#what is hadoop 3.0
Explore what Is new in Hadoop 3.0 which is latest version of Hadoop 2.0 - Get to know about overview of Hadoop 3.0 and new features of Hadoop 3.0.
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yahoodevelopers · 6 years
Announcing OpenTSDB 2.4.0: Rollup and Pre-Aggregation Storage, Histograms, Sketches, and More
By Chris Larsen, Architect
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OpenTSDB is one of the first dedicated open source time series databases built on top of Apache HBase and the Hadoop Distributed File System. Today, we are proud to share that version 2.4.0 is now available and has many new features developed in-house and with contributions from the open source community. This release would not have been possible without support from our monitoring team, the Hadoop and HBase developers, as well as contributors from other companies like Salesforce, Alibaba, JD.com, Arista and more. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release!
A few of the exciting new features include:
Rollup and Pre-Aggregation Storage
As time series data grows, storing the original measurements becomes expensive. Particularly in the case of monitoring workflows, users rarely care about last years’ high fidelity data. It’s more efficient to store lower resolution “rollups” for longer periods, discarding the original high-resolution data. OpenTSDB now supports storing and querying such data so that the raw data can expire from HBase or Bigtable, and the rollups can stick around longer. Querying for long time ranges will read from the lower resolution data, fetching fewer data points and speeding up queries.
Likewise, when a user wants to query tens of thousands of time series grouped by, for example, data centers, the TSD will have to fetch and process a significant amount of data, making queries painfully slow. To improve query speed, pre-aggregated data can be stored and queried to fetch much less data at query time, while still retaining the raw data. We have an Apache Storm pipeline that computes these rollups and pre-aggregates, and we intend to open source that code in 2019. For more details, please visit http://opentsdb.net/docs/build/html/user_guide/rollups.html.
Histograms and Sketches
When monitoring or performing data analysis, users often like to explore percentiles of their measurements, such as the 99.9th percentile of website request latency to detect issues and determine what consumers are experiencing. Popular metrics collection libraries will happily report percentiles for the data they collect. Yet while querying for the original percentile data for a single time series is useful, trying to query and combine the data from multiple series is mathematically incorrect, leading to errant observations and problems. For example, if you want the 99.9th percentile of latency in a particular region, you can’t just sum or recompute the 99.9th of the 99.9th percentile.
To solve this issue, we needed a complex data structure that can be combined to calculate an accurate percentile. One such structure that has existed for a long time is the bucketed histogram, where measurements are sliced into value ranges and each range maintains a count of measurements that fall into that bucket. These buckets can be sized based on the required accuracy and the counts from multiple sources (sharing the same bucket ranges) combined to compute an accurate percentile.
Bucketed histograms can be expensive to store for highly accurate data, as many buckets and counts are required. Additionally, many measurements don’t have to be perfectly accurate but they should be precise. Thus another class of algorithms could be used to approximate the data via sampling and provide highly precise data with a fixed interval. Data scientists at Yahoo (now part of Oath) implemented a great Java library called Data Sketches that implements the Stochastic Streaming Algorithms to reduce the amount of data stored for high-throughput services. Sketches have been a huge help for the OLAP storage system Druid (also sponsored by Oath) and Bullet, Oath’s open source real-time data query engine.
The latest TSDB version supports bucketed histograms, Data Sketches, and T-Digests.
Some additional features include:
HBase Date Tiered Compaction support to improve storage efficiency.
A new authentication plugin interface to support enterprise use cases.
An interface to support fetching data directly from Bigtable or HBase rows using a search index such as ElasticSearch. This improves queries for small subsets of high cardinality data and we’re working on open sourcing our code for the ES schema.
Greater UID cache controls and an optional LRU implementation to reduce the amount of JVM heap allocated to UID to string mappings.
Configurable query size and time limits to avoid OOMing a JVM with large queries.
Try the releases on GitHub and let us know of any issues you run into by posting on GitHub issues or the OpenTSDB Forum. Your feedback is appreciated!
