#what the hell bioware
clericofshadows · 1 year
I love the citadel dlc party, I really do, but as a Kaidan fan some of the interactions just rub me the wrong way. like, I'm already annoyed you can't uninvite some people, but no matter the party style, someone is going to shit on Kaidan. maybe it's Sam with the weird as fuck remark about him being racist for asking her opinion about curry. maybe it's also her comment about making his drink with her spill pad (the fuck???). maybe it's the dismissive comments he gets from the other squadmates about his ability to reave. maybe it's the convo with joker and Sam and how they sound when talking about EDI and the incident that could've killed him.
yeah. there's a common denominator here and while I want to like the wlw LI, she just sucks in this DLC.
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whereismywarden · 20 hours
"We wanted to make the game accessible to new players."
It's not though. Not entirely. The plot is a direct follow-up to Trespasser. And romantic or not, the relationship between Solas and the Inquisitor will apparently play a pivotal role. By definition, you're already including content that could make new players feel like they're missing parts of the story (which they are).
Also, you could easily have a default worldstate with next to no references to the older games while still giving returning players the opportunity to input a few additional choices that could crop up if relevant in codex entries or background dialogue. I forgot which game it was, but I remember playing a game once that asked you at the start whether or not you wanted to see past events be referenced during the story. It really could have been that simple.
But by choosing to remove past choices from the game entirely, not only are you not really making the game more accessible to new players, but you might end up alienating half your existing player base.
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hq92 · 26 days
Me: *playing through Dragon Age Inquisition first, sides with the mages, the King of Ferelden and his wife come to kick me out of the castle* Fine, sheesh! I know you guys had a bad time with these awful guests, but man...king seems like a bit of a stuck up jerk. Hope I never see him again.
Me: *moving backwards to play Dragon Age Origins, romancing the sweet, goofy, funny, charming guy*
Alistair: I didn’t want to tell you this, but my father was the King.
Me: Oh wow...hey, with Cailan dead I wonder if that means Alistair would be in line for the throne of Ferelden and WAITASECOND.
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chronurgy · 17 hours
It's been 10 years since the last game in the series, it isn't unreasonable to be planning for this game to be a soft reboot of the series. But they needed to be straight up about that from the beginning instead of trying to play it off like they have been. Keeping the NDA on the inquisition import specifically and the way they spoke about it in interviews were absolutely terrible choices. Bioware needed to be managing expectations and making this choice very clear from the beginning and they absolutely did not do that. I'm not sure the intensity of the response here can really be called surprising given how poorly they handled this. The "oh these other decisions could come back in a later game" thing also feels pretty ridiculous. They need to quit that shit and just be honest about their plans to reboot the series. Finally, bioware has to stop trying to have it both ways. They can't soft reboot the series and then also bring back characters from earlier installments. Either our decisions, especially our decisions that affect those characters, are relevant or they are not. Either those characters can be changed by past events, or they can't and there's no point in giving them diverging in game paths. They've gotta decide which one they want.
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vigilskeep · 1 year
the actual reason i shouldnt try to play lavellan is that if i continue committing to yrsa i’ll end up with all grey warden love interests and reveal how much of a sucker for them i am
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haldenlith · 4 months
*looks at Veilguard trailer*
... It's too early for me to pull out the "I told you so" card, but boy does it feel like I need to be getting it dusted off, because that trailer looked... real weird.
(more ranting below cut)
Like something about the animation felt... off? Rubbery? I don't know how to explain it. It reminded me of cartoony goofy 3D animation circa 2010s. But that aside, that's not the big thing that got me.
The big thing that got me was the proposed narrative.
I don't mind new characters, but I do think this is the wrong time to be leading with them. If there was any time to reintroduce the oldie goldies from previous games that didn't make it into Inquisition, it'd be right now. My brain isn't keyed into writing at the moment, but for one of those introductions Varric was doing, Fenris would fit in perfectly, especially given that he's been a bit important to the overall narrative via the comics. Solas takes particular notice of him in the comics. This would be a FANTASTIC way to grab the Fenris lovers AND link back to the comics AND link back to DA2, all with one few second intro in the trailer. Zevran is another fan favorite that would be great, given his close proximity to The Hero of Fereldan (romanced or not), and to The Antivan Crows, since it seems confirmed that we are going to Antiva. Isabela and her ships, and her connection to Rivaini or whatever the fuck it was called.
