#what could I have possibly done to deserve being deleted
txttletale · 9 months
roadhogsbigbelly is doubling down. genuinely incredible (yes i am aware how deeply funny it is to start a serious post with that sentence. it is my one allotment of levity)
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oh okay you just assumed that "loliporn" was involved and something that i deserved to be associated with defending and accused of making "integral to the queer identity" because of stuff that the OP (who i cannot stress enough i never followed or talked to or knew in any fucking way!) did that got called out months after i made my addition?
the rest of his post is just a very lengthy way of saying "umm if you didn't want to be called a pedophile because you were mean about stardew valley maybe you should be more careful about how you reblog from". yeah buddy im sure you apply that standard to yourself too huh. im sure you pull out your Bad Person detector every time you reblog a fucking post and beam OP with it. you literally screenshot my post about how as a trans women i get this standard uniquely applied to me and went "um its a good standard though. answer for the actions of every fucking person youve ever reblogged a post by".
and all this whole fucking schtick where he's like "ummmm im not calling you a pedophile :) i just assumed you thought 'loliporn was integral to the queer identity' based on source: i made it up and am going out of my way to repeatedly say you're agreeing with pedophiles and not being wary enough about pedophiles and that 99% of people who make the type of post im accusing you of making are pedophiles" is so fucking pathetic and if you fall for it you are a blatant transmisogynist like come the fuck on man.
i am no longer having a nice time on the computer, i am pretty fucking angry. and all this because he "doesnt have much skin in the game" but he doesn't like my stardew valley takes! yeah man real proportionate response.
not to mention the aside he makes to say 'wah wah someone told me to kill myself' amiguito do you have any fucking idea what my inbox has looked like since this entire transmisogynistic harassment campaign began a week ago? i delete those asks because i'm not into flaunting every piece of online abuse i get to make myself look like the victim in computer arguments but it has been constant and graphic! breaking news, women are people too, some of the most cutting-edge research suggests they might even have feelings!
"oh i censored her identity i dont know how she even found it" oh okay so you were anonymously pedojacketing me to your thousands of followers while vaguing about a post i made that had thousands of notes and using the same screenshot that an uncensored version of was passed around with thousands of notes as part of a transmisogynistic harassment campaign last fucking week?
how could anyone possibly have guessed it was me! it's a real mystery man it was basically witness protection. "oh but i didn't know, i didn't know she was trans", maybe he'll also say he didn't know about the harassment campaign, hey fucker, maybe apply some of the constant scrutiny you're reserving for women who are mean about farming game and apply it to yourself and consider looking into these things before baselessly making pedo accusations against someone!
this transmisogynistic crybully shit is absolutely fucking insufferable and i am absolutely sick of it and anyone who buys into it. i'm done assuming good faith or ignorance. i am not going to be a good placid little bullying target and acquiesce to this vile shit. it's truly fucking incredible that a tme guy can be found out as an actual pedophile and guys like mr. belly can immediately jump into action to use this as an opportunity to denounce a trans woman who had one interaction with him ever that consisted of five minutes spent typing an addition to a post and hitting ''reblog''. & if you don't find that sickening then straight up you are not safe for trans women to be around.
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etoilesbienne · 8 months
re: boundaries
I've made many posts previously on this subject already, so people are already aware of my stance regarding disliking the way "boundaries" as a concept are used by the mcyt fandom, however I want to have a brief meditation on why this is the case, and a look at common arguments about them.
however i do want to make clear that i don't mind boundaries as a concept, actual boundaries. as in "if you do x, i will respond with y" kinds of boundaries. I think cc are completely fair and understandable in this kind of perspective. if someone makes a kind of content they dislike, they're free to block that fan or express discomfort over it. That's normal.
my critical eye is turned toward the fandom's perception of "boundaries" as a sort of fandom ruleset, either you follow them with the in-group, or you're thrown in the out-group and labelled all sorts of insults, anywhere from a criminal offender to just having people be plain nasty toward you. this in my opinion, really feeds into the fandom habit of having "cliques" as fandoms are social networks that are voluntarily joined. i find it juvenile at best.
at worst, on the other hand, is the concept of mcyt having mixed in kpop stan culture around 2019 with smplive (great server. horrific fandom at the time it was run. all of the smplive fans still left are veterans worthy of respect for surviving that.), which caused a very explosive mixture.
kpop fandom has this outlook and parasociality toward idols because these idols are borderline unreachable. even in smaller groups, companies generally (not always.) discourage idols from talking one-on-one selectively with fans. there deserves to be a more thorough examination of kpop fandom with stan culture, that i believe i am not fully qualified for. my point is that kpop idols are a hell of a lot harder to reach for english fans, whether through language barrier or through professionality done by companies.
the explosive mixture is bringing this same mentality - the mentality that these people you look toward as the main source of the fandom as being untouchable, perfect people. it's dehumanizing in its own right, but aside from that, it creates a dangerous fandom situation. as best shown using smplive with CallMeCarson from before.
CMC is the origin point of boundaries within the MCYT fandom, having held a live in fall of 2019 talking about how a popular danganronpa themed wattpad smplive fanfiction was upsetting for him to read. CMC had an intense fanbase that could and would look up to him no matter what. of course the fanbase would go after and harass this author off of the internet and deleting their work (which remained lost media until this January of 2024. Almost half a decade.) after this situation, only months later it comes out that CMC had in fact been manipulating women aged 17 to early 20s, into sexual dms and sending him explicit photos of themselves for around a year. i am of the opinion CMC would have done this behavior regardless, however, the fact he had access to so many women who put him on a pedestal without considering he could exploit them was exacerbated by the stan culture mentality of mcyt's fandom at the time. this is not a criticism of the women, it is a criticism of the fandom culture of the time for failing to treat carson as a human being who had every capability to treat people like this.
no cc is exempt from that mentality by the fandom. carson knowingly used his position within the fandom to make the choice to do that to those girls. no cc should be exempt from the real possibility of the consideration that they can fuck up, not always in the way that they necessarily need to be cancelled or deplatformed, carson is an extreme example that is absolutely not representative of cc as a whole, but there needs to be a healthy level of doubt and separation between creators and fans.
to reiterate: cc are not your friends. cc do not need you to speak for them. you do not know these people personally. to present your defense of them and their personal opinions like you spoke to them directly and are close friends is dangerous, both for yourself, and for other fans in the community.
everything i have listed is why i always will be critical toward any fan group or clique that presents themselves as being pillars of the community, and why i am critical of any page or resource that tries to list "boundaries" as hard fast rules to be self policed by the fandom. not only is that punitive mentality, it's careless and poor understanding of how communities at large work.
i don't think a "boundaries" list is necessarily a bad idea in the long run either, if these lists were, like, compilations of streamers' twitch chat rules, that'd be cool! but generally these lists lack any nuance of why and where some boundaries may apply. like a ton of streamers hate ships being spammed in chat, but could give less of a fuck about people making ship fanart. or like wouldn't care as long as the ship art isn't put in their main tag.
as well as the general ignoring of regular boundaries, we all remember the horror show of people dono-ing to cc in 2020-22 asking for their boundaries right? like just so we're explicitly clear, walking up to someone and asking what someone's opinion of making adult content of them is very much sexual harassment. that's objectively something fans should not be asking to cc. if they want to say something, they can speak up on their own. they do not need your prompting. if you wouldn't ask it to your boss in an office, don't ask cc it. tangentially related is the ignoring of boundaries based on disliking fans harassing each other or other cc. those boundaries never get to be prioritized for a reason, as those behaviors feed into the stan culture mentality of pitting sources against each other in fan wars.
parasociality and stan culture turn mcyt fandom into a power vacuum where fans who like to self-police to a dangerous extent try to take charge. this makes the fandom worse.
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siren song || - xavier thorpe
requested: yes! requests: open! second part of siren song! the third part is also out, check my masterlist! ^^
A/N: thank you for the love on siren song! to read part one, click here! i hope you enjoy this part <3 i had to rewrite this considering i accidentally deleted it :')
wordcount: 4.736 warnings: xavier being a bad friend, curse words, slight memory loss, incorrect information about siren song probably, use of weed.
After finally convincing Bianca to use her Siren Song, you get some well-deserved peace in your head. How long does it take for Xavier to notice the changes?
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The question catches Bianca off guard, not something that happens a lot. Tears are staining your face as you sniff, trying to not start sobbing again.
"Hey, it's okay. Come in."
Her arm is placed on your shoulders as she guides you into her room, placing you on her bed before grabbing her desk chair, sitting next to you.
"What has gotten you so upset?"
You look down at your hands, biting your cheeks as you nervously fiddle with your fingers. You feel embarrassed to sit here, crying in the dorm of your friend that used to be Xaviers girlfriend, but you didn't know anyone that would know how you feel. No one except for Bianca.
"I think Xavier hates me."
"What?" Bianca exclaims shocked. "Why do you think that?"
If there is one thing that Bianca was sure of, it was that Xavier is completely infatuated with you. Even during their relationship, he still made sure to spend some time with you, and Bianca never cared. She trusted both of you, as you became her friend when the relationship was going on. When the couple broke up, your friendship watered down a bit, but you were still both friendly.
"We just had a fight," you whisper. "He never yelled at me like that. Never."
She hands you a tissue, breathing in deeply.
"He has been ignoring me for weeks. He became so obsessed with Wednesday that he did not have any time for me. She- she asked him to the Rave'n and then he found out that she just used him," you ramble. "I asked him to come with me, not even as a real date, but just so he wouldn't be alone. And then he totally ditched me there the second Wednesday came in. The worst thing is, she doesn't even like him. She told me."
How stupid can a boy be? Bianca grits her teeth, shaking her head.
"He is dumb. If there is one thing that he should do, it's to get his head straight. I can't believe that he would do this. Especially after all you have done for him!"
"What if I just become more like Wednesday? I- I can braid my hair? I will even learn to play the cello. He- He said that she was better than me... That I just bother him. Am I too obsessed or- or annoying?"
Even Bianca's heart breaks at that point. The tears are rolling down your face again as you still don't dare to look up at her.
"Am I really that bad of a friend?"
"No!" Bianca immediately responds. "No, Y/N, if anything, you are a great friend. Too good for him. You don't need to be Wednesday to be better. I think she is too emotionless for her own good."
"I wish I was that way," you sigh. "Please, Bianca. If I tell you that I really want it, can you really not use your Song?"
Bianca takes a deep breath, her leg bouncing up and down. Her eyes fall down to the amulet around her neck. It is very against the rules to use her Siren Song, it is something that could get her in a lot of trouble. But, at the same time, she knows exactly how you feel. Xavier is just someone who deserves love, yet he doesn't know how to act around it when someone is literally handing it to him on a silver plate.
Her heart tells her to help you, to give you everything you deserve, but she knows that she also needs to think about the possible consequences. Though your grades have been slipping and your mood has been down for a while now as well. So many factors.
"Y/N, I really don't know."
"What if I consent to it? Surely that must be fine. I- I will sign a contract, even. Write it myself. I- Even only thinking about doing this for me would already be enough."
You must genuinely sound so annoying now, but you know that this will help.
"Why won't you try talking to Kinbott first?"
"I just need something... Something that will work immediately. A Siren Song can always be undone, right?"
"I'm not sure about that," Bianca grimaces. "It's hard, Y/N. I promise you that I will think about it. Just... Try and get some rest, okay?"
