#well great that’s another thing to worry about :
secretcoralgarden · 12 hours
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Once upon a Dream || Yan GB Sleeping Beauty x GN Reader
Characters: Rory
Summary: A cursed prince with no social know how
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who first met you when the King and Queen were celebrating his birth. A christening. You were very young, but you barely remember it in your current days. You do, however, remember the Dark Fairy Queen that had placed a curse onto this enchanting newborn as revenge against the King who had wronged her.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who ends up being kept away in a hidden cottage in the forest with the three good fairies as his protectors. All throughout his life, he grew up without knowing of his royal prestige. He found great comfort in the forest and the little critters within it. He did wander quite a lot when he had finished his chores.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who grows up beautifully and full of kindness for everyone and everything around him. He has an ethereal aura around him, and he handles everything with great care. It would make anyone who saw swoon. However, he has a lack of social interaction due to living deep in the woods and the only people around him are his caretakers.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who memorizes the forest from just exploring in his free time. He knows where the best berries, fruit, and wild vegetables are. Along with the best wild flowers grow. It was an average day when he found a scared, lost horse with a saddle on it. He approached the horse with a calm, steady hand in front of him. He placed the hand on the horse's face and tried his best to soothe it.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who follows the now calmed horse to a clear field of grass and wild flowers. There was also a clear view of the castle that was in the distance. His “aunties” had told him stories about the castle and the King. They also told him stories about the villages that surrounded the kingdom. He was so caught up in watching the castle, he didn't hear or notice the rustling behind him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes startled when he sees you running toward the horse. You looked soaked, and your clothes stuck to your skin in all the right places. He was flustered by not another human in the forest, but by the fact that you looked so enchanting. He remained silent as he watched you fuss over your horse. The care for your animal is very clear to him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is brought out of his trance when you walk up to him with your horse following you. You were so sweet when you thanked him for watching your horse as well as calming the horse down. You go on to explain you were bucked off your horse because they were spooked. Your voice when you spoke to him was so soft. His heart was fluttering. He wanted you to stay so he could hear your voice more and to befriend you.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who finds himself missing you over the next few days. Even when he's asleep he has dreams of you, as if he has met you some time before. There was so much longing in his heart. This is so different for him. He was acting so much out of character that even his “aunties” took notice. Rory would go out for long hours and not come home till the sun had set. What was he doing? They were worried that the Dark Fairy Queen would find him, but they couldn't share their concerns with him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes so excited when he sees a familiar horse. He runs up to you, his face all aglow from excitement. He starts to gush about missing you. He doesn't know how to converse with another person, but he's trying. He's all blushy in front of you. He helps you off your horse with a gentle hand. Even touching you is awkward. He keeps a hold of your hand and drags you through the forest. He talks so much about his knowledge of the forest he's lived in all his life in hopes that you would be impressed.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who ends up ranting to you about his interests. He shares things he remembers from his childhood, funny stories that involved his “aunties”. He didn't know when or how to stop. He just spilled everything to you. But to his joy, you were listening with a smile. He wanted so badly for his “aunties” to meet you. However, whenever he seemed to bring up this enchanting stranger in conversations, they would show so much hesitance. It didn't matter anyway. He was happy to just spend time with you.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who asks you a bunch of questions about the village and the castle of the kingdom. You tell him the stories of a prince that was cursed when you were younger. You don't remember the name of the prince, but you're glad to share it as best as you remember. You also tell him that you're not from this kingdom but a different one. You entertain him with stories about your kingdom and what it was like. He is so happy to listen.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes very upset when you disappear for a couple of months. He feels completely betrayed that he's left alone just to wait for you to come back. Well, hope for you to come back. His “aunties” share with him that you were most likely visiting from another kingdom. He cries and begs for you to come back. He was acting as if you died. Those were very long weeks for everyone within the cabin.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who has his animal friends of the forest help him feel better while you're away. This usually entailed dancing with Rory and listening to his fantasies about you. He also had an increase of dreams about you. They were usually the same thing. You would come find him and whisk him away to your kingdom where the two of you lived together and had a family of your own. He acted very much like a love sick fool. Sometimes the Dark Fairy Queen's crow would take notice when he was watching over the boy.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is so happy when you come back to him after a few more months of your absence. You apologizes profusely about leaving so suddenly without giving him a goodbye. Rory was so grateful that you cared about his feelings this much. He forgives you with a tight hug. What shocked him the most was that his "aunties" were right. You were just visiting. But what made his mind explode the most was that you were visiting the King and Queen. He hoped that the prince you had told him about didn't take you from him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who clings to you even more now that you're back. He gives you updates that he thought you would find important. Little things that happened in his daily life. He shared his overwhelming longing for you to come back and the dreams he had of you. It bothered him so much that you couldn't see him everyday. Like when you did when you were visiting. That's when his eyes lit up when an idea popped into his head.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who decides that he'll go with you the next time you leave to go home. He declares it out loud for all to hear within the forest. He doesn't give you any chance to argue. He runs immediately after his declaration to share his decision with his “aunties”. He skips to his secret cottage, not taking any notice of the pair of eyes with wings that follow him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes utterly distraught when his “aunties” deny him to let him leave. They were very adamant about not letting him leave with a stranger. They never met you and they couldn't take any chances. He becomes so upset that he runs out the cabin and declares that he would run away with you. He runs through the forest to try to find you.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who finds you in a secluded lake alone. You looked just as enchanting as he did when you two first met. You were watching the ducks swim around. You must have tried to find him, but got lost along the way. However, his eyes scan over you and his face falls. You were surrounded by crows. There was one large crow that was much bigger than the rest perched on your shoulder.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who can't help but find the scene unsettling. When all the crows turn to look at him his back shivers. You follow the crows' gazes to see your blonde haired friend standing not too far away. He fights against the unnerving feeling and runs to you. The crows let out a deathly caw as they're scared away into the tree tops. He throws his arms around you, hugging you as tight as possible. He sobs against your chest.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who startles you with his change of moods. He was just so happy moments ago and ow he's this sobbing mess that has a deathly grip on your body. He was so cheery and was planning to leave with you, even if you didn't agree. He hiccups between his words as he tries his best to explain to you how his “aunties” don't want him to leave with you. However, he twists the story to make it seem like his “aunties” were the villains. This was all in hopes of you agreeing with him. You don't though, and he hates you for it.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who sees you leave the forest once more. He hates how you have to go partake in some royal's birthday when his is tomorrow. Why couldn't you have stayed for him? As he watches, his eyes never leave your figure. Tears well, and he slowly makes his way back to the cabin with his “aunties”. There they tell him that he's actually a prince. The fairies tell him of his true past and the curse that was placed upon him. The more he's told the more his trust breaks. By nighttime, he's in a carriage to the castle.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is embraced with open arms by his actual royal parents. He's pushed into his birthday party with such suddenness. Frazzled, he tries to go about interacting with others, but there are voices in the back of his head. Voices that lead him through the castle, ending up in a secluded room where one spinning wheel stands. He reaches for the spindle, pricking his finger on its sharpness. There his eternal slumber commences. When he is found by father, he shrieks and brings him back to his royal chambers. The three good fairies make everyone within the castle fall asleep alongside their prince before they rush out to go find you.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is asleep all the while you fight for him. He's awake just from your touch on his hand. The amount of love he holds for you is immense. He doesn't care how long he was asleep. You're here, and you're the one who saved him. Everyone else has awoken, and they go through with the party in honor of the prince. Rory tells everyone there that you saved him. All the guests go about singing your praises.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is finally happy. Back at home with his actual family, and he can be with the love of his life without worry. The transition from being in a cottage to being a prince has been hard. He doesn't understand how the nobles interactions go, but he has you to help guide him. While looking for you, however, he saw you in the royal garden in an all too familiar scene. You with crows all around you, and one large crow perched on your forearm.
Property of @secretcoralgarden! Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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elysiansparadise · 3 days
Hi, can you talk about/include Pluto square Venus synastry?
This is specifically about Sagittarius Pluto square Pisces Venus.
Thank you! 🤍
How to deal with Venus-Pluto square in synastry?
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It is often said that with this square, they can feel deeply attracted to the other, but their main issues are experiencing extreme emotions such as jealousy, possessiveness or fear of losing the other. Some astrologers mention a strong attachment between both people and the awakening of intense emotions that can consume both of them.
As for practical approaches, I can mention the following:
🤍Talk about your insecurities with your partner: By sharing your insecurities, you make yourself vulnerable, which helps build trust between you. Vulnerability fosters closeness and allows your partner to also feel comfortable sharing their own fears or worries. This makes it more likely that both of you will know how to support each other and react empathetically.
