#welcome to being the OBJECT of male attraction
streetwiseangel · 2 years
I’m so sick of the wallowing & constant self victimization surrounding any aspect of gender identity like “u guys hate masc people” or “it’s so hard to date as a (insert self identifier)” cuz it’s gender nonconformity people hate, not individual gender identities. it’s pushing against the status quo. rocking the gender boat. that’s what the culture hates, not cologne and button-ups. fuck sake look around any public space for 2 seconds and realize that it’s not this misandrist mommy domme hell scape that you all seem to be imagining. we are in an extremely misogynistic time. but individual relationships and physical chemistry is personal. no one is oppressing u cuz they don’t find u attractive or bc u suck at dating. it’s sexy to be andro/nb/gnc cuz it tends to mean ur too fucking swag to be held back by dumbass gender and presentation and because you’ve already accepted that no one likes you (or has to). don’t act like we’re more “popular” than trans women as a result of some greater axis of oppression or cuz “nb people tend to be afab” bc it’s not fucking true.
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Writing Reference: 5 Symbols
for your next poem/story (pt. 2)
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For the Ancient Egyptians, the Ba was the symbolic representation of the soul.
It takes the form of a small bird with the head of a human being.
Could fly between its owner and the Gods for as long as the body was intact.
The Ba is twinned with the Ka.
If the Ba represented the soul, then the Ka was the “life-force,” the spark of life that animated the body and whose departure resulted in death.
The Ka was sustained with offerings of food and drink, although it was the “ka” or spirit of the food and drink that was consumed.
In the Afterlife, the Ba and the Ka would be reunited to form one single entity.
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A friendly little statuette with a warm welcome found all over Japan and China.
What the cat is doing with his paws carries a secret message.
The cute little Maneki Neko or beckoning cat is ubiquitous in Japan and China where he appears in both homes and offices.
Can be seen in Oriental restaurants all over the world and is for many people the ultimate symbol of prosperity and good luck.
Comes in different colors, each of which signifies a different meaning:
For example, a red cat will protect from illness, and
a black one will ward off evil.
The position of the paws also carries a message:
With the right paw raised the cat will bring money and happiness to home and workplace.
A cat raising its left paw will attract new customers for a business.
And a cat with both paws raised hits the jackpot; both home and business will be happy and profitable, attracting good luck, friends, prosperity, and new clients.
This cat is also the symbol of the small Buddhist temple in Tokyo, where the original incident that shot the cat to fame is said to have happened:
Originally the temple was a lowly place, whose impoverished priest would regularly share what little food he had with his pet cat.
One day some Samurai were passing and noticed this cat, who had one paw raised as though to say hello. The warriors stopped, intrigued by the beckoning cat, and went into the temple just as a horrendous rain storm started.
They believed that paying attention to the cat’s invitation had prevented them being struck by lightning. Thereafter, the fortunes of the priest, the temple, and of course the cat, started to change for the better.
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This is a special charm or amulet that was given to Roman children when they were born.
A sealed locket, the bulla (“bubble” or “knob”) contained magical spells specific to the child in question, such as symbols of protection, or wishes for wealth.
Was constructed of different materials depending on the wealth of the family:
leather for the poorest families and gold or
other precious metals for the wealthiest.
Roman boys put aside their bullae when they reached puberty, and the object was offered to the Gods. Girls wore theirs until the eve of their wedding.
In either case it was considered that the bulla belonged to the child, as part and parcel of their personality.
It is the origin of the name of the Papal Bull, the special edict that hails from the Vatican, which is fastened with an oval seal of the same shape as the bulla.
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For the Plains Indians, the pipe, also called the calumet, is one of the most important and recognizable symbols.
Although it is sometimes referred to as the Peace Pipe, shared ceremonially as part of a unifying ritual, the pipe was just as valid a symbol during times of war.
The tobacco used in the pipe is also a powerful magical substance originally intended for ritual use only.
The smoke rising from the pipe signifies a prayer traveling toward the Gods and symbolizes the sacred breath, source of all life.
The fire that lights the pipe symbolizes the Sun and the male element.
The pipe itself is equivalent to the prayer that is offered up from it.
Considered so important that in Native American tradition it is described as though it were a person, and each of its components has the name of a body part.
In addition, the bowl is described as an altar, and the stem, the passage of the breath extending from the human body.
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Symbolizes light in the darkness in a way that a light bulb simply cannot do.
It represents the element of fire as a benevolent force.
Made even more powerful if the candle is made of wax, a substance made by a magical creature, the bee.
The colors of candles are significant in magical practices:
For example, pink is said to attract love.
Black candles are used in dark magic.
Source More: On Symbols
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nogu-d-reamers · 1 month
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Name: Kickin "Chicken" LeCoq
Age: 27
Height:2'5 mt/6'5 fts.
Species: smiling critters creature. Roaster silkie (chinese silk chicken)
Occupation: bountyhunter/seaplane pilot.
Genre: male (he/him).
Sexuality: bi
Magical usser type: alchemist.
Birth place: Olde River (Playgrounds).
Birth day: July 18th.
"Luckiest star" or Kickin usually appears to be the typical tough guy bounty hunter or the flirtatious pilot who has a lover in every port where he lands; a shameless man, without fear of what people will say about him, without any sense of danger or how far he will go. Catnap describes him as a "magnet of chaos who knows no failure."
which he usually repels at first.
Once you get into trust with him, he is friendly as a capybara who loves bad jokes and spending time relaxing or doing a sports activity for pleasure; Noticing many times that they seem annoyed that he does not have enough to go to an event with them, that some work crosses his path on an outing on several occasions.
He is someone who loves to lend a hand to his friends and the people he cares about, even in the worst moment he mentions a couple of times «well, what's next?» taking out in advance a part of the plan that the person has in mind, not very legal from how he obtained it; but better not to ask questions about it.He is a rooster who ignores the opinions of others and tends to be cynical and blunt, especially with authority figures over unresolved or personal issues.
A constant comic gag is that sometimes his methods are… too violent or really crazy. So the critters have to stop him from doing something crazy
A constant comic gag is that sometimes his methods are… too violent or really crazy.
or that when splashed with water, the cheap feather dye falls off and attracts the attention of one of his thousands of rivals and they start fighting at a bad time.