OpenTSDB 3.0
Additionally, we’ve started on 3.0, which is a rewrite that will support a slew of new features including:
Querying and analyzing data from the plethora of new time series stores.
A fully configurable query graph that allows for complex queries OpenTSDB 1x and 2x couldn’t support.
Streaming results to improve the user experience and avoid overwhelming a single query node.
Advanced analytics including support for time series forecasting with Yahoo’s EGADs library.
Please join us in testing out the current 3.0 code, reporting bugs, and adding features.
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sfujioka1 · 4 years
アサヒ飲料 カルピス Lパック 1L 紙パック(口栓付) 1ケース(6本) 【送料無料】楽天株式会社3,648円【48本入】トロピカーナ 100% オレンジ 330ml PET 送料無料 KIRIN Tropicana フルーツジュース セット ペットボトル 飲み物 栄養補給 キリンビバレッジ 【D】楽天株式会社5,280円青森りんご ふじ 280ml 24本入 | 送料無料 JAアオレン りんごジュース ストレート ジュース 無添加 ペットボトル りんご リンゴジュース ストレートジュース 飲み物 ケース アップルジュース ドリンク セット 内祝い お返し ギフト プレゼント 果汁100%楽天株式会社3,980円【24本入り】健康ミネラルむぎ茶 PET650ml 飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 飲み物 ペットボトル 水分補給 麦茶 カフェインゼロ むぎちゃ ミネラル 伊藤園 【D】楽天株式会社2,540円ウェルチ 100%果汁ギフト 記念品【あす楽】【送料無料】両親 孫 七五三 秋ギフトセット☆食品 ジュース 飲み物 詰め合わせ プレゼント 出産内祝い 結婚内祝い 出産祝い 結婚祝い 引き出物 お祝い お返し 香典返し 快気祝い お祝い返し メッセージカード楽天株式会社3,240円\最安値に挑戦/炭酸水 強炭酸水 【同種48本セット】伊賀の天然水 強炭酸水 500ml 炭酸飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 500ミリリットル ペットボトル 飲み物 ソフトドリンク スパークリング 割り材 SANGARIA サンガリア プレーン レモン グレープフルーツ 【D】楽天株式会社2,750円【 ビール 】 キリン 一番搾り [ 350ml×24本 ]アマゾンジャパン合同会社4,720〜6,950円ハイセンス 55V型 液晶テレビ 55U7F 4Kチューナー内蔵 Amazon Prime Video対応 3年保証 2020年モデルアマゾンジャパン合同会社83,530〜125,180円赤ワイン セット 6本 フルボディ パーカーポイント90点以上 フランス イタリア スペイン 輸入ワイン 飲み比べワインセットアマゾンジャパン合同会社7,678円アサヒ ウィルキンソン タンサン マルチパック(500ml×4本) 2000mlアマゾンジャパン合同会社320円
NEW!2020-11-14 09:58:40
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ビデオカメラ Rosdeca デジタルビデオカメラ ウェブカメラ 4K 4800万画素 WIFI機能 16倍デジタルズーム+8倍スーパーズーム IR赤外線暗視機能 デジタル補正 270度回転画面 予備バッテリー付属 望遠レンズ搭載 3.0インチタッチパネル 外付けマイク 日本語取扱説明書 カメラポーチAmazon(アマゾン)25,999円[LesBliss Exclusive]K10グリーンアメジストピアスママジュエリー専門店レスブリス36,300円ハイセンス 55V型 4Kチューナー内蔵 UHD 液晶テレビ [Amazon Prime Video対応] 3年保証 2020年モデル 55U7FAmazon(アマゾン)88,000〜109,780円青森りんご ふじ 280ml 24本入 | 送料無料 JAアオレン りんごジュース ストレート ジュース 無添加 ペットボトル りんご リンゴジュース ストレートジュース 飲み物 ケース アップルジュース ドリンク セット 内祝い お返し ギフト プレゼント 果汁100%楽天市場3,980円【24本入り】健康ミネラルむぎ茶 PET650ml 飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 飲み物 ペットボトル 水分補給 麦茶 カフェインゼロ むぎちゃ ミネラル 伊藤園 