You had spent the rest of the weekend laying in bed, napping or reading, and sometimes you would head to the Quad to get something to eat. Kent made sure to try and cheer you up, which did work to an extent. You appreciate having a friend like that.
Even from the distance you sit at now, you can still see the figure of Wednesday Addams, sitting alone at her table while writing something down in her notebook. Ajax waves Xavier over to get him to sit at your table but is quickly rejected as the long-haired boy decides to sit with Wednesday. She looks up with the deadliest of looks, though it doesn't seem to phase him at all. Can't he see?
Bianca looks out from the second level of the Quad, spotting both you and Xavier. Not one word is exchanged, though your body language speaks for itself. Your shoulders are slumped and even though Kent tries his hardest to make you laugh, it isn't enough.
Seeing you so upset about someone who doesn't deserve it makes her feel bad. Even in her relationship, she felt like you were more important to Xavier, and that is something she just... Accepted. She never blamed you for it, as Bianca could never really trust Xavier either. But the feelings he has for you are totally real.
After that dinner, you retired back to your room. Yoko would be hanging out with Divina anyway. Just as you let yourself fall on your bed, you hear a knock on the door.
You kick your bag underneath your bed before walking up to the door, opening it to reveal a Bianca behind it.
"I will only do it after you agree to all the consequences."
She walks in as you close the door behind her, trailing after her.
"You're serious?"
"You deserve to have some peace, Y/N. God knows I wish someone could have done this for me when I was in your situation. I will tell you every consequence," Bianca looks at you sternly. "And I have some conditions."
"Yeah- Yeah totally."
Bianca sits down at your desk, handing you a pen and paper.
"You are to write down that you agree with the Siren Song. I can't just use it whenever I want. Principal Weems will have my head if she finds out."
"Anything, Bianca."
You start writing, still listening to the siren as she explains everything.
"I can genuinely not say if I am able to undo the Song. There is a high likelihood that it will not return to you and Xavier being best friends. I also do not know what to do if this news ever reaches Weems. No one knows that we are planning to do this, no one except for us."
"I promise you, I will take all the blame," you nod, a weak smile on your face. "It is the least I can do."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" She looks at you, her eyebrows stuck in a frown. "It's not something small. You deserve much better than how Xavier acts now."
"I- Yeah. I thought about it all day yesterday. I just... I want to. I promise."
You hand her the paper in neatly written handwriting.
I, Y/N Y/L/N, fully consent to the use of the Siren Song by Bianca Barcley. I have willingly agreed to be under the influence of the song for as long as I wish. All punishments that are given for using the Siren Song are punishments I will take over. Bianca Barcley is not to be lectured nor punished for her actions.
Underneath it is your handwriting, together with the date of today. Bianca takes a deep breath, nodding as she reads it over and over again.
"What exactly... Is it that you want me to do? You just... Want to forget him?"
You nod.
"I was thinking that... I don't want to be scared of him, I just want to stay out of his way. If that makes any sense?"
"Xavier Thorpe will be the one you forget, from now on his name will stop sounding in your head," Bianca mutters, trying to practice whatever she will say. "Distance is something that you will keep, he will not be the reason as to why you... Weep?"
You will forget Xavier, make sure to keep your distance, and not cry over him. You do feel guilty for making Bianca use the Siren Song on you, but in your eyes, it feels like the only way out.
"I think you will just return to how it was before you met Xavier," she then nods. "I will try to make sure that you will not get too close to him again, but I can't promise anything. If you have feelings for him now, you might just... Start liking him all over again."
"I just need to forget," you say, handing the handwritten note to Bianca. "Thank you so much, Bianca."
"This might be the first time I feel guilty for using it," she laughs nervously. "But, you deserve it. Truly. Xavier just needs to get his act straight. He loves you, he's just dumb."
You don't fully believe her. You want to, but you can't. You truly thought that he liked you back, that he was also interested in you. But now you were not even sure if he liked you as a friend anymore.
"Ready? You will probably be sleepy after this."
Trembling hands and nervous sighs.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
Bianca nods, pulling the necklace off of her neck. She closes her eyes, holding your hands in hers.
"Xavier Thorpe will be the one you forget, from now on his name will stop sounding in your head. Distance is something that you will keep, he will not be the reason as to why you weep."
You had woken up with a slight headache. Your limbs are still sore from the Rave'n dance, but that can't stop you. Not that you remember a lot of it; they must have spiked the drinks. You pick up your bag from under the bed, emptying it out before filling it with everything you need for the day. After finally finding all your books, pens, and notebooks, you exit your room.
"Hi, guys!"
With a big smile, you greet your friends, plopping down in between Kent and Bianca. You had gotten a sandwich from the dining hall, trying to get some breakfast in before your first class.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Kent snickers. "You're up before me most of the time."
You shrug, taking a bite of your sandwich.
"I was so tired," you mumble, wiping your mouth with the napkin. "I'm still sore from all the dancing!"
Ajax and Enid soon also join the table as Enid huffs.
"I feel like the paint is still in my hair," she complains. "I mean, it was a good post for my blog, but that dress was my favorite dress ever! "
You let out a chuckle, closing the sandwich container before placing the leftovers in your bag. Yes, the paint was a pain to get out of your hair and your dress has also been stained, but the rest of the evening went splendidly.
After fifteen minutes, the first bell rings, signaling that classes are to start in only five minutes. You sling your backpack onto your back before standing up from the table.
"You ready for Botany?" Bianca smirks.
"Well," you sigh. "Can I use your notes? I can't find any of mine from the last three weeks. I don't know what I did during class, but I know that there is a test coming up and this is not my best subject."
Bianca's smile falters for a second, realizing that you really don't remember a lot about Xavier anymore.
"Yeah, you can sit with me. Might be the easiest anyway."
You nod, entering the class as you greet miss Thornhill. She had already placed some strange plants in the front of the classroom as other students slowly entered the classroom.
Some students already picked a spot, including Wednesday. She is placed next to another person, hair to his shoulders and a frown on his face.
"Good morning, Wednesday!"
You sit down on the opposite side of Bianca as she and the boy sit between you and Wednesday.
He feels familiar. It is almost like he was in a dream. Like you accidentally bumped into him once or twice, only seeing him in your classroom once in a while. It's like the lingering smell of perfume when someone walks past you, or when you see a half-erased line of pencils on a page. He is mesmerizing, yet extremely intimidating. It is almost like you can't rip your eyes off of him, but you are also too scared to keep looking.
Bianca gives you a look before placing her notebook in front of you, making sure that you can read all of it as Thornhill starts talking. You try to write down all she says, making small sketches of the flowers and plants she shows while also trying to write down all the notes from the last few weeks.
"Alright, so, I will be expecting the essays about the Ghost Orchid and at least two more carnivorous plants. No maximum amount of words, but at least 450 words per plant."
Thank God for Bianca's notes. Without those, you would have actually failed this.
"I think I'm going to be doing my homework in the Nightshade library," you whisper to the girl. "I really need to get started on this."
After writing down the last few sentences, you drop your pen. Your hand is cramping from all the writing and your fingers are covered in ink. Only Biology and one hour of fencing left and after that, you were going to sit with the Choir Club, even though you're not a member. You would often hang out with them, sitting on a bench nearby while waiting for your friends to finish. You yourself were actually in the Art Club, but you tend to hang out with other clubs on days that you didn't have any.
A small break after Botany, just long enough to grab a hot drink from the dining hall before getting dressed in your fencing suit again.
"Bianca? You want to team up?"
She raises an eyebrow, smirking while grabbing a saber, switching it from hand to hand.
"I thought you would never ask."
"I can use some competition. And improvement."
Bianca won. Not once, not twice, but five times. You groan as you end up on the floor again, the tip of the saber pointing to your chest. You hold up your hand before pushing yourself up.
"We get it," you let out a laugh before pulling the mask off of your head. "I'm going to need a break."
She holds out her hand, helping you get up before taking her own mask off. The two of you walk towards one of the small wooden benches that sit against the wall of the room, grabbing a bottle of water before cracking it open, and taking big sips.
Everyone else is still training, the clanking of sabers and the sound of shoes against the mats filling up the classroom. You let out a big sigh, pushing some strands of hair out of your face.
"I don't know if I will ever fight you again," you mumble.
"You're getting better," Bianca laughs, closing the bottle back up. "I have seen worse."
You look at everyone around you, some also taking off their masks to catch their breath as Coach walks around, giving out tips and advice where needed.
The boy with the long hair is here again, yet you still don't know where you know him from. Bianca sneakily looks at you, blinking before looking at Xavier. He acted like you weren't even there as he just fenced against Ajax. She does still think the two of you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, but Xavier first needs to figure himself out. She knows he likes you; it is clear as day. But as long as he acts like this, he doesn't deserve you. Not at all.
Has he always just been in the background? It is like a ghost, you know that you have seen him, yet you don't know where or when.
"One more round?"
"I think I'll be heading to the library now," you tell Bianca. "I genuinely don't know what happened these last few weeks, but I am behind on all my homework."
Half of the Choir Club time has passed as they rehearsed their songs for Outreach Day. They were to perform when the new statue in the town square was going to be revealed. But you had more than enough homework to do.
"I might join you later," she sighs. "Some quiet would be nice."
You tell your friends goodbye before slinging your bag over your shoulder, hurrying down the Quad and into the small hidden hallway leading to the Poe statue. With two snaps you get in, making sure that the entrance is closed off again before going down the stairs.
Nice and quiet.
After around forty-five minutes, you hear some more rumbling. Ah, Bianca must be here. You have gotten a lot of work done, actually. The Ghost Orchid part of your essay is already done, now moving on to the Crimson Pitch plant.
"Hey, Bianca!"
The footsteps descend the stairs, but the figure does not belong to Bianca. The tall guy with long hair walks into the library, the one that felt like he lived somewhere in your memory. Your eyes grow big as you immediately throw everything back in your bag. You didn't know that he was a Nightshade as well.
You close your bag hurriedly. Something about him is so intimidating, but he is absolutely mesmerizing at the same time. Why are you so afraid of him? When walking out you accidentally bump into him.
"Sorry," you quickly mumble, running up the stairs before he can even reply.
Bianca is cleaning up when you get out of the library, so you run up to her. Luckily she is still there.
"Can I do my homework in your room? Yoko was inviting some friends to my dorm and..." You look around, making sure no one is around them. "That guy showed up again. The new one."
Bianca clenches her teeth, grabbing the last few papers before stuffing them in her bag, taking your arm to take you up into her room. She can't have Xavier mess this all up. You haven't been this happy in weeks.
You sit down against her bed, laptop on your lap as you are typing away. But the words are getting stuck, the same sentence being rewritten multiple times before finally getting one that slightly makes sense.
"Is he new?"
Bianca turns around on her chair, looking at you.
"The guy with long hair. He was in the Nightshade library. I- I didn't know if he was supposed to be in there because I wasn't sure if he was in our group."
Why does he have to be there at the exact same time as you? It almost makes the Siren Song useless. You might avoid him as much as you can, but he isn't under the spell.
"He's new."
"He's kinda pretty."
Bianca scoffs.
"Pretty weird. It might be best to stay out of his way, he needs to work on himself before making new... friends."
Xavier groans, dropping his bag on the floor. You had been fully ignoring him, but to be fair, he totally deserved it. He had noticed you sneaking into the library and his plan was to try and talk to you, but you had fled before he could get one word in.