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about his work and daily life.
Unlike other critters (and the general public) he does not have a fixed work schedule, but will often depend on being required for the missions or jobs he has as a bounty hunter; which maintains 3 basic requirements to accept a job=
1. does not carry out assassination missions or attacks against other lives.
2. will not accept a mission with children involved (unless they are rescues).
3. He should laugh in your face if you do not offer him a minimum of ₱200.000 or 12.000 carats in galyostro crystals and he sees you as a high class (if he accepts missions of little or almost no denomination, but he hates when rich people go overboard him with their arrogance). When he is at work he usually disappears for weeks on end and catnap or hoppy tell him the news that happens in his absence, having to endure the phrase «SACREBLEU! SO MUCH HAPPENED WITHOUT ME BEING THERE?!» or «bien bien...but don't look for me when you need something dangerous later...»
He often works alongside Catnap on some cases within Main City as an informant or support force if a case turns violent.
In his free time he spends his time repairing his beloved seaplane and other equipment... to end up going to Hoppy's shamelessly asking for a discount, going to Picky's restaurant or arguing with Bubba at work so that he doesn't turn him in to the law.
Magic data (and other skills):
As a bounty hunter he has great physical capacity and intelligence based on survival and street malice; but he also has skills in=
1. knowledge in fights and how to take advantage of their physical disadvantage.
2. knowledge of the use of firearms.
3. non-legal acquisition of valuable items (cursed objects and relics remaining outside of its scope).
Although he is an alchemist, having no formal studies or education; He cannot use a fixed element like Hoppy, but he has the innate ability to alter luck so that it is in his favor and can do a basic transmutation of mutating metallic materials to the size of bullets and firearms.
According to Hoppy, if he had formal training, he could transmute objects into valuable materials.
other random data:
favorite food: veggies barbecue «easy to make, delicious, cheap and with a large number of variants to combine...c'est une bonne affaire !»
Favorite dessert: waffles with ice cream «We can all have a petite luxury from time to time...»
hated food: canned food «specially The military preserved food, ughh!!»
smell: ylang-ylang
strength: physical resistance, insight, charisma.
weakness: braggin.
favorite physical appearance: muscles «they look good yeah?~»
hated physical appearance: plumage colour «When I dye my hair they tell me I look like a poussin, when I don't the stupid! police chase me... GIVE ME A BREAK!!»
person you respect most: Hoppy «Dieu, She's the goat!!»
person you don't want as an enemy: Bubba «Don't send my plane to the junkyard!s'il te plaît!!!»
hobby:gambling, independent studies, and visiting Picky's restaurant.
Some crush?:«The popular kindergarten art teacher who likes flowers, but I know she's out of my league»
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reds1981 · 1 year
‘When people see behaviours, modes of existence, ways of being that are subject to repression or hatred, the imperative becomes to make them identities, and then demand that such behaviours are normalised. Perhaps we can […] make them credible, legible to the norm, feasible, and therefore deserving of rights. It doesn’t work: white American male homosexuality has been swept up in the new moral panic along with all the other queers. Resisting normalisation isn’t an issue of posing as radical, of wanting to be edgy. It’s about acknowledging the fact that, as Davey Davis says “normalcy does not exist without the abnormal.”
Perhaps we are not normal. Perhaps normal is no good. Perhaps normal is the thing that made us abnormal to begin with. I hope to become better at welcoming my abnormality, and in the process accepting and loving the abnormality of others. It’s no easy task: as I wrote last year, when I discussed disgust, in our society “...abjection - to be the object of revulsion - is to be unworthy of love. This is not just something preached from the homophobe’s pulpit, either, but is a belief that underpins a society constructed, at root, on the reproduced image, the once printed and now pixelated image. We live under the tyranny of the image. Disgust is to be erased, sanitised, purified, ejected. Only the immediately and crudely attractive, only the beautiful, is capable of being loved.” We don’t need to normalise anything: we need to reckon with our love of the norm’
- Huw Lemmey, Normalyze This
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nothorses · 2 years
Idk I think there is some added context to the “anime pretty boy” stuff going around- that being a lot of where it’s started was from a tiktok of someone talking about detransitioning because they went bald and fearmongering about how they were in essence “a destroyed little girl” now- most of the “lol did you expect to be a pretty anime boy” stuff has been, in my experience, coming from transmascs owning their bodies on testosterone and being like “sorry you didn’t realize you were gonna look like your dad- your loss because this rules!” Idk people give transmasc people a lot of shit for their bodies and I don’t want to take away from that but i don’t know if people saying stuff abt not looking like an anime boy are non-transmasc people putting down transmascs as much as a semi-needed reality check about testosterone, especially considering the new trend online of fetishizing skinny androgynous youthfulness to hell and back
I mean, I think it just depends on who's saying it, why, and how they're saying it.
"I don't look like a pretty anime boy and that rules, being a hot dad is great actually" - very welcome expression of self love that encourages transmascs to accept and celebrate their bodies!
"lol of course you look like a fat bald loser, what'd you think testosterone was gonna do to you? make you a pretty anime boy? get a grip fujoshi" - openly transphobic, hateful TERF nonsense that shames transmascs for transitioning and pressures them to hate their bodies.
The idea that the people "fetishizing" youthful, skinny, and attractive men are all transmascs hoping to transition suggests that transition is not about personal fulfillment and self-actualization, but rather about Becoming The Object Of Your Gender Envy, becoming the thing you fetishize, or becoming attractive.
It's a TERF myth; the misconception that transmascs (and trans people in general!) are transitioning because of sexual perversion and fetishization rather than the simple, authentic desire to feel at home in our bodies.
If transmascs are feeling pressured to conform to those beauty standards, or are struggling to feel attractive or desirable post-transition, that's not because they were "fetishizing (that version of) maleness" and were not transitioning for authentic reasons. It's because patriarchal society is telling them they ruined their bodies, and they have failed as women and as men.
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brainrot-hq · 11 months
Note: I use "sexual" as a descriptor in this not to say that something includes sex in some way, but is shown in a sexy or desirable way. (Is that wording weird? I feel like that wording is weird.)
Future Man is so wild as a show- just in terms of the characters and the portrayal of those characters in nude or sexual ways.
