#what hair color should i try on her next hmmm
galaxytittus · 6 months
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legoshi-plz · 2 years
Notice Me Part V
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Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader (eventually), BestFriend! Hitoshi Shinsou
Summary: College AU. Reader feels like she’s constantly overlooked and she’s made her peace with that.
A/N: Took me forever to write this because I’m honestly so terrible at plot, I just want reader and Izuku to be happy but where’s the drama in that??
Hmmm this essay is taking a little longer than usual. Maybe going to the library to work on it wasn’t such a bad idea. There shouldn’t be too many people there on a Thursda-
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your bedroom door immediately followed by Shinsou barging right in. You were more surprised to see him at all rather than by his less than courteous entry, which was actually very on brand for him given the nature of your friendship.
Since he’d ducked out of that last movie night, he’d missed the next few weeks afterwards and hadn’t really said much to you beyond seeing you in class. You knew he was busy but you’d got the feeling that maybe he genuinely just didn’t want to hang out with you anymore, having finally found better friends permanently.
“Long time, no see, ‘Toshi,” You watched as he flopped onto your bed face first. He didn’t say anything back so you went back to your laptop screen which you were currently working on.
Eventually, he pressed his face to your thigh, nudging the laptop over so that he could set his head in your lap. You allowed it, sensing that something was wrong. It wasn’t often he laid his head in your lap but usually it was his way of being vulnerable. You remembered the last time vividly when he’d found out his grandfather passed away. He had cried into your lap for hours while you tried you best to offer any support you could. You weren’t exactly the greatest at knowing what to say but you knew how to be there and listen, hoping that was enough.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, brushing a stray raven lock from his forehead. Now that you could see him up close, you realized just how exhausted Shinsou actually looked. There were dark rings under his eyes, he was an unhealthy pale color, and you could see faint worry lines beginning to settle above his brow.
Shinsou was still quiet and for a moment you thought he may have fallen a sleep but a soft sigh escaped his lips and he opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling without really seeing it.
“I’ve made some.... poor decisions,” Shinsou mumbled.
“Poor decisions like what?” A couple of thoughts swam to your head but you didn’t dare utter them out loud, not wanting to make him feel worse.
“These girls I’m with... y’know they don’t mean anything, right?” Shinsou said it softly as if it was some secret. You fought the urge to roll your eyes.
“Yeah.... And?”
“And? And that’s the problem. They’re meaningless, all of them. They just want to control me. They’ll do anything to make me stay, to try to claim me as their own, it’s disgusting,” Shinsou may have been talking to you but his eyes were far away, still zoned out at the ceiling. You gently ran your fingers through his hair, hoping that would help him feel a bit better.
“Maybe you should let them go? Get yourself a proper girlfriend, have something steady for once,” Thinking back over the years, you actually couldn’t recall Shinsou ever actually having a girlfriend. Sure there were one or two who thought they were his girlfriend only to be met with a rude awakening.
“Maybe you’re right. Get a girl whose sweet. And smart. Someone I can actually talk to who isn’t just biding the time til they can pull my cock out-”
“Don’t be gross,” you tugged on a strand of hair knowing it would shut him up, he’d always had a tender head.
“Yeah yeah yeah,” Shinsou grumbled, turning to press his face into your tummy. Moments like these reminded you old times when you and your best friend had been inseparable. Before adulthood hardened him and he wasn’t so caught up in everyone around him.
“Hey, you hungry?” You ask before he can get too comfortable and actually fall asleep.
“Yeah,” he mumbled through your clothes.
“Wanna go get something to eat?” You’re met with a hum of approval but no effort to actually move from the spot he was in.
Izuku was at a loss. He had been trying to fight this distraction for weeks yet time and time again, he found his mind drifting to a certain problem. That problem being you.
He had thought he was over the butterflies that would erupt in his stomach every time you smiled. He thought he was over the way his heart would skip a beat every time you touched his arm, his hand, his anything. He thought he was over the stupid crush he’d had on you since UA. And yet every time he thought of you, he was proven wrong.
He had honestly believed he could be just your friend and keep his mindset in that of only friendship. He thought that spending time with you as a friend would make him realize how silly his infatuation was, how the two of you were better off as only friends. He had experienced the same thing with Ochako, his crush on her almost immediately dissipating once he had the chance to really get to know her. But with you it seemed that just the opposite was his fate.
Every time he saw your face, it’s as if you looked more beautiful to him. Every time he heard your voice, he could feel a chill go down his spine. Every time he was in your presence, he only found himself wanting more. More time with you, more of your attention, more of everything.
More, more, more....
Izuku didn’t see himself as a selfish man, he just wasn’t raised that way. But when it came to you, he did find himself hungry for your attention, jealousy affecting him in a way it never had before. He wasn’t naive, he knew he had no right to feel this way so he tried to distance himself from these emotions. Reminding himself constantly that he never stood a chance with you in the first place. Anyone with eyes could see your heart beat for Shouto Todoroki, at least as some point.
He couldn’t confirm if you still harbored your affection for him but he could confirm that Shouto was everything he wasn’t. He was calm, non-emotional, and calculating to a fault. His cool exterior and confident self-assurance was something Izuku just never possessed. A confidence that could only be bestowed up the son of the number one hero, of someone who has never wanted for anything, who has never felt like they were less. A child prodigy that has seemingly never had a single insecurity in his life. Izuku didn’t begrudge him for it, but he wasn’t naive enough to pretend that the comparison between the two wasn’t as obvious as night and day. Izuku was easily excitable, could cry at the drop of a hat, and overall came off as awkward more than anything. He knew he wasn’t the same nerd he was when he was younger but despite the muscle he’d packed on or the inches he’d grown, deep down he still felt like that same shy kid as before.
“There you are....” Izuku’s head whipped around to see none other than Shouto Todoroki walking towards him. He sat down in the seat across from him.
“I stopped by your place but once I saw you weren’t home, I figured the library was the next best place to look,” Shouto said in his usual deadpan voice.
“Oh yeah, you know midterms are right around the corner,” Izuku wasn’t one to usually worry about quarterly exams, or at least, he wasn’t until you began to plague his thoughts. His laser focus and tunnel vision approach to studying was all but demolished in favor of his mind drifting to you. Like he somehow managed to do right now.
“Midoriya, are you feeling alright?” Shouto asked, waving a hand in front of Izuku where he had zoned out.
“Yeah, I’m fine. What were you saying?”
“I was asking if that’s why I’ve hardly seen you lately. It feels like we haven’t hung out in weeks,” Izuku immediately felt guilt at Shouto’s admission. Besides the peculiar and competitive love/hate friendship he had with Bakugou, Shouto was essentially his best friend and Izuku had selfishly been trading out his company for yours.
“Yeah it has been a while. What are you doing now? Or later today?” Izuku asked, closing his laptop and textbook.
“I have some online homework assignments that are due this evening but I’m available tomorrow,” Tomorrow was Friday.... meaning...
“Sorry I can’t tomorrow, that’s usually the night that me, y/n and Shinsou get together,” Izuku said, conveniently omitting Shinsou’s habitual absence.
“Y/N? From U.A.?” Shouto’s voice gave way to a hint of excitement that made Izuku’s stomach twist. Shouto had always been fond of you, especially since that time spent together at his father’s agency.
“Yeah, we um, get together every week and watch movies,” Izuku already regretted what he was about to say, “you should come join us sometime.”
“Yeah, I think I’d like that. That sounds... interesting...,”
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𝕀𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕤 🔫🦋
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"And once again he shoots himself..." Bria sighed as Giorno, Narancia and Mista entered the room together. Narancia had light wounds while Mista, got more severe ones. The gunslinger was famous for some things: first, being a huge flirt with every breathing woman. Second, shooting himself thousands of times. Third, he was in Bucciarati's team. And last, he is afraid of the number 4, for some stupid old reason which happened in the past.
"Oh, not again..." the honey blonde girl spoke to herself "Guido, you know the proceedment."
"Right..." he removed his shirt for her to analysis. Nicki was known to be the 'private doctor/nurse' of Passione by her studying in medicine and her stand, Vagalumes (capable of healing most kinds of wounds but can't heal some things like: miopic problems, color blindness, because these are genetic things. Even she needs glasses). "Bria, go check on Narancia for me while I take care of Gui."
"Hey! Careful, Bria!" Answered the young looking boy
"Calm down, I am just looking. Besides. Even if it was necessary for me to check... Everything, there wouldn't be a thing you needed to hide because I already—"
"NO NEED TO EXPOSE ME!" his blush intensified, from embarassment, which made Bria laugh like if they were actual siblings.
"Let's give a look... Hmmm... Vagalumes, I need some light here" her stand appeared and gently greeted Guido "Hm... I can see it! Lucky you it isn't that deep. I need a cloth or gauze. And a clamp to get those" and the stand went flying to get some "Thanks, ladies. Guido, I'll try to make it less painful as possible. Now..." said as cleaned "...you're lucky none of the bullets hit your back or any vital organs. It was a more superficial thing. And I must say I am even impressed there were less bullets this time!"
"Heh... Only you to take care of me, love" he winked at her. Guido admired the tiniest details. The way she bit her lip while concentrated, her focused chocolate brown eyes, the beautiful freckles all over her face.
"Okay... The last one... Done! Now, let's close up those wounds. Vagalumes!" The ten little creatures, mix of butterflies and moths landed on his olive-tanned skin and fluttered their wings to heal it "You should be more careful sometimes..."
"It is kinda worthy being all hurt to get treated by this incredible nurse~♡"
"Doc, I am feeling sick. I am gonna puke."
"Because Guido is being too cheesy!"
"Oh, Nara..." she sighed reliefed, already thinking before he had some food-poisoning.
"Thank you, Nicki. Now, do you need any help with that rascal there?"
"None. I'll just check on him and we are able to go home."
"Good. Cause it is friday and this saturday off and sunday is our off day" she smiled at his reply and directioned her attention back to Narancia. After everything, the couple cleaned up the area and organized it, leaving ready for monday. Their turn was over and now it was the perfect time to relax "It is still 17:50 P.M... What do you think of going out for a dinner only the two of us tonight?"
"Maybe we can leave it for the next weekend... Since... My period came right now... I've got cramps..."
"Need to say no more."
[At home]
Guido took off his suit and went to their bathroom to run a warm bath for both of them. Nicki removed her clothes and sat on the toilet to let the blood go there and wash the excess of it using a hygienic shower.
"This is stupid..."
"Maybe it was the stress of this week."
"Yeah... But I am kinda glad it came on the friday... My period takes 7 days. The first three days are the most hard due to the pain. The other ones are kinda light. In the seventh, almost no blood."
"I don't know how you girls handle it" said as he removed all of his clothes and divided in the bathtub. Guido had an amazing body. His chest was defined and he wore a pendant with a cross on it, resembling his family from catholic origins. He knew the traditions but he was a mostly "none-praticant". He had a some hair on his chest and in his strong, slightly veiny arms. For her, Guido Mista was her roman model.
"I don't know how you handle so many bullets" once she finished her private higiene, it was her turn to dive in the bathtub with him. Nicki thought her body wasn't of a model but as long as she could do her activites, it was perfect. But for Guido, her thick tights, the 96 of chest (author's quick note: I had to check on mine to see that 😭), her freckles all over the body, her soft tummy, her mere 1,52 metres tall everything was amazing "Oh, I was needing this..."
He kissed her neck gently and hugged her "It's okay, babe... You're safe here in my arms... Now, I'll spoil you this night..."
"Amore, this isn't necessary."
"My strong woman got cramps and I can't even help? Nonsense! I'll do some of your favourite snacks~"
"I don't deserve you" she kissed him as a thanks "You're too sweet~"
After a long relaxing bath, both got out and wore their most comfy pajamas. The one blonde wore was a little bit too big on her which made her gain the teasing nickname of Dopey (yes, one of Snow White's dwarfs. Because the size of his clothes). Sometimes none of them could have predicted they would have been destined to meet eachother. But it was one of the best things in their lives. Mista had only saw disgrace since the incident when he tried to defend a woman. Even though his friends were there, mafia is an obscure world, even when Giorno is trying to deal it with a new perspective and experimenting a new direction.
While for Nicki, she actually had a great life despite being humiliated sometimes in school and had her heart broken twice by one boy and a girl. Once she met Mista, she thought it could be different. And in fact was.
"Gui...?" She asked with a soft voice while cuddling with him.
"I love you... I know you know this but I had to say it..."
"I love you too, mia ragazza carina... You're so goddamn adorable... Please, don't change... And if you do, for the better version of yourself..."
"Leave it to me..." said as leaned foward to kiss his soft lips lazily. Yeah. They for sure found love. Not only that. They have met their own lifemates and best friends.
"Now, what would you like to watch?'
"You can watch something... I am feeling pain and I'll try to get some sleep...
"Okay... Want me to sing a lullaby for you?"
"I am just messing with you, love! Haha! Sweet dreams, princess... You're safe with me..."
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marshmonaut · 2 years
Grimoire- Chapter Two
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I fall heavily into my seat and put my head on my desk. Last night...sucked. Having that dream again probably means something major is about to happen. Especially since it’s been happening more and more often. And more and more vividly. I mean, don’t get me wrong, that dream has always been a terrible experience but lately it just seems so much more…dire, almost.
“I wonder what it means…” I ponder aloud into the fake wooden surface.
“Wonder what what means?” I hear as the seat next to me is suddenly occupied and I simultaneously realize that I was thinking out loud. The sweet scent of roses hits my nose before I lift my head and turn towards the voice.
“Oh, hey Wendy. It’s nothing important, just talking to myself.”
Wendy Aberra is the type of girl that most people avoid in high school. She’s loud, overly-bubbly, and wears super bright and colorful clothes that would look horribly mismatched on anyone else, but she makes it work somehow. And she is always very bluntly honest, almost to the point of being rude to anyone who doesn’t understand her, but she says the quirkiest things at times as well. She is quite the eccentric person and most people think she is weird so no one ever really talks to her. Except for me of course because she is also my absolute very best friend in all the Realms.
She kind of reminds me of a character that I used to love from a children’s novel by Lewis Carrol that I found when I first came here. Or more like if he had a really cool and modernized daughter. She has naturally platinum blonde hair with these neon colored highlights that almost seem to shimmer and shift based on her mood. Her nails are always painted the same funky colors too, though each finger sports a different one. They kinda seem to shift with her moods too, now that I think about it. She also has green eyes like mine, but hers are more of a light electric green whereas mine are more of a cool forest emerald. 
We met when I first started going to school after crossing over. It still felt like everyone was out to get me and that no one could be trusted. It didn’t help that everyone kept their distance from the “weird new girl that doesn’t talk or play with anyone.” If it weren’t for her being brave enough, and annoying enough, to not give up on me back then, I would have no friends and absolutely no way to distract myself from the immense boredom that is school. Honestly, I would probably both kill and die for her if I had to. But she would hate to hear me say that, the sweet selfless pacifist that she is.
“Well, if it’s nothing important then you should have no problem telling me what it is.” She’s smiling at me now, giving me a full grin and showing all of her pearly white teeth. 
“And if you keep talking to yourself, people are going to think you’re crazy. Like me!” She starts laughing at that, a little too loudly, and startles the still-groggy teens directly surrounding us. They shoot daggers at her that she doesn't seem to notice. They stop and look away quickly, almost frightened, once they notice me glaring right back at them. When I turn to look back at Wendy, I can see that she’s giving me an expectant look.
“Well, I’ve been having that dream again,” I start. “You know, the one I told you about before? It’s happening more and more often and I don’t know why.”
“Hmmm,” she says, making a show of stroking her chin with her thumb and forefinger. “That is a pickle. Oh but I like pickles and this is a bad thing. Uh, I guess that makes this is a…” she trails off as she tries to think of a word she likes better. “...toughie! Yeah, it’s a toughie, alright. Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something, trying to warn you. But what about?”
“Your guess is as good as mine. I just wish it’d stop so I could get some semi-decent sleep,” I reply, laying my head back down on the desk. I close my eyes. The cold feels nice against my forehead, soothing the headache that has already started forming.
“Yeah, you do look terrible. I mean, I could pack for a week’s vacation and still have room for souvenirs with the bags under your eyes!” Wendy loudly proclaims this and then begins to giggle at whatever silly image she must have conjured up at that thought. I quietly chuckle along with her at that and place my arms around my face, blocking out the light. Since homeroom only lasts for about 30 minutes and we never do any work in this class, I figure I can try to get some sleep.
“Yeah, taking a nap sounds like a good idea for you right now,” I hear Wendy say as I start to fight off the sleep that is already threatening to pull me under. She’s one of the few people that I can sleep peacefully around because I know she’ll look out for me if I need her too. It’s happened before. “You need the rest. And who knows? Maybe you’ll have a dream about what your other dream means? Or maybe it means nothing at all.”
  *   *   *
About 25 minutes later, I’m being shaken awake and can hear someone calling my name, a bit of concern leaking into their voice. In my half-asleep state, I can’t really make out exactly who it is until I see the mismatched nail polish on the fingers gripping my arm.
“Sola! Sola, wake up! You’re doing it again,” Wendy says as she gently shakes my arm again. Seeing the worry clouding her usually cheery face immediately snaps me completely awake and makes me want to apologize for whatever it is I did. But…what did I do? I am looking around the room wondering what it is and almost ask Wendy out loud...until I smell the smoke. I quickly jerk up and put out the tiny inferno that has started on my jacket and look around again. Luckily, no one else has noticed and I breathe a small sigh of relief. I look over at Wendy, who is now giving me the same look of both concern mixed with a little amusement.
