#where stars land headers
bones4thecats · 6 months
Their S/O Is Related To Their Enemy
Type of Writing: Random Idea Name: Their S/O Is Related To Their Enemy Characters: Toffee of Septarsis, Bill Cipher, and Lord Hater Idea-Giver: Random Thoughts
A/N: Much like with my Vivziepop pieces, I will have the species of the reader underneath their header images. I had no ideas for HIM since I couldn't find a good connection for a reader and him in the relation to the girls context. I hope you do like this first creation of mine! Have great rests of your nights/days!
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Mewman! Reader ; Big Sibling of Moon Butterfly and Aunt of Star Butterfly
☄️ As the eldest child of Queen Comet Butterfly and Count Lazlo Marmalade of Lushreach, you were always held into high regards when it came to political affairs
☄️ While your parents mainly handled the more detailed affairs, you would watch over Moon as she aged. From looking over her when she was a toddler till when she grew old enough to organize herself into the many issues your kingdom faced
☄️ During those many years, you had held her hand throughout every single hardship that came her way. And you planned to hold her hand throughout this war that the Mewmans and Monsters faced
☄️ And even during these kind of dire situations, you always stayed strong to your family. But, when your mother and father decided to pass you up for your sister, saying she would fit better as the ruler, you snapped
☄️ You knew the only reason they chose her was because she was more like them; close minded on Monsters and Mewmans regaining trust in one another. While you were far more accepting and willing to work with the Monsters
☄️ Jumbling up all your stuff and jumped down from your room's window before sliding and sneaking outside with expect parkour practice, you landed by the woods and looked back at your sister's window, seeing the light turn off
" I am so sorry, Moon... but I cannot stay in such a corrupted land any longer... "
☄️ During your expedition to find some kind of Monster civilization, you had dodged many forced from your kingdom, each speaking of how your family needed you back home, much to your annoyance
☄️ It was during this travel that you came across an injured Septarsis, one that you learned the name of, Toffee. And, during your many years of living alongside one another, you shared your life stories, from your childhoods to your wishes, it was all out in the open to show your trust
☄️ Toffee wasn't very big on the royal family, viewing the abuse of power they held as illogical, and eventually viewing the magic they hold as overkill. But, for some weird reason, you didn't bother him
☄️ And he had to admit, watching the little offspring of his enemy Moon Butterfly look at you in shock as she tried fighting her blood made him smirk
" Uhm- Toffee? Why are you smiling at this? Isn't Y/N supposed to be just grabbing the wand and coming back here? " " Oh, you'll understand in a few seconds... "
☄️ Star was trying not to harm you, sending minor spells at you, trying to just knock you on your butt so she could just ask you why you had left and why you were siding with Ludo and the rest of his gang
☄️ Once she did, she was shocked to see that the markings on your cheeks, the ones that matched your mother's, but they were faded and covered with thin-lined x's
☄️ You then burst up and kicked the young girl away, bidding farewell as you pocked your cheek and stuck your tongue out mockingly before winking at where the camera laid for Toffee and the forces to see
" I-Is she...? " " I told you. You would find out soon... now! Y/N, I would like to congratulate you on retrieving such an important tool; Star's mistrust of her mother. Good job, my royal. "
☄️ Smirking at your husband, you pecked his cheek and looked at the boys as you handed Ludo a small portion of magic sealed from Star's wand, and just this amount would be good for now
☄️ Toffee then looked at your marks, which slightly glowed with magic... how troublesome could it be if that little brat got to your mind? He didn't want to even think of that...
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Human! Reader ; Older Cousin of Dipper and Mabel Pines (Early-30s)
👁️ Being only a baby when the incident occurred between your father, Stanford Pines, and your uncle, Stanley Pines, you had often questioned the point of why there were so many weird things happening in your small town
👁️ Gravity Falls always had small details that made no sense to you, and as you grew up being raised by your money-obsessed uncle, you had written these things down in a journal that you had numbered 4 with a hand-print that, by what your uncle said, was your father's
👁️ You always had these small visions growing up, from seeing some kind of weird gnomes around the woods to seeing a kind of large minotaurs (which were supposedly called 'MAN-otaurs for some reason?)
👁️ But none of those compared to the small triangle man that appeared in your dreams and would mess around with you from time to time as you grew older
👁️ And, when your little cousins, Dipper and Mabel Pines, had come by to spend the summer at the Mystery Shack with you and your uncle, these visions seemed to happen more often and get more and more vivid
👁️ This 'demon' has you labeled him, had been caught by you staring at your cousins as they slept for weeks, and because of the worry you felt for the two, you began to lose sleep, alarming your family and friends
👁️ Eventually, after being scolded by Stanley and having been forced by Mabel and Wendy to lay down for at least a couple hours, you had fallen into a deep rest as Mabel's pig, Waddles, laid beside you
👁️ You had awoken inside of a dark field, one that you had been in multiple times beforehand, and hearing the very light-sounding maniacal laughter of a triangle demon you called a 'friend', you turned around
👁️ A flaming yellow triangle appeared and allowed the 'one-eyed Dorito' as you called him to be summoned
👁️ He adjusted his bowtie and floated with his cane leaning against literal air as you groaned and motioned for him to come nearby, making him laugh and ask if you missed him
" Oh, I didn't miss you par say... I just missed doing THIS! "
👁️ Wrapping your arms around his frame you wrestled the three-sided demon into the grass and made him laugh at your actions, his arms and legs flaying about to try swatting you away without any use of his powers
👁️ Once you finally stopped wrestling the demon, or rather, stopped wrestling Bill, he had popped his hat of his head and began to ask you the questions you always said you had no comment on
" So, about the two flesh-bags your related too. " " You mean my cousins? Dipper and Mabel? " " Yeah! Pine Tree and Shooting Star! They've been getting far too close to my plans, and you know what happens to those who get too close. They go- "
👁️ Holding his palm up to the sky, he made a small figurine of an unknown man before lifting his opposite hand and smashing it, making a paint-like substance flay onto yours and his 'faces'
" SPLAT! And, I know how much you care about those life-forms. Now, since your father and uncle aren't in my reach anymore, I figured that you could talk to them about maybe taking a couple days off from monster-hunting, y'know, and allow me to work on this more~ " " Bill. We've talked about this once and we've talked about it a million times- " " Actually more like 7, but go on... " " A million times. Anyone with a somewhat functioning brain like Old Man McGucket's can notice how stubborn they- well, Dipper is on unraveling this town. It'd take a miracle to show him enough to get him to back away from his mission. " " Yeah, a miracle. Interesting point, human. "
👁️ Cocking an eyebrow and holding your hand out as if to grab something, Bill narrowed and widened his one eye largely as a small cat with silver hair and yellow highlights appeared in your hands, obviously with one eye that's colors were opposite (white <--> black)
👁️ Smiling and petting the demonic-looking feline, you looked back at Bill and held the cat as he made a ball of yarn to play with the animal, underneath his eye a small pink flush growing
👁️ You were by-far the most entertaining human he had ever met- even if you were related to that traitorous man you had to call your father
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Alien / Star-Nomad! Reader ; Wander's Older Sibling and Main Guardian
⚡ Your younger brother is a very energetic being, and if you were for certain, you'd call him the most energetic being in the whole Universe
⚡ You had spent most of your life watching over your brother as he and his friend, Sylvia, spread themselves around the many different worlds during their travels. With you being the one who had to get them out of many bad situations
⚡ But, a few years prior, you had given the two permission to travel on their own, meaning they could not afford to get into massive trouble since you wouldn't be there
⚡ They had been doing well as you traveled on your own, and during one of your more random leaps to another world, you had met a small eyeball with a tiny body who called himself 'Commander Peepers'
⚡ You had stared at the guy and cocked an eyebrow and heard a yell of Peeper's name, making you both look up in shock, though yours was hidden far better
" L-Lord Hater! To what do I owe the pleasure? " " You owe everything to this pleasure! Also, we're out of cheese dip. "
⚡ The cloaked man had looked up at you and lightly tilted his head before looking down at you and furrowing his eyebrows in both frustration and confusion
" Who is this, Peepers? " " I'm not sure myself, Sir. They had just appeared out of nowhere. " " You! Who are you?! " " I'm Y/N. Intergalactic Traveler. "
⚡ Lord Hater looked at you up and down, you looked like what the average Star-Nomad would appear, but you had a height advantage, maybe being a couple heads shorter than the Lord himself
⚡ You looked right back at him and scoffed lightly before asking him such a bold and broad question that not many would dare ask on that planet
" Why do you look like some kind of rock-emo with a deep voice? "
⚡ Commander Peepers looked at you in shock and back at Lord Hater, fear consuming his soul as he wondered one thing and one thing alone; How in the name of everything did you just ASK him that?!
⚡ Lord Hater began to chuckle and smirk at you, his skeleton eye glaring at you as they glowed lighter green in irritation
" Why do you look like some kind of wannabe villain? "
⚡ So, to sum it up, your first meeting wasn't the best one...
⚡ But, after a few more attempts to be civil to one another landed you a part as a new member of the Hater Army, your spot laying alongside Commander Peepers, though you were more of a spy than anything
⚡ And life was doing pretty well, you and Lord Hater had begun to court and try getting your traits to collide and mix well with your new lives together as Peepers had to keep you from snapping the hot-head's neck every week
⚡ When Wander, the brother that you had sent away, came back and found you alongside Lord Hater, his eyes sparkled; had you found someone that you loved like him?!