Like, Tiger is never sexualized. Not to say she's never seen as sexual, she's involved in several sex scenes, and she's a character who is aware that she's a beautiful woman, yet is never shown nude, and all sex scenes involving her tend to be more comedic than sexual.
I would say there are two exceptions to this, however. One of the first scenes in the series, right before she's introduced, we see a fantasy of Josh's where she, as the object of his desire, is overtly sexual. However- this isn't actually Tiger. Again, this is a fantasy of Josh’s, so it's more of his thoughts portraying her that way.
As for clothing, she only truly wears two or three revealing outfits throughout the seasons. Most notably, the black dress in the episode Justice Desserts. However, while yes, in this episode she is seen in a sexual manner, she is portraying herself in that way. The other outfit is the one we see her in in Future Wars, and when she's first introduced. This outfit have a large section of mesh over her chest. However, this outfit is quickly swapped out.
Yet, compare this to the two leading men who are both shirtless several times throughout the series, and, hell- we've even (technically*) seen both of their dicks.
In fact- the only real example of female nudity in this show comes in episode Natal Attraction after a misunderstanding leads to a near-hookup, and within that scene, a character removes her bra and you see a couple of shots of frontal nudity.
Actually, Wolf is the character most often seen in outright sexual ways, or being nude in some way. He is involved in the most sex scenes, and these scenes tend to be the more sexual of the sex scenes in the show. If that doesn't make sense, think of the difference between when Tiger and Wolf "charge" in the first season, and compare that to Wolf and Dasha in season 2. He is also often the object of attraction for others.
Josh also has his scenes. While he doesn't have any actual sex scenes, simply implications of sex, he does have a scene in the first episode where he masterbates. While yes, this scene is comedic at points, you can ask anyone how this scene is portrayed, and they'll say it's very sexual. (I mean, you search anything related to Future Man, and often at least one related search will be something along the lines of "Future Man chair scene").
Most notable for Josh is probably season 1 episode 12's "Hachi Machi" scene, where two separate versions of Futturman are shown with full-frontal nudity. This scene isn't really sexual in any way, and is played for laughs.
I genuinely think this is the first show I have seen that has had men viewed in a more sexual way that women, and has had male nudity while having next to no female nudity.
I think this is something, but I'm just thinking on a long car ride. Wanted to get this out there and ramble for a bit. Feedback welcome and wanted!! I want to discuss :]
Note: I am not saying nudity is inherently sexual! It's not, and I only group the two together in this because nudity in a show like this typically fits into one of two cetergories: sexual or comedic. I try to go over both in this :]
*You see both dicks on one person, but two separate versions on that one person. You also see one of them in a plastic bag at one point. Idk, this shoe is weird.
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By: Colin Wright
Over the last decade, we have observed a striking shift in the politics of LGBT issues. There has been a move away from broadly supported principles based on equality toward the imposition of radical, pseudoscientific ideologies concerning biological sex. A growing genre of articles in high-profile news outlets, magazines, and scientific journals is signaling the end of a binary and immutable perspective on biological sex. The appeal of these pieces lies in the belief that rejecting the binary concept of sex provides society with a liberating opportunity for self-definition, unfettered by material constraints.
One might consider these debates too arcane to have any real significance. However, the pseudoscientific notion that biological sex is mutable and exists on a non-binary continuum serves as a key justification for allowing males who identify as women to compete in female sports and access female prisons, and for administering treatments such as puberty blockers and “gender-affirming” (i.e., body modifying) hormones and surgeries to adolescents and adults alike to fix a perceived misalignment between their sex and “gender identity.” The implications are serious, as these recommendations make women’s sex-based rights unenforceable and directly impact the healthy bodies and minds of children. It is of utmost importance that such actions are grounded in reliable science, not in fashionable political ideologies.
With Pride month kicking off, we can anticipate a veritable flood of articles heralding the end of the sex binary. Indeed, we didn’t have to wait very long.
On the first day of Pride month, the San Francisco Chronicle featured an article by ecologist Ash Zemenick titled, “Sex and gender are binaries? Sorry, that’s a scientific falsehood.” In the article, Zemenick wasted no time in proclaiming that the notion that “there are only two sexes available for humans to inhabit: male or female” is “false.” This stance stems from his argument that “Biological sex can be defined in many ways. And when it is accurately defined, it’s never binary.” He then goes down a list of candidate traits he claims are used to define sex with the aim of proving that none of them align with a binary view.
To the layperson unfamiliar with the science, Zemenick’s essay might seem like a compelling rebuttal of outdated, prejudiced notions of biology that have overstayed their bigoted welcome into the 21st century. However, this is far from the truth. Whether due to a lack of scientific understanding or a deliberate attempt to mislead, Zemenick's analysis falls short. To avoid being misled, it’s crucial to clarify several things: the difference between sex and gender, what sexes are, and what biologists mean when they refer to sex as “binary.” It’s vital to establish this foundation before demonstrating why Zemenick’s assertions lack credibility.
The distinction between sex and gender must first be disentangled. The term “sex” signifies whether a person is male or female, a categorization rooted in objective reproductive biology. Conversely, “gender” is usually characterized by notions of masculinity and femininity or the social roles, behaviors, and expressions traditionally linked to sex. Despite many activists’ efforts to blur the line between sex and gender, it is critical to maintain their distinctness. This conflation redefines sexual orientation in unscientific ways. Homosexuality, which means same-sex attraction, becomes “attraction to the same or similar genders.” Bisexuality, in turn, is morphed into “attraction to two (or more) genders”, gutting the term of meaning, and leading to asinine claims about bisexuality being uniquely transphobic. Needless to say, this makes advocating for LGBT rights as well as sex education much harder. Few people would seriously contend that human behavior and expression strictly adhere to two forms, but sex is different, which is why Zemenick’s arguments against the binary concept of sex fly in the face of science.
The sexes — male and female — represent two distinct reproductive strategies. Males are characterized as the sex that produces numerous small sex cells, or gametes, known as sperm. Females, conversely, are the sex that yields fewer but larger sex cells, referred to as eggs or ova. Consequently, we distinguish between males and females based on the type of sex cell their primary reproductive anatomy (gonads) can or are expected to produce. This is not unique to humans but is universally applied throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. Since there are only two types of sex cells — sperm and ovum — there exist only two sexes. This binary division between sperm and ovum forms the crux of biologists’ reference to sex as a “binary.”
