#when you've been in so much pain in one day that you laugh heavily
ddejavvu · 7 months
I love your best friend with no boundaries James, and I was wondering if you could do one where James and reader are having their regularly scheduled mid-day naps, and Sirius and Remus walk into the dorm to find James just humping reader while they’re asleep? Maybe James and reader wake up to the GASP of horror from Sirius after his not so innocent eyes witness “straight up porn in their shared dorm where Peter of all people could witness”
I love all your works and was wondering if I could be marked as 😻anon? I’m the person who requested the bsf Steve imagine and I’m 100% gonna request something again because you’re perfect and I just wanna kiss you on the mouth🫶🏻🫶🏻
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Sirius considers himself James's best friend- no, brother, but he's not afraid to whack the man upside the head when he finds James grinding on you in his sleep.
"You-! Nasty-! Fucker-!" He bullies James awake, appreciating the much calmer, kinder way that Remus rouses you, tugging you away from James on the bed and murmuring that your nap is over. You blink your eyes open serenely, and James's shoot wide in pain as Sirius assaults him.
"What the fuck? Agh- Sirius! I know you're mad that I've got the better potions grade, but killing me won't help!"
"This isn't about potions, Potter," Sirius scoffs, "But I am thinking about tossing you in a hot cauldron. You were- eeugh, you were humping her, you animal!"
Your brows are furrowed and your blinks are bleary, but your brain catches up with the help of Remus's hands where they trace soothing circles on your back.
"Oh," You mumble groggily, as James groans with quickly reddening cheeks, "Uh- s'alright, Jamie."
Remus's hand stills on your back, but James and Sirius join in a fused indignant-confused "What?"
"S'just natural I guess," You shrug, "I dunno, I haven't- er, got one. But it was an accident, Jamie, you were asleep. It's alright."
James’s cheeks are still plenty rouged, but he nods sleepily at your forgiveness, relieved that he's not being hit by two people instead of only one.
"Yeah, thanks bird," He flops back down onto the mattress, letting out a sigh heavily infused with relief, "Wouldn't do it on purpose, y'know. Not while you're sleeping, that's- that's pervy."
"Some people like pervy," You hum, settling back into your own position in James's bed, though he's no longer curled around you. Sirius watches as you knock your hand against his own, "Sirius thinks I'm a perv."
"You're both pervs," Sirius grimaces, his lip curled in distaste as Remus stands from James's bedside, "Seriously, he eats off of your spoons, you've seen his dick, he's been grinding all over your ass - if you don't get a marriage license soon you're going to be very unpopular with the traditional crowd."
James turns towards you with a gasp, his eyes shining just the same as his grin does, "We could get married!"
"We should," You laugh, "And we could get a flat, and we could have your mother over for dinner every Tuesday."
"That would work." He nods, fully settled back into the pillows from Sirius's disturbance, "She loves you. And she's free Tuesday nights - her knitting circle ends at three."
"I know that," You scoff, barely biting back an overexaggerated eye roll, "James, I write your mother once a week. I know when her knitting circle is."
"You write my mum?" He rears back, momentarily confused, "She's never told me that!"
"Of course she hasn't," You snicker, "Because if you'd known, you would have stopped me from telling her how many times you get detention every week, and you'd want to share the sweets she sends me in exchange for the intel."
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Aggression (NSFW) FT Sohee Kim
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Authors note: I wrote this in the delirium of Hay fever but I figured some of you might enjoy it
I try to steady my breathing as I wake up. My musth is coming in a few days and it's shaping up to be a particularly nasty one. I need to focus for the next few days as my performance at work has already been dropping and I can't afford for it to slip. after getting up my girlfriend (and fellow Alpha) Sohee stirs.
"You okay dear? It's 3 in the morning." Sohee asked. I nodded and went to go for my musth suppressants in the medicine cabinet. Shit they were empty.
"Honey I know you have been stressed and trying to focus better at work but you need to stop taking Musth Suppressants." Sohee pleads.
my hands tremble as I can feel the anger, lust, and raw aggression beginning to take hold.
"I know honey but I just need to get out of this Probation Period," I tell her.
"Babe you've extended taking them every time something new has come up. First, it was "I need to get this job" then it was "We need to finish the move" Now it's this. You have been suppressing yourself and you're just making your next musth that much worse for you. they aren't helping. You get home lethargic but restless so you can't sleep. You don't dump the hormones either by fucking or fighting. so they just sit in your body till the next must. I see it in your eyes." Sohee warned.
"But we fuck all the time?" I countered. Sohee rolls her eyes.
"While I may not be your type of alpha You and I both know Alpha biology requires musth/rut fucking, and competition to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle," Sohee replied
I sighed trying to stay calm but I couldn't afford for anything to go wrong with this new job. I know she means well but sometimes she gets in my way...whoa that's not the thought I wanted. Sohee was not an obstacle. I loved her it's just rough right now.
It was just a stressful time right now. I couldn't afford to take time off since I had just been able to move out and support Sohee and me. We are also planning a vacation later in the year to celebrate our 5th anniversary. I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to figure out what to do next. Sohee sighed and said "This is the last time." as she handed me a bottle of over-the-counter musth suppressant.
"Oh, thanks, honey. You are the best." I say with a smile as she throws me those pills Sohee smiles as she walks up and kisses my cheek. I smile and slap her ass as she walks away.
"Hey be careful because you might start my rut, and I won't go easy on you," Sohee says with a sly smile. I laugh and take the pills before going back and having the most pleasant dream of having a lovely brunch with a very naked Sohee.
I wake up well-rested and get ready for work. while I do so Sohee also gets ready. As per usual she walks by naked so she can shower. Usually, my urges are painful but bearable. They aren't complete inhibitors after all (Sohee and I both agreed I shouldn't be taking those). I feel an intense burning sensation in my crotch followed by the equally intense, and almost ravenous wave of lust. I dig my fingers into the sink and stop when I hear a crack. Sohee seems to notice my discomfort and asks with concern, "Everything okay babe?" I breathe heavily before responding.
"Yeah, last round hopefully," I say. Sohee smiles
"Good. Now get ready before I force you to call in sick." She teases as she wiggles her cute butt. She always does this but today she looks so much sexier than usual. I just want to pound her until she begs me to stop. I watch drooling but quickly regain my composure. I finished getting ready and as I did Sohee met me to send me off. I smile at her hungrily as a familiar sensation in my loins burns, and my headaches.
"See you later sexy," I say with a level of confidence I didn't know I had. Sohee smiles as we kiss. Feeling emboldened for some reason I probe into her mouth with the kiss, and get lost in it before Sohee breaks it.
"Gosh, I forget sometimes that you're a really good kisser," she replies breathlessly
"Well maybe you could cancel your schedules and we just stay home today," I say not thinking clearly. Sohee puts her hands up in an x before she smiles.
"No, I need to go to this one. it's for our comeback, just wait for me at home," she says. I nod and fall into another kiss with her. I lose control again as I grip her ass tightly
"I Love you. I love this ass. This ass is mine." I growl. Sohee chuckles before she wraps a leg around my waist. "No other Alpha can satisfy me like you do." I continue. I smile ravenously when I hear Sohee mewl before she pushes me off. "Dinobardo we both need to go." Sohee protests. Her using my full first name excites me but also anchors me. I take it as a challenge to take her then and there. The horny Alpha Part of me accepts the challenge, but my rational brain kicks in and I remember that I don't have time for this.
"I am sorry Sohee I don't know what's wrong with me," I say. Sohee gives me an understanding smile
"No worries honey. Just go to work and come back," she says with an understanding smile. I nod and drive to work. I get through three hours before naked Sohee begins to run through my mind. I begin to pitch a tent and feel the brunt of my musth and fuck it's hard to stop. wave after wave of this unrelenting lust washes over me as if I am caught in a riptide of desire, but that's not the worst part. The hornier I get the angrier and more irritable I get. My senses get dialed up to an 18 out of 10, and every little thing can set me off. the leaky tile in the corner of my office. the tapping of someone's nails in the other office three doors down I sense it all, and it drives me ballistic. This isn't even counting the massive headache I was nursing. I crack my knuckles as I try to focus but the door opens and my friend James walks in. I look at him furiously, and he nods and walks out. I barely make it to lunch before I try to take a nap but all I can dream about is fucking Sohee. I groan and get back and power to work where the heat hits me worse. I claw into my skull as I try to ride out the waves and focus but my mind because foggier as it's consumed by fighting and fucking. I need to do one or the other or I will go feral. As I release my hands from my skull I see blood pouring and realize I may already be there.
I take a deep breath trying not to let my body control me. I do the meditation practices but it doesn't help. my erection is raging at this point uncontrollably. I take another deep breath before counting to ten when I get the call. I look at my phone it's Sohee. I answer
"What's up honey," I say.
Sohee chuckles, "Where's that husk coming from? Are you okay you sound weird." she replies. Her voice makes the feelings worse as imagine fucking her till she begs me to stop.
"I don't know I feel like my skin is burning and something inside me is trying to claw its way out," I answer as Sohee listens.
"Well, honey maybe the Musth suppressant reached their tolerance threshold and won't work anymore. You sound like you're going through like 5 months right now." Sohee suggests.
"It certainly feels like I am. I have never felt this horny and this angry." I lament.
"Dino maybe you should go home and wait for me." Sohee pleads
"I am almost done for the day though I have two hours left," I whine.
"Dinobardo Michaell Benedict Jr. Go home and wait for me. I can hear the lust and anger in your voice, and I almost can smell your scent from over the phone. Go home early and wait for me before you hurt anyone. I promise I'll take care of you while your body rages against you." Sohee demands. I hesitate before relenting. Sohee wouldn't use my full name if she wasn't serious so I'd better take this seriously. I shut all my work stuff
"Okay, honey I'll go. I'll talk to you later" I reply before I get up from my office and go to my boss.
"Oh Dino heading out early?" he asks I nod.
"Good. I was about to send you home as people were complaining about your Rut Scent. " my Boss joked. I groaned and nodded.
"See you next week boss," I reply
My boss smiles and waves, "Take care of yourself." he says as he sees me off.
I arrive home with no issue. I sit on our couch and try to sleep but every time I close my eyes visions of Sohee plague them. when I finally do get a normal dream my alarm blades off and says it's time to take more suppressants I get up and feel my head pounding. I steady myself enough to go to the bathroom and Grab two more pills I take them and I notice the temporin seeping out. My blood boils my suppressant was to stop this specific thing. I look at the bottle of pills, and it reads Maxwell lord’s Marvellous which is the correct brand, but under it in little tiny letters says “musth amplifiers” The flowery letters are hard to read as my brain loses the ability to comprehend complex tasks due to the musth fully taking over. Something tells me to take another too. So I did. At this point, my brain is made a horny and angry mush by the musth the heat of my own body has become unbearable so I strip to my boxers. I try to remember what I was doing or who I was waiting for as I meander over to my bed but I can't. I fish out my dick and begin to stroke it languidly now fully in throes and acquiescing to my body’s demand t try to relieve some of the build-up, but it does exceptionally little to ease the lust I feel. I need my mate. I reach for my phone but I can't remember the code to open it. It infuriated me as I typed in numbers that swam through my head. So I am teased by my mate’s face but I can't even remember her name no matter how much I scrape my head trying to. It only serves to worsen my headache and my temperament I can't even remember my mate’s name and this is the person I wish to mark…pathetic. I chastised myself and looked at the wall trying to clear the brain fog, but the more I tried to focus the more the brain fog intensified. Time space and conscious thought all became labored concepts in my heavily lust-addled mind. Then finally I heard the door open. I heard a feminine voice ring out,
“Honey are you okay.”
I labored down the stairs through an almost endless amount of growing lust and brain fog. When I get down my mate sees me with a wicked smile on her face. I couldn't focus as she wore a crop top pushing her perky breasts up and to attention and a very short skirt that flaunted her curves and ass. I couldn't reply
“You okay? You look feral” Sohee says with a smile. My mind clears enough to remember my mate’s name and I smile. I approach Sohee and steady myself on her shoulders. Sohee looks down at my boxers where she sees my bulge. She smiles at me as she lowers herself to my crotch. I groan as she releases my trunk and it flops on her face. Sohee looks up at me with a lusted smile.
“Oh honey, you've been walking around with this all day. Let me take care of it.” Sohee says and begins to suck. I groan as her warm mouth takes me inside. I finally begin to relief and for a moment my brain fog clears.
“Oh thank god dear that feels so good,” I reply. Sohee smiles
“You're back?” she says with a slight pout. She stops and immediately I'm stupefied again. She drags me up to our bedroom and she goes into the bathroom and grabs a bottle but I can't remember what it said or reads. She takes 3 pills out of it and gestures for me to take them. I shake my head as I get a bad vibe from them. Sohee gets at my eye level her brown eyes are full of stern concern before she says
“Take them. You need this,” she says. Not wanting to make her mad I take the pills she begins to strip down to her panties (which have a stain on the front) and bra. After an unclear amount of time, my brain fog cleared, and the amount of anger I felt as I recalled everything was unreasonable.
“You dirty whore I trusted you and you poisoned me,” I yelled. Sohee’s eyes turned to slits demonstrating her excitement.
“Oh and what are you going to do about it.” she challenged. I ripped her panties and bra open, bent her over, and plunged into her.
“Is this what you wanted? I balls deep in your whore cunt.” I yell as I thrust into her cunt which is unreasonably tight almost oppositionally so. As I fight through the tightness I hear Sohee moan in ecstasy. She loves it when I get rough with her.
“Are you about to cum whore.” I ask as I pound her pussy with reckless abandon. I grab her ass and squeeze as she moans my first release comes and it comes hard. I explode into Sohee’s pussy and she moans as her walls milk me for everything I'm worth. After 5 minutes her body calms down but mine does not. I plunge back into her and she moans again I lift her back up so I can get a nice grab of her ass and tits.
“You got me riled up. You wanted my musth well here it is whore.” I say as I fuck and grope her body relentlessly. My heart hurts from what I'm saying but my body is so enraged and off normal that my brain can only continue to degrade her sinful body. I knead her Tits and ass loving the softness and bounciness of her body has as I manipulate it. I begin to feel the musth deeper, and it exhilarates my body and causes me to fuck my honey’s body with more fervor.
“That's it honey let all that cum and testosterone out,” Sohee says in between moans. I slap her ass out of spite causing her to release a surprised yelp.
“Don't tell me what to do whore. You're only used to me as a cum dump. So shut up and take it all. As I cum into my girlfriend again. She finally cums for the first time as her body goes limp from exhaustion. She falls on the bed limp but my erection hasn't let up. My body is still not mine currently so I watch my girlfriend try to recover
I watch as Sohee recovers she turns over and her eyes go to slits as I smell a familiar smell of toasted cinnamon. I chuckle having triggered her rut. She looks at my cock with a frenzied and hungry look. She pounces on me kissing and marking me. Despite my current status, I accept her mark and in return mark her back. She smiles
“Now it's official you're my whore. “ I grit and Sohee pushes me to the bed where she starts riding me.
“This cock is mine.” she moans. My hands reach out for her ass. I grab and squeeze it. The pliant flesh pleases me. Sohee grabs her tits and moans on top of me.
“I needed you to stop hiding. You're an alpha dammit act like it.” Sohee said as she slammed into my dick. I released my first moan. She begins to bounce harder and faster as her body takes over. Mine does as well as I thrust into her. We continue this merciless pace chasing our highs rather than comforting the other until both our bodies explode. I groan as the must refuses to die down. Sohee looks at me wildly and she keeps riding after that I kind of blackout. I fully give in to the musth and let it run my body
when I come to I'm slowly waking up to my dick still in Sohee. She is asleep leaving me lost and wondering what happened. As I stir Sohee yelps
“Ah careful I'm still sensitive,” she says. I nod and pull out of her pussy a deluge of cum follows. Sohee looks at me with a satisfied smile.
“You feeling better,” she asks and I nod.
“But why am I so hungry I ask
“Well, we have been fucking nonstop for 72 hours.”
“72 hours you're telling me we fucked the whole weekend away?” I asked concerned Sohee nodded.
“Yeah, I can tell your mind kinda left after the third orgasm because that's when the beast came out. I didn't know how strong you were.” Sohee teases. I nod knowingly
“Yeah, being hopped up on 180 times the testosterone I'm normally supposed to have pushed a lot of things out of me. I'm sorry if I hurt you while I was “intoxicated” I apologize
“Oh no you didn't I'm an alpha too after all I can take rough. Besides I have only heard stories about being with an alpha who has a musth it was thrilling especially since you triggered my rut. So we killed two birds with one stone.” I nod and reply to Sohee’s statement
“Also sorry about switching your suppressants with the amps. I was worried that when you did stop taking them you'd be too far gone and hurt me. So I wanted to get at least one large musth dump before our vacation.” Sohee says apologetically
“No that's fair I haven't been listening to my body and next time I'll just take the time needed to give into my musth.”I shrug and affirm
“Ooh I like that maybe I should edge you to the next one,” Sohee said as she reached down and began stroking me.
“Oh, you'd like that little slut.”
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gureumz · 1 year
lulong ka na sakin at parang hibang (soul ties)
rating: explicit
member: sunoo
notes: fem!reader, best friend/roommate!sunoo, dom!sunoo, light cnc, spanking, degradation (a lot), praise (a little), unprotected sex
a/n: i know i said i'll make this nasty, but i know i can do even worse than this hashfhs but for now, please accept this <3 title is a lyric roughly translating to "you're addicted to me as if you're crazy" from illest morena's soul ties.
