#well. here's hoping this shit ends soon and i don't have another 6 month long period
neonpigeons · 2 years
I've been living in blissful light-period world for the past 2 years cuz after I stopped taking birth control, my periods just like. stopped for a while. and then were really light. not a cramp in sight. I let myself be fooled into a false sense of security, thinking my hormones were finally leveling out. I was wrong
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Episode 8 is out. Can't even believe it myself.
We did it boys. We reached the fake ending, and the journey...least for a bit, will come to a end. Mostly.
You see, I found other videos from different old Youtubers (AKA 5-6 years ago) with extra content for the other episodes. So when I'm done with Schezo's story, I plan to do extras for his route. Things I missed, extra text, that sort of thing. After this, I might do Arle's storyline, but yeah. 4 months of work is somewhat coming to an end soon. Next episode will be long though.
The new portraits are for Mamono, Dark Prince (Or just Satan,) and Incubus:
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And the video itself:
Nothing for the intro, just the usual "Alright, let's go inside".
Incubus Midboss: (4:10, defeat is at 10:40)
Orb Gotten and Door Stuff: (11:45 to 12:25)
Mamono Midboss: (14:50, defeat is at 18:10)
Satan Boss: (19:20, defeat is at 28:10)
Credits: (30:35, will not be translating but it's just for people to see.)
But Wait! There's More!: (33:55)
Bulletin stuff: (35:00)
Still can't believe we're at this point in 4 months. Can't wait to do extras.
With that...Enjoy.
Incubus Midboss: (4:10)
Well, well, you're here early.
I was hoping we'd have enough time for a cup of tea.
Tea? You know about that skeleton guy?
No! Me?
You seem to be lacking a sense of humor.
You seem to lack a lot more than just a sense of humor.
...Well, my hunch says that there's treasure in this room...
Seems like there's no chest with that thing in it, by the looks of it...
Don't speak to me like I'm trying to hide something. (He says "Like I'm trying to hide my feet with shoes on but man...that doesn't make much sense.)
I already have the orb.
...You also have an orb!
I see...Then there's no point of talking! If I beat you, then that orb is mine!
Seems like you're up for it. Okay! I'll play with you.
Who will the goddess smile upon, me or you...
The smile of a goddess? I'll give you something like that! (Or "I'll make you see her!"
Alright! Come on!
Incubus Defeat: (10:40)
Oh shit! I messed up! (Referencing his Puyo SUN line.)
Don't mess with me!
Orb Gotten and Door Stuff: (11:45 and 12:25)
Oh, there's an orb in here, a white one!
Alright! That makes 6 orbs.
[After getting the orb, takes a bit to get to the door.]
There's something written on here...
Door: (Doesn't say it in game but just to avoid confusion.)
He who has 6 orbs, raise them.
Orbs...I believe I have 6 of them...
(Schezo raised the six orbs.)
Okay, now we can proceed.
Mamono Midboss: (14:50)
You're...a demon! (They are.)
Don't tell me you're guarding the treasure?
I can't speak to you! Get out of the way! Move, or I'll cut you down!
Mamono Defeat: (18:10)
Phew. Jerk... [He does swear from most translations I did, ranging from bastard to bitch, but I went with the more...family friendly option.]
Satan Boss: (19:20)
Satan? So you're the boss here...
Well done, Dark Mage.
Did you enjoy my "Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Land?"
"My"? Did you create this amusement park?
Well, yeah, something like that.
That's strange...It can't be that...
W-what do you mean?
I know a place like this one.
It was another dungeon that changed shape every time you entered.
And what's wrong with that?
Here's that crystal...no...
There must be an item called an "Amazing Magic Item"!
...Crystal? How do you know that?
Maybe...you have it!?
What're you talking about?
Hiding it won't help you.
Well, well, don't be so hasty. We've come so far.
Enjoy the Puyo Puyo Dungeon until the end. However, this isn't the end just yet.
I didn't come here to play. I came here to take you out and get the treasure!
Hmmm...you're very motivated.
This'll be the last and greatest Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Land event.
The Prince of the Demon World, Satan, versus The Mage of Darkness, Schezo Wegey!
[...you can also say Prince of the Underworld.]
Satan Defeat: (28:10)
This is ridiculous...
You see, this is what I'm capable of.
I never thought I would fall behind..
What? You're back on your feet already? Are you...a monster?
You're calling the Prince of the Demon World a monster!
You're the one who's a pervert!
What the hell?
I won't be called by a pervert by you! I'll cut you down!
No...wait...you win for now.
I'll admit, I don't want to fight anymore.
(I'm pretty tired...)
Alright, if that's the case...
Shall you give me this "Amazing Magic Item"?
Whare you talking about? I know of no such things.
It's embarrassing to keep your mouth shut after of all of this...
Huh...I really don't have it.
...Well, it looks like the case. I always thought it was strange.
I don't think even you can handle the power of that crystal.
...How do you know the magic item was a crystal?
Even I didn't know what it was...Schezo, what do you know?
Huh. You don't have it. It has nothing to do with you then.
...I don't know for sure if I have one, but...
It seems like there's one in this place!
You didn't even know what the item was. That's weird.
Satan: if you don't want to believe it, that's fine by me.
But sooner or later, Arle or Rulue will find the item. Are you okay with that?
...I won't fall for that trick.
If you don't have the item, I have no further use of being here.
What a wate of time! You're an idiot!
But Wait! There's More!: (33:55)
Hm? What's that?
Mysterious Voice:
...You beat Satan.
Huh? Where are you!? Satan?
No...That's not how Satan talks.
Mysterious Voice:
Hmpf, you're looking as good as ever. You're in better shape than I thought.
Mysterious Voice:
Yes, a total of 3. 3 until you're ready.
You might want to spend time in that castle. It's not clear to you yet, but...
3 people? Qualifications? What the hell? What do you mean!?
Mysterious Voice:
You'll soon understand.
(Player kicked something like 5 seconds later)
What? You mean it's not over yet?
You don't think there's a magic item in the castle?
There's nowhere else to go. It's worth a shot.
Bulletin Board
[Ah, good old menus. As usual:
Listen <-
What do you want me to explain?
[Menu again:
Cleared Attractions
About Rare Items
About the Black Market
When in Need
Back <-
Player goes back to the other menu to go to Bulletins. It goes:
Peddler Fufufu
You Who Has a Grimoire,
Don't Throw it away! (STILL confused if they're 2 different things.)
Mysterious Castle Appears! <-]
Bulletin Board:
A mysterious floating castle appeared above the sky of Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Land!
It's full of danger and thrills! A battle full of tough enemies awaits you!
And that's it for today. Next episode might take a week or two, so heads up. Thanks for reading so far, it means a lot.
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tinlizziedlinwa · 1 month
Don't read this.
I'm sooo damned tired on so many levels
My back is freaking killing me. I can't walk upright, it hurts like hell to stand up from my chair, and I probably couldn't get up at all if it didn't have good armrests I can push off against.
My neck is giving me stabbing "twinges" if I move my head too fast or too much.
Mental health has been in decline for years, and the last 6 or 8 months it's accelerated. I've been a chronic depressive for most of my life, with constant negative thoughts and a steady background of passive suicidal ideation. My baseline has usually been hoping that I'll go to sleep and never wake up again.
Well, that "baseline" is creeping a bit. Now I find myself wondering more and more about ways to end myself that won't make too much mess for others to clean up. I've always had self-destructive tendancies, and self-harm is commonplace. These last few months I've been smoking like a freaking chimney and my diet has gone to shit. Given my past cardiac history, I'm headed for another heart-attack. Of course I can't predict when it'll happen... it's kinda like I've put myself in Schroedinger's Cat's place. When the waveform finally collapses, I'm not calling 911. If that takes too long, there are options.
Does this mean I'm a selfish asshole? Possibly. Part of me doesn't care for that, but as a defense-mechanism on the survivor's behalf, I can't really blame them, either.
I could spend a million words blaming everyone else for all my problems... A part of me really does want to point fingers... But what purpose does that serve? That particular instinct of mine will only spread even more pain and won't benefit anyone.
My employment has most likely ended by now (I've not spoken with anyone at work in over a month), I've not made a mortgage payment since April, my bank accounts are empty. Soon, my time here will end and after a brief time closing down this "estate," nobody will have to think of me again. This existence will disappear.
So many times I've been made to feel like I'm a blight that others are forced to deal with. They'll breathe easier once I'm not taking their oxygen anymore.
I'm too damned introverted, with too many autistic traits (no, I've not been formally diagnosed) to ever "fit in." So many times my perspective on things is unwelcome. People have the reality they seem to desperately want to live in, and then I'd come around and wind up poking holes in their ideas and beliefs. My choices then get reduced to having to lie to myself, to lie to other people, to sacrifice my honor and integrity, and sit there quietly while molehills get piled up into mountains and shit burns all around. Things that should be at most a singular tempest in a teacup get turned into raging shitstorms for no good reason, while important long-term issues are swept under the rug. Consequences and spill-over effects completely ignored until they flare up and bite everyone on the ass.
I'm tired of the hypocrisy that seems inherent in human nature. People who can't even see that they're lying to themselves... I truly don't understand how they do it. But it's fucking everywhere.
If that's what "normal" is... no, thank you. I'm too tired to play those games. I've been browbeat too many times when I've spoken my mind.
This will be over soon.
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it's funny how i've always settled for guys who are less than i deserve. they've made me feel amazing things, but they were never on my level. never had the same spark inside that i have.
brandon is completely on my level. i honestly really see him as my equal. i don't think i've ever had that before, completely. he's got his own life and friends and goes on trips and plans things and does shit. he doesn't need anyone to push him to do things, he just does them.
idk guys, i know it's not been long, and we have 2.5 months until we see each other again, but i have a feeling this might be it. if me and B don't work out, i think i'll be done. but i really can't see a reason why we wouldn't work out so far, other than the distance. and again, it hasn't been long, but i don't think it's going to be that hard. we've already hypothesized 2 trips within the next 6 months to see each other, not counting ADE cause that's happening. we'll see each other in october, december (if i can get the time off which i'm kinda sure i will), and february. summertime we will absolutely figure something out, maybe in may after i'm done the tax season i can come there for a bit or we can meet somewhere. it's obviously not going to be easy, but how we are right now is working for me.
i literally just moved into this flat and am FINALLY living alone after 7 years and i love it so much. i don't want to live with someone yet. i'm not ready. i enjoy my space soooo much. and i've also only been single for 9 months, or i WAS single for 9 months lol. i've never jumped into another serious relationship so soon after one has ended. after ryan and i broke up i was single for 6 years. but i was in a bad place for most of those years, and even when i started being good i wasn't happy alone. now, finally, i am. and then you happened. but honestly, it was bound to happen. all that BS about getting into relationships fast when you're not looking/happy blah blah blah. i just think it was finally the right time for us. for me. well and truly for ME. i've literally never ever been this happen single, maybe never been this happy with my life completely as a whole. i know i would've fucked things up with us if we dated earlier than now. so here we are.
i think this is it. i can see myself with you forever. whatever challenges we'll face i'm ready. the first big and most important one is moving. whether it's me or you we gotta figure that out. but we're already talking about it, we'll figure it out. i really hope it's not me, lowkey, not right now. in the future, yes, i'm down. but for the next even 2 years i don't think i want to.. and tbh, i've thought about this a little bit recently just fantasizing, ykno, and i don't think i'd even care where or when you proposed to me, i would say yes. i always thought i'd want some really adorable proposal in a special place, outside somewhere, but thinking about you proposing, i almost don't care where it is because we'll be there together and the only thing that will matter is you and me. ok but also if you proposed in albania i would die.
i do have to say as well, i'm lowkey glad we don't live super close because if we did i would want to spend every waking moment with you and i'd just become absolutely obsessed. so, the space is good. it's good for my mind and heart and soul. cause i don't even want to be in a relationship like that again.
but i miss you. of course. every day.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie *deep sigh*. I take back my comment yesterday about wanting promo person who chooses the final clip fired, if anything they are the only one on the promo team waving red flags at viewers and shouting "This shit is what you'll actually be watching!!!". I'm not saying there wasn't good stuff last night but it's sadly overshadowed , in many ways by all the BS. Eddie's breakdown was incredible (thank you Ryan Guzman) but we should have had sooo much more of it instead of it TBC
being awkwardly shoved in (and probably some beautiful scenes cut) at the end. Loved all the reunions, hated that they seemed like an afterthought and were barely given time to happen while entire conversations we should have seen were just mentioned. And then there is Buck's entire storyline which I 1000% hate. They were actually going to have BL flirting on the job while BT was still happening before the backlash??!! Who the actually fuck thought THAT was a good idea? Also if that is the "toned down" Lucy content we're going to be getting it's going to be a long 6 episodes, really don't need to watch another show where they shove a behated character who is just the bestest thing to ever happen to everyone ever down my throat at every turn. Anyway, sorry this is just bitter and salty, I'll find us a song to honor Eddie's meltdown soon, after I've had a day or two to get over it. Hope your hanging in there better than I am!!