🤍Reassure and show understanding: In many cases it is difficult to open up emotionally due to the fear of being judged or that our concerns or emotions will be minimised. Taking an emphatic and reassuring approach makes it easier to find solutions as a team, reinforcing the union and the sense of belonging and making it easy to work on the areas that could be weakening the relationship.
🤍Feeling jealous is not bad, what is bad is the reaction you may take regarding it: Communicating what makes you both jealous can be a healthy way to work on this issue, as long as it is done in a constructive and respectful way. The goal is not to completely avoid situations that could generate jealousy, but rather to learn to understand, manage and communicate these emotions in a healthy way. Calm down before discussing the topic with your partner, communicate your insecurities assertively by expressing how you feel.
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Some aspects in astrology that can help with this are the following:
🩶The harmonious aspects between Moon-Mercury help you feel confident in being able to share important things, even if this makes you feel vulnerable. They want to strengthen mutual trust and understand each other's emotions. Not only do they feel the freedom to talk about what has hurt them the most, but they also seek to listen to each other and reassure the other.
🩶The aspects between Moon-Saturn can provide the couple with not only patience, but also the desire to be together together for the long term. Both show consideration of the other's emotions, emotional needs and insecurities. They give importance to the emotional well-being of the other in order to have a relationship that makes them both feel good. These types of aspects greatly contribute to a healthy coexistence, and also give them the conviction that the other person genuinely makes an effort to understand them. There is a strong emotional bond between the two and they always seek to strengthen the bond. There is a great commitment and desire to be there for each other. 
🩶Among the aspects that can help we have Mercury-Saturn aspects, since together they try to find solutions long before judging or pointing out the other. They do not jump to conclusions, which strengthens the security that the other will listen to them carefully. They do not explode with each other and feel that they can communicate calmly with each other. They do not shy away from communication no matter how difficult it may seem and they can have a conversation like adults.
🩶The positive aspects between Mercury-Jupiter/Uranus mean that both people can understand the other better even if they do not live or perceive things in the same way. They genuinely show a willingness to see things from another point of view that is not their own. Despite this, their ideals regarding what they want from the relationship may be similar. They show realism and appreciation of their partner's differences. It is easy for them to maintain a positive attitude towards each other and the relationship.
🩶When there are aspects between Neptune-Sun/Moon, it makes it easier for both to understand each other and show empathy towards each other. They have a deep genuine desire to create a safe space so that the other does not feel threatened or judged. Their adoration for each other is such that they are able to help each other overcome any obstacle or accompany them in their healing process.
🩶Mars-Saturn/Pluto trine or sextile make both look for the relationship to continue progressing and moving forward. They have the strength to face any issue with resilience, always hand in hand with each other and empowering each other. There is complicity and unwavering support between them that makes them rely on each other when things get tense. They have a serious and committed vision of the relationship.
🩶Chiron making positive aspects with Moon/Mercury makes it easier to talk about topics that have a lot of emotional weight, and not only that but there is also mutual understanding. There is a strong empathy, a desire to accompany and be by the other's side in their vulnerable moments to support each other. They do not want the other to be alone again in moments of vulnerability.
🩶When your/their Mercury falls in the other's 3rd or 6th house means that there is good communication between you in which solutions are sought and you can allow yourself to speak with transparency. They can give each other the trust to discuss all kinds of topics, show support, advice and solutions to each other. They know that they can count on each other, on their honesty and that both will do their best to understand what the other is going through.
🩶Jupiter falling in the other’s 1st, 4th or 7th inspires both of you to grow and see love in healthier ways. They both know that relationships have difficulties but that is no reason to walk away or end the relationship. They accompany each other through hard times without hesitation, providing support, positivity and a strong companionship. They will always try to put themselves in each other's shoes and treat each other as a team.
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holylulusworld · 3 days
Forever Mates (4)
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Pairing: Alpha!Stucky x Omega!Reader 
Summary: Your alphas, you, and two babies are on the way.
Warnings: angst, language, shitty parents, feisty omega, bisexual Steve & Bucky, fluff, scenting, a/b/o, overprotective/protective Stucky, cuddling & snuggling, pregnant omega, fun, mentions of constipation, almost violence, mentions of smut (anal sex/cum eating - nothing happens/no description)
A/N: It’s been a while, huh…
Catch up here: Loving Mates (3)
Fake mate masterlist
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Five months into pregnancy, you’re going crazy. Your two mates are almost suffocating you with their attention. If Steve doesn’t read to you from one of the books he bought about pregnancy, it’s Bucky’s turn to be all over you.
You have to hide in the bathroom to get a few moments of silence. But lately, they even sneak into the bathroom to check on your health. Bucky went so far as to test your pee.
“Doll, are you alright?” Steve calls from outside the bathroom this morning. You sneaked out of the kitchen to, well, relieve yourself, only for one of them to check in on you again. “Do you need anything? How is your defecation? The doctor said that constipation during pregnancy can happen. No need to worry.”
You snort. Steve sounds like a nurse rather than an alpha. He recites symptoms and causes of constipation while you try to wipe your ass clean. “Fuck, that’s annoying.”
“Doll? OMEGA!” Something, or rather someone, bumps into the door. “I’ll be right there!” The door gives in when Steve and Bucky ram their shoulders into the wood.
Screaming in terror, you drop the toilet paper in your hand to the ground. Great. That was the last piece of toilet paper on the roll.
“Doll! What happened? Did you fall?” Bucky pushes Steve out of his way to look at you sitting on the toilet seat. “Y/N?”
“It’s getting harder to wipe my ass, and I just dropped the last toilet paper.” You point at the toilet paper on the ground. “We need more toilet paper.”
Steve snorts. “I told you we need toilet paper.”
“I told you she needs more help.” Bucky picks the toilet paper up. He inspects it before, to your dismay, he tries to wipe your ass.
“HEY! You won’t cross that line, Mister!” You protest and push Bucky away. “No one touches my butt. It’s worse enough you wanted to test my pee.”
Steve watches you and Bucky bicker about toilet paper, privacy, and anything in between. He slowly sneaks toward you to check on your pulse.
You’ve got enough. “Steven Grant Rogers. James Buchanan Barnes,” you growl, letting your omega take over. “That is enough. I know you want to protect me, and I love you for it, but let me breathe. The last thing I want is for you to storm into the bathroom while I try to…”
“…poop?” Bucky snorts at your serious expression. “Doll, we have seen your ass, and we were inside of it. Hell, Stevie ate my cum out of your ass. We only want to help you.”
“That was hot and kinky because we were in the bedroom,” you say. “I love you, both.” You sigh deeply. “Just please leave me alone in the bathroom. I need a tiny piece of privacy, and you’re invading it.”
“Hmm…” Bucky nods thoughtfully. He cups your face and pecks your temple. “Alright. But if you need help with anything, holler.” Bucky hands you the toilet paper before grabbing Steve’s wrist to drag his mate out of the bathroom. “Stevie, come on. She needs some privacy.”
You roll your eyes. They are leaving the room, making a show out of it by hanging their heads.
“I’m not falling for that hurt puppy crap again. I know you’re playing me like a fiddle.” You grumble before going back to taking care of the problem at hand.
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“Morning,” Steve chirps while his partner in crime wraps his arm around you the moment you enter the dining room. “While you had your privacy, Bucky and I prepared breakfast.”
“What Steve wanted to say was that he read another book while I took care of the breakfast,” Bucky purrs in your ear. They are fighting for your attention lately, and it’s both amusing and arousing.
“Okay, what are you up to?” you ask while keeping an eye on Steve. He’s up to no good. You can feel it. “Stevie?”
He sighs. “Your father is causing trouble. He accused us of holding you hostage and doing unspeakable things to his innocent daughter.”
“Innocent,” you snort. “He’s delusional and can’t accept reality. I left because he forced me to leave my home. I didn’t have a choice but to give in to two perfect cocks and those alphas filling me up so good.
“Doll, not now. Stevie wants you to listen,” Bucky whispers in your ear. He gropes your ass, humming lowly. “Have a seat and breakfast.”
“Bucky, you’re scaring me. What’s going on? Why did you mention my father?” You panic a little. Maybe it’s the hormones or the fact that Steve mentioned your father out of the blue. Honestly, you didn’t think of your family since you walked out on them months ago.
Steve, Bucky, and you have a life together now. Two babies are on the way. There’s no time to think about people giving a shit on you.
“We as a pack must follow rules,” Steve sighs deeply at your scared expression. “Which means your former pack wants to see you. Your father and Brock told everyone we were hurting you and forced you to become our breeder.”