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[ This is what it would look like if biological sex were a spectrum. Source: Zach Elliott ]
In his introductory remarks, however, Zemenick asserts that “Biological sex can be defined in many ways,” none of which is intrinsically superior or more essential than the others. He lists external genitalia, chromosomes, hormones, and ultimately gametes as traits that, upon examination, fail to align with a binary construct.
Focusing on external genitalia, Zemenick highlights intersex conditions, which are developmental conditions that result in mixed or ambiguous appearing reproductive anatomy. He asserts that people with intersex conditions are as prevalent as "people with naturally red hair" (1-2%, according to his cited source) and that their existence discredits the sex binary. This argument, although widespread, is fundamentally flawed and relies on both misapprehension and distorted statistics.
The principal error in Zemenick's intersex argument lies in its gross misinterpretation of the sex binary concept. As explained earlier, the statement “sex is binary” from a biologist’s perspective does not imply that every human throughout history can be unambiguously categorized as male or female. Rather, it refers to the fact that considering the presence of only two types of sex cells (sperm and ova), there can only be two sexes. Sexual ambiguity does not undermine the sex binary because an intersex condition does not lead to anatomy that can or would produce a third type of sex cell.
Moreover, Zemenick’s claim that 1-2% of the population has intersex conditions vastly overstates the reality, exceeding the actual figure by nearly 100 times. This statistic originated from Anne Fausto-Sterling in Sexing The Body: Gender Politics And The Construction Of Sexuality (2000), and was reiterated in an American Journal of Human Biology article titled “How Sexually Dimorphic Are We?” Fausto-Sterling and her colleagues reached their 1-2% estimation by applying an arbitrary and excessively broad definition of “intersex” as “an individual who deviates from the Platonic ideal of physical dimorphism at the chromosomal, genital, gonadal, or hormonal levels.” To convey the absurdity of their strict criteria, females with unusually small clitorises and males with unusually large penises were classified as intersex.
Most critically, the vast majority of the people Fausto-Sterling categorized as intersex exhibited no sexual ambiguity whatsoever. When a clinically relevant definition of intersex is applied, such as when “chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female,” the incidence of intersex conditions dwindles to approximately 0.018%, or about 1 in 5500. Nevertheless, the prevalence of intersex conditions is immaterial to the binary nature of sex. The occurrence of sexual ambiguity, regardless of its frequency, does not constitute a third sex.
Zemenick then addresses sex chromosomes, seeking to debunk the assumption that girls always possess XX and boys always have XY sex chromosomes by highlighting other “varied arrangements” of sex chromosomes such as XYY, XXX, XXY or XO. From this he concludes that “Chromosomal sex is not binary.” The issue here is that no competent biologist would argue that chromosomes define an individual’s sex. Zemenick appears to be very confused about the distinction between how sex is defined versus how it is determined.
In the realm of developmental biology, the term “determined” describes the factors that trigger specific tissues to develop along a certain pathway, resulting in a particular organ or appendage. This is the concept biologists refer to when they discuss “chromosomal sex determination” in humans and other mammals. However, the manner in which an organism's sex is determined substantially differs from how it’s defined. For example, some animals like alligators lack sex chromosomes altogether. Instead, whether a particular egg hatches a male or female alligator is determined by incubation temperature. Critically, even though humans and alligators have drastically different mechanisms for determining sex, the sex of an individual human or alligator is always defined consistently: by the type of gamete he or she can produce or would produce, based on their gonads.
Zemenick’s assertion that varying sex chromosome combinations (known as sex chromosome aneuploidies) disrupt the sex binary reveals a novice understanding of biology at best, despite his self-introduction as “a doctorate-carrying scientist.” In truth, these “varied arrangements” represent chromosomal variation within males and females, not additional unique sexes beyond males and females.
Zemenick next shifts his focus to what he calls “hormonal sex.” He contends that this concept is not binary because males and females each produce both estrogen and testosterone, and that “the levels of estrogen and testosterone in bodies is a distribution.” However, this is putting the cart before the horse. Hormone levels do not define one’s sex; rather, they’re a result of one’s sex. Males have testes and females have ovaries, and these organs predominantly produce testosterone and estrogen, respectively.
Lastly, Zemenick considers gametes, which he calls “the most reductive definition of sex.” He argues that we cannot determine a person’s sex based on gametes because some individuals are sterile and thus do not produce gametes. Others have their gonads removed and consequently cease to produce gametes. Moreover, boys don’t produce sperm until they reach puberty; does this imply they are sexless prior to that point? According to Zemenick, there exist “three states: no gametes, eggs or sperm,” leading him to conclude that “gametic sex is not binary.”
This overlooks the fact that one’s actual ability to produce gametes doesn’t define their sex. A sterile or pre-pubertal male remains male due to the development of male primary reproductive organs, irrespective of their current functionality. Similarly, surgical removal of one’s gonads doesn’t alter a person’s sex, as their reproductive phenotype has already manifested. Most importantly, “no gametes” doesn’t denote a third sex (which would require a third kind of gamete). Therefore, even under Zemenick’s proposed system, there would still be only two sexes.
As I have pointed out several times, an individual’s sex is defined by the type of gamete they can or would produce. This definition is not arbitrary; its validity can be evidenced by the fact that all of Zemenick’s alternate sex definitions — genital, chromosomal, and hormonal — still depend on the primacy of the gametic definition of sex to maintain any sense of coherence.
We know human males typically have penises and females have vaginas because we understand that being male or female is independent of external genitalia. We recognize that females usually have XX chromosomes and males XY because these chromosomal combinations correspond almost invariably with female and male sexes, respectively. We associate high testosterone levels with males and high estrogen levels with females because we comprehend that these hormone levels correlate with an individual’s sex. It would have been literally impossible to associate any of these traits with males and females without first understanding what males and females are, apart from these traits. And what all these traits are caused by or correlate with is the type of gamete — sperm or ova — that an individual’s gonads can or would produce.
