#where the slugcats are just weird shapes
genocat · 11 months
sint raiworlg
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raintailed · 8 months
rain rain rain rain how do you draw iterators and slugcats btw like all your gyus are so shaped its so fun to look at theyre just little guys...
i'm gonna start with slugcats! my old guide from 2023 is here.
Note: "slugcat" refers to multiple species (slugcats are in a species complex). It can be hard to differentiate slugcat species, since some are very similar and hybridization between them is common where their ranges overlap. The species that Monk and Survivor are members of is called the "common slugcat."
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Slugcats are weird sorta-feline creatures that walk bipedally and have little hands. Their average height is 3'3" or about 1 meter tall.
Their basic body shape is a round head on top of a trapezoidal body. Their legs are digitigrade, they have human-like arms (that are often skinny lol), and their tails are thick and tapering. Slugcats also have retractable arms ig??? I have no idea how that would work
In terms of head shape, it's similar to a cat's, but with a somewhat taller forehead (bigger brain! more room for being Smart!). Slugcats usually have short muzzles, big eyes, and long ears.
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Note: slugcat arms usually rest in front of the body (think meerkats) rather than to the sides like a human.
Uhhh I like giving slugcats dewlaps (rabbit dewlaps are a good reference)!
And for fat slugcats, fat is usually stored in the tail (and dewlap) first. So naturally my gourmand has a big tail and a big dewlap :]
And!! I like to think that some slugcats have fur, and some don't. Hairless slugcats are slimy; furred slugcats have oily, waterproof coats. Some shorthaired slugcats have smooth fur like otters and seals do.
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TEEFS!!! Except technically, slugcats don't have teeth. Rather, they have sharp, jagged beaks (think cephalopods). Their beaks continually grow and they are self-sharpening. Because their beaks are really sharp, slugcat bites are always serious injuries.
The length of their "fangs" varies by species. Some carnivorous species have long fangs, for example.
And! They have bristly tongues like cats (and kinda like the radula of a gastropod).
For their paws, slugcats have 3-fingered hands and feet. Their claws vary; some individuals have blunt claws, some have sharp claws, others have retractable claws, etc.
The inner toe of a slugcat's foot is opposable, making it easy for them to grab onto poles with their feet. (Compare to scavengers, who mostly use their arms to climb.)
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SLUPPIES!!!!!! (don't worry about the fluffy one, they're just eepy)
Slugpups have different proportions than adults! Including having a bigger head, chubbier body, etc. Fluffy slugpups can also be a bit scraggly like longhaired kittens are.
My slugcats are basically egg-laying marsupials. They lay eggs, store them in their pouch, and then the eggs hatch into itty bitty babies. The babies stay in the pouch, feeding on milk until they're big enough to venture outside.
When pups are too big for the pouch, they ride on their parent's head or back. They also begin the process of weaning around this time, since by then they've started growing a sharp beak (i guess before that, their beak is dull and too small to self-sharpen?).
Note: some slugcat species are unisex and others are trioecious (having male, female, and hermaphrodite individuals).
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For expressions, ears are important!!
Neutral: ears relaxed. The relaxed position varies by individual; some slugcats have their ears rest slightly tilted back, for example.
Alert/interested: ears perked up.
Angry: ears pinned back. Very angry slugcats have their ears positioned so they're almost in line with the top of the head.
Afraid: ears pinned down (sometimes slightly to the sides, too).
Sad: ears droop to the sides.
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Slugcats mostly use their tails for balance, but they're used for some emotes too.
Upwards-curled tail is an excited or enthusiastic hello! Kinda like how some cats raise their tail when they see their human.
When upset, annoyed, or grumpy, slugcats may thump their tail against the ground (kinda like how rabbits stomp).
Some slugcats wag their tails when playing or excited. This isn't a universal thing, though.
Slugcats with fur may puff up their tail when startled or scared. They may also puff their tail when excited or playing, too.
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ardienothesieno · 6 months
Wanted to make my own analysis post, as I've seen some comments on other sites pointing out things but nothing here so far... AND I AM TOO DEEP IN THE BRAINROT TO NOT ANALYZE THIS EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT. SO.
I would like to mention that I have not played any modded regions! So if there are certain details that I make note of in the screenshots that have explanation in their original mods, please feel free to correct me!!
Rot tendrils. Rot tendrils on the ceiling... just casually... that's totally not concerning...
