#when justin was very very active on twitter
krittec · 2 months
hilarious that a background character that had a singular appearance in the comic had such a big impact on the fandom who immediately loved him so they decided to change him to a main character and that now in the final season, he’s seems to be the focal point of the entire season. Ben Hargreeves impact.
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veronicawildest · 6 months
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(Disclaimer: If you get butthurt on my other observation just blocked me and move away from me. This observations is from the celebrity i've observe and my social circle. Just take this like a grain of salt)
The trait that I love about Punarvasu is their resourcefulness. It makes sense because of the Vimshottari Nakshatra of Jupiter. They are also very giving.
(Unevolved) Punarvasu are fake. When they're talking to you, they act like a goody two shoes type of boy/girl, but when you're gone, they talk behind your back. They don't like confrontation (very passive). Also holier than thou (This only applies if you're UNEVOLVED, otherwise don't get butthurt).
Punarvasu are also people-pleasers. They want to have a "goody-two-shoes" reputation. (I can't fully describe it, but if you get it, you get it). A primary example that I'm going to give is Elon Musk (Punarvasu rising). The way he acts and presents himself in public. He just wants to be likable, but clearly, the public hates him.
Punarvasu are smart and they will show you that through their actions (I mean actions, for example, problem-solving activities)
The casting stereotype of this nakshatra is a hippy vibe. Just like in animated movies, Matilda (from Angry Birds Movie played by Maya Rudolph (Pushya sun)) and Brooke (from Ice Age: Collision Course played by Jessie J (Pushya moon)).
Pushya isn't as auspicious as it is portrayed in the Vedic astrology community. You will go through some hardships and heartbreaks that will make you easily susceptible to mental health issues. (I have this placement so this comes from my experience).
I observed this from other Pushya natives that they're just plain and simple, not glamorous but classy when it comes to their appearance. Just simplicity and vibes and natural.
I've seen on Twitter Vedic discourse about Tikshna Nakshatra getting all the hate, Ashlesha getting all the hate, not Pushya. I have a Pushya placement on my luminary, and I can tell y'all that's not true.
Jennifer Lopez (Pushya sun) gets hated for getting all the benefits of being a celebrity when she's just allegedly stealing (I've also read this through Twitter).
Selena Gomez (Pushya sun) is hated for having this victim mentality complex and being "obsessed with Justin and Hailey."
(DISCLAIMER: This isn't my opinion on these certain celebrities, but I've been reading and seeing them on Twitter)
Despite being a Mercury-ruled Vimshottari nakshatra, Ashlesha doesn't speak too much.
I've seen Ashlesha males acting like sigma males, but they're funny. This is the nakshatra that embodies the "tropical Leo archetype," the archetype of funny, center of attention, fashionable, and dramatic.
Ashlesha either love all the attention or hate it. Mostly it's a mixture of the two. That's why the center of attention archetype for Tropical Leo.
Claire Nakti just conducted a survey on YouTube, but the leading people on Instagram (having the most followers) have Ashlesha placements. Selena Gomez (Ashlesha Venus and Mercury - still prominent because it conjuncts the Sun, which is her luminary), Kylie Jenner (Ashlesha Sun), and Cristiano Ronaldo (Ashlesha Moon).
If you have Magha in your big three, you're egoistic as fuck (for me egoistic above on other nakshatra). Napoleon has this Nakshatra on his sun. The new TikTok hype about King Baldwin IV (played by Edward Norton, Magha sun).
It's hard to differentiate Ashlesha and Magha because of the Gandanta point (and other Gandanta nakshatras):
- Both private
- Romantic (because other nakshatra of Leo gets all the credit of being romantic, but not Magha; they're romantic too)
- Both GREAT at their stuff/profession/talent
But to tell them apart is Ashlesha says, "I don't give a fuck," and they do give a fuck (because of the Crab cancer symbolism, it really makes sense why they put up a facade because of the shield) when Magha says nothing and literally doesn't give a fuck. They won't entertain. Yes, they're sensitive, but mostly they really don't give a fuck.
I don't get the hype of "Ketu nakshatras are not on social media. They don't usually use social media" on Vedic Twitter. Magha (Ashwini and Mula too) are active; they just don't interact or have private accounts. Ketu is exalted in the sign of Scorpio (investigating, lurking), and y'all think that they don't use social media? Joking, for real.
I still emphasize that Magha nakshatra individuals have sleeping problems. One of the Magha moon actors (in my home country) opens up about having sleep apnea and having a near-death experience. (Also, the beauty queen Magha sun talks about a near-death experience). It's common for them to experience the "Their soul is leaving the body while sleeping" phenomenon and meditation.
The impact of the death of loved ones for Magha is crucial. It's a sign that something significant will be happening or transforming for better or for worse. The best example that I can give is Megan Thee Stallion (her family).
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scarlet--wiccan · 22 days
On the Avengers Academy infinity comic I really feel like they need to switch up the marketing for it or something bc I genuinely thought it was for kids like it was a kids comic with it having child characters, the whole school setting and it being an infinity comic but then it turns out there’s almost fully explicit nudity & sex in it and the author said on twitter that bc it’s him ppl should’ve expected that ???
That's kind of a weird thing for him to say. At least as far as Marvel comics go, I think this is actually some of the most explicit content I've ever seen from Oliveira. And I'm not saying that's necessarily a problem, but most of the characters involved are like... 18? And several of their castmates are approximately 12? And the overall branding and presentation of the series definitely makes it seem like it's for young readers? I think some of the gratuitous sexuality could have been dialed back juuuuuuuust a little. And to be clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with sex in media, but I do think it's important to be able to recognize when sexuality is gratuitous. I don't have a problem with that, either, but as a matter of taste, I think it should be limited when it comes to very young and/or underaged characters.
If I can't say with confidence that Aaron is old enough to legally drink, then I don't necessarily want to be treated to sexy splash pages of him hooking up. If I can't say for sure that Justin is out of high school, then I don't necessarily want to treated to sexy splash pages of him coming out of the shower in a towel that barely covers his junk. And the comic doesn't need to go to that place or take that tone every time.
