#what if hawke had the option to be like. guess *i'll* do it then
mammorus-maleficarum · 2 months
tbh we should've had the option to solve aveline's act 2 quest in the same way we could solve cammen and gheyna's quest in origins
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Biggest Surprise - Hawk
Part One | Other options: Miguel | Robby | Demetri
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After a while of sitting around and almost everyone getting a chance to hold the baby, Moon said she'd treat everyone to some lunch - especially promising to bring Reader back something delicious that wasn't from the hospital cafeteria. Everyone followed her out the door, save for one person who volunteered to stay behind with Reader... Hawk.
Once they were alone, Hawk came to sit beside Reader's bed. She was holding her sleeping baby boy in her arms, watching him with soft, tired eyes. He sat quietly, watching over him too. He was so small, with a cute little nose that matched Reader's to a T. However, when he'd been awake just a little while ago, he had shining blue eyes that Hawk recognized every day in the mirror.
"He's pretty cute," he said after a while. He didn't know what else to say, unsure of how to approach the situation.
When he came into the room, he thought he was going to find his girlfriend in bad shape; he thought she had been in some kind of freak accident or something. Then he walked into the room and was greeted by a bundle of cooing blankets and a smile from Reader that lit up the whole place. His heart was a jumbled-up mess of emotions and his head was all over the place trying to figure it all out. It was so much change at once, he could hardly believe it.
Yet here they were, new parents with a tiny little baby to take care of.
"Yeah," Reader said, smiling up at him. As they looked at each other, she lost some of her luster. "I'm sorry I dragged you here like this. I just... didn't know how to tell you. I didn't know if you'd believe me."
"Reader, we've been together almost a year," he said, laying the groundwork for everything he was about to say. "I've spent so much time with you over this last year, and you never showed a sign. You never got sick, you never got a belly, nothing changed. How could we have known?"
She gave a light shrug. "He was determined to be a sneaky little guy, I guess."
They shared a soft laugh, which came to an end when their baby boy whimpered in her arms. She shushed him gently, promising that he was okay. They stayed quiet a moment as he settled again, then breathed a sigh of relief.
"I can put him in the bassinet if you want," Hawk told her.
She shook her head. "I think he likes sleeping in my arms. The bassinet is kind of cold anyway."
He nodded and licked his lips, still unsure of what to say. He watched them, so enchanted by them. "Well, um, you know, I'll be there for you two. You can even move into my place."
"What about Demetri?"
"Screw Demetri. He'll understand."
Reader held back a laugh, feeling a little bad for their nerdy friend. She smiled nonetheless and looked at Hawk. "You mean that?"
He nodded and came closer, getting on his knees beside the bed and looking up at Reader. "I do. I mean it. I want us to be together. I want us to be a family."
Tears brimmed Reader's eyes. It had been an emotional 24 hours for her, and it wasn't until recently that she started thinking about her boyfriend. She'd put her baby first, then thought of Hawk, but now she was thinking of them both. He was thinking of them all too and it made her heart swell with love and admiration.
"Oh, Eli," she said softly, a few tears slipping down her cheeks. He stood up and leaned over her, wiping them away and kissing her head. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Their baby boy cooed and drew their attention. He was looking up at them with tired blue eyes, his little fists pulled to his chest. His gaze was beautiful and it made his parents smile down at him.
Hawk leaned down and kissed his little head. "Hey there, bud. I'm your dad."
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finished origins and awakening and started da2 last night!!!!
thoughts on Awakening:
• I love Anders ("wasn't me 🤷🏼‍♂️" HAD ME RIGHT AT THE START)
• ser-pounce-alot is the best character in the whole damn franchise
• found it hilarious that during banter whenever ser-pounce-alot meowed it'd put the subtitle (Meow!) over another characters head so sometimes it'd seem like Oghren or Justice were meowing
• "Careful, this one might go all Zevran on you" had me gasping for air
• my #1 thought the whole time I was playing was "what in the ever loving fuck is going on"
• "that's a lot of nipples"
thoughts on da2 so far:
• wasn't expecting Hawke to be fully voiced! not mad about it though, the system where you kind of "build" their personality based on the dialogue options you choose most makes this work well i think. ik Rook in VG will be fully voiced in the same way as well, so it's safe to assume the Inquisitor will be the same? i guess I'll find out
• still love Anders
• and Justice is here too technically i guess definitely was NOT expecting that
• don't have too many coherent thoughts rn bc im still running around getting my bearings. i tend to get a little overwhelmed when the game keeps throwing a ton of new quests at me when im just trying to do the ones i already have and figure out wtf im supposed to be doing, but im getting there
• that said i can't wait to meet all my new friends, companions and characters are absolutely my favorite parts of any game i play and i have an absolute blast in games like this where i have a party and they're all bickering/bonding/reacting to what i do or even reacting to my relationships with other companions. origins and awakening did that part great imo and i can't wait to see what shenanigans me and my circus will get up to in da2
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mc-lukanette · 10 months
Marinette sat on the couch in her house while Luka was busy in the kitchen preparing popcorn. They hadn't felt like their usual creative sessions that day, so a simple movie would have to do.
Though they did go back and forth for a while on who should be in charge of preparing popcorn, Marinette chuckling recalling their "argument." "But you're the guest!" "And you're letting me in your space." "Guests aren't supposed to be doing anything." "Not in my house. We let guests do what they want, and I want to make the popcorn for you."
She finally relented to him and let him do as he pleased, satisfying popping noises going off behind her like they were the fireworks of his victory.
Granted, it wasn't like there wasn't anything in it for her. There was an akuma that day and she hadn't eaten much as a result, so she spent the time he was preparing eating a handful of nuts.
Not that she really even liked nuts. They were okay - not good, not bad - but her options had gone down ever since she got her miraculous. Chips had gone off the table a long time ago even though she enjoyed them as most did.
"Ugh," she voiced the frustration aloud, "being Ladybug is the worst."
Beyond the popping sound of the popcorn, every other noise stopped; Luka must've heard her.
He raised his voice to be heard over the popping, asking, "Does it have anything to do with what you've been eating?"
She snorted in amusement. Of course he'd notice that my diet changed.
While she'd only known Luka after having become Ladybug, she tried to hide her dieting habits from other people. Luka knowing her secret identity meant that she didn't feel the need to hide it from him anymore, even subconsciously and she just hadn't remembered that she hadn't told him about the dieting aspects until now.
Turning her head to direct her voice towards him more, she confirmed, "Yeah. I used to be able to skip a meal or two if I was in a hurry, but Ladybug can't. There are more akuma now that Hawk Moth is Shadow Moth too."
Luka tapped the counter as he mulled that over, deducing, "So being a hero burns through your energy."
"Exactly, but I can't just eat more food either."
"Because people will notice if you're playing off notes," he finished.
"Yeah. I just need to eat more... nutritiously, I guess." She raised one of the nuts to show him. "Like these; protein and healthy fat."
"Mm," Luka hummed in thought. She could imagine him nodding even if she couldn't see it.
Things went silent from there beyond the occasional sounds from the kitchen and the crunch of Marinette biting into a walnut. She'd already picked out a movie she thought they'd both enjoy, so she could just kick back and wait for Luka.
Eventually, he arrived with two separate bowls of popcorn and set them on the table, though he paused rather than pulling back to join her on the couch. She blinked, curious at the contemplative expression on his face.
"...I can cook," he said suddenly.
"Huh?" She tilted her head, puzzled by the statement. "Oh, I—I know? That's... I always thought it was great that you—"
He hunched over as he choked out a laugh, muffling it with a hand and waving his other hand to reassure her. "Sorry. I..." He straightened, running a hand through his hair before clarifying, "I was asking if I could help."
"...H-huh?" she repeated, somehow more confused than when he told her something she already knew.
He sat down next to her, looking wholly serious. "I'd have to practice and find some recipes, but I could make the kind of food you need." Her averted his gaze, looking up and to his right like he was still thinking it over. "I'll eat too, so you don't have to feel bad about it. It'll give me an excuse to eat well"
Marinette didn't even know what to say; she could only gape at him. Luka had - of course - always been wholly understanding of her role as Ladybug. If anything, he was too understanding, willing to make excuses for her absences without hesitation and always ready to pick up right back where they left off if their one-on-one time was interrupted. She liked to think she knew how to read him by now and he genuinely seemed unbothered by it. She still didn't fully comprehend how he did it all like it was nothing simply because he liked her and they were friends.
Well, she was pretty sure they were friends, anyway: friends who spent a lot of one-on-one time together, friends who shared their deepest secrets with each other, and now potentially friends who ate food together that one of them prepared.