The blue lizard only has two toes on each foot!
The background of this first shot looks like it might be on an iterator structure? There are some support beams but other then that it's just clouds.
The spears that the scavenger is carrying are kind of weird... for one, they're white. And one of them has a large, almost pinecone-shaped tip.
Also they have a crack in their face/mask.
what the pole plant doin
The Watcher doesn't seem to have a nose? That's probably just an art style thing, but I thought I'd mention it. Also their eyes are glowing.
Even the title font has implications. whoa.
For one, more rot. The rot has now made a double appearance and that probably guarantees its significance here...
And plants... Leaves and some vines.
The way that the black screen transitions to a white one is very rot-esce to me. Rot triple appearance...
There seems to be some graffiti on the right side of the final shot? It's obstructed by the visual effects in the foreground, however.
Watcher is floating. Normally I'd mark this off as "cool title screen choice" but they're also surrounded by ECHO PARTICLES.
And this might be a stretch but the palette of this final image is black and gold... void colors...
Rain World: The Watcher is a DLC expansion of Rain World. Journey beyond to something, somewhere only ever glimpsed. When the world beneath your feet cracks and crumbles, will you hold on to all you once knew? Or dive into the unknown? The wilds that await will be unlike all that's come before. Unknown creatures stalk and climb and dive and hunt. New breeds rip and pluck and burrow and hide. Predator and prey redefined. And through the middle of it all, a lonely lost slugcat trying their best to outlast the ravages of a warped world.
Do... do I even have to say anything?
"Journey beyond to something, somewhere only ever glimpsed. When the world beneath your feet cracks and crumbles, will you hold on to all you once knew? Or dive into the unknown?" YOU READ THIS AND TELL ME THIS DOESN'T HAVE VOID SEA VIBES. Journey BEYOND to something, somewhere only ever glimpsed... it feels very void-y to me. And the talk about the world beneath you crumbling-- holding on to what you once knew or diving into the unknown?? If this somehow ISN'T related to ascension I would be shocked
"And through the middle of it all, a lonely lost slugcat trying their best to outlast the ravages of a warped world." This line about the world being warped, as well... I'm thinking this DLC might either have to do with Rubicon, or have to do with the encroach of the void sea consuming the world from below.
Other then the void implications, it sounds like we'll be seeing some new creatures that could completely redefine the game. I'm excited to see where that goes.
I know these are from pre-existing mods, but I'm completely unfamiliar with said mods and don't know if any of this means anything. Just wild speculation, pretty much.
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Gonna start with these two because they're kinda visually similar. On the left we have desert!!!! Cacti!! Cactuses!!!!! I've seen lots of people calling the image on the right snow, but that doesnt feel right to me. We saw snow in Saint and I do not remember it looking like... that. The first thing that comes to mind for me is Kingdom's Edge from Hollow Knight, and the drifts of ash that pile up there? If this is the case then it confirms several of my lore theories and I would so love that to be the case. There's also a collapsed structure in the back of the "snowy" image, which looks to me a bit like a train car?
Also I've now seen several people calling these milk... and I can't unsee it now...
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I've been told by several sources that these screens are from preexisting mods! I think these are from Stormy Coast, Coral Caves, and Aether Ridge? At least that's what I've picked up from searching through other discussions. I don't have too much to comment on here! I think these rooms are cool, and I really like the fans in the Aether Ridge room!
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...oh no... acid region..? I don't know why, but this room gives me Shoreline vibes. Also I do not think bubble fruit are supposed to grow that perfectly--
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And finally... what I think has the possibility of either being a huge lore thing, or a complete false alarm. Well for starters it's purple
But there are no iterator cans in the background. We're above the clouds here; in every above-the-clouds show from the base game and Downpour, you can see iterators and communication towers off in the distance. There's nothing here. And I don't think this takes place near or after Saint, because there's no confirmed snow. And I think a lot of these structures would be far worse for wear if this were so far in the future that the planet has warmed again. So. Uh. That's pretty odd.
Again, these all might be from mods that I am unfamiliar with, so please correct me if I'm misinterpreting anything!!
tl,dr-- This DLC is gonna be crazy. Also void
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many-faced · 3 months
Many-Faced's Introduction post
Hello! I'm Many-Faced, but I typically use Tea as a nickname. I'm fine with any nicknames as long as it's clear you're referring to me!
