heading back to my apartment when I noticed she went from thinking about the connection, to thinking about me. That doesn't sound like a big difference but it is. Drastically.
The feeling didn't go away as I showered and got ready for bed. I was tossing and turning, Dylan already out cold, when the feeling got overwhelming. I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling when something weird, something that has never happened before, happened.
A tear streamed down my cheek, but it wasn't mine. It was hers.
"Soulmates," I scoffed, rolling onto my side as I angrily wiped the tear off my cheek. "Nothing but bullshit."
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[SUMMARY: After breaking a woman’s heart pre-apocalypse , Negan comes across her again rescuing her and regrets having left her.]
Negan and Sandra PART ONE
“You know more than anyone what a stubborn man I can be and tonight you’re not going anywhere.”
part one.
Breaking into someone’s safe haven wasn’t exactly something you prided yourself in doing. Being that you were desperate and was on the run, without thinking you attempted to climb over the fence of this sanctuary but, only ended up getting yourself caught. Now you found yourself blindfolded, alone standing in a small room with hands tied tightly above you. Of course you couldn’t see a thing but you could hear someone in the room with you, probably the same asshole that caught you. You winced moving your wrists around trying to loosen it up when the man in the room finally broke the silence.
“I’d stop messing with that if I were you, you’re only gonna piss him off more.”
Holding in your tears you stood still, afraid of this person they spoke of, afraid of what he might do to you.
Negan had just walked in from finishing business not far from the sanctuary when he was informed someone had trespassed into his sanctuary.
He raised an eyebrow looking back at Simon, wondering what he knew.
“She’s waiting in the cellar.”
“She?” Negan responded with amusement.
Simon nodded leaving Negan to snicker under his breath.
“We have god damn women breaking in now? How far did she get?” Negan asked as he followed Simon to the cellar.
“Just behind the trucks back there.”
“Shit-“ Negan looked behind then back to the gates noticing the distance in between.
“A woman climbing a damn fence, that’s not something you see everyday. Shit, maybe I’ll make her apart of the crew, probably get more shit done than this fuck over here.” Negan scowled at one of the men standing beside him.
“Yeah well, she’s not so tough now. We’ve had her tied for a couple hours.” Simon opened the door for Negan leading to the cellar downstairs.
“Alright, well lets have a little chat with this brave little woman.”
Quietly you stood carefully waiting to hear if you heard anyone or anything. You gasped when you heard a door open and the sound of footsteps coming down the old wooden stairs. A loud creak following each step before silence once again filled the room. You knew he was there, you knew the man they had been warning you about stood not far from you at all.
Negan cleared his throat taking a look at your hands tied up all the way down to your aching feet.
“Now boys, is this how we treat a visitor?”
You frowned at the sudden sound of the mans deep voice, something that sounded so familiar but you didn’t say a word. Negan stepped close to you without laying a finger on you, you could feel the mans warm breath against your skin as he observed the visible features on you before his eyes stopped right on your lips.
The shape of your lips was one Negan could never forget. His brows furrowed as he looked over your face once more, you stood silently in front of him nervous of what was about to happen. For a moment, he didn’t say a word, he didn’t move. Your heart raced wondering what he was thinking before a whisper escaped his lips.
“Sandra?” A barely audible whisper that you could not make out.
“What?” You whispered unsure of what he had said, the uncertainty making your heart pound five times faster.
“Please let me go, I’m sorry for coming here. There’s people after me and I just needed to get away, just don’t hurt me.”
Negan stood quiet hearing the fear in your voice. A woman he had not seen in two years that he had a lot of love for and still did. A woman he thought he’d never see again and here you were before him terrified. He couldn’t believe it.
Negan pulled out a knife, swinging it open making you gasp at the sound of how sharp it was. Not being able to see a thing your heart practically jumped out of your chest thinking you were about to be killed. Squeezing your eyes shut behind the blindfold you felt him grab your hands and quickly let your wrists free. Standing still for a moment not quite understanding what he was doing you stood quiet. Simon stood in the room strangely watching as Negan took a step closer to you and slowly removed your blindfold.
Blinking a few times adjusting your eyes to the light, the image before your eyes cleared up when you realized the voice you heard, the voice belonged to someone you knew. Someone you loved.
It was Negan.
In shock you stepped back looking at the man before you from head to toe. He looked the same, a little more grey in his beard than you remembered but pretty much the same.
“You look good, sweet pea.”
Every ounce of fear and anxiety in you exploding into silent rage.
“Don’t call me that.” You whispered, anger rising in the pit of your stomach, Simon frowned in confusion.
“You know this chick?”
“Shit..know her?” He chuckled.
“She was my fiancé.” Negan couldn’t help but smile at the memory not taking his eyes off you.
“Ex fiancé.” You spoke bluntly making Simon raise his brows.
“Come on, Sandra. I wasn’t all that bad.”
Negan spoke with a slick look on his face that you could not help but want to slap.
“Yeah not that bad, just slept with anything that moved.” You went to move past Negan but he was quick to block your way.
“And where the hell do you think you’re going off too?”
