#wendy son imagine
seulgiwifeee · 6 months
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What Shall I Do || Wendy
♡ Member: Gangster*Wendy x Nerd*Femreader
♡ Theme: Fluff, SOME angst (like the TEENIEST bit)
♡ Warning: Cussing, Wendy low key likes to be praised ? :0, she just wants to impress you :(, detailed make-out session (hehe), <<<a TAD bit suggestive during it, slow burn I guess? But it's worth it I promise ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝
♡ Description: The troubling girl that Wendy is has found herself falling for the girl who couldn’t be anymore opposite of her. She decides she wants to act upon her feelings, but she doesn’t know how she’ll be able to successfully approach you until she walks past that tutoring flyer that’ll change everything.
Word count: 9.2k (I got carried away..LOL)
(Genuinely didn’t know what to make as the title so I just put the title of a song I thought would go good with reading,, #stream What Shall I do by Hoody and all of her other songs ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷)
All idea credits go to the amazing @wendyslegalwife ‘s request ⸝⸝ɞ̴̶̷ ·̫ ‹⸝⸝ ♡ !!
How could people so polarly opposite ever make things work out between them?
Wendy questioned that each time she'd catch herself staring at the beauty of Y/N, muttering stubborn curses at herself when she'd realize you were making her lose focus and blush in front of her clique for simply existing around her.
They would try to poke sly teases at Wendy, asking her whom she was giving 'lovey-dovey' eyes to, as they'd say, but the sharp turn of her threatening eye was enough to shut them up and make them uninterested quickly.
But anyway, the question still stands—what was so enticing about you?
Why did Wendy have to like you?
You, Y/N L/N, out of everyone in this school?
There was nothing special about you.
You were just a huge distraction and if anything Wendy shouldn't have even been acknowledging your existence.
You're a nobody!
She had better things to focus on and you're not even her type!..
..Or so that's what all her stubborn mind used to tell her.
Now, there's no denying the heady effect that your presence alone has on her each time you enter the classroom. Wendy's the first person to even notice your appearance, and without fail each time, her eyes stay glued onto your figure until her conscious snaps her out of it or if one of her friends nudges her to back to reality.
Was it the way you spoke with your honey-sweet voice any time you answered a question?
The alluring look you'd unknowingly eye your teacher with when you were focused on the information she would share during discussion?
Or how Wendy thought you looked so nerdy-cute from how your large glasses would sit propped down on your nose, practically sliding off, and how your tongue just slightly poked out from the side of your mouth each time you were fixated on completing an assignment?
Or maybe it was all? (It was)
Despite whatever reasoning it could've been, all that Wendy knew in conclusion was that she wanted— No, needed you. Badly.
But she's the most feared girl at the school, along with her little gang. Everyone, plus the teachers and staff members, is scared of or intimidated by Wendy. Yes, including you too.
How could Wendy get with someone who flinches every time she walks past them or nervously looks away when they dare to steal a glance at her for any longer than a split second?
It's not like she's some kind of bully or has ever done anything to you; she'll only become aggressive if someone purposely does or says something to her or her friends to piss her off, and that is when things can get scary, so other than that Wendy's nothing more than a harmless (-ish) troublemaker if no one tries to mess with her.
But unfortunately, the damage of her aggressive and intimidating past actions has left too much of a dent into the school's atmosphere for people not to be uneased by her, and all the fear that's been instilled in everyone's minds is practically irreversible for her to suddenly try acting all soft, thinking that could make people in any way forget the girl she's shown herself to be for last few years.
And aside from the rough image she has to put up with, she knows that you on the other hand probably wouldn't even try giving her a chance to date you.
Like come on, you, Y/N, the girl who makes straight A's, never skips class, avoids drama at any cost, actually cares about her studies, and is probably the sweetest person in this school just to end up with Wendy; this little delinquent she knows that you probably portray of her as who can flip the mood just by walking into a classroom with the wrong look on her face? Not a chance.
But that dismissive thought doesn't deter Wendy because no matter what, she will still do what she can to show you, to prove to you that there's more to her than just the edgy facade she shows on the outside.
It's just.. how will she be able to show it?
She already knows that she can't casually walk up to you because either you would take that as a threat and run away before you'd allow her to get a single word out, or she wouldn't last more than two words into the conversation before you'd run away from the bubbling fear and anticipation. So either way you're going to end up running away.
Okay.. so how will Wendy be able to approach you that doesn't end up with you running away?
Maybe she could find someone who could give her your number and then you two could try messaging?
Never mind, she knows that would just creep you out even more.
Okay, no message, now what?
With each new idea Wendy comes up with, she has to scratch it out because it's either bound to not work or there's just that one flaw that completely ruins it.
Soon, that brain fog kicks her in the ass hard and she can't figure up any new ideas. It doesn't break her determination, of course, she's too prideful for that, but she's definitely losing her patience.
Wendy walks down the hallways with her usual mean mug, clearing the path of nervous and startled people just by walking near them.
She steps past the bulletin board filled with posters of the school's weekly news, not minding any business to them until she suddenly pauses and makes a rewind back to a little certain flyer that catches her attention from the corner of her eye.
"After school tutoring with a buddy!" is printed in bold blue letters on the poster.
Wendy takes time to read more into it, finding out that the school's top students have joined together to host this little tutoring program to bring students with struggling grades to stay after school so they can get help on understanding their course better and getting their grades up. The person signing up can also choose who they want as their tutor and, surprise surprise, you just so happened to be one of the top students involved with this.
This is perfect. If you end up tutoring Wendy then she can finally have an excuse to approach and start some form of conversation with you, and you wouldn't even have any choice but to talk with her!
But the only downside to this is that you're tutoring for the math section. Wendy can't stand math for the hell of it, that's by far her weakest subject and just one look at her grades can be backed up as evidence to prove it. Also, the spots are very limited since it's only around fifteen students who'll even be tutoring, and there's also another student who's tutoring for math, so it's not even guaranteed to Wendy that she'll end up with you as her tutor if someone doesn't get to you first or if she'll even manage to turn her papers in time before all the tutoring spots, in general, are taken.
And again, she just doesn't want to deal with anything math-related.
But.. whatever it takes for her to talk to you.. she'll just have to push herself through it and risk these chances.
Once she gets the papers, she fills them out and turns them in as quickly as she can, determined to seal her spot with you, and impatiently lives the day on and she waits for the upcoming Friday to find out whether or not she makes it in.
The exact moment as Wendy arrives home from school that Friday afternoon, looking down to check her phone as the time changes from 4:59 pm to 5:00 pm on the spot, she grins widely once that confirmation email pops up in her notification bar, letting her know that she's eligible for the tutoring and that you've been assigned to be her tutor. 
Well.. Of course, Wendy got accepted so easily, it would've been incredibly stupid on the school's part for her not to be; the second the administrators received her filled-out papers she was the first student they even signed up for the program. And really.. if the school could've, they would've tried to sign her up for more tutoring other than just math.
Wendy's small moment of happiness, though, is lifted momentarily once the sheer realization dawns on her, the remembrance of certain things said in the tutoring flyer and the things she'd have to face that she didn't take into account earlier all floods back into memory.
She's in tutoring. Tutoring.. meaning she's going to have to be associated with a bunch of other dumbos and idiots.
Also, tutoring sessions are supposed to be happening after school in the cafeteria.
All at the same time.
It doesn't matter to her that the tutoring is one-on-one or if everyone's going to be spread out in their own "private" section of the cafeteria, she can't be seen in front of all these people receiving help. She knows she doesn't actually plan on taking the tutoring seriously since it's just a tactic to get closer to you, but no one's going to catch on to that from the bare eye! They're just going to see Wendy as a weakling!
She can't let that happen.
She hurriedly types out an email to Mrs. White—the vice principal and head person in charge of this program—asking if there are options to tutor somewhere else, and not too long after, she responds back suggesting that you two could tutor separately from everyone else in one of the empty classrooms, but that solution is not good enough for Wendy.
She needs the two of you to be alone, somewhere more private than that.
Matter of fact, she doesn't even want to be on school grounds when you two are having your sessions.
Wendy writes again, asking in desperation if it's possible she and you could work off campus, but all Wendy's told is that the first session has to be done on school grounds, just so everyone can be monitored and can be seen if there needs to be any switching around and other nonsense Wendy didn't care to finish reading about.
Although.. Mrs. White at the end did say that after the second or third session, she'd see what she could do for you two regarding this, but Wendy knows that "I'll see what I can do" bullshit 99% of the time usually means there's nothing that can be done.
Well, that's great.
Wendy's nowhere near satisfied with this, but again, if she wants to get closer to you, then she'll just have to deal with this nonsense.. she supposes..
Sooner than Wendy can even realize, the day finally comes.
She never realized how much she'd really been anticipating this day until the final dismissal bell of the day rang, her heart dropping as everything suddenly hit for her to process; she can't tell whether she's more excited or nervous.
As she exits the classroom, her little gang is confused once they see her creeping the opposite way of the exit and all begin to question her.
She makes up a quick lie along the lines of needing to go to the bathroom and that all of them could just go ahead and leave since she'll catch up with them later. And like the airheads they are, they somehow believe her, not even giving her any further questions before they go on and leave campus.
Wendy lets out a sigh of relief and once they're far out of her peripheral, Wendy quickly speeds down the hallways, not caring one bit if she bumps into anyone, and hides around a secluded corner in the science building. She makes sure to keep herself hidden from any lurking eyes, continuously checking the time on her phone to see if it's anywhere close to the time yet for the tutoring.
"Hurry up.." she mutters impatiently looking down at the time and tapping her finger on the wall behind her as she keeps an alert eye out to make sure no one's walking near her.
The slow minutes tick by and it only serves to heighten Wendy's anticipation, but after what feels like forever she looks back at the time and sees that it's just five minutes past the time tutoring was officially supposed to begin.
She finally curves out from the corner, quickly peeking her head out to make sure the coast is clear before she marks her way toward the cafeteria doors. She takes in a deep breath, clenching her fists to her sides before she brings herself to open the doors.
As Wendy steps inside, she looks around at all the people inside getting situated with each other. Lingering near the entrance, some people sitting around spot her there and a quick change of emotion from their once cheery, talkative expressions is noticed—Fear.
Of course..
Wendy rolls her eyes at them, unbothered, and walks towards an area where there's a group of people sitting, assuming that's where she should be sitting too.
She sits at the end of the table and immediately buries her head into her phone, not wanting to draw any attention to herself, which honestly she knows is pretty useless since her classmates can very well still see her and are very well terrified and confused about why she's here.
Wendy feels an abrupt shift in the table as she watches her phone and looks in the corner of her eye to notice everyone scooted further away from her. She scoffs, putting her attention back to her phone and muttering under her breath, "Losers."
Everyone around Wendy joins with their tutoring partners as she restlessly continues to wait for you. She can feel cold sweats trickling down her forehead as her hands begin to shake. Wow, you were the one making Wendy nervous. Only could you ever do that to her.
She continues to distract herself scrolling through her social media until she notices a pair of feet approaching her and hears a small voice speak out. "Uh.. Wendy?"
Wendy looks up, her heart skipping a beat as she meets eyes with no one other than you. But her demeanor clearly doesn't show her nervousness, seeing as you cling tighter to your notebook in a tense stance.
Wendy quickly softens her features once she notices your uneasiness and tries her best to play a sort of soft, inviting smile instead. "Y/N?"
You nod your head hesitantly, not fully trusting the sincerity in Wendy's smile, and look down at your notebook.