I'm a self-taught artist. I also do animations sometimes! You can occasionally find me participating in Multi Animator Projects or making animation memes and posting them on youtube! Though uh... it's mostly shitposting. Oopsies.
I am Agender!
I use any pronouns :>
This includes neos! Specifically I'm testing the use of ze and xe. Please do keep in mind that I tend towards masculine pronouns over feminine ones, and while I don't mind she/her, I'd prefer they/them, he/him or neos.
Before you interact!
I am a minor!
Please do not bring extremely suggestive or NSFW content anywhere near me or my blog. Not only am I 16, but I am also asexual and get very uncomfortable around those topics.
I sometimes struggle with tone.
Please use tone tags where possible so I don't take a joke as an accusation or whatever! I overthink... way too much. Oopsies..
I do in fact swear a lot
While you'll notice on Youtube I try to stay mostly clean, although I do swear now and then. I do generally swear a lot. Especially on Discord, the swear jar for me and my friends is always overflowing.
I am unhinged and I talk and type faster than I think
If I say something weird or irrational and need to go back and correct myself, yeah that's normal, it happens a lot.
I am Autistic and have ADHD
It's unlikely to cause any problems further that what I've already mentioned, but as mentioned before please please PLEASE tonetags where you can, I don't wanna misread something
Do NOT interact:
If you support any sort of discrimination. Any discriminatory messages will be immediately deleted and you will get no response, I'm not fuelling someone like that.
If you use AI unethically. Unlike many other artists, I am neutral on AI. If it was ethical, I could see the benefits, yes, but it isn't. We're using in a way that harms creatives, replacing them with robots that cannot ever truly make anything new. So if you pedal AI 'art' or think a movie created by all AI would be so 'great', you can leave now.
Cryptobros. Don't pedal me your scam coin, because I'm not buying it.
If you're just here to send hate and start drama. Seriously, if you have a genuine criticism I'm here to listen, but if you're just hating to hate, what are you even doing?
Proshippers. I hope I don't need to explain why some relationships are actually just illegal. Illegal things in general obviously are not welcome here.
Hey look, Cool people!
@darkhatkid - the shadow in the corner of my room that tells me to draw insane shit
@mugzymiik - absolute nutcase, don't trust em ever, e likes kissing shapes and robots/lhj (they have also beta read a few of my fanfics!)
My Fandoms
This list may be rarely up to date... Don't be surprised if I suddenly spawn in with a bunch of art for a fandom not on the list.
Rain World
Warrior Cats
Hazbin Hotel
Nine Sols
My AUs and Stories
The Halfway - An original work made from the ground up by me that asks the question 'if there are multiple realities, what's between them?' Sounds all philosophical, right? Well, kind of, but also I just found it funny to turn vague concepts into insane pseudo-deities and put them through the wringer of existing. A serious story with a comedic streak, hopefully.
JSAB: Reloaded - A JSAB AU. I don't currently have much to say about it since it's under reconstruction. Remind me to rewrite this at some point when I get the story nailed down.
Rain World: False Affirmative - A Rain World AU. Asked the question 'what if Five Pebbles succeeded in making the taboo bypass?' and snowballed into an entire AU with a zombie virus rot and a whole lineup of new slugcats and iterators while also expanding on the canon ones.
Worldless: Polarized - A worldless AU that is sort of on a semi-hiatus.
Other socials!
Want to find me somewhere else? Here's where you can!
Please do not send me random art requests in my askbox!
Moots, dw, ya cool, I won't met mad at you for doing that [don't expect me to actually do it though,, I might,, maybe].
What I don't want is random followers sending me art requests, even if it's of fandom characters from fandoms I'm in. I don't reaally like being asked to do something by someone I don't know well. This has happened a few times and I promise I'm not mad at any of you! Just keep this in mind, please ^^
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firedjinni · 1 year
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started drawing scugs in a sketchbook page and this happened instead oops
*pats top of slugcat* this animal can fit so much weird in it
(transcript and some corrections under the cut because there's a lot going on in this one and my handwriting is tiny lol)
[Image description/transcript: a bunch of slugcat biology doodling. Individual doodles/groups of doodles, clockwise from top left:
A slugcat with some visible internal organs sketched out and labeled - a heart and lungs, breathing holes at the sides of the neck (with the note: "wawas come from here!"), centrally placed vocal cords, beak "teeth", a pre-stomach pouch in the neck area, and intestines down in the lower torso and tail. The slugcat's eyes and a pair of small feelers above them are labeled: "both eyes!". A note above its head reads "feelers not 100% consistent in shape?"