I promise I'm not trying to be some kind of prude. I'm old enough to remember when gay couples kissing on-page was an achievement, especially younger characters, and I love that this storyline involves a character who is HIV+ and has a healthy, active sex life. Plus, I think there's something really cool and interesting about having two people-- Justin and Aaron-- who are close in age but have different levels of experience, and seeing how that informs the way they approach sex and relationships. Those disparities are very common, especially in gay people at that age, but seeing it represented in a superhero comic feels quite novel. Honestly, it's one of the most compelling storylines I've ever seen in an Unlimited comic-- but when I remember that these characters are barely legal and sharing page space with middle schoolers, I have to wonder if maybe things could be a little more temperate. Or maybe I really am just getting thrown off by the fact that the premise and presentation imply something more kid-friendly, and that tonal whiplash is making me question how I should be showing up to this book. But that, unto itself, is a formal issue that ought to be addressed.
TL:DR: I love what's happening, but it feels like the intent and delivery are disjointed in a way that makes me slightly uncomfortable, and I think that could be avoided with a little more thoughtfulness.
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dearweirdme · 3 months
i know you dont go on twitter much but are you following the convo (post scooter’s announcement of focusing more on hybe) where people are speculating jks solo career was “sold” to him because of how he made sure to separate jk from bts in his mentions and also took complete credit?
Hi anon!
I have seen the announcement he made yeah. Since Scooter Braun annoys me to no end and I sadly feel like there is little we can do about it I’ve not actively looked for the topic further.
I think the reason he separated Jk from the other members is because he was more involved with Jk’s album. I can totally see how Jk was of interest to Braun. But I can also see how working with Braun was interesting to Jk. Jk loves Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande.. so I think he might’ve been excited to work with Braun because of that. I do wonder if they had chosen this path again these days.. knowing how vehemently army is against Braun, but at the same time I don’t really believe they listen to army when it comes to things like this.
Now personally I kinda despise Braun… for all the obvious reasons. I think it’s important to realize that many people do business with other people despite their political views and views in general. I think Bang Pd only cares for money and power first when it comes to business… Braun is probably very much like him.
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hawkinslibrary · 1 year
there's a new article out about the play. i think it's paywalled for people outside of the us, so here's a twitter thread with screenshots. i've also typed it all out under the cut here:
LONDON – Next month, the Upside Down extends its tentacles into London’s West End with “Stranger Things: The First Shadow,” a prequel stage production that expands the world of Netflix’s sci-fi/horror blockbuster. 
And the creative team behind it hopes the play will be as groundbreaking as the series itself.  
“We’re about to bring the actors, who’ve just been in this cocoon of a rehearsal room for seven weeks, into [the theater],” producer Sonia Friedman says of “The First Shadow,” which is set to open Noc. 17 at the Phoenix Theatre. “We’ve been making sure it can stand alone without the special effects, because it’s all about story. We are going to blow people’s minds. We are going to terrify with some of the most startling, extraordinary things with the physical production.” 
The project originated with director Stephen Daldry, who approached Netflix’s then-content chief Cindy Holland after the show’s first season aired.  
“One of the conversations Stephen and I had been having was, ‘What theater have we ever seen where you get genuinely scared?’” Daldry’s co-director Justin Martin says. “It was an interesting challenge and provocation. We talked about other [Netflix] titles, but this one felt like the most imaginative and the most challenging to try and find a stage language for.” 
“The goal was to figure out, what does a mega episode of ‘Stranger Things’ look like on stage?” adds Matt Duffer, who created the series with brother Ross. “It was a very long, multi-year process to figure that out. But where they’ve landed is incredibly exciting.” 
For the Duffers, the idea of expanding the “Stranger Things” universe in new forms was an exciting prospect. They're currently working on several spinoff shows, including a children’s animated series and an anime series. The play exists on its own, but it also informs the narrative and characters fans know.  
“The idea was to explore Henry Creel and his backstory and fill in a gap that we don’t explore in Season 4,” Ross Duffer says of the villain also known as Vecna. “The play was being developed simultaneously with us writing Season 4 so we were adjusting as we went. It was an interesting way to develop a story, but to do it concurrently like that made sure everything locks in mythology-wise.” 
Development on “The First Shadow” began during Season 2. Daldry approached Friedman after seeing the magic and spectacle in her company’s production of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” at London’s Palace Theatre. The creative team spent time brainstorming the story during the early months of the pandemic with screenwriter Jack Thorne, but eventually decided they needed someone who knew the series intimately. 
Kate Trefry, a writer on “Stranger Things” since Season 2, was an obvious choice for Daldry, despite the fact that she’d never written a play before.  
“Season 2 is really when we started to expand this world and mythology,” Ross Duffer says. “So Kate knows that as well as us. She's been with us in the trenches for so many years that we were so happy that she had this opportunity to do this.” 
From early on, no one wanted to simply remake the first season. Daldry wanted the story to be what Martin calls “in the center of the conversation,” rather than a secondary narrative, so a prequel made the most sense. 
“When we met with Stephen we had just cracked this Henry Creel stuff in the writers room,” Ross Duffer says. “We said, ‘Well there might be an opening here.’ And Stephen really fell in love with it.” 
“There are questions of ‘Why Hawkins?’ and ‘How did all this stuff happen?’” Martin adds, referring to the show’s fictional Indiana town, which becomes a hotbed of supernatural activity. “This felt like a good way to address that.”  
“The First Shadow,” set in Hawkins in 1959, is told over two chapters. Several familiar characters appear, including Bob Newby, Joyce Maldonado and Jim Hopper, who are in their last year of high school when a new student named Henry Creel arrives. Nearby, Dr. Brenner is getting his start in his lab. There are also new characters, like Bob’s sister Patty Newby. Trefry calls it an ensemble play with Henry Creel as the “spine” of the story. Beyond that, everyone involved is as tight-lipped about the plot as they are about the forthcoming grand finale of the Netflix original. 
“It’s about outsider kids who come together to solve a mystery,” Martin says. “And in doing so find themselves and each other. That's really ultimately what ‘Stranger Things’” does so well and why so many people connect with it.” 
Trefry adds that it’s also “about the loss of innocence and coming of age and how you are changed and ruined and saved by these formative events that happened in high school.” 
“So, hopefully, you’ll see that Hopper and Joyce and Bob are all presenting echoes of the trauma that is at the center of this play,” she says. 