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you sigh heavily, letting your hand fall to your side. your breathing's heavy and the remnants of an orgasm slowly fade away as you catch your breath.
you eye the bullet vibrator in your hand, wondering when you were last fucked.
too fucking long ago, that's for sure.
you roll out of bed, a groan escaping your lips as you did so. lately, toys and your own fingers just barely got you across. you missed being fucked senseless, you missed the heated kisses, you missed the fingers buried deep in your cunt.
you knew you had your workload to blame for the lack of action. all the pent-up stress and late nights poring over client briefs were getting to you. you needed a release, an actual release, or else you're going to blow.
you walk out of your bedroom, stretching, enjoying the slight chill in your apartment amidst the hot summer day. dragging your feet the rest of the way, you find yourself in the living room. a movie plays on the tv, the lights dimmed for effect.
you turn to the man perched right in the middle of the sofa, leaning forward as if totally enamored with the scene displayed on the screen.
sunoo can get really serious with his movies.
"move," you mumble, squeezing into the plush loveseat. sunoo moves over, not even sparing you a glance. you make a face at him, wrapping your arms around one of his own, face squished against his bicep.
"it's late," sunoo points out, glancing at you momentarily.
"i know," you retort, yawning. sunoo chuckles, tugging his arm free.
"go to bed, _______. you have work tomorrow," sunoo informs, eyeing you with a slightly worried expression.
"can't sleep," you complain, sighing. "couldn't for the last few days, actually."
sunoo turns his attention away from the movie. "is there something wrong?"
you shrug, but you already know what's been keeping you awake at night.
"well, i can see you've been looking pretty miserable lately," sunoo offers sympathetically, running a hand up and down your back.
you groan, rubbing at your face.
"i just—," you begin, bringing your hands down to look sunoo straight in the eye. "don't laugh, okay?"
sunoo throws his hands up as if to say, 'go ahead'. you take a deep breath, thinking of how to formulate your next sentence.
"i think i'm just sexually frustrated," you admit. sunoo nods slowly.
you suddenly get the urge to avoid eye contact as you realize how blunt that came off. you busy yourself with a loose thread on your pajamas.
"oh," sunoo replies. there's an extended pause and you feel your insides churning in embarrassment.
"understandable," sunoo concludes, patting you on the back. you look back at him, a pained expression on your face.
sunoo laughs, pinching your cheek. for a moment, it hurts a little too much but it quickly subsides. you wonder how it would feel to have someone dig their nails into your skin as they grip your jaw.
you blink, trying to rid yourself of that thought. you huff, leaning back further into the couch.
"it just totally escaped me how long i've gone without fucking someone," you explain, mentally counting back the months since your last sexual encounter.
"how long has it been?" sunoo curiously asks.
"like, six months, give or take."
sunoo whistles lowly before chuckling awkwardly. "that is a long time."
"right?!" you affirm, frowning up at sunoo. "i bet you slept with someone lately."
sunoo laughs in disbelief, looking at you with a mix of surprise and indignation.
"how dare you speculate about my sex life?" sunoo says dramatically, elbowing you lightly in the arm.
"no speculation needed, sunoo," you inform, tilting your head towards him. "i can hear you."
sunoo's mouth falls open, eyes flitting momentarily to his bedroom door right beside yours. he looks back at you with a sheepish grin.
"well, i mean...," sunoo trails off, silently gesturing around with his hands.
you burst out laughing, swatting lightly at sunoo's thigh. you notice how short the shorts he's wearing actually are.
"i feel like i have to fuck someone soon or else i'm gonna explode," you complain, leaning back and staring up at the ceiling.
sunoo doesn't respond, joining you in fidgeting with another loose thread on your bottoms. you squirm, pulling away.
"that tickles," you comment absentmindedly.
"have you tried dating apps? how about that guy that you met at one of your events?" sunoo suggests, fingers now running over the velvety material of your pajamas.
"i don't know...guys on those apps are more often than not unsatisfactory," you point out. "and that guy from the event isn't all that good either."
"i see," sunoo replies. you turn to him and his eyebrows are pulled together as if he's deep in thought. he's still running his hand over your pajamas.
sunoo catches your eye and you stare for a moment. his hand stops dangerously close to your inner thigh.
"do you think you're good in bed?" you ask sunoo. he pulls his hand away, laying it on his chest as if to clutch at invisible pearls.
"why would you ask me that?" sunoo demands, seemingly offended, but his sentence breaks out into a giggle at the end.
"i don't know," you admit. "you have a lot of people over. i'm sure some of them are returning participants."
"wouldn't you like to know?" sunoo teases, sticking his tongue out at you before crossing his arms.
you pause. your eyes linger back down to the exposed skin of sunoo's thighs, smooth and seemingly flawless. you observe his forearms next, muscles taut against his chest, which, to your knowledge, is pretty firmed up. you meet sunoo's eyes and they immediately widen.
"don't say yes," sunoo warns, scooting to the end of the loveseat. he holds his arms out as if to ward you off.
you roll your eyes, turning away from him. "please, why would i want to know?"
"no, because...," sunoo begins. you look back at him curiously. "if you say yes, i'll say yes."
"for real?" you ask in surprise. you eye sunoo cautiously, looking for any indicator that this is a prank. you're positive this must be a prank.
sunoo nods.
"you're my best friend," you reason, still convinced he's pulling your leg.
"yeah," sunoo says with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "i'm helping you out. and, like, we both get something out of it."
"what are you getting out of it?"
sunoo gestures vaguely with his hands. "i get my dick wet?"
"that's weird," you deadpan.
sunoo sighs, reaching over for the remote to pause the movie still playing on the tv. he turns back to you and looks you directly in the eye.
"look, if you don't want to, just say so," sunoo says, raising an eyebrow.
"i—," you start.
you would be lying if you said you haven't thought about it before. someone with a dick and someone with a pussy renting a whole space together? when both are single? and in their early adulthood? the mind tends to wander.
sunoo stands from his seat. "last chance before i go to bed."
you bite your lip, giving sunoo a once-over. you're fully aware of the sounds that come from his room whenever he has someone over. the thought of sunoo doing...things to excite them that much stirs something in you.
"promise this won't make things weird?" you ask, standing up to get closer to sunoo's height. not that it makes much of a difference. he towers over you, either way.
sunoo smirks down at you, shaking his head no. he reaches out to you, rubbing up and down your arms.
"okay," you say, nodding.
"okay," sunoo mimics. he pulls you closer to him, nearly pressing your chests together.
"i'm going to kiss you now," sunoo warns, cradling one side of your face.
you nod, hypnotized by just how pretty he is up close.
"you have to tell me that you're okay with it," sunoo whispers, and you think you hear a hint of condescension in his voice.
"please," you whisper back. "kiss me."
sunoo wastes no time in pressing his lips to yours. you gasp against the kiss, surprised at how intense sunoo starts out. he parts his lips and you mirror the action. the inside of his mouth is warm, your breaths mingling as sunoo roughly pushes you toward the direction of his room.
it's a challenge, walking backward the way you are right now, but sunoo keeps a firm grip on the back of your neck and on your waist, steering you where you need to go. finally, he gets his bedroom door open, practically shoving you inside.
the two of you stumble onto his bed, the wind knocking out of you for a moment as your back hits the mattress. sunoo hovers over you, hoisting you further up his bed as if you weighed nothing at all.
"safeword?" sunoo asks, hands slipping under your shirt. you swallow, thinking about what the two of you could possibly end up doing for it to warrant a safeword.
"p-pajamas," you mutter, feeling sunoo's fingers graze your breasts. sunoo nods, cupping both in his hands.
"can't believe you've been hiding these from me," sunoo comments mischievously, kneading away at your boobs.
you inhale, squirming under sunoo's touch. he squeezes, hard, and you back arches off the bed.
"ngh—!" you gasp, trying to pry sunoo's hands off you.
"what, i thought you wanted this?" sunoo questions innocently. he jams a knee to your core, and you mindlessly start to grind down, wetness instantly pooling between your legs at the friction.
"you're humping my leg like some desperate puppy," sunoo says with a chuckle. "you really must be so frustrated. aren't you, doll?"
you look at sunoo and his whole expression is darkened with lust. he's not the sunoo you cook breakfast with on weekend mornings, he's not the sunoo who counsels you on your numerous failed situationships, and he's definitely not the sunoo that cheerily greets you every time you get home from a long day at work.
this sunoo is set on one thing, and on one thing only: to give you what you asked for.
"please," you whimper. "please, i need it."
"need what?" sunoo asks, pulling away. you grab at him in desperation, wanting the feeling of his firm thigh back against your pussy.
"need you," you say in a hurry. "need you so, so bad."
sunoo grins darkly, eyes raking over your disheveled figure on his bed.
"where do you need me?" sunoo asks again, running his hands up and down your thighs. your legs immediately spread, and sunoo laughs.
"someone's forgotten how to speak, it seems," sunoo observes, two fingers pressing into your core through your clothes. your mouth hangs open in a silent gasp.
"pathetic, needy whore," sunoo says with overflowing venom. you shake your head, tears prickling in your eyes from the words. you feel your throat constrict, and you know you're about to cry.
it's a thrilling feeling.
sunoo makes a disappointed noise. "and a crybaby, too."
sunoo roughly grabs at your shirt, hiking it up over your boobs. "off," he commands.
you wiggle out of the garment as best you can while lying down, tossing it to the floor. sunoo dips down, latching on to one of your nipples. his tongue flicks against it mercilessly. his teeth graze it ever so slightly.
"s-sunoo," you whine. "too much, too much!"
"too much?" sunoo asks, pulling away. "baby, i'll show you what 'too much' is."
sunoo undresses, his half-hard cock in full view. you gape at it, unsure of what you were expecting, but you know for sure that it's mouthwateringly pretty.
sunoo harshly pulls your bottoms and underwear down, practically dragging you off the bed in the process. your heart beats wildly in your chest, still unable to comprehend how a gentle being like sunoo is acting this way with you.
"so wet," sunoo observes, toying with your cunt. he runs a finger lightly through your folds and your hips buck desperately.
"like this, sweetheart?" sunoo says lightly, teasing your clit with just the tip of his finger.
"more," you moan, fingers gripping the sheets beneath you.
sunoo increases the pressure against your clit, unwavering eyes watching your every reaction. you mewl and whine pathetically, wanting him to just give it to you.
"jesus, you really are just so ready to be fucked," sunoo says with a laugh. he plunges two fingers into you without warning and you cry out.
"is this what you want?" sunoo demands, grabbing your face so you could look at him. "want me to fuck you with my fingers and cock?"
you nod vigorously, a strangled moan ripping through you as sunoo's fingers stretch you out. he expertly moves them in and out, angling up to hit that one spongy wall in you. you feel pressure build up in your belly and your eyes roll into the back of your head.
"yes!" you gasp, your whole pelvis moving up to meet his fingers.
sunoo's hand moves down to your neck, pressing you down to the bed. you try to breathe in but it proves difficult, and the subsequent lightheadedness feels like heaven to you.
"you really shouldn't go this long without getting fucked," sunoo says with a shake of his head. "it turns you into a greedy slut."
you cry for real this time, all the sensations assaulting you from all sides. you haven't been fucked this intensely before, and it feels so, so good.
suddenly, without warning, you feel the pressure give way in your abdomen, and you feel a gush in between your legs. sunoo lets go of your neck, caught off guard as well by what you've just done.
sunoo's sheets are drenched and you can see your release coating his arm and part of his chest and abs, too.
"you're killing me here, _______," sunoo smirks, shoving the fingers that were just inside you right into your mouth. you obediently suck, tasting the hint of saltiness of yourself.
"gotta find out what else you're hiding from me," sunoo concludes, pulling you closer to him by your waist.
in a second, he flips you over on your belly, your face shoved down onto the bed. you lay there, splayed out flat, fully in sunoo's mercy.
sunoo grabs you by your hips this time, pulling your ass flush against his front. you lift yourself up on shaky arms, your first orgasm rendering your limbs jelly-like.
a loud smack resounds inside the room, followed by a sting on your ass cheek. you lurch forward, caught by surprise.
another spank rains down on you, and another, and then another. you lose count after five as your mind hazes over.
"please," you beg, tears spilling once again from your eyes. "no more, no more, no more!"
sunoo leans down so his lips are right next to your ear. "no more? do you want me to stop, angel?"
you shudder as sunoo's breath tickles your ear. you merely sob in response, the throbbing in your pussy the only thing you can focus on at the moment.
sunoo tenderly kisses your temple. "one last."
sunoo delivers his hardest spank yet, and you wail, burying your face into his pillows. you nearly lose all coherent thought, the only thing on your mind being the need for sunoo to fuck you brainless.
you collapse on the bed entirely, body shaking. whether from anticipation, pain, or exhaustion, you can't seem to figure out.
you're flipped back over onto your back and you see sunoo leaning over before kissing you sweetly. he rubs at your sore backside, trailing kisses down the side of your face.
"good girl," sunoo mumbles against your skin. he pulls away just enough to gaze at your tear-streaked face.
"you okay? do you need a break?" sunoo asks, expression back to the one you're most familiar with, the one that belongs to the person you swear could never do the things he just did.
you shake your head, still feeling the ache in your core.
"please sunoo," you implore. "need you inside. need you to fuck me."
sunoo's eyes darken again as he nods, pulling himself upright. he yanks your legs apart, observing your glistening pussy. he brings his hand down to it, a wet smack echoing throughout the room.
you let out a garbled noise, your whole body jerking in response. sunoo repeats this a few times.
"gonna let me fuck this pretty pussy?" sunoo interrogates, looking at you expectantly.
"yes! yes, please, fuck me!" you say, voice strained.
sunoo pulls you closer to him, smashing your lips together in a messy kiss. you eagerly kiss back, clinging to him as if he might disappear at any moment. sunoo angles his hips and slides inside you in one swift motion.
you groan at the sudden fullness, feeling sunoo deep inside you. he fucks you harshly, pushing you down on the bed and into a mating press. you watch sunoo's face scrunched up with concentration, sweat dripping down his chiseled features.
"fuck, you feel so good," sunoo grunts. "gonna fuck this pussy every day."
you clench down at those words. "please, need you like this every day."
sunoo moans, head thrown back as he continues to fuck into you with abandon. you're overwhelmed yourself, your walls stretching and stimulated from the drag of sunoo's dick in and out of you.
"sunoo!" you cry out, mind blanking with nothing else but your best friend filling your brain. "sunoo, sunoo, fuck yes, sunoo!"
"yeah, let the neighbors hear," sunoo taunts, this time, striking you across the face. your vision blurs for a moment, more shocked than hurt.
"you want them to hear, don't you?" sunoo goes again, slapping you from the other side of your face. you don't even know what you say in response, but you assume it pleases sunoo to hear because he adjusts his angle with a groan and fucks into you even faster.
"dirty whore," sunoo says through gritted teeth. "making your best friend fuck you just because you haven't had dick in months."
you let out a string of curses, the overwhelming pressure building up again inside you. you're positive that this one will be even bigger than the first.
your orgasm seizes your entire body, your limbs tensing up as you're overtaken by pleasure. sunoo moans out your name, sheathing himself fully inside you as he cums, shooting his load deep within your walls. you make a mess all over yourselves again, your juices seeping out and dribbling onto the bed.
sunoo catches himself before he tumbles over, pulling out abruptly. you whimper, the sudden ache of emptiness surprising you. sunoo sits up, watching you intently. you lay there, a gasping, crying mess.
"sshh," sunoo soothes, pulling you into his arms and cradling you to his chest.
"you did so well," sunoo compliments, kissing you on the forehead. you take big gulps of air as you steady your breath, blinking away the remainder of your tears.
"that was amazing, sun," you mumble, words slurring around the edges as exhaustion catches up to you.
"thank you, baby," sunoo says, smiling down at you. "so were you."
you grin sleepily, laying your head on sunoo's chest.
"don't sleep yet, dumbass," sunoo says, laughing. "we made a mess, so we gotta shower."
you whine in protest, curling further into sunoo. your best friend sighs, carefully sliding off the bed, grunting as he scoops you into his arms.
"come on," sunoo begins chirpily. "i'll clean you up."
"thank you," you respond, kissing sunoo's neck. "love you."
sunoo giggles, attacking you with multiple kisses to the face.
"love you, too."
884 notes · View notes
zoeykallus · 1 year
Hm? A note?
*opens the note and reads*
“I kindly request a Pheromones but with Tech with a mix of predator and prey into this nasty smut. But if you do not want to do this that is fine with me your majesty.”
Finally! Someone's asking me for unhinged Tech Smut 🔥🤩🔥🥵 I feel like I've waited for this one for years 😱
And I had so much trouble writing and editing my draft 😅😭 A lot of hours later: "I'm not happy with what I did here 😓
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Warnings: SMUT/Sex Pollen Trope/Unhinged Tech/ Shy Tech Turning Feral/Dubious Consent(!11!1!!)/PiV/Oral/Groping/Biting/Pining/Pinning Down/Restraining/Plus Short Dirty Dream Sequence/Angsty/Creampie/Messy/Fluff (Believe it or not)18+
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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AC: This is very feral Tech, Reader is definitely having fun, but there are possible triggers, so mind the warnings!!! This one is dancing heavily on some very thin lines concerning consent and pleasure/pain. I wasn't even sure if I should post this. Guess there was a lot of pent-up smutty stuff left in my mind about this guy. Okay I tamed the original version down, a good bit, I think it was a tiny bit too much. But still, this is pretty messy.
