#well initial tailoring i'm doing more today i did this last night
itsoldjohn · 11 months
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cozy and warm
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
May 17, 2023
Initially woke up at 5:30am to Ed's alarm. I was so sleepy that I wasn't half-asleep anymore. When he'd wake up I'd be half-asleep until he'd give me a kiss and go but today I was so tired I don't even know why. I woke up again 10 minutes to 9am and did my Wordle. Called my family in the Philippines for a bit and went down to eat some breakfast. I had the leftover pancit guisado Ed made me and Nico asked me to help him finish the pochero that Romney prepared for him the other day. It was so delicious and I was so full.
I had a cup of decaf coffee after brunch and headed upstairs to read some work emails. I'll be starting my new job next week Monday and I was having a read through my induction program and when I read that my home speciality was going to be Orthopaedic and Spine Surgery, I kind of went lifeless. I've been avoiding, like actively avoiding orthopaedics in my stay in DSU-Kingston and now they're officially putting me in orthopaedics. Oh well, I have to just love it. I have no choice this time. I love the fact that they tailored the induction program to my requested day offs. They're very considerate. I'm excited to meet my new colleagues, learn more procedures, and meet new friends along the way in GOSH.
After doing some admin stuff, I watched some VGC videos and kind of felt sleepy. I took a two hour nap afterwards. Woke up around 3pm and took a shower and went to the gym with Britney (my white Carrera bike). She was such a breeze to bike with. I didn't feel tired at all. It took me more or less 9 minutes to get to The Gym in Canning Town. I did chest-bi/tricep, and abs. I felt good with this session maybe because I paced out yesterday and didn't workout. Maybe a 3-4 day workout per week might suit me better. I need some gains before summer happens.
After gym I went to Morrisons to get Eddie something to eat because I think he has indigestion. He took some anti-emetics at work now and told me that he's hypersalivating and that makes me think that he's had indigestion. Might be from the fatty ice cream he ate last night along with the bihon dish he made. I asked him how he made it and he told me that he didn't soak it in water which makes me think that maybe it was a tad undercooked. Well, that's my analysis at least. So I bought him some calcium carbonate tablets in Superdrug. I hope it'll do the trick. Also bought some crossaints for my breakfast tomorrow.
Ate dinner at around 8pm and glad to see that Eddie's fine. I asked him to tell me where he got registered for his GP because I have to update my GP details since I have a new address now. I'll have to do it tomorrow since I'll be free most of the time.
Played a bit of Unite and Zelda and called it a night. Today was a good day!
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years
Few More Minutes
Cliff Booth x reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: mentions of sex
Author’s Note: I! LOVE! CLIFF! I just adore writing for this movie and I wanna write something with the pool when I don’t have anymore requests or something. We shall see, but I just love Brad Pitt y’all. Brad. Pitt.
Requested: by anon, hello i am very happy that you opened the orders again !!! So I really loved my last request about the cliff so I'm going to do another one. Cliff Booth x reader where she is an actress, and will play rick's romantic pair, and how her boyfriend (cliff) would react to this kind of a little jealous
Summary: the request
(not my gif)
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You and Cliff had met on set of one of the early episodes of Bounty Law. It was practically love at first sight however back in those days his wife wasn’t dead yet. You had stayed friends for a long time until one day, over a piece of celery and beer you finally confessed to Cliff what you figured he already knew. That you really loved him. He was surprised at first, thinking you had hung around this long because you liked Rick. You were an actress after all and he was pretty sure actresses tended to stick with actors, not their stunt doubles. But he was happy you had fallen for him just as hard as he had fallen for you.
He had never felt a love so pure, not with his first wife ever. You had been dating for a few years and had now lasted longer than the whole Bounty Law show. You realized that it was getting harder for the boys to get work but you had been pretty successful after your few guest appearances as a fan favorite on Bounty Law and decided to help them out a bit.