In the first season of “Stranger Things,” Joyce, Bob and Hopper seem surprised by what’s going on in Hawkins. But Trefry confirms there’s an explanation for why they don’t immediately connect it to their high school years.  
“The climactic events that happen within these two stage episodes had to be something that could be written off as not magical or science fiction,” she says. “It had to be spectacular and make sense, but we had to go forward in honesty with our characters.” 
As a TV series, “Stranger Things” has a recognizable aesthetic. The Upside Down and its monsters are familiar to viewers, so a stage version needed to incorporates similar visuals.  
Because Trefry had never written a play, she didn’t worry about whether certain effects or scenes would be possible, which upped the ante for everyone included.  
“She cross-cut scenes as she would in the show and wrote crazy visual effects sequences as she would in the show,” Matt Duffer says. “She wasn’t limited by that because it then just presented a challenge for Stephen to solve, which is fun. The opening sequence of the play -- I don’t think anyone even knew if it was possible. I'm still not sure how they’re doing it.” 
Friedman and Daldry put together a notably skilled creative team. Friedman set the bar high from the outset, telling them, “I need to be taken to a new dimension of what is possible with theater.” 
That team includes illusions design and visual effects artists Jamie Harrison and Chris Fisher, who are responsible for the onstage magic in “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.” Harrison and Fisher spent nearly a year coming up with the effects in “The First Shadow” and have continues perfecting things during rehearsals. 
“It’s very pressurized because there is nothing worse than a bad effect because the audience knows straight away,” Harrison says. “We have to go through quite a lot of watching our work be quite bumpy before it gets smooth. And we have to bring the actors from zero magic skill to being very expert in a condensed period of time.” 
“When you have the world of ‘Stranger Things,’ people know it,” Fisher adds. “They have those big sequences, so we naturally are creating big sequences. We’ve pushed it and I think by us pushing, the directors and Kate have pushed us even more and said, ‘Now we know you can do that, we want this.’” 
As a series “Stranger Things” relies on CGI alongside practical effects, but onstage everything has to be done for real. 59 Productions are creating the video design and visual effects for the play, which will work in tandem with the illusions and Miriam Buether’s set design. Harrison says that “anything that can be achieved in film can be achieved in theater.” 
“In film, people want absolute reality,” Harrison says. “For the effects to be visually real. In the theater, we have a level of imagination that we can use as well. For example, in the piece we’re creating there are a lot more blood and guts.” 
Trefry adds that the stage show is genuinely terrifying. “It’s scary like ‘Stranger Things’ is scary,” she says. “There’s a little bit of like guts and gore, and then there’s also real trauma – people dealing with real stuff.” 
Other elements of the production will hint at the series as well. For instance, Harrison and Fisher met with the creature designer from the series during their design process to ensure “visual continuity,” although they won’t say which creatures appear in the play. And D.J. Walde’s original music recreates the familiar synth theme song with a theremin that matches the late 1950s setting.  
For the Duffers, bringing the “Stranger Things” universe to life on stage satisfies their love of practical effects.  
“The downside of CGI is that the audience is conditioned to the fact that we can basically do anything,” Matt Duffer says. “But there’s something about seeing it actually done. When I saw ‘Cursed Child,’ my jaw was dropping in a way it rarely does now with these big movies. We want to do the same here.” 
Because Trefry wrote the play while Season 4 was in development, the series’ writers were able to retrofit elements of that season to reflect the stage show. The events of the play will also help to “enrich” Season 5, Matt Duffer says.  
“There’s a ton of conversation and dialogue between this play and the events that happen in Season 5,” Trefry says of the final season, which is over halfway written. “It was about trying to create something that is canon, but where you don’t have to see it to see Season 5. But if you do see it, it’ll make Season 5 better.” 
“There are hints of where [the show] is going to go,” Ross Duffer adds. “I think when [Season] 5 comes together, all of those pieces will hopefully click.” 
“The First Shadow” tickets are currently on sale through Aug. 25, 2024, although Friedman confirms the case signed one-year contracts and the production is open-ended. The plan is to bring the play to Broadway and the rest of the U.S. as soon as possible.  
“Hopefully it can get to as many places as it can so as many fans as possible can experience it,” Matt Duffer says. “That’s one thing we’re trying to figure out: How do we make sure people are able to see it before Season 5 releases?” 
“The First Shadow” marks the beginning of a broader universe for “Stranger Things.” The Duffers say they can’t “focus on the spinoffs until we’re landed the plan with Season 5,” but so far they’ve enjoyed letting other artists re-imagine their ideas. 
“This was originally pitched as a standalone story and so to be here now is surreal,” Ross Duffer says. “But this has been the most rewarding experience for us creatively." 
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majaloveschris · 1 year
I do agree Alba isn’t doing much for attention no matter how much others want to scream that she is. It would be so easy to post to her IG stories from his home, or with Dodger, or really anything that implied their locations or activities and that’s not something we’ve seen her doing since her return to Instagram. Jenny trolled this way non stop and did it without Chris even in any of the posts because she knew eagle eyed fans would clock something in the background. Or she would tweet about something that basically pointed to him being in her life. And it was constant. That’s not something we see happening with Alba and it would be so easy for her to do if she was seeking attention
I think she simply isn't allowed to post anything related to their relationships. After the shower video, I don't think she is very trusted on social media.
And why would she even need to troll or try to do so? Justin did the dirty work, and now that she has her account back, she doesn't need to do too much direct work. A simple follow, like, or comment, and that's all. For example, she started following that lamp account, and renovation rumors started. She sends a few ask here or some information to a few Twitter accounts, and there you go. Now she doesn't even need to do this because, luckily for her, other people have started trolling the fandom too. Random people who have nothing to do with this whole thing rather than enjoying the mess they make. So why would she do anything directly? She isn't that stupid. They are supposed to be private, right? So she obviously won't post lovely pics, especially when she can troll without getting her hands dirty.
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kleenexwoman · 10 months
Characters I would ship you with:
Justin Hammer (naturally) - and once he get at least half his money back, he can spoil you.
Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk) - I think you both would have awkward fun together.