Oh bestie I am....not doing well 🙃🙃🙃 I'm just....GOD I'm so fucking baffled at what we are watching right now. The reunion stuff I kinda got, it was a quick way to show Maddie and Chim connecting with their loved ones while also getting the scoop (and reminding the audience since it's been nearly a month since 5x11) of everything they missed. And I'm glad Buck and Maddie were just happy to see each other and they DID have some good talks but...I don't know it just felt like something was still missing in all of that. She left for six months and yeah Buck got some updates but they haven't really talked and maybe I thought it would be more emotional? I don't know. I did notice Chim saying things with Buck were fine but Buck clearly doesn't think so, so despite what KR said, I'm going to hold a tiny sliver of hope that we might get a little talk between them or a hug-it-out moment.
But not getting to see the Eddie/Bobby apology, especially after what Eddie said? That one frustrates me a lot. And we might get an even better reconciliation scene later (I'm thinking maybe May Day) but if they have plans to do a big reconciliation scene later, then we don't need to be told and not shown now that Eddie apologized, but it just feels like big things are missing. Same with the Madney breakup happening off screen! We had "I got out of the ocean for you" and then they decide to just totally call it quits off screen?! After Chim sat in front of that hospital for months waiting for her and refused to go home without her?! Again, I get that they needed time and I'm not worried about them getting a good reconciliation, but we could have had another "we just need a minute" moment where they decide that they still need space and to adjust to being back in LA for now, and they will work on the rest as it comes instead of a full "we're just too different now" breakup coming out of nowhere, on the heels of such a beautiful episode for them!
As for the Eddie breakdown, yes we got a LOT of good stuff out of that, but it absolutely should have been longer. I hate that my fear about the Eddie breakdown was true which is that they would show Buck getting there and seeing Eddie, and then cut to him being calmed down and talking to Buck. And I know we are going to get more of the aftermath in the next episode(s) but it was so weird the way it looks like they cut it off in the middle of the scene?! What was that? We had time for a billion scenes with girlboss and firebarbie but not for the actual main character that we want to see?? Oliver, Gavin, and especially Ryan were phenomenal and I wanted more! We could have actually seen Eddie in the room breaking stuff! We could have seen Buck comforting him, or even seen him pulling back because he doesn't believe he deserves comfort right now, and telling Buck he's okay and to go check on Chris and give him a minute. I was so hoping we would get enough material to excite us and have a good song choice but I'm left feeling a bit deflated at the moment. The scene was amazing, and what we got delivered, but the emotional weight it could have had is constantly undercut by all the other nonsense going on. WHY is KR so allergic to letting the main characters BE main characters?! We spent so much time on the set up for the spider call than on Eddie breaking down?! Whyyyy?!?!?!
As for girlboss and firebarbie I just....HOW IN THE FUCK did we get both a season 2 m*ria AND a season 3 m*ria at the same time?! And it's going to drag out for the rest of the goddamn season?!?! Hard fucking pass. What was even the point of that talk with Maddie and Buck admitting he did a dumb thing, a thing he wouldn't have done had he been given the slightest indication that he could have Maddie there instead, and admitting he was clinging for the wrong reasons, only for it to lead nowhere?! For him to double fucking down and say no he wants her there and wants to make it work?! How can they keep dragging down one of their best and purest cinnamon roll characters into this mess that no one wants to see?! Also, tay "the truth is everything" kay suddenly doesn't care about cheating or if Buck tells her or not?! Although considering she only has him around because she likes having someone to boss around (the couch scene was SO gross) who she knows won't leave because he has abandonment issues (sound familiar? Hello season 2 m*ria it's not nice to see you again), it shouldn't be too surprising. And as for L...what is the fucking point?! Every single thing she did on that call? That was Buck's job on the calls, to be the one with the out-of-the-box thinking and random knowledge. And instead, he's now reduced to fumbling around in the background so she can be Super Cool And Take Charge. Again, why is KR allergic to letting the characters do the things we fell in love with them doing?! We could be seeing Buck doing what he does best after spending SO much of his time this whole season languishing away in that loft with his dead relationship that they refuse to put in the ground and instead keep dressing up the corpse like we can't all smell that it's rotten. L is so utterly superfluous, and her taking shots at CHIM of all people?! What the fuck? (again, familiar? Season 3 m*ria making her appearance being useless and putting other people down for no reason. For real it is ON SIGHT for her making snide remarks about Howard fucking Han, the heart of the 118. She needs to GTFO)
I said 5x13 would give us an idea of how much we were going to have to see her and in what capacity compared to them cutting her out of the promo, and I guess we have our answer. And they might have shifted the narrative after the backlash to her and Buck having "sweet" moments together where they learn from each other (but I thought she already knew everything?) and trying to play it off as a friendship now, but a) they already kissed, it's going to taint every single future interaction for the audience even if they brush it off in the show, and b) if it's not important then why the fuck did it need to happen in the first place when Buck already has a million reasons he's unhappy with his gf? Either they teased it as something it wasn't ever meant to be and put in the kiss for "shock value" (because watching a fan favorite cheat and lie is so much fun 🙄) or they are focusing on the angles that make it look like more of a friendship maybe? but they clearly aren't cutting her screen time down, and her and tay kay are definitely going to meet which just makes me feel sick. No matter if L ends up only being a "friend" all here scenes with Buck will still be gross because of that kiss, and more importantly she is not needed. It's not enjoyable to watch her take scenes from other characters like Buck who we desperately want to see back to doing those things like he used to instead of just being mired in this triangle drama.
Sorry, this got long and ranty but I'm trying to get the bad feelings out so I can enjoy the good stuff. Some people are rant first, enjoy after, some are enjoy first, rant after and I'm just a metronome swinging wildly between elation and despair. BUT if you have a song, bestie I will have an answer and we can get through this together! We survived RNM, THAT episode and seasons 2 and 3 m*ria, we can survive this too!
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maxburnett · 3 years
Last Dance, Bucky Barnes
Written for @buckyblues 4K Writing Challenge
pairing: 1940sFem!reader x 1940s!Bucky Barnes
genre/warnings: Angst/Fluff/Romance/Smut This fic involves smut! If you are under 18 please do not interact with this fic. Mentions of character death. Sad Bucky and Sad Reader :( Also, there's some Stucky in here if you squint on that note I left the ending up to your interpretation! Based off of the song/lyrics of the song Last Dance by Donna Summer Hope you enjoy the fic! Please reblog and review if you can ♥
words: 2,471
summary → You and Bucky have been dating for 6 months and he has some news that will change your life.
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Bucky sat beside Steve as Steve drove down the road; he looked down at the old copy of The Hobbit in his hands that had your bookmark inside it. Something that one of his nieces had given him that his sister had held onto for all those years. He opened it up and saw an old sketch that Steve had drawn of the two of you all of those years ago; he closed his eyes as a single tear fell, and he brushed it away. All he could think about was you. The way you smiled, the way your lips felt against his. Sometimes he felt like he could feel your lips on his skin. But that was merely wishful thinking. He closed his eyes, holding the book close as he let his eyes drift off to sleep.
You smile as you sit beside Bucky, your head on his shoulder as he has his hands in yours. You're enjoying the sound of the music that's coming from the record that he had put on. He liked to listen to soft, slow music, but you were always more captivated by his eyes and his jawline than the music that played.
You and Bucky had been dating for 6 months, but your friendship had been just as long as his and Steve's had been. You had once punched a guy who was picking a fight with Steve, and they welcomed you into their close-knit friendship.
The relationship had been just kissing and cuddles and Bucky's hands up inside your shirt to feel your skin. He had told you that you were worth more than any other girl he had dated and that he loved you more than he's loved anyone ever in his life. You smile as you think back to the day he first told you that he loved you. He had been staring into your eyes while he had an arm around you as you read The Hobbit sitting beside him.
"Doll," he had whispered, causing you to look up at him. "I love you so much," he murmured, taking in how beautiful you looked as you read. "I love everything about you, doll," he said, causing a smile to spread across your face.
Steve sat in a chair facing the two of you, absentmindedly shading a drawing of the two of you. Bucky had been quiet, which wasn't like him. You gently moved your hand to his face, pulled his head to face yours, then looked deep into his cerulean eyes. Your fingers gently moved up his delicate features. He finally leaned a little, kissing your fingers as they were close to his lips.
"James," you whisper as his eyes find yours. He looks down at his hands that you take hold of.
At the mention of Bucky's first name, Steve closes his notebook, knowing that you only called him James when you wanted to talk about something serious. He walked back to his bedroom then you heard the sound of his door shut.
"James. Look at me. What's on your mind, Love?"
"I haven't told Steve ... you have to promise me you won't," he whispers.
"Told Steve what?" You ask, your hands finding his as he looks into your eyes before looking back down.
"I enlisted," he whispers. The slight smile that you had on your lips suddenly disappeared.
"Bucky," you whisper, as you could feel tears beginning to form. You closed your eyes, not wanting to cry in front of him. He took your head into his hands, pulled you close, and kissed you. The kiss was like no other kiss he had given you before. Soon you pulled away breathless. You clung to him as the tears fell.
"I love you. I have to do this, Doll," he says, his forehead pressed against yours. He takes your hands in his and pulls you up with him. He turns the record player's volume up a little higher. Placing his arms around your waist, he pulls you against his chest, your head resting into his white shirt as he leads you in a dance. You cry into his chest as he rests his head down against yours.
"I love you so damn much," he murmurs as he kisses the top of your head.
"I love you too, Buck," you whisper. He gives you a small smile as he continues to hold you against his form as the two of you dance with you in his arms.
"James. I don't know how I'm going to get through this. I need you by me ... without you, I don't know what I'm going to do," you murmur, looking up at him. "Make love to me," you as quietly as you could. You knew there was no guarantee that he would make it back. "Please ... make love to me," you say as the tears ran down your cheeks.
He kissed you and gently picked you up into his arms. Then, carrying you into his bedroom, he laid you onto his bed.
He laid above you, his elbows holding him up above your frame. He looked down into your eyes, his face softening as he wiped your tears away.
He kissed you. You closed your eyes as your hands ran into his hair. Your body lifted a little as he reached to pull your blouse over your head. He placed sweet, gentle kisses onto your neck, his lips moving down to your white bra as you guided his hands to the clasp so he could unclasp it.
The bra fell to the bed. You looked down into Bucky's as he placed his mouth over one of your hard nipples. You moaned and tugged on his hair and felt his tongue circling around the sensitive bud.
He placed sweet little kisses all over your breast before moving over to the other nipple and repeating it again for that breast.
You moaned as he moved lower, his fingers pulling at your skirt to push it down your legs. You wiggled out of it ad kicked off your shoes as he placed gentle kisses onto your tummy.
You could feel his lips going lower and lower until his fingers were hooked on each side of your white panties. He pulled them down, and you pushed them off with your toes before biting your lip as he looked up at you and then at your wetness.
"Already so wet for me," he murmurs and gently runs two of his fingers into your folds. You buck your hips against him, and he smiles.
"We got all night, doll," he murmurs before kissing your thigh as he pushes a finger inside of you and looks up at you loving the noises that you were making and the feel of his fingers being deep inside you. "Taking my fingers s' well." He smiles as he kisses your tummy after kissing his way up your thighs.
"Shit. Feels so good, Buck," you murmur as your hands find your breasts, and you rub them. He smiles as he rubs another finger over your clit, and your hands leave your breasts and go to his head. You pull on his hair as he removes his fingers and replaces them with his mouth.
"Taste s' sweet." He says against you before pushing his tongue gently into your core. It takes everything inside you not to rub against his face, but the moment he begins to lick and suck on your clit, you come undone, moaning out his name.
"That's my good girl," he says against you, then kisses your tummy before he lays back and pulls your naked body over his.
"Buck," you murmur. "Can I taste you?" You asked with a blushing face.
"Sure thing, doll," he says and kisses you before lying back and allowing you to undress him. You kiss his stomach and look up at him, your eyes filled with innocence and all of the love that you held for him. You promised yourself you wouldn't cry, but there was a sad way that he looked at you. You took a deep breath and continue to push his boxers down.
