#we went out and got a new board game to play together while we're here at my wife's house :)
kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
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weird-is-life · 2 years
Bad kept secret
Pairing: Steve harrington x Henderson!fem!reader
Sumarry: Your relationship with Steve is not as secret as you thought it was
Warnings: like one swear, fluff, use of y/n and pet names, kiss, mentions of drinks, new year's eve party
Words: 0.8k Masterlist
A/N: English is not my first language, so please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes
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Keeping your relationship with Steve secret was fun at first, but soon it turned out to be pretty exhausting. Always sneaking behind people's back, lying about your whereabouts and so much more.
You didn't really want to keep it secret forever, Steve basically wanted to tell it to everybody the moment you said yes to a date with him.
You, on the other hand, were scared of how your brother would react. Dustin loved you and Steve, but he always made it loudly known, that the thought of you and Steve together didn't sit quite right with him. It could be any small interaction, like a small hug or even an innocent glance and he would be groaning across the room at the two of you.
Steve respected, that you didn't want to tell Dustin right away and even later. He gave you as much time as you needed, he didn't mind.
It was hard for you to find the right moment to break the news to Dustin. Until the perfect opportunity raised itself.
Robin decided to make New Year's Eve party at Steve's house. Steve could only sigh and agree. He and Robin decorated the place, while you and the other adults drove the kids there.
When you finally got there, you were glad to get out of the car. Your head started throbbing from all the bickering of your brother and his friends, "god, you're going home with Eddie, " you stated.
"What? Why?" Dustin asked.
"Are you really asking me why?" you rolled your eyes at him.
"Just shut up and get inside" you annoyingly opened the door to Steve's house and pushed him inside.
Robin hugged you as soon as you stepped inside, "Thank god you're finally here, i thought you'd leave me here alone with the dingus."
She pointed at Steve on the other side of the room, making you chuckle, "Sorry we're late, Dustin couldn't find his head and i'm happy to see you too, Robs."
You left Robin and greeted everybody with a hug. Nancy, Jonathan, Max, Eleven and Eddie were all already there.
You went to hug Steve last. He was looking at you with mouth hung wide open and big eyes.
"Do i have something on my face?" you were giggled, confused.
"You look so so pretty, sweetheart" he said with a lovesick smile. You had a satin dress on with a sweater on top of it and Steve couldn't keep his eyes off of you.
"Not so loud, they'll hear" you whispered to his ear as you hugged him with pink cheeks.
"Sorry, i'm just stating the facts" he grinned at you. You unwillingly let go of the hug and Steve just pouted because of it. You mouthed an amused sorry and went to sit next to Nancy on the couch. She gave you a look, that said 'do you seriously think, we are that blind?'. You ignored it, cheeks even redder.
"Harrington stop ogling y/n and get us some beer" Eddie loudly said, making Steve trip on his way to the kitchen and you almost choked on your drink.
The night went smoothly from there. You played some board games and soon it was almost midnight. But the whole time you and Steve kept stealing glances at each other.
It was so hard being in the same room and pretending, that you weren't in a relationship. And poor Steve, he looked so fucking miserable not being able to at least hold your hand. So you decided to save him from the tornment.
As everybody started to count down the seconds to New Year, you slowly walked up to Steve.
You pulled him by the collar of his sweater and kissed him on the lips. Steve was so shocked, that you had to part for a second and whisper softly to him, " kiss me, you idiot."
So he did. He sweetly kissed you and you smiled into the kiss. You were too focused on each other, that you didn't notice that all eyes were on you.
You only broke the kiss, when you heard Dustin's voice, "finally!"
"I'm sorry Dus- Wait, what?" you were baffled by his reaction.
"What do you mean finally? You knew?" Steve looked as surprised as you.
"Of course, i knew. Everybody knew, you guys are not good at sneaking around" he rolled his eyes big at you two and everyone else just hummed in agreement.
"Why didn't you say anything?" you asked.
"We figured, you'd tell us, when you wanted to" Dustin just shrugged his shoulders and the conversation was swiftly moved from you two to something else.
"I think, we can call it a success?" you smiled at Steve.
"Oh, definitely" he replied and leaned down to kiss you again. Dustin groaned a 'gross' to which Steve only gave him a middle finger and happily gave you one more kiss.
Hey guys, thank you for reading. I hope you liked this. Feedback is always appreciated. Please let me know what you think.
Have a great day and stay safe everybody. Peace out ☀️
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corrodedseraphine · 2 years
playlist | #1 don't you cry tonight
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pairing: eddie munson x henderson!fem!reader
summary: Just when you thought the boy you were in love with all through high school was gone, he suddenly reappears as your little brother's friend. Fate has once again decided to join your paths, however, everything turns out to be a bit complicated. Will Eddie Munson's sudden return to your life bring with it even more changes?
The story is also avaliable on ao3
masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
song that I used here: Guns n' Roses - Don't Cry
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Club music drummed in your ears making your headache worse and worse. Another weekend in a row everything looked the same. You arrange with your boyfriend to spend some time alone, then suddenly he gets a message from his friends and a moment later he is preparing to go out to a club. He then leaves you with two choices, either you go with him, or you spend the next weekend alone because he won't let go of the party. What happened to the boy you fell in love with? You were together for two years, but in the last six months he has changed beyond recognition. Suddenly all that mattered to him were his new friends and the parties they went to together. He swapped his entire worldview for this new one, which was completely different from yours.
"What's up, babe? Don't you like it?" he asked sitting down next to you putting his arm around your shoulders.
"It's a bit boring here." you replied.
"Boring? We're at a party, and you're bored?"
"We're here every week, Tom. Every week it all looks the same." you sighed. "I miss how we used to spend time just the two of us. I'm not saying we should stop going to parties altogether, because I know how much you care, but it would be nice to do something different from time to time."
"Can you stop whining? You've been complaining non-stop for a while now, you don't like anything!"
"I'm just trying to be honest with you! Besides, you're the one who keeps trying to change me! Suddenly you don't like what I do, you don't like how I dress, suddenly my friends are inappropriate for you, is there anything else you like about me? Does everything all of a sudden need to change? For the past six months I have been trying to do everything to fit into your new lifestyle, and when was the last time you did something for me? When was the last time I heard something nice from you instead of constant nagging that I'm not trying hard enough?" you could feel anger gathering inside you.
"You are a terrible bore y/n. If you can't have fun then just go home." his words hurt. It hurt that the boy who not long ago wanted to spend every free moment with you and, as he claimed, these were his favorite moments, was now calling you a bore?
"Fine." You replied in a cool manner while getting up from your seat. He didn't even try to stop you, which made you feel even worse. You all arrived at the club in Tom's friend's car, but you were lucky enough to catch the night bus to Hawkins. All the way there you wondered what had happened to him. You wouldn't have guessed that a person is capable of changing so drastically in a few months. You missed the evenings together when you watched series together or played board games with Dustin. You missed the way he treated you like a princess. When his every touch made you feel loved. Now every show of affection on his part was at a premium, because you couldn't even remember the last time you lay together just cuddling. For a long time, every kiss had to end with sex, and when you were done, instead of staying with you, he got dressed and went to meet his friends. You didn't want to believe it, however, more and more thoughts popped into your head suggesting that you were someone he was used to, and all the love and magic had died out somewhere along the way. But maybe this is what adult life was supposed to be like? Maybe in every relationship after a while everything burns out and only habit remains?
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The Hellfire Club unfortunately had to share its room with the theater club and remove themselves whenever they rehearsed. This was also the case today, but no one was going to postpone the campaign. On days like this the campaign would move to your house and the living room would often suddenly become the scene of the biggest and most dangerous fights. Somehow it never bothered you, sometimes you even enjoyed watching the whole game from afar, accidentally preparing food for yourself in the kitchen a little longer than necessary. As a Dungeon Master, Eddie had something about him that no one could resist, and his campaigns were able to charm everyone. However, today was a day when you needed solitude, and even in your own home you couldn't find it.
"Y/n? Weren't you supposed to be at the party?" asked a surprised Dustin, seeing you on the doorstep.
"We'll, hello to you too Dustin." you sighed. "I had a poor time, so I came back. Where's Naveen?" Naveen was your dog, which you named after one of your favorite Disney princes. You had a feeling that tonight he would be the only one who would enjoy your company.
"In the garden. You wanna sit with us?" he offered.
"No, thanks."
"Our company is no longer worthy of your presence?" asked Eddie teasingly.
Who was Eddie to you? You had no idea. Your relationship was a bit strange from the very beginning. You both started high school at the same time, so you shared most of your classes together. When he mercifully decided to show up for class, which wasn't very often, he always took the seat next to you. Then you couldn't focus on the lesson. All your attention was directed at him, who constantly commented on the teachers or made fun of them. Sometimes, however, when he wasn't as talkative as always, instead of taking notes in his notebook he kept drawing something. Monsters, knights, wizards and many other magical things filled the blank pages at an express speed. His creativity had no limits. Then you had the perfect opportunity to observe him. A focused face with curls falling over it, a slightly stuck out tongue when he was concentrating on something very much, hands with heavy silver rings making confident movements. From the very beginning, the very sight of him caused a strange feeling in your stomach and made your hands sweat. One day he caught you red-handed.
"Do I have something on my face?" he asked, smiling slightly. You felt your cheeks burning.
"N-no...I was watching you draw. It's very pretty." you said pointing to a sketch of a dragon in his notebook. You had to get out of the situation somehow, and that was the only thing that came to mind. By the way, you really liked the drawing. Eddie had a great talent indeed.
"Oh, thanks." he laughed nervously. He wasn't used to compliments directed in his direction one the fact that he got one from you caused a strange warmth to rise in his heart.
Throughout the lesson you tried with all your might not to look at him. Eddie went back to drawing and you, unable to concentrate on the lesson, wondered why you felt so strange in his company. Moments before the bell rang, you heard the sound of a piece of paper being torn out, and a moment later a familiar hand with rings moved a piece of paper toward you. Immediately below the drawing was written For y/n, Eddie. From that moment through the next years of school, he took up residence in your thoughts and heart for good. At first it was an innocent crush however with every subsequent conversation you felt yourself falling in love with him. You didn't even know why. Your conversations were always ordinary, usually just about school topics. Several times you helped him with projects, and then each time you got a drawing as a thank you. Eddie was charming from the very beginning, and you were unable to resist him. However, you weren't brave enough to do anything about it either, so you silently enjoyed every conversation with him wanting to remember every detail of it. Unaware that his feelings toward you were similar, you decided to camouflage all the feelings you felt for him. You hid all the drawings you were getting in a box tucked away at the bottom of the closet so that no one would get to your little treasure.
The moment you left school, Eddie stayed there. He didn't realize how much he would miss your presence, especially during classes. He regretted many times that he never got up the courage to ask you out, but he always thought that the mere fact that you didn't consider him a social outcast and freak was luck enough and he would never have a chance to do anything more. Now a certain part of his day was gone and he didn't understand why it hurt him so much. After graduation you met Tom, who to some extent helped you forget about the metalhead who had lived in your heart for so long, but you were never quite sure if you had moved on. Suddenly, after two years, he reappeared in your life, as your younger brother's new friend. He and Steve became idols for Dustin, whom he treated like older brothers. You were happy that he had found someone to help him through the unforgiving period of high school, but what you didn't count on was that from now on almost every week the entire Hellfire would gather at your house, and Eddie himself would be there even more often because by some miracle it turned out that Dustin was a genius when it came to science subjects and helped him with his studies. Now passing each other in the living room or hallway you sent shy smiles in each other's direction or teased each other by throwing in some pinches from time to time. Part of you missed him very much, but the other part of you feared what might result from his once again appearing in your life.
"I'm not in the mood." You replied while looking at him. His gaze, however, was on the game notes.
"What a bore." he commented laughing. He didn't mean to insult you, he didn't even think you were like that, you had exchanged a lot of name-calling, so he was just now waiting for you to call him a weirdo and laugh kindly. He knew that you never really saw him as such. However, this time he didn't get a response. Bore. This is the second time in one evening someone has called you that. For the second time in one evening the word goes straight to your heart making you really start to wonder if they are right. Surprised by the lack of reaction on your part, he raised his eyes, and the sight of tears in your eyes completely caught him off guard. Before he had time to react in any way, you disappeared into your room slamming the door.
"Okay, that was something new." commented Mike. "What happened to her?"
"She probably had a fight with Tom again." Dustin rolled his eyes. "They've been doing that all the time lately. I always thought that when you're in a relationship with someone you're happy. Looking at them, I'm starting to doubt that."
"I thought Tom was cool." Will added.
"He was, but lately he's been acting like a complete asshole."
"It's weird."
"Break's over, gossips. We're in for a battle with a three-headed dragon, have you forgotten?" ordered Eddie feeling uncomfortable hearing their conversation.
"I'll just go to the bathroom." Said Dustin getting up from the table. In the meantime, the rest of the group heard the tapping of claws against the glass door. Will immediately went to open it letting the little white dog inside. This one immediately ran towards the couch where Eddie was sitting and jumped into his lap.
"Hi buddy!" he said scratching him behind the ear.
"You can feel special." Lucas laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"Naveen is very picky when it comes to people, he rarely lets us pet him."
"Speak for yourself!" exclaimed Will.
"Right, besides y/n, Dustin and Will, you are the only person from whom he demands petting on his own." Eddie looked at the little ball lying in his lap and smiled to himself.
"Apparently he feels I'm a good person, not like you guys." he laughed. "And now excuse me for a moment." He took the dog in his arms and moved along the corridor. He remembered how you asked about him right after you left. He knocked on the door of your room however, getting no answer, he decided to just open it. You were lying on the bed with your back to the door, and you had headphones on your ears. The music was loud enough that he could easily hear the familiar guitar sounds. He was a bit surprised because he would never have suspected you of listening to Guns N' Roses, he always identified you only with Harry Styles, whose songs Dustin was forever complaining about. When he put his hand on your shoulder you shuddered turning toward him.
"Hey, I found your prince." he said as you pulled the headphones out of your ears and smiled moving his gaze to the little animal in his hands. Eddie never watched the movie, but once, not hiding his curiosity, he asked your brother where the name came from.
Don't you cry tonight There's a heaven above you, baby And don't you cry tonight
Axl Rose's voice rang out from the headphones accompanied by beautiful guitar sounds played by Slash. Without a word, you took the dog from his hands. "You okay?" he asked.
"Why do you care Munson?" you replied dryly. Ironically in conjunction with the song your eyes were watered from crying and still glassy.
"Uhm- I-" he wanted to explain however you didn't let him.
"Give it up, you don't have to pretend to care. I don't need your pity." your words gave him a clear sign to leave the room as soon as possible. So he did. Without a word, he closed the door behind him and returned to the living room. It didn't change the fact that he was really worried. He wanted to tell you that he cared, but once again preferred to keep quiet about it.
You didn't want to be unkind to him, you didn't want to treat him so harshly yet at that moment you were furious and let your emotions get the best of you. Feeling remorse and even more sadness, another wave of tears flowed into your eyes.
For the rest of the evening, he couldn't get the sight of you and your weeping eyes out of his head. Once he had locked himself in his room he grabbed his guitar and devoted the rest of the evening to playing the song that refused to leave his head.
Talk to me softly There's something in your eyes Don't hang your head in sorrow And please don't cry
He knew that even if Dustin was right and your mood was caused by the quarrel with your boyfriend, his words also contributed to the state in which he found you in the room. The uncomfortable feeling in his chest had already stayed with him until he fell asleep. Lying in the darkness, he wondered where it was coming from.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Titans Academy
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans, Arrowfam
Summary: Grant struggles to accept his new reality when Roy takes him in and enrolls him in Titans Academy. He must adjust to life at a boarding school and life with his new foster family (Roy and Lian). Can he learn to trust the people who claim to care about him? Or will he shut himself off from love altogether?
Chapters: 7/?
Characters: Grant Emerson, Roy Harper, Bart Allen, Toni Monetti, Cody Driscoll, Lian Harper, Jade Nguyen, Audrey Spears, Tommy Blake Jr.
Additional Tags: Father-Son Relationship, Boarding School AU, No Powers AU, Found Family, Second Chances, Roy Harper is a Legal Guardian, Roy Harper is a Father, POV First Person, Grant Emerson POV, Autistic Bart Allen
Chapter Seven: Midnight Snacks
I woke up in the middle of the night, and Roy set up a game of checkers. It was like he was waiting for me. "Wanna go first?" Roy asked. I sat down and nodded. He smiled and took a sip of tea. "I used to have trouble sleeping here when the school opened. House is fairly new, but it feels old sometimes."
"Oh no, it's not—. I don't sleep through the night... Never have," I replied.
"Oh," Roy whispered, "Did you know that we have a campus doctor? If you need something to help you sleep..."
"It's okay," I replied, "Roy, how'd you end up working as a dorm parent?" He set up a game of checkers and invited me to sit down.
"I went to a school like this... Me and my friends. This was like home. It shut down temporarily, and I lost my family. I got into trouble, and once I got better," Roy took a breath, "I gathered a few of my friends together and re-opened the place. We're one of two academies. One of them is in San Francisco."
"So all the people that work here... They're your friends?" I asked.
"Most of 'em, yeah. Donna, Garth, Bart's a cousin of a friend of mine... This school is more of a family than a school. At least it is to me," Roy explained. I leaned forward and made the first move on the checkerboard. Roy made the next move, but we weren't playing the game. Not really.
"This is a school for kids with problems, right? Why wouldn't you wanna work at a school with regular kids?" I asked.
"I think you're all regular kids," Roy replied matter-of-factly. "All kids have problems, Grant."