...I have to ask, she thought reluctantly.
"Do you—" She took a breath, then tipped her head back and tossed the remaining nuts in her mouth, chewing and swallowing as if they'd give her courage. Making sure to look him in the eyes, she tried again, "Do you mean... like a date?"
The slight blush that appeared on his face gave her a rough answer. He must've only been thinking about her and making sure she knew that he was getting something out of it by eating the food he'd make for both of them. The romantic implications hadn't even entered his mind.
Still, she waited for him to respond properly, wanting to see what he said.
He shifted in place, looking from her, to the popcorn, to the movie, and finally back at her. When he opened his mouth again, it felt like an eternity until the words actually came out.
"No, but—" He offered a gentle smile her way. "If that's what you want, then..."
He'd trailed off, but she got the message. She just hoped the spontaneous giggle that came out of her didn't sound too giddy.
"W-we could give it a try?" she offered, twirling a strand of her hair and hoping that the coyness might come across. It would've been easy to confess outright, but after all of the relationship failures she'd gone through, it was appealing to try something a little slower even if her endgame goal remained the same.
Luka agreed, his smile widening as he nodded. With that, it was officially agreed upon that it would be a date. Many dates, in fact, if his promise was accurate and he'd start cooking for her regularly.
The only shame, Marinette thought, was that it'd be hard to focus on the movie when she was already imagining her future dinner plans with him.
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sentientcave · 4 months
twenty questions for fic writers!
tagged by @syoddeye - Yippee! Thanks for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
57,624 words
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Kind of Dragon age and Baldur's gate but mostly Call of Duty MW (reboot baybeee)
4. top five fics by kudos
Only have 5 so I'll do top three lmao Retirement Party, Heavy Weighs the Crown, Two Graves
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Two Graves. RIP Ben you were the realest.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh well. I guess You Drive Me Wild but in all fairness nothing else has an end yet.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Nope! I've been lucky that my readers so far are so wonderful
9. do you write smut?
Yes! I'm getting better at it. More powerful.
10. craziest crossover:
In a way Heavy Weighs the Crown is a crossover with my original works but like, only in the heavily borrowing fantasy worldbuilding way so I don't have to do it from scratch.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
uh uh
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Working on something called the Righteous Hand with @mortuarywriting but we haven't gotten done enough to post anything anywhere yet. We're writing it a bit piecemeal as the mood strikes
14. all time favorite ship?
POLY 141!!!! I want four boyfriends and I want the boyfriends to be boyfriends
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Devil You Know It's a modernish mafia ish Varric/Hawke fic and quite frankly it fucks. But I put in plot threads I'm not sure how to resolve. I have several more chapters written already lmao
16. what are your writing strengths?
I think dialogue and character interweave. Love talking about how guys
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I don't always know where I'm headed because I don't plot out ahead. Sometimes things don't make sense.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I think it's a bit fun! I've only done a bit of it (Spanish in the next segment of Retirement Party). I'll usually go with the italics or bold option for "translated" text though. It's easier.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Harry Potter. I started writing a Marauders Era prequel fic when I was a smaller person
20. favorite fic you've written?
Hard to decide! I'm kind of a big fan of my own work. No one else is writing so specifically for my own tastes lmaooo. Maybe Retirement Party though. It's been really fun to write. Maybe Sparrow if I can use one that's not posted.
tagging @mortuarywriting , @callsign-mimic and @cadashhh
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
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Honestly it's going to come up when Gale finds a book on anatomy in the apothecary that's only slightly falling apart. He offers it to Anders in full view of everyone and Anders looks like hes going to have a heart attack.
Anders would hurriedly tuck the book away and very much be doing the 'act natural' thing.
Gale would ask why and Anders would have to awkwardly explain that such books are highly controlled by the Chantry in Thedas. Which leads to Gale unfortunately going "But you're a healer."
Which, given this is before they find the secret door to the Necromancy dungeon, earns a sharp intake of breath from Hawke followed by the biggest sigh that the party has heard from a human in their lives. They see why about the time Anders' jaw works, teeth grinding a bit while he decides just how into this kettle of fish he wants to leap.
"Yes I am. One of the more accomplished spirit healers in my Circle before i ran away."
"Ran a--"
"I'm guessing you don't have those here, either."
"Not the way you're implying by that tone, no."
Anders opened his mouth and snapped it shut with an audible click, grip on his bag tightly.
"I-- Right. You wouldn't-- I'll tell you about them another time." He shook his head like he was trying to physically shake the knee-jerk rant out of his skull. "But no, even when i was being trained as a healer-- anatomy books were forbidden."
"All of them? How the devil were you supposed to know how to treat a body if you didn't understand it?"
"The official answer is that mages specialized in healing were to know their business through alchemical means. Officially, we were taught what a healing poultice did to the various races, how tinctures and elixers came to their end effects. How the end result presented, and if you presented a new formula to the Enchanters or just your specific group within the Circle, you generally tested it on the rats in the cellar under intense supervision. Anatomy wasn't part of it, outside Spirit Healing--like I do. Again, officially, the spirit works out the anatomy and you're just a conduit. No official reason for a healer in a tower to know how a body works." His voice lowered without much thought, and Gale leaned closer as if half the party hadn't paused their looting to listen. "Unofficially, you can learn almost as much outside-- where you can get a hand on books from up north. There's a nation called Tevinter, terrible place, but the chantry has no sway-- they do dissections and studies all the time. Hundreds of tomes make their way south from trade or--"
"Or someone helpfully looting a slaver caravan once they've slaughtered the bastards." Hawke piped up helpfully, having taken to sitting on a box and waiting out the conversation. There was a lever he really wanted to pull and had learned not to do such things without letting the group know. Far less accidents that way. He shot Anders a grin while the mage rolled his eyes. "Basically the Chantry views cutting up a body for anything but killing mages or elves a bit too grim, and call it blood magic. Which is illegal."
"Yes, that." Anders flexed his fingers and tried to not mind the audience he'd gathered on this generally private conversation. "If it weren't for having been a Warden, i'd have never seen an actual anatomical model. And then Hawke was kind enough to stock my shelves with every book his money could buy."
"Much to mother's distaste, if you recall."
"I remember her distaste with me, too, and she got over that eventually."
"True, but you came free."
Anders scoffed and tried in vain to keep the fond smile off his face. It dropped when he glanced back at Gale and remembered the topic.
"My point is: even if you weren't a mage, getting caught by the Chantry having something like an anatomical book could get you killed if the wrong Mother was in command of the local chantry. If you were a mage, though, the best outcome you'd hope for is death."
Gale weighed his options about asking after that last point and jumped tracks.
"Seems your Maker has some very strong opinions on reading material."
Hawke suddenly got very interested in the cracks in the ceiling and Anders pursed his lips as his shoulders tensed.
"You'd think that, wouldn't you? From how the Grand Clerics and Reveared Mothers pass down sanctions and edicts--" Another teeth clicking snap of his jaw, followed by a deep breath in and out. Once he'd calmed some, he continued. "No."
"The only one who knew what the Maker spoke of, for or against, was Andraste and she was killed."
"So... they're just guessing."
"And you've no other gods to push back on it?"
"Flames, no-- the Maker was, before he turned away, the only one that bothered to manifest."
"Well, there's the elven Creators." Hawke sighed. "But they had their whole thing with being locked in the Fade for... shit, should have asked Merrill more. Ah well."
"Yes, fine, but historically they never cropped up in opposition to the Chantry directly. Elves, certainly-- there were whole exulted marches to that effect-- but not their gods."
"Wouldn't have been written down if they did, though."
"What," Wyll piped up, setting aside a barrel lid. "They edit history, too?"
Hawke and Anders shared a look.
"Do... people not do that here?"
"Nominally, in so far as the victor of a battle generally writes the history." Gale quirked an eyebrow. "But generally, the losing side's story still gets out and eventually into the history books."
"Huh." Anders blinked for a moment. "No, if you lose to the Chantry, you're only remembered as a faceless horde that fell under righteous blades or whatever they decide to spin it as."
"Good gods, you'll tell us people don't get taught to read next."
"Well, that depends on if you're rich or a woman." Hawke shrugged at their following confusion at the last detail. "Women read and write the laws of the Chantry, men follow it. Don't usually need to read to sing the chant, just learn it."
