The witch and the wolf.
One might think the wolf was the witch's familiar by how the wolf followed him, but it was merely out of curiosity.
The witch kept to himself with his sweet smile and sunshine magic.
The wolf meant no harm when he walked up and brushed against the witch's side.
The witch, who was really just a boy, walked back home with a hand in the wolf's fur.
The wolf stayed with the boy, listening to him talk, and watching as he tended to his garden or worked on his craft.
The wolf, a shifter by the name of Augustin, slowly figured out that he had fallen for the sunshine witch.
The witch, Credence, had hoped that he had gained the wolf's trust, knowing that he was a shifter, and eventually he did.
The wolf's beautiful brown fur became tan skin, those dark, knowing eyes stayed the same, and in place of sharp canines there was a charming smile.
Credence found out how sweet Augustin was when he helped him in the garden or walked with him into town.
He learned of how lonely Augustin had been in the woods all by himself, about how he had watched Credence go to the marker and how he'd make sure to follow so that he knew that he arrived home safely.
Augustin had followed out of curiosity and it had ended with finding someone he could trust and who he wanted to protect.
Credence found someone who liked him for who he was rather than for what he could do, and who didn't think his scars as something to be ashamed of.
The witch and the wolf found a home in one another, found that they would be for who they were, that they would he cherished.
They could and would keep each other safe.
{5/19/2018} for @siemprellueve
(this isn't amazing by any means, but I still hope you like it?)
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orangeflamewrites · 7 years
“I’m glad you’re part of my life.” James x Stella
Accepting: Platonic Valentine’s Day Starters
In a marriage that had been a contract, a day such as this should’ve been like any other day. The day of  L O V E  that many people celebrated with such fervor might have been lost on a couple that had got together for business reasons.
However, not even their first Valentine’s day together had gone unnoticed. Her husband, being the sweetest person that she’d ever known, had brought her a bouquet of flowers along with the box of her favourite chocolate, that he’d somehow got to know about. It had left her speechless. A simple gesture from someone who she had almost avoided over the past few months, ever since they’d got married. James had just walked in and offered her the flowers and chocolate with a gentle smile and an awkward ‘Happy Valentine’s Day,’ before walking away to get changed leaving her floundering as she stood there in her study.
Now, years later, she had been surprised by him again! The man who didn’t dance - couldn’t, she knew for a fact - approached her and asked for one. She could feel the looks of her coworkers on them, yet the only face her eyes scanned was her husband’s. The shy words accompanied by that nervous smile did something to her heart and before she knew it, a wide smiled had blossomed upon her lips. “I’d love that,” she’d said earnestly before letting him lead them to the dance floor, her red gown billowing behind her.
Much to Stella’s astonishment he was pretty good and something in her itched to ask him how did that happen. However, lost in the moment, the world soon faded along with any queries that might have been gnawing at the back of her head. She just wanted to enjoy this dance with him. With her husband.
The soft tunes of the music and the scent of James’ cologne coupled with the warmth of his body were all that she needed, along with the closeness between them. So, when he spoke up she started a little, eyes widening as his words touched her heart, squeezing at it. A few seconds passed. She continued to stare up at him, lips parted, eyes widened and glazing over a little, while they swayed slowly to the music.
“I’m happy to share my life with you,” she replied softly, stretching up on her toes without missing a beat, and planting a kiss to his cheek.
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sonoforri · 7 years
Definitions || Closed
It seemed a lot had gone on in the past few months. Ever since he'd met Elizabeth it was like life had been a new whirlwind that it hadn't been before, and he found himself falling for her more and more with every moment they spent together. From the moment she wandered into his pub, Haken knew something was different about her. He liked being with her, being near her, spending time with her. Sure they had their ups and downs, but what relationship didn't. Then again, this wasn't technically a relationship. Was it? Haken wasn't seeing anyone else, but he wasn't exactly seeing Liz either. They had a few dates here and there, and she had surprised him for his birthday, but that was about it. They had never fully discussed where they stood with one another. But it might have been too late for that now. Haken had gotten a call from his brother about an emergency and had left town immediately. He'd told Maisie since she would have to look after the pub as well as the inn, but didn't tell Elizabeth. Part of him figuring that she would just pass the news along. Almost a month passed before he finally got home. Arriving back late one night, instantly falling to sleep after the exhaustion of travelling. The next morning he headed on down to the inn for breakfast and catch up on what he had missed. Though the only thing he had on his mind was asking about Liz, found out if she was still in town or not.