I hugged my knees. "Hey, Roy... What kind of problems did you have to end up in this school? Was it always a school for troubled kids?" I questioned.
"Troubled doesn't always mean bad, you know? You're not a bad kid. None of the kids here are... And since you asked me honestly, it was drugs," Roy replied. I guess I seemed surprised because he nodded at me. "Everyone needs a support system. I wouldn't be here without mine."
"I didn't ask to be rude," I whispered. Roy didn't seem angry, but I wanted him to know I didn't mean anything by it. Roy smiled.
"Still sick?" Roy asked. I nodded. "I can tell. Stomach still funny?"
"Eh... I think it's just nerves. I always get sick after a move," I replied. Roy nodded. "Where do you live when school's out?"
"In the city," Roy answered, "I usually rent a little apartment during the summer... Unless I visit family in California."
"You've got family in California?" I asked. Roy nodded, and he got up and walked to the kitchen.
"My dad, Ollie, then I've got a brother and sister," Roy answered. He started heating up a bottle, and he put the kettle on. "Hold on a second." He went into one of the bedrooms. When he returned, Lian was right behind him.
"Daddy?" Lian whispered. Roy jumped. "Sorry."
"It's alright. Did I wake you up?" Roy questioned. He picked her up and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
"No. I woke up because I remembered something," Lian whispered.
"What did you remember?" Roy questioned as he opened the fridge. Lian grabbed a sippy cup and took a sip while Roy pulled out a Tupperware bowl of leftover soup.
"Is Grant our brother now?" Lian asked.
"Well... That's up to Grant. He'll need time to decide if that's what he wants. We're new people to him right now," Roy answered. Lian nodded. Roy treated everybody with a level of maturity. Like yeah, you could tell he was talking to a kid, but he didn't talk to anyone like they were stupid.
Roy turned to me and raised the bowl to offer me leftovers, and I nodded. He set Lian down, and she joined me in the living room. "Where do you come from?" Lian asked.
"A lot of places... But I came from Georgia before this," Grant answered. Lian nodded and smiled.
"Do you like it here?" Lian asked. I nodded.
"I do... I'm still getting used to things, but it's cool here," I replied. Lian sat in Roy's chair, swinging her feet.
"Daddy says change is scary for big kids," Lian replied, "Were you scared?"
"No... I think my brain's taking a break from being scared of things... Do you like living at the school?" I asked.
"Uh-huh. All Daddy's friends live here," Lian replied. Roy went to Tommy and Lian's room and returned with Tommy, who'd just started to cry.
"It's gonna be alright, Tommy. I hear you," Roy reassured him, "I know you're hungry."
I felt at ease, knowing everyone else was awake. Roy let Tommy's bottle cool while he heated up our leftovers. It was so busy in the house that I felt tired. Truly tired. I drifted off on the couch and only awakened slightly to the sensation of someone draping blankets over me. I might've gotten up once after that, but it was fuzzy.
We woke up to the sunrise, and everyone was still in the living room. They must've slept in the room with me. If I wasn't so cynical, I'd think they liked me. No one bothered me, even after I opened my eyes. "Know where you are?" Roy asked. I nodded. "Must've been something in the air last night. We all slept in here."
"I shouldn't have taken the couch. I'm sorry," I apologized.
"Don't apologize. You were sick... Feeling better?" Roy questioned. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. "That's good. I think you should stay home Monday to make sure."
"I should be fine Monday," I replied, "Besides, I shouldn't—."
"Sick days are different here. You aren't missing much," Roy replied, "And we don't let anyone fall behind. We care about everybody's well-being here. That comes first." Stern Roy.
I didn't mind it. It was comforting knowing that he was so serious about how kids felt. Dunno. Maybe he was a good guy. He seemed like one.
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chansbabygirl02 · 2 years
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Bestfriend! jeno x fem reader
read pt1 here
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After the kiss jeno and I shared at his house, nothing changed, and I don't know whether I should be glad or not. To be honest, I've always thought that jeno is hot, and anyone could agree to that, but I never thought he was crushing on me, and that made me curious and have so many questions, since when? Why? Did he tell any of our friends? Was he planning to tell me if I didn't find about the pictures?
But I'm kinda glad we're not awkward around each other, the kiss happened last week and since then we still hang out with our friends, and texted, nothing really changed, except his random flirting that would pop out of nowhere. Well, he is a flirt and by now I’m used to it, except that now it's so frequent that I’m sure even the guys have noticed.
Today is just some other random Friday night when we decided to crash at jaemin’s and drink the night away while watching movies.
As usual Jeno came to pick me up and go together. On our way, and after buying some beer, we just kept talking about random stuff and laughing about stupid things we did before.
It was kinda a long walk so as soon as jaemin opened the door we walked past him and I threw myself on the sofa. Soon after us, the bell rang and mark and donghyuck walked in with snacks. The rest of the guys were already there even before jeno and I so we just got everything ready and watched Jisung and Chenle fight over what movie to watch first. We ended up choosing “the fault in our stars” and I'm happy with the choice.
Halfway through the movie, we were nearly drunk. I'm feeling really dizzy because of all the crying and drinks, but that doesn’t mean the end lol. I got a new beer and started drinking more, the movie really makes so depressed and sad, and that means many drinks.
By the end of the film, the mood of the room changed, so we decided to just play some board games.
Jaemin went to his room to bring the Jenga and uno cards. Same old rules, the loser has to drink a whole beer, interesting :)
I guess this is not my lucky day as I lost the first two games, and now I feel like throwing up and I'm already so drunk. I pushed the feeling aside and just resumed in the games. As we get more in the games, the urge to throw up grows bigger and I just can’t hold it anymore so I rushed to the bathroom scared I’d through up there and jaemin would probably kill me. I close the door behind me but as soon as I got in, Jeno knocked on the door “hey, are you okay?” and obviously I can’t answer him “I'm coming in” and he walked in the bathroom, I was on the floor in front of the toilet seat, spitting away all the beer I drank earlier. He got closer and crouched next to me. If I could talk, I’d ask him what he’s doing but I can’t. he pulled my hair up away from my face and starting soothingly rubbing my back. It felt really nice and my stomach ache started to cool down. Then jeno helped me get back up and I washed my face and teeth, but I was still drunk, and remembering the kiss we had right now isn’t helping as he looks so good in his pink hoodie and glasses. I shook the memory away and turned to look at him, just to see that he’s already looking at me with a smug look on his face, “what?” “Nothing, your face is really read though” “yeah dummy, cuz I'm drunk”
I'm glad I can use being drunk as an excuse, but when I turn to look at him again, it felt like he got hotter, and closer to my face, and I thought ‘I can still use being drunk as an excuse’ and got closer to him as well. Soon, there was no space left between us, and his lips were already on mine, and I realized that I missed the feeling of our lips out together, moving in sync. I put my hands around his neck trying to get our bodies closer than they already are, if that was even possible, and he held my waist and pulled me up to sit on the bathroom sink and he stood between my legs. As the kiss got more heated, I felt Jeno run his hands all along my sides and I wanted more. I tightened my hands around his neck and tugged at the hair on the back of his neck. He gasped at the sudden tug and I felt the air get hotter. It was just a small gasp but it did wonders to my body.
Soon, I felt his mouth fall from mine to my jawline to lick along it and then moved more downward to my neck and started kissing and biting, and it drove me crazy (felt so good) that I didn’t notice the loud moan that escaped my lips. As soon as I made the sinful sound jeno lifted his head from my neck and looked straight into my eyes. I looked deep into his eyes and they were dark and full with lust, and that’s when I realized what was happening and I felt embarrassed. I hopped down the sink counter and started to make my way to the door.
As soon as my hand touched the door knob, I felt jeno pull me from behind and turned me around to trap between the door and his body
He looked at me dead in the eyes and lowly growled -and that sound made me weak, nearly on my knees- and said “where do you think you’re going? We’re not done yet here” and now I'm so close to get on my knees for him. He then pulled me closer and started kissing me, it was slow yet intense, but it gradually became rough. It felt so good.
We pulled away just for Jeno to bury his head in the crook of my neck and give me kisses all over, he then went back up to my lips and hungrily kissed me. I bit his lower lip and he groaned, I slipped my tongue in his mouth and we fought for dominance, I run my hand on his hair and he groaned again, allowing me to dominate the kiss. In the middle of the heated kiss, i backed him up against the sink and run my hands under his hoodie and he let out a moan burying his head between my neck and shoulder.
It felt good, to know he’s needy because of me, and it made me want to do more to him
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still couldn't write the smut for this part 🤦🏻‍♀️😩😭
I promise I'll try for the next part. And i don't think this supposed one shot will end in just 3parts ㅜㅜ
Hope u enjoyed this!!!
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blossomreed · 2 years
Chapter 3 of The Dove and her Rooster [Bradley Bradshaw]
find all the parts here
When Victoria was 19 and Bradley freshly 21 they both applied and got into the Naval Academy. They were beyond happy and even happier when they found out they would be in the same class.
Her parents and 3 younger siblings drove the two to the airport. You couldn't tell who was more excited between the two but her younger siblings were sad to see their sister and Bradley leave them especially Gavin who was only 4 and very attached to all of his sisters and Bradley.
Through the whole drive the two young adults played various car games with Victoria's siblings. Bradley would sometimes whisper the answer to Gavin or Sophia who was 7 to which Victoria and Rachel who just turned 10 would protest.
"Bradley if you try to help them cheat one more time I swear I will kick you out of this car while it's still moving." Bradley made a shocked face as he looked at his best friend and put his hand on his chest, "I tought we were friends! Oh the pain...the betrayal, it hurts!"
Victoria shot him a really look while her siblings all started to giggle or laugh at Bradley's antics.
"Plus I'm pretty sure your lovely parents wouldn't let you do that so tough luck little lady, I am staying."
He shot her a wink just as Sarah turned around with an amused smile on her face.
"Victoria sweetie we talked about this... You can't threaten Bradley whenever he isn't on your side."
The blonde girl couldn't believe the betrayal she just faced from her own mother. She looked at her dad and asked him to say something. Tom looked at the rear mirror at his daughter.
"I'm just the driver, sorry."
She was now even more shocked. First her mother but now her father too, this was a crime. A pout made its way to her face as she mumbled rude.
"Aw Vic don't pout, your lips might get stuck like that and then we'll never find you a boyfriend cuz that ain't pretty."
A loud smack and a hey was heard soon after. What happened you ask? Let's just say Bradley will feel pain for the next 2 days.
Soon enough, they arrived at the airport. The two young adults practically jumped out from excitement.
Time seemed to fly by and it was time for the two to board their plane so they went to hug and say goodbye to everyone. Gavin was the first one to start crying then it was Sophia and soon after Rachel. Victoria and Bradley had tears in their eyes while Tom and Sarah tried their best not to cry.
Bradley crunched down to Gavin's level as Victoria was hugging and saying goodbye to the girls.
"Hey little man look at me. We love you, okay? We're gonna call and Skype everyday, you're gonna start wishing that we'd stop and before you know it we'll be coming to visit or you'll be coming to visit us, okay?"
Gavin wiped his tears away as he said a small okay before hugging the man in front of him and Bradley of course hugged him back.
After they hugged everybody and said their goodbyes they made their way towards the gate.
"Remember to call us as soon as you land!"
Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky shouted after the two to which they turned around and gave a thumbs up. The man couldn't be more proud of his daughter and Bradley as he watched them dissappear from eye sight.
As Victoria and Bradley took their seats the nerves started to kick in.
"I can't believe this is actually happening. We're going to the academy Brad!!"
The curly haired boy chuckled at the girl next to him.
"I know Vic, it's surreal."
As the plane was preparing for take off the two held hands since Victoria was a little nervous because she hasn't flown in a while.
Ironic, right? She always dreamed of becoming a pilot yet she's nervous to sit in a flying airplane.
On their first day of classes they came a bit earlier so they could sit together. When Victoria saw her dorm roomate come in she quickly called her over to sit with them.
"Brad this is my roommate and new friend Natasha Trace, Nat this is my best friend Bradley Bradshaw."
The two shook hands as nice to meet you fell from both of their mouths.
In those 4 years that the 3 spent there, they became inseparable and partners in all things silly. Victoria wanted to prank Bradley? You bet your ass Natasha was helping her. Bradley wanted to get revenge on Victoria? Natasha was letting him into their room while the blonde girl is asleep.
The day Victoria turned 21 was the day she got woken up at 6am and not by choice, it was saturday and the girl was looking foward to sleeping in. What woke her up you might ask? Bradley Bradshaw, a soon to be 23 year old man, jumping on her bed, like a little kid and repeating the words wake up over and over again, each time becoming louder.
If thoughts could kill, Bradley would be long gone but lucky for him and unlucky for Victoria, he was still alive. As Victoria sat up in her bed and screamed what at him, he jumped down from the bed.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TORI!" giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, he went to open the door for Natasha who was carrying a cake with candles which she already lit.
The two started singing happy birthday to the girl as they walked towards her bed. After blowing up the candles Bradley went to cut the cake with the two girls joking to watch out so he dosen't cut himself.
As they were eating the cake, Bradley and Natasha went over their plan for the day.
First she was gonna shower and get ready, then they'll be going out for breakfast, after that she has a Skype call with her family but before that she has to open the presents the two got her then they'll go wandering around town until lunch after lunch they'll head back to their dorms and at 7pm they'll be meeting up again and taking Victoria out.
What they didn't tell Victoria is that Bradley organized for her family to visit tommorow and give her their gifts in person. He knew how much they all missed eachother and wanted to make the girl's day as special as possible.
Her 21st birthday and the day after will always truly be days she'll never forget. Her 2 best friends really went out of their way to make her birthday special and as fun as possible which she was deeply greatful for and cherished the memories she made.
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jeonggukkiepabo · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Christmas has always been a stressful time for Yoongi: buying presents, decorating the tree, baking cookies, you name it-Yoongi does it. It wouldn't be so difficult if Yoongi had someone to help him, but all he has left in his life is his beautiful daughter Ara.But maybe this year, he won't be all alone.
GENRE: christmas fluff  ❄ a bit of smut
WARNINGS: f l u f f, single parent yoongi, kindergarten teacher y/n, oral, satoori, domestic christmas vibes :(, mentions of death
AUTHOR’S NOTE: the secret collab is finally here! thanks @kimtaehyunq​ for letting me join💞 i’m so excited to read the other fics as well! & thank you Mags for doing this amazing banner I think this is the prettiest banner I've ever had. 🤧 Tysm love💞
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People usually say she looks a lot like her father, but all Yoongi sees in Ara is his wife. Wherever his daughter goes, his wife's ghost follows, the memory of his teenage love and the wonderful years they spent together until she left their lives.
Min Dasom died almost one year after Ara was born, her death coming too sudden for anyone to bid their last goodbyes-leaving her husband and baby heartbroken and alone.
It was awful, Yoongi won't be able to forget that one night the police called him, telling him that his precious wife drowned in the ocean during her monthly trip to the beach with her friends. 
Ever since that call, Yoongi has never stepped near a beach again, never felt hot sand between his toes again, never went swimming again.
It was hard, being a single parent and Yoongi was tempted to give up many times, but seeing Ara grow and bloom into the beautiful girl she is now, Yoongi is beyond thankful that he survived the pain and sorrow.  
He never drowned his thoughts in alcohol because his sunshine always looked at him with her sad little eyes, almost as if she knew what he wanted to do and hugged his legs tightly until Yoongi set the bottle away and picked Ara up and spent the night cuddling her.
Things got easier as soon as Ara was old enough to finally go to kindergarten, allowing Yoongi to work more hours and on a daily basis again. It's not like he needed a lot of money, it's just that Yoongi needs to work. 
He's used to working all the time, he's always been-because working doesn't give him time to think about the tragedy that is his life.
Money wasn't an issue for the Min family, Yoongi used to be one of the most successful pianists and producers in South Korea, but he gave up on that as soon as Ara was born, just to have time for his family.
His friend Hyunjin offered him a job as a songwriter and composer at his own label JinHit Entertainment. 
Yoongi could work from home whenever he wanted and needed to, but the studio Hyunjin set him up was way better and filled with new technology that Yoongi loved playing and experimenting with.
The acclimatization to her new daily routine wasn't easy for Ara because she wasn't used to having women in her life-until now, it has always been Yoongi and Ara. They ended up switching kindergarten two times before Ara came into the one that you've been working at for a while now-instantly falling in love with you.
The first few days with your new reference child we're quite… interesting because the little girl was full of action and so curious about every little thing in the room that you couldn't sit still and talk to her father for a while because Ara grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the next game she wanted to play.
Her father, Min Yoongi, sent you an apologetic smile as he watched you play with his daughter from a distance, giving you time to get used to each other and build a bond. You winked at him as you took a seat next to Ara and started to explain the rules of the board game to her-impressed about how well she was understanding them.
It didn't take Ara a long time to send Yoongi home, waving him goodbye and pressing a loud kiss onto his lips. "Go and work, Appa! Uncle Hyunjinnie waits for you to make good music!"
Yoongi looked at her with a pout, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're telling me to leave? Just to go and work? That is rude, princess."
You giggled and hugged Ara as she ran over to you, Yoongi long forgotten.
"Would you like to bring your dad to the door, Ara? I think he might be sad if you won't. Remember: he won’t see you for a few hours and you don’t want your dad to be sad during lunch, right?"
Ara giggled but nodded nonetheless and grabbed Yoongi by the hand. "Hurry!"
Yoongi looked at you in shock, desperately trying to hold in his laugh. "I think you gave me Ara's evil twin instead of my sweet little princess! Where is my nice girl that always kisses Appa goodbye?"