A slightly clearer sketch of the possible lungs: there are two breathing holes, branching, and the vocal chords are located in the middle where they meet. The airways have internal closures to help keep out water and foreign material. A note reads "internal closure points [analogous to] glottis?", because I forgot the glottis was part of the vocal folds when I drew this.
Several drawings of possible beak and tooth arrangements, and a slugcat eating a fruit, touching the food with its sluggy mouth-feelers, with the note: "no tongue - feelers taste instead."
Closeup drawing of three eye variants. The first is all dark, pupil barely distinct from iris and sclera, labeled "normal". Second has lighter iris, labeled "rivulet". Third has white iris/sclera and light pupil, labeled "sm/hunter? (albinistic)". (I mean to write Artificer instead of Hunter. Whoops.)
Written notes: round pupils - poor night vision. Ancestors evolved to navigate more by smell/touch/etc before rain cycle forced other sensory focus (washes away scents).
Several doodles of possible slugcat ancestors. Most have shorter front limbs, longer feelers, and smaller eyes. Written notes: "early purposed ancestors - or primordial? arms shorter pre-bipedalism. probably related to lantern mice"
A slugpup, labeled "a little slupplet", and a tiny bean-like slugpup with closed eyes and tiny nubby limbs labeled "newborn baby scug".
Two organ cutaway doodles of slugcat tails. One, labeled "SM", has tubes from the stomach and intestines extending to the surface of the tail, one with a spear emerging out of it. The guts area has the note: "small stomach". The other tail, labeled "Arti", has intestines and several sacs connected to the underside of the tail, with the note: "scent/musk glands full of explosive digestive runoff?".
/end description.]
Anyway if you read all that bless you, my brain is full of rain world and it refuses to pay rent lol. I have a big old doc of headcanons and I can't do shit with most of them so I just doodle things apparently. bone appleteeth.
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disclosed-spire · 1 year
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So if anyone knows and has spoken to me and seen any of my ocs, they'll know I LOVE making things wacky and out there if I have the ability to. If possible, I will have some wacky backstory too! For Enot's case, this is very much possible!
I'm basically just gonna ramble describe my own little thoughts and design choices for Enot with some of my art as reference!
If you want to know my own thoughts and design choices for another character, be sure to let me know! It'll take a little bit as I like to go all out with these as much as possible.
Spoilers for Enot's campaign below!
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Design Choices
So this is my Enot design!
Yes I know it's very strange and wacky looking, but c'mon. I think the little chaos gremlin deserves to have a chaotic design, y'know, as a treat!
I decided to make their whole body fade, but to fix the issue of their limbs blending in too much, their arms and legs are different solid colors, which allow me to draw them easier!
I really wanted to keep the red in Enot's design, but I didn't want to overuse it, so I decided to make it an accent color and sprinkle red throughout the design. I think this makes it easier to look at Enot, and also draw more attention to their face, as that's the most interesting thing to look at! Enot's eyes are red spirals because honestly I think that would be fun. Enot's red whiskers are made to look like a curly mustache because they obviously have to twirl it like an evil supervillain. The last red design choice is seen with their lizard-like tail, which I'm just about to get to.
Enot has a bit of lizard biology in their DNA, specifically white lizards. This explains their strange frills on the back of their tail, their odd distinct head shape, and one of their abilities that I'll list in the later sections.
The last thing I wanted to mention was glitches! As much as I love glitches and stuff with characters (If you have a glitched Enot design I absolutely love it already, please be my friend), I decided to leave this out of the physical design of Enot because I have a cooler idea! Based on text said by Five Pebbles in game:
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Five Pebbles obviously wouldn't say this, so I thought of something that I think would be funny. What if Enot was some kind of cryptid or eldritch horror kind of scenario? Whelp, I can say that my version of Enot is.
Enot causes the environment around them to distort and change sometimes because of a reason I'll get to in a different section of this post. Overall though, this explains the strange changes in the world, the weird Five Pebbles dialogue, and fits into the absurdity of Enot's character as a whole.