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waywardsignns-a · 7 years
Pain is weakness leaving the body ( Faith // Charlie )
your muse finds mine - 8. with the flu
Faith was not a woman that depended on anybody, a woman with an independent streak a mile wide... and even still, there were times that even the strongest must rely on another. Though if it were to happen at any time... she was beyond grateful that it had happened while her husband was home. Spending most of the night in the bathroom without a wink of sleep, it was with Charlie’s help that she had been moved out to the couch and urged to lay down. With almost achingly slow actions, Faith was lowered to the couch as if she were in pain (and pretty close to it considering her entire body was one giant nerve ending at this point). 
Though soon enough, the woman was laid down with a blanket draped over her, her skin a bit more pale than it normally was and shining with sweat. “Thank you...” the words were rasped from her raw throat, her body randomly spasming as shivers overtook her... good god this couldn’t pass fast enough.
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bondedbyfate-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
            “ -------------OH SHIT ! it’s you! i am so, SO SORRY. ” the last thing murphy EXPECTED was to see the stranger whom she walked into on her way to work. one would think that being psychic, she would have SENSED him standing there, or at least, seen his AURA, but she’d been so entranced with the game on her phone and NOT running late, that she hadn’t been paying attention. “ did-----did you FOLLOW me? i mean... no, that’s stupid, of course you didn’t. ” she SHAKES her head, SIGHING as she does so. “ what can i get you to drink, sir ?? ” 
                               murphy x charlie / based off of the pokemon go plot whoops.
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"No, I don’t think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly"
"Why not?" Credence asked, rocking back on his heels. He bit his lower lip, worrying at it. He couldn't tell if Gus was being serious or if he was being playful. Kissing sounded amazing Iand right now he wanted to kiss Gus. Not some stranger.
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contrarymuses · 7 years
❉ ✹ ☘
Useless Details Ask Meme I
❉ do they have any pictures on their phone?
Riley has several pictures on her phone, mostly of her and her youngest sister whom she gets along with better. She also documents her travels (not there there’s that many) as well as funny things she finds about her day.
✹ five - ten songs on their iPod/phone?
Moon River- Frank Sinatra 
Beautiful War- Kings of Leon
Blue Collar Jane-  The Strypes
Summertime- Ella Fitzgerald
All of Me- John Legend
☘ how many keys do they have? for what? do they have any key pendants?
Riley has three keys on her keychain. One for her house, her car, her locker at the gym. She has several key pendants, it’s shameful lol. She has a glittery purple ‘R’, a small sterling silver mermaid, a white little puffball and paracord chain one of her patient’s siblings made for her
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waywardsignns-a · 7 years
@wearejustallrunaways || Aubrey 
Lips pursed just a touch with supplies around her, she took a brief moment to listen to the sounds around her, taking a moment to take in the beauty all around her… before she leaned forward again. Using chalk to create a colorful work of art, she knew that there were people that would pass by that would stick around and watch for a little bit before they continued on about their days… but she didn’t mind. She was glad that they could see just how beautiful the world could be, was glad that they were able to witness, even for just a little bit, the beauty through her own eyes.
The piece that lay before her was simply the park around her… though it seemed to be far more beautiful than what it already was. Hints of vibrant color in various places, small forms of people included in the work of art that came to life with each stroke of her chalk.
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pre-established relationship hearts!
💛send to have a platonic ship with my muse
Well hello! Who would you like to ship with? Feel free to IM me!