"To clarify, it was a man that betray the Maker's bride and one that killed her." Anders did not seem to know how to handle the assorted looks from those listening, and continued. "And since the Maker's chosen was a woman, they hold sway in the Chantry. Outside of that, things are generally equal. Mages are all taught our letters, along with the chant. Your average peasant knows the Kings common enough to sound out words, but most don't bother unless it's in the chant somewhere."
"For context, most gods and churches here just don't want you to raise the dead and go on a murder spree." Wyll frowned. "Well, most gods. The ones that would demand that sort of thing don't generally get worshiped in the light of day."
"Not that this all hasn't been extremely fascinating, but could we please get back to dealing with the matter at head?" Astarion most definitely did not complain from his corner of the room, where he'd been slowly sorting aromatics to purloin. Which he'd finished just a bit ago, thus entirely rendering further pause unnecessary. "That lever on the wall looks interesting."
"Worried about dying of old age?" Hawke huffed, standing back up and nodding to the group before placing his hand on the lever. He ignored Astarion's faux aghast expression. "C'mon. We can talk more about how terrible the Chantry is at camp."
And then they found Necromancy Basement and Hawke was in 0 mood to do anything but destroy the book and kill things.
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another-clive-blog · 10 months
uhh okay I just have to get this out before i explode because it has been bouncing around my head so uh um what if Professor Layton was French and took place in France? Please please please dump everything on us I want to hear the lore and nuance of French Layton; whose names change, what are they like now, how does the story change because it’s Paris and not London (assuming because capital cities), that kind of stuff.
Maybe change Luke’s name to Luc or something. Not sure about Hershel Layton, though. Speaking of which I know Layton always says things remind him of a puzzle so I’d imagine he instead says ce me rappelle un puzzle and then when Luc solves a puzzle he says je l‘ai résolu, professeur!!!
Then there’s Clive “je préfère y penser comme la justice” Colombe (changed his surname there) because Guilluame Faucons blew up his parents or whatever
Rereading this I asked for the nuances of French Layton and then thought too much into it myself. whoops.
this started because i was thinking about slavic professor layton and somehow moved from prague to paris lol
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!!! Alright I'll try to calm it with the maj and the exclamation points lol, but I want you to know I am very very happy and excited about this !! Professeur Layton woohoo !! And I am repeating myself but your French is amazing, Luke DOES say that kfjbhefhkb (Also you found such great names so fast how did you do that ??) I am going to focus on the French Adaptation idea (hence the screenshot) ! =) I think I will talk about actual French Unwound Future eventually, but it'll be its own separate post. I simply MUST focus on this first, like the potential and sheer fun of it ? I have IDEAS.
Names and setting (Oh yes we are going there) under the cut !!
Starting with the names !!
Hershel Layton : Definitely changing Layton, I guess Léton could work ? (Little reference to French BD Les Légendaires lol) Landon is very cool tho, it reminds me of London too ! For the first name you and a friend of mine suggested Herbert, which is a great idea but I'm not too sure about losing the Yiddish etymology :( Hershel could stay I guess. I did play with Léon Léton for a moment (Léon is French equivalent for Yiddish name Lejb + we keep the animal etymology) but it sounds really terrible lol, so up to you !!
Luke Triton : You're absolutely right he would be Luc Triton !! Middle name is most definitely something like Richard lol
Flora Reinhold : Definitely agree with Flore ! Reinhold is hard because it's Renaud in French but like,,, Renaud has CONNOTATIONS. (There is a French singer called that way and people often make fun of him). Soooo same friend came up with Flore de Raynald. Looking back, I'm not sure about the "ay" ? Anyway, I added the "de" because French people used to have one in their names if they were rich/noble !!
Clive Dove : Okay. Bear with me. Bear with me please. But Nicolas Colombe. Like you said, Dove = Colombe. But Clive doesn't have any equivalent in French : you suggested Clovis and I think it really is the best, most logical option (it does make him look like a 5th century king but also Clive is like that lol) !! However I did remember that Clive's Japanese name is Klaus, and Klaus is strictly equal to Nicolas in French. So yeah idk, Nicolas Colombe sounds like a Miraculous Ladybug name lol
Bill Hawks : You're 100% right, this is our premier ministre Guillaume Faucon. =)
Dimitri Allen : We had also come up with Dimitri Alain (it's either that or pronouncing it Allant, which is just ugly lol) so perfect !!
Claire Foley : I'll be honest I don't even know how Foley is supposed to be pronounced…? But it has something to do with sound in filmmaking apparently, so you know. Claire Echo or something
That's it for the names !! Now I simply NEED to talk about something really really cool- the setting. Why that you may ask ? Because there actually are caves underneath Paris, and they're not just any caves. (They're magic caves- alright sorry ijfginknf)
So yeah the caves under Paris are not huge oval caves like the one in Unwound Future, it's more like a series of corridors that go deep under the whole city. Also it is HUGE, like only 0,5% is open to visitors and this is already 1,7km/1,1 mile !! The best part ?? This 0,5%. It's actually an ossuary (Known as Les Catacombes de Paris). This place is very popular, people love to go there, and it's already been the setting of many many books- so why not you know ? Even though I know you couldn't/shouldn't build a mecha there (no room for it and you'd be destroying a real 18th century monument) + this doesn't really look like the future lol
But you could TOTALLY adapt the story so that Layton and Luc have to go to the Catacombs and then you have a sick setting and you could have booby traps, a not-so-subtle-but-very-cool life or death mood, and above all. You can have Clive being a madman spending all of his time six feet under in the catacombs. Gloomy. Upsetting ? Fun !!
Also the mecha should totally be on that stupid island in the middle of Paris. That or you replace the lighthouse by the Eiffel Tower.
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If your HOF/Hawke/Inky couldn't romance their usual partners, who would they choose instead?
Oof, this is a hard one.
Tabris/Alistair, Hawke/Anders, and Lavellan/Cullen are such an integral part of my canon run that I can't imagine them romancing anyone else. Like, it feels wrong to imagine them not ending up with their respective partners.
But, for the sake of discussion, I'll do my best to answer.
Rose is probably the hardest one because she and Alistair, and their romance, are so intertwined with everything that happens in DAO that I feel like she'd remain single if he wasn't an option, y'know? Her other options are Leliana and Zevran, and I can't see her going with either of them.
Leliana's sweet and Rose likes her a lot, but she's a little too into the Chantry. That's something I see Rose having a problem with; she's not exactly shy about telling off the mothers, sisters, and templars, or pointing out how they mistreat elves and mages.
Rose and Zevran are friends but I've never viewed him as an option for her; after everything Rose goes through in her origin, his openly sexual nature is just a major turn off for her. He calls her a sex goddess in their first conversation and that's just not it. They don't even start to become friends until after she tells him to stop looking at her that way and he respects her wishes.
Plus, Leliana and Zevran lack the shared experiences of being a warden, Ostagar, having to deal with the blight from the very beginning. That's something only Rose and Alistair have and that's what separates him from the others as a love interest... so yeah, Rose would be single, me thinks.
As for my Hawke, Ed's gay so if he can't be with Anders, his only other option is Fenris. I've romanced him before and enjoyed it, so I think he and Ed could work out... though again, it's a similar problem I have where Ed's relationship with Anders is so crucial because Anders saved Carver's life in the deep roads... y'know, Ed's brother who he cherishes above all else. Kind of a big deal. A huge factor in bringing them together.
Ed and Fenris always worked better as friends but out of everyone, Ed's the one I could actually imagine with someone else.
Finally, there's my Lavellan... once again, Ash ending up with Cullen is a huge deal for the narrative of DAI. I've talked about this before, but how I play DAI is my Lavellan is actually Surana from DAO. She and Cullen knew each other and maaaaaybe had a thing... but because Duncan didn't show up, she escaped the circle with Jowan. After he died, Ash joined the dalish, changed her name, and ended up at the conclave... where she and Cullen reunited and proceeded to have hardcore ex vibes the entire time they're at Haven.
If they decided that they're never getting back together, I think Ash might've ended up with either Josephine or Solas. She views Sera as more of a little sister and a friend. She likes Blackwall but he's not her type. The Iron Bull romance progression doesn't suit her even though she admires his intelligence and strength, she's just not up for a friends with benefits turned romantic relationship.
Ash always craved knowledge, and when she was in the circle, she knew the game that she needed to play in order to survive and come out on top... her pride and inability to see when she's wrong led to her downfall with Jowan. She needs someone who she can challenge and who challenges her, both without backing down, on a variety of topics; she needs an academic, I guess?? But she also needs someone who isn't afraid to humble her. Cullen, Josephine, and Solas all fit this in different ways.