Your hands kneaded Bucky's thighs. He let out a gasp when your hands wrapped around his erection, slowly moving it up and down as you bit your lip and looked up at him.
"Oh God," he said, closing his eyes and placing his hands gently into his hair. "So good, doll. Your touch feels so good,"
"You like my hand ... wait until my mouth is on it," you say with blushed cheeks. Eventually, you took the tip of his erection into his mouth and took him in slowly. You gave yourself time to adjust as you looked up at him as you bobbed your head up and down slowly. His moans filled the room and Bucky pulled your hair gently.
"I need to be in you," he murmured. "Please," he said as he looked into your eyes.
You removed your mouth from his erection and kissed up his stomach and laid above him, and kissed his lips. His eyes landed on yours as he rolled you over, so he was on top again. He pushed into you slowly as you moaned out and held onto him.
"So tight," he murmured against your lips. His head leaning against you, he continued to slowly push into you, not wanting this night to end. If this was his last time with you, his last dance with the woman he loved more than anything. He wanted it to last as long as possible.
After a few minutes, you pulled on Bucky's hair pulling his hips closer with your legs. He kissed you and leaned his forehead against yours as he came deep inside you and your body began to shake as your own orgasm had your whole body shaking. He stayed inside you and held your body against his, his hand moving up and down your back, and the moment that the two of you pulled away and he pulled out of you made you feel like a knife had been slid into your stomach. He held you close like you were part of him and lazily kissed your head.
"Doll," he whispers.
"Mmmmm?" Was all you could get out due to your eyes getting heavy.
"Let's get married," he says and looks down at you. "Before I head out ... you Steve and I ... let's go to the courthouse and let's get married," he looked at you with pleading eyes, and you leaned and kissed him and nodded your head.
You and Bucky were married the following week. But, unfortunately, he was shipped off two weeks after that.
The day that you had gotten the letter of condolence was the most challenging day of your life. First, finding out that your husband wasn't coming back to you hurt. Then you learned that you had a small part of him inside you when you found out you were pregnant.
When you found out that Steve had saved him and that he was alive, he had sent a letter explaining everything to you. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world, but it got ripped away from you when you got another letter saying he was presumed to be dead.
The day you learned that he was missing and that he would never make his way back to you, you wanted nothing more than to go with him, but you knew you couldn't. You knew you had to give his little girl the amount of love that he had always given you. You gave birth to a healthy baby girl with eyes as blue as Bucky's and a soul even brighter than his smile that both haunted and soothed your dreams. It was in your dreams when you slept that you sometimes found peace in knowing that that night many years ago wasn't your last dance.
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"Buck," a voice sounded, and Bucky opened his eyes and stretched his legs as he sat up. "We're here," he said as he looked out at the old-looking building. Bucky nodded his head and rubbed the back of his neck as they both got out of the car.
"Do you want me to go with you?"
"I'll be okay," he said as he got out of the car, leaving the book in the seat. He walked towards the house and up the stairs and knocked on the door, and waited.
"Just a second!" A voice said from the other side. The door opened a young woman smiled up at him. "Hi! You must be James!" she said and led him into the building and down a few halls.
"You're sure there's nobody else?" Bucky asked as they walked down the hall.
"Yeah, we had lawyers check. Your wife only had one child, and when your daughter and granddaughter passed, there was nobody else," She said before they walked into a room at the end of the hall.
They entered a room where he saw a woman sitting on the floor playing with a little girl with (Y/H/C) hair giggling as she held a Captain America figure in her hand.
"Lilly," the woman said down to the little girl who turned and smiled up at Bucky. "This is James. He's going to be taking care of you,"
"Please call me Bucky," James said with a smile as he looked at the Captain America Figure she held tightly to.
He leaned down to look at Lilly, his great-grandaughter that he was now the guardian over, and she smiled as she wrapped her arms tightly around him. Then, he closed his eyes, picked the little girl up, and headed to fill the final papers out, confirming that he had officially adopted Lilly.
He walked her out holding her hand, and Steve smiled as he walked over to where they were standing, and he leaned down to look at the little girl and smiled up at Bucky.
"You must be Lily," he said with a smile. "It's so good to finally meet you," he said as he stood beside Lilly and took her other hand in his. "What do you say we all head home?"
"Yeah!" She giggled. "You look like my figure," she said, holding it up as they got to the car.
"Why guess I do," Steve smiled as he opened the door and showed Bucky how to buckle Lilly in. Once Bucky got all the buckles done, Steve closed the door and smiled at Bucky.
"Are we really doing this?" Bucky asked as he rubbed the back of his neck with a small smile.
"Are we raising a kid together? We sure are Punk," Steve says with a broad smile as Bucky grins over at him and looks at Lilly through the window as she placed her Captain America figure into the seatbelt of her booster seat with her.
My Tag List:
@balenciagabucky @belladonnabarnes @bibbidibobbidibucky @bitchassbucky @bloomingbucky @bucksfucks @buckyblues @buckys-blue-eyes @faeryloki @fairyevans @fallinforevans @fluffycutecevans @fuckandfluff @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @lokiscollar @mickey-henry @midnightf @onceuponabarnes @stcrrynightsinneverlcnd @syntheticavenger
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yuyevon · 2 years
venting under cut
the funniest and most annoying part of my ex coming home is that he leaves his door cracked open all day long then comes home and slams doors shut and stomps around and then locks his door as if I'm gonna barge in there for something. get over yourself I have literally ignored you for a month and a half now
like sorry you decided to dump me for another person u were already talking to with 5-6 months left on our lease. tried to hide it then got mad when I didn't react well to finding out!
as of this is solely MY fault. I can fully acknowledge and feel bad about saying things I can't take back, even if I don't regret all of it. but you also DID things you can't take back! like this is violent but I hope your stupid relationship crumbles and you have no one to put your dick in lol.
this whole thing still sucks so so bad because even thought I KNOW I'm not a Broken Human Being for not wanting sex or kids or family etc etc it sure feels like being tossed aside since the person he left me for already conveniently has a kid! I hate being queer I hate being trans I hate being ace. but then I remember I've been staking my whole identity on satisfying him for the last few years anyway and then I love being queer and trans and ace.
I can't and won't look into what he's doing or what his friends or family think of me or what he's doing. I would love to be validated but either way will negatively affect my mental health. the physical stress responses I've been having to this whole ordeal are driving me up the fucking wall to the point where no, I CAN'T move in with my sister the floor below mine because I need to get away from this entire building for now. my hair is falling out my scalp health is shit I can barely eat I can't sleep my body hurts hurts hurts my head hurts I have heartburn every day I can't enjoy my days off and I can barely enjoy my time with my friends. I'd love to move back in here with a friend that I trust or smth someday because I love the building I live in so so so much. I just cannot physically be here anymore. I need healing time away from him and memories of him. suck when you have 10 years of that under your belt!
he kept trying to feed me this story that he "didn't expect to find someone so soon" after we'd talked right after the breakup and agreed we'd tell each other when we were ready to start dating other people again. I really thought there'd be a recuperation period. but even if you physically weren't you sure emotionally were! "unexpected" getting with her 1 week after dumping me my ass. I hope she has fun doing nothing with you except waiting for you to get off the computer and getting tired of your sex drive. could not drag him out of the house for ANYTHING. it was like pulling teeth to go on a date!!!
I wanted to see some kind of emotion on him after we broke up. besides the initial break. but he got over it so so fast and I've still been crying nearly every day for another stupid reason over it. I'm not dwelling as hard as I used to because I know it's better this way, but now I just end up focusing on things like "well what's wrong with me" and is it because I'm not a girl is it because I'm autistic is it because I'm annoying why do you hate my friends why wouldn't you hang out with me why wouldn't you sit down and watch 1 episode of a tv show with me
and before we broke up and I kept trying to ask him if the "talk" he wanted to have was going to be a good or bad thing (I knew it would be a breakup) he kept insisting it was good. even to the point where he had to walk into the bathroom to reassure me because I was texting him from the SHOWER. that it would be a good talk. boom the next morning kills me with the worst news I'd ever received in my whole life! good talk for YOU probably.
ugh. UGH. I'm still so extremely angry. I know he knows that too, even though I don't outwardly show it. I just never ever thought this relationship would end. or that it would end LIKE THIS. I want to be DONE being mad and upset so I can move on but that probably won't happen until I move out of here and not be forced to be in the same house as him. or the same neighborhood or city as him.
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sad-boi-shit · 3 years
Hey bro. I'm an old Eddie bitch. Just wanted to let you know I think you're a really cool person and I'm excited to watch you grow. I've been where you are right now. I was sent to the mental facility 6 times in under 6 months for it. Put on to up to 12 different medications at one time so they could try to stop me. Completely sedated me for weeks on end. I just wanted to let you know. I KNOW how hopeless it feels. I know how out of bounds it feels. How you don't even remember what you used to do, how you used to act, or how it even lead to this. Feeling like even the people who say they care about you don't care about you or how you feel because any time you talk they're like "dude stop being so sad for like 2 seconds" or they internally roll their eyes-- yeah we can see through that shit mf. But im here to tell you my story. After 5 months of being in and out of the hospital, having 4 therapists that I see every week, being in intensive outpatient after being in inpatient. After all of that I was certain things would come to an abrupt ending. But then bit by bit things got better. I cut abusive people-- people I love and care about-- out of my life entirely. I was still sad. I still felt hopeless for a long ass time but then I didn't have their voices constantly telling me awful things. I started small, and I started unintentionally. I did small things to help me feel better. Things with instant reward. These helped me to do bigger things with time consuming rewards. I got happier. Don't get me wrong I'm still sad. I'm still depressed. I still do all that shit but now im able to work though it. Now I'm able to say "I feel sad right now, but I am still able to wash off my dish when I'm done eating". Another important tip is having people in your life know and use your love languages. Mine is affirming words. So my partner, even if I dint do everything they need, will genuinely congratulate me on washing off my dishes.
But I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. And if you want I can message you privately if you feel that would be helpful, just let me know if you do decide to post this.
Hope you're feeling well soon.
~♡ annon
can people fucking stop putting this motherfucking bullshit in my fucking inbox?
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devinescribe · 4 years
Chapter 7 to '100 Promises'
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Warnings: Swearing, violence, bullying, blood, I think that's it, but as always feel free to tell me if I missed any.
"I finally got contact lenses. I think they'll be better than my glasses. I mean, yeah, I'll probably still use them, but it's... nevermind, what do you think?" He rambled, a dorky smile on his face. "If it'll make you happy, then you look great," you said, smiling, honestly meaning your words. "I'm asking for your opinion woman, stop giving me the 'if it makes you happy' bullshit. Give me your opinion," he stated, shaking your shoulders."It looks good! I'm not used to seeing you without your glasses, but you look good!" You laughed, your words coming out in a vibrato of sorts from him shaking you. "I'm glad you think so."
"Dear gods my hair is getting long..." he muttered, running his hands through his hair, staring at himself in the bathroom mirror. "I think it looks good," you commented, passing by the bathroom with a laundry basket. "Really? I think I kind of like it too..."
"And how much does it hurt?" He questioned. "Not that much, or so I've heard. Plus, we're getting it at the same time, so... no backing out, or I'll cut your hair," you threatened, your hold on his hand tightening a bit. "No, don't you dare. And I won't back out," he said as you dragged him into the shop. (The fact I've been threatened with that-)
"I somehow can't believe we looked like that!" You laughed, pointing at the photo on your phone. It was from high school, and you were both laughing at how dorky you both looked. "Oh gods... actually, I was kind of hot," you said, giggling a bit. "Have we really changed that much?" Niragi questioned. "Well, let's see," you said, opening the camera and telling Niragi to get into frame. He did so, and you both stuck out your tongues, the matching piercings glinting in the light. You snapped the photo, and put it side by side the one from high school. "Wow... that's a big difference, holy shit," he laughed. You snickered, and posted side by side comparison of the the photos. "Yeah. Huge difference."
"Hatter would like to see you... Alone."
You looked back at Ann, and nodded, getting up. "If she's going, I'm going with," Niragi said, getting up himself. "He said he wants to speak to (Y/N) alone. Respect to rules for once please," Ann chided, as you walked to her side. Niragi laughed, finishing with a smirk, "And since when do I listen to the rules?"
You looked back at him with a proud, yet embarrassed face. Definitely not the same Niragi from back in the real world. He was more confident than you last remembered, that was for sure. "Dude, I'll be totally fine. The least they could do is kill me," you said, a bit to nonchalantly for his tastes. "That seems like a worse case scenario, but ok." he responded, "I'm still going with you." "No, you're not. Look, I'll be fine ok? Just wait outside the door," you suggested. He scoffed, but nodded nontheless. Ann stayed quiet, watching this exchange. 'So... is that all it takes to convince him? Really? All we needed was this girl?' Were her thoughts.