One red flag that should alert readers to Zemenick’s unscientific, ideological agenda is that he fails to explain or clarify anything. Instead, his sole aim appears to be to muddle matters and leave his audience perplexed. A competent educator, possessing a mastery of their subject, wouldn’t undermine basic textbook portrayals of concepts only to leave their audience floundering. Instead, they would substitute one model with another that imparts a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of known facts.
It’s easy to differentiate a truth-seeking scientist from a Critical Social Justice activist masquerading as one. A scientist searches for patterns in the natural world to understand it in light of more fundamental truths. In stark contrast, the objective of these activists is simply to sow confusion while asserting that truth is always elusive and relativistic. Considering these different approaches to the natural world, Zemenick’s true modus operandi should be unmistakably clear.
Pseudoscience on the biology of sex has indeed permeated academia, medicine, and society at large, proliferating unchecked due to its perceived alignment with Critical Social Justice ideals. However, let us remember that political trends, while captivating, are transient in nature, whereas truth endures forever despite its unpopularity at times. Human rights must be built on a foundation of truth. Hope lies in speaking that truth as loudly as possible and limiting the collateral impact of reality-distorting ideologies on policy, medicine, and society until evidence and reason make their inevitable comeback.
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doodle-pops · 1 year
Hi minaa
First off: thank you for answering my "what if an elf has sex before marriage" question, (its been on my mind for some time now and it has also been stressing me out because I'm trying to write my own fics so ty) 😭❤️
But that doesn't matter now because I have a new question that has been on my mind which is:
Do elves masturbate? Like would they do it differently or the same as we would? would they own toys or something? (This goes for both male and female elves btw)
You're most welcome and good luck with your writing!! 💕💕
Right off the bat, nowhere in LaCE states elves being physically intimate with each other or on their own before marriage, whether it be mutual masturbation or not. Furthermore, from Tolkien’s Catholic point of view, both parties should be pure and holy in the body before unifying in the eyes of Eru, which in layman's terms is, 'no form of sexual acts until marriage'.
This question has also been on my mind ever since I’ve been reading and writing smut for the elves. I’ve concluded that elves are curious folks by nature. As much as they have self-restraint to control themselves and whatnot, there are moments when feelings like desire can strike in powerful forms by simply looking at an attractive person. Now, according to LaCE, elves aren’t sexually active in the manner that humans are, but they did love the act with their spouse. Their sex drive plummets as children come along until the act is of no interest and they cease entirely to be intimate. This is why we say elves only desire their spouse/soulmate and no other, so if they’re gonna masturbate, it’s for their crush/spouse who happens to be the love of their life.
I’m unsure if you wish to write your pieces keeping true to LaCE, so I’ll give you an answer that mixes canon and non-canon.
If elves were to masturbate before marriage, they’d perform the act in secrecy while keeping it simple. Since sex equivalates to marriages and from the Catholic system back then, the tearing of the hymen signified being deflowered and consummated, any form of masturbation would not have involved penetration of foreign objects for the female until marriage occurred. So, before marriage, the females would keep it simple using their fingers while the males would jerk themselves off.
Mutual masturbation wouldn’t be any different, it’ll be hosted privately and either party would pleasure each other using their hands (no fancy gadgets like us). It is also essential and lovely to note that acts of intimacy change the physical behaviour between couples. They become more open and relaxed to touches from each other, so it's an interesting aspect to look at and remember if you wish to be detailed. After marriage, it would be safe to welcome the use of inserting foreign objects; they obviously didn’t have dildos like us, probably some safely designed phallus-shaped object could have been created (if you want, you can write the first dildo being created and used in a fic lol).
Honestly, the idea of the elves masturbating is a great concept to delve into because it also shows that both parties were aware of their bodies and what they liked, instead of waiting for marriage to roll around to discover.
If you wish to discard all of this and write elves masturbating as we humans do, you are welcome to do so (it’s still good to know the canon details). At the end of the day, it’s all about how you wish to portray the elves and the story. You can portray them as sexually active or stick to LaCE, it’s your story and no one can tell you otherwise.
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Personally I often wonder about the extent that bioessentialism is baked into our ideologies and how to combat it, because bioessentialism is basically the gateway drug to transmisogyny and transmisandry. We discuss differences between the genders are immutable facts rather than topics that should be fully explored.
The desire to find social answers to our problems, to discuss the ways in which what we teach and say influence how we think and feel, I believe has been kind of painted over with a desire for quick and easy answers. Obviously this manifests in completely ridiculous ways like people insisting that women are just dumber than men and hence can't reasonably compete against them in chess.
But I often think about this gets expressed in other, more insidious ways. If I asked "Do het men and gay men feel attraction differently?" outside of the obvious answer of "They're attracted to different genders", I feel like the answer would probably overwhelmingly be yes. But if I asked "Do het women and gay women feel attraction differently?", I'm honestly not sure if the response would be as overwhelming. There would be more hemming and hawing.
Now flip the script even further. Do gay men and het women feel attraction differently? It might obvious to some people to immediately say yes, but consider what stereotypes exist out there. The trope of the token gay guy of an otherwise straight friend group, who often just says what the women are thinking outloud. The stereotype of the feminine gay man in media. While my ultimate these here is "attraction is more than just man vs woman", I feel like it be remiss to say that we have on some level internalized that the two groups are at least similar.
Now what about het men and gay women? Does being attracted to women, no matter what your gender, make you susceptible to the messages regarding female sexuality that are broadcasted? Does it matter how masculine you choose to present and identify yourself?
This ultimately is part of why I feel a lot of trans lesbians face a shitton of harassment for being themselves and being open sexual: it gets viewed as male sexuality because of their transness. That a woman couldn't possibly ever have been susceptible to that in the first place. Do you see the issue? Or about how lesbian sexuality is often suppressed and discarded, seen as ultimately fetishistic. Write something raunchy enough and anonymously enough, and you'll get dismissed out of hand as a man (welcome to the wonderful world of yuri discourse).
At the end of the day, interrogating the matter mostly just reveals that a lot of our beliefs about attraction are entirely social. Men are not hard-wired to see women as sex objects. Het men can be entirely loving, respectful partners, and gay men and women can be the exact opposite. It's not immutable fact at the end of the day. Part of my internal self-reflection as I transitioned was coming to grasp with the different beliefs I held to be true (and ultimately, learning about feminism, genuinely a lot of people could benefit from a more formal education about it). Were they true? Were they things I believed to be true? Were they things I could unlearn?