Update: damn it, I changed this draft so often now, I don't know if it's still readable...
Wrecker, who playfully bumps into his helmet, nearly knocks Tech off balance. Tech glares angrily at his brother through the lenses of his goggles, but finally sighs and turns back to his holopad. Again and again, his gaze sneaks from his holopad to you, watching Hunter talk to you. Today, you and Tech are to complete a mission, just the two of you. A more or less simple exploration tour. His heart beats faster just thinking about it. You've been traveling with CF99 for a while now, and Tech has had a crush on you practically since day one. You smell good, you're pretty, you're curious, and you always listen to him so intently. He's been blown away from the beginning by your little laugh, the smile, the way you talk, how your fingers move when you're lost in your thoughts. Tech takes in so many little things, by now he knows so much about you, so many wonderful little things that he admires, almost idolizes. But as straightforward and logical as Tech actually is, he can be just as shy.
He hardly dares to exchange a word with you that has nothing to do with work, he hardly dares to look you in the face. So often he has dreamed of you, of touching, kissing and even more, things that have done wild things to his mind and hormones. But he can't bring himself to do it, just doesn't dare touch you. So many times he had been close to just gently touching your hand, or sliding a little closer when you were sitting next to each other, but each time he has backed down. Tech wouldn't know how to deal with you, in theory he's already read everything there is to know about intimacy, romance and the like, but the practice is somehow so damn seductive but also so incredibly scary for him. What if you reject him? What if he kisses you, and it's bad? What if you feel nothing when he kisses you? What if his touches leave you cold? What if he does something wrong, scares you away, or leaves you unsatisfied? With all these questions, his guts tighten, and a heavy pressure builds on his chest. This is a challenge that can't necessarily be tackled with logic. Love doesn't really feel logical, but it feels intense, Tech thinks silently. Another light bump against Tech's helmet snaps him out of his thoughts.
"Cut it out, Wrecker!" "Come on, you two finally alone again? This time you have some guts!" the giant rumbles. Tech hastily glances over at you, but you're still engaged in conversation with Hunter, then he looks at Wrecker and nervously waves his holopad around. "Keep it down, Wrecker, she can't hear this!" he whispers energetically. Wrecker rolls his eyes and laughs softly, "You're way too nervous, I think she likes you a lot too" Tech pauses in his tense movement and asks, "Oh yeah, did she say anything?" "No, but that one particular smile, she only smiles at you like that". Tech's gaze darts back in your direction and that's when he sees it, that smile, his face gets all hot, and he hastily turns back to the holopad in his hands. "You're such an idiot," Wrecker grumbles, "She's smiling heavenly at you, and you're staring at your holopad" "Shut up, please, Wrecker," Tech says tensely.
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The others are on their way, doing their jobs. Tech is finally alone with you. His knees are soft, he feels slightly shaky, and his pulse is permanently slightly elevated, but he's more in control than he suspected. Tech puts on the helmet he customized for you and says, "This helmet has an air filter, just like mine. We don't know what to expect yet, so we'll play it safe." He explains as you look at him questioningly through the visor. He can't really see your face, but he always senses when you look at him. Actually he is annoyed about the helmet, just because he can't see your beautiful face, but Tech also wants to protect you and when you are moving among unknown flora and fauna, this helmet is actually indispensable. "Okay," you say, groping for the helmet with both hands, an unfamiliar feeling. "Don't take the helmet off outside, please," Tech says gently but firmly, "We don't know much about the plants and animals in the area yet" You give him a thumbs up and say, "Okay, got it. We're good to go as far as I'm concerned" Along the way, you carefully take some samples of various plants, take holo-images of the environment, and look at various species of animals from a safe distance. You listen with fascination as Tech comments on some of your observations. It's so nice to spend time alone with him, you like the way he looks out for you.
You discover a cave that is riddled with glowing crystals and mushrooms. You put on your gloves because Tech told you to. "We'd better not touch anything with our bare hands for now," he notes. You nod and reply, "Sounds reasonable." With a gloved finger, you poke a neon-red glowing, thick mushroom, which then begins to blink and emit a thin cloud of spores. Tech leans over and says, "See, this is why we have the helmets, we don't know what these spores might do, hallucinations, fevers, toxic reactions..." You nod and say still intrigued, "It's blinking, like an alarm light" "Indeed" Tech looks at his watch and says, "We've been walking for a few hours, maybe we should head back" With a nod, you agree and follow him out of the cave.
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Something is wrong, he is way too warm, the outside temperatures are not that high, but his body temperature seems to keep rising. He feels strange, maybe Wrecker knocked his helmet a few too many times, maybe his filter wasn't working properly. Tech quickened his steps, and you tried to keep up with him in surprise. Arriving at the Marauder, Tech takes off his helmet, and you can tell something is wrong, the expression on his face, that slightly glazed look. "Are you okay?" "I don't know," Tech admits, "I'm very warm, and I have a headache." He blinks in surprise as you start to help him take off his gear, but he allows it to happen, he also lets you push him into his bunk and tuck him in. "You must be overworked," you say gently, "You're always working, around the clock. At some point, your body just can't keep up with your mind, Tech." He blinks, accepts the water you brought him, and says, "Maybe you're right." He likes the way you take care of him, fluffing his pillow, covering him up, bringing him water and putting a cool, damp cloth on his forehead. He feels miserable right now, but he literally melts at every little thing you do for him.
"I'm sure a few hours of sleep will do you good," you say with conviction and a soft smile. Tech looks at you from wide, glassy eyes, he gets lost in that smile of yours, and before he can pull himself together he says, "Can you stay here, with me?" "Oh," you say in surprise, "Sure." You lie down in the bunk across from his, barely two steps away from him. Tech turns to the side, so he can look at you. You say with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you". Tech's ears turn red as he smiles back. At a certain point, you both fall asleep.
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His dreams are wild, very wild, much wilder than usual. Intimate dreams are not unknown to him, but this one is very intense. He watches you suck him while his hands on the back of your head give you a wild pace, shortly after he pins you to the floor and plows his hard cock through your pussy while you gasp, sigh, moan and whimper under him. Then he spins you around and shoves his length into the tight little hole between your buns, taking you so fast and hard that the clash of bare skin, echoes loudly off the walls. His hand is in your hair, pulling at it as he thrusts ever more savagely into the tightness of your butt. Tech tears open his eyes, feeling even hotter than before, his thoughts a wild jumble of sexual acts. His cock pulses hard under his blacks, almost painfully. Everything inside him burns and screams to grab you, to take you, to taste you, to fuck you. He moans softly and wipes his forehead, a very small part of him knowing that he's thinking and intending very naughty things right now, that he actually needs to pull himself together. But this small part is lost in the wild, feverish racket of his suddenly felt hundredfold intensified sexual desires.
He is so tense with horniness that a slight tremor goes through his body. He looks over at you, you are still asleep, you are still alone and will probably be for a while. Automatically, almost of his own accord, he takes off his blacks. He looks down at himself, he doesn't see much, it's still dark, but his cock is clearly standing at full size. Against all reason that tries to survive somewhere under the wild chaos of sex thoughts, he walks over to the bunk you are lying in. In between he hesitates, this little part of him is only small, but stubborn. "You can't do that, it's indecent, you'll scare her... it's wrong..." he whispers to himself, and yet he keeps coming closer to you.
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You feel someone climb into your bunk or sit on the edge and slowly awaken from your slumber. Your eyes do not immediately adjust to the darkness. You blink, there is someone, in your bunk, you are uncovered and that someone is bent over you. "Tech? Is that you?" you ask, confused and not yet in your right mind. Your fingers grope for the nightlight and turn it on. It's not particularly bright, but enough to clearly see the naked Tech kneeling above you on your bunk. Your gaze lingers briefly on his hard length, thick, long, gently curved, the tip slightly red and swollen, a trickle of precum on the small slit. You look up at him, startled. "What's going on here?" you ask, perplexed, completely bewildered by the unexpected situation. He's not touching you yet, but you can still feel his body heat already. "Tech, you must have a fever- wait what are you doing!" Ignoring your words, Tech reaches under your sleep shirt for the waistband of your panties and sets about pulling them down. "Need you, need to smell you, taste you, feel you," he stammers as if delirious with fever.
When you automatically grab his hands in surprise to stop him, he fends you off and tugs impatiently at the fabric until it tears. You let out a startled little scream as he rips the fabric from your body, and right after that, impatiently, your sleep shirt. His eyes get even bigger behind the lenses as he sees you naked in front of him. "Tech, what are you doing....?" you ask quietly. He grabs your wrists, rips a strip off the sheet and goes to tie your hands together, but you fidget and stubbornly resist. He grabs your hands and pins them down, glaring at you impatiently. "Tech, what the fuck!" "Need you, need you to comply," he says hoarsely. "I don't understand," you say quietly. He looks at you, feverish, almost desperate, "I need to taste you and smell you and feel you, I need to have you!"
His words make you nervous, it doesn't sound like him at all, neither the pitch nor the way he said them.
Tech smells your hair and shivers, as do you. You feel his legs pushing your thighs apart, his pelvis thrusting between them and his cock pressing down on your pubic, rubbing against it. You let out a small surprised moan as the friction drives heat and wetness into your pussy.
He moans softly and repeats, "I need you." You've been into Tech for a while, but this wasn't really Tech, was it? Again he tries to bind your wrists, this time he's faster, and a little rougher, overpowering your flagging resistance and finally tying them to the headboard of the bunk. Your pulse races, your heart hammers in your chest. A startled, surprised squeak comes from your lips as he presses up against you, and dig his teeth into your shoulder, not hard enough to really hurt you, but hard enough to leave pressure marks. He licks over the spot, kissing it as his hands travel down your body. You're hot and cold, thoroughly aroused, but this seems so foreign. His body is burning hot, you are sure he has a fever. You want to tell him that he needs a doctor, but at the same moment his mouth moves to your breasts, and he begins to lick and suck your nipples, his long fingers greedily embracing the soft flesh. Your head is swept clean. You loll under him, sighing softly, he presses his lap into the mattress as he moves down your body, a low rumble coming from his chest as he sucks your nipples and rubs against your body.
Suddenly he rises, kneeling higher over you, his hard cock hovering just in front of your mouth. You blink and look past his hard length up into his face. His hand roughly grips your chin, pushing it higher, then he demands, "Open." Nervously, you open your lips as he finally presses his tip against them, letting him in. Your tongue automatically presses against the underside. You see him shiver, and hear him moan. Admittedly a nice feeling and a delightful sight. But Tech is under pressure, under fire. He grips your head and pushes further until you gag and your eyes tear as he fucks your mouth. His whole body trembles with tension. You stare up at him, having no idea how long you can keep this up or what to do when you can't anymore. But it doesn't take long, you feel him throbbing in your mouth, Tech moans out, then his semen shoots down your throat and mouth. You swallow in surprise as best you can. There's quite a bit. He pulls his cock out of your mouth again. Some of his semen trickles down your chin, but you can't wipe it away because of your bound hands. He keeps moving, his lips and tongue roaming from your breasts down, over your belly, faster and faster, as if they're impatient.
You start breathing faster the closer he gets to the heated triangle between your thighs.
There is something tugging at you, a craving, a want, something you didn't know before you had. It's weird, all of this, yet you feel you want this, you want him.
Then he's finally there, you hear him take a deep breath, feel him shakily expel the air on your wet folds. While you're still shuddering from the soft draft, his mouth is suddenly on your pussy, his tongue heatedly exploring your folds. A surprised squeak escapes you, followed by a gasp as his tongue glides over your pearl, repeating the motion several times in quicker succession. You have no idea how he does it, but his tongue is so nimble and strong, getting wilder and wilder. Your thighs tremble around his head, the gasps from your throat become faster and faster, mixing with hoarse moans. Tirelessly, his tongue flicks over your swollen, pulsating clit, again and again and again. You mewl in arousal, stir in your bonds. The feeling of his soft, wet tongue dancing on your sweet spot, that bundle of nerves is delicious.
He's rutting his cock into the mattress while he licks and sucks your clit, moaning as he does so, humming, muffled by your pussy where you very clearly feel the vibration, an added stimulus. You don't know what's gotten into him, at the moment you can't get a clear thought either. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you think back to the red glowing mushroom in the cave.
No matter how surprised and overwhelmed you are right now, you are also incredibly horny. Your abdomen trembles, your thighs quiver, the tension, the tingling and pulsating is heading towards a climax.
Tech's tongue gets faster, flicks your little clit in rapid fashion. Your abdomen tenses, your walls clench around nothing.
You almost cry out as you tip over the edge into your climax. Tech continues to lick your clit, a little too long, you become hypersensitive, and you jerk under his touch, but his hands grab your hips hard and hold you in place, pushing you into the sheets. He's still rutting his cock into the pad of the bunk, and his tongue finds your dripping opening. A little cry comes over your lips as Tech slips his tongue between your slick walls and wiggles around inside, starting to lick you out like you're candy. He's greedy, and intense and he's making a mess. "TECH!" He growls, not a word, not really a response, just a growl. His nose keeps pressing against your hypersensitive pearl, but every twitch of yours is held in check by his hard grip. "This is too much, Tech, too much!" You see him twitch, another growl, he rolls his glassy, reddened eyes back for a moment. You realize he's cumming in the sheets.
He finally lets go of you for a moment, sits up, somewhat breathlessly wipes his mouth and chin with the back of his hand and forearm, wipes away your juices and his saliva. His sweaty chest rises and falls heavyly. Tech still looks feverish, his eyes still wild and without focus. "Not enough," he says, slightly hoarse, smoky, "More!" You see that his length is still hard and erect. Then you see his gaze fall between your legs, you automatically want to close your thighs, you don't really want any more over-stimulation, but he pushes himself in between. Automatically, you want to use your hands, but they are still tied to the head of the bunk. Tech lies above you, pressed against you, his body still glowing hot. He seems to be wrestling with himself, hesitating, but only briefly. In the next moment, he has brought his tip to your hole and is penetrating you, parting your moist folds and plunging deep inside you. He's quite long and thick, you feel him stretching and filling you. "Fuck," you curse softly.
It hurts a little, but somehow it also feels so damn good. He's leaning on his hands, hovering half above you, his cock deep inside you. Sweat is on his forehead, his muscles are shaking, his reddened eyes keep blinking. He looks strained. You realize he's trying to hold back right now, but barely managing it.
This is not your sweet and shy Tech.
He starts to move, dragging his cock a bit out of your sensitive entrance, and right after that he pushes forward into you again. Slowly at first, but he gets faster and faster. He half sits up, pulling you to a different angle as he does so he can push deeper inside you. Tech moans, gasps, makes little sounds you've never heard before, every now, and then he stammers words you don't understand. His hips move faster and faster, the sound of naked skin meeting naked skin fills the room. You didn't expect it, but your arousal picks up again and as if Tech sensed it, a hand moves between you and his fingertips, deftly find your pearl. A hoarse sound passes your lips as his cock inside you, as well as his fingers on your clit, speeds up. As if of their own accord, your legs close around his hips as your thighs begin to tremble.
His name comes moaning over your lips, again and again. He stares at you, but his eyes are still so glazed and wild that you don't know if he's really looking at you. A shudder goes through his body, a twitch, then he growls softly, you feel his cock twitch and pulse in your cleft, his warm seed filling your pussy. Every other thrust, accompanied by a squelching sound. Shortly after, the knot in your abdomen loosens, tingling all the way to the tips of your toes. But Tech doesn't stop, he's still hard, thrusting into your pussy filled with his seed. "More," you hear him say in a shaky voice. You moan, "Tech, I can't take anymore." You don't know if he really understood you, perceived the words, but he pulls his cock out of your pussy with a wet smacking sound, grabs your hips and turns you onto your stomach. Your heart races, you're not sure what he's up to. His length is still full of his juices and yours as he pushes it lengthwise between your buns. His hands grip your buns pretty hard and squeeze them together as he begins to rub his cock in the crease between them.
He moans, gasps and trembles. You are glad that he has refrained from sticking it in your ass. Without preparation, that would have been very unpleasant. Tech rubs himself against your buns, panting, trembling. He suddenly slows down, then you feel his warm load splashing on your buns and your back. By now you are full of his cum, in and on you, even the bunk is full of it, everything is sticky. Tech, of all people, who is very conscious of his hygiene, has made this mess. His breath is getting shaky, you hear it, feel his cock finally softening on your buns. "Oh maker... oh no... oh hells no...", you hear him whisper, in his tone a desperation that is hard to overhear. You pull at your bonds and say as calmly as you can, "Please, Tech, untie me." "Oh my goodness, of course, right now.... I'm so sorry... really so sorry..." he continues to stammer and with trembling hands he loosens your bonds. Finally, you can sit up, turn around and look at him. His eyes are back to normal, no longer glassy, nor reddened, but his cheeks and ears are red, and the expression on his face completely desperate and ashamed. He hastily grabs a pillow to cover his crotch as you look at him.