He had called Ajax, asking him to come down to the library as soon as he could. Xavier spent some time sitting in the room, biting on his lips while bouncing his leg up and down. He really, really fucked up.
Rumbling of stones and footsteps.
Ajax shows up, slightly out of breath. He had ran here from his dorm. Xavier said that there was a big problem and if he was needed in the Nightshade library, it would probably be huge.
"What's up, man?"
"I fucked up," Xavier runs his hands over his face. "Like, really bad."
The Gorgon frowns, looking at his friend. Xavier looks stressed out, more than usual. His hair is messy, his eyes are red and he has big eyebags underneath his eyes.
"What did you do?"
The artist breathes in shakily, pacing around the room while fiddling with his hands.
"I have been a total asshole to Y/N," he mumbles. "I left her at the Rave'n, drenched in that paint, and then she went up to visit me. I wasn't only a horrible date, but I was an even worse friend."
"Xavier?" Ajax asks yet again. "What did you do?"
Xavier breathes out roughly, blinking while pursing his lips. He is too ashamed to say it, but he needs to tell someone. He needs someone to set him straight.
"I treated her like shit. I told her Wednesday was better than she is."
His friend gasps, looking at his friend almost disgusted. How could he have said that to her? After all those nights of the artist hanging out in Ajax's dorm, him smoking some weed while listening to his friend blabber on about how much he liked you, and then he does this?
"What the fuck? Xavier, you have liked her for years, why would you say that?!"
Xavier rubs his eyes. If anyone is disappointed, it's him. He was so in his head that he took it all out on you. Wednesday isn't better than you. He has liked you for the longest time now, and this just messed it all up. Xavier his mental health has been declining, especially now that he is also suspected of being some type of monster. But that isn't your fault. None of it is. You have always, always been there for him, and he just swept you to the side.
"I'm going to be honest, dude," Ajax looks at his friend. "I am really disappointed in you."
"As you should be," Xavier whispers.
"I'll help."
Xavier looks up, kind of shocked. For some reason, he expected Ajax to just abandon Xavier in the library, leaving him to fend for himself.
"Only if you promise to never do this again. Go to Kinbott more, try and talk about your feelings. Y/N never cared, you could show up crying at her dorm at three am and she would make sure that you're fine before she even thinks of going to sleep."
"Ajax- Thank you so much."
"Yeah, yeah. Just try to talk to her. I'm serious, Xavier. You might be my best friend, but this is not cool."
For the last two weeks, Xavier had tried to talk to you on multiple occasions. He even sat at your table, though Kent and Bianca were hovering around you, not even letting Xavier get one word in.
During Botany he tried to draw a butterfly, making it float in the air before it quickly gets swatted away by Bianca who just gives Xavier a disgusted stare.
During Fencing he walked up to you, wanting to ask you to train with him like you usually did, but you quickly darted away once you saw him coming for you.
He went down to the Nightshade library to wait for you, yet you never came.
What he did do was 'accidentally' bump into you. He would calculate when he had to stand up to go to class. The first thing you would put in your bag was your notebook, followed by your pencil case. After that you would close the zipper; his sign to stand up. After swinging the bag on your shoulder, you would walk off.
You accidentally bump into someone's back, making the bottle of water that they had in their hand fall.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!"
As you go to pick it up and give it back, you see the boy again. The boy that appeared in your dreams as if they were faint memories. The boy reminded you of ink splatters and the smell of freshly painted walls.
You quickly hand him the bottle, excusing yourself before finding your way to a picnic table again. He makes you nervous, and you don't know in what way. Bianca warned you for him, so all you could do was listen.
In your room, you had a collection of handwritten notes, asking you to meet up in the Nightshade library. You never did. Once you showed them to Bianca, she immediately shook her head.
"I don't know what else to do," Xavier furrows his eyebrows, "She just doesn't want to talk to me. I don't blame her for not wanting to, but sometimes she even completely ignores me. As if she doesn't even know my name. I tried everything."
Ajax takes a hit of his joint, his eyes tinted red before he blows it out of the window. The moon is lighting up Nevermore, its stars shining around it.
"Yeah," Xavier responds. "I tried to talk to her, give her notes, even accidentally bumped into her. But, Bianca and Kent are just acting like bodyguards to her."
"If you want, I can try to talk to her tomorrow."
"You would do that?"
"Yeah," the Gorgon shrugs. "She still talks to me sometimes. Hanging out in the Quad after classes. I'll let you know how it went."
"Y/N! Hey!"
Ajax runs up to you, a big smile on his face before he pulls his beanie back down.
"Ajax! It is nice to see you again."
"What are your plans for today?"
Hm, what were your plans? You did really want to go to the Weathervane to get a drink, but considering it is a Thursday, you weren't too sure. There are no shuttle buses today, and walking in the chilly weather for twenty-five minutes didn't sound too appealing.
"I have some homework I still need to do. I was thinking of going to the Nightshade library to study. Want to join?"
The boy eagerly shakes his head, following you through the hall and down the stairs. The small table gets filled with books, pens, and notebooks. Ajax didn't really take a lot of homework, but he did provide some snacks.
The two of you talked about all different types of things. How he was planning on asking out Enid, how you expected Outreach Day to go, which homework you were doing, and much more.
"Can I maybe ask you something personal?"
You hum, looking up from your paper.
"Of course."
"I was just wondering," he awkwardly laughs. "What happened at the Rave'n?"
"I have no idea," you shrug. "I think there were some Normies who set off the sprinklers. All I know is that my dress is still stained and that, whatever it was, really burned my eyes."
Ajax frowns, what are you talking about?
"Yeah, no, I was there. One beanie destroyed," he chuckles. "But I meant more like... After the Rave'n. What happened?"
It is your turn to be confused.
"Well... I showered, tried to wash the stains out of my clothes, and then hung out with Bianca."
Do you just really not remember?
"What? No, Y/N, I mean... What happened with you and Xavier?"
Even more confusion spreads on your face as you put your pen down on the paper. What is he talking about? All you did was dance, drink punch, took a break, danced more, and then went to clean yourself from the sticky red paint. And who is he talking about?
"Who is Xavier?"
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glassrowboat · 5 months
Curled Gloves. Dottore.
Summary: At work, everything seems the same, the same monotony, the same red eyes on you, the same - seriously though, Dottore, can you stop staring?
Authors note: Just me trying to do a character study. Need to learn how to write for this man <(_ _)> Will probably delete later.
Oh, and for those curious, the type of welding reader is doing is called TIG
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Let the puddle build and pull back, keep the nozzle in place for steady gas flow, feed the filler through your fingers with every passing second as you once again dip the rod into the bright orange and red pool the was forming under your hands. Your handiwork.
Don't weave.
Don't press down too much and accidentally increase the heat.
Keep your hands steady.
All something you've done time and time again that this action is so ingrained in your brain it has become second nature. As they say, one can never forget how to ride a bike. Welding is much the same.
So why were you struggling so much today? Well the answer was right there as you moved your foot off the pedal, looming over the work that wasn't even fully done up with a half finished bead as, through your hood, you looked up at the man who was staring you down this entire time.
Dottore. Or Prime. Or whatever you wanted to call him, really. That mask he always donned an unwelcome sight.
He always wore it around the lab, hiding his face away like it was some grand secret that only those must trusted could possibly bear witness to; yet you've seen it all the same. An accident, of course. A bad habit of yours was to forget your keys basically everywhere. Desk? Check. Lunch table? Check. The lab? An unfortunate check that meant coming face to face with a pair of red eyes glaring at you as you quickly ran out.
You never did get your keys then, having to beg the apartment management to let you in.
“You're staring.”
Dottore's head cocked ever so slightly to the side as he asked “is that a problem?”
Oh how you wanted to pop his blueberry head for lingering over you for so long, much alike to when a teacher passes you by during an exam and they make a remark about the test right after staring at your paper. But, it's not like you could. Even if imagining it did help get through the work day as he flitted about. A fly you couldn't wave off buzzing in your ear.
“It is, so stop it.”
“Ordering a harbinger around won't do anything for you, welder. Remember your station as you speak to me.”
That card again. It was enough to have you placing the filler rod down to keep yourself from being tempted to jam it into his ear. Its pointed tip, from being melted down, truly was a tempting sight. And it was like he could read your thoughts, or maybe the twitch of your fingers, as he picked it up. Toying with it between his fingers.
“Your gloves are too big for you. I didn't know you felt the need to use a man’s equipment.”
Your eyes shot down to those yellow gloves, curled from both heat and lack of anything properly filling them out.
“It's all I have.”
“What of the pair you had when you first came here?”
“Caught on fire.”
Dottore's mouth opened only for him to pinch his lips closed.
“I suggest you try and tell me about a lack of equipment. I don't need your work coming out as anything less than I know you're capable of because of something easily fixed.”
Well, he did order you to ‘help’ with building the prototype to that false God project, so it does make sense he trusts what you can do. The project was a pain trying to understand his scribbled notes in the margins; the blueprint itself was readable. He deserves credit for that, at least.
And those yellow gloves, they weren't the ones you used when building the Shiki- No- That's not it. Shouki no Kami baby version.
“Fine, I need smaller gloves.”
There was no ‘now was that so hard’ like you were expecting, no snark (the younger versions of him would have), not even a curl of his lip in satisfaction of winning out this bickering tournament. Just a nod. Just a: “I'll be sure to tack them on to next week's orders.”
“Thank you.”
Plucking the filler rod from his pinched fingers you held it close to the piece you were currently working on, just about to get back to work as he started to make his way to the door. Most likely to head back to the lab proper where all the researchers keep themselves locked away with bottles of chemicals and things of the like.
“And one last thing.” The clicking of his boots stopped, no longer clicking against the tile as he stood before the door to leave. One hand pressed to the handle yet refusing to turn it. “Simply come to me if this incident occurs again. I don't need to find out days or weeks later.”
“Of course, sir.”
“In the meantime, I think it would be best for you to take something else. You can record the stock for me, or there's holes that need to be drilled in the base plate for that project Alpha was never able to finish.”
“Drilling holes with gloves too big for me? That's a good way to get them trapped in the rotary and my finger snapped like a pencil.”
You have heard occasions of it happening to others before, and oh boy, does that not sound fun. Hard pass on that one.
“I will not have you standing around doing nothing when there is work to be done. Time is a valuable asset, welder.”
The door was pushed open as he looked back at you, the faintest sound of the heating from the hallway buzzing in your ears. In here there wasn't really a need for that, not when you could prop the door open and get to work. The job warmed you up well enough.
“Just simply do without them.”
“Do without my gloves?”
That's a good way to get your hands all scratched up. Metal shavings flying in the air weren't exactly screaming ‘this is safe’ to anyone. If anything, that seemed like a great spin on a weapon, something akin to a gun just blasting out bits of sharp metal.
Best to keep that thought in your mind unless you want Dottore getting hyper fixated on something again only to forget about it in a week.
“It is within regulations.”
His boot was already crossing the threshold of the door, leaving you as you threw the gloves off to the side. Useless things they were.
‘Never thought I'd complain about going at it raw, but here we are.’
“And one last thing.”
Taking your hood off you let it fall down to the table before you with a clatter. Your hair is probably a mess, but it mattered little in a place like this when everyone else around you is covered in ash and dirt. Well, besides Dottore of course.