“Thanks. The last thing I need right now is to catch any attention by burning the school to the ground, tempting as it might be,” I say as I fan away the last little swirling tendrils of evidence.
Wendy starts giggling again and gives me a thumbs up as she begins to pack her things for the next class. Just then, the bell rings and I grab my bag and  stand up to wait for her. She’s taken out a sketchbook during class and began drawing...something? I can’t quite make out what it’s supposed to be yet but I know better than to ask. She won’t let me see until it’s done anyways.
We begin walking side-by-side down the hall to our next class, Paranormal Studies. Well, more like I’m walking and she’s skipping down the hallway. It’s refreshing to see how blissfully unaware she is of the other kids scrambling out of our way as she sings her “Going to Class” song. 
Our teacher for this class, which was an optional elective, is the only other person that I actually look forward to seeing, ever. He’s pretty relaxed and really loves his job helping kids learn. He also uses lots of mythology, lore, and fiction books to help him teach and it’s pretty interesting to hear him go off on rants about ghosts and odd happenings during a lecture. As I walk into his class, I notice that the new lesson is going to be about witches. How ironic.
“Hey! There’s my little sunshine! How’s it going, sweetie?” Mr. Nightshade says this as I pass through the doorway and make my way towards my seat. Wendy is not far behind me and calls out a cheery greeting to him before taking her place next to me. “Come on, baby girl, give me a smile! Today can’t be all that bad,” comes echoing across the slowly filling classroom as I sit and reach down to grab the stuff I need for this class. “My favorite student is in her favorite class on this gorgeous day, the least she can do is smile for me!” He looks at me expectantly, a goofy smile plastered on his lightly stubbled face.
“Hey, dad. You’re not supposed to show favoritism in school, remember?” I say as I laugh a little under my breath. Oh, I forgot to mention that he is also my dad. I guess that whole interaction sounds a little creepy otherwise, but I promise he’s a good guy. He's been teaching at this school since I was very young, but I only started living with him full-time after I crossed over. 
When I showed up on his doorstep in the middle of the night that night, dirty and still shaking with fear, all he did was open his arms and hug me. He took me in with no questions and let me open up about what She did to me when I was ready. If it weren’t for him, I have no idea what I would have done with myself when I got her. I would have survived, somehow, but it definitely would have been a hell of a lot harder. I look up at him and flash him a quick small smile, just to get him to stop looking at me like that, and go back to setting up my supplies.
“Hey now, the bell hasn’t rung to start class yet so, technically, I’m not teaching right now.” He says as he gives a playful half smirk. He has that look in his eyes that all parents get when they’re right about something and they know you can’t really argue against them. But I know he’s just kidding around. It’s one of the traits that makes him so likable, along with many others. It’s also why…
“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” I say as I shake my head, trying to clear it of those dark thoughts. I actually want to pay attention during this class. Or at least look like I am. “I’m hoping that no one saw that you know, I have a reputation to uphold that’s very important to me” I say, letting a little lighthearted sarcasm tint my tone. I wink at Wendy as she playfully rolls her eyes and shakes her head at me. She likes all of her teachers, unlike me. But, like me, Mr. Nightshade is her favorite too. They seem to share something I call “The Bond of the Weird.”
“Well, glad you asked kiddo. Because today,” he says, ignoring my last comment as the bell rings and everyone else scrambles to take their seats, “and for the rest of this unit, we are learning about witches. Specifically, the witches of Salem, Massachusetts. Their beliefs, their practices, their culture, and finally…” he pauses as he looks around the room at each student, waiting juuuuust long enough to build suspense. “...their gruesome demises during the Trials!” 
I start taking notes as the lesson goes on. The entire time, though, I make sure to pay extra attention to the surrounding area. Watching all of the access points to the room out of the corners of my eyes as I glance between the board and my notebook while I write. I always do this when I’m in this class with my dad. Just in case...you never know, right?
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mbb-project-entity · 2 years
Chapter 26
Paris was in the lounge, watching some nature documentary. Like paris Hilton, a total bimbo. Maybe you should make her your role model ‘BREAST SIZE 36DD, FIRM.’ It was but a second later she saw her chest grow and grow and grow. It seemed to last forever even though in real time it was but a few seconds.
“Is this what you were thinking,” asked Alex.
“Yes, actually it was.” Now Candace could wear some low cut tops bend over a bit and get better tips.
“Do you want the full work up?” Alex seemed to ask in a voice like an evil cartoon character.
“I guess so. I can’t believe …”
Candace wasn’t finished speaking as she saw Alex start typing on the computer screen again. ‘HAIR COLOR: HONEY BLONDE.’ And in an instant, Candace saw her hair color get lighter.
“Hmmm, not blonde enough, don’t you think?” noted Alex.
Before Candace could answer he typed ‘LIGHTER BLONDE.” And he did it again and again. When Candace looked in the mirror, she was a pure platinum blonde. No bleach, no salon, it was natural. She was a busty platinum blonde.
Next thing she saw on the computer, ‘UNABLE TO LEAVE THE CHAMBER’ .
All of the sudden, Candace couldn’t bring herself to leave. “What did you do?”
“OH I didn’t want you to leave until you fully got what you wished. You wanted to be more bimbo-like? More like Jennifer. I overheard you, I’m going to make that dream fully come true.”
“You can stop now. It’s okay,” and just as she was saying that her voice got higher. She didn’t notice him typing into the computer and her voice raised it seemed like two octaves.
“My voice?”
“Oh my? If I’m talking on the phone people are going to think I’m sixteen or something.”
“You know that is a good idea.”
Candace didn’t have to wait. She looked in the mirror, her face, everything looked much younger as if when she was younger.
“I look like I’m a Britney Spears wannabe.”
“Wow you keep coming up with good ideas.”
Candace was helpless to stop this. She just saw what he was typing and yelled out, “What did you like do that for?” All of the sudden, Candace started to use the word ‘like’ as if it were an article. The worst part about it, her voice made her sound like a teenager in wanting.
“Alex you can like stop now, please,” pleaded Candace.
“You wished to be more bimbo-like, I’m just helping you fulfill your dreams and fantasies. Oh did I forget to tell you, the machine can also do things other than physical changes. It can do emotional changes as well as psychological changes.”
“What do ya mean?” asked Candace with a sexy-worried sound in her voice.
“OH, Yvette, come in here Yvette,” yelled Alex.
A stunning brunette appeared out of no where. She was wearing a French Maid’s outfit. Her breasts were hardly contained by the uniform. “Oui, monsieur.”
“Yvette, I want you to meet Candace. Candace, meet Yvette the inventor of the machine,” smiled Alex.
It just struck Candace hard when he said the inventor of the machine.
“That’s right. Dr. Constantine came to me with this invention needing money. He was a good client and he told me what it could do. I didn’t believe him so he showed me. I told him to make me younger to prove it, and he did. I then told him I wanted to try it out, and he stepped in the machine for me. He explained all the good it could do It could help even psychological problems. He told me how it rearranges brain patterns to recognize the new ones that the computer deems right. You don’t realize this but when you have the right thought … the computer gives you a small jolt of pleasure to make that pathway active. It then cuts off any other pathways that don’t have the correct thoughts. This makes sure you use the correct memory pathway.”
Candace looked confused, “But like what about the Doctor?”
“Well glad you asked, seeing the potential of this machine, I had the doctor inside it. I immediately tested it out with a small change. As he was talking and telling me about the way it works, I had him freeze in the machine also, unable to move. It didn’t take long to completely change his physical look and his mental outlook. All Yvette knows now is to be a maid and to serve.”
“Oui monsieur,” as Yvette bowed.
Candace began to panic. She couldn’t get out of the booth. She couldn’t figure a way out. She looked like a rat in a maze in a tiny room. The door handle was staring her in the face, but she couldn’t bring herself to use it.
“You can’t get out. I made sure of that, each time you try, the brain pattern gets more recognized and more ingrained into your way of thinking.”
“Please, just like let me go, you know, I won’t totally tell anyone,” pleaded Candace.
“Oh my dear sweet Candace, I’ve admired you ever since we met, and we are going to get everything we want. Yvette what do you think about Candace over there,” asked Alex.
“Monsieur, the breasts, how so you say, need to be … grander,” said Yvette as she seemed to struggle with English.
“Bigger,” corrected Alex.
“Our monsieur, much bigger, big like me,” said Yvette.
Yvette stood next to Alex and typed into the keyboard, the problem for Candace is it was in French.
Candace had not idea what she typed into the computer. In addition, she didn’t even know Yvette’s grammar in French was very poor. The computer best interpreted what she meant. Yvette’s pathways had been programmed to understand and speak French not naturally learned yet.
More mist poured into the chamber and all of the sudden Candace her a plink. One of the buttons on her blouse had come off and hit glass and fell to the floor, then another. She just watched in horror and amazement as her breast grew and grew and grew. When they stopped she finally figure out, she was about a 38EE. Her breasts were hanging out of her open blouse. No buttons left to keep it closed. Had she even tried to pull it closed it wouldn’t reach shut. Her breasts stood proudly from her body. No sag, almost looked naturally pushed up.
“Like what are these, I didn’t want this,” cried out Candace. “This isn’t what I meant.”
“I’m sorry Yvette can get a little carried away but I must say she has excellent taste, but we need to do a little bit more.” Said Alex.
“MORE???” yelled Candace, still sounding like a child.
This time Candace felt something strange inside of her, but then she could see in the mirror her rib cage got smaller which made her breasts look even bigger and now her waist tapered down to a tiny waif.
Candace tried to yell out and scream, but nothing came out of her voice. She couldn’t make a sound. She looked at the monitor and it said, ‘SILENCE VOCAL CHORDS.’
Obviously, this is probably what Yvette went through and Alex was prepared. When she got out of here, she was surely going to tell the police about Alex.
“If you are thinking about telling the cops, I wouldn’t do that. I have put a little fail safe in your brain,” said Alex.
Candace couldn’t say a word but pleaded with her eyes.
“I know what you were thinking. Just know it now, you can never tell the police or anyone about this. Just to make sure. I want you to look up at the screen,” demanded Alex.
“You might think that will get you to think about the police because of the pleasure, but as it gets in the way, your new way of thinking will quickly develop. Here is a phone, look you can dial 911 and the cops can trace the call here.”
The minute Candace had that thought, a hand shot to her new large breasts and one to inside her panties. She could not stop herself. She was very aroused from touching herself for just a minute.
“Here let me make it easier for you,”
The second Alex entered that into the computer, Candace literally experienced the first mind blowing orgasm of her life. It was nothing like she ever felt before. She couldn’t believe how powerful it was. She looked at the phone and thought and before finishing the thought, she was having another orgasm. Then another. Then another until she passed out.
When Candace came to she was still in the glass booth unable to get out.
“Like how long was I out?” She could speak again in that little girlish voice.
“Oh about 2 hours, you see you’ll learn very quickly,” said Alex.
“You totally had your fun, like please just like let me go. I can’t tell anyone anymore,” whined Candace.
“No Candace … Candace that’s too formal, time for a better name for you. What’s your name,” demanded Alex.
“Candace,” she said insistently
“NO what’s your name,” Alex asked again with a smile.
“Candace,” she said putting her foot down.
“One more time, what’s your name, little girl,” said Alex.
“I said Candi damn it! I’m Candi.” Candace caught herself saying that. She couldn’t say any other name. She knew it wasn’t right, but it didn’t matter. The machine changed the way she thought. She was now Candi unless she could get to that computer console.
“It’s time Candi,” said Alex.
“Like for what?” said Candi still talking like a valley-girl.
“Time for you to finish becoming like Jennifer,” Alex said with a smirk.
“Aren’t I already totally that?” said the confused Candi.
”Oh no Candi baby, only in looks.” Alex went on. “Sure you’ll get aroused at a cool breeze, but you need more. It time for your mind to match your body. I can see the fear in your eyes, but don’t worry. Remember how I said the Doctor was working his way to getting money. I just didn’t say he was working for me.”
Candi began to cry as Alex began to type into the computer. She knew this was it. She knew things were going to change drastically. How did she come to be like this? As Alex was typing he saw Jennifer enter the room.
“Jennifer LIKE what are you doing here,” screamed Candi.
“Well, I always noticed how you were checking me out. And I heard you commenting all the time about my bimbo-like attitude,” said Jennifer with clarity.
“Sis, you always know how to make a dramatic entrance,” said Alex.
“Yes, I’m Alex’s sister,” Jennifer explained. “I’m also 47 years old, but not in this body I’m 17. We had enough money to get some forged documents. I got the job because I just wanted to do something. I like to tease and what better place than to work as a little waitress,” said Jennifer.
“Like you don’t gotta do this to me?” said Candi.
“Well you thought of me as bimbo and you thought that is how I did better, so now you are really going to find out what it’s like to be a bimbo. Oh and by the way, I’m bisexual. I always thought you were hot, and now you’ll be a walking wet-dream and sex-pot. But we have a few more changes to do. Look up there.” Jennifer pointed to the computer monitor.
“Take your time reading it. We want you to savor your new life. Yvette was screaming before we hit enter,” said Alex
Candi stopped to ask, “Daydreaming?”
“Because it will make you easily distracted. You’ll be talking about one thing and you’ll lose your train of thought and start to think about something else related to sex.”
“That’s to make you ditzy and airheaded. You’ll forget things just said to you. And you’ll have the ‘oh yeah, that’s right,’ attitude,” laughed Jennifer.
“Honey you are not just going to look 16, you are going to think you are 16. You’ll have all your other memories but in mind, you’ll just be a 16 year old ditzy airhead.”
“Like you don’t have to do this,” Candi again pleaded.
“Oh that is my idea, I’ve always like the cheerleader type,” said Alex.
You could see Candi’s eyes welling up with tears reading the last line on the screen.
“Don’t fret little one, you’re going to be happy as my girlfriend,” said Jennifer
“What do you like mean your girlfriend,” asked Candi
“Oh you’re going to love me, and do anything I want you to do,’ said Jennifer luridly. “You’ll be mine forever to do whatever I want, my personal living bimbo Barbie doll.”
Candi’s eyes immediately shot up to as Jennifer began typing,
“One little hit of this enter key and you’ll be mine,” said Jennifer.
Candi sat down, resigned to her fate. She didn’t know what to do. She could hear typing but was afraid to look. She didn’t want to know anymore of her fate.
“Look baby, I want you to see what you’ll be before it happens,” demanded Jennifer.
Candi shook her head no.
“Each time you defy me, I’m going to add things to your mental makeup,” Jennifer said with a bit of fire in her voice.
Candi still shook her head no.
She could hear typing, but didn’t look up.
“Let’s see, we’ll add exhibitionist type qualities to your personality,” stated Jennifer.
“I like dunno what to say,” said Candi.
“You can say goodbye to Candace and hello to Candi,” said Jennifer. “But we need an attitude adjustment in your styles as well as your mind,”
Candi, didn’t anyone ever tell you to be careful what you wish for, it might come true,” laughed Jennifer.
Candi tried to plead one last time, “No wait,” but it was too late, Jennifer hit the enter key and the mist swirled around Candi. But it was a different mist. The mist seemed to swirl inside her head and around her mind. Her thoughts became jumbled. She was having trouble thinking and focusing on anything. She found herself giggling and getting aroused for no reason. She couldn’t figure out where she was or what was going on.
Jennifer opened the door to the chamber and out stepped Candi, the platinum-blonde buxom bimbo.
Jennfer asked “Are you okay, Candi?”
Jennifer could see Candi’s eyes light up when she look at her, it was a sign of pure animal lust and Jennifer knew love.
Jennifer laughed and said to her brother, “it’s amazing machine isn’t it. You always told me to becareful what you wish for, Candace wanted to be a bimbo, now she is Candi, eye candy for everyone to see, and you can go back to calling me Miss Jennifer.”
“Yes Miss Jennifer, I’m glad your planned worked as you wanted,” said Alex.
“Alex, we now need to take care of Mary. She knows too much. Take Yvette and go bring her back here. Make sure you do it quickly, quietly and discretely.”
Candi inside tried to scream out for her friend, but her old mind being pushed down by the new desires and thoughts and the only thing that escaped from her lips was a moan of pleasure as Jennifer brushed against one of her new breasts.
Jennifer took Candi’s hand and said, “let’s go,” as she took her new bimbo toy up to her bedroom.
“You’re going to need a new job, you can’t go back to the restaurant looking like this,” said Jennifer.
Candi replied with a “Huh, oh like yeah?” Candi had a dreamy smile on her face she was lost in the idea of sex and knew she was going to with Jennifer.
“Yes baby, maybe a hooter’s girl or stripper is right for you
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amelee23 · 2 years
Stray Kids as fictional creature boyfriends | Lee Know
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Small romance/ comedy series where I write about the reader finding out that skz members are a specific fictional creature.
Genre: Romance, comedy, Headcannon
Warnings: mentions of clubs and alcohol, mentions of cheating, very suggestive but not explicit, Minho says something really savage and is a weirdo but also very sappy, reader gender isn't mentioned unless I somehow didn't see it during proofreading
Word count: 1250
The club lights were flashing in neon colors of purple and blue; a strange upbeat song was playing in the background, muffled by the voices. 
You were there to accompany a friend, who eventually left you to go dance with a new found date.
Heading to the bar to see if there was anything non-alcoholic that could quench your thirst, you stumbled upon a scene that almost seemed comedic
A man completely unknown to you was slumped in his high chair, eyebrows furrowed, glaring at a bottle of booze on the shelf and occasionally to the back door where the barman came from. 
