#what does nasa mean in Hebrew
animalsbirdsplanet · 9 months
Why Did Nasa Stop Exploring The Ocean
Hello  friends this article we will  know about , Why Did Nasa Stop Exploring The Ocean. NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is renowned for its achievements in space exploration, with numerous successful missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. However, many people wonder why NASA, an organization primarily associated with outer space, has seemingly abandoned the exploration of Earth's deep oceans. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind NASA's shift away from ocean exploration and the potential benefits of rekindling its interest in the mysteries of the deep sea.
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christisilluminati · 11 days
Genesis 1:6-23 The Divine Interconnection of Creation
Genesis 1:6-8
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The Bible describes God creating the "sky" to separate waters above from below, illustrating divine control over chaos described in Genesis 1:4 with the phrase “and it was so” confirming fulfillment. This theme of chaos and order is mirrored in space, particularly on Jupiter, where what use to be the Great Red Spot—a colossal storm larger than Earth—rages chaos incessantly, revealing to us what this stage of creation looked like to the creator. However, as I have discussed within my work, this Great Spot is no longer red but rather blue. 
On May 12, 2024, NASA's Juno spacecraft captured this color-enhanced view of the giant planet's northern hemisphere. It provides a detailed view of chaotic clouds and cyclonic storms in an area known to scientists as a folded filamentary region. In these regions, the zonal jets that create the familiar banded patterns in Jupiter's clouds break down, leading to turbulent patterns and cloud structures that evolve rapidly over just a few days.
Just as God divided light H216 from the chaos of darkness H2822 in Genesis 1:3-5. I believe we are watching the creators hand creating the new Earth we were told would come someday.
Isaiah 65:17  See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
Revelation 21:1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
I too have been shown a revelation of a new Earth, among others, those 40 days I spent in psychosis, traveling in and out of Florida. If you are a new reader, now would be the time to inform you that many people in psychosis experience religious content in their experience. Psychosis is how God got the animals to enter into the Ark. Science is taking God out of our understanding, as you well know. Keep reading my work, this will begin to become clearer the more you read.
Let's recap the Strongs concordance of the word darkness to gain some deeper understanding:
Darkness: H2822 "חֹשֶךְ" (choshek): a significant force in both physical and spiritual realms, can represent a form of obscurity, chaos, or ignorance.
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Jupiter after it turned blue.
Genesis 1:9-13
9 God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together to one place, and let the dry land appear;” and it was so. 10  God called the dry land “earth”, and the gathering together of the waters he called “seas”. God saw that it was good. H2896 11 God said, “Let the earth yield grass, herbs yielding seeds, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind, with their seeds in it, on the earth;” and it was so. 12 The earth yielded grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, with their seeds in it, after their kind; and God saw that it was good. H2896 13  There was evening and there was morning, a third day.
Good: H289 ṭôḇ: "to be or become high; to rise." This term conveys elevation, whether in physical stature, spiritual prominence, or status with God. It's often tied to divine intervention and the uplifting of the humble, as seen in various biblical passages. The Hebrew term "מאז" (ma'az) also translates to "height" or "high place" and is linked to spiritual ascension and elevation through divine influence. It highlights God's authority to elevate individuals from humble beginnings to positions of honor, reflecting His grace and transformative power in the lives of people and nations. This concept underscores a journey of faith and the potential for believers to rise above their circumstances by relying on God's power.
On the third day of creation, God commanded the waters beneath the sky to gather, revealing dry land, which He called "earth," and the collected waters "seas." God deemed this arrangement good. H2896 Yet, we are told that only the spirit of God is good. H2896 What does this mean? It suggests that there is a good. H2896 spirit shaping things here on Earth, similar to my interpretation of Eywa from Avatar. A "Higher Authority."
Mark 10:18 Why do you call me good? G18 No one is good G18 except God alone.
Good: G18 agapē: refers to a deep and unconditional love. This term is often associated with divine love, particularly the love that God exhibits towards humanity. In the New Testament, agapē embodies the selfless and sacrificial love exemplified by Christ, demonstrating a commitment to the well-being of others without expecting anything in return. It transcends mere affection or emotional attachment, instead focusing on the choice to act in the best interest of others, reflecting God's nature and intentions. The concept of agapē encourages believers to practice this form of love in their relationships, fostering unity and compassion within the community of faith.
God then instructs the earth to produce grass, seed-bearing herbs, and fruit trees. The earth complied, generating vegetation as commanded, infused by a life-giving spirit that breathed vitality into the land, enabling the growth of lush greenery. God saw that it was good. He saw that it was God. Christ lives in all things. The day concluded with evening and morning, marking the third day.
Colossians 1:16-17 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities— all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Genesis 1:14-19
14 God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs to mark seasons, days, and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth;” and it was so. 16 God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light to the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. God saw that it was good. H2896 19 There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.
This passage describes the creation of celestial bodies, detailing God’s command to create lights in the sky to distinguish day from night. These lights serve as signs for marking time—seasons, days, and years. It mentions the creation of two main lights: the sun to govern the day and the moon to govern the night, along with the stars. These celestial elements were placed in the sky to illuminate the earth and separate light from darkness, being deemed good. H2896 by God. Deemed as Christ. This occurs on the fourth day of the creation narrative.
Genesis 1:20-23
20 God said, “Let the waters abound with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the sky.” 21 God created the large sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind. God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.
Allow me for a moment to link in the subliminal message given to us by Christ found in the cinematic movie Avatar released in 2009. Genesis 1:20-23 highlights a crucial point in the creation story, emphasizing God's command to fill the waters and skies with living beings, each imbued with the life-giving force of energy on our planet, Christ. Verse 20 emphasizes the divine intention for ecosystems to flourish, similar to the interconnected balance maintained by Eywa, the deity of Pandora, in Avatar. This showcases the importance of ecosystem variety and harmony. In verses 21 and 22, the creation of both aquatic creatures and birds is described, underscoring the order and richness of life as God categorizes His creations "after their kind," much like Eywa recognizes the distinctiveness of each species within Pandora's vibrant ecosystem. The blessing imparted by God, urging them to "be fruitful and multiply," reinforces the cycle of life, setting in motion reproductive processes that sustain these populations, mirroring Eywa's role in maintaining and nurturing life. Finally, the concluding statement marks the completion of this creative act, highlighting the rhythm of time in the narrative with "There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day." This reflects the harmony and purpose behind all living things, similar to the world Eywa governs on Pandora in Avatar, designed for productivity and coexistence.
The complex account of creation encompasses not only the divine orchestration of life but also the interconnectedness of every element within the ecosystem. Through the establishment of light and the harmonious balance aimed at sustaining life, we can see a reflection of both divine intention and a call to stewardship over our planet. As we draw parallels between creation narratives and cultural patterns, we are reminded of our responsibility to honor and nurture the delicate web of life that exists around us. It is a sacred duty to preserve the beauty and balance of creation, ensuring that future generations can equally experience the wonder of God's work, not the wonder of the works of "MACHINES."
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jdgo51 · 1 year
The Signs and Secrets of the Serpent
Today's inspiration comes from:
Signs and Secrets of the Messiah
by Rabbi Jason Sobel
"'Nicodemus the Pharisee came to Yeshua in the night, seeking clear answers.
Instead, Yeshua revealed to him mysteries and miracles, without Nicodemus even asking. Every part of this conversation has significance.
“Unless one is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” “How can these things happen?” Nicodemus asked. — John 3:3-4a
By way of an answer, Yeshua started to explain:
“No one has gone up into Heaven except the One who came down from Heaven — the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert,” said Yeshua, “so the Son of Man must be lifted up. — John 3:13–14
Why on earth would Yeshua compare Himself to the serpent on the pole? We need to know because this is a foundational scriptural truth that often doesn’t get enough attention. What does it mean, and what’s the deeper spiritual significance? In the sign and secret of the serpent, we find a remarkably well-designed connection between the Old Testament and New, between Moses and the Messiah, that reveals new depths in what Yeshua has done for us, and the miraculous power He has today to atone, to provide, to heal, and to transform. As we explore the image of the serpent, we find that God has much to reveal to us.
What Is the Serpent on the Pole?
In His conversation with Nicodemus, Yeshua built on the idea that He was the greater Moses — the true Messiah:
Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life! — John 3:14–15
What is the meaning of this mystery of the serpent on the pole? On the surface, it seems like a strange analogy that Yeshua made. But all of this is based on Numbers 21:4–9, the account of the children of Israel wandering through the desert. And clearly, they were becoming disgruntled.
They travelled from Mount Hor along the route to the Sea of Reeds in order to go around the land of Edom. The spirit of the people became impatient along the way.
The people spoke against God and Moses: “Why have you brought us from Egypt to die in the wilderness, because there is no bread, no water, and our very spirits detest the despicable food [manna]?” So Adonai sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they bit the people and many of the people of Israel died.
The people came to Moses and said, “We sinned when we spoke against Adonai and you! Pray to Adonai for us, that He may take away the snakes!” So Moses prayed for the people.
Adonai said to Moses, “Make yourself a fiery snake and put it on a pole. Whenever anyone who has been bitten will look at it, he will live.” So Moses made a bronze snake and put it on a pole, and it happened that whenever a snake bit anyone and he looked at the bronze snake, he lived.
A harrowing story. Why would God do this? And why would God instruct Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole to represent salvation? More to the point, why would Yeshua connect Himself to this act of Moses? The first thing to understand is that Yeshua said, “As Moses lifted up the serpent.” The Hebrew word for “to lift up” is nasa. It can mean “to lift up,” but it can also mean “to bear,” “to carry,” or “to forgive.” The meaning in John 3:14 is “to bear” or “to carry” sin and guilt. In the Jewish system of atonement, a scapegoat was offered in the temple, on the Day of Atonement, to make atonement for the people; the goat carried the sins of the people: “The goat will carry [nasa] all their iniquities by itself into a solitary land and he is to leave the goat in the wilderness” (Leviticus 16:22). The Hebrew word nasa is one of the most critical words connected to salvation.
As a side note, we could say the English abbreviation NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, gives us the mental picture of lifting off, taking off, or going higher into outer space. That’s what the cross does for us. It causes us to blast off, to be able to leave earth, to go from death to life, from darkness into light, to go into the heavens where we’ve never gone before.
Yeshua was lifted up on the cross because He bore our sin like the scapegoat, just like the serpent on the pole. Yeshua was lifted up on the cross to bear our sin.
The Messiah on the Cross
Isaiah 53:4 says,
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our pains. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, struck by God, and afflicted.
When it says He “carried our pains,” the word for “carried” is nasa. In the Hebrew New Testament, the serpent in the wilderness was “lifted up” (nasa), and it bore the sins of the people who were grumbling. And as they lifted up (nasa) their eyes to look at that serpent, they found healing. When the Messiah was lifted up (nasa) on the cross, as the serpent was lifted up on the pole, He bore our sin and our pain, and it was for our gain. Just like the people who looked at the serpent on the pole found healing, when we look to Yeshua on the cross, we find healing and wholeness. So, Isaiah 53 — one of the most important messianic prophecies — connects back to the serpent on the pole in the wilderness. The serpent on the pole connects back to the scapegoat, which in turn connects to the cross, where the Messiah would bear our griefs and carry our pains.
Why would Yeshua need to be lifted up like the serpent on the pole, as He revealed to Nicodemus? Think about it. The first man and woman stole from the tree in the garden of Eden. When humankind took fruit down from the tree, it was a descent. There was a lowering spiritually, morally, physically, emotionally, and relationally — on every level. When humankind pulled that fruit off the tree and disobeyed God’s command, we dragged ourselves and all of creation down with us. So the Messiah had to descend from Heaven, and He had to be lifted back up onto the tree for you and me.
When He was lifted up, He was placed back on that tree to replace what we stole from the tree; He was placed on the cross to atone for the sin of the first man and woman and to redeem and repair us.
I don’t know about you, but I think what He did for us on that cross was amazing — a miracle. It brings to mind the words of Moses and the Israelites, singing to the Lord: Mi kamocha ba’elim Adonai, Mi kamocha nedar ba’qodesh, Nora tehillot oseh fele. Or,
Who is like You among the gods, Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders? — Exodus 15:11 NASB
We brought a descent, and Yeshua descended so that we could ascend."'
Excerpted with permission from Signs and Secrets of the Messiah by Rabbi Jason Sobel, copyright Rabbi Jason Sobel.
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 3. 10-16. "The Master Workmen."