I'm more inclined to push her toward Josephine though... I don't think she would've handled the Solas break up well at all.
#asks#dragon age#dao#da2#dai#rosalie tabris#edgar hawke#ashalle lavellan#alistair theirin#da2 anders#cullen rutherford#dao leliana#dao zevran#da2 fenris#josephine montilyet#dai solas#i really should do an alternate canon run at some point so i can experience other romances with new characters#but i'm so attached to rose ed and ash that i've only managed to do alternate runs for da2 and dai#and that's because i wanted to learn more about bethany in da2 and i have a trevelyan character that's part of ash and cullen's story#so i wanted to get to know him better so i could incorporate him into the story#tbh i don't talk about ash enough i feel like i always talk about rose and ed on here but i don't talk about dai a lot#i adore ash and her bullshit sksksk she used to be ashlaen surana and a dedicated mage to the circle who believed herself better#and more intelligent than everyone else. she was irving's favorite. she targeted cullen because she thought him weak willed#someone she could manipulate in her favor given he took notice of her and she wanted a templar in her corner just in case#which spiraled when she actually got to know him and he kicked her ass at chess and he had sympathetic views on mages#and she began to actually like him... but then she tried to help jowan escape the circle since he's her best friend and there's no way#he couldn't be a blood mage... jowan would never... and if he did then ash definitely would've known and she'd turn him in herself#because ashlaen surana knows better than everyone around her right?#anyway i'll stop rambling in the tags
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 10 months
what other fandoms do you enjoy outside of ASOIAF?
Lmao, the big list of Things Misa Enjoys
I very much enjoy anime & manga. I got infected with those brain worms back in high school, & they simply will not leave. Particularly into Sailor Moon, which I haven't stopped thinking about since 1999, (I have OCs for that & a fic I'm gonna one day sit down & plot out beyond This Is The Vibe. I have a few things floating around in my brain, but I just haven't made the time to do anything with it. Maybe since I'm at reception for 6 hours I'll do that 🤷🏻‍♀️) & JoJo's (I also have OCs for this one, but no fic. I do have a homebrewed ttrpg system to run a JoJo's campaign with, though. But I need to finish statting enemy Stand Users & some character design. Also it's not a priority because I have an asoiaf campaign trilogy to finish running). I don't read or watch anything with the quickness, so I haven't watched a ton of newer anime or made that much of a dent in my reading of Berserk, but I do enjoy both newer stuff and Berserk. I even have a couple figures from Demon Slayer, which is probably my favorite newer series? It feels very nostalgic to the series I grew up watching.
I was into the Netflix Witcher series, but I haven't been able to bring myself to finish season 3. No amount of Joey Batey tits or confirmed pansexual Jaskier can really build my hype back up when I've heard the last bit of s3 sucked & I know I probably won't watch season 4. I have collected all but the last book of short stories though, so once I've worked through more of my books I need to give a fair shake before donating I plan to start those & get into The Witcher proper.
The Elder Scrolls is very good & fun, & I know the plots of all the mainline games even though I've only ever actually played Skyrim to completion. I have...I have so many OCs for that. And a fic I'm slowly working on that tells the story of the Dawnguard DLC by way of Lapsed Viglant Of Stendarr & Werewolf Vampire Hunter Are Forcibly Adopted As Serana's New Parents (and also I am confirming Serana as, like, eternally 19 because she feels very teenagery/early 20s-y to me). Fun fact: two of my current very close friends (my Platonic Wife included) were made by way of TES (and then another friend was introduced to me by a TES friend). So, thanks for your service, Todd Howard. Y'know, I guess.
It feels very "What are your hobbies? / Magnets." to say, but, like, dolls in general. I've collected porcelain dolls since I was little (but that collection got pared down massively when I moved from Texas), & I'm currently working through a clean/restore/dress/display of my old Bratz dolls. I've also dropped real adult money on dolls to (out of box, bc it sparks joy) display in my apartment. Specifically the Sasha (my best girl) Rock Angelz repro I waited almost a full year to see drop, Heather Greyson from Shadow High, & The Pride Bratz (I had a giftcard). I need to finish cleaning my old Bratz before I drop money on more though. So I know my shelving situation, lmao.
I am not not into Dragon Age, but I also complain about it all the time. I refuse to engage with it in a multimedia way. What I cannot learn by playing the games/have told to me in those games is simply not for me to know. Just...the way the franchise is handled & how it feels very obvious that Bioware wants to tell an incredibly specific story (while still allowing for character creation?), all the lore decisions they're making that feel like retcons/throw away everything I got invested in early (hello the dwarves & the dalish & Alistair's everything), & the increasing non-optional nature of the comics & books...it brings my blood to boil. The games are fun though! I have fun playing the games! And my personal Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor trios can be pried from my cold, dead hands!
I'm gonna be real, I know much more about Th Old World Of Darkness than Vampie v5, but I am into Vampire The Masquerade. This is, again, a "I have learned everything in bursts of hyperfixation that last a varying length of time," but I would very much like to take one of my two special vampire boys out for a spin one day. Because they're there! They exist & they are appropriately melodramatic, & I love them. Evil, fucked up, Hecata thug & flouncy, Catholic For The Aesthetic Toreador music producer my beloveds 💕
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
seven snippets, seven people
I dunno when Detective tagged me for this but maybe it's better this way. @author-a-holmes
I'll be posting from City Story. hopefully I will trap more of you into reading it, hehe.
hurt/comfort my beloved
Jet looks at her sideways, then curses and closes his eyes when the movement disagrees with his neck. “Don’t say it.”
“Should probably go to the hospital,” Rune says anyway.
“Don’t need to. I’m fine.”
“You likely have a concussion.”
“A mild one, maybe.” Jet has no idea why he admitted to that.
Rune moves forward a little so he can look at her without turning his head. “Then you should at least have someone watching you. If not me, then Copper, or Moss. We can go to my place and if you don’t want me hovering, you can call someone.”
There’s a challenge there, clear as day. Jet can’t decide if he really would rather call someone else to do the hovering. Because he’s aware of how he feels, and knows how he probably looks. None of his friends would see him and leave him alone. Even Yarrow, who is often clueless but very perceptive when it comes to injuries that are not his own.
It’s a choice between two options he doesn’t like. Jet holds back a sigh, then pushes off the wall with his already dwindling stamina. “Fine, we’ll go to your place. I’ll call or not.”
unasked for sleepover
Jet has just enough room in his apartment for one other person to stay over, and that’s stretching it, because all he really has is a bed that technically fits two people.
When Hawk stayed over during that first week of their extremely strained acquaintanceship, Jet had made him sleep on the couch. The second night, Hawk rolled off and made such a big deal out of the bruises that Jet gave in and let him sleep on the bed. That is, Jet just about shoved a spoon through Hawk’s eyeball, complained about it to Moss like an idiot, and was soft-glared into allowing the second occupant.
Jet has just enough room in his apartment for a second person, and maybe a third if someone else wants to chance the couch, but he doesn’t think he could withstand knowing that three people are sharing his place. If Copper is sleeping over, that leaves no emotional space for anyone else.
Even, or perhaps especially, if for some reason there’s an exhausted Rune standing in front of him at eleven o’clock at night, and Copper is indeed already asleep on Jet’s bed.
“It’s late,” is what comes out of Jet’s mouth.
Copper dives deep under Jet's sea pt.2
“Why don’t you ask [Rune] your questions? Don’t ask me to reveal someone else’s secrets.”
“You keep sleeping over at hers, too.” [Copper continues.]
Jet sips his hot chocolate so he can stall for an answer. He doesn’t even know what kind to give. He recognizes a frightened, fierce animal in Rune, the same kind that lives inside himself, so he wants to do for her what he can’t do for himself, and accept, and comfort, and understand.
Copper taps on his head when he takes a little to long to say anything. “I told you that you didn’t have to tell me anything about you that you didn’t want to. Is there nothing you want to tell me, then?”
“Can’t you just guess it instead?” Jet doesn’t mean for it to come out so despairingly, but the words hang there in the atmosphere like they were strangled from his throat. He can’t take them back.
“Do you want me to guess?” Copper reaches a place of softness much faster than he does, can reach inside himself to find compassion that lives only just under his skin.
Jet longs for many things, if he allows himself to think about it, and one of them is to reach for compassion more often than he reaches for anger. “You’ve always known me better than I do.”
Rune and Jet are not in love omg love that for them
They’re outside the garage where Yarrow is sketching the two of them for some art project and Jet has chosen to be comfortable over being presentable while Rune just sits cross-legged next to him with one hand continuously straying over and tracing lines down his arm. It’s distracting and soothing and Jet hasn’t worked up the brain energy to say anything about it yet.