"Oh good, you're here!" Hatter exclaimed as soon as you walked in. Ann stayed outside, and shut the doors behind you. You nodded. Was he happy or just extremely charismatic? You didn't know, but whatever it was, it was nice. It made you feel like you were talking to someone you knew. Like the pleasant ladies from your apartment complex. "Well, what do you want to talk about?"
"Where are we?" You asked as you got off the train. "I don't know. Just took a random train. You said you wanted another adventure," he replied. You gasped. "Niragi Suguru, you did not," you said, grabbing onto his hand to make sure you didn't lose him in the large crowd. "I did. And what of it?" He asked, dragging you out. "Oh my gods... Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but which city are we in?" You asked one of the people who worked there. They smiled and answered with, "Shinjuku. Are you lost?"  You shook your head. "No, we'll be fine. Thank you very much!" You said. Niragi dragged you to the exit. "I don't look presentable to be in Shinjuku right now, Niragi," you said, hiding your face. "You always look nice though. And it's called opportunity. I took it, and now we're here. So, let's take advantage of this, yeah?"
Hatter sat you down. "From what Ann and Aguni reported back to me, you're a quick thinker. Great shot apparently. They were both very impressed," he started. You smiled. "I'm honored they felt that way," you said. Hatter chuckled. "Well, Ann said you'd do well in either position of a militant or an executive. And it's just your luck the precious person who held number 7 recently... died. The games, obviously. Before you came here, actually. Maybe it was a sign it was meant to be yours. And, since you've proven yourself useful, I think it's a good idea," Hatter said, rambling a bit. "That's a bit too high for me, isn't it?" You questioned. You had just gotten here, you couldn't possibly be up that high already. "Uh... no. It's not. So, as of today, you shall be a militant," he said dramatically. You laughed, thanking him as he gave you a wristband with the number seven written on the blue tag. You slipped it on your wrist. "Oh, and just so you know, Aguni will most likely take you under his wing. The militants are mostly guys, so be careful. And... uh... your friend can help you find everything. He'll also show you to your new room. That is all. Goodbye now," he said cheerfully. You smiled brightly, thanking him.
You opened the door to leave, seeing Niragi leaning on the wall across the door. You smiled, closing the door softly behind you. "I'm back," you said. He nodded, "I can see that." "Can you really? You have your contact lenses?" You asked, skeptical. He nodded his head. "Surprisingly," he added. "Hmm... and for how many more days do you have them?" You questioned as he led you through the hotel. "Well, I've been in the borderland about 2 and a half weeks-"
"Woah, hold up... you'd been gone for six months up in the real world-"
"Well, I'm starting to think time runs differently in both places. Because no way in hell have I been here 6 months."
"Ok... continue on."
You two talked about whatever came to mind just like you used to. It was like you never skipped a beat. He lead you down into where they kept the weapons. "Only milatants and Hatter are allowed down here. This is the basement, and also where we keep the weapons. So, take your pick," he said, a smirk on his face. "You're a bit to proud of this aren't you?" You asked, looking over the different weapons. "Maybe," he responded. You didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking, you could just hear it in his voice. You picked out a knife that had a strap around. You also picked up a riffle similar to Niragi's, and turned to face him. "Ok, I'm good," you said. "Tomorrow, the militants are heading out on a supply run. Which means you now too. You can wear actual clothes now, isn't that fun?" He joked. You rolled your eyes shoving him playfully. He ran his tongue over his teeth. "That's really how you want to play, huh (L/N)?" He asked. You could hear the tone behind his words. The tone that meant run or your fucked, because whatever game he's scheming will end with you caught. It was quite normal for you two. Playing games with each other was a hobby back in the real world. Didn't matter how childish or immature they were. "Ouch, my last name? That hurts... Suguru." (Is that his last name or his first name? I don't know, I've been treating it as his last name, but I'm probably wrong) You giggled, running off. There was probably tons of places to hide inside the basement, and probably even more places throughout the beach.
"How was last night? Did you have fun?" He teased as soon as you woke up. You rolled your eyes. "Don't even talk to me about last night. Another disappointment," you groaned, rubbing your eyes. "Damn. That bad, huh?" He said, handing you a mug with coffee in it. You took a sip, and smiled. Perfect... He always made really good coffee, and it impressed you. "Yeah... definitely that bad. I heard him leave this morning, let's hope he never comes back," you said. Niragi laughed, taking a sip of his own coffee. The sunlight came in through the sliding glass door of your apartment.  The sky was painted with pinks and purples. Gold dusted the clouds as the sun touched them. It was perfectly picturesque. "One day, we won't have to live in a sucky apartment building, you know? I promise you that one day we'll have... I don't know where do you want to live?" He asked you. You both walked over to the couch, sitting next to eachother. "I don't know... I'd go anywhere as long as I can still have my best friend with me.''
"Come on out, (Y/N). I'll find you sooner or later. We need sleep," he shouted. You stifled a laugh, and crouched down, sneaking around. You could see him looking around for you. You moved backwards, bumping into someone. You slowly turned around. It was the guys Niragi had introduced as 'Last Boss'.
Throughout the day, you had actually had the opportunity to talk to him a bit. More like you talked, while he observed you, occasionally making a sound of sorts to show you he was listening. He'd also answered your questions, so you thought he wouldnt be that bad. You made the quiet signal, putting a finger to your lips. He looked down quizzically. "Playing a game. Can't let him find me. Wanna join?" You whispered to the mysterious man. He nodded slightly, still a bit confused. "Ok, the objective is to not get caught by Niragi. He doesn't know you're playing yet, so I'll figure something out... oh, I got it! You go hide," you whisper shouted, shooing him off. He went to go hide, and you climbed to the top of one of the darker places. "A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders!" You shouted. You heard Niragi laugh. "Dumbass! You're letting me know where you are!"  You smirked. That's what you wanted him to think.
"Oh nice! You got his glasses that's 20 points!" The boys shouted. You struggled to get out of the ropes tied your hands together. You heard Niragi groan, and looked up, seeing him on the floor, blood dripping from his nose. "Niragi!" You shouted in worry. He looked over at you, before one of the guys kicked his face into the ground. You struggled against the ropes the boys had tied around your wrist. It dug into your skin, you could feel the skin being rubbed raw from how much you had struggled against them ."So useless without eachother, huh?" One of them taunted. "Stop hurting him!" You yelled, squirming. "Oh? Would you rather we harm you then? You were always such a pretty girl... to bad you decided to defend him," the leader of their little group said, kneeling in front of you. "I don't give a damn if you hurt me. Stop hurting him!' You shouted. "(Y-y/N), don't," Niragi said, before one of the bullies kicked him in the stomach. He winced in pain, screwing his eyes shut. "Stop it! He didn't do anything to you!" You screamed, struggling even more, the ropes creating rope burn on your skin. "It's not a vengeance thing. It's fun," the leader said, grabbing your chin, making you look up at him. You glared at him in disgust, wanting so badly to just hit him, or spit on him in the moment. But you didn't. You didn't because you knew if you did either you or Niragi would get hurt. More likely Niragi, since they knew he was your weakness. "Just like it's fun making girls like you submit," he added with a smirk. "Don't you dare hurt her! Hurt me all you want, but don't touch her!" Niragi yelled. There was confidence in his words, but you also knew how scared he was. You could see it on his face. "That sounds boring though. What if we just make both of you our little puppets for the night, have you both put on a show?'' One of the guys snickered. This was followed by a chorus of 'not a bad idea' and 'sounds interesting.' You looked at Niragi, fear written all over your face.
You ran quietly, and quickly, knowing he could catch up to you. You looked around the dimly lit basement, and saw the exist to go up. Your eyes caught a flash of movement, and someone grabbed you, putting a hand over your mouth. You were shocked at first, going to scream bloody murder, before seeing it was Last Boss. He let you go, and you took a breath. "Oh my gods... dude that was scary," you whispered. He shrugged. "I have a place we can hide. I don't think he's smart enough to find it," He suggested, nodding his head over to Niragi. You stifled a laugh, and nodded, letting him lead you.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), are you alright?" He worriedly asked, checked on you. You hissed in pain when his hands went over the bruises. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault, if I hadn't-" he started, blaming himself. You grabbed shoulders, and shook your head. "It's not your fault... it's ok," you said, sitting up. The gravel under you poked at the skin exposed from your school skirt. "I-its not ok!" He shouted. "It's... it's not ok. You shouldn't have- I could've-" he started, pulling at his hair. "Niragi. It's not your fault. You didn't... you didn't hurt me," you said, your voice calming. You grabbed his hands, pulling them towards you. You were just kids. Fucking 16 years old(not exactly a kid, but whatever), you shouldn't have to go through this stuff. No kid should. "I should be comforting you, yet here you are, making me feel better. Stop it, you're the one who-"
"Niragi, it happened to both of us. Stop acting like you're ok too."
"But- I'm supposed to... I-"
"Shut up, and come here."
He sighed, sitting besides you. You pulled his head into your lap, and he sighed. "Stop taking care of me. Stop hanging out with me, because you're the one who ends up getting hurt because of me. Please," he pleaded as you ran your fingers through his hair. "No," you responded. "(Y/N), stop being so stubborn! Please, just... just listen to me!" He shouted. You flinched at the sudden loudness. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you," he apologized, noticing when you flinched. You sighed, leaning back on the concrete wall. You muttered back something along the lines of him not having to apologize. You heard thunder, and saw a flash of lightning. "It's going to rain, we should go home," Niragi said. "Don't wanna... let's stay here?" You muttered, watching the sun get covered by the clouds. You were under a bridge, so you at least had coverage. He looked up at you, and nodded. "Ok. We can," he whispered. The raindrops began to splatter on the ground outside the coverage of the bridge, and you sighed in happiness. Niragi sat up, bringing you close to him. The smell of rain filled your senses, and you couldn't help but enjoy the moment, even if you had been in emotional and physical pain before. Being there helped numb it for a while. Being with him helped numb the feeling.
"Alright... if I were (Y/N)... where would I go?" Niragi muttered to himself, walking around. It was too quiet. You weren't a quiet person unless need be, and if he remembers correctly, which he does, you had a losing streak in hide and seek since high school. You were too giggly to hide in silence, or maybe you got scared by being alone in the dark to long. Whatever it had been, you had a losing streak for almost 8 years. That was not about to change, not if he had a say in it. A part of him said he was not acting like himself, and that playing this with you was childish. Especially in the borderlands. He knew he would have to find you either way, so he stopped caring. He remembered what she had said. A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders! 'Ok, process of elimination....'
"So, given the fact Chishiya isn't allowed down here, I think I know who she's with, and where she is. Let's see if I'm right.''
This was more memories than actual current events... oh well- hope you enjoyed, have a wonderful day/night, baii!! Oh yeah, just because this is the only place people have a problem with me posting Niragi stuff, if you don't like it, the block button is right there, don't send me death threats or tell me to go kms. Thank you
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starblazerm31 · 5 years
Hey there lovely! 🖤 First of all, your blog and your headcanons/fan fictions are amazing and I enjoy reading every new one every time! I don't know if you still take requests, but how about the main 6 with an MC who's water suddenly broke. Like, how would they react? How would the MC react (this one sounds stupid I know and I'm sorry. ;-;) Well, hope you're gonna have a lovely day/night! ❤🖤
*cries happy tears*  Thank you so much, @xxshyxxx!!  Folks like you are the reason I keep on doing this! 💖💖💖  *hugz*  YOU guys are my inspiration, and I love everything you all send to me. 💓
Main 6 with MC whose Water Suddenly Breaks
The two of you are at Selasi’s, buying some bread and talking about your pregnancy.  You’re due at any time.
You’re munching on your pumpkin bread with Asra rubbing your achy back when you suddenly feel a warm trickle between your legs.  For a moment you think you accidentally wet yourself (hey, it’s common during pregnancy), but quickly realize that isn’t the case.
“Um…Asra?  I think my water just broke.”
Asra and Selasi explode in chatter.  Selasi tells Asra to get you home immediately, and he will go and fetch Julian.
Asra gets you situated on the bed with a ton of pillows at your back.  He is gathering together everything you need for delivery.
He contacts Aisha and Salim through water, and you can hear them talking excitedly.
Much sooner than you expected, you hear the door to the shop open and lots of voices fill the air.  Julian comes up to the loft followed by Aisha and Salim.
Aisha sits next to you and coaches you through the contractions.  Julian examines you periodically for when you’re ready to give birth.