⚡ Sylvia and Hater do not get along at all, only putting up with one another for you and Wander, since they both knew how dear you guys were to one another
⚡ Commander Peepers and you always have to keep Hater from jumping up and trying to kill Wander for his antics, such as trying to play tag with him, resulting in you taking the day off and heading to a nearby planet
⚡ He and Wander see each other far differently
⚡ Wander adores your lover, whenever you ask him what he thinks of the Lord, he always laughs and gives you an honest and optimistic opinion as you smile and laugh at his small story of his last game with him
⚡ Hater on the other hand, does not share well things. Instead, it results in him whining about how annoying your younger brother was, and that turns into a sob story of a failed accomplishment, which led to him being curled in your lap with a large pink blanket around his frame
⚡ While they may not have the best bond, Hater can put up with your brother if it means you'll stay by his side. You're the best thing he had ever held to himself, alongside his planetary conquers of course!
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lovelyiida · 10 months
bakugou and reader being seen as a power couple by the media!
you're my favorite writer here btw
❥: omg I’m your favorite? GUEHEHUEHE
bakugo x (gn) reader, swearing, mentions of suggestive content, protective partner, mentions of arguing
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At first, it was mutual trust between the two of you that propelled you to where you are today. Bakugo knew you were a hard worker; you took your title seriously, and most importantly—you kicked ass.
Both of you were paired at Best Jeanist Agency back in high school and only spoke here and there. However, when you both made it to the big leagues, you saw each other more often. Due to the familiarity of being around each other years ago, you began to form a strong bond.
And some strong unknown sexual tension...
When you fought side by side, you were an invincible duo, your quirks complementing each other seamlessly. With your somewhat "healthy" communication (besides a snide comment here and there) skills, you both maintained a very business-friendly relationship.
But the both of you easily saw through that.
Of course, both of you noticed the drawn-out gazes, protective hand placements, and the subtle brush of hands during patrols. It wasn't until sooner or later that the media would catch both of you in a rather steamy slip-up.
A star duo was born!
The relationship was embraced positively by both the media and the general public, particularly during interviews.
“So, Mr. Dynamite…how did you know (hero name) was the one for you?” the bright and bubbly interviewer asked.
Harsh florescent lighting, tight hero suits, a raging headache, 3 hours of sleep, and a single cup of coffee was all it took for Bakugo to snap. Which was impressive because the interview passed the five minute mark.
“Look at them and tell me you wouldn’t wanna [REDACTED] them? That’s why, nothing else, nothing more,” the blonde stated matter-of-factly.
A beat of silence washed over the room, the interviewer left speechless, gazing back at the camera with pleading eyes for a live cut.
Turning towards the interviewer with a smile, you shrug your shoulders with a quick motion and nod.
“Yep, I’d agree with him.”
Boom, 10 million views, an increased paycheck, a higher position on the hero chart, and a multitude of sponsors to choose from.
The people loved both of you.
You were raw, unscripted, intense, and caring. What more did the people not want to see?
Your profound connection was evident to everyone. From the way you seamlessly covered each other on missions to the tender hand squeezes and kisses on the cheek, such as when Bakugo accepted an award at the hero gala.
Publicly and privately, the two of you were a power couple, a dynamic force that some found almost too good to be true. Certain individuals, often claiming to be fans, went to great lengths, attempting to psychoanalyze every move in an effort to discredit your relationship as a mere PR stunt.
These obsessive "fans" even went as far as paying a multitude of hidden paparazzi to spy on both of you, desperately trying to unearth a flaw, a hiccup, or a mistake to exploit. However, whenever it seemed like they might succeed, both of you swiftly shut down any rumors with quickness.
Yikes, the header photo did appear somewhat convincing.
Bakugo was pictured bellowing at the top of his lungs, and the expression you pulled back wasn’t the sweetest. But, of course, context is key.
Soon, you were sat in front of a camera to do an embarrassing PR apology...
“Just making it clear for all you weirdos out there, Dynamite and I were indeed having an argument... and I apologize that you had to witness a grown man getting worked up over discovering that Iceland is, in fact, not a land covered in ice. It's quite the opposite.”
Later transitioning smoothly into another interview, both of you now share a laugh about it. “I had to explain it to him for almost 20 minutes, and he was genuinely upset. Yelling at me like I'm the crazy one!” You chuckled.
Glancing over, you see Bakugo rest his hand on your thigh and let out a chuckle. “Yeah, and I still think you're [REDACTED] wrong.”
Oh, the power couple you were…
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❥: @xo-evangeline , @nar00 , @king-dynamight , @gold24fish , @lovra974 , @bakugospartner , @gaby-11 , @akqsa-xxi , @jolynegf , @goldenglow149 , @aliruuiz , @zukowantshishonourback , @ilovedenk-i , @atsushiki , @smolbeanzzz , @lem-hhn , @stevenknightmarc , @ryumiii , @idontevenknowlolls , @lyn07 , @kennshifts , @ackerman-suck-3-r , @elegantvoids , @thecurlyhairedgoddess , @sunyrose , @thisbicc , @thekookiecorner , @snxwycloud , @skylardarling
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Hi! I’m about to start uni in October (law)
Can you give me a list of to-dos to mentally and physically prepare for this new journey? Like, things to bring, items to buy, notebooks etc 🥹💘
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Operation Straight-A Student: A Comprehensive Guide to Prepping for a Successful Uni Experience 🎀📚💗✏️
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ty for the ask! i'm not a law student, so this is gonna be more general uni advice that i hope can apply for you. best of luck in your journey, you're gonna do amazing things!!
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step no. 1: plan, plan, plan!
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for me, being organized & prepping ahead of time has been so helpful. even if things get a bit hectic or tough, having a routine to fall back on is key. here's how i do it!
google calendar
as soon as i have my class schedule, i input all my class meeting times on google calendar. then, based on whatever free space is left over, i allocate time for schoolwork and studying. here's the schedule i designed for this upcoming term:
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make sure your study/ classwork time accounts for whatever online courses you're taking too. you should also include blocks for work, club meetings, etc. if they're recurring. i have google calendar linked to my phone so i get notifs for each time block.
i recommend having a good planner. whether this is online or physical, depending on your preference, a weekly planner of your own is helpful for staying on top of work & having peace of mind.
the planner i use is the moleskine weekly planner. here is what it looks like inside:
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on the left side i write all the tasks i have on each weekday (similar to the google calendar). on the right side, i list all the tasks i have to complete during that given week - i open the syllabi for all my classes and input whatever hw, assignments, projects, etc. are upcoming. i write them down in a checklist along with the date they're due. then, during my study blocks, i can check this page & decide what to work on!
note-taking & classwork
you should also have supplies for note-taking. some ppl prefer to take digital notes, so this means using your laptop or a tablet & stylus. personally, i like to take handwritten notes, so i bring loose-leaf lined paper & pencils to my lectures. i write the class name & date as the header for each page. when i'm done taking notes, i write the key topics in the top left-hand corner of the pager (in "no-man's land") so i can easily find the notes on specific topics when i'm flipping through them.
in terms of classwork, i recommend having a folder for each of your classes where you can store notes, assignments, tests, etc. i know some people use one big binder for all classes, but if you have a separate folder for each, you don't have to carry them all around on days when you only have two or three classes. i like the brand five star bc the folders are very durable and i've had the same ones all throughout uni!
for me, i've never been a huge notebook person b/c i like to keep my subjects separate so i rarely fill up an entire notebook. you can buy one to start with, and see once school starts if you think you need more!
other supplies
in terms of supplies, i'm honestly pretty minimalistic. the necessities for me are my planner, a folder & loose-leaf paper, and a pencil pouch with plenty of pens & pencils. i also bring my laptop & charger with me to school bc i use that for my online classes.
i do enjoy having cute supplies! i have a cute pink pencil pouch, glittery mechanical pencils, and fun pens. i also put stickers all over my laptop to give it a personal touch. i did a bit of embroidery on my backpack as well. you don't need to spend tons of money on aesthetic supplies, especially if it's something you won't have for long. but, finding simple ways to add a personal touch to your items can be fun & motivating!