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The Kings of Judah:
10 Solomon’s son was Rehoboam,
Solomon=to complete
Rehoboam=the people of width
Abijah his son= God is my father
Asa his son= man of sorrows, a healer
Jehoshaphat his son= Yah has judged, Yah governs
11 Jehoram[d] his son= Yah is high
Ahaziah his son= Yah has taken possession
Joash his son= given by the Lord
12 Amaziah his son= to be or become strong
Azariah his son=God has helped
Jotham his son=Yah is complete
13 Ahaz his son= He has grasped [mechanically vs. intellectually]
Hezekiah his son=Yah strengthens
Manasseh his son= "what evaporates and becomes new"
Nasa=goes up and away
Eh= becomes
14 Amon his son=master workman
Josiah his son="yah's wealth descends"
15 The sons of Josiah=
Johanan the firstborn= Yah is gracious
Jehoiakim the second son=Yah raises up
Zedekiah the third= Yah is righteous
Shallum the fourth= to make complete
16 The successors of Jehoiakim:
Jehoiachin[e] his son= the Lord will establish
and Zedekiah= Yah is righteous
There are 21 offspring from Solomon's line. 17+ 4.
The Gematria for 17+4= "Did each aging one go to Achad, AKA Unity in God."
The Gematria for 21 is "Echad" meaning "one follows the next":
Chassidus4 notes that echad implies a sequence; one is followed by two. This does not apply with regard to G‑d. Instead, His oneness is all-encompassing and absolute to the extent that there is no other existence at all.
Why then, Chassidus continues, does the Torah use the word echad? It would have been preferable to use the term yachid, which implies singular oneness, perfect integrity that leaves no place for even the conception of any other entity.
In resolution, it is explained that this is precisely the intent. G‑d’s singular oneness is taken for granted. Were this not to be true were He a composite of different entities He could not be G‑d.
What is unique in the description of Him as one is that this material world that appears to exist in its own right, as a separate and distinct entity, is one with Him.
The final four names "God's Wealth Descends" are stated as effects experienced as one turns the Four Directions :
NORTH, "Hidden, by God" = Johanan the firstborn= Yah is gracious
God's Grace is everywhere. You don't see it but you know it is there.
EAST, "Awakening" = Jehoiakim, the second son=Yah raises up
Before we become fertile we learn from our parents who learned from theirs who learned from their parents...who learned from God long ago.
SOUTH, "Reason" = Zedekiah, the third= Yah is righteous
The Ethical Self is the product of submission to God's Authority. When one is able to answer "Who is God" one has finally turned South.
WEST, "Enlightenment"= Shallum, the fourth= to make complete
The Fully Realized Self is the one that faces the sunset of the ego without regret and performs in all of life's fields of experiences with competence and satisfaction.
If our Gematria is 19+2=
Chabad ahead + the Hebrew Letter Bet.
 "Chabad" (חב״ד‎) is an acronym formed from three Hebrew words—Chokhmah, Binah, Da'at (the first three sefirot of the kabbalistic Tree of Life) (חכמה, בינה, דעת‎): "Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge"—which represent the intellectual and kabbalistic underpinnings of Judaism.
Bet, shaped like an eye inside the tent indicates the Presence within the Temple.
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The Tantra that results from the 21 names of Solomon's sons is therefore:
"What evaporates, goes up and away, descends as God's Treasure, the Master Workman. He completes the people, takes possession of their sorrows, gives them depth, and governs with the graciousness and righteousness of God. Him the Lord will establish."
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tomasorban · 4 years
THE CLONES OF ENKI (excerpt)- By J.R. Jochman from "Forgotten Ages"1979
Perhaps the most startling revelations of the advanced nature of ancient research into the manipulation of the building blocks of life come to us from Sumerian inscriptions, dated between 4,000 and 5,000 years old. Several legends speak of a time when "god-men" ruled the world of prehistory; and in order to work the mines of the land of Apsu -- identified with southern Africa -- the Sumerian deities decided to create a Lulu, or primitive worker, who would do the actual digging and other hard labor. The god Enki was placed in charge of the task to "bring about the work of great wisdom", and he, with the Mother Goddess, Ninhursag, began to fashion the Lulu. The place where the creation took place was called the Bit Shimti -- the "house where the breath of life is breathed in".
Upon entering the house", Ninhursag first "washed her hands" as any lab worker would, and called to her lab assistants to prepare the first ingredient: "Mix the core of clay, from the depths of the Earth in Apsu -- and shape it into the form of a core; I have knowledgeable young gods, who will bring the clay to the right condition."
The Akkadian term for clay is Tit (molding clay); but in its earliest spelling, ti-it, it also meant "that which has life". In the Hebrew, Tit means "mud", with its synonym "bos" related to "bisa" (marsh) and "besa" (egg). These connotations, clay-marsh-egg, hint at stages of development in the creation of the cell. First, the substance began as a clay. In 1974, Dr. Graham Cairn-Smith of the University of Glasgow's Department of Chemistry, announced a new theory on the origins of life. Dr. Cairn-Smith was not satisfied that the first threads of nucleic organic material floating in the primaeval sea could have come together by chance, but must have needed a structural catalyst within which the threads formed into the first complex DNA patterns. Clay, he believes, was the ideal catalyst.
Clay has a crystalline structure that has the ability to retain and "print" a pattern upon new material. As Dr. Cairn-Smith noted: "Clay consists of stacks thin, interlocking plates containing aluminum and silicon atoms that can be arranged in random patterns. These patterns can undergo changes as new [5]clays 'print' near old layers. This is a system capable of development by natural selection, by trial and error -- the first stages necessary to produce molecules and arrangements of molecules that would eventually form the more complex systems of early life forms."
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More recently, in 1977, Dr. James Lawless of NASA's Ames Research Center, together with Dr. Edward Edelson and Lewis Manning, of the American Chemical Society, succeeded in demonstrating that clay containing nickel will attract amino acids; and the concentrated amino acids will then link up to form chains similar to protein. Dr. Cairn-Smith stated, "In simple terms, clay therefore could have been the basis of life: the Blueprint of Man." (Which reminds us of Elihu to Job, 33:6, "I also am formed out of the clay." RHC)
The next stage of the "clay" development, according to the Hebrew-Akkadian word connotations, was that it became like a "marsh" -- that is, the clay material was mixed with simple organic material, as one find in marshland ooze. In the Sumerian texts, this is seen in the Mother Goddess Ninhursag's command that chemicals called "bitumens of Apsu" be used to "purify" or "impregnate" the clay. Bitumen is a petroleum substance made up of very complex hydrocarbon chains -- the basis of organic chemistry. What is described, in essence, is that organic chains were mixed in the clay, and the clay patterns began to "print" the chains into more complex structures, such as DNA.
That this shaping process was directed can be seen in the "young gods" or lab assistants shaping the clay into a specific mold, bringing it into the "right condition". Enki, the text states, further ordered the assistants to "bind upon the mixture the mold of the gods" -- or, carefully design the organic material into the genetic codes of a human-like creature. The result, in the last stage, was the formation of an egg or cell.
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The next major step, once a cell was produced, was to give the cell an "essence" or code of life. This was done by adding blood. The text reads: "I will prepare a solution. Let one god be bled… his blood. Let Ninhursag mix with the clay-egg."
(One would think, on reading Jochman's article on Sumerian Clones that the secret of making them had been blocked in Cuneiform script for 5,000 years, but Polish Rabbis of the 16th Century were adept at making servant Golem. Read this revealing quote from Gershom Scholem's "On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism":
"After saying certain prayers and holding certain fast days, they make the figure of a man from clay, and when they have said [6]the Shem Hamephorash over it (that is, breathed the breath of life into it, by ritual chanting) the image comes to life. And although the image itself cannot speak, it understands what is said to it and commanded; among the Polish Jews it does all kinds of housework, but is not allowed to leave the house. On the forehead of the image they write Emeth, that is, truth. But an image of this kind grows each day; though very small at first, it ends by becoming larger than all those in the house. In order to take away his strength, which ultimately becomes a threat to all those in the house, they quickly erase the first letter, Aleph, from the word Emeth on his forehead, so that there remains only the word Meth, that is, dead. When this is done the Golem collapses and dissolves back into the clay or mud that he was  . . .They say that a Baal Shem in Poland, by the name of Rabbi Elias, made a golem who became so large that the rabbi could no longer reach his forehead to erase the letter E. He thought up a trick, namely that the Golem, being his servant, should remove his boots, supposing that when the Golem bent over, he would erase the letters. And so it happened, but when the Golem became mud again, his whole weight fell on the rabbi, who was sitting on the bench, and crushed him."
(This delightful tale illustrates the dangers of using creative thought for selfish purposes. It was a warning to Cabalists of that day in Europe. It is a warning of this day to students of mind control and mind dynamics courses; and we use it in our latest talk on Psychic Self-Defense, Part III, "The Dweller on the Threshold", BSRF No. 24-M. Scholem does not include the secret of bringing such a man-made creation to life, charging the clay figure with freshly shed blood or sperm. The technique is described in detail by Franz Bardon in his book, "Initiation Into Hermetics". But Jochman tells us that the Sumerian adepts had their own variation on the technique and carried it several steps further.)
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The Akkadian texts make it clear that what was being sought in the blood was Napishtu, or an "essence" related to Shi-im-ti, the "breath-wind-life". The key is in the name of the god from whom the blood was finally taken -- Te-e-ma. According to translators W.G. Lambert and A. R. Millard of Oxford University, the name means "personality", with the further connotation "that contained within which binds the memory". This is nothing less than a description of the gene, the element which gives the cell life, and directs the cell to begin the process of reproduction.
The inscriptions tell of the delicate operation by which the god Ea "purified the Napishtu" and offered the solution to Ninhursag, who carefully held the clay-egg-cell. But it was Enki who performed the crucial injection: He blows in" the "breath-wind' into the cell, and gave it life. The injection was successful for the cell began to multiply.
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The next and final step involved artificial impregnation. Ninhursag "cut off 14 pieces of the clay-egg-cell" -- she selected 14 cells out of the newly-dividing creation. There then follows a description of the coming of 14 Birth-Goddesses to the operating table: Everything is detailed, from the shaving of the pubic hair, the preparing of the scalpels and surgical instruments, and finally the operations themselves. Within each, one of the 14 selected cells was placed in the womb, and the cells began to grow into living beings.
At the beginning of the tenth month after the first operation, Ninhursag directed surgery to remove the mature creatures. The texts tell what follows: " . . .she opened the womb, Her face brightened with joy. Her face covered with a mask, she removes. That which was in the womb came forth. She cries, I have created! By my hands I have made it!" One cuneiform picture has Ninhursag showing one of the new humanoid babies to the god Ea. On the left side is a minor "god" surrounded by laboratory flasks, bringing a carefully sealed container to a boil on top of a stool-like holder, showing where the child had come from.
Once the experiment proved successful, it appears the process of artificial impregnation was repeated again and again, the cells being used all from the original cell created by Enki, Ninhursag, and Ea. The result would have been the production of a multitude of Clones -- creatures that looked exactly alike. A scene depicted on a rock carving found,in the mountains of Elam near Sumer shows a seated god holding a flask from which liquid is pouring -- a familiar representation of Enki, A goddess is seated next to him -- Ninhursag -- and about the pair are lesser deities, very likely the birth-goddesses who partook in the great experiment of creation. Facing the birth-goddesses, Enki and Ninhursag are row upon row of dwarfish, long-haired man-like creatures who look like a multitude of identical twins -- as if they had been produced from the same mold.
Who were these dwarfish creatures? Perhaps the answer may be found in the reason for the creatures' creation: They were to become "primitive workers" in the mines of Apsu. It is not without significance that this area has turned up some of the oldest prehistoric mines in the world -- as well as forms of ape-men that have become a puzzle to anthropologists: Australopithecus robustus and agile, Zinjanthropus and Homo Habilis. These forms, instead of being so-called "ancestors" of man, are actually the result of genetic creation by unknown experimenters in the past. Perhaps someday we will find the secret when the Bit Shimti is unearthed -- the laboratory-house where enigmatic "gods" manipulated the "breath of life". . .
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kabane52 · 5 years
The Heavenly Spheres of God’s World
this was a comment on Reddit about David Hart’s latest: https://publicorthodoxy.org/2019/05/08/hart-on-the-toll-houses/
Hart is being his usual self. There are people who have committed the unpardonable sin of daring to disagree with David Bentley Hart, and David Bentley Hart has cracked the thesaurus in order to demonstrate that they are dumb. But after reading the article, I'm not quite sure what his argument was, or if he even had an argument. He seemed to simply make statements about ancient cosmology without attempting to show how, precisely, they related to the truth or falsehood of the so-called "toll-house teaching." On the issue of the toll-houses, what is the essence of the doctrine?
The essence of the doctrine is that the demonical powers are what scripture says they are: they are accusers. The word "satan" is a title of a character known throughout the biblical story by a number of names- the dragon, Leviathan the twisting serpent, the serpent (Hebrew nachash- which means "Bright One" as well as "serpent", and the Hebrew word seraph means "Burning One" as well as "serpent"- serpentine language is used in the Hebrew Bible for angelic, heavenly beings, which is why tradition is right in identifying the serpent of Genesis 3 with satan), Baal/Bel (thus sons of Belial=seed of the serpent and Beelzebub), and so on. "Satan" refers to his role as Accuser. He brings an accusation against the sons of Adam in order to provoke God to destroy the human race and prevent the exaltation of the children of Adam over the angels as was the order of things. This is what happens on a micro-level in Numbers 25. The enemy of Israel tempts Israel into adultery (2 Corinthians 11 symbolizes Eve's sin as adultery with the serpent- idolatry in general is described as adultery), thus bringing God's judgment on Israel until Phinehas makes atonement.