You shrugged your shoulders playfully as one of the other kids asked for you to help him with building a big tower out of building blocks. "Have a nice day, Mr Min. Oh and make sure you won't forget about our appointment on Thursday! I don't think it'll take longer than an hour, it's just to talk about Ara's development so far."
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Yoongi was one of the few parents that were always punctual, not even a minute too late-and the only parent you've never felt any kind of rage towards. Not only that, but he attended every kindergarten fest, always prepared little cupcakes for Ara's birthday to bring with her to kindergarten and share with her friends.
May was rolling around quickly and you were as eager as always to craft some little gifts for the children to give their mothers. 
You prepared some candle wax and melted it so the kids could fill it in plastic forms and add glitter and scent to their preference, just to have a nice little gift to give. 
Most of the kids had fun, some of them were a bit grumpy because they got glitter all over themselves, but there is one little girl pouting and trying not to cry in front of them, not even touching the wax.
It breaks your heart every time, knowing that Ara's mother died years ago and that she probably had no other woman in her life because you’ve already heard that her father works quite a lot. 
Squatting down next to the little girl, you gently pinch her stomach just to hear her little giggles. 
"What's wrong, sweetheart? Don't you want to make a nice candle?"
Ara looks up at you, one single tear slipping out of her eye. "I don't have a mom, so no candle for me."
You coo, playing with Ara's hair as you stand up again, leading her towards the crafting table.
"That doesn't matter, Ara. I think your dad will be happy to get a candle too! We can pick a different color than pink, what do you think does he like the most? I’m sure we will find something!"
Ara taps her chin, smiling slightly as she thinks about Yoongi's favorite color. "Black! He wears black clothes! Always! Do we have black glitter, Y/N?" 
She scrunches her nose at the first few oils, but one scent really lights up her face. "This smells like Appa! Can we use this?" 
"We do, I didn't put it on the table because usually nobody wants it so it sits on the shelf, all by itself. I think the glitter finally deserves to be used!" You smile at the kid, grabbing the small container of glitter from the shelf and handing it over to Ara.
"We do have a few scents, would you like to smell them? Choose whichever you think smells the best and we can put a few drops in the wax,' you offer the bowl of different oils to Ara and help her open the lids.
Ara holds up the little bottle of rose oil and you smile to yourself. Black roses, that really seems to fit the impression you have of Mr. Min.
"Of course. Now, let's mix the glitter with the wax and we can put it into the mold. Alright, now stir it while i put in a few drops of the rose oil, okay?"
You guide her through the process, talking to her and listening to her rambling about the piano lessons Mr. Min gives her on a regular basis, just because Ara wants to be like her favorite man in the world.
"He is a great dad, Ara. You're so lucky to have him, I know that he must be sad sometimes too, but you're such a sunshine and help him as much as he helps you," you hug her from the side, enjoying the way Ara leans into the hug as well.
"I want a mom, but Appa is almost like a mom! He lets me paint his nails, goes to ballet with me and always bakes princess cookies for our tea parties!"
Ara giggles as she dips the wick into the liquid wax.
"Appa needs a woman to love, the only dates he goes to are work-dates with uncle Hyunjin," she says.
And yes, you think so as well.
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One day around September, you decide that it’s definitely hot enough to prepare the blow-up outside pool for the kids, allowing them to change into their swimsuits and let them play around, even adding some bubbles to the water to let them experiment.
Mr. Min smiles at you, his gums fully showing and you can’t help but smile as well as you hear his words.
“And I think there’s no job that you could do better than this one.”
You’re sitting next to the pool on a bench in the shadow, reading some books to those few kids that don’t want to hop into the water as Ara jumps out of the pool.
“Y/N, come inside as well, it’s so nice!” She jumps up and down, her wet ponytail dripping onto her shoulders.
You pout, pointing to the kids next to you. “I can’t, you know that some of the kids are still afraid to go into the water with so many other children around. Maybe next time. Now, go and enjoy it, it’s super hot and I don’t know when autumn will come around and surprise us with bad weather!”
Ara nods quickly, hopping back into the water and continues splashing some water around with her friends, but she glances at you every few seconds. Then, she whispers with her two best friends before all three of them nod as they look at you.
Suddenly, they run towards you, surprising you with wet hugs and loud giggles, leaving your white summer dress almost see through.
Suddenly, there’s someone clearing his throat right behind you and you wish you could sink deep down into the pool once you see that it’s Mr. Min. 
“Girls!,” you can’t help but yelp, the cold water causing you to jump up from the bench. Yet, you laugh with them, the cooling really helping you with the heat.
“You can’t just do that, Ara. Look at my dress now, you can almost see through it, you’re lucky that the parents won’t come in within the next two hours, otherwise they would see me like this,” you try to look stern, but to be honest: you would have done the same if you were Ara.
“Ara, why did you do that?,” he asks with his calm voice and tries his best not to look at your hardening nipples under the dress. 
Ara’s bottom lip trembles as she looks at you with sad eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I just thought it would be funny…”
Mr. Min turns to you and bows slightly. “I’m sorry, she shouldn’t have done that. And well, I came to pick her up earlier because we will visit her grandparents over the weekend. I should’ve informed you earlier. Is there any way I can help you with your… erm, dress?”
Mr. Min nods at you, picking up his-still wet-daughter as he looks you up and down slow enough to leave goosebumps all over your skin once again. 
You blush, shaking your head as you grab Ara’s clothes and hand her to her father.
“It’s alright, Mr. Min, it’s not your fault-and a water fight is too much fun to just not do it, right, Ara? It’s sunny enough so I’ll just bring the bench into the sun and I’ll be dry soon enough! I hope you’re having fun with your grandparents, Ara! Have a nice weekend, Mr. Min.”
“It’s alright, Mr. Min, really. You don’t know how many children happen to call one of us mom without realizing it. It’s nothing too wild, I’ve gotten used to it and I think especially in Ara’s case… It was supposed to happen, you know? I mean, I don’t want to intrude on your private life, but I suppose you’re not seeing another person and Ara isn’t growing up with other females, so she takes those she sees here as a female person to bond with, you know?”
“Thank you, mommy! Oh… I mean Y/N..,” Ara quirps as he turns around in her father’s arms, even though it doesn’t look like she’s really sorry at all.
“Ara!” Mr. Min gasps as he looks at his daughter. 
Yoongi shakes his head. “I haven’t seen another woman ever since my wife died. Ara is the only woman in my life, the only one I give all my love to. She deserves it,” he sighs. “But you’re right, I think another female person would really help her with growing up. I just don’t want to introduce her to some random woman I might not even want to spend the rest of my life with. Is this egoistic?”
His honest words hit you, knowing how lonely he must be, all alone with his little girl and a bunch of work he has to do. “It’s not, Mr. Min. You don’t have to date just because you think it would be the best for Ara. There are many single fathers that raise their kids perfectly fine and I think you’re one of them! Ara never tells bad stories about you and I think you’re doing a really good job, spending all of your free time with her and allowing her to experience so many fun things. I’ve met so many ‘happy’ families that didn’t even manage to pack breakfast for their kids, so really, don’t break your head over something like this! I’m happy that Ara accepted me so much and that she always comes to me whenever she has a problem. This is why I chose my job.”
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Over the next few months, Mr. Min is all that’s on your mind, even though you know how unprofessional it is, but he’s even kinder to you than he’s been before. You usually have a small chat with every parent whenever they bring or pick up their children, but Mr. Min makes sure to always catch you and ask you about your day, if there’s anything new in your life and you can’t help but ask him about his work and the songs he’s been working on as well.
“Ah, it’s really stressful right now. I’m working with this band that’s debuting soon and we have to prepare and finish the entire album I wrote about five songs for. They’re really good but still so young, I think the oldest is 16? Or was it 17? Whatever, that’s like ten years younger than me! I think I’ll grow grey hair soon when I keep on working with such young idols,” he sighs playfully as he helps Ara to put on her shoes and jacket. 
“I mean, you’re not that old, Mr. Min. Don’t worry-as long as you keep that handful smile you will look like you’re straight out of some perfume poster. But I’d love to listen to one of your songs! I mean, if you’d let me,” you smile with honesty as you hand Ara her backpack. 
Mr. Min shrugs, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he opens his Spotify account. He types something in and turns the screen towards you. AGUST D, it says. You scrunch your eyes at the name, trying to remember where you’ve known it from, but it doesn’t ring a bell right now. 
“I’ll make sure to listen to some of your songs, I hope they aren’t too sad though, I prefer my music to be more… pop and rock?”
You cringe at your own words, hoping that the man knows what you were trying to say. 
And fuck, you did like it. Turns out that AGUST D wasn’t some softie that plays guitar lullabies, no. 
Yoongi cracks a grin, then winks at you playfull before he takes Ara’s hand after she said goodbye to you.
“I think you’re going to like it.”
AGUST D seems to be one of the best rappers in the music industry that you’ve ever been listening to. He sounds so aggressive and fast that you needed to listen twice to some of his songs to understand what he was saying, but you ended up adding much more songs into your playlist than you’d like to tell him.
But you did tell him.
“Oh, I’m not doing that crazy rap thing anymore. It was a phase, I guess. By now, I use the name to help smaller musicians and trainees, produce their songs and write their lyrics. It’s better to do so with a bigger name, but AGUST D died a long time ago, I guess I killed him.” Mr. Min says the next day.
"I mean, as long as you keep all of them on Spotify, I'm alright with that. Most of those songs match my aggressive driving vibe and I can't imagine driving to work without it." You try to joke before you realize what it must've sounded like. "Oh lord, I didn't mean it like that!" 
You blush, trying to hide your reddened cheeks in your palms, but Mr. Min just laughs it off.
"Don't worry, I get what you mean. I usually play Love Talk as soon as i leave this building."
He even has the audacity to wink at you before he leaves with a grin, causing Ara to coo.
"Appa really likes you if he teases you!"
And the teasing goes on and on, there’s almost no day without a snarky comment from Mr. Min or a sarcastic comment from you-but neither of you takes those words to heart because that’s what you need in your lives, someone to laugh with, someone to make jokes with.
Even though there are plenty of other children in your group and so many parents you talk to daily, the only one you’re happy to see in the afternoon is Mr. Min.
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The summer is long gone and fall said goodbye a few weeks ago, December came around and your little crush on Mr. Min isn’t as little anymore-and you can’t help yourself but wonder if he might be into you as well. You’ve shared a few noons talking about Ara’s development and if she’s ready for school next September, but most of the times you didn’t talk about the girl for more than thirty minutes before one of you switched the topic to something more private as the man leans closer to you and locks his gaze with yours.
You’re not as nervous around him as you were before and you can feel him starting to open up towards you as well. Yet, you’ve never met outside of the kindergarten, knowing it would be way too unprofessional and you’d never want to ruin the wonderful bond you share with Ara just because you’re desperate to jump into her father’s lap and call him Daddy too.
You’re not one of those women to go into a club and have a dirty one night stand with a random stranger, but you’ve been too busy to actually go and meet people, so you’ve kind of gotten used to being alone, even though you’re really missing late night cuddles and Disney marathons.
It’s Saturday afternoon and you’ve been strolling through the mall for a while now, looking for some christmas presents for your friends and family-but also wanting to treat yourself because work has been more than just exhausting lately.
You’ve been handling the entire group alone, having a lot more smaller children because new kids have been coming to kindergarten and having to deal with so many parents alone can be pure hell. Sadly enough you’re living all by yourself, only having a few close friends that don’t understand why you’re even doing this underpaid job and your last relationship crashed almost two years ago.
The mall looks amazing, beautiful christmas ornaments are hanging from the ceiling and there must be someone playing the piano somewhere because the soft melodic tunes fill the entire mall, reminding you of Mr. Min once again.
You just stepped out of a lingerie store, something you’re really passionate about even though nobody but yourself sees you in it, but you love the feeling of lace on your skin, love how beautifully the soft colors compliment your skin and love imagining Mr. Min ripping the soft material off you.
The small paper bag in your hand, you look around for another shop that might hold the next christmas present for one of your friends. 
“Appa, please! I already have a picture but we need you to have one too!”
You know that voice too well to ignore it, searching the area for the small owner of it, giggling as you found her. Ara and Mr. Min are in the Santa area of the mall that gives you the ability to sit on Santa’s lap and take a picture with him as you tell him your biggest christmas wishes.
But the little girl is not sitting on Santa’s lap, she’s trying to push her father towards the man with the fake beard, clearly wanting him to sit down on that lap.
You giggle, walking towards them just to find out what’s going to happen.
“Ara, I’m too old and heavy for poor Santa, I think he prefers girls your age-wait, no not like that. I think he likes boys and girls-ugh. You’re driving me crazy, princess. Look, there’s a few other kids wanting to have their time with Santa as well, why don’t we just leave and try to find some more presents from the giftshop here, hm?” The man tries to talk his daughter into leaving the uncomfortable situation, but Ara is as stubborn as ever-she always gets what she wants, especially from her father.
“But… I want you to have pictures with Santa too!” She pouts, looking over at the confused Santa before she hears your giggle. “Y/N!”
Mr. Min turns around, a shocked expression on his face and a soft pink tint on his cheeks.
“Oh, Ms. Y/L/N. What a surprise.”
You giggle even more, stepping closer towards them. “Hello Ara, good afternoon Mr. Min,” you bow slightly before accepting the little girl’s hug. 
“I see, you really want to sit on Santa’s lap, but Ara doesn’t want to let you because she’d be embarrassed.” 
Yoongi hums in agreement. “Horrible, those children. I mean, I just want a nice christmas picture with Santa, but you know how they are… right before puberty hits them.”
“Y/N, Appa doesn’t want to take a picture with Santa, would you sit on his lap and take a picture for me?” Ara looks up at you with her big eyes and like always, you can’t say no. Instead, you hand Mr. Min your bags-not thinking about the fact that one of them is from the lingerie store-before taking Ara’s hand and walking over to the smiling Santa.
The picture is quickly taken and not even five minutes later, Mr. Min hands you your bags, whispering, so Ara wouldn’t hear you. “I think the peach one will suit you the best.”
Ara nods and rips the bags out of Mr. Min’s hands to show you her cute dresses and bows while the man just stares at you with an open mouth. Did you really just say that to him? 
You gasp, hiding the bags behind your back but who are you to deny the fact that this man is the exact reason you stepped into the store?
“Thank you, I hope someone will get to see them before Christmas. It would be a shame to waste those pretty pieces for some lame mirror selfies,” you smile innocently before squatting down next to Ara. “Did you buy something nice yet?”
“Appa, we wanted to get hot chocolate, can Y/N come too please?”
Yoongi is speechless once more as he quietly follows his daughter and her kindergarten teacher towards the mall’s cafe-realizing that he shouldn’t have chosen his tightest pair of skinny jeans because somehow, they got quite uncomfortable as soon as you arrived.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow at his daughter before he picks up all the dresses that Ara tried to shove back into the bags. “If she wants, she’s welcome to join, but I think you should ask her first, maybe she is busy.”
You blush at the invitation, not sure whether to accept it or not-but you’re not one to decline on hot chocolate. Smiling at Ara, you nod. “Show me where to get the best hot chocolate, I’m craving something sweet and thick down my throat.”
He watches you as Ara grabs your hand and swings them around with a soft giggle, heart warming as he sees your fond smile.
Ara talks about you a lot-hell, Yoongi asks about you a lot whenever Ara doesn't want to talk about you but watch her favorite show.
It's unprofessional and probably not allowed, Yoongi knows, but Ara leaves for school in March anyways, so who cares? 
It's obvious to the both of you that you're interested in each other, the flirting and teasing coming to a point where Yoongi can't wait for another snarky remark of yours.
And now that he has the chance to sit and talk with you outside of your workplace, you just chose to buy a bag full of fucking beautiful lingerie (yes, Yoongi looked inside, no, he doesn't regret it).
Ara leads you into this beautiful cat cafe that apparently has "The best hot chocolate and bubble tea, but it's too cold for bubble tea… Can they make hot bubble tea?" as Ara says, earning a harsh "no" from Yoongi, because that's something he wishes for as well.
"Go find a place with Mr. Y/L/N, Ara. I'll get your order, yeah? What can I order for you?" Yoongi looks at you as he pulls out his wallet, giving you some time to read the menu.
"Oh, the candy cane hot chocolate, please! And please, as long as we are not talking inside the kindergarten, call me Y/N. I mean, you've seen my underwear, I think you deserve to call me by my name."
Yoongi blushes, nodding and rushes towards the cashier to order your drinks. You smile at the man, then at the cats-they look somewhat similar-before you sit down next to Ara who is currently petting four cats on her lap.
"They're adorable," you coo, "Do you have any pets?"
Ara nods with a big smile and hands you one of the cats, a pretty one with orange fur and big eyes. 
"I have a turtle! Gukkie gave it to me and Appa didn't like it first, but I love her!"
You enjoy the cat's purring as you gently stroke her chin. "A turtle sounds lovely, I hope you can show it to me one day."
"Oh, that won't be a problem, I can invite you for dinner and Appa will get shy and red in the face, but he wouldn't say no because he's super soft for-" "ALPACAS! I'm soft for alpacas, haha, here we go, three hot chocolates."
Yoongi appears with a pained expression as he places your hot chocolate right in front of you.
"Thanks, Yoongi," you smile at the man and Yoongi swears that his heart stopped beating for a second. "I'm soft for Alpacas as well."
Right after you all finished your drinks, Ara decides that it’s time to walk through the mall once more, just to make sure that Santa is still there and will take another picture with hot chocolate-filled Ara. 