"So.. looks like I'm tutoring you," you mumble with a blatant tone of awkwardness, placing a piece of hair behind your ear as Wendy nods along.
"Which table would you like to work at?" you ask, trying your best to mask the edging fear layered behind your voice with a fake smile.
Wendy's eyes spark up and she suddenly stands up from the table, causing you to flinch and instinctively take a step back.
"Actually, I was told that we were allowed to study alone in one of the unused classrooms."
Your pupils dilate instantly just at the mere thought of being trapped alone with Wendy. It was already bad enough that you were chosen by her to be her tutor buddy, but now she wants you two to be isolated from everyone just to where she could do god knows what, whether it's something to you or someone else? This is like asking for death.
"Uhh.. are you sure you wouldn't just like to study over there somewhere?" You gesture your finger towards a different direction in the cafeteria in hopes of changing her mind, but her plan stays firm as she shakes her head.
"And be stuck seen in here with these losers? It's already degrading enough for me just having to sit at this table, you're real funny if you think I'm staying over here any longer." Wendy walks past you without warning, heading towards the exit.
"B-But.." you call out weakly as she walks further away. You mutter a curse under your breath, holding in a deep breath before you push your legs to reluctantly follow after the troubling girl.
You guys walk down the empty hallways in silence, an awkward tension very noticeably stirring up between you two as you try your best to avoid eye contact, maintaining a fair distance while Wendy struggles to think of how she can spark up a flowing conversation.
After a few turns searching around the hallways, you two find a vacant classroom. You open the door with your key, but Wendy still somehow manages to get a hold of the door before you, holding it open as her hand gestures for you to go inside. You quirk a brow but nod your head in a simple gratitude as you step inside. The further you walk inside, the more you start to regret signing up to do this tutoring program.
You really don't want to be alone with Wendy. You don't understand— Well, you do understand why you're so unsettled around Wendy because of obvious reasons, but it's not like Wendy's ever done anything to you specifically. She's never hit you, threatened you, or given you a dirty look.. Shit, you're not sure if you've even spoken to her other than today.
And if you're being honest with yourself, you know you're only scared of her because of all the rumors that's been passed around. Because truth be told, you've never really seen her in action before with your own eyes.
So why is your body giving you symptoms that make you seem like you're so terrified of her?
Why is your heart beating in erratic patterns even while she's not doing anything to you?
Maybe you don't trust her?
Yeah, that's it. You just don't trust her.
You sit at one of the tiny desks and Wendy pulls a chair out from another desk, setting it across from you. As she pulls out her phone you look back down at your clipboard. "Alright, so you need help with algebra 2 I see.." you mutter and Wendy hums unenthusiastically.
"Do you have any homework assignments that we can look over?" you ask, but she shakes her head muttering a quick "nope."
"Well, do you have any note—"
"Nope," Wendy says bluntly, interrupting you before you can barely finish your sentence.
"Do you have anything algebra-related in your binder?"
Wendy shuns you with another sharp “no.”
You sigh with disappointment, though you're not surprised, mumbling an awkward "okay" and flip through your work folder. "Well, that's okay because I have some worksheets in here that we can work on together, so—"
"—Hey," Wendy cuts in again, a little more aggressively than she had intended. Your ears perk up from the sudden, harsh interruption as your heart begins to gradually pick up its pace again as you hold your breath. "Yes?"
"You know, this is our first day of sessions. Don't you think we should get to at least know each other better so that we can get more comfortable working with each other?"
Oh, you're pretty sure you know Wendy well enough.
"Um.. I guess?" you mumble with uncertainty.
Wendy smirks and leans back into the chair, grunting as she stretches out her arms. Your eyes narrow down for a split second, noticing the shiny belly piercing adorned on her toned stomach as her dress shirt slightly lifts. Cute.
"So.. I already know we have each other's names established by now—me, Wendy, you, Y/N," Wendy says and you nod.
"So then, Y/N, tell me some things about yourself so that I can get to know you better."
"Just anything?" you ask and Wendy nods.
What is this, an interrogation? Why would Wendy care anything about you? Was this all just a distraction so that you two couldn't start on any work? (Yes, it definitely is)
"Um.. Uh.." you don't know what to start with or say first because, well, what are you supposed to say when you're put in such a sudden and awkward position?
"Come on. Just tell me the basics, like what's your favorite color?" Wendy says trying to help by giving you some ideas.
"Umm, my favorite color is blue."
Wendy nods, biting her lip. "Me too.. What's your favorite candy?"
"I like any sour candy," you state simply.
Wendy hums with the subtle nod of her head again. You continue for the remaining minute answering Wendy's questions about yourself, but you suddenly begin to stumble on your words, avoiding eye contact each time you speak as her piercing gaze bores into you in a somewhat intimidating way.
"Yeah, I have a younger sister and she.. she.." Wendy's resting bitch face is in full play and it does nothing but intimidate you. Her dull eyes pierce into the depths of yours, an impassive look's glued to her face as the corner of her lips is hung downturned.
Wendy's clueless about your fear because this is only her focused face, she's taking the time to study each and every one of your intricate features. She can't control the way her features curve, she doesn't even notice her facial language looks threatening in any way right now, but once she sees how uncomfortable you've suddenly gotten she quickly realizes and softens her expression again.
You still don't say much, avoiding eye-to-eye and staring down in your lap.
Wendy frowns and taps her acrylic in front of you to grab your attention. You look up, breath slightly shaky as you lock eyes with her once again.
"Hey, I know this is kinda awkward having to work with me n' stuff, and I know you're probably scared of me, I can't really blame you, I guess, but I swear I won't do anything to you.
Besides, it's not like you've ever done anything to piss me off, so there's nothing to even worry abbot. I promise I won't bite." There's a hint of humor to her words.
You look into her softened eyes and for once, you seek a little comfort. You notice your muscles have tensed down and you sense a small truth to her words. Still hesitant, you mutter an "okay" before you and Wendy continue this little get-to-know-each-other thing, you gradually loosening up and getting more comfortable the more you talk with her.
You and Wendy end up not getting any worksheets done or even starting on anything.
You sit alone in the classroom, your patience gradually wearing thin as you wait for Wendy to arrive for your next meet-up.
It's nearly been seven minutes past the time the session was originally supposed to begin and Wendy still hasn't shown up or answered any of your questioning text messages regarding where she was.
You lean back in the chair, your feet propped up on the desk as you scroll through your phone to pass the time quickly. After another three minutes or so, Wendy finally arrives with a plastic bag in hand.
She sits in the seat already propped out for her and places her belongings down. "Hey!"
"Hi," you mumble. "You're twelve minutes late."
"My bad, my bad. Just had to go to the store real quick." She lifts the plastic bag, pulling out two water bottles and two bags of candy.
She slides one of the bags and a bottle over to you. "Here."
You never asked her to bring you anything.
You look down and see a bag full of blue raspberry gummy bears all coated in that sour sugar.
Wendy brought you a bag of blue, sour candies right after you told her the other day that your favorite color was blue and your favorite types of candy were sour?
Maybe you're thinking too much into it since Wendy also bought herself the exact kind of gummies, but your intuition was right because Wendy was, in fact, doing this on purpose. You didn't know it, but this was her subtle way of showing her affection towards you.
You soon noticed a pattern as your sessions continued; Wendy would distract you with questions about yourself, never letting the two of you do any real work, and then the next session she would gift you small things that were or resembled your likings you would've mentioned the day before.
She would be slick about it too because she would never bring attention to the gifts, she would just hand them to you, never bring it up afterward and then continue her distraction question any time you would even think about saying the word algebra.
You can admit, you do appreciate the small gestures from Wendy, but you did not sign up for the two of you to just sit around hanging out and doing nothing productive.
You only volunteered to tutor, not to waste an hour out of your day making conversation with someone who's not even your friend. You might not be scared of her anymore now but you're just barely starting to settle your comfort around her.
You two have already had four sessions now and haven't gone far with anything. The most "work" Wendy's probably done so far is glance at a worksheet..
But you have to hurry up and get some sort of progress in because if the principal finds out you two have just been dilly-dallying the entire time then they won't hesitate to remove you from the program.
Wendy makes her appearance very known as she busts into the classroom with a mischievous smile, late as usual, and plops down into her seat haphazardly. "Hey, so what's your—"
"We're doing work today."
The charm in Wendy's eyes darkens and her smile fades almost instantly from your sudden interruption. "What?.."
You slam your folder in the middle of the desk and slap a blank worksheet on top of it. "I said, we're doing work today."
Wendy narrows her eyes at you, quirking a brow. "Okay well, it's Friday. So that means today's technically a free day so really we can just start working on assignments next week—"
"—No, Wendy!" you state firmly, making sure to amplify the harshness in the tone of your voice. Your eyes widen slightly as you surprise even yourself with your use of assertion, it's a foreign concept to your usual sweet nature, but you narrow them down back seriously. "If you continue to goof off instead of completing any of your assignments then I'm going to have no choice but to cancel our sessions and find another person to tutor for."
Wendy's taken aback slightly by your change in tone, her impassive expression slightly making you uneasy since you can't tell what she's thinking or how she'll take this, but she doesn't try to fight your words and just ends up sighing, resting her cheek into her palm as she looks off with disinterest. "K.."
Concealing your feelings with a smile, you nod as a wave of relief washes over you, inhaling a jagged deep breath after you had unknowingly held in your breath again and pointing to the first problem on the sheet.
"This is a pretty simple problem to start with. Do you think you can try this out for me?" you ask with a forced tone of enthusiasm just for Wendy to shrug nonchalantly. "I guess."
You hand Wendy one of your pencils and slide the sheet closer to her. "Remember, I'm here for a reason, so whatever step you may get stuck on just ask about it."
Wendy gives you a single nod without looking up at you and stares down at the worksheet, all the numbers and wacky symbols already giving her a headache. Math.. God, the one thing she was trying to avoid doing.
After a minute of Wendy just staring at the paper, not even attempting to jot anything down, you tilt your head. "Do you need any assistance?"
Wendy groans. "No.. No. I'm fine! Just.." She grits her teeth, airing in aggressive breaths as her grip on your pencil intensifies until she punctures the sharp tip of the pencil into the paper, the lead slightly crumbling underneath the force as a tiny hole is formed. Oh no, she's getting stressed.
"Wendy seriously, I—"
"—I got it. Okay?!" she snaps, smoke practically blazing out from her ears. You flinch back from the aggressive tone, just nodding and deciding to stay silent, not wanting to irritate her any more than she already is.
You watch closely as Wendy sketches random lines and numbers, erasing them all and rewriting different ones just to erase those ones as well. Her mind cascades into a whirlwind of panic as the pressure starts to weigh down further on her, beginning to hurriedly jot down random stuff in the hope it will form some sort of sense and refresh her memory.
Wendy doesn't know a single thing she's doing. She never pays attention in her classes, especially not math, so this girl can't even grasp an idea of how to start these stupid equations.
And now she's in front of you, looking like a dumbass as she struggles with a problem that's supposedly supposed to be one of the easiest.
Wendy knows most people look down upon or think lowly of her when it comes to her smartness and knowledge in the core subjects, and of course, she's been one to never give a fuck about their opinions because she can just fight anyone who dares to speak about it, but it's different now that she's stuck in front of you struggling on basic problems, feeling your piercing eyes never leave her.. It makes her feel smaller. Dumber.