Thus, when the soul is separated from the body, the accusing powers launch an attack in order to claim possession over it. The serpent is cursed to eat dust. This means that the Bright One is cast down to Sheol, the grave, the place of dust- this is described in Isaiah 14- "Day Star, Son of the Dawn" as ruler of "Babel" (BBL=Babylon) or the symbolic city of man. It is written in the past tense just like Isaiah 53 (the two texts are written in parallel- Christ humbles Himself to death and is exalted, the enemy exalts himself above the stars and is humbled to death), as a prophecy whose fulfillment is so certain as to have been fulfilled already from a literary point of view. That is why hell- the eternal actualization of hades, the grave- is for the devil and his angels. God says about our death- to dust you shall return. To be claimed by the accuser, by the demonical powers, is to have allied with them through one's acts and thus be possessed by them eternally in a relationship of consumption: "eating dust." This attack by accusation is what the toll-houses signify. The angelic powers are our defense attorneys, as it were, and the postmortem attack simply manifests our spiritual state- it does not create it. The key is trust in the grace of God through Jesus Christ. That's what carries us through. If we trust in God's grace, "who can bring any accusation against the elect of God?"
I'd make two points vis-a-vis ancient cosmology:
-Hart oversimplifies the issue of what the ancients actually took to be concretely true. Ptolemy was quite well aware that the stars, in relation to the Earth, were immensely distant- so distant, in fact, that the Earth is an essentially invisible mathematical point in relation to the size of the cosmos. C.S. Lewis was keen to emphasize the reality that this is not a modern discovery.
-I'm not sure what the point is really supposed to be about ancient views of the heavenly places. What, precisely, is preventing me from professing what is substantively equivalent to their own view? I do believe that the heavenly bodies are associated with archangelic intelligences. What have we discovered that undermines such a belief? I'm aware of nothing at all, not unless you are a materialist vis-a-vis mind, which Hart certainly is not. Hart is, rightly, a hylomorphic dualist. I think that Mars is associated with an archangel who participates in God's creative act of sustaining Mars' revolution in its orbit. C.S. Lewis develops this cosmology in his wonderful Space Trilogy.
Our souls are intrinsically linked to our bodies, forming them, giving them shape, and animating them as what they are. That power is had only from God, and God is constantly sustaining us in our capacity to sustain our bodies. This is crucial to understand, metaphysically: when we speak of a creature mediating the sustenance and life of a thing, that mediation does not constitute God as one step removed, since God creates the creature and directly upholds it with its active capacity of making God's own life present to another creature. This is crucial, as I think we can draw an analogy between the role of the planetary (I include all heavenly bodies- moons, stars, planets, etc.) archangels in relation to their planets and our souls in relation to our bodies. God upholds everything as what it is and sustains it in its activity, but freely creates persons who participate and mediate His sustenance.
[This is just speculation, not directly related to the main point- I suspect the same is true for the plant world, perhaps with non-rational but "supernatural" (in the sense of belonging to the "Heavens" rather than the "Earth" of Genesis 1:1- something like the celestial equivalent of a non-rational animal) creatures associated with them- thus the widespread traditions of sprites spread abroad in nature, spirits in the trees and flowers. Dangerous? Yes- wild beasts are dangerous too. But perhaps not genuine moral agents in the sense that humans and angels are.]
And why can I not believe in a spatial heaven? I do believe in a spatial heaven. The incarnate Word dwells there.
The precise manner in which these various sorts of space intersect, interweave, and flow into each other is not fully known. But we should know better than to assume the Newtonian-mechanical world-picture that Hart seems to assume- indeed, Hart himself has eloquently spoken in favor of the medieval world-picture where the heavenly and earthly realms are thoroughly woven and webbed into each other. This is my favorite article of his:
Here's an excellent piece by astronomer John Byl on the necessity of integrating Heaven into a fully-formed cosmology:
The idea of heavenly spheres being an authentic feature of the world is evident in the universality of the idea of the seven planetary (Luna and Sol, the sun and moon, are included in this classical definition of a planet- it's not a "wrong" definition- just a different classification system) heavens throughout the world's cultures. They even tend to be associated with the same days of the week and interrelated in intriguing ways with the musical concept of tuning by fifths.
Moreover, there are very interesting mathematical relations ordering the seven heavenly spheres (and yes, I do believe NASA is real, I am not a flat earther- I am saying that a "symbol" is an intrinsic aspect of the world and that the ancients and medievals understood this) in their classical associations. Luna and Saturn are the first and last of the seven heavenly spheres. Luna has a 29 day cycle. Saturn has a 29 year cycle in its revolution around the sun. The correspondence, day to year, is actually 99.5%. Yes, we've had a closer look at the moon, the sun, and Saturn. So? I don't think that we have discovered anything which would actually undermine the classical world-picture. It's like seeing a picture in 144k vs 4k. We see a great deal more in ultra-HD than we would in old-style SD. We notice lots of new things. But it's perfectly recognizable as what it is. For more on these mathematically ordered relations among the spheres, see this excellent book, especially the last section:
Unfortunately, most of the people talking about the beauty and symbolic craftsmanship in the Heavens are associated with the occult. But the Bible and tradition speak about these subjects. It's not magic. It's part of the world-design God made through the Logos. "The Heavens declare the Glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day to day they pour out speech, night to night they speak knowledge." (Ps. 19:1-2) For more on the reality undergirding classical and medieval cosmology, see Wolfgang Smith's excellent The Wisdom of Ancient Cosmology:
He is a professional physicist and possesses immense philosophical and metaphysical skill. An excellent thinker if you want to rework your conceptual world.
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dfroza · 3 years
what do you think about Love?
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always endures.
Love never ends.
The Letter of 1st Corinthians, Chapter 13:4-8 (New Century Version)
Love can never be deconstructed because it never changes. Love’s brokenness for us points to the cross and its sacred cleansing of the heart that changes us (metamorphosis) by forming a new True nature as either a daughter or a son of pure and eternal Light (Spirit and Son who are One with our heavenly Father, our Creator who made the heavens and garden earth)
the Genesis.
A post by John Parsons about the “prayers” of the heart:
Prayer, in its ultimate or “deepest” sense, is whatever we hold within our hearts. It may be spoken or merely thought; it may be conscious or unconscious. A wish, a desire, a hope; a hatred, an aversion, a fear; even a yawn of indifference -- all prayers of the heart!
Whatever we think and feel and do constitutes prayer to the One who knows all things... The words we say, the thoughts we think, whether good or bad, call for a response in the realm of spirit. This is hinted at by the Hebrew word for "thing," i.e., devar, which also means "word." Listen to the words of your heart and understand that they are devarim, "things" that are defining the course of your life right now. [Hebrew for Christians]
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2.14.22 • Facebook
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Love points to earth’s Creator who formed the heavens as well.
“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us.” – Carl Sagan
32 years ago today, NASA’s Voyager 1 turned its cameras toward Earth. It captured our home planet roughly 4 billion miles away as this tiny, bright speck visible within a sunbeam.
2.14.22 • 2:42pm • Twitter
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animalsbirdsplanet · 11 months
Why Did Nasa Stop Exploring The Ocean
Hello friends this article we will know about , Why Did Nasa Stop Exploring The Ocean. NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is renowned for its achievements in space exploration, Read More
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II Samuel 12:26-31
— Ang katiyakan ng kaligtasan ay hindi lisensya para ikaw ay magkasala.
— Tinuturo ang salvation hindi para i-encourage ang Kristiyano na kahit magkasala ka ay ligtas ka pa rin; Sapagkat kung magpapatuloy ka sa pagkakasala bagama't ligtas ka na, huwag mong kalimutan na ang Diyos ay hindi konsintidor na Ama.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24, KJV
— Hindi tayo nagpi-preach ng personal relationship; REPENT! Nagpi-preach tayo ng Gospel of Christ is the power unto salvation!
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16
— Walang preaching sa Bible na personal relationship, ang preaching is what? —> REPENT!
Magbago ka ng iyong pag-iisip, kung inaakala mo na ngayon na ikaw ay matuwid, now is the moment na maunawaan mo na ikaw ay makasalanan sa harap ng Panginoon.
Kung inaakala mong ligtas ka, tanggapin mong hindi ka ligtas; Tanggapin mo si Kristo bilang Savior mo at manampalataya ka sa Kanya ng buong puso at bibigyan ka Niya ng buhay na walang hanggan. Saka lamang matututunan ang personal relationship.
Sa moment na nanampalataya ka, mayroon ka nang bubay na walang hanggan, hindi nagbabawi ang Diyos ng Kanyang kaloob.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: John 1:12, KJV
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
John 10:28, KJV
{Paano naman kung 'yung talagang ligtas ay pinili pang magkasala? Anong mangyayari sa kanya?}
• SIN is deceitful (Mandaraya ang kasalanan)
— Papaniwalain ka nito na masarap; masarap naman talaga. Papaniwalain ka nito na walang masamang ibubunga at ikaw lamang ang maaapektuhan.
{Hindi lang si David ang nagdusa; nagdusa ang kanyang buong sambahayan. Namatayan siya ng mga anak, namatayan siya ng mga sundalo, nawarak ang kanyang Kingdom.}
• Sin is destructive
— Magdurusa ka kung talagang ligtas ka.
"Lord, restore to me the joy of my salvation."
- Nawala 'yung kanyang joy, hindi na siya nagbunga, pinalo siya ng Panginoon.
For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? Hebrews 12:6‭-‬7, KJV
- Pinapalo ng Diyos ang Kanyang anak
- Hinahampas Niya ang tinatanggap Niyang anak
- Hindi uubra 'yung makakatakas ka, kung loloko-loko ka
Mga lesson na naganap kay David, magiging lesson sa atin; Mga naranasan niya nang pinili niyang magkasala—
{Pinagpala nga ba siya sapagkat nagkasala siya?}
{Matatakasan ba niya ang kanyang pagkakasala?}
{Bakit lumago pa ang kanyang kabuhayan bagama't siya'y nakiapid?}
Maaaring ngayong umaga ay namumuhay ka sa pagkakasala, masuwayin ka, back slider ka, nagtatago ka ng kasalanan na akala mo'y walang makakaalam, at nag-eenjoy ka sa blessing ng Panginoon; but never mistake this blessing as God's permission for you to sin, huwag mong tingnan!
{'Yung mga nagawa mong tama noong mga nakaraang panahon.}
— Huwag mong kalimutan ang batas ng Panginoon, "what you sow, you will reap,"
- Nagtanim ka ng magandang bagay noong nakaraam, umaani ka ngayon.
- Tumutulong ka noon, may tumutulong din sa'yo ngayon.
- Nagtapat ka sa Diyos, naglingkod ka noong mga nakaraang taon, na inaani mo na lang ngayon; Pero hindi nangangahulugan na binibigyan ka ng pahintulot ng Diyos na magkasala ka ng magkasala, walang mangyayari sa iyo.
- 'Yung iba naiinggit sa Kristiyanong loko-loko, kasi siya'y pinagpapala pa, naiinggit ka ba sa mga back slider? Bakit siya? Bakit siya?
- Nagsisisi ka ba na ikaw ay tapat ngayon? Nagsisisi ka ba sapagkat naglilingkod ka ngayon? Mali bang naglingkod ka? Mali bang nagtapat ka? Mali bang nagso-soul winning ka ngayon? At ang tinitingnan mo ay 'yung wala na ngayon sa Panginoon? Ang tingin mo sa kanya'y mas maginhawa siya ngayon?
{Nagtapat si David sa Lord noong mga nakaraang panahon, bata pa siya ipinaglaban niya ang Panginoon, malanalangin si David. — Nagtapat siya noon, natural lang na pinagpala siya ng Panginoon.}
If you have been faithful in the past, of course you are reaping today what you did right for God yesterday.
— Ang Diyos tapat Siya sa pangako Niya
For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. Hebrews 6:10, KJV
- Lahat ginawa mo alang-alang sa kanyang pangalan, bibigyang gantimpala ng Panginoon.
• Sin is deceitful
• Sin seem to be satisfying for a season; but once the season ends you will reap a harvest of God's judgment;
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1, KJV
{Pagkatapos ng tagumpay, pagkatapos ng inaakala niyang pagpapala ng Panginoon, 'yung kanyang anak na si Tamar na-rape, 'yung kanyang anak na si Amnon pinatay ng tauhan ng kanyang anak na si Absalom. Si Absalom na kanyang anak, nagrebelde, binalak na ibagsal ang kaharian ng kanyang si David. At si Absalom ay pinatay ng isang Heneral netong si David. At itong anak ni David kay Bathsheba, namatay.}
"Hindi pwedeng hindi ka hatulan ng Panginoon."