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step no. 2: make an action plan
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i feel like it's easy to tell yourself you wanna do certain things or be a certain person during school. for example, i always want to be super studious, outgoing, & involved, but i used to struggle sm to actually do that. instead of only thinking of how you want to be, create actual steps/ tasks for yourself. here are my action items for inspo:
sit in the front row of every class - this can be daunting, but in my uni experience, wherever you sit in the first week becomes your (un)official assigned seat. get to class early, take a deep breath, and sit yourself down at the front! you'll be forcing yourself to stay at the front, but i promise it's fine! i really prefer this b/c if you & the prof get to class early you can chat a bit. also, when i wanna participate, i can speak at my regular volume & they'll hear me (rather than if i'm in the back row and had to scream). if nothing else, you'll become a familiar face!
attend office hours for each class at least once - i sometimes felt nervous/ anxious to go to office hours and talk to the professors & ta. but when you do it once, you realize they truly just want to help! getting to know the ppl who grade your assignments can be super useful. they might give you advice or info you don't get in lectures. plus, they are super knowledgeable!
raise your hand once per week - this forces you to be engaged with the content. i used to have such horrible social anxiety & the thought of speaking up in class & getting an answer wrong was my worst nightmare. and when i set this rule & began forcing myself to participate, i did make mistakes. but guess what... everyone moves on immediately. you might feel like the world is ending. it haunted me for weeks after 😢 but no one else cares! in the end, ppl will only remember that you were confident enough to raise your hand & speak up, not what you said. pls don't let your education suffer just b/c you're afraid some classmates might judge you! if raising your hand to answer problems is too daunting, start with asking clarifying questions & slowly build up to whatever you're able to do.
start a conversation with a classmate - having classmates that you're friendly with is so important. if you miss a lecture, need help on a concept, etc. you'll have someone you can turn to. and that's the least of it - you can end up making long-lasting friends! yes, it's scary to talk to a stranger. so, force yourself to do it as early as possible in the semester. an easy one - if you see someone sitting by an empty seat, ask if that seat is taken. if not, yay! it's go time 😊 sit by them and find something else to talk about - give them a (genuine & non-creepy) compliment, ask them if they've seen the syllabus, ask if they know the prof, etc. just something to get the convo started!! figure out their name, major, and other stuff too. once you've talked with them long enough to feel like you're getting along (whether that's after one class or multiple) ask for their number/ discord/ whatever so you can keep in touch! if they share your major, you should keep in contact with them b/c you might have other classes together in the future. but, again, in the best-case scenario, you have a new friend!
wear a cute outfit once per week - sometimes i would get a bit embarrassed or self-conscious to dress up for class. i forced myself to do it once per week, starting the first week of class, to set a precedent for myself. slowly i eased my way into wearing cute, fun outfits every day! no one is judging you as much as you are judging yourself, so have fun & be true to you.
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step no. 3: study smarter, not harder
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attending class is one thing, but you've got to put in the effort to study if you truly want to succeed. but, not all study methods will work for every single person. figure out how to study so you don't waste time with methods that don't work for you.
determine your learning style(s)
there are a few widely accepted learning styles. you've probably tried all of them throughout your time at school, so think back on which learning experiences have been most and least successful for you. then, connect them back to these learning styles to figure out ways you can most effectively study.
visual:  if you learn by seeing info visually, such as with maps, graphs, diagrams, charts, etc.
auditory: if you learn by getting info in auditory form, aka when it's heard or spoken
kinesthetic: aka hands-on, if you learn by doing & applying
reading/writing: if you learn info best when it’s in words, aka by writing it down or reading it
you might find that multiple of these learning styles are effective for you, maybe there's one that sticks out as the most similar to your style of learning, or maybe one that just doesn't work for you. now, you don't need to assign yourself one and forego the rest, but you can adjust the time you spend on various study methods based on how well they work for you.
for me, i've realized over time that i am NOT a reading learner. in high school i would diligently read all the textbook assignments, spending hours getting through the chapters, only to retain none of it & do poorly on assignments & tests.
on the other hand, i respond really well to kinesthetic learning - when applying concepts hands-on, such as with practice problems, i have a much better understanding of concepts & retention.
fast forward to college - i spend very little time on assigned readings. in fact, sometimes i skip them all together 🫢 b/c if i spend an hour reading the textbook but retain none of it, that's an hour wasted. especially if the content from the textbook is going to line up with the lecture, i'm much better off paying attention & taking good notes in class, and then spending my study time doing practice problems. if i really do need to read the textbook, i have to make it interactive for myself - i answer the questions at the end of the chapter, take notes, quiz myself, etc.
now, my advice here isn't to skip textbook readings!! that's not something i recommend b/c for so many people, it IS effective and helpful! when it comes to studying, play on your strengths. don't try to force yourself to learn in a way that doesn't work for your brain. make modifications & prioritize your learning! here is an awesome guide to different methods that work for the various learning styles.
find your ideal study environment
you can also maximize the effectiveness of your studying based on the environment you're in. if you can decide what factors help or hinder your studying abilities, it will help you decide where you should make your go-to study spot!
at home or in public? sometimes, studying in a public place can be unproductive. it might make you feel more stressed (like the sensation of having your teacher look over your shoulder during a test 🫣) or distracted. for me, studying in public is actually useful b/c i'm less likely to get disctracted. if i'm in my room i might get tempted to open up tumblr or pinterest, but in public i feel like ppl might see me get off topic which deters me LOL. however, studying at home is nice b/c you're in the comfort of your own personal space - you can change into pjs, cuddle your pet, grab a snack, etc. i do a mix of studying in public & at home b/c i feel like they both have their benefits
quiet or noisy? do you study better in a silent environment, or do you like some sound/ white noise? personally, i cannot deal with ANY noise when i'm trying to study, it totally breaks my focus 😭but some people like the ambient/ white noise of a coffee shop
music or silence? similar to the last one, does having music help you stay focused, or distract you? i know ppl will swear by different things - classical music, upbeat music, songs in different languages, etc. again, i personally cannot handle any sounds 😅 but if music keeps you alert, plan accordingly - have earbuds or go to a coffee shop that has a playlist going
nature or indoors? maybe you find it stuffy to be indoors all day & studying out in the open air helps you stay grounded and calm. on the flipside, being exposed to the elements might just make you more distracted. if you like studying outdoors, try public parks with benches, and also see if your campus has outdoor seating areas. some libraries do too. for a happy medium, you can study someplace with large windows/ nice view.
independent or collaborative? do you study better on your own or in groups? you can join a study group or go to office hours to get a sense of studying in a group setting vs. alone. group studying can help hold you accountable, make it more interactive, and keep you focused. that being said, i def prefer studying independently. i like to go at my own pace, and tbh i get easily distracted w/ others and will begin to just chit chat
based on how you answer those questions, you can decide what your ideal study environment is & pick a go-to place! for me, based on my preferences, my most effective study environment going to the library alone or studying in my room.
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that's all for this post! i feel it got very long but i had so many tips to share. there's no "one size fits all" guide to navigating uni life. but i think everyone can benefit from prepping in advance & being mentally prepared. knowing your own strengths + having a plan of attack will guide you in stressful/ uncertain times!
overall, take the time to get to know yourself & figure out how you can be at your very best. apply whichever bits of advice resonate, and ignore anything that's not gonna serve you. this is YOUR journey!
and remember, even with all the planning in the world, things can go unexpectedly. you are more than equipped to deal with whatever life throws your way! when you are faced with unexpected things - pause & think, assess the situation, & determine your best course of action. above all, YOU'VE GOT THIS! 💗
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stardustbee · 7 months
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Header made by me
Dividers used here and throughout the Story by @eloquentmoon and @saradika-graphics
This story is strictly for persons over 18+! It contains sexual and sometimes violent/bloody scenes! Minors please do not interact!
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A land once ruled by powerful vampires who united the peoples of humans and demons. A land that knew the merciless cold and the singing heat. A land now divided between the ruling houses that raised their swords against the vampires hundreds of years ago and unleashed a bloody jad.
Unrest reigns in the capital of Coruscant when the emperor receives a message from a prisoner taken from the island of Kamino. Freed by one of the demons who would lead a rampage of revenge against his former master. Liberated after ten years. No longer as a human, but as a vampire.
Where would her escape, her journey lead her?
This is a Star Wars AU. It is an Fantasy AU and has a big influence from Game of Thrones. Contains Darth Maul x fem! Vampire OC Ayane Arinori.
Ao3 • Main Masterlist • Playlist • Comissions • Taglist
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Prologue - Future
Chapter 1 - Escape - coming soon!
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒍 𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒆𝒔
🎄christmas masterlist🎄
warning - smut, tiny elf male, human reader, stalker behaviour, elf goes flying, elf also using reader as a trampoline, slight somno, slight fluff, reader gets knocked out by dumbass tiny man, a special appearance.
18+ only please, thanks to @lavender-annd-lilac for giving me an idea on what to write for frank, the gif and header aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Frank zooms through your house, his pointed ears twitching as he hears Christmas music coming from the lounge room. An excited grin appears on his face as he heads in that direction. He peeks his head from behind the wall. Frank’s eyes sparkle with glee as they land on your dancing form. Never knowing someone to be so free and beautiful, the room lights up as if you're glowing. For a few moments, he just stares until the shine of something catches his attention.
Frank looks over, his face lighting up, when he notices some golden tinsel lying on the floor. An excited squeak leaves his mouth as he sprints toward the object, squealing as he moves closer to it. Frank flops onto the tinsel, wrapping his tiny hands around it as he begins to tug, similar to a cat but much tinier and human-like. 
“So pretty!” He’s so distracted that he doesn’t notice you moving toward it, nor that it seems to wrap around your ankle, causing you to trip and fall. The action causes Frank to be flung into the air, and a panicked squeal leaves his lips. The sound of a thud comes from where you fell, and the tiniest thud comes from where Frank lands. 
Frank groans, blinking away the stars in his vision, a pout forming on his face as Frank wasn’t expecting to fly today. When his vision clears, Frank looks around, his eyes widening when they land on you and your exposed form. The feel of his cock twitching in his small black tights causes his gaze to quickly flicker down, only to look back up again, not wanting to ever look away from the sight in front of him. 