“Did you enjoy your date with Y/N, Appa?” She looks up at her father as you walk towards the mall. Yoongi trembles, blushing brightly. “I’m pretty sure this wasn’t a date, Ara. Don’t assume things like this, it’s rude,” he mumbles as he gently pets her head to make sure she isn’t hurt by his comment.
You giggle, whispering loud enough for Yoongi to hear. “I really liked it, Ara. Your Appa can be funny if he wants to.”
The picture with Santa comes out pretty, even though the man groaned as two grown adults decided to sit on each of his legs, the bright smiling Ara kneeling in front of them. But it’s really worth it, because Yoongi’s smile never leaves his lips this evening, gums showing beautifully on the picture and you quickly make sure to get a copy of that picture as well.
Yoongi’s eyes widen. “So was this a… you know?” It’s endearing, how shy he suddenly seems to be. You’ve never seen him like this. Stressed, overworked and happy - yes. Shy and blushing? Never.
You nod with a soft smile as you lay your hand on his shoulder.
“Yes, I’d like that to be a ‘you know what’, Yoongi.”
You can't even tell when the two of you officially started dating, but you'll never forget the first kiss you've shared during one of your walks-thanks to Ara for snapping a picture of it. Yoongi's hands wrapped around your waist, eyes clenched shut and lips curled in a soft smile as fresh snow fell down on you.
Seeing Yoongi at work wasn’t as weird as you had expected it to be, it’s quite the opposite. He’s attentive and lovely, bringing you fresh croissants or donuts every morning or puting little chocolate for you and Ara in his daughter’s lunchbox.
He’s caring, picking you up after your shift to invite you to dinners and walks through the forest with Ara, because that little girl just loves walking in the fresh snow that has started to fall recently. She takes pictures of your footprints with Yoongi’s phone and makes him promise to print it for her to hang up.
“Of course I can, Ara. You’re already wearing your sleeping clothes and you’ve brushed your teeth with Appa, so hurry up and pick out the book you want me to read!” 
Ara grows closer and closer to you, until that one day where you stay over the Min’s house for dinner, she asks you to bring her to bed.
“Can she, Appa? I want her to read my favorite bedtime story to me! Please, Y/N,” Ara looks up at you with a pout, her beautiful eyes-that remind you of Yoongi-sparkling with admiration. 
That girl really makes your heart melt, combined with the soft smile that Yoongi gives you. And suddenly, you feel like you’re meant to be here, helping that man that you’ve grown so close to, helping the girl that lost her mother way too early and maybe even helping yourself with accepting that love really comes unexpectedly.
You gently tuck the soft blanket over Ara and place her favorite stuffie next to her as you smile at the girl fondly. "Sleep well, Ara," you whisper quietly, trying not to wake her up.
"Kissies, please," she mumbles sleepily and makes grabby hands towards you.
"Ara, I-" "Please," she whines and opens her eyes, tears starting to build up.
"Okay, it's okay, Ara." You swipe her hair out of her face before you plant a soft little kiss onto the girl's forehead. "Good night, sweetheart."
"Good night, Y/N. Will you be there tomorrow morning?"
Your smile fades, unsure if you really want to tell the little girl the truth. 
"Probably not, I have to get ready for work. You know that I love to wear dresses on Thursdays and I didn't bring mine. But we will see each other in the kindergarten!"
"Okay," she whispers before she falls back into a quiet slumber.
Yoongi has cleaned the kitchen in the meantime and poured more wine for the both of you to enjoy in front of the fireplace.
"She really adores you," he says as you sit down next to him, sipping the rosé Yoongi bought just for you.
"And I adore her. She's an angel. Thank you for allowing me to spend so much time with her, Yoon."
Yoongi blushes again, shaking his head. The greyish blonde hair got messier as the evening passed. "No, Y/N. You're the first mother-figure Ara has, I have to thank you in both mine and Ara's name. I know that dating a single father is a lot, but you're accepting my family so well… I never thought I'd find another woman in my life again. Ever since my wife died, it was hard for me to even look at other women, let alone build up something like a relationship with them because I always felt bad. But that's what she would have wanted for me. To love again, to not waste my last handsome days," his lips curl into a smirk before he shakes again. 
Then, his sharp eyes met yours and soften within seconds. 
"I… I don't know if it's the right time, we've known each other for two years, we've been officially dating for only three weeks, but I think I won't change my mind about it-no I know that I won't change my mind. I love you, Y/N. And I know that Ara loves you too."
You gasp, lips beginning to tremble once your eyes meet Yoongi's. "Yoongi…," you whisper before you place your glass on the table and basically jump onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
"I wanted to be the one to tell you first. I love you so much, Yoongi. I've had this stupid crush on you ever since you saw me in that wet dress, ever since you've shown me your music. Ever since I've seen you being the wonderful father you are-and that's so sexy, you can't even imagine."
Yoongi smirks as his hands find their place on the curve of your ass. "Sexy, huh? Me, doing the laundry and cooking dinner? Or me walking Ara to kindergarten with the homemade lunch boxes? That turns you on?"
You laugh, hiding your face in his neck as you lean closer to press your lips against his ear.
"All of that-and the way that you love Ara with all your heart, that's maybe the sexiest thing about you."
The man groans as he grabs you even tighter. "I never thought that sweet talk would turn me on even more than dirty talk," he laughs shakily as he wiggles his hips slightly to get into a more comfortable position that won't suffocate his hardening erection.
You sigh, sit up and run your hands through his hair. "Isn't all of this too early? I always tell myself that I shouldn't fall so fast, but here I am, ready to go every step with you."
Yoongi nods before he presses a peck on your nose. "Same, but we have all the time on earth. Ara wants us to get married by tomorrow, but I'm sure she'll survive it if we decide to postpone it for a few weeks."
You giggle as you look over your shoulder to the fireplace. "Did someone ever suck you off in front of a fireplace? Isn't this the definition of Christmas?"
The man underneath you gasps in shock. "No, but… I mean, I… You don't… have to?"
Laughing, you slide out of his lap and onto the floor, thankful for the soft carpet. "I want to, bubs. I wouldn't do something either of us isn't comfortable with. I assume you're alright with it?"
"Of course, but… I guess nobody ever did it because they wanted to, but because they feel like they had to?"
You raise an eyebrow at him, obviously disappointed in his previous partners. 
"It's as much fun and pleasure for me as it is for you, believe me, Yoon. Now lay back and enjoy, yeah?" You give him a calming smile as you open his pants carefully, then sliding them down his toned legs.
You press kisses all around his thighs to warm him up to the feeling, knowing that it has to be overwhelming to have some that close after all that time. Then, you gently remove his boxer shorts as well, leaving him bare and proud in front of you.
You groan as you start to stroke his cock, earning a low growl from Yoongi. "So beautiful," you whisper, then you take him into your mouth, getting a feeling for the weight on your tongue before you start bopping your head. 
Yoongi tries to contain himself, knowing that Ara could wake up every second, but alone the sight in front of him could make him come with a scream.
Instead, he cups your cheek, feeling the bulge that he causes there. Another groan leaves his lips. 
You look up at him, smirking-or trying to, with a mouth full of cock-and leading his hand into your hair, using it to push you down even more.
Yoongi's eyes lighten up. "Really?"
You almost laugh out, but you're doing your best to contain yourself and nod, placing your hands on his thighs to stop whenever you can't take it anymore. Yoongi is long and thicker than the average you've had before, but it's a challenge that's worth it.
He pushes you down slowly, enjoying the hot warmth of your mouth and then your throat as he pushes in-surprised that you didn't really gag around him.
Spit trickles down your chin as he moves faster, thrusting his hips to meet the movements of his hand and enjoying the gurgling sounds you make.
He comes far to quick for his own liking, shooting his load down your throat with a quiet groan. "Fuck."
You giggle as you swallow what he gives you, standing up to sit back on his lap to kiss him.
"You're welcome." 
Then, before you can grab your wine again, he flips you around and goes on his knees in front of you. "My turn," he smirks, eyes shining dangerously behind his fringe. 
"Yoongi, I-," you try to say, but he shushes you with a sloppy kiss.
"I know that I have to, but believe me: I love giving pleasure more than receiving it."
You pout, hands running through his soft hair.
"I didn't shave…," you whisper, a bit ashamed because you didn't come prepared, not thinking that this would be happening today.
The man in front of you raises an eyebrow.
"Do you think I am a 15 year old, pre puberty fuckboy that cares about shaved pussies? It's natural, love. Even if you can't believe it: I grow hair too, nobody is freshly shaved every day. I don't mind that, okay? Now, stop pouting and let me do my work, will you? Can you be a good girl and do that for me? All you've got to do is lean back, open your legs, throw them around my shoulders and let me devour you."
His shameless words turn you on, you can't even deny it-especially not when your panties are that damp. So, you naturally obey and help him to remove your pants.
"I told you, peach is your color," Yoongi groans in his deep Satoori as he looks at your clothed core. The peach colored lace has darkened from your arousal and the man can't help it but press his face against the material, licking one bold stripe over it.
Nobody has ever done that to you, rather pulled them off in a hurry because they thought that body fluids were disgusting, but Yoongi didn't seem to mind as he gently bites your folds through the lace. 
"God," you moan in pleasure as Yoongi finally pulls your panties to the side and spits onto your pussy, making it even wetter.
You're a whimpering mess as soon as Yoongi's tongue is on you, flicking and playing with your clit, collecting your juices and spreading them all over your pussy. You've read about that before; men eating pussy like they're starving, but Yoongi is somewhat different.
He eats pussy like he wants you to always remind it, to make you obedient and never being able to enjoy anyone else doing that job.
He does it well-of course. His tongue is as fast as he's been spitting rhymes on his mixtape, and you're more than thankful for that.
He doesn't even get to use his fingers before your orgasm approaches you, strong waves of pleasure hitting you as Yoongi keeps on kissing and slowly licking you through your high.
Then, he grins at you. "Round two, here we go."
And this time, it's not only his tongue working wonders, but also his fingers stroking you on the inside until they found your spot. 
You press your hands on your mouth to keep yourself from screaming out loud, hips bucking wildly as you come for a second time within less than ten minutes. And again, Yoongi guides you through it and softly caresses your stomach.
"Fuck, I love you," you pant as he comes back up and steals a kiss from you.
"I can't wait to have you in my bed properly," he whispers and takes a large sip from his wine. 
You can only agree.
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You've started to spend the nights at Yoongi's more often, bringing Ara to work with you and helping Yoongi with her and the household whenever you can. Your relationship blooms beautifully and Ara is the happiest little bean when you're around.
Obviously, you spent Christmas with Yoongi and Ara as well, buying little presents and enjoying the comfortable atmosphere with the family.
Yoongi gave you a spare key to his house, so you're always able to visit them, spending the nights there and soon enough, you moved in.
The Christmas after that, you surprised Ara with the adoption papers, telling her that now that she's in school and not one of your kindergarten kids anymore, she'll be able to finally call you Mommy (not that Ara minded before, you just felt weird and guilty about it).
And here you are now, preparing the huge breakfast for your third Christmas around, smiling at the ring that adorns your finger. 
"Smells fabulous, Mama," Ara says as she runs towards you and falls into your arms.
"Do you want me to help you with dessert, Mrs Min?" Yoongi asks as he presses a kiss onto your cheeks. You lean into his touch, shaking your head. "It's almost done. You can go into the living room, I'll be there in a minute to open our presents, bubs."
Yoongi prepares the fireplace, lightens some candles with Ara and lets his daughter hand out the presents. 
"I have one more for you, Yoon," you whisper as you hand him a small box.
"Oh? Can I open this first?" He tilts his head curiously, shaking the light box.
"Open!" Ara squeaks and sits down between her father and you. You nod with a fond smile as Yoongi lifts the top. Then, silence.
"Really?" He whispers with teary eyes.
"Yes, finally," you smile, "Ara, you'll become a big sister!"
Yoongi sniffs, hugging his family tight.
"And she'll be the best sister in the world. Merry Christmas, loves."
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dreamingmanip · 3 years
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: None (if I need one let me know in my ask!)
Prompt: NONE
Word Count: 1,860
A/N: Okay, this time I didn’t use any prompt from my board on Pinterest. I came with the idea last night (thanks insomnia), and I thought I could make it in 2 parts. Let me know what do you think in my ask, is always open for you. If you want t, like it and reblog it. Thank you very much! 
A/N 2: I’m gonna pin this imagine so you can easily find it on my page, I will do the same when posting part 2. :)
A/N 3: This awesome gif is from Pinterest but, it comes from Wattpad. Her account is Ariana-Fic and you can find it in her fic “Soldiers in Intelligence”.
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Being a cop wasn't easy, putting your life in danger to protect and serve others sometimes wasn't successful. It was 50/50, every morning you will be walking out home not knowing if you could come back.
It had been three weeks without a person in the unit. Detective Jay Halstead had been wounded in a crossfire in a covert operation; when one of you got hurt everyone took responsibility even if it wasn't that way, only for some it was harder to try not to blame yourself for what happened. You had blamed Hailey for not covering Jay enough even though you knew it wasn't her fault, you even avoided her a few days after that. 
She was her partner way long before you were assigned to Intelligence by Sergeant Voight.
Narcotics helped Intelligence in a case; it was your case but somehow their case intertwined with yours at some point, both departments agreed to work to stop the overdoses in the area. You were the best at CO, so it made sense for Sergeant Voight to pick Jay, one of his best undercovers for a purchase. Your skills didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the Intelligence Unit, even for someone with experience like Jay. After the case was over he offered you a spot in his Unit, you doubt it for a moment, you were good in Narcotics, good pay, accumulated vacation days, Voight wasn't known for being a patient person and some co-workers encouraged you to take that step by commenting on how crazy you must be not to accept such an offer. 
You were well received by all, perhaps except for Sergeant Trudy Platt, who didn't like strangers or new people in the district. Jay was among the first to congratulate you when you arrived, for a moment you thought you'd be partners but Voight wouldn't break his dream team, so he paired you with Kevin Atwater, whom you've been entrusting your life and darkest secrets to ever since. 
Atwater was the first one you told about the nights you stayed late with Jay in Molly's, he was the first to know how those late nights became visiting his apartment, to end up arriving together one morning, to the district. He had told you about Voight's rules and how he was firm with them after Jay's last relationship had gone bad with his partner and that had affected his way of working a bit.
Jay and you decided to go slowly, the only one who would know about you two would be Kevin, it was agreed at least, but Hailey Upton was very good at her job so she soon realized what was happening between you. She had supported you, although she did not agree to hide this from her sergeant, she wanted to see her partner happy.
They were all at their desks, doing paperwork on a case they had closed the day before, when Trudy appeared on the stairs.
"Guess who came back from her mandatory break."
You looked up from the papers in front of you to look at a smiling Jay Halstead, who was looking at Trudy with a raised eyebrow.
"Nice to see you too, Trudy."
"Yeah, now try to get away from the bullets for a while, I don't want to have to worry about any of you for a long time."
Kevin and Adam were the first to approach him, joking and patting him on the shoulder. Kim and Hailey were next, giving him a loving hug before heading back to his places. You had stood up to lean against your desk, your arms crossed over your chest, Jay leaned closer, although he kept some distance, the mocking smile still on his lips. You were the first to speak.
"I see you survived, Halstead."
"Hey, don't say it like that, I'm going to think you're not happy to see me alive."
You pressed your lips together so as not to smile because of his comment, it was the game that both played in front of everyone else, the sarcastic comments to pretend that they were not getting along as well as they should. You nodded and looked at him.
"It's good to have you back."
Jay's smile widened and he put his hands on his hips.
"Look at that, you're happy to have me here."
You rolled your eyes and sat back in your chair when Voight left his office, leaning against the doorframe.
"How are you Jay?"
Jay nodded his head looking at his boss.
"Good, Sarge."
"Good, because I just hung up with the Superintendent and he wants to acknowledge what you did. Tomorrow there will be a public event, downtown."
You all clapped for a moment, before Voight continued speaking.
"Now try not to die until tomorrow."
Without saying more he returned to his office. Jay went to his desk to catch up on all the overdue paperwork, from time to time you looked up to observe him, you were glad to have him back but the moment you knew about the award, you felt a bitter taste in your mouth. Why were they going to decorate him when he almost died? 
You stood up and went to the coffee room, took one of the cups on the wall and poured yourself some, you still felt that bitter taste in your mouth. You heard footsteps behind you and looked over your shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
Jay asked, taking another cup, reaching for the pot and pouring himself some coffee as well. You leaned a little to look towards the door, checking that no one was around to hear you. You started to get tired of that, checking over your shoulders to see if no one could hear your conversations or whatever you were doing behind closed doors.
“Uhm, yes, I’m just a little tired. We have been in some paperwork duties from a few cases from the past weeks.”
You took a sip from the cup, making a little grin at the taste of the coffee.
“Well, just for the record, I know when something’s bothering you. We have been together almost a year.”
He looked satisfied with himself, and you couldn’t deny it because he was right, Jay knew you so well almost since day one. You looked at him and gave him a little smile, his mood was good after dealing with a grumpy man at his house because he couldn’t get back to work after being shot, and you definitely didn't want to be the one to screw it up. 
Kim walks into the room without realizing the interruption she just made or how you take a little more distance between you two, starts a little chat with Jay and you decide to go back to your desk.
Later, in the locker room, you were finishing picking up some things from your little blue locker, putting them in the gym bag you were carrying that day when Kevin appeared next to you, opening his own locker.
"I don't see you so happy today, you were quiet for most of the day, man you didn't even laugh at Ruzek's nonsense. I thought having Jay back would make you feel better."