- Kayo na nagpapatuloy sa Panginoon, nagchu-church kayo kahit may problema kayo, nagchu-church ka kahit may sakit ka, naglalakad ka ng malayo; huwag niyong isipin na balewala ang ginagawa niyo sa Panginoon. Tama lang talaga dahil ka-akibat talaga ng pagsamba ay magsakrispisyo tayo.
- Pero huwag niyong isipin na dahil nagtatapat ka ngayon, nagsasakripisyo ka pero hindi ka umaani ngayon ay walang magandang bagay na darating.
- Huwag mong kalimutan, in everything there is a season; may panahon ng pagtatanim, may panahon ng pag-aani.
- Huwag kang matakot, huwag kang ma-discourage, huwag kang magsawang gumawa ng mabuti dahil sa tamanag panahon aani ka, huwag kang magsawa.
- Huwag kang tumingin sa iba. Huwag mong gayahin ang iba. Tumingin ka sa Lord na hindi nagbabago. Huwag lang huminto.
Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. Psalms 37:1, KJV
- Huwag kang mainggit. Huwag mong pahirapan ang sarili mo sa pagtingin mo sa mga malayo sa Diyos at gumagawa ng kasamaan at sumasagana, ikaw wala! Tino-torture mo ang sarili mo.
"Tumingin ka sa Lord"
- Hindi sapagkat walang blessing ngayon ay walang blessing na darating.
— Sa mga tumalikod sa Panginoon, just because life is good today inspite of your sin, it does not mean that sin's life is more rewarding than a life o righteousness.
{It does not mean na may gantimpala ang masamang bagay}
- Magserve ka sa Lord. Maaari mang madalas maghirap ka, maaari mong sabihin na para sa'yo lang pero ibinigay mo pa, maaaring mahirapan ka sa gawain ng Lord, pero hindi mo pagsisisihan 'yan.
{Kung wala kang blessing na natatanggap ngayon, it does not mean, wala kang matatanggap.}
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7, KJV
- Ang magtanim ng masama, aani ng kabulukan.
— Kaya tayo bilang Kristiyano, huwag tayong maiinggit sa mga taong wala sa Diyos o malayo sa Kanya, na para bang mas pinagpapala pa kay sa sa'yo, hindi pweswng mangyari 'yon.
- Today's action always reap a harvest tomorrow
- Hindi lahat ng ginawa mo ngayon ay aani ka na, may bukas pa.
- Hindi pwedeng nagtanim ka ngayon, ay aani ka na mamayang hapon.
- Hindi pwedeng nag-alaga ka ng manok ngayon, mamaya may itlog na.
"Huwag kang magmadali"
— Gawin natin ang pinapagawa ng Diyos, nasa sa Kanya kung bibigyan Niya tayo.
{'Yung ating mga dinadanas ngayon, harvest na lang 'yan.}
- 'Yung magaganda mong tinanim, naghaharvest ka ngayon ng mabubuting bagay.
- Kung may dinadanas ka man ngayon na hindi maganda, sapagkat nagtanim ka ng pangit na bagay noong mga nakaraang panahon.
{Si David ay maraming magandang asawa pero kinuha pa niya si Bathsheba, at nung makita ni David na nagbunga ang kanyang kasamaan, pinapatay niya ang asawa ni Bathsheba para lang mapagtakpan niya ang kanyang masamang nagawa. Akala niya napagtakpan niya ang nagawa niyang kasalanan, nag increase pa ang kanyang kayamanan, naparangalan pa siya sa kanyang tagumpay but there is a season for all actions.}
- Naunawaan mo na matapos kang maligtas na mali na magbisyo ka.
- Kaya dito pag dumadalo ka, huwag kang magagalit kung minsa'y para sa'yo bagkus magpasalamat ka sa Diyos dahil ayaw Niya na umani ka ng corruption.
{David, ginawa mo 'to secretly, malalaman 'to ng buong Israel}
— Huwag kang mamuhay na may tinatagong katampalahasanan. Ang Diyos ay mabuting Diyos, ang gusto Niya ay inaayos mo ang buhay mo, para hindi ka mapahiya. Hindi siya konsintidor.
Be sure to live the desired harvest you want to enjoy tomorrow.
And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Genesis 6:3 KJV
{Hindi agad dumating ang judgment ka David. Ang unang namatay 'yung kanyang sanggol kay Bathsheba. Nagkaroon siya ang giyera, nanalo pa siya... — see)
God will not always strive with your sin. {Hindi ako laging magbibigay sa'yo, hindi ako laging magpapasensya. Tao ka lang, Diyos ako.}
— Isang araw sasabihin ng Diyos, "tama na, hindi kita laging pagbibigyan"
{Binigyan kita ng time para magbago ka, binigyan kita ng time para magsisi pero hindi mo ginawa, hahatulan kita ngayon.}
"Payday will come"
- May araw ng pagbabayad/singilan
- Nung naningil ang Diyos kay David, napakabigat.
Nagtanim ka ng hangin, aani ka ng bagyo.
— May mga Kristiyanong wala na sa Panginoon pero parang nagmamalaki pa sila, ipinaparada pa nila ang kanilang kasalanan.
- Huwag kang mainggit sa mga taong gumagawa ng masama
Bilang Kristiyano, kung talagang ligtas ka, hindi ka pwedeng magkaroon ng katuwiran na, "buhay ko ito, gagawin ko ang gusto kong gawin"
Isang araw sisingilin ka ng Panginoon.
Sin's payday is always tougher than the enjoyment that sin will ever prove sa buhay mo.
{'Yung kay David, sandaling ligaya pero noong umani siya katakot takot ang kanyang inani. Sandaling kaligayahan umani ng pagdurusa na inani niya habang nabubuhay siya. Bagama't nakabangon siya ay iba na ang kanyang takbo.}
Kaya kung ayaw mong umani ng pagdurusa, huwag kabg magtanim ng ipagdurusa mo.
- Hindi laging tatakasan at tatalikuran mo ang Diyos; may panahong magbabayad ka.
{II Samuel 12, nang si David ay kinompronta ng Propeta ng Diyos, bagama't siya'y nagkasala ay tinawag pa rin siyang man after God's own heart; sapagkat noong siya ay komprontahin at ipamukha ang kanyang kasalanan,
And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord. And Nathan said unto David, The Lord also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die. 2 Samuel 12:13
— Pag alam mong nagkasala ka, huwag ka nang magmamalaki, huwag ka nang magmamatigas, huwag kang maging palalo na nagmamataas ka pa; alam mong mali ka, convicted ka, marinig sa'yong bibig galing sa puso mo na, "ako'y nagkasala laban sa Panginoon"
{Nagpakita si David ng pagpapasakop. Kung hindi siya nagpakababa, papatayin siya ng Panginoon.}
Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. Hebrews 4:7‭-‬8, KJV
{Huwag mong isipin na today's blessing as a sign na pinapalampas ka ng Lord. Get right with God!}
- Back slider ka? Bumalik ka.
- May tinatago kang kasalanan? Magsisi ka, talikuran mo na 'yan. Bumalik ka sa Panginoon.
- Wala ka nang sigla? Wala na 'yung first love mo sa Lord? Ngayon, bumalik ka sa Panginoon, ibalik mo ang sigla mo.
Walang pwedeng magmalaki sa Lord; walang palalampasin ang Panginoon.
Ang Diyos ay magpagbiyaya, mabuti, mahabagin, pero hindi Niya palalagpasin ang anak Niyang gumagawa ng kasalanan.
Sapagkat pinapalo ng Diyos ang Kanyang iniibig, kaya kung inaakala mong okay ka, sabi sa Bible, "Be not deceived." — God is not mocked.
— Sin will destroy your life.
— Malaking kasinungalingan na, "buhay ko lang naman ang apektado."
{Gumawa si David ng pagkakasala? Si David at ang kanyang asawa, nasira ang buhay. Nagresulta ito ng kamatayan ng maraming tao sa kanyang pamilya.}
Get right with God, TODAY. Be humble. Magkaroon tayo ng puso na katulad ng kay David..
"Lord, I have sinned.."
Nangako ang Diyos...
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9, KJV
July 19, 2020
AM Service, Ptr R. Flores
(— Thank You, Lord! Salamat po, Pastor!)
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johnlharrisr-blog · 5 years
What Does It Mean to Take God’s Name in Vain?
By Dr. Nicholas J. Schaser - July 13, 2018
When I was growing up, I was told to use God’s name in church, prayer, or other spiritual contexts, but to say “God” in an irreligious way—after stubbing a toe or losing a game—was to break the commandment: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain” (Exod 20:7). While I still refrain from saying “God” outside of religious discourse, this verse doesn’t mean what I was told growing up. When the Bible proscribes taking the Lord’s name in vain, it does not refer to saying “God” as an exclamation or expletive; instead, it prohibits invoking the divine name in an oath, and then failing to fulfill that oath.
In ancient Israel, an oath was a solemn statement that began חי־יהוה (chai Adonai)—“as the Lord lives”—and meant: “If I don’t fulfill the following oath, may the Lord who lives strike me dead!” For example, after Jonathan convinced Saul not to kill David, “Saul swore, ‘As the Lord lives (חי־יהוה; chai Adonai), he shall not be put to death’” (1 Sam 19:6). Saul’s oath means that if David dies at Saul’s hand, then Saul also deserves to die.
The Hebrew word commonly translated “take” in Exod 20:7 is נשא (nasa), meaning to “bear” or “lift up.” Invoking God’s “name” (שׁם; shem) means bearing it, just like Aaron was to “bear” (נשא; nasa) the names (שׁמות; shemot) of the Israelites” on his breastplate (Exod 28:29). As a bearer of God’s name, the oath-taker must accomplish the sworn oath, or else…. Yeshua protected his followers from taking God’s name in vain when he said to “not swear at all” (Matt 5:34) – that way, you’ll never swear an oath that you might not fulfill, so you can rest assured that you’ll never break the commandment.
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sciencespies · 5 years
The mass inflow and outflow rates of the Milky Way
The mass inflow and outflow rates of the Milky Way
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This illustration shows a messy, chaotic galaxy undergoing bursts of star formation. Credit: ESA, NASA, L. Calçada
According to the most widely accepted cosmological models, the first galaxies began to form between 13 and 14 billion years ago. Over the course of the next billion years, the cosmic structures now observed first emerged. These include things like galaxy clusters, superclusters and filaments, but also galactic features like globular clusters, galactic bulges, and supermassive black holes (SMBHs).
However, like living organisms, galaxies have continued to evolve ever since. In fact, over the course of their lifetimes, galaxies accrete and eject mass all the time. In a recent study, an international team of astronomers calculated the rate of inflow and outflow of material for the Milky Way. Then the good folks at Astrobites gave it a good breakdown and showed just how relevant it is to our understanding of galactic formation and evolution.
The study was led by ESA astronomer Dr. Andrew J. Fox and included members from the Space Telescope Science Institute’s (STScI) Milky Way Halo Research Group, the ESA’s Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), and multiple universities. Based on previous studies, they examined the rate at which gas flows in and out of the Milky Way from surrounding high-velocity clouds (HVC).
Since the availability of material is key to star formation in a galaxy, knowing the rate at which it is added and lost is important to understanding how galaxies evolve over time. And as Michael Foley of Astrobites summarized, characterizing the rates at which material is added to galaxies is crucial to understanding the details of this “galactic fountain” model.
In accordance with this model, the most massive stars in a galaxy produce stellar winds that drive material out of the galaxy disk. When they go supernova near the end of their lifespans, they similarly drive most of their material out. This material then infalls back into the disk over time, providing material for new stars to form.
“These processes are collectively known as stellar feedback, and they are responsible for pushing gas back out of the Milky Way,” said Foley. “In other words, the Milky Way is not an isolated lake of material; it is a reservoir that is constantly gaining and losing gas due to gravity and stellar feedback.”
In addition, recent studies have shown that star formation may be closely related to the size of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at a galaxy’s core. Basically, SMBHs put out a tremendous amount of energy that can heat gas and dust surrounding the core, which prevents it from clumping effectively and undergoing gravitational collapse to form new stars.
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Artist’s view of the Milky Way with the location of the Sun and the star-forming region at the opposite side in the Scutum-Centaurus spiral arm. Credit: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF; Robert Hurt, NASA
As such, the rate at which material flows in and out of a galaxy is key to determining the rate of star formation. To calculate the rate at which this happens for the Milky Way, Dr. Fox and his colleagues consulted data from multiple sources. Dr. Fox told Universe Today via email:
“We mined the archive. NASA and ESA maintain well-curated archives of all Hubble Space Telescope data, and we went through all the observations of background quasars taken with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS), a sensitive spectrograph on Hubble that can be used to analyze the ultraviolet light from distant sources. We found 270 such quasars. First, we used these observations to make a catalog of fast-moving gas clouds known as high-velocity clouds (HVCs). Then we devised a method for splitting the HVCs into inflowing and outflowing populations by making use of the Doppler shift.”