There you lie, near the Christmas tree knocked out from the fall. Your cute oversized Marvel shirt is flipped, exposing your pretty little pussy and your plump ass. 
Frank quickly jumps up, ignoring the slight pain and dizziness in his head. He excitedly runs over to where you lie. He leans forward, and his tiny finger pokes your cheek before he climbs onto your body. 
He strips from his tights, cock throbs as it springs free. Frank feels giddy as he feels a bounce on your cheek. Like a child, he decides to use your ass as a trampoline. For a split second, he forgets about his hardened cock and how he wants to mark you as he jumps up and down. 
Overjoyed squeals leave his lips before he slowly stops and lies stomach first on your body. His tiny hands grip your plumpy flesh. Squeezing and kneading it as he slowly ruts into you, soft moans escape his lips as the pleasure spreads through his body and becomes too much for him. Frank’s eyes roll back, his tiny little hips moving faster than they ever have before. 
Frank opens his mouth, his teeth clamping down onto your flesh as tingles shoot through his tiny body and down to his thick throbbing member. It feels so good that goosebumps rise throughout him, and his heavy sacks begin to tighten when he feels his end approaching rapidly. Frank should feel embarrassed by how quickly this will end, but the pleasure is too overwhelming to care.
Gripping as tightly as he can, Frank grunts as his member throbs and twitches wildly. Warm white cum shoots from his thick mushroom tip and covers your plump flesh. He lies there for a while, catching his breath before he stands, looking down at the masterpiece he created. A joyful smile graces his appearance as he leans down and spreads his cooling seed across your skin. Soft, cheeky giggles escape him. 
Once everything is done, Frank jumps down and pulls his tights back up his lower half before placing a delicate kiss onto your side. He continues to giggle as he runs off into the night, planning for the next time the rest of them will see you. As he exits, his eyes connect with his boss’s, and he shoots the giant man a slight wink and smile, topping it off with a small wave.
The more giant man grunts, strutting over to where you lie unconscious. He bends down and picks up your tiny body, loving how much smaller you are than him, huffing when he notices Frank's damage to your place and your pretty little head. The man cradles you carefully as he begins to walk in the direction of your room, gently placing you down onto your soft bed and tucking you in. Before he leaves, he kisses your forehead gently, wishing you sweet dreams.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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jeonitopia · 1 year
🪐moon n' stars
🪐kim seokjin x gn! reader
🪐fluff, drabble, royalty au
🪐drabble reqs open
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in a land that far from home, a place where green is what all you could see, a beauty of nature that could be seen nowhere else. in the center of it all sits jin, perched on a rock watching someone, a someone who wears what is to be called 'fashion of the commoner' – they sport a white blouse with olive-colored overalls and simple leather shoes. jin watches them with utmost interest, they weave flowers with grace and a soft smile, letting their surroundings envelop them in a comforting hug.
"you have a grace a royalty could never have" jin whispers, eyes never leaving your form as you acknowledge his words with a hum, continuing your weaving.
"i am indeed no royalty" you turn your gaze to look up at him, the two of you staring into the galaxies of eachother, the soul of a person, their eyes. your hands rests on each of your knees, while your unfinished flower crown sits atop your lap.
"you have always been more than a royalty, my love" he smiles softly, sliding off the rock in favor to be closer to you. his hand moves under your chin to raise it towards him as he presses a kiss of true love onto your lips. this was what no noble or royalty could ever create, a love that could never be attained no matter the sacrifice of effort, a love that no amount of gold or diamonds could afford. true love with no strings attached like puppets, no mask to be hide behind. "the stars created you, they created you for the moon that is my heart."
you smile at him before looking down your lap to seemingly destroy your progress, jin raises his eyebrows at this. "what are you doing?" his words going from one ear through the other as you carry on with your work. a few more minutes pass as you carry on to weave, jin's undivided attention still on you.
the moment you finish, you are quick to present your two creations to your lover, a proud grin sitting on your face. jin takes a few seconds to scan your creation, a smirk appearing on his face. "are you proposing to me?"
"would you like me to?" you innocently ask, truly, if jin would have wanted you to propose you would by no-means do it. "i tried to make each flower represent the moon and stars"
jin softens up at your revelation, his smirk morphing into a smile – at this moment, in his eyes, you were so precious, you truly were one in a kind for him. your soul was something that was as pure as a little puppy, a treasure that once found should never be let go of. jin took the ring that he assumed was the moon and slid it onto the ring finger of his non-dominant hand.
"in every life i'd live, you will always be the one for my eternity" he mutters softly, his gaze moving to your face. you put on your ring, careful not to break it. "i'll always be sure to find you" you respond with your eyes closed and grinning. truly at peace.
the moon and stars were created for eachother.
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🪐sorry for any grammar mistakes, made this on my phone impulsively, proper header tba
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little-diable · 2 years
Kinktober - Kylo Ren (smut)
As posted before, I'll post a few imagines all throughout this month. Please reblog and like if you enjoyed reading this. Don't forget the big rule: don't like it, don't read it. Enjoy my loves.xxx
🖤Kink🖤 Sex Pollen
Warnings: 18+, unprotected vaginal sex, dubcon because of sex pollen, degrading, choking, dom!Kylo
Pairing: Kylo Ren x fem!reader(1.5k words)
Header by @hidingsikki
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“(Y/n)!” Ren’s metallic voice boomed through the ship, forcing (y/n) to move towards him, standing a bit straighter than just moments before. She didn’t need to see his eyes to feel the anger radiating off him, the burning emotion that guided him through every mission. A steady companion sticking to the tall leader like a shadow sewn to his boots. 
“Prepare yourself, we are landing in five.” He turned away from her before she could reply, leaving her heart roaring in anticipation. It wasn’t the first time he was taking her with him on a mission, wasn’t the first time the two would try and find something together, and yet she still wasn’t used to being around him, without anybody near. 
Her palms were growing sweatier with every moment, hidden in the pockets of her coat, hoping that he was too focused on the task to notice the uneasiness radiating off her. A foolish thought, Kylo Ren would always be able to tell what she was feeling, even the smallest emotion thumping through her veins like a dream slowly being forgotten by her racing mind. 
No words were spoken as the ship landed on the deserted planet, no words were spoken as he walked down the ramp, no words were spoken as he guided her through the forest laying ahead of them. And yet she was grateful for the silence, not sure if she’d be able to voice out her thoughts with Ren this close by.
Even though she had been around him for months on end, watching the stars blink out one by one, (y/n) still wasn’t used to the emotions taking over her body whenever he was close. She couldn’t pinpoint what emotion was holding her body hostage, was it lust; was it intrigue? A hunger that couldn’t be stilled, no matter how many men she’d try and turn to.
“Focus, (y/n).” Kylo’s murmurs ripped her out of her thoughts, eyes snapping towards his mask, trying not to shrink away from his piercing gaze. He kept walking ahead, gloved hand finding her wrist to pull her along, not wanting to prolong their stay on this very planet. 
The tall trees seemed to close in on them the further they walked through the forest, whispering to them in a language she couldn’t pick up on, not understanding the silent warnings they were speaking. All she could do was trust Kylo and the map he was holding in his gloved hand, following it to wherever it may lead them. 
“Here, hold this.” Kylo came to an abrupt hold, pushing the map into her hand as he crouched down, gloved hand disappearing in the dark soil. It took him a few moments to pull a box free, eyes taking in the carefully crafted wood. He didn't speak another word as he turned around and started walking back to where they’ve come from. 
“What is in the box?” She couldn’t stop herself from speaking up, wondering why he had dragged her to this planet - only to dig up a box he wouldn’t open. But Kylo didn’t reply, forcing her back up the ramp, into the empty ship. 
(Y/n) could only watch him place the box down, turning away from it to start the ship. He had taken off his mask, gloved hand combing through his hair, while he was staring ahead. And even though he had taught her to be patient, to not overstep any invisible lines he had drawn between them, she couldn’t stop her hand from reaching out, opening the box before he could stop her. 
“Don’t!” But it was too late. A cloud of something she had never experienced before began to engulf her, crawling up her nostrils like smoke. Kylo tried to pull (y/n) away from the box, but the cloud had also started to engulf him, not giving him the chance to step away. No longer could he scold her, no longer could he spit commands at her, purely focused on the heat spreading through his body. A biting heat (y/n) felt thumping through her veins like poison. 
Her clothes began to scratch against her skin, forcing her to shrug out of her coat, hands working against her mind's command. And before she could even wonder about what her body was doing, she had already popped open the buttons of her blouse. Kylo stared at her with a fire burning in his pupils, a fire threatening to consume his body, like the lust taking over his system. 
“Fuck, what was that?” (Y/n) whimpered her words, head thrown back to release the moan that threatened to claw through her throat. “Why is it getting so warm in here? Fuck, Ren, help me.” 
But Kylo was struggling just as much, and before his rational thoughts could raise their voice at him, he had already pulled her against his body - very well aware of what was going on and how he could soothe the ache. Their lips met in a bruising kiss, blurring the lines further, trying to release some of the pressure lingering in their systems. 
