#when I worked at a restaurant we'd make so many drinks mixes
handern · 2 years
non alcoholic cocktails are in fashion and I had never before wanted to steal the bartenders' recipes notebooks so much in my life whenever I get to try a new one
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miasiegert · 7 months
re: @lie-in-a-bureau-drawer (I hope I'm doing this correctly with the tags--figured try and test out with copying/pasting what's there first?)
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There will be more pics and there will be video! Definitely the best blooper video when I figure out the exact right spot to cut. If it's too short, it misses the humor. A minute's far too long though. I'm happy to post up some rehearsal videos though many are the cats without make up which can be jarring for some.
It's been an eye-opening experience doing this production and I'm so glad I was brought in. I know dinner theatres have very mixed reputations but gotta say, the combo of Chaz's directing/choreography and probably the hardest show many of these actors have done to date* (**many are very young and this is their first professional season out of college!), it was nice.
On opening night, one of the producers pointed the three of us out and people were shocked because apparently usually the director/choreographer and costume designers aren't there, so before the show started, at intermission, and afterwards, we had some wonderful conversations with regular patrons who said it was the best show they'd seen at the theatre and they really hoped we'd come back. On Saturday night, I saw some of those same people again! House was full.
Food review-wise:
-Salad: Phenomenal. This seems like something really silly to say but ever since I got h.pylori, I have difficulty eating raw vegetables. To me, it was absolutely divine and the dressing was enough of a kick but not overbearing. There was something a little sweet in it but (not sure if because of medication, almost no sense of smell, or something else) I couldn't put my finger on what it was.
-Buffet: Unfortunately I wasn't able to try many of the dishes as I was recovering from horrible food poisoning! What I did try was quite good but I didn't get to taste the seafood (bummer!) or some of the southern dishes. The green bean dish was my highlight and the mashed potatoes saved my stomach.
Now, is drinking advised when one's recovering from food poisoning? Absolutely not.
Did I drink anyway? Yes.
No (some) regrets.
My favorite drink was The Jellicle (a really sweet margarita--normally I don't like margaritas to be too sweet but this one worked). I also tried the Rum Tum Tugger which was nice and very strong--normally I'd avoid rum because of the Great Rum Bucket Incident of 2016, but I really, REALLY wanted that glass (I hope it survived the trip home!). I was mixed on the Gumbie Cat but to be fair, I'm not a brandy person, it was at the cast party, and I went, "Uh, I'll have what they're having!" Friends got the Memory (Mudslide) and there seems to be a nice mocktail called The Kitten that honestly I'd have been happy to have... but also when drinks are on the house... yes, I'm that shameless. I'm not really about bourbon so I don't know how Old Deuteronomy's Catnip was. But yes, definitely my favorite by FAR was The Jellicle but The Rum Tum Tugger was fun for the glass/novelty (I didn't get cat ears but got them for friends*).
Desserts: We accidentally missed the dessert call on show two (er three). Oops. So I only had the Tres Leche Cake. I want to stress for me personally it was too sweet BUT!!! But please keep in mind there's a Mexican restaurant near us that makes an incredibly good one and that was absolutely a mistake on my end to order when I'd subconsciously compare, and Anthony also had the tres leches and liked it much more than me. One of my medications also drastically altered my taste so I have difficulty when things are very, very, very sweet or rich so absolutely that's not a fair assessment. David liked the Triple Chocolate Indulgence and Chaz seemed to enjoy the apple pie. I probably should have gone with cheesecake or a simple ice cream sundae. The Limoncello Mascarpone Cake would have been a no brainer... except mascarpone is the one flavor I really can't stand! Woe!
If one likes rich and sweet food, this definitely is the right place for that! I like more sour in general.
House Cats: Went over really well. Everyone was told not to touch the cats. Drunk woman decided to ignore that on opening night then screamed when she got hissed and growled at. They take the protection of the actors very seriously, which is important to me.