In addition, a recent study showed that the Milky Way experienced a dormant period roughly 7 billion years ago, which lasted for about 2 billion years. This was the result of shock waves that caused interstellar gas clouds to become heated, which temporarily caused the flow of cold gas into our galaxy to stop. Over time, the gas cooled and began flowing in again, triggering a second round of star formation.
After looking at all the data, Fox and his colleagues were able to place constraints on the rate of inflow and outflow for the Milky Way:
“After comparing the rates of inflowing and outflowing gas, we found an excess of inflow, which is good news for future star formation in our galaxy, since there is plenty of gas that can be converted into stars and planets. We measured about 0.5 solar masses per year of inflow and 0.16 solar masses per year of outflow, so there’s a net inflow.”
However, as Foley indicated, HVCs are believed to live for periods of only about 100 million years or so. As a result, this net inflow cannot be expected to last indefinitely. “Finally, they ignore HVCs that are known to reside in structures (such as the Fermi Bubbles) that don’t trace the inflowing or outflowing gas,” he adds.
Since 2010, astronomers have been aware of the mysterious structures emerging from the center of our galaxy known as Fermi Bubbles. These bubble-like structures extend for thousands of light-years and are thought to be the result of SMBH’s consuming interstellar gas and belching out gamma rays.
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Artist’s impression of the “Fermi Bubbles” around the Milky Way. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
However, in the meantime, the results provide new insight into how galaxies form and evolve. The study also bolsters the new case made for “cold flow accretion,” a theory originally proposed by Prof. Avishai Dekel and colleagues from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Racah Institute of Physics to explain how galaxies accrete gas from surrounding space during their formation.
“These results show that galaxies like the Milky Way do not evolve in a steady state,” Dr. Fox summarized. “Instead they accrete and lose gas episodically. It’s a boom and bust cycle: When gas comes in, more stars can be formed, but if too much gas comes in, it can trigger a starburst so intense that it blows away all the remaining gas, shutting off the star formation. Thus, the balance between inflow and outflow regulates how much star formation occurs. Our new results help to illuminate this process.”
Another interesting takeaway from this study is the fact that what applies to our Milky Way also applies to star systems. For instance, our solar system is also subject to the inflow and outflow of material over time. Objects like “Oumuamua and the more recent 2I/Borisov confirm that asteroids and comets are kicked out of star systems and scooped up by others regularly.
But what about gas and dust? Is our solar system and (by extension) planet Earth losing or gaining weight over time? And what could this mean for the future of our system and home planet? For example, astrophysicist and author Brian Koberlein addressed the latter issue in 2015 on his website. Using the then-recent Gemini meteor shower as an example, he wrote:
“In fact, from satellite observations of meteor trails, it’s estimated that about 100-300 metric tons (tonnes) of material strikes Earth every day. That adds up to about 30,000 to 100,000 tonnes per year. That might seem like a lot, but over a million years, that would only amount to less than a billionth of a percent of Earth’s total mass.”
However, as he goes on to explain, Earth also loses mass on a regular basis through a number of processes. These include radioactive decay of material in the Earth’s crust, which leads to energy and subatomic particles (alpha, beta and gamma-rays) leaving our planet. A second is atmospheric loss, in which gases like hydrogen and helium are lost to space. Together, these add up to a loss of about 110,000 tonnes per year.
On the surface, this would seem like a net loss of about 10,000 or more tonnes annually. What’s more, microbiologist/science communicator Dr. Chris Smith and Cambridge physicist Dave Ansell estimated in 2012 that the Earth gains 40,000 tonnes of dust a year from space, while it loses 90,000 a year through atmospheric and other processes.
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Data gathered from 1994-2013 on small asteroids impacting Earth’s atmosphere and disintegrating to create very bright meteors, called bolides. Credit: NASA
So it may be possible that Earth is getting lighter at a rate of 10,000 to 50,000 tonnes a year. However, the rate at which material is being added is not well constrained at this point, so it is possible that we might be breaking even (though the possibility that Earth is gaining mass seems unlikely). As for our solar system, the situation is similar. On the one hand, interstellar gas and dust flows in all the time.
On the other hand, our sun—which accounts for 99.86 percent of the solar system’s mass—is also shedding mass over time. Using data gathered by NASA’s MESSENGER probe, a team of NASA and MIT researchers concluded that the sun is losing mass due to solar wind and interior processes. According to Ask an Astronomer, this is happening at a rate of 1.3245 x 1015 tonnes a year, even though the sun is expanding simultaneously.
That’s a staggering number, but the sun has a mass of about 1.9885×1027 tonnes. So it won’t be winking out anytime soon. But as it loses mass, its gravitational influence on Earth and the other planets will diminish. However, by the time our sun reaches the end of its main sequence, it will expand considerably and could very well swallow Mercury, Venus, Earth and even Mars completely.
So while our galaxy may be gaining mass for the foreseeable future, it looks like our sun and Earth itself are slowly losing mass. This should not be seen as bad news, but it does have implications in the long run. In the meantime, it’s kind of encouraging to know that even the oldest and most massive objects in the universe are subject to change like living creatures.
Whether we’re talking about planets, stars, or galaxies, they are born, they live and they die. And in between, they can be trusted to put on or lose a few pounds. The circle of life, played out on the cosmic scale.
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Image: Hubble spots a swarm of stars
More information: Andrew J. Fox, et al. The Mass Inflow and Outflow Rates of the Milky Way. arXiv:1909.05561v1 [astro-ph.GA]: arxiv.org/abs/1909.05561
Source Universe Today
Citation: The mass inflow and outflow rates of the Milky Way (2019, October 4) retrieved 4 October 2019 from https://phys.org/news/2019-10-mass-inflow-outflow-milky.html
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goodvibesatpeace · 7 years
10 Secrets Of The Annunaki Planet X Nibiru
10 Secrets of the Annunaki? I get a lot of messages about the Annunaki, Nibiru... Planet X.
So let me share with you what I know about the Annunaki... Why this matters, is it even important... Yes because it really helped me wake up to realize there is so much on Planet Earth that we don’t know about.
Throughout the ages, the ruling elite has known that Man and Woman are not alone in the Universe... there is Archaeological evidence to suggest that we were visited by Extra Terrestrials that came mythologized as Gods.
In many ancient civilizations... Ancient Egypt, Sumeria.... there are many texts which speak of ‘beings coming down from the heavens’, who are far more advanced then human beings.
So.. lets find out what does Annunaki mean.... it means ‘those who came down from the heavens’... princely blood. 
So if you look in many ancient texts... even in the Bible in Genesis it says ‘God made man in his image and his likeness’. But if you go back to Sumeria, there is a text even older than the Bible called the Enuma Elish and it says about Gods, Elohim... there were many Gods.
In a place called Nineveh, in Sumeria, over 22 thousand clay tablets talking about the Annunaki. Zecharia Sitchin, he had great works called the Earth Chronicles published in 1976 and he really talks a lot about the Annunaki... you go anywhere on planet earth, you will find evidence that shows...’How the hell did that get here’. 
In South Africa you have Adam’s Calendar, this massive megalithic structure, you have got Stonehenge in the UK.... but Adam’s Calendar is said to be 75000 years old. How were these megalithic structures made in ancient times? How was it possible for humans to achieve such feats?... Did humans have help from other-worldly beings with their far advanced technologies?
So, lets dive into it... 10 secrets of the Annunaki Planet X Nibiru...
The first secret is earth had visitors... we are not alone in this universe... and you find this in the Sumerian texts, it talks about how the Annunaki came from a planet called Nibiru or planet X and what happened when they came? They came down to planet earth and, at that time, they just found prehistoric man and woman, not evolved, not doing much... civilization wasn’t the way it is now. So they came from the heavens and landed on planet earth.... is it really that hard to believe? Look at it like this, we have a universe which is so massive... let me simplify it for you, so we are in the Milky Way galaxy and in our galaxy there are over 300 billion stars... now lets just say 10% of those stars have planets, that means there are over 30 billion planets in our Milky Way galaxy. Now check this out... there are over 100 billion galaxies in the universe... so life is everywhere. In fact, NASA have even found a planet that looks a bit like earth called Kepler 186- f. So the first secret is that we aren’t alone in the universe and many people high up know this.... that earth has had visitors and you can see it from all of the massive stone structures around the planet, the Pyramids, Stonehenge, Adam’s Calendar, Washington Monument... who built these massive enormous monuments, how did they do it? 
The second secret of the Annunaki is Why did they come here in the first place? Why? What was there need to come here? The gold rush... the Annunaki needed Gold for their planet because Gold reflects infra-red, Gold also protects against Radiation and Gold could help them with their atmosphere in Nibiru. What happened? When they came to planet earth, there were lots of Gold and they started to mine the Gold. And they were mining the Gold and mining the Gold but, over time, they got tired because its a lot of work. So they were like ‘ I don’t want to be the only one doing it’... but they saw prehistoric man and woman and they were like ‘ Hey, we could use prehistoric man and woman and get him/her to do it’. So planet earth is full of resources and the Annunaki saw how much Gold their was and came here and started to mine the Gold. Now Sitchin says the Annunaki really came to planet earth about 450 thousands years ago.... who was the boss of the Annunaki? Who was the God of Nibiru? Lord Anu.... and many Annunaki came to planet earth... Inky, Enlil, many of them came... they came for the Gold, to mine the Gold. Earth has precious resources 
The third secret of the Annunaki is... Now look at it like this, the Annunaki had to adapt, their body wasn’t suited to planet earth. So they saw prehistoric man and woman and they started to create genetic experiments to get the prehistoric man/woman to mine the Gold. So basically there was a lot of grafting going on... they took the DNA from the prehistoric man/woman and mixed it with their own... and they created the first human... Homesapiensapien. Now, you go to the Hebrew... Adam means Man, in the Sumerian texts A-dam means the first Man. So when you realize that earth has been experimented with and the human being right now is not the human being that once existed... we have almost been created by extra-terrestrials... now that sounds bonkers... and for me I always say you have got to use discernment, you have really got to take everything with a pinch of salt... but it always makes me think, when you are a child you are asking these questions like Where did we come from? Why is the world the way it is? Why are so many countries going to war? Where did all of these languages come from? And it only really starts to make sense when you realize that there is so much that has happened on this planet that we know nothing about because many of us... we have Amnesia, we have forgotten our true power. So there was a lot of genetic experiments
 The fourth secret of the Annunaki is... The slave species... the Annunaki created a slave species on planet earth to help mine to Gold and... there is talk of that in the Sumerian texts. What happened was they couldn’t stay on planet earth for too long and some of them stayed but some of them went back to Nibiru. And the human beings were now mining the Gold and its amazing because even if you look were we are right now on planet earth, many of us are still a slave species.. slave labour, its like we are working and working and working.... where did this all come from? because one day, once upon a time, we were just chilling and, all of a sudden, everybody is in a hurry to get somewhere fast. No.. to get nowhere fast, you are not going anywhere. So I started to realize ‘Gosh, there could be something to this story’... now, do I believe the whole Annunaki story? No.... Not all of it. Do I believe some of it?Absolutely Yes... because there are so many things happening on planet earth I am like ‘Question Mark’..how is that possible? So the Annunaki created a slave species to help mine the gold called Humans.
The fifth secret of the Annunaki is... Now, in many ancient texts, Sumerian texts, the Enuma Elish... it spoke about how the Gods, who first came down to planet earth from Nibiru, Planet X.... What happened? They saw the women here on planet earth and they interbred with them. And they actually also created the Adamu, the first Man. So what you are seeing is that a lot of us maybe have Alien DNA... we might even be part Annunaki. So they saw how beautiful the woman were and interbred with the woman and created the modern Human.
The sixth secret of the Annunaki is.... the Annunaki, the Sumerians were the first people on planet earth to create cities as we know it, with city grids. And... have you every wondered where we got all of this technology from all of a sudden? because there is a massive jump... we gone from prehistoric man, homoerectus, homohabalis... to this human being which is creating skyscrapers, rockets, computers... Where did we get all these Technology from? The mathematics, what happened? Evolution cannot explain this big leap in advancement of the human species, it is just not possible. And I saw the film Prometheus and its like ‘Wow, its pretty interesting’ because, from the Sumerian texts, the Aliens, the Annunaki... came to planet earth and, basically, civilized us... They gave you Mathematics, They gave you Language, They gave you Technology... they helped you to advance. So sometimes I often think to myself ‘Wow, makes sense’ because we have made a massive leap from prehistoric days to the highly intelligent beings we are now...where did all this Technology come from? Where did the Internet come from? Nobody knows
The seventh secret of the Annunaki is.... the Annunaki were the first beings who were mythologized as Gods... all of the Gods, Amun-ra, Isis, Horus... all of these Gods from the Panthien of civilizations... Hermes..... All of the Religious Gods.... These are all the beings from Nibiru, according to the Sumerian texts. So they were worshiped by Human beings, they were praised and they were adored because, once again, they had superior powers to human beings. They could do things, they had advanced memory, they had advance strength, they had advanced intelligence and therefore they were worshiped. But what happened was when they had children with women and men... their offspring became the rulers, the Pharaohs of lands, the Kings and the Queens... they became the Royalty.... And that’s why the Royalty have a connection to the extra terrestrials, the Annunaki. I am going to tell you why, ultimately, the power is you... and the Annunaki know that the power is you, that’s why they came to planet earth in the first place. We will come to that later. So the Annunaki became the first beings worshiped as Gods and their offspring became the first rulers on planet earth.