【D】楽天市場2,540円ウェルチ 100%果汁ギフト【送料無料】夏ギフトセット☆食品 ジュース 飲み物 詰め合わせ 敬老の日 初盆 お供え物 法事 プレゼント 出産内祝い 結婚内祝い 出産祝い 結婚祝い 引き出物 お祝い お返し 香典返し 快気祝い お祝い返し メッセージカード楽天市場3,240円アサヒ飲料 カルピス Lパック 1L 紙パック(口栓付) 1ケース(6本) 【送料無料】楽天市場3,648円炭酸水 強炭酸水 【同種48本セット】伊賀の天然水 強炭酸水 500ml 炭酸飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 500ミリリットル ペットボトル 飲み物 ソフトドリンク スパークリング 割り材 SANGARIA サンガリア プレーン レモン グレープフルーツ 【D】楽天市場2,830円【48本入】トロピカーナ 100% オレンジ 330ml PET 送料無料 KIRIN Tropicana フルーツジュース セット ペットボトル 飲み物 栄養補給 キリンビバレッジ 【D】楽天市場5,280円赤ワイン セット 6本 フルボディ スペイン フランス すべてパーカー90点以上Amazon(アマゾン)7,678円アサヒ飲料 ウィルキンソン タンサン 炭酸水 500ml×24本Amazon(アマゾン)1,500〜4,000円アサヒ スーパードライ 350ml×24本Amazon(アマゾン)4,498〜7,050円
NEW!2020-11-14 09:52:37
Bah, Humbug!? そんな馬鹿な、たわ言だ!?(15)
“What place is this?” asked Scrooge.「これはどんな場所ですか?」とスクルージが尋ねました。“This is the livelihood of a farmer, who labors long hours to reap little reward.”「これは、長い時間、ほとんど報われない労働をする農民の暮らしです。」Scrooge closed the gap between himself and the farmer. “Why this is the equipment I support!” Scrooge cried. He peered over the shoulder of the farmer. “Uh-oh. Looks like he’s having some sort of problem.”スクルージは彼自身と農民の間の隙間を縮めました。 「何故これが私のサポートする装備なのか!」とスクルージは叫びました。彼は農民の肩の上を凝視しました。 「あれっ。 彼がある種の問題を持っているように見えます。」Another light appeared in the distance, and in a few minutes, a girl of about 12 approached the farmer. “Mom sent me to check on you.” she offered as an explanation and she handed him a travel cup of hot coffee. “She wonders when you’ll be in for dinner.”もう1つの光が遠くに現われました、そして数分のうちに、およそ12歳の少女が農民に接近しました。 「父さんを確認するためにママが私を寄越させたの。」と彼女が説明として言って、彼女は彼に熱いコーヒーの旅行カップを手渡しました。 「母さんはあなたがいつ夕食を取るのかしらと言っているよ。」“Not for a while, I fear.” he replied. “I have to get this thing running tonight. I can’t afford another day of down time.”「しばらく戻れないと思う。」と彼が答えました。 「私はこれを今晩中に終わらせなければなりません。 私はもう1日も息抜きをしている余裕がありません。」“Can I help?” she asked.「手伝えますか?」と彼女が尋ねました。Scrooge expected the man to send the girl on her way, but instead, he nodded slowly. “You can be my book stand!”“Your book stand?” she repeated confused.スクルージはその男が少女を帰らせることを予想しましたが、しかしその代わりに、彼がゆっくりとうなずいて「おまえは私の本立てになり得ます!」「あなたの本立て?」と彼女は混乱して繰り返しました。“Yes,” he replied, handing her a large manual. “I don’t know why they can’t put content online – where I could access it on my phone or even the instrument panel up there. But it’s all the documentation I’ve got and it’s hard to keep it open to the right page and do my task at the same time.”「そうだ」と彼は、彼女に大きい取説を手渡して答えました。