I'm not sure if the servers were speaking as cats or themselves when serving. All of the cats broke character with us (except when rehearsing House Cats, and yes, I have video I need to upload, "EXCUSE ME, I DIDN'T GET MY DESSERT YET!" "HISSSSSSSSS".)
For the friend part, the show was very special yesterday/Saturday as it was the first time ever that friends went to see it (my parents haven't since it's always been out of state and I get so shy/embarrassed about my work because of perfectionism). As well, we always have to run the show so actually watching it was fun.
My dear friend Vaidah is an absolute joy who I love to bits and moved to Tampa. David used his two comps for her and her father, and I used one of my two comps for her sister. I got all three cat headbands. It was such a joy to finally meet her family but also seeing her after so long, and I was so nervous too because I felt the pressure was up. All three loved the show and the costumes, and my very sneaky cast member friends were doing secret intel when they saw me talking, introducing themselves as humans so they'd know where to interact.
My last comp was for Ban-chan/Kate, who narrated the SOMEBODY TOLD ME book trailer, was one of my bridesmaids and did an incredible speech, and partly responsible for the Great Rum Bucket Incident of 2016. It's been years. I missed her so much I told her I'd smoosh and eat her face. I succeeded at one. She's never seen CATS before and while she's not a fan yet, she said she's very willing to watch it again/learn about more of the lore and was very clear she didn't dislike it. Someone close to me thought that was a backhanded compliment but they don't know her--that's not backhanded but one of the biggest compliments she could give since she literally hates anything cat-related (though mine warmed her up a bit).
So to go from never seeing the show from the house myself to seeing it with my husband and two dear friends (and one's family!) see it all in a day, I'm overwhelmed and humbled and incredibly grateful, and teary-eyed as well. I'm used to being heavily criticized and there's been some bullying off-and-on in certain areas of the CATS fandom. I never felt like I belonged and I would hide so many parts of myself.
I'm also pretty sure I'll be getting messages from friends in the show throughout the run (some have old tumblr accounts so maybe they'll make appearances!). All I request is some kindness since social media sometimes can be brutal, and please keep in mind that the stage is very small to accommodate the dining tables and again there are many very, very young performers. For example, there are no double-cartwheels because there literally is not room for them--maybe 2--so instead, they did a really cool swing lift with Rumple going behind Mungo's back and upside down that Chaz would probably cringe over my description but it looks pretty cool. As well, please keep in mind that there are tons of split tracks. This is not summer stock. I don't know how the casting process works for dinner theatre, so I can't really give insight there.
Is there a way to hide spoilers? Because there's one really big surprise that caught me off-guard!
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getitinbusan · 4 years
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Jeongguk and Taehyung
After hours bar A/U. Threesome, Smut, Angst, Fluff. Taehyung and Jungkook help the boss with her problem 😉
Taehyung wiped the bar down around your sprawling paperwork while Jeongguk restocked the glasses.
"I can't fucking believe how much you guys make in tip money." 
You counted out two piles of cash pushing them, hesitantly towards each of them. 
It was the end of the night and the three of you were the last of the staff shutting down. Lost in thought the heavy bottle hitting the table brought you back to reality. 
"After party?" Jeongguk asked while preemptively scooping ice into his glass. 
Putting your hand over one of the tumblers you stopped him.
"She never stays to drink with the staff Jeongguk," Tae threw you a wink.
You moved your hand away. 
"Number one, you'd better not be here after hours drinking. Number two, I take it neat." 
You tapped the rim encouraging him to pour. 
Taehyung had been a Bartender for at least a year but Jeongguk was still fairly new. Having worked in your share of restaurants, you knew the dynamics. 
Line cooks wanted Waitresses, Waitresses wanted Bartenders, Bartenders wanted Customers and Chefs were too strung out to care about any of it.