Muriel (Good Omens 2) - They're very upbeat and cheerful, and I think sometimes you could really use a big dose of that in your every day life where everyone else is dropping nothing but bad moods and chaos at your feet (and not the good kind of chaos).
Lady Edith Pelham (Downton Abbey) - She's independent af in many ways, she owns her own newspaper, she's elegant without being snobbish about it, she loves fiercely.
Lizzie Shelby (Peaky Blinders) - I think she'd tie you in knots and make you very happy.
Yeeeee soooo many cutiessssssss and determined women :3 you have my number! I don't know all of these ladies, but I want to.
I think I would be a good wife for Jennifer Walters. I am not a lawyer myself, but I have them in my family, so I know what it's like to have a high-powered law job and would be an understanding and supportive wife. Also, I have dated multiple people with body dysphoria and have some myself, so at this point I feel like I could be reasonably supportive about her uncomfortableness with her Hulk body.
I would be an awesome buddy for Muriel. I don't know how I feel about romance or sex with the character because of how childlike she seems (although her and Eric being cute together in the RP gives me life, they're adorable), but I would have a lot of fun introducing her to things in the world and enjoying her experience of them. I really like experimenting things through other people's eyes :)
Justin Hammer and I would be only married on paper. It's a quickie marriage and transfer of assets when he realizes the Feds are going to seize his personal accounts. I was running his social media for him and pretended I was some kind of Anastasia Steele dipshit who got swept up in a "sudden romance" in court. (The official @JustinHammer Twitter reads like a parody, constantly mocking the Hammer Industries marketing campaigns with low-effort memes and posting lowercase ADHD rambles about junk food binges and Tony Stark's butt. It's incredibly popular.) However, I visit him once a week in prison and we become genuine friends.
I spend his money quietly stalking the Dazzler and seeking ways to activate the mutant gene in myself, which leads to a number of ill-advised stem cell treatments that leave the backs of my hands glowing blue and me with the ability to manipulate ytterbium. Once Justin gets out of prison, he legally adopts his prison boyfriend, who puts poison in my morning coffee.
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boasource · 2 years
230206 BoA anecdotes from the GOT the Beat fansign events for Yes24 and SMTOWN&STORE
Hyoyeon was talking about members’ upcoming concerts and accidentally spoiled that BoA’s concert will be held this March. 
BoA: “Hyoyeon-ah, the article [with the formal concert announcement] hasn’t come out yet!” Hyo: “Really? Uh… there is no concert.” (x)
Taeyeon quietly said at the end of fansign that this was GOT the Beat’s first and last fansign event (x)
‘Rose’ is BoA’s favorite song off ‘Stamp On It’ (x)
Hyoyeon wore a backless top with a heart accessory pinned to the left side of her chest. When BoA pointed out her backless top, Hyoyeon replied, “I wore this because I wanted to show it to you, unnie.” Then she started singing “Sexy back~” (like the Justin Timberlake song). Everyone laughed, and BoA said that Hyoyeon should go to a wine bar after the fansign. Hyoyeon replied, “With my unnie. I want to go with my unnie.” (x)
BoA kept poking Hyoyeon’s heart accessory while their hoobaes were doing their parts of the fansign (x)
BoA gave a lot of restaurant recommendations in the Apgujeong area: Bat-Godong (a restaurant that she has been going to since she was a trainee), Dakeuro-ga (per Wendy’s suggestion), Young-cheon-yong-hwa, Songok, Cheongdam, Miss Saigon (x)
A fan told BoA that their dream was to see Seulgi become an SM director like BoA. BoA told them that the line of succession might be too long because Seulgi has many seniors, so she joked that she might as well give up her own spot in the Board of Directors for her. (x, x)
The word for “director” and “moving houses [residency]” is the same in Korean, so Hyoyeon joked that she thought BoA was handing out houses and that she wondered if she should ask for a house from her too. (x)
Wendy asked if Seulgi was within the next top 10 in line to become an SM director; to check, BoA began listing off the SM seniors who were probably next in line. Seulgi was 8th, so she said yes. Wendy said that as long as Seulgi is in the top 10, that’s perfectly fine. (x)
BoA forgot to mention SNSD in her list of seniors who were ahead of Seulgi in the line of succession. So Hyoyeon joked, “Should we join the queue as well?” BoA said, “Oh, you’re right, SNSD is missing on the list.” Hyoyeon replied, “That’s right, we have leader Taeng!”  (x)
A fan asked if BoA enjoyed herself during GOT the Beat’s activities. BoA replied that she had a difficult time (x)
A fan asked BoA about her health [presumably from long COVID-19?], and she said that she’s recovering well. (x)
When asked to give a spoiler about her March concert, BoA said, "이번엔 타이틀곡만 다 불러도 세트리스트가 ㅎㅎ 확실한 건 엄청 신나는 콘서트가 될 거예요!" [someone who speaks Korean, please take one for the team and translate this because my Japanese and Papago powers can only do so much, but she basically said it was going to be exciting!] (x)
A fan asked if BoA was preparing for Forgive Me, Stamp On It, and her own solo concert all at the same time. She said, “Yes, I’m going to die.” (x)
A fan asked BoA if she was interested in other artists aside from Van Gogh, since she’s been going to exhibits a lot recently. She said that she’s become interested in Park Seo-bo, a famous Korean abstract painter. (x) BoA said that she’s at the early stages of becoming interested in viewing and collecting art. (x) 
A Japanese fan mentioned that they were very thankful for BoA because she was the only one among the members who was able to speak to them in full Japanese. (x)
While waiting for their turns in the fansign, Taeyeon and BoA apparently kept talking to each other and seemed to get along really well. (x)
These anecdotes were all taken from from Twitter threads written by GOT the Beat fans who attended the event!
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almyrachiam-blog · 10 months
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The word fandom can be found first used all the way back to 1903. The word can be easily described as all the fans whether it be fans of a certain sports team or fans of a famous celebrity (Merriam-Webster 2023. A fandom can also be described as a social network that has particular practices that fans usually put all their time and energy into if it is according to their object of interest (Geraskier 2020). Fans of a fandom usually share a common interest in a particular topic or things of interest. A fandom can also be defined as a subculture in which fans gather together in a sense of empathy and camaraderie. 