“I have a script Rick and the movie itself has plenty of action,” you promised, leaning over Ricks couch. Your head rested on top of Cliffs as you handed Rick the thick stack of papers. He raised an eyebrow, putting down his margarita to take it with both hands.
“W-wow Y/N t-thank you,” he said with a grateful smile. You nodded, messing up Cliffs hair in the process.
“There's a few characters they’re looking for right now too so you can pick your favorite. I’m playing Ginny, the bartender,” you said with a smile. You had been asked if you wanted to take the role because it was specifically tailored for you. You were glad that you were probably able to spend the time with Rick and Cliff.
“You gonna vouch for your favorite stunt double?” Cliff teased and you rolled your eyes, looking down at him.
“Of course I am because you didn’t kill your wife and every prejudiced person who says you did can watch the door on their way out of the production,” you said in a mock sweetness and Cliff chuckled lowly, grabbing your hand to lead you to his side of the couch. You landed on his lap easily and he snaked his hands around your waist, looking around you to watch Rick flip through the script.
“Y-you got me an audition?” Rick asked. You nodded quickly.
“Yeah! Next Wednesday. That’s enough time right? If not I can work it-”
“No it’s perfect. T-thank y-you again,” he said with a smile. You relaxed and shrugged.
“Anytime. Gotta keep both my boys in work don’t I?”
Rick ended up being cast on the spot, if not for his reputation then his audition. He did great in the part he had chosen and the action packed film was all casted by the end of that week. What you hadn’t expected was that Rick had been cast as a character he didn’t audition for. Your love interest, Max. It didn’t faze you that much but you worried it may faze Cliff and Rick so you hoped it wouldn’t be that big a deal.
You stood in the full gear outside Ricks trailer, talking to Cliff who was also wearing a costume. He was prepared to be thrown out of a train today and you were a little worried about the stunt itself but you were more worried about the fact that Cliff had to be here on the day you had the make out scene with Rick.
“You’re gonna be okay? I hear he’s a terrible kisser,” Cliff teased. He was a little worried about it as well. He had always thought that Rick was the better of the two of them. Hell, initially he thought you liked Rick and not him. It was the first real time in all your years together that you had a serious love interest and it just so happen to be Rick.
Cliff tried to convince himself he’d rather it be his friend then some random playboy actor that they got off the street.
“Oh I’ll be good. I’ll just think about getting back to you and your cowboy hat,” you told him with a teasing smile and flicked the cowboy hat up a bit to see his face better. He shook his head, chuckling when Rick came barreling out of the trailer.
He stumbled beside his friends and used Cliff to steady him.
“I’m r-ready to make out w-with your girlfriend,” he said with a charming smile and Cliff rolled his eyes and hit him gently on the side. You leaned over and gave Cliff one more chaste kiss before walking to set.
The scene went without a breeze and you had to admit that Rick had done better than you thought with the dialogue. It was the love confession scene, filled with tears and screams at one another. It kind of reminded you of just another Sunday evening at Ricks without the love part.
At the end of the scene you kissed tenderly and then he pulled away, said some one liner and then the director called cut. You got it in one take. You and Rick stumbled away from each other and you fake gagged.
“Someone should get a stunt double to do your make out scenes Dalton,” you teased and he rolled his eyes. Cliff appeared behind you and you threw your arms around him, both him and Rick laughing at your antics.
“You t-trained her well o-ol’ buddy,” Rick joked and you stuck your tongue out at him, still clinging to your boyfriend.
Later that night you sat across Cliffs lap, Rick fast asleep in the couch beside the one you were sitting in. You could see the pool outside the back door and it glistened in the moonlight. There was a lot of times you wished you could just stay at Ricks but you and Cliff had just gotten a place together (after you convinced him to give up the trailer which took a very long time and a lot of sex) and you really liked that place.
“How did you feel about today?” you asked, messing with Cliffs hands. He shrugged and rubbed your thumb.