「なぜ彼らはコンテンツをオンラインにしてくれないのか分からない。そうすれば、自分の携帯か装置のパネルでもその内容にアクセスできるだろうに。けれどもそれは私が受けとったすべてのドキュメンテーションです、そしてその取説の正しいページを開いておいて、そして同時に私の仕事をすることは難しいです。」“It sure is heavy.” the girl observed. “It must be really complicated.”「それは確かに難しいです。」と少女が言いました。「それは本当に複雑であるに違いに。」“The book or the task?” the man joked. “It’s really not that hard, once you find the right page, and sift through all the extraneous information. Someone must get paid by the word to write that. Lord, knows there is no other logical explanation for all the useless stuff in there.”「本か仕事か?」と男が冗談を言いました。 「いったん、あなたは正しいページを見いだすと、それは本当にそれほど難しくありません、そしてすべての無関係な情報を吟味します。 誰かがそれを書��言葉で報酬を得ているに違いない。ああ、そこですべての役に立たないことについて他のどのような論理的な説明もないことを知ります。」
終活の準備のmy Pick楽天市場【48本入】トロピカーナ 100% オレンジ 330ml PET 送料無料 KIRIN Tropicana フルーツジュース セット ペットボトル 飲み物 栄養補給 キリンビバレッジ 【D】5,280円楽天市場炭酸水 強炭酸水 【同種48本セット】伊賀の天然水 強炭酸水 500ml 炭酸飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 500ミリリットル ペットボトル 飲み物 ソフトドリンク スパークリング 割り材 SANGARIA サンガリア プレーン レモン グレープフルーツ 【D】2,830円楽天市場ウェルチ 100%果汁ギフト 記念品【あす楽】【送料無料】両親 孫 七五三 秋ギフトセット☆食品 ジュース 飲み物 詰め合わせ プレゼント 出産内祝い 結婚内祝い 出産祝い 結婚祝い 引き出物 お祝い お返し 香典返し 快気祝い お祝い返し メッセージカード3,240円楽天市場アサヒ飲料 カルピス Lパック 1L 紙パック(口栓付) 1ケース(6本) 【送料無料】3,648円ビデオカメラ Rosdeca デジタルビデオカメラ ウェブカメラ 4K 4800万画素 WIFI機能 16倍デジタルズーム+8倍スーパーズーム IR赤外線暗視機能 デジタル補正 270度回転画面 予備バッテリー付属 望遠レンズ搭載 3.0インチタッチパネル 外付けマイク 日本語取扱説明書 カメラポーチアマゾンジャパン合同会社25,999円ハイセンス 55V型 液晶テレビ 55U7F 4Kチューナー内蔵 Amazon Prime Video対応 3年保証 2020年モデルアマゾンジャパン合同会社74,657〜125,180円赤ワイン セット 6本 フルボディ パーカーポイント90点以上 フランス イタリア スペイン 輸入ワイン 飲��比べワインセットアマゾンジャパン合同会社7,678円アサヒ飲料 ウィルキンソン タンサン 炭酸水 500ml×24本アマゾンジャパン合同会社1,500〜3,600円アサヒ ウィルキンソン タンサン マルチパック(500ml×4本) 2000mlアマゾンジャパン合同会社320円終活の準備のmy Pick楽天市場【48本入】トロピカーナ 100% オレンジ 330ml PET 送料無料 KIRIN Tropicana フルーツジュース セット ペットボトル 飲み物 栄養補給 キリンビバレッジ 【D】5,280円楽天市場炭酸水 強炭酸水 【同種48本セット】伊賀の天然水 強炭酸水 500ml 炭酸飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 500ミリリットル ペットボトル 飲み物 ソフトドリンク スパークリング 割り材 SANGARIA サンガリア プレーン レモン グレープフルーツ 【D】2,830円楽天市場ウェルチ 100%果汁ギフト 記念品【あす楽】【送料無料】両親 孫 七五三 秋ギフトセット☆食品 ジュース 飲み物 詰め合わせ プレゼント 出産内祝い 結婚内祝い 出産祝い 結婚祝い 引き出物 お祝い お返し 香典返し 快気祝い お祝い返し メッセージカード3,240円楽天市場アサヒ飲料 カルピス Lパック 1L 紙パック(口栓付) 1ケース(6本) 【送料無料】3,648円アサヒ スーパードライ 350ml×24本アマゾンジャパン合同会社4,325〜7,050円[LesBliss Exclusive]グリーンアメジストピアス(K10)株式会社レスブリス36,300円
NEW!2020-11-14 09:30:47
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chamoranwadane-blog · 5 years
data persistence
What is a data persistence??