"I'm so sorry," he says softly, almost whispering, barely managing to look at you, his gaze jerking away again and again, "I felt everything, perceived everything, but it was like my body was just a doll, controlled by overwhelming sexual desire...my mind had no control." "I figured something wasn't normal," you say dryly, looking down at yourself, "I'm all sticky," you grumble softly. "Oh maker, please don't hate me now, I couldn't stand that" he says, ducking his head. You laugh softly and say, "I'm never touching any mushrooms near you again". He doesn't feel like laughing, and your attempt to loosen him up unfortunately fails. You say softly, "Tech, well, before all this happened, you and I really liked each other, didn't we? I mean, we were just a little too shy to interact more." Tech blinks and lifts his eyes after all. His cheeks are flushed as he clears his throat and says meekly, "I've been in love with you for a long time, if that's what you mean." You feel heat rising in your cheeks and your heart beating faster. "Yeah, that's what I meant" you say nodding "The feeling was mutual by the way". Tech's eyes grow wide behind his goggles, but then he lowers his gaze again. "I guess I ruined that now".
"No," you contradict him, "you didn't. The fungus has twisted your senses, or whatever you want to call it. Nothing is broken because of it yet." Cautiously, Tech raises his eyes again. "I'd like to make you a proposition," you say softly as he looks at you. Tech nods and says, "I'm all ears." "You and I are going to take a shower together, nice and relaxed. We'll wash, maybe each other, some tender touches, no pressure, no expectation, just enjoy each other's closeness. Some tenderness after this, little disaster?" Tech blinks several times and asks, "You would still let me touch you?" You nod and admit, "It's not like I wasn't having fun at all. Besides, that wasn't really you, but I'd still like to get to know the real Tech better." Tech smiles, stands up and after a moment's hesitation, puts away the pillow he was covering his crotch with. He takes your hand and helps you out of the sticky bunk.
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Under the warm stream of water of the shower, you both slowly relax, Tech letting his tension escape with a sigh and smiling at you as you look over your shoulder while he gently washes your back. Tech says tenderly, "You're gorgeous, by the way". Your ears get all hot and a tingle spreads through your stomach as you say, "You're not bad yourself, handsome" Suddenly you hear voices, the boys must be back from their errands. Then you hear a curse and Crosshair yelling loudly, "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BUNK!!!" You look up with a soft, "Uh oh," at Tech who then whispers, "Oh. That's probably bad." "He's going to kill us," you say, biting your lower lip suppressing a grin, "We really made a hell of a mess." "Indeed," Tech says dryly, "I'd say we stay in here for now until he calms down." "That could take a long time" Tech smiles mischievously, "I don't mind"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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hamlets-ak · 2 years
you don’t think i’m a bad person ? ༊*·˚
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m.list ◦ askbox
synopsis: in which you find out that regulus got the dark mark
You leaned against a pillar, your back feeling the cold transferring from the marble to your exposed back, making shivers run to every part of your body. The music coming out of a pianoforte filled your ears, fading all the other sounds of people surrounding you, dancing, laughing, chatting…
The House Elves did great job with the decorations. The place was filled with white roses, his favorite. Your eyes traveled to the fresco at the ceiling, falling down to the paintings hanging on the walls and moving slowly to the marble ground in front of you.
There was no point of you being there if he wasn't. You had examined every single face in the room and none of them belonged to him. To your one and only. To the light of your eyes, the light of your soul, the light of your everything. To your Regulus Black.
Regulus Black, the person you would kill every star for, burn every tree, drain every ocean. You would trap all the earth's oxygen in a jar and give it to him, you would shrink the moon so he could carry it in his pocket. He was your everything.
And it was killing you like a slow-acting yet painful poison the fact that it's been a while since you exchanged your last words. He had decided to abruptly cut the ropes connecting you without any explanation.
You had written him plenty of times about how much you missed him. How much you missed the days you were lying in bed together wrapped around one another, his hands on your forehead as he was staring at the ceiling calm and serene, and your eyes sinking into his stare. You would give the world to go back to these days, when you were walking around the room feeling his eyes fixed on you, and you pretended that it didn't affect you at all.
You had written to him that your life didn't have meaning without him. You were miserable.
Only then did he send a letter to you with two sentences written in a sloppy handwriting you've never seen from him. It concerned you because even though you could tell that it was his handwriting, his letters, it wasn't his hand that was writing it:
Dear Y/N,
I'd rather see you miserable than dead.
Burn the letter.
Of course, you didn't burn the letter. If these were his last words to you, you wanted to have them, even if they hurt.
Every time you read those two sentences, you could feel knives piercing your heart, breaking it, and letting it fall in pieces right in front of his feet.
You breathed out heavily, feeling like you were suffocating, like you couldn't breathe. So, you decided to go for a walk around the manor. Besides, there was no point in you staying at the ballroom and watching all the people having fun, when he wasn't there with you.
You made your way deeper into extremely quiet halls, then to another and then another, as if drawn by a supernatural force to a lane that was leading to another world.
Weak square lights were balanced at the pillars, as the gleaming moon was pouring her pale light inside. Everything was dark but you kept walking.
Suddenly, the sound of your shoes started to quieten and got replaced by a painful scream. It turned your blood cold, utterly horrifying. Your body froze for a few moments before you took out your wand.
From the last door to your right, you saw a faint light coming from a half-opened door. You moved slowly deeper in that direction your grip tight around your wand ready to attack or defend yourself from the scream.
Another animalistic scream was heard and you felt paralyzed by fear. You gulped but you kept going until you heard another painful cry followed by sobs. You weren't sure if it was a wild animal or a poor child.
« Fuck! », the voice cried loudly. Your lips separated and your wand fell down. Without much thinking you burst into the room, letting the door hit back at the wall with a thunderous sound.
Regulus was curled on the floor, his back balanced against the cold wall, legs close to his pounding chest. His dark curls were concealing his face that was buried between his legs.
The moonlight slipped through the window swimming inside to give light to his form. His tie relaxed hanging from his neck and the sleeves of his shirt raised as he was holding tightly his left forearm, pressing his fingers on it.
If it wasn't for the damn moon you wouldn't have seen anything, but your eyes fell immediately on the place he was holding.
Your lips quivered and you stood there like a statue looking at him, not being able to move or say a word.
« Y/N, I'm not joking, get the fuck out of here! », he shouted looking at you angrily. You opened your mouth taking a few steps back. Regulus had never raised his voice like that, not to you, not to anyone. You were completely terrified by his tone, his mad expression, and the Dark Mark stained on his arm.
« What the hell Regulus? What is this? », you asked your voice high as you kept shaking your head in disbelief.
« What does it look like to you? », Regulus glared back at you. His face was deformed by pain. Your lips couldn't stop trembling and your eyes brought tears that were streaming like small rivers down to your cheeks. You wished the old Regulus could come to you, hug you tightly, and with his tongue lick the sorrow away.
« Regulus, » you murmured his name sweetly like a prayer. Regulus breathed out and covered his face with his palms. He started to cry as well because he hated being the reason of your tears. If he could cry for both of you and stop those drops from running down your chin, he would.
« Please, get the fuck out of here! », he screamed at you through sobs. Watching him like that made you walk closer. Regulus wouldn't hurt you, not your Reg, not the guy that was putting flowers behind your ear.
You sat right beside him slowly slipping on the floor. Regulus shook his head. He couldn't understand why you weren't leaving.
« Please, leave, » he murmured. Even if you wanted to leave, you couldn't. You were drawn to him like a magnet. You loved him so much, nothing mattered to you. He was in pain, that's all you saw, you wanted to take his hand and kiss it. You wanted to kill anyone who did this to him and caused him that much pain.
« I am not going anywhere, Reg, » you said, voice soft.
« You don't get it, Y/N, » he replied. « I had to do this! » You touched his shoulder and pressed your eyes shut tightly. You were so scared of him, but you loved him too much. If he was going to be your doom, let his shoulder be the last thing you touched. « I had to, » he cried even harder.
« Why? », you asked. You didn't know what else to say. « Because of your parents? » Regulus lightly raised his gaze for you to meet his swollen gloomy eyes. « We made plans, remember? That we were going to get the fuck out of here. »
« And you think he wouldn't find us? », Regulus asked with a bitter smile. You didn't speak back. « Y/N, I didn't do this because of my parents. » He looked away.
« Then? »
« I did this because of you, » he said and bit his lips. « I did this because if I didn't, he said he would hurt you, in ways… you don't even want to imagine. » You gulped and for a moment felt completely vulnerable and exposed.
« Me? Wh-why? »
« Because the only way he could get me, was through you, » his lips quivered for a moment. « Because Y/N, you are the only thing I care about in this life. » More tears ran down your cheeks as you looked at him. You sealed your lips together to get strength. Your arms wrapped around him, holding him tight. For a moment he stayed still, surprised by your reaction, but then he tied his arms around you too, holding you for dear life. « That's why I wrote you this stupid letter, » he said to your ear. « I can't be with you, Y/N, not like that. » His forehead touched yours lightly rubbing his head against yours. You held him on the back of his neck, feeling his curls tangling between your fingers.
« I missed you so much, » you said. He wrinkled his eyebrows pleadingly, the fingers of his left hand wrapping around your wrist to feel your pulse. He was shaking and felt heavy, as if the earth was dragging only him down and no one else. Frozen thumb drew the line of your most prominent vein. He tried to show you how it felt to be with someone like him; someone heavy, and cold, and helpless; someone in pain. But you didn’t care because you were holding his head steady and would never let it fall.
« You're killing me, » Regulus sealed his eyes, shaking his head. He let his fingers slip down. « Please, don't say that. We can't. I can't do this to you. »
« Regulus, listen to me, » you said, lightly lowering your head to look straight into his eyes. His gaze couldn't meet back yours and fell to the floor. « There is nothing that can drive me away from you. » He left a shaky breath slowly raising his stare.
« You don't think I'm a bad person ? »
« All I think is that I love you. »
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 months
Ugh I love how the Streetkid Chris AU shows his parallels and differences to Kauri so well.
I wonder if Jake may be expecting Chris to be a little more like Kauri, and how that preconception alongside Chris being a little older and having his pill dependency vs seeing the "statue boy" in the rain will change things. Jake is very nonjudgmental so I think he'd quickly adjust to taking him how he comes, but this is a much more guarded Chris than he's used to. Plus Antoni is clearly worried about him being in the home.
Also, from Anon: please forgive me for storming into your asks so soon after you've posted already. but i am sobbing please write a continuation for streetkid chris (if you want to)
Streetkid Chris AU: One | Two | Three | Four
CW: Brief references to dubcon, heavily internalized ableism, conditioned fear response, panic attack, meltdown with stimming that causes injury, head banging
The pills kick back in about halfway through Baldur fumbling through helping Kauri to create a bed from a pullout couch. He's had some water and a handful of crackers, in the kitchen. Kauri had pulled him into the living room and moved around the space like it was his own, pulling sheets out of a closet door Baldur hadn't even noticed yet, along with pillows that he dropped unceremoniously onto the floor before he told Baldur how to take off the couch cushions and then pull the folded-up mattress on its metal frame out. Like watching paper, he thought, that you've made snowflakes out of when you open it up.
The twinge of pain he feels when the thought comes to him makes him wince. He keeps smelling something in the oven that makes his mouth water for a familiar taste he can't remember. It's locked tight back behind the white lights in his mind, and Baldur tells his thoughts to swerve away as fast as they can, to make the pain stop threatening to take over.
He's lucky.
The pills are working.
His mind is moving slow, but it's listening to him at least. It's like syrup pouring out of a bottle onto a stack of pancakes, so slow your hand is shaking with impatience, waiting for the promised sweetness that doesn't come. He feels clouded over, wading through fog, but it's a comfortable way to be. It's being good, to be like this.
Like mornings spent lying in Sir's bed, staring upwards at the ceiling or maybe beyond it, without thinking anything at all.
It's easier, this way.
"So, there you go," Kauri says, standing back with his hands on his hips. The couch has become a cozy bed, with a half-dozen pillows and four blankets piled up high. Baldur could sleep there for days, and as long as the pills kept coming, he wouldn't even notice he wasn't moving. "Will that work? We'll have to share, though, is that okay?"
Baldur swallows. "I-I don't, um-" No. No no no. Statue boy, he reminds himself. Good boys are statue boys. Silence is better than stammering, stillness is better than what I do. His fingers twitch, just once, and then the fog of the pills smothers his fears and presses them down. The prickling energy that bursts out of him when he's sober is safely held back. He pictures his racing mind running out of air, limbs slowing, lungs expanding just once more and then no longer. "I don't mind. I... don't like to sleep alone."
"Yeah." Kauri's face briefly goes strange, like it's been emptied-out of feeling. "Me neither. Never have. Alone is-"
"-bad," Baldur finishes, in a whisper. "No one wants you."
"Right. Yeah. They taught you that, too, huh?"
"No one wants you... then you're not real," Baldur says. He can feel his handler's hand heavy on the back of his neck, like a ghost breathing against his ear.
"... Shit. I guess even the worst shit was just part of the program, huh?" Kauri stares down at the couch-bed for one long moment of heavy silence, then he inhales sharply and laughs, empty and hollow. "We're just fucking dolls in the toy store for rich idiots to pull the legs off of, aren't we? All the same, come in the same boxes-... never mind. I'm having a weird day." He shakes himself like a dog shaking off water. "Just ignore me being weird, it happens sometimes."
"Yeah," Baldur murmurs. "Me, too. Happens... to me, too." Baldur hears an echo of someone screaming in his mind - maybe himself - but the stab of pain doesn't come. He manages to smother the memory before it can come together enough to hurt him.
Kauri takes a deep breath. "Okay, so. Weirdness steadfastly ignored, we'll just settle in and then when dinner is ready-"
The front door opens, and Baldur spins on his heels, hands slipping behind his back. Position One is thoughtless, effortless, instinctive. He always met Sir in Position One or Position Two, depending on the day. Kauri, though, doesn't slip into any position - he just smiles, wide blue eyes sparkling with a warmth Baldur has never seen in him before.
The man who walks inside isn't that much older than Baldur, but he's huge. Tall, and heavily muscled, built like the handlers who could pick Baldur up like a child and force him back against the wall or onto a table no matter how he kicked or fought, until he learned not to fight any longer. He has close-cropped ashy blond hair trending towards light brown, pale skin, and his own face lights up as soon as he sees Kauri, returning the sunshine looks they give each other.
It hurts.
Baldur's never had anyone look at him like that.
"Hey, Kauri," The man says, in a deep voice that sounds like the warm summer nights when Baldur sleeps out in the park and doesn't get cold at all. Then he looks over to Baldur, still standing in careful position, and some of the warmth fades. "Woah. Who's this?"
"Friend of mine," Kauri says, and he grabs Baldur by one arm and pulls him closer, careless of how he stumbles. Once they get close enough, Baldur can smell the tall man's cologne. It's a good smell, kind of woodsy. Not at all like Sir's, which would feel like it stuck inside of Baldur until it was all he could smell. "This is Chris."
"Hey, Chris," Jake says. His smile is back in place, but it's more polite. He holds out a hand, and after a delay, Baldur realizes he's supposed to shake and sticks his hand out. "I'm Jake Stanton."
Baldur catches the way his eyes drop, seeing the barcode on the inside of Baldur's left wrist. Nothing in his expression changes at all, but something of the fizzing tension in the air does. Baldur swallows around a tightness in his throat.
Those eyes are back on him-
Oh. Jake's eyes are blue, too. Like Kauri's but not like his at all.
"WRU, Facility 001, Designation Romantic 223499," Baldur says automatically, to the unspoken question he thinks he sees there.
"You don't have to do that here," Kauri says in a rush, putting a hand on Baldur's back. "It's not like that."
"It's... always like that," Baldur says. He thinks he sees interest in Jake's face, curiosity, and maybe that's who he'll have to give his body to, to earn dinner and the couch bed to sleep on. He can do that. As long as he keeps his mind untethered from his body, he can move his hips and arch his back and make all the sounds and drift inside of himself until it's over.
"Not here," Jake says, voice deep and gentle. He won't be so bad, Baldur thinks. He'll be slow about it, not like the ones who don't care if it hurts. He won't have to lie as hard to make it believable that he enjoys it. "You don't do that here." He turns back to Kauri, and it feels like light moves behind a cloud when his eyes are off of Baldur. "Where's Nat?"
"Up in her room," Kauri says, shrugging. "And Antoni-"
"Is here," The feline-eyed man says from the bottom of the stairs. Baldur blinks, then jumps - a half-second delayed. He hadn't even heard him come down, even though the stairs are creaky in such old houses. "I can talk to you about something?" Those dark eyes briefly rest on Baldur.
There's no warmth in them.
"Huh? What's up?"
Antoni pauses. "In my room, please, Jasha."
Baldur's heart chills. Even through the pleasant fog of pills, he can hear the coldness there. And he knows it's about him, he knows it. He's done something wrong, wrong enough to be talked about. Like handlers outside his door, talking about what he did wrong and what they'll do to make him sorry. He chokes on the fear of it - consequences hurt so much. He must have been caught swaying, or touching, or making sounds that are against his rules.
"... sure, Ant. Just a sec." Jake frowns. He leaves his sneakers on a mat by the door and follows Antoni up - the stairs creak when he walks up them. They're already talking in low voices that don't quite travel.
He hears Antoni's voice, a soft, Not sure it is a good idea for him to be here.
He did something wrong.
Suddenly, Baldur can barely breathe. His vision is blurs of color, shadow and light. His fingers twitch again, and this time they don't stop. His head is full of a crashing noise that even the pills can't hold back.