“What do you think? I’m gonna stay here with you? Never. I had enough of you when we were through.” You pushed past him and Simon was ready to block you but Negan quickly put up his hand signaling him to let you go. Still in a daze of shock you stomped out of the room, your heart racing as you walked up the stairs.
Negan knew you couldn’t get past the gates.
As calm and collected as you wanted to come off, you couldn’t believe the man you were once suppose to marry was right where you were.
The man who tore your heart apart and left you destroyed had come across you when there was barely any life left.
Crossing your arms angrily you walked to the main gate and found three men covering the entry.
“Open the gates, I’m ready to leave.”
“Says who?” One of the men looked at the other and almost laughed, who the hell did you think you were.
“Says me. Now open and let me through. That or maybe I’ll just climb over it’s not like any of you idiots will catch that anyways.” You scowled at them.
“I don’t think so sweetheart.” Negans voice made you turn back abruptly.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
You shook your head not wanting to be around this man, your heart couldn’t take it.
“Please, I don’t want to be here.” You whispered with a shaky voice, Negan stepped closer with a smirk on his lips squinting his eyes at you.
“And why is that, sweet pea? Afraid you might fall all over again?” His voice was husky and low, at this moment in time you couldn’t stand it.
At least you tried to convince yourself you didn’t.
“I told you to stop calling me that.”
You stared up into his eyes for a moment and slowly watched the smirk he had fade away as he noticed the hurt in your dark eyes.
“Sandra..you know more than anyone what a stubborn man I can be and tonight you’re not going anywhere. It’s late and I won’t have any of this bullshit going on here.” Negan stuck by his word and you knew there wasn’t much you can say to go against it. Knowing he had a point and it was indeed very late, you sighed and gave in.
“Well tomorrow. Tomorrow I leave.” If you weren’t so lost in your emotions you might have noticed the quick wave of sadness that passed over Negans eyes. Truth was, he didn’t want you to leave.
“Tomorrow we speak about it.” He responded dryly. You sighed as he cleared his throat trying to shake off the sadness he just felt.
“Let’s get you to a damn room.”
Staring down at the ground as you walked, you followed behind Negan. Once you entered a dark long hall you noticed the rest of his men stopped walking with the two of you. Curiously you looked behind you as they closed the door and Negan led you to a rather large room stopping in front of another door.
“Where are they going?” You asked holding your arms around you.
“Who? The guys? No one is allowed past that hall, this is my space.”
“What do you mean your space? I don’t want to stay in your space.”
Negan chuckled as he unlocked the large wooden door and opened it allowing you to see a king sized bed, a black leather couch, a desk and a rather large window covered by silk curtains. With a puzzled expression on your face, you stared into his room and wondered how he had been living like this.
“Come on in.” Negan stepped inside but you didn’t move. He casually took off his leather jacket and threw it over his desk before turning around and staring back at you. Leaning back against his desk he crossed his arms waiting for you to make your way inside.
“Get inside, Sandra.”
You shook your head still looking around the room, how did he get to have all of this.
“I don’t want to be here with you-“
“And what the fuck do you think that I’m gonna put you out there with strange men to sleep? I don’t fucking think so, sweet pea.”
“I told you to stop calling me that!”
“Or what?” Negan stood up straight not moving from where he stood. Every time you heard him call you that, all it did was make things even harder for you emotionally. ‘Sweet pea’ was a nickname he had always used for you because it was how he met you, planting sweet peas one day outside your house the rebel looking man couldn’t help but stop and start up a conversation with you. The memory only made you distracted to what was happening at this very moment, it hurt.
“Get your ass inside.” Negan turned around and walked around his desk, pulling out a bottle of whiskey and pouring himself a small amount. Something you remembered he used to do a lot before he slept, it somehow helped him sleep better. After a moment you finally gave in and hesitantly stepped into the room.
“Atta girl.” Negan grinned, he knew just how to work with you, after all you were together for four years.
“I’m not sleeping in that bed with you.”
“I figured.” He shrugged before taking another sip.
“That’s why I’m taking the couch and you can stay on my bed for the night.”
You stared at the bed skeptically not realizing Negan had made his way to your side till the sound of his voice made you jump.
Negan couldn’t help but laugh at your reaction.
“You know I won’t try nothing.” You nodded in silence, it was one thing you could agree on. Negan was many things but one to make a woman feel uncomfortable in that sense wasn’t it.
“I know you wouldn’t.” You whispered softly and walked slowly towards the bed and sat down. Negan noticed what you were wearing to bed and suddenly remembered the nights you would wear his t shirts to sleep while he was at work. He knew how much you loved them.
“Wanna wear one of my shirts? I got one right there on the bed beside you.” Looking over at his grey t shirt it was tempting not to pull it over you, you missed his scent and the feel of his clothes on your skin but you looked away.
“I’ll be leaving tomorrow in the morning.” Quickly you changed the subject kicking off your shoes.
“You don’t have to leave, Sandra.”
“I want to.” You whispered not able to look him in the eye but that’s when he remembered the comment you made in the cellar. He remembered what you had said about being on the run and people being after you and his defense went up.
“So..-“ he placed his glass down on the table gently.
“You gonna tell me who you’re running away from or you want me to send my men to go find out?”