The speed of growth of a fandom varies based on the interests of humans or the activities of an individual. The interest of a fan can vary from either a narrow type of view or a wider type of view. A narrow-interest fan usually focuses on something like famous celebrities such as Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber while a wider-interest fan can be defined as a fan that focuses on entire music genres, hobbies, games, or even fashions (Gerakier 2020). 
A good example of a fandom is BTS  'ARMY’. This fandom is very well known globally as the global legion of fans for the Korean boy group BTS. This fandom not only focuses on the catchy upbeat songs of BTS but also focuses on driving social changes (Morrison 2021).  In 2020, the BTS fandom set up and made many powerful campaigns that allowed them to raise millions of dollars. One of their more famous campaigns was the sabotaging of the then-president of The United States, Donald Trump election campaign through buying tickets to the event and not attending the event itself (Hollingsworth 2020) 
In this modern-day era, technology has been making advancements very quickly.  A participatory culture can be defined as a culture in which individuals are also producers and not only consumers (Jenkins 2009). Social media is currently playing a very big role especially when it comes to allowing fans to be able to share a social connection with other individuals that share the same interest. Fans are given the opportunity to share their ideas with other fans and connect with them using social media as a medium. This has opened many new exciting methods of communicating for fans to interact with each other share their content and receive comments about their content through social media (Willard 2015). 
Fandom is now not just a group of people that has the same interest but also an individual who gets themselves involved whether it be physically or online means. Fans are able to share their reproduced media to the public on social media to other fans whether it be remix tapes or a cover song of their favorite artist or song. A commonly known fandom that practices participatory culture is Taylor Swift’s fandom. Taylor Swift’s fandom group is called The Swifties (PopBuzz 2023). The ‘Swifties’ do not only share and make cover songs of the artist but also right blogs or even create memes with Taylor’s face.
Usually, a healthy fandom emphasizes showing respect and inclusivity in which the creators of the content of interest to the fans and the fandom itself are being respectful towards each other. Even in terms of disagreements, a healthy fandom would remain respectful towards each other but a toxic fandom is the total opposite (Moore 2023). A fan who lacks respect towards other fans and acts violently towards others who have different opinions. Toxic fans are more normally found online on social media, especially on Twitter, more commonly known now as X (Taylor 2023). 
An example of a toxic fandom would be the Star Wars fandom. The fandom has resorted to bullying and racism towards the actors of the movie. One of the best examples of actors/actresses being harassed would be Moses Ingram (Buckley 2022). She has posted on her social media how Toxic the Star Wars fandom is by showing how the fandom has been calling her racial slurs and sending hateful comments to her whether it be through DMs or Comments (Richards 2019).
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As a conclusion, a fandom is defined as all the fans towards a specific content or person of interest. A fandom can also be described as a social network in which fans are able to use social media due to technological advancements to communicate and share their work with others with ease whether it be sharing a cover of their favorite song from a specific artist or even tape remixes. Fans also practice participatory culture in which they directly involve themselves with their content or person of interest whether it be physically or through online means. Fandoms are not only healthy but sometimes can tend to be toxic which might result in bullying, racism, and disrespecting each other's opinions through aggression.
Buckley, MG 2022, ‘Why star wars fans think they can bully the franchise’s actors’, Let’s Overthink That, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://letsoverthinkthat.com/2022/06/19/star-wars-fans-bully-franchise-actors/>.
Chin, B 2023, ‘Week 9 Fandom and fan communities’, MDA 20009, lecture, Swinburne University Of Technology Sarawak, Kuching.
DHCobserver 2023, ‘About DHCobserver’, DHCobserver, viewed 7 November, 2023a, <https://digitalhealthcommunities.org/about>.
Geraskier 2020, ‘What is fandom?’, Medium, Medium, viewed 2 November, 2023, <https://medium.com/@geraskier/fandom-1607c5757841>. 
Hollingsworth, J 2020, ‘K-pop fans are being credited with helping disrupt Trump’s rally. here’s why that shouldn’t be a surprise’, CNN, Cable News Network, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/22/asia/k-pop-fandom-activism-intl-hnk/index.html>.
Kulowiec, G 2020, ‘I’ve been thinking...it is time to revisit jenkins’ participatory culture’, Medium, Medium, viewed 15 November, 2023, <https://medium.com/@gkulowiec/ive-been-thinking-it-is-time-to-revisit-jenkins-participatory-culture-d375ebd34e94>.
Moore, B 2023, ‘Toxic fandoms: When passion turns to Poison’, Agents of Fandom, Agents of Fandom, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://agentsoffandom.com/toxic-fandoms-when-passion-is-poison/>.
Rebels, G 2021, ‘The power of fandom: What social media marketers can learn from teenage fans’, Medium, Medium, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://medium.com/@goodrebels/the-power-of-fandom-what-social-media-marketers-can-learn-from-teenage-fans-63c0e184c8a7>.
Richards, D 2019, ‘Star wars: Rian Johnson talks toxic fandom and the last jedi’, CBR, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-last-jedi-rian-johnson-toxic-fandom/>.
Taylor, V 2023, ‘Toxic fandom: What is it?’, Medium, Change Becomes You, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://medium.com/change-becomes-you/toxic-fandom-what-is-itc8c1520beb06#:~:text=In%20recent%20years%2C%20journalists%2C%20news,seen%20as%20inappropriate%20and%20unpleasant>.
Webster, M n.d., ‘Fandom definition & meaning’, Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, viewed 15 November, 2023, <https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fandom#h1>.
Wilson-Taylor, J 2021, ‘What are Taylor Swift fans called?’, PopBuzz, viewed 15 November, 2023, <https://www.popbuzz.com/music/features/what-is-the-fandom-name-for/taylor-swift/>. 
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newnewz · 1 year
Canada's Opposition leader supports Indian students facing deportation
Urging the government to stop the deportations, he urged the government to "prosecute fraudsters" and "let honest students stay and work and contribute to Canada."
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OTTAWA: Canadian Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre has come out in support of Indian students facing deportation from Canada and put the blame on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for it.
Urging the government to stop the deportations, he urged the government to "prosecute fraudsters" and "let honest students stay and work and contribute to Canada."