He's in trouble. He did something wrong. He's in trouble, and they'll come back down and ask, Do you know what you did, darlin'? And he'll have to guess, and he always guesses wrong.
The games are always rigged for him to lose.
You don't learn any other way, sweetheart.
His breath gets halfway down his throat and stops there. It's stuck, and he wishes he was so drunk he blacked out, or so high he slept for the next few days, until whatever he's done wrong blows over and they forget to punish him, or maybe just punish him but he doesn't remember it.
His heart beats so loud inside of him, blood rushing in his ears. His eyes go to the wall, and he can quiet the chaos inside him if he can get to it, but his feet are stuck right here to the floor. He can't. He can't, it's against his rules, he has to be good, be a statue boy, be silent be still but being still hurts so fucking much when he's scared-
Kauri isn't looking at him. He watches the two men go, thick eyebrows a little furrowed. "I wonder what that's about. Antoni can be so weird, sometimes, I swear-" He breaks off and turns, looking at Baldur. He must see something there. He must see the terror in wide green eyes, the white showing all around, in the way his fingers are shaking, how he can't quite stop bouncing on the balls of his feet with the need to get to a place he can curl up and hide, or hit his head on the wall, until the chaos quiets and he can think again.
The pills are supposed to stop this.
They don't.
He flinches violently backwards when he realizes Kauri is right in front of him, has somehow moved without him seeing. Those long-fingered hands are warm, palms on either side of his face. Those big blue eyes are looking right at his, reflecting him there in Kauri's pupils. When he flinches, Kauri pulls away, and Baldur misses the warmth of touch the way he used to miss darkness when he lived always under white lights.
"Hey." Kauri's voice is soft, slow and gentle. "Hey. Chris, what's wrong? Talk to me?"
There aren't words. He can feel them, there are words, but they're trapped behind teeth on top of tongue. They shift, dipping beneath the surface before he can get his mouth around them. He can't use any of them at all. His hands move, shaking, to twist and pull at the hem of his shirt, but-
Have to be still-
He can't.
He can't be still. He can't be the statue boy, the fear is too strong. And if he can't be still, he'll be in even worse trouble. It's a cycle, a loop of warm ocean water sucked up into the hurricane. It's ash blocking out the sun, killing all the dinosaurs. He remembers the dinosaurs. He remembers the asteroid hit the earth, and the planet was swept by fire burning everything that survived the strike. He remembers that his mind moves like objects in space, impossibly fast and dangerous, because it isn't allowed.
"Chris?" Kauri's swimming in and out of his awareness. He knows there are hands on him, leading him to the couch bed. He feels, distantly, the softness of pillows as his back rests against them. He knows as if staring from the top of a mountain that Kauri is speaking to him in a voice like the clouds rolling in far below.
He can hear other voices, too, but they don't make it through the haze of panic. It's derailed everything. The pills aren't helping, they're making it worse. He can sense the comforting warm blanket of being high just out of reach, and instead it's all terror, overwhelming, flooding the plain.
He knows his mouth is moving.
He can hear himself, tinny and small and from a distance too far to cover, saying, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't be mad, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to I didn't mean to I'm sorry, please don't be mad over and over again. He tries to be still. He hits his head on Kauri's shoulder and that strikes new terror, so he hits his head harder, then he bites - he buries teeth into skin that he only belatedly realizes isn't his when Kauri makes a sound of pain.
It's a cycle.
He's circling, he's a hurricane, his mind is dangerous and his body is wrong and it has to be stopped.
He can't stop.
He wails, half a scream that he tries to catch and pull back. The sound dips and drops, it becomes a low, wordless moan, over and over and over again. It rises from the person inside of him who used to exist before he signed his life away and they wrote a new him onto the body of the old one.
He used to be someone else.
He used to be someone better.
He used to make noises like this, before they made him stop. Before they made sure he knew that rocking - he's rocking, he feels himself sway forward and back, his fingers twisting and pulling at fabric, moving and moving to calm the rising chaos and violence inside of him - would lead to pain and fear. Before they taught him to take every pill he was given until his body was quiet and still and good for them, for the handlers for Sir for anyone who wants to fuck him or put a hand on his head and make him choke.
The thick clay shell they made him build up around himself, though, has gone brittle.
It shatters.
He rocks and rocks. He hears the sounds he is making like they belong to someone else. He feels tears, hot and burning as they track down his cheeks, cooling rapidly to drip onto his shirt, onto Kauri's shirt and neck when his face buries itself there. His sounds vibrate against Kauri's scarred collarbone. His fingers are gripped into Kauri's shirt now, holding so tight the threadbare fabric rips and his fingertips brush the heat of skin beneath. There are other voices besides Kauri's, but he doesn't listen to them, he can't listen to them or the fear will rise again.
Kauri is talking to him.
His chin is on Baldur's head, and he's talking, murmuring, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I've got you, I've got you, honey, it's okay," over and over and over again. One hand is on the back of his neck, a gentle weight that starts him falling back down to earth.
He rocks with Baldur.
The hurricane starts to wear itself out, spinning and spinning but the wind dies down. He's falling out of the eye onto the ground. The noise inside his head is agony but it's agony he can hear over and around. He doesn't know how long it's been. The rocking is gentle, endless and soothing, and Kauri's other hand rubs up and down his back like-
His mother-
Someone he can't remember used to do when he did this, a long time ago.
"It's okay. You're okay. You're okay," Kauri whispers.
There are other voices, but Baldur can't hear them or he'll be a hurricane again. He keeps his thoughts on Kauri, on the rock of their bodies together, on the weight and warmth of someone holding on to him until he can come back down to earth.
The eruption stops, the flow of rivers bright orange and red and white with heat cooling to dark, solid, safe.
His bones stop burning, his head stops pounding with the noise inside of it.
Kauri is still rocking.
"I've got you," His low voice whispers, too deep for his delicate shape and size. "I've got you, Chris. Let it out, you're okay, I've got you. I've got you."
He struggles to remember how to make the feeling inside him into words, manages to whisper, " Don't-... don't go-"
"I won't," Kauri promises. His arms are tight and strong around Baldur's shaking, skinny body. "I won't. I'm right here. I'm right here."
"What the hell-" Jake's voice interrupts. "What the hell happened?"
"Why... why is he-" That's Antoni, who wanted to talk, who was talking to Jake about him. His voice is shaking, though, his accent thick and heavy. "Why he is yelling so loud-... you can make it stop? The-... screaming-"
Baldur stiffens.
Be good.
Good boys are statue boys, good boys-
The thought breaks apart when he hears Kauri's voice crack loud like a whip against the tile floor. "Probably because the two of you decided to go goddamn gossip. Get the fuck out of this room before I take a cast iron to your faces, you assholes."
"Shit." That's Jake, he thinks. Baldur hides against Kauri's neck until he can't possibly see their faces. The anger, the hate, how they'll be planning his punishment.
But then... footsteps.
They leave.
They go.
Because Kauri told them to.
"Let it out," Kauri murmurs, once they're alone again. "Let it out. Whatever you gotta do, you do it. I'm staying right here."
Baldur tightens his grip on Kauri's torn shirt and starts, finally, to cry. The last of the hurricane falls as tears when the wind dies, draining the terror from him to soak into Kauri's shirt.
"I, I bit you," He whispers, when the words are there. When throat and teeth and tongue work together, finally, to form them. "I'm sorry. I... I, I bit you-"
"No worries," Kauri says, right against his ear. "Didn't even draw blood. Trust me, you're not the first guy to bite - probably not even the tenth - and you won't be the last. But, just between us... I think you're probably my favorite."
Baldur starts to cry again.
This time, it's not a hurricane at all. It's summer showers, welcome warm rain soaking into a thirsty dried-out earth. He cries until he's emptied-out of the fear, until all that's left is hollow like cracked clay warming in the sun.
Like grass growing between dinosaur bones.
He used to know about that.
Someone who lived in his head did, anyway.
But he knows about it, too.
Baldur didn't.
But... Chris does.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
i was listening to the fanficmaverick podcast episode you did on fanfiction history, in which you mentioned (~55 min in) that you were one of the main people writing the terms of service for AO3 and bringing up the types of "would this be allowed" test cases, that these were not "oh it's a slightly problematic kink" but "violent snuff porn of gillian anderson, not scully, but gillian anderson" — and that you all eventually landed on "kinda gross, but legal in the US, and therefore would host." question: was this the most contentious case? any other memorable/notable test cases, or other interesting discussions you can remember?
i'd also love to hear more about how the major archive warnings were decided on — on what basis were these chosen? which others were considered? — if you happen to know!
sincerest thank you for all the work you've done for fandom and the preservation of fandom history. ❤️ seriously, such a feat, and so interesting!
I think even then my personal level of wallowing in annoying wank or looking at horrifying fic was vastly higher than everyone else's, so this was pretty much the example we looked at.
Though, if you want to laugh, astolat's original post is still up on LJ with the comments, and there were totally people going "I'd be interested in this new archive project, but not if it includes RPF!" or "Not if it includes any underage fic at all!" etc.
On usenet in the 90s, there was somebody or somebodies who were reaaaaally into that specific type of snuff story. I remember noticing how many of them involved not only hangings but very specific imagery of one high heel falling off. I was 13, so I really couldn't tell you if it was one dude with a specific fetish or genuinely super widespread. But it made an impression.
The alt.sex.stories hierarchy was a wild time.
Anyway, in practice, badwrong RPF of female celebs that sounds like it's aimed at straight dudes ends up on fetish sites for whatever the fetish is, not on fic archives for the most part, but I thought it was a useful example because it was so far into actually offensive to AO3y types. We're not talking the weaksauce shit people are always asking me about on here like "Oooh, what if someone posted [bog standard slash trope] to AO3?" as though it's a gotcha.
Man... were there other test cases? I'm trying to remember. This was all in like 2008, and of course, I didn't keep internal documents when I left OTW. Not that half of this was stuff I'd have had documented on my computer anyway.
My memory is that the general shape of the content policy had been decided by the founding Board before Content Policy started up. I don't think we were actually making the ruling on RPF ourselves.
I'm pretty sure most of what we were up to was looking at wank and trying to determine how to head off shitty behavior with the ToS. Trying to define harassment is a mega pain in the ass, let me tell you.
One major internal wank there was was deciding whether to allow Original Work. I was the one who'd been in anime fandom, and I was very used to archives that have an original section, often for the "original slash" and "original yaoi" that had nowhere else to go at the time. (These days, you'd just become a "m/m romance" author, as I in fact have.) Fanfiction.net had spun off its original years ago at that point, but a lot of the non-English archives and a lot of the archives in other parts of English-speaking fandom found fannish-but-original to be a normal thing.
I am a grudgy bitch, and I am still not over how much pushback I got on this.
AO3 went live with a ban on original work, but the policy never ended up being heavily enforced. We waited to see what would happen with posting, and it was predictably that people from those backgrounds outside of US Media Fandom posted some original without even thinking it might be banned, but they didn't post so much it overwhelmed the archive.
The big fears had been that #1 people would flood AO3 and drown out the fic. This was predicated on the idiotic notion that original = inherently not fannish, so there's no dividing line. In reality, the people who were used to posting original to fic archives had an internal sense of what belongs and what doesn't. Fear #2 was that people would try to post chapter 1 of a commercial story and then go "See here to buy the rest". Little did we know that this would soon be a problem with fucking fan fiction itself. (Also, commercial spam was always against the rules and needed no extra anti-original work rule.)
People didn't just disagree with me: they looked at me blankly.
Pretty sure I vented about this on that podcast too though. Anyway, most of the shit people find contentious now was already decided before we started writing the ToS, I think... though I don't really remember clearly. We were more looking to plug up holes in the rules that nitpicking trolls could use to harass.
The kinds of things we were deciding were often like the policy that AO3 doesn't necessarily tell you if someone reported you. If they need info, they'll contact you, and if they decide you broke the ToS, you'll hear about it, but obviously bogus reports don't get passed on. This is to remove the temptation to use the team as a proxy to harass a target. An official e-mail, even if it's "You're fine, actually", can be disturbing.
Re the warnings themselves, I know I'd done a survey of what archives were out there at the time and had come up with a list of a few dozen. This was early on in OTW's development process, not just for Content Policy. You can still find the list somewhere on that LJ group. Anyway, for the ToS writing, we looked at the commonplace warnings from archives past, which were basically character death, character death, and also character death.
It always cracks me up when people are like "Um, rape makes sense, but how dare they downplay these other bad things with a character death warning?" Old fandom places were full of unwarned for rape, but woe betide the person who posted surprise character death of a main ship!
We needed an under-18 warning because we had a lot of Australian fans who were like "Dude, my government is a bitch, and I cannot use this archive at all if I can't filter that out". Past archives had mostly just banned it entirely or been full of death eaters raping teenage Harry Potter characters with nary an underage warning in sight.
I don't remember why we picked the violence one. It really wasn't common, but maybe we wanted to make a philosophical point that sex doesn't have more cooties than violence.
CNTW was a compromise with older fandom standards where people objected to literally any warnings existing. A lot of the really oldschool warnings debates aren't about which ones you should have but about whether you should have them at all.
I think people around here miss how non-universal warnings are and how many other communities and spaces even today don't think you need all that.
I don't recall if we seriously considered any specific others. I don't think we had a big list, then ruled them out. It's more like we accreted a few must-haves as we went along. We probably looked at the metadata for the eFiction archives that actually had ticky boxes for search (as opposed to the very low-metadata norm on many archives). But a lot of those filters would have been fandom-specific or redundant or hella vague.
One thing to keep in mind is that this was an Era of Archives, so there were fucktons of examples to look at, though only a few flavors of example since a bunch used eFiction or otherwise copied each other's design. It was possible to make some judgements about past norms on archives, not just go "Are we copying FFN or not?" A lot of fans now see fic hosting as the big three or see AO3 as the only option, but we were used to having many archives with many designs.
I know we wanted a short and manageable list of warnings, and we wanted unambiguous things that could be effectively enforced. If I'm populating my hard-coded 90s website with other people's fics, I can go through each for dubcon before I post it (not that you'd ever have warned for dubcon in the 90s). On a big fic archive, making judgement calls on vague ass categories like dubcon is a nightmare.
We did do some focus groups where other interested fans came in and critiqued our work. I can't recall how much was about our ToS wording and how much was about the actual policies. But we did workshop this shit extensively with people who were around at the time. I think many of the whiners now assume it wasn't enough of a community effort (since we didn't decide things they like). But actually, a bunch of people weighed in. Maybe elf remembers what we actually asked them. I think she was in a focus group.
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neiptune · 2 years
a casual arrangement
(eren x female reader)
warnings: nsfw, heavily suggestive, explicit language
a/n: on my eren shit again please look away
Your friend with benefits happens to be over as the very last person you'd want him to meet materializes at your house as well
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You didn't plan any of this.
The actual plan was to spend the afternoon chilling in your room, maybe indulge in a face mask and a netflix show. It's your day off and your roommate is visiting her family so you really just wanted some peace and quiet. What you got instead, was a text from Eren Yeager asking for permission to come over.
You two have a friendship superficial enough to allow the casual and comfortable arrangement of being friends with benefits.
Rules of said casual arrangement: you're not exclusive, PDA should be kept at minimum, absolutely no feelings involved. It's just a nice, convenient indulgence. It's just uncomplicated sex.
You're pretty much in the same social circle so it's not like you only spend time together while he's inside you. Most of your friends know by now anyway so you go out to eat together or watch a movie at his from time to time: he's never been the shy type and you're well past your initial awkwardness.
Still, the plan for today definitely didn't involve ending up sitting on your own desk with legs dangling over the edge, Eren standing between them with his hands resting on your parted thighs, what started as an innocent, lazy make out session growing steamier by the minute.
When a whimper eases from your throat as he skillfully nips and sucks at the skin of your neck, Eren can't help but rut his hips against you, making you feel the hardness straining at his jeans.
Inevitably, you giggle because of how easy it is to get him worked up each time. You've barely done anything, not even touched him properly yet and there's already a tent in his pants.
He parts from your skin, laboured exhales ghosting over what's soon to become a bruise.
“Shut up” he grumbles and your hands travel from his belt loops to his cheeks, to guide his face closer to yours.
“You're cute” still smiling, you kiss him but Eren isn't having any of your teasing today. His warning comes in the form of a not so gentle nip to your bottom lip and his hands are quick to slide behind your thighs to scoop you up in one swift movement, like you weigh nothing.
“You think you're so smart, hm?” as your legs automatically wrap around his waist he walks backwards until he's sitting on your bed, scooting back until he's comfortable against your pillows as he draws a surprised gasp out of you when slick lips find their way to your neck again, only to bite down right where your racing pulse resides. You protest with a whine and he smirks.
“So immune” he's quick to soothe the stinging pain of the spot he's bitten with his tongue before pressing an unexpectedly sweet kiss to the bruising skin.
“Don't get cocky” you barely manage to breathe the words out, interrupted almost right away by his tongue sliding past your parted lips, tip agonizingly slow as it teases your palate. God, he's good.
“Cocky?” Eren chuckles to himself as he pulls back to catch his breath, grip on your ass so strong you're almost certain he's gonna leave bruises there as well “didn't you get off just by riding my thigh last week?”
Fuck— the mere thought of how the rough texture of his jeans felt while you dragged your hips against his muscular thigh, bare and needy and desperate, is enough to get you drenched once again. Core tightening, you can't help but grind against his erection, drawing out a groan from him at last.