When the time comes, Asra is right next to you holding your hand.  It’s rough going, but Julian withdraws a healthy beautiful baby.
Aisha and Salim clean the baby off before handing it to you.  You and Asra gaze down upon your new child with love and pride.
Your pregnancy has been well monitored and your every need tended to.  It hasn’t been all that rough.
You’re in the garden taking a nice stroll when you feel a sudden weight followed by wetness.
Oh no.
You start to shuffle back towards the palace, and you call out for help.  Almost instantly a palace guard appears.
“Tell the Countess that my water just broke!!”
The guard goes pale.  He shouts out for another guard to escort you back while he dashes off to find Nadia.
The guard at your side doesn’t leave you.  As you are taken to your room, he calls for the midwife to be summoned.
Only when the midwife dismisses him and Nadia sweeps into the room does the guard finally leave.  But he stations himself outside your door.
Your room becomes a bustle of activity as servants bring all the supplies the midwife calls for.
Nadia remains by your side and holds your hand.  She makes sure you are comfortable and that you have everything you need.
The midwife delivers your baby with expert precision and speed.  You and Nadia gaze upon your baby with great joy and the guard who refused to leave you receives a special commendation from Nadia.
You two are enjoying a quiet night at home.
Julian made dinner for you, insisting that you stay off of your feet.  You’re due any day now, and he wants to make sure that his beloved and their child are comfy and safe.
He’s sitting behind you on the bed, rubbing your back and shoulders.
You suddenly feel the urge to go to the bathroom.  Julian helps you up, but as soon as you are erect, you feel a sudden splash.
The two of you look at each other, and your eyes grow wide.
Shit!  Shit, shit, shit shit shit!!
Julian takes off like a rocket, gathering towels and heating water on the stove.  You contact Mazelinka through water and tell her that it’s happening.
With astonishing speed, both she and Portia arrive at your home.
Julian had thought he was going to deliver his own baby.  Mazelinka isn’t having that.  His job is to stay next to you and keep you focused and calm.
He sucks at it.  He’s so nervous his hand is trembling in yours.
Portia and Mazelinka are like a well-oiled machine.  When you start to give birth, they calmly talk you through it.
When your baby arrives, Julian breaks down crying (even more than the baby).  It takes both Mazelinka and Portia to keep him from bursting out into the street right then to show it off.
He’s been a nervous wreck throughout your entire pregnancy.   He knows precisely dick about pregnancy and babies.
If he wasn’t glued to your side, Inanna was.
While you were pouring yourself some water, you spilled some on the floor.  You swear to yourself, but when you catch Muriel’s suddenly terrified gaze you realize that you actually hadn’t spilled a drop.
He scoops you up and puts you on the bed, his hands gripping his hair in fright.  He has absolutely no idea what to do.
He sends Inanna to go get Asra.
He’s standing at the end of the bed, wondering if he should get ready to catch or something.  He keeps peering in between your legs, expecting something really scary to happen.
When Asra finally arrives, Muriel is sitting on the floor at your feet, rocking back and forth.  Asra comforts him briefly, explaining that this is going to take some time.  Babies don’t just jump out when the water breaks.
Asra lights some calming incense and gets everything set up.  He actually made the effort to learn how to midwife for his two best friends in the entire world.
Inanna curls up at your side, protective and comforting as always.  You pet her as your contractions get stronger.  Muriel is trying to keep calm.
You suddenly feel strong pressure.  Asra takes position between your legs and tells you what to do.  Muriel looks like he is about to pass out.
Before you know it, the baby is here.  Asra cleans it off and hands it to you.  Muriel approaches the two of you and for the first time in his life feels amazed and proud of something he did.  When you hand the baby to him, he stares at it in absolute wonder.
She has been so freaking excited to be a mom!  She’s been checking up on you every five minutes for nine long months and has been having Mazelinka instruct her on what she will need to do when you give birth.
She’s been very strict with your diet, but she’s also been really good with your cravings.  She’s not going to deny you ice cream when THE BABY WANTS ICE CREAM, PASHA!!!
You were knitting booties and she was working in her garden one lovely day when suddenly you felt the wetness and your face went beet red.
Portia’s spade clatters to the ground.  Her time has come!!!
She sets you up with some pain relief tea and sends a courier to fetch Julian and Mazelinka.
When they arrive, Julian is already coming up with lame uncle jokes.  Mazelinka gives him a list of things to get from the palace, mainly to shut him up.
Maz gives you some of her famous soup to keep you calm and ease the pain some more.  Portia rubs your legs and feet, and the two of you chatter excitedly about what the baby’s name will be.
When Julian returns, the entire kitchen staff is with him.  They wanted to give their support and see the baby.
You’re not thrilled about being a spectacle, but these are your friends.  And it’s not like they will all be in the cottage getting a full view of the event.
When it’s time, Portia is at your knees cheering you on and encouraging you.  You damn well bet she wants to deliver her own baby!!
When the baby is born, she is struck mute.  She washes it off and coos at it adoringly.  When she places the child in your arms, she is giving you all the praise in the world for doing such an amazing job.
He’s been so PROUD that he’s going to be a father.  He’s been telling every foreign dignitary and every royal that has passed through the palace that the two of you are expecting.
If you thought he spoiled you rotten before, you were not prepared for the spoiling of upcoming father Lucio.  And he has been so supportive of you and your needs; you have wanted for nothing (and he thinks you’re the sexiest you’ve ever been).
Secretly, he’s been a nervous mess.  He doesn’t know if he’ll be a good dad and Morga has not been very supportive of him.  She’s been blatant about how she hopes his child will turn out better than he.
One evening, the two of you sat at the organ in the parlor; he was enthusiastically listening to you practice.  Suddenly, you stopped.
“Umm…Lucio?”  You look between your legs and see that the bench is soaked.
Lucio is on his feet, his face pale as death.  "Is it time?  Oh shit, it’s time, isn’t it!!“  He’s bolting into the hallway bellowing “THE BABY’S COMING!  FUCK SHIT, THE BABY IS COMING!”
The midwives have been awaiting this moment for weeks now, so they are in the parlor with you in an instant.  You are gently ushered into your room where you are made comfortable.  Lucio is pacing back and forth, practically knawing dents into his golden hand.
He gets to be rather irritating to those who are trying to tend to you.  The head midwife sternly tells him to calm down or leave the room.  He isn’t helping you right now.
He sits down in a chair on the other side of the room, tapping his feet anxiously.  His knuckles go white when you really go into labor.
He stands up to watch his child be born…and promptly passes out on the floor.
Some fanning and smelling salts later, he is sitting next to you, staring at his newborn child.  Forgetting everything his mother ever said to him, he takes the baby’s hand and swears that they will grow up happy and loved.
Ko-Fi ☕
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
The Language of Limbo - Part 2
Pairing : Chris Evans x Plus Size Reader ; Marvel Cast x Plus Size Reader
Warnings : Language
Word Count : 2.3k
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You've been preparing yourself for the past two months, each day getting more and more at ease with the movements of your fighting scenes. One of the highlights of one of your rehearsal session was the day where you met Evans for the first time.
You were currently finishing up the first half of the session and Mason granted you a break. You sat down, took a gulp of your water and noticed your shoelaces untied. You leaned down and were in the middle of tying them when a deep but calm voice spoke up beside you. "Hi there." You looked up and felt your heart beat faster than ever, due the fact that your celebrity crush stood in front of you. "Hein?", you breathed out, mesmerized by his handsome face and blue eyes. He chuckled and you looked elsewhere, your face flushed in embarrassment. You stood up and finally replied back with a shy smile, "Hi". "It was some cool moves you did back there", he commented.
"Thank you but the credit really goes to Mason, he's the real pro here", you chuckled and pointed towards your coach. "Perhaps but you did good, you deserve some credit too", he told you and slightly pumped his right shoulder against yours, which surprised you. A wide smile appeared on your face and thanked him again. "Are you casually training here or …", he asked intrigued. "I'm actually Marvel's new…", you started but then realized your mistake. "Oh shit", you covered your mouth. His eyes widened and his mouth opened in a 'oh' motion. "You're Y/C/N, aren't you?" You switched from leg to leg, uncomfortably for spoiling your arrival into the production. "Nope, don't know what you're talking about", you faked, heat invading your whole body. He laughed loudly before comforting you, "Hey don't worry I won't tell anybody. Your secret is safe with me."
"Oh God, I'm fucking it up already", you chuckled nervously. He laughed again but eventually calmed down. "Well nice to meet you. I'm Chris but something tells me you know that already", he whispered with a smug smile. You nodded and replied, "Yeah, nice to meet you too. I'm Y/N." He was called from the other end of the room and turned back at you to tell you goodbye. "I guess we'll see each other soon Y/N", winked and jogged towards his own coach. You face-palmed and cursed yourself for ruining your contract's confidentiality closure. "Y/N, are you ready?", asked Mason at your left. You jumped a little, not expecting him standing next to you and he laughed at the gesture, "Sorry". You shook your head, hand resting on your heart and affirmed him you were ready for the rest of the training.
It was now the day before the first table read and you were beyond nervous. You were unable to eat properly during the day, had trouble to focus on your lines and when you decided to go to bed early, you couldn't sleep. "Goddammit", you breathed out in frustration, your eyes glossy because of the stress that was invading you. "Deep breath, inhale, exhale", you repeated in the darkness of the room. Silent tears cascaded your face, the pressure too much to bear. You finally got a grip on your emotions and eventually fell asleep.
A couple of hours later and you definitely didn't woke up like this. You grumpily marched towards your bathroom and hopped in the shower, the warm water splash on your sore body. Half an hour later, you were showered and dressed. You took your script and grabbed your car keys, settling for the Studio's direction. You had 3 hours in front of you until the table read but because you couldn't sleep well, you decided to head early and grab a coffee on your way. You parked your car and walked to a close park, settled down with your script and looked at the sunrise shining in front of you, the small breeze refreshing you. You went over the script, reading it one more time and hoped for the best. Even if you were cast for the movie, the table read was a crucial step. If you didn't show professionalism right away, it wasn't uncommon for directors and producers to let go the person and recast someone else.
"Y/N?", you heard beside you. You turned around and saw Elizabeth Olson stand in front of you, confused on seeing you after so long. "Hey, Elizabeth how are you?", you stood up with a wide smile and hugged her. "I..I'm fine, what about you? What are you doing here?", she asked happily. You chuckled and simply replied you had a work meeting without revealing that it was for Marvel. "That's amazing. I'm so happy to see you again after what, 5 years?", she continued. You nodded, "Yeah sorry I know we were supposed to stay in contact after 'Godzilla' but life just got so crazy", you apologized to which she shook her head. "Tell me about it. When it's not filming, it's press touring. I know how that feels but I'm really glad I got to see you again. We'll have to go for lunch one time."
"I'm happy too and yes, we definitely have", you smiled widely. She checked on her watch and frowned, "I'm sorry but I have to go." "Of course, no problem", you reassured her. She hugged you goodbye and you smirked in anticipation, the surprise being totally unexpected. You checked your watch too and slowly made your way to the meeting point. When you arrived, you saw a line of A-list actors standing in front of you, their backs turned at you. You felt your body slowly begin to tremble in excitement and fear and took a deep breath to calm your nerves down. You bowed your head so that no one would pay attention to you and waited at the end of the group. No one seemed to notice you, each one of them focused on their respective conversation. There was laughter, friends happily chatting and reconnecting after months apart. "I know you missed me", giggled Robert Downey Junior. "How couldn't I", replied someone who's voice wasn't familiar to you.
"Who got to read the whole script this time?", asked Anthony Mackie. "I did", replied the original 6 Avengers (Evans, Scarlet, RDJ, Hemsworth, Ruffalo and Renner) simultaneously. "Lucky bastards", someone else joked. You chuckled slowly but was cut short when you heard someone mention your character's name. "We have no idea who it is", commented Mark Ruffalo to the rest of the audience. Your lifted your head cautiously to try to get their facial expressions when you made eye contact with Evans who was already looking at you. Your eyes widened and you immediately bowed down your head. The next thing heard among the blabbering was Chris' loud laugh. "What's so funny?", asked Scarlet in amusement. "Oh nothing, I'm sure whoever will play Y/C/N isn't very far."