It feels like a really, really big missed opportunity to tie things together.
ALSO, what is this "oh we need a leader, where will we get one?" nonsense? We literally left off Inquisition with The Inquisitor going "let's go find allies somewhere Solas won't expect" and stabbing "Tevinter" on a map. That would, normally, suggest a cliffhanger and that we'd be returning as The Inquisitor. What happened to that? This is the weirdest and, in my opinion, the worst time to introduce ANOTHER new protagonist. We don't need a fourth protagonist. We need to wrap up what's already going on, ESPECIALLY since the Solas Saga ties directly into The Inquisitor's storyline. Their story isn't done yet.
I just do not understand what's going on over yonder in BioWare land. I said in a discord that this is very much their "The Final Shape" moment, in that this is their do-or-die moment. I say that because, like Bungie, Bioware's not in the best of spots. The studio has done terribly as of late. Good will is low. They need to WOW the audience. They need to pull out all the stops and shout "WE STILL GOT IT". But this? ... This whole long-running display of trailers announcing trailers and showing up to games award shows and such with only concept art? And then giving us... whatever disconnected thing that trailer was? Leading with "heehee hoohoo we so goofy heros" vibes and one, maybe two characters people give a shit about (Varric and Harding, respectively)?
This ain't it, chief.
I hate to keep saying it, but this is... This isn't feeling good. This feels like we're gearing up for Anthem: Dragon Age Edition. And I'm not sure that studio can survive a round two of that disaster.
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amiryllisthorn · 4 months
bioware not chase trends to end up years behind the curve challenge truly impossible.
Its just so weird looking at what they showed and seeing something that resembled more like god of war or horizon at a time when crpgs are being more successful than ever before.
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daggerbean · 2 years
Happy N7 Day everyone!
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writing dragon age fanfiction is so so so so hard for me because every time i spot another historical inaccuracy that’s like “i don’t care that it’s fantasy they have the same level of technology this is WRONG” i have to have a moment of like. “kaed NO ONE ELSE will EVER care about this. you watch ‘ranking period dramas on corset accuracy both in construction and writing’ videos on youtube for entertainment normal people simply do not give a FUCK about medieval castle layouts!”
and yet this cycle continues, because the dragon age devs so so so so clearly DID research but they did BAD research and it HAUNTS me. like WHYYYYY is there only one courtyard that isn’t even really a courtyard in castle cousland WHY is the “main hall” huge with no furniture while the great hall “dining room” is tiny as fuck and in a horrible to access spot WHY are there no ovens in the kitchens where the FUCK do they bake the breaaaad!! like ok fine cool servants get beds in thedas i’ll bite. that fucks hard, actually! but WHY are there more servant rooms than rooms for visiting nobles do you honestly think anybody in the middle ages fucking had servant rooms???? they slept on the FLOOR in the GREAT HALL! and WHY is there a fucking library and a ‘treasury’ (which what the fuck is THAT there should be a DON-JON in there you locked your valuables in the TOWER at the TOP, not in ONE room centrally located on the first floor with TWO guards!!) like i KNOW it was for level design i KNOW it was but oh my fucking g-d it’s gonna KILL ME to write out creeping through corridors when there WERE NO CORRIDORS! like look at this. look at this.
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castle cousland: stupid, awful design, honestly they kinda asked to be coup’ed with their garbage unsurvivable castle that supposedly nobody sieges regularly even though it’s literally a death trap. there is ONE main exit, no way to trap your enemies, and only one official guard post that i can see. fuck awful.