"Are you trying to order a drink?" You asked, amused. The man seemed to be pulled out of a trance the next moment
"Huh? I, no? Yes?" You couldn't help but giggle at how disoriented he looked.
"You were glaring real hard at that bottle. What has it ever done to you?"
"It's not the bottle's fault, it's my date's who just stood me up."
"Ah, that explains why you're so out of it. Makes two of us - my friend is somewhere in this crowd making out with some guy while I have to wait take her home because I'm the only one that can drive."
"Responsible... I like it."
"Hmmm... What's the deal on your side tho? She never showed or did she cancel?"
"Canceled. I should look for someone else anyway, she's all body and no brains - she might get the job done but I feel like pulling out my hair every time she starts talking." You couldn't help the healthy laugh that came out of your mouth at such a statement.
"I'm Minho by the way... Creature of the night."
You introduced yourself back to him and joked back that you also like Batman
Minho chuckled and offered to take you on a dance. His posture standing up was a lot more different, his eyes almost too mesmerizing from up close. He politely planted his hands on your hips and guided them to sway around, and soon you felt like you were floating. 
Eventually his face came closer to yours, breath fanning over your face, and he whispered in your ear: "My cat got drunk on catnip"
That's what he does to double check his seduction is successful. Usually his victims are so gone by that point that they moan at whatever he says
But you didn't
"Well, that was random- is she okay tho?"
"You heard me?" 
"Yes? You're a weird man, Minho. Have you ever been told that?"
"More times than you can imagine. It's my charm."
Never did he think he needed to take things slowly with a human before. Like ask for your number and take you on a date? Absurdity. But he did it anyway
Because he found himself really determined to have you. Maybe it was exactly because he couldn't seduce you that drove him crazy
And believe me, he tried
Way too many times. 
But you always were pulled out of the trance the moment he tested you with his weird sentences - he even said something about putting a guy named Hyunjin in the oven? 
Eventually Minho rolled his eyes in defeat and did things v a n i l l a
Which was difficult to say the least. Being an Incubus, he obviously had to be intimate with people on the side of your relationship. And it was eating him up from the inside. So much so in fact, that he had to tell you. He couldn't stand the disappointment in your eyes every time he pushed you away. 
And the reveal hit you like a truck
At first you thought it was his weird way of confessing he was cheating on you. That would've hurt on it's own, but he made sure to prove it to you. You reluctantly followed him to a club where you bore witness to Minho seducing a woman so badly that she turned into dough. He was listing pie ingredients to her and she was getting horny. 
So eventually you made peace with it. Your boyfriend was a magical creature. And he survives on making others commit bodily sins. 
And he told you he can't do abstinence. The longer he stays away from it, the worse it gets. He loses self control, kinda like a rabbid dog. You associated it with the myth of vampires.  So what were the repercussions of becoming intimate with him? Fatigue, he told you. Much more intense than normal soreness, because he's basically feeding off of the energy of the people he seduces.  
Once you took all of that information in, he began to excitedly talk about how it's so cool he can't seduce you. The chase, doing things the old fashioned way, it was all very entertaining to him.
But that's what really scared you. Not that he's some sort of demonic descendent, but the fact that... You might just be a source of entertainment. He enjoyed chasing you, but after he finally gets you in bed, what will happen? Will he just move on? 
So you decided to rip off the band-aid as fast as possible. No more dates and dilly dallying. You initiated it and he gave in, giving you the most mind-blowing sex of your life. You could feel why he was an Incubus to begin with.  But when you woke up in the morning, the fatigue came. He was right, you weren't just tired, you felt drained and drowsy, as if you had the flu. Still, it was something you could get over, for him and how much you were fond of him... And one glance to his naked sleeping form broke you. You began crying
He woke up as if burnt and instantly wrapped his arms around you. "Are you suffering side effects?"
"What side effects, Minho?" You asked him sadly. 
"Some get depressive after having sex with me. It's part of the neural fatigue."
"I'm not depressed Minho... I'm just scared."
"Of me? Did I do something wrong?" The fact that he instantly made himself to be the target of your fear saddened you even farther. 
"Not of you!" You found yourself yelling at him. "Of you leaving me now that you got what you wanted."
"Huh? What I wanted? Like what, sex?"
"Obviously. Isn't that why you chased me in the first place?"
Before answering he pulled you into his body for the tightest and warmest embrace you've ever felt in your life. "I meant it when I said I love the fact I can't seduce you. You gave me someone to get to know, someone to care about, someone to rely on... I don't do that with sex partners. They're just there to fix what's making my existence inconvenient. I told you the truth about me because I felt bad for breaking your trust through it, though. Basically what I'm trying to say is I never planned on leaving you. I dated you because I want to be with you. Romantically."
You pulled away to look him in the eyes and that was when Minho looked the softest he ever did. "I want you to trust me, kitten. I want it even though it's very selfish to ask for it. I mean- it's either I exhaust you constantly or I have to see other people on the side - there's no good choice. But I want to feel love too, you know? And it has to be you."
I do not own the picture!
Also tell me if you liked it, I have two other members I can post.
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l-r-christian · 3 years
'Tied to one' - part two
Pairing: Poly!Mikaelson x Black!Witch!Reader
Summary: Hayley had finally brought Hope back to the Mikaelsons only to be surprised that they found their soulmate. Y/N is still getting used to the fact that her soulmates are the Original vampires and Hayley isn't making it easy.
Warnings: Fluff, Over protective Mikaelsons, Reader being shy little bean, a bit of angst
A/N: holy long chapter Batman 😳 I kinda got away into writing this as next two parts are going to be angst heavy.
A week was how long Y/N had been around her soulmates and was still getting use to it as Klaus would draw her, Kol wanting to help with her magic while both Elijah and Rebekah was spoiling her. But the one thing that brought them closer was watching Y/N cook or bake as she would try to teach Klaus and Kol to cook while trying to show Rebekah and Elijah how to bake.
Hayley finally came home to allow the family to see Hope but was surprised to find Elijah sitting on the couch with a woman in his lap doing her hair. And Hayley saw she was reading tarot cards as Kol sat in front of her.
"What do they say?"
"Hmmm something good is in your future." She says making Kol smile brightly staring at her in awe as Elijah comb though her hair loosening her curls letting them fall down her back.
"Is that good thing you, baby?" Elijah asked the witch as he kissed her neck making her flush while Kol smirked enjoying how Elijah flirted with her.
"Elijah?" Hayley questioned noticing she couldn't see Elijah's string meaning he found his soulmate then looked to Kol's pinky not seeing his string either. Hayley's eyes fell on the witch in Elijah's lap seeing the mocha skinned woman was dressed in Elijah's shirt and shorts.
"Hayley, you came home." Elijah said surprised to see the hybrid as Y/N moved to leave his lap into Kol's and both watched Elijah stand up. Y/N noticed how Hayley looked at Elijah with adoration and so did Kol as he rested his chin on her shoulder.
"Yeah well Hope missed you all....who is this?"
"Y/N. Our soulmate." Kol spoke up noticing Elijah's conflicting feelings for both Hayley and Y/N. Hayley was surprised looking the witch over once again noted she was shyer than what the hybrid would have thought Elijah's soulmate would be....not a witch he had to share with his siblings.
"Oh....well I'll take Hope to Klaus." Hayley says as she headed for the stairs and Elijah was quick to follow after her. Kol held Y/N close seeing her colors flickering showing she was a little worried.
"Don't worry little heart, Elijah loves you."
Even though Kol's words should have comfort her, Y/N stayed away from Elijah when Hayley was in the room. The witch knew Elijah loved the hybrid and Y/N didn't need magic to see how Hayley looked at the Original. It didn't take Elijah long to notice that Y/N hadn't spent the night in his bed for a few nights let alone be around him.
"Rebekah, where is Y/N?"
"Out with Nik. She is helping him get a gift for Hope's birthday." Rebekah answered smiling at her brother as Elijah nodded his thanks. It was a bit late when Y/N and Klaus returned home which Elijah took it to swoop into the witch's bedroom cupping her face kissing her.
"El....Elijah?" Y/N squeaked out when the vampire pulled away holding her close pressing kisses on her skin as she soon found herself in Elijah's lap feeling his fangs brush against her neck.
"You have been avoiding me."
"I didn't....want to get....in the way of you and Hayley." Y/N said quietly as Elijah pulled away from her neck cupping her cheek rubbing it with his thumb. Elijah searched her face seeing the hurt in her eyes and noticing how she shy away from him.
"There is no me and Hayley, little heart. I was in love with her yes but when you came along and I have never felt so alive as I have with you." Elijah said kissing Y/N's neck as she flushed feeling a little overwhelmed by Elijah's feelings for her.
"I love you and only you. My heart belongs to you and I apologize if I made you feel otherwise." Elijah tells her watching her closely as the witch cupped his face her eyes wet with tears. Y/N shyly kissed the vampire then squeaked when Elijah growled taking over the kiss.
Elijah had flipped them both over pulling soft moans from the witch when his mouth was back on her neck. Y/N gripped his shirt whimpering when his hand found its way under her skirt feeling Elijah's fingers brushed against the lace she wore.
"You're trembling baby." Elijah teased lightly feeling Y/N tremble under him and clinging to him. The witch gripped the back of his is shirt as his fingers rubbed her though the lace while she pressed closer to Elijah rolling her hips. Elijah smirked against her skin as his fingers pushed her panties to the side finding her clit pulling the cutest sound from the witch that Elijah had ever heard.
"So responsive. What other sounds can I get baby?" Elijah purred leaving dark marks on Y/N's neck as she moaned against Elijah's shoulder feeling Elijah's fingers rub just a bit slower.
Elijah growled against Y/N's neck hearing Hayley shout his name as he pulled away making the witch whine from the lost of his touch. Elijah smirked looking down at Y/N seeing how needy she looked and leaned down kissing her.
"Shame to leave you so needy."
"Then don't." Y/N said softly opening his shirt and Elijah growled lowly as his control snapped. Y/N squealed when Elijah pounced upon her kissing her roughly as he took her clothes off.
"Klaus do you know where Elijah is?" Hayley asked seeing the Original hybrid since Elijah hadn't came when she called his name like he normally would. Klaus smirked as he had heard the sounds coming from Y/N's bedroom and knew right away where Elijah was.
"Not a clue. Why?" Klaus lied smoothly as he wanted to know just what Hayley was up to so he could protect Y/N if he had to.
"I need help with check out a witch."
"A witch?" Klaus asked staring at the female hybrid just as Elijah walked in wearing just a slacks and a white botton up with sleeves rolled up. Y/N was right behind him limping a bit making Klaus's smirk get bigger as Hayley stared at the witch as she made her way to Klaus.
"You and Y/N work things out Elijah?"
"We did Niklaus." Elijah said watching their soulmate flush hiding her face in Klaus's neck making the hybrid chuckle. Hayley realized what they were talking about and the fact Elijah's scent was all over the witch.
"Elijah, can we talk?"
"Yes. Will you be fine Y/N?" Elijah asked getting a shy nod from the witch as Klaus chuckled kissing her head.
"What happened to not caring for your soulmate?" Hayley told Elijah after pulling him out to the hall away from the den. Elijah looked at Hayley as he sighed looking at the herb garden that Y/N made.
"That was until I knew her. Hayley, I didn't believe she was real but the day Rebekah brought her home....my heart bursted it was like I could breath again."
"Elijah....you promised me a forever or was that a lie?" Hayley said grabbing Elijah's hand as he looked at her feeling nothing for her. Elijah cupped Hayley's cheek watching her sigh leaning into his touch.
"I did but that was before you married Jackson. I am choosing to let you go Hayley." Elijah said softly kissing Hayley's forehead as tears fell from her eyes. Elijah pulled away turning away from the hybrid headed back to the den.
"So you are choosing a witch over me?! I loved you first and you can't just throw it away!"
"What do you want me to do?! Throw Y/N away like she means nothing? Like we are not tied to one another?!"
"Yes Elijah! I love you." Hayley tells Elijah tears rolling down her face taking his hands into hers looking up at him silently begging for him to choose her. Elijah just kissed Hayley's hands before letting them go.
"I'm sorry Hayley but I need her." Elijah said walking away leaving Hayley standing there crying before leaving the Abattoir to do something that would destroy all she would had have with Elijah.
"Everything alright?" Klaus asked seeing Elijah walking back in with a frown on his face. Elijah looked at Klaus seeing Y/N asleep on his brother walking over running his fingers over her hair.
"Yes. Everything is fine." Elijah whispered sitting next to them smiling softly as Klaus looked at Elijah for a moment before handing his brother a book. Both enjoyed the quiet before Kol and Rebekah came bouncing in to take Y/N.
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Room For Dessert
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anon requested- Can you do a smut where rossi has a dinner party but also has his Niece staying with him because her apartment is being fumigated. Her and Spencer hit it off and go at it.
anon requested- smut 54: you better be quiet or everyone is going to know what a naughty little slut you are. and 59: such a needy little thing, aren't you? with Spencer
Contains: fingering (female receiving), hand job (male receiving), mention of pregnancy/breeding kink, name calling, slight degradation, unprotected sex, swearing, sexual acts in a public setting
I had never met my uncle David's co-workers before. He had always talked about introducing us, but it just never seemed to be the right time. It seems that today though, the world decided it was the right time.
He was having a dinner party tonight and my apartment needed to be fumigated. What luck!
I figured I would be staying with him for a couple days, so I packed my things after work yesterday. Now it was Saturday, the day of the party, and time to head over.
I had to admit I was nervous. A dinner party with people I didn't know? Talk about awkward. But I decided to make the most of it.
Once I was at his house, he took me to a spare room that would be mine for the next few days and showed me where everything was. Not that I would remember since we're in a mansion.
A few hours passed and it was time for people to start arriving. As I was getting my party clothes on, I could hear voices downstairs. Guess I should hurry.
Once I was done with my hair, makeup, and clothes, I made my way slowly down the stairs. The voices got progressively louder as I got closer.
A few people were scattered around the immediate area. A dark-haired woman stood talking to a blonde woman over near the far side of the room. Uncle David was talking with an Asian man and a dark-skinned woman by the entrance to the kitchen. And lastly, a well-built Hispanic man sat talking to a blonde woman in colorful clothing and a tall, slightly unkempt man.
I wasn't sure where to go first so I just kind of stood on the bottom step without saying anything. Then Uncle David noticed me.
"Ah there she is! We've been waiting for you. Come on and mingle while the food is finishing up."
At his words, the room full of people all turned their heads toward me.
Slightly taken aback by all the eyes on me, I gave a small wave and a smile before making my way down to them.
"It's nice to meet you guys! I'm (Y/N). Uncle David has told me about all of you."
The woman wearing bright colors made her way over to me first, a glass of champagne in hand.
"It's so nice to meet you! Your dress is to die for!"
She then enveloped me in a one arm hug. I hugged her back and accidentally made eye contact with the tall guy in the back. He quickly looked away. What was he staring at me for?
"I'm Penelope by the way!"
She pulled away and smiled at me once more before making room for the next person.
Emily, JJ, Luke, Tara, and Matt all introduced themselves. The last guy must be...
"Dr. Spencer Reid," he said as he stuck his hand out to shake.
Oh. Oh wow.
Now that I got a closer look at him, I could see why his nickname was "Pretty Boy." If we hadn't been in front of so many people, I would've had to jump his bones right then.
I shook his hand shyly.
"It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. Aren't you a little too attractive to be in the FBI? How does anyone get their work done?"
Spencer cleared his throat and glanced around the room to see people start walking to the kitchen. The food must be almost done.
"Well, why don’t you sit next to me at the dinner table? I’ll make sure to tell you all about my...work,” he murmured as he made no attempts to hide his eyes roaming my body.
Did-did he just...?
Before I could think anything coherent, he began walking away. He was probably just messing with me. I’m just being stupid.
Still, my legs felt a bit weak as I made my way into the kitchen. They were all sitting down and the only empty seat was next to Spencer. As I approached, he jumped up and pulled out the chair.
“Here let me.”
He gave me a bashful look, not at all like the look he gave my body moments ago in the living room. What is this guy’s deal?
I gave him a small smile and took a seat. He pushed me towards the table and sat down next to me.
Uncle David did his toast thing to be thankful for everyone being here, and then we started dishing up our food. There was so much to choose from that my plate became full almost immediately.
“So tell me,” I said to the man next to me, “What’s it like to be the BAU’s resident genius?”
Spencer glanced at me as he gathered food onto his plate.
“Well, I wouldn’t say that an IQ score or any amount of knowledge makes someone a genius. Not that both of those aren’t high for me, but I don’t like to quantify the term genius.”
He paused for a moment before continuing.
“But between you and me, it feels pretty good.”
I giggled and he smiled at me. He has a nice smile.
“Hey I made you laugh and it wasn’t at me. Maybe I’m getting somewhere with women.”
I traced the rim of my champagne glass before looking at him. I know I’d like to go somewhere with him...
“I don’t see how women aren’t all over you, Doctor. I mean. Have you looked in a mirror?”
Spencer chuckled and smiled, almost nervously.
“I’d rather look at you.”
My cheeks got hot and I blinked rapidly. Oh no. This is it. It’s happening.
But I hadn’t forgotten that look he gave me before we sat down. I hadn’t forgotten the way he undressed me with his eyes. If he wanted to mess with me then I would mess with him too.
I leaned over slowly so no one would notice and began talking in a low voice in his ear.
“What parts of me would you like to look at, Doctor?”