“Next time you come back to the lab late at night without first getting permission, I won't let you simply walk away. Remember that for the next time you leave your keys behind.”
The door closed behind him, leaving you as it suddenly fell quiet. Hum cut off mid cycle of its usual pattern.
In the end, you still wanted to pop his blueberry head, even when the proper sized gloves were there for you to use at the beginning of the next work day.
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sansacherie · 4 months
look. im not saying there isn't some very valid concerns about alicent being raised or that i disagree with them if its proven correct. lord knows the writers don't have a good track record.
but some of y'all still need to be reminded that a trailer isn't the series. we saw 2 minutes in which we only got so much of alicent, it's impossible for them to show everything. and yet some of y'all are talking with such certainty as if you got early access to the episodes and therefore everything you say is absolute truth and not still speculation at this point.
like im sorry but has it occurred to any of y'all that those clips (alicent advising caution, aemond calling her a fool for still loving the enemy- rhaenyra) happens BEFORE blood and cheese??
concerning aemond, i think a really plausible explanation for this scene that we haven't been able to watch the full thing because again it's in a trailer, it's him and ser criston talking about how alicent was in favour of peace talks during the green council and refused to consider the alternative of killing rhaenyra. considering what aemond has just done, of course he's going to be 100+ more defensive. him criticising the peace terms that would have spared both sides and prevented a war would come across as just as bad as him deciding to chase luke on vaghar.
a lot of you also seem to have forgotten that aemond is characterised as "unforgiving" so it doesn't seem surprising to me that he would hate the idea of these peace terms because in his mind rhaenyra does not deserve forgiveness. he's been waiting for viserys to die so he could punish her and her sons. this is very similar to daemon, who was ready to kill every single green during the black council. also note the word "our". people assuming that aemond is only using it in reference to him and ser criston, and yet because he used it the word "our" it's quite possible that he doesn't think his own mother is some double double agent and despite his heavy disagreements with her, he's still including alicent in that because by crowning aegon, alicent has clearly chosen him over rhaenyra.
i want to finish here about aemond by saying how boringly predictable it is that team black are comparing aemonds words about alicent to jace's words about rhaenyra. im sorry but that isn't a fair comparison. jace is talking to a lord (likely cregan stark) whose support he's trying to gain for his mother's cause. he's not going to be bad mouthing or criticising rhaenyra. cregan stark is a STRANGER to him. on the other hand this was a private convo between aemond and ser criston (ser criston looks ready to retire for the night). ser criston is probably one of the few people in the world that aemond trusts and because criston happens to be devoted to alicent and because aemond does love his mother, he feels "safer" making these points to him in PRIVATE rather than trying to publicly undermine her like otto did by keeping in the dark and according to deleted scenes, ready to marry her off AGAIN for allies even though alicent being unaware of all this makes no sense but whatever.
people also making these claims about alicent choosing rhaenyra based off her saying "this senseless war must end." it's so annoying how y'all immediate first conclusion was that alicent was only saying it out of a desire to spare rhaenyra...... as if alicent wanting the war to end couldn't have been about protecting ALICENTS remaining children/grandchildren and the realm at large.... mind you f&b alicent says something very similar which has the exact same point being made. "how many more must die to slake your thirst for venegance?"
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khruschevshoe · 10 months
Jim and Oluwande got the worst end of the deal. I'd even say they regressed as both characters and partners and anything they had built up in s1 was almost completely stripped away from them. The way they're portrayed together and apart in s2 is not only unlike the characters we saw in s1, but their rich storyline was reduced to extreme side characters used only as plot devices in a way they absolutely did not have to be used. I LOVED them in s1, and I was so disappointed by what s2 did to them and their potential growth, which I think applies to pretty much everything in s2, not only them.
Mind if I piggyback of this ask to go into all my critiques of the handling of Jim/Olu in Season 2? Thanks!
OFMD Critique: Tealoranges, Dropped Storylines, and Wasted Potential
God, the issues I have with the writing of Season 2 extend in so many directions. Jim's character, I felt, was well-handled for at least the first two episodes but then slowly starts skewing wrong as early as episode 3 (I am still chewing glass over the way their reunion scene with Oluwande was written- or, rather, NOT written). Episode 4 was good, but everything after that? Someone said that Jim in the back half of the season feels more like Vico than Jim, and though I do love and appreciate Vico, it's completely true. Jim doesn't feel like the same character we've come to know, whether from Season 1 or even what is set up in early season 2.
And yet, I STILL feel like they're written better than Olu, if you can believe it? So, I haven't talked about this much, but I feel like Olu is done dirty from almost the moment he is introduced in Season 2. At least Jim (through editing alone, but hey, we'll give the show the smallest benefit of the doubt) gets an acknowledgement that they miss Olu during that flashback sequences while they talk to Archie- Olu doesn't even get that. I read about a deleted scene that would have had Pete and Olu desperate to reunite with Lucius and Jim in episode 1 and I feel like that was DESPERATELY needed to make the Season 1 finale -> Season 2 jump make any sort of sense. I like Zheng, but for the love of God, her romance with Olu (which I had my own issues with for the disservice it does both their characters) is not worth destroying the tealoranges build up from Season 1. Just cut something from the first episode or one of the Zheng/Olu scenes from the second episode to make it make sense.
Then, moving onto later in the season- I've posted about how Olu and Jim deserved the grand, epic reunion otherwise 1x10 and everything set up with them in Season 1 doesn't make sense. Could the writers of the show have possibly redistributed some of the glorious cinematography from Ed and Stede over to Jim and Olu? All I need is one shot of their reunion (a proper, emotional one, not played for laughs or friendship or whatever) framed by the sun to parallel Ed and Stede's being framed by the moon and I would have been happy on that front.
And then later in the season...I was down for the poly elements if they could have been executed better. Fanfics have shown that the Archie plot could have been executed well. But the fact that Zheng is straight up NOT MENTIONED until 2x7 by Olu? And then Jim says that he's been pining for her the whole time? I'm sorry, but it doesn't compute. Show, don't tell. There's a reason why I'm down for Jim/Archie/Olu (if executed well), but can't see Zheng/Olu at all.
But of course, 2x7 comes along and we get the "family who fucked" line. And the implication that Olu could have ever left the Revenge without Jim, when in Season 1 he became a wreck because Jim left for A FEW DAYS, much less was FORCEFULLY SEPARATED from him for MONTHS. Then in the finale, at the lupete wedding, they were separated out, him with Zheng and them with Archie, and, well, at that point...I was tired. I'm not gonna lie. Because this wasn't questionable or problematic writing, it just fundamentally DIDN'T MAKE SENSE.
And this is just on a romantic relationship POV. I hated seeing Olu lose his leadership arc from Season 1 and his loyalty to Jim and his nuanced emotional level-headedness/sense of logic. Season 1 really felt like it was slowly building up the idea that the ideal Captain was neither Stede nor Blackbeard but someone a bit more rational, a bit more grounded, a bit more communicative with his crew- someone like Olu. And he gets shoved into the back in Season 2 and reduced to the guy who can't sort scrolls or know that the BOATS ON A MAP MATTER. He gets no influence on plot or major decisions when he was often the voice of reason in Season 1 (we all remember Lucius being a romantic voice of reason in Season 1, but rarely remember that Olu was a major supporting deciding factor in a number of decisions made on the Revenge).
And as for Jim, I wanted more exploration or even just acknowledgement of their trauma post episode-4. I wanted an actual organic continuation of their character arc post-vengeance quest and post-Blackbeard, not just them getting defined by "funny knife thrower with a girlfriend and an ex-boyfriend who they want to get with his crush." They were so much more than that, and it killed me to see the two people who were basically main character 3 and 4 in Season 1 get shoved aside for unneeded subplots about Ricky and Zheng or Gentlebeard's three separate breakups when Jim and Olu's plotline had so much more potential than any of that. They weren't just star-crossed lovers- they were a slow burn ship built of absolutely interesting, complicated, and well-developed characters who brought out the best in each other with a DEVASTATING midpoint to their arc and it honestly would have made a better season not just for them as characters, but for the show overall if someone had just realized that the parallels between a couple that fights and claws to stay together no matter what (tealoranges) and a main ship that was still figuring itself out (Gentlebeard) would have SLAPPED.
(I am now picturing a version of this season where instead of the Izzy fakeout death/Gentlebeard reunion in the beginning of the first episode, we get an Olu/Jim reunion in episode 3 to parallel whatever reunion the writers wanted to slap together for Stede/Ed. I would have actively cried over the Olu/Jim reunion and it would have drastically improved the season.)
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Wilbur Soot | Dadbur
Dadbur, dadbur, dadbur
These took like four days, and keeps getting deleted so there's more but I can't bring myself to rewrite them. Enjoy.
As stated before, Wilbur could not hack being there during the actual birth, he is very supportive of you having whoever in there with you. You can bet that he is all in his head full of worry until he see the both of you. When he does he is in tears, like his two favorite girls are right there, healthy and okay.
He wants his daughter to be sleeping in your room for as long as possible, the crib is on his side of the bed, easy access for him when she wakes up in the middle of night. He does this because A) he’s worried something will happen in the middle of the night, and wants to be able to get to her as fast as possible and B) He wants to do everything for her as he can, the first couple of months are hard, both because a newborn is a lot and you’re still healing and trying to feel like a normal human person again.
He wants to keep his baby bubble as long as possible, he’s just in love with the sight of you and your baby, his baby, and he has this selfish desire to preserve that sight and feeling for himself (“No Tommy you can not come over-”). The moment that you suggest letting some people over he’s inviting everyone he knows. He loves to show off his little family, to anyone really, still doesn't love posting about it online (Wil and his weird sense of privacy).
GIrl scout dad (does the uk have girl scouts???). The most competitive person with it as well, he’s Planting trees? Science Projects? He’s doing it all.
He loves telling people stories about his daughter, If he’s waiting in line at the store, meeting a fan, or in an interview. He really can not help himself in interviews. “Yeah, with the new album we actually had my kid be the first person to listen to them, she loves them all.”Sometimes its just talking about arts and crafts that they’ve done recently.
He adores doing her hair, he’s really bad at it, but he loves that quality time. It becomes the main reason why he becomes a morning person. Once she starts going to school she goes to you to do it, but only after Wil has tried.
I also feel like she never left her “why” phase. Like you can overhear conversations that are just “What’s that” “A coffe maker” “What do?” “It makes Coffee” How” and it would just go on until either wil or you can’t explain it anymore.
Family trips, to science museums, petting zoos, aquariums, butterfly houses, and libraries.He really tries to make any outing memorable for his girls, because you both deserve the best.
When he leaves to go on tours, she always gives him her favorite stuffed animal, and tells him to take care of it. And he does, he’ll take out to any resturant or cafe or venue he’s in and takes pictures of it so you can show your daughter. He also picks up one stuffed animal every tour he’s on for her, and a bunch of small trinkets one from every city.
She likes her dad carrying her because he is 6 '5 and she likes to feel tall. She also expresses her desire to be tall by climbing on everything, couches, fridges, counters, tables, trees, honestly if you can name it she’ll get on top of it.
Wilbur likes to dance with her, no matter how old she is, he wants to dance with her. When she’s a baby, he likes swaying with her. When she’s up to his kneecaps he has her stand on his feet and does a poorly executed ballroom type dance. She gets enrolled in a dance class when she’s young and it’s one of his favorite activities to do with her.