Heat radiates off Wendy as her cheeks flush a bitter, crimson red, and her face contorts into a grimace as her mind turns foggy. She's absolutely reached her limit now. She throws your pencil across the room, you ducking sideways just in time, and she buries her face into her palms, groaning in almost a screech and roughly pulling down on the sensitive skin of her face.
"Wendy? What's wrong? What are you struggling with?" you quickly glance down at her paper, seeing all the eraser markings and random numbers.
"Fuc— Everything! I don't fucking know any of this x and y shit!" Wendy blurts out, panically running her fingers through her hair as her face hues a darker red from stress and embarrassment, maybe even shame. "I—I—"
"—Wendy, calm down. Look at me."
She hesitantly lifts her head until you two lock eyes. You bore your vision far into the depths of her dark eyes, frustration clearly displayed outside, but there's also a newfound look of vulnerability you notice as you search deeper—something you've never seen Wendy express.
"I feel so stupid, Y/N.. I-I just don't know what to do," Wendy admits sheepishly, her eyes wavering as she looks down with a burning shame.
"Wendy.. it's okay to not know everything. That's the reason why you were put in tutoring in the first place—so I can help you. (Well..)
There's no need to push yourself down." You reach out to lightly place your hand on her arm but quickly pull back once she stares at you again with her sharp gaze.
Man, now you're talking to Wendy like this? Never has she felt so little, showing this side of her vulnerability to someone, especially to you. But in a way, despite how bashful she may feel right now, there's still a comfort she feels in admitting her weakness to you.
"Come on, look at me," you encourage. She looks back at you and sighs.
"I'll promise to go easy on you and make sure you understand this well enough, you just have to stop avoiding it."
Wendy tenses down and nods. "Okay.."
You smile and pull out your folder again. You pull out a note packet and place it in front of her. "Okay, let's start with refreshing our memory with the basics."
To both of your surprise, there was a upgrade in progress from Wendy after the next few tutoring sessions.
No, it wasn't and still isn't an easy flow teaching Wendy when you're basically starting from the bottom, but at least you could tell she was actually trying, putting in some kind of effort. Although she still managed to sneak in some distraction questions to steal some minutes of your time; there was just no way Wendy was going to make it through an entire hour doing nothing but work, especially in her most hated subject. Even if it's with you.
She also continued to give you small gifts of the things you liked at the beginning of your sessions and you would still humbly accept them.
"Is this right?.." Wendy asks as she nervously slides the worksheet toward you.
She bites her tongue in anticipation as she watches you inspect her work. You look back over to her with a soft smile and nod. "Mhm, you did this perfectly!"
Wendy's eyes immediately light up, biting her lip as she tries to suppress a smile.
You've also been very observant of Wendy recently. Very.
Her actions, and the way she reacts to certain things.. One thing specifically you've noticed was the way her eyes perk up anytime you're pleased with an equation she solves correctly. She genuinely gets so giddy and smiley, it's almost like she's happy to make to proud.
Or the look of contentment on her face whenever you'd flash her an assuring smile, letting her know that it was okay for her to make mistakes whenever she'd start to become hard on herself.
You've also noticed other things.. Like her piercing obsession.
Both of her ears are pricked with piercings from the bottom to the very top; it almost seems like there's a new one placed in every other session! She has a belly piercing that you've already noticed during earlier meet-ups, a nose piercing, a lip piercing, a tongue piercing?!
And sometimes when she.. free balls it, you catch yourself looking down at her chest and noticing piercings in a little certain area you're too ashamed to admit you enjoy staring at. But hey, you only stare back when they look at you first!
As more time went by, you started to realize that even on days when you two weren't having your sessions, all the images of Wendy's piercings stayed engraved in your mind.
You weren't shy to admit, they were sexy and you did believe they made Wendy more of an attractive person.
But maybe that wasn't the only thing that you felt made her attractive..
Maybe it was the flow of her husky voice every time she spoke, the plumpness of her dark red lips moving keeping you transfixed.
Or maybe it was all the silver rings adorned on her slim fingers clacking against one another.
Or the comforting vanilla musk that trailed her every which way she went, although you did think it didn't really match her vibe.. But maybe that was what you thought made you find it more attractive.
Maybe it was the curve of her slender nose or the contour of her defined cheekbones. Her perfectly smokey makeup or the thick bangs that just barely covered the edge of her eyes as she carefully gazed at you with that look she'd shoot you with each time she was focused on listening to you talk.. the way she'd slowly lick her lips and ever so lightly bite the bottom of her lip.. every 'mhm' she hummed and the gentle nod of comprehension that'd come right after when you would ask her if she understood what you said..
Maybe.. you not only thought these qualities made her an attractive person.. but that these were the specific things that made you attracted to her.
Maybe the flutter in your heart every time you would catch yourself around her all this time wasn't actually out of fear or of not trusting her, but because deep down you were falling for her and that you subconscious was just trying to dismiss those feelings..
And just maybe.. you need to stop thinking 'maybe' to all of these things when you know it's all true.
You can't even try to deny it.
There's no 'maybe' anymore.
You are crushing hard on Wendy.
And normally you would shame yourself for having these feelings, falling for someone like Wendy out of everyone, but there's something about this side of her she's been showing you for the past few weeks and her charms that doesn't make you feel any regrets for feeling this way and only drags you deeper into her love trance
You and Wendy are basically flirting with each other in your sessions now.
She tells you jokes to make you blush, you stare at her in ways that you know will get a bright flush out of her, you two give footsies under the desk, you two bring each other snacks, sharing them, you two just blush at each other when you're not even doing anything!
There really is no hiding it, at this point.
Anyone with vision can clearly see you two want each other.
And you weren't stupid, though maybe a little obvious at first, because as more sessions went on you quickly caught on and realized that all of Wendy's gestures since the very beginning were all planned out and were done with the intent to win you over. And it was working.
Wendy on the other hand still wasn't sure whether or not you were feeling her.
Obviously, she could see the difference in your comfort level with her from the beginning of your sessions to the present, but what if you were only seeing her as friend material at most?.. which of course isn't true because you know you like Wendy, but as long as you don't confess it to her then she won't ever be sure.
"Okay, solve this last problem for me, and then we'll be done for today," you tell Wendy as you point to one of the unanswered problems sitting on the worksheet.
Wendy nods, beginning to write away, and after no more than two minutes she hands you back the sheet. "Is this right?"
You scan her work and with a simple smile you lift your gaze back to her, humming a gleeful "Yup!"
Wendy blushes and applauds mini claps as she grins widely. "Finally. We're done!" she celebrates, springing up from the seat and picking up her bag.
You follow along with her, gathering all your belongings and putting them up before you throw your bag over your shoulder and follow Wendy out of the classroom, promptly locking the door afterward.
"So, where are you headed to once you leave?" Wendy asks as the two of you strut down the empty halls side by side, barely an inch of distance between you two.
You roll your eyes slightly with a chuckle. "Why do you ask me this every day when you know what my answer's going to be; home."
"Oh yeah.." Wendy mumbles as you roll your eyes again playfully. "So, what are you gonna do when you get home?"
"Study," you tell her simply and she fake gags, muttering "nerd" which results in you playfully shoving her side as you two fall into a mirth of laughter.
As you two exit the building, you feel a sudden buzz come from your phone. You look down and immediately frown, seeing as your mom just now had given you a heads up that she wasn't available to pick you up from school today.
Wendy hears your groan and turns to you. "What?"
"My mom can't pick me up, now I have to order an Uber.." you mutter, crossing your arms.
"Orr.. you could just let me take you home," Wendy blurts in a suggestion, holding her hands up as she holds a shrugging stance. "Just saying."
You shoot her an unsure look, not because of the idea of her wanting to take you home, but because that would mean you would have to ride on her motorcycle. And for someone who's never stepped foot near a motorcycle having someone like Wendy be the first person to drive them on one is kind of a terrifying thought.
"I don't know.."
"Oh come on, it won't be that bad," Wendy assures rolling her eyes.
You narrow your eyes at her. "Sure.."
You cling around Wendy for dear life as you scream the entire fifteen minutes on the ride to your house.
Wendy giggles and continuously jokes with you throughout the way, teasing you with scares by randomly swerving or stopping in the middle of the road to tick you off.
As soon as she pulls up to your house you let out a huge sigh of relief. With how she was driving, you thought you weren't going to make it out alive.
As she parks, you continue to keep your head leaned on her shoulder, your arms still wrapped around her waist, squeezing tightly onto her abs.
Starting to blush from your action, Wendy jerks her head, clearing her throat to catch your attention, and you quickly widen your eyes in realization, letting go of her now feeling embarrassed once you see how you remained around her.
You unbuckle and pull off your helmet, handing it back to Wendy and she lazily hangs it on the steering handle. She rotates her body to the side and turns only her head to you as she watches you pull off your backpack and reach inside for your glasses.
You place your glasses on, slipping back on your backpack before looking over to Wendy, immediately locking into her gaze. "I guess I'll go now.." you announce unenthusiastically, prepping yourself to sit up from the motorcycle, but yet you don't find yourself moving.
"Alright.." Wendy says lowly, continuing to stare at you as she waits for you to make your move, but you don't budge. Not even an inch.
You continue to sit, motionless, held in a standstill gazing at Wendy as she shoots you an equal gaze.
She bites the corner of her lips hungrily, you unknowingly wetting yours slightly. The buzzing tension between you two grows as you subtly inch closer to each other; the unknown force between you is practically impossible to resist and the way Wendy's staring at you is so much more different than usual.. The burning intent behind her eyes is unspoken, yet you can understand it so well. And Wendy can see all the desires floating in the pearls of your unwavering eyes, letting her know that you're feeling the same thing she is.
The both of you can already sense what's coming next.
The thumping in your heart beats quicker as you inch closer to the point where both of your legs are pressed against each other. You two continue and continue to hold your hungry gazes until you finally crash your lips together in a heated kiss full of need and longing.
Your hand explores the back of her head, her hand cupping your cheek tightly as the kiss gradually deepens. Her tongue slips past your teeth in search of yours, dancing all around in your mouth and you softly moan at the action.
You two are kissing like you've done this thousands of times with each other.
After a few seconds you two finally pull back breathlessly, your chests heaving up and down and faces red.
"Oh.. wow.." Wendy mumbles, biting her lip as she eyes your numb lips that are now stained with her cherry lipstick.
You feel your cheeks burning, not even knowing what to say, and dart your eyes between Wendy and your house. You stare at her, wrapping your arms around her waist as you pull yourself in impossibly closer against her.
"I want to do that again."
"Anddd done. Is this good?" Wendy asks, looking down at you with a simpering smile and holding out the sheet with her completed equation.
You take a few seconds to inspect it before placing it on the desk and warmly smiling up at her, silently already letting her know what your answer is. "Yup, you got this correct too!"
Wendy grins, holding her arms tighter around your neck and adjusting herself more comfortably as she sits in your lap. "Woo! You know, that was the fifth one in a row I've gotten correct. Don't I get my reward now?" Her palm rests under your chin, the tips of her fingers gently tilting your head back so your eyes only meet with her gaze.
You hum with a nod and lean in, softly pressing your lips against Wendy's. Your hands continue to hold tightly onto her waist, your nails gently digging into her back while Wendy keeps your head firmly propped up in her hold.
What's supposed to be a quick, innocent kiss quickly escalates into something a little more. You part your lips slightly, allowing her greater access to mingle her warm tongue inside with yours. Her breathy moans against your lips buzz throughout your body and you can taste the metal of her piercing as her needy tongue swirls all around your mouth.