Spencer choked on his drink when I finished speaking. I leaned away feeling accomplished and with a painful twitch in my chest from trying not to lose my shit at him sputtering like an idiot.
But it would seem that karma is, in fact, a bitch.
“How about I start with those pretty tits of yours?”
It was my turn to choke on my drink this time. This earned me a few glances from the people across from me at the table.
“You two okay over there?” Emily asked us, having no clue what was really happening on our side of the table.
Spencer gave me a fake confused glance and then met Emily’s eyes.
“Of course, why wouldn’t we be?”
She shrugged and seemed to leave it at that, turning back to her conversation with JJ.
“How about...,” Spencer began next to me in a low voice so that no one would hear, “We have a little fun?”
I raised an eyebrow at him, not really sure what he meant by that.
He widened his eyes and looked me up and down in response as if to say, “You know exactly what I mean.”
I tried not to smile as big as I wanted to, so I settled on a sly grin in his direction to let him know I was game.
His body seemed to relax in relief almost, something I wasn’t expecting. Was he genuinely interested in me or was he just messing with me because I happened to be here?
I tried distracting myself from these thoughts and started actually eating, since we were at a dinner party after all.
A few minutes went by of idle conversation, although I wasn’t really listening. I responded in short sentences and nods in between bites of food, but my mind was elsewhere.
It wasn’t too long though, until my mind went straight to my thigh, where a hand could be felt slowly making its way up.
Trying not to make it obvious, I turned towards Spencer with a shocked look on my face. He wasn’t even looking at me, he was looking ahead and having a full conversation with Matt and Luke. How is he multitasking this well?
His hand- his very large and warm hand- made its way even farther up, snaking towards my center with a painfully slow pace.
I knew what he was planning, and I was ready for it. At least, I think I am.
His finger brushed against the edge of my panties and he paused. When I looked over at him, he had his chin casually resting on his other hand and was looking at me sideways. He raised an eyebrow to ask me if it was okay.
In response, I took his hand that was so close to where I wanted it to be, and brought it down so that he could feel the wet spot forming just from thinking about what he was getting ready to do.
I think this shocked him a little, so he cleared his throat and looked ahead, picking up another conversation with Tara.
He made his way back to where he was and began slipping fingers past the hem of my panties. They were warm and soft, but still, I shivered.
I tried my best to continue on as normal while people talked to me, but as soon as I felt the pad of his pointer finger stroking my folds, I choked on my words.
No one seemed to notice, so I continued on like nothing happened.
He was teasing me now, touching around my entrance but never going in it. How irritating.
I’m sure he sensed my frustration, since he chuckled under his breath and immediately shoved a finger inside me.
I inhaled sharply, not expecting the force or suddenness. This seemed to please him; at least I’m assuming he was pleased based on the grin that graced his features.
He continued working while he talked, never stopping the motions of going in and out of me. He even began rubbing my clit with another finger while he fingered me. He must be really good at piano. And guitar, for that matter.
It was starting to get a little warm, and my body began reacting to the way he was relentlessly rubbing my clit in hurried circles.
“Spencer,” I hissed so that no one else could hear.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“I believe I’m trying to make you cum on my fingers.”
My breath hitched in my throat as I felt my core tighten. I looked around to make sure no one had heard us. The coast seemed to be clear.
“You’re gonna pay for this, asshole,” I choked out.
This seemed to only fuel him. His fingers began relentlessly attacking my swollen bundle of nerves and they did not stop. Not even close. He only got faster and faster, and I have no idea how that was even possible to begin with.
I wanted to smack the smirk that appeared when I tightened around his fingers right off his stupid face.
His eyes roamed my sweaty, slightly red face and he slowly pulled his hand from my panties.
Spencer then turned back to his plate and picked up the last bit of his dinner roll that was left. He placed it in his mouth, along with the tips of his fingers that were just in my panties. He pushed the roll farther in his mouth so that his fingers were halfway in. Then he slowly withdrew them, his lips never leaving those damn fingers.
“Mmm Rossi,” Spencer began, turning away from me and to the man he called, “These rolls are really good. Did you make them yourself? I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything like it.”
This time I choked on my own saliva. So of course, I had a coughing fit that drew everyone’s attention to me.
“Oh my gosh, (Y/N) are you okay? Take a sip of water!” Penelope told me in honest concern for my well being.
I finished coughing and took a long gulp from my glass. I only wished it was whiskey instead of water right now.
“I’m okay, really,” I said, holding my hands up in front of me, “Just... swallowed my food too fast.”
This seemed to satisfy everyone so they all turned back to each other, Spencer’s comment about the rolls forgotten.
“That’s what you get for calling me those mean names, princess,” Spencer murmured next to me.
I stayed silent in response. Two could play at this game.
Without hesitation, I placed my hand against his crotch. And it was... something. I’m not sure if he was that hard or just- that big. Either way, my heart skipped a beat. But I didn’t let that stop me.
I slipped my hand beneath the waistband of his pants and made contact with what I was looking for. I felt him twitch under my touch, but his face gave nothing away to the others at the table.
So I started working. Tracing the length of what I could reach, and rubbing along his shaft with precision.
He took in a sharp breath as I made my way closer to the tip, and he quickly cut a glance my way.
I paid him no mind as I continued, making sure to eat off my plate like normal so as not to draw suspicion. Looking around, I could see that most people were finishing up their food, so I didn’t really have a lot of time left. I started going faster, putting more pressure onto his dick as I went. 
When I looked up to check the scene, I saw Spencer gripping his fork with white knuckles. He was holding on for dear life. Good. 
It was then that a few people began to excuse themselves from the table to go mingle some more before dessert. Shit. I had to hurry. 
I kept picking up speed, probably too much to be honest. But it worked. Spencer stiffened under my touch and a warm, wet spot was now forming in his pants, coating my fingers. He cleared his throat to try and drown out the noise he wanted so badly to make instead. 
I took a deep breath, satisfied with my work, and slowly removed my hand from his pants. It was just us, Penelope, and my uncle left at the table. They were in the middle of a conversation anyway. Luck was on my side tonight.
Spencer excused himself in a hurry, and I waited a few minutes before doing the same. I had no idea where he went, so I just had to walk around and find him somehow. We had unfinished business. 
A few minutes went by of me searching the halls, hopefully not drawing attention to myself. And then I found him, leaning against a wall and looking out the window in front of him. 
When I approached him, I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could get any words out, he grabbed my wrist roughly and pulled me into a closet. Spencer shut the door quietly behind us, though I could tell that he wanted to slam it. Uh oh.
“What the hell was that?” he hissed through gritted teeth.
“I was just playing along! Isn’t that what we wanted to do from the beginning?”
Spencer ran a hand through his hair. Oh, how I wanted to do the same thing.
“Obviously. I’ve been wanting to fuck you senseless since I laid eyes on you.”
My heart skipped a beat and the pulse suddenly went down into my core instead.
“Well do it then,” I murmured while gripping onto his forearms. There was enough space in this closet for many different positions. I just wanted to be as close to him as possible.
“I don’t know if you know what you’re getting yourself into,” Spencer groaned while palming my ass roughly.
“Mmm, I don’t care. I’m on the pill, by the way. So I wanna feel you. All of you. Although I have a pretty strong feeling you’d get off on putting a baby in me, Doctor,” I whispered into his ear before pressing my chest against his. I felt his breathing stop for a split second.
“Shut up,” he growled. It seems I pushed a button.
“Make me.”
Without a word and without hesitation, Spencer shoved me against the wall behind me and locked his mouth onto mine.
It was better than I could’ve imagined. And I had imagined it a lot over the course of tonight.
His tongue immediately shoved past the barrier of my lips and teeth, finding shelter in my mouth. The groans that came from him could have undone me right there, so I held onto his shoulders for dear life. His hands found his way to my ass, and he pushed me against his erection. His very large, very intimidating erection. And then all too soon, he pulled away, a string of saliva and swollen lips the only evidence of what had just happened.
“Who said you were allowed to tease me, huh? You've been pushing my buttons all night, and now look at you. A writhing mess underneath me. Such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
I shivered as his words reached my ears. So he had noticed I was already falling apart once again.
“God,” he moaned into my neck as he pushed me against his dick.
I couldn’t help myself- I moaned with him. The friction of him against my pulsing core was almost too much to handle.
“You sound so good,” he growled in my ear.
We stopped suddenly when footsteps could be heard nearby. I glanced at Spencer in a panic and started to move away from him. But before I could, he hastily shoved his hand over my mouth.
"Oh no, we're not stopping. Not when it’s getting this good. So you better be quiet or else everyone will know what a naughty little slut you are. Understand?"
I whimpered against his fingers and nodded at him. He gave me a wicked smile in return.
"Good girl. Now take off your panties and wrap your legs around me so I can feel just how tight your cunt really is. I have a feeling my dick will feel a lot better inside you rather than my fingers.”
With shaking hands, I slid my panties off and kicked them away.
Spencer must have enjoyed what I did because he licked his lips eagerly, never breaking his gaze towards me. Before I made my way back over to him, I couldn’t help but notice how hard he already was. This wouldn’t take long. Less of a chance we would get caught, thankfully. 
He pulled down his pants and boxers roughly, quickly stepping out of them like I had done moments ago. He made no motion to remove the clothes on his top half, solidifying the thought that this would be over quickly. How bittersweet. 
Without another word, I practically jumped into his arms, our mouths meeting immediately and moving against the other ferociously. But all of a sudden, he pulled away, and it pissed me off more than it should have. 
When I saw why he did though, I wasn’t angry anymore. 
He had picked up the belt he had been wearing from the floor, and was holding it in front of me with a dangerous look in his eye. 
“I don’t trust you to be quiet. Open,” Spencer said in a gravelly huff. 
I did as he asked without hesitation, and he roughly shoved the leather belt into my mouth, commanding me to bite down on it. 
Oh shit.
Without missing a beat, he picked me up and laid me down on the floor, extremely gently compared to how he had previously put the belt in my mouth. 
“Good thing you’re already so wet,” Spencer purred, looking down at my exposed core. “Otherwise, this might hurt a little. We don’t have a lot of time.”
Unfortunately, it did still hurt. But God, did it hurt so good. 
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vixenpen · 4 years
Look me in the face and tell me that a thick asf, black, bookworm fem reader is the next door neighbor of the sexy twitch streamer or cam boy Shinsou, who wants nothing more than to make you his and have you screaming his name doesn’t sound hot! I dare you 🗿 She’s so shy and sweet and Shinsou just wants to know how loud she can be after the two get to know each other more
Omg that’s so hot 🤤 if y’all can’t tell, I love men secretly pining and lusting after unknowing female readers. ESPECIALLY if they are shy, nerdy, and or curvy/thicc girls. So Inhad fun with this
Girl Next Door (Shinsou x Black Reader)
Quirkless AU
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(Art by: @raikiriart)
Shinsou kept his blinds opened when he gamed. He always joked with his viewers that it was for the natural lighting.
“Y’all know the sun really brings out the purple in my eyes.” He’d smirk, and that was that.
They didn’t need to know the real reason he kept them open. His violet eyes flitted towards the window again as he mindlessly navigated the game. That’s when he saw you walking into the complex.
“Uhh, alright guys, I think that’s about it for today. I’ll be back on tonight for our midnight stream,” his eyes flicked over to the window again. You were checking the mailbox. Perfect. “Until next time, later guys.”
Shinsou quickly shut off his computer and threw on a pair of shoes before rushing down the stairs.
“Hey there bookworm.” Shinsou grinned as he approached you.
As soon as you turned and flashed him your little brace face smile, he felt an arrow pierce his heart. God you were adorable. With your colorful braces and glasses and pretty chocolate dimples.
“Hey yourself, e-boy.” You replied.
“Get anything interesting?” Shinsou nodded at your stack of mail as he opened his own mailbox.
“A new book.”
“Of course,” he shot you a smirk.
“Of course,” you giggled.
“Well, hey, that’s what makes you my little book worm.” He teased.
You glanced away your shy little dimpled smile making his heart flutter.
“Well, I better get upstairs,” you said, “I have studying to do.”
“Alright then,” Shinsou’s heart sank a bit at the thought of losing time with you. “Mind if I walk up with you?”
Shinsou let you lead the way.
You two were neighbors and had come to be good friends; often walking up to your apartments together. So you thought nothing of it when he took up space behind you. Not even feeling the predatory gaze on your ass.
Shinsou’s friendly face fell into an almost hungry gaze as you strutted in front of him. There was something about your cute face juxtaposed with your stacked curves that drove him crazy. Your round ass bounced with every step as you led the way up the stairs. He tucked his hands in the pockets of his joggers and stroked the bulge growing in his pants as your ass wiggled.
Stop being such a creep man.
He chastised himself as you bounced up the stairs, but fuck he couldn’t help it.
All he could imagine was how loud he could make your soft little voice scream for him while he pounded into your thick ass from the back or watched your bouncy tits jiggle in his face.
“Hey, y/n,” Shinsou piped up before he could stop himself.
“Yeah?” You cocked your head.
“I was wondering if you wanted to come over and order take out. We can just watch a movie or somethin’..or not! I don’t want you to think I’m tryna Netflix and chill or something!” Even though he totally was.
You felt your face burn. In all the time you and Shinsou had been neighbors, you had always had a crush on him, but never knew how to express it. You honestly never expected anything more than friendly mailbox banter; so getting invited to his house was a pleasant surprise to say the least.
“O-oh, um—Sure!”
“Really? Ahh, I have to stream tonight at midnight, but how bout eight?”
Your cheeks burned as you nodded. “Sounds good.”
“Alright, I now have an hour to make this place look presentable.” Shinsou gazed around his messy bachelor pad.
He managed to make his place decent and changed from his joggers into jeans and a t-shirt. He even combed his messy purple locks a bit. He wanted to look good for you guys’ first hang out session. After all, he couldn’t believe you had actually agreed to hang out with him. Shinsou had been crushing on you for months, but he didn’t think he was actually good enough for you. You were smart and studious and hard working and he was pretty sure you only viewed him as a lazy gamer guy.
That was why he had to impress you. This was his first shot to make a real impression and maybe score a real date with you.
He wondered how you would wear your hair and makeup. If he’d finally get to see those curves of yours hugged in a dress. He groaned aloud, thinking about running his fingers over your body.
“Fuck...” he muttered, feeling his dick flex at the thought of your thick chocolate body writhing under his.
Shinsou stroked himself through his jeans growing harder as his thoughts about you ran wild.
I can’t act like this when she’s around. I’ll scare her off for sure.
Ok. He had twenty minutes. He could just rub one out, right? That way when you got there he wouldn’t be thinking about throwing you on the kitchen table and deep dicking you until you were a groaning mess.
You knocked at Shinsou’s front door. You stepped back and bounced on your toes a bit.
When he opened the door, you felt your heart quicken. He looked so handsome. You weren’t used to seeing him in jeans and you could see how well sculpted his chest was through his shirt.
“Hey, bookworm.” He smiled.
“Hi, you.” You replied.
“Come on in.”
As soon as Shinsou ushered you inside you were intrigued by all the cool super hero posters and pictures of friends on the family.
“DC guy, huh?” You smirked at him as you observed his DC posters.
“For the most part,” Shinsou replied, coming up to your side. “I like the world building more in DC; feels a bit more real to me than Marvel. I don’t know why, but I have to admit I like Marvel’s villains more.”
“Hmm. I’m the opposite.”
Shinsou’s brow quirked as he grinned down at you.
“Oh yeah?”
You nod, shrugging. “I just think marvel has cooler, more powerful heroes and I like the world building in marvel. But I think DC has cooler villains and I like the grimmer grittier vibe.”
“Hmmm, let me find out my bookworm is a comic buff.”
Your heart fluttered again at the possessive nickname, but you mask it with a grin. “Try me.”
By the time the pizza arrives you and Shinsou are deep in your conversation about movies, comics, books, and your favorite shows.
Shinsou proudly shows you his custom PC and set up and swells with pride at how you gush over his build.
He loves hearing about your studies and theories and you guys bounce ideas off of each other for hours.
Before you both know it, it’s eleven o’clock.
“I’m so sorry, Shin. I didn’t mean to hold you up.”
“Trust me, y/n, if it wasn’t for that alarm I wouldn’t have even noticed the time. This has been really fun.”
The grin that lit up your face made your dark eyes sparkle and Shinsou desperately wanted to kiss you.
“Yeah. It was fun. I’m really glad we did this.”
“Yeah, totally. We should...do it again sometime. Maybe we can go out for dinner next weekend?” He offered, carefully.
You glanced away, sweetly, composing yourself before meeting his eyes again with a shy nod.
“I’d like that a lot.”
“Cool,” Shinsou grinned, scratching the back of his neck as a blush burned on his cheeks. Guess I’ll hop over next door and pick you up huh?” He chuckled.
“Sure.” You giggled back. “Well...night, Shin, have fun on your stream.”
“Night, y/n.” He smiled back.
As soon as you were out the door, Shinsou wanted to whoop and holler. Holy shit! He couldn’t believe he’d finally did it! Not only did he ask you to hang out, he scored an actual date with you!
Not only that, he finally got to know you beyond just a few words, and you were totally cool!
Knowing how cool and interesting you are coupled with your sweet, shy nature just made you more attractive to him.
He couldn’t help being even more turned on. You were like the perfect girl. Shy and sweet and nerdy and cool and Thicc as fuck.
He couldn’t wait to get to know you better in more ways than one...
He felt himself stirring once again and sighed, palming himself through his jeans.