“What?” You choke out a sob. “No! You didn’t do such a thing! I wanted to move in with you. My father wanted to force a bond on me, not you. That’s wrong! They lied.”
Bucky soothingly runs his hand over your back. “You need to breathe, Y/N. Our pack knows that you’re our mate and not a breeder. Still, we must follow the rules and face your pack.”
You whimper in distress. The last thing you wanted was to see your father and Brock Rumlow ever again. “You’re safe with us, Y/N. No one is going to take you away from me or Steve. You’re our mate, and this is our pack.”
Bucky places his hands on your grown belly, slowly rubbing it. “We are going to protect our family, Y/N. If we must, our pack will fight your former pack. I don’t care.”
Steve’s words don’t make you feel better. The thought of watching your alphas get hurt is even worse. “No,” your lips wobble. “You can’t get hurt. No…no…no…”
“Great,” Bucky protectively wraps his arm around you from behind. “I told you to not stress her. She’s pregnant and hormonal.”
“I won’t lie to our omega,” Steve replies, but his voice cracks. “I’m sorry, Omega. I wish I could’ve kept you out of this. But rules must be followed. Even though we all know your father is a lying piece of shit.”
“Agreed,” Bucky grunts. “I’ll rip him a new one if he dares to even look at our mate. Maybe I’ll bring a few knives with me.”
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You try to be strong, but facing your father brings back bad memories. On your way toward the meeting point, you take deep breaths. Your former pack is already waiting, while your new pack has your back. Literally.
Every member of your new pack walks with you and your mates to show off union and strength. They leave no doubt that they’d fight for you and the babies.
“Finally,” your father takes one step toward you, only to get blocked by Steve and Bucky. They step in front of you to protect their mate and unborn children. “Get out of my way, or my pack will grab her without giving you the chance to explain things.”
“You want to grab our omega and mate?” Bucky laughs in your father’s face. “May I remind you of our rules? Did you forget about them? No one will grab anyone on my watch.”
You sniffle silently. This is just awful. All you want is to rest on your nest with your alphas. Taking deep breaths, you try to summon the strong woman inside of you and ignore the hormones turning you into a soft omega.
“Alphas prime,” the leader of your former pack, steps toward your alphas. “Thank you for coming.” He doesn’t look amused. The alpha would’ve preferred taking care of his family instead of stressing a pregnant omega and her mates. “May I talk to your omega for a moment?”
Bucky squares his jaw. He’s tense and close to losing control. All the strange alphas near his omega and alpha make him nervous.
Steve balls his hands into fists. He’s inhaling sharply because he hates this; he hates that he must not only defend his relationship with Bucky but his omega and unborn pups too.
“Steve, Bucky,” you softly say. “It’s alright. I’ll talk to him. You and our pack are here to protect me. I’m not scared.”
Steve nods at the alpha, but his eyes glow for a moment. A silent threat to not cross a line.
While your alphas step aside to let you face your former pack leader, you hold your head high. With your hands placed on your grown belly, you look him straight in the eyes.
“Here I am,” you say. “What can I do for you? I hate wasting my time with nonsense. Steve and Bucky are my mates. We love each other. I know you cannot understand a love so deep that it’s strong enough to bring three people together, but our love is strong enough. We sealed our love with a claiming mark.”
Steve and Bucky step close to you, hearing your father snarl in your direction.
“I’m carrying their healthy pups because I love them. No one forced me to love them or to carry their babies.” You wrinkle your nose. “My father is a liar, and he wanted to force a bond on me. Now, if that was all, I want to go back home and nest with my alphas.”
You don’t wait for an answer. Turning on your heels, you nod at Steve and Bucky.
“You heard her,” the alpha of your former pack says. “This omega looks healthy and happy. She’s carrying the pups of her mates.”
Your father is fuming, but there is nothing he can do about it. His alpha prime decided to let you go.
“You did so well, doll,” Steve whispers. He takes your hand to kiss it. Bucky is still pumped up. He snarls at anyone looking your way like a feral dog.
"Bucky, let’s go home,” you softly say, and grab his hand. “I’m safe with you.”
You walk hand in hand with Steve and Bucky, smiling softly. You faced your worst enemy, and now you can focus on your life with your mates and babies.
No matter what, you’re mates forever…
THE END...for now...
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aurorangen · 2 days
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From all the events of those days
Transcript & Bonus:
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A neighbour notices the police
Charlie: [takes selfie with serious face] Got it ehehe. Look at that! Vincent: Wha-…is that you Charlie? Bleurgh this spit. Charlie: The one and only. Yah I'm gonna show this pic to Pam.
[It turned out that morning, the police came to update the case. My dad was confirmed as missing before we moved away and we did all we could to help then. Moreover, the corrupt officers disappeared too and were found working undercover at Gibbs Hill. So 4 people disappeared that year, although not simultaneously]
[There were no leads, so the investigation was closed. It seemed they truly did vanish into thin air. Loads of theories about their whereabouts were formed and whether they were linked. From all the existing evidence, it was concluded they had some connection to my dad…to me. I didn't want to think about it any longer]
[I was so glad Charlie came as well. He's the kind of friend that makes you forget all your worries] Charlie: [plays with Bella the dog] Yo I literally begged Dad to let me come too. I've not seen you in ages! Vincent: I can't believe you're here and it's crazy how long it's been. How are you Charlie?
Charlie: Urgh my cousins are so annoying. They both text me to complain about each other and I'm stuck in the middle, like what do I even say? I can't take sides [shakes head] Anyway, how's life Vince? Vincent: I'm a lot better, the countryside's great. And yeah I met the most amazing girl [talks about Nancy]
Vincent: What about you? [chuckles] I notice you keep real quiet about Pam when I call. Charlie: Mhmm…yeah about Pam…I'm dating her. Vincent: She already told me [gets playfully shoved and they laugh together]
?: [sees cop car in front of their neighbours] San Myshuno police? [walks to officer] Officer, may I ask why you are here in the quiet countryside? I hope nothing serious has happened to the Wilkinsons. Billy: Ma'am, we're only here to update the family on a missing person case. No need to worry, it's closed now.
Writer's note: I'm still trying to figure out how this will be solved. Strangerville is supposed to be next gen but it is also central to this...I'll think of something! That is why the investigation keeps being revisited or getting put in the archives for the future. I was going to add another pic, "Perhaps it was delusional thinking considering the cases linked but they may have disappeared voluntarily". So guys just allow it haha! It's obvious to you they are linked but not to them! No one outside knows a thing about Strangerville and its people, they leave nothing behind 👀
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clarisse0o · 2 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 82
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe: Military School
Words: 5K
Friday, April 22nd; 10:30 PM - Porto Beach.
Who would have thought we had a little bit of luck in this life? For our last evening in Portugal, we get to attend a concert on the beach. It's a beautiful way to wrap up our vacation.
“Are you having fun?” my girlfriend asks me at the end of a song.
“Oh yes!”
She laughs as I struggle to catch my breath. I don’t like dancing, and yet, I’m having the time of my life tonight. I’m literally drenched in sweat, and it takes a lot for that to happen.
“I can see that. You should take a break.”
“I think you’re right.”
“Shall we go sit further away?” suggests Alexia, who must have overheard us.
“Yes, good idea. Plus, the later it gets, the more crowded it seems.”
Lucy takes my hand to follow the others and lead us out of the crowd. A few minutes later, we find ourselves sitting on the sand. I settle between Lucy’s legs, and she pulls me close against her. We have a perfect view of the stage. I turn my head towards our friends, who are sitting in the same position. It’s really cool to be with them. Our couples have a perfect harmony, and we enjoy the same things. I don’t have time to think more before I feel Lucy’s lips on my neck. I smile and tilt my head a little more to give her access.
“It’s over,” I whisper.
“What is?”
“These holidays. Our little bubble.”
“Hmm... I’d say you’re wrong. Everything is just beginning.”
“How so?”
I think I can feel her amused breath escaping against my neck.
“Well, everything is just starting. Our bubble won’t disappear as long as we’re together.”
My smile grows wider. Actually, maybe she’s right. When we get back, we’ll finally be at ease. We’ve done a lot of things recently, including meeting her family. Everyone was fantastic. Jenni’s family was invited too, so I had Alexia’s support as I wanted, but I didn’t need it. I was really well received. It was truly a warm celebration. I understood why family is so important to Lucy when I saw her so close with hers. They’re close-knit, unlike mine. However, she still hasn’t talked to me about what she’s hiding. The harmony was so strong that I didn’t dare to spoil anything.
“I’m so thirsty!” Alexia complains. “Would you mind coming with me to the bar?” she asks.
“If you want, sure.”