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harlech castle in wales: it took 115 years for someone to successfully take this castle, and it’s withstood COUNTLESS sieges, you can go visit it right the hell now if you go to wales (not at all getting into the evilness of the english building castles in wales, that’s not the point i’m trying to make.) see how the outside makes it so that even if your enemies breach the walls, to actually reach anyone important they have to survive the volleys of arrows from the ramparts? and then presumably kill everyone ON the ramparts, or the minute you go to open a door or try to drag someone out, you’re going to get shot full of arrows. that’s after breaching TWO heavy doors (which would require a battering ram both times) which would wake up the entire castle LONG before they got anywhere NEAR the heir to the castle’s wife and child.
and before somebody says “oh well kaed maybe you just don’t know your castle building periods very well” think again. i know my castle building periods. that style above is concentric (harlech castle’s initial construction was finished in 1289 and was one of the first finished castles in england in this style,) which came after the keep and bailey style, which came after the motte-and-bailey style, which came after the burh (which arguably WASN’T a castle but whatever,) etc. there are no fortified castles in english history that look like castle cousland, because it’s fucking indefensible. now, this does lead to the question of “oh, well, what is the timeline for the game, maybe there’s something you missed!” so let’s examine the time period of origins:
at the very, very latest, origins could be based off of the BEGINNING of the british “wars of the roses” (the civil wars between the various members of the house plantagenet) which began in the 1450s— this is personally what /i/ think origins is based off of, for a couple reasons. 1) trevelyan was a real person— g.m. trevelyan was a british historian who wrote about the wars of the roses, and in one instance there’s a quote of his the devs almost verbatim used for the design of the free marches: “the Wars of the Roses were to a large extent a quarrel between Welsh Marcher Lords, who were also great English nobles, closely related to the English throne…” they ixnayed the part about the marcher lords being ferelden nobles, i imagine because it was too complicated, but trevelyan? marcher lords? a close relationship with this country? (i.e. like somewhere that might take in their refugees after a catastrophe?) cmon. 2) because ferelden is fucking huge and the histories are kinda weird, because they aren’t 1 for 1, i’m gonna say that we have to use the norman conquest of england as our unification date. in other contexts i wouldn’t try to argue this, but in this one, i’m saying 1066 is the unification date of the anglo-saxon kingdoms into england. calenhad gives us a hard unification date for ferelden— the first landsmeet was in 5:42 exalted, ergo origins is 388 years later. the wars of the roses started in 1455, 389 years after the norman conquest ended. 3) the wars of the roses happened because of a succession crisis— admittedly, these two succession crises are very, very different, but there are definitely parallels between loghain and henry vi and alistair and edward iv. henry vi was crowned at a young age (loghain largely ruled for maric at various points in his life, starting when he was very young,) and was very ineffectual— he suffered from an unknown mental illness which made him extremely unstable and unable to rule for large periods of time. loghain, on the other hand, ruled when the /theirins/ weren’t stable, so you argue he had the opposite— meanwhile, his policies WEREN’T sustainable, whatever you might think of him. loghain is too shaped by his own experiences to be a truly good leader, and by the time his rule/anora’s rule is threatened by cailan, he’s sacrificed enough of his principles that he’s willing to commit atrocities (notably, margaret of anjou ruled during the worst parts of her husband’s mental instability, which again could apply to loghain OR anora, as they ruled fairly jointly after a certain point.) edward iv was the son of richard of york, who was eligible for the throne at a very young age (18 to alistair’s 19) because his father was dead. he was coaxed and led into battle by his cousin, the earl of warwick (also known as the kingmaker— sound like a protagonist you might know?) that’s about where the similarities end, but that’s largely because alistair is a grey warden— if he weren’t, he’d probably be able to have kids and end the question of succession. but he can’t, which, assuming the devs eventually remember, WILL lead to another civil war. hence why i say this is at the BEGINNING of the wars of the roses.
another option that could be argued but makes much less sense and i have no evidence for is that alistair has similarities to edward ii (second son who only became king because his brother died, married a more powerful woman to consolidate power, not very good at ruling, no offense to alistair,) but that still puts origins at like 1307-1327. in either case, they would have been using concentric castles— and given what time period castle cousland was originally built in, it would have been built as a motte-and-bailey, which would NOT have lasted four hundred years. so the castle had to have been rebuilt, and bryce cousland would have had to update that rebuilt castle, because no one lived in it during the orlesian occupation. so where the hell does this winding, weird multi-level design come from?