“Dammit,” he muttered, eyes fluttering shut in frustration. “I’ve really gotta stop working myself up over you, bookworm.”
Alright. He had an hour. He could take care of his ‘little problem’ before he started his stream. He would be thinking of you riding his face the whole time.
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
New Years Prompt: Kiibo w/ alternate prompt
Specifics: "hmmm i will try my best, how about S/O asks Kiibo spend New Year together and teaching him how to celebrate by spending time with him! if that makes sense ^^"
Entry for @hanamura-manami
When Kiibo said he wanted to learn everything about New Years, he wasn't kidding. Asking you to be his teacher was fine of course, but the guy has the biggest amount of childish curiosity you'd ever seen. You got the image of a cat and a dog put together when he was intensely listening to your words. Imagining that one stubborn lock of hair he could never seem to keep down as a tail made the image come into full view.
"Can you explain that for me again?"
"Sure. You know where you got lost?"
"Yeah, I got lost around-"
"Oh. Wow...I really have been missing out....haven't I?"
"I'm sorry."
"...It's fine. Do continue though! I want to know everything about your New Years traditions Y/N."
"Alright then....What should I cover next?"
You could only offer a short summary of everything you knew. Most of your explanations only left him with more questions. Anything you couldn't answer, he'd delve into the internet to find the answer to. Quite a common occurrence seeing as he was an extremely sheltered kid up until high school. He was pretty straight-faced back then too, almost lifeless. You're not sure what his father was really doing, but "Proffessor" Idabashi didn't seem to want to fill you in when you actually visited Kiibo at home. You ended up being one of the many people that brought color into Kiibo's previously dull world.
"Does this mean we're going to have a party?"
"I think it's be best for your first New Years to just be the two of us."
"Oh... I don't think that really lines up with anything I read online though... Isn't this supposed to be a celebration?"
"Kiibo, don't you think you'd become too distracted trying to help me prepare stuff for a party that will only last for as long as people are in our apartment? We'd end up in the kitchen for the majority of the party if we started sending out invites today. Besides, we have no idea if everyone else has plans already with their families."
"Ah! Not everyone though!"
That little magical tablet he's been carrying around with him still comes in handy, even now. He was scrolling through the list of contacts he had. Not that you could really see until he turned the screen towards you with a big smile. You have to admit that seeing him excited about something like this is enough to waiver your opinions and let a few people over.
"What about Saihara?"
"He's most likely working on a case tonight, but if you want to call him go ahead. I'm sure he wouldn't mind the company."
"Maybe we can invite Mui-"
"I will not let that vulgar-mouthed women into my home just to have her make fun of me again."
"I'm sure she didn't mean it..."
"Kiibo. Do not invite her. Shuichi I can understand. He's polite and quiet. I don't mind him being here."
"You remember how she used to be though.."
"And I know how she is now. Listen, I know you guys are close. I just can't handle her right now. She changed, in a way I can't approve."
He seemed to shake it off going down the list of people to invite over before the day was over. It seemed to turn into a quick back and forth game of yes and no's.
"What about Tenko?"
"Hon, Tenko is training right now. It's all over her social media accounts, pictures of her sensei, the dojo, pictures of her what appears to be her sending someone across the room. She's halfway across the city right now. It's really nice to see her be so passionate about her craft.... She was so timid before."
"She's doing a private magic show today. I have no idea where she is though. I doubt she'll want to take a taxi here though."
"......Where is Kaito? Have you even heard from him recently?"
"....Not really. He keeps posting images of rockets on his Instagram story though."
"Huh, he must have finally reached his dream of being famous. Good for him. That space program thing straightened him out a lot."
For a moment, Kiibo seemed to have gone quiet when he reached the name of someone he didn't particularly have the best history with. You knew who it was without needing to look at the screen.
"You want to invite Ouma?"
The glare you got from him made you chuckle.
"I thought as much. I didn't mean it hon."
His eyes quickly softened, seemingly remorseful. You can understand why. Ouma used to tease him, something you put a stop to yourself. He had just as much of a distaste for him as you did for Mui. You knew he'd never bring himself to hate anyone though.
"It's not that I hate him or anything he's just...."
"He's difficult to handle. He's loud, likes to make a mess, and can be a little rude or disrespectful. I get it."
"Y/N, he asked me if I had a d-"
"YES, yes I remember. God what a memory that was. Hard to think that was just a few years ago. Still can't believe he thought you were a robot, it was almost kind of funny really..."
"Mm...I'm very grateful that you wanted to stay with me throughout everything. I know that I still have a lot to work on..."
"Still shocked I said yes?"
"Yeah....I just...I don't know a lot about life. Not like you or our friends do at least."
"Just because he kept you in the dark doesn't mean I'm going to let anyone else do that. Unless it's like....you know, mental scarring."
"Yeah that was an uncomfortable conversation."
Much to his dismay, everyone he called seemed to be busy. He was pleasantly informed by Shuichi that he was now married. Apparently in the time between high school and the academy he had met and married a woman he became friends with online. Who would have guessed that he would have been married before the two of you? He certainly deserved it after everything he went through. The two of you could barely make out her name since he was talking so fast. He seemed so happy with Alexis.
"Hey guys I got to go. Dinner reservation y'know?"
"I hope it goes well."
"Thanks Ibadashi! I'll talk to you later ok?"
The only one who wasn't busy was strangely Tsumugi, but she insisted she didn't want to intrude on your evening together before promptly hanging up.
"That was weird."
"I thought Tsumugi liked being around people?"
"Maybe she'd just rather be alone today."
"......Should I just check she's ok?"
"Yeah, go ahead."
".....I feel like there's still so much left for me to learn...."
"You still have time to learn, so if you still have questions after today's over, then you can always ask."
"I guess I'm a little disappointed we didn't get to have a party."
"Well that generally for families to gather for. Like Christmas."
"All I have are you and dad."
"And all your friends."
"They didn't want to come over though."
"There's always next year hon. We just caught them a little too late this year. Don't take it too personally, ok?"
"What does it mean when the countdown starts?"
"It means that there is mere seconds left before the year is over."
When your turned to look at him, his face was bright red. He seemingly found something that had him a bit flustered.
"Something wrong?"
"Why are you all red then."
"Just read something I didn't expect to see."
"What, something scandalous?"
You exaggerated your words by moving your hands in a dramatic way. It got a small laugh out of him. Success!
"No, it's just that "Midnight Kiss" thing."
"Oh yeah...You're still not used to affection yet. That should be good practice for you."
"EXcuse me?"
His voice crack was enough to tease him over, but you wouldn't dare.
".....Do you not want to?"
"....I mean I do but.....it's so overwhelming..."
"You'll learn to get over that feeling after a while."
"Yeah, you just got to get used to having small amounts of affection per day, or big. Whatever you feel comfortable with of course."
The whole countdown went down without a hitch. He didn't really understand why that got him so excited until you gave him a quick peck. Something that wasn't really expecting this year.
"Did I surprise you?"
"Well, happy New Year Kiibo."
Hope you don't mind the guest appearances and twist on your prompt, I was trying to make it way more fun on my end.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
My lovely, when you get a chance and/or feel so inclined, id love you forever if youd write a part 2 to the story where Boba’s wife is prego, we need a little Fett heir to the throne lol. Ily! ❤️
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I couldn’t resist! Enjoy! 
Can be read as a stand alone or part 2 to this!
Boba Fett x Fem!Reader; no warnings
Star Wars Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You were tired, so tired. And why? You hadn't even done anything to cause you to experience the tiredness that was dragging you down. If anything, you should have been wide awake and ready to take on the day. But as soon as you'd gotten up and eaten breakfast, you were just about ready for a nap. 
That was after you'd rushed to the fresher in order to heave up everything you had just eaten.
Strange. It must have been something from breakfast - perhaps some of the fruit had been off or...something. There really wasn't anything that you thought it could be. But obviously something had disagreed with you. 
"What's wrong, Little One?" A concerned expression was on his face as he removed the helmet as he came back into your bedroom. He'd expected to find you flitting around the sprawling palace tending to odds and ins, but he hadn't spotted hide not hair of you all day, "I haven't seen you all day."
"Nothing," you offered up the best smile you could muster up as you looked up from the soft bed where you were currently buried under a mountain of blankets, "just taking a nap."
"You've been tired lately," a note of concern colored his tone as he came over and sat at the edge of bed. You made a small sound as you pouted at him, shrugging your shoulders lightly. He sighed before taking his hand and gently brushing the hair out of your face. He pressed the back of his hand to your forehead before following suit with your cheeks, "is everything alright?"
"Yes," you whispered softly, "I guess I'm just going through a phase. I'm sure its nothing - don't worry about me, Boba."
"I always worry," he inhaled and exhaled deeply before leaning down and pressing his forehead against yours, "I need to leave soon. I can stay if you prefer, if you're not feeling well."
"No, no, no," you insisted firmly, sitting up and fervently shaking your head, "Boba, you're not staying behind because of me. You've got to go and you will. Besides, someone needs to stay back and look over the place. It - I will be fine, I swear it."
"If you're sure-"
"Boba Fett," you tugged on his cowl, "You're going and that is final. Besides, I'll have Fennec here. Everything will be fine."
"I love you," he insisted as you beamed at him, "I'll be back soon. I won't be gone long."
"I'll hold you to it," you said as he kissed you gently, "promise me one thing?"
"Quit worrying so much!" you tapped his nose, attempting to make light of the situation, but Boba was not having it. It made you smile a little, however, to see this big, bad Mandalorian let you tease him in such a manner. Had it been anyone else in the galaxy, they would be dead on their feet within seconds, "Boba - for me? Try anyways?"
"I lost you once," he reminded you as a solemn look crossed your features, "I will not do it again."
"And I lost you too," he was not the only one who had suffered during your years of separation, "but we found our way back to each other. We always will - besides I'm not the one going out to hunt down quarry. I'll be here, safe and sound."
"Little One-"
"Boba Fett, are you forgetting that I once was the same as you?" you arched a brow as he huffed lightly and admitted silent defeat, "I am out of practice but I won't be alone. Now go and get ready - the sooner you leave, the sooner you'll be back."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
But then a week passed. And another. And then before you knew it, you were approaching three weeks without Boba. You knew he was fine, as you required, maybe even begged, for him to communicate with you and keep you in the loop as much as possible when he was gone.
But still - it wasn't the same as having him at home and within arms length.
Kriff. Hopefully he'd be back soon. Maybe -
But you didn't have enough time to think further into any sort of scheme as the contents of your stomach churned and you ran to the nearest the fresher. 
Fennec had been looking for you, concerned at this point for your health as well. You hadn't been looking well for weeks and she was sure something was up.
"Hey," she said gently with a rap of her knuckles on the door. You sighed heavily with a wipe to your mouth as you sat down on the floor. The sniper, small but fierce, came in and sat next to you, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze, "are you okay? This has been going on for weeks."
"I dunno, Fen," you admitted, "I think its just some bug but I can't shake. I'm sure it'll get better soon."
"And I'm sure you should go and see a healer," she was insistent and while she had inklings of suspicion, she wasn't going to mention those just yet, "or I'll be forced to tell Fett.”
“You’re worrying over nothing,” you insisted with a small roll of your eyes. Sometimes you didn’t know who was worse - Fennec or Boba. Surely one had to have learned from the other as they became increasingly protective over you, “it’s fine, Fen.”
“It’s my job to worry about you,” she reminded you softly, “otherwise Fett will have my head. Besides, I happen to care about you as well. Please go to the healer this afternoon and just get a check up. What can it hurt?”
“Fine,” you agreed, begrudgingly, crossing your arms over your chest, “fine. But when nothing is wrong, I will gladly tell you both I told you so.”
“We’ll see about that, Princess,” Fennec gently pushed your hair out of your face as you huffed lightly. You felt more like a child than a respected adult at that moment.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
As you made your way back home - the newly redone and revamped palace that was welcoming to all - an odd sense settled over you. You felt...a million different things all at once, but none of them seemed real. A few tears had run down your cheeks as you almost laughed to yourself. You certainly weren’t going to be able to tell them I told you so after this. 
And yet you didn’t mind - not at all. In fact, among all the worries and fears that rushed through your body, you were excited. Thrilled even. Who would have thought? 
Marching down the stairs to the throne room, you expected to find Fennec to share your news with her, but instead you found a different sight. One that sent a spike of excitement flowing through your blood.
“Boba!” you hopped down the last few steps and bounded over to him. He immediately looked up from what he was working on, a smile gracing his features as he held his arms open to you. You almost bowled him over in your excitement, a feat compared to how much of a tank he was in the armor, “my love - you’re home!”
“As are you,” he kissed the top of your head before putting his hands on either side of your face, “Fennec told me you went to see the healer. Is everything alright?”
“Yes, but it can wait - how was your trip?”
“It was fine,” he gave you a curious look, “just business as usual. Now tell me - what aren’t you telling me?”
“You weren’t hurt or anything were you?” you looked him up and down, checking his face to make sure there were no new marks or injuries before following suit with the parts of him that were exposed to you. He scoffed lightly as you fawned over him, but deep down the big bad bounty hunter lavished in your praise, “no mishaps?”
“No mishaps, no injuries,” he promised as you peppered a few kisses across his cheeks, “out with it, Little One. I know you’re hiding something, you always get like this.”
“Hmmm,” you mused as you took a step backwards and tried your best to keep from brimming over with excitement, “and you are always a big worry wart over nothing, my love.”
“Only when it comes to you,” he insisted with a waggle of his finger, “now out with it, what’s going on.”
“Remember how I was feeling before you left?” you asked and he nodded with a grimace, “well I haven’t been feeling better-”
“You told me you had,” he accused as you gave him a sheepish look, “were you lying to me?”
“Maybe…” you plastered on the most innocent expression you could, “but none of it matters-”
“Of course it does!”
“Hush,” you held a finger up to his lips in order to silence him, “lemme finish. Well, this morning I still wasn’t feeling better, and Fennec insisted I go to the healer. She insisted and said you would too.”
“Of course I would, I’ve been telling you since -”
“I know, I know, I know,” you rushed out the words, very fiber of your being trembling with excitement, “I found out the reason I haven’t been well.”
“Is it a bug?” he asked as you shook your head, causing him to tilt his head to side in confusion, “if it’s not...what could it possibly be?”
“I’m pregnant,” you blurted out excitedly, unable to hold back any longer. Boba’s face shifted through about a million expressions as he looked at you expectantly and you nodded. A smile tugged on the corners of his mouth before he pulled you into his arms, clutching you against him as tightly as he possibly could, “we’re having a baby, Boba!”
“A baby,” he back as he studied your face, gently wiping away at the tears that had rolled down your cheeks while his own eyes glistened as well, “Little One - cyare - this is far better than I could have expected.”
“I know,” you agreed as he kissed you, “I never thought...it all makes sense now. The fatigue, not being able to keep food down - it’s so obvious. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner.”
“A baby,” he was incredulous, unable to form a coherent thought at the exciting news. He never thought he would get this - you, a baby, an empire, anything - but it was, all coming to bless him at once. He had never been more thankful than in that moment. He looked down at your stomach, where there was still no evidence of your pregnancy just yet, but sighed contentedly before placing a gentle hand over it. He couldn’t wait to see you grow round with your child - his child - as time went on. If you thought he was protective over you before, then you were in for something else. Now that he had everything he could possibly ever want, he was never letting it go. 
“You’re - you’re happy right, my love?” you asked as he met your eyes, lips trembling as they were tugged up lightly in the corners. Touching his cheek lightly, he keened into your touch before you gave him a gentle kiss, “I know we didn’t...plan this, but I’m happy.”
“Me too,” he promised as he wrapped you into another warm hug, this time being gentle with your stomach as you laughed, “I am happier than any man deserves to be. All thanks to you, Little One. I love you.”
“I love you too Boba,” you agreed, “I am so happy, so so happy. But there is one thing…”
“You’re not going to be able to call me Little One much longer,” you grinned as you put on your belly, “not once the real little one comes around.”
“Nonsense,” he insisted softly, “you’ll always be my Little One, Princess. Always.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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inkly-heart · 3 years
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Catherine-was drinking her coffee but then flinches slightly when other bumps into her, spilling some coffee on her shirt-”Ah....today is not my day..” She mumbles and turns around, looking at the guy who was nervously apologizing-”It’s ok, but you should be more careful.” She said as she’s trying to clean her shirt..   //More asks under the cut!!!//
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PG-”You caught a human? Hmmm..well, I don’t really have anything to do at the moment sooo.. I guess I could join, hehe.” He said, grinning and wiggling his long tail..
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Hell yeh!
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The hair can be the same color or blank but you can also give it a different color if you want. But I did forget to mention that the genitals and nipples are also the same color as the eyes and tongue.xDD
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Stalker-slowly leans closer and whisper to your ear-”I can’t wait to taste you on my lips.”
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This might sound horrible but I have never seen the movies-sweats- But I have seen some things about Jason so I know lil bitxDD And I could see DG dress up as himxDD I can also imagine his mom to like wearing the sweater^w^ 
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Yeah! He would^^ (and Thank you!)
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Angel- cheerful and energetic. She doesn’t suffer hangovers.
Catherine- more chill. Slight grumpy but tries to deal with it by taking painkillers.
DG- giggly and more careless. He either sleeps or has a lazy day.
Stalker(Damon)- emotional. He usually sleeps the next day.
Milla- angry but at the same time some way calm. She stays inside and avoids sun/loud noises.
Gunther- tired. small headache and has bad junk food craving.
Sal- giggly and tired. He feels tired but he would still try do art.