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
One thing I really really like about dyke/lesbian/queer womany cultures is the relationship to age and ageing in community thought and writing
like ok so at the Great Old Age Of 30 (objectively still p fuckin young) I hear a lot of queer men/maleish people worrying about aging out of the gay scene. It's not true, of course, there's always been and will always be space for older people in queer scenes, and some of my favourite community spaces are run by men in their 60s and 70s, but from my outsider perspective there certainly seems to be a lot of glorification of youth and fear of aging.
but from the dyke side like. there's way less anxiety about being welcomed, attractive and part of the community when you're Not In Your 20s, you know? there's a lot of thinking and writing about the sexiness and value and beauty of bodies and people growing older. I think it's a combination of queer women often coming out later in life and of reacting against the weird fetishisation of very young women in Straight World but god it's so nice to have so much art and thinking and writing about the joy of being a Whole Fuckin Adult. like I don't find people under 25 sexy usually bc they are Too Young For Me and it's super nice to be in a community where that's like. not weird?
anyway I don't want to make sweeping comments and this definitely isn't a Lesbians Great Gay Men Bad post bc male-focused queer communities also often have a really good relationship with the idea of aging. but it is nice in a world where women are so often treated as utterly unappealing and unlovable after like. 28. to be able to talk about finding women your own age or older hot. to know that some of the biggest figures in your local community are likely to be closer to my mum's age than to mine. idk. it's a nice thing.
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kookies2000 · 2 years
So, found this article about Velma being a lesbian. Not very friendly to people in the LGBT+ community and I just have a few things you say.
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First paragraph, yes, physical attraction is a part of human nature. Or so I'm speaking as someone in the aroace spectrum. But I know physical attraction is there hence why so many people go on dates with someone they just met. Or why some sleep with others who they just met. It's called physical/sexual attraction.
Second paragraph, men are told women aren't objects. And that's true. How many men have raped and sexual assaulted women and then the women is sometimes victim blamed for it. Tons of women are treated like sex objects. I'm sure that's what the people mean when they say the male gaze is dangerous. If there's no concent on both sides then yes, it is dangerous. Admiring how a woman looks is nothing bad. You like the way she looks, you like the way she looks. But don't be a creepy about it. There's tons of men who don't leave women alone even after they say they aren't interested. That's creepy. What's also creepy is unwelcome sexual comments. A compliment is nice, it's sweet, and if the girl is into the sexual comments, then shoot your shot. It's all about if the comments are welcome or not. As for the whole "They tell men that looking at women and being physically attracted to them is evil....." Yes, some so say that included Jesus Christ who said that all men who look at women like that should gouge their eyes out. That part sounds like an issue with in the church. I'm speaking as a Christian as well. Men shouldn't look at women or give sexual comments if it's not welcome. I'm sure that's what the Bible ment.
And here's the rest of that article.
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Look, what I'm saying is this. And this applies to lesbians and gays as well, not just straights. It's 100% ok to be physically/sexually attracted to someone. As long as the age gap isn't too big or pedophilic. And don't be creepy. Don't look if they don't want you to look or give unwanted sexual comments. That's that and just be respectful.
Or at least that's how I see it.
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sapphicriv · 1 year
Hi! I'm Remi! I'm 20 and I decided to restart my queer tiktok account and with that decided to make a Tumblr account. I have a very complicated identity with a lot of uncommon labels that aren't very well known, so I'm going to explain them. Source links will be in my next post
Firstly, my pronouns, as well as they/them, I also use:
This is very much still a work in progress, but recently there've been some major developments. I started using xenogenders!
The xenos I currently use are:
messgender: a gender in which someone has almost no idea of what their gender could be, or keeps finding terms that almost fit, but not quite, causing them to jump from label to label. They can’t tell if their gender is fluid or not, how many genders they have, or if they have a gender at all.
keysmashgender: a xenogender that one can only describe through a keyboard smash, such as afkjbdfvbkxfd. It feels chaotic, confusing, and unable to be described by normal words.
chaosgender: a gender identity where one's gender does a lot of confusing things and doesn't make sense to anyone, even to the person themselves. It could be thought of as a very complex gender, a very fluid gender, a gender which is difficult to understand or a gender which is hard to describe in one word.
staticgender: like TV static; fuzzy and incomprehensible. This gender may feel complicated or confusing. It may also feel fluid and everchanging.
blurian: a xenogender identity where one's gender feels blurry. One knows that the gender exists. but cannot figure out what it is
(QUESTIONING) blurgender: a type of genderfluid where one doesn't know what gender they are, because all the genders they are fluid between blur together and become indistinguishable from one another. Someone who is blurgender sort of knows what genders they are fluid between, but cannot tell the gender they are feeling at the moment.
The non-xenos I use are:
(QUESTIONING) Abinary:  refers to genders that are completely unrelated to maleness, masculinity, femaleness, or femininity, and is nowhere in between, being completely away from the binary, whilst still not always being genderless. Abinary genders may describe feeling any strength of gender whilst still being unrelated to the binary genders. The term abinary can be summarised as any gender that is unrelated to the binary.
Genderfade: a gender characterized by an individual's gender only being present when they are thinking about it, and their gender fades or melts away when they are not thinking about it.
aegogender: is the feeling of disconnection or separation of gender from an individual. This term can be combined with another gender, or it can be used on its own. My personal aegogender experiences are
Being genderless but having a vague or abstract connection to some gender.
Having a gender, but feeling disconnected or disassociated from it.
a gender identity and umbrella term for those who do not fully understand, or want to define, their gender. My personal experiences with quoigender are:
Finding one's gender too confusing
One questioning their gender for so long that their questioning starts to become part of their identity
Not understanding gender at all
Aegosexual: a disconnection between oneself and a sexual target/object of arousal, I don't wanna get banned right off the bat, so I'm just gonna say I relate to all 3 points in the source
Bellusromantic: having interest in traditionally romantic things, such as kissing or cuddling, but not feeling romantic attraction, and not wanting a romantic relationship. A bellusromantic individual may enjoy or desire these activities in non-romantic contexts, but does not enjoy them in the context of a romantic relationship.