It was at that precise moment when Kevin Feige, the Russo Brothers and the casting director entered the room, "Hello everybody and welcome back", greeted the Marvel Studios' president. "Here we go again for another 4 intense months", he continued to which everyone hollered in agreement. "As per usual only a few selected among you got the opportunity to read the whole script, such as the ones part of the original 6, Benedict Cumberbatch and Marvel's new addition." Your eyes almost popped out of your skull when you heard you actually had the true and whole script in your hands. You quickly figured out that they were testing you, seeing if your were trustworthy and what Feige mentioned next confirmed your suspicions. "Since there's no spoiler out there, I think we did the right choice in choosing Y/N Y/L/N to join the production." You heard someone gasp and recognized her voice. "No way?", exclaimed Elizabeth ecstatic. "Who?", asked RDJ confused. You had to chuckle at his puzzled face, being well aware that they had no idea who you were besides Elizabeth or maybe the ones who saw you as an extra or small role in a movie. "Where is she? Y/N?", called out Kevin Feige. You took a deep breath and raised your arm. "There she is. Will you step out of the shadows and come here, please?",he asked amused. You did as he said, crossing the assembly that had split in two just like the Red See, allowing you to step closer to the men in charge. "Hello, it's an honor to meet you", you said shyly towards them since you hadn't had the chance to meet them yet. They greeted you in return and you positioned yourself next to the casting director Mr Stewart who smiled widely and side hugged you eagerly, happy to see you again.
Everyone sat down and the table read began. You weren't really sure if you had to recite your lines with a neutral voice or already get into character. You already had done a table read before but never such an important one. You watched as the others actors around you sounded far more as their characters than themselves and decided to act along, your voice resonating the way you wanted for the character and your facial expressions matching the situations occurring in the script. You knew you had to prove that you were the right choice and felt everyones eyes burn your skin, whether in evaluating you, in concentration following the lines in front of them or just because they were intrigued by what you could bring to the dynamic already set in place.
"We're going to stop here people because the rest are quiet the spoilers for the rest of the cast and we wouldn't want that, would we", said Kevin Feige while ogling Tom Holland, making the young men shake his head in amusement. "Yeah, yeah I know, the Spoil-Machine right here", he joked. You chuckled along the rest of them and your eyes met Elizabeth's, who smiled while lifting her thumbs up and you smiled brightly at the gesture, happy to have at least an acquaintance on set. The Marvel Studios' president exited the room, leaving the Russo brothers and the actors behind. You felt a little tap on your shoulder and turned on your left side, coming face to face with Mark Ruffalo. "Hello there, I'm Mark", he said and you chuckled. "Hi, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you." You caught Robert Downey Jr jog behind Mark until he stood beside him. He looked at you with a wide smirk and commented, "What do you think about the original science bros? Not bad right?" Your eyes widened and giggled nervously but before you could say anything, Elizabeth and Scarlet were beside you. "Don't scare the poor woman already, Downey", said Scarlet. Lizzie grabbed your attention by hugging you. "You sneaky little thing. I can't believe you didn't tell me when I saw you outside that you were casted. Wait does Aaron know?", she blabbered. You laughed at her enthusiasm, "I'm not allowed to say anything I'm sure you know what it is like and regarding Aaron, no not yet."
"Who's Aaron?", asked suddenly Chris Evans out of nowhere. Elizabeth rolled her eyes before telling him it was Aaron-Taylor Johnson, who's also part of Marvel's family and your best friend. Evans nodded attentively while you tried to calm your nerves down, feeling heat creep your body noticing that he was coming closer to where you stood. When his blue eyes locked with yours you were done. It took you a few seconds to realize that he was talking to you. "Excuse me, what?", you mumbled. He chuckled and replied while presenting his hand, "I'm happy to officially meet you Y/N". You shook his hand and had to control yourself to not smile, because he knew you were casted before anyone else, thanks to your clumsiness. "Nice to meet you too." "I'm looking forward to work with you", he commented and winked, before joining another group of actors. You swallowed harshly, took a deep breath and turned towards the people in front of you, who were smirking. "Hmm I can't wait to start the shooting", implied RDJ, mischief shinning in his eyes and voice. You nodded shyly, not able to look at him or the others in the eyes, still impressed to be standing next to so many talented people. "Do you have any ride for tonight?", asked Jeremy Renner. You frowned not really understanding his question. "Ride?"
"Yeah, all the actors are invited for dinner at the Russo's Restaurant", commented Hemsworth. "Oh I didn't know, I'm probably just gonna grab something and eat at home", you responded. "Nonsense, you're part of the team now, you're invited too", quickly said Joe Russo who caught the conversation. "Alright, thank you then’’, you said with a wide smile. "So, the ride?", said Renner again. "I came here with my car so if anyone needs a ride and besides I don't really know where the restaurant is", you blabbered. "Let's just split then, if that's ok with you", mentioned Scarlet. "No no problem at all." They gathered everyone and started to form small groups. You ended up taking Chris (Evans), Elizabeth, Scarlet and Jeremy in your car. You were marching towards the parking when you remembered that your car was garbage compared to the hot wheels they were used to drive. You chuckled nervously and declared, "Sorry it's not a Royce Rolls but it rolls". Sensing your nervous and cracking voice, Elizabeth calmed you down, "Don't worry Y/N." You clenched your jaw and gave her a small smile, not convinced and slightly ashamed. Having Chris sitting next to you wasn't helping you calm your nerves down. You connected your phone to the radio and decided to put on your favorite artist of the moment. You pressed play on and Lizzo's song Juice came on. You immediately felt the pressure release and began to mumble the words to yourself while focusing on the road. "This song is awesome, who is it?", asked Chris besides you. You told him more about Lizzo's music and saw glimpses of him attentively following you talking so passionately about the artist in question.
You soon arrived at your destination and entered the fancy place. During the evening the actors insisted on you switching places at every meal served, so that you could chat a little with everyone. "So anyone in your life, Y/N?", asked Mackie with a smug smirk. You almost chocked on your drink not expecting it and cleared your voice, "Nope not at the moment." "Hmm interesting", he feigned and looked at the others. You frowned but eventually shook your head in amusement. It was starting to get late and you decided to cut the night short, everyone getting where they were standing. You dropped the actors at the Studios where they had their cars but noticed that Chris had just a tab to much to drink. "Hey where do I drop you?", you asked him this time concerned. "What?" You chuckled and told him that you would give him a ride because you didn't want him to drive in his state. "Ohh I can hold my liquor", he arguments. "Come on, I won't be able to sleep peacefully knowing that you drove all the way and not knowing if you arrived safely. Let me take you." He raised one of his eyebrows, smirking when you realized how that may have sounded. "I mean…let me take you in like drop you at your place." He cracked up seeing you try to justify yourself before telling you the hotel he was staying. It wasn't far away from the Studios and told him goodnight. "You seem like a cool person. Goodnight Y/N, see you soon." You smiled and replied, "Thanks, you seem like a cool person yourself." You saw him walking inside the building and chuckled to yourself, "This man will be the death of me."
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*gif not mine, credit to owner*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10 @titty-teetee
SERIES TAG LIST : @halee-bear @sanellv @alwaysenjoythelifeyoulive @teatimewithhiddles @mooniessuniverse @meggie-mouse-28
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thetiredstuff · 3 years
hey you don’t have to respond to this or anything but I just read your post and you just out everything I’m feeling into words. I’m 21 and set to graduate by the end of the year then I have 6 months until I need to start paying off my student loans from a university I attended for one year before dropping out because 17yr olds shouldn’t be trusted with making big decisions about their future especially when they involve finances. I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life. I have never been able to envision myself in the future. If I do its a grim picture. I pushed all my friends away my social skills are shit and yeah I’ve never dated or kissed anyone. I was always at the top of my class and now the lines from this is me trying “i got wasted like all my potential.. I was so ahead of the curve the curve became a sphere fell behind all my classes and I ended up here” are the most relatable thing ever. so yeah I understand how you feel. I wish I could offer you something helpful or tell you that things are going to be okay but I don’t know that. I know that sometimes I feel like I must be the only person in the world who feels like I have fallen behind everyone so if it’s any comfort you’re not alone in your fears. I really hope that things will fall into place for both of us soon.
hey, thank you for sharing this with me. Where i'm from i don't have to worry about student loans but even i've been getting nervous these past four years for the amount of money that my mom was spending on me to go to uni (and that's nothing compared to you) i don't really have the words for it but i am so so so sorry that you have a system that exploits children in such an awful way. when i had graduated high school, i first did another course at another uni and eventually dropped out and did what i'm doing now. i was so fucking scared about what to study and i was so worried about the money and everything and i found it so unfair that a 17/18 year old was all of a sudden supposed to know what the hell they wanted to do for the rest of their lives and like i knew and know that you don't have to do what you studied for the rest of your life but still. i was so scared and confused and i can't imagine having to deal with student loans on top of that. i genuinely am so so sorry that you have to worry about that and i really hope you find a way to pay them off as quickly as possible.
i feel you on a lot of things you said actually like i was never top of my class (my mentality is kinda just as long as i pass it's good enough (but i should preface that by saying i can afford to have that mentality cuz GPAs aren't a thing here. they're not important really) but yeah my social skills are awful. idk i just keep pushing people away because i just think well they're not gonna wanna hang out with me so.
this all just really fucking sucks. i mean we're 21 and i constantly hear that it's supposed to be the time of your life and i see my friends like having tons of friends and doing stuff al the time and moving in with tehir partner or just casually dating people and i'm just going nowhere. i'm going nowhere in life. i'm just empty and lonely and it's just nothingness.
and i know there are people out there experiencing the same thing (like you (thank you for sharing that with me) and it's like i wanna take solace from that so so bad but it's just a pity party, isn't it? it's like i'm not alone in this but that doesn't make it better
it just all fucking sucks
0 notes
sftswigan · 4 years
Manchester garage punks, Tinfoils, George from the band tells us about their latest single, their money raising effort for BLMUK and how a game of pool completed the band...
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Alright hope you’re doing well through this shit time.
Can you tell us who Tinfoils are and where did the name come from?
TINFOILS are a mardy northern bastard garage punk band based in Manchester. There's three of us, and we've all moved here from Yorkshire.
The name came from when I was on an X Files hype. Thought it was a good name for a band, so I just got the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages before we'd even done a rehearsal! I think it was before we even met Will. I just thought it was a good name, the other two agreed and we ran with it.
Sounds like you had confidence in this band early on then. How did you find Will and what has he brought to the band?
I don't know if I had loads of confidence in the band before we started really, I just thought the name was cool! We didn't really take it very seriously for a long time, took us about 6 months to bother looking for a gig. Was just an excuse to meet and get pissed up at first.
Me and Alex had known each other for a while, and went to a pub in Fallowfield. We were having a game of pool, when two blokes came up and asked if they could play doubles because no other tables were free. We agreed, and one of them turned out to be Will. After that they invited us to some flat party, and at about 6 in the morning on some unknown persons kitchen worktop he mentioned he played bass. We met up a couple of days later and the rest is history.
He's an amazing bassist, and his love for funk has a massive impact on every song I write. Tunes always come out sounding better once I show them to Will and Alex.
Love the bass lines in your songs, The Abyss, especially. Could’ve been a different story if you and Alex decided that was your last game of pool and just handed it to Will and his mate!
Like The Blinders, you also (and I think one or two others have followed suit) made the journey from Doncaster to Manchester. How much of a difference has that made to you and the band?
Definitely! All credit for that goes to our mate Breezy to be fair, he was the one who suggested doubles. He drops it in to conversation every time he's trying to convince us to come out.
Yeah I moved from Doncaster about 5 years ago, I do love it to bits but I wouldn't have been able to do half the stuff I wanted to if I'd stayed. Wouldn't have met Alex and Will, and probably wouldn't have ended up starting a band. There are some decent bands in Doncaster but a lot of it was indie stuff at the time, which I do like but not something I was interested in doing. The music scene in Manchester is amazing at the moment, there's so much music and it's all really different and interesting. Best place for music in the country at the moment I reckon.
Manchester is definitely a great place for music but I think the UK in general has a really good music scene at the moment with loads of good bands about! Though places like Manchester have some unreal venues and bands love playing there.
I wanna talk about your latest single ‘Spitting’ which was released during lockdown. Absolutely love that track! You went to Magic Garden to record it. What did recording it there bring to the song?
Cheers mate, we're really happy with it. I think it added a lot going to Magic Garden, Gavin's brilliant. First of all, it's just way higher quality than anything else we've put out, and I think it manages to sound a lot like we do live. Gavin also suggested we add some vocals in to middle 8 bit, which was originally just instrumental. I quickly wrote something down on a bit of scrap paper in a few minutes, and recorded it in one take, and that's the take in the final song. It's the whole "lap me up I'm stagnant water" bit. We'll hopefully get some more tunes recorded soon, would love another trip to the garden. The music video for the song is just clips of our time at the studio mixed in with some live clips, had a really good time there.