“Your nose is bleeding again,” Yarrow remarks, holding out a rag. “Stop bothering it or it won’t dry up all the way.”
Rune takes it without comment, holding it under her nose to catch the blood.
“Don’t worry, Jet. It doesn’t mean she’s in love with you.”
Jet raises his head a fraction from where it had been buried in his arms and stares at Yarrow. “What?”
Yarrow gestures vaguely, chalk dust flying off his fingers. “Rune! Is not in love with you! Obviously.”
He’s going to regret asking this but, “Back up. Explain. How did you- what does that have to do with anything? The air is really dry out here.”
Rune intervenes with, “My nose keeps bleeding because I whacked it on a shelf earlier and like Yarrow said, I keep rubbing at it, so it starts bleeding again. Also yeah, the dry air doesn’t help.”
“No,” Jet says tiredly, “I want to know why Yarrow was even thinking about you being in love with me. That’s not even a question.”
“I know!” Rune inspects the rag, dabbing at her nose a couple of times before dropping it to her lap. “Good to know that you know, too.”
“So do you want to hear how I know she’s not in love with you or what?” Yarrow doesn’t sound put out, but Jet knows he will be if he’s denied the chance to explain.
Jet settles back down on the concrete, head nestled in his arms again. “Go ahead.”
Rune and Jet just sleep together now also love that for them
Rune throws a pillow at them when they turn up outside her apartment that evening.
Actually, it’s a little past nine, and Jet is ready to curl into a ball on the side of the road, he’s so tired. Moss had been away from the garage all day, dealing with personal things, so Jet had had to deal with the customers. He’s not used to being the one to field off questions about their specific repair abilities or speaking to customers in general. Jet is not a people person and today has been awful.
“Why are there two of you?” Rune also sounds exhausted as she retrieves the pillow and tosses it back over her shoulder where it lands on the floor instead of the couch.
Jet would feel bad about springing this on her except that he can’t feel anything at all. “Shadow was supposed to ask if he could stay over earlier,” he replies with a couple of elbow jabs to Shadow’s side.
Shadow shrugs in such a way that he looks like he’s trying to wrap his shoulders around his chest. “Sorry.”
Rune just holds the door open and walks away. Jet had presumed that she wouldn’t turn them away, and apparently, he’s right. Still. “Sorry,” he repeats as they come inside and shut the door behind them.
“You can both sleep in one bed, right?” Rune calls back to them, voice muffled from where she’s digging in a closet.
Jet glances at Shadow.
Honestly, after spending so many nights with Copper sleeping over, and then Rune and her tendency to climb in with him for the last couple of hours when it’s just the two of them, Jet has gotten so used to sharing his space with other people. He really doesn’t care as long as he does, indeed, get to go to bed.
this is worrying, Jet is worried
Shadow has nothing to say the next morning and Jet wants to be grateful for it, but his new habit of being invested in his friends’ lives is making him worried instead. No jokes are made, no questions asked. Shadow doesn’t even thank Rune for the godly coffee. He doesn’t drink it, either, except when Jet nudges him every minute to take another sip.
Rune must still be in the same mood she was last night, which makes sense. She’d woken Jet up by pressing her face into his shirt and he thought she was smothering a scream, but no sound came out, only harsh panting breaths. When he shook her awake, she didn’t say anything, and he hasn’t asked. His hands running through her hair eventually lulled her back to sleep.
They’d spent the first hour of the morning in silence while Jet held her hand to keep her from scratching at her skin. He wishes she would cry, would talk to him, would do anything other than pretend this is normal.
Except it probably is, and that leaves him with two friends who are repressing their trauma and Jet can’t do anything about it.
“I have class later. Jet, can you drop me off at the garage?” Shadow’s voice sounds hoarse, like it’s been unused for some time.
“Yeah.” Jet swallows the last of his coffee and pulls on his shoes. Rune is still sitting at the table and only makes eye contact with him for a second. He sighs internally, then goes back to pull her head up with his hand on her cheek. “Call me if you need anything.”
He tries to phrase it like it’s a command, a request, a plea. He hopes she hears it and keeps it in mind. Rune nods slightly. Jet hesitates, unsure if this is the right option, but hating how vacant she looks. He leans down and places a barely there kiss on the top of her head.
“I mean it. Call me.” He murmurs it to her hair and leaves without looking back.
yeah it's dangerous but Jet is committed
He stands next to Rune and takes her hand, grip loose enough for her to pull away easily. She doesn’t, but her mouth sets in a firm line like she’s biting back a dozen protests.
“Lean on me, remember? You can do it alone, but I’m with you, so lean on me. Because you can, you absolutely can.”
“What am I supposed to do when I don’t have you anymore?”
Jet has to pause and collect his thoughts after the scatter with the force of those broken, splintering words. Rune isn’t crying, or shaking, and her shoulders are pulled back like they’re what’s keeping her upright. She stares straight at him in defiance, but he can see the scraped out insides of her eyes.
“Why would you need to worry about that?” He tries to say it lightly, but it still pulls tight all the threads of his conscience to say it. “You can have me forever.”
It feels like such a dirty lie. Not because he doesn’t mean it, but because life just doesn’t work out like that. There’s no such luck in the world. He means that she can have him around and ready to fight with her for as long as circumstance allows, but that feels a lot less supportive. Feels cheap, and Rune deserves much more than that, even if it’s more realistic to understand he can’t give her everything.
“What about you, then?”
Jet blinks. “What about me?”
“Do you want me in return?”
What an open, horribly beautiful offering. Jet scrapes his tongue along his teeth while he chews on it. For some reason, accepting her support feels much more monumental, like she’s worth more, and he is only a tool.
“Yeah, sure,” he says, and it comes out a little mangled, probably from the tears that have been dug up from his back closet to coat his words with emotional residue.
Copper dives deep under Jet's sea pt.3
Copper drops his eyes and his fury fizzles in seconds. He was always the calmer twin, the one who forgave first. He still is. “I’m so outside of you. I don’t know what’s going on in your head. I’m worried that you’re going to get into a fight you can’t win, because you’re a protector and a hothead. I can’t be worried about Rune because I’m worried about who you are for her.”
Jet processes this information. His hands fall from Copper’s face, but he rests them on his brother’s arms. They’re disconnected right now. They need the contact.
“Rune and I are very different people.”
Copper opens his mouth to interrupt but Jet continues straight away.
“We have similar ways of dealing with our problems. That is, we want to take care of them by ourselves. We struggle to trust others, and hate needing help, and we’d rather throw a punch than feel our pain on the inside. That’s all true. But we’re different because I have you, and I have the guys. I pretend I don’t, but I know I have you. Rune has no one. So I said she could have me.”
“I don’t want her to have you. I want you to stop fighting and be safe.” It’s the most vulnerable and honest Copper has sounded since their reunion and it tears into Jet more than anything.
“I’ll never stop fighting,” Jet says with a halfway apologetic smile. “I’m a fighter. You can’t take that from me.”
“No,” Copper acknowledges, and then doesn’t follow up with anything else.
Jet moves one hand up to slide through Copper’s hair. His brother hasn’t felt like the younger twin in a while, but he feels like it now, like he’s much younger, much smaller. Like he’s once again someone for Jet to protect. Like it’s his job to do the caring for.
“I’d fight for you, for Shadow, for Hawk, even.”
Copper half-smiles at that.
“Now I want to fight for Rune because-” Jet stops himself before he spills any of her hesitant confessions. He’d fight for her because he loves a fight and hates a bully, and because Rune has been such a strange source of light that he can’t give up on. She’s such a terrible mirror and that’s not been easy, but she’s so alone.