You sighed and took a seat on the bench, rubbing your hands over your face before looking at your best friend. You played with your lower lip a bit before speaking.
"Kevin, am I crazy for wanting more in this relationship? I mean, we've worked well without anyone knowing, what difference would it make if we did from the knowledge of Voight, of our friends?"
They both fell silent when an officer entered the room and moments later he left the room, you clenched your fist and struck the cold metal in front of you, you felt frustrated and helpless. Kevin sat next to you, rubbing his hands together as he took his time answering you.
"Y/N, you are a pretty strong woman who knows what she wants, don't let anyone make you feel like you can't, not even some of my friends. If you want, I can talk to him, you know man to man" .
His comment made you laugh a little, releasing a bit of the tension in your chest, you bumped his shoulder with yours, pushing him a little.
"Thanks Kev. I don't think that talk is necessary but I will take it into account for future problems."
"Whenever you need me, girl."
You took your bag, Kevin had helped you lift your spirits but you knew you had to do something with your feelings, for better or for worse. 
Jay was in the kitchen when he heard you arrive, a smile formed on his face as he came out to greet you, an ice cold beer in his hand and a hockey game in the background on television. He walked over to you to kiss your forehead, took your bag and set it aside by the door.
"It took you a little longer than usual to get here, I'm sorry I didn't wait for you. Trudy wanted me to fill out some forms for tomorrow and I left earlier."
You couldn't look at Jay without stopping to think about the consequences that your words would have, you knew about his past and you didn't want to be the evil witch who would ruin what you both had until that day. You settled next to him, resting your head on his chest while he watched the game and he made imaginary shapes on the skin of your arm.
It took you a few minutes before you could form a sentence, your voice lacking the strength you had gathered all the way to his apartment.
"Jay, what if we tell Voight we're together?"
Your voice caught his attention, looking at you completely confused.
"Y/N, we both know that we can't say anything at the moment if we want to continue working in the same unit."
You slowly sat up again, turning a little so you could face him, Jay was sure of what he was saying, it showed in his face and in the confidence with which he had spoken.
"Jay, I'm tired of having to hide from everyone, like what we're doing is wrong. Voight will understand if-"
"I've been through this before Y/N, I know what I'm talking about. I also refused to hide my thing with Erin, but things changed. If we tell this to Voight he will remove someone from the team and we know it will not be me."
You felt the air come out of your lungs, as if someone had hit you, Jay realized his mistake when you stood up, he began to move his head trying to speak, he left the beer on the coffee table trying to take your hand .
"Y/N, it's not what- it's not what I meant ..."
Unaware of your movements, you started to take your things in a frenzy, Jay seemed to be talking to you but you couldn't identify his words or what he was trying to tell you, you just left.
To be continued...
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impaladolan · 4 years
Home Alone - Grayson Dolan
summary: after a long week of work, y/n needs some sort of relaxation and relief. although, her outlook on relieving her frustrations isn’t what grayson had in mind...
warnings: tid bit fluffy, swearing, vibrator use, & smut
a/n: been in my unfinished drafts for a bit..
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"Are you sure you don't want to tag along, baby?" Grayson longingly questioned, his brows crinkled and his lips almost forming a pout.
"I haven't been able to do laundry all week. God knows it won't get done unless I do it now." Y/N chuckles, balancing a full basket of freshly dried clothes on her hip, watching her lover wrap his fist around the front door's handle.
Every other weekend, at the Dolan residences, the two brothers, and sometimes their wives, would gather with some of their friends and watch their favorite football teams. And later on, they'd play board games or watch some movies. Normally, Y/N would be the one begging Grayson to hurry up and get ready to attend the biweekly event, except this time.
Y/N has different plans...
It had been a brutal week at work, her boss was currently taking out her "divorce emotions" on her employees and Y/N was getting the rougher end of it. She was relieved when it was finally the weekend and she could stress clean, calm her nerves in some sort of self efficient way and relax after a tough couple days.
She hadn't even had the thought of a sexual release, until she had dreamt multiple naughty scenarios just last night during her deep slumber. She couldn't exactly pinpoint what all she had dreamed, but she remembers waking up with a dripping arousal and a sore ache at her very center. And though her husband was laid right next to her, perfectly capable of satisfying her womanly needs, she decided using other resources would be a better fit.
Don't get her wrong, she loves being pleasured by the only man who knows exactly how to, but she felt embarrassed. She didn't want to come across as a sex-crazed women to Grayson, even though it would never make a difference to him.
They're married, for goodness sake.
"I can stay back and help out. We could even have our own little movie night if you wanted," He began, releasing his hand from the door and taking a few steps toward Y/N, whose lips turned into a cheesy smile as he drew closer to her.
"Just you and me," He took the basket filled with clothes from her hip and set it on the floor, intertwining his large hands with her smaller ones, eliciting a short laugh from Y/N. He brought her closer to his frontside, creating a ballroom dance-like formation and began shuffling around with her in his arms. Like an old married couple, they slowly danced around the room, him twirling her in his grasp while Y/N admirably gazed upon him.
Her cheeks were rosy with admiration, finding his little act of affection adorable. "You get easily distracted, huh?" Y/N grinned, resting her chin happily on his shoulder, his minuscule beard hairs tickling certain parts of her neck.
"Well, you looked too pretty over here by yourself," He softly explained against her ear. "And I wanted to dance around a room with a beautiful woman like you. So, I am." He lowered his hands beneath her and slew her into a romantic dip, planting a sweet kiss upon her lips. She returned one back, feeling her heart grow two sizes larger, much like the Grinch movie portrays, if anything.
"Grayson, I know how much you enjoy football, especially with the boys," She was only making excuses, but he had tempted her to just cuddle on the couch all day and watch plethoras of movies and munch on various snacks. But the low rattle in the depths her core was motioning her in a different way, and she just couldn't survive the rest of the day without fixing her little problem.
"Hmm, you're right. But when I get back, we're ordering take out and watching movies. Got it?" He chuckles, bringing the both of them back up into a standing position.
"M'hm, be safe." Y/N smiles, planting another kiss on her lover's lips before leaving his warmth. She waved goodbye to him as he left their abode, sweetly grinning as she went back to finishing up the laundry before the real reason she was staying home, would begin.
Though the couple's intimate relations seemed innocent and loving, they each had a different side to them, specifically in the bedroom.
The two never shied away from new experiences and would most certainly dabble into different areas of the "sex world," if you will. They, of course, had their preferences and different kinks, but Y/N seemed to be more open and freeing for that sort of stuff.
For the different occasions that they felt a bit more lustful and yearning for one another, they kept a locked trunk of knickknacks in their closet. You see, that's the one Grayson knows about, but Y/N keeps a smaller one, filled to the brim with all of her own toys, in a section of her closet that he never really pays attention to. If he had any idea that she kept self-pleasuring items for her own uses, he'd be absolutely ballistic.
Thankfully, he doesn't...
The moment Y/N threw the last bits of dirty laundry left, into the washer, she practically sprinted to their shared bedroom. After rummaging through the trunk filled with "accessories," she found a nice, pretty pink vibrator to do the trick, as well as a black silk blindfold to shield her own eyes. She was already rid of her clothes and sprawled across the wide bed in an instance, tying the piece of cloth over her eyes. 
Though, unbeknownst to Y/N, Grayson was already on his way back home. As soon as he had pulled into his brother's driveway, they had called to cancel— a certain emergency about something Grayson didn't really pay attention to listen to. He was thrilled that he didn't have to leave Y/N at home, all by herself to do chores all day. And luckily, their houses weren't too far apart from each other, so Grayson was back home within fifteen minutes of leaving it.
He didn't feel the need to text Y/N, she was probably busy anyway and possibly wouldn't respond. He figured she would hear the garage door open and expect that he was already home.
Little does he know...
As soon as he was parked and out of his vehicle, Grayson was trudging down stairs to the laundry room, in search of Y/N. He was surprised that she wasn't there, but he figured she might just be folding on the couch, trying to get ahead on one of the TV series the two were drawn into.
Grayson chuckles as he makes his way back upstairs, though his brows curtly furrow, his ears almost perking at the muffled sounds coming from the hallway.
Their shared room, to be precise.
With a pondering look upon his face, he kicks off his shoes and makes his way towards his bedroom, quietly twisting the door handle and pushing it inward. He opens the door wide enough to secretly look inside, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness that enveloped the entire expanse. The noises he had heard only seconds ago were more prominent, and his eyes had fallen on the object creating the aroused sounds;
She was laid out on their bed, legs wide open and shaking while her hands were constantly pressuring a fucking sex toy against her soaked pussy. Grayson froze, pure anger washing over him and turning his face a turbulent shade of red, washing away his pleasant mood. He almost stormed in there, ready to rip the stupid machine away from her hands and show her what a real orgasm feels like.
But he somehow contained himself, and instead, watched the scene play out in front of his very own eyes, vexation spilling from his entire countenance.
Y/N didn't hear the garage door open and close, or even the beep of Grayson's truck when he locked it.  She hadn't even heard his feet stomping up and down the stairs, or his lingering chuckles. She was so caught up in how she was feeling.
The artificial vibrations that buzzed upon her core made the world around her so euphoric and heavenly. She'd brush the toy upon her clit, forcing her entire body shake with deep pleasure and a soft moan to emit from her mouth. It felt so nice, and she was so close to the brink of releasing.
She was already feeling better, and naughty. If Grayson were to find her this way, masturbating  freely in the open and satisfying herself, she would never live to see another day. But she didn't care at this point, she just wanted to finally cum.
And she was extremely close.
Her hips began to buckle, while her backside rose from the bed and her free hand twisted at the sheets beneath her. "Mm- just a little more—" Her entire core was pulsating, so fucking close to just letting go.
So close..
"Don't fucking cum yet, slut." Grayson's voice boomed throughout the room, making Y/N's movements freeze in terror and shock. Before she could think of some sort of explanation or reasoning as to what she's doing, her blindfold is ripped from her eyes, while the vibrator that was once nuzzled up on her pussy, was taken away as well. Now, she felt so empty and wanting, edged to an almost release.
"Jesus- You're fucking dripping, for fucksake." His tone was harsh, and Y/N felt like crying. She held onto her tears as she watched him examine the drenched vibrator, still buzzing in his hands. Out of the loss of contact, she began to whine, squeezing her thighs together to create at least a little bit of friction.
"Grayson, please—" She began to huff, but her shuttering voice was interrupted by the aggravated man pacing in front of her.
"I don't think I fucking asked you to talk, did I?" He glared at her, though just the sight of Y/N's exposed body made him shudder with a tinge of want.
Against his wishes, Y/N continued her whines, her breathing still ragged and finally her own hand traveling down to her soaked heat. She didn't care if she'd be in more trouble, she just needed to unravel the knot inside her, whether she'd pay for that mistake later or if not.
She didn't get far, because Grayson caught her wrist before it made it all the way down to her center, and brought it up to the headboard. He wrapped a leather strip around both of her wrists, mumbling incoherent spews of anger, doing the same with her ankles against the bedposts.
"I-I, I thought you were gonna watch football.." She began, but a low growl sounded from Grayson, and the blindfold was placed back over her eyes, while a different type of cloth was shoved in her mouth. Y/N feels the numbing slap across her thigh before hearing the connection's sound, an exasperated scream muffling out of her filled mouth.
"I'd stop talking if I were you. Unless you want to be choked by Daddy’s fucking cock, darling." His voice rattled her insides, and she dared not to make another sound, already dug far too deep in a hole anyway. "Get ready princess, m'gonna edge the fuck out of you. Maybe then, you'll remember to ask me for permission to use your fucking toys." His voice soon faded from her ears as a higher vibration than before was nudged right up against her swollen clit, making her figure convulse in imploding pleasure.
It took an entire hour for Grayson to edge Y/N twelve fucking times. She was a mess, sweat droplets dotting her hairline while her pussy remained in slippery shambles. He didn't say a word, and Y/N held her tongue from shouting profanities after the several losses of contact. She hadn't came yet, but if she didn't soon— she would find a way to get out of her restraints and finish off what she had started herself.
It had been several minutes since Grayson had pulled her to the brink of an orgasm, and she was starting to think that he'd never come back. She had heard the sound of a zipper earlier, and she couldn't tell if he was doing something to ease his own pain while she laid there, so high strung and breathless. She was about to call out his name, but the warmth of his tongue wrapped around her bundle of nerves and she let out an exasperated sigh, pulling on the cuffs tied around her wrists.
He slipped his tongue in skillful motions, his hands pushing up underneath her thighs as he lapped up her liquids. Y/N was so sensitive to touch, anything that remotely stroked her could heighten her arousal and make her lust for more.
Within seconds, her hips were shaking and her back arched above the mattress, her toes curling under the pressure. And his voice finally sang the heavenly words she had been waiting for the entire time;
"Cum, princess."
Y/N released all over his lips, a high-pitched scream sounding from her mouth as she finally unravels, her legs bucking against their restraints. She spits out the cloth from her mouth and heavily breathes, murmuring praises to the man between her legs.
"I'm sorry, Grayson."
a/n: did this completely suck? i haven’t really written in third person in awhile, so i need honest opinions..
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plane pillow
where peter planned to play video games with ned through the whole flight but fate decided to take another turn....
*A/N: this isnt related to far from home nor the ending of endgame, just pretend infinity and all the movies after didnt exist since i imagine pete 16 in here. i dont know why 16 i just like that age on him lmao, enjoy reading!*
pairing: peter x reader
status: strangerz (well sort of since they haven't talked to eachother but they're in the same school)
peter's POV
"the flight will be amazing! i heard they'd installed the new game we were talking about" i gushed to ned, excited for the whole flight to be filled with video games.
"im excited" ned stated practically jumping from excitement and i shook my head laughing
"OK CLASS!" Mr Harrington clapped his hands getting our attention "we're boarding the plane in a few minutes so pack your stuff and lets goooo" he pointed at our gate dramatically.
we walked to the gate, scanned our ticket and sat on our assigned seats, ned and i sat on the three seater, he took the window seat by winning a 3 round match of rock, paper, scissors *sighs angrily* and i obvious got the middle, kinda scared of who'll sit beside me though.
we had to wait for a few minutes, since we boarded the flight early. ned and i obviously started playing video games, too entranced by the small glowing screen infront of me i haven't realized a girl.
she hadn't really acknowledged me either because she looked tired, i cursed at the screen for losing the game too quickly and my dumb ass still didnt realize a GIRL, MY AGE, looking PRETTY FUCKING ADORABLE was sitting next to me. oh dear god.
after a couple more games and me being the most idiotic teenager known today for not looking at my right to see her  the flight attendant alerted us that the plane will take off so we the screen will freeze any moment. ned and i decided to sleep, it was very early in the morning and we need to rest if we plan on gaming most of the flight.
i closed my eyes and shifted a bit in my seat, and slept. the plain was moving at the time trying to find the best place to take off. i guess i was really tired that i havent felt someone sleeping on my shoulder.
i was peacefully sleeping still agitated from the uncomfortable seat but i heard a loud noise that frightened the life out of me and due to my spidey senses i sensed a hand on my right, so what did i do? i fucking held the hand. hard, may i add, from the fright.
i opened my eyes quickly and jumped a bit, turning around to see who's the stranger that i held hands with, startled as well. i sighed in relief knowing our plane was safe and it was just about to take off. but then i took a good look on the perso- her, took a good look on her, on her? OH MY GOD ITS A GIRL calm down peter and please dont scare her off. i couldnt stop looking at her and to my luck she was looking at me as well, but none of us spoke
i couldnt help but notice the small part of her y/h/c hair that was shown from her hood looked so shiny and smooth, her eyes were the most perfect shade of y/e/c. the extremely large hoodie looked so comfortable on her which made me think of her wearing one of mine, how big and long it'll look on her body sent butterflies to my stomach. she looked small, and precious so fragile yet she held her body confidently.
the voice of the flight attendant echoed through the speakers which made us both stop our trance of one another. even though the lady's voice wasnt scary it still frightened us. i mean no hate towards miss attendant she called me a cutie and gave me extra blankets
but coz we got startled again we held hands....again looking for the sources of the noise. we visibly relaxed once we realized what it was, looked at eachother and laughed, her laugh was angelic and soft, hands down the best sound ive ever head. she looked rather embarrassed from the encounter but i bet you a thousand dollars i look worse, i could practically feel the blood rush through my cheeks once she realized how long ive stared at her
"i- uhm i-im so sorry for sleeping on your shoulder, and- and holding your hand and stuff" she apologized, it only made me even more baffled by her. how could a voice match with a face so perfectly.
"no no its fine uhh i dont mind *nervous laugh* and for the hand thing i was the one who grabbed yours so i-i should be the one apologizing...im sorry" i rubbed the back of my neck. this is why i dont talk to girls, ever. well mj is an exception since shes like the closest thing i have to a friend other than my best friend obviously.
"i-im y/n, by the way" she lifted her hand properly introducing herself
"peter, peter parker" i shook her hand, it was nice feeling the warmth of her hand again. we probably held hands (for the third time today by the way) longer the we should have but who am i to say i was bothered. i definitely wasnt.