She also likes to collect things with the both of you. Flowers mainly, she’ll always have someone press/preserve them. When she gets older she likes to send them to people with letters. She also likes to collect postcards and will demand that you go to the post office in every city you’re in.
He gets super into dress up, always gets proper outfits (Chefs uniforms, Princess dress, fFeather boas). He even gets his daughter to put makeup on him, this always comes with him making sure that she knows that she does not and will not ever need makeup and how it's only being used because it’s fun and pretty. He will always compliment the final look and make you get a picture of it.
He always hates when she has to go to the doctor's office with her. He gets really nervous, and is constantly sending you text messages about how it’s going and what the doctor is saying. Heaven forbid she gets sick while he’s on tour, he is constantly face time with you and he does make an effort to give her a shout out at every show. “This show tonight is for my daughter, who is unfortunately riddled with a really bad case of an achy tummy.”
There are several “official” recording of every song he has helped make, where in reality its just him holding her close to a mic as she babbles in babyish something that sorta sounds like the lyrics.
Wilbur can’t really cook, we know this, we know that he has bad taste buds, which means that he is no help in the kitchen. This being said he will absolutely hold his daughter on his hip, narating whatever it is that you are doing.
I am a firm believer that he grows a garden with his little family. Sunflowers, azaleas, whatever his two girls want. He’d be out there desperately trying to teach her how to plant flowers and grow a proper garden.
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mxsonxmountx · 1 year
MM x Exam Season
Word count: 804
Requested: Yes/No
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Requests: Open/Close
Bold: Mason
Italics: you
AN: I don’t go to uni so i had to look at the grades online, pls forgive me. I had this all typed out on my laptop which was supposed to be longer, then it all got deleted 🙃😭
You’ve had exams every other day for the past 2 weeks. 2 weeks you haven’t seen your boyfriend Mason, 2 weeks you haven’t seen your family. Being known as masons’ girlfriend had its pros and cons, being in the family and friends area at Chelsea every other week was the best part. Cons? Not seeing him as much as you’d like and the hate. But with both having busy schedules you both came to terms with it eventually. You had your last exam in a weeks’ time, you agreed that Mason could stay for the week since the football season is over. You was in your garden with your books and he was kick his ball up and down on the concrete, you never had an issue with it but the sound was beginning to irritate you more than you thought.
“Mase please can you stop? Just for two hours? Please? I really need to concentrate.” “But you don’t give me attention when you study. I haven’t seen my girlfriend in weeks and all she does is study when I’m around” and with that his ball smashes your laptop “y/n I’m sorry. Please forgive me” you didn’t even stay to accept his apology, you went straight to your study room, locked yourself in and screamed. You had books that you could study from, but all your notes was on your laptop... every single note you made was on there, and now it’s gone. Because of your boyfriend couldn’t wait for a couple of hours for your attention.
Before you knew it, it’s was approaching 7pm and you could smell the freshness of something cooking but you hadn’t done any shopping in weeks due to stressing over your exams. “Why have you done this? I told you I’d be okay on a coffee and red bull” “I made it because I can tell that’s all what you’ve had for the past two weeks, I’ve made you a proper home cooked stew. Just like when we was kids, what my mum used to make us both” “I’ll eat it, but after I need to study” “not until I’ve given you a bath, you need to relax. I can tell that your stress levels are through the roof. You don’t need to stress too much you’ve got the final exam and I know that you will pass it without a doubt” just those words made you cry, yes all the stress and build-up of the anxiety hasn’t helped but that just topped it off and you needed a good cry. “I know I know but it’s just all too much for me right now. I’m sorry that I haven’t been replying to your calls, or seeing you properly in the last two weeks but this is the big exam Mase” he hugged you even tighter than before “listen its okay. Once this final exam is over with, we’ll go on holiday. Just you and me. We need some time together we’ve both been stressed and struggling at the moment. We deserve it” you both stay there for a little while longer before deciding to eat.
A week later you was awake at 5am, going over your notes that you made, ready to leave for uni at 8am, for the exam to start at 9:15. You was nervous but you could just about keep your nerves to a limit. Going into the hall you felt your phone vibrate and it was a message from mason:
Mase: good luck today angel, we’re all behind you. Go make us all proud. See you soon. Love you xxxxx
You didn’t have enough time to reply but he was definitely your good luck charm. All the weeks of studying is now down to this final exam.
Roughly a month later, it was results day. You wanted everyone to be there with you but it wasn’t possible, so you and Mase decided to set up both laptops (he brought you a new one) and have a zoom call so your family, his family and the Chelsea boys could celebrate with you all at once. You would be getting the results via email, time was going slow, slower than before. Your anxiety was skyrocketing and so was your blood pressure. You kept refreshing your emails from 8:58, you was too nervous to read them out for yourself so Mason read them out for everyone.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the results are in…” “Hurry up Mase please this isn’t helping” “I can proudly say my girlfriend got a…” “It’s not higher than D1 is it?” “A1! You’ve passed baby! You’ve passed!” Everyone cheered, you couldn’t believe it, and you passed all the stress was finally worth it. “I can’t believe I did it, I passed. I’m now officially smarter than my footballer boyfriend” “watch it misses”
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mrsjavierpena · 9 months
All the roads lead to a jar of pickles | Pickled Peña
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summary: Javier keeps finding promises to make every New Year's Eve
pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
warnings: fluff, alusions to smut, mentions of narcos, no use of y/n, just javi being so in love and receiving the love he deserves
word count: 4k (yeah i got carried away
IMPORTANT: English is not my first language, i've done my best with grammar but there will be mistakes (fuck prepositions i hate them), so pls overlook those
an: this is a one shot to the @pickled-pena writing challenge! i was super excited to write this and it was indeed a challenge since tumblr decided to delete what i wrote twice, but i loved to participate. also, i procrastinated and literally wrote this right before posting to no lose tbe deadline (not proud, but i made it
hope you enjoy it!
Javier didn't use to be a man to make many promises. He made a few during the years, promises like quit smoaking, clearing Colombia from cocaine, to take care of himself for his mother on her deathbed; he didn't keep any of them. It wasn't like he didn't try, though, Javier was a man of word, things just went out of his control: he did arrest Los Pepes, but the traffic of coke was at full stem ahead even without them, consuming the country, ruining and taking lives of innocent people; it was logical to imagine that taking care of himself was more under his control, but honestly, Javier didn't even know how to do that anymore, his life going south for so long it felt like changing wasn't a possibility.
He still had his father, and living with him back in the ranch again definitely had Javier in the most healthy state of his life that time. His return to Laredo caused quite the commotion, him abandoning Lorraine in the alter was never forgotten, but being part of the chasing of Escobar got him in Laredo's good grace again, he was a hero after all. He hated all of it: the praises and congratulations he didn't deserve, the back pattings and hugs that invaded his personal space, the audacity the people had to 'forgive' him, as if they were people whose opinion he valued.
It's not like he wasn't used to it, he was born and raised there and small towns had small towns' issues, but that didn't mean it didn't piss him off still. His big, nosy family was a part of it, all over his head asking "what was his plan now that he was back home", about "getting a girlfriend to become a wife and finally have kids", because "he wasn't getting any younger" and "was the only single cousin". It was like all his concerns were thrown in his face. He loved them, they were all he had left, but god, didn't they make him feel like shit. Because he had accomplished nothing in forty years, and it was clear that every person around him could notice that too.
The coming of a new year was another reminder of that. During his years in Colombia, he didn't do much other than a dinner with Steve and Connie, neither of them was in the mood of anything fancy at that time, and when they left the country, he simply worked or, in the best scenario, slept. In Laredo, though, his family wouldn't miss an opportunity to throw a party.
"What are your resolutions for the next year, Javi?" his cousin asked.
They both were in the kitchen, the task to cut pickles in very thin, even slices given to them by one of their aunts. Javi stopped his work with the knife to not lose a finger as he side eyed his cousin.
"Don't look at me like that!" she laughed "I'm asking you a question"
"What do you mean?"
"Resolutions, Javi" she rolled her eyes "Like your wishes for the next year"
"You mean, like, manifesting? Are you into that shit?" he couldn't hide the frown on his face.
"No, Javier, not manifesting, even though there's nothing wrong with that" she gave him an irritated look "You write down what you would like to change in yourself, to be a better person next year"
"Is that your way to say that I'm an asshole, prima?" he narrowed his eyes at her and she laughed loudly.
"Well, not just that" she shrugged "I like to do that every year, helps me to keep focused in what I want. And I see the look in your eyes, Javi" she wore a sympathetic smile as her hands caressed his "You have dreams you want to chase, why not start by that?"
A loud scream made them both jump in their places, a tiny human coming through the kitchen threshold with his hands thrown up in the air.
"Mijo" she laughed at the child's prank and the boy giggled.
His cousin had been married for almost ten years by then, a little boy and one girl on the way. Her being younger than him and having accomplished his dreams made a claw made of jelousy wrap its nails around his throat.
Javier wanted a wife, he wanted to marry someone he loved, he wanted to build a family of his own, he just was focused on the wrong things at the wrong time.
So he decided to start with something that should be simple, only one promise to himself: to meet someone in the coming year.
It should have, didn't mean it was, though. It was scary, he found out, to get to know someone after so long, especially at a small town where he knew almost everyone. Javier never had problems to get laid, but most of the woman he hooked up with didn't really seem interested in more than that, after a while it started to feel like a him problem. That being said, Javier didn't know how to start, so the next time another cousin of his said that he would really get along with a co-worker he had, he finally accepted.
The date was... awkward, to say the least. They went to the most popular restaurant in Laredo, every person there looking at him the whole evening; she didn't seem to mind the attention, but Javier did. He tried to make conversation, to ask about her interests, to compliment her, but he was as rusty as a cheap aluminum pot left in the rain for months, years, in his case. She would ask a lot about him, too, but not his hobbies or what he liked to hear on the radio, she would ask about Escobar, how was it like to catch bad guys, if he still had his gun. Javier tried to change the subject, but she would insist on talking about Colombia. She was curious, it was normal, he was used to it, but what a damn turn off it was. Javier felt like being in an interview, the atmosphere heavier and heavier as the questions were getting more and more personal, and by the first hour of the date, he was wishing he was at home.
Javier had this happening before, during his time chasing Los Pepes, the media would be all over him asking all sorts of questions, work related or not, and he hated it. If she wasn't an acquaintance of his cousin, he would even consider her being a fucking journalist, because it was not normal to act like that with someone you had just met.
So after that, Javier was pretty dismotivated to continue his chasing, but his family had already found out he was giving love a chance and wouldn't leave him alone. Apparently, there were many "young women" interested in Javier, according to his aunts. Javier wasn't really comfortable being putten in that position again, but decided to give it a try - few tries, actually. Blide dates were exhaustive and the most of them very unpleasant. In a blink of eyes, it was New Year's Eve again and Javier was still not in a relationship, another failed promise in his mind.
"Well, your plan was to meet someone, and technically you met, like, twenty new women. I would call it a success" Javier rolled his eyes at his cousin's attempt to cheer him up.
"There must be something very wrong with me" he sighed and she pouted.
"Don't say that, Javi! All of them wanted to go on a date with you, you were the one to reject them"
"I know, but- I don't know" he scratched his chin "They all looked at me as if I saved the world, and it's not like that, you know it's not"
She moved the newborn to her other side and sitted closer to him in the couch settled outside the house where they had been chatting for the last hour. Javier looked at the baby in her arms and felt his throat tighten.