“She’s alone.” Copper says it out loud, tone understanding, resigned. “You’ve been alone. You can’t abandon her because you wish you’d had someone who wouldn’t abandon you.”
the snippets are named after their googledoc bookmarks. taglist, yeah? @zoya-writes @selene-stories @enchanted-lightning-aes @oh-no-another-idea @diphthongsfordays @wildswrites and the city story crew @klywrites @ren-c-leyn @kaiusvnoir @blind-the-winds @rains-inky-mind @on-noon @drippingmoon
above people, if you wanna do the tag, feel free! otherwise I'm passing this to @afoolandathief @deciphered-narrator @nikkywrites @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @cljordan-imperium @toboldlywrite @forthesanityofstorytellers OR ANYBODY
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dany36 · 1 year
just finished the burning shores aND—
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THEY DID IT. THEY FUCKING DID IT!!!!! GAYLOY IS REAL AND HERE TO STAY!!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!! I....ok, first, some thoughts about the dlc before i continue to scream about the obvious:
loved love love the new frog enemy. the bilegut?? at first i thought that those fly enemies (the ones that hatch from eggs lol i forget their names) were kinda cool but then i did the cauldron and like...when they all come in swarms at you? FUCK that lmao hated their asses so much.
i messed up the waterwing part where you have to dive to avoid the tower lasers haha i didn't make it to the end without my waterwing dying on me, but that part was pretty cool!
i already gushed over this but GILDUN!!! MY BOY GILDUN!!!! i was so happy to see him alive and well!!! i wish i hadn't spoiled myself the fact that he was gonna appear in the dlc but oh well, i still really enjoyed doing his sidequest :)
the horus fight was pretty intense, but the fight with walter was kinda lame lol. i mean i guess he can't really do too much to you since he's hooked up to the horus, but like...his last words to aloy before dying were also beyond pathetic. but well, i guess that's the zenith for ya, just a bunch of pathetic rich people.
ALVA!!!! MY GIRL ALVA OH MY GODDDDD i literally screamed when i saw her!!!! AND HER THEME SONG STARTED PLAYING LAKJSDFLAJKSDLFKJ I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! ;_; when are we gonna meet her girlfriend!!!! ahhhh she's so precious alskjdflakjdfljk
that fight with zeth or whatever?? freaking annoying!! i don't think i was fighting him right lol i kept trying to combo him but he would just beat the crap out of me and shoot me incessantly with that damn zenith weapon. was seyka supposed to help you distract him here? cus wow he just would NOT stop shooting at me, i used up like 4 large potions and almost all of my berries. i can't imagine how insane this fight must be in ultra hard!!
i really liked how they incorporated a "bandit camp" into the dlc!! but also that part where you infiltrate their camp after rescuing valea (i think that was her name) was so funny, i was trying to go the stealthy way but after she freed her comrades, she did a war cry and everyone just started attacking the enemy quen. amazing!!!
the epilogue with sylens and aloy telling him he'll always be alone...oof, kinda rough there, aloy!!! but i mean considering their history, it's only fair for her to act towards him like that...
i still have a couple of quests to go: the aerial viewpoints (got one), still missing one pangea figurine, and...well i guess i have to look around and completely explore to see if there are any more sidequests that will pop up, but idk i feel like in terms of sidecontent this dlc has a bit less than frozen wilds?? but i mean that's a minor complaint when...
SEYKA. holy shit. i already posted about this before but i seriously was not expecting this to go all the way fucking out with ALOY FUCKING KISSING HER AT THE END OF THE DLC!!!! OK i actually don't know if she kisses her regardless of which option you take or what the hell is going on there (i'll have to do some research...), but I chose the "Yes, I do" option because i think the other options didn't really align with what aloy had been mumbling to herself all throughout the DLC?? like the other options were "i'm not ready for this" and "this is too much for me" but like...GIRL....LITERALLY right before meeting her you were like "i'm not ready to say goodbye to her yet" and "she wants to meet me where we first met. there's nothing to be nervous about"??? this girl fucking fell HARD for seyka and it would have been silly for her to say anything other than "yes, i do". it broke my heart because WELLP THERE GOES HAWK AND THRUSH ALL DREAMS CRUSHED I SUPPOSE RIP TALANAH but like...damn, i guess there really was no way forward with that with the whole amadis BS that they did in the main game and with her still having feelings for amadis, huh? :( sighhhhh oh well!!! is it time now to board on to the next ship??
now, am i happy about the kiss and aloy having a crush on seyka? absolutely! but one thing that i'm NOT completely sure about is the chemistry. yeah yeah they're both very similar to each other, they kept pushing that throughout the entire DLC and about aloy being an outcast and comparing that to seyka, they're both capable warriors, and god how can seyka not fall for the girl that literally saved her sister's life and the rest of her tribe. that whole section in pangea park was pretty cute but, and i also already mentioned this before, up until the end it felt kind of one-sided to me. of course, i think that might be because we literally can only hear aloy's thoughts about this throughout the whole game, and i MAY have missed some seyka hints because i'm always oblivious as fuck when it comes to that kind of thing, but IDK. i mean yeah i like them together cus aloy obviously likes her and it was super cute seeing her be all nervous about it, cus i mean who wouldn't support aloy with whoever makes her feel like THAT??? so it looks like aloy/seyka will be endgame! unless something else happens in the third game, so i don't know!!! exciting to see where this relationship goes and how they will handle it and other romantic love shenanigans for aloy in the third game!
last thing i will say is that i watched that "Meet Seyka" video or whatever that pops up on the playstation home, and seyka's actress talks about how aloy has never met anyone like seyka before: i.e. another powerful warrior who is a women and is all badass and shit. and obviously i'm not blaming the actress for saying this at all, but immediately when i heard that i was like ummmmm talanah is right there lol. i really didn't want to think about seyka as a talanah 2.0 but well idk, i really hope we get to see talanah join the gang in the third game because it really would be a shame if they were to push aside the only carja team member from the first game when GOD the potential for her character is HUGE and i don't want to see it go to waste :( me saying this putting the whole aloy/talanah ship aside, talanah is just a really cool and interesting character despite that weirdass sidequest they gave her in forbidden west.
ANYWAY i think i'm just mindlessly ranting at this point, so overall i will say i enjoyed the DLC, LOVE WINS, GAY RIGHTS ETC and well, now to browse the tag and see what other folks are saying!!! :)
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ghidrah · 11 months
tag 9 people to get to know better
Tagged by @everythingburritos!!
3 ships: Wellllll do my Dragon Age characters count because that's what it's been! Trying to think of the 3rd one though, because it would just be my OCs from my stories. Hmmm.
Enyd Brosca (my Commoner Dwarf) x Leliana
Temper Hawke (my rogue Hawke, purple/green if the purple wasn't as sarcastic, he's just very silly and lighthearted in my head) x Anders
Yeah nothing really, I guess I'll put my inquisitor Yggdriah here x ???. I last had her be with Cullen and it's hard to see her with any of the other available romance options.
First ever ship: I legitimately think it was Sandy x Maxwell hamsters from Hamtaro LOL. But if we're talking things I first looked up, it was probably Fire Emblem characters and I *secretly* was looking up Florina and Lynn as a kid. And then Roy and Riza from FMA.
Last song: Name Your Sound by Japanese Breakfast, on Where Is My Great Big Feeling?
Last movie: Likely some wretched Adam Sandler movie since my friend and I are watching all of them. Help me.
Currently reading: The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today.....which is the same as the last tag post! But it's just been sitting on my desk.
Currently watching: Does Youtube count?? I'll just put on NorthernLion's fruit game he's been playing lately. If TV shows, I've been watching The Sopranos.
Currently consuming: Just finished a cappuccino I made.
Currently craving: WATER!!!!!!!!
Tagging: @chicksdigsaurs @kikyz @shadowblinder if you feel like doing these!
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Heh Heh
What about....