Wendy squeezes her thighs around you tighter, clutching onto your hair in her strong grip and you moan slightly, lifting your eyelids as she gently bites down on your bottom lip. "You've been doing such a good job today." The gentle praise vibrates against her lips, sending needy chills up her spine and eliciting a sheepish giggle to bubble out as her cheeks flush a rosy pink. You smile smugly at the way you can make her shy so easily and lick her bottom lip into another messy kiss.
Yeah, uhh.. so you two do that now.
Ever since that afternoon of you guys' first kiss, a new relationship has been blooming between the two of you.
You're not officially dating, but you know you two have made it way past the friend stage now, and by this point, you two do know you like each other.. so why aren't you together?
That's a very good question that neither of you can answer.
Aside from trying to figure out this complicated relationship, you two are incredibly flirty and touchy with each other now, clearly.
Of course, though, only during the tutor sessions; you two act like no more than strangers during the school day, but sometimes during the one class you two share, Wendy will discreetly slide you little trinkets or candies as she walks past your desk.
Also, to bring context about that abrupt make-out session.. a method that you two have thought up to help encourage Wendy, even more, to complete her assignments and get them done correctly is treating her with a kiss for each equation she solves correctly on the first try. And this strategy has worked like a charm.
Like, of course, Wendy will do everything to try her very hardest so that she'll be able to share a kiss with you and hear the sweet praises you love to sneak in between that you know drives her crazy. How could she pass that up?!
You two continue to messily moan into each other's mouths, your hands eagerly exploring all around each other's bodies and the kiss becoming sloppier and losing more meaning as you two melt further into each other.
Right as Wendy's hand slides down to your lower abdomen, daring to try taking this heated make-out session into the direction of something further, she's interrupted as two firm knocks are heard from outside the door.
Now, who would be trying to come in here at this time?
Wendy groans, lazily pressing a series of kisses against your lips until she finally pulls back. She looks down at you in a daze, a smile quickly lifting the corners of her lips as she notices her lipstick smudged all over and around your lips. She places her thumb over your soft cheek, swiping away some of the lipstick before she pushes herself off of you and heads towards the door.
Wendy opens the door, her expression flipping like a light switch as a mean mug already plays on her sharp features, but she softens up just slightly once she sees it's only Mrs. White outside. "Hello, girls!"
As Wendy says her greeting, the older woman notices both of your faces, seeing that deep red stained messily all around your mouths.
She furrows her eyebrows in question but quickly shakes it off knowing she'd rather mind her business and not know what you two had been doing prior.
"What brings you here?" you ask as you discreetly try to wipe your mouth, Wendy's lipstick staining brightly onto the back of your hand.
"I'm just here to check up on everyone's progress, to see how well we've all been doing." She walks towards the desk you're sitting at, tapping her pen against her clipboard and clicking her tongue as she turns to look at Wendy. "And I especially need to check up on this one."
Wendy rolls her eyes while you cover your mouth in a silent chuckle.
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Wendy lazily flops down back in her seat as Mrs. White leans against the teacher's desk.
"Wait, so what are we supposed to show you?" Wendy asks, folding her arms under her chest.
"Just try your best to solve some problems on your own. And you," Mrs. White looks over in your direction, "ask her some questions about what you two have been working on so far to see how well she can answer them."
You nod in response and grab your folder, pulling out a sheet of notes. You and Wendy shoot each other one last preparing look, letting out a sigh before you two begin.
Mrs. White is astonished once she sees Wendy actually answering your questions correctly and solving these equations all by herself without even asking or looking over to you for any assistance. Yes, she might've gotten some wrong, but looking at the fact a majority of the problems she solved were correct was just enough for Mrs. White to put a smile on her face.
"Wow, Wendy. I can't believe you've improved so much! I'm seriously so proud of you."
Well, Wendy definitely can't say she hears that "proud" word told to her often. Wendy rolls her eyes, playing a smug smile as she blushes. "Yeah, you should be proud of me!"
Mrs. White shakes her head with a sigh and turns her focus over to you. "And you, Y/N. You've done an excellent job at tutoring Wendy; I don't think I've ever seen growth this significant in such a short time. I'm proud of you both."
You smile coyly, sharing your words of gratitude before Wendy groans and starts to shoo her off. "Okay this is getting too sappy for me, you can get out now."
Mrs. White holds up a pointing finger at Wendy, pursing her lips as she fights to stay professional with her words before she shakes her head, fanning off Wendy, and waves her last goodbye at you as she exits the room.
Once the door closes, Wendy looks over to you, grinning wildly seeing how your arms are already spread out for her.
She steps around the desk, straddling back into your lap and places her hands on your cheeks.
"Now, where did we leave off?"
As more weeks go by, Wendy only progresses more and more.
If someone had seen her after not knowing who she was a few months ago, they would've never guessed this math genius was the same person.
She's improved so well to the point that it seems like she didn't even need the last few tutoring sessions she had just because she was that good! The grade in her algebra class has skyrocketed to percentages that no one would've believed she could ever achieve, and not only that, but you've also motivated her to take her other classes seriously too!
Of course, they haven't succeeded in advancing as well as her math grade, but at least she was finally turning in her work on time for once in all these years.
Also, Wendy's been so distracted in wanting to impress you, to please you, and to make you happy that she hasn't stumbled herself into any trouble or drama! No fights, no skipping, no detentions, no suspensions. None.
Wendy never expected to go this far with math, let alone any other subjects! It's so crazy for Wendy to think all she needed to take school seriously and become a (sort of) changed woman was to drag a hot, nerdy girl into her life.
The two of you sit on the bench outside the front of the school after you guys finally finish your last tutoring session of the year.
Your head comfortably lays on Wendy's shoulder as you two stare off into the orangey-pink hues of the nearing sunset. As she gently rubs on your thigh continuing to stare off into the sunset, she can't help but want to express the thought that's been lingering in the back of her mind for a while now. She turns over to you, barely parting her lips.
"Are we dating?"
Your ears perk up at the sudden question, turning only your head to her. "Are we?"
You two, after all these weeks and months, still haven't confirmed anything between each other. Why??
Why do you two have to be so complicated??
"I mean, we touch each other like we're a couple, we gaze at each other like we're a couple, and we definitely kiss like we're a couple.."
You turn the rest of your body to her and smirk, placing your hand on her waist and scooting in closer to her. "Well, then I guess you've found your answer."
Wendy blushes and looks down before she meets back with your gaze. "Well, can we go ahead and, you know, confirm it with each other—make it official? Our whole dynamic is going to confuse me even more if we don't put any official label on each other soon."
You giggle coyly and tilt your head. "Alright then. Will you be my gir—"
Before you can finish the sentence, you feel a finger forced onto your lips. You furrow your brows while Wendy shakes her head.
"No, I want to be the one to ask you it!"
You pull her finger down and shake your head slowly as you try to hide a laugh. "Alright then."
Wendy holds onto your hands, interlocking your fingers and squeezing you tightly.
"Y/N.." Wendy starts with a shaky breath, the intense blush on her cheeks taking over as she struggles to not stray her eyes away from you out of shyness. Wendy.. being shy. Once again, only you can do this to her, make her feel like this. "Will you.. be my girlfriend?"
You squeeze her hands tighter, your knuckles turning whiter and flashing her a bright smile. "As long as you'll be mine."
And with that left off as the final words, you two lean in, sealing your relationship with a gentle but strong and promising kiss.
i REALLY hope you guys enjoyed this..
— Seulgiwifee ໒꒰ྀི♡˵ᴗ͈ . ᴗ͈ ꒱ྀི১
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kyuusberry · 3 months
set up — bae joohyun (irene)
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 :: 𝘆𝗲𝗿𝗶 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝘁 𝘂𝗽 𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻’𝘁 𝗴𝗼 𝘁𝗼𝗼 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹.. 𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻’𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹
𝗶𝗯: 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗺𝘆 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝘆 @/𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗶𝗲𝗵𝗿𝘀
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© 𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂𝘀𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰. 𝗻𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝘀. 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴.
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purecantarella · 2 years
Red Velvet Reaction : Almost First Kiss
i thought to do this on a whim and i think it'd be rather cute so i hope you all enjoy!! i do base everything on the first meeting so if there are bits of confusion you can read it but its not necessarily needed red velvet members x reader disclaimer/s : a few curses but in terms of content we're good. fluffy and angsty content, wbk.
Bae Joohyun / Irene
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Social cues weren’t exactly the oldest member of Red Velvet’s specialty. Of course she was intelligent and very aware of her own social image when it came to her idol persona. But she was still often lost when it came to relating to others.
You loved that about her, but also it made being her girlfriend an uphill battle.
Like during your first getaway as an official couple. It had been a perfect night, you and her having a quiet night going from food stall to food stall. Her dietary restrictions shot to hell with her wrapped in your arm as you walked by the cool ocean.
Once she was feeling tired of walking, you halted and placed your overcoat on the sandy beach. Irene felt a rush of heat flood her cheeks as you plopped down and opened your arm to her with a loving and warm smile on your lips. The crashing of the waves against the shore relaxed the singer to no ends, your warmth only adding to the sensation.
“I think you needed this, with all the performances and dealing with the girls,” Irene giggled beside you as you imply her members are more mischief than their worth. “You haven’t had much time to unwind and be yourself.” You place your lips on the crown of her head.
Irene says nothing for a moment, only moving to wrap her arms around your waist. “All of that was fine…” She whispers quietly before shyly pressing her nose into your neck. “I just hated being away from you.” You smile and pull her closer to you as the night moves in front of the both of you, enjoying the calm it brought.
Irene soaks in the moment, bliss was the only thing on her mind. You on the other hand, can’t you’re your eyes off her lips, wondering just how they would feel against yours. If when you two did kiss would it be warm like she’d always imagined or if when she smiled you would too. You breathe a shaky breath before you clear your throat and pull away slightly, much to your girlfriend’s dismay. Evident by the complainant whines.
Unable to hide the smile on your face, you lift your hand, brushing the stray hairs from her face. The charming smile on her face only makes your heart soar even higher than it already had. “You are the most amazing and perfect person I’ve ever come to know, and I’m so glad you chose me out of everyone who came your way.” You gush making the older woman smile even brighter.
Before you can lean in or do much of anything, something shoots up from a distance, illuminating the sky with a series of brightly colored lights. You both gasp and your quick to cover her ears from the sound. You look back down at her, the serenity of the moment shattered, but the childlike glee on her face makes you forget anything else.
“Look at that, N/n!” She says with an unbridled sense of joy. You feel a sense of hope, maybe you could salvage this. But once again, the mood is ruined as she squeals in shock and fear from another firework shooting up in the sky. You smile and shake your head, covering her ears further and pulling her closer. “I’ve got you, Joohyun.”
It wasn’t long until you both made your way back to the hotel, Irene needing some rest after the long day of walking around and spending time together. While you went into the bathroom to take a shower, Irene excitedly told her members about your day spent together as a couple.
“Then there were literal fireworks! It was magical and Y/n…” She sighs dreamily, “Y/n was absolutely amazing. Gosh I’ve never felt this way before…” Yeri giggles and takes the phone from where it was propped up in the kitchen. “Oooohh, somebody’s in loooove!” She teases in a childish manner. Irene blushes and rolls her eyes before the phone is snatched from the youngest member.
“Wait. Did you two kiss?” Seulgi asks with a teasing smile. But Irene’s expression quickly shifts into one of confusion. “…No…? Did she want to kiss me?”