Information systems process data and convert it into information. The data should persist for later use
To maintain the status
For logging purposes
To further process and derive knowledge (data science)
Data can be stored, read, updated/modified, and deleted. At run time of software systems, data is stored in main memory, which is volatile (computer storage that only maintains its data while the device is powered (RAM),Data should be stored in non-volatile storage for persistence(Hard disk)
              Two main ways of storing data
Databases, in here many formats for storing data.
Plain Text
Text files
What is a Data, Database, Database Server, Database Management System??
Data: In computing, data is information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or processing
Data Types
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Database: A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated
Database types
Hierarchical databases: data is stored in a parent-children relationship nodes. In a hierarchical database, besides actual data, records also contain information about their groups of parent/child relationships.
Network databases: Network database management systems (Network DBMSs) use a network structure to create relationship between entities. Network databases are mainly used on a large digital computer.
Relational databases: In relational database management systems (RDBMS), the relationship between data is relational and data is stored in tabular form of columns and rows. Each column if a table represents an attribute and each row in a table represents a record. Each field in a table represents a data value.
Non-relational databases (NoSQL)
Object-oriented databases: In this Model we have to discuss the functionality of the object-oriented Programming. It takes more than storage of programming language objects.
Graph databases: Graph Databases are NoSQL databases and use a graph structure for sematic queries. The data is stored in form of nodes, edges, and properties.
Document databases: Document databases (Document DB) are also NoSQL database that store data in form of documents. Each document represents the data, its relationship between other data elements, and attributes
Database Server: The term database server may refer to both hardware and software used to run a database, according to the context. As software, a database server is the back-end portion of a database application, following the traditional client-server model. This back-end portion is sometimes called the instance. It may also refer to the physical computer used to host the database. When mentioned in this context, the database server is typically a dedicated higher-end computer that hosts the database.
Database Management System: A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing database. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data.
 Files and databases
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Advantages of storing data in files
Higher productivity
Lower costs
Time saving
Disadvantages of storing data in files
Data redundancy
Data inconsistency
Integrity problem
Security problem
Advantages of storing data in database
Excellent data integrity independence from application programs
Improve data access to users through the use of hos and query language
Improve data security storage and retrieval
Disadvantages of storing data in database
Complex, difficult and time consuming to design
Substantial hardware and software start-up cost.
Initial training required for all programmers and users
Data arrangements
Un-structured - Unstructured data has internal structure but is not structured via pre-defined data models or schema. It may be textual or non-textual, and human- or machine-generated. It may also be stored within a non-relational database like NoSQL
           E.g. – paragraph, essay
Semi- structured - Semi-structured data is a data type that contains semantic tags, but does not conform to the structure associated with typical relational databases. Semi-structured data is one of many different types of data.
Structured - Structured data is data that has been organized into a formatted repository, typically a database, so that its elements can be made addressable for more effective processing and analysis. This persistence technique is better for these arrangements.
                                 Data Warehouse is an architecture of data storing or data repository. Whereas Big Data is a technology to handle huge data and prepare the repository. ... Data warehouse only handles structure data (relational or not relational), but big data can handle structure, non-structure, semi-structured data.