He moved her back towards the control panel, heaving her onto it. Kylo’s hands worked on her trousers, while his lips kissed their way down her throat, and all she could do was chase his touch like an addict. Kylo’s big hands kept holding her in place as he pulled her further against him, clothed bulge rubbing against her now barely covered heat. Both moaned in unison whenever their bodies met, desperately trying to get some release.
“Don’t waste any time.” (Y/n) whimpered her words, not able to open her eyes, not able to move her body on her own, too focused on Kylo and his bruising touch. She heard the click of his belt, heard the buttons popping open, clearly preparing himself for what was about to happen. And yet he didn’t move fast enough for her liking, forcing a needy whine out of her. 
“Such a desperate slut, are you always this needy?” Kylo was distracting himself from his own desperation, trying not to give into the primal need calling for him. His gloved hand found her heat, covered in her arousal. Her clit pulsed against his thumb, forcing moans out of (y/n) whenever he touched her, just the smallest amount of pressure seemed to push her to her limits. 
“Fuck me, Ren, maker, please.” It felt as if their bodies were burning alive, consumed by heat one would only stumble upon on Mustafar. It felt as if a spell older than their time itself was guiding their bodies, forcing them to give into whatever was holding their flesh cages hostage. 
Kylo spat into his palm, he pumped his aching cock a few times before he aligned himself with her dripping heat, eyes finding her pleasure-drunken features once again. He pushed into her without a warning, forcing her walls to welcome his cock, tightly wrapped around him as if she had never been fucked before. 
A sigh of relief left the two, momentarily allowing them to adjust before Kylo picked up his pace. He fucked her hard, not holding back, not having the mercy to spare her cries a thought. She clawed her fingernails into his neck, not able to put whatever she was feeling into perspective. 
One of his gloved hands found her neck, pulling her in for a bruising kiss. For the first time she opened her glassy eyes, finding his dark ones. Darker than the black holes she could watch from thousands of miles away. Darker than the thoughts racing through her mind late at night after another mission. No words would be able to describe the darkness that consumed every part of his body, and yet she found herself yarning for the man. 
Kylo pulled out of her without guiding her, he pushed her off the panel and turned her around. With her front pushed against the panel, with his gloved hand finding her neck, he pushed into her again. Kylo fucked her from behind with his head thrown back and his teeth clawed into his plush lower lip. 
With every ferocious thrust the heat began to feel more durable, growing colder the further he pushed them to the edge. Soon their release would consume their bodies, freeing them from the spell keeping their minds trapped.
“I want you to cum with me, want to hear you screaming for me.” Commands she’d blindly follow were spoken out into the night. And as the stars kept passing by and the nebulas grew more distant, Kylo murmured a small though determined “Let go”. 
(Y/n) came with his name rolling off her tongue and her eyes squeezed shut. No longer able to admire the beauty in front of her eyes, life passing by like sand grains falling through one's fingers. She felt him imprint himself on her walls, heat filling her every vein, but not the kind of heat that had guided her for the past moments, no, a different kind of heat she’d forever cherish. 
“I got you, hold on.” Kylo whispered his words as he pulled out of (y/n), hands not letting go of her once. And as the two were standing there, no longer just mere work partners, the two couldn’t help but relish in their closeness. Hearts pounding one beat after another like the blinking stars.
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
AP Test Season
Platonic!Shuri x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 24 Prompt: "Is it over? Is it really over?"
Summary: Shuri's in Santa Monica to help her best friend through quite an ordeal.
Word Count: 1,071
Category: Fluff
A/N: @bandshirts-andbooks this is for you, I don't know if you remember but literally forever ago you sent me a request for platonic!Shuri and reader and because I can't read I didn't see the word platonic so I said I wasn't comfortable writing for her. Ngl it's 100% haunted me since I was going through old requests and realized that I'd completely missed the word platonic lmao, so here is a fun and sweet fic that I hope you like! Sorry for my terrible reading comprehension lmao
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I staggered out of the building, head throbbing, sunlight burning my eyes. I almost tripped on the first of the stairs and did a header down the whole set, but thankfully, someone else reached out to steady me before I could.
"Y/N! Are you alright?"
I turned, blinking blearily at Princess Shuri, one of my best friends in the whole world. She stared at me, concern written across her face as I took a deep breath in and out.
"Is it over? Is it really over?" I asked, my voice croaky from lack of use. Shuri nodded.
"Yes. It is really, truly, completely over."
"Oh thank God," I sighed, flopping back dramatically. Shuri laughed, guiding me over to a retaining wall outside the school where we could sit together shoulder to shoulder while I recovered.
I'd just finished my last AP test of my last year of high school, after a grueling two weeks filled with four-hour tests. It had been literal hell, and had almost killed me, hence the current brain fog. But I'd made it. And now, I never had to take another one of those stupid things as long as I lived.
"Come on," Shuri said, standing and holding out a hand to me after giving me a few minutes to recover. "You cannot sit on this wall in a stupor all day."
I scoffed. "Watch me."
"No! We have fun things to do! You survived your last round of testing, we should be celebrating!"
That peaked my interest enough to get me to sit up straighter. Shuri grinned, and I sighed, giving all the way in with an eye roll. I slid off the retaining wall, landing on the sidewalk next to Shuri and trying to muster as much energy as I could.
"Alright, Your Highness, you're in charge, because I don't have the brainpower left to contribute. Where to first?"
"Just follow me!"
Shuri took off down the sidewalk, smiling and laughing under the sunny Southern California sun, and her energy was infectious. A smile spread across my own face as I followed her, and with every step in the opposite direction of my school, I felt my strength returning.
Shuri led me to the Santa Monica pier, site of a scene from one of our favorite movies, Hannah Montana: The Movie. We wandered up and down the pier, grabbing snacks and taking ridiculous pictures together, then made our way into Pacific Park. We rode the rollercoaster, the Ferris wheel, and did every single other thing that looked remotely interesting until the sun started to set.
"Shuri, you are a literal lifesaver," I said as we strolled towards the end of the pier together. "Seriously, I think I would've just been catatonic for the rest of the day if you hadn't been here to pull me out of my funk."
She laughed. "I am glad I could help! It's been fun to be in California with you."
"Agreed. Couldn't imagine a better start to the summer."
We shared a smile, clinking our bubble teas together as we turned to watch the sun sink slowly into the ocean. Finally, once it got dark to the point that the lights of Pacific Park glowed as bright as the stars behind us, we turned and headed for home.
Shuri was staying with me and my family while she was in town, and as soon as we walked through the door, I felt a wave of exhaustion crash over me. My shoulders slumped, and I let Shuri take the lead as we wandered through the kitchen.
"Okay! So I thought we could make some popcorn and have a movie marathon to finish the night-"
She stopped mid-sentence as she turned around to smile at me and found a zombie smiling back. She huffed a laugh, a small smile coming to her face.
"...Or maybe we could do facemasks and watch something shorter, then go to bed."
"The second one," I said, nodding. "But let's keep the snacks part."
Shuri and I loaded up on all our favorite foods, then headed upstairs. Thankfully, it was a Friday, so we could stay up late without me having to worry about going to school tomorrow.
We picked out facemasks, then decided on watching Wizards of Waverly Place from my queen sized bed with her laptop. The Wakandan tech got a higher quality image than even our TV downstairs, and we never had to wait for it to buffer.
My phone timer went off a little ways into the episode, telling us it was time to take off the facemasks. We took even more dumb pictures together of our faces in the mask before removing them, rubbing in the remaining serum as we flopped back into bed. We snacked for the rest of the episode, and I made it through without falling asleep. Once it ended, Shuri closed her laptop and shut off the lights as I sank down underneath the covers.
"Goodnight, Y/N!" she said as she climbed in on her side. I sighed and muttered a goodnight back. Then, even though I was quickly losing the battle to stay awake a second longer, I spoke up again, holding true to the sleepover tradition of continuing to talk after saying goodnight and shutting off the lights.
"Thank you for today," I said. "Seriously, AP test season sucks, and knowing we'd get to celebrate and have fun on the other side of it is the only reason I didn't just draw a cat on the DBQ page of my AP History test and call it a day."
Shuri laughed. "I won't lie, I would have liked to see your cat drawing. But I'm glad I could help you get through this. I had a lot of fun, too."
"Wakanda's next, alright?" I said. "Now that I'm done with classes, there's nothing stopping me from coming for a visit this summer."
"Deal! There are so many things I want to show you in person. T'Challa will not know peace as long as we're in the palace together."
I laughed, opening my eyes enough to share a smile with my best friend. We did our handshake, and then I rolled over and closed my eyes again, ready to go to sleep for real.
"I'll see you in the morning, Shuri," I sighed. She huffed a laugh.