Leevi- flirty but more lazy. Also sleeps the next day
Rasmus-  Also flirty but triggers easily. eats something what he finds inside the fridge and plays rest of the day. (took Venni out because we know what kind of he is when he’s drunkxDD)
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D’awwww this is so cute idea!!❤️
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Hi! just finished reading your Tumblr request on AO3 and I just looooove your writing ;; if it's not a problem I wanted to ask how you imagine that Lucifer, Mammon and Beel would react to a MC who is usually very quiet and not very expressive, impossible to embarrass or make nervous, to suddenly, one day manage to make her blush for the first time (Also, English is not my first language, so I hope this is okey) I wish you a lovely week ❤
A/N: This is adorable! Sorry for the slow turn around, I hope you enjoy!❤
Stoicism is something he normally finds very attractive in a woman. To be able to keep such a level of calm outlook during even times that might even shake him. He loves the idea of a power couple, and the way you hold yourself. You definitely make one.
It does grate him that he can’t fluster you like you do him, especially during your time together in private. He tries multiple ways to even just draw some color to your cheeks. Flowers in the classroom, hand written invitations to private dining establishments and venues, he even went to the human realm just to find some kind of familiar comfort to give to you. You love them all he knows but he wants, craves to see an uninhibited reaction from you. He’ll get it one day, his pride depends on it at this point.
Luck graces him one evening after a hellish work day. A fight in the school yard leading to property damage he had to do extra paper work for. The only saving grace of that was it wasn’t one of his brothers, this time. Only followed soon after by a report of yet another racket engineered by Mammon. Then, to top off a horrible day one of Belphie and Satan’s little “pranks” blew up half his office.
All his loose or unprotected paperwork, gone. Nothing but smoldering bits of ash. He was now more than ever thankful to have you by his side. Before he could get his hands on the two you stepped in shooing him away to deal with the other fires that needed to be put out while you handled his office.
Things got done, in record time for once. He was able to rewrite his notes for the next council meeting, but at the cost of your weekday dinner together. A pity, but he knew you understood. Trudging up to his room he looked forward to perhaps a few hours of sleep before the next crisis struck. Then he found you.
He chuckles to himself quietly leaning against his door frame. You had beaten him to his favorite resting roost. You sat on his favorite armchair, rolled up tight in his comforter. All he could see was a tuft of hair and the very tip of your nose. Beautiful as always, but he wanted to rest. Well-two birds, one stone and all…
He scoops you up envious of how deeply you could slumber and places you on his lap. Kicking off his shoes he sighs blissfully before resting his head back on worn leather.
Mini fic
You didn’t expect to see Lucifer tonight. Today has been the absolute definition of a shit show, on nights like these it wasn’t uncommon for you not to see him at all. You would normally place your bets on him being unconscious at his desk. Though, he couldn’t really do that tonight. You pat yourself on the back mentally knowing that he would be pleased with the work you and the brothers did cleaning up his office. While you couldn’t get them to apologize to Lucifer you at least got them to clean up what was salvageable in his study.
After a few hours of cleaning his office was back in working order and your feet were screaming for a break. Bidding the two miscreants farewell and making them promise to hold off on the pranks for at least a week you let your body lead you to Lucifer’s room. The room was how you left it that morning. Your slippers next to his by the door and your robe tossed haphazardly on his linen sheets. You make a beeline for the only piece of furniture Lucifer loved dearly. How many nights had you snuck in only to see him melting into the old chain. His long legs sprawled out and tangled in his foot rest, while his body sinks into the imprints he has left from years of use like a lover's embrace.
Yanking the thin comforter from his bed you curl into the divots with a yawn. Before you know it your eyes close and the crackling of the fireplace lulls you to sleep. You awake with a jolt, confused and disoriented for a moment before your sleepy brain catches up. You fell asleep alone on the soft leather but woke to something unyielding beneath you now.
Lucifer sits underneath you snoring softly. His arms rest around your blanketed body. His head tilts down over you, his nose tickling your hairline. Like always he sports a mild look of annoyance. His lips were drawn in a scowl, brows crinkling in displease. You could tell his jaw was tense even while he slept.
Freeing your arms from your cocoon you reach up from him moving to cup his twitching jaw. With practiced ease you began to message the pin joints. You smile to yourself moving down to his tense neck and shoulders. This had become a nightly ritual for you when you shared a bed. When you knew he was asleep you would start trying to work away some of his tension from the previous day. You swear in the morning that he looks better on the nights you get the chance to.
This was your little secret though. You couldn’t bear the thought of him knowing you did this. Not that you thought he would disapprove. Lucifer appreciated acts of service, but just the thought of him knowing made your whole body heat in a flush. You push the thoughts away focusing instead on the extremely tight muscles underneath his brow line. It amazed you that he didn’t have any wrinkles after all this.
So engrossed in your perusal of his features you didn’t notice him stirring till his warm palm traps your hand to his cheek. Before you realize it his lips push a firm kiss into the flesh of your palm. Scarlet eyes meet yours crinkling around the edges. They were warm and radiant. “You’re blushing.” His voice was deep and husky from what little sleep he got.
“What?” You stammer.
Lucifer leans in tapping his forehead on yours. He studies your wide eyes and pink face for a moment before cracking a smug grin. “I’ve never seen you flustered before. Your blush looks good on you.”
“You caught me off guard.” He nods, kissing the tip of your nose tenderly taking impish glee in your squirming.
“Good-I will strive to do so more often. I wish to see you as undone as you make me.”
Stoic MC? Rare pair? Rare pair. Mammon wears his heart on his sleeve. Nothing about him is slick. From week one everyone knew he had it bad for you. He is so open with his affections whether he likes it or not. Unlike you.
Honestly, how were you always so controlled. Ain’t the dame supposed to be all blushy and giggly too? It-it makes him think he isn’t doing something right. Is he not treating you right? Were you unhappy?
So he goes to do what he does best. Scheme. There has to be someway to crack that stoic disposition of yours. He gets clingy-well clingier now. He starts springing random vacations on you. Expect to skip class whenever he thinks he won’t get skinned alive for it.
He’ll take you anywhere all his internet research tells him to. Black sand beaches, crowded boardwalks to see the lights, deserted hiking trails late in the evening to watch the fireflies. He is sure it will work. But nope, nada. You love every moment of it and show him with a soul searing kiss and sweet words of praise. But damn you if you aren’t always so cool about it.
He is about to throw in the towel when he finally gets what he wants. At work no less. It was completely by accident but he isn’t one to complain. Perhaps he should go to work more often.
Mini Fic
“Pucker up!” Mammon’s make-up artist orders, squeezing his cheeks between her thumb and forefinger. “And for Diavolo’s sake put your phone down.”
“Shove off Cazzin.” Mammon sputters around the sour tasting lip stain and plumper. His eyes still glued to his screen. His freshly done nails swiping at picture after picture of fancy hotels and spas. Just thinking about taking you a private spring got his blood boiling in the best ways.
“Woooow.” Cazz whistles through her fangs looking at his screen. “Who is the lucky lady you are trying to impress this time?
“Mammon bristles, shooting her a murderous glance. The smaller demon blanches, purple skin turning ashy with fear. Her eyes drop to the floor immediately in submission, a sincere apology falling from her lips. “My girlfriend.” He says finally after cooling down. “I’m-I’m trying to impress her or something.”
“Well, pretty sure with a price tag like that anyone would be impressed.” Mammon only grunts barely glancing at the excessive amount of zeros on the page. Any other girl he knew would be a blushing mess after getting a gift like this. Hells, even Cazz was eyeing the site with open envy and excitement. Yet, this wasn’t the first time he had done something like this with you. Every time he did all he got was a blisteringly radiant smile and kisses that probably could send him back to heaven if he didn’t have a life long ban there. Not that that was a bad thing...but he just wanted more.
“You would think so…” He trails off clicking his phone off to focus on the rest of his routine. No sooner had his hair and make-up artist finished then his director was stomping and shouting down the hall for him to get his ass on set. Grimacing Mammon slides off his seat stretching to spare himself a few more seconds of peace. He stops at the door taking one last look at his get up for this shoot.
Damn, he looks good. It was time for a new spring collection, but more importantly, his most popular season. The light spring colors always brought out his best features. The pastel cotton shirt they “fashionably” threw him in hung casually around his frame. Buttons “tastefully” undone to show the smooth planes of his freely waxed and oiled skin. The linen board shorts and finishing touch of leather sandals gave him the perfect beach vibe. At top dollar mind you.
Hmmm-perhaps he could borrow this outfit for your next beach outing.
Unable to tone out his bosses shouting anymore Mammon makes his way to set. He thinks hard on what else he can go or take you to impress you, ignoring the poking and prodding of his camera men and set designers. His partners today, two incubus twins stood sourly next to him. They had been at this for hours and even he was ready for a break from the sweltering heat of the lights.
“Alright! Alright!” The director broke an hour later tired of the twins whining. He throws his hands in the air in exasperation. “We’ll break for an hour for lunch- lost the light as is.” He huffs stumping off for a smoke break.
“Finally,” Mammon sighs from his pose on the ground. “Think I got sand in my ass.” He gets up from the ground grimacing as he tries to brush the grit off his legs. “Shit starts to burn when they get hot.” One of the twins nods looking down at their own arms. Tiny burn marks showing on their fair skin, they will heal by the time the shoot resumes, doesn’t mean they will be happy about it.
“Want to grab lunch?” The twins ask tossing him a towel to blot at his sweating brow. “New food truck is coming in today.” Mammon shakes his head. You had packed him something to eat this morning and he kind of wanted to enjoy it in peace for once.
Waving the two off he hurries back to his room already salivating at whatever tasty food you got him. Halfway to the door he stops, the fine hairs on his neck standing up. Someone was in his dressing room. Devil’s please don’t let it be another rabid fan. He pleads before creeping forward to check. Whoever it was left the door ajar, peaking in he stares enraptured.
When did you get here? It wasn’t abnormal for you to just drop by while he was working, but you usually waited for him on set behind the cameras. You sit humming to yourself reading something on your lap, feet kicking out innocently while you wait for him. Flipping a page he gets a glimpse of what you’re reading. His feathers ruffle in satisfaction. He had plans on showing you these shots before their release date. They still needed approval from his director but he knew they were great. You flip through shot after shot humming or nodding at some. One shot makes you stop fully, eyes growing wide.
Mammon snorts to himself, knowing exactly which photo you stopped on. The next issue was focusing on “Elegance in the work space”, whatever that means. His designer for the projects went a little overboard with the cuts and designs of the business suites he was to model. The sketches and drafts she had thrust at him had made his head spin. They were all amazing in his opinion, but one had been killer, everyone had agreed on that. If he didn’t know any better he was certain that it would put him on the cover. By the way you were looking at it, he was hoping it would.
That suit really complimented all of his features. It was form fitting accenting his slim waist but hid the slight sloping of his shoulders. The gold of the threading of his vest was done up in soft floral patterns that popped against the dark navy blue of the suit's fabric. The dark blue really brought out the lightness of his eyes. The look was topped off with a bright yellow silk pocket square, polished leather wingtips and gold cufflinks. He was about to interrupt you when he saw it, that one thing he wanted more than anything.
The pink starts at your ears swiping across the bridge of your nose before blooming on your round cheeks. It was breathtaking. Thinking he was being sneaky, Mammon whips out his phone for a quick picture, no one would believe him unless he had solid evidence. But the flash gives him away.
“Mammon!” You jump caught, hands flying to cover your warm face.
“Oi! None of that!” Mammon moves quickly snatching your hands away from your face beaming. “I’ve been waiting for ages to see this face on ya, an’ all it took was a picture of me?”
“You- you clean up really nicely, Mammon.” His hearts flutter at your soft admission.
“Huh,” Mammon scratches his neck, feeling his own blush coming forth. “Well- I mean I could do that more often, so long as you keep looking at me like this when I do.” He picks up the stack of photos from the floor where you dropped them in surprise. “Ya know- I still got that suit.”
Your face turns molten- oh he was going to have a field day with this.
Doesn’t even notice at first. He is kind of the same way with expressing himself too- unless food is involved. So if you are content then he is content, so who cares if you don’t show it on your face?
Well- he didn’t care, until Belphie brought it up. His twin didn’t mean anything by it; he knew that, but it made him wonder. He trusts you when you say you are happy, you have no reason to lie to him. But date nights, game nights, and family dinners you were always so impassive.
It makes him wonder, not enough to ask you though. Truthfully, he is a little embarrassed that he can’t read you as you do him. He won’t force it like his brothers might. He is patient and hopes one day it will just come naturally like it does for him around you.
Mini Fic
Beel watches you over his lunch. You two were silent as you ate, but that was to be expected on days like these. The school cafe was packed with students all jockeying to get a place in line for today’s special. He had gotten there early for the both of you to gap a few of the specials and sides before they were gone. “Are you ok?” He puts his fork down leaning in close to speak to you across the small table. It creaks dangerously under the weight of his elbows on it. You look up from your tea mug. He smiles at your perpetually mild expression, your eyes were hard but your lips and brows were relaxed giving away nothing.
“Of course.” You smile up at him, face smooth and controlled. “Just excited about tonight.”
Hmph, could have fooled him. Beel leans back, studying you intently. He hopes you were as excited as he was for tonight. A new arcade had opened on the edge of town last week and he thought it would be a great date night for the two of you. He had expressed to you on several occasions how he was looking forward to the roller rink and the hoop games. You seemed eager, giving him a closed lip grin every time he brought it up. “Me too.” Beel says finally turning back to his food. “Think we will win any prizes?”
You snort dismissively. “Us? The dream team? I would be surprised if we didn’t win something. Have you seen the plushies?” You pull out your phone and show him their Devilgram. “I want to try and get the hydra one…” You prattle on and scroll through all the cute prizes on their site. He nods along taking a mental note of all the ones that you pointed at, determined to get each and every one for you.
School goes by quickly, far too quickly for him. Each tick of the clock caught him by surprise, jacking his nerves up more and more. It wasn’t like it was his first date with you, but it never stopped the butterflies from starting in his stomach. After school he changes quickly and waits for you by your bedroom door. He fiddles with the zipper of his jacket until you finally open your door.
“Ready?” The smile you throw up at him is breathtaking. “Hope you don’t mind my get up. You mentioned a roller ring so I figured something sporty and functional would be appropriate.” You kick out a leg waving a hand over your bright sport leggings.
Beel chuckles offering you his large hand. “You look adorable as always.”
Being with you was as easy as breathing to him now. After all your time together in the house getting to know you you became one of his closest friends, even before you started dating. You shared many of his interests and wasn’t afraid to argue your point if you saw fit. You fill the train ride to the arcade with idle chatter, goofy selfies to send to his siblings, and annoying the other passengers with your ill-contained chuckles.
The place itself was packed but well spread out to handle the massive throngs of demons and beasts coming for drinks and a good time. “Come on!” You shout over the other very drunk and very loud customers tugging at his sleeve. “Let’s get some coins and find an empty station.” He lets you lead. You take full advantage of his impressive frame to part the crowds around you as you hunt for a free spot. “See anything?”
Beel peers over the heads of most of the demons and looks out. In the far corner sat a few jump rope games that were free. “Stay close.” He murmurs in your ear wrapping a protective arm your shoulders so you wouldn’t be swept away in the flow of the crowd. The games were...hard. Mentally Beel kicks himself. Of course an arcade in the Devildom wouldn’t be geared for humans. They were built for demons' fast reflexes and inhuman strength. You were a good sport about it though, cheering him on when the games began to move too fast for your senses. If a game broke in his zeal to get you tickets, well you were both fast walkers.
“Think we have enough?” Beelzebub asks hours later around a popsicle. His jacket pockets bulge with multicolored tickets screaming to be spent.
You hum around a scoop of ice cream. “Possibly-” Your eyes flick to the prize booth. “And extra, you want a plushie too?” He shrugs. No doubt the moment it got into his room Belphie will steal it to add to his horde.
You end up getting your stuffed hydra and a giant fuzzy minotaur to keep it “company”. You clutch them close to your chest, seemingly happy with your bounties. After that you spend a bit at the roller ring before you finally had to call it a night. Exhausted you lag behind Beel as you make your way back to the train station, feet dragging with each step.
Wordlessly, Beel stops just in front of you. “Here,” He squats, offering you his back, arms stretched out behind him. “I can take us the rest of the way to the stop.” He feels you hesitate for a moment before climbing on to his back.
“Thank you.” He thinks nothing of how soft your voice was, just barely a tickle at the base of his neck. Beel treks one once you are secure, stuffing his hands in his pockets to lock you in place. The rest of the walk was quiet but he didn’t mind it, your warm body and soft breathing in his ear was a comfort.
He stops at the benches with a few minutes to spare before your train. “We are here. Do you want-” He gasps quietly, cutting himself off before he could accidentally wake you. You sleep on unperturbed by his voice. Your hold on around his neck was tight, your head buried in his neck.
It seems only when you're sleeping do you let your guard down. A blush sweeps across your face, your lips pulled up into a serene smile. You looked-happy. Happy in a way he never saw before. He won’t say anything about it, he decides. He’ll cherish this tiny expression all the same. Perhaps one day he’ll see when you're awake too.
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athenamgh · 3 years
a/n: soo this is part twoo... part threee? Hmmm.. not sure yet..
paring/s: Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
summary: two broken hearts need to heal each other.. but will they..
warning/s: tears, angst, fluff (i am not sure....)
word count: 2.8k
Chapter I || Chapter II
Natasha Romanoff MASTERLIST
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As you stood in front of a mirror smoothing your palms over the small wrinkles on your dark velvet suit, the only thought that was lingering in your mind was how desperately you wanted to crawl up in a ball in your bed and just stay like that forever. You didn’t want to go to that party. 