"The Trudeau government failed to protect international students from crooked scam artists. Now, Trudeau is punishing the victims by deporting the students--even those that acted in good faith & have been working & paying taxes here for years. Prosecute fraudsters. Stop the deportations. Let honest students stay, work & contribute to Canada," Poilievre, the leader of the official Opposition in Canada wrote on Twitter.
Poilievre also posted pictures from his meeting with families of students facing deportation.
Poilievre also posted pictures from his meeting with families of students facing deportation.
A section of Indian students in Canada have been threatened with deportation for allegedly submitting fraudulent admission letters and the actual number is much less than the 700 being reported in the media.
India has been raising the issue concerning Indian students facing deportation in Canada with External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar also taking up the matter with his Canadian counterpart, sources said and noted that Canadian authorities have been repeatedly urged to be fair since the students were not at fault.
Jaishankar on June 8 while addressing a press conference in New Delhi had said that India will continue to press the case of Indian students stating that is unfair to punish a student who undertook their education in good faith and action should be taken against the culpable parties who misled them.
"For some time now, there is this case of students, who the Canadians say, did not study in the college in which they should have and when they applied for a work permit, they got into difficulties. From the very start, we have taken up this case and our point is, the students studied in good faith. If there were people who misled them, the culpable parties should be acted against. It is unfair to punish a student who undertook their education in good faith," Jaishankar told reporters.
According to sources, some Indian students in Canada have been threatened with deportation for allegedly submitting fraudulent admission letters and while according to some media reports some 700 students are protesting their deportation, the actual number is much less than that being reported.
Most of these students had gone to Canada during 2017-2019. After completing their studies, some of them obtained work permits, while others continue to study in Canada.
Sources said it was also pointed out that there were gaps in the Canadian system and a lack of diligence, owing to which the students were granted visas and also allowed to enter Canada. Since then, Canadian parliamentarians across political parties have spoken in support of the students, sources added.
Immigration Minister Sean Frasier has indicated that Canada is actively pursuing a solution for international students who are facing uncertainty. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has acknowledged the need for fair treatment of students.
Punjab NRI Affairs Minister Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal also on Friday wrote letters to the Indian High Commissioner to Canada Sanjay Kumar Verma and Canada High Commissioner to India Cameron Mackay to solve the issue of 700 students who are facing deportation from Canada.
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varundattasblog · 3 years
Justin Murdock Arrested For Punching His Girlfriend Talia Skye – Case Explored
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Popular singer Lana Del Rey has dated Justin Murdock for a long time before they broke up. Recently Justin Murdock is in the headlines as he has been arrested for punching his girlfriend on her face. This incident happened at the Halloween party where Justin Murdock lost his temper and reacted aggressively.
His girlfriend, Talia Skye, is a model whereas Justin Murdock has been portraying a Playboy image in the entertainment industry.
What is the Case?
The report says, at Scarface Mansion in Beverly Hills, the Halloween party was organized on 24th October 2021 where the couple visited for attending the party. When Talia Skye, a 24-year-old model, said that she wants to leave the party early her statement made Justin Murdock angry.
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On her way to Justin Murdock’s home, Talia Skye contacted her friend through a test for picking her up. She said that Justin Murdock is very angry and his behavior might hurt her. Before her friend arrived at Talia Skye’s location, Justin had already punched his girlfriend in the face.
Ron Milner shared the news on Twitter by posting the picture of Talia Skye’s injured face. He wrote, “Billionaire dole food heir and notorious Playboy Justin Murdock were arrested for ‘punching his model girlfriend on the face’ after a Los Angeles Halloween party, leaving her with a nasty black eye. Bill Clinton said ‘put some ice on it.’”
Talia Skye’s friend informed the media by saying, “she was lying in the driveway and was crying when she reached the spot. I picked her off the ground and I saw her face. It was completely swollen, with a green-blue color.”
Billionaire Dole Food heir Justin Murdock, 49, was arrested for allegedly punching his model girlfriend Talia Skye, 24, in the face. US NEWS obtained a horrific photo of Skye's battered and bruised face pic.twitter.com/sFCmRZz5WD
Who is Justin Murdock?
The former chairman of Dole Food Products, David Murdock, has only one child whose name is Justin Murdock. He is the sole hire of his billionaire dad. Earlier, Justin had been in the headlines of new channels because of his former relationship rumors with Lana Del Rey and Avril Lavigne.
Justin Murdock is the former Vice President of Investments at Castle & Cooke Inc., whereas he is currently the CEO of Activate Immunotherapy.
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In the year 2010, Justin Murdock was accused of doing sexual harassment to an employee of Castle & Cooke. The lady claimed that he booked s*x dates for him by using her credit cards. She was later threatened by him so that she will not raise her voice against him.
He forced her to create a fake id on Facebook with the name “Cobra McJingleballs”. He used that account to post objectionable content.
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How Old Is DD Osama? Real Name Age Birthday 2023
In This Article we cover how old is DD Osama . We Cover everything about this dutch music producer its age and how old he is in 2023 .
How Old Is DD Osama?
Dutch DJ and music producer Don Diablo, whose full name is Don Pepijn Schipper, was born on February 27, 1980. He will be 43 years old in 2023. One of the most skilled and prominent producers in the music business, Don Diablo is renowned for his groundbreaking and genre-defying musical creations.
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Don Diablo has collaborated with a wide variety of musicians from various genres over the course of his career, including Justin Bieber, Gucci Mane, Diplo, and Kygo. He has also released a number of popular songs. He has played at some of the biggest music festivals and venues throughout the world, and his music has appeared in movies, TV shows, and video games. Don Diablo is known for his charitable activity in addition to his musical career. He has supported causes like cancer research and programmes for mental health. Additionally, he supports environmental causes and has taken action to lessen his carbon footprint by using eco-friendly touring methods. Don Diablo has established himself as a renowned figure in the music business and a role model for young musicians and fans alike because to his distinctive musical style and commitment to having a good impact on society.