“If I’m being honest I didn’t love it but I trust you and Rick. I don’t worry about you.” You looked up at him, at the aviators that were hanging from his neckline.,
“You aren’t jealous at all?” you teased. He rolled his eyes and looked down at you.
“Maybe I was a little jealous. Just because of the lack of hats you girls have to wear,” he said with a smile. Your laugh bubbled and you brought his knuckles to your lips kissing them gently.
“Should we put Rick away and go home?” you asked. He ran his other hand through your hair.
“Few more minutes.”
Cliff : @satanslov3r
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emospritelet · 6 years
KoL! Prompt! - "I'm sorry, that came out wrong."
What better prompt to use when Gold finally decides to ask Belle out?
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Part 16] [Part 17] [Part 18] [Part 19] [Part 20] [Part 21] {Part 22]
AO3 link
The next day dawned cold, crisp and bright, and Gold decided to walk into town to arrange the Secret Santa present for Belle.  He smiled a little as he walked; he had two days off work, and much to his surprise was looking forward to it. Usually he hated being away from the hospital, but concentrating on a gift for Belle was a pleasant distraction.  The gifts weren’t due to be handed out until Christmas Eve, and he was hoping that he would have the time to make the arrangements that he wanted by then.
Now that he had decided he would definitely be asking her to go out, he felt a little calmer.  Initially the realisation that he had strong feelings for her was unexpected and almost terrifying, but he had come to terms with the fact that since he had met her, his life had changed dramatically, and would never be the same again.  He was okay with that.
There was still the issue of whether she would say yes, but Ruby’s words had given him encouragement, and so he decided to ask her when they were next on shift together.  Dinner. He would ask her out for dinner. Or possibly coffee, but at Granny’s, not at the cafeteria. Coffee was enough to start with. But then would she just think he was being friendly, rather than asking her out romantically?  Dinner. It would have to be dinner. He wouldn’t bother with the flowers this time, though. That seemed like tempting fate. If she said yes, he could bring her flowers on the date.
He took his time with the walk as he pondered his next move, enjoying the chirps and squawks of the few birds that saw out the winter in Maine, and nodding to the people that passed him.  His feet led him to the Town Hall, and he gave his name at the front desk before being asked to go on through to the Mayor’s office.
Regina Mills was dark-haired and lovely, the picture of stylish efficiency in her tailored suit and designer shoes.  He had long admired her taste, and the two of them had a reasonably amicable relationship, developed over several years of him patching up her son Henry, who had a tendency to be accident-prone. She looked up from behind her desk, setting down her pen and giving him a brief, red-lipped smile.
“Madam Mayor,” he said pleasantly.  “Compliments of the season. You’re looking very well.”
“Dr Gold,” she said.  “Please tell me my son hasn’t been in need of your care again.”
“Not this week,” he said.  “Although you may want to consider dressing the boy in bubble-wrap.”
Regina sniffed.
“Believe me, Emma and I have already had this conversation,” she said dryly. “What can I do for you?”
Gold smiled.
“Do you remember when I put you in touch with that adoption agency in Boston?” he said.  “And when I promised to get a friend of mine to consider your application before anyone else’s?  I believe that resulted in you adopting Henry. And later meeting the love of your life.”
“Yes,” said Regina suspiciously.  “I told you I owed you one, as I recall.”
“Ah.”  His grin widened.  “You do remember.”
Regina rolled her eyes.
“Okay,” she sighed.  “What do you want?”
“Oh, it’s not for me as such,” he said.  “It’s something the whole town would thank you for.  It would create a lot of goodwill this festive season.  And with it being election year soon I just thought—”
“Yes, yes!” she snapped.  “You’ve made your point. I’m feeling in a generous mood, so just tell me what it is you want and I’ll see what I can do.”
Gold smiled, and stepped closer to the desk.  Perhaps this would be easier than he thought.