“You're so annoying” you lightly tug at the hair at the nape of his neck and he huffs out a laugh, the only thing on his absolutely otherwise blank mind the agony of not being inside you yet.
Aren't you as impatient as him, he wonders? Dripping on his lap, cunt most probably clenching around nothing by now?
Hands squeeze your ass and push you towards his chest, urging you to rock your hips once more. Eren almost, almost lets his raw desperation spill out. He wants to ask if you need him just as much as he needs you, wants to hear you squirm some more and beg him to bury himself in your walls as deep as he can go, all the way to the fucking hilt.
But you never do, so he doesn't, choosing to resort to a more familiar snark instead.
“You gonna do something 'bout it before you leave a stain on my pants, again?”
You both freeze at the sound of the high pitched voice suddenly piercing through the quiet of your apartment. Questioning eyes dart to yours but, as realization dawns on you, you quickly and very much clumsily get up from his lap.
“You have to go!” grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, you urge Eren to get up and frantically motion towards the window.
“Excuse me?” even if you're pushing, he isn't moving, and the last, fragile wire holding your mental sanity together is about to snap as you try to push harder. The man's made of concrete apparently, your efforts are absolutely useless.
“I'll explain, just go!”
“Through the fucking window?”
“Ohmygod fine, just stay in my room and wait until we're out, then leave”
Eren doesn't remember a time when he's been left as blue balled as he is right now but the panic in your eyes makes it evident that there's a matter certainly more urgent than the cock still painfully throbbing in his pants.
“I'm sorry” it's kinda cute, the apologetic gaze you direct at him before you rush out of the room, not even giving him the time to fix your hair a little.
As you close the door behind you, the woman whose presence shouldn't come as a surprise because you've made plans with her a week prior, stands right before you with furrowed brows as she inspects your winkled clothes and smudged lipstick.
“Is it a bad time? I thought we were supposed to grab lunch!”
“No! It's a perfect time, actually! I'm so sorry, mom, I totally forgot. I was— uh, taking a nap” you smile nervously, voice coming out hoarse despite your attempt at sounding normal.
She hums, eyes darting to a few suspicious purple spots scattered on your throat and neck.
“Let's get going!” you chirp a little too excitedly, grabbing her arm to guide her to the front door and as far away as possible from your bedroom.
“Don't you want to... freshen up first?” she's now blatantly staring, which makes you think something's wrong with your face, which causes you to panic.
“Sure, why don't you wait right here? Be right back!” you smile, quick to turn around and race to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, eyes instantly widening in horror at your reflection in the mirror.
“Christ” you mutter under your breath as you reach over to grab some micellar water and a cotton pad to scrub your lips clean of the mess that was once your carefully applied lipstick. You wash your face next, not even attempting to put any other make up on, and try your very best to give your hair a more tamed appearence. There's nothing to do about the marks Eren has left literally everywhere, a sour reminder of the sexual frustration you're going to be left with for the rest of the day. Damn it.
As you carefully pat your face dry with a towel, you freeze once more. You can hear voices through the door and the terrifying thought of your mom barging in your bedroom is enough to make you throw the towel in the sink and quite literally bolt all the way to the living room, breath heavy and composure long forgotten.
Well, it's pretty fucking worse than your mom barging in your bedroom. She's sitting on the second hand green sofa your roommate had insisted on getting from a thrift store and, right next to her, is sitting the man who was supposed to stay in your room and pretend he didn't breathe or exist until you and your mom took off.
They're having a conversation about god knows what: ever the charmer, you can tell he's put up that charistmatic facade of his and of course it's working. She's all smiles and sparkling eyes and honeyed voice. It's basically your nightmare incarnated.
“Ah, baby, ready to go? Eren was so kind to come introduce himself, why didn't you tell me your boyfriend was here?” your mom's smile is blinding as you carefully make your way into the room, terrified eyes darting to his pants. Nothing. Jesus, did he finish himself off in your room in record speed?
“He's not... we're not—” you have no idea how to make this right, because you'd rather die than admit to your sweet, supportive, open minded but still a little conservative parent that you've been having casual, mind blowing sex with one of your friends for the past two months and that such an arrangement doesn't nor will ever lead to being in a relationship. She'd be disappointed. Not because of the friends with benefits thing per se, but because she always tells you how much she wants you to have a stable presence in your life, to find someone special, a partner you could finally be emotionally vulnerable with. Yeah, that ain't happening anytime soon.
“We're kinda new. She's still shy about it” Eren grins and you purse your lips, feeling a weird, definitely unwelcome warmth creeping up from the nape of your neck.
“It's not a relationship” words come out between gritted teeth and your mom furrows her brows in confusion. Nonchalantly, he grazes her arm to direct her attention to himself once again.
“Ah, yes, she calls it dating. Between you and me, I think she has a hard time processing her feelings”
Oh my god.
“I know exactly what you mean” your mom lowers her voice as well, as if the two are sharing a secret you're not supposed to hear.
“Mom, we should get going” you interrupt the all too familiar exchange unfortunately taking place right in front of your eyes, relief washing over you as they both finally get up from the goddamn couch.
“Eren, you should totally join us for lunch!”
Inevitably, your swallowing muscles stop functioning and you choke on your own spit, a series of sudden coughs you barely manage to contain with your elbow and that leaves you not so graciously gasping for air at the end.
Finally, he has the decency to look embarrassed, like his innocent entertainment has been taken too far. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
“Ah, thank you but I don't want to impose. I'll just go home and—”
Your mom casually links her arm to his, dangerous fondness glistening in her gaze and softened features. “I insist. Can't remember the last time she's introduced me to someone, you can't refuse”
Eren directs an apologetic gaze at you at last and you narrow your eyes at him because it's obviously too late and now you have to go through with his stupid little game, even though peril is written all over the whole goddamn thing in neon letters. And although you're an adult and you get to decide how to live your life, you kinda want your mom to have this moment. To give her something to be happy about and that'll make her less concerned about her hasn't-been-in-a-proper-relationship-in-years daughter. You want her to think, no, to know you're doing alright.
Somehow, it's a relief to be able to have Eren by your side in the process. He's worked his magic on her just like he does with everyone else and, honestly, better him that some random asshole you're not sure you'll want to hang out with ever again. Who knows, maybe once this whole friends with benefits arrangement comes to an end, you'll still be able to be just friends.
“Let's go, then. We're gonna be late” you surrender, slightly flinching when Eren takes your hand to slip his fingers in between yours like he's done a million other times, squeezing once as if to apologize. Confused by the unsettling reason why it feels kinda different this time, you squeeze back.
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“How mad are you?” he asks as he shuts the front door behind him and turns the light on.
You take off your shoes, not bothering to reply and choosing to make your way to the bathroom instead, to wash your hands. Eren's footsteps trail behind yours and you meet his concerned gaze in the mirror as he stands behind you, patient enough to wait to be acknowledged. Him choosing the sheepish, apologetic route certainly makes it harder for you to be actually mad but he doesn't need to know that yet.
So, again, you shoot him a glare and avoid replying, out of the bathroom and into the kitchen you go in the blink of an eye, Eren following you again like a stray cat that's been fed too many times to leave.
“Not the silent treatment” he groans as you gingerly pour yourself a glass of water “talk to me, please”
“Why're you here? I'm not in the mood anymore” you grumble the lie from behind the glass, hoping he won't read into your features well enough to understand how overwhelmingly not mad you actually are.
He doesn't.
The lunch has been a delight, honestly. You've never witnessed your mom like one of your friends as much, let alone a boyfriend. She's asked him endless questions and he seemed so genuinely happy to indulge her curiosity, all smiles and witty jokes, playful teasing directed your way from time to time and one or two stolen kisses for good measure, to make it look like you're actually happy and dating.
Truth is, Eren has depicted you as someone you really are not. He's said an endless amount of wonderful things that are not true and it's honestly so annoying how you wish they actually were: not for him specifically, just for someone.
“Yeah, we met at a party, then ended up finding out we're friends with pretty much the same people and it's just been so easy from there, you know?” he smiled with a little shrug.
Well, one true thing, at least.
Your mom hummed softly to herself, mindlessly cutting up her steak.
“What was your first impression? She tends to come off a little strong”
“Mom!” you whined and she laughed.
“Ah, yes. But I also thought she was so smart, a little intimidating even. It's honestly a miracle she's settled for me” Eren was all focused on his parmesan chicken as he spoke but the words were just so unexpected you found yourself searching for his gaze. You couldn't, for the life of you, figure out how on earth he could be such a perfect liar.
“She's a charmer” your mom smiled fondly as she reached over the table to shortly graze your cheeck “what about you, sweetie? Did you know he was the one right away?”
“Mom, we're just dating, you're making it sound as if we're about to get married” you grumbled, cheeks growing hot by the literal second as Eren's knee playfully nudged yours underneath the table.
“I'm just askin', you never know” she winked and you rolled your eyes with a groan, exasperated.
“Baby, answer the question” he casually demanded, jade eyes focused on you and brows raised expectantly. Christ.
“I thought he was way too outgoing” you picked at your pad thai, words leaving your lips reluctantly “and I didn't believe someone with such a strong magnetic field, capable of attracting so many people, could be genuine. But he's just the most authentic, honest person you'll meet. Funny too, every once in a blue moon”
“And cute, right?” Eren masterfully deflected and lightened the overall mood, his reply swallowing your mom's honeyed aww. He couldn't help the heat rising to his cheeks at your compliments: fake or not they sure sounded sincere.
You gave him an unimpressed look as you brought the glass of iced tea to your lips.
“Well, you didn't say you thought I was cute, did you?”
“Clearly, would've been way too simplistic. I thought you were stunning”
“Gosh” your mom's voice covered the sound of you almost choking on your drink “you sure you're not thinking of marrying him?”
His face contorts in an outraged expression. “Hey, you make it sound like I only hang out with you to fuck!”
“When was the last time we did something other than that?” brows raised skeptically, you walk past him and plop down on the couch, fingers gently raising to your temples to hopefully massage a surging headache away. He hums, pensive, as he sits right next to you, way closer than one would need to.
“Fine, you have a point. But I'm honestly just here to apologize”
“Oh, give me a break” you scoff.
“I mean it! I took the joke too far and m'sorry if you felt uncomfortable”
You peer at him at last and there's really nothing but sincere regret in his annoyingly big eyes.
“It's fine. I'm not mad” you concede and he perks up right away. God, he's a literal child.
“You're not?”
“Cause if you are, I could eat you out to make amends”
You huff out a laugh mirrored right away by his smile, choosing to ignore how your thighs clenched at his words. It's like your body is on autopilot whenever he opens his mouth, reacting by muscle memory at everything he says. An effect he really shouldn't be aware of having.
“But you'd love that so it's not like it'd be an actual punishment” you arch a brow and Eren grins a boyish grin, shrugging. Something inside you flutters and it's not just because you're turned on.
“My mom really likes you. God help me when I'll have to tell her we broke up” you sigh, scooting back until your spine meets the armrest. He picks your legs up and places them on his lap.
“Why?” he asks absentmindedly, inching across the coffee table to grab the remote control and turn the tv on, leaning comfortably against the backrest of your couch right after.
“Why?” you parrot “d'you want her to believe we're happily dating while we're actually seeing and fucking other people?”
Eren doesn't cast his eyes away from the screen as he stays silent, seemingly meditative. His hand is massaging one of your ankles and you can't suppress a yawn as you turn your head to look at what's being aired as well. There's nothing in the fridge so you'll probably have to order pizza for dinner, unless you steal your roommate's infamous potato salad. The thought is tempting but she'd have your head for it.
“Wanna stay over tonight?” you mindlessly ask, eyes fixed on the host of what looks like a fairly popular talk show.
“Hm? Thought you weren't in the mood anymore” mischief laced into his smirk, he lightly pinches your calf and you faintly kick his hand away.
Ah, right, you mostly spend time together to have sex. It'd be too weird to suggest staying over to just... what? Share dinner, watch a show and go to sleep? Like a damn (gagging) couple?
Idiot. Divert.
“Well, you do have amends to make” you clear your throat as he goes back to rubbing your ankle, the motion so soothing you consider shutting your eyes and relax into his touch, letting it lull you into a nap.
Eren chuckles quietly to himself.
“Fine” he says and your heart squeezes a little, an undesirable feeling you can't seem to shake off in what will go down as one of the weirdest days you've ever lived “make sure your mom knows I'm also the best fuck you've ever had”
You laugh heartily at that, sock-clad foot rising up to his face to jokingly poke his cheek. He slaps it away with an exaggerated grimace.
“Best fuck and performer. She'll ask me to bring you over for christmas”
“I'm amazing with family dinners. You'd have to give me an oscar by the end of the night” with a devious up-to-no-good smirk, he crawls on top of you and you playfully push his face away as one of his knees finds its way between your slightly parted legs, hands resting on either side of your head.
“Get off!” you giggle as his face presses against your hand harder and harder until you have to retract it and his forehead lightly collides with yours.
“Did I tell you” he smiles at your frown, lips brushing against your forehead before they start to trace your jaw with soft, chaste kisses.
“How hot”
“You are”
“When you're”
And then his lips are on yours, soft and gentle and slow for a change, your hands rising up to cup his face and bring it impossibly closer with a desire you've been dying to give in to for the entire day.
He pulls back ever so slightly, a gesture out of the ordinary as you're pretty sure he's never once interrupted a make out session to look at you like that. All serious, like he's on the verge of breaking the fragile branch you feel like you're standing on.
“What? Hard already?” you whisper, heart racing so badly you pray he won't lower his head to kiss your neck again because your pulse at the moment is frankly embarrassing.
And sure enough a tiny, airy laugh crawls out of his throat as one of his hands slips under your shirt, thumb casually tracing the under curve of your breast sending an instant shiver down your spine.
“Way to ruin the mood”
What mood?
He carefully lifts himself up and takes a second to drink the sight of you all flustered and confused right in before he extends a hand to help you up as well.
You fake a groan as you accept his offer and are up to your feet in a second, remote control in hand to turn the tv off tossed on the couch once again. As you precede him to your room, he suddenly calls you by your name and you turn around to find him leaning against the door frame of your living room, arms crossed.
“Who else are you seein'?” the question is almost sheepish, embarrassment embedded in his unusually tense features. You tilt your head.
“No one” your reply is equally hesitant but way more confused.
He hums to himself, as if to confirm a thought known to him only.
“Me neither”
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writing-whump · 5 months
👋 Hellooo
Sooo I've been thinking about some ideas for part3-something serious as you asked for opinions 🤭 (I actually even Googled for it tbh xd)
And I saw that fever, severe pain and infection related things are quite common after appendectomy. Well, if we consider that Hex's appendix infected and he stayed for a while like that (idk, a day or less?), it's possible that there's still some infection in his body even after the surgery which his shadow cannot heal. In short, I believe it's a good chance for Hector to whine and being grumpy due to really high fever, feeling sick (coughing and shortness of breathing are two other possible complications as I read on google) while Isiah and Arnie are taking care of him..
As I was the one who insists for Isiah&Hector parts I thought I should help 🤭 but I trust and love your imagination, so I'm sure you'll write another great part for them when you have time and energy!
Thank uu!! Take care&Lots of love 💕🤍
Thank you for all the ideas & even research! That's so sweet. Hope this lives up to it :3
Appendix part 3
"Can I have some water?"
"Yes," came the immediate reply from Isaiah. Hector was currently draped over his lap, feverish forehead against his brother's stomach.
"But real water. Not that sweet shit you've been feeding me."
Isaiah laughed softly, his stomach muscles vibrating under Hector's ear. "It's a rehydration solution. You can't take more than a few tiny sips to keep it down and this actually helps. The water does not do enough."
Isaiah's voice was still a picture of calm, but Hector thought he was staring to pick up on the difference between real calmness and fake, carefully controlled big brother voice. He talked with authority, the intent to reassure dripping from each syllable.
Hector also noticed Isaiah talked more formally when he did this. The opposite of relaxing, truly.
Isaiah's hand landed on his shoulder. He rubbed little circles on his arm, waiting for Hector to tense up to start lifting him. He always waited for Hector to make the first move, the decision to get up, even if it was just a little twitch to his hands. As if he was scared not to do something Hector wasn't ready for.
It was kind of nice. It made Hector feel like he was in control of what could be controlled. Otherwise he was content to leave the rest to Isaiah. There was something very relieving about it.
It allowed Hector to whine and complain about everything, even though he could hardly come up with anything better himself.
His insides were boiling. Weren't you supposed to be cold with a fever? His clothes were sticking to his skin with sweat.
The cut on his lower right side was radiating pain. There was no comfortable position to be in, it just hurt. He shifted around sometimes just to try it, but every movement just send more spikes of the searing heat up.
Hector took shallow short breaths, as little as he could just to not move his stomach too much. It even still felt bloated, although he couldn't eat for the last two days.
Hector groaned when Isaiah helped him sit up, leaning back against his brother's chest. Isaiah held the glas with a straw to his lips. Hector drank greedily, his throat dry and hot.
Although the liquid was nicely soothing and cold, the sweetness almost made him gag. He held it in, swallowing heavily before almost choking on the next sip.
He coughed, doubling forward. His eyes went black with the pain that clawed at his stomach with the movement.