“I’m not running away from anyone.” You responded stubbornly still not looking up at him.
“Sweetheart, lying was never something you were good at. Now tell me, who the fuck are you running from?” Truth was you didn’t know much about who these people were or where exactly they stayed.
“I had met a man-“
“He do something to you?” Negan reacted a little more defensive than you expected him to although he was always a very protective man.
“No. He didn’t do anything to me Negan. I met him, his name was Carter and together we found this place that seemed great. But after a few days things turned very strange in that place, they tried to hurt us and Carter escaped-“
“He left you. What kind of fucking man leaves a woman like that-“
“Can you let me finish.” Negan was getting fired up hearing this story, you didn’t understand why. It’s not like the two of you were together or if he had these feelings for you still. So you thought.
“He left. He made it out and it took me two days to escape but I escaped and they came after me. I hid in the woods, in stores, in cars, then I came across your sanctuary and here I am.”
“What did they do to you?” Negan sat beside you in the bed looking over at you with furrowed brows.
“They just abused us. They made us slaves, they didn’t treat us human. Threatened to kill us if we tried to fight back, I was lucky to make it out.”
“You always were a determined woman.” Negan looked down at the ground as silence suddenly filled the room.
“But you’re not going anywhere tomorrow and that’s final.” Negan stood up as you looked up at him clearly not happy with his words. But, exhaustion took over you and you let him have the final word for tonight although you knew, it wouldn’t end this way.
The next morning you woke up forgetting where you were. It had been months since you had such a peaceful sleep the way you did last night, you felt so relaxed as you stretched in bed before realizing where you were.
“Ahh..I always loved watching you stretch like that.” Negan grinned making you quickly pull the covers up as if you were naked.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before, Sandra.” He chuckled as you sat up in bed and watched him lace up his black combat boots.
“Woke up just in time, got the chef cooking us some breakfast. I’ll wait for you out front, get dressed I know you must be starving.” Negan walked your way with clean clothes in hand and stopped for a moment just staring down at you.
“What?” You whispered curiously.
“You looked peaceful sleeping. I-“ looking away as he cleared his throat you saw a sight of guilt.
“I can’t imagine the kind of shit you went through out there on your own.” Negan knew you had no family, he couldn’t bare to think of what it must’ve been like for you. Things happened so quickly, the two of you had broken up and suddenly the world turned into a way you had never seen it before.
“You should’ve never been left alone.”
“It’s fine. I made it out ok-“
“I looked for you.” You looked up at him not expecting his response.
“I went back to where you stayed and there was nothing in that town...nothing.” Negan had accepted the fact that you most likely were dead. Still in shock, you were still trying to process that he had gone back for you at all.
“I’ll be outside.” Negan placed the clothes on the bed and left you staring blankly at the door as he left the room.
“There she is.” Negan squinted from the bright sun waiting for you to step out and follow him to where the kitchen was.
“You have a chef?” You couldn’t help but ask as you followed him to the room trying to shake off what was on your mind after what he had just confessed to you.
“I have a lot of good shit here.” He looked back at you with a smile before opening the door and leading the way into the small kitchen.
The chef had just left the room leaving Negan to privately choose from the pots of food like he liked too. Closing your eyes you took in the smell of freshly made food and sighed with pleasure. It had been too long since you had a proper meal.
“Choose what you want, princess.”
Eagerly you walked towards the counter and saw fruits, veggies, bread and so much more to choose from.
“Come on, Sandra. Look at all this fucking stuff I can have for you. Why would you wanna leave any of it? I know you’ve never had it this good.”
He was right, he was so right and he knew it. But fighting feelings for a man you knew hurt you wasn’t something easy to just put up with.
“Sweet pea.” You gasped softly as you felt him close behind you, as much as you wanted to turn and push him away...you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. The feel of him so close made your body secretly ache for more.
“Negan..” you whispered unable to move where you stood. The heat of his body felt so strongly behind you. You could hear him smile under his breath, your body shivered uncontrollably.
“Stop!” You suddenly turned making him back up with a grin as if he had just figured out something.
“I know what you’re little problem is.” The tip of his tongue between his teeth, he couldn’t help but laugh in a cocky manner.
“What’s so funny?”
“You.” He responded standing still before you and looking you directly in the eye as he spoke.
“You still want me.” You could feel your skin warm up from embarrassment, your flushed cheeks only making him smile more.
“Yeah right-“ you quickly brushed it off with a fake laugh as he raised a brow.
“You wish, Negan.”
“I do.” Your laughter was quickly cut off by Negans unexpected words. There was no longer a trace of cockiness on his face as he looked down at your lips. Taken off guard you stood still with your lips parted as he began to lean in. Slowly he leaned towards you and gently placed his lips on yours. Your heart skipped a beat as you felt him suck on your bottom lip, his hands falling right on to your waist making you tremble.
“Just kiss me.” He whispered against you, his tongue began to devour you. He slowly felt you ease up into him when the sound of the door opening made you jump away as a man walked in with a box of more fruit.
“Oh sir! I’m so sorry Negan, I had no idea you were still in here-“
“God dammit, Luis!”