Yuna D. Kaito, Akira Ijyuin, Seishirou, and Best boi Clow? (I am kidding on the Clow part though)
I haven't read ccs2 so I'll skip Kaito. Ik who he is but idk anything about him. Also based on diversity of length of replies you'll clearly see my favoritism lol 😎
Sexuality headcanon:
I guess he's straight? He had crush on a woman his whole life, married men and they're living happily together
Gender headcanon:
Cis male
Probably him and that girl of his. Sorry I keep on forgetting her name, I'm rly bad with names
Suoh, Akira and Nokoru
Who is he paired with anyway? If someone is shipping Akira with Suoh or Nokoru that's fine with me really. So no ship I dislike
Random headcanon:
I'm 300% sure Akira met his dad by accident (from Akira's perspective) on street, on his bday to the boot, and just never figured out it's his dad. Comedy shojo style ofc
General opinion:
He was so adorable, I adore him. Also I like how Clamp draws his hair nowadays
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It's cute and someday unique
Sexuality headcanon:
I guess he's bi? He was too touchy with Yue and it got me like SUS
Gender headcanon:
His gender is magical bastard
None really
Also none. We don't know anything about his past so we dont know who his friends were
I'm actually not opposed to Clow/Yuuko, I just like to joke about it. I don't ship it but I can see why some people do. Beside Yuuko, idk if Clow is shipped with anyone else
Random headcanon:
I literally can't come up with anything. Sorry :<
General opinion:
Actually this is where my problem lays, it's bc I read CCS hurriedly back in 2015 and all I know about Clow is that he was some powerful dude that acted nonchalant and managed to fuck up time and space somehow. Also that clamp somewhat used his as plot device (?). Ik he appeared in Tsubasa too but I feel like I'd have easier time getting college degree than understanding trc ending
So yea, I basically lack info on Clow to form an option that isn't based on jokes and what I've learned from fandom
Sexuality headcanon:
Subaru-sexual he's gay af. His TB vet persona is literally campy older gay guy who preys on younger males. Chicken Hawk really. Because look. Sumeragi twins are bi bait. They look the same and are both beautiful af. We all know who Seishirou had eyes for during whole year. So yea, defo gay. Actually, let's just keep it as Subaru-sexual, yea that's the most fitting description
Gender headcanon:
Bastard babygirl cis male I guess
Seisub ofc. If I had to sort them then X>TB>TRC versions. They're just so... written. Honestly in the end it doesn't even come to whether one ships them or not, bc their story altogether is a very powerful tragedy. Also I'm generally non-emotional person and extremely hard to emotional affect (literally over 95% of media I watch leaves no profound effect on me) but two of them (TB/X in general), damn did it cut. Damn does their story cut in deep, not just in terms of romance, but in terms of lonliness and isolation of modern cities; in terms of tragedy, character development and complexity of human nature and interpersonal relationships. Honestly I can go miles about seisub and how it fundamentally changed way I do and view shipping but I'm a bit sleepy rn. I've been chasing high I experienced with seisub and whilst I can recreate it with some other clamp ships at the moments, I can't with ships outside clamp fandoms.
In TB/X it absolutely has to be his relationship with Hokuto. Power duo they were unstopable, Subaru couldn't catch a break. In that manner TB trio too. But not just comedy moments, but ones like this:
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At moments I wonder if Seishirou underestimated Hokuto. She is bubbly, seemingly has somewhat shallow interestes and such, but behind cheerful surface (maybe even front she puts up for Subaru's sake so she'd cheer him up), Hokuto is extremely sharp and mature girl for her age. There were few moments where Seishirou and Hokuto had serious convos, usually about Subaru's self sacrificial and sensitive nature. And Seishirou always had his smirk and inner 'quite observant out of you Hokuto-chan' moment.
In X he barely interacted with anyone beside Subaru. Ik we as fandom joke about Seishirou and Fuuma being bastard bffs but if we were to serious take X, then I'd say Seishirou would prefer to avoid Fuuma altogether. Ofc he'd never let Fuuma know that, it'll be considered vulnerability. He'd be unnerved not only by someone stronger than him, but also with ability to see what dwells in one's heart. Fuuma could hold a mirror reflecting his soul and Seishirou would rather stay blind to what he sees there
Ofc I saw some crack ships with Seishirou but I never saw a serious ship with fanbase that's not seisub. I guess I'd be a bit ?? if he's paired with a woman. Ofc unless said woman is Setsuka, because tbx fandom is still torn whether motherfucker is just an insult or description for Seishirou
Random headcanon:
He wears sunglasses to save eyesight and 'put distance between himself and world around him'. But I'm sure Seishirou keeps sunglasses on regularly to turn blind eye to reason behind his blind eye, so to speak. Deep down he knows he moved in front of knife on impulse to protect Subaru and that deeply unnerves him. Of course all subconsciously, thus he'd rather not be reminded of that inner turmoil. Still it's rather ironic Seishirou and Subaru parted in TB with both leaving marks of reminder on each other's body. Subaru remembers Seishirou whenever he looks at his hands and Seishirou sure as hell remembers Subaru from time to time when he looks at his blind eye
Also I think Seishirou made bet on impulse based on deeply rooted wish for connection with another human being. Ofc he never became aware of said wish because it's ego-dystonic to him. He views emotions as weakness, love included.
General opinion:
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remyfire · 1 year
hellooooooo dropping by to say I'd love to hear your thoughts as you wrote the following, because I love it for Hawkeye and I love it for BJ re: characterization:
The fizzing comes back. The burning. The itch.
"Fuck." He squeezes his eyes shut, sucks in a sharp breath, then opens the door.
When he emerges, he comes almost face-to-face immediately with BJ. He's got a button undone, his shirt untucked, his sleeves rolled up. He looks like a messy golden god. He's got no right looking like that when Hawk is still trying to figure his head out.
Beej grins. "Feel better?"
"No," Hawk mutters bluntly as he mades a wide berth around Beej. He rakes his still-damp hand through his hair, shoving the sweaty locks away from his forehead.
"Didn't work?" BJ's voice goes softer.
"I guess not. Fucking perfect." As he stares down at his pile of clothes, the sheer exhaustion in his body starts to catch up. It always pisses him off when he goes into R&R with little more than half a brain. He'd rather be swooning around with paid company or running up a tab in every damn bar in Seoul, but he's worked himself so hard with a revolving door of patients over the past week that all he wants to do is sleep. He rubs the back of his neck, wanting to chase the tingling away, but it stays and he silently curses it. "Trying to figure out if I've got it in me to even go out and give it another go."
"What happens if you don't?"
Hawk purses his lips. "It just...starts to get to me after a while. I don't know."
"Yeah, you do."
With a roll of his eyes, Hawk tips his head back and lets out a deep sigh. "Maybe I go apeshit. Maybe I start losing focus on my patients. Maybe I can't put the bottle down. Hell, maybe I just take one, two, three big steps toward finally cracking once and for all."
BJ hums. "All that coming from the sex not being just right, huh?"
"It's not about the sex!" Hawk blurts.
DVD Commentary Writing Meme
I'll be honest, this was one of those very stream-of-conscious dialogue writing sessions where I just started turning my brain off and letting the characters say what they wanted hkfsds I do that quite a bit more than I probably should!! I didn't go into the conversation wanting to present anything more than "Hawk is out of options besides his handsome but unavailable bunkie" and ofc the thus far unspoken realization that he is, in fact, QUITE available.
The more I wrote—and subsequently when I went back and edited—I think this was one of the first moments of Hawk being super sharp, super short, just giving a nod to the way I write him in Scratching The Itch specifically where he's got a lot of emotions boiling under the surface that are finally frothing up.
We see this in little moments in the show, of course, this pacifist who'll finally snap and throw a punch, or be tempted to, or otherwise make self-destructive decisions that if just one thing hadn't gone Quite Right in the narrative would've had him thrown in the stockade.
But the Itch, while I originally planned it to be mostly a sexual thing, ended up being a pretty simple metaphor for how easily overtaken any of the characters could get by the emotions they tamp down, especially when they try to isolate to work their way through it all on their own rather than relying on the community around them who love them. It's this feeling of needing to reach some kind of action because you've been forced to stagnate, and all that gross shit is trapped inside you now, and if you don't get it out, you're going to get hurt.
See, my whole goal for the series is ultimately to see what would happen in those explosive, emotional, self-destructive moments that Hawk and Beej in particular have if we introduce a much more intimate sounding board early on. By giving them—especially Beej—a lifeline in Korea in addition to any they have at home, how does that shift the tides, so to speak? How do they react in those situations? Does a different problem rise to the surface instead since they can't blame what they originally blame/avoid the problem because they have a lover watching their back?
So ultimately for Hawk, this was a peek into the rickety and unstable ground he's on after Trap and Carlye's departures, the kind of shifting fault lines that stir up his nightmares or make him drive full force at a peace delegation or commit medical malpractice or, or, or, etc etc etc.
It's also a direct reference back to chapter 1 where Beej asserts that, no, it's not about the sex—it's about Hawk needing to suffer the mortifying ordeal of being known. It's about Hawk getting so trapped up against a wall in this purgatory prison, about questioning his own mental state, about needing to basically rip his heart open and have an extremely intimate, vulnerable moment with someone to purge all of that tension and get him back to a steadier point where he can think clearly about whatever's got him so wound up—preferably with a companion who can listen and care for him.
For Beej, it's a nod back to that caretaking instinct we love so well. We get little references all along to how he's basically been watching Hawk with almost alarming closeness since he met him at Kimpo for the first time (because he came here KNOWING he could sleep with men, was immediately looking for a potential source of that, found this very queer-coded man instantly). From that, he has a bead on how on-the-surface Hawk tries to stay, which is where he comes up with that buddy, you need someone you can be vulnerable with, and it's part of why he ends up throwing himself into such a physical sexual encounter, just all hands everywhere, keeping the circuit flowing, knowing it'll help him reach that kind of heady floaty place that'll let him start letting go.