i GUESS— and this is SO charitable— they could have designed castle cousland based off of a country house design from the mid 1500s, but none of them look like that, either. they’re exclusively rectangular, for one thing, and one of the huge bragging rights of owning one was that they weren’t fortified— they came into fashion during a period of relative stability under the tudor rule, when it was considered guache and maybe even treasonous to build a fortified castle. ferelden is NOWHERE NEAR a period of stability, if anything at the end of origins they’re entering their greatest period of INstability, given what happens in inquisition, and that no matter who ends up on the throne, there’s no way for them to have children. so there’s NO way this castle is a country house, or inspired by one.
leaving us with the final conclusion that a) the game devs definitely did do research into the time period because i can fairly directly trace a line between the event i think inspired origins and the plot, but they didn’t do enough research to figure out what the everloving fuck the BUILDINGS looked like. so these castles make no fucking sense and can’t possibly be called historically accurate even with the fantasy defense, and b) i care WAAAY too much about this for somebody who isn’t even a medieval historian. my area of expertise is the paleolithic, i have no clue why this bugs me so bad i spent four fucking hours writing this post.
#anyone: so what are you getting up to on spring break? me: uhhhhhhhhhhh *spends four hours writing a bioware calloit post about their#historically inaccurate castles* Normal Things#it took me four hours bc i had to pare it down like 8 times btw. i could have kept going#btw there are image descriptions on the maps#dragon age origins#dragon age#long post#actually i take it back i DO know why it bugs me and it’s because they made this g-dawful design part of the plot on every single occasion#like highever? would never have been sacked if not for this design. redcliffe? whole story is about infiltrating this castle through these#extensive dungeons they never would have fucking built bc there’s no use for them. the palace in denerim (which doesn’t even have a name)#is so so so fucked. we can’t even get into it but i HATE it. denerim is a city small enough that not all the banns arls and teyrns can have#their own estates in the city meaning they would need rooms in the palace dedicated to them. where are those rooms??? if’s tiny as hell. all#they needed to do was to put up some extra wings you can’t go into that’s all they needed. i’m so so so annoyed by this it’s such a pet#peeve of mine. especially since skyhold is SOOOOOO good if’s the pinnacle of dragon age buildings no one else will ever be her#there’s multiple courtyards. there’s a garden. there’s the stables centrally located there are concentric walls there’s that weird palace#thing in the center with the world’s hottest great hall. there’s a FORGE there’s a keep there’s a guest wing there’s a tabern there’s#ANOTHER tower you can build there are sentry posts there’s a gatehouse there’s a bridge no one will ever replace her in my heart i know this#skyhold baby you are so so so sexy and delicious and everything a fantasy castle in a video game should be MWAH
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nightingaletrash · 1 year
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funny how Marian - someone who has two brothers who fought at Ostagar - ends up working with Loghain. this was the one Warden besides Carver who would work with her and she had to make do
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tiredassmage · 2 years
Iokath with a romanced Theron is literally so. I fucking love them. All pretense of respect blown to the wind the ENTIRE Alliance is going to know how much you love each other and Theron Shan is the happiest Golden Retriever in the galaxy every single time you walk back into the room
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Look at him. He can’t help himself. Disaster bisexual couples ftw.
Lana in the background doing the painting nails emoji BEGGING them to just get a fucking room the second they get back to Odessen. Ffs you two.
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foxmulderrr · 2 years
thinking about how special the griffons were to the wardens...thinking about how desperate they were to save the world that they put their griffons through the joining to try and stop it....thinking about how they subsequently made all of their loving companions suffer before being slaughtered because of that One mistake
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chronurgy · 4 months
I actually do like the trailer as a "meet the gang" trailer, I think it's fun and quirky in a good way. But it never should have been the launch trailer, and it was a massive marketing screw up to make it one
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master-gatherer · 1 year
Ngl I see "bioware magic" and my blood pressure shoots up like ten points
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hejee · 1 year
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spectralhero · 1 year
Dude...this whole fucking thing with Bioware though...what are the chances some AI shit will be involved? We all know how that shit is increasing.
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