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I hear quite a few bands speak highly of him and his influence on their time in his studio. He does seem to get great results.
You recently released some songs on bandcamp that were live demos if I remember correctly. Are they going onto Spotify at any point and also will you be recording any of these? Peeping Tom is probably one of my favourites of yours.
Yeah they're a load of demos we did at Dead Basic Studios last year, we thought it was a shame to have them just lying about. We decided to put them out and donate all the money from Bandcamp Day to BLMUK, every little helps doesn't it. They won't be going on Spotify, but I reckon we'll probably record a couple of them properly one day. Peeping Tom's a bit of a favourite, would love to get that recorded in a studio but there's a million tempo changes so I think it'd probably be tricky to nail down. Its one of my favourites to play live, especially when we're headlining and get the chance for a self-indulgent 10 minute jam with a big sing-a-long. The demos will stay on Bandcamp for the foreseeable, but I think we'll probably take them off at some point.
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A great cause, did you manage to raise much? Some really good tracks on there would love to here them recorded like you say.
So what are the bands plans once lockdown is relaxed to a point bands and musicians to get out there and do proper stuff without fear again?
Yeah we raised about £60-70 I think? It was only for the day, when Bandcamp waived their fees. Props to Lewis from Dead Basic for recording and mixing them all.
First things first we need to get in for a rehearsal! I've written a load of new songs which I'm looking forward to working out, I think it'll be a lot of new tunes in the set list when we're back gigging. Hopefully reschedule our tour that had to be postponed, play some tunes, get some recording done, and go out and see some bands! Just got to hope it's not too far off.
That’s awesome! Excited about the new tunes and future recordings...and gigs again obviously.
Hopefully you can squeeze a rearranged gig for us on the tour!
You mentioned how highly you rate the Manchester scene. Which bands should people go and see once bands get to gig again?
There's a tonne of bands to go and see, to name a few: Loose Articles, Blanketman, The Early Mornings, Swine, Springfield Elementary, Giant Boys, The Red Stains, Cold Water Swimmers, and loads of others. There's a lot of different styles about but I do feel like there's a sort of coherent feeling between all the bands around here at the minute. It got to the point just before pandemic where no matter which venue or what day, if you turned up you'd probably see something amazing. Fingers crossed it all survives the lockdown!
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There’s some good bands there, really like Springfield Elementary and Swine what I’ve heard of them and also Red Stains. I need to check the others out but we’re very lucky to have so many good bands about and more people these days that are very much into new music!
We’re gonna end the interview with some quick fun questions...
Favourite album/EP of this year?
I'm gonna go with either Zero Dollar Bill by Do Nothing, or The Non-Stop EP by Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard. Can't pick between them!
Also really looking forward to Fontaines DCs new album, and Idles, and The Blinders.
If Tinfoils could tour with any band alive or dead who would it be?
Would love to go on tour with Fontaines DC, Idles or Sleaford Mods. If I had to pick between them, at the moment probably Fontaines. Loving their last few singles, and Dogrel was banging.
Ah wait, Thee Oh Sees! Maybe Oh Sees actually. Any of the above would allow me to die happy.
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Is there a song that at least one member isn’t keen on in the set but are outnumbered?
I don't really like The Royal Baby Machine that much, but the other two do.
Chinese food or Indian?
Lager or Real ale?
Ale, but more of a standard bitter to be honest. Not West Coast passionfruit and jasmine infused with lemongrass IPA stuff, it's rank and I don't get it. Give me a pint of John Smiths over that wank any day.
Festival you’d love to play?
Wouldn't turn down Glasto!
Last one...
Best live band you’ve seen?
Best live band I've seen is probably Idles.
Alex, our drummer says Cabbage at Night & Day was probably the best gig he’s been to recently
Thanks to George from Tinfoils for chatting to us! You can listen to their music on all the streaming services and go and visit their social media pages. Here is their latest effor, Spitting.
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Ali & Caleb
Ali: Do we know when Carly's funeral is going to be yet? Ali: I need to come back but I don't want to pester her parents...I sent a message but no response Caleb: I did too and got nothing either Caleb: I'm feeling they dont want us to be knowing Ali: Think so too Ali: Which is rich considering Ali: Trying to be understanding but where have they been Ali: I know I was away too but Caleb: you kept in touch Caleb: they haven't met their grandchild yet, have they? That's their vibe Caleb: imma leave them in peace but its not cool Ali: everything is so fucked Ali: how did this happen Caleb: never seen my mum madder Caleb: she's not praying for them saving 'em up for indie & drew Caleb: you gotta make sure you handle your own goodbye Ali: Can't blame her Ali: thank God she and Meena were there or they could both be gone Ali: What the hell is going to happen now Ali: Yeah, I'll have to, I don't think we're getting in to the real funeral but, it won't be her anyway Ali: they don't know her Caleb: I wish I had been, caught my mum crying hard later & that was before all this Caleb: she's down to take her in but I dunno if he'll allow it Caleb: Carly's parents could take her still its mad here rn Ali: I owe her big time, I didn't know what else to do, she wouldn't go to Hospital so I can't be sorry I did it but I am sorry for the fucking trauma of it all Ali: In a way, that might be better for her, but then...they've not done a good job with Carly, have they? Would they let history repeat itself Ali: but Drew, fuck Caleb: it's all good, like nah, but as far as my mum goes Caleb: you did the right thing Caleb: I dunno man they might be feeling like they're getting a second chance with her but will it be? Caleb: you heard from him? Caleb: im blocked Ali: Thanks, I'm doubting everything I did and said now Ali: but I really tried Ali: I truly don't know what's for the best but it will have to be worked out Ali: Poor baby Ali: No, not since this whole...mess Ali: I think he genuinely feels guilt for this one Caleb: You handled shit better than I could. Better than most I think Caleb: Estou orgulhoso de ti, querida. Caleb: yeah my heart's breaking to look at her Caleb: He won't let me help him & truth be that I don't even know where to start Caleb: No idea what he wants, you know Caleb: could be what the kid needs but as easy could not be Ali: You're too nice for your own good Ali: He probably feels like he doesn't deserve it, and rightly so frankly but not going to spite Indie just to prove a point Ali: She's so innocent Ali: Oh God Ali: I'd do it myself but the social would never sign off on that Ali: who am I, like Ali: She's got family Caleb: I ain't feeling it. I'm raging Caleb: I get that I don't get to speak on it, and he's hurting so I'm not going there but I dunno how he could let her go like that Caleb: With the bab there Caleb: Shit's beyond fucked Caleb: We could try. You were Carly's family Caleb: She'd want you looking out for indie Ali: I don't know Ali: It was hard to know how to help her Ali: but he didn't even try Ali: well, from what we can see from our outside perspective Ali: she seemed to think he did but Ali: I don't fucking know Ali: It really is, thank God Indie won't remember any of this Ali: Drew will have to, and that's his punishment Ali: I asked Mum, its pretty much a no go, if she got put in the system, if none of them claimed her, then maybe, but not whilst I'm at Uni and away and I already have too many kids to deal with by standards Ali: especially for a single parent, they wouldn't favour me over a nice, older well-off couple with everything to give Caleb: She wanted to bounce so says my mum, he shoulda let her do what she needed to do, she had to be in shock having her way it went Caleb: gotta keep your babies safe they're defenseless Caleb: anything could've happened them playing at family how they did Caleb: Filho da mãe! Caleb: Okay but hear me out...what if we went at this together? Caleb: You still got your ring, you're still my missus, legal or nah Caleb: se você me tiver eu estou disposto Ali: She did, she had, she told me where she was Ali: I just think its too easy to think over all this now Ali: its plausible he was trying to keep her safe by bringing her back, its not out there Ali: arguably was safer who knows where she would've ended up Ali: its happened regardless of all the what-ifs and woulda coulda shoulda Ali: better focusing on what we can all do now, Drew included Ali: See, too nice Ali: Of course I do Ali: I still don't think it'll happen but of course we can try Ali: if it comes to that Caleb: True Caleb: He was outta his depth, feeling like he could get Carly to turn it all around, let his kid have the ma he never Caleb: It's sad man Caleb: Good Caleb: We can't worry on that yet but I've been stressing over you out there on your own Caleb: Can I hit you with another idea? Ali: Yeah, exactly Ali: Very fucking sad Ali: Oh, I'm fine, like, not right now but, you know Ali: Go for it Caleb: Try not to get vexed at me for sneaking but it's been a while Caleb: I've been hitting up job offers round you and they've said yeah to some part time things Caleb: I wanna come out, help with the kids more than ever now Caleb: What you think? Ali: You're serious? Ali: I think its the best news I've had in a long while Ali: Well done you! Caleb: what happened got me thinking Caleb: and its the only thing that makes sense Caleb: us all together, you feel me? Caleb: It won't be easy but neither is this rn Ali: I've been feeling the same Ali: but I was too scared to put it out there Ali: Family should be all that matters Ali: the rest is just bullshit to deal with Ali: the kids are going to be so excited when are you coming Caleb: my bad for leaving you hanging this long but I didn't wanna mess you around, not only with the job, you know Caleb: but my heart's sure Caleb: I dunno what I'd do if shit happened to you, cos you're my baby mama yeah, but cos you're you too Caleb: I still feel the same, not trying to change it these days Caleb: Gotta help Gus get my cuz ready to do my thing but won't take no time Ali: Not at all, it had to be right Ali: It would be all the more painful and wrong if you came and we couldn't make it work Ali: I love you Caleb: I love you too Caleb: You've been all on my mind since I last saw you and thats how I want it Ali: Wait Ali: before you commit fully I have something to tell you Ali: might change your mind, I don't know so you need to know now before Caleb: You can tell me Caleb: I'm listening Ali: [Sends bump pic] Ali: About 5/6 months Ali: Your Bday, Christmas, remember? Ali: I didn't say because Ali: Last time Ali: I've not told anyone else though, no one Caleb: Shit man! You been dealing on your own Caleb: That's so rough, Ali Caleb: You should've said, hit up your fam if not me Caleb: I get not wanting to say it but I gotta ask, was there anyone else on the scene? Caleb: I know what I think but I need to hear it Ali: It was worst for you but Ali: it wasn't exactly easy to tell them Ali: I know they were all disappointed or disgusted or whatever else valid feelings but it wasn't fun Ali: No, no one else Caleb: We gotta tell them Caleb: Mine too Caleb: What's the story? What's the doctor said? Are you both good? Ali: Yeah, my blood pressure's a bit high but to be expected, I told him I ain't got no time to chill Ali: are you happy? Ali: do you think anyone will be? or have i had one too many to soon to get the congrats now Caleb: I'm gonna make time for you to chill Caleb: Swear down Caleb: Eu nunca estive mais feliz Caleb: And they'll be happy for us too. Trust Ali: That would be nice Ali: don't think I've stopped since I came here Ali: If they aren't, they aren't Ali: Its coming, like Caleb: I'll rush through what I gotta do here, be with you sooner Caleb: More I can do to take care of the bubs the more you can have that you time Caleb: I'm not slipping on you or this baby, you're gonna be all good Caleb: Gus'll throw us a party, he misses you like I do Ali: You don't need to do that, tho no shade to your cuz but some talent you just can't teach Ali: #natural Ali: I miss him too, I miss everyone Ali: Oh shit Ali: Has anyone told Ro? Did she even know Carly was pregnant Ali: We've not spoken much, I've tried to give her space, let her live her Uni dreams Ali: Fuck Caleb: You don't need to hype me but I'll allow it Caleb: yeah no lie I'm a bit scared about heading over gotta be done for my culinary arts tho like, keep the restaurant game fresh for my fam Caleb: Oh damn! Meena maybe? I dunno Caleb: She swerves me & everything happened fast Ali: You're gonna love it Ali: I've found so many amazing places already, I can't wait to show you Ali: Even Junie's trying new things Ali: I'll have to ask her, God I hope so Ali: If not, oddly maybe it'll be best coming from me? Seems wrong but Ali: she knows I was friends with Carly Caleb: That's my boy 💪💚 Caleb: I'm excited too, trust Caleb: yeah we all felt the love Caleb: Hope she didn't hear it from the wrong peeps but it'll be what it is Ali: I dread to think how fast the rumour mill be spinning Ali: Wankers Caleb: Least she got that distance Caleb: You're the furthest and closest Caleb: I hate that it's gotta be this way for you Ali: I'm just glad I got to know her Ali: I was lucky enough, none of them were so Ali: say what they like, they did when she was alive, like Caleb: I should've known her better Caleb: I knew what Drew was doing Ali: We all did Ali: what could we have done? stop him? stop her? Ali: they both made choices, even if they