There’s a silence before a loud whine comes from the phone, most definitely from Wendy. Snatching the phone from Seulgi, the vocalist was now the focus of the camera. “How could you have not wanted to kiss her?!” She pauses to laugh ridiculously. “The ocean, what she said, the serendipitous fireworks?! It was straight out of a movie, unnie!”
The realization of the romance of the moment suddenly dawns on Irene and she feels the need to smack herself in the head. “Shit.” Irene mumbles, amusing her members on the phone.
“You really are clueless, aren’t you unnie?”
Kang Seulgi
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Seulgi liked you, a lot. But more than that, she liked getting involved with your life, friends and family, and most of all, your work. Popping into your bakeshop so much that patrons thought she was the manager, thankfully they weren’t aware of her identity or fame.
Her days off were spent there, tirelessly watching you in amazement and adoration. Today was no different. You began frosting the tops of your order’s cupcakes when you realize your girlfriend’s subtle gaze. You giggle to yourself before shooting her a playful glare. “Stare at me any longer and I’ll have to ask you to pay a fine.”
Seulgi merely smiles and props her cheeks up on her own hands as she continues to stare at you lovingly. “I’d happily pay millions to see that smile every day.” You roll your eyes before placing the piping bag down and motioned for her to come close. She stands upright and places a hand on her chest, feigning confusion to which you laugh and beckon her to hurry.
"If you're going to be here as often as you are, you can at least help." You complain jokingly. She looks at you nervously before tentatively picking up the bag filled with icing. You watch, holding back laughter, as she sloppily iced the top of your cupcakes. Feeling a twinge of guilt when you hear Seulgi wince when she squeezed the bag too hard.
Quickly and carefully, you take her hands in yours, guiding her movements in a fluid motion. Your lips press gently against the shell of her ear, innocently whispering, "Take it slow, there's no need to rush it."
Your girlfriend blushes and silently follows your movements until there's a clean swirl atop the pastry, confidence from moments ago melted away. She turns to face you and is flustered to see you as close as you were.
Only a mere breathe away.
Seulgi looks down at your lips, the light sheen from your lipgloss and the scent of cherry made her head spin. Her eyes look for yours, which are glued to the cupcakes bellow the both of you. The warmth of your radiant smile and general body heat made the dancer even more flustered.
Realizing she hadn't spoken since you stepped in to help, you refocus your attention to Seulgi. Your smile brightens as you watch her gazing at you, so flustered and so cute. You lean in to brush your nose against hers.
"There you go again with the staring, Seul." Your girlfriend smiles as she inches closer, until your noses are pressed against one another. Her eyes find yours as yours watch her lips.
Before your lips can really connect, the bell of the bakeshop rings out, your client's voice pulls you both out of the moment, "Y/n? Are the cupcakes ready?"
Your eyes widen before panic runs through your veins. You pull away from the dancer to prepare the boxes. "They'll be out in a few! I'm sorry for the wait."
Once again, Seulgi watches as you dash around the kitchen with admiration oozing from her eyes. She continues to ice the cupcakes beside her carefully. Her mind lost in imagining what your real first kiss will be like.
(you and me both seul)
Son Seungwan / Wendy
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"You've been hauled up in here for days..." Wendy mused as she leaned against the doorframe of your office. Your head shot up and your glasses fell down the bridge of your nose. A low laugh falls from the singer's lips as she approaches you. "Were you really not going to pay me a visit?"
You chuckle, staring hopelessly at your laptop. The draft of your unedited chapter staring at you, taunting you for it being left uncompleted for as long as it has. Your attention is pulled from the semi-blank page when Wendy plucks your eyeglasses from your face.
The singer pouts before propping her head on her hand, staring up at you with soft puppy dog eyes. "Can't you take a break? Even for a few minutes?"
You chuckle softly before taking her free hand in yours, "Editors want these chapters by the end of the week." Squeezing her hand in yours apologetically, you look down back at your screen. Much to Wendy's dismay.
Half an hour flies by, inspiration slipping away from you, but Wendy only sat there, either on her phone or roaming around your office. Patiently waiting for your attention like a pup. You look at the time on your screen, a flourish of guilt building in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to give her as much attention as she needed.
You breathe a soft sigh, before pushing yourself out of your desk, catching your girlfriend's attention. Her eyes brighten as you smile up at her, "I could use a break. After all who better to spend my day with than my muse." You stand and walk over to Wendy, who can barely contain her joy of being called your muse.
You place a soft kiss on her temple before wrapping your arm around her, pulling her into you. She smiles up at you and begins to ramble on about the things she wants to do with you, your mind wrapped around the look of her lips as she does.
Realizing that you were zoning out, she places a hand on your cheek, thumb brushing your cheekbone gently as she stared up at you with adoration and love in her eyes. Your heart felt like it would combust in your chest.
"You alright?" The singer asks, her English accent sending another wave of bliss over your body. You're unable to say anything or hide the smile that creeps up on your lips. You place your hand on hers, leaning into her touch.
Then a stroke of genius hits you.
Your eyes burst open and you abruptly pull away, and laugh madly to yourself. "That's it! That's what I've been trying to find." You plop yourself back into your desk chair and begin typing madly, the blank page filling almost instantly. You smile up at her proudly, seeing only a look of confusion on her face.
You smile even brighter, "Go get ready, baby. We're going out tonight, and we'll do everything you want and more." She approaches with a warm expression, one that only overflows your heart at this point. "I just need to send this over to my editor..." You pause, reaching over the desk, caressing her cheek lovingly.
"I really would be lost without my muse." Wendy merely blushes and turns a heel before skipping happily over to your closet in hopes to find some clothes she'd left at your house while you excitedly type an email to your editors.
All the while, you can't stop thinking about Wendy and just how much you were going to kiss her later that night.
Park Sooyoung / Joy
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Three months more of absolute torture and Joy still couldn't fine it in her heart to break-up with her boyfriend. Each time she tried she was met with immense guilt or something got in the way before she could end it with him.
None of that irritation could really make up for you though.
You were somehow more and more insufferable every time Joy saw you. A cocky smirk, a passing snide comment, and on the rare occasion, flirtatious actions that made the singer question her own morals. You were an absolute pain in the ass, but she couldn't get enough of you.
"Are you actually going to do it this time or are you going to chicken out like you did last week?" Irene chastised over the phone as Joy pushed her way into her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend's apartment. She scoffs at her leader's sarcasm, "After last nights 'date' I don't think I can stand another minute dating him, unnie. It has to end today."
The conversation doesn't last for too long after that given Joy needed to ride the elevator up. Her mind raced at what she was going to say to him, what he would feel. Another pang of guilt rings in her chest as the rickety steel doors open for her. Walking in, she presses the floor number and leans back on the metal frame before pulling out her phone again to feed her boredom.
As the doors begin to close a hand thrusts itself through the metal, making Joy squeal in terror. Only for the doors to slide open to reveal you, grinning proudly at the chaos you'd ensued. "Hey there, pretty girl." You pause, taking an almost playful step into the elevator with her, "I like you screaming like that, you should do it more often in front of me." You tease, the shit-eating smile still very present on your face.
It pissed Joy off to no end. She had no idea why though.
She crossed her arms and forces herself not to look at you. From the corner of her eye though she sees you looking at her shamelessly, grin still prominent on your face. Joy looks over at you, eyes dripping with frustration. "Are you just going to stare at me the entire time?"
You laugh and push yourself from the metal railing of the elevator, "I could do much more if that's what you're asking me, Joy." You tease, her name slipping from your lips in the most irritatingly attractive way she could imagine.
"Please, like you could." The singer snaps, only goating you on. You laugh heartily before leaning uncomfortably close to her. She remembers how you did something similar the night you first met her and her heart rushes as the smell of your earthy perfume reaches her nose. Your smile falls, a sense of seriousness looming over your expression.
The foreign expression on your face makes her nervous. You press your lips firmly together. She watches as your eyes fall from hers to look down at her lips. "I've told you before, Joy." You pause, your voice firm, "Don't test me. I might not be able to control myself."
You inch closer, testing the waters. Joy was conflicted, you were so annoying to her but she couldn't help but wonder how your lips would feel against hers.
A sort of magnitism she figures.
"You're trouble." Joy whispers before a small smile etches on her lips. You mirror her expression, leaning in closer. "So I've been told."
You hesitate as her breathe hitches. Your eyes find hers, desperately looking for an answer to the questions you had from the moment you first laid eyes on her.
Slowly, but with conviction, she nods, giving you the go ahead. Before your lips can meet though, the elevator dings pleasantly as the doors slide open. Your brother standing on the other end of the steel frame, eyes down on his phone as Joy squeaks and you jump away quickly.
Your brother looks up and smiles, "Joy! Y/n! You two just get here?"
Joy sputters as you simply stare at him, ashamed of yourself. Guilt reeks from you as you laugh awkwardly. "Yeah, I saw Joy a couple blocks down and decided to drive her here. Make sure she's safe." You rush out before stepping out of the suddenly hot metal box.
Your brother quirks a curious brow before you usher him to his unit, "Give me a second, I left something in the car, I'll be right back, oppa."
Not thinking much of it, he shrugs and walks to his unit, leaving you and Joy alone again. You breathe a sigh of relief as Joy laughs nervously. "I guess that was a close call, huh?"
You don't speak. Only brushing past her gently. You hold the elevator doors open as Joy turns to speak flustered. "I uh...look I didn't mean for things to get too far and I hope you don't think badly of me-"
You cut her off, all brightness in your voice instantly evaporated. "It was just as much my fault. Don't worry about it." You pause before looking her sternly in the eye. "If you don't want to be with my brother. I suggest you make that obvious to him."
"And until you've figured that out...I think it's best I don't show my face." Joy hesitates at your words but she hears a slight tremble in your voice. "I would have never done this to my brother but you...you have some sort of pull on me, Joy. And I can't stop myself around you."
In attempts to lighten the mood, Joy whispers, "Bad girl has a heart?"
You laugh bitterly before reaching out to caress Joy's face, bringing her an odd sense of comfort. One she'd never felt with her boyfriend. You bite your lower lip and look down, "Go back to your boyfriend, Joy." Pulling your hand back, and locking eyes with her as the doors shut.
"Bye Joy."
The door closes and Joy takes a moment to recollect herself as she finds herself in front of her boyfriend...your brother. He looks over his shoulder with a warm and kind smile. Upon seeing her confused face, he approaches her and places his hand on her cheek.
It was cold and foreign to her. Her mind races, wondering why she ever got together with him in the first place when you were there, just waiting for her. You could be everything she'd ever needed.
"Are you alright, sweetie?" His voice breaks her focus, and she sees his warm smile...the innocence in his eyes. She smiles up and shakes her head. "Just a little tired."
All the while you sit in your car for a couple minutes, hoping she'd walk out of the elevator and come looking for you. You close your eyes and breathe out your disappointment.
"That's karma for you, N/n..." You whisper to yourself as you start your car and drive off.
Kim Yerim / Yeri
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You felt her eyes on you the entire evening, at first it was rather flattering. But then as the night wore on, you began being worried and a little insecure about yourself.
Finally having enough of it, you look over to your girlfriend with a exasperated expression. Yeri's taken aback and begins to flush as you look at her. You chuckle at her expression before reaching for the TV remote, pausing the movie on screen.
Adjusting yourself to face her better, you lean on your shoulder as you smile at her sheepishly. "Everything alright on that side of the world?" You ask jokingly, making her giggle and shuffle towards you.