“I can go if you’d like,” offers Lucy.
“No, don’t worry. We’ll be right back.”
I turn around to peck her lips before getting up. We leave with Alexia, leaving our partners behind us.
“I’m going to miss these holidays so much,” she comments.
“Same here.”
“Leaving here will bring us back to reality with a thud, given what awaits us when we return.”
“Oh no, please! Now’s not the time to think about the exam.”
Alexia laughs.
“Well? Haven’t you studied enough yet?”
“Yes, but it’s stressful.”
“Come on, you still have an entire week to work on the most difficult parts.”
“Hmm. We’re not there yet anyway.”
“You’re right. We have another problem on our hands.”
Indeed. We find ourselves in front of the stand, which is packed with people. I sigh, running my hand through my hair.
“We’re going to be here for a while, I think,” she says.
We wait for the line to shorten and keep ourselves busy chatting. We talk about a lot of things, but that’s what’s great about Alexia. We can talk about anything without any limits.
“So, with Lucy? Have you managed to find out what she’s hiding?”
I shake my head but smile, thinking about her. The way she looks at me every time I leave warms my heart. It’s like she’s afraid something might happen to me at any moment.
“No, not yet.”
“And doesn’t it bother you not knowing?”
“A little, but not too much. I kept secrets from her for a long time too.”
“That’s true,” she smiles.
When it’s finally our turn, we order our drinks and get something for Lucy and Jenni as well. We leave the crowded stand to return to our partners. I take a deep breath once we’re free.
“Phew, I thought we’d never get out of there.”
“Me too,” I giggle. “It’s suffocating with so many people.”
I nod. A year ago, I couldn’t even imagine being in such a place. I’ve come a long way since then. We head back to our spot. Unfortunately, two men, barely older than us, block our path. They look around Lucy’s age.
“Hey there, pretty ladies.”
“Oh great,” groans Alexia. “Just what we needed.”
Indeed, this is not good timing. With all these people, anyone could be around. Apparently, our skill with Alexia is attracting jerks who have had enough to drink to approach two girls alone.
“Are you going to join your friends?”
“No, our partners, actually,” Alexia answers, raising her drinks.
“Really? Who’d be dumb enough to leave two beautiful girls alone if that were true?”
I start to feel scared. I don’t like this situation, especially the way they’re being so pushy. Bad memories resurface.
“They’re not alone.”
Relief floods over me as I feel Lucy’s arm wrap around my waist. I look at her over my shoulder. She’s tense. Much more than she’s ever been.
“Lucy the loner,” one of the guys in front of us says in surprise. “That’s a surprise.”
Her grip on my hip tightens. I can feel her boiling beside me. I turn my gaze back to these guys, who suddenly seem less unfamiliar. Lucy the loner... What’s that about? I don’t like seeing Lucy like this. I lean over to kiss her cheek and take the opportunity to whisper in her ear.
“Let it go, baby. They’re not worth it.”
“Well, it seems like you’re not so lonely anymore.”
“Well, well. Jarod and Tom. It seems fate has brought us together again.”
“Of course, where Lucy is, Jenni is never far behind.”
Her presence reassures me.
“Let it go and move on. Neither of these girls are available.”
“Well. It looks like Lucy has finally found someone. That’s quite surprising. We all thought you’d end up alone forever.”
These words make me take a deep breath. I really don’t like the way these guys talk to Lucy. They don’t respect her. They talk about her as if she’s never going to achieve anything in her life, as if... as if she’s worthless. And I know what that feels like. I’ve felt that way enough times in my life to know what it’s like. I look at Lucy, who doesn’t even react. That’s definitely a first. She put me in my place plenty of times when we first met. I can’t let them talk about her like this. I just can’t help myself.
“Can you hold this for me, please?” I ask Lucy calmly, handing her the drinks.
My girlfriend takes them with total disbelief. Once my hands are free, I step forward toward these men who think they can act however they want, and I grab the front of the shirt of the first one I see. Surprise flashes in his eyes.
“Who do you think you are with your big attitude?”
“Ona, stop. You just said yourself they’re not worth it.”
“That was before they disrespected you. They’re judging you without knowing who you are. I’m going to make them eat their words, you’ll see!”
I raise my fist, but it’s intercepted before it can reach its target. It’s Lucy herself who stopped me, even though I put all my strength into it.
“Stop,” she repeats much more sternly. “This isn’t the time to start a fight, and anyway, I’ve moved on.”
“I just wanted to…”
“I know, sweetheart. But I don’t need anyone to defend me anymore.”
I relax, understanding her message. I release the man I had targeted, and it’s Lucy who ends up punching him. I don’t regret letting her handle it. She’s much stronger than I am, and let’s just say she didn’t hold back. She must have put all her anger into that punch, and I understand her.
“I never want to see you again. So stay away from us. Do I make myself clear?”
The other man beside him doesn’t even dare to say a word seeing his friend on the ground. I bet she managed to break his nose, but he deserved it. He ends up nodding when Lucy takes a step closer to him.
“Okay, we can go now.”
Lucy takes back our drinks that Jenni had been holding during this scene.
“We’re going to take a walk,” says Alexia, holding Jenni back.
“What? But…”
“Baby, I want to go back to the stage, please.”
“Fine,” the latter mutters.
I smile at Alexia. It’s indeed the right moment to leave us alone. Lucy is a ticking time bomb about to explode.
“We’ll catch up with you later.”
She winks at me before they leave. As for me, I put my hand around Lucy’s waist and take one of the cups.
“Come on, let’s go sit somewhere.”
She nods without a word. We move further away from the stage until we’re far from the crowd. We can still hear the music in the distance, but that’s it. We’re completely cut off from the world.
“You understand?”
She’s completely withdrawn. I’ve never seen her like this before. We’re sitting next to each other, facing the sea where the waves are crashing in every direction. Tonight is a bit cooler than the other days, but it’s still bearable.
“Not completely… Just, don’t close yourself off. That’s what you always told me.”
She sighs and takes a sip of her beer. She then puts it down and finally turns to me. I can see her eyes shining in the moonlight.
“Come here.”
I open my arms to her, and she doesn’t hesitate to come into them. I tighten my hold to show her I’m here. On her side, she clings to me but says nothing. I don’t want to force her. It’s up to her if she wants to talk about it. There was a long silence before she found the courage to speak.
“My life here hasn’t been easy. I was first abandoned by my biological parents before being welcomed by a loving family.”
I get a knot in my stomach from the words she uses. Here it comes, she’s going to tell me.
“I learned to love them, and they taught me to feel loved in return... It was when I started school that it all began. I was excited at first. I thought I would make friends other than Jenni, who was my neighbor.”
“What happened…?” I murmur.
“I became a target, like a scapegoat. For them, it wasn’t normal that I had a black mother. That was their excuse to push me aside.”
“No way…” I breathe. “And Jenni…” I leave my sentence hanging.
“She stayed by my side, of course. She always has, even though, on the other hand, she was always popular. She had friends, but as soon as they saw me being attacked, she would defend me. After a while, she didn’t even dare to leave me alone anymore.”
“That’s horrible…”
Lucy takes a deep breath. Her head sinks deeper into my neck.
“That’s how it was…”
“It never stopped?”
“Well… It eased off over the years. It was in middle school that things finally calmed down, but it didn’t last long. That’s when I started to be interested in girls.”
No way. That’s exactly why I could never fully come to terms with myself. I was afraid of that reaction. Why are people so stupid? We’re in an era where they should have a more evolved open-mindedness. What they did was just plain cruelty. I had talked to Lucy about my fears, but I never imagined she could have been a victim of it.
“And those guys then…”
“They were the ones who found out. The one I hit, Tom, had hit on me back then. I had turned him down, but he didn’t take it well. So he tried to tear me down any way he could. He overheard a conversation between Jenni and me about my doubts about my orientation one day, and he used it against me.”
“What a scumbag!”
The only regret I have is not being able to punch him myself. How does she stay so strong after that? I would have completely shut down in her place. It’s not normal.
“It’s okay, baby. Calm down.”
“Calm down!? You know I can’t stand people who judge and put others down just for fun! They don’t realize how much it destroys a person!”
“I know, that’s partly why I love you, but that’s just how it is. Whether we like it or not, there’s hatred everywhere in this world.”
“Stop it. In this case, it’s not hatred. It’s just harassment!”
I fall silent as she straightens up so our eyes meet. How does she do it? I really don’t understand. Just a moment ago, her eyes were shining, and now they’re filled with determination.
“Tonight, that wasn’t harassment,” she says.
I tilt my head. I have a hard time following her.
