#whatever an entrepuener is
avlly · 1 year
entrepuener of roblox
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berlly · 2 years
my 3am thoughts on who the 4 boys wojld be if they were in modern times / as teachers...:
toichiro would be like (and i know what ur thinking, an idol? ofc not thats too cheesy) the son of a ceo. i dont like imagining them human so they'd still all be ayakashi, that or there would be no plot. idk whatd he be the ceo of, but id think he'd just be faking it. like he tricked the actual ceo (aka his "dad", not his real one) into thinking he were his son and faking a meeting in a far awat country so toichiro could do as he'd please or whatever. oh and trust hed still be wearing suits, except theyre not as tacky as the ones in his SR's....
koga would be the same pretty much, an entrepuener helping out businesses and being known by pretty much everyone. he'd probably live in some traditional home out in the woods so he'd be more secluded, bc i doubt he would want to live right on the street in a condo or something. i always liked the thought of him liking traditional japanese houses better than the modern ones.
kuya would def be the same. just sleeping around in everyones house and loitering as usual. yk that thing where ppl were smaller in the past? id expect him to be much more taller!!! id also like to think hed wear dark clothing all the time or walk around in his pajamas or something
shizuki would still be a valet and just hang around toichiro MUCH more often with the new age weaponry everywhere... also with the world being more dangerous now im sure shizuki would remind toichiro abt scammers, but knowing toichiro hed play into the games of a scammer just to scam them back.
them if they were in school ad the faculty(facolty? idk) COLLEGE TEACHERS!!! no minors aloud
toichiro: finance teacher perhaps? idk if hed actually be teaching the class or not, tbh. i know toichiro is rlly rich but idk abt him being resonsible w his money... maybe he'd be a fashion teacher instead? i feel like thatd be up his alley and also something he could actually pull off. prob just flirting with the other teachers honestly....
koga would def be an algebra or geometry teacher. THAT OR AN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER OMG STOP im so smart. he'd be such a good teacher hoky shit dont rven gte me started (giving up on correcting slelling mistakes) I could also see him beign like the hot history teacher everyone wants to get with (reminder on the college part)
kuya: librarian. prob doesnt even do his job but hey hes around books. hed be sleeping way too much to be able to physically teaching a class, and i doubt hed be good at it either. "what does this questjon mean?" "idk read it again maybe" ljke just a teacher who answers wuestions with "duh". the pro for him being librarian is hes around a lot of books to sleep around!! lots of dream inspo
shizuki: oh u can trust hed be like the most serious chemistry teacher ever. probably runs the chess club (wouldnt doubt it). But if we were to stay on track with the whole valet thing then he'd be dort of like a 2nd teacher in the class room. aka rhe person actually doing the fashion(?) or finance(?) teaching.
(BONUS!!) futaba: mythology teacher. enough said.
ok im done gn
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