"nice to meet you peter" she smiled shaking our hands one last time then sitting it on her lap. scratch what i said about her gorgeous laugh, hearing her say my name was the best thing ive heard in my 16 year of existence. (her laugh is obviously the second best)
before i could ask anything else, the plane decided to finally take off. i adjusted myself to the seat, not turning to my right side anymore and closed my eyes trying to think of smiling puppies. ive been on a plane before, in fact a private one last year but that was it. this is my second time flying away from new york and i was a bit nervous.
y/n somehow noticed my sudden tense form, who am i kidding i looked like i was about to die coz of my nerves. and held my hand. and i immediately opened my eyes again, the feeling of her skin coming in contact with mine brought chills down my spine, good ones obviously
"you looked rather tense, is this ok?" she leaned into my ear so i could hear her. i looked at her confused on why she would want to help me but nodded as a reply. a smile crept on my face and i couldnt seem to take it off.  the take off went smoothly thank god. and ive occasionally squeezed her hand, usually when the plane made very loud sounds. but i made it! woohoo
i didnt know if i should stop holding her hand or not, even though i didnt want to. will she think im a creep? and if i did, will she think im rude? but i guess it didnt seem to bother her if she went back to sleeping. so i figured i should do the same
i shifted in my seat a couple of times trying to get the perfect comfy spot....nothing. this seat will be the death of m-
"you can sleep on my shoulder if you want" she whispered. "i figured since you let me sleep on yours which im very sorry about, you could sleep on mine" she smiled
"thanks, but i dont wanna bother you or make you uncomfortable"
"oh nonsense! my body is screaming right now cheering for me, well partially scolding at me for saying something risky like that to a good looking guy, its ok" she laughed, her eyes widened in shock from what she confessed. i smiled at her and rested my head on her shoulder
"you think im good looking?" i whispered playing with our fingers, i dont know when i got the sudden confidence but hearing someone like her think a loser like me is cute did something to me.
"shut up" she playfully shoved me and i laughed.
"are you from midtown?" i asked her
"no im from queens" she joked
"oh you're definitely from midtown" i chuckled, next thing i know i was having a normal conversation with me laying my head on a girl i just met like we knew eachother for years, it was nice to talk to a girl i potentially thought was cute instead of talking gibberish
she was very understanding and looked like interested into what i was saying, i was gonna skip my geeky side when she asked about what i like but to my surprise, she mentioned it when i asked her the same, she said she loves comics and likes watching sci fi movies. i asked her if she watched star wars and she said she didnt...yet.
"wanna uhm watch it together?" i played with her fingers absentmindedly nervous if she'd reject me.
"yeah sure" her eyes lit up like she was waiting for me to ask her that. we watched the movie in bliss, thankfully she liked it! and immediately said to put the second one. and surprise surprise, we finished it.
when the credits rolled in, i saw her yawning, shifting in her seat again, i decided to be bold so i lifted her head off my shoulder pulled the arm rest away from us, took a pillow and patted my lap. immediately after doing it i regretted it, she barely knows me, what the fuck peter.
"you sure?" she asked smiling a bit, she looked like she felt something giddy inside which made me feel at peace again and i nodded.
"good night" she whispered snuggling her head on my lap, i hesitantly put my arm over
"good night, y/n" and we fell asleep like how ned slept the whooole time i was talking to her, wow we have a lot to catch up on
peters pov
i didnt know the whole plane (our class) practically gushed over my interaction with y/n, i know its been a while since i liked a girl but betty and the rest (including Mr Harrington) practically begged mj to take photos of us since she was the closest, not that she wouldnt have done it without them asking her....
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*A/N: idk what this bonus was lmao but i had to add the school feeling happy for our boy pete*
have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Pairing(s): Oikawa Tooru x Top Male Reader
Warning(s): NSFW (SMUT), Cursing, Bottom Oikawa, etc etc all that good stuff.
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
I pray that my ears have deceived me, but from the apologetic look on my teachers face I know I heard it correctly. "[Y/n] you'll be working with Oikawa on this project" The pencil in my hand almost snapped when he spoke, so I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. It's not like I have anything personal against the male but he surely does for me, only because his annoying ass fan-girls decided to make me their new target, causing the dumbass to lose some of his popularity amongst the females. Standing from my seat I moved towards the male, plopping down in the seat beside him since the teacher gave us the rest of class to start working on this three fucking week project. "We're working on this at your house" I stated bluntly, causing the shorter male to wince at my harsh tone.
"Eh? Why mine?!" He huffed while glaring at me through narrowed eyes, I merely shrugged and pulled out our text book, starting to flip through the pages. Not bothering to speak to the male anymore then I have to, however he didn't seem to take kindly to that and kept pestering me the whole damn class period, until finally the last bell rang, signaling for us to head home. Well not really since I have to head off with Oikawa, which wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for his squealing fan-girls that literally popped out of no where. "Oikawa!" A chorus of feminine voices sang aloud, running up to the setter besides me until their eyes turned towards me, "And [Y/n] too!" They screeched, but before Oikawa could make any advance in talking to them, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him back, glaring at the girls through narrowed eyes.
"Fuck off" I growled, dragging Oikawa off the school grounds while also trying to ignore the way the girls swooned after. "Y'know you're really mean" The setter pouted as he crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at me out the corner of his eye. With a quick roll of my eyes I stuffed my hands in my pockets, letting out a heavy sigh knowing it's going to be a very a long three weeks, and by the sudden glimmer in his eye I knew I was right. "Keep looking at me like that and I'll push you in the mud" I muttered out, getting a bit annoyed from the way he stared at me. "Do you have any other setting other than jerk?" Oikawa huffed, leading me up to his front door before letting me inside.
"For pretty boy's like you? No" I shot back, scratching at the back of my head before following him up to his room. A teasing smile was quickly brought to his lips as we stepped into his room, gazing into my eyes with a playful look, "You think I'm pretty?" His smile never faltered as he stepped closer to me, nearly brushing up against me. And I immediately saw the game he was trying to play, so with a quick glance I let my eyes wander over his face, taking in the way his eyes nearly shimmered a golden color under the light, then traveled them down his form, almost having to force my gaze away from the way he arched his back, "Maybe" I smirked, drawing my tongue over my upper lip before going back to my cold expression. Watching the way his face flushed slightly with widened eyes, before taking a seat on his floor.
Cause I don't plan to lose at a game that I know how to win.
It's only been a week into the project and Oikawa's been ruthless with his flirting, he even went as far as too see me during lunch and after the classes we didn't have together just to put a word or two in with a teasing smirk. However as the days went by something seemed a little off, I'd always notice that his gaze would linger on me a lot longer than it used too, his face would heat up whenever we talked and he'd actually show more of his calmer side, then there's the fact that even though he's been more ruthless with the flirting, it slowly stopped making me feel like I was some kind of goal he wished to accomplish, and the thought of that.. Kind of worried me.
Cause I know I'm starting to feel something for the male, even if he can be annoying as hell. Under all that he's really not a bad guy, he has his moments of serenity and the happy glimmer in his eyes when he's playing volleyball is something that makes me my heart flutter, but the real choice is should I actually follow this feeling or drop it here? I know Oikawa's continuous flirting was merely him trying to win me over, he was trying to play his cards right and if I'm being honest, he did well. He beat me at my own game and I damn well knew it, but would I admit it? Not in a million years.
"[Y/n]! Thanks for waiting" Oikawa panted as sweat slowly ran down his face and neck, quickly forcing my gaze away before any thoughts could come to mind. "Don't have much of a choice" I stated bluntly, starting to walk out the school gates I didn't brother waiting for Oikawa as I headed in the direction of his home leaving the screeching male to try and catch up with me. We walked in silence for a bit, but my attention was caught by the way a slow heat crept up Oikawa's neck, causing his cheeks and ears to burn a pretty pink while he chewed on his lower lip, nearly forcing my heart to stop from the sight. However the male suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking up at me with a small smile that I haven't seen before, "[Y/n] I need to tell you something" His tone was soft as he crossed his arms, taking a deep breath before looking me in the eye.
"I like you!" My eyes widened a bit at his words, but a tight feeling in my gut made me second guess his confession. I know his type, the playboy that can get anyone he wants, I only know because I was like that once back in junior high, I could've had anyone I wanted but, it got boring after a while and I realized I wanted something real not just that one week lover bullshit, I want someone to spend my life with, "No offense Oikawa but how am I supposed to believe that?" I knew my words would hurt him, and I immediately regretted it when his chocolate colored eyes shined from the thin layer of tears threatening to spill. "You flirt with every one of your fan girls, hell I saw you flirting with them at lunch yesterday and don't think I didn't know what you were trying to do when you started flirting with me."
Oikawa flinched at my words, slowly averting his gaze towards the ground and I had to resist the urge to pull him towards me, "Fine.. then I'll just have to make you believe me!" His lips curled into a small smile as his eyes filled with determination, shocking me a bit.
"We'll see."
It was a bit surprising to see that Oikawa had stopped flirting with his fangirls, taking any minute of the day he could just to spend time with me. He drags me to each of his volleyball practices, grinning at me with a hopeful gaze whenever he sets or serves, it was kind of cute how he always looking for me after doing so. That much I couldn't deny, but it finally hit the last week of our project with only the weekend to finish it, so sitting on his bed I finished gluing the pictures to the small board since we left the easy stuff for last, however Oikawa went to go change so it was just me in the room, until someones arms wrapped around my neck, resting their chest against my back. "[Y/n]" Oikawa muttered into my ear with a low whine that caused me to stop what I was doing, feeling his warmth slowly flood over me in a soothing way.
"What are you doing Oikawa?" I breathed out, moving my hands to his arms with a gentle but firm grip, looking back at him through the corner of my eye, only to see the beautiful chocolate brown I've come to adore. "C'mon! We've gotten to know each other well enough and I even confessed to you! So call me Tooru" He whined, shifting around so that he was sitting in front of me, giving me a full view of the baggy t-shirt he wore and simple dark blue boxers underneath. It was nearly impossible to tare my gaze away and that was obviously his intention when he moved the project to the floor, climbing into my lap with a teasing smirk that I've seen plenty of times before. Running his fingers through my hair he bit his bottom lip, tugging it between his teeth in a slow motion that kept my eyes on the movement.
It was a simple trick that had all my attention, pulling me in until I let out a soft groan from the sudden ghost-like touch on my cock that had forced a shudder through Oikawa's body. "Tooru-" I muttered subconsciously, moving my hands to thighs that I gripped tightly when he started to palm me through my pants, "Ngh.." The moan that slipped past his lips sounded like music to my ears, and I just had to hear more. The corner of my lips curved into a sly smirk as I moved my hands up his thighs, pressing my thumbs to the soft inner part of them before pressing my lips to the base of his neck, dragging my teeth up the soft skin, biting down when he let out a breathy moan along with a sudden shiver that ran down his spine. "[Y-Y/n].." He whimpered softly, moving his hands under my shirt to pull it off, which I gladly allowed, loving the way his hands explored my upper body as I pushed up his shirt, practically yanking it off of him when he smirked up at me, face flushed in the brightest red I've seen it.
After pressing his back into the bed he took my hand with his as he shamelessly brought it to his lips, curling his tongue around my middle finger in a slow motion that made my pants tighten uncomfortably, and I couldn't help but notice he was in the same pain I'm in. I happily pressed the pad of my finger against the back of his tongue, taking note of the fact he didn't gag from the action, useful information for later. With that thought out the way I tugged at the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down and off his smooth legs, taking in the sight of his messy form beneath me. I pulled my hand from his grasp, quickly capturing his lips with my own in a slow motion in order to savour the taste of his mouth when he shyly brushed his tongue with my own, desperately gripping onto my hair as I pressed my middle finger to his entrance, hoping that the kiss would help distract him from the sudden feeling when I slowly pushed it in.
"Hah! [Y-Y/n]!" He gasped out, moving his fingers from my hair to rake down my back in a painful motion that forced a groan from my throat. "Keep going-" His words caused my eyes to widen a bit until I realized something that I couldn't help but smirk at, "Did you already prep yourself?" I asked, nipping at his ear afterwards, loving the way his body trembled from my touch. All I got in response was a quick shameless nod, bucking his hips in an attempt to get more friction from my fingers, "Well if that's the case" I hummed, pulling away from the male in order to take off my pants, letting them fall to the ground. "On your hands and knee's, now" I demanded in my usual cold tone that forced a shiver down his spine, but I could tell it aroused him even more by the way his cock twitched and the whimper that escaped his throat as he spun around, lifting his ass in the air while pressing his face into his pillow, looking back at me with pleading eyes.
With a quick nod I took his hips in my hands, lining my cock up to his entrance before slowly pushing in, still giving him time to adjust even if he'd already prepped himself. The way his back arched when I pushed all the way in caught my attention along with the way he dug his nails into the sheets beneath him, letting out heavy pants into the pillow. "M-Move" He whimpered out, while my grip tightens on his hips, pulling out just to the tip before snapping my hips back, immediately feeling his walls clench around me as I rocked my hips in a fast pace, simply wanting to hear the way his voices hitches everytime I thrust back in, "[Y/N] THERE! P-lease! Please.." The pleading tone in voice caused my core to tighten, so pulling out I flipped Oikawa on his back, thrusting back in without warning, adoring the way his mouth hung open, panting heavily, pupils blown with a lustful desire I wouldn't want to see from anyone else.
Adjusting slightly I aimed at the spot from before, hitting it straight on while wrapping my hand around his cock, pumping it with quick motions that caused him to scream my name, "C-Cumming! I'm cumming!" Oikawa's body quaked under me as he released onto his chest, letting his eyes flutter shut with heavy breaths as I kissed his forehead, "Just a little longer Tooru" I whispered, brushing my fingers against his cheek as I tried to pull out, only for Oikawa to pull me back with his legs forcing me to cum inside him, which earned me a small hiss of pleasure. Panting heavily I moved to lay besides him on my back, not minding when he cuddled up under my arm, "Are you feeling okay?" I asked in a throaty tone, only getting a weak nod in reply.
"Does this mean.. You accept my confession?" Oikawa chuckled softly, pulling the blanket over us in a slow motion and I couldn't hold back the smile forming on my face, looking down at the brunette with a soft expression.
"Of course you idiot."
"Mm, well now I'm your idiot now!"
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final-girl96 · 3 years
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Will be posting on wattpad more than anything but I will try to post here as well and new chapters will be posted on Fridays
Nick Clark x Reader
Warnings: smut, blood, gore, mention of drug use, death, swearing, some anxiety, murder, fighting, it's Fear The Walking Dead
A/N: if any of the warnings bother you please do not read. I will put an warning for smut just so you know so if want to skip it you can. Please like, comment, reblog it helps keep me motivated. Feed back is appreciated but please be kind. If you would like to be tagged let me know. There is a link to my wattpad up top as well.
I wasn't going to post this week but I was able to get myself straightened out then got busy yesterday and forgot to post. So here is the next chapter.
Chapter Eight
Alicia was still looking out the window for Mr. Dawson or Mrs. Cruz. Madison had gone to the kitchen to get a glass of water for Nick to give him more of the oxy and she dimmed the light that was above the table. I sat on the couch along with Nick. We heard a sound and Alicia looked over at Madison who had walked back into the living room. "What was that sound?" Alicia asked. "I don't know but it's gone," Madison told her. Madison walked over and hand Nick the pill "What did Mr. Dawson do to the Cruzes?" Alicia asked. "He's gone," Madison said handing Nick the water.
"Yeah, but the hell did he do?" Alicia asked as Nick set the pill on the coffee table on the coaster and started to crush it up. "I don't know. We're safe inside, Okay?" Madison told her. I watched as Nick crushed the two small white pills into powder. Madison looked at me and I stood up off the couch stretching. "Oh, come on, Nick. Please, just swallow them," Madison told him. "No, it takes too long to absorb. I'm not there yet," Nick said. "You're not there yet? Or you're there but don't want to admit it?" I asked and he looked at me. "I'm not there yet," he said. "The idea is to wean you off the pills, no to get--" Madison started to tell him before he cut her off. "Um, who's the expert?" Nick asked. She didn't say anything and went to get up before he spoke again. "Hey, mom, I need more," he said. "No shit. Later," she said standing up and started walking away.
"Well, how much do we have?" He asked. "We have enough to get you east. Don't worry," she said. "And then?" He asked. "And then you howl at the moon," I said. "Look Travis Will beautiful here. We'll go," Madison said. "You sure?" Nick asked. "Nick. He's coming," she said and walked off. I walked over to Alicia and put my arm around her shoulder and she wrapped hers around my waist. I and Alicia have always gotten along, even though she thought I was stupid for dating her brother. We talked about everything together. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah," she said and leaned her head against mine.
Nick had taken the oxy and laid on the couch his legs in my lap as I sketched in my sketchbook. Alicia sat in the chair reading. Madison came back out to the living room holding a board game. "Really?" Alicia asked. I looked down to see her sitting Monopoly down the coffee table. "Yep," she said. We all got on the floor and sat around the table. "I'm the top hat," Madison said. "Car," Alicia said. "Shoe," Nick said. "Thimble," I said as Nick got into the little bag with all the pieces. "Dad was always the shoe," Alicia said. "Daddy wouldn't mind," Madison said. "My mom always took the dog," I said as we set the game up. "So, what do you want to be the thimble?" Nick asked. "No. I'm the car," Alicia said smiling. "The car," Nick said. "I'm the thimble!" I said laughing as he handed the pieces out. "All right," he said.
"Thank you," Madison said as he handed her the top hat. "All right, who wants to go first?" She asked. "Youngest to oldest," Nick said. "So Alicia, me, Nick, and then Mady," I said. "I'm gonna wipe the floor with you guys I can feel it," Nick said. "This game evil, dude. Kindergarten capitalism," Alicia said. "Yeah, but it's fun to kick Nick's ass," I said and he nudged me a little. "Shut up and roll," Nock said and Alicia picked up the dices and rolled starting the game off.