"You think so little of yourself, Javi" all her attention was on him, but his eyes didn't meet hers "I know you didn't "save the world", but you tried to make a difference and gave your best to do so, you can't reject a girl just because she admires you"
Javier had done things terrible enough for the good ones to be irrelevants, had let shit happen when he should have tried to stop them, and he had told her that, not in details, but she was the only person beside him and Steve to know, and still thought he was a good person. And yeah, maybe he wasn't so bad after all, but he imagined letting one of those women inside, their eyes shining with pride, letting himself love her, feeling safe enough to tell her about everything and her never seeing him the same way, giving up on him because of his baggage, he knew he would if he could, so how could he put such a burden upon someone's shoulders? Who would want that?
"But I understand, I think" she spoke again, her free hand patting his shoulder "It must feel strange having someone knowing so much about you and you knowing nothing about them. Maybe you shouldn't go on these shitty arranged dates and find someone on your on"
"Yeah, I think you're right" he took her hand in his and gave her knuckes a light peck "Thank you"
"Mijo" Chucho's head appeared on the frame of the door "Would you do me a favor?"
"Of course, Pops" he stood up.
"Your aunts forg-" he was interrupted by shoutings coming from the kitchen:
"You stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?" was the voice of one of his aunts "Strolling through the corridors looking for fruitcakes when it's not even the season anymore!"
"You leave my fruitcakes alone!" another aunt shouted back "I don't hear you complaining when you're eating them!"
Javier looked at his father with his brows raised in curiosity, and the old man sighed "Your aunts forgot the jar of pickles, would you mind driving to the tienda?"
"No, I don't"
Most of the commerces were already closed at that time of the evening, but the tienda was the one place everyone in Laredo could count to be open at any time. The owners greeted him when he passed through the door, trying to small talk, and he turned them down the nicer way he could, wishing them a happy new year and going straight to the aisle he was supposed to. He heard the sound of broken glass followed by cursings coming from further in the store and found you staring miseraly at a burst jar of pickles on the floor, the vinegar smell all over the air and a basket full of groceries supported on your hip.
"You okay?" you looked up at him and he felt the the wind knocked out of him; you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.
"I am, yeah, that isn't" you pointed to the jar and he smiled.
Probably imagining what had happened by the noise, a man quickly showed up with a broom and a cloth to clear it up. You apologized profusely, saying that you could clean it up yourself while the man said it was no problem.
Javier looked at you one more time and left to get what he went there for. He had never seen you in the city before, and it wasn't like he was out of the ranch often - he tried very much not to -, but you should've been new there; the conversation with his cousin still fresh in his head. When he got to the dill pickles aisle, he shouldn't be surprised that you appeared in the other end of it, you had just dropped your jar after all.
"Hi again" you smiled as you walked towards him and he smiled back.
He felt something very similar to shyness creeping in his stomach "Hi"
"Just getting another one of this since mine decided this life just wasn't for him" you raised your hand and said your name.
"Javier" the handshake lingered a little longer than one normally would, your skin soft against his.
He saw the way you looked at him with interest, he should've asked you out. He should've, you were pretty, were his type and, if new in town, probably knew nothing about him. He should've, but he didn't. Thinking once then twice if he could've been reading it wrong, if you were just being nice and in the possibility to make you uncomfortable asking you out after exchanging two sentences in an aisl store. So he just took a jar, said goodbye, and left.
But something inside of him told him that you, with your bright smile and little jokes, could be the one. So he promised to himself to ask you out the next time he saw you.
And he did. After that day, he would go to the city every chance he had. He told his father he would start doing the groceries so he could rest. Chucho didn't buy that, but did nothing about it, he knew his son, so he knew better than to ask, when he wanted to talk to him, he would. It took a couple of months for him to see you again, in the most unexpected place he could think of. He had taken his father to an appointment in Houston, strolling around to pass the time when he saw you inside a café. His eyes widened and he was quick to move out of your sight before you saw him.
He was anxious, but he had been waiting for an opportunity for months and couldn't let it slide away again. Javier took a deep breath and entered the shop, a bell upon his head announcing his entrance. He pretended not to see you, going straight to the counter to ask for a coffee; he didn't want you thinking he was a stalker or something. While waiting for his drink, Javier would take glances in your direction, you sitted three tables away from him, an open book and a mug on the table before you. With his coffee in hands, he looked around and locked eyes with you, who smiled and waved at him. Even though there were plenty of unoccupied tables, Javier took confident steps towards yours.
"Mind if I join?" the smile you gave him made his skin prickle.
"Not at all" you marked a page in the book and closed it as he took a seat in the chair in front of you.
"I haven't seen you in a while" was his subtle attempt to start a conversation.
"Were you looking for me?" you rested your forearms on the table and lightly leaned in his direction.
Javier smirked, was that you flirting, or was he really that rusty? "I was, yeah"
"Good to know" you smiled again "I travel a lot for work, haven't really been in Laredo"
Before he could ask what you did for work, you asked what he was doing in Houston, so he told you about his father's semester appointment that was only available there, and that made you ask about Chucho's health, and then about the trip, since it was a very long one, but he told you he liked driving and used to do that with his parents a lot, which lead to talking about families, you said you weren't really close to yours, the conversation flowing with neither of you seeing the time pass. It was you the one to bring him back to reality, asking which time he was supposed to get Chucho in the hospital and making him realise that he was already late.
"Javier" you said as he quickly stood up to leave "I don't know if I'm reading this wrong, I really hope I'm not and I'm sorry if I am but-"
"Would you like to go out with me sometime?" the words left his mouth before without hesitation.
Your brows raised in surprised, but your smile could have brightened a whole galaxy "God, yes"
He called you the next day, not wanting to wait a minute longer than what he thought wasn't giving desperation. You set the date for the next week, when you would already be back in Laredo. He went to pick you up and got once more mesmerized by the sight of you; you laughed and affectionately squeezed his arm when he told you that. Javier took you to his favorite restaurant in the city, a cozy little place with delicious food his parents used to take him when his mother was still alive. The two of you talked the whole night: he found out that you were a photographer, had moved to Laredo a few months ago planning on settling down "I'm getting too old for all that traveling, and the house's prices are good" was what you told him. Your favorite food was mexican, you weirdly liked the smell of gasoline and wet soil, loved listening to music, still had your grandparents in your hometown so you visited often, wanted to have a dog but couldn't with your schedule, always dreamt of being a mother. You asked so much about him, too. Not the type of questions he was used to being asked, you tried to know him by asking about his childhood, more details about his parents because they seemed to have had such a beautiful love, if he had traveled out of Laredo before, which got him telling you he was a former DEA agent in Colombia, and he saw the curiosity in your eyes, he waited for the questions about that to come, but instead you just said you've had always wanted to visit South America. Years later, when he mentioned tour first date, you would tell him that you knew what was happening in Colombia at that time and that you knew better than to ask what could be invasive questions.
When you couldn't stay in the restaurant anymore because they had to close, Javier still didn't want the night to end, but drove you to your house still. As he took you to your door and wished you a goodnight, ready to leave, you held his upper arm and gave him a light peck on the lips. As if something snapped inside of him, Javier didn't give you the time to even open your eyes before his mouth were against yours again, tongues dancing together as if they already knew one another and had done this before, hands passing through each others bodies. When you asked him to go inside, he hesitated.
"I don't want you to think that's all I want" he vocalized his concerns.
"I don't" you took his face in your hands, brushed your lips on his and smiled "You're a catch, Javier Peña, I'm keeping you to myself"
Javier took his time with you, kissing every inch of your body, having you giggling and moaning and writhing under his touch. Unhurriedly making you his between wet kisses and moans and screams of his name. He would've stayed connected to your body for the rest of his life if he could've, but your agenda was booked for the rest of the year and all he could have was a couple of weeknds a month and long night's phone calls. But Javier took all you gave him without complaints, even though he missed you so much his chest tighted. He missed your smile, your laughter, your body next to his, your fingers through his hair, your kisses to wake him up in the morning, the way his name souded on your lips when he was inside of you, the weight of your head resting on his chest, the way your right leg would twine between his when you slept. The man was head over heels for you and knew you felt the same, all those nights the both of you cried on the phone, sick of being away from each other proved it.
But the both of you survived that tough time like champions, by then, the end of the year was near, and you went to get your grandparents at your hometown to spend the New Year's Eve with Javier's family, the people who raised you obviously being two of the best people he had ever met. His aunts were in love with you, the kids wouldn't leave you alone and his favorite cousin was so thrilled to finally meet you that she dramatically almost passed out. Everyone spent the night laughing and eating and talking, and watching from afar, he couldn't believe how well you fitted on his family, but he hadn't doubted for a second that everyone would love you, how could someone not to? So when he told you he loved you for the first time that night and you said it back without hesitation, Javier promised to be the best version of himself to get you to wear his mother's ring on your finger by the end of the next year.
Not everything was perfect, nothing ever is. You had some fights, you disagreed in a few things, but something you stablished the first time Javier gave in to old habits and tried to run away from the issue was that you wouldn't sleep without talking about it; no hitting doors, no leaving, no fucking the anger out, you talked and made the effort to change what was bothering. Javier had been in only one serious relationship before, with Lorraine, and damn what a difference it was. He couldn't blame neither of them, they were young and didn't know what they wanted; you, on the other hand, knew exactly what you wanted and it still shocked him that it was him. You wanted him, all flaws and errors and baggage included, you didn't let him shut you down when things got tough, and with time he learned to trust you, to count on you, to talk about his feelings, his walls slowly tumbling down. The day he told you everything about Colombia was the hardest he had ever been putten through, years of fighting drug dealers and putting his life at risk, and he had never been more frightened. Tears were shared, you didn't react very well to a few things, but you never dropped his hand, never interrupted, never distanced yourself, even thanked him for trusting you, and at the end he felt as light as a feather. You convinced him to go to therapy, emphasizing that he had to treat the psychological consequences of the terror he confronted back in Colombia.
After that, it seemed like you had reached a goal at your relationship, you spending more time at the ranch than at your own house, a great routine already settled, and you made it very clear you were ready to be asked in marriage when you said those exact words to him. Little did you know he was already planning on it, and one day, after photographing a wedding at a neighbor city, Javier welcomed you in the ranch with candles everywhere, a knee on the floor, tears on his eyes, his mothers ring in a velvet red box and the most heartwarming speech one could ever ask for. The wedding was quick to happen, neither of you wanted a big party, just your families and friends gathered in the ranch with the ceremony realized by a very emotional Chucho. Didn't take you long to get pregnant either, your life settled with you being called to take every photo in Laredo and Javier accepting a job at the Sheriff's Office; the both of you had decided to live with Chucho once he had injured his leg during work, him more than thrilled to have a grandbaby under his roof. Javi fell in love with you a little more every day that passed, more and more mesmerized by you and your growing belly. At the end of that year, he promised to be a father as good as the one he had.
And what a good father he was indeed. He dedicated his life to his family, providing all the love and dedication he had in him, gladly waking up during the nights to comfort his kids; yes, you both got tired as hell, made mistakes, got stressed sometimes, but you got the life of your dreams and the both of you had so much love to give that it didn't matter how hard things could get, you wanted it, all of it. With his one-year-old boy sleeping in his arms as you talked to your grandma on the other side of the room, your ring hand carressing your beautiful round belly that carried your next baby, he saw as his babygirl crossed the room shouting with her hands thrown up in the air to scare you, clearly influenced by her cousin, and you playfully shouted back. The dogs started barking and jumping at the commotion, the three-year-old giggling as you kissed her cheek.