Unable to take the panic you were beginning to feel, you shook your head and rushed past Negan.
“This was a mistake, I have to go.”
“No, Sandra. Fuck- wait!” Negan went to grab your arm but you slipped away.
With tears in your eyes you ran to the main gate that happened to be opened as they let a truck come in.
“Hey! Where is she going?!” Simon yelled as you ran past the men and out of the sanctuary. Negan quickly caught up and caught you by your arm pulling you back to him.
“You’re not going out there god dammit!” He yelled as you tried to push him off.
“No. I’m not going through this again! I can’t...”
“Sandra I’m not letting you go back out there I don’t give a fuck how upset you get with me-“
“Why are you acting like you give a shit?! You left me remember?” You screamed pushing him off of you.
“You left me!” Negan roared so loudly you flinched. Turning his back to you, he took a deep breath, it was clear the two of you still felt some type of way with how things ended.
“And why did I leave you, Negan?” You whispered as you struggled to not let your voice crack.
“Cause I was a piece of shit.” He looked down at the ground in regret.
“I was a piece of shit, but letting you go was the worst thing I could’ve done. I’ll be fucking dammed to let you walk out of my life again.” He turned to you as you brushed the tears off your face.
“I can’t go through this heartbreak all over again, it was too painful the first time.” You cried as Negan looked down at you before something caught his attention.
“Sandra, get inside.” You looked up at Negan who happened to be looking at something very strangely behind you.
“Don’t. Don’t turn back just get inside.” You stood frozen as you watched Negan reach for his holster and pull out a gun.
“Negan you’re scaring me.”
“Shh, move slowly.” He didn’t take his eyes off of the sight behind you as he slowly pushed you behind him towards the gates and began to walk backwards.
“Go go go!” Negan and you ran inside as he urgently yelled for the men to close the gates, just before they got to close, you saw them.
A herd of walkers coming up from a hill heading towards the sanctuary. Negan grabbed your hand and pulled you towards his room, you screamed as you began to hear gunshots.
“Everyone, kill what you can then lock your damn doors.”
You gasped at the sight of walkers breaking through fences, one of them grabbing a lady as her family screamed.
“Oh god..” you whispered in horror before Negan shot at the walker then pulled you to where he stayed. He couldn’t understand how easily they were all making their way inside. Something wasn’t right.
“Where the hell did they come from? Why is this happening?!” Negan pushed you into his bedroom and locked the door shut as you stood anxiously by the window.
“What do we do, Negan?!”
“Relax, don’t you know by now your man always has a fucking plan.” His words took you by shock but now was no time to react, he pushed his king size bed out of the way with his foot revealing an underground entry.
“Wow..” you whispered as he pulled the door up by the handle when suddenly something grabbed you by your hair. You screamed as a walker reached through the window dragging you back with all its strength. Negan jumped up and ran towards you trying to pull you from the walkers grasp.
“Let her fucking-go you piece of shit-“ Negan struggled to pull out his gun and shot the walker straight in the head making you fall to your knees at the loud bang that struck your ear drum. You couldn’t hear anything as Negan grabbed your arm and pulled you taking you downstairs to the underground cellar. You gasped falling back against the wall as Negan closed down the door leaving the room pitch black.
“Negan!” You could barely hear his voice the ringing sound slowly fading away.
“God fucking dammit the damn light doesn’t work.”
“Negan where are you?”
“Right here, Sandra. I’m right here.” You felt him put his arms around you pulling you close, he instantly felt you relax in his arms. Jumping at the sound of more gunshots you buried your face in chest and began to silently cry.
“You crying?”
“No.” You wiped your tears away, you couldn’t see him but he was shaking his head with a smile, you couldn’t lie for your life.
“That was so scary.” You whispered still in his arms.
“I wasn’t gonna let anything hurt you. I did way too much of that myself.”
He spoke softly holding you tightly, you didn’t know what to say. He could tell you were afraid of getting hurt again.
“I know what I did to you was wrong, so fucking wrong and I hated myself everyday for it even after you left. But I need you to believe me when I say I’m so fucking sorry, Sandra. I’ve never regretted anything so much in my whole fucking life.”
The light in the room suddenly flickered on allowing you to see a tear falling down Negans cheek...something you had never seen the four years together.
“You’re crying.” You whispered in shock as you gently took your finger and wiped it away.
“I guess I fucking am.” He laughed looking down at you when a sudden loud bang began to hit the door entering his bedroom.
“Oh god what’s that?!”
Negan looked up before hearing the sound of the door being broken open. You gasped as Negan placed his hand over your mouth. Shaking in his arms the two of you heard the sound of footsteps walking around the room.
“That’s not a fucking walker-“ Negan whispered with a frown. This was all a setup, someone had broken into his sanctuary, someone was there for you.
Ideas for a part 2? Send it in!
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sweetheart-sunghoon · 5 years
Mafia!Monsta X Reaction to...
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Author's Note: Lowkey wanna write a whole series about mafia!reader and Monsta X. Gifs are not mine!