Isaiah quickly put the glass away, tucking Hector back against himself as his chest heaved with the painful coughs. He murmured something that Hector couldn't understand, carding his cold fingers through Hector's hair.
Hector whined quietly, glad for the contact. At this point it was a shock to him that he wasn't steaming from the way his insides cooked in his skin.
"You are okay, you are okay. Just breathe."
Hector managed a pained scoff. "It fucking hurts. Keep your stupid advice."
On some level he understood he was being mean and whiny and that he probably shouldn't be relying on Isaiah's endless well of patience. But he also couldn't really formulate why it was bad, his brain breaking his sentences in two before they were finished. He was going to figure it out later.
"Just four more hours to go," Isaiah said, but his hand froze in Hector's hair. He turned back towards the door as if hearing a noise Hector wasn't catching.
It was just great, that without his shadow he was basically deaf. Like a damn human.
"Could you hold on for a minute? I need to check something," Isaiah said, looking down at Hector.
"Yeah, yeah. Get out. I need a break from you anyway," Hector said acidly.
Isaiah sighed quietly. He gently maneuvered himself from under Hector without jostling him, easing him down on the pillows.
Hector slumped back against them, stretching his hands. There was a warm spot left after Isaiah.
He rolled a bit away from it, looking for coldness in the sheets. It was soothing for just a bit, the cool part of the pillow and the untouched cover...
Hector opened his eyes. Even his skin hurt. Looking up the ceiling felt nauseating and he felt like he was choking a bit more with every breath. They came hard and short. Hector was too fearful of the pain that would explode if he let himself take a deeper one.
He hated the way his stomach rose and fell so obviously. The round puffiness around it, the way his loose shirt brushed against the gauze on the wound.
He hated everything.
The wounded wolf reached for his shadow on instinct, trying to coax it up ahead of time. He could feel it stirring under his call, like a quiet warm presence at the end of his mind.
That was progress from the numbness from before. But it wasn't enough. It made Hector's chest hitch with a quiet sob at the helplessness.
He balled his hands into the sheets, digging his fingers into the fabric. Trying to find something grounding.
At least Isaiah's calmness, the warmth of his concern at Hector's back, the soothing trust this was just temporary small discomfort and he would be okay...Even just the pathetic way he would pet Hector's hair or rub those little circles onto his shoulder...something soft and pleasant to focus on in the sea of pain made a huge difference.
The weight of not having it suddenly hit him like a brick in the head.
Did he say something again that pissed Isaiah off? This was still such a new territory. It didn't feel natural to be so...so careful around Isaiah. Hector had never done it and he wasn't sure he knew how.
But Isaiah required more sensitive treatment now...why was it again?
Hector felt a wave of guilt and sadness wash over him, but just as it hit he couldn't remember why he felt that way.
There was just a new load of horrible-ness on top of the pain and heat and general ickiness.
"Is-" Was he really going to beg him to come? For real? Wasn't that even more pathetic?
He grid his teeth together, not sure why he felt like crying. He wanted...he didn't know what. To go home? To go away? How would that help?
Everything was so confusing. Why was he in this state again? And more importantly, why was he alone?
"Zaya?" Maybe he would know. Isaiah always knew everything. Especially about what to do next. "Arnie?" Or maybe Arnie. Arnie knew more about emotions than Hector ever could. His younger brother understood what hurt people and what pleased them with a skill of a chessmaster. Hector should ask him...what did he want to ask? It felt important. How could he forget?
He sobbed quietly, chest constricting with panic. The panic made the nausea worse, slimy heaviness pooling in his stomach.
Hector tried lifting himself up on unsteady arms, his mouth dry, but he could feel the goosebumps of nausea climbing up his arms and neck. His teeth throbbed. Oh god, he didn't want to throw up again, it always hurt...
No such luck though, his chest heaved. His stomach rolled, sqeezing and contracting back into itself as he gagged. He manged to drag himself over the rim of the bed, before his arms buckled underneath his own weight.
He dry heaved painfully over the edge, the pain in his wound burning like he was on fire.
That's when the door burst open. Isaiah gave him a shocked look, before his features smoothed out and he climbed up into the bed behind Hector.
One cold hand went to Hector's shoulder to prop him up, the other to his forehead. Isaiah helped him to lean over the edge. A splash of the sweetened water made its way up.
Hector whimpered from the pain, the gag turning into a ruthless cough right after.
"Shhhhh. I'm here, I'm here. You are okay. All good now. Deep breath."
I can't fucking breathe, he wanted to protest, but all that left his lips was a whine and a strangled burp, punctuated by more coughing. His chest hurt, another little note in the cacophony of pain.
Isaiah turned Hector over gently to prop him up against his chest again. It made breathing a little easier. As if he had heard him after all.
Hector closed his eyes. They were burning with the tiny drops of liquid that managed to force their way out.
Isaiah wrapped an arm around his forehead, petting his cheek and then his hair, pushing the sweaty blond curls behind his ear.
"Shhhh. Sorry, bud. I just called the hospital to check over the symptoms. They say the nausea is normal, but we should check you in if the fever doesn't go down soon."
"I'm not going back there," Hector moaned. "Look what they did."
"They helped you. If they didn't operate, your appendix would have burst and killed you. It's not that much harder to kill a wolf than a human," Isaiah said sternly, not leaving room for an argument. "Now try to relax. Your breaths are too shallow, that's why you keep coughing. You need to breathe properly."
"I want to lie down," Hector whined. Even slumped against Isaiah like a toddler and his head spinning, he wanted to lie lower.
"Can't do. Breathe for a bit. Your lungs need more space to stretch out. Sitting up will make it easier."
Isaiah still petted his hair and Hector didn't have enough strength to his pride to dislike it. He leaned more into the touch.
The panicked emptiness from before dissolved at Isaiah's touch and explanation. His chest undone from the knot, he dared to take a bit longer breaths, head clearing out as oxygen refilled his lungs.
"I got a new towel." Arnie stuck his head into the room, whispering like Hector was sleeping. "You think-"
"Yeah," Isaiah said, voice vibrating under Hector. "The fever isn't any better. Not climbing up though."
Hector forced his eyes open so he could brace himself for the cold touch of the water-soaked cotton.
Isaiah unwrapped his arm from Hector's forehead so Arnie could circle the towel around his head instead.
Hector sighed contendly at the coolness. He was starting to see a way out of this by focusing on everything nice that he could feel. Like little beacons of light in the suffocating fog of pain.
Fog was way better than a fire, after all.
He focused his bleary eyes at his youngest brother. The kid had dark circles under his eyes and there was a telling redness to them. With the wet eyeslashes and the shaky way he moved, Hector knew he must have been crying.
Was that why Hector saw so little of him?
The night felt like a week to him and Arnie was absent for most of its days.
"Hey, pipsqueak," Hector said in a rough voice, opening his palm.
Arnie knelt down on the floor, throwing the previous not cold towel at the splash of sick next to him.
He took Hector's hand in both of his, a tiny quiet sob escaping him at the contact.
"It's alright," Hector said. His voice sounded like he gurgled nails before. "Don't cry."
Arnie's breath hitched, but he tried to smile. He pressed his cheek to his own shoulder for a second to wipe it dry. "'m not."
"Did someth'ng happen?" Hector asked, suddenly confused at the possible reason for Arnie's distressed. He thought he understood just a second ago.
Arnie blinked at him, his eyes going to Isaiah in concern. He squeezed Hector's hand. "It's nothing."
Arnie's giggle was watery. He climbed into the bed beside Hector, curling up against his middle brother's side, the only one of the three that was lying instead of sitting.
Hector made great effort to lift his hand and put it onto the top of Arnie's soft blond head.
Isaiah made a pleased, almost approving noise at the back of his throat, relaxing under Hector's weight.
The oldest wolf adjusted the towel around his forehead, then wrapped his hands snuggly and gently around Hector's waist. Avoiding the injury, but also holding him a bit straighter. Tighter.
"Just three more hours."
Hector nodded, leaning his head back, tucking it under Isaiah's chin.
Cocooned like this by his brothers, he felt like there wasn't that much that could happen anymore.
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doumadono · 11 months
Hi, does this count as an emergency request? If not feel free to ignore, thank you.
My cat Arthur who's been with my family for a long while while hurt when he got outside yesterday, he passed this morning and my world is spinning. Would it be possible to ask for some comfort through Bakugou?
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A/N: I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved cat. Losing a pet is always incredibly tough. I hope that, with time, you will gradually find healing after the loss
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Life had been challenging since the loss of your beloved cat. The grief weighed heavily on your heart, and the once-familiar silence in your home now felt oppressive. You'd shared a unique and cherished bond with the cat, and the void he left behind was suffocating.
Bakugo, your boyfriend, was not known for his softness or sentimentality, but he could see the depth of your pain. The sadness in your eyes hadn't gone unnoticed, and he was determined to find a way to bring back the light that had dimmed in your life. He was about to hatch a plan that, unbeknownst to you, would be a potent mix of surprise and emotion.
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Seven months had passed since your beloved kitten, Arthur, had crossed the Rainbow Bridge, leaving a void in your heart.
On a crisp spring morning, he presented you with a mystery. "Close your eyes, and don't open 'em 'til I say so," he grumbled, his demeanor trying to hide his excitement.
You obeyed, curious yet tinged with worry. Bakugo had his own way of surprising you, but this felt different.
A soft rustling followed, and then the sensation of something warm and fuzzy against your fingertips. "Okay, open your eyes."
You blinked in astonishment, your gaze meeting a pair of sparkling brown eyes, filled with endless curiosity. A fluffy, golden retriever puppy was nestled in your lap, wagging its tail with enthusiasm.
"Bakugo!" you gasped, your heart swelling with joy. "Is this… for me? You got me a pupper?"
He crossed his arms, a faint blush on his cheeks. "Don't get all mushy on me. Yeah, it's for you. I noticed how down you've been since Arthur…. well, you know. Thought this might help."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you scooped up the puppy, cuddling it close to your chest. "You… You have no idea how much this means to me."
The puppy yipped happily, nuzzling against you, and you couldn't help but smile through your tears. Bakugo might not express himself like others, but his actions spoke louder than any words could.
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Days turned into weeks as you and the puppy, now named Sunny, built a deep bond. Sunny was a whirlwind of energy, constantly testing your patience as you tried to train him. You spent countless hours with Bakugo, who had secretly been watching training videos to help you.
One evening, as you sat on the couch, Sunny perched beside you, Bakugo turned to you and said, "You've done a damn good job with that furball."
You looked at him with a teasing glint in your eyes. "High praise coming from you, Katsuki. Did you ever imagine we'd love a dog this much?"
He huffed, leaning in closer. "Don't get too smug. It's just 'cause you're so crazy about the damn thing."
You laughed, leaning into him. "Thanks for giving me a reason to smile again, Bakugo."
His gruff exterior softened, and he pulled you closer. "Yeah, well, someone's gotta keep that smile on your face."
As the weeks turned into months, the three of you became inseparable. Sunny had grown into an energetic, playful dog that loved to steal Bakugo's socks and make a mess of his bowls.
But Bakugo had also grown, showing a side of himself that he'd hidden from others for so long.
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
my thoughts on finishing AFR (tumblr version)
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Firstly, thank you all so, so so much for reading.
5 years ago, on February 19th, 2018, 2:24 PM I posted the first AFR comic. I drew it thinking it'd be a nice little project for a few months, and then I'd move on. Little did I know it'd become a huge passion project and something that's brought me many, many tears and laughter. It's been a journey making this thing, I can easily say I am hardly the person I am when I first made this. I've learned so much about myself, the world, and what I wanted to say in comics.
AFR didn't become a serious project until I realized Asriel and Chara's story hit home to me and I realized I had something more profound to say than just "heehee silly ut comic where siblings squabble." Now it's become a story about growing up, and the life after the "happy ever after." What does it mean for "everybody to live?" well, you live. You suffer. You cry and laugh and it's everything you want and you fear. You wake up another day.
It's no secret that Chara and Asriel are heavily based on myself. Every OC and every character I can put my grubby little hands on have been influenced by me. Yun's excitement for monsters, Mew Mew's loud declarations of frenzied thought, Hol's quiet, head-in-the-clouds nature... the list goes on. Knowing the characters now, I'm excited for the redraw as I can paint their stories from start-to-finish properly. It pains me more than anything I can't just say "here's a finished product, fully and forever." But one step to getting there was finally finishing the tumblr version. So even if I were to die, or lose my ability to draw, I can say: I told my story. I made it real. It's messy, incomplete, and not at all what I aspire it to be, but it's here. And that means, so, so much to me.
Never again will I be accepting story asks. Never again will we see what crazy thing Asriel and Chara are up to in their journey into adulthood. While the story will continue to develop, it has it's ending.
I've grown, a lot. I started this when I was 21 years old. I've had a on/off relationship, I've learned I'm neurodivergent, I've moved out of my abusive dad's home. I've had so many jobs in that time. I lived through the pandemic (not that it's over) and I've made and lost (out of touch) friends along the way. I am Sam. I drew AFR. I still have so much left to do to make it fully realized but I did it.
And in that time people have offered me grammar and spelling corrections. Advice, suggestions, fanart. You've sent like, I can only imagine to be at least a thousand asks in this amount of time. You guys have been a huge part in this comic being made. Even as the story moves more and more away from the "Ask" part of the title, you guys made it so much more fun, thought provoking, and exciting.
So while my minds a bit scattered and I'm kinda jumbled up, I just want to say with every bit of myself: THANK YOU!!!!!
I understand if many of you don't choose to stick around for the redraw, I'm more than thankful to anyone who's read this far (or heck, just one tumblr post is enough. I feel seen.) and if you so choose to stay, I look forward to sharing a million more little moments with you. ^_^
Thank you and I wish you the very best, have a good life. Peace and love on the planet earth <3
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beoneofus · 1 year
“ hey... It's been a while. ”
shuffling could be heard, followed by the rustling of rough pants and the scraping of shoes against a hard floor.
“ I, uh... man, I don't even know why I'm calling you. ”
his voice was... it was raw. toned with what seemed to be sadness. acceptance lingered, but grief followed.
“ I guess- I guess I just miss you, y/n. ”
the sound of his shaky sigh and voice, that struggled to stay steady, made tears roll from your tearducts and well up on your waterline. you had to squeeze your eyes shut in order not to cry. the phone you held to your ear shook painfully, as did the strong breath you inhaled.
“ it's been so long, hasn't it? a year, this friday.. ”
the male on the other side of the phone let out a wobbly breath.
“ a year since you've been gone... ‘s funny how you were just here, like, two seconds ago smokin’ a joint with me and laughing... an’now you're not. ”
a pathetic, pain filled laugh was let out. you could only imagine him scraping tears from his cheeks furiously with the butt of his palm.
the thought alone had you slapping a hand over your mouth, a sob following after. muffled.
he sighed again, before a flop and the plop of something heavy was heard. he must've hopped over the arm of the couch, to lay on it... he always did that when you were around.
but.. now you weren't. you had to run away.
“ ... I'm not one to believe in heaven or hell, man.. ” he paused, and you could only guess to wrack a hand through his hair. “ but, I just know you're the prettiest angel in the sky right now. ”
god, here comes the hiccups.
“ I love you, y/n. just... keep rockin’, darling. I miss you every day... ” it sounded like he was sadly smiling now. “ and I always listen to the mixtapes you made me. ”
you sniffle, harshly wiping away your now falling tears.
“ guns n roses will always be our band, babe. remember, you're my little rose. ”
your breath was shaking violently by now, and so were your shoulders. you missed him so fucking much.
“ and... and I guess this'll be the last voicemail. ” another pause rang out. It was longer, however... because he didn't want to hang up. “ goodbye, y/n. please- remember to stay alive. that's all I ever wanted for you. ”
and then the voicemail ended with a beep.
your legs crossed criss-cross-apple-sauce, leaned back against the couch that sat you thousand of miles away from paul. your eyes were practically glued shut, squeezed so tight that your lashes bent upwards against the fat of your upper cheeks. your lips, trembling, pressed together in a suction tight bite.
it was so hard to keep it together, which is why you finally broke. the dam fell, leaving you to heavily sob. your hands, after dropping the phone, flew straight to your eyes. the butts of your palms press to your skin while you try to rub away the tears and itchiness so helplessly, but nothing works. you can't stop crying.
but, you had no choice. you had to fake tour death and get out of santa carla for personal reasons that involved not only your little brother's life, but your own.
the only biggest regret you had, was not saying goodbye to paul before you did it.
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https-sonshine · 2 years
Also cruising with sonny late night listening to music in his car 🥹🥲
His hand on ur thigh windows down and you could be singing to him
*sure thing by Miguel*
authors note: heyy, here's your request. i wasn't sure what vibe/genre you were going for but hopefully, you'll like this. i think this might be one of my personal favs
word count: approx 1.1k words
warnings: none, pure fluff maybe a twinge of angst if you squint your eyes
"Come on, I can't sleep." Son's comment elicited a sleepy groan from the girl beside him.
"So you won't go on a drive with me? He lowered his head until his face was almost touching yours.
"Sonny, it's 1 AM." you stirred, your eyes still closed. 
"And?" he said before brushing your forehead with his lips.
He observes as you scoff at the sheer audacity he has to wake you up.
"Come on, you've been down since you came back from France, the drive will cheer you up, and I want to see my favourite girl smile," he whined. You groaned but then reluctantly opened your eyes and took a deep breath.