The eighth secret of the Annunaki is... the Annunaki created the first calendars, the Zodiac... and they gave it to man and therefore, its what we call ‘The Creation of Time’. Before the Annunaki came to planet earth, there was no time and, if you go back to ancient texts such as the Enuam Elish... they talk about how, once upon a time on planet earth, everything was formless meaning there was no time, there was no structure. So as the Annunaki created Man-Made time, it actually put Human Beings into an Artificial Matrix... one of control and mind control. Now remember Annunaki needed the Gold so they needed to create a whole structure built on time to get human beings to work and work and work, to mine for the Gold and humans could get it. Calendars.... time rules everything around us right now, you have got to be here by this time by that time. But when you are not in time, you are infinitely free so what really helped me along my journey was to say ‘Actually, its really time to go back to the formless and lose time... and be free’
The ninth secret of the Annunaki is... the Annunaki, even in the Bible and Sumerian texts, they talk of how Giants...once upon a time, walked the earth...the Nephalim. These beings were so tall, they made human beings look tiny...these Giants had technology which was so far ahead of its time, the humans didn’t know how it worked. And these Giants built Pyramids, they built all of these massive monuments you see around the planet. And Giants, their bones, have been found all around the world... their is Archaeological evidence. But many of these Giants had a elongated skull and you can even see that with some of the Pharaohs... their skull is a lot longer at the back... could that be because they had a greater brain capacity? 
The reason why I find the Annunaki story fascinating, I don’t believe all of it but definitely most of it makes me raise my eyebrows because it really gets you thinking that there is so much we don’t know about... the moment we are born we are shoved in a conveyor belt lifestyle which is just to accept, accept, accept the story. 
But History is the lie agreed upon... the more you begin to realize that the Annunaki could have been the ones that gave humans religion, language, technology, monuments, megalithic structures plus so much more... your leaders... you then realize that there is so much we don’t know about our existence and the universe, how we came to be and how we have advanced so quickly and rapidly compared to our prehistoric, formless days.
The bigger the lie, the more the lie is believed and what has really helped me along my journey is to realize that it is all about freeing your mind and thinking for yourself.... right now, it is time to question, the more you question the more answers come.
The tenth secret of the Annunaki is.... You had the power all along... that’s right. The Annunaki know how powerful human beings are and what a human being can do is a human being can create.... and therefore, human beings are super powerful. For so long, in this society, we have externalized our power and what really freed me along my journey was to really begin to take my power back and to say ‘Actually, no Alien beings can control me’ because I am powerful. You also had some Annunaki beings who were helping planet earth like Inky, Ea.... who wanted to free humanity from bondage and then you had some Annunaki beings who wanted to keep humanity asleep.... and we see this being played out in today’s society, look whats happening in the world at large, in Politics, in the world there is a lot of tension and wars... but this story you see that is being played out right now is the story which was being played out back then. It’s an old age story which you will only really comprehend when you realize man is not alone in the universe and there is so much we don’t know about.
So, once again, those are the 10 secrets of the Annuanki :).... Did you see one? or maybe You are one... and if you are, then you just say “Feels so good to be alive Baby!”
You are Worthy…You are Enough… You are Beautiful… You are Powerful….just the way you are!
Have a wonderful day!
Much Love to all… There are many deep waters out there!!.. go in peace my friends :)
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scribeofthenewworld · 5 years
Speculation On Creation
NOTE: this paper was originally written in Chicago format and utilises footnotes. The footnotes are not available in the text below; for the full paper with references, follow the link below:
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. A simple enough statement, but under further scrutiny, one wracked with controversy. The creation account in Genesis 1 raises such questions from believers as ‘was the earth really created in six days?’, ‘how much of the creation account is literal, and metaphorical?’, ‘where does science fit into the story of the creation of the world?’, and so forth. This paper will attempt to answer these questions and others like them, as well as examining evidence for and against each of the creation theories and reconciling scientific and Biblical agendas. Although the majority of Christians today seem to adhere mainly to young earth theories of creation, upon examination, the scientific evidence backing any of the old earth creation theories is vastly superior in both credibility and abundance.  
Before embarking on this journey of scientific discovery, a good Christian must take proper inventory of their Biblical angle and thoroughly consider their beliefs. The most important question, in this particular instance, would probably be “Do I take every last thing in the Bible literally?” If answering “yes” to this question, one must then consider “why?” Not to say that the Bible should not be studied and followed, but simply that, in certain cases, taking a literal interpretation makes little sense. Many places in scripture, whole books even, are classified as poetic – Psalms, for example. Why, then, should other parts not be also? Furthermore, “Language differences increase the difficulty of comprehending the meaning of the creation ‘day.’ The entire Old Testament… comes to us from ancient Hebrew”. Most English-speakers simply do not take into account the language gap present when considering the Bible. Yet it remains acutely present – biblical Hebrew contains a few thousand words, as opposed to English’s vernacular of nearly four million. As such, many Hebrew words have multiple potential translations. More than that, though, the very essence of the language differs from English: ancient Hebrew is a rich, poetic, meaningful language, with nuances and structures that no one who has not studied it can hope to understand. The language’s nature being thus, the Hebrew Bible was written not with the intent of providing precise, scientifically-acute data, but of conveying to its reader the character and might of God. Moreover, the Hebrew culture differed astronomically from ours in many aspects, one of which being its unconcern with precision and hard fact; the Hebrews were much less concerned with hard science and time. Rather, the ancient Hebrew language emphasized poeticism and meaning, being more ‘big picture oriented’ than English. The discontinuity between the two creation accounts in Genesis accentuates this; had the tales been transcribed literally, each would contradict the other. Within the context of poetic imagery, however, each can be appreciated as a tribute to creation and God’s creative splendor. 
Now bearing all this in mind, one can further contend interpretation of the Biblical creation accounts. Before engaging in more intensive speculation, though, one must keep in mind this: true science does not contradict scripture, for scripture does not contradict facts of the natural world. “Both the Old and New Testaments emphasize the importance of testing, of making sure the evidence supports truth claims”. God created a world of order, with laws and functions comprehensible to man; therefore, it should stand to reason that not only can science and scripture exist compatibly, but harmoniously. Now, it is surely no disputed matter that differences in scriptural interpretation can be met with some quarrel. Yet to properly assess one’s points of belief, one must put aside emotional responses and examine the facts. Foremost, one must consider the intended meaning of the word “day” in Genesis. The Hebrew word translated as “day”, yôm (יוֹם) is used “to indicate any of four time periods: (a) some portion of the daylight (hours), (b) sunrise to sunset, (c) sunset to sunset, or (d) a segment of time without any reference to solar days (from weeks to a year to several years to an age or epoch)”. It is entirely possible, therefore, that the “days” to which Genesis 1 refers are not twenty-four-hour days at all, but indiscriminate amounts of time. Moreover, Psalm 90:3 states “A thousand years in your sight [o Lord] are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night”, and again, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day”. Because God exists outside any human concept of time, he need not conform to any specific timeframe. Also, mankind did not even exist for the first five “days” of creation, so man’s concept of time would have been irrelevant in any case; God’s only timeframe would have been his own. 
The most compelling evidence for the earth��s age, however, can be found in the earth itself. It should be noted that, for the sake of the length of this paper, explanation of scientific processes and methods must be minimal, if not forgone altogether. Keeping this in mind, the most common method for precise dating, radiometric dating, measures the presence of long-lived radioactive ‘parent’ isotopes and their stable ‘daughter’ isotopes in minerals. Over time, radioactive elements decay into lighter elements, which is one of the ways scientists know the earth to be at least one billion years old – those radioactive elements with shorter half-lives cannot be found that originated in the earth’s crust. Radiometric dating puts the oldest mineral fragment ever found (zircon), according to the journal Nature Geoscience, at 4.375 billion years old, give or take about six million. Obviously, this is significantly longer ago than some people believe the earth to have even existed. What to think? To begin with, radiometric dating has been proven one of the most accurate methods of mineral dating used due to the variety of radioisotopes and the constancy of decay; its (notably slight) error margin accounts almost entirely for timeframe miscalculation (different radiometric methods are used to date relics from different time periods). To examine the constancy of decay, one must understand that “radioactive decay is the process whereby an unstable nucleus either ejects or captures particles, transforming the radioactive nucleotide into an isotope of another element”. Decay constancy can be expected for two reasons: first, atomic nuclei are extremely well insulated by their electron cloud, preventing them from interacting with other atoms’ nuclei. Second, the energy required for nuclear changes is 106 times greater than that involved in chemical activity – an energy level naturally attainable only in nuclear reactions. Because radioactive decay necessitates elemental transmutation, and therefore nuclear changes, such an unlikely interference of external factors means that, barring some fundamental change in the nature of matter and energy, rates of decay have remained constant. 
The cosmos serves as another huge indicator as to the passage of time. The better part of the universe remains largely mysterious to man – he has neither the technology nor the time to explore deep space. Still, man has discovered quite a goodly amount about his own solar system, to his credit. Based on much of the knowledge garnered by astronomers and astrophysicists, science has been able to ascertain the age of the universe. NASA’s oldest estimation of the universe falls around 13.7 billion years old – far older than planet earth, they posit. These conclusions were reached by extensive study of sound and light waves and how long they take to reach earth, and of the background microwave radiation avowedly produced at the dawn of the universe. Additionally, the majority of meteorites that have fallen to earth have been dated at between 4.4 and 4.6 billion years, and the oldest recorded supernova has been dated back a measured 4.3 million years; because “supernova explosions occur only when a massive star has burned up nearly all its nuclear fuel... this burning process takes several million years – even longer for less massive stars”. Therefore, all white dwarfs claim that age, at least. Moreover, by study of ancient galaxy clusters, astronomers have been able to determine that some stars therein date back tens of millions of years by comparing them with more newly formed adjacent stars. As a matter of fact, the simple reality that things billions of lightyears away can be observed attests to the solar system’s exceptional age; “lightyear” refers to the distance light can travel in a year, ergo light-sources billions of lightyears away would yet be unobservable were the solar system young, for the light from them would not as of yet have had sufficient time to reach earth. As a matter of fact, an excerpt from Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith notes, “Space and time, the cosmological coordinates, are correlative. Interlocking of the two is pronounced in God's seventh day rest, a temporal concept that connotes the spatial reality of the holy site of God's enthronement. Also indicative of their correlation is the giving of the temporal names ‘day’ and ‘night’ to the spatial phenomena of light and darkness [Gen. 1:5]”.
Likely the most controversial affair within science today, particularly among theists, is evolution. While evolution remains technically a theory, nearly overwhelming evidence exists in its favour and it represents a fundamental piece of biological history. To clarify, the term “evolution” is used here to express the concept of microevolution. Evolution does not purport to know how the first life came to be upon this earth, nor does it automatically posit the so-called “Big Bang Theory”. However, usually when one says they do not believe in “evolution”, it automatically connotes both evolutionary concepts. Such a claim sounds a bit foolish, if not downright absurd. First of all, the evidence for microevolution is abundant enough that it could very nearly be considered confirmed; furthermore, it is treated by the scientific community as fact. The most popular example of this principle in action is the study of the Galapagos Finches, however a clearer example lies in the sudden emergence of complex multicellular organisms (Eukaryotes) in the fossil record, following the Proterozoic period. Evolution within species causes an organism to adapt to its environment through mutation – in this way, they are better able to survive. It is not the subversion of species separation, but simply the division of already-existing species.