Also, to be quite clear, yes, Hawk was correct in chapter 5 when he ponders if BJ has been essentially slowly seducing him this entire time, and this little exchange includes but is not limited to just a delicate, quiet nudge to keep Hawk on course to maybe being open to discovering sex with a man rather than deflecting his attention to some other distraction, but wHO'S TO SAY—
It's also a nod to what I love which is when a person will say something, then cap it with, "I don't know," they do know, actually. They're just putting a little bit of distance between themselves and what they said or feel because they're self-conscious about it. So being someone who listens closely enough to hear that, encourage their initial thoughts as being worthy and valid, and hoping you can coax them into continuing on with their thoughts rather than them burying it.
This was very long and I hope it makes sense because wow I really just WENT for it with the rambling hfkjdd
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
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April 30, 2023
Woke up around 8:30am and still feeling unrestful because I kind of slept shallowly last night despite drinking a tablet of melatonin. I guess I have to up my dose tonight. I really plan to sleep comfortably before I start the new week.
Had a steamy morning cuddle and had regular cuddles after that. Won Wordle today and I got it in less than 2 minutes. Ed went down to put the bed sheets in the laundry because they're do for a wash. We went to Morrisons to get some groceries. I used Nico's bike since I didn't have one. I plan to buy one to be honest. It seems like a good option to use when getting to my new gym in Canning Town. What's stopping me is the risk of it getting stolen because bike thieves are apparently a thing here in Ed's area. We went to this asian shop because Morrisons were still closed when we got there and bought some pork buns which served as our breakfast. We got ourselves some goods once the grocery store opened and went back. Ed made some pork casserole which honestly tasted fine but he was aiming an afritada kind of taste but since it didn't taste like it, it's now considered a pork casserole.
I took a bath after lunch and watched some VGC videos of Aaron Zheng while Ed slept in the background. When he woke up I gave him the idea of how to rearrange the room and so we did and the room looked even better and it's not just me thinking that.
The breeze was gently making me feel this familiar feeling of summer in the Philippines and it really feels good on your skin, the kind where you just want to fall asleep because it's just so comfortable. I couldn't because if I did I'll have a hard time sleeping later.
Ed cuddled me while he played Mobile Legends with his friends on Discord. It was kind of cute when he gives me forehead kisses in between games. Another steamy cuddle session happened afterwards.
Ed asked if I wanted to come later with Merch and Cyneil to party. I didn't want to come because 1. I'm trying to be better with my finances and spending them on drinks defeats the purpose of it all EVEN THOUGH I WANT TO DRINK TOO and 2. I don't really mind if Ed goes anymore and I think that I wouldn't overthink later. He's given me a day yesterday and I'm good with that already. I don't need to feel like I'm having hawk eyes whenever he's away which embarrassingly enough is what I felt before. Everything's more stable now. Not totally but it's getting there.
Watched the 4th episode of Demon Slayer with Eddie after he's cooked his carbonara. Had some Filipino Ube-langka ice cream which wasn't that good and it just had langka bits to it that are very minute. Ed went to the club around 9pm and I slept with the aid of 3 melatonin tablets because I want to have a very restful sleep.
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moririki · 3 years
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when partnered with another pro hero, expect them to look out for you and have your back when in danger )
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REQUEST -> n/a
CONTAINS -> pro hero reader, reader falling off a building but not like that, reader thinking they might die for like two seconds in hawks' but they do NOT, fanon hawks(?) kind of im sorry, lazy plot
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> idk remember that tiktok trend around january where someone pretends to fall off a building and then make a swift getaway???? yeah it's just that basically
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-> "hey, get back here!" you ignored the angry voice, sprinting harder as you made your way to the roof of the building while cursing under your breath
-> when you clocked into work this morning, you didn't expect to be infiltrating a villain's headquarters in order to steal some documents to be on the agenda
-> neither did your partner fatgum
-> you shared an incredulous look before being given directions and a debrief
-> since fatgum was a rescue hero, there was an agreement for him to linger behind as backup while you went inside
-> though your quirk was nowhere near suited to this mission, you were still the better option to do so
-> you spoke into your earpiece quickly as you threw open the door to the roof, getting hit with the fierce wind
-> "you better fucking catch me, toyomitsu," you muttered to yourself, clutching the documents to your chest
-> you ran to the edge of the building, sucking in a deep breath as you saw how high up you were
-> but if you were to squint, you could make out the faint yellow blob that was your partner
-> "i'm right here, y/n," he chirped through the earpiece. "well, i'm a few stories down"
-> despite the adrenaline coursing through you, you giggled a little. you were about to respond when the door to the roof banged open again behind you
-> you turned to see several men, with guns, run out and surround you
-> well, it was now or never
-> "you've got nowhere to run, hero," the ringleader snarled
-> you tried to sound confident, racking your brain for any witty one-liner
-> "maybe not run, but..." you trailed off, raising your hand in a mock salute before steeling your nerves and taking a step back off of the ledge
-> you would have laughed at the way the ringleader's eyes looked like they would boggle out of his head, but the horrifying feeling of freefalling invaded your senses
-> maintaining your death grip on the documents you had risked your life to get, you shut your eyes and curled in on yourself as you braced yourself for any impact
-> sure, fatgum said he was here, but the wind rushing through your hair and the way the roof got further and further away wasn't instilling much confidence in you
-> but after those worst moments of your life, you felt your body hit something soft
-> it happened fast, but one moment you were gaining momentum, and the next you were safely engulfed in the familiar warmth of fatgum
-> his arms were wrapped around you, and you sucked in a breath that you didn't realise that you were holding in
-> you didn't move, just letting your heartbeat return to normal and for your senses to come back
-> you vaguely became aware of the way toyomitsu was patting your head in some attempt to comfort you, and you clung to him gladly
-> "right now, you're probably my favourite person in the entire world." you finally let out a breathless laugh, and you heard the comforting rumble of fatgum's in return
-> "well, i'd be a terrible partner if i didn't catch you. i guess i'd feel bad, too." you giggled as he finally set you down on your own feet, though he still stayed close
-> "now, how about we go get something to eat?" he suggested
-> "you read my mind," you beamed at him
-> when you, two young aspiring heroes, had initially been assigned to work as partners there was a great protest
-> both you and the winged hero were adamant about working best on your own, but it was out of your hands
-> so for the past few months, you adapted to having a partner during your hero work
-> the amount of squabbles that the two of you had over which one of you was the sidekick was exhausting
-> with your quirk being accustomed to land and his to air, it was a bit of a mystery as to how you were supposed to work together
-> but you made it work
-> both of you were extremely capable as heroes, and quickly adapted to each others' quirks
-> there was a reason for you both being placed in the top ten, after all
-> but when hawks wasn't taking down villains, he gave no indication of being ranked 2nd in the country
-> "aw, c'mon, y/n, don't tell me you aren't hungry," he complained
-> "keigo, we aren't going to the fried chicken place"
-> the man almost pouted
-> "why not?"
-> "the last time we went there i had to sit and watch you eat them until you were sucking on the bone. i'd rather not have to see that again, ever"
-> hawks opened his mouth, probably to sulk, when you both heard a some screams from around the corner
-> exchanging a quick look, both of you prepared wordlessly and started to approach the scene
-> from what you could see, there was a villain stood outside of a jewellery store, with several civilians scrambling for cover
-> you couldn't see any major damage, but your eyes widened as you saw how one man in a suit was suddenly launched high into the air by the villain
-> "looks like i'll handle that," hawks muttered, quickly taking flight and catching up to the guy
-> you sprang into action too, helping to evacuate the area while the villain's attention was diverted by your partner's flashy wings
-> you had just ushered a woman to safety when you felt the ground slip away from beneath you and start to shrink as you were flung away at an alarming speed
-> well, fuck, you thought. i guess this is it.
-> as you reached the apex of your trajectory, you felt your stomach drop as you began to return back to earth
-> you felt a bit pathetic as you pictured the headlines- "number three hero dies from being thrown too hard, did nothing to prevent fall"
-> but when the slam of concrete never greeted your body, and an arm wrapped around your waist and jerked you swiftly upwards again, you were reminded just why you had been stuck with a partner
-> "geez, was a bank robber too much to handle for the number 3 hero?" you heard hawks' smartass comment, and you glared at him in return
-> "you really left it until the last second, huh?" you poked his shoulder in annoyance, and felt him laugh as he readjusted his grip
-> "maybe if you agree to go to the chicken place after arresting this guy i won't drop you"
-> "deal"
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