Genre: Mafia AU
Contains: violence, knives, guns, poison, gangs, swearing, mafia!monsta x, mafia!reader, badass!reader, fem!reader
Summary: You were a member of one of the most powerful gangs in the country, and you and your boyfriend (also a significant mafia associate) had gone out to a club for the night. You had left your boyfriend at the bar while you used the bathroom. When you came back there was some drunk floozy leaning way too close to him for your liking...
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You weren't too worried, though. This chick was obviously from out of town and was not aware of who Shownu belonged to. But there was no doubt in your mind that she would know you, for stories of you power seeped throughout the whole country.
You casually strolled back to your man and draped your arms around him, planting a kiss on his lips. He smiled at you when you pulled away.
"Who's this, baby?" you asked, batting your eyelash at the now terrified girl.
"N-No one," she stuttered. "I was just leaving."
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You didn't really have a problem with personally teaching this woman a lesson for flirting with your man but your quite liked your current attire and couldn't bare the thought of ripping something or having it stained with blood. So instead you sent a couple of your henchmen to deal with her as you slid onto Wonho's lap and kissed his sweet mouth.
"Have I ever told you that I love you?" he asked with a smirk.
"Yes but tell me again."
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Your immediate reaction was a heavy sigh. Not again. Your next move was strutting over to the bar where the girl and Minhyuk were. Pushing between them, you perched your foot on a bar stool and slid the dagger out from your shiny boot. The girls eyes widened as you whirled on her, twisting the knife skilfully around your fingers.
"Listen, honey," you said, pointing the sharp weapon at her throat. "This man right here is mine so I suggest you back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up you get hurt."
Minhyuk smirked, proud of you for not taking anyone's shit. He like this possessive side of you.
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You decided to go for a subtle approach in handling the bitch on your man. While she shamelessly flirted with Kihyun, you came behind her and silently slipped something into her drink. Kihyun saw you and you gave him a wink before disappearing again. A minutes later, the girl was shaking violently on the floor, foaming at the mouth.
"That'll teach you to flirt with my man," you said, standing over her body before the bouncers dragged her away.
Kihyun hugged you from behind and whispered teasingly into your ear, "That wasn't very nice, kitten."
"I didn't get to where I am today by being nice, Kihyunie."
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The second you saw the women, you had your gun out ready to fire. You stepped in front of your boyfriend, aiming the hand gun at the spot between her now fearful eyes.
"Leave before I blow out your brain, assuming you have one that is."
Hyungwon wrapped his arm around your waist and watched the another woman scuttle away. "Thanks, princess. I didn't know how to tell her she reeked of desperation."
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Jooheon tried his best to tell this girl that he wasn't interested because he was already in a relationship but she just wouldn't listen. So he had no sympathy for her when you marched over ready to beat the shit out of her, the baseball bat in your hand dragging menacingly across the cold club floor.
"I tried to warn you. I'm a happily taken man. It's such a shame this is how you'll be meeting my love."
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You marched right up to the women, ripped her away from Changkyun and punched her square in the face. Changkyun loved the way the neon lights from the dance floor caught on your brass knuckle dusters and watched the two of you brawl (you clearly winning) for a little bit before pulling you off the another girl.
"That's enough, baby. I think she gets the message."
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littlemessyjessi · 7 years
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Sam Winchester Imagine Sam Winchester x plus size reader
"Damn Winchesters"
Imagine... Being a hunter and running into the boys on a hunt.....
You had them right where you wanted them.
If you weren't so focused on finding out what you needed right now you might've given yourself a high five.
You had managed to work your way inside the hive of one of the most notoriously seedy vampire groups in the city.
It had taken you a year to track them down and months to research them enough to find the leader and take them down.
You'd dressed for the occasion and even sprayed yourself with a pheromone mix from a source that will not be disclosed.
You had them lured in and you knew you were on the menu tonight for the leader.
And that was exactly what you needed.
Get close to him and take his god damned head off.
You'd heard through the grapevine that this particular leader had a taste for larger women.
Of course, anyone who told you that had to accompany it with some kind of backhanded comment about it being  because he was several centuries old and large women in his time meant wealth and prosperity.
However, judging by the absolutely hoards of larger women he seemed to accumulate...you kinda doubted that.
If he wasn't the same bloodsucker personally responsible for the death of a close friend of yours you might have been slightly impressed.
However, you'd played it up.
Researched him to a T.
And now you were perched on the bed of this creature, waiting for his return.
And that's when all hell broke loose.
The door burst open followed by two men with guns.
"Get down!" they shouted at you and you looked at them in disbelief.
You'd worked too hard and too long for this just to have it fucked up by some little fucktard hunters who clearly hadn't done enough research.
"Shut up!" you hissed at them.  "He'll be back any second!"
"It's ok. We'll protect you." the shorter one said.
You stared at them for a second before your eyes widened and a snarl curled your lips.
"You're the god damned Winchesters aren't you?" you snapped before shaking your head. "Son of a bitch!"
"Is this chick serious?" the shorter one said before looking to the taller one, "Sammy, is this for real?"
"Dean..." he sighed before turning back to you. "Listen, ma'am-"
You rolled your eyes at this 'Sam' and stood from the bed and started pulling clothes off.
