#we’re so close to cozy weather 🥹
awaitingfall · 2 months
Ended up getting sick :( My boss came in sick on Monday and now my co-worker and I are sick and we both called out yesterday. I HATE being sick 😭 at least it feels like it’s passing already today. I had such bad achey-ness in my face yesterday and my throat was a little sore. My temp only went up to 99.4, so that wasn’t terrible. Today my temp is back down to 98.6 and my throat is better. Just have a runny nose now. I didn’t take anything other than 1 Zicam yesterday morning (which I regret because it had Red 40 in it and I didn’t see that until after I took it 🙄) and then my mom bought me some specific Cold&Flu Advil which I took in the evening. I slept better last night, at least.
The universe is saving me from consuming sugar today - I know I shouldn’t have sugar especially when I’m sick, but I was craving a matcha latte, but only from the Dunkin down the road from me because they have a drive thru and I wouldn’t have to get out of my car and expose a bunch of ppl to my sickness. But of course, that Dunkin is temporarily closed starting today for renovations 🥲 I just want a matcha latte w/o having to get out of my car 😩
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By the way I’m feeling today, I should be 99% over my sickness tomorrow so my bf and I decided to do a little hike this weekend to get some fresh air and sun after this entire week of rain. And then we might stop by a local outdoor Sangria Fest to celebrate my bf’s bday coming up in a few days. And on Sunday we’re scheduled to go look at 2-3 houses. I’m glad that ended up being a Sunday thing cuz I wouldn’t want to show up to that feeling under the weather still.
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Does anyone else have unrealistic design ideas for a future home that will be nowhere NEAR their budget? 😌 I’d love love LOVE a central atrium. I love the idea of bringing the outside in. Having a view of an outdoor space from no matter where you are in the house. And the privacy from neighbors. It feels so peaceful and feels like it’d be such a cool hang out space. But where I live it’d have to be adaptable to weather changes. But even then, it’d be so pretty having a little cozy snowy view in the center of your home with floor to ceiling windows 🥹 Would just need to install really good drainage and maybe have it more like a pit, so it’s lower than the rest of the house and flooding inside wouldn’t be a concern. Look at me planning all this like I’ll ever have the money to do something like that 🤪 maybe one day…
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