#well and it’s quite long…whoops 😓
➥ OK, doing this in two parts: first part is assuming you know nothing about the world ends with you, second part will go in a reblog and will discuss what i consider au storyline spoilers + actual twewy spoilers. i might pull from the animation a little for imagery and neo for some concepts, but you really only need to have played some form of the original to know what’s going on.
➥ going under the cut in both parts because i am not good at explaining things briefly
what the hell’s a twewy?
twewy takes place in a plane of existence overlapping the world of the living, which is called the underground (UG). you go there after you die and you may enter the Reaper’s Game—a week long contest where you can either win a chance to return to life, or be completely Erased from existence.
each day of the Game you are given a Task you must complete within the allotted time. don’t worry, you won’t forget, it’s magically tattooed on to the palm of your hand as a working timer. and if you fail, you’re Erased. additionally, there is a force called Noise, which are monsters that are trying to kill you. if you die to the Noise (or to a Reaper that’s commanding them) you get Erased. in order to fight back against the Noise, Players of the Game can use Pyschs (basically just a magic attack) from Pins you can find around the UG to fight. for example, Akito is using a fire-based psych in my art from today. and if all this wasn’t challenging enough, you have to pay to get into the Game. the most valuable thing to you will be taken as your Entry Fee. for Neku, the protagonist of the original game, this is his memories.
OK but i’m here for vbs
well, there’s one more rule i didn’t mention: to even use Pyschs and try to fight back, you need a Partner. obviously i went with the Vivids and the Bad Dogs. and not everyone can use every kind of Pin. for this AU i decided to give everybody a general category of Pysches they could use + they can all use telekinesis to varying degrees since that seems to be the most common psych people can use.
character rundowns (i’m just going in in-game order):
Kohane - the thing Kohane valued most was her life, and so her entry fee was her memories. due to her not being part of the vivid street crowd before her death, no one around knows anything about her (she also has her original glasses + long hair appearance in this au). she’s Partners with An, and uses water, light, and healing based Psyches. An takes care of most things early on, but once she gets the hang of the situation, Kohane becomes a force to be reckoned within.
An - what An valued most in her life was her connection to music, and so that was her Entry Fee. she cannot hear, recall, sing, or otherwise make any music while in the UG. she also lost her memory of rad weekend. she’s Partnered with Kohane and uses physical strike, movement, and dark based Psyches. She rushes in to save Kohane from Noise by forming a Pact with her. she and Kohane agree to try singing together if and when they return to life, since they grow so close during their week together.
Akito - just like An, Akito’s entry fee is music. he cannot hear, recall, sing, or make any music and lost his memory of rad weekend. he’s Partners with Toya and primarily use fire and lightning based Pysches, with some physical early on. like in the main story, he is a bit antagonistic towards Kohane and An early on, but they all agree to work together since they have the same goal of getting back to living.
Toya - the Entry Fee i decided on for Toya is a little weird, but ultimately i worked it into the storyline in a way i like. what Toya valued most was the freedom he felt by chasing after his own passions with Akito after breaking away from his father. his Entry Fee therefore was his “freedom.” he lost most of his memories of last year or so of singing with Akito. he still recalls that they were working together, but he doesn’t really have any specifics. additionally it’s very difficult for him to defy someone. like they gave him anxiety about saying no to someone. so like he absolutely can make his own decisions and isn’t forced to do everything anyone else says, but Akito still kinda takes the lead in the beginning like An. Toya primarily uses ice based Pysches, but he also gets really adept at telekinesis and attacks with metal objects than he can throw and manipulate.
uhhhhh other Players in the game include Mita Kotaro (his Partner is an unnamed rando rip) and Arata Tono and Miyata Souma as Partners (Souma doesn’t have the prior car accident, since they’re all dead now anyways)
the pin passing/sync up/whatever you want to call it mechanics from the gameplay are basically just going to be translated to the characters launching coordinated attacks at the same time like in the animation. no special Pin is required either they just have to be coordinated.
so yeah. each day the Players work together to complete the mission before time runs out or they’re Erased by the Noise/a Reaper. when a Task is completed (by the first person) a special Pin with appear as a prize. on the seventh and final day, the Task is to defeat the Game Master—the Reaper who is in charge of managing the game and its challenges for the week. Win, and you win your life back. Lose, and you face Erasure.
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