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Files and DBs are external components.They are existing outside the software system. Software can connect to the files/DBs to perform CRUD operations on data  
File –File path, URL
DB –connection string
To process data in DB ,
SQL statements
Statement interface is used to execute normal SQL queries. You can’t pass the parameters to SQL query at run time using this interface. This interface is preferred over other two interfaces if you are executing a particular SQL query only once. The performance of this interface is also very less compared to other two interfaces. In most of time, Statement interface is used for DDL statements like CREATE, ALTER, DROP etc. For example,
 //Creating The Statement Object
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
//Executing The Statement
 Prepared statements
Prepared Statement is used to execute dynamic or parameterized SQL queries. Prepared Statement extends Statement interface. You can pass the parameters to SQL query at run time using this interface. It is recommended to use Prepared Statement if you are executing a particular SQL query multiple times. It gives better performance than Statement interface. Because, Prepared Statement are precompiled and the query plan is created only once irrespective of how many times you are executing that query. This will save lots of time.
//Creating PreparedStatement object
  PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("update STUDENT set NAME = ? where ID = ?");
  //Setting values to place holders using setter methods of PreparedStatement object
  pstmt.setString(1, "MyName");   //Assigns "MyName" to first place holder
          pstmt.setInt(2, 111);     //Assigns "111" to second place holder
 //Executing PreparedStatement
 Callable statements
Callable Statement is used to execute the stored procedures. Callable Statement extends Prepared Statement. Usng Callable Statement, you can pass 3 types of parameters to stored procedures. They are : IN – used to pass the values to stored procedure, OUT – used to hold the result returned by the stored procedure and IN OUT – acts as both IN and OUT parameter. Before calling the stored procedure, you must register OUT parameters using registerOutParameter() method of Callable Statement. The performance of this interface is higher than the other two interfaces. Because, it calls the stored procedures which are already compiled and stored in the database server.
 /Creating CallableStatement object
 CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{call anyProcedure(?, ?, ?)}");
 //Use cstmt.setter() methods to pass IN parameters
 //Use cstmt.registerOutParameter() method to register OUT parameters
 //Executing the CallableStatement
 //Use cstmt.getter() methods to retrieve the result returned by the stored procedure
  Useful objects
Result set
There are different structures for holding data at runtime  
Application holds data in objects
Database uses tables (entities)
Mismatches between relational and object models
Granularity: Object model has more granularity than relational model.
Subtypes: Subtypes (means inheritance) are not supported by all types of relational databases.
Identity: Like object model, relational model does not expose identity while writing equality.
Associations: Relational models cannot determine multiple relationships while looking into an object domain model.
Data navigation: Data navigation between objects in an object network is different in both models
Beans use POJO  
stands for Plain Old Java Object. It is an ordinary Java object, not bound by any special restriction other than those forced by the Java Language Specification and not requiring any class path. POJOs are used for increasing the readability and re-usability of a program. POJOs have gained most acceptance because they are easy to write and understand. They were introduced in EJB 3.0 by Sun microsystems.
A POJO should not:
Extend pre-specified classes.
Implement pre-specified interfaces.
Contain pre-specified annotations.
•Beans are special type of Pojos. There are some restrictions on POJO to be a bean. All JavaBeans are POJOs but not all POJOs are JavaBeans. Serializable i.e. they should implement Serializable interface. Still some POJOs who don’t implement Serializable interface are called POJOs because Serializable is a marker interface and therefore not of much burden. Fields should be private. This is to provide the complete control on fields. Fields should have getters or setters or both. A no-AR constructor should be there in a bean. Fields are accessed only by constructor or getter setters.
POJO/Bean to DB
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Java Persistence API (JPA)
An API/specification for ORM.
POJO classes
XML based mapping file (represent the DB)
A provider (implementation of JPA)
 JPA Architecture
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JPA implementations
Not Only SQL (NOSQL)
Relational DBs are good for structured data.For semi-structured and un-structured data, some other types of DBs can be used
Key-value stores
Document databases
Wide-column stores
Graph stores
  Benefits of NoSQL
When compared to relational databases, NoSQL databases are more scalable and provide superior performance, and their data model addresses several issues that the relational model is not designed to address:
Large volumes of rapidly changing structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.