“I had grown up in high school. I showed them I could fight. I got into sports and even became top of the class. I earned people’s respect. If I had wanted, I could have had lots of friends, but at that time, I didn’t want to. Hanging out with hypocrites at parties wasn’t my thing. That’s why they called me the loner.”
“But then… why did they respond to you tonight? It makes no sense.”
“Well, I think they were surprised to see me again. It was instinct. Everyone knew I left Portugal after high school. I rarely come back here.”
“I see… And your family? Did they know?”
“Not when it happened. They always found out afterward. I had become very reserved, and I didn’t trust people anymore.”
“Why didn’t you tell them?”
“I didn’t want to worry them. I already owed them so much. They were the reason I held on.”
“You’re the first to tell me it’s important to talk about it!”
“Yes, but you’re also the first to understand that it’s not easy.”
I sigh and nod. I understand better now why she never forced me to open up.
“That’s why you care so much about family…”
“Yes, that’s why. Family is important, even if we’re not connected by blood. Of course, there have to be good relationships, but generally, it’s those we can count on at any moment.”
I smile sadly and nod. She’s probably right. Even if it hasn’t always been smooth with my mom, I’m starting to see everything she did for me in a certain way. Plus, I had my dad too.
“You’re right,” I murmur.
She smiles at me before snuggling back into my arms. I take the opportunity to lie down and hug her. I think she needs it. I needed it after every revelation I made to her. I just didn’t dare ask for it. Now it’s different. We’re together. That’s what makes us stronger. It’s us against the rest of the world.
“Why did you date Keira? Not that I mind, but she seems like the type who could be like those people.”
A long silence follows my question. As she described to me, she could easily be that kind of person.
- Keira, it’s Keira. Yes, she could have been someone I hated, but she also had a difficult childhood.
- Oh... Really?
- Keira came from a tough neighborhood, but she did everything she could not to be associated with it. Proof of that, she made it to university. That’s where we met.
- I thought it was at a party?
- Yes, it was. At the freshman welcome party. Jenni had forced me to go. He wanted me to have fun, so I agreed, but in the end, I ended up alone in a corner... Until Keira. In fact, she was the only one who came to talk to me that day.
- Jenni dared to leave you alone?
- Yes, she chuckles. But I asked her to. She had the right to have fun too.
- What happened with Keira then?
- We talked, and she started flirting with me when she noticed I wasn’t indifferent to her charm.
- Is that how you two started dating?
- I had never been with anyone before, and I didn’t trust people much, so... no.
- So, how did she do it?
- She was persistent. Keira was very determined. The first day of the week after the party, she accompanied me to the café I frequented, and she remembered my order. Then she brought me my drink every day. She was very interested in me, and that’s how I grew fond of her.
- Is that what made you fall in love with her?
- No... I think it was more her personality. She had a big heart. That’s what set her apart from the people who persecuted me. She wanted to make a difference. She had a will of steel. She didn’t hesitate to stand up for the weaker ones, even more so after I told her my story. She helped a lot of associations to support people in need who wanted to change their lives.
My heart races. It’s cruel to say, but I’m quite glad she’s not here anymore. I wouldn’t have stood a chance against her.
- She seemed exceptional...
The tone of my voice makes her look up. She smiles gently, running her hand through my hair.
- Don’t get me wrong. She had her flaws too.
- I’d like to know what they were.
- She was very stubborn. Even more than you. And she had a knack for getting into trouble by challenging people stronger than her. When you come from a certain neighborhood, you can’t erase everything. She wasn’t really well surrounded.
- That doesn’t make her any less remarkable.
- No, for sure, but...
She falls silent and shrugs.
- Keira wasn’t perfect. I couldn’t even tell you why I fell in love with her anymore... Maybe because she never gave up on me.
- I think so too. Since you hadn’t known anyone else before... It makes sense that you got attached to her. But the fact that she wanted to help everyone was very honorable. I just don’t understand why she fell so hard.
- I think her past caught up with her. You must know what that’s like... Keira lost her father during our studies. She was close to him, just like you. He was a drug addict, but she tried to save him more than once. As for her mother... She never knew her. She had already died before she could remember her.
- Oh my God...
- I managed to get her off drugs from my side, but I think the emotions were too strong. She went back to her bad habits after that and never recovered.
It’s truly awful. We are really more alike than I imagined. She didn’t deserve this. She was a good woman trying to do the right thing. I understand better why Lucy says she appreciates my determination and doesn’t want me to lose it. She was afraid I’d end up like her ex.
- Her mind simply gave up. In the end, I didn’t recognize her anymore. I knew something bad was going to happen soon. Yet, I stayed by her side. I couldn’t do otherwise.
Her voice breaks, but who could blame her? If I didn’t have the mental strength she talks about, Lucy would have lost two women for the same reasons. I’m glad I didn’t put her through that.
- You don’t have to blame yourself for her death, Lucy.
- I know, I murmur. Some people simply can’t be saved. I learned that lesson well, but it was hard to swallow.
The information strikes me. I’ve heard those words somewhere before.
- Korbin... I whisper. That’s why you said...
She nods.
- I was thinking about her, yes. Because it’s the truth.
I feel sad.
- It wasn’t the same circumstances, but it comes down to the same thing. Whether the past catches up with us or we’re stuck in the past, it’s the same thing.
- It’s not right. Things shouldn’t be like this. Keira shouldn’t have fallen. And Korbin... She had the potential to get out too...
- But that’s how it is. We can’t save everyone.
Fate didn’t bring us together by chance. I’m sure of that now. For Lucy, I must be her greatest victory. Not only did she manage to save me, but now, here we are together.
- Camp Wiegman has been good therapy for me too, you know, she continues. I’ve learned to change people, just like Keira wanted. Some will continue their studies after school or even get a job thanks to the lessons we gave them.
I smile, because I’m going to be one of those people.
- Others will think about this experience for a long time. They’ll remember how annoying we were to them, but also how we managed to change their perspective. It’s this experience they’ll pass on to their children. Surely not their previous life.
Once again, I feel connected to this statement. It’s true for me too. I no longer see things as dark as I used to. For others, it’s something else. They’ve learned to respect others and to be more open-minded. Some, who must be like Lucy’s bullies, will stop picking on the weaker ones. At least, I hope so.
- That’s why I love my job so much. We change people who want a new life. Of course, not everyone can be saved, as I said. This world is too full of hatred to succeed... But if we manage to help a large number, it’s already a good start.
- You’re so right. I hated this school at first, but now, I think there should be more of them. Of course, it’s no walk in the park, but the results are worth it. You just have to hang on.
- That’s what I liked most about you. You’ve been through a lot too, yet you’ve emerged. You fought to take control of your life. That wasn’t the case with Keira.
- Yet, she had you. For me, it’s you who saved me. I wouldn’t be where I am now without you. You’ve been my rock from the beginning, and I know you will remain so.
- And you’re mine. You don’t realize how much you make me better and stronger.
- You were already strong enough before you met me.
- If you say so...
- I say so.
Lucy takes a deep breath as she sits up on her elbows.
- I think about it often, you know. In fact, if you want to know everything, I’m often afraid of ending up like before... Alone and weak.
I smile gently, stroking her cheek. So that was the missing piece of the puzzle. It was her fears. She always seems so strong, but deep down, she isn’t as strong as she appears. I understand better why she has always been so jealous. She’s afraid of losing me. It’s really sweet.
- You won’t be alone anymore. You have me and our friends.
- I know, Ona... But I can’t help it...
- Lucy, we are soulmates. We were meant to meet. I also felt lonely before us. I understand your fears very well, but you don’t have the right to doubt. You’re the strongest of us. If it helps, be as jealous as you want when someone approaches me. Shut them down even. It doesn’t bother me at all; on the contrary. When you do, it warms my heart because I feel like I’m yours. It helps both of us.
I see her relax before me.
- I love you so much, she murmurs.
She kisses me, and I let her because I know she needs it. We feel the same way. Neither of us thought we would find someone so compatible. Yet, here we are, and I wouldn’t trade my place for anything in the world. We complete each other and make each other stronger.
- You know, I wouldn’t be so quick to rejoice if I were you... I say between kisses.
- Oh? And why is that?
- We’re not going to leave each other now. You’re going to have to put up with me outside of school, and for a good while. Who says I’m not more annoying?
- Hmm... Believe me, if you become annoying, I’ll find ways to bring you back down to earth. Maybe I’ll force you to run... Or maybe I’ll...
I smile as I feel her hand slide under my t-shirt. I let her do as she kisses me until she starts tickling me.
- Ah! No! Not that!
She laughs as I squirm under her.
- What? You don’t like it?
- Definitely not
! Stop!