"I don't expect to see you before one in the afternoon. But I will see you tomorrow."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe @infinetlyforgotten
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writethelifeyouwant · 10 months
Miscellaneous Masterlist
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Where you'll find all my fics that don't come under the header of Supernatural, Walker, or RPF. There won't be a ton that land on this list, but my organisation crazed brain wouldn't let me put a Beau Arlen fic in the other lists I have 😂
Do Your Duty
Summary: Being raised in the Church of the Collective, you’ve had one goal all your life: do your duty as a wife. When the time comes for the Church to choose your husband, you can’t believe you’re lucky enough to be given as a welcoming offer to Soldier Boy, the Church’s newest member. Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader Rating: 18+ Warnings: Underage – Reader is 16, Soldier Boy is old AF because he was a Capsicle Tags: Dark AF, Virgin!Reader, Naive!Reader, Innocent!Reader, kind of Stockholm Syndrome-y, Cult Brainwashing, Child Marriage, Grooming, Loss of Virginity, Sex Slavery, Sexual Abuse Word Count: 10k (mini series) *Website exclusive story*
Last Wish
Summary: Ciri sees a shooting star and forgets one of her most important lessons – be careful what you wish for. Pairing: Geralt x Ciri Rating: 18+ Warnings: Psuedo-Incest, Somnophilia, Dubcon because magic, SPOILERS Tags: Kind of Crack, Just let it happen, Geralt’s Monster Cock, Mutant Anatomy, Witcher Elixirs, Magical Viagra, Age Gap, Sexual Curiosity, Taboo Relationship, Daddy kink, Knotting, A/B/O vibes but not omegaverse Word Count: 3.5k (oneshot) *Website exclusive story*
Summary: Beau, an alpha, has always planned to keep his omega daughter with him at home. As her parent, he legally holds her contract until he decides to trade or sell her, but since her mom is gone now, Beau’s happy to keep his little omega all to himself. The alpha has his vices though, like any other man, and when a pretty woman crosses his path with tequila and a pack of cards, Beau gets himself and his omega into a whole lotta trouble.Pairing: Beau Arlen x Daughter!Reader / Anael x Reader Rating: 18+ Warnings: Incest Tags: Crossover, Supernatural / Big Sky Crossover, Omegaverse, Alpha!Beau, Omega!Reader, Daughter!Reader, Alpha!Anael, Dominatrix!Anael, Female Alphas have Dicks, Futa!Anael, Hurt/Comfort, Heat, Scenting, Marking (Hickies), Nipple Play, Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Knotting, Dirty Talk, Daddy Kink, Small bit of Ass Play, Doggy-Style, Kitchen Sex, Reverse Cowgirl, Light Food Play, Gambling, Drinking, BDSM Play, Bondage, Gags, Light Breathplay, Mommy Kink, Fingering, Squirting, Multiple Orgasms Word Count: 13.7k (mini series)
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beautifulhigh · 11 months
love the new header ! is it first prince?
My header is Tarlos from 911 Lone Star and has been for a while - so not sure why you think it's new. (Maybe you're thinking I'm someone else?)
It's from a scene in episode 3x08 where TK and his father are flying to New York for TK's mother's funeral. One of the plane's engines catches fire and ends up breaking a window and there's this whole thing.
Meanwhile, TK's partner Carlos wasn't on the flight (not enough seats, he's getting the next flight out) and he's basically had to be on the ground listening to reports of this accident and waiting to see if the plane would land safely.
At the end he gets out onto the runway and he and TK have this full on reunion through what has been deemed the "body slam hug" because Carlos runs full pelt at TK and actually pushes him back a little.
If you're interested (which you should be) then here's the relevant clip at the relevant timestamp.
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laresearchette · 2 years
Sunday, October 02, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT: ALASKAN BUSH PEOPLE (Premiering on October 03 on Discovery Canada at 8:00pm) A COUNTRY ROMANCE (Premiering on October 05 on Super Channel Heart & Home at 8:00pm) NIKKI & NORA: SISTER SLEUTHS (Premiering on October 7 on W Network at 8:00pm)
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4) 1:00pm: Bears vs. Giants (TSN/TSN4) 4:00pm: Cardinals vs. Panthers (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 8:15pm: Chiefs 49 vs. Buccaneers
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:30pm: Red Sox vs. Jays (SN1) 2:10pm: Orioles vs. Yankees (SN Now) 4:00pm: A’s vs. Mariners (TSN2) 7:00pm: Mets vs. Braves
PRE-SEASON NBA BASKETBALL (SN) 6:00pm: Jazz vs. Raptors
HEARTLAND (CBC) 7:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  After another "Miracle Girl" moment, Amy reconsiders her role at the Youth Centre; Jack misses Lisa, especially after Tim and Jessica are forced to move into the house...away from THE HORSIES!
BEARS' LAIR (APTN) 7:00pm: Three Indigenous innovators impress the Bears with their new products and technologies that tackle challenges in health and safety, baby care and food security.
FRIDAY NIGHT THUNDER (APTN) 7:30pm: Humberstone's double-header weekend wraps up with a top 10 finish for Aaron, who proves the following week that he's on a roll.
THE GREAT CANADIAN BAKING SHOW (CBC) 8:00pm:  Ann Pornel and Alan Shane Lewis host 10 of the country's best amateur bakers in the baking tent; esteemed Judges Kyla Kennaley and Bruno Feldeisen declare the first Star Baker of the season and decide which baker is first to leave the tent.
HUDSON & REX (City TV) 8:00pm: When Charlie's estranged brother is accused of the death of his recent boxing opponent, Charlie and the team wrestle with the possibility of his guilt.
THE BIG BAKE (Food Network Canada) 8:00pm: Host Brad Smith sees which baking team is top of the class when they use their brains to create some cakes of a zombie high school for judges Danni Rose, Eddie Jackson and Ron Ben-Israel.
SINGLE BLACK FEMALE (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm:  Monica looks for a fresh start as she tries to land a gig as the host of an afternoon talk show. She soon becomes close friends with her new assistant, Simone, a deranged woman who plans to take over Monica's life for good.
PRE-SEASON NHL HOCKEY (SN Now) 9:00pm: Ducks vs. Kings
MOONSHINE (CBC) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): When a mysterious package arrives at the Moonshine, it makes the Finley-Cullens question their fates and whether the road to their destinies begin -- or end -- at the Moonshine.
LISTEN OUT FOR LOVE (City TV) 9:00pm:  A driven podcast producer is forced to make a loose cannon into her next star and save both of their careers with a new show focused on her search for love. As the duo go along for the ride, they start to listen and open their hearts.
AUSSIE GOLD HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm:
ISLAND OF BRYAN (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm: Bryan and Sarah make a big decision about the hotel. Bryan has a hard time understanding the design vision for their pool bathroom.
OUTBACK OPAL HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm:  The Young Guns face a tough decision; the Cheals break through to an underground mine in Lightning Ridge and it looks like The Poms' dream may be about to shatter.
CAR S.O.S (Nat Geo Canada) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  Tim Shaw and Fuzz Townshend undertake dramatic automobile interventions across the U.K.
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The secrets of digital marketing are revealed in this article, from identifying your target audience’s preferences to maximizing your efforts using search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and email marketing. Learning these strategies will give you a leg up in the competitive world of e-commerce, helping you to achieve unprecedented levels of growth, revenue, and brand awareness. To that end, buckle up for a ride into the world of digital marketing genius.
1. Understanding Your Target Audience
Digital marketing success starts with knowing your audience inside and out. Identifying and categorizing your target demographic can help you focus your marketing efforts where they will be most effective. By analyzing data using programs like Google Analytics, you may learn useful information that will guide the development of targeted marketing campaigns.
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies
A robust SEO strategy is essential for driving organic traffic to your website. Start by conducting thorough keyword research to identify the terms your audience is searching for. Integrate these keywords naturally into your website’s content, meta descriptions, and headers. By consistently producing high-quality, relevant content, you can improve your search rankings and attract more visitors.
3. Harnessing the Power of Social Media
Social media platforms offer an expansive landscape for reaching potential customers. Each platform caters to a unique audience, so tailor your content accordingly. Engage your audience with captivating visuals, interactive posts, and relevant hashtags. Consider using social media advertising to target specific demographics and amplify your reach.
4. Email Marketing Tactics
Building a responsive email list is a valuable asset for nurturing leads and driving conversions. Offer incentives such as e-books or exclusive discounts in exchange for email subscriptions. Craft compelling email campaigns with personalized content that speaks to your subscribers’ pain points and aspirations. Automate email sequences to guide leads through the sales funnel.
5. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques
Optimizing your website for conversions is a game-changer. Design landing pages with a user-friendly layout, clear call-to-action buttons, and persuasive copy. Implement A/B testing to compare different elements and identify what resonates best with your audience. Simplify the checkout process to minimize friction and encourage more completed purchases.
6. Influencer Collaboration Strategies
Influencers hold the power to introduce your brand to a wider audience. Identify influencers whose values align with your brand and build authentic relationships with them. Collaborate on content that showcases your products or services in an organic way. Their endorsement can build trust and credibility among their followers.
7. Data-Driven Decision Making
Data is the digital equivalent of a north star. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be monitored and analyzed so that campaign success may be determined. Data insights may be gleaned from resources such as Google Analytics and social media monitoring tools. Take this data into account while formulating your plans moving forward.
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Understanding Your Target Audience
Understanding Your Target Audience is the cornerstone of any successful digital marketing strategy. Delving deep into your audience’s preferences and behaviors can provide invaluable insights that guide your messaging and campaigns. Here are few key tips to help you grasp the nuances of your target audience:
Demographic Analysis: Start by identifying age, gender, location, and other demographic factors that define your audience.
Psychographic Insights: Understand their interests, values, and lifestyle choices to tailor your content to resonate with their aspirations.