Belle hurried to the locker room, sighing as she changed her shoes for heavy boots and pulled on her coat.  She smiled at Dorothy, coming on shift as she was leaving, and held up the copy of the hospital calendar she had been given.  The contents had been a pleasant surprise, although she had to admit that she’d spent far longer staring at the month of December than was healthy.
“The moment of truth, huh?” she said.  “I think we look pretty good. Jefferson says they’re selling like hot cakes.  He’s had requests for orders from all over the country!”
“Yeah, I think those friends of his gave some free publicity,” said Dorothy, with a grin.  “Suits me: his other fundraising option was a bake sale, and I’m not that great a cook.”
“Oh, I think that’s still going ahead,” said Belle.  “After the New Year, though.”
“In that case I’ll limit my participation to buying and eating other people’s creations,” she said.  “Showing my ass seems to be way less painless. For all concerned.”
Belle giggled, pulling a hat down over her hair.
“I’m hoping the townsfolk are gonna be reasonably discreet,” she said.  “I don’t care if some guy I never heard of wants to put the calendar on his wall, but I’m not sure my dad needs to know about his daughter taking her clothes off for charity.”
“It’s for a good cause,” said Dorothy dismissively.  “Hey, did you get your Secret Santa gift yet? You know we’re giving them out tomorrow, right?”
Belle sighed.
“Yeah,” she said morosely.  “I’m not sure I got the right thing.  It’s been a nightmare trying to think of something that’s meaningful and yet doesn’t cost more than thirty bucks.”
“It’s Secret Santa,” said Dorothy patiently.  “It doesn’t have to be meaningful.”
Belle shrugged, and Dorothy pursed her lips as she grabbed a pair of clean scrubs.
“Hey, did you see Gold today?”
“No, he’s not working until tomorrow,” said Belle.  “Why?”
“Oh, no reason.  Just asking. Is Whale in, then?”
“Whale’s there now, Jefferson’s in later,” confirmed Belle, grabbing her purse and closing her locker.  “See you tomorrow?”
“Count on it.”
She headed out, shivering as she stepped into the bitter wind, and hurried home.  Coloured lights twinkled from the houses she passed, lifting her spirits as she shuffled through the snow, but when she reached the small house that she shared with her father, it was dark except for a single light in the lounge.  Belle’s mouth flattened. He hadn’t switched the Christmas tree lights on. Again. Feeling her festive spirit drain away, she opened the door and went inside.
“It’s only me!” she called, and heard a grunt from the lounge over the sound of the TV.
Rolling her eyes, she struggled out of her coat and hat and tugged off her boots, exchanging them for soft sheepskin booties and heading to the kitchen. Her father clearly hadn’t started anything for dinner, and Belle huffed in exasperation. Guess I’m cooking again, then.  One glance in the fridge made her frown.  Cans of beer filled one of the shelves, the remainder being taken up by eggs, bacon and a block of cheese.  She sighed to herself and shut the door,wandering through to the lounge. Moe was slumped in his usual chair with a beer can resting on his belly, eyes fixed on the TV screen.  Belle put her hands on her hips.
“I thought you were buying something for dinner,” she said, and he glanced around.
“You said you would.”
“No, I said I couldn’t because I was working,” she snapped.  “The flower shop is right next to the store! I notice you bought beer, so you managed that.”
“Don’t be a bloody nag,” he groused.  “Just order a pizza or something.”
“We had pizza last night.”
“So we’ll have it again!” he said impatiently, and gestured at the TV.  “I’m trying to watch this! Just order a damn pizza and get me another beer!”
Huffing in exasperation, Belle stomped through to the kitchen again.  I really, REALLY need to get my own place!
The next day she was up before Moe as usual, but still later than she would have liked, so she had to rush to cook their breakfast.  He stomped into the kitchen with a bleary look in his eyes, nodding to her as she pushed eggs and bacon towards him.