"I'll even buy you food." He said, trying to bribe you. You rolled your eyes, and a small smile escaped your lips 
Not only because the food sounded good but so did spending time with Son. It's true that you've been upset over the last few days. It was also true that it had something to do with your recent trip to France. But you weren't ready to talk about it yet, and you are grateful to Sonny for not pressuring you to open up. 
"Fine," you grumble, "But I better get my food." 
"I swear all you do is eat. Maybe your new nickname should be piggy," he said before breaking into his famous laugh, which quickly died down once he caught you sending daggers.
"Do you want to go on a drive alone? I swear you hang around Dele too much," you said, rolling your eyes before getting up from the bed.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he hugged you from behind, leaning heavily on you.
"I can't change with you on me." You shook your head, attempting to ignore the warmth his embrace provided. 
"Say you forgive me." He leaned away and looked into your eyes, his expression pleading for understanding 
"I forgive you," you uttered the words reluctantly, unsure if you meant them.
He turned you around in his hands. "I don't believe you."
 You sighed, your anger dissipating as you looked into his eyes. You couldn't stay mad at him when he looked at you with that adorable pout.
"I," you say softly, kissing his neck.
"For" you, leave one on his left cheek.
"Give", and you leave another on his right.
"You," you let out before lightly connecting your lips with his.
You had to admit that drives with Sonny were the best. You felt something you couldn't put into words as the two of you watched the world fade together. His hand was gently resting inside your thigh. A feeling you wouldn't trade. You felt safe, secure, and deeply connected to him.
He turns on the music, and that's what fills the silence inside the car. 
You are a big fan of r&b music, so it wasn't a surprise that you were singing along to the chorus of Sure Thing not very long into the drive.
Even when the sky comes falling
Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
He wished that he could tell what you were thinking. He didn't want to admit it, but he was addicted to the girl sitting beside him. He knew he wasn't your usual type. He was surprised you two lasted so long. But he was grateful for meeting you. All he wanted to do was remove all the pain in your life and replace it with joy.
So put your pretty little hand in mine. 
Finally, you sang, squeezing his hand with your tighs and making him look.
You closed your eyes and bopped your head in time to the music, seemingly oblivious to anything around you. Son was completely captivated; he couldn't tear his gaze away from you.
"You might want to pay attention to the road unless you want us to die," you said with a hint of playfulness. Your words startled him out of his trance.
 Son smiles at you and listens to you sing for the rest of the drive.
At some point during your trip, you guys stopped to get food. Doing rock, paper, scissors to decide who would choose the place to eat. You won and settled on some maccies. You two sat in the car, belting out tunes while eating, having the time of your lives no worries, and completely stress-free. 
 You wished every day could be like this.
When you looked out the window, the people, the lights, the trees, and the night sky all blurred together into one chaotic palette. 
It was as if only you and Son existed, with everyone else a mere speck on the canvas of your life.
With the man beside you, contentment was the only emotion you felt. Even that was an understatement.
You were slowly lulled to sleep by the light breeze on your face, your mouth slightly open and a calm expression on your face. Son smiled to himself as he stopped at a red light. He leaned across and gently kissed the crown of your head. His lips lingered for a moment longer, and he inhaled deeply before closing his eyes, savouring the moment. A fragment of your singing had stuck in his mind, and he recalled it.
If you be the cash, I'll be the rubber band
You be the match, I will be a fuse, boom!
You sang, your face hidden behind your hands. Your face only reappeared as you said the final word. He could tell you loved the way the song made you feel as you danced back and forth in your seat.
Painter baby, you could be the muse
I'm the reporter, baby you could be the news
He was wide-eyed, so amused by you and your voice. You could have fooled him into thinking he was a pirate and you were a siren trying to entice him. It was like he was stuck in a trance, absolutely in awe.
'Cause you're the cigarette and I'm the smoker
We raise a bet 'cause you're the joker
You poked his shoulder with a grin. His heart skipped a beat, and he smiled as he watched you. Everyone has an addiction, and he was sure you were his.
Checked off, you are the chalk and I could be the blackboard
And you can be the talk and I could be the walk
As you sang quietly, you didn't notice the man watching you with a flushed face and a lovesick look on his face. The words "I love you" came out of his mouth unexpectedly.
You stopped singing, stunned and embarrassed by the sudden outburst.
You were so flustered, and he thought it was adorable. The corners of his eyes crinkle as his smile broadens.
With those precious moments of your angelic voice, he knew you were the girl he wanted to marry.
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more-better-words · 9 months
When all else fails, Just Post ™️.
This was proving to be one of those days when Trip and T'Pol would see a great deal of one another in the course of their duties, but have very little time to actually speak. She was in Engineering, helping with some standard stress test calibrations when Trip paused by her station. "Sorry I, uh, haven't really said hi today," he said, passing the PADD he held between his hands. She gave him a curious look; agitation was not abnormal for him, but to be so perturbed simply because he hadn't had the chance to greet her yet? There was something more at work.
"If you are concerned I am offended, I assure you I am not," she told him.
"That's good...I mean, I wasn't..." He stopped himself, took a breath, and asked, "Can we talk? Later? Off duty?"
"Of course."
"Okay...good." He nodded, seemingly to himself. "I'll stop by your quarters." He extended his fingertips to her; she touched them, and he hustled off to oversee the upper level.
A quiet curiosity hummed at the edge of her senses for the remainder of her duty shift. They had shared the previous evening's meal with the captain, and he had been his usual self - something had occurred since then, and she couldn't help but wonder what it was. But patience would have to be her watchword, so she performed her duties, and when her shift was over, she returned to her quarters to await him. She didn't have to wait long.
He entered with the same restless energy he'd exhibited that morning; as soon as the door was closed, she seized his shoulder, and sat him down on the edge of the bed. "Sorry," he muttered, looking sheepish, "I'm just-"
"Trip," she said, sitting beside him, "what is it?"
He took a deep breath. "Last night…I wasn't tired, so I went to the mess to work on my proposal for the Andorian project, and the captain came in. He couldn't sleep. We, uh, we got to talkin', and I…told him that we're both lookin' to transfer. And why."
"He will have to be privy to any reassignment either of us undertake," T'Pol pointed out. "He will know soon enough - what does it matter that you told him last night?"
"It isn't so much what I told him…it's something he asked me."
"Which was?"
"If you and I were gonna make it official." At her blank look, he elaborated. "Get married."
"Oh." She considered that for a moment, then tilted her head. "Are we?"
He stared at her, then laughed weakly, running his hands over his face. "You wanna know why I haven't brought it up? Honestly?"
He tightened his lips, wetting them with his tongue before saying heavily, "You've been married. I'd understand if you didn't wanna do it again, if it's...not a concept you've got warm feelings towards." He sighed. "And we've got a really good thing goin' now, and I don't want to mess that up."
"We do have a good thing," she agreed quietly. "But my previous marriage bears no resemblance to our current relationship."
"Exactly. And that's why I don't want to-"
"That marriage was the result of negotiations between Koss's family and my own when we were children. I had very little choice in the matter." She touched his cheek, turning his head to look her full in the face. "But I chose you, Trip."
His eyes were fixed on her, caught, as if held by some invisible tether. "I wanna spend the rest of my life with you," he whispered.
"I would like that."
"So you...wanna get married?"
She nodded, brushing her thumb over his cheek. "I want to marry you."
He smiled, suddenly and hugely. "Okay. Then we'll-" Something seemed to occur to him, and his head lolled back, his smile replaced with a pained look of self-recrimination. "Wow. Hell of a proposal there, Tucker. Good job."
T'Pol raised a questioning eyebrow. He took a deep breath, stood, straightened his collar and sleeves, and dropped to one knee in front of her. "T'Pol," he said seriously, looking her squarely in the eye. "I love you. You make me happy. Will you marry me?"
Her eyebrow remained elevated. "Was my previous statement unclear?"
He doggedly maintained eye contact, his mouth pursed. Suddenly she remembered similar scenes in some of the films he'd picked for movie nights over the years. A proposal. Right. She twitched her shoulders slightly, perfecting her posture. "Yes, Trip. I will marry you."
The smile was back. "Sorry, I just...I really wanted to do it right."
She wanted to tell him that the method was immaterial, but he looked so pleased that she simply said, "I believe I understand."
He seemed to realize he was still in the floor, and stood, pulling her up with him, clasping both her hands in both of his. "The, uh, the cap hinted real hard last night that if we were gonna get married, he wanted to do the ceremony."
"Did he?"
"Oh yeah."
"He would actually be a very logical choice of officiant." She paused, then asked quietly, "I make you happy?"
"Yeah," he said, sounding surprised at the question. "You really do." He kissed her hands, first the left and then the right, never taking his eyes from her face. "And I really do love you."
"And I love you."
He smiled, and she realized her question about his happiness truly was redundant. "Then I guess we got a weddin' to plan."
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all-le-smut · 1 year
Aeneas seems such a good character to put in the imagination. Just imagine the power.
Summary: Roman and Remus both separately like to fuck Virgil, but one day, when they're both in the mood and fighting over him, they accidentally fuse into a single creativity one again
TW's: Fusion, NSFW, slight pain play, praise, degradation
"It's my turn!"
"Ooo, someone's jealous of the bigger dick~"
"Guys, this is not something worth fighting over."
Virgil immediately regretted saying that when Roman and Remus both whipped their heads around angrily. The heat from their fight was coming at Virgil now, and at the same time, they yelled:
"Of course you're worth fighting over!"
Virgil facepalmed and just sat down, deciding to let the two of them hash it out.
Roman turned back to Remus. "You've had his ass for the past three days, and I've been very patient with you."
Remus laughed. "I think you're just upset that he prefers me," he teased.
"He does not prefer you!" Roman shouted. "The whole reason we have this arrangement is because he couldn't choose between us."
"Well, yea, because he loves you, but loves my dick," Remus chuckled.
"Oh my god, just share him, that's that only solution we have besides become one fucking person!" Roman yelled, waving his arms in the air.
For a moment, everything went still. Remus and Roman stared into each other's eyes, as if a lightbulb had sparked between them. Virgil looked back and forth between the two of them anxiously.
"Guys?" Virgil whispered. "What's going on?"
"Is it even possible?" Roman asked, ignoring Virgil.
Remus let out a hearty laugh. "Let's find out."
Without warning, Remus tackled Roman and they went crashing to the ground together. Virgil stood up from the couch to help them, but he had to turn away when a blinding light exploded from the two. Virgil fell to his knees from the blast and had to cover his face for a few moments. Once the light died down, Virgil cautiously turned around. There, on the floor where there used to be two bodies, there was now one.
The man stood up, muscles visible since his spiky green shirt had no sleeves. A swirling red sash wrapped around his torso and waist and doubled as a belt for his black, ripped jeans. His ass was hugged tightly in a way that made Virgil gulp. He had high heal boots that gave him a few extra inches of height, and his hair was brown with a streak of white. As the man turned to face Virgil, he revealed his well-groomed mustache paired with a goatee. His face was determined and his fists were in balls.
Virgil struggled to catch his breath. "R-Remu-- Roma-- who are you?" He stuttered out.
For a moment, there was silence. The man looked down at his hands as if he wasn't sure himself. Then, he smiled and laughed. His icy stare terrified Virgil and turned him on at the same time.
"My name is Aeneas, and I am Creativity," he announced. "Since you liked your two boyfriends so much, we--... I thought you'd just love all of those qualities in one body."
Without warning, Aeneas began marching towards Virgil. The anxious side couldn't move, and he didn't know if it was because of fear or arousal.
As if he were lighter than air, Aeneas picked Virgil up from the ground and threw him onto the couch. The creative side fell forward, catching himself before he crashed onto Virgil, and spread his boyfriend's legs.
"You can always say no, my darling, this is all about your boundaries," a piece of Roman seemed to shine through for a moment before Remus's sickening smile took over. "But I know you're too much of a slut to do that."
Virgil let out a whimper as Aeneas slowly leaned in to start sucking on his partner's neck. His other hand stroked down Virgil's torso and landed on his clothed erection and began to rub. Virgil was already breathing heavily and trying to stay quiet.
Aeneas chuckled deeply. "What a good little whore you're being for me. Come on, make some noise for me, sweetheart. I want to hear you squeal."
Virgil let out a squeak as Aeneas unbuttoned his pants and slid them off with his underpants in one strong swipe. Aeneas gripped Virgil's hard dick like he was choking the life out of someone, and it made Virgil whine louder than he meant to.
"There it is!" Aeneas smiled. "Good boy," he praised as he started to jerk Virgil off. "You know, I think this is rather nice. Praising you for the dirty fucking twink you are, and you just love it. Do you like it when I call you names and compliment you at the same time? Do you like it when your two lovers are working together like this? Answer me!" Aeneas demanded.
Virgil nodded fervently and let out a pathetic "Mhm," as he got closer to cumming.
"What a good slut you are," Aeneas praised... degraded...? Virgil didn't know, nor did he care. He felt amazing. "I bet you're just a few seconds away from cumming, aren't you? Well, you decide when you cum, but I decide when we're done, got that?"
Virgil's only reply was a high-pitched moan as he let go of all the built-up tension in his cock. He tried to hold back, but this was just too fucking hot. However, just like Aeneas had warned, that wasn't the end. Virgil's stomach was filled with dread and blissful arousal as he realized that was the first of many climaxes that night.
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
Hi! You write tender Homelander so well!! I’m living for these headcanons. Could you (if you want to of course) write a fic with a tender insecure Homelander in a new committed relationship where reader has to reassure him how she feels and he tells how he feels?
Most days, it doesn't feel real.
Homelander didn't know what you were going to mean to him when he met you. In fact, he's not sure that he ever stops realizing it. Like a wound that grows wider over time, his love for you feels a living, bleeding thing. He's never had such an open, aching vulnerability before, much less one that exists so outside of him.
For all the comfort that you bring, so too does this bliss terrify him. The deeper he falls, the closer the bottom of this well begins to feel. It would shatter him to hit that end, and realize that you have nothing left to give him.
It pushes him to seek out evidence anywhere he can that the well of you still overflows for him. Now that you've committed yourself to him, and him to you, he craves more than ever diligent assurance of your love.
One morning, you wake to him sitting up on his side next to you, watching you slumber. He looks as though he's been awake for a while, the sleep long gone from his eyes. His brows are slightly furrowed, so you reach up to smooth the line of them with your thumb, smiling sleepily yourself.
"Good morning," you greet, a slight fry to your voice.
Homelander—John to you, especially in these intimate moments—closes his eyes and cups your hand to his cheek, pushing into it. "What were you dreaming about?" He asks, cracking his eyes to look at you sidelong.
You hum, thinking about it. The visions are already a blurry, distant thing. Abstract. The more you try to remember them, the less you're able to hold onto them. "I don't really remember."
He frowns. Clearly not the answer he was looking for. "Do you dream about me?"
Sensing an odd tension in the air, you roll onto your side and prop yourself up, more actively clearing that languid morning haze from your mind. "Yes, sometimes. Is something wrong?"
"No," he says, but there's a defensive edge to it that alerts you to the fact that yes, there very much is something wrong.
"John," you coo, putting a hand on his bare shoulder, rubbing soothing lines up and down his arm. "It's just us. Tell me what's going on."
You watch the line of his lips tighten, pressing into a firm line. He exhales a mirthless half-laugh to the side, glancing away from you before he looks back. "I just want... I need to know that... You're here for good," he says. It almost looks painful for him to say with the way his jaw locks up. "That you won't leave me t—" he cuts himself there, but you hear it. That you won't leave me, too.
Understanding dawns, and you recline onto your back once more, opening your arms to him. "Come here," you invite him. He complies readily, descending into your open arms, curling his own around you tight. He nuzzles his cheek against your collarbone, sighing as you wrap your arms around him.
"I love you, John. More than there are words to say it," you tell him, stroking your hand through his hair, the other down his back. You wonder how long he's been watching you sleep, agonizing over the idea that your time in the realm of dreams, away from him, was somehow eroding your love for him. "I'm not going anywhere."
He exhales heavily against you, grip tightening slightly before he relaxes. Your voice alone has such power over him, drowning out the ones in his mind. You could tell him to level a city, and he would do it in a heartbeat, though he knows you won't. You are something good, the closest thing to perfect someone like you can be to someone like him. So far above the worthless crowds of nattering nobodies. 
You are his beacon.
"I need you," he admits, sounding softer than you've ever heard him. "I need you to need me, too."
"I do," you assure him. "Now that I know you, I don't know what I'd do without you. For the first time in my life, I feel safe. Truly safe. Loved. No one has ever made me feel so... whole."
He looks up at you at that, expression vulnerable, and in his eyes you can see a spark of realization, like he's just put the last piece of the puzzle together. "Whole," he echoes. "Yeah..."
It's as though it hadn't occurred to him that his consumption of your love fed you just as much. That he was not only taking from you, but fulfilling a need in you just the same.
You smile, leaning in to press your lips to his. He answers the kiss with hunger, as he always does, as if he can never get enough of you. You're beginning to really understand how true that is. Homelander's aching need for your love may be bottomless, but so too is your capacity for it. The two of you have formed an endless loop, feeding into one another in ways no other partner has been able to.
"I love you," he says, quiet and fervent.
"I love you more," you answer playfully.
You feel him grin against your lips. Now that you've made it a contest, he'll be on you all day to prove you wrong. Or right, depending on how you look at it. All that matters is that the loop never ends.
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