Quick Facts
FeatureDetailsFull NameDon Pepijn SchipperStage NameDon Diablo or DD OsamaDate of BirthFebruary 27th, 1980Place of BirthCoevorden, NetherlandsNationalityDutchOccupationDJ, music producerRecord LabelHexagon, Spinnin' Records, Columbia RecordsGenresFuture house, electro house, progressive houseNotable CollaborationsJustin Bieber, Gucci Mane, Diplo, KygoAwardsDJ Mag Top 100 DJs - Highest New Entry (2013)Social MediaInstagram: @dondiablo, Twitter: @DonDiablo
DD Osama Early Life
DJ and music producer Don Diablo was born in the Netherlands on February 27, 1980. He was only six years old when he first picked up the piano, but he grew up in a musical family! He started writing his own music when he was a teenager after becoming particularly interested in electronic dance music. https://youtu.be/CoAad6p_hGY Hip hop, rock, and techno were just a few of the musical genres that Don Diablo enjoyed. Artists like Daft Punk and The Chemical Brothers really influenced him. Don Diablo established his own record company at the age of 15 to advance electronic dance music in the Netherlands. To demonstrate his abilities, he also started playing music at local bars and gatherings. Don Diablo rose to fame in 2006 thanks to the success of his song "Blow," which was especially well-liked in Europe. He has since produced a tonne more excellent songs and collaborated with some of the biggest stars in the music business. He is currently regarded as one of the world's top DJs and music producers!
How much does DD Osama earn?
For a well-known DJ and music producer like Don Diablo, a $200,000 yearly salary is a rather small sum. It's likely that he made a lot more money in 2022 than this.
Don Diablo’s Career
The very popular Dutch DJ and music producer Don Diablo, also known as DD Osama, has been involved in the music business for more than 20 years. In the late 1990s, he started his musical career by creating electronic dance music and putting out his own records. Don Diablo has established himself as a major player in the dance music scene over the years by putting out numerous chart-topping singles and albums and working with some of the greatest names in the business. His songs "On My Mind," "Save A Little Love," and "Bad" are some of the most well-known. Don Diablo was ranked number 30 on DJ Mag's list of the Top 100 DJs in 2013, making him the highest new entry. He has consistently been listed among the top DJs, with his peak position of number 6 coming in 2018. In addition to his flourishing music career, Don Diablo founded his own record label, Hexagon, which has evolved into a venue for both up-and-coming and seasoned musicians to display their work. Don Diablo is renowned for his exuberant live performances and has appeared at several of the biggest music festivals in the world, including Coachella, Ultra Music Festival, and Tomorrowland.
Body measurements
Based on some sources, Don Diablo's approximate body measurements are: MeasurementValueHeight5 feet 7 inches (1.70 meters)Weight154 pounds (70 kilograms)Hair ColorBrown Please note that these measurements may not be accurate, and it is important to respect an individual's privacy and not focus solely on their physical appearance.
Don Diablo’s Achievements
Don Diablo is a well-known DJ, music producer, and owner of a record label with a long list of accomplishments in the music business. Some of his significant accomplishments are listed below: - In 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, the DJ Magazine list of the top 10 DJs in the world included Don Diablo. - He has put out a number of hit singles, including "On My Mind," "Save A Little Love," and "People Say," all of which have reached the top 40 worldwide. - Additionally, Don Diablo has created remixes for a number of well-known musicians, including Ed Sheeran, Rihanna, and Coldplay. - He created his own record label, Hexagon, in 2015, and it has since flourished as a venue for the distribution of dance music. - Major music festivals like Coachella, Tomorrowland, and Ultra Music Festival have included performances by Don Diablo. - His single "Starlight (Could You Be Mine)" earned the International Dance Music Award for Best Electro/Progressive House Track, among other honours. - Don Diablo has worked with a number of well-known musicians, including Gucci Mane, Ty Dolla $ign, and Diplo. These are only a few of Don Diablo's accomplishments; with his own style and cutting-edge method of music production and performance, he continues to have an impact on the music business.
Don Diablo Family, Girlfriend & Relationships
DJ, record producer, and musician Don Diablo, actual name Don Pepijn Schipper, comes from the Netherlands. Although he hasn't revealed a lot about his private life, the following is what is known: Family: Little information has been made available regarding Don Diablo's family. He has, however, revealed in interviews that his mother was a nurse and his father was a photographer. GirlFriend:Don Diablo has not made any mention of his current girlfriend or their relationship in the media. He has kept his personal affairs highly secret and hasn't given the press or his followers any details about his love life. Relationships: Don Diablo hasn't made any mention of his dating or previous relationships in the media. He hasn't disclosed any details about his previous relationships or kept his personal life private.