You can tell she's thinking hard and it's bugging her. "Hey..." You pause, placing your hand on hers, weaving your fingers into hers, squeezing and offering her a bit of comfort. "What's wrong?"
Yeri hesitates, jolting forward but pulling back. Her member's words reverberating in her head.
Earlier in the week, her members and her were enjoying a break from their rehearsals. While they drank water and picked up some light snacks, the youngest member immediately pulled her phone out and giggled to herself. Her member's stare at her curiously before she waves them off, "Y/n just sent me a funny picture of her when she was younger."
Wendy and Irene share a look as Joy and Seulgi giggle to themselves, playfully kissing the air to tease the young woman. She simply rolls her eyes and continues to type away at her phone and smiles so brightly. It makes her groupmate's hearts melt.
"So just how serious are you and Y/n?" Irene asks, motherly instincts kicking in. Yeri flushes a deep red before putting her phone away, playing with the case. "I don't know exactly...I like her though." Unable to repress her smile, she shyly turns on her own axis, "I really like her."
Before any of them could tease her though, she began, "But..." The girls watch her intently. Wordlessly, she lifts her hand up to her lips. A chorus of gasps pull from the girls's lips before a barrage of questions flow between the five women.
Suddenly feeling the pressure to show you her affection, Yeri decides to text you asking if you want to sleep over soon.
Back in the moment, she hesitates and practically rocks back and forth. You watch her eyes, gazing down at your lips. You smile and raise her hand to your mouth, placing a delicate kiss over her soft knuckles. One on each finger before you stare up at her with a warm smile.
"There's no rush Yerim...It can wait." You pull her closer, wrapping your arms around her shoulders, leaving feather light kisses over her shoulder, the corner of her jaw, "I can wait, alright? I like you a lot, and I want our firsts to be special...not out of compliance."
Yeri pulls away and smiles at you, shifting to leave a lingering kiss on your ever redenning cheek. "You're a gem, N/n..."
The smile on your face brightens before she curls up into your lap, grabbing the remote from you to play the movie from the beginning. In spite of your complaints, you settle down quickly and pull her impossibly closer, savoring the feeling of the young woman in your arms.
why did joy's come out the longest ? HAHAHAHA i hope you all enjoyed!! i love you all and see you all vv soon!! byeeee 💖 oh and if there are any filo fans here who are going to the itzy or mamamoo or blackpink concerts in the Philippines, let me know and we can meet up maybe. - r
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seullovesme · 10 months
by luck » kang seulgi
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the velvet
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seulgi ⥬ '94, most active out of the unnie line, talks to the gc abt literally all her problems even though its usually completely irrelevant, RIZZ??????, shes literally the cutest thing ever but unintentionally the most charismatic at the same time
irene ⥬ '91, she may not be as active but shes watching 👁️, always lost on social media (probably just scrolling through useless content instead of posting), babies everyone or wants to strangle everyone theres no in between
wendy ⥬ '94, seulgi's best friend and her emotional pillar, deals with the groups bs because irene needs the help 😪 lowkey apart of the groups bs tho, trying to stay sane but at the same time keep everyone else sane..
joy ⥬ '96, chaotic evil if it was a person, likes to tease the hell out of her members as a form of love, the most active (along with yeri), tries to be seulgi's cupid but it's def not going well
yeri ⥬ '99, most active user and also joy's minion, talks to other idols like it's not gonna cause a random scandal because she doesn't care 😇, loves her members to death, the closest member to the aespa girls
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(open) TAGLIST: @lyninabin @badasgirlfriend
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aerithykly · 2 months
THE REVE 🍰 - red velvet
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꒰ Kim Yerim › 99' maknae, sub-vocal, sub-rapper. A Infp but look like a extrovert sometimes, made her debut solo in 2018. Her representative animal is a 🐢.
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꒰ Park Joy › 96' lead rapper and sub-vocalist. A Infj but with people that she knows is a practically Enfp, made her debut solo in 2021. Her representative animal is a 🐥.
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꒰ Kang Seulgi › 94' main dancer and lead vocalist. A Isfp and really act like one 🙄, made her solo debut in 2022. Her representative animal is a 🐻.
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꒰ Son Wendy › 94' main vocalist. A istp but we all know that she's a extrovert undercover 🥸, in a relationship with joy ( really ). Made her solo debut in 2021. Her representative animal is a 🐿.
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꒰ Bae Irene › 91' Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Visual and Center. A Infj so mom coded, wants seulgi to not get hurt, like yn doesn't have a solo album. Her representative animal is a 🐰.
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insomniakisses · 2 years
Dont cum
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Short drabble ;) “dont cum”
Alpha sub wendy x alpha dom reader
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“Your cumming already?” You laugh completely ignoring her whines and protests as you squeeze the base of her cock, your other hand rubbing the tip of her cock. Successfully ruining her orgasm and torturing her already sensitive member.
Pulling away you smile mockingly at her the look along causing her to swallow nervously, eyes widening when she hears the metal jingle of the cock cage.
“No! Alpha please!”
But its to late your pinning her down again, pushing her tiny cock into the cage and securing it. Making sure to lock it before giving it a warning tug, silently telling her to behave.
“You better be a good girl and not cum, or ill leave u locked up until youve learnt your lesson”
Yelping she cant help the needy whimpers escaping her lips when you flip her over, cock hitting the mattress as you land a harsh slap to her bare ass.
Reaching into ur boxers you free your rock hard length, pumping it a few times with a low moan that has her ass clenching in anticipation. Teasing her puckered hole with the tip you give no warning before slamming into her, hips taking off at a rough pace.
“F-fuck!” She moans when you reach around to grab her throat, spanking her with ur other hand. Her arms loose support as she falls flat on the bed, cock aching from sensitivity she cums. Breath hitching when she feels u stop and ur grip tighten.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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accidental touches
is that a yes
are you sure?(*M*)
soulmate au
dating wendy
1 hour
first time with wendy
16-0639 golden olive
what about me?
middle of the night
barista wendy!
beach night with wendy
we tried
how wendy acts in love
birthday boy
no thanks
don’t worry about the warnings
kissing wendy
busy and needy
for the best
agent 191514
never be the same
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starnhearts · 2 years
top! wendy x bottom! joy | prompts were jealous sex and marking | WC: 662 | i just want to make it very clear im not a yeri anti!!
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The second Wendy and Joy stepped into the dorm, Wendy pinned her up against the wall.
"Wan-” “Don’t even start with me tonight.” Wendy growled, her mouth pressed right by Joy’s ear, her moist breath hitting it. “I saw what you were trying with Yerim.”
Wendy’s blood had boiled when she saw Joy kissing Yeri on the cheek during the live. She didn’t think Joy meant anything by it, but Wendy was just angry that Joy refused to do anything like that with her for fear of publicizing their relationship further.
Wendy’s lips met Joy’s, biting on the younger’s bottom lip. Joy whimpered into her mouth, melting into her kiss instantly. Wendy’s tongue slipped into Joy’s mouth, taking control of the kiss. Wendy pulled back, planting kisses on her chin and neck, carelessly leaving hickeys. Joy moaned, tilting her head so Wendy could access it easier.
“Everyone’s gonna see that you’re all mine.” she whispered, returning to bite at her neck. Wendy's hand sneaked to Joy's thigh, climbing it higher up into her skirt until her hand was pressed right against Joy's clothed cunt. A noticeable wet patch had formed on it, slick sticking the fabric to her pussy. Wendy's finger prodded against it, continuing to leave kisses and bites on her neck as she did so. "So horny for me."
Wendy's finger traced up and dipped into the waistband of Joy's panties, sliding them down to her ankles with no hesitation. Joy gasped, cunt now exposed to the cold air.
"Pull your skirt up." Wendy growled, more bite to her voice than usual. Joy does so, hiking up her skirt and exposing her bare pussy. Wendy finally pulled back from Joy's neck, the start of marks forming on it. Wendy's finger grinded up against Joy's clit, swiping her finger up and down. Whines build in Joy's throat, a couple escaping her lips.
Wendy takes her free hand to press against her entrance with one of her fingers, the wetness dripping down onto her. Joy's always been especially sensitive around her entrance, head pressing back against the wall as moans escape her lips. Wendy pressed harder against her clit, flicking at it furiously. 
"Ah- Yes!" Joy groaned, her hips bucking up against Wendy's hand. Wendy's face dips into her neck again, sucking and licking at it. She thrust a finger inside of her, comfortably sliding in due to how worked up the woman had gotten. 
"I'm the only one who gets to see you like this." Wendy muttered, nibbling on Joy's ear, so close to her. Joy is only able to whine out a short "Yes!"  before Wendy thrusted a second into her heat, her long fingers pressing into her core.  Wendy curled her fingers up into her sensitive areas, earning a series of whines and soft moans from Joy.
Joy looked stupidly pretty like this, her eyes rolled back looking at the ceiling, glazed over and out of focus. Her bare pussy exposed on view, presented right in front of Wendy. 
"I'm so close, fuck, 'm so close." Joy babbled, her words sounding slurred and messy as Wendy desperately thrust in and out of her. Joy's cunt pulses around Wendy's digits, her knees buckling under her wait. Joy's moans become broken and loud, much louder than they usually are. "Seungwan!" she cursed, finally peaking with a shudder. 
Wendy gives a satisfied smirk, pulling out of the raven to go wash her hands. Joy pulled her panties up, quickly changing out of the soaked pair she'd had on before lazily plopping onto the couch.
"You really don't have to worry about Yerim, you know?" Joy said, a sincere smile on her face.
"I'm not worried, I just.. wish I could tell everyone you're mine." she whispered, the confession almost hard to get out. "I know. It would be so nice, to just say that we're each other's." she nodded, hand intertwining with Wendy's. "But really, Yerim couldn't do that." she teased, smirking.
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mostfandomimagines · 2 years
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Imagine: Being Wendy’s younger sister and finding out that you’ve been seeing Nero, so she decides to warn that she will kill Nero if he hurts you
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seulgiwifeee · 6 months
In a sad mood so can we get wendy comforting sad reader
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♡ Member: Wendy x Femreader
♡ Theme: Fluff
♡ Warning: None
Word count: 2.3k
Two light knocks are heard outside your bedroom door followed closely with a voice you weren't expecting to hear so soon. "Hey, Y/N?"
Knowing that it's just a few hours past noon, you assume that Wendy must've figured a way around her schedule to arrive home early from work today. You can't deny, you're of course glad about this, but still, not even your lover's presence or the gentle call of her voice can excite you enough to lift the continuous sadness that caves over your mind. All you can muster out is a sniff and sink your head deeper into your pillow.
Wendy presses her ear against the door after struggling to hear an audible response from inside, but eventually after a few more silent seconds she just turns the doorknob, pushing open the door and stepping inside to the scene of you sunken beneath your sheets, curled up closely to the wall with your back facing her. She leisurely walks towards the bed, giving herself time to examine your figure while hearing your occasional sorrow sniffs and whimpers.
Wendy was already sensing dull vibes after walking into a dead silent and empty house and standing outside your bedroom, not hearing any signs of life come from inside although she knew very well that you were in there. But this is just the cherry on top, she can clearly tell that you've been rotting motionless in that same spot for at least a few hours now, wallowing in your secluded emotions, and the pitiful sight of you only causes the joy in her heart to weaken in sorrow even more.
You can feel the mattress weigh down beneath you as she sits on the edge of the bed and rests a gentle hand on you, soothingly rubbing up and down your back while she continues to let you sulk for another good thirty seconds. "What's wrong, babygirl?" she asks with a frown. (Sorry, you can't convince me she wouldn't call her girlfriend babygirl)
You don't respond. Instead, burrowing your head further into the comfort of your pillow and tucking your knees closer into your chest.