Of course, you wanted to see your dear friends but the thought of how much it will hurt to see Natasha again was almost unbearable. The one that still was, as you understood from Wanda, just as unhappy as you were and you absolutely hated yourself for that.
Your eyes slowly started to travel up your body, the suit still suited you perfectly, shaping your strong arms and wrapping your torso just in the right way. Your gaze stopped at your neck, if a person had very attentive eyes he could spot two necklaces wrapping your neck. You could feel the material of dog tags coldy gazing at your skin, but the other, smaller necklace, you didn’t feel, you just knew it was there, but you didn’t dare to pull it out from under your shirt and look at it, you didn't have the strength, not yet at least.
You felt your heart race as your eyes slowly moved up your face, first they captured your dry lips and a small knife cut scar just above the right corner of your lip. Your tongue brushed it, feeling the roughness of the wounded skin. Finally your eyes connected in a mirror and you saw how your natural pupil color turned to hungry flaming red, your eyes now gloomy, the normal white conjunctiva turning black.
You clenched your jaw at the sight. And you heard a whisper, too familiar whisper: “This is exactly why you could never have her.”. You clenched your fist so tightly that made your knuckles turn white at the words. “You are weak” the voice screamed inside your head and you punched the mirror. It broke, the pieces fell to the ground and your knuckles now covered the blood because of the little cuts. You cursed to yourself remembering that you spent hours picking this mirror and now you will need to order another one again.
You already spent around an hour at Tony's party. And you were surprised at how you were still standing here and didn’t leave in the first thirty minutes, because the music was too loud for your enjoyment and people too unrecognizable. You made small talk with almost everyone you knew and now there standing next to the window, your right hand occupied with the glass full of liquid, the other one resting in your pants pocket.. Damn, you missed this view, you could oversee the whole night city from here. People, cars, animals, the smallest lights, streets and buildings, it all were at your feet.
“Unforgettable feeling, huh?” you didn’t even need to turn your head, to know who exactly was standing beside you.
“As you say old man..” you said chuckling, glancing to the side where Tony stood.
He embraced your shoulders with his left arm, “Ahh, that is exactly what I was missing this past year.” You looked at him with a bit surprised expression, arching your eyebrow at him, Tony never was a guy to share too much of his inner feelings. “What?” he asked. You threw your hands up in defence shaking your head. “Those suckers need you” he points over his shoulder, making you turn around and look at Wanda, Steve, Thor and others talking. “Also, I could use your brains for my new project.” 
“Do you?” you said playfully not looking back at him. Your eyes wandered through the crowded room, desperately searching for a certain someone, you haven’t seen yet.
Tony definitely noticed it. “It’s still Natasha, isn’t it?” he said quietly. You clench your hand tighter around the glass, taking a swing of the drink.
You closed your eyes, clenching your jaw as hard as you could just to relax it again. Taking a deep breath you answered “It’s always been her,” You chuckled “I am pretty sure it’s always going to be her.”
“Then, why did you leave?” Tony asked with a serious tone, his straightforwardness made you take a few steps back .
 “You know why I left..” you turned to face him, a tired look on your face. You already did this ritual with Steve  months ago, you didn’t want to do this again. “I am dangerous!” you said wanting to wrap this up already, but you could see an ignorant expression appear on Tony’s face, he was not satisfied with your answer. “What do you want me to say?”
“What about, something that is not total bullshit?” he said with a dumb smile.
You sighted in frustration looking around the room “I could never give her a happy, normal life for a long run.. never..”
Tony placed his hand on your shoulder, making you look him in the eyes again, “Maybe, you should have let her decide what is her definition of a normal life.. Cuz kiddo, none of us here'' he pointed to other avengers ''are living a normal life and never will.” You looked down at your boots, you knew this all too well, this horrible thought bothered you all the time. Maybe you made a mistake, maybe you rushed, maybe you needed.. well, now it was too late, you screwed up and badly.
You finally look up at him, changing the topic “So, you said you have a project for me?” this yearned a smile from Tony.
“Right this way, kid” he said, chuckling. As you passed others from the corner of your eyes you saw Tony give a small thumbs up to Steve, but you brushed it away.
Your eyebrows narrowed and eyes carefully running through the prototype Tony has been working on for the past few months now. It was a confusing and complicated mechanism, but it looked cool and had a bunch of advanced and very beneficial functions to fight off any alarming threats. “Why haven't you connected the A site area to G one, to decrease the speed in case of an overload?” you said pointing to the red area with big letter A. 
Tony looks down at the scheme and rubs his palms, “Ahh, you right. How could I have missed that!?” he said, connecting the dots.
“Cuz you old..” you said, chuckling and getting a light punch to your shoulder. You couldn’t lie to yourself as much as you were trying to convince yourself that you didn't miss all of this: helping out Tony, teaching new recruits with Steve, testing Wanda's abilities.. training with Natasha and cuddl... ahh you did miss it.. and a lot actually. The memories of staying up late just to find yourself waking up on top of the table to the smell of Wanda’s pancakes and soft Natasha's touches..
“Tony? Steve said you needed me?” your thoughts interrupted a person whose voice you could have recognized anywhere in the world, no matter how loud or quiet how big or small the place was.. you just in an instance. Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up and saw no other but Natasha Romanoff herself. Your jaw dropped as you saw her red curly hair falling perfectly down her shoulder, her black dress hugging her figure just in the right places. She looked stunning. You swore she was one of the most beautiful people that have ever walked this earth.
As she saw you she freezed in her steps, her lips escaped a gasp, “Y/n..”.
“Natasha..” you said almost immediately. You looked at each other frozen, forgetting everyone around. After, what it looked like was a whole minute, you heard Tony shift besides you. And suddenly, you realized the whole signal to Steve and this secret twisted plan. You turned to Tony with narrowed eyes “You didn’t need my help, did you?”
Tony cleared his throat “I’d say no, cuz I am a genius playboy millionaire, but you actually did help to improve the prototype. So that was unexpected.” he said smiling innocently. You rolled your eyes at him.
“No..” you heard the whisper slip through Natasha's lips, you quickly turned to look at her. She shook her head if your eyes weren’t so perceptive you wouldn't have noticed how her eyes watered, she turned around and stormed out of the room.
You glanced at Tony for a second and he mouthed at you ‘GO!’ you took off and started running towards Romanoff.
You were about to knock on Natasha's room door but you heard a sob in the opposite direction. You knew exactly who's room it was.. or used to be. You turned around facing the opposite room door, on it was still engraved your name.
Your lips split a gasp as you opened a door and found your room untouched. The bed, the table, hanging photographs, your favorite painting of the Avengers 'squad' , damn you were and still are such a nerd, shelves full of books, all the stuff you forgot to pick up from the compound was still left untouched.
You saw Natasha sitting at the other side of the bed, her back to the entrance. It was quite now, you couldn't hear even the smallest or quietest wail…
''Na- '' you started but she quickly cut you off.
''You know, people knock..'' she said with a serious tone. Her voice was firm, you couldn't hear any cracks in it.
''Technically it's still my room, you know..'' you said playfully.. wishing to ease up the gloomy atmosphere surrounding both of you. But she seemed to ignore your statement..
After a few seconds of silence you spoke up again, with a light voice ''Nat''.
''No'' she quickly said standing up. ''I can't do this..''  she said still facing the wall, her arms now hugging her torso tightly.
''Please, Nat, listen to me'' you were ready to beg for her to just listen to what you had to say.. just listen, that was all you wished for.
''Why, y/n?'' she finally turned around and for the first time in months you really looked into her forest green eyes. They were cold and puffed from tears, her face pale, lips tight and nose a bit running. You noticed that she was also analyzing your face and expressions. ''Tell me why should I listen to you? Why after all this time you decided to explain yourself?'' she was hurt… so hurt.. and damn you hated yourself for that.. 
“Sometimes… sometimes I just want to rip out my heart and give it to you. Because, I can’t. I can’t live like this anymore. I can’t hold this pain in my heart. Because I can’t close my eyes without dreaming of you. I can’t walk anywhere without seeing you. I can’t do anything without you.. y/n''
These words struck you like lightning, your heart clenched in your chest, your eyes watering and vision becoming blurry. You clenched your jaw, looking down. Natasha never was the one to talk about her feelings so freely, but from her eyes you saw that she had enough, she needed to express everything she was feeling, all the pain. But all your lips could spread was only her name "Nat.."
''What? You left me y/n!'' This agonizing scream made you look back at Natasha, her eyes filling up with painful tears. ''You promised that you'll never leave.. and you did..'' she said, her voice cracking. She was right.. Natasha, this amazing woman, who gave you her heart and you crushed it.. and why? Because of your own fears and demons? For being afraid to lose control and put her in danger, for being afraid of losing her because of your selfish acts? ''And the worst thing is that all I can think of..'' she continued, brushing the tear running down her cheek. ''Is that it is all my fault..''
''No no no..'' words quickly spilled through your lips as you took a few steps forwards to be just a little bit closer to Natasha, but she left standing frozen in her place. ''Nat.. it's not your fault.. it never was..'' you said with so much assurance in your eyes.
''Then why?'' Natasha now took a few steps towards you, leaving the two of you a hand stretch apart.
At her question your hands started to shake a little, you closed your eyes taking a deep breath. Your right hand brushing through your hair and stopping at your neck, eyes turned away, intensely staring at the floor. Somewhere deep down in the back of your mind you could hear that awful whisper, cruely reminding you 'you're not worthy of her.. have you forgotten who you are..'
Natasha noticed your body reaction, she grabbed you by your forearms, bringing you a little bit closer to her. Even from such a distance you already could feel the warmth radiating from her, her scent already invading your lungs, oh how much you missed this, even if small, but closeness to her.
''What's wrong y/n'' she asked you, her voice now softer and you could hear a hint of worry in it too.
''I.. '' you stuttered. ''I am so sorry Nat, I didn't want to hurt you.. I.. ha- hate'' your words getting caught in your throat because of upcoming tears ''I hate myself for how much pain I caused you.. I am sooo sorry'' your hands began to shake even more intensively, your eyes shut even tighter.
Natasha brought her hands to your face, cupping your cheeks. ''Y/n look at me'' you shook your head, you couldn't let her see you like this. ''Please..'' she said so warmly and quietly, her warm thumb brushing your cheek with staining tears that you thought you had dried months ago, asking you to look up at her. 
Your arms eased up, you took another deep breath, straightened up. You opened your eyes looking at her. You saw how mixed emotions ran through Natasha's face as she for the first time saw your reddish beast's eyes, her hands clenched tighter around your face in surprise. ''I am cursed Nat..'' your eyes watered again, you were ready for her to push you away, but you were confused as to why she was still here, still holding your face so dearly, like her life dependent on it. 
''I left because I couldn't let you love somebody who everyday puts you in so much danger.. I couldn't let you love somebody who is forever cursed… you do not deserve it Natasha.. you deserve someone so much better… someone who can actually make you happy.'' a few tears more ran through your cheek, you felt how her thumbs brushed them just beneath your eyelids, she didn't seem to be disgusted or scared of you. 
Suddenly she looked deep into your eyes. Those two green orbs staring right back at you, your heart skipped a beat as you realized those eyes still had that unconditional love in them that you missed so much. ''I loved you Nat.. I love you Natasha Romanoff, but I am afraid I do not deserve to have your heart..'' at these last words you felt how Natasha's hands slipped further and wrapped around your neck, bringing you two closer and connecting your lips into such a longing kiss. You secured your arm around her waist at the touch of your lips in an instance, smashing your bodies even closer together. She tasted so sweet and comforting and everything that you missed about her.
You finally separated your lips because you were in need of such mundane thing as oxygen. Taking a deep breath Natasha spoke up ''There is no one more deserving than you y/n..'' she said, brushing the loose strand of hair from your face. ''I do not need a normal life.. hell nothing about my life is normal.. it never was'' she said looking back to your eyes, with light surprise. You could feel that your eyes were back at her natural color shape again. 
''And this?'' you gestured to your eye level. Her thumb ghosted just below your right eyelid and then brushed the slim finger lightly against your bottom lip.
She smiled ''I don't care y/n..'' she looked deep into your eyes.. ''I just want you''.
You could feel your eyes sparkle, heart beating like crazy. You took her right hand and brought it to your lips, kissing it lightly, you forgot how indeed soft they were.  ''Will you forgive me?'' you asked with so much hope. 
''Yes..'' she said with such a light voice and bright smile on her face. You couldn't suppress your happiness anymore. You picked her up and spinned around. As you placed her on the ground you kissed her again. More passionately this time, putting every single drop of love and affection and everything that you were feeling towards her.. so she would know it. Without any doubts.
Natasha broke the kiss away gasping for air. ''Woah, calm down tiger!'' she said with a smile ''We have a lot to catch up'' she said with a smirk spreading across her face, making you arch your eyebrow at her seductively.
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cherry-gemz · 3 years
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Open Book: Part I
Summary: As the Assistant Librarian for a small town in Florida, you find yourself intrigued with an extraordinary little girl and her charming uncle. As each day goes by, you teach the girl about adventure and mystery with your love of books. Little do you know what's in store for you next.
Pairings: Y/N and Frank Adler
Rating: PG, all fluff
Word count: IDK, failed at the assignment 2k+ lol. So I split the fic.
Challenge Prompt: Write a story about someone trying to find the perfect birthday gift.
A/N: Happiest of birthdays dear @a-little-counter-esperanto. You are the bees knees and really a true gem! I'm so happy we've become friends - we have so many things in common it's cray. I'm wishing you all the love and happiness, sunshine! May you continue to have a fantastic birthday sleepover and enjoy being loved by all! Hope you enjoy the fic xx - Cherry
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"Did you get the flowers?" Mary asked as she sat on the couch flipping through the tv.
Frank patted his chest and then his jeans in search of his keys.
Mary kept changing the channels without a beat,"Frank. You're supposed to buy a girl flowers on the date."
Frank furrowed his brow, "Uh...no. Have you seen my keys? Really?"
Mary rolled her eyes, "She's not gonna kiss you goodnight."
He searched on the kitchen table and rummaged through old mail when a knock at the door interrupted his concentration. As he bee-lined to the door, Mary turned off the tv and hopped off the couch to grab her latest book she'd chiseled her way through for the week.
Frank swung the door open abruptly and started you as you stood at their doorstep.
"Hey! You made it, great!" Frank exclaimed. "Sorry, my head's a mess."
Mary now situated herself at the kitchen table and shouted over her shoulder, "It's because he hasn't been on a real date in over six months."
Frank turned red," What? No...I mean yes, but jeez, Mary. Remember we talked about how to read a room?"
He turned back to you, "Come in, come in. I'm just trying to find my keys."
You chuckled and nodded to the doorknob which held his set of keys and he smacked his forehead.
As you walked into the house, you noticed little knickknacks here and there on shelves. And books. Mountains of books everywhere. Piling on top of each other.
"Hi Mary," you smiled as she kept her back to you, nose deep in her book.
"Mary…" Frank scolded as he put his hands on his hips.
"Hi, Ms. Y/N."
You smiled as you approached her, "May I sit?"
She nodded in agreement and you pulled out a chair.
"I brought you something…" you say as you rummage through your canvas bag for your book on crabs. "Well, actually I was hoping you could help me...see…"
Frank smiled as he saw the two of you bonding. He caught himself admiring you more than he'd like to admit as he needed to head off to his date soon. He appreciated your assistance with babysitting Mary as the two of you first met at the local library. His date, Justine, was a waitress at the bar he would visit from time to time. While there was a chemistry between them, it was really just through vanity. With you, he had come to know you at a deeper level: the way you’d squint or furrow your brow when reviewing your clipboard. Or how adorable you’d look chewing on the cap of your pen when trying to finalize an email at your desk. He saw that you loved the color yellow, considering how many skirts and cardigans you’d paired together. And that you were a romantic at heart - the classics were your fave to read and how’d you get lost in historical facts when he had first asked you what your hobbies were. Seeing how a beautiful person you were, inside and out, he now regretted asking Justine out with you on his mind.
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Mary's eyes scanned the books of quantum physics and mathematics. At first you thought perhaps she had another book instead, but as you watched her day in and day out, you were astounded at the tiny prodigy and her ability to ascertain such knowledge at her age. You'd correct the cataloging errors for the day and find her reading for enjoyment it seemed.
Then one day Frank arrived. Mary had always left on her own, but as if it were any old regular day, the handsome uncle came to retrieve his stellar niece. He had a warmness to him. His dark brown hair and beard complemented his face, one that was obvious in an overall attractiveness. And he was kind, he showed that by adopting his niece after her mother had passed away and truly nurturing her gifted talent. You learned he fixed boats for a living and lived not too far from the library. You smiled at the odd pair together, they somehow seemed to work however.
As you checked their books out, Mary tiptoed over the large walnut desk and glanced at you.
"You're pretty," she stated.
"Mary. What did we say?" Frank tsked, embarrassed, but didn't disagree with her observation.
"What? Frank, you told me that I need to state facts, rather than assumptions. And I am stating a fact that Ms. Y/LN is pretty. Do you think she's pretty, Frank?"
Frank coughed into his fist and blushed, you smirked, half wanting to know his answer, half laughing inside of how Mary was so blunt.