She bursts out laughing, and I can’t help but laugh too. It feels good. To laugh, but above all to be together. We were two wounded souls, and now we’ve managed to heal and become stronger together.
- I love you so much, my favorite commander.
She laughs softly before burying her head in my neck.
- I love you too, my favorite rebel.
Yeah, definitely, my life has become perfect.
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ihavenolife346 · 3 days
☆♡Her, only her♡☆
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Pairing: James Hetfield x f!reader
Summary: He couldn’t stand to lose her, not another person he loved, he just couldn’t.
Warnings: Slight angst, Near death experience, swearing, slight description of severe injuries, hospitals, car crash, one mention of a drunk driver, but happy ending.
People: James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett, Lars Ulrich, Jason Newsted, Bob Rock, Y/N
Side note: I’m in a mood tonight so yes, sad stuff with a happy ending.
The show was going perfect. The crowd was into it, the band was playing great, everything was going incredible.
“How about some more shit off of Ride The Lightning?!!” James yelled into the microphone, the crowd erupting with cheers.
Walking over to the side of the stage, James, Kirk, and Jason all made a guitar change. “James!” Bob came running up to the singer.
“What Bob?” James wondered, wanting to get back to the crowd.
“Listen um…” Bob started, not knowing how to tell James the news he just got. Y/N, James’s girlfriend, a girl on the complete other side of the country, had been in a really bad accident. Bob knew James would personally kill him if he waited to tell him.
“Jesus Christ Bob, I have a show to get back too. What is it?” James was getting impatient, hearing his band mates call for him.
“James…” Bob sighed. “It’s Y/N.” That was enough to get James’s full attention right now.
“What about her?” James went immediately to the worst.
“She uh…she was in a car accident a few hours ago, I just got the call from the hospital. It’s not good James.” Bob watched the singers face completely drop.
“W-what.” James didn’t think he heard Bob right.
“They’re taking her into surgery in about 10 minutes.” Bob didn’t wanna believe it either, but it was true.
That was all James needed to hear before he dropped his guitar and took off. Bob understood it, it was his girlfriend, he knew he needed to be there right now.
Jason and Kirk watched the whole thing happen. And this point, the crowd was getting impatient. “Hey man, what the fuck? Why’d James just take off running.” Jason sounded annoyed by the singers actions.
Bob didn’t want to have this conversation again, he knew he had too, “it’s Y/N…she was in an accident. It’s not good, not good at all. She’s going into surgery here in a few minutes. I just got the call.” Bob explained to the guitarist and bassist.
Both had the same reaction as James, “what?!” Kirk spoke first. He loved the girl like a sister, she was his best friend. Jason had grown quite close to her as well, she always made sure he was comfortable when he first joined the band, hung out with him when the others didn’t want too.
“He left when I told him that.” Bob added.
Kirk and Jaosn understood why he left. “Ok…um. We’ll handle the rest of the show.” Jason mumbled.
Within seconds, Jason and Kirk were over by Lars explaining the situation. “Ok!” Kirk yelled into the microphone. “So for all of you who are wondering what’s taking so long. Something personal with James came up and he had to leave in a hurry. We only had 2 songs left, and we are all terribly sorry. We hope you understand, we will release details when we feel ready too.” Kirk explained the basic details of what was going on, some boos, some ohs, and silence coming from the crowd. None of them were mad at James, they were just as worried about the girl.
An 8 hour plane ride had never felt so long to James in his life. His mind was racing the entire trip back to San Francisco. Was Y/N ok? Was she dead? What was going on?
James didn’t care about the press right now. He needed to get to her. He’d answer questions later, he’d answer them when he knew she was ok. James had contacted Bob on the plane, he knew what hospital she was at, he was easily going over 15 on his way there. He hadn’t slept in almost a day, he didn’t care though. He needed to see her.
It didn’t even take him more than 5 minutes to get from the hospital parking lot to the floor his girl was on. “Mr.Hetfeild.” It was almost like Y/N’s doctor was just waiting for him to get there.
“Can I help you?” James was in no mood to have his time wasted right now.
“I’m your girlfriend’s doctor, Dr.Grey. If you would like to see her, I can take you to her room. She got out of surgery a few hours ago.” Dr.Grey simply explained to the singer. He could understand James’s want to see his girlfriend.
James felt like he could at least take a slight breath now, she was ok, she got out of surgery, she was ok. “Yes. Please.” James tried his best not to sound rude.
Dr.Grey nodded, “follow me.” With a small smile on his face as he turned to go to his patients room.
There she was…tubes, monitors, everything. She was laying in the bed looking almost lifeless. It almost broke James seeing her like this. “W-what happened.” James mumbled, not being able to tear his eyes off the girl in fear that she might just die right then and there.
“She was hit by a drunk driver. We took her into surgery the second we got her in. She had a piece of glass stabbed into her right hip, a few pieces of glass around the rest of her body, three broken ribs, a dislocated wrist, and a broken shoulder. She’s a strong one, not many would survive a surgery like hers.” Dr.Grey explained the basics of what happened to her.
James couldn’t help but hold back tears. Y/N went through all that…all that while he was in New York playing a concert. “Y-yea…that’s my girl.” James choked on his words.
The doctor could tell James wanted to be alone with her. “Some nurses will be in and out checking her stats.” Dr.Grey spoke before turning to leave the room.
James didn’t even bother saying anything to him. Slowly walking over to the girl, James felt like he was gonna break her at even the slightest touch. Taking a seat in the chair next to her bed, James didn’t know what to do. Should he say something? Should he just wait for her to wake up?
Sitting there with nothing but the sound of Y/N’s heart monitor, James pulled the chair closer to her bed, taking her hand in his. “Hi baby…” James could barely bring his voice above a whisper. “Um.” James wasn’t really sure what to say. He didn’t even know if she could hear him. It broke him seeing her like this, cold and pale. “I’m sorry…” James started. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here. I’m sorry this happened to you. You out of all people don’t deserve it… this shouldn’t have happened.” James noticed how shaky his voice was. He really didn’t know what else to say.
He sat there in silence, watching the nurses come in and out, trying to keep back his tears until he couldn’t. At this point he didn’t even know how long he had been sitting there, all he knew was that the sun had went down at least an hour ago. “I-I can’t lose you…” James couldn’t hold back his tears. “I can lose everything…but I can’t lose you. Oh god, I can’t lose you.” James rested his head on top of her hand. “I lost Cliff not even 3 years ago…I can’t lose you. I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Please baby…please wake up. I love you, I love you so much. Please wake up…you have to wake up.” James knew he couldn’t bare to lose her. He had lost Cliff, he lost his mom…that he could bare. But losing her? No, he couldn’t. He just couldn’t.
Y/N felt the feeling in her body come back, she practically forced her eyes open. Y/N could only roll her head over to see what the weight was on her hand. She heard some of what James said. The sight made Y/N slightly smile. He came when he found out what happened, he was there, there to see her. He came from New York, just to see her. “H-“ Y/N tried to talk, her voice hardly even a whisper. “H-hi.” That was really all she could muster up to say. Everything hurt. Her body hurt, her head hurt, her throat hurt, it all hurt, even with the pain killers.
James’s head shot up almost immediately. The first thing Y/N noticed was the tear stains on his cheeks. Y/N had only seen James cry two times in his life. Once when his mom died, and another time when Cliff died. She’d never seen him cry any other times. “Baby?” James wanted to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
“H-hey.” Y/N spoke between coughs. “Don’t cry sweetheart.” Y/N reached up a shaky hand, using the little energy she had right now, to whip the few remaining tears from his face, ignoring the throbbing pain in her entire body. James couldn’t help but lean into her touch when her hand came to his cheek, finally realizing that she was actually awake.
“H-hi.” James had never looked more relived in his life than he did now. “Hi baby.” James kissed the palm of the girls hand, gently placing his free hand on top of hers and keeping it close to his face, his touch almost as light as a feather.
Y/N smiled the best she could, “what the hell happened…” Y/N grumbled, she didn’t really remember much of anything.
“You were in an accident baby. A really bad one.” James was relived that she woke up finally, he could take an actual breath knowing that she was officially ok.
“Fuck…” Y/N grumbled.
It didn’t take long for the doctors to come in and find her awake, check her vitals, and determine that she would be ok for the next few hours. “Don’t you have a show to go to tonight?” Y/N coughed out.
James shook his head almost immediately, “shows are postponed till you’re home, Kirk and the guys are taking care of it.” He squeezed her hand as gently as possible in his, just mentally telling himself that she was at least awake and talking. It still hurt…it hurt seeing her so banged up, it was killing him seeing her in that hospital bed, but my god he was just happy she was awake. He just wanted to lay next to her, pull her into his arms, hold her and cradle her against him and jsut tell her it would all be ok. But he knew he couldn’t do that, he would never forgive himself if he accidentally hurt her or if she would hurt herself further just by moving.