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jesstasticvoyage · 6 years
:O!!!!! Girl this means a lot especially since we don't have a ship! Not yet at least. ;)
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puggymuses · 7 years
💜💜💜🌷🌷💐💐 happy valentines day sweet heart 💜💜💜🌷🌷💐💐💜💜💜🌷🌷💐💐💜💜💜🌷🌷💐💐💜💜💜🌷🌷💐💐💜💜💜🌷🌷💐💐💜💜💜🌷🌷💐💐💜💜💜🌷🌷💐💐💜💜💜🌷🌷💐💐
I’m late with this, but thank you so much and happy Valentines day
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Demons were meant for destruction. They were meant to enjoy every empire that fell and every heart that they broke.
They weren't meant to create and they certainly weren't meant to create anything beautiful. But that didn't mean that they couldn't create.
So what happened to those demons who wanted to create something other than bloodshed and carnage?
What happened to the demons who didn't want to stay in Hell? They weren't holy enough to go to Heaven. Does that mean they went to Earth?
It's the one place where demons could know what it felt like to create music and art. It's where they had the option to make friends and where they had the ability to fix things rather than break them.
But if demons came to Earth and they're meant to enjoy all sorts of destruction, does that mean that they're supposed to rejoice when they see the destruction of their friends?
Does that mean Augustin had to stand by while watching Credence, his closest friend, put up with people whispering about his scars and his past?
Credence, who he never intended to befriend. Who had just crashed into his life and who made the effort to coax him out of his solitude.
Credence, who Augustin came to know that he already had been through so much, and who was too kind for his own good.
No one had put so much time and energy into him like Credence had.
The demon thought that maybe the boy had wanted to use him and it took Gus the longest time to realize that Credence really just wanted to be friends.
He never knew that someone could be happy just making idle chitchat in the garage while he tinkered away at his newest project.
Credence never pushed to know about his family or his past. He was comfortable with his silence.
Was it really worth the risk telling Credence what he was? Was it worth shattering whatever careful friendship they had built up?
Augustin never meant to care. He never meant to allow Credence as close as he had ended up, but he had managed his way into the carefully crafted corner of Augustin's life.
But oh, it was so lovely to have a friend, to have someone who never expected anything of him besides his company and his friendship.
Augustin didn't want to lose someone that he had come to care about so much.
It made him realize that he cared more than he thought he did and more than he let on.
But humans were only playthings. They were just supposed to be toys. Even when Augustin was more humane, he was still a demon...and demons couldn't love, right?
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waywardsignns-a · 7 years
ѩ Җ ♬ ᚡ
Munday Meme || hella accepting ѩ - Are there any characters that you love, but simply cannot role play? Җ - What’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to role playing? ♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music? ᚡ - Random fact about the mun?
ѩ  -  There was only one character that I had ages ago that I had to fully delete out of my lineup of muses because she was far too triggering for me. I did love her, did love what she had to offer and what she could be... but in the end its more about my own health and my own mentality above anything else. Granted, you would have seen a few muses come and go on this blog so far but they’re never completely given up like this one particular muse was. 
Җ  -  Already answered over here
♬  -  Sometimes! Not as much as I used to, simply because it distracts me too much when I don’t have raging muse. I do, however, listen to music before I write. Depending on the muse, is what depends on what music I listen to. For Mickey, its softer things, for Paige its heavy metal, for Faith its nothing and so on. Just kind of depends on my own tastes too, so there’s definitely that as well! 
ᚡ  -  I have an Australian Shepherd named Sam. He’s a red merle, and definitely one of the most obedient dogs I’ve ever owned. I can drop a piece of food (raw meat even) before him, and he won’t even look at it unless I tell him its alright. 
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contrarymuses · 7 years
💢 🍭 🔋 💀 💐 riley
Little things meme
💢 - Something other’s do that gets on their nerves : Pens clicking
🍭 - Do they have a sweet tooth? : Not too bad? I mean Riley likes her sweet things but she can go a long time without anything sweet
🔋 - What makes them feel better after a long day? : Riley likes to take a bubble bath with a book and a cup of tea.
💀 - What are they afraid of? : Of being alone
💐 - Favorite type of flower : Magnolias or daisies
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