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Enot is basically chaos incarnate, nobody knows where Enot came from except Enot themself. To sum it up, bro is basically a real time cryptid or scp. Overall they're chaotic, and very loud, but genuinely entertaining if you manage to get to know them.
Yes, manage. Bro is very scatterbrained and is always all over the place.
Other than that, Enot thinks of themselves as some kind of incredibly evil supervillain, but they're absolutely horrible at it. Not horrible in Enot's bad at their job, Enot's bad in terms of the fact that they just don't actually do supervillain things. The most evil thing they can think of is filling a room with their weird eggs, or causing some minor inconvenience as some silly joke.
This basically makes Enot one of those supervillains that is actually not even bad, just a silly guy pulling pranks because they have the power and capabilities of doing so.
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"Enot has a bit of lizard biology in their DNA, specifically white lizards."
For Enot's white lizard biology, this gives Enot the ability to change colors like some kind of chameleon like the picture above. They cannot change shape, just color, which means that if they were to try to imitate another Slugcat, or another species, it would look off.
How to tell the difference between another Slugcat and Enot is obviously the body, but also some of the red on their body. The spirals in their eyes, the red whiskers, and the tail frills always stay red, no matter what the rest of Enot's colors may be. This makes it easy to tell that Enot is pulling a prank or messing with other Slugcats.
"Enot causes the environment around them to distort and change sometimes because of a reason I'll get to in a different section of this post."
Ah yes, the completely wacky idea I had stored for this moment. Enot is some kind of universe or dimension traveler, which explains the environmental distortion, but also the really weird ending of their campaign, the dating simulator.
No Slugcats were found before (minus Slugpups) in Enot's campaign, until the dating sim which just came out of the blue. The lizards changed personalities, somehow all the Slugcats are alive at the same time, moon is now alive yet she was powered off in the campaign previously, and so much more about the dating sim can make me believe this weird belief.
Enot can just go to different dimensions just because they think it's funny and likes to mess with others by doing that. I don't make the rules, Enot does.
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Yes the egg gets its own section.
Enot can lay eggs because I think that would just add to the absurdity of their character. I don't actually know how they would do it , so maybe they just throw up an egg like an scp scenario, similar to a hairball. (Also to keep up the weird factor about them)
These eggs are an active threat when thrown, so I think it's at least worth mentioning. I don't know how to describe the fact that Enot's eggs are singularity bombs, so I'm gonna try to explain how it could work by how I've been making the rest of this post with my weird logic.
My best guess as to why Enots eggs are the way they are is because of the fact that Enot is a weird universe traveling cryptid or something similar to that, so all eggs that Enot creates are pretty unstable, and when thrown, this disrupts the balance, similar to a fire egg.
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Relationship Descriptions
OKAY SO THE FINAL SECTION. Wow this has been quite the wacky post. I'm just gonna explain why my relationships for Enot are the way they are. A lot of these are gonna be grouped together.
All of them have pranks pulled on them because it's Enot. Why wouldn't Enot do so?
All of them are neutral except for Five Pebbles because Enot never really had a wacky connection with any of them, except for Pebbles and Moon. Enot just really likes Five Pebbles' strange personality. Too bad it's one sided though.
Downpour Slugcats + Hunter
Enot is relatively friendly towards all of them, having crushes on the others (except for hunter). Think of it like having a crush on an actor from a tv show or a movie. Enot doesn't have that strong of a crush, but it's still there.
Enot does have a small bit of respect for Artificer as they know what Artificer went through. This was unfortunately found out from a prank they made, but once they found out about the whole incident, they backed off and apologized.
Enot does have a huge amount of respect for Gourmand though, as it has to do with when they first met. When Enot and Gourmand met, Enot was looking for a place to call home, so Gourmand decided to take Enot under their wing and accept them into their colony. Enot has a lot to thank Gourmand for, as they wouldn't have met anyone of the Slugcat crew, and wouldn't have a home.
Also sometimes Enot and Hunter hunt together, which does give bonus points for the friendly factor.
Monk, Survivor, and Their Family
Enot is generally friendly towards all of them, but especially has respect for Monk and Survivors family. (This is my own little made up campaign for them that's part of my own little story for the Slugcats, so keep that in mind.) Enot thinks that the whole family going in for Monk and Survivor, despite the little hope left is very admirable, and generally finds it heartwarming that they all could reunite again.