“I’m working this afternoon, so could you pick up the turkey and the things for Christmas dinner?” she said, when they were almost done.  “Everything’s ordered and paid for, you just need to collect it from the store.”
“Alright.”  Moe looked at her, chewing his bacon.  “What time are you back tonight?”
“Oh, not until eight or so,” she said.  “Can you see to yourself until then?”
“Guess I’ll have to,” he said sourly.  “I’ll go to Granny’s, have a drink with the guys.”
Inwardly she heaved a sigh of relief.  It meant that he probably wouldn’t be home until late, and she could have an evening of relative peace and quiet preparing the Christmas dinner.  Moe shoved the last bit of bacon into his mouth, following it with a swallow of coffee and pushing away his plate.
“Better get to the shop,” he said, shoving back his chair.  “I’ll see you later, love.”
He sauntered off to pull on his boots and coat, and Belle frowned at the dirty dishes.  Guess I’m doing those, huh?
She took a shower once she was done with cleaning up, brushing her clean hair until it shone and putting on a dark green dress that showed off her pale skin.  The addition of some red lipstick made her feel almost festive as she swirled the skirt in front of the mirror, and she smiled to herself. Her gift for the Secret Santa exchange was wrapped, and she looked it over, chewing her lip before putting it in her bag.  She hadn’t been sure whether it was an appropriate gift, but there wasn’t anything else she could think of that wasn’t hopelessly generic.
It was a sunny day, if cold, and she turned her face up to feel what warmth the sun could send as she made her way to the hospital along the main road out of town.  Her phone ringing made her stop, and she dug in her bag, frowning a little as she saw the number of the flower shop flash up.
“Belle?” barked her father, before she had even had time to answer.  “What the bloody hell do you think you’re playing at?”
“What do you mean?” she asked, bewildered.
“Don’t you bloody play coy with me, my girl!” he snapped.  “What do you think I’m talking about? Were you planning on telling me you’d decided to take your clothes off for money?”
Belle groaned.  The calendar.  Great. Well, I guess it was too good to last.
“It’s for charity,” she said shortly.  “And it’s not like I did a bloody Playboy centrefold!  I think it’s very tasteful.”
“Tasteful my arse!  I just had to put up with bloody Miss Ginger holding it up and telling me this is what happens when a daughter has no mother to keep her on the straight and narrow!”
“The day I care about what Miss Ginger thinks of me it’ll be snowing in hell,” said Belle tartly.  “That woman could find fault with a bloody saint!”
“Why didn’t you damn well tell me you were doing this?” he demanded.
“Because I’m an adult, and it’s my body and I’ll do what I damn well please with it!” she returned hotly.  “Why do you even care? There are eleven other people in that calendar and I don’t see you complaining about them!”
“None of them are my daughter!”
“I posed for a nice picture of my butt so the hospital could save towards a CAT scan,” she said, exasperated.  “Somehow I think your reputation will survive. I’ll see you later.  Don’t forget to pick up the food, okay?”
“Don’t you think I have enough to do in this shop?” he snapped.  “I have to cope in this place alone and you want me to run bloody errands for you?  What did your last slave die of?”
“If you want a Christmas dinner tomorrow, you’ll have to pick up the bloody turkey!” she retorted.  “I can’t be in two places at once!  Alternatively we’ll just eat bacon and bloody eggs all day and you can edge closer to that heart attack the doctors keep warning you about!  Your choice!”
She didn’t wait for his response, hanging up with a huff of indignation and striding off towards the hospital entrance.   Bloody man!
Gold was able to collect Belle’s Secret Santa gift on the morning of Christmas Eve, and had had to make a detour back home to wrap it before heading to the hospital for his shift that afternoon.  He had bought a little something extra to go with it, which he thought was fitting, and he placed everything in a narrow box and wrapped it up with shining green paper, tied with gold ribbon and a single tag with Merry Christmas Belle x written on it.  He had decided, after much deliberation, that he would ask her out before the gifts were exchanged; he didn’t want her to feel obliged to say yes, after all.  There was no one in the break room when he entered, and he set the box with the other gifts already under the small tree, slipping out and heading for the ward to start his rounds.