Both of them looked at you like you'd grown three heads as parts of your plump body was revealed to be heavily decorated with weapons.
You pulled an axe from a harness that was attached to your back and stood poised and ready.
"We're not gonna figh-" Dean started but the door opened behind them again and you launched the axe between their heads, spliting a vamp's head clean in half.
Sam's eyes widened when you threw a large hunting knife next hitting another vamp between the eyes.
They both went to ask you questions when you silenced them both with a raise of your hand.
"We gotta go." you said.  "I had this shit under control but thanks to your hero complex, about a year and a half of work has just gone down the shitter.  So thanks for that, boy wonders."
"Hey, we just saved your ass." Dean snapped.
"I kinda doubt she needs saving." Sam admitted as he bent over and retrieved you knife and axe before handing them to you.
"Shut up." you hissed at them both. "I hear- duck!"
At that moment, dry wall split and desperate hands reached out to rip them apart but you popped back up with your knife in hand and began cutting limbs off where they were.
"Run!" you snapped. "We gotta get out of here before..."
"I knew there was something off about you, my pet."
"Fuck." you mouthed and closed your eyes briefly.
The three of you turned to see the head of the coven.
He was tall and blond, looking nothing short of some kind of Norse god but he was terrifying.
"That wasn't very nice, princess." he said.
"Well, I'm no princess." you shrugged turning towards him...fully prepared to duke it out with him for as long as it took.
"I could change that." he smirked.  "Change you and use your powers of seduction to lure in my meals.  Don't think I haven't noticed how everyone seems to lose their minds around you.  You have a gift, my dear. Use it." he drawled.
"I didn't have to use anything with you." you said quirking an eyebrow at him. "All I had to do was plant the seed that I did and you came running."
He growled at you and lunged but Sam's arms wrapped around you, yanking you out of the way as Dean shot forward to deal with him.
"Hey!" you snapped at the bohemoth of a man before reaching down and snatching a throwing knife from your boot.
You tossed it to Dean.
"Through the nose! Through the nose!" you shouted at him.
Dean didn't hesitate when he caught it and rammed it right up the vamp's nose making him howl in pain.
"Drive it home!" you barked at him. "All the way!"
Dean rared back and punched it the rest of the way.
The vamp promptly burst into black flames and fell to the ground.
You finally managed to get loose from Sam and  pulled a box cutter from where it was hidden in the waist band on your jeans.
You leaned down and cut a small black stone out of the vamp's chest and tossed it in your hand before slipping it in your pocket.
"It belonged to a friend of mine." you glared at the both of them.  "And we're not going to taint my memories of him by talking about it.  This has gotta be burned though."
You lightly kicked the corpse with your foot.
Dean let out an impressed grin and a chuckle.
He bit his lip for a second, "You're Y/N aren't you?"
"Excuse me?" you asked, slightly irritated that they knew you.
You knew them but you were nosy and researched like your life depended on it...because it often did.
It surprised you more when you DIDN'T know another hunter.
"Y/N." he repeated. "That hunter from (your hometown).  We've heard about you. A lot actually.  Never had the pleasure."
"Well, I'd say I hope it was good but I'm fairly certain that it probably wasn't." you said lifting an eyebrow at Sam who was just staring at you.  
"Well, judging from your reaction to us...I'd say the same." Dean chuckled. "Come on, let us buy you a beer.  Swap some war stories.  I'd love to hear about that wendigo in Lousiana.  We've encountered some of those nasty bastards ourselves."
You jerked a thumb towards Sam, "Not to alarm you or anything but I think your Jolly Green Giant is broken."
"Sammy, get in the car." Dean rolled his eyes before turning to you. "Need a ride or?"
"Sure, I'll ride with you." you shrugged. "But just so ya know, I will make you suffer if you have any unsavory plans circling in that head of yours."
Dean chuckled and tossed an arm around your shoulders before leading you towards the car.
It took a second for the both of you to turn and look at the still frozen Sam.
"Are you coming or not, big guy?" you smirked at him...and he nearly died on the spot.
Never in this LIFE had he ever witnessed something so perfect before.
You ducked into the back, expecting the long legged creature to ride shot gun but you were slightly surprised when he climbed back there with you.
"Hey." Dean warned, amusement twinkling in his green eyes.  "No funny business in baby."
"Baby?" you asked curiously.
Dean patted the dash lovingly and said, "Yeah..."
You chuckled at his clear unhealthy obsession with his car but sat back anyway as he sped off down the road.
You turned and took in the man next to you.
Sam was an extraordinarily large man.
Tall with long legs, clearly lean but muscular but hell, he was just big.
Big arms, broad shoulders.
His damn hands were huge...and they were shaking slightly.
You don't know what possessed you to do it but you reached out and placed your hands on his, slowly peeling them apart.
You brought the one closest to you over, resting the back of it on your squishy, soft stomach and you traced the lines and callouses of his hands with your chubby fingers.
It was quite in the car with nothing but Dean's Led Zeppelin playing from the radio and the sound of the wind whipping from the open window.
What you did not see was Sam.
How he stared at you in absolute adoration and awe.
He had NEVER seen anything like you.