Most nights after the closed sign had flipped the real party would begin. An industry work perk, the missing alcohol, used condoms in the office and smell of pot were often overlooked in exchange for long shitty shifts of kissing pretentious people's asses. 
It was obvious why these two were always eager to work. They were young, good looking, and boy could they flirt. Mixing drinks wasn't their strongest skill, schmoozing people for money was. 
Since Jeongguk was hired sales had tripled. Paired with Teahyung, the two were show stopping lady killers. The stories you'd heard of their prowess would surely be passed down as legendary tales to all new recruits. 
"More," you directed Jeongguk to top you up. 
He leaned in close to you over the bar top while Taehyung slouched back on the drink wall. 
"Why are you sticking around tonight sweetheart, trouble in paradise?" 
Sweetheart? That's why he was so good at his job. 
"No Taehyung, the troubles between my thighs."
Jeongguk choked on his scotch not used to you being so candid. 
Taehyung laughed, "Isn't that paradise? You know being horny has an easy fix." 
You shot back your drink and Jeongguk was quick to refill it. Maybe it was wishful thinking but it felt like he was leaning closer. 
"What's wrong Y/N?" he whispered like it was just meant for you to hear.
Taehyung came closer, "Do we need to kick someone's ass?" 
You couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Taehyung fighting anyone. Security had saved his hide from jealous husbands on more than one occasion. 
"No, I mean...it's just dumb."
"It's not dumb if it's making you upset," Jeongguk's large hand covered yours around the glass you were holding. 
You pulled away and buried your face in your hands embarrassed. 
"Ughhh…. he can't, or should I say…. won't make me cum, okay?" 
They both burst out laughing. 
"Awesome, thanks guys I appreciate the sympathy." 
Trying to gather some composure, Taehyung asked, "So he's just bad in bed?"
"I wouldn't say bad, he's just not very…. giving." 
"So, bad." Jeongguk laughed.
"Yuck it up guys but I haven't had an orgasm that wasn't self induced for the last 7 months."
Taehyung moved in for the kill.
"You should have told us sooner, we'd be more than happy to help alleviate some of your tension."
Your cup still in his hand, Jeongguk poured more. Walking it around to your side of the bar, he tipped it to his lips and shot back a huge gulp before handing it back to you. 
Raising it to your lips, his eyes grew darker while watching the amber liquid disappear. 
When you'd finished he swiftly moved to connect your mouths. Soft, slow and so good, his wet lips enveloped yours. 
Rendered dizzy and speechless, you were left with nothing but the taste of his whisky tipped tongue after he pulled away. 
"Better or worse?" he smiled.
"Worse, so much fucking worse. You can't just do that and…" 
"And what?" Taehyung questioned with a smirk.
"And stop…" your voice sounded desperate. 
"Want us to make it better?" 
Taehyung was close behind you, his deep sensual voice sent shivers up your spine. 
"Tell us what you want baby,"  Jeongguk was in front, teasing you with his lips hovering just over yours. 
"I want you to make me cum," you panted in desperation, "Both of you." 
Hoisting you off your chair Jeongguk set you on the bar top. His lips moved back to yours as Taehyung's hands found their way to your shirt. His large fingers fumbled with the delicate fasteners.
"Just fucking rip it." 
Grabbing the edges he quickly  pulled it apart, the sound of  buttons bouncing off the floor was barely heard over all the heavy breathing.
Sliding it down your arms his mouth moved to the back of your neck. You could feel his lips sucking hard on your skin, sure he was marking you. It felt divine and you couldn't bring yourself to care. If a man could make you feel this good already you were dumping your boyfriend the minute this was over.
Expertly unclasping your bra  Jeongguk moaned at the sight of your tits. 
"So pretty."
His mouth started back on your lips and patiently made their way down. Your chin, your neck, your chest, your nipples, no part of your skin was untouched by the two men. 
"Layback sweetheart." 