He was mentally running over what he wanted to say to Belle in his head, the words repeating in a loop of what sounded to him like something forced and awkward.  Belle, we’ve been friends for awhile now, and I’d like to take the next step, if you’re willing.  I wondered if you might consider having dinner with me on Friday evening.  He said it over and over in his head, in the hope that it would sound natural when he managed to verbalise it.
He was so busy repeating it to himself like a mantra that he barely noticed the object of his desire approaching, and almost bumped into her.  Belle was carrying a jug of water in one hand, and it sloshed alarmingly. She put her hand on his forearm with a giggle, blue eyes sparkling.
“Whoa there!” she said.  “Are you okay? You looked as though you were miles away.”
Gold smiled at her a little tremulously, feeling as though his tongue had cleaved to the roof of his mouth.  His script, so easy to repeat in his mind mere seconds ago, appeared to have evaporated into the ether, and he could only stare at her.
“Belle,” he said.  “Uh - hi.”  Great.  Great start.  I suppose at least you got her bloody name right, you loser.
“Hi!” she said brightly.  “How are you?”
“Oh, I’m - I’m very well,” he said, wanting to punch himself in the face with something.  “You?”
“Good!” she said.  “I saw the calendar, by the way.  I thought the pictures turned out great, what about you?”
“I - yes.”  He tried to ignore the image of Belle that had just pushed its way into his head.  “Yes, I thought you looked - okay.”  Okay?  Okay, you moron? She’s a fucking goddess, what is wrong with you?  Okay, my sainted backside…
Belle looked as though he’d spat in her face, blinking rapidly.
“Right,“ she said thinly.  "Uh - thanks.  I guess.”
“I’m - I’m sorry,” he said, wishing he had just sent her a bloody letter or something.  "I’m sorry, that came out wrong.“
"It’s okay,” she assured him.  "Really.“
There was a moment of awkward silence, and Gold wanted the ground to open up and swallow him.  She glanced down at the jug of water in her hands.
"Right,” she said again.  “Well, I was about to—”
“Of course,” he said quickly.  “I won’t be a moment, it’s just - there was something I wanted to ask you.”
“What is it?”
He tried to grasp at the words he had carefully constructed in his mind, the right words with which to ask her out, but his brain had run off on gleeful tangents, eagerly pushing inappropriate suggestions at him.  She was gazing up at him with those wide blue eyes, and he was tempted to take the jug of water from her hands and empty it over his head.
“Right,” he said.  “Uh - Belle, you - you know we’ve been friends for awhile now…”
He trailed off, hesitating, and she tilted her head to the side a little, her brow furrowing with mild curiosity.
“And,” he managed.  “And I wanted - I mean I wondered - uh - no, I mean I’d like—”
Astrid’s sharp voice cut him off, and he stood there opening and closing his mouth, momentarily mute.  Belle turned to face Astrid, who had almost sprinted down the corridor towards them.
“Oh, thank goodness!” she gasped breathlessly, skidding to a halt.  “It’s your dad! They found him collapsed in the shop!  Suspected heart attack!  They’re bringing him in now!”
Belle had clapped a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock and fear.
“Heart attack?” asked Gold, a medical emergency returning the gift of speech to his parched throat.  “I’ll come with you.”
“Dr Whale’s there,” said Astrid, shaking her head at him as she handed him the jug of water.  “I just came to get Belle.”
She put an arm around Belle, who shot him a brief, frightened look and allowed herself to be led away at a brisk pace.  He stared after them, holding the water jug in his hand and feeling helpless.
Well, said his subconscious, with an air of satisfaction that made him want to scream.  You blew it.
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