We were all laughing as it was Nick's turn to go. "All right, all right, all right. One, two, three, four, five. And that's Boardwalk. And I will buy that, please," he said. "Oh my god," we groaned. "All right, all right," Madison said and gave it to him since she was the banker. "All right, Boardwalk sold," she said. "$400," Nick said and handed it to her. "Do not treat the banker like that," Madison said. "Thank you very much. And that's the pair," Nick said. "You always get all the good ones," Alicia said "All right. Just because you have that doesn't mean you're going to win," I said. "You're looking at a very rich man, baby," Nick said wiggling his eyebrows. "God, no!" I said and pushed him a little.
"Oh, look at that. I'm crushing you guys. You're pathetic," Madison said. She went to roll but stopped as we heard gunshots in the distance. "Mom," Nick said. She rolled the dice and moved her piece seven places. The light joyful atmosphere had disappeared and turned to since until Alicia spoke up. "How long are we going to wait?" She asked as she picked the dice up. "We can go to sleep soon," Madison told us. "Yeah, I can't sleep when I'm waiting for someone to come home," Alicia said and Nick looked up at her. I leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder before kissing my temple. Silence once again fell over us for a couple of minutes. "I'm having a major case of déjà vu right now," Alicia said and the silence fell over us again as we all just sat there.
We were playing Monopoly as we waited for their dad to come home. It was me, Alicia, my mom, and Madison. Nick was in rehab at the time. Then again as we waited for my mom to get home from work to pick me up. Neither of them ever made it home. Nick and Alicia's dad fell asleep behind the wheel on his way home in 2004 and was killed in the accident and my mom was hit head-on by a drunk driver two years later in 2006. My dad was killed while fight over in Afghanistan in 2002.
The Clark family was all I had left. Madison and my mom went to school together and had been best friends since they were kids. They made a promise to each other after both of their husbands were gone, if something were to happen to either of them the other would look after their children. Madison kept that promise to my mom. She took me in, my mom had her will changed so Madison would become my legal guardian if anything were to happen to her. Madison didn't treat me any different from her own children she treated me like her own.
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bisluthq · 4 years
Hey! I'm fairly new here and I have a pretty uncommon take on Kaylor. But I just wanna start off by saying I try my best to be as supportive of LGBT people as possible and if they're both bisexual, then I would be 100% okay with that! I'm not trying to "defend their heterosexuality" or anything, I think that's really weird
Okay, so my personal theory is that Kaylor did happen, but that Taylor and Karlie are both straight. I know that might sound contradictory, but I say this based on my own personal experiences based on how I am with my best friend. I think Karlie and Taylor's relationship might have been similar in some ways to ours
Right, so I'm straight and I'm not into women in the gay kind of way (but it's completely cool that some girls are), and I have this roommate who's gorgeous. Really gorgeous, she's like a 10/10 "I would sell my kidney to look like you" kind of girl. She's very attractive, she has like tan skin and long legs and gorgeous brown hair and pretty eyes and nice lips and just like… she's just very good looking. I'm definitely jealous of her body, I won't even pretend I'm not 😪 I lowkey hate her because of it (jk)
We've been living together since not long before COVID started, and we're very good friends. There were three of us before, but our other roommate went back home to stay with her parents until in person classes are back on and we agreed to it and worked something out because she has really bad anxiety so we understood her reasoning for it
Anyway so it's just been us two and because we've been at home a lot during this time instead of out for most of the day like before, we've gotten to know each other a lot better and have become a lot closer. We were already friends from before, but now we're like super close besties, we've been hanging out a lot together and playing board games, watching movies, helping each other with essays, just having long conversations about anything and everything, etc
Like it's been so nice having a best friend that I can be this close to now because I haven't had a best friend since I was a kid
So my friend and I were having like a conversation last year about how hard it's been in quarantine not being able to go on dates and how we miss kissing people, and so we decided to just like, make out for fun you know. I mean, there's not really anything that's inherently romantic or sexual about making out, that's just society that says that. But tbh I think making out with your friends if you want to should be normalized, it's fun and it can even be emotional sometimes. It's not that different from hugging people
After a couple of weeks or so, I think we got bored of just making out with each other and decided to like, fully hook up. It started off because we were modelling lingerie for each other for banter and were pretending we were each other's runway judges and then I think we just decided to hook up with each other as like part of the whole "game". I can't remember who initiated it now, I think it might have been me as a joke lol
Like just in a platonic way for fun, as a kind of substitute until we can go back into society
And tbh I always expected hooking up with a woman to be like mediocre and boring and awkward, but although it was a bit hard to get the hang of at first and there was a learning curve, it's actually very enjoyable. Like I was very surprised actually at how hot it can be, I think I can maybe see why bisexual women and lesbians like doing it
Anyway we both liked it and we just carried on hooking up on the regular and it's been like 8 months now and tbh I just think it's very sweet and heartwarming, like it actually makes me feel a little emotional how we're close enough and care about each other enough that we can even help each other out with the physical intimacy side of things so that we don't get sexually frustrated while we're stuck in lockdown
I just think it's really cool and we even sleep in the same bed most of the time now because tbh what's the point in sleeping alone when you can sleep in the same bed as someone else? It's nicer, like you can cuddle and stuff
Anyway, I think that maybe Kaylor's relationship might have been similar. I think they're both straight but they became really close friends in a short space of time, and that their friendship was so intense that it became physical but in a platonic way
I think lesbians and bisexual women are amazing and I have so much respect for you guys for accepting yourselves in a society that tries to erase you, and I think there definitely needs to be more wlw representation on TV and in movies
But at the same time, I would also like there to be more close female friendships like the one that me and my friend have where you can just talk about everything together and do things that society usually reserves for romantic partners, but in a platonic way. Because female friendship is really important and beautiful, whether that's between straight women like me and my friend who I think is probably straight too, or between queer women because one thing I've learnt during my short time on this blog is how queer women can have very close platonic friendships with other queer women too
I think society just has overly strict ideas of "straight" and "gay". Like for some people, they would hear about two women sleeping together and think "Oh that's gay", but not necessarily because straight women can enjoy sleeping with other women too, like it's normal 🤷‍♀️
I think it's just a result of women being a lot more physically beautiful than men are, like straight women really got the short end of the stick tbh compared to straight men
I also think it's because women are so oversexualized in the media, and obviously straight girls see that too and so we sort of internalize that attraction to women because we're so used to seeing women being presented in a sexual way? Except it's not real attraction with us like how it is for queer girls
Like I'm very much "attracted" to my friend, she's genuinely stunning and just very hot tbh. But I still identify as straight because it's just a case of what I mentioned above, it's a "fake" attraction. And also because men are afraid to compliment other men because it's seen as "gay", but women can be fully confident in their sexuality and still recognize other women's beauty and sex appeal. You see it all the time in instagram comments, and I really love how we're all so supportive of each other like that
Like I can be fully confident in my sexuality and yet still say that some women like my friend are gorgeous as hell and also 100 times better looking than most men I've seen. I'm very much obsessed with some women's appearances but in a platonic way
And I just love the concept of "girl crushes" and I think that from a feminism viewpoint, it's beautiful that we're focusing on other girls and showing love towards other girls too, instead of just to men who, let's be real, don't even fully appreciate it half of the time
I am going to be sad when we all have to return to life as usual and my friend and I won't be able to spend as much time together anymore. I'm dreading it tbh, I don't want it to end yet. And it really sucks that the physical side of our friendship will probably have to stop too once our other roommate comes back because I think she'd definitely misunderstand the situation and think it's something different than it actually is if she ever saw us kissing or something. I really am going to miss it a lot though, I really like how things currently are and it's just really really nice and I don't want it to change :/
Btw I'm sorry if I sounded fetishistic or offensive with any of this, I just get a bit jealous sometimes that you guys get to date girls and we're just stuck with men. Honestly if it wasn't for all of the homophobia and the struggles that you all have to face and the fact that it would feel disrespectful to the LGBT community, I would probably really wish I could change my sexuality to be bisexual or gay instead because I just think women are better. Sometimes I really do wish I was into women in that way because dating girls just sounds so much more appealing to me (in a non fetishizing weird way) but unfortunately I'm stuck with dating men 🤦‍♀️ But I also know I'm lucky and privileged to be straight even though most men are mediocre and kinda gross and I don't mean to be disrespectful because I know you all have to face homophobia and other LGBT difficulties and it really sucks, people are awful. There's nothing wrong with women dating women or men dating men at all, society is just ugly and bigoted
Anyway, does anybody else have a similar sort of take on Kaylor where they think they could have both been straight and just had a very close friendship with a physical side to it? I think it would explain a lot. But like I said, this is just a theory of mine based on my own situation, and I'm also open to the idea that it was an actual relationship and that they're both into women for real, not just fake "into women" like I am.
Also pls feel free to call me out if I accidentally said anything offensive towards LGBT people, I tried my best but if I made a mistake anywhere pls let me know and I'll avoid it next time!
You’re not offensive. Please stop apologizing. And we’re gonna come back to the Kaylor stuff another time because... Honey. You and I need to have a conversation for a bit.
So firstly, I’m not trying to like “diagnose” you and at the end of the day it’s your choice what you want to call yourself but... tbh you might not be straight. Sexuality is fluid not static and exists on a spectrum not in absolutes. It’s not like it’s straight, 50/50 bi, gay and you’re born knowing and there’s no room for anything else. That’s not true. There’s a lot of room in between all of these and labels can change over time. We’re people, not cereal brands, and sometimes we don’t even KNOW the word for what we might be. I’m tagging a tag for you from when we asked people to share their label journeys for you to see. It’s not simple or easy and it’s not just because of external stuff - it’s because figuring this out internally is HARD. If you found yourself having such an intense friendship it became physical, repeatedly, you liked it a lot, you still sleep in the same bed and continue to share all your thoughts and you don’t want any of that to end... I’m not sure you’re Kinsey 0. And I think you might lowkey have a girlfriend dude. 
You can obviously prefer men but like... hun I reaaallly don’t think you’re completely straight.
Also: it’s okay to say “I see myself winding up with a man and this is a situationship for right now!” but that doesn’t make you straight because again, sexuality is a spectrum and you can manifest a particular kind of endgame while experiencing other things along the way.
But here’s where you really got me: “most men are mediocre and kinda gross” and “women being a lot more physically beautiful than men are, like straight women really got the short end of the stick tbh compared to straight men” because that’s the kind of thing I used to say in my Bi 1.0 era before I ID’d as a lesbian for a bit and before Harry Styles (KING 🥺) made me bi for real. Hun, no. Straight women like men. Tbh BI women like men. I genuinely, unironically, find Harry and Timmy and Matt Smith to be sexy beasts and I would do dirty things to the former two but maybe not the latter irl in 2021 but yes also him if I could be on that Spain trip with him and Karen where they got sloshed and which I think of often. These men are genuinely fucking beautiful to me in the same way Taylor is and Di Silvers is (okay she’s prettier than all of them but like same ~vibe) and like Megan Thee Stallion is and Indira Varma in everything but especially GOT and Gillian Anderson and Keira Knightley. Like those women are HOT to me and SO. ARE. THE. MEN. 
Straight women find SO MANY DUDES hot. So many. Starting from objectively pretty options I just cannot personally understand like Chris Evans all the way through to bitches who are outchea simping for wrestlers and Cole Sprouse. Do I understand? No. But like... that’s straight girl culture and ours is not to judge. 
If you’re struggling to find men hot then... you might be gay.
Also, I’m not sure what you mean by “fake attraction”. Like queer women - especially femme women which I assume you very much are - experience the same kinds of feelings straight girls do. We have women we want to be like and look like and find enviable (me and Oenone Forbat) and women we find aesthetically gorgeous (me and Anya Taylor Joy) and we have extremely close female friends who we can spend hours on end spilling our guts to - as you say female friendships are truly special - and without going into personal people that you don’t know, that’s me and Cam and Sim right? I literally talk to them for hours. Like those are not gay feelings. And yes we can chat about those kinds of feelings with straight girls and call them “girl crushes” and not immediately get “caught out” because they experience this exact shit too.
But here’s the thing. They never do and I don’t want in the cases above to fuck these women. It’s not sexual.
The moment I can actually imagine fucking the women in question that’s... gay. 
Like it’s not “fake attraction” it’s literally just gay. That’s how we desire women. We want to fuck them. Not all women. Not always. But sometimes we want to get under or on top of one and just really truly fucking make each other moan with pleasure.
I have no idea if Karlie or Taylor are into women. They could both literally be straight. I have no idea.
But I have a better idea about you.
Hun, you’re fucking your roommate/best friend and don’t want to stop.
You’re not “into women”.
You’re into this woman.
And possibly into women more generally.
So I know it’s weird to have to be the one to tell you this, and if you want to keep chatting via anon or in my DMs or if you want me to try collate resources for you from around the web but...
You’re a whole ass part of the rainbow.
Welcome to the community you thought you weren’t a part of earlier today 🌈 ❤️
It’s nice here, sure there’s homophobia, but at least we get to fuck girls and man is it good.
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criminalminds4days · 4 years
Family Matters | Chapter 3: Trivia
Hello People!
I hope you have had an amazing week and are going to have an ever better weekend. I am so done with this week. It was really crappy and I just can't wait for the beginning of next, hoping it will be better. The only positive side is that I was able to get over my writer's block and have finished about 3 new chapters.
Anyway, enjoy this chapter of Family Matters and let me know what you think!
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, violence and murder references, public embarrassment, and very bad jokes!
Word Count: 3.6k
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Tag list: @mcntsee @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel @evelyncade @haylaansmi @paulaern @myfandomlife-blog
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(This gif is not mine)
Chapter 3: Trivia
She closed the blinds and made sure for the fifth time the door was locked. Her breath caught in her throat and the fear and adrenaline that had rushed through her body made even Spencer Reid nervous.
"What's going on?"
"This is bad, I didn't realize the consequences of this until it was too late. I am so sorry I got you all tangled up in this mess."
"What are you talking about? What happened?"
"I-" She turned and took a peek through the blinds, ensuring there was no one around. "I did not think things through. I think it's best if you go home, that way you might be spared."
"You are seriously starting to make me nervous, please tell me what's going on, how can I help?"
"There is nothing you can do; I am basically a dead woman."
"Why? Who's after you?"
"Anna Hemingway."
"Your cousin is after you? Did she threaten you or something?"
"No, she didn't have to." She walked towards the bed and sat on the edge, still glancing every now and then, making sure the coast was clear.
After her and Spencer's victory, they had both decided to go to bed, and while the rest of her family insisted on having another dinner dedicated to the couple, they had both decided best to eat and head back to their cabin. He had finished first and decided to head back, and as soon as he was gone, the memory hit her making her mistake obvious. And the main reason she had resorted to a passive competition with the world's worst cousin was clear once again. In a hurry she had returned to their cabin, ensuring she was not being followed, and locked the door, startling the doctor.
"The last time I beat Anna at something was when I twelve. We were both auditioning for the same role in our school musical. They gave me the part." He smiled, truly excited for her accomplishment, as well as happy to learn this new fact about her. "Don't get too peppy. On opening night, at Grandma's celebration for the play, I fell down the stairs."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Because, Dr. Spencer Reid, as hard as it is to believe, me falling down the stairs was not due to my immense clumsiness."
"Wait, your cousin pushed you down the stairs?!" He exclaimed, truly horrified. How are children so cute and so evil at the same time?
"More like, she set her foot for me to trip on, but you get the idea." She glanced back at the door and then at the man in front of her. "I was lucky, I didn't break anything, but I have a feeling that might not be the case the next time. I also would prefer not to drown or anything like that."
"But we're federal agents, doing something to you or me would be unwise."
"You're speaking of the girl that tripped me down the stairs and thought that stealing my boyfriend and marrying him was wise."
"I'm gonna double-check the door is locked."
After hours of attempting to stay vigilant, her body had given in and she had fallen asleep. Although Spencer knew the danger, to him it was as simple as closing his eyes. She knew they were trained to deal with a lot of sick people, but he didn't understand the limits his cousin would go to destroy those who she felt wronged by. Although her main target had always been her, she once had basically ended a girl's life by getting her banned from pretty much any respectable college or job position because this one had made fun of her prom dress. Anna Hemingway was one to be cautious with, and they had both just embarrassed her in front of the people whose attention she had snatched years ago. It was worse than she realized.
"Spencer, Spencer." She spoke as she slightly moved him. He growled and moved away from her, attempting to continue his slumber. "Spencer."
"No, let me sleep." He complained.
"Spence, get up, please." After minutes of silence, she devised a new plan. "Spencer!" she screamed, making him jump, falling off the bed and landing between the edge of this first one and the door of the closet. "Oh good, you're awake."
He didn't say a word, for what seemed like centuries, and she wondered if screaming him awake was not the best decision, especially as her next request would not be something he would be inclined to.
"Sorry for that, I just needed you to wake up."
"Is there a fire I don't know about?"
"No, I just thought we could go for a run." There it was, the look Spencer had only given the unsubs he despised the most. She had earned it, but that didn't mean she liked it. "Sorry, I just, Nicole had to leave, and since I have a target on my back and there's safety in numbers... I also didn't want to leave you here alone, and vulnerable. I just felt like, despite your muscles, I am concerned you haven't yet mastered the use of your body."
"I will have you know that by all accounts I definitely know how to use my body. Quite effectively if I do say so myself, and others."
After his words, her mind went to a thought she never imagined having. She wondered if he meant it that way or she was just losing it. "Good, then you can come with me." That sentence following her thoughts was probably not ideal.
"No thank you, you can do it by yourself." She needed to change the direction her thoughts were going; they were definitely not helpful.
"Spencer, please. I am honestly a little terrified, and you should be too."
"Well, I'm not. She isn't worse than any unidentified subject we've dealt with before."