Javier felt like his heart could explode inside of his chest, certain that there was no man alive happier than him, he thought about how lucky he was he went to get those pickles all those years ago. The journy the both of you had wasn't quite easy, the challenges you had to face, the expensive phone bills he got when you were apart, the fears he had to overcome, even those years in Colombia, he would have done it all again and again and again if it meant to be where he was at that very moment, to wake up everyday by your side, to always have you in the passanger seat to rest his hand on your thigh, to have the kids laughing and running around the house, to experiencing the type of love his parents had.
At that New Year's Eve, Javier kept the same promise he had been keeping the last years: to give his all to the family of his own.
"Javi, baby" you called him, your smile as wide as always "I'm craving pickles"
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a0random0gal · 10 months
Let's talk about hotd's deleted scenes
Soo hotd has a lot of interesting scenes that were deleted. Some people love them, others believe that removing them was for the best.
Today I'll check em out and tell you how I feel about them, and how I think they could have benefited the show if kept in.
1. The infamous Daemon hug scene
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Uhh I have.. feelings towards this.
And I already hear you go:
"How could you not like this, it's so wholesome!" Yeah I know I know, trust me, I think this is adorable, just a weird scene.
From what we know this shot was completely improvised by Matt and it shows.
Cause almost all of his character's nicer scenes that make people think "maybe he isn't that bad" were ideas Matt came up with. We can see throughout the show how the poor guy does his best to not make Daemon look like a psycho and it's nice on paper, but the contrast between his improvised scenes and the scripted ones is jarring.
I mean we go from him violently beating his first wife to death with a rock, to him tenderly breaking the news of Luke's death to Nyra or picking up Vizzy's crown and gently crowning him.
It does work more with his book characterization though so that's cool.
It's cute, it makes casual viewers go awww, but it's a bit inconsistent in the grand scheme of things.
I guess some people will interpret it as the softer spot Daemon has for the people he truly cares about, but knowing how he also treats them in other scenes...
Cough cough Rhaenyra choke scene cough cough.
I'm just left a bit confused.
Overall, I like it, but there's better.
2. Criston taking his Kingsguard vows.
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God I wanted this to make the cut soo bad.
It's just that in the past I've already talked about how dirty Criston is done in the fandom, and I truly believe he deserves more screentime, he's a very interesting character.
So getting a scene like this would have been awesome, and by showcasing the pride and happiness Criston felt at achieving his dream thanks to Rhae, her eventual treatment of him would have hurt even worse.
Personally I'm not sure if it could have swung more people to feel for him and criticize Nyra, but it would have generally enriched his character and relationship with the princess and I would have looved it.
Only point against it is that it's probably one of the least important deleted scenes.
It sucks to say it, but I didn't really feel it's absence, you know?
If I had to cut a scene, I too would have chosen this one, but with a veery heavy heart.
Really solid idea though.
3. The Rhaenicent fight at the end of episode 2
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Finally, we're moving onto Alicent related scenes.
And this... is my villain origin story.
I can't believe it was cut, wtf!
I get that maybe they wanted to stay loyal to the rule "show don't tell" cause it was already obvious that Rhae was mad at Alicent when she ran out of council meeting room after the announcement of her father's betrothal, but like... The possible angst!
Alicent crying, trying to explain the situation and appealing to their friendship to try and get Nyra to calm down while she screams at her and calls her names for not revealing the truth sooner, god this would have destroyed me even further!
The missed potential drives me insane, I would literally pay money to see how this scene was supposed to play out.
This awesome interaction would have also perfectly set up the hostility and tention that would characterize the next deleted gem...
4. Rhaenicent preparing for Ali's wedding
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Godd, this is another one of those scenes that, in my humble opinion, should have stayed in the show.
Not only because of the possibility of more Rhaenicent angst to break my heart,(Yeess) but also because this is one of those scenes whose absence is really felt in the story for me.
We go from Ali and Viserys's betrothal to them being already married with a toddler and another baby on the way and even though I'm aware that hotd has a lot of time jumps, I do feel like we should at least have seen the wedding celebration before moving onto the future.
This event being glossed over really left a bad taste in my mouth.
I can just imagine the sad and awkward silence during that scene, poor girls.
5. Viserys testing Daemon regarding Aegon's prophecy
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Soo, time to talk about the most incompetent targ king and his very problematic bro.
This scene had a loot of potential.
Apparently it was supposed to be about Viserys toying with the idea of revealing the Conquerer's prophecy to Daemon, but ultimately choosing not to after his brother showed little to no interest in what he was saying.
It would have been great to set up Daemyra's fight in the last episode
(honestly it would have been quite funny to see Daemon have a meltdown after hearing of the prophecy that he thinks his brother didn't trust him enough to tell him of, when he literally had the chance of knowing about it but threw it away lol)
And it also would have showcased how unfit Daemon is to rule, and given Viserys yet another reason to pick Rhaenyra as his heir over him.
In conclusion:
Yes I know there are a lot more deleted scenes to discuss, but I really don't want this post to get too long, so I'm going to end it here.
Personally, I think all of these deleted scenes were good, and there genuinely wasn't a single one I would have hated to see on screen.
But what were your favourites? Please tell me, especially if they weren't featured in this post, I'm super curious to find out about more cut scenes to learn what we all missed lmao.
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babiebom · 11 months
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A/N: accidentally deleted the ask itself but I took a screenshot thankfully before hand. And NEVER you don’t have to apologize, I said requests are open so even if you send like 50 I won’t complain as long as you give me time to write <33333 ALSO q does NOT seem like it belongs before u wtf I do these in alphabetical order and just spent 5 minutes singing my abc’s because I was confused. ALSO if anyone actually reads the notes I’m debating on adding the link to my twitch bc idk if I want to connect this and that and idk what to do. However streaming today(I’m writing this after I’m done) was fun!! Got a couple of new followers.
Tw: sexual content
Alphabet post Masterlist
K-Kink (one or more of their kinks)
HE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT HAS A BODY WORSHIP KINK. Like sorry for the caps but this man likes worshipping you. Wants you to know how much he loves you and how much he appreciates that you are willing to have sex with him and that he’s even more appreciative of the fact that you LOVE him. He needs you to be aware, he cannot survive if you aren’t aware.
On the other hand he also has a magic kink. He likes being able to pleasure you in any possible way he can. Sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming but overall it just makes you really satisfied. I think with how much he uses his magic for this going back to regular sex would not be something that turns out to be good.
L-Location (favorite places to do the do)
I think he prefers at home. I do think he is a bit reclusive and he does not want anyone seeing you or him in an undressed state. Like it makes him anxious to think about someone seeing either of you in any position where you are unclothed. A part of him is also jealous and insecure.
Would probably do a spell where you two can fuck on(in?) a cloud. Or in the sky. As long as no one can see you or catch you, he is fine with having sex anywhere. Thinks you deserve a comfy bed with nice sheets to have sex in.
Q-Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He neither loves nor hates them. Would prefer to have an entire session to have sex, but is okay with a quickie if you both are low on time. Will always continue the session after you both are home because he knows neither of you are satisfied. If you like quickies he is always down to have one though.
U-Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t tease often. I think in his mind he thinks that you could potentially get genuinely upset at him if he doesn’t give or treat you how you want. So Magnus won’t really tease or edge you unless you explicitly say that you like being edged. Without you having to ask he has to be either in a really goofy mood or in a very dominant mischievous mood. If you tease him he’s fine, though he does get embarrassed.
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Valentine's Day Event
Time for the Valentine’s Day event! It’s running from now, through the 14th. For the event, I’m doing a typical writing prompt list with a Valentine’s Day twist. Each number is a “chocolate”.
As for what type, it can be one of three: There’s dark chocolate for yandere, white chocolate for vanilla, or milk chocolate for ‘surprise me’.
An example of a request would be something like: could I have a white chocolate number 16 with Sanji
In order to get through as many requests as possible, I will be keeping these on the short side (under 1.5k words). Given the nature of the event, these will exclusively be romantic. On the 15th, whatever requests I didn’t get to will be deleted, and I’ll go back to my normal requests. If anyone has any questions or wants more clarification, feel free to ask!
As per usual, don’t be afraid to request obscure/less popular characters, I love to write for them!
This is excessive, darling.
I have so many things to say, but no words that feel strong enough to express it.
Hold still, I’m not done yet.
I feel like I’m in a romance novel.
You deserve this and more. Everything in the world, if you ask me.
I know the timing isn’t ideal, but if I don’t do this now I feel like I’ll die.
I’ll be right back, I have to go take care of something.
If you don’t make a decision, I will.
I checked every store in the area, but couldn’t find what I wanted. So I tried to make it myself… Please stop staring at it. Don’t laugh either!
If I could give you my beating heart, I would.
This isn’t how I expected the day to go.
I thought that going somewhere nice would have been the best thing to do today, but being at home with you has been better than any fancy dinner could have hoped to be.
I’m so happy to have you here with me, I will never want anyone else. You have more of a hold on me than you’ll ever know.
You look perfect! I knew this would look great on you!
I have a confession. You can say what you will when I’m done, but please wait until I’m finished.
Good morning! I thought you would like to have breakfast in bed today!
I don’t deserve you, but I want you. Is that so wrong?
I could kiss you right now- Actually, you what? I will. Come here!
Would you have this dance with me? 
I wanted to get something that reminded me of you. The problem is that everything reminds me of you.
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demonsfate · 4 months
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maybe somewhat controversial but saw somethin on a confessions blog saying this and i guess i do kinda miss when rping felt... sillier at times? like with both the existence of magic anons & dash commentaries. things just feel Stricter or More Serious now? not sure how to put it. dash commentaries do still happen, but not as frequently as i used to. like GOSH, i remember 5+ years ago, i'd have my character saying something bizarre and it would BLOW the entire dashboard up. like almost all my mutuals would be commenting on it, a lot of "silly drama" would happen because of it. some would agree with my muse, some would prosecute them. that doesn't really happen anymore. though, i also understand. i get that ppl have boundaries, but sometimes it really feels like you have to walk on eggshells lest you upset somebody.
i recalled one time this character was just being AWFUL to mine (mine who has done nothing wrong lol) just hurling insults, mistreating them, whateves. so y'know, there were dash commentaries about this and it eventually lead to the other mun getting very upset that their character was being "villainized". and it's like ... don't ... write an antagonistic muse if you don't want that? or the very least, don't write them BEING antagonistic toward innocent people? i mean, when ppl's muses & anons used to bully abaddon, i actually loved it. because indeed deserved it, he's a horrible horrible person who mistreats and kills the innocents. and plus it's just fun ok? i love conflict - regardless if it's angsty, serious, or silly conflict.
and magic anons... i get it can be a flawed concept. (ppl can send their Thinly Disguised Fetishes in it - not that i care but obvs other ppl would rightfully care) but i still thought it was very fun because it's like temporary or mini aus. it plunges characters into otherwise impossible scenarios and then give you new thread concepts based on those scenarios. i'd say even to this day, i still accept magic anons. but that feels pointless to say because they're virtually nonexistent anymore.