Wendy sighs, twisting the top of her body around to meet your curled figure. "Baby?"
Again, not a word is said from you.
Wendy pouts at you, fully climbing onto the bed and laying behind you. She wraps her arms around you and pulls you in close for her to spoon you. Her breath is warm against your neck, sending a wave of chills up your spine as she whispers again. "Talk to me, Y/N. What's up?"
You slip your hands up from beneath your head and bring them down to hers, intertwining her soft fingers with yours. You hold your laced hands close to your chest and sigh as you shake your head.
You swear, you're not intentionally trying to ignore or be difficult with Wendy. In fact, you do want to spill everything that's been bothering you in that jumbled mind of yours, you really do, but despite all that, your stubborn little mouth just won't allow you to execute them into physical words.
She nudges her head against yours. "Come on, Y/N.."
You don't understand why you're not talking.
"Do you just not want to talk about it right now? Will you at least tell me later?"
You give a single nod.
Wendy frowns, but like the amazing girlfriend she is, she still hums understandingly, not wanting to push your patience any further with all these inquiries and snuggles her face closer against your nape, purring slightly.
"Should I leave you alone for now then?" she asks but you quickly shake your head. You might not be in the mood for venting, but you sure don't want to be left alone again to deal with all these invading thoughts. You need her touch and scent so you can at least stay sane to some extent.
She slightly peaks over you. "Well, since you want me to stay with you but aren't going to use your words with me can you turn to me so I can at least see your pretty face? I've barely seen you all day!"
You restrain yourself from moving at first, anxious about how Wendy will react once she sees the mess your face has been shaped into, but eventually you give in and weakly roll over to her, though your lids remain clenched.
You feel the tender touch of a hand cup your flushed cheek, a thumb swiping a lone tear. "Open your eyes for me, love," Wendy directs oh so sweetly.
You sigh, but oblige, fluttering your lashes open until you're making immediate eye contact with Wendy, revealing your all to her.
Now, Wendy can see you clearly, noting your red eyes, the puffiness of your swollen cheeks, the now dried mascara tear stains tattooed down your face, your rosy nose and all your hurt, being so much more apparent to her now.
"Aw my babyy," Wendy whines in her tiny voice, jutting her bottom lip out and staring at you with those big puppy eyes she knows you can never resist.
Wendy leans in, pressing a chaste kiss to the tip of your swollen nose and rakes her slender fingers through your disheveled hair. She leans back, continuing to analyze you with a frown and swipes a loose hair from your forehead. "I hate it when you look sad. I mean, you somehow continue to look adorable even like this, but it's still hurting my heart," Wendy says, sneaking in a tease in an attempt to crack a smile on your somber face, but it goes overlooked as you only focus on her other words, your guiltiness being fueled more and you instead frown.
Making Wendy sad is the last thing you wanted.
"My bad," you mutter, flaking your gaze down in guilt as Wendy finally hears your broken voice for the first time this day.
Wendy scrunches her eyebrows and quickly shakes her head at you. "No no no no no! Shh!" She smushes two fingers against your lips to hush you up while staring you down with a stern look and her lips pursed, continuing to firmly shake her head. "Don't you dare apologize to me for anything. All you need to do is stay here laying your pretty body down while I do everything I can until I can cheer you up and make you give me a genuine smile."
"You really don't have t—"
Wendy cuts you off, forcing those two silencing fingers to your lips again as she whistles another aggressive and long 'Shhhhh.'
"Don't.." she trails off with clenched teeth, cocking an eyebrow as she glares at you with one of her playful, exaggerated faces. Her eyes rapidly look you up and down and she failingly hides a smile, struggling to even take herself seriously. You can't lie, her expression almost stole a chuckle from you too.
"Now, baby," she starts, her tone softening again as she lowers her fingers, "do you want to go out somewhere or shall we just stay home for now? I'll do whatever makes you happy."
You look off into thought. You do want to go out with Wendy and have fun, really, but again, you simply just don't have the right energy built up to. "Here."
Wendy nods, trailing her fingers down your cheek and slightly lifts your chin. "Alright then, but first before you or I think about saying or doing anything else, I need to freshen you up. A clear face will be the start of a cleared mind." Wendy's thumb rubs over your smudged mascara.
You nod, getting ready to sit yourself up, but Wendy gently pushes you back down as your back's just barely risen from the bed, waving her finger as she shakes her head again with a disapproving hum. "No. Let me be a gentleman." Wendy scoots up quickly from the bed, grabbing onto you and dragging you by your waist to the end of the bed, completely taking you by surprise and picking you up as you gasp, carrying you bridal style.
Wendy giggles looking down at your startled face and exits the room, walking into the bathroom.
She places you on the sink counter, keeping her hands on your hips as she smirks up at you. You roll your eyes, your lips stubborn though a low, sarcastic remark still manages to slip past. "Oh, what a gentleman you are, Wen."
Wendy grins, feigning a blush as she places a hand over her mouth, pretending to get shy and twists a wavy lock around her finger. "I know right?! Aren't you just so lucky to have me?"
You shake your head looking away from Wendy as you fight to suppress the smile that's trying to creep onto your lips. Wendy whines with a playful pout and pinches your cheek. "Oh come on! I almost had you there! Just smile for me, pretty girl!" Her hand goes under your chin, squishing your cheeks upwards like putty to force a smile with your stubborn lips.
In her other hand, she wets a rag and begins to clean your face in gentle strokes. You both stare at each other silently, Wendy's tender gaze and a smile never leaving her, leaving you feeling all want warm and fuzzy inside just like every other time she's affectionate with you.
"Done!" Wendy announces pridefully once she wipes over your cheek one last time and places the rag down. She places both hands on your silky cheeks forcing you to look down at her and smiles contently. "Smooth just like baby skin now! Don't you already feel so much better now?"
You nod quietly.
Wendy grabs a nearby brush and combs through your hair to get all the tangles out and brushes it high up into a bun. She pinches your cheek again.
"Come on," Wendy gestures holding out her arms. You scoot closer off the edge, wrapping your legs around her small frame and scoot completely off the counter, clinging your arms around her neck as she holds you tightly. She giggles some more as she walks out of the bathroom carrying you and mumbles with a grunt. "My big ole baby."
You and Wendy silently lay on the couch. She's settled beneath you as you lay on her chest, your eyelids resting closed as you're lulled into relaxation listening to the pattern of her heartbeat and the sensations from her skilled fingers massaging your head. You can feel yourself nodding off.
Well, until you hear a sudden knock from the front door. You're pretty sure you don't remember inviting anyone over or ordering anything.
But Wendy on the other hand gasps, her eyes gleaming with a childish joy and gently but swiftly sits the both of you up. Well, clearly it seems like she knows what or who's out there.
"What's that?" you ask lowly but Wendy doesn't answer as she continues to skip over to the door.
Your body stays limp as you continue to lay flatly on the couch, although this position does give you a disadvantage of seeing who Wendy's speaking to as she thanks them for whatever she's received and then closes the door.
"Y/N!" Wendy coos, moseying on behind the couch with her hands held behind her back suspiciously.
Your eyes slightly cross looking up as Wendy towers over you, cheesing down widely at you. She removes her hands from her back and reveals a large bouquet of assorted pink and white roses above your head. "For you, my love."
You gasp, immediately sitting up from the couch to get a better look at them.
She hands you the flowers and you happily accept them, looking down and admiring them in shock. Just by the size and neatness with the way they're arranged you know they had to have been one hell of an expensive buy!
"What in the world, baby?! These are so pretty!
Are they really for me?" You place your hand to your melting heart as Wendy nods in confirmation.
"When did you even buy these?" you ask smelling the sweet earthiness of the bouquet.
"While you were busy laying on me I wanted to get these for you to cheer you up because I mean it's flowers! Who doesn't love flowers? I picked out the ones that I felt were as beautiful as you and made sure to buy the fastest same-day delivery they could do.
Just know, I might've bought the prettiest flowers, but they still could never come close to your beauty!"
Oh, you can't take it anymore, she's officially gone too cheesy! You can already feel your teeth molding in cavities from the tooth-aching sweetness of her actions, and the heat is unavoidable as your cheeks flush a deep crimson. You shield the lower half of your face in a failed attempt to hide your shyness. "Thanks so much, Wen. Really."
"It's nothing," Wendy shrugs, giving you a smug look as she flicks her hands over her shoulders to mimic brushing away dust.
She continues to look at you, a smirk held proudly while she slightly tilts her head looking at you with a certain look In her eyes like she's expecting something else to be added.
"I don't know why you're purposefully holding yourself back from doing it," Wendy says crossing her arms.
You tilt your head, even more confused from her vague wording. "Holding myself back from what? What are you talking about?"
Wendy places her hands on her hips, tilting her head at you.. as if she expects you to be able to read her mind. "You know what I'm talking about.."
You stare at her completely clueless.
"Come on! You know.." Wendy crosses her arms.
After a few seconds of sharing confusing eye contact, you soon catch on to what she's insinuating, pressing your lips into a straight line and looking up with a defeated sigh. Fine, she wins.
Finally, you give in to her and smile coyly, covering your mouth as you giggle quietly.
Wendy does a mini celebration, cheering a "yes!" and pulls you in tightly in victory for finally being able to crack a smile out of you.
"Finally! Now, there's the smiley Y/N I've been waiting all day to see!"
I mean come on, it's flowers. I feel like flowers can instantly make anyone's mood better! And hopefully this cheers you up too anon,, Also FINALLY.. I have a Wendy fic posted
— Seulgiwifee ໒꒰ྀི♡˵ᴗ͈ . ᴗ͈ ꒱ྀི১
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kyuusberry · 3 months
behind — red velvet 6th member
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𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘀𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲, 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘀, 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁, 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻, 𝗲𝗻𝘃𝘆
𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆: 𝗻/𝗮
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟴𝟴𝟵
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: 𝗶𝗻 𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝘀𝗺𝗶𝗰’𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲?? 𝗶’𝘃𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼 𝗶 𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝘇𝗲 𝗶𝗳 𝗶𝘁’𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗱! 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁!! :𝗗
© 𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂𝘀��𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰. 𝗻𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝘀. 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴.
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“joohyun unnie, isn’t this great?” you smiled, linking arms with irene. irene hummed in response, tightly holding onto you. “it is, yn. but where are the others?” irene sighed, only to let go of you and scream when she was surprised by yeri.
“kim yerim!” yeri smiled, feigning innocence as she tried to convince irene that it wasn’t her. obviously the camera caught it all, showing fans that everyone’s relationship was close.
it wasn’t all true, but you had to put on an act to convince fans. that you were the innocent choi yn. that you were perfect no matter what. the spotlight was always on you no matter what.
you were an idol after all. but things weren’t always fair.
“you need to lose weight. you’re getting fat.” your manager scolded you, your ears ringing. your manager’s voice sounded distant, distorted even. “did you even listen to me, yn?” your manager scoffed.
“from now onwards, till you lose 5k, you’re only allowed to eat rice. do you understand?” you winced at your manager’s tone, “yes, i understand.” you bowed towards him before heading out of the practice room.
you felt sick to your stomach, the days of not resting catching up to you. but you had to force yourself to be okay, for your fans. it was always for the fans. you just shook it off, heading towards the your van.
once you got into the van, you immediately went on your phone, scrolling through the infinite amount of comments of your recent instagram post.