The tenets for young earth creationism are numerous; therefore, as much of the science forming the groundwork for various young earth arguments has already been discussed, from here on shall focus primarily on the different young earth views and their theological premises. One theory, “mature creationism”, postulates that God created the earth with an appearance of age, just as he presumably created Adam and Eve as mature adults. The problem with this theory is its inference that God not only created an earth that looked old, but that had every detail of an age to which it could not truly contend. To what end would God scatter fossils and mud cracks about in the sediment to make the earth look unnecessarily ancient? It would accomplish naught but confusion for his people, and worse, it would make him a deceiver -- something that God most decidedly is not. The other popular young earth position, called “flood geology”, speculates that the flood in Genesis 6-9 severely altered the geology of the earth’s crust, giving it an appearance of advanced age. This theory hypothesizes that the flood spanned the entirety of the earth, wiping out all -- plants, animals, and humans alike. However, the case for a geographically global flood lacks both Biblical and scientific basis – in fact, Psalm 104:7-9 seems to directly contradict the thought. Furthermore, the Hebrew word used throughout the Old Testament commonly translated as “world” was ‘erets (אֶרֶץ), which can also be translated to mean “land” or “country”. In fact, it was more commonly used to mean “land” than “earth”! Additionally, geographic evidence stands in opposition to flood geology; fossils, impressions, and patterns within sedimentary structures in other areas of the world bespeak no great hydraulic catastrophe.
Probably the most vexing young earth queries are those involving the question of death before the fall; obviously (assuming the advanced age of the earth), death of animals would have had to occur for fossils to be deposited as they are, and had animal death not occurred beforehand the planet would have been nearly overrun by the time the creation of man occurred. It then stands to reason that God’s creation was not entirely perfect, even before the introduction of sin. Yet, Genesis never says anything about God calling his creation perfect; Hebrew has multiple words that could be potentially translated as “perfect”, and God used none of them. Rather, he used the word tôv (טוֹב), which simply means “good”. As “good” presents a far more vague definition than “perfect”, it can be argued that an imperfect creation involving physical death could still be considered “good”. Since God (presumably) did not create animals with the same moral distinguishments as man, sin did not exist before him (“sin” meaning willful deviance from God’s instruction). This premanifestation of physical death may make sense even with concern to pre-fall humans – in part, due to the language used when forbidding consumption of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil: rather than simply using the regular form of the Hebrew word for “die”, môt (מֹות), God used an intensified form (מֹות תָּמֽוּת). This indicates a more extreme sort of death than mere physical death: spiritual death. The fact that God said post-fall “He [man] must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever” backs this up; God would not have needed to proscribe man from the tree of life were he already predestined to live forever, be it in the physical or the spiritual sense. 
Ross makes the statement that “Current culture subscribes to this false dichotomy: facts and faith don’t mix. Yet the Bible claims that faith is built on reasonable evidence”. It seems silly, then, that some scorn evidence and fact on the part of faith, when in reality neither need jeopardize the other. It is true that some questions exist to which no one can ever truly know the answer. Yet, whilst man dwells upon this earth, should he not seek to study and understand it to the best of his ability? Earth is mans’ God-granted home, and as such man should not view attempts to explain and fathom it as heretical, but as explorative and progressive. God did not beget for man a random world, but one that can be ordered, analyzed, and explained; therefore, it stands to reason that he desires humanity to explore and decipher their home. The world God created for his people makes wonderful sense, and one day when everything is revealed, people will also be able to look at the gloriously harmonious congruity of creation and say “it is good”.  
"New International Version (NIV)." Blue Letter Bible. Accessed April 02, 2016. https://www.blueletterbible.org/. 
Dalrymple, G. Brent. The Age of the Earth. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1991.
Hill, Carol A., and Stephen O. Moshier. "Flood Geology and the Grand Canyon: A 
Critique." Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, June 2009, 99-115. 
Kline, Meredith G. "Space and Time in the Genesis Comogony." Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 15th ser., 48, no. 2 (1996). Accessed April 2, 2016. http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/1996/PSCF3-96Kline.html.
NASA. "Ancient Galaxy Cluster Still Producing Stars." Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 
Last modified August 18, 2010. Accessed April 2, 2016. 
Nemiroff, Robert, Jerry Bonnell, WMAP Science Team, and NASA. "Astronomy Picture of the Day." APOD: 2003 February 17. February 17, 2003. Accessed April 02, 2016. http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap030217.html. 
Ross, Hugh. A Matter of Days. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2004. 
Valley, John W., Aaron J. Cavosie, Takayuki Ushikubo, David A. Reinhard, Daniel F. Lawrence, David J. Larson, Peter H. Clifton, Thomas F. Kelly, Simon A. Wilde, Desmond E. Moser, and Michael J. Spicuzza. "Hadean Age for a Post-magma-ocean Zircon Confirmed by Atom-probe Tomography." Nature Geoscience, February 23, 2014, 219-23. Accessed April 01, 2016. 
Widbin, Bryan. Lecture, Biblical Hebrew II: Readings, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, NY. 
Widbin, R. Bryan, and Peg Kershenbaum. A Guidebook For Learning Biblical Hebrew. 
N.p.: Alliance Theological Seminary, 1997. 
0 notes
shirlleycoyle · 5 years
OK, WTF Is Google’s ‘Quantum Supremacy’?
Last week, an historic claim from Google was accidentally (and briefly) posted online: its AI Quantum research group had achieved “quantum supremacy,” an important step towards ultra-powerful computers that can solve problems deemed impossible for current machines by using quantum physics.
The big reveal was somewhat thwarted by contributing researchers at NASA, who accidentally made a draft paper available. Not prone to understating its successes, Google made its bold assertion in the title of its research paper: “Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor.” Though the paper was quickly taken down, copies of it were archived and are floating around the web.
Google didn’t respond to a request for comment about how the paper was leaked, or when a finalized version would be published.
The news that Google had reached this milestone has got people talking, or rather, arguing about what this really means. Still, even in the fundamentally confusing world of quantum physics, there are some facts that we can untangle from the speculations, opinions, and predictions.
Here’s what we do know about Google’s claim to quantum supremacy.
What is ‘quantum supremacy’?
Quantum supremacy is the point at which quantum computers can solve problems that are practically unsolvable for “classical” (non-quantum) computers to complete in any reasonable timeframe.
In principle, even the most simple universal computer can solve anything that is computable ⁠(i.e. can be represented as a formal problem for which there is an answer, or set of possible answers⁠) given infinite time to do so. So, “supremacy” is a matter of how quickly and reliably a computer can solve a problem.
“The purpose is to show that you've built a quantum device that can do at least one thing which is outside the reach of classical machines,” said David Gosset, an associate professor at the Institute of Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo.
It is generally believed that at least 49 qubits are required to cross the quantum supremacy line. Qubits behave very differently to bits in classical computers. Bits represent either a “1” or a “0,” and computers read and perform operations on one bit at a time. In contrast, qubits can represent a combination state made up of both “1” and “0,” due to the peculiar quantum effects in which properties like particle position, direction, and momentum are not well-defined. This allows for a system to be in multiple states at the same time, called quantum indeterminacy.
Quantum computers can use quantum operators (a mathematical transformation) on all possible values within a qubit state, so it can read and change a “1” and a “0” piece of information at the same time. The ability to instantly process more information and simultaneously act on that information is what enables quantum computers to perform extremely complex tasks much faster than classical computers.
What did Google do?
Before the inadvertent announcement about supremacy, Google was already leading the pack in terms of the sheer size of its quantum computer. Last year it revealed a new 73-qubit computer, putting it ahead of closest rival IBM, which happened to announce its own development of a 53-qubit computer on September 18.
For its supremacy demonstration, however, Google used a different, smaller computer, named Sycamore.
As described in the leaked paper, Google used a 53-qubit processor (originally 54 qubits, but one qubit let the team down) to perform a sampling task. First, a classical computer was used to generate a series of quantum instructions called quantum gates, the equivalent of logic gates which act on the 1s and 0s in classical computers. This series, collectively called a quantum circuit, was sent to the quantum computer to perform only on qubits in pure zero states, generating a probability distribution for resulting states. (This is a function that assigns probabilities to all possible values, because of the indeterminacy features of quantum physics.) Finally, the quantum computer was asked to output samples from the probability distribution.
To check that the quantum computer actually performed this task, the team had to use a classical computer as a “simulator” to verify that samples of the quantum computer’s output are close to the expected values.
The classical simulator uses mathematical techniques to generate a similar probability distribution function to compare with the quantum computer, but it doesn’t actually execute the same operations—this would undermine the demonstration of quantum supremacy. The simulation takes a huge amount of resource and time, increasing with the size of the quantum computer it is checking. Using classical computers to verify quantum supremacy is only possible when quantum computers are around 50 qubits or less.
It looks like Sycamore did complete this job pretty quickly, within the allowed error thresholds. In a shorter summary paper which also appeared online, Google’s researchers estimate it would take the most advanced classical computer today 10,000 years to do sampling that the quantum computer did in 200 seconds.
This doesn’t rule out the possibility that there is a very efficient algorithm which could enable a classical computer to do the same task in a reasonable timeframe. Currently, no one has proven mathematically that such an algorithm does not exist, but there are weaker proofs that make it unlikely that a yet-undiscovered super-fast classical algorithm exists.
How important is this result?
In response to the leaked announcement, presidential candidate Andrew Yang declared that it meant “no code is uncrackable.” He was roundly roasted.
See, a major concern about quantum computing in general is that our current security and encryption protocols will no longer be safe from ultra-fast and powerful machines. But the fact that Sycamore can perform one specific task that people believe would take too long for a classical computer, does not mean it can perform the tasks it would need to in order to crack important security protocols.
In a blog post responding to frequently-asked questions about the Google news, Scott Aaronson, a quantum professor at The University of Texas (Austin), explained why.
According to Aaronson, current RSA encryption can only be broken by “several thousand logical qubits.” Current quantum computers have fewer than 100 qubits at most, and Sycamore had even fewer. Canadian company D-Wave’s machines use more, but using an entirely different approach without quantum gates.
Logical qubits are higher-level (more abstract) qubits which aren’t affected by quantum decoherence, the messy quantum interactions which produce noise and create errors. A single logical qubit is constructed from hundreds, if not thousands, of physical qubits in such a way that errors due to decoherence at a physical qubit level are cancelled out.
This means that millions of “high quality” physical qubits are needed to produce the thousands of logical qubits which would be able to crack today’s common encryption methods, according to Aaronson’s blog. And that’s a long way off—Sycamore used 53 physical qubits.
Regardless, almost everyone agrees that Google’s results are important in terms of scientific and engineering advancement. Putting claims of supremacy aside, the key innovation is Google’s superconducting processor is programmable, so it can receive instructions for different tasks, some of which may be beyond the reach of classical computers.
Still, some healthy skepticism remains. Confirming caims of quantum supremacy is notoriously hard, since the methods to verify quantum results are not always convincing. In Google’s case, the validation involved comparing the quantum output samples to an “ideal” output, generated by a classical computer.
“Such a demonstration [of quantum supremacy] isn't inherently useful, since most proposals for quantum supremacy are based on computational problems you wouldn't encounter in any other context,” Gosset said. “But it puts a stake in the ground and makes a bold claim that our community will need to scrutinize, once the full details are available.”
Some academics are already questioning the experiment’s methodology. Gil Kalai, a mathematics professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, pointed out in a blog post that Google’s research fails to show that the quantum computer is actually sampling the intended probability distribution and not doing something else entirely to arrive at the output.
A main problem, as he puts it, is that “relying just on the behaviour of qubits and gates” to infer what the quantum computer is doing does not account for errors, called “noise”, which distort the behaviour of quantum computers.
In a paper published in August, he presented concerns about the reliability of the type of quantum supremacy demonstrations Google has now done, writing: “The experimental outcomes will not be robust…and hence the outcomes will be chaotic…running the experiment twice will lead to very different probability distributions.”
Has Google achieved quantum supremacy, as it claims? Right now, the answer is indeterminate.
OK, WTF Is Google’s ‘Quantum Supremacy’? syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
0 notes
stevedavismarketing · 7 years
Psionic Machines & Radionic Machines Influencing The Subliminal Mind (Take your Power Back)
Psionic Machines & Radionic Machines
Influencing The Subliminal Mind
Messages and symbols are frequently hidden within popular television shows and movies. Subliminal symbols are delivered in such a way as not to be noticed by the conscious mind but are readily picked up by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind records everything that it is exposed to, regardless of the speed of delivery. Speed is often a factor in non-recognition by the conscious mind. If you read Brice Taylor's book, Thanks for The Memories, you know that Disney is heavily involved in mind control programming (as is NASA). A number of years ago, I saw single frames from the Disney's animation of The Littlest Mermaid which showed a scene in the water where she is nude from the waist down and seen with full pubic hair. If you saw the movie, you would 't pick it up because a single frame of animation goes by in something like 1/18th of a second, however, your subconscious mind would catch it and retain it. I also saw a single frame from The Lion King where the word "SEX" was spelled with twinkling stars in a scene showing a night sky. Paul, the fellow who spotted the subliminal in this National Geographic documentary aired on British TV, illustrates the embedded programming symbols by SLOWING down the video; this is the key to seeing them.
This method of controlling brain waves with low-frequency input certainly is not a new technology at all!  In the 1930’s already researchers found that repetitive light and/or sound stimulation caused brain waves to adjust to the same frequency. 