(QUESTIONING) Mutoicaro: a  term for when my aromantic orientation changes in response to a situation. For me, I'm primarily bellusromantic, however, if I were to meet a cupioromantic person, and I wished to be in a relationship with said person, I would, this therefore means I am:
arofluid: when one is fluid between aro-spec orientations. for me this is bellus and cupio
cupioromantic: an individual who may desire a romantic relationship, but may experience no romantic attraction.l
Quoiaroace: being both quoiromantic and quoisexual, meaning I don't understand what romantic attraction nor sexual attraction is
I relate to the following experiences:
Being unsure if you experience romantic or sexual attraction or not
Being unable to understand romantic and sexual attraction as a concept or feeling
Being unable to pin down a clear understanding of romantic and sexual attraction, so being unable to say whether or not you experience it
Struggling with romanticism and sexuality because it feels too complicated
Alterous attraction: for me this is a middle ground between platonic and romantic attraction
Omnialterous: experiencing alterous attraction to all genders with a preference
And that's it!
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knarme-stray · 2 years
little thingor
My art and stories heavily cater to queer transmasc gaze as a queer transmasc myself btw, but everyone is welcome here, - I don’t believe in gatekeeping what kind of body types or relationship dynamics etc. ppl are allowed to find sexy and enjoy in fiction, regardless of who they are.
There’s a lot of stigma esp. around trans bodies and sexuality, and I want to address that for a bit.
I think we transmascs struggle a lot with how when we express our sexuality in our own terms, often uniquely to our various ways of experiencing gender, either dysphoria or euphoria and the desires and boundaries that come with those things and vary a lot on an individual basis, - people are a little scared to encage with that.
And I guess it’s because so often even trans people ourselves get accused of “degrading” or “fetishizing”... For... Portraying trans bodies and sexuality, trans bodies as attractive and desirable and portraying trans ppl in various sexual and relationship dynamics!
This talk often comes from internet zoomer queers who have only seen sexuality so far as something society imposes on them a. k. a. defies autonomy (esp. a lot of trans people have this trauma bcs we get policed so hard), so they’ve never conceptualized sexuality and especially trans people’s sexuality as something that can belongs to ourselves and can be explored with our own terms.
I’ve known for more than 10 years now how much I YEARN to portray queer transmasc relationships, sexuality and bodies, but felt scared to do so. At first there was just kinda nobody else doing the same, so I could not find community. Later, when I learned how much in-community lateral transphobia and policing towards identity and sexuality there is among trans people, that actually made me feel like I’ll be crucified for drawing guys getting their sweet pussy lips hungrily eaten by another dude who’ll soon plug a double-sided strapless silicon cock in his  own cunt and then manage to fuck his adorable breedable boyfriend, orgasming from the clitoral stimulation from fucking his bf with that toy as if he was just putting his dick in him.
Our sexuality is so stigmatized that it’s genuinely scary to openly express it at times, - to the point where I’ve often cis-washed a lot of my queer male characters or ships to avoid the scrutiny. I don’t do this anymore because I want bodies and sexualities like mine to be just business as usual, normal stuff. Just like writing m/m couples is normal for anyone to do, I want transmasc ppl to be considered just as normal, and not a taboo.
Also; Fictional characters are objects. You are allowed to, in fact, objectify the everliving shit out of them.
Fetishization/objectification of a marginalized population refers to hunting sexual interactions or relationships with real people of that group, for the sole purpose of the “exoticism” of it, and treating living IRL human beings more like a porn category than people. For example, IRL cis people who hunt trans people as a taboo sexual outlet etc. would be considered this.
So honestly. Consume and create any art, with any body types or sexual dynamics you want. It’s other people’s job to maintain their own personal boundaries and to not encage with art they don’t like. Nobody should feel pressured to disclose their personal information or identity online just to be able to enjoy or create any fictional content in peace.
On my page, everyone is welcome to enjoy and express appreciation of what I’m putting out in here. Even if we aren’t a part of the same demographics, I’m not gonna think you’re “creepy” for liking my art. So just a word, - transmasculine artists like me who put our work out there, aren’t some poor little delicate flowers who wilt and die when people interact with it. When needed, I will express personal boundaries about things, and that’s allright, not an end of the world but just respectful communication.
About queer transmasc gaze in my art, - while how I decipt na’vi/avatar anatomy is actually tied to my headcanon of fantasy/alien anatomy of versatile naturally hermaphroditic genitalia, and not trans by its lore, it definitely comes from a place of wanting to explore characters having the potential to “have any genitalia” or sexual role regardless of the rest of their presentation or sex characteristics.
While my Quaritch isn’t trans, he’s a curious exploration, by a queer transmasc dude, into the concept of a cis dude waking up with a fat pussy one day (and discovering that said “pussy” is actually finely packaged alien genitalia that lets you fuck and get fucked lmao). It’s fascinating to explore the fantasy of characters experiencing bodies that, in some ways, operate similiarly to certain transmasc body types, but without the baggage and trauma of being born trans in a cisnormative society. To me that’s a liberating exploration of queer men just ~happening to have all the pussy abilities on them~.
Also that + I’m a furry and a monsterfucker so lanky werecat humanoids with funky genitalia are territory of my specialty, too.
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thefinerarts · 2 years
1) This blog contains NSFW material strictly intended for adults (18+), often featuring nudity &/or the occasional feminine-presenting transgender subject. If you are underage or object to such imagery, please exit without making a scene. Nobody is making you look.
2) Coincidental posts aside, poaching of material rather than reblogging (or at least showing the courtesy of a mention) will be promptly rewarded with a one-way trip to "band camp". FAFO.
For everyone else, welcome to my blog, especially those of you who have chosen to follow. I hope you find the content here meets the lofty standard to which I espouse. Quality over quantity being the goal, please don't confuse a sometimes limited post count with a lack of interest or effort on my part. Feel free to reblog away!
Note that while I make no claims as to ownership of the imagery posted in this tribute blog, I do assert "Fair Use" of such for the purpose of commentary with regards to what constitutes feminine beauty in the eye of this particular beholder. However, content will be removed at the specific request of its documented copyright holder. In any event, I always strive to identify subjects featured herein.