Consumer Pain Points: Address their challenges and pain points through your products or services, demonstrating how your solution can make a difference.
Behavioral Patterns: Analyze online behavior like browsing habits, purchasing tendencies, and social media interactions to anticipate their needs.
Feedback Utilization: Leverage feedback and reviews to gauge sentiment and make improvements that align with customer expectations.
Competitor Analysis: Study your competitors’ audience to identify gaps or potential untapped segments.
Persona Creation: Create detailed buyer personas that embody your ideal customers, helping you create focused content and campaigns.
Mastering these aspects will empower you to deliver targeted, relevant content that deeply resonates with your audience, driving engagement, loyalty, and conversions.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies are the driving force behind organic visibility in the digital realm. Elevating your website’s search engine rankings ensures that your brand is discovered by your target audience. Here are few vital tips to enhance your SEO strategies:
Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords that align with your business and audience’s search queries. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner for insights.
High-Quality Content: Create compelling, informative, and valuable content that addresses your audience’s needs. Incorporate keywords naturally to enhance relevance.
Optimized Meta Tags: Craft engaging meta titles and descriptions that encapsulate your content’s essence and encourage clicks.
Responsive Web Design: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and user-responsive for seamless browsing across devices.
Page Loading Speed: Optimize your website’s loading speed to enhance user experience and appease search engine algorithms.
Backlink Building: Cultivate high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites to establish credibility and authority in your niche.
Regular Updates: Fresh content signals to search engines that your website is active and relevant. Consistently update and expand your content.
Effective SEO strategies amplify your online presence, driving targeted organic traffic and increasing the likelihood of conversion. By implementing these techniques, you position your brand for sustained visibility and success in the digital landscape.
Harnessing the Power of Social Media
Harnessing the Power of Social Media is a pivotal aspect of modern digital marketing. Leveraging the vast reach and engagement potential of social platforms can propel your brand to new heights. Here are few insightful tips to maximize the impact of your social media efforts:
Platform Selection: Choose platforms aligned with your target audience’s preferences and behaviors to ensure optimal engagement.
Engaging Content: Craft visually appealing and valuable content — from images and videos to interactive polls and stories.
Consistent Posting: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and aware of your brand’s presence.
Audience Interaction: Respond promptly to comments, messages, and mentions. Encourage discussions and foster a sense of community.
Hashtag Strategy: Use relevant and trending hashtags to expand your content’s visibility to a broader audience.
Paid Advertising: Utilize targeted social media ads to reach specific demographics and amplify your reach effectively.
Analytics Tracking: Monitor platform insights to understand which content resonates best and optimize your strategy accordingly.
By employing these strategies, you tap into social media’s power to cultivate a loyal following, drive traffic, and foster meaningful connections with your audience, ultimately boosting brand awareness and driving increased sales.
Email Marketing Tactics
Email Marketing Tactics remain a potent tool for nurturing leads and driving conversions in the digital landscape. Crafting compelling email campaigns requires finesse and strategy. Here are few effective tips to elevate your email marketing game:
Build a Responsive List: Gather subscribers organically by offering incentives like valuable content or exclusive discounts.
Personalized Content: Tailor your emails to each recipient based on their preferences, purchase history, and interactions.
Engaging Subject Lines: Craft subject lines that pique curiosity and convey the value of opening the email.
Segmentation: Divide your email list into smaller segments based on demographics, behaviors, or purchase history for more targeted messaging.
Automation: Set up automated email sequences for onboarding, nurturing, and re-engagement to guide leads through the customer journey.
Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Each email should have a clear and enticing CTA that guides recipients toward a desired action.
A/B Testing: Experiment with different elements such as subject lines, visuals, and CTAs to identify what resonates best with your audience.
By embracing these tactics, your email campaigns can foster meaningful engagement, nurture leads, and drive conversions, making it a cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy.
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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques hold the key to turning website visitors into loyal customers. Enhancing your website’s effectiveness in driving conversions is paramount for business success. Here are few actionable tips to elevate your CRO strategies:
User-Friendly Design: Craft an intuitive and user-centric website design that guides visitors seamlessly through the conversion funnel.
Compelling Call-to-Action (CTA): Place clear and persuasive CTAs strategically on your pages to encourage users to take the desired action.
A/B Testing: Experiment with different layouts, colors, and text variations to determine which elements yield the highest conversion rates.
Minimize Friction: Streamline the checkout process by reducing the number of form fields and steps required to complete a purchase.
Social Proof: Showcase customer reviews, testimonials, and trust badges to build credibility and alleviate doubts.
Exit-Intent Popups: Utilize popups that trigger when a user is about to leave, offering last-minute incentives or capturing their email for future engagement.
Data Analysis: Regularly analyze user behavior using tools like heatmaps and analytics to identify bottlenecks and optimize accordingly.
By implementing these CRO techniques, you create a user experience that not only resonates with visitors but also encourages them to take action, ultimately boosting your conversion rates and driving business growth.
Influencer Collaboration Strategies
Influencer Collaboration Strategies are a dynamic avenue for extending your brand’s reach and credibility in the digital era. Partnering with influencers can open doors to a broader audience and foster authentic connections. Here are few savvy tips for crafting effective influencer collaboration strategies:
Relevance is Key: Identify influencers whose niche aligns with your brand’s values and target audience.
Build Relationships: Cultivate genuine relationships by engaging with influencers through comments, shares, and direct messages.
Mutually Beneficial Arrangements: Craft collaboration proposals that outline clear benefits for both parties, fostering enthusiasm for partnership.
Authenticity Matters: Encourage influencers to create content that resonates with their audience while incorporating your brand naturally.
Diverse Platforms: Extend collaborations across various platforms, from Instagram and YouTube to blogs and podcasts, to tap into different audiences.
Campaign Consistency: Maintain a consistent message and aesthetic across influencer collaborations to reinforce your brand identity.
Long-Term Partnerships: Consider nurturing ongoing relationships with influencers for sustained brand exposure and loyalty.
By embracing these influencer collaboration strategies, you harness the power of trusted voices to amplify your brand’s message and drive engagement, ultimately translating into increased sales and business growth.
Data-Driven Decision Making.
Data-Driven Decision Making is a pivotal approach in the digital marketing landscape, allowing businesses to make informed choices backed by real insights. Analyzing data empowers you to refine strategies and optimize outcomes. Here are few essential tips to embrace the power of data-driven decision making:
Identify Key Metrics: Define the metrics that align with your goals, such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and engagement levels.
Regular Monitoring: Consistently track your chosen metrics using tools like Google Analytics to gain real-time insights.
Segmentation: Divide data into segments based on demographics, behavior, or source to uncover specific trends and patterns.
Comparative Analysis: Benchmark against historical data or industry standards to understand progress and areas for improvement.
Experimentation: A/B testing various elements allows you to identify what resonates best with your audience.
User Journey Mapping: Visualize how users interact with your website or content to pinpoint areas of drop-off or improvement.
Adapt and Iterate: Use data insights to pivot strategies and continuously refine your approach for optimal results.
Embracing data-driven decision making ensures that your efforts are rooted in facts rather than assumptions, leading to more effective strategies, improved user experiences, and ultimately, significant business growth.
Finally, for companies seeking quick expansion and more sales, the world of digital marketing presents a universe of infinite possibilities. If you take the time to learn about SEO, social media, email marketing, conversion optimization, influencer outreach, and data-driven decision-making, you will have a powerful arsenal at your disposal.
Adaptability, creativity, and enthusiasm are the keys to long-term success in this rapidly changing environment where both fashion and algorithms are always in flux. Take use of these insider methods as more than just tactics; they’re excellent opportunities to engage with your target audience, raise brand awareness, and generate genuine interest in your products. With this knowledge in hand, you may confidently traverse the digital landscape toward your goals without being caught up in the fleeting fads that plague so much of the world today.
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Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Digital Marketing Hacks Insider Secrets for Rapid Growth and Increased Sales
Thanks for reading my article on “Digital Marketing Hacks: Insider Secrets for Rapid Growth and Increased Sales“, hope it will help!
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thelonesgroup · 1 year
Visual Bio: A Must-Have for Your Marketing Toolbox
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When is the last time you really reviewed your biography that you use with your listing/buyer presentation or on your website? Does it include paragraphs of text? If text is all you have to showcase your expertise and experience, you are missing out!
Enter - The Visual Bio!
A Visual Bio takes the best of what you bring to the table and brings it to life with visuals. Whereas a standard bio might rely on text and lists, a visual bio relies on formatted text with callouts, logos instead of lists, and sections that showcase your strengths.
Not sure what to include in your visual bio? Here are seven ideas for building a killer visual biography:
#1 Bio
By all means, include a bio, but try to keep it short and sweet. Make a personal connection. Call attention to your best value that you bring to the table. Using formatting like bold and italics can drive important points home and keeps your text interesting to read. You may also want to include headers that summarize each section (similar to the formatting of this Zebra Report) to break up the text.
#2 By the Numbers
What year did you get your license? How many transactions have you done? How many buyers and sellers have you worked with? How many houses? How many condos? How much land? What was your days on market average last year? How about sales-to-list-price ratio? How many 5-Star Reviews? Your numbers are important! Choose the ones that tell your professional story and highlight them.