Your perfect little chubby cheeks and round face.
Chubby fingers running all over his skin.
Thick thighs that looked so impossibly soft it was making his hands shake just to think about touching them.  
And your skin just felt like fire and frost together.
He was nearly drunk with it and you hadn't even gotten to the bar.
A coy look from his brother through the rear view mirror told him that it was written all over his face.
But Sam didn't care.
You were EVERYTHING to him.
He didn't have much in this life of his...but he had no plans of letting you go.  
Like this? Want more? Let me know! Stories coming soon! Want to read more of my works? Check out my Mibba (it's a writing site, lol, for those who don't know).  Link on profile! Got a request? Send it in!
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starliightxo · 4 years
✨ Holly Discography & OOC Meanings ✨
Storytelling = songs not written about her life but a story she made up
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1. State Of Grace ~ for Haley
2. Red ~ (Storytelling) Comparing love and emotions to colours
3. Treacherous ~ Park
4. I Knew You Were Trouble ~ Park
5. All Too Well ~ Adrian
6. 22 ~ Just a feel good, having fun song
7. I Almost Do ~ Adrian
8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together ~ (Storytelling) just a catchy get stuck in your head song, are specifically to be a single to get attention
9. Stay Stay Stay ~ Adrian
10. The Last Time ~ (storytelling) but in a way it's about her parents and begging them to put her first when it comes to them taking Haley. Because they never considered her in all their choices and it broke her.
11. Holy Ground ~ Adrian
12. Sad Beautiful Tragic ~ Adrian
13. The Lucky One ~ Herself discovering that starting to be known and fame isn't exactly what people expect
14. Everything Has Changed ~ (storytelling)
15. Starlight (co-written with Soraya) ~ for Soraya
16. Begin Again ~ meeting Adrian again after the 4 year gap
17. The Moment I Knew ~ a birthday she spent just after she had Haley and longing for Adrian to come back even though she knew her parents wouldn't have even let him through the door even if he had. But it's not nearly as bitter @ him as the song suggests
18. Come Back... Be Here ~ Adrian
19. Girl At Home ~ (storytelling) girls supporting girls
Fifteen (EP)
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(the EP based off the songs she wrote in school/post losing adrian)
1. Love Story ~ Adrian
2. Fearless ~ Adrian
3. Fifteen ~ Herself and kind of a message to Haley to put her dreams first
4. You Belong With Me ~ Adrian/Paisley but lowkey any girl taking interest in him. I.e. margo etc.
5. Better Than Revenge ~ Paisley/Margo
6. Last Kiss ~ Adrian
7. Enchanted ~ Adrian when they met again at St Judes. their first official date was at a ball esque thingy
8. Ours ~ about Adrian @ her parents and the disapproval
9. Mine ~ Adrian (Storytelling) what she imagined
Safe And Sound (EP)
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(The EP about/for haley)
1. Safe And Sound ~ a lullaby for haley
2. Innocent ~ about herself in a way and trying to forgive herself for hr mistakes when it came to haley and the choices she make but also reminding her that she could stay innocent and young for as long as possible
3. Never Grow Up ~ wishing she doesn't grow up too fast because she very much did and it was terrifying
4. Untouchable ~ How haley's kept away from her
5. Breathe ~ the follow on from untouchable and not being able to breathe without her
Welcome To New York
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1. Welcome To New York ~ Her love for the city and dreaming of living there
2. Blank Space ~ (Storytelling)
3. Style ~ Adrian
4. Out Of The Woods ~ the aftermath of (tw) the rape and holly fighting to get out of the dark place and there's obviously hints of Adrian in there being with her through it
5. All You Had To Do Was Stay ~ Soraya & Dallas (storytelling)
6. Shake It Off ~ speaks for itself basically for her fans
7. I Wish You Would ~ Adrian after he disappeared when she first got pregnant and they separated
8. Bad Blood ~ Anyone against her and labelling her as the mean girl. She went very theatrical and played on it. Although everyone thinks it's specifically about Hensley, she was just one name on a long list
9. Wildest Dreams ~ back when she first started at St Judes and met Julian again, his was another sing based on their first date at the ball-esque event
10. How You Get The Girl ~ at Dallas about Soraya
11. This Love ~ Adrian
12. I Know Places ~ wanting to hide from the insider and paps and opinions whether it's with Adrian or on her own.
13. Clean ~ The last song she wrote for the album and it's about (tw) the rape. It was the first thing she ever wrote about it so it's extremely personal
14. Wonderland ~ (storytelling)
15. You Are In Love ~ Adrian
16 . New Romantics ~ St Judes/Monroe life
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1. Ready For It? ~ preparing for battle in a way. this was one of if not her biggest album and it was all about her fighting back and taking control of her public narrative. She wrote/sang about things you'd never expect and said ings you'd never expect so it's getting ready for that
2. End Game ~ Adrian
3. I Did Something Bad ~ Everyone who did her wrong and called her the mean girl
4. Don't Blame Me ~ Adrian
5. Delicate ~ Adrian
6. Look What You Made Me Do ~ are you ready for it 2.0
7. So It Goes... ~ Adrian
8. Gorgeous ~ Adrian/Haley/Soraya
9. Getaway Car ~ Park
10. King Of My Heart ~ Adrian
11. Dancing With Our Hands Tied ~ Adrian
12. Dress ~ Adrian
13. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things ~ about the shit she gets for winning awards
14. Call It What You Want ~ Adrian and their relationship but it's aimed at their parents
15. New Years Day ~ painting a nice picture of new years day (because She was (tw) raped on new years eve night just before midnight) and basically how Adrian was there for her the day after and picked her back up
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1. I Forgot That You Existed ~ anyone not on her side and lowkey about the guy who r*ped her. Although that's on her mind a lot, this would have been her when she's enjoying her time with someone and she forgets for one night. Or how she wishes she could forget about him for good.