FWIW, I’m a single (divorced), male (he/him, duh) gynesexual (attracted to feminine beauty, regardless of one’s plumbing), affectionate (love slow-dancing, hugs & cuddling) Scorpio (readily aroused) living near Memphis. But, I'm no player or chaser, 100% NOT into dudes, nor am I anyone's ATM. Anyway, if you’re OK with all of that, please feel free to message me, and do stay tuned...
Thank you, thankyouverymuch!
P.S. Check out my other blogs @gurlcrazytfa & @wordstfa
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
Only 2% of women describe themselves as ‘beautiful’.
The average Briton will lose 756 socks in their lifetime.
Men spend almost a year of their lives staring at women.
Barcode scanners scan the white bits, not the black.
The brain naturally craves four things: food, sex, water and sleep.
By law, all citizens of Kentucky must take a bath at least once a year.
80% of the London Underground is, in fact, overground.
Cuddling has the same effect on your brain as taking painkillers.
40% of all bottled water sold in the world is bottled tap water.
One-third of people over 70 are still sexually active.
Norway allows students from anywhere in the world to study at their public universities free of charge.
Atychiphobia is a fear of not being good enough for the person you are in a relationship with.
Felons who are considered physically unattractive receive 50 percent longer jail sentences on average than those deemed attractive.
A 2009 search for the Loch Ness Monster came up empty. Scientists did, however, find over a hundred thousand golf balls.
85% of the clicking on web ads is done by 8% of the people. Since 2008, the number of clicks has halved.
The average number of meetings a worker has per day has doubled since 2020.
92% of all engagement with tweets happens within one hour of a tweet being posted.
In Norway, no one can hide their earnings as every citizen's income is made publicly available for everyone else to review.
Sir Walter Raleigh’s devoted widow Elizabeth kept his decapitated head with her in a velvet bag for 29 years.
Cocks don’t have cocks. In 97% of bird species, the males don’t have a penis.
There are at least 27 million slaves in the world today, more than were ever seized from Africa in the 400 years of the slave trade.
78% of former NFL players go bankrupt within two years after ending their careers
Male weightlifters can lift heavier objects after watching erotic videos.
Gerbils can smell adrenaline and are installed in airport security areas to detect terrorists.
The song 'Under Pressure' was written by David Bowie and Queen during a 24-hour wine and cocaine marathon.
Lonely people take longer, hotter showers or baths to replace the warmth they're lacking socially or emotionally.
In the late 1800s, America's first female mayor was put on the ballot as a joke. She won the election by a landslide.
Samoa and American Samoa are roughly one hundred miles from each other but, because of time zone borders, Samoa is twenty-five hours ahead of American Samoa.
The amount of water on Earth is constant and continually recycled over time. Some of the water you drink will have passed through a dinosaur.
A piano word is a word that can be spelled using only the musical notes (ABCDEFG). The longest English word is ‘cabbage-faced’.
In a Simpsons episode that aired in 2003, Homer says his e-mail address is Chunkylover53 @ aol. com. Within minutes of the episode airing, the in-box for that e-mail address was filled to capacity.
There have been Tinder matches on all seven continents. In 2014, an American scientist working at McMurdo Station in Antarctica matched with another researcher camping nearby.
In Vienna, Austria, just after lockdown, a brothel offered citizens a free 30-minute session with a lady of their choice if they turned up to get the Covid-19 vaccination.
The first scientist to predict that increased CO2 in the atmosphere would cause global warming was physicist Eunice Foote, who did so in 1856!
In 1969, a drunk Richard Nixon ordered a nuclear strike on North Korea. Henry Kissinger countermanded the order and told the Joint Chiefs to wait until the president had sobered up to make any decisions.
A man named Dmitry Argarkov once scanned a credit card agreement, edited it, and returned it with a 0% interest rate and no limit in the new terms. The bank signed without reading it and a judge held them to it.
During the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 9-year-old girl who sang a patriotic song at the opening ceremony was revealed to be lip-synching. The real singer was a 7-year-old girl backstage who wasn't considered good-looking enough and might've damaged China's image.
As a kid, Jimi Hendrix would often carry a broom around and pretend it was a guitar. After more than a year of taking a broom to school, a social worker tried to get funding for a real guitar, arguing that leaving him without one could result in psychological damage.
After writing the ‘Seven Nation Army’ main riff, Jack White intended to save it, in case he was ever asked to write a James Bond theme. Thinking this unlikely, he decided to finish the song. Four years later, he was asked to write the theme for the Bond film ‘Quantum of Solace’.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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ainews · 2 months
Vases have long been associated with lunchrooms for geese, and it's not just because they make for a charming decoration. These iconic pieces of pottery actually serve a practical and important purpose in geese communities.
Geese, like many social animals, have a complex system of communication that involves both vocalizations and body language. While their honking can convey important messages, it is often their gestures and physical symbols that carry the most weight.
One of these symbols is the vase, which is used as a pictograph to designate a safe and communal lunch spot for geese. Similar to the way humans might use a sign or label to indicate the location of a cafeteria or break room, geese use vases as visual markers for their own lunchrooms.
This practice is thought to have originated from geese observing playful interactions between humans and vases. As they watched people gathering around these objects for meals and gatherings, geese began to replicate the behavior and use vases as a way to designate their own gathering spaces. Over time, this behavior became ingrained and vases became a recognizable symbol for geese to identify safe and welcoming lunchrooms.
But it's not just about using vases as a marker. These lunchrooms often provide important social benefits for geese as well. By designating a specific spot for meals, geese can establish a sense of belonging and community, allowing them to bond with their flock mates and strengthen social hierarchies.
Additionally, lunchrooms serve as a safe haven for geese to rest and relax without fear of being attacked by predators. This is especially important during breeding season when geese may be more vulnerable and in need of a secure location to rest and feed.
In some cases, vases are also used as a way to attract potential mates. Male geese will often gather and present gifts, such as nesting materials or food, to potential female partners in an attempt to court them. Vases, with their smooth surface and hollow shape, make for the perfect gift and are often used to attract and impress female geese.
Overall, vases serve as an important and practical pictograph for geese lunchrooms, providing both a means for communication and a safe communal space for these social creatures. So next time you see a groupe of geese gathered around a vase, remember that this simple object holds significant meaning and importance in the lives of these feathered creatures.
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