Y/N was honestly amazed at what he just told her, even if that little voice in her head was telling her to stop feeling guilty for taking him away from his fans, she was touched at the fact that he postponed god knows how many shows just to be there, “you postponed the shows to be here…?” She almost felt like crying at what he did for her.
“Of course I did baby…I was on a plane within an hour after Bob told me. Of course I’m gonna be here with you.” James ran his thumb over her knuckles, not once breaking eye contact with her.
She was honestly touched at the fact that he already had his tour postponed. She knew just how important the tour was for the album, for the band as a whole. “Thank you…” Y/N muttered, using almost all the strength she had to finally intertwined her fingers with his. Just the fact that he was there, holding her hand, it almost made her feel better about the whole thing. He was almost that small sense of comfort that made her feel ok, he was her reminder that she had to be ok.
James didn’t dare to pick her hand up completely, just the fact that she got the strength to interlock her fingers with his was enough for him for a moment. His eyes had never left her since she woke up. He really just needed to know she was ok. He needed that reminder that she was looking right back at him, talking, breathing, that she was ok. He simply just leaned his head down, pressing a badly even noticeable kiss on her knuckles.
Y/N could just see that look in his eyes. Sure, she was the one in the hospital bed, but that didn’t stop her from worrying about him. She could tell he wasn’t ok, how much he hated seeing her like this, yet that small look of desperation in his eyes made her weakly smile. After a moment of silence, she let out a shaky breath, gently trying to tug on his hand a bit.
James glanced down at their hands when he felt the barely even noticeable tug, his eyes immediately shooting back to her, “what’s wrong baby…?” James questioned, his mind immediately thinking she was trying to get his attention cause she was in more pain.
“C’mere…” Y/N mumbled, not managing to get her voice above a whisper, looking back at him with that same hint of desperation in her eyes that he was looking at her with, when she realized how much she actually wanted to be held right now.
James kinda froze for a minute, practically screaming at himself to just give into his own wants and give her what she wanted, but part of him couldn’t bring himself to say yes out of fear that he’d hurt her, “I can’t sweet girl…” James spoke as gentle as he could, trying to hide the pain in his voice. “I can’t accidentally hurt you…”
She let out a huff, shaking her head ever so slightly, “you won’t…j-just-please…?” She muttered, doing what she could and gently tugging on his hand again. She didn’t care if he did by chance hurt her, she knew he wouldn’t mean to, and she just needed to feel him closer to her.
He couldn’t deny it. The way she was looking at him with that pained yet wanting look, he couldn’t say no to her. He thought about it for a second before he gently let go of her hand and got up from the chair he was sitting in, observing over her carefully. “Can I move you a bit baby…?” James asked gently.
As much as she didn’t want to move at all, she wanted to be close to him just a bit more. “Y-yea…” she muttered, nodding ever so slightly.
James was as careful as humanly possibly once she nodded, carefully slipping his arm under her knee and his other arm under her back, moving her over just a tad bit so he could properly at least sit next to her.
She bit down harshly on her lip when he moved her just a bit, trying to ignore the pain that shot through her, just constantly telling herself she’d at least be closer to him. “I am so sorry…” James repeated a few times before he got her moved over jsut enough to at least sit next to her. Within seconds, James was as quick but gentle as he could be when he climbed into the uncomfortable bed next to her, letting his back rest against the few pillows she had and gently wrapping an arm around her shoulders to try and get her to lean against him a bit.
She couldn’t help but let out a few pained groans when he moved her, managing to get her body to move just a bit so she at least had her head on his shoulder, a breath she didn’t even know she was holding left her lips the second she felt his arm wrap around her. Right now, he was her main source of comfort, he was her reason for knowing she’d be ok, he was the one thing making her feel better about the situation.
James leaned his cheek against her head when she managed to move so she was against his side and had her head on his shoulder, just holding her gently against his side, pressing a very feather like kisses to the top of her head, “I love you…so much…” James spoke in a soft murmur after a few moments, still being as gentle as he could be with her but having a decent grip on her as well.
“I love you too…” she muttered back, actually managing to get herself to relax even just a bit, focusing completely on him instead of the pain she felt all throughout her body, finally taking a breather when he kissed her head. He always made her feel safe, and right now that was what she desperately needed. Having his arm around her, feeling him close to her, she knew he was her reason that she had to be ok. Even with how everything hurt, she knew she had to be ok for him, and she knew she would be.
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manglam-marfach · 7 months
dyke!Chilaios has me understanding breeding kink all of a sudden
#chilaios#that's a lie i understand breeding kink very well lmao#HOWEVER IT MUST BE SAID#they finish up a great scene. hot lesbian sex. all going well.#and laios lies back with her eyes closed. still flushed and sweaty. she rests her naked hand on her naked lower stomach and says. 'hah....#'did you know ...that tallmen and halflings can have kids together?' Like its just another fun monster fact.#she's trailing her fingers absentmindedly over her stomach now. tracing idle patterns.#'with our lifespans being so similar it isn't even as big a deal as it is for elves and humans. they're even fertile and that's ...#that's really rare for hybrids.' her eyes are still closed. she swallows hard. She's more red now than she was when they fucked.#'you should talk about that next time you're in me. i'd like it...' and she cracks one eye open a sliver#to see chilchuck . BEET. RED.#because Chilchuck DID NOT. KNOW.#She was already fucked out and now she's dying?? she's dying. Laios still has her huge hand resting on her huge smooth stomach#miles and miles of soft skin...that she wants chilchuck to put a BABY in#she's thought about the hypothetical lifespan and safety of the hypothetical baby! is this just a sex thing? is this a for real thing?#chilchuck does not know and does not know which one she's hoping for now!! cause both sound GREAT#AND OF COURSE THERE'S ALSO#chilchuck remembering that conversaion next time Laios's huge huge fingers are inside her. Laios's hot wet breathing by her ear.#Laios's breathing going ragged even though no one is touching HER she is the one toying with Chilchuck right now. She always does that.#between the breathing and the fingers and the warmth and the smell Laios is all around her and she just thinks -#'Laios is so huge. Laios's baby would be so huge. I'd be so huge. Pregnant with it.' And she cums.#rattles her to her fucking core. Chilchuck who HAS BEEN PREGNANT BEFORE realising. holy shit.#i want this fluffy haired socially awkward 26 year old doggirl to . to fuck a baby into me. in a sexy way.#i think . I think it's hot.#enough to turn you to drink isn't it!#u may ask - hey how come chilchuck has a girlcock and has got pregnant? can laios get chilchuck pregnant?#does anyone even have a womb in this situation? I may answer - don't worry about it#a wizard did it. whatever. its a fantasy world.#whatever is sexiest in the moment i don't care#lesbiance
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identityquest · 6 months
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lizzie get two wolves 👍
#strato.txt#oil painting#wip#im worried ive unbalanced the composition w the second one on the right tho... its so much closer to the edge#ugh whatever. aunt lizzie is the focus here#i wish i knew what she actually looked like this is just cobbled together from general features of my family#solid build... dark curly hair... bigass ears. she could be one of my cousins. she could be me#ok rq im gonna lay out the story in the tags for anyone who hasnt seen the previous lizzie art#my great-something aunt lizzie was disabled and couldnt walk very well and she died young#she wanted to see the second floor of the farm house real bad but no one ever carried her up there and she died before seeing it#they buried her in a long white dress somewhere down at the creek. we dont know where her graves lost unfortunately#the night she was buried something wearing a white dress walked into the house and up the stairs and disappeared#and sometimes you can hear her down around the creek screaming#somewhere along the line wolves got mixed into the imagery for me#my uncle told me a story about another 'white thing' that was wolfish and would jump on cars#so i just assumed lizzie was a werewolf my whole life#anyways. i think her staying after she died was a manifestation of her desire for autonomy. maybe#maybe if shed had modern accommodations she wouldnt have felt the need to stick around. or maybe she would have idk#either way i think death afforded her control over her own desires in a way she hadnt experienced before#and i think thats why she still hangs around the creek#i hope she would like this. maybe ill take it down there and leave it out for a night when its finished so she can see
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regular-lord-reckoner · 2 months
i’m home !!
procedure went real well, everything was really smooth and almost as soon as they said, “you can count backwards if you want,” i don’t think i even said ten before i was suddenly in recovery and sipping some ginger ale.