 NoSQL DB servers
Amazon DynamoDB
           The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage. Rather than rely on hardware to deliver high-availability, the library itself is designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer, so delivering a highly-available service on top of a cluster of computers, each of which may be prone to failures.
  Hadoop core concepts
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS™): A distributed file system that provides high-throughput access to application data
Hadoop YARN: A framework for job scheduling and cluster resource management.
Hadoop Map Reduce: A YARN-based system for parallel processing of large data sets.
Data in the storages should be fetched, converted into information, and produced for proper use
Information is retrieved via search queries
                       Keyword search
                       Full-text search
The output can be
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successdig · 5 years
Large Data And Data Science On-line Program
ExcelR Data Science Certification is likely one of the most sought after career selections nowadays, as 1000's of freshers and likewise the experienced ones are seeking a job in this sector. The Economics Division at Valparaiso College offers graduate-level Certificates in Utilized Econometrics and Information Science Foundations Utilizing SAS. College students will acquire hands-on expertise with analysis methods equivalent to forecasting and modeling utilizing SAS statistical software. The curriculum for the 12-credit program requires students to finish two core programs and two electives selected from a brief checklist of potentialities. Students may be able to transfer up to three credits from another university. People interested in this program must apply to the Valparaiso Graduate Faculty as a non-degree-searching for pupil and meet all the requirements of graduate students, resembling a bachelor's degree with a 3.0 GPA. Candidates should submit a statement of goal, two recommendations, and transcripts.
Norman Nie was not shocked by the accurate predictions of the presidential election outcomes from Nate Silver and others. Lots of it,” he informed me just lately, is good statistics and good science and good statistical programming packages.” The rising amount of cash spent by the media on polling, Nie believes, improved the accuracy of predictions by rising the number of observations. In addition, with a lot of knowledge obtainable now about each individual, the hypotheses and models used by the forecasters had been developed on stable foundations.
Mike Love (@mikelove) and I have been working arduous a previous couple of months getting ready a free on-line edX course on ExcelR Data Science Certification for genomics. Our target audience is the postdocs, graduate students and analysis scientists who are tasked with analyzing genomics information, however, they don't have any formal coaching. The eight-week course will start with the very basics, however, it will ramp up somewhat rapidly and end with real-life workflows for genome variation, RNA-seq, DNA methylation, and ChIP-seq.
We not too long ago received We lately received the initiative to develop MOOCs for biomedical knowledge science. Our first offering will be version 2 of my Information Analysis for Genomics course which will launch on January 19. In this version, the course can be changed into an eight-course collection and you may get a certificate in each one in all of them. The motivation for doing that is to go extra in-depth into the totally different topics and to supply different entry points for college students with totally different ranges of experience.
Where can aspiring and practicing knowledge scientists earn respected credentials in huge data and analytics? The identical source organizations can tap to remodel prime expertise and acquire an aggressive edge: the new SAS® Academy for Data Science The brand new academy imparts abilities in big information administration, superior analytics, machine studying, and data visualization, along with the important communication abilities needed by data scientists right now.
When you have selected the proper programs for Microsoft certifications, then you should use the preparation information that's offered for every examination within the certification program. These preparation guides give you all types of different tools, from short online courses and tutorials you'll be able to take, to books you should buy and even apply tests you can take to get a dry run of what the actual examination shall be like.
Being good with statistical analysis would be a terrific asset to grasp knowledge science. The primary aim of data science is to extract helpful insights from an enormous collection of information. Expertise working with ExcelR Data Science Certification reminiscent of Hadoop, R, SAS and plenty of more will serve you in effectively performing the statistical analytics of the given knowledge.