In conclusion, Don Pepijn Schipper is the real Don Osama, a well-known DJ and music producer. It's important to notice that his birth name is quite different, even though he might be more well-known by his stage name. He did, however, select a stage name that is distinctive and catchy for his admirers, like many others in the entertainment world. Whatever his stage name, it's obvious that DD Osama has had a big impact on the electronic dance music world and is still a well-liked and respected person there. Read the full article
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fmhiphop · 2 years
Couples of Influence: Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez; Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner, Among Many Others
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A study ranking combined celebrity followings reveal Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez as the most influential celebrity couple. KeyOpinionLeaders researched which celebrity couple has the most significant online influence based on their combined Twitter and Instagram followers. Among the most influential celebrity couples, Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez garnered 646.8 million followers, almost 175 million more than the second-place pair. Initially dating since late 2016, the couple met while Rodriguez worked in the Gucci store in Spain as a sales assistant. Having fallen in love rapidly, the couple now lives in Cascais, Portugal, in a luxury pad valued at approximately $17 million with their five children. Among the massive number of followers the pair has online, Ronaldo's Instagram leads the pack with more than 500 million followers for the second time in its history. In addition to Rodriguez, she also holds a significant position on Instagram, with 39.4 million followers. Next In Line For Most Influential Couple? There is a correlation between the web personality Kylie Jenner and the rapper and record producer Travis Scott, who together have more than 471.9 million followers on their Twitter and Instagram accounts, which makes them the second most influential couple. In April 2017, the couple started dating. Since then, they have had two children together, a daughter Stormi, born in 2018, and a son Wolf, born in February of this year. Since then, the couple has decided that Wolf will be christened with a different name, but they have not announced this to the public yet. However, the couple has certainly experienced ups and downs in their relationship. Scott faced numerous allegations of cheating, which he has vehemently denied. Although there may be a few setbacks within the relationship, the couple appears to be very much in love since they were recently seen holding hands during a romantic beach vacation earlier in the month in Malibu. Spot Three The third spot goes to pop star Justin Bieber and model Hailey Bieber. Together, they have compiled 428.4 million followers on every social platform they're active on. It wasn't until 2009 that Hailey Baldwin's father, Stephen Baldwin, introduced the pair to one another. However, the couple didn't become romantically involved until 2015. For a few years, they remained friends, but they rekindled their romance in June 2018. When the couple confirmed their marriage in October that year, Hailey took on the iconic Bieber surname. Most Influential Couple, 4th place Lionel Messi, the Argentinean footballer, and his wife Antonela Roccuzzo rank fourth on the list with combined followers of 398.8 million. Since neither Messi nor the couple has an active Twitter account, the couple's online following is primarily driven by Messi's impressive Instagram following. Additionally, Roccuzzo is responsible for contributing 20.8 million Instagram followers of her own to the couple's overall following. The Fifth Place Couple and More In fifth place is Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, who has 367.1 million followers combined with his partner Lauren Hashian. Lauren contributes 1.2 million Instagram followers of her own to the couple's total Instagram following. However, 'The Rock' is arguably the couple's most prominent follower, given his hulking physique and legendary cheat days. Furthermore, the list consists of 15 more influential couples, including Beyonce and Jay-Z, with a combined following of 301,808,027, Rihanna and A$AP Rocky, with a combined following of 263,674,575. What Is KeyOpinionLeaders? KeyOpinionLeaders.com provides free access to a search engine that enables you to locate Key Opinion Leaders. The search bar at the top of this page allows you to enter any concept and immediately obtain the top Key Opinion Leaders. In addition, you can filter your results according to other ideas, organizations, and geographical locations. Ana Codallo, Influencer Officer at KeyOpinionLeaders, made the following comments. “With the 2022 World Cup underway and a recent decision to leave premier league club Manchester United, Ronaldo is perhaps one of the most talked about people in the world right now." In Ana's opinion, the inclusion of a well-known celebrity alongside Georgina Rodriguez makes sense. She also emphasizes the difficulty for many celebrities in the spotlight of having such an enormous amount of worldwide attention. In an interesting finding, her team found that many celebrities keep their dating lives out of the public eye by not having any social media accounts. Excessive attention can be draining for an individual. Keeping one's life private is a luxury that even celebrities appreciate. “Other celebrities are more open with their followers about their relationships, particularly if they have long-term partners or have been married for several years," said Codallo. "Tagging one another's social media accounts is a sure-fire way for celebrities to drive followers to a partner’s account and increase their online audience.” Written by Nikiya Biggs | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest Stay updated on the latest news by visiting FMHipHop's retrospective articles. Read the full article
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Jim Carr, a Liberal MP from Winnipeg, and former cabinet minister died Monday at the age of 71. Carr has been a “dedicated elected official,” among many titles, according to his family, and has represented Winnipeg South Centre since his election in 2015.
Carr held various roles in the office, including the minister of natural resources and minister of international trade diversification, between 2015 and 2019. He later served as the special representative for the Prairies in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government in 2021.
Carr had been fighting multiple myeloma and kidney failure since 2019, his family said. Since then, Carr has received dialysis treatments, chemotherapy, and a bone marrow transplant.
“Over the past three years, he fought these diseases bravely and courageously with the incredible support of his staff, colleagues, and loved ones,” the statement read.
"Right up until the very end of his remarkable life, he was fighting for Winnipeggers, Manitobans, and Canadians." Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a tweet that the Liberals have lost a "valued member," while Canada has lost "a dedicated Parliamentarian."
He wrote, "His passion, tenacity, integrity, humour, and commitment to the Prairies were unparalleled, and we will miss him tremendously.” His death was announced in the House of Commons Monday afternoon by Winnipeg North MP Kevin Lamoureux, who asked the House for a moment of silence before question period was scheduled to begin. However, the sitting was suspended after the announcement of his death.
It was scheduled to resume on Tuesday at 10 a.m. ET. In their statement, Carr’s family said he died at home surrounded by family and loved ones. It went on to say Carr is being remembered as being loved and respected "by so many, and we know he will be profoundly missed.”
In announcing his death, Lamoureux briefly reflected on Carr’s “passion for his country,” referencing a speech he made last week.
Charlie Angus, NDP MP for Timmins-James Bay, said on Twitter that Carr was a "class act." Erin O’Toole, former leader of the federal Conservative Party, said in his own statement that Carr was "honorable and very well respected on all sides."
According to his website, Carr was an active volunteer for several organizations. He was the founding co-chair of the Winnipeg Poverty Reduction Council and had served on several boards, including those of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, the Canada West Foundation, and the Arthur V. Mauro Centre for Peace and Justice at the University of Manitoba.
Carr began his public life in 1988 when he was elected to represent Fort Rouge in the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. He served as the deputy leader of his party. Carr later went on to become the founder and CEO of the Business Council of Manitoba, where he worked alongside business leaders to address issues facing Manitobans and Canadians. Carr’s website describes him as "one of the architects of the Winnipeg Consensus process, which brought together Canadian think tanks and energy leaders and informed the Canadian Energy Strategy in 2015.
His family said in a statement that the constituency office will remain open to serve residents and that a memorial service will be announced in the coming days.
Liberal MP Terry Duguid, who represents the riding of Winnipeg South, said it’s a very sad day for the Canadian Parliament and for Manitobans, who have lost "a great defender of Prairie interests."
Duguid said he was “so happy" for Carr and for the Prairies when his bill, An Act Respecting the Building of a Green Economy in the Prairies, passed the House of Commons last week. It is now in the Senate.
"I know he had everything put together so that despite his illness, this is a testament to his courage and passion for the Prairies," Duguid said. "I know Jim will be watching, and I know he will be very proud that he can leave us this important legacy."
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carla039taylor · 2 years
There are a lot of popular people on Instagram. Some of them are Kylie Jenner, Ariana Grande, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Taylor Swift. But who has the ...
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elaine092vezina · 2 years
There are a lot of popular people on Instagram. Some of them are Kylie Jenner, Ariana Grande, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Taylor Swift. But who has the ...
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