"Yes, Ms. Y/LN is very pretty," he replied and gazed at your eyes. He licked his lips and you had to turn away feeling flushed. You closed the last book and placed it in Mary's backpack.
"All set," you replied. "These are due on the 23rd."
Frank zipped up the backpack and slung it over his broad shoulder. "Thanks, we'll see you tomorrow."
"Oh?" You replied as Mary looked at you both attempting to assess the flirtation occuring before her eyes.
"Well, yeah, she loves it here, I mean. And we have a few other books to return."
"Yes, we'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Mary."
"Bye," Mary replied and skipped off.
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Frank showed up every day after that. You found it endearing, but not wanting to read into something that wasn't there, you focused your attention on Mary. That only seemed to peak his interest further. While he had a knack for attracting women, his heart was never in it for the long haul since the minute they found out about Mary, they'd either run away from the possible responsibility, or Mary would run them off herself. But with you it was different. You were genuine and kind to Mary. Knowing quite well of her mathematical abilities, you would challenge her in other areas: art, zoology, history. You found that while she could read more college level books than any person you met in the small town, she still was a child wanting to learn about all other aspects of life. You'd sit together at a table: you, reviewing inventory spreadsheets for the latest book fair and her, immersed in some book that would put you to sleep at night.
"Frank, you should ask Ms. Y/LN out," Mary stated one day as the three of you sat at a table together. Frank practically choked and you shook your head, secretly wanting to say yes.
"Aw, Mary. Well, I bet Ms. Y/LN has guys lined up at her door every night."
"No, she doesn't," Mary replied as she turned a page of her book. Frank laughed and placed his hand on Mary's shoulder, pretending to shake her.
"Well, actually Ms. Y/LN…" he said as your heart skipped a beat.
"Y/N," you interrupted. "You can call me Y/N. I feel we're on a first name basis now considering you're here everyday."
“Y/N,” he smiled. His hair was more combed today. You had noticed that he seemed to be disheveled when you first met him, however either Mary’s tactics were rubbing off on him, or it was your pure imagination.
“Yes?” you piped. You haven't been regularly dating lately. There just weren’t many prospects these days. Not ones that could keep up with conversation, let alone intellect. So instead, you found yourself immersed with your favorite fictional characters in the sea of books you’d grown to know and love.
His brow furrowed, he seemed nervous and he picked at the edge of a book as he attempted to gather his thoughts.
“Do you have a favorite book?” Mary interrupted as Frank turned to her, but seemingly glad she saved him from embarrassment.
“Do I have a favorite book? Hmmm...” you thought and a childish smile appeared on your face. “I have many favorite books, Mary...The Velveteen Rabbit, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe…”
“Yeah, but what’s like your most favorite book?”
You extended your hand out to her and she willingly accepted. Frank perked up his interest as he watched the two of you scamper off into the fiction area. Curious, he stood up and decided to follow. The two of you giggled quietly as you made your way around the columns, your free hand lightly ghosting over the spines of the books. The subtle scent of paper and dust permeated Frank’s sense of smell. He was more of an outdoorsy person nowadays as he had left behind his scholarly days teaching in Boston. It’s where Mary learned most from, his appetite to keep learning, vernacular, and wit . You slowed down and perused a row until you found your favorite book.
“Aha!” you exclaim and hid the book behind your back as Mary jumped up and down with excitement. “Now, I’m not sure if this is something you’d be interested in, it’s more for ten year olds in my opinion. However, I know you’re a very mature young lady and I find that you’d quite enjoy the story if you give it a chance.”
Frank smiled, perplexed as to what book could possibly be your favorite. You pulled the book from behind and showed Mary.
“Little Women,” she stated. “By Louisa May Alcott.”
“Yes. It’s a beautiful story, really. About sisters and the trials they endure during the American Civil War. There’s friendship, love, and growth.”
Mary bunched her nose, you could tell she was on the fence about whether she’d enjoy a story about fictional sisters and yucky love stuff. You started to pull it away, however she grabbed it from your hands. You laughed and looked at Frank who leaned onto the columns and folded his arms.
“Seems someone is wanting to expand their horizons,” he chuckled.
“So it seems,” you smiled back as Mary skipped off to return to the table leaving the two of you behind.
“I’m more of a Lord of the Rings man myself.”
“Really?” you responded playfully. “The Hobbit included, right?”
“Of course,” he scoffed. “I think I actually just read that one to be honest, I just wanted to impress you. I spent my time reading Calvin and Hobbes more, probably how Mary learned my sarcasm.”
You laugh and touch his forearm as a reflex, but quickly realize and pull away. The spark that you felt when you connected was undeniable. You felt butterflies with him standing next to you and you hoped he hadn’t noticed your inability to remain calm.
“Y/N…” he started to say nervously. “Would it be alright if I called ya? Maybe we can get together sometime?”
“Oh, umm,” you replied, caught off guard. While you definitely had caught feelings for the handsome man, you never would have thought it’d be reciprocated. You stuttered, trying to gather your response.
Your hesitation threw him off, and he quickly replied, “I mean...like to sit for Mary or whatever. She really likes you.”
“Of course...yes,” you reply defeated in hopes that he would have asked you out. Instead of asking why he didn’t, you started to walk back to Mary. Frank scrunched his face in frustration in knowing he missed his shot with you and blurted out the most platonic question instead. He realized as well and quickly shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and followed your lead.
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Frank watched as you comfortably plopped yourself next to Mary on the couch, dreading that he had to meet up with Justine. He’d much rather relax on the couch with you and the rugrat, enjoying some silly kids movie together.
You peered over the couch, “Is it okay if she has popcorn?”
“What? Yes,” Mary said flatly and jumped off the couch to the kitchen.
“Okay, miss. But not too much sugar. Bedtime is still at 9,” Frank replied as you shrugged your shoulders.
“It’s the weekend, Frank,” Mary called out from the kitchen.
“Yes, but-“
“Will you be late?” you asked.
He looked at you in surprise, “Um, no. Probably before ten?”
“Okay, have fun.”
“It’s Y/N’s birthday,” Mary replied, carrying two coke bottles and a bag of jelly beans.
You shook your head in regret of ever telling the child when your birthday was. She was so inquisitive that day, asking about all your favorites: food, animals, books, and now birthday.
“It’s your birthday?!” Frank asked.
“Yeah, no big deal.”
“How old are you?” Mary asked as she set the drinks on the coffee table and then remembered how Frank would scold her about leaving water rings. She grabbed the coasters and placed them under the bottles.
“Mary!” Frank detested and placed his hands on his hips.
“How old do you think I am?” You tease, waving off to Frank that it was okay.
“Older than Justine, that’s for sure. She said she was 24, but looks 34. But she acts like she's 12. She hasn't even read anything on quantum physics, she thought wave mechanics was something Frank was working on with a boat,” she said coolly and popped a few jelly beans into her mouth. She nestled herself back into the couch cushions and wiggled her feet.
“Mary Elizabeth!” Frank’s voice boomed as he entered the living room.
Mary leaned over to whisper to you, “Frank says I'm not supposed to correct older people. Nobody likes a smart-ass.”
“And a busy body,” he huffed.
You nodded and laughed quietly, entertained at his expense.
“Well I am 32,” you smiled and looked at your watch, “As of one hour ago as a matter of fact.”
“That’s good. You’re much more mature than Justine and a better fit for him. Happy Birthday.”
“Thank you.”
“Mary…that’s it. You’re on your last warning,” Frank bellowed. “Don’t make me let Y/N go home and then you’re stuck with me tonight.”
“What? No! Okay. I’m sorry,” she lamented and folded her arms.
Frank’s demeanor changed as he turned to you, “I hadn’t known it was your birthday. Don’t feel pressured to sit for her tonight if you have other plans.” Secretly he wanted to cancel on Justine and spend the night celebrating you instead.
“Oh it’s okay! It kind of appeared out of nowhere. I usually go back home and celebrate with friends and family, but my schedule didn’t permit it this year. Next year, perhaps.”
“What’s your favorite dessert?” Mary asked as she chewed on another handful of jelly beans.
“Red velvet cheesecake,” you smiled. “I have a sweet tooth.”
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Frank couldn’t concentrate on his date with Justine. His mind was elsewhere. On you. Justine grazed her hand as they sat next to each other at the bar. He seemed unfazed by her gesture and looked at his watch, 9:14pm. Would it be too obvious if he cut the date short that he was into you? He coughed and took a swig of his beer.
“Do you wanna come back to my place?” She cooed and bit her lip in anticipation.
“What? Oh actually I was gonna head out. The sitter needed me home by 9:30,” he lied.
“Oh, sitter?”
“Yeah, Mary. Remember? My niece?”
“That’s right. How old is she again?”
“Seven,” He said, annoyed. He recalled they had met once before. The bartender approached them and handed Frank the receipt.
“Hey, do you have any desserts on the menu?”
Justine’s ears perked in curiosity of where he was going with asking about dessert.
The bartender grunted slightly and threw a mangled tri-fold menu and Frank grabbed it quickly.
“Buddy, ring me up for the red velvet cupcake.”
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cygnetofthesea · 3 years
The Rest of Forever: Elite Fanfiction
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This story is dedicated to the wonderful ladies I met through the tumblr Elite chat. You guys are so lovely and have made the experience all the better. I hope this story is a nice reminder of who Guznadia is at heart. <3
He's warm and content, oh so utterly at peace.
It was an unfamiliar sensation and for a moment he was confused, wondering if he had woken up into another dream. But feeling the heat of her body tucked tightly against him, Guzman knows that by some miracle, this was his reality.
His heart fills with this quiet elation, smiling sleepily while pulling Nadia even closer against him, her back pressing against him. He nuzzles against the loose curls until his lips touch the soft skin of her neck. He inhales deeply and is filled with that familiar lavender scent.
He remembers when he first walked into her parents' fruit shop and was hit with a gust of lavender. He smelled it every time he visited and every time he was around Nadia. He had finally asked her about it one day as he held her in his arms. He was still pining and waiting for her to take their friendship to the next level but he reveled in her touch as always, tucking his face into her neck.
"You smell so good. You always smell so good," he said, his voice coming out in a low rasp. He felt her shiver against him, her arms tightening just slightly. "What is it?"
She started to pull away and his grip around her waist tightened to let her know he wasn't ready to let go yet. She complied and simply pulled her head back to look at him with an amused smile.
"It's lavender. When my parents first opened up the shop they were having problems with insects buzzing around the fruits so I went out and planted a bunch of lavenders around the shop and house. They keep the insects away, protecting the fruits."
He beamed down at her, a flash of little Nadia kneeling on the ground, hands muddy with soil as she planted flowers. "How old were you?"
She scrunched her nose thoughtfully. "Hmmm, about six, I think? I was already getting myself dirty, playing outside so I had no problems planting flowers. I felt like they were my children," she admitted with a blush.
Oh god, he thought, watching her cheeks turn a tantalizing rosy color. He wanted to feel the heat beneath her cheek, he wanted to feel it on his skin. His heart raced and before he could stop himself, he let his fingers brush gently, tentatively, against her heat. He wanted to close his eyes and bask in her touch but he was riveted by her dark eyes looking at him. They were so intense, piercing his soul and he felt so exposed to her. He knew what she was seeing, his heart laid out for hers to take, but it didn't make him afraid. He felt powerful every time she looked at him because it was her gaze that was on him. Somehow, some way, he was able to draw her attention to him enough to keep her eyes on him. Somehow this wonderful, beautiful, special girl was sparing her time and energy for him of all people.
He had so desperately wanted to kiss her then, his lips tingling. He had wanted to simultaneously sip on her languidly and devour her hungrily. That was what she did to him. She calmed him like the sun peeking out from behind stormy clouds and made his blood heat like the storm itself.
He had never felt like this in his entire life and he was addicted. He didn’t need drugs when he had Nadia.
Even now as he gripped her sleeping body against him, slowly kissed up her neck, he couldn't believe she was here. He couldn’t believe she was his as much as he was hers
He feels her shift, waking up at last. "Good morning," he mumbles against her.
He sees her smile, her eyes slowly opening to peer over at him. She looks at him sleepily, her hands finding his own resting on her stomach.
"Good morning."
Her voice is  rough from sleep and it pulls at his heart. For the umpteenth time, he thinks God, she's so beautiful.  
He leans over her as she shifts around to face him and kisses her. He's soft at first, kissing her top lip, then her bottom lip before pulling it with his teeth. He can't help but nibble on the soft fullness, letting himself get lost in the reality that they really are together. Reunited and this time, for good.
"Are you really here?" he asks quietly in between kisses.
She melts against the sheets, pulling him closer atop her. "I should be asking you that," she sighs. "I can't believe you're finally here. With me. In New York."
She kisses him passionately then as though the words woke her up from her own dream. He spreads his hands wide against her bare skin, pressing against the softness.
"Nadia," he breathes, sliding his lips against her jaw, down her neck, pulling her skin as he goes.
Her fingers thread through his short hair as she arches her neck back under his ardent attention. He lifts her higher up on the bed, the headboard knocking against the wall with the movement.
A loud bang on the wall pulls them from their bubble and Lu's voice interrupts them, "Oi! I had to listen to you last night and sleep with headphones on, I'm not putting up with it for breakfast."
Guzman knocks on the wall once. "You can always go out for breakfast, you know," he scolds.
Lu shouts back a retort he couldn’t understand nor cared to.
Nadia shrinks further into the bed in embarrassment even though her door was firmly closed and locked. Guzman's ire at the disruption is eclipsed by the affection that washes over him as he looks down at her. She had covered her face shyly but he could see a hint of her smile.
He settles over her comfortably, taking care not to crush her and resting his elbows on either side of her. His hands travel up her forearm to her hands, pulling them from her face and before he can protest, he attacks her face with kisses.
"Guzman," Nadia squeals, trying to dodge his lips as a peel of laughter escapes her.
She twists her body to move her head out of reach but Guzman switches to kissing her neck and shoulders while tickling her sides. Nadia hikes her leg up to wrap around his hip and uses it to leverage herself on top of him. In a surprising twist, Nadia flips Guzman on his back and holds his wrists prisoner.
He looks at her in astonishment, out of breath, before a slow grin spreads across his face. "Well, I can't complain about this turn of events. I don't mind being at your mercy."
 He swallows as Nadia leans closer to brush her nose against his. "We'll be at Lu's mercy if we don't behave."
His face crumples in displeasure at that. "That's not where I was hoping this was going."
Nadia shakes her head with a giggle, her soft curls brushing against him and he can't help leaning into them, enjoying their soft brushes against his skin. She releases his wrists to rest firmly over him and his hands immediately reach for her, gliding them softly up and down her back.
“I know, my impatient boy, but as long as I'm— we're —living with Lu, we should be mindful of our roommate, no?"
"Ugh, we really need our own place."
Nadia smiles softly at that, caressing his cheek. "That sounds lovely, but let's wait a little bit. I don't want to leave Lu alone when we haven't even been here a whole year."
"Lu will be fine," he replies. "She's pretty resourceful."
"I know that, but I think she's come to appreciate my presence, maybe even needs it," Nadia frowns. "You know she puts on a good brave face, but underneath it all she's still burdened by what happened. She's still scared of being on her own in this brand new place."
Guzman brushes a lock of Nadia's hair behind her ear, his demeanor softening as he looks at her. He knew she was right and even though he wanted nothing more than to have a home with just Nadia, he wasn't going to take this for granted. If being with Nadia, living with her, and starting a life with her at long last meant Lu was going to be a fixture in their lives for a little while, he'd go along with it happily.
"You're right," he agrees softly. "And you’re possibly too kind and thoughtful than anyone deserves. Especially Lu."
Nadia sits up, pulling Guzman up with her. "Maybe you're right," she shrugs, putting on a maxi dress as Guzman woefully looks on. Much as he wants to stay in bed with Nadia, he knows they have to face the day at some point. "But, it's the right thing to do. And against my better judgement, I feel for her."
Guzman walks over to her, slipping on his boxer briefs as he goes. Instinctively, he zips up her dress before she can ask and pulls her close. She smiles in thanks, looking up at him.
"I love you," he says. "So much."
 She leans up to kiss his nose. "I love you."
 "So much?"
 She giggles, nodding. "So much."
 His body relaxes, his heart feeling so full he thinks it just might burst. I love you, I love you, I love you… Every heartbeat is for her and he feels as though he'll never tire of telling her just how much he loves her.
"Now why don't we make the most of this beautiful day together?" she says with excitement, her eyes lighting up. "What do you want to do first? We can pick up breakfast from Pret A Manger and take it to Riverside Park. I go there all the time and I've been dying to show you. It's so beautiful and there's a gorgeous view of the water. And then we can take Citibikes around the area or—oh! We can take the NJ Transit and go to New Jersey if you like." She bites her lower lip thoughtfully and he wants to pull it between his teeth instead but she continues to ramble excitedly. "Actually maybe we'll do the New Jersey trip another time, you haven't even seen New York yet. Maybe we can take the bikes down to Battery Park unless you want to try out the trains—"
He could listen to her excited chatter all day but he was concerned she was going to run out of oxygen soon so he leans in and kisses her just long enough to stun her into silence. He pulls away, smiling in amusement.
"Nadia, it doesn’t matter what we do. We could do it all or none of it today because the important thing is we're here. Together. You and me, we have the rest of our lives to do it all."
Nadia looks up at him, her eyes wide and sparkling. She reaches up on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and again, he gets that lovely whiff of lavender from her. He leans into her to inhale more of it, letting it wash over him. Home.  
 "You're right," she says. "You and me. We have the rest of forever together."
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