Nightcat at the very least is very close to Enot, as they both have very strange origins, and both are oddballs out of the Slugcat colony. At the very most though, Enot and Nightcat would be together as they both are pranksters by heart, and can fight the uncaring world off together like partners in crime.
OKAY WOW WHAT A RIDE! I hope everyone enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this! I spent quite a while writing this, so if you'd want to see more of other characters, be sure to let me know!
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flecks-of-stardust · 1 year
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[ids in alt text]
weird purple thing
after seeing that cool slugcat plush post from a while back i idly started on this one. i really liked the style they used for the ears and the limbs. this is my own attempt at that style, and honestly i like it! more than my default tube thing. it's more fun to shape these too, even if there's more fiddling with yarn i have to do. mostly the difficult part is just figuring out how to get the shape i want. the legs, specifically the chunky part where the feet connect to the body, were probably the most difficult part, but that also only took me like ten minutes of experimentation.
i quite like this tbh. more than my attempt at a slugcat over a year ago. not sure if i'll make another though, i'm running out of space LMAO
very glad i didn't end up having to play yarn chicken with the purple yarn...
also go vote on this
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cycles-of-rain · 3 years
-C listened to Gunpowder patiently and intently, taking internal notes about the important information and details of that creature’s appearance. “Bio-mechanical creatures? Those creatures aren’t impossible to exist but..not naturally. They could be experiments, probably a product of one of those Iterators’s actions. He also said that Orbit is like a giant computer, Right? That wouldn’t be possible in this type of place, unless it is only a computer to stay in a certain place without moving. And since everything looks giant as a slugcat, it must be the reason of that description.” C thought. A mark? Now that’s quite intriguing. C simply did a small nod of understanding, as he didn’t have much to say or ask at all.-
Really? That’s..odd, in a way. There could be many reasons for him to do such, possibly one of those reasons was to make you be able to understand him and the others creatures too. It would also be nice to be able to see that mark if it visible, or at least the way he did it if that’s possible. As for that bio-mechanical creature, I have my suspicions about what caused them to have artificial limbs.
-C observed the cicada fly’s fate along with how the mimic acts and attacks it’s prey and as soon as C saw Gunpowder’s actions and that he is waiting for him, C quickly bounded over the place where the plant was before entering the pipe at the other end of the room. As C listened to Gunpowder, C glanced around the place, looking for Plum before spotting her seconds later. So she can follow them well..perfect.-
Roger that.
-Was all he managed to say to show that he understood the information and that he will keep it in mind. C followed them whenever they had to move to another place and observed his actions, taking a moment to gaze at what Gunpowder pointed. C took that moment to stare at the dent they can use, he was tempted to check how it looks like, but he knew that they’d use one soon enough thanks to Gunpowder. Keeping that in mind, C followed them once again. C analyzed the place, letting out a low hum of understanding before gazing up at Gunpowder.-
So there are many predators here.. I’m not exactly sure what a dropwig is, but that’s a possibility if there are dark places here. We could try to make two of those lizards fight each other and take down the third lizard, or make the third lizard fight the dropwig if there’s one. We could also use the spears and bombs to get rid of them, though the first idea would either use less weapons or none depending on what happens.
-C said, trying to help in a way by thinking of ideas they could do despite of wanting to fight those predators.-
:Oh! Yeah one second.: He stopped, closing his eyes and focusing for a moment. A small orb of light appeared above his head, having a faint grey glow. :Dunno how he did it, probably some weird science. I think he might’ve made the Miros too? Not sure though, never asked.: It shrugged. Wasn’t much of a concern to spark after all, spark just focused on killing or avoiding them.
:Oh, dropwigs are like- really big insects that hang from the ceiling and ambush any prey that moves below it.: Shade pointed to a long brown plant with many different grasslike ‘leaves’ :One’s right there, it’s hiding right now but you can tell cause of it’s shape.: The supposed plant twitched slightly as a lizard walked below it. :And it’ll make a pretty good distraction.: And just like that a spear was suddenly imbedded in its side. It fell onto one of the pinks, who happily snatched it and started moving towards a den. :C’mon!: Powder leapt off the small ledge, rolling to and jumping over the lizard onto a ledge that lead into a small rebar tunnel. They moved over and up, reaching the front of the tall ledge sticking out of the left side of the room. He climbed up over the edge using some small poles, crouching low and slowly creeping up on the two lizards on the platform above.
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