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#3 Memberships
You are likely a member of your local MLS, but what about your local, state, and national REALTOR associations? CRS? SRES? Chamber of Commerce? Rotary? A local planning commission? Your memberships not only provide a highlight of your commitment to your profession, but it can also give the reader a glimpse into who you are personally. When possible, include the logos of these organizations instead of just providing a list.
#4 Certifications and Designations
Most agents have at least one certification or designation. Some agents, however, take education to another level! If that sounds like you, gather up those hard-earned logos and include a section on your bio just to highlight these!
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Need more than a visual bio to get your listing presentation off the ground? If you're ready to take it all to a whole new level, we can help. Reach out and schedule a consultation today!
#5 Areas of Expertise
Do you specialize in first-time homebuyers, equestrian properties, historic homes, seniors, waterfront homes, investment properties, or one of the hundreds of niche properties or demographics? Highlight these with icons or a photo!
#6 Volunteer and Community Connections
Where you volunteer in your community really can help a potential client understand your values - and connect with you over these! Again, include logos if you can!
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#7 Reviews
A collection of reviews can also paint a picture of the impact of your service. If you still have room with all the other sections you have added, choose 2-3 reviews that are a good representation of the client experience. Include stars if you’ve got 'em!
The goal with the Visual Bio is to wow and leave no question that you are the most qualified person for the job. Once you have it on paper, make sure your website shines with this information too!
Need Help with Your Visual Bio?
You don't have to go it alone! Save yourself the headache, actually get it done, and leave the design and formatting of an incredible visual biography to the experts! We can even help with the research and compose your biography for you. Contact us at [email protected] or schedule a free consultation to get started.
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By Denise Lones CSP, M.I.R.M., CDEI - The founding partner of The Lones Group, Denise Lones, brings nearly three decades of experience in the real estate industry. With agent/broker coaching, expertise in branding, lead generation, strategic marketing, business analysis, new home project planning, product development, Denise is nationally recognized as the source for all things real estate. With a passion for improvement, Denise has helped thousands of real estate agents, brokers, and managers build their business to unprecedented levels of success, while helping them maintain balance and quality of life.
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gongchanida · 4 years
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where stars land headers
like or reblog if you save.♡
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aceofasian · 6 years
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where stars land headers
like if you save/use.
hope you like it!
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
Lost, Found, Repeat
Request: “Can I please request a angsty Star Wars rey / platonic sisterly reader where it’s set in like the sequels 1&2 and basically rey left r behind when she joined the resistance and the next time they meet, R has been recruited by kylo and yeah :)”
Summary: When Rey discovers that Y/N — someone who’s like a sister to her — has been manipulated by Kylo Ren, she becomes determined to save her.
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | Star Wars Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
header c @/natashowlet
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She had tried her best.
But no matter how many times she tells herself that, it never mattered until Rey told her it.
Her parents had told her that from a young age she was Force-sensitive, being children of dead Jedi themselves, they could tell. The eve of it, she had had a horrible nightmare, flashes of her parents screaming and people she couldn’t quite make out marching through her house.
Their eyes widened when she told them the next morning, but they hid it quite well, telling her that they needed her to go to the market. When Y/N was gone, her parents readied their ship, but never got it ready in time. For the people in Y/N’s dream came, followers of Snoke, the rising Emperor. They trashed the place, demanding information from Y/N’s parents. Y/N’s older brother had once been trained by Luke Skywalker, and they demanded any information her parents could give on him.
Of course, they said nothing, and when Y/N returned to see her parents in the Sith’s captivity, they screamed at her to run. Her hesitation gave the Sith the advantage, but Y/N could run quick. Her parents continued to scream instructions about the ship, and the last she saw of them before disappearing into the ship was them being taken away by the Sith. They had no use for a teenager, after-all.
The last thing Rey expected from a half-crashed, half-landed ship was for crying teenager, only a couple years younger than she, to emerge. The woman froze. Who was she? Why was she here? No one willingly came to Jakku, but perhaps that was where the “half-crashed” part came in.
There was something about the kid that Rey couldn’t shake. After-all, she couldn’t turn around and ignore her, now could she? That was heartless . . . And although Rey was a survivor, she still had a desire to life. She’d be slapping life in the face if she turned Y/N away.
Something felt wrong. Although, if you’re living on Jakku, something always felt wrong. But as Y/N returned to the local market, that feeling grew and grew until it reached the height of familiarity, and that made her nauseous.
There had been some sort of fight, that much was clear. Sith were crawling around, yelling at the poor people. Destroyed ship parts were everywhere, things were knocked over, and people were in disarray. As Y/N looked around, she realized that Rey was notably absent.
“Has anyone seen Rey?” She called to the people around her, turning away from the Sith. She couldn’t look at them. Couldn’t let those memories nor those feelings in. Not again.
One man stepped forward. “She ran off with a boy and a droid. Told me something but ah, it was too loud. I dunno what it was,” he said.
A sinking feeling hit Y/N. Rey left her?
“So, you are the one in Rey’s memories.”
Accompanying that deep voice was a hand pinching her wrist, fingers clamping down. Y/N slowly set her drink back down on the bar’s table. She was no stranger to strangers, but the mention of Rey, a name she had not heard in a long time, made her wary. 
“What do you know of Rey or her memories?” Y/N hissed, turning to her “companion”. He was taller than she, a long hood hiding his face.
The man let out a long laugh that sent chills down her spine. With his free hand he reached out and, before Y/N knew it, she was under his spell.
“You will come with me and you will let me turn you to the dark side,” he said, waving his hand.
Y/N blinked. Something in her feel different. The events that led up to this were fuzzy, and she felt safe with this strange man. “I will come with you and I will let you turn me to the dark side,” she repeated, in a deep trance.
In the months that she accompanied Kylo Ren, Y/N was never herself. She had been watered down to merely a product of what she was told to be. Subjected to intense brainwashing and Force mind-control, Y/N’s bitterness against Rey was influenced by the Sith, and so was she.
She didn’t know who she was. All she knew was that everyday she did was she was told. And it was made so that was enough. Until it wasn’t.
“Get out.”
“Ooh, you sensed that quicker than you did the last.”
Turning around, Rey scowled at Kylo through their Force bond. She raised her hand to try and use her training from Leia to make it go away, but suddenly it was all thrown off balance.
In Kylo’s quarters, Y/N had just burst in. “I’m so sorry, sir, but General—Rey?” Her eyes widened as she looked up to see the woman clear as day.
Rey’s jaw dropped. “Y-Y/N? What are you-what are you doing with him?” She asked. She had always hoped her message to Y/N had been delivered, but when Y/N wasn’t on Jakku, she had been lost.
Before Y/N could conjure up an answer, Kylo interrupted. He whipped around, stalking towards her like a predator would its prey. “She wasn’t supposed to see you yet! You stupid—”
With that, their Force bond connection was cut. Rey stood in the forest alone as she processed this, and then took off in a run. Some of the Resistance members were planning to sneak onto Kylo’s ship soon, and Rey wanted to join.
• • • • •
From her hidden spot, Rey could tell that the Resistance fighters had members of the First Order surrounded. The Resistance wanted to get as much done as they could interrogation-wise and information-wise before Kylo found out, but the First Order wouldn’t go down without a fight. Rey was itching to get away and go find Y/N, but actually didn’t have to go far.
“You think you’ve won? Ren’s second-in-command has been alerted. Meaning he has been alerted, too,” one of the troopers spat.
Just then, someone rounded the corner. Y/N.
“You have one minute to release my troops and leave quietly before I alert Ren,” she ordered.
“What are you doing?” A trooper hissed.
“Shh,” she commanded.
The fact that she hadn’t told him yet brought a small smile to Rey’s face. There was unresting conflict deep within Y/N, threatening to turn its battles into a war. Rey slowly rose.
“Y/N,” Rey said, catching everyone’s attention. “Come with us, sister. I’ve missed you. Kylo is controlling you. You can be free of him.”
Y/N hesitated and then scoffed, her hand reaching for her blaster. “A liar always lies.”
Despite the pain that hit her, Rey stood confidently. She couldn’t afford to waver now. Y/N couldn’t afford it. “I know my words will do little to sway you, so use the Force to see it. I was forced to leave you, we were chased. I told a man to tell you that I’d be back as soon as possible, but when I returned, you weren’t there. I have missed you ever since. And Kylo, he’s done nothing but hurt you. You know that.”
Y/N stared at her, the tension around them building. Tears started to bubble up in her eyes, and she quickly closed them, reaching out to the Force. The only constant in her life.
A couple seconds later, she opened them, eyes wide. Rey was telling the truth. With a sob, Y/N ran for her sister, and they hugged deeply. Firmly. Lovingly. Carefully. As if the other was glass and could shatter into thin air any second.
A peace settled into Y/N. Like all the times she had felt found before, but bigger. Permanent.
The cycle had been broken. She was found.
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @big-galaxy-chaos @cc13723things  @passionswift @drayshadow @amaryllis23 @storysimp @lamieshelmy @fantqsha @galacticstxrdust @a-lil-bit-nuts @marvel-to-infinity @maryseesthings @lovelyy-moonlight @dumb-fawkin-bitch​ @thewidowsghost​ @cowboybabyy​
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