2. Cruel Summer ~ probably her brief rebound of a relationship with park tbh and she convinced herself it was love to try and make herself feel better about the guilt. But ultimately they both knew it wasn't good or going to work.
3. Lover ~ about Holly and Adrian finally being in complete control of their relationship but still having insecure moments where she worries about losing him, but he's there every time. It speaks for itself mainly tbh.
4. The Man ~ the feminist jumped out LOL she aimed for this one to be relatable in every sense cause she knows it's a very common topic. But some things jump out from her own experiences like: "when everyone believes ya, what's that like?" About the r*ape trial.
5. The Archer ~ I love how holly it is 😩 reflecting on how she handled certain situations like things with hensley (bad blood) and how she's made a lot of mistakes. And being lowkey terrified she'll lose people because of it. I think mainly Adrian and Soraya tbh.
6. I Think He Knows ~ Adrian
7. Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince ~ about the negative affects caused by st Jude's and "fame" and having Adrian there through it all. The second first specifically would be about the night of the r*pe and when she told Adrian and he was the one of the only ones who cared what the truth was. Personally I think this is the most holly song on the album! I knew exactly what she'd write it about as soon as I heard it lol
8. Paper Rings ~ Adrian
8. Cornelia Street ~ kinda Begin Again 2.0 for holly and it basically being about that first time she saw Adrian again after they're 4 years apart and the fear she had of losing them/him again. I especially feel the line "It's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend"
9. Death By A Thousand Cuts (storytelling)
10. London Boy ~ her dream has always been to live in New York so she's kinda made herself new York in this album and Adrian's the London boy, even though he isn't English LOL? but their relationship lives in London basically. And she loves NY but she'd go wherever he is instead.
11. Soon You'll Get Better ft The Dixie Chicks ~ Soraya's health problems, how much her wellbeing means to holly and how desperately she needs her to just be okay all the time.
12. False god ~ I picture her breakup with Adrian back when she was pregnant and they were kids. How it all went to shit but that small hope still there "We might just get away with it." She probably would have taken snippets from old journals back from that time for this.
13. You Need To Calm Down ~ It's about ever form of love
14. Afterglow ~ this one hits me so much and cause I'm so invested in holly and adrian, hurts my heart. Basically apologising for hurting him ever, mainly with Park. But lowkey the r*pe thing too. Even tho he'd never be mad or blame her for that, she blamed herself at one point. And She panics regularly that it would ruin them.
15. ME! ~ a confidence boost for herself, her friends and her fans.
16. It's Nice To Have A Friend ~ being in love with your best friend. Also how I picture her and Adrian starting out in school.
17. Daylight ~ about how her and Adrian both had other things while they weren't together, but since they got back together, it was like stepping back into the daylight and nothing can be as perfect as that feeling they have with each other. They never really had it with anyone else.
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1. The 1 ~ (storytelling)
2. Cardigan ~ recently holly has defo felt kind of forgotten about and falling into the shadows. And as always, Adrian is slowly started to pull her out of her dark place.
3. The Last Great American Dynasty ~ awhile ago Adrian bought them a kind of holiday home and she wrote a story about the previous owner (storytelling)
4. Exile ft Bon Iver ~ the last song she wrote for the album. Her and Adrian recently broke up and have one of if not their biggest arguments and this was about that
5. My Tears Ricochet ~ Her Parents
6. Mirrorball ~ about being what the media want you to be and being perfect and when you fall and break they watch as if it's entertainment
7. Seven ~ (storytelling) a childhood friendship where one is suffering (tw) in am abusive household and the other wants to rescue them. It's also about wanting to stay young as long as possible and when we stopped doing the little things only children get away with
8. August ~ Park
9. This Is Me trying ~ Herself and her struggle to hold it all together. She defo would have had that moment of being on the edge of a cliff and having the moment she decided to back away from it
10. Illicit Affairs ~ Park
11. Invisible String ~ Adrian
12. Mad Woman ~ Herself and women in general
13. Epiphany ~ (storytelling) a couple/people during world war 2
14. Betty ~ (storytelling)
15. Peace ~ for Adrian
16. Hoax ~ (storytelling)
17. The Lakes ~ wanting to run away but of course only with Adrian
Other Songs
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Back To December
Sparks Fly
Long Live
Beautiful Ghosts
Christmas Tree Farm
I Don't Wanna Live Forever
Babe ft Sugarland
Only The Young
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