Taehyung moved to take his turn with your mouth as Jeongguk took off your shoes and tights. Your skirt was still fastened around your waist but was hitched high to allow easy access to your panties. 
"Do you always wear sexy panties or were you expecting something tonight?" 
Unable to speak, your head was in the clouds. Every touch, every hot breath on your skin sent you reeling.
Leveling his face to your mound Jeongguk dragged his nose across your clit. "Can I take care of you?" 
"Fuck please."
You clenched as his fingers hooked around the lace and worked them over your thighs. Depositing your panties into his pocket he found his way back to you. 
He explored with his finger first, tracing your folds then dipping it inside you slowly, repeatedly. 
"Jeongguk," his name slid out of you in pleasure.
Not one to stand idly, Taehyung used one hand to cup your breast and the other to unzip his pants.
Pulling himself out, he watched for your reaction and wasn't disappointed when your jaw dropped. His cock was huge, long and gerthy, the tip was reddened with arousal.
You gripped his balls in the hand that hung over the backside of the bar. The curls of his shockingly full black bush felt soft against your fingers as you stroked him. 
Jeongguk's mouth was heaven on earth. Seven months of pent up sexual frustration was about to be released under the careful guidance of his tongue. 
Taehyung rolled your nipple between his fingers, "How do you feel now?"
"So good. Guk you're gonna make me cum, please make me cum.." 
Like white light washed over your brain there was nothing but the feeling of pure pleasure. Pulsing around his fingers as his tongue did a final lap you came loud and hard.
You couldn't move it was glorious, the smile on your face felt dumb but you couldn't make it go away. 
"Better now?" He asked while kissing you. He knew damn well what the answer was. 
You could taste yourself all over him.
"I want you in my mouth, I want to return the favor."
He helped you down and you both awkwardly stood looking at Taehyung.
Taehyung impatiently directed the scene.
"Jeongguk you're going to sit on the bar, Y/N you'll be standing here sucking him off, ass out over here where I'll be." 
You both looked at him in surprise.
"Ok so maybe I've done this before. Can you just fucking trust me." 
Quick to take his clothes off, you came face to face with Jeongguk's body for the first time. 
Muscles, abs and a trimmed happy trail that led to his gorgeously thick cock. How many words can describe perfection? You just wanted him in your mouth. 
He hopped on the bar and pulled you in for a kiss. Your hand falling from his hair to his thighs traveling over the hard muscle until your grip found what you wanted. He moaned as your lips worked their way around him up and down his shaft.
Taehyung stood behind you and lined himself up with your sopping entrance. It was tight and a little uncomfortable but you pushed back wanting him desperately inside you. 
Gripping your hips he found his rhythm, his cock filling you as you let Jeongguk occupy your throat. 
His hand moved on top of your head but instead of pushing you further onto him he stroked your hair. 
"Look at you, so beautiful."
You wanted to please him, to make him feel good, you wanted him to say your name as he came. 
"Fuck, I'm sorry...I'm close. I'm gonna cum, you feel too good."
You went harder and stroked faster until you felt the warm explosion in your throat. 
"Fuck, that was amazing." He kissed you while Tae continued on with his mission to make you cum. 
There was an urgent knocking on the back kitchen door and Taehyung's notifications started going off incessantly. 
"Shit, Fuck, I'm sorry baby, I totally forgot I asked some people to come. 
Quickly zipping, he left to open the door.
You sat up looking embarrassed trying to quickly gather your clothes. 
The ripped blouse hung open barely covering you. Noticing your predicament Jeongguk  handed you his button down with a small smile, "You can borrow this, I'll be fine in my t-shirt." 
"Thanks, I'm going to go pull myself together in the office and I'll slip out the back."
Leaning in he kissed your cheek, "Goodnight Y/N, I'm sorry we got interrupted." 
He was so cute, "It's okay Guk, you gave me exactly what I needed tonight." 
You got to the office door unnoticed. The three young women entered in a perfumed stampede.