More information about Data Science Certification note the below details-
ExcelR - Data Science, Data Analytics Course Training in Pune
Address- ExcelR Solutions - Pune 102, 1st floor, Phase II, Prachi Residency, Baner Road, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra 411045
Phone Number- +91 98809 13504 Hour: Mon-Sat 07AM - 11PM Established in Year: 2013 Category- Training & Education
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janbaskt · 6 years
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strategictech · 7 years
Data Works, Hadoop 3.0 is round the corner, and 'Horton Hatches the Egg' | ZDNet
See on Scoop.it - Technology Innovations
What's coming in Hadoop 3.0? How is Hortonworks' strategy evolving? And what are some examples of open-source powered innovation in big data use cases?
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sfujioka1 · 4 years
https://ameblo.jp/sfujioka1/ テーマ:ブログ
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NEW!2020-10-20 08:47:55
Other members shared similar comments that are aligned with what CIDM envisioned the organization could do for its members:他のメンバーは組織がそのメンバーのためにすることができたことをCIDM が心に描くものと調和する類似のコメントを共有しました:“CIDM has been a key partner over the years as Lexmark’s information development tools and strategies have evolved and matured. As both attendees and presenters at CIDM conferences, our teams have valued the opportunity to network with other information managers, sharing content-related pain points and exchanging innovative ideas. CIDM is our go-to resource for expert advice on all matters of information development management.” (Patty Cobb, Lexmark)「レックスマークの情報開発ツールと戦略が進化し、成熟するにつれて、 CIDM はここ数年(今まで)重要なパートナーとなっています。 出席者とプレゼンター両方として CIDM 会議で、- 他の情報マネージャーとの、コンテンツ関連の痛みポイントを共有して、そして革新的な考えを交換して我々のチームはネットワークを作る機会を高く評価しました。 CIDM は情報開発管理のすべての問題に関するエキスパートのアドバイスのための我々の推挙に値するリソースです。」 (パティー・カブ、レックスマーク社)“CIDM has been a vital partner as we have transformed our content creation, storage, and publishing processes and tools. At a high-level, they have provided insight into industry trends. At the workday, get-it-done level, they have provided spot-on training and guidance to our international writing team.” (Barbara Gstalder, Plantronics and Polycom now together as Poly)「我々が我々の内容作成、蓄積と出版プロセスと手段を変えるにつれて、 CIDM は肝要なパートナーとなっています。 高いレベルで、彼らは産業傾向の洞察を提供してきています。就労時間で、やり遂げ、彼らはぴったりで正確な訓練と我々の国際執筆チームへの基準を供給してきています。」 (バーバラ グスタルダー、今ポリーとして一緒のプラントロニクスとポリコム社)“Ecclesiastes 4:12—Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. In Solomon’s wisdom, CIDM is the third cord that holds the technical communications community together. The connections I’ve made allow me to learn, share, and validate processes, practices, and ideas with stakeholders of the community. I’m improving information process maturity within my group because of CIDM and the business CIDM provides a key pathway to the tools and knowledge needed for intuitive and well-developed content. The information CIDM provides is a must have.” (Rich Gebhardt, Mastercard)「Ecclesiastes 4:12 - 一人では圧倒されるかもしれないけれども、2人なら彼ら自身を守ることができます。3人の束の絆はすぐには壊れません。 ソロモンの賢明さで、 CIDM はテクニカルコミュニケーション共同体をばらばらにならないように保持する3番目の絆です。共同体の株主と作ったつながりは私がプロセスや、慣習と考えを学び、共有し、検証することを可能にします。 私は CIDM のために私のグループの中で情報プロセス成熟を改善しています、そしてビジネス CIDM はツールと直観的で、よく開発された内容に必要なツールと知識への重要な道筋を提供します。 CIDM が提供する情報は不可欠が持っているということです。」 (リッチ・ゲプハルト、マスターカード社)
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NEW!2020-10-20 08:11:35
この投稿をInstagramで見る Sunmi Tongan(@tongansunmi)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年Oct月19日pm2時52分PDT
NEW!2020-10-20 06:52:35
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