 For decades now, some “new age gurus” and other cult leaders made extensive use of repetitive sound pulses, often of the inaudible and subliminal kind.  This helps them to cause their captive audiences to be more receptive to their preaching.  Much earlier than that, as far back in time as the very dawn of humankind, shamans used drumming (repetitive pulses, or beats, of low frequency) to put their audiences into altered states and cause them to have experiences that they would not have in their normal state of daily activities. In our times, this type of pulse, or “beat” is used in many events where the capturing of audiences and the temporary control of their habits (or minds) is considered to be important, such as in fashion shows, exercise machine advertising, commercials, military training, church meetings, and TV infomercial pitches to the public, to name just a few.
You can find a variety of fairly good Light-Sound (LS) devices on the market today. A LS-device typically stimulates the brain indirectly with light flashes through goggles and sound stimuli (beats) through earphones.  These stimuli will cause the brain to adjust to the frequency of the flashes and sounds and consequently generate the corresponding level of awareness.  As you can find out right from the beginning of using such a device, all LS-devices have a serious flaw:  They depend on earphones and goggles to be effective.  In other words:  if you want to access a specific level of awareness such as charismatic appearance, calm, or creativity, you need to get the stimuli through earphones and goggles. 
It is obvious that you cannot wear these LS-devices whenever you really need them!  Just imagine appearing on a date, an important business meeting, or a sports event with a LS-contraption on your head - this would be outright ridiculous and counteract the desired effects!  And you cannot do creative writing or art either while using such a LS-contraption on your head.  You need to wait till you can take it off your head, and then your brain waves will adjust back to their usual state. 
Using Psionic Mind Power Technology you are able to unlock the hidden potential of the human mind. 
Psionic Machines Empower Easy Reality-Reengineering 
Radionic machines are additionally called "wishing machines". Using extraordinary images and orgone-creating wizardy, these contraptions center your musings with laser force to make your wants truly work out as expected. 
Experience has demonstrated that radionic treatment can be useful in
Trustworthy radionic organizations have started proclaiming the astounding energy of this innovation. A couple of include: 
The Radionic Association
 | Radionic Research Institute | Welz | Public Orgone Research Exchange 
Extra time, specialists understood that radionic treatments can be used past the domain of basic recuperating. It can be released to really impact probabilities, subsequently gaining itself the monicker "wishing innovations." 
"Enchantment", in the conventional feeling of the word, is the impacting of reality through paranormal means.” 
A run of the mill sorceress enchants by imagining what she needs, making images to speak to her goal and experiencing a tiring custom that invigorates it (incense, droning, butchering of chickens). Such unrefined customs give vitality by discharging little measures of chi vitality. Chi along these lines opens up her contemplations and wants. 
These three stages of Visualization, Symbolism and Energizing outcomes in the control of probabilities… to her support. 
The present Radionic frameworks are basically current supernatural innovations.Regardless of the mysterious teach, whether Wicca, Voodoo, Huna, Hebrew, Gothic, Celtic, the segments are the same. To impact reality, the three fixings must be available. The absence of any outcomes in disappointment. 
Present day MAGIC = RADIONICS 
Like in customary enchantment, Visualization, Symbolism and Energy are required by radionic techniques to impact reality and in this way concede wishes– in a manner of speaking. 
In any case, there's a distinction in the last part of Energizing. Radionics does not get vitality from droning, chicken butcher and voodoo dolls. Rather, radionics depends on present day innovative disclosures (orgone generators) to store up huge surges of chi vitality. An orgone generator can soak a stay with substantially more vitality than a whole coven of prepared wizards giving up virgins on Beelzebub's sacrificial table. Since more vitality likens to normally speedier outcomes, capable radionic gadgets can defeat a whole armed force of alzheimeric wizards. Anybody with such a gadget can be a supernatural ace overnight. 
Keep in mind the way to achievement in radionics: 
Radionic machines cost $8000 to $10,000 on the normal (Google.com can decide this for you). Producers of these gadgets legitimize their costs with different highlights, for example, scores of dials, copper plates, favor electromagnetics and vitality channels. 
While capable, huge numbers of these machines fly past the range of the normal purchaser and most are essentially too hard excessively utilize. A run of the mill $7,000 radionic gadget, for instance, requires the client to concentrate eagerly as he sets 12 to 24 dials for "tweaking" the imagery of his goal or wish. Sounds simple? Barely. Thirty minutes can slip by with much disappointment and little advance. Regularly, these exorbitant machines wind up social event clean as the disturbed client winds up racking the gadget. 
The MEGA CASTER, QUANTUM CASTER AND QUANTUM GRID PRIME SERIES arrangement effectively breaks the value boundary and crushes the expectation to learn and adapt. Evaluated from a unimportant $200 to $1000, this line of radionics machines brag greatly high-control chi generators (OverDrive Engines) and keypad/Z86 PC consoles to annihilate the dissatisfaction emerging from dial control. 
In under thirty seconds, you can set the machine on an individual wish and leave… knowing very well indeed that probabilities have started moving to support you. 
It's truly that basic. 
In the mid 90s, the National Institutes of Health in the United States begat another term: the Biofield. It relates to a large group of discoveries depicting an inconspicuous vitality matrix*that saturates and reaches out past the physical body. It is a power ubiquitous inside the universe and concentrated among living animals 
The Biofield is something the people of old knew from the start and which you've presumably experienced. Called "prana", "chi" and "ki", the biofield is a crucial power that energizes our bodies and powers our day by day lives. At the point when the biofield is out of adjust, we're crooked. Ailment mirrors a traded off biofield. 
Every moment of our lives, our own vitality handle the biofields – are debilitated by cellphone towers, radioactive PC screens, harmful partners, passionate anxiety, and riotous group. We are exhausted by frequencies that actually tear at our prosperity. 
It's a great opportunity to recover our inward health!
Use Psionic Machines & Radionic Machines to:
mind machine
0 notes
Psionic Machines & Radionic Machines Influencing The Subliminal Mind (Take your Power Back)
Psionic Machines & Radionic Machines
Influencing The Subliminal Mind
Messages and symbols are frequently hidden within popular television shows and movies. Subliminal symbols are delivered in such a way as not to be noticed by the conscious mind but are readily picked up by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind records everything that it is exposed to, regardless of the speed of delivery. Speed is often a factor in non-recognition by the conscious mind. If you read Brice Taylor's book, Thanks for The Memories, you know that Disney is heavily involved in mind control programming (as is NASA). A number of years ago, I saw single frames from the Disney's animation of The Littlest Mermaid which showed a scene in the water where she is nude from the waist down and seen with full pubic hair. If you saw the movie, you would 't pick it up because a single frame of animation goes by in something like 1/18th of a second, however, your subconscious mind would catch it and retain it. I also saw a single frame from The Lion King where the word "SEX" was spelled with twinkling stars in a scene showing a night sky. Paul, the fellow who spotted the subliminal in this National Geographic documentary aired on British TV, illustrates the embedded programming symbols by SLOWING down the video; this is the key to seeing them.
This method of controlling brain waves with low-frequency input certainly is not a new technology at all!  In the 1930’s already researchers found that repetitive light and/or sound stimulation caused brain waves to adjust to the same frequency. 
 For decades now, some “new age gurus” and other cult leaders made extensive use of repetitive sound pulses, often of the inaudible and subliminal kind.  This helps them to cause their captive audiences to be more receptive to their preaching.  Much earlier than that, as far back in time as the very dawn of humankind, shamans used drumming (repetitive pulses, or beats, of low frequency) to put their audiences into altered states and cause them to have experiences that they would not have in their normal state of daily activities. In our times, this type of pulse, or “beat” is used in many events where the capturing of audiences and the temporary control of their habits (or minds) is considered to be important, such as in fashion shows, exercise machine advertising, commercials, military training, church meetings, and TV infomercial pitches to the public, to name just a few.
You can find a variety of fairly good Light-Sound (LS) devices on the market today. A LS-device typically stimulates the brain indirectly with light flashes through goggles and sound stimuli (beats) through earphones.  These stimuli will cause the brain to adjust to the frequency of the flashes and sounds and consequently generate the corresponding level of awareness.  As you can find out right from the beginning of using such a device, all LS-devices have a serious flaw:  They depend on earphones and goggles to be effective.  In other words:  if you want to access a specific level of awareness such as charismatic appearance, calm, or creativity, you need to get the stimuli through earphones and goggles. 
It is obvious that you cannot wear these LS-devices whenever you really need them!  Just imagine appearing on a date, an important business meeting, or a sports event with a LS-contraption on your head - this would be outright ridiculous and counteract the desired effects!  And you cannot do creative writing or art either while using such a LS-contraption on your head.  You need to wait till you can take it off your head, and then your brain waves will adjust back to their usual state. 
Using Psionic Mind Power Technology you are able to unlock the hidden potential of the human mind. 
Psionic Machines Empower Easy Reality-Reengineering 
Radionic machines are additionally called "wishing machines". Using extraordinary images and orgone-creating wizardy, these contraptions center your musings with laser force to make your wants truly work out as expected. 
Experience has demonstrated that radionic treatment can be useful in
Trustworthy radionic organizations have started proclaiming the astounding energy of this innovation. A couple of include: 
The Radionic Association
 | Radionic Research Institute | Welz | Public Orgone Research Exchange 
Extra time, specialists understood that radionic treatments can be used past the domain of basic recuperating. It can be released to really impact probabilities, subsequently gaining itself the monicker "wishing innovations." 
"Enchantment", in the conventional feeling of the word, is the impacting of reality through paranormal means.” 
A run of the mill sorceress enchants by imagining what she needs, making images to speak to her goal and experiencing a tiring custom that invigorates it (incense, droning, butchering of chickens). Such unrefined customs give vitality by discharging little measures of chi vitality. Chi along these lines opens up her contemplations and wants. 
These three stages of Visualization, Symbolism and Energizing outcomes in the control of probabilities… to her support. 
The present Radionic frameworks are basically current supernatural innovations.Regardless of the mysterious teach, whether Wicca, Voodoo, Huna, Hebrew, Gothic, Celtic, the segments are the same. To impact reality, the three fixings must be available. The absence of any outcomes in disappointment. 
Present day MAGIC = RADIONICS 
Like in customary enchantment, Visualization, Symbolism and Energy are required by radionic techniques to impact reality and in this way concede wishes– in a manner of speaking. 
In any case, there's a distinction in the last part of Energizing. Radionics does not get vitality from droning, chicken butcher and voodoo dolls. Rather, radionics depends on present day innovative disclosures (orgone generators) to store up huge surges of chi vitality. An orgone generator can soak a stay with substantially more vitality than a whole coven of prepared wizards giving up virgins on Beelzebub's sacrificial table. Since more vitality likens to normally speedier outcomes, capable radionic gadgets can defeat a whole armed force of alzheimeric wizards. Anybody with such a gadget can be a supernatural ace overnight. 
Keep in mind the way to achievement in radionics: 
Radionic machines cost $8000 to $10,000 on the normal (Google.com can decide this for you). Producers of these gadgets legitimize their costs with different highlights, for example, scores of dials, copper plates, favor electromagnetics and vitality channels. 
While capable, huge numbers of these machines fly past the range of the normal purchaser and most are essentially too hard excessively utilize. A run of the mill $7,000 radionic gadget, for instance, requires the client to concentrate eagerly as he sets 12 to 24 dials for "tweaking" the imagery of his goal or wish. Sounds simple? Barely. Thirty minutes can slip by with much disappointment and little advance. Regularly, these exorbitant machines wind up social event clean as the disturbed client winds up racking the gadget. 
The MEGA CASTER, QUANTUM CASTER AND QUANTUM GRID PRIME SERIES arrangement effectively breaks the value boundary and crushes the expectation to learn and adapt. Evaluated from a unimportant $200 to $1000, this line of radionics machines brag greatly high-control chi generators (OverDrive Engines) and keypad/Z86 PC consoles to annihilate the dissatisfaction emerging from dial control. 
In under thirty seconds, you can set the machine on an individual wish and leave… knowing very well indeed that probabilities have started moving to support you. 
It's truly that basic. 
In the mid 90s, the National Institutes of Health in the United States begat another term: the Biofield. It relates to a large group of discoveries depicting an inconspicuous vitality matrix*that saturates and reaches out past the physical body. It is a power ubiquitous inside the universe and concentrated among living animals 
The Biofield is something the people of old knew from the start and which you've presumably experienced. Called "prana", "chi" and "ki", the biofield is a crucial power that energizes our bodies and powers our day by day lives. At the point when the biofield is out of adjust, we're crooked. Ailment mirrors a traded off biofield. 
Every moment of our lives, our own vitality handle the biofields – are debilitated by cellphone towers, radioactive PC screens, harmful partners, passionate anxiety, and riotous group. We are exhausted by frequencies that actually tear at our prosperity. 
It's a great opportunity to recover our inward health!
Use Psionic Machines & Radionic Machines to:
free spell casting
0 notes