"There's our other sexy bartender." You watched as they flirted and fawned over him. You felt ridiculous, what a stupid thing you'd just done.
With a knitted brow Jeongguk looked over as you closed the door behind you.
Successfully dodging them both until Friday nights service it was time to face the inevitable. Running down the features and vip guest list with the staff you made it short and to the point 
"Let's have a good shift everybody!" 
Jeongguk came over and ran his hand up your arm, "You okay? It feels like you might be avoiding me?" 
"It's just been a crazy week, that's all. I mean what we did was totally not something I do, I mean, I'm not like you and Tae. Then I went home and ended my relationship.." 
"You broke up with him? Wait, what do you mean like me and Tae? Can we talk in your office for a minute?"
Taehyung came exuberantly bounding over to interrupt, "Are we making plans for a repeat tonight?"
You fumed at him and pointed up the hall, "Get in my office Taehyung." Switching directions you turned, "And Jeongguk, bar, NOW!"
Slamming the door behind you Taehyung laughed, "I see you're still frustrated?" 
"You're crossing the line Tae. I don't want you inviting random women here after hours anymore. You should be setting a better example for the newer employees." 
He looked at you quizzically, 
"New employees? Oh my god you like him don't you?" 
Redness creeped over your cheeks, "That's not what we're talking about here." 
"Isn't it? Were you jealous those girls showed up last week?" 
"What? No, it's just...I can't have you breaking the rules all the time." 
"You and I both know I've been breaking the rules since day one and only one things changed, you've got a crush on Guk." 
You stared at him in anger and he just smiled at you, god he was infuriating. 
"Get your ass out there and do your job okay?"
He opened the door to leave but turned back around. "He didn't stay. He never stays." 
"What are you talking about?"
"Last week, Jeongguk. He left about fifteen minutes after you. Said he was tired and needed to get some sleep before his early shift." He grinned with a wink and went to work. 
You watched the clock anxiously, you'd have to leave the office sooner or later. 
Just before last call there was a knock at your door. Opening it without approval Jungkook stepped in. 
"Do you have a minute?" 
"Yeah, come sit down."
"I wanted to return these." He handed you your panties.
Instead of the chair he sat on the edge of your desk. 
"I was just wondering if there was a possibility I could get moved off the bar? I could be a server or do something in the kitchen, maybe if you need help in the office?"
"But why? You're really good at what you do and you make great tip money. I mean, I don't want to lose you so whatever keeps you happy I guess we'll fit you in somewhere." 
"It's just...you said something earlier, you said you weren't like me and Tae."
He was looking down, focused on the hole in his jeans. "I met someone and I'd really hate for her to think of me that way." 
You put your hand on his thigh covering the hole so he'd finally look up at you.
"I didn't mean it to sound judgy, shit I'm sorry. I don't think it's wrong, it's just I've never had casual sex or been with someone who I don't care about." 
Finally looking up at you, barely audible he confessed, "I've never had sex with anyone I didn't care for either." 
You weren't sure if you were interpreting his words correctly. Did Jeongguk like you? 
Your mouth hung agape as he pulled you up from your chair.
"I dont want after parties with drinks and casual sex. I want to go home after a long shift and make love to my girlfriend." 
God that sounded good. 
You came out of the office to find Tae was the only one left. He was surrounded by papers and receipts. 
"I thought I'd start doing the end of night,  Are you guys sticking around?" 
Jeongguk smiled, "I think we're gonna try something new tonight."
Taehyung grinned from ear to ear, "No problem, I can be responsible, I got this." 
You rolled your eyes.
"Uh huh, I'd better not find any condoms laying around in the morning." 
You'd gotten about 10 steps away before he couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Hey Guk," he wiggled his eyebrows.
"Make sure she cums!" 
If you find any enjoyment in this fic I implore you, please fucking comment like or reblog. I'm a needy bitch.
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