honestly the worst part was the iv because they had to do it on the side of my wrist because apparently my veins are crooked ?? i just hate ivs anyway so that’s no surprise but other than that no complaints.
everyone was real nice and made sure i was well taken care of (my nurse even had me pee one more time before so she wouldn’t have to do a catheter which with my history…..thank you)
but yeah, i’ll have a follow up in about a month just to make sure everything’s good and the iud is doing its thing !!
i do have some cramping and bleeding but that’s normal, although a little funny because i literally just stopped my period yesterday but…oh well !! hopefully in a few months i won’t have hardly any so this we can handle and i hace some medicine (and my ~medicine) that’ll help so i’m all set.
mom had to go run some errands so my little recovery buddy is keeping me company. also, a moment of recognition for my new favorite shirt (thank you as always, Boss Dog Art; i’ve already got my eye on another one that says, “i think therefore i am against transphobia around the world” or something like that and it’s got a cool skeleton on it; this is my third shirt from them and they’re really comfy and good quality so not sponsored but check them out, they seem cool):
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#It’s been a rough week leading up to this i’m not gonna lie#one of my neighbors was shooting on Sunday when i was in the pool#which i’m used to at this point#but for some reason i got triggered into a panic attack#and could not catch my breath#could not calm down for several minutes just scream crying#had to dunk my head underwater a few times and splash myself in the face#eventually i just buried my face in my towel and screamed cried until i physically had to stop#because i thought i was about to have a heart attack#so that wasn’t so chill#spent the rest of the day shaking#guess you just never know when it’s gonna hit!!#another plane has hit the ptsd towers#sorry#not for nothing though but the shooting stopped so there’s that#they probably thought someone had a fuckin’ ari aster movie turned up over here#nope just a mentally unstable bitch doing her best which clearly isn’t great but what can ya do!!#it was kinda funny though because i’ve been hesitant to go back out there since#but finally yesterday i had even worked longer the day before so i could really enjoy it#it had been sunny all day#no signs of rain#i’m ready to get some exercise in because i knew it might be a while#before i can again so i was really looking forward to a nice 30 minute run#damned if it didn’t start raining as soon as i got out there#and that was fine#i still ran a little got my water weights in#but the kicker was i looked at the weather on my phone and it looked like it was going to keep raining#so i said okay let me just go take a shower and settle in for the night#it didn’t rain and the sun came back out so oh well!#but point is…today went well and i’m doing okay and things could always be worse so no worries <3
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baekuras · 5 months
Started AFK Arena, got Eugene as my first Legendary, liked his design but was worried I might not like his story bc I haven't yet read many of them and it didn't seem like a story/event heavy game, finally gave in 3 days later Anyhow order of operations: -love it, joke around why there isn't a series about it -no there actually is a comic and other ones too -read them all -actually go back to read Gavus and the kids stories as well -learn you basically JUST missed all them being introduced like 4 months ago -hide your pain by consuming everything NOW -it's 7 am i haven't slept since yesterday where am i
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trash-bin-ary · 3 days
I can go on that ramble about the future and housing and aromanticism though now. It’s like man, the future is already something that is so inconceivable to me. To then have the sexuality that does not allow me to slot in the cookie cutter you find a romantic partner that you end up moving in with is terrible. And like In this economy I sure can’t live alone, and I know at least when I’m sick I desperately want someone to be there. And then there’s I’m likely to move around a bunch how do you deal with that housing, other than the work having paid housing. like constantly having to find somewhere that’s looking for roommates and it isn’t terrible? And then long term, when I find a job I stay at for a while (that’s remote so I’d love to live in a remote place) is it like I find a place to stay and then I’m stuck there forever and I just have to hope that I make good friends at this new place. (Friends that don’t want to live exclusively with a romantic partner no less.) I want to live with close friends so bad and I’m not sure if that’s a feasible thing for my future. I’m a person that has so much hope so I have to assume that yes it will work out, I do believe that. But man just hearing someone mention it, sparks that hope.
#… vaguely related other way too personal ramble#I need to try so hard to keep my friends for a long time. I want it so much#but I’ve never had close friends till now and once I went to a different period in my life the friends I had were gone#and Ive made really close friends now in college and one day I was talking with one of them on a walk home and mentioned still being friend#in 5 years. and they were like that’s not happening this friendgroup isn’t sticking together that long and they were right#at least for them specifically they were the one that came back worse and it’s a big group#there are most definitely different groups inside it and that makes me worry if once I finish college I’ll still chat with them at all#and oh hey tying this into another thought I had earlier… I’m planning on studying abroad next semester (that’s the application I’m procras#inating rn lol) and I’ll be like 8 hours in the future and I guess that’ll be the ultimate test on if I can really keep friends#a trial run before I graduate#and I won’t let this thinking of the future ruin my time now I know that doesn’t help but still.#well… actually summer sorta also is a trial run. and I still talked with them just less often and in a different way… it’s gonna be okay#this is a post i made#uh I am bad at tagging if things are vent posts or not#vent#oh I completely forgot to put the online part of the tag ramble! Ive made quite a few friends online and we talk for a while and I love the#and then it’s a every once in a while going hey I still care about you but I can’t hold a conversation for the life of me#and now there’s. you know who. who I care about so much and we say things I never imagined people saying about me#and I am so scared? (… sure) that that’s gonna go the same way. and I’m not sure reassurance on any of this will really help I think it’ll#just be I will only be less scared of the future as time passes and it’s proven to be wrong#mh hit the I want to keep this all inside and not let this out to not make other people think about it thing#… okay now I need to make a joke that is so tonal whiplash cause uhhh okay siffrin#… I need to go to sleep it’s late I’m sure that’s why all these feelings are being brought up… ’I’m fine’ as great role model siffrin says#… but it doesn’t feel real that people care about me. that I do actually have an impact. that I’m actually a note in someone’s story#I know it logically everyone I’ve ever known is part of me but it’s so hard to imagine that applies to me in others#okay I’m gonna go shower and go to sleep. I wanna say ignore this post but that’s not a good idea I don’t think#though just talking into the void does help a lot. I’m great at talking myself into believing that things are a okay if I just talk about i#… this wasn’t supposed to be a vent or be so long geez
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nicollekidman · 8 months
can we hear the lyra lore 🥺🥺🥺 pls
omg bestie.... i'm still actively working it out which is why i keep talking about journaling but bare bones.... she's the only child of a powerful elf family in baldur's gate, her mother is a mystery to her and her father is in Money, she's always been weird and withdrawn but like. a Dreamer in some sense.... she learns archery early and spends a lot of time alone. i don't think she's ever particularly happy or emotive but she enjoys exploring (and she's terribly vain... wants to look just like her mother). then she gets a baby sister and dotes on her to the point where she's basically raising her alone in kind of an obsessive way. when her sister is young, things start to get weird with her parents, they're gone more and more, and when they're home they're.... strange. but they want for nothing, and lyra and her sister are happy and inseparable (i'm still deciding on her name). when her sister is 20ish she's murdered, and through some set of circumstances i haven't fleshed out yet, lyra figures out it was her parents, as a sacrifice to bhaal. she kills both her parents and burns down their entire house for good measure, both so that there is no trace but also for herself.
i think she spends the next 40-50 years alone, basically doing bounty hunter work for money and drifting along. she only speaks when necessary, becomes ruthlessly pragmatic and essentially uninterested in the general population. she's basically turned off everything except her Life Functions. she gets a reputation in the lower city as the Ghost and people leave her alone because she minds her own business unless provoked or on a job (and sometimes the kids will manage to get gifts from her... they learn to read her body language and approach on good days). she keeps her rich clothes and facepaints and always looks immaculate (when you look both dead and rich, no one gets close). i think she also sometimes lets herself be bought when she's bored but if she ever ends up genuinely vulnerable or lets anything personal slip to a patron, she kills them. i think probably she's looking for something/someone to make her come back to life but she doesn't know that's what she's doing..... like being so hungry you can't feel it anymore. she's not evil and she's not robotic she's just kind of in an emotional coma, she's not even really seeking revenge bc she knows it won't bring her sister back and she can't bring herself to care enough.
i want to flesh out more of who she was before the murder but i'm waiting for her to tell me lol.
but yes, this is why she is such a freak with astarion + the party, but this post is long enough skdjfghjfkdsl canon timeline lore is insane in a different way but who doesn't want to be murdertwins with a random traumatized vamp you stumble upon, yknow.
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the-mononoke-facade · 6 months
How to try to make an insightful analysis that actually makes sense if you're not in my head
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absoloutenonsense · 9 months
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razzek · 1 year
It's a great feeling when your therapist every week says "the therapy you have access to can't help you". Welp, I tried. (shrug)
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
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