this was all i was gonna discuss in this post, but i can also understand why the rpc is often... less engaging anymore? why we have a problem with communication, why we have a problem with less anons being sent out. this isn't a generalization, of course - there are other reasons why this happens. but this is something i've personally experienced in the past, and it makes me think it could be the same for other people. it's just the fear of being blown up at, again - upsetting somebody.
i've seen people be legit hateful towards the anons they get A LOT. like an old rper i've stopped writing with would literally call the anons "assholes" and trying to "ruin fun" because the anons would just comment on the threads or ask questions regarding the threads? and it's like i thought that was supposed to be a common thing... anons like that just help add insight to how the muse is feeling regarding a thread or somethin. but the way they reacted was so unnecessary hostile? when they could've politely told anons to stop or just... fucking deleted the anons like lmao. and it's not just this too but i've seen other people just react bitterly to certain anons they get. or this one time where somebody REQUESTED for CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM and i sent an anon giving my criticism, can't remember quite what it was but obvs i said nothing mean or insulting - i just told them a problem i noticed and gave tips on how they could possibly improve (AGAIN, THEY ASKED FOR THIS) and they later went on their blog talking about how they got ANON HATE???? HELLO????? so yeah, i understand not liking certain anons you get or whatever. but ppl react to them with so much hostility, that it makes everyone else afraid to send anons anymore because they'd rather say nothing than upset the user, especially if they're gonna be potentially villainized for something that is virtually harmless.
then there is just talking to people ooc. hell, i've had somebody who followed one of my old blogs (this was like a few years ago iirc?) and their rules had that blood was one of their triggers. so i told them that i tag that so they don't have to worry and they literally said something like "I didn't ask you to :/" and that's it??? and then they were just rude to me the entire convo until we eventually unfollowed lol. not to mention all the skype & discord contacts i add over the years and then we just stop talking in no time...
anyway, i'm not saying everyone is like this at all! there are MANY super cool people in the rpc, many people i have a lotta fun writing with here. but when you look back at all the bad experiences, or even looking at the bad experiences at are currently unfolding, it makes more and more sense why a lotta the "silly" rp aspects that ceased to exist. why there are no more magic anons, and why dash commentary & anons in general are becoming more and more scarce.
it was this post that inspired me to talk about this. which i actually don't agree with everything op said. in fact, i wouldn't even say the primary issue of current threads is romance or smut. more so, i noticed that fluff / slice of life threads with no conflict is what makes up for most threads nowadays it seems lmao. which is also understandable, because again - it's a popular known issue within the rpc that it's hard to have conflict in threads, lest somebody legit gets their feelings hurt OOC!!! hell, this has happened to me a few times because i often play antagonistic muses. which again, is another issue that makes people feel like they're constantly walking on eggshells. but anyway, it just inspired me to think about and discuss this.
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aterimber · 8 months
I saw your posts in the tags about deleting all reblogs! I went thru your blog to see what was wrong and it looks like Zionists have been harassing you about antisemitism until you stop talking about Palestine.
In so sorry about that and don't fall for it!!
To clear down things up: nativenews isn't antisemitic. They're pro-Palestine and support a decolonized solution which Zionists HATE and that's why they're saying nativenews in antisemitic. Zionists are calling ANYONE who doesn't support Israel or a 2state solution an "unsafe" person for Jews which doesn't even make sense.
That'd be like if Americans said "you're anti-american and unsafe to my well being because you think native Americans deserve equal rights. Natives obviously just want rights to get revenge on us, how could you possibly suggest supporting them."
That doesn't even make sense and it's obviously just a racist excuse for Americans to keep their privileges over natives right?
Same exact situation is happening.
Jewish Zionists like to pretend Israel is a Jewish state but it isn't. There are Christians and Palestinians and Muslims who live in Israel too. It isn't specifically anti-Semitic to criticize a government, regardless of it's population.
People criticize the USA all the time and who are the only people that get mad about it? Patriots and racists who want to ignore their problems, right? And should we stop talking about those things cuz they're uncomfortable? Course not. They are the Reason we talk about it, right?
Zionists are the same. And the doubt they are planting in you about your voice is their goal. One less voice speaking up for Palestine helps theirs get louder.
Please don't delete your reblogs.
Nothing you've done has helped out Jewish lives in danger JUST because they are Jewish. And that's what antisemitism is.
Antisemitism is not when you have opinions Jewish zionists don't like or reblog from people that Jewish zionists don't like, I promise.
Hi Anon!
Thank-you for the message!
Also, thank-you very much for that explaination. What you said definitely makes sense to me. As I've said, I'm not very knowledgable about what has been happening and was only attempting to help, which it had been pointed out to me that was not what happened.
I'm attempting to learn so I can make informed decisions going forward and listen to the people who I was attempting to help.
To clear things up: I am against murder. Period. (Yes this includes animals, but that's not the point of this post)
If you are pro-murder, I do NOT agree with you. Unfollow me, block me, whatever.
This is why I felt sick when I was told the post I reblogged from NativeNews could possibly get people killed. That is why I went to the extreme lengths of taking down every other post I had reblogged mentioning Israel and Palenstine and wrote the apology post.
I was trying to spread information to stop people from dying, not contribute to it.
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kickinganddriving · 2 years
I have a request, still in the dad!pulisic mood: him meeting his daughter for the first time 🥹
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Notes: Girlie you ask I shall write. Also I tried being funny, but this was too cute and now my ovaries are exploding. This was going to be a fic but after the thing kept on deleting itself it is now a blurb.
Paring: fem x dad! pulisic
Warning: Pregnancy, childbirth, mentions of sex, swearing, being a parent.
wc: 800 
You usually loved him but right now all you wanted to do was punch him in the dick. He did this to you, of course he forgot how to pull out and now you're screwed.
"CHRISTIAN MATE PULISIC I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TELL ME ITS GOING TO BE WORTH IT AT THE END I WILL DO WHAT THE FUCKING PELVIC CONTUSION DIDN'T DO TO YOU" You blared out in the middle of the hospital while you were in the suffering that is birthing a child.
"2 more pushes and then you're done" Your OB says in a calm and soothing tone. After you somehow pushed to more time you heard a cry. You knew in a few weeks you would want to throw yourself out a window when you hear this cry, but right now, it was kind of nice. You turned your head to look at the man that was once holding you hand but now he was holding your child.
The look in his eyes, one of love, affection, and kindness. A look that is so sweet and pure it could power candyland for 100 years. His smile, it was so genuine and wide that you thought his mouth might get permanently stuck in that position. He stood there for a minute, taking in every last drop of this moment, his child, a part of him, innocently laying in his arms. He new he would protect this child every single day of his life from now and on.
"Chris, can I see my own child?" You ask after giving him a decent amount of time, but still wanting to see your very own child.
"Babe, can you believe we have our very own baby" he exclaims in pure disbelief of the child in front of him.
“I’m as shocked as you” You speak as he carefully hands the baby to you.
“What are we going to name her?” He asks remembering that she needs a name.
“I’m thinking Lila” It seemed like a sign because you couldn’t think of any other name while looking at her.
“I like it, Lila Pulisic” He grins. The nurse walks in to tell the both of you that she has to take the baby to get a check up. You both agree, you were so tired that you thought the baby being born might’ve been a dream. It was not though. 
“Go sleep baby, you deserve it” 
After you woke up all you heard was softly speaking Christian, you turn your head towards the love of your life to see him holding your newborn sleeping baby and talking to her ever so softly. You sat up so you could enjoy the view as you heard Christian softly speaking.
“No one is ever going to hurt you princess” You heard him say as you smile at the cutest nickname for your child.
Followed by “Your dada loves you more than anyone else.” After that he finally lifts his head and see’s you fully awake. “I was going to wake you up when they brought her back but you looked too cute to wake up.”
“Flattery might get you somewhere in 6 weeks Pulisic” You state with an ounce of sarcasm.
“Six weeks! I don’t think I can wait that long!” He says in disbelief.
“With a newborn baby, you definitely can” you say assuringly.
“Do you want to hold her”
“Gimme my baby” You respond mildly rushing him because you miss your baby.
“You know I love you so much?” He says as he hands you the baby.
“Yea, I guess your alright” you respond bringing the sarcasm back.
“Is it possible for anyone to be so innocent and so cute at the same time, like I fell so full of love I might just explode” He says while peering into his newborns eyes.
“Don’t explode i’m going to have enough diapers to clean for a while” you say in response.
“But it’s like if anyone tries to hurt her I just might kill them sight on scene. I just want to protect her from anything bad in the world.”
“I love her so much and we just met her” You state.
“Can I hold her, I already miss her?” He asks.
“Of course” You hand him the baby oh so carefully as it is both of your biggest fears to drop the baby. Christian just stands there looking at the newborn, and you know that she already has him wrapped around her fucking finger right out of the oven. 
“Just so you know she’s never allowed to date anyone” Christian says.
“Oh for sure”
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namjoonchronicles · 3 months
i just felt like i was left out in the cold. by family, by friends, by anyone i would have never done so to. funny how when i am turning 31, everything i ever did for others felt pathetic. i never needed anyone, and it wasn't by choice but by survival means. what triggered me? i was short on money. by 50 bucks online. needed to pay for my food. i do have cash. i asked twice in the family group, no one replied. until finally my mother did. but what she said before she send them to me was horrendous. i could not even console myself to accept. bc she's my mother, it hurts even more. bc i expected her to be a safe zone to land.
"how come yr financial management have gone so bad?"
Was what she said. Knowing full well that I buy groceries at home where she lived, and it was right after eids and i used some of my money to provide for the house. I guess she must have forgotten. So after that, I deleted the messages where I asked for help. I said my thanks and fake it to be as genuine as possible and take my food. The whole time I was chewing, i started to reassess my emotions, for the first time in a long time. and i come to a heavy realization that i hv loved them, cared for them, think of them, more than they did me. they have called me "sensitive" "unprogressing" "crooked teeth" while i was helping them all out. i now realise i deserve to be treated decently. i always call them and they never answer. so i pull back heavily and i believe they begin to notice. they started calling and telling me that if i need money, do let them know. start telling me they miss me and cooking the things i liked. but my emotions have severely depleted. i now give them what they always gave me; just-enough. right now i am sat at the terminal, waiting for a bus to take me to an island where a female friend is waiting for me until my birthday on 23rd June. i told my mom abt it last week and she said, "this female friend never asked u to accompany her, why all of a sudden" to which i answered with legit complete silence until she asks another question. i am so proud of myself for that precise moment. i want to show them that i am capable of being happy without them. i will let them know when i've arrive safely. that is if i feel like it. they have a knack of ruining everything happy and fun. last year my birthday, they took me to their favourite restaurant. felt like it was their birthday. and this year, i took them to new restaurants for each of their birthdays, making sure that they have all their fav food, and making necessary bookings. i saw my roommate receiving gifts and loved so well, and i for the first time, felt like, even i am extending myself beyond my means, my ability, i was never treated as such. i realised that i would do anything to learn how to love others and none would do the same to me. now, fuck that. my attention is now on my self and what makes me happy. if u can't, i ain't looking.
30 years is enough time for you to learn how to speak, how to love, and to observe what makes me smile, what doesn't. u don't know how to get my attention bc i always willingly gave it to you, bc you only think of yourself. Not gonna lie, its fun to see people struggle to gain my interest. I'd stare at a call I'm not willing to take even if it means family. i always call you and u don't even answer. how does it feel.
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