“she’s so ugly 🤮🤮”
“my queen!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻”
“if yn has a million fans i’m one of them, if yn has 10 fans i’m one of them, if yn has 1 fan i’m that person, if yn has no fans then i’m dead, and if yn has the world against her, then i’m against the world”
“kys ㅋㅋㅋㅋ no one likes you!!!”
“so prettyy!!! my baby, yn 🥺🥺”
“yn one chance please!!! 🙏”
“all visuals and no talent ㅋㅋ”
“waste of space”
you always got about the same amount of hate and normal comments. but for some reason you just couldn’t stop focusing on the bad. it always affected you, but you had to hide it.
sometimes you even wondered why you became an idol, why you became a trainee in the first place. it’s almost been 10 years since your debut and you’ve always felt like you’ve been falling behind all of your members. that you weren’t good enough to be a member of red velvet.
so you constantly overworked yourself to the extent of passing out. but still, you weren’t good enough. you weren’t a good dancer unlike seulgi, or an amazing vocalist like wendy. not even an okay rapper.
constantly feeling like you were overlooked by your members. even if everyone was just talking. the constant jealousy you felt towards your members was overwhelming. you never felt like you could even be on their level. not once in all of the years you’ve been together.
“you alright, yn?” seulgi asked, moving a strand of hair out of your face. you forced a smile, the churning in your stomach making you wanna throw up. “i’m okay, unnie. don’t worry about me.” you gritted your teeth, forcing a small smile.
“whatever you say, yn.” seulgi rubbed your thigh, which was awfully comforting. “hey. unnie.. if i died, would you miss me?” seulgi was a bit confused by the question, but she answered anyways. “i would, yn. we’ve been together for over 10 years and it just wouldn’t feel right if one if our members were missing.” she smiled, your heart starting to ache.
suddenly your manager came up to the two of you, telling you two that it was your turn to get interviewed for the behind video. you nodded, sitting closer to seulgi for the act.
after filming you felt drained, your legs dragging against the concrete as you walked to unlock your apartment door. you just couldn’t take it anymore, the constant pain you felt in your chest. the overwhelming feeling of envy. you just wanted to disappear, to be able to lift the burden of holding your members back. we’re
cake girlies 💗
goodnight everyone, i love you.
no one replied, so you assumed that they were busy or sleeping. you held the rope in your hand, eyes teary.
person i love and adore ♾️
i love you mom, sorry i can't visit you often anymore.
you sent the same thing to your dad. it was late so you didn't expect any answers. you were glad no one responded, so you didn't have to keep up this façade any longer.
you set your phone down and closed your eyes, letting out a shaky breath. then everything just went black.
you and everyone else was laughing, irene almost falling out of her chair in the process. "joohyun unnie!" your eyes were teary from laughing too hard, accidentally hitting joy while teasing irene.
"yah! yn!" joy scolded you, "don't hit your elders!" you playfully rolled your eyes, "you're only a few weeks older than me!"
tears fell on the screen, irene holding the stuffed bunny you gave her for secret santa. "i'm sorry, yn. for not noticing earlier. i'm sorry that i was a bad leader. i just wish you would've told me earlier instead of keeping it in."
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purecantarella · 2 years
Under Wraps
i do adore seungwan respectfully and this came to me in an idea that girlie just can't keep her emotions inside during interviews so i think this'll be fun HAAHHAHA i hope you all enjoy!! son seungwan x reader disclaimer/s : smut. i suggest going to look for fluffier or angstier content.
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i love this gif and it will be reused
You smirk to yourself as you watch Wendy's hand bunch around the blanket draped above both your laps, the girl's conversation beginning to melt away. It shocks you that Wendy hasn't made a peep yet with your fingers pushing in and out of her dripping center. But you can tell by the vein on her neck that it's killing her to keep quiet.
Weeks ago, while you teased her endlessly, you couldn't help but be in awe of the expressions she had on her face as you made a mess of her. It had sparked an idea, taking full advantage of it during one of the girls' adventures to the park in search of solace.
"Wendy, are you alright?" Irene asks with a concerned expression on her face, making the other girls eye her with the same level of concern. She laughs breathily before waving the girls off. "Just a little run down. A lot of...mmm...sche-schedules..." She stammers weakly.
Accepting the excuse the girls begin resting from the difficult few days. You smirk and press your lips to the shell of her ear, simultaneously pressing your thumb against her soaping clit. A sick chuckle falls softly from your lips when her brows crease together and her mouth falls open a little.
"You're doing wonderfully, beautiful." You rasp against her ear, her body reacting with an uncontrollable shudder. You feel her center clench around your fingers as you continue to thrust into her in a slow and painful pace. "I want more." Wendy whispers in English, her voice desperate and her composure beginning to waiver.
You scoff before nipping her earlobe. She coughs to stifle the sound that was meant to come out. "You'd like that wouldn't you? Cumming in front of your members, letting them see how much of a slut you really are for me?" You smirk as her hips begin to jut uncontrollably against hand.
"Look how desperate you are...you don't even fucking care that anyone can see you. You love it, don't you?" You move your free hand up to her cheek, discretely forcing her to look at you. "You just love being whore waiting for me to allow you to cum."
You see her jaw clench and her eyes are black with need, her breathe becoming labored as her cheeks and neck turn an embarrassingly deep hue of red. You leave a tender kiss on her neck, letting your teeth scrape past her reddening skin.
It was a miracle to you that Wendy hadn't lost control yet but you knew she was seconds away from exploding in a ball of nerves. And you were more than happy to push her over that edge.
You push in another finger, your pace doubling instantly making Wendy's entire body tense as you did. Her face was a mix of unmistakable fear and unimaginable pleasure. "I'm going to give you two options, beautiful..." You sneakily take her hair in your hand, tugging delicately, the action causing her to release the first audible moan since you'd begun teasing her. "You either cum now, here in front of everyone or I leave you high and dry until your next off day."
Wendy whines softly as you inch your way out of her center. It takes a few seconds before her hand is on your wrist, her eyes trained to the ground beside you when she whimpers a barely audible, "I'm yours to control, N/n."
"Good girl." You piston your digits into her awaiting cunt. She mutes herself by turning to you, biting down onto your shoulder. In spite of that, she rolls her hips pushing your fingers deeper into herself. Doing anything she could do in that moment to add to the overwhelming pressure building in her stomach.
Her fists ball up around the blanket again only this time, she can't keep her whines in any further. Wendy's deep voice beginning to break from your skin, "Y/n...oh baby, yessss..." She says, slightly louder, as she's on the tip of her climax.
Your lips press against her ear again, your breath catching with hers as you command, "Let go beautiful, let me feel just how much you want it."
"Holy fucking shit!" She cries out as her wetness coated your hand instantly. Her members shoot around to look at her in shock and confusion. Wendy's eyes shoot open, unable to enjoy her high. Stammering, she rushes, "I—Uh an ant bit me! We—We should uh probably go before it get you girls too! Right Y/n?"
She looks to you desperately for support, you turn to the girls before nodding, "I thought it was just me, but we should definitely go before anything comes." You hint to which your girlfriend shoots daggers at you.
Irene and Joy begin to panic on the thought of bugs getting near them and are the first to jump away to which Seulgi and Yeri follow the pair to make sure their alright. Not before shooting you and Wendy a knowing look. Seulgi's the only one to speak, "Sure...ants..."
The vocalist nods frantically before trying to get up only to fall back down onto you. The two members snicker before following the other two, leaving you alone.
Once they were gone, she's quick to slap your chest over and over again as you howl out laughter before restraining her hands and smirking down at her. "I've never felt you come that hard, Wendy!"
You grin amused, "You really do like it don't you, dirty girl!"
"Shut up, Y/F/N!" You continue to bicker as the rest of her members wonder exactly where you two are.
rushed and im super late. im so sorry, i didn't expect myself to let go of this as much as i did :"") i'll still try to get all of the fics out, granted we may make it up til the first few days of november just for me to finish this up!! anyway, i hope you all enjoyed this my lovelies!! i'll see you soon!! i love you all so, so much 💓 - r
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seullovesme · 9 months
thinking of greasy (and a little awkward) wendy and her being super flirty until you give the same energy back until her brain stops functioning and her words refuse to leave her mouth
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aerithykly · 2 months
SITTING NEXT TO YOU, XOXO # seulgi × reader
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Pairing: Kang Seulgi × Idol! Reader
Synopsis: She's falling in love with you, and she like it but... how she could reach you? You've been part of LOVE:RRY since you're 14 years old, and now with 25 you're not looking for a relationship... She could change you mind ?
Genre: fluff, comedy, friends to lovers, a little angst, happy ending and may have some trigger words!
Featuring: Red velvet, aespa, girl's generation, lee youngji, chinese actors, harvey (xg) and more...
A/n: Y/n is chinese ( her face claim is Zhang Miaoyi ) ! Y/n dates a MAN
Status: on going
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Profiles: cheries🍒 | the reve | group acc | mascots | cupid gang
02 - 👀👀
03 - first conversation
04 - you're delulu
05 - YERI help me !
06 - whipped cream
And much more...
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banner made by: @aeristhetic
Taglist ( open ): @mrkspo , @kisses2natty , @seullovesme , @blue4hour
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insomniakisses · 2 years
“YOUR MINE!” “Oh darling thats adorable”
Asks in relation; here and here
Subby alpha wannie gets bold ;)
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The sound of your laughter makes your girlfriend roll her eyes once more, having invited you to the dorm she had hoped for a little bedroom time. Only for Seulgi to steal you away and hog you all day. It didn’t help that with how close you’d been you reeked of her best friend.
You where mid joke when your girlfriend stormed over to you, barely noticing her until she pulled you away and into her room. Door slamming it shut and pushing you against it. You couldn’t help but laugh at her pathetic show of ‘dominance’. The alpha only managing to drape herself on you body rutting her hips into ur ass a pathetic “mine” falling out her lips.
Turning around and out of her grasp with easer, you back her into the bed. Her body landing with a thud as she shuffles back to the head board all dominance replaced with submissive neediness. You straddle her making sure to grind down onto her cock, cupping her face you kiss her whispering against her lips. “What as that baby? Hmm”
“Your… mine” its even more whiney now, yet there is an undertone of determination almost like shes trying to prove it.
“Okay,” you smile ever so sweetly, so much so that she doesn’t suspect a thing, “close your eyes baby, let me prove it”
It’s precious really, how her eyes light up and she grins triumphantly before her eyes shut. She feels you pull her sweats and boxers down, her small cock greeting you with precum dripping down the head.
“So pretty, you want me on this cock baby?”
Her head bobs rapidly as she nods. Pulling her lip between her teeth she cant help moan when you lick up her length. Humming in delight you savour her precum before spitting onto her cock pumping it slowly as she jerks up. You cant help but want to laugh, how could she ever think she was in control?
She’s in so much pleasure, so much bliss she fails to hear the draw open or the jingle of metal. Its only when she feels cold enveloping her cock and a sudden tight uncomfortableness. She shoots up with a gasp but its too late the lock is fastened tightly and her cock successfully caged.
You coo at the pout on her face caressing her hip before clapping her caged cock laughing at her yelp of pain. “Oh darling that’s adorable, you dont have a dominant bone in your body”
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1luvkarina · 6 months
red velvet
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fics 🝮 italicized | smaus 🝮 bolded | smut 🝮 bold & italicized
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ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - crush
ఌ - blind date
ఌ - sick days
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
ఌ - 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘦𝘵
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