were poor ones, or made not in their best state and mind Caleb: True Caleb: I let him make a lot of bad choices, shit went on too long Caleb: It's not on me to pull him back anymore I got focus elsewhere Ali: You can't blame yourself for him Ali: its his to shoulder Ali: yeah, a lot of bad shit happened to him but, he's made a lot of it happen since Ali: not his excuse of a Ma Ali: she's not been around for a long time Ali: Meena still manages to be good and do the right thing, y'know? Caleb: Exactly Caleb: He's grown now and he needs to act it more than he's been Caleb: There are two kids in this Caleb: Behaving like her isn't what he wants but we can't do the changing for him Caleb: It wasn't on Carly to help me out with that either Ali: Right, though, clearly he won't acknowledge Edie unless I'm dead Ali: Fucked up thing to say but more fucked up that its real Ali: I know Ali: but she loved him, she wanted to Ali: he shoulda treated her so much better, she gave him everything she had and for what? Caleb: over my dead body would he mess that kids head and life up if you weren't here Caleb: it's not right Caleb: I don't feel I know him nowadays Ali: I know Ali: you're a better Dad to her than he could ever be Ali: just the truth Ali: I know Ali: its a shame but you and your fam have done all you can for him Ali: can only wait and see what he does now Caleb: I'd adopt her but I'm hoping against hope he'll wanna be her dad Caleb: But if not now when like? Caleb: Now he's got to take care of Indie alone that's the excuse he needs Caleb: shit man Caleb: he doesn't deserve either of those girls Ali: She'll know Ali: we don't need a piece of paper to make it official Ali: she feels the 💚 Ali: No matter what happens, we have to look after Indie too, okay? Ali: Make sure she's good Ali: Promise Caleb: I promise you Caleb: nothing's gonna happen to any of these kids on my watch Caleb: she'll feel the love too, all we've got Caleb: 5 babies or 15, gonna keep my word Ali: Same Ali: we're not doing a bad job, are we? Ali: I don't want to prove everyone right Caleb: We've been slipping but it'll be all good when we're together again Caleb: Better with you than without Caleb: And we've always done the bubs right no matter what Ali: Yeah Ali: You're right Ali: haters got me trippin' Ali: don't tell Caleb: I'll pick you up on the quiet Caleb: when you going to the doctors again? I'll time my trip so I can be with Ali: its not 'til next month Ali: so that should actually work out reasonably well? Caleb: Fated Ali: if not its only a checkup so its chill Ali: but we can aim for it Caleb: Sooner the better for me Caleb: Don't tell the kids I wanna show up and see them lose their shit like on the vids Ali: That will be too cute for words Caleb: forreal Caleb: Imma try and get Junie on the songs cos I got my girls to help me Caleb: he's already a chatterbox we halfway to it Ali: they've learnt this Malay nursery rhyme Ali: its sick, they're so good at it Ali: I'll let them show you when you come Caleb: they can teach me Caleb: gimme a leg up Ali: Yeah, and Mandarin Ali: like, you'd get along fine with English but its so much more fun and just respectful to try Ali: I want them to learn as much as they can whilst we're here Ali: and wherever else we end up Caleb: I feel that Caleb: I got an app on my phone but with everything that's been going down I haven't tried Caleb: Sampled some fusion cooking tho which'll be sick now I've got more peeps to get stuck into eating it Caleb: Getting a belly here Ali: 😍 Ali: oh I've missed you Caleb: won't have to for much longer 💚 Caleb: i'll be counting down them training days honest Ali: speaking of Ali: gotta run Ali: got class in an hour and best believe i need all this time to get those kids out the door Caleb: oh I be knowing Caleb: go get your genius on Ali: talk soon ✌ Ali: love you Caleb: te amo 💚💙💜
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grapsandclaps · 6 years
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Hello and welcome everyone to another edition of Graps and Claps, this time taking me on the monthly jaunt to Hindley for Grand Pro Wrestling and their 'Friday Night Thriller' show with the Main Event for the GPW Heavyweight Championship between the Champion Joey Hayes and Liverpool's No.1 Zack Gibson.
Arriving in Hindley for 6 p.m we made our way to The Hare & Hounds to meet up with GPW regulars Ben & Tom for a pint in what many people call an 'Old man's' pub and that description is very apt as it feels like that local village pub where you get the same people visiting every night - reminiscent of the comedy - Early Doors, also add in a couple of doggo's traipsing around wanting to be stroked this is very much a homely pub to visit when in Hindley. In this pub I had a £2.70 4.5% pint of Chocolate & Vanilla Moose Stout (Purple Moose Brewery) which was a bob on pint - so thumbs up all around for this place.
Last pub before going to The Monaco Ballroom was The Hindley Arms which is maybe the most aesthetically pleasing pub in Hindley, but one where you can think when it gets packed on a weekend, fights would happen all over the shop. Only the 1 pint in here which was a £2.50 pint of Black Edge Brewery Porter that was fine but not of the quality of the previous pint in The Hare & Hounds.
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Arriving at the venue for tonight's wrestling, a massive queue snaking round the ballroom was prevalent meaning the continued success of crowds in attendance at GPW continued. One standout of last time as noted in Graps and Claps was the addition of a hot pie oven which proved a smash with the audience in attendance at the Rumble show, but sadly as I walked past the pies were not there, culminating in what has been a sad week for culinary delights at the graps, after the disappearance of the TIDAL vegan curry last Sunday - sad times indeed! With that said let's get into what went down on this evening:
Bare in mind for tonight that the winner's of all the matches except for the last two would get an opportunity at the Crazy Cruiser 8 tournament on the 30th November.
First up we had a Tag Team title match with the new Champions, The Austins (L.A & Lana) taking on two members of The House of Isaiah in the form of Nate Travis & Nick Maguire who were also accompanied by Jacob North and Matthew Brooks still in capture under a hood. Early opening of this match was The House both dominating L.A, L.A did manage to hit a meteora in between but was soon stifled in his attack, once L.A managed to make a comeback he made the hot tag to Lana who came in and cleaned house hit a double team sidekick in the corner to Maguire. Jacob North tried to get involved but he was thwarted by Brooks who stopped him from interfering, this led to the finish of Maguire being hit with a Tilt-a-Whirl stunner from Lana to get the victory for The Austins in what was more of a showcase for The Austins. 
After the match, Matthew Brooks whilst celebrating his release from The House was then low-blowed once again from behind by Isaiah Quinn, which in turn Quinn then went down to the ring to remonstrate with his minions, in which he turned on Nate Travis and dismissed him from The House of Isaiah. 
Next up was a Grudge Match set up from Ste 'Bin' Mann turning on long-time partner Jett Fashion. The bulk of this match was dominated by Mann who continuously laid in the boots to his former friend but it was a case of Mann getting too cocky for his own liking as he was caught with a CHEEKY ROLL-UP by Fashion for the 3 count, this for me was an indication that this feud will continue on to another match, as for the Grudge Match stipulation this fell a bit flat on this occasion compared to other blood feuds in GPW so hopefully they will have something better in the bag for next time (Maybe a Dumpster match?).
Third match was a four-way match where 3 people would qualify for the Crazy Cruiser 8 and 1 wrestler would be eliminated if they got pinned, so it was very much a case of must not lose in this match. Your 4 competitors for this contest were as follows - 'Jumpin' Jimmy Jackson, Jack Griffiths, Soner Dursun and Isaiah Quinn who was greeted with chants about his Purple Pants and also a Purple Pants sign from one GPW follower which was immediately ripped up by Quinn.
This for me was the best match of the opening half, with I would say Griffiths looking impressive in the process and is maybe one wrestler who could surprise in the Crazy Cruiser 8 tournament. Finish of this match came when Quinn hit a top suplex to Griffiths, which was followed up by Durson hitting a huge frog splash to Jimmy Jackson to get the 3 count to advance with Quinn and Griffiths and send poor Jimmy Jackson packing out of a Crazy Cruiser opportunity.
Back from the break we returned with GPW Owner Johnnie Brannigan coming out to address the status of the GPW British Title which is currently held by an injured Sam Gradwell. Brannigan in a decision what must have been hard for him, stripped Gradwell of the title as Sam is out of action for somewhere of up to 12 months which is a big hit to the GPW shows as Gradwell has been one of the stars of the show, but as ever this is an opportunity for someone to step up and take Gradwell's lofty perch. Brannigan after this announcement, then announced that there would be a British Title tournament starting in January 2019 and he then announced four of the competitors in the tourney - Mickey Barnes, Kameron Solas, Chase Alexander and Rizzy Khan.
Out came Sam Gradwell, who wasn't happy with him being stripped of the title but he promised that there would be a 'Second Coming' like some Hindley Jesus figure and he would once again become the GPW British Champion once again. After his speech though, Gradwell indicated that the 4 lads in the ring weren't there to aid Johnnie, they were there to lay the boots in on poor Johnnie which they duly did. Cue the whole locker room emptying including Si Valour, Tu Byt, Rio, Drill and The Young Guns to brawl all around the ringside area - this was certainly a chaotic scene.
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The last Crazy Cruiser 8 qualifier was next with Martin Kirby taking on Sandy Beach (Inflatable shark and 'Sandy Shark' chants in tow) in a highly anticipated contest for those in attendance.
This was a fascinating match as Beach initially was playing the bad guy to Kirby's good guy shtick but in among the adulation for Beach the roles got reversed and this turned into a great bout (Props to both guys for reading the crowd right here, which you don't see enough of in British Wrestling). Kirby when in control hit a Michinoku Driver to Beach for a two count, Kirby did call for a Sable Bomb but this was reversed by Sandy who got the roll-up victory on Kirby to advance to the Crazy Cruiser 8 Tournament, all that was left for Kirby was the AAAAAAAARRGGGGHHHHH Finger Point of Doom to send him to the back.
With Sandy Beach, it is amazing the turnaround in the crowd's reaction to him from someone you wanted to see get beat when he would make unwelcome appearances for open challenges, but along the way he has proven what a fantastic talent he is with great performances against El Ligero, Damon Leigh, The Rumble performance and also this match against Martin Kirby. Also take into account the Inflatable Shark japes with the 'Baby Shark' inspired chant which has got him over with the kids in the audience in such a magical turn of events - trust me when I say that Callum Corrie/Sandy Beach is certainly a star in the making.
Next up we had a 'Open Challenge' Tag Match with the former Tag Champions - T-Bone & Craig Kollins offering out two willing victims in the back for the evening which turned out to be Stoxx and J.J Webb who were both in for the beating of a lifetime. This was comparable to one of them 1990s Road Warrior squash matches where the victims never got a chance as Kollins and Bone hit suplexes and lariats to both Stoxx & Webb and then duly finishing them off with a Double Mass Murder Splash for the win to put them back in contention for another tilt at the GPW Tag Team Titles.
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Main Event time now for the GPW Heavyweight Championship with Zack Gibson taking on Joey Hayes. As ever Gibson was being booed mercifully by the Hindley crowd as he started his promo about looking up to Joey and nicking some of his moves in the process and also a great line of being a wrestler in GPW and not wanting to miss the last train back, but then telling Joey not to worry as this match wouldn't last too long. Before we get into the match, it has to be mentioned that Gibson's WWE music is the absolute drizzling shits - devoid of any musical hooks or anything of that ilk (bring back You'll Never Walk Alone).
Another stellar match up in this second half in a back and forth contest where Gibson was well on his way to victory hitting a Helter Skelter for a close two fall. Joey had Gibson at one point in the Cross Hayes but Gibson managed to reach the ropes with his feet to break up the move, but it was another Cross Hayes in the centre of the ring which would prove Gibson's undoing as he tapped out to Joey in around 20 minutes to bring an end to proceedings at 10pm with a handshake to Hayes.
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This was really a show of two halves with the second half proving the better of the two with storyline development between Brannigan and Gradwell plus two killer matches with Kirby/Beach & Hayes/Gibson which would stand out anywhere in the country. GPW are back for there last show of 2018 with the Crazy Cruiser 8 on the 30th November - check the website for ticket details. 
Time to set up back up the road to the train station but not before a visit to The Edington Arms for a pint, a game of pool and me murdering a Britney Spears classic "Hit Me Baby One More Time", go and check @britwresawaydays on twitter for the full video (cover your ears - you have been warned!).
I hope you have enjoyed reading this review and any comments/feedback are welcome, I will be back on The Indy Corner on Monday with a review of Progress Wrestling's show in Camden for the Main Event of Walter vs Zack Sabre Jr for the Progress World Title, so until then - BYE!!
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