"Oh but she is. She's the worst type of unsub you could think of, but ten times worse."
"What's the worse she could do?"
"Let's not find out."
After whining from him and pleads by her, they both made their way out of the cabin. The shorts he had avoided yesterday were now covering almost nothing as they jogged. This was not a good reminder of their earlier conversation, so she simply focused on something easier: her cousin's imminent revenge. She thought it would come in the form of her accidentally pushing her into the lake, or a repeat of her falling down the stairs. She was even worried this time Spencer would be the victim since he had been the one to embarrass her. Her thoughts were interrupted by deep breaths and a yelp.
"Are you okay?"
"We've been running for hours, how dare you ask me such a question?"
She looked at her watch, "We've been running for exactly three and a half minutes. Actually, we haven't been running, more like jogging."
"How long do you usually do this for?"
"Depends on the day, but from thirty minutes to two hours."
"You need help."
"It won't be as bad, come on."
"You can go on, I am just gonna sit here and have a heart attack real quick."
"How on earth did you pass your physical?"
"I got it waved."
"If it isn't it the 'it' couple of the weekend!" Suddenly the one having a heart attack was not Spencer, but her. "I didn't know you guys ran together, that's so cute!"
"Yeah, truly the reason I love her," Spencer said, a pinch of sarcasm in his voice.
"How adorable." It's coming, she could feel it. "Anyway, I was thinking, since love seems to be in the air this weekend, why don't we celebrate it by wrapping up the family retreat with a trivia night!"
"What does trivia have to do with love?" She regretted the words as soon as they came out, as Anna looked at her like she might as well be six feet under.
"Silly, the trivia would be about your significant other, of course!"
"Well, that's just-"
"Wonderful, I know!" The blonde smiled, delighted by her idea. "The family has already been briefed and they are all on board, I have started taking in questions and designed the cards, so we'll all meet around the campfire for dinner, and then we'll have trivia night!" She smiled brightly and began to leave, stopping by to appreciate Spencer's figure and palming his behind as she left.
"Did she just-?"
"Yes, yes she did."
"I need a shower."
After both had showered and changed they made their way to grandmas house, alert as to anyone following them. Most of her family had moved on from spying on them, but she knew Anna and Uncle Ernie were not that normal.
"So, what did your grandma do?"
"No one really knows, I mean it had to be good to make her so rich, but by the time my uncle Ernie was born, the eldest, she was already rich enough to sell whatever business she had and become a full-time parent."
"What about your grandpa?"
"He died before I was born."
They sat at the same table he had been at the day before; the chessboard was still in place. She began messing with the pieces, creating the game that always made her win, courtesy of her grandma.
"I didn't know you played."
"I too began at a very young age. I haven't really played since grandma died; she was my game partner. The only one that treated me like I was a human being." She sat down, remembering the hours she spent here when Nicole wasn't around, and everyone pretty much ignored her. "She was the only one that ever consoled me for losing my dad. Losing her was just one more box to check."
"I am sorry for your loss." He placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently, hoping to convey his sympathy.
"Yeah well, by how calm Anna looks right now I guess it won't be long before I join her, so we don't have to worry about that anymore."
He rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. "So, what should we expect during this trivia night?"
"To lose, that's our safest bet."
"I don't really do losing."
"And all I do is lose, so I will be your guide this time."
The family had made their way inside, their excitement overflowing the room. She couldn't help but wish she could simply run for the hills. She knew the chances of them winning were null, because a) she needed to lose and b) Spencer and her hadn't known each other, really known each other long enough to be able to answer these questions. She wondered if that was the plan all along, that Anna somehow had found out about their lie and was using this as a means to expose it.
"Okay everybody, let's get started." Said, uncle Ernie. He wore the same clothes as their first day here. "Let us start with the competition. Since we have the newlyweds as well as the new couple in the family, I think they should make the honors."
She looked at Spencer and he smiled at her, she leaned closed and whispered. "Remember, to ease the monster, we need to lose, which shouldn't be hard, we're not even a real couple, there is no way we know enough about each other, right?"
He nodded and they both moved to the sofa that was designated as their spot, her uncle who now apparently served as the show host, handed Spencer and Tyler a buzzer, explaining whichever sounded first would get to answer the question. She mentally prepared herself, hoping she could answer enough questions to not raise suspicion but not enough to win the game, what a grand world that would be.
"Ready everybody?" everyone cheered in approval and she prepared herself. "This round is for the guys, once we finish you will pass the buzzer to your partner and at the end, we will have one round where either of you can answer. Now, the first question, what is your partner's Starbucks order?"
Spencer's buzzer went off as Tyler attempted to recall the memory. "It depends on the season. During winter and for as long as she can get it, it will be a Grande Peppermint Hot Chocolate, during the summer it will be no-coffee Double chocolate chip cookie crumble Grande Frappuccino with extra whipped cream, and no straw." She looked at him completely taken aback by his answer, how specific it was, and the fact that he knew she was a seasonal drinks person.
"Yeah, that's it." She spoke.
"Point for team FBI!" Her uncle cheered. "Next question, what is your partner's favorite color?"
His buzzer went off and the doctor spoke again, "Blue."
Ten questions later the scoreboard was 8-2, Spencer's lead, and the two questions he hadn't answered were because he decided that would be enough to lose. She didn't understand how he knew these things, or the fact that she knew what her answer for him would be, but what she did know, was that she had to be really bad in order to allow Anna to take the lead back, what she wasn't sure about anymore, was whether she wanted to let her cousin win.
"Ladies, you're up." Spencer handed her the buzzer and she smiled at him. "First question, how does your partner drink his coffee."
"That's easy. He doesn't drink coffee." She said soon after her buzzer went off. "He drinks sugar with a side of coffee, no creamer. Eighty percent sugar, twenty percent coffee."
"That is so mean to say! But it's true." Spencer agreed.
"How are you a doctor and drink so much sugar?"
"Not that kind of doctor." He clarified to the man.
"I have no idea what that means! Next question, what is the thing your partner is most proud of?"
"His job. Spencer loves helping people and using his knowledge to reunite families, he's the bravest guy I know." She smiled at him and he returned the gesture.
It was no surprise Anna was not content with the results, as the end was a 23-4 in favor of Spencer and her. As soon as the game was finished she knew that she had basically carved her own grave.
"That is not fair, they are not even really dating!" Her cousin screamed, "it's all a lie!"
"Yeah, I know your little secret, I overheard you and Nicole talking about how Spencer was not really your boyfriend and how he didn't actually have dyslexia!"
"I-" She didn't know what to say, how had she not seen her? How could she let this happen?
"First of all, I think it is very inconsiderate of you to suggest that my dyslexia is not real. I have fought so hard for such a long time to ensure my condition didn't prevent me from succeeding, going as far as getting a Ph.D. in mathematics, for someone to simply come and question my hard work." Spencer said, seemingly very upset. "Second of all, this woman right here is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I will not sit here and tolerate you calling her a liar. We are in love with each other, and you as her cousin should be happy about it. Yet you seem so upset about her finding someone, it seems to me you're jealous, but what do I know, it's not like I can understand human behavior or anything. Oh, wait." He said, he took her hand and pulled her as close to him as she could. "Just leave my girlfriend alone, you took her sloppy second and married him, so what more can you want from her?"
The room fell silent, everyone eyed Spencer and Anna, trying to grasp what had just happened. "You and I both know you're lying, you two are not a real couple, you are just trying to ruin this weekend for me."
"Really, not a real couple? Then how did we end up destroying you at trivia? You made the questions Anna, I had no idea what was on them, you did. And I am not the one wearing a wedding ring. So my question is, how do you marry someone without knowing their proudest moment, or their Starbucks order?"
"Well, how come no one has ever seen you two kiss? You can learn facts about each other but that doesn't really make you a couple."
"You want to see a kiss? Fine." She turned and pulled Spencer's lips to hers. She let herself enjoy the moment, really enjoy Spencer's kissing skills, not because she wanted to or anything, but rather because that is how she should kiss him, there was no way anyone would have any doubt about them if the kiss looked authentic. Which it did, it also might have felt a little more authentic than it should but now was no the time to dwell on that.
Spencer kissed her back, creating an atmosphere in which her cousin's word didn't matter any longer, in which the humiliation her family had put her through was nothing worth thinking of, and the fact that both of them had such deep knowledge about each other only fueled it, melting her a little in her spot, she felt his teeth on her lower lip applying slight pressure and she couldn't help but wish they were by themselves right then and there.
"We get it! You guys want to take your clothes off, now please stop." Tyler's voice echoed, and the two doctors left each other's lips reluctantly, looking at him. "Now, can we please move on?"
"No! Not until they admit they are not really dating, and all this was a plot to humiliate me!" Anna screamed.
"You know what? I am not going to stand here and tolerate this behavior any longer. Bitchy Anna, you can whine all you want, but that will not change that I am with a man I love, and that loves me. I have let this family make me feel like less for long enough and I am done doing so. You can all go fuck yourselves because I am done with each and every single one of you. You allowed this crazy brat to humiliate me and treat me like I was less for long enough. Let's go home, Spencer." She grabbed him by the hand and exited the house, giving her family the middle finger before she banged the door. She walked to their cabin and gathered her stuff, him following suit. As soon as they were in the car and far enough away, she pulled over and sighed, coming down from her adrenaline rush.
"In the wise words of Penelope Garcia, that was hot," Spencer said.
"What was?"
"Everything." They laughed for a couple of minutes, the scene she had just created replaying in her mind. "I am so proud of you."
"Why? Because I gave my uncle Ernie the middle finger?"
"Because you stood up for yourself."
"Yeah, well even if she was right, I tend to get a little too angry when people call me a liar or get in my way."
"Yeah, I know." He chuckled, "How did it go, oh yes, 'Nu-uh bruh, I know you didn't just interrupt me mid-sentence.' And then you commented how a man who wore sweaters in the middle of July was not going to cut you off."
"I am so sorry about that; I was just so used to being cut off I didn't want it to be a thing at work."
"It's okay, I understand. I began cutting people off because that's what most people did to me when I spoke."
"Well, that's dumb. I love hearing your facts, you have all this knowledge, and you chose to share it, people should be grateful for it."
"Thank you, I appreciate that." He smiled, "Speaking of facts, our chances of getting murdered will increase by the minute if we continue to sit on the side of the road."
"Right, forgot about that!" She turned the car back on. "Let's go home, Spencer." As his apartment complex became clear, she slowed down, making a stop right in front of it. "Thank you for coming with me this weekend, I really appreciate it."
"No problem, that's what friends are for." Before he moved to get out of the car, she planted a quick kiss on his cheek. "What was that for?"
"For being the best fake boyfriend and real friend a girl could ask for." She smiled at him, so grateful for his existence. "I will see you tomorrow morning at 5:45 am sharp. Goodnight Spencer."
"Goodnight. See you tomorrow." He opened the door and walked out, waving to her before he entered his building. She sat there for a couple of minutes, taking in the past weekend. She knew her mother wouldn't let her get away with her actions, but right now that didn't matter, Spencer Reid had told her he was proud of her, he had even used the term hot which in itself was hot because she never even imagined he used that type of vocabulary.
Regardless, she stood up for herself, she let Anna have it, and Spencer was proud of her. It seemed like a win-win. She drove home, a smile on her face.
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Fourteen)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Thirteen ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Fifteen
We stopped in front of the new location of The Art of Taste, where a group of people were waiting to enter. The entire facade was lit with small bulbs wrapped around the bushes, which framed the outside.
My mom is the first out of the car, excited, barely expecting Luke and me. She takes the lead, going straight to security and showing us our invitations.
“She's very excited”. Hemmo comments from beside me, offering me his arm.
“You have no idea.” I open a smile.
We followed my mother as she led the way, looking for Mr. Marshall. I appreciate the decor of the place and fall in love with the small wooden bridge that leads into the restaurant, passing by a pond with koi.
"Debra! You came!” Mr. Marshall approaches as excited as my mother. “You’re stunning.” her cheeks blush.
“Oh, not that much. It's an old little dress I had in the back of the closet.” she lowers her head shyly.
"Didn't she say she bought the dress today?" Luke whispered confusedly to me, almost making me laugh. I watch the two lovebirds praising and flirting like two teenagers.
"Marnie! I'm happy for your presence too.” he hugs me. “You must be Luke! Debra talks about you a lot.” he opens a sympathetic smile.
Subtly, I widen my eyes at my mom, wanting to scold her, but she just shrugged, ignoring me. Luke smiles sympathetically and handles the situation perfectly.
Mr. Marshall takes us to a more private table and away from the window for more privacy. I sit next to Luke, having a full view of whoever enters the restaurant.
“I'm going to have the menu degustations served, and if you don't mind, I'm going to steal Debra for a while.” he smiles at my mother.
“Be my guest!” I open a tight smile, very happy for them.
"Is there something I should know?" Luke asks me after the two walk away arm in arm.
“They're in love, but they don't know what to do.” Summary, still watching the them.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me about it." Luke repeats the same thing I said yesterday. I let out a laugh, disbelieving his audacity.
“Sorry, there was no time.” I raise my eyebrows, like he does.
Yesterday was a special night with Luke. After Urban Light, we went to Santa Monica, to sit on the sand and watch the sea, illuminated by the lights from the pier. It was fun to have this time with him without anyone looking at us like fools for whatever move we made.
It was nice to meet him and know everything he likes and dislikes, as well as getting to know the band's history better. For moments like this, just the two of us, I could let him get closer, totally letting my guard down and creating a better relationship.
Of course because of this endless conversation we had and cause we got super late back home, today I woke up looking like a zombie and only managed to get out of bed by a miracle. But even tired, I would do everything exactly the same, just to be able to spend this time with him.
"Should we wait for the girls?" I question, seeing a board of small toast and various types of sauces and pates being served to us.
“I believe not!” he's the first to take the toast and dip it in a red sauce.
I follow him, quickly taking two and sinking into the same sauce. Tomato and basil. I let out an exclamation when I taste it. I start to eat more, after all, I didn't even have time to have lunch today and I didn't even want to, because I knew I would eat here.
I had invited everyone to come to the opening today, but only Luke, Leah, and Kyleen agreed right away. Calum, Ash and Noah had other commitments and Michael also tried to use this one, but Ashton soon revealed the lie, saying that he was actually going on a date, with that Sophie.
"You didn't have lunch today, did you?" I stop the toast in the air, mouth open, watching Luke look me curious.
“I didn’t have time.” I answer a little embarrassed.
“Well, if we run out of those toast, just ask for more.” he takes one more, sinking now into a green pate. I watch his face, trying to guess what that would be.
“Pesto?” I ask, looking at the pot. Luke denies it. I smell the content not identifying much.
"A bitter taste." he make a face. “No! It's a good bitter.” he adds quickly.
When I least notice, Hemmings and I are playing russian roulette with sauce and pates. We just don't know how to just eat quietly, we have to play.
"Bad?" I ask, watching him close his eyes and wrinkle his nose. Luke nodded, swallowing and eating another toast with the tuna pate, which was what we liked best.
"A taste of… I can't explain it. Eats!” he offers me the toast with the white pate and small green bits.
“No! Don't you know what it is and want to push it to me?” I drop the toast on my plate, wanting distance.
Interrupting our little discussion, Leah and Kyleen arrive.
“Sorry we’re late. There was an accident on the expressway. Have you started eating yet?” Leah glances across the table sulkily.
"M&Ms didn't have lunch." Luke hands it to me. I slap his arm.
“Great, there are two of us.” Kiki smiles, already eating some toast. "What is this one?" she points to the weird pate.
“We haven't eaten yet, but try it there.” Hemmings encourages, surprising me with his performance. I stare at him laughing.
Like Luke, Kiki grimaces, disapproving of the pate. I offer my glass of juice to her, which she drinks in one gulp.
“This is horrible. What is that?” she whispers disgustedly.
Luke steals the menu from the next table, looking for the pate. I squint at the ingredients: ricotta, gorgonzola and pickles. I understand why it's horrible.
It doesn't take long and more stuff arrives at our table. Once again, we started our russian roulette, trying everything out and grading, as if we were at MasterChef. We really don't have maturity for anything.
Looking at the restaurant entrance, I start nudging Luke, flustered, discreetly asking him and the girls to look too. Surprised and excited, we watched Michael approach our table, hand in hand with a girl shorter than him.
“Is it her?” I try to contain my excited voice.
“It's her!” Hemmo confirms.
“Okay! But who is she?” Kyleen asks, lost.
“They met at a game match and now Michael is in love.” I almost run over my words, trying to deliver the information before they arrived.
"I didn't tell you." Luke already takes his off the line.
“Hey!” Michael sighs standing next to the table.
“Hey!” aside from Luke, the girls and I were all smiles.
“This is Sophie! My friend.” Mike introduces. The girl with dark hair and two streaks white, like Narcissa in Harry Potter, smiles shyly.
“Sorry for the delay, we got lost.” her voice is low.
“Actually, I didn't want to come.” Michael doesn't even bother to lie. If it wasn't a public place, I'd throw a shoe on him.
Sophie excuses herself and heads to the bathroom as we pull another table for them. Michael sits across from Luke, leaving Sophie in mine and Leah beside her.
“Please, I'll pay you whatever you want, but don't embarrass me.” Mike begs. “I like her a lot.” he admits it quietly.
"Awn!" me and the girls hold hands, dying of love.
“I hate you.” he declares.
“To show that we are willing to help, do not eat the white pate. It’s not from this world. And not in the good way.” Leah warns him.
Sophie returns to the table, taking a seat across from me. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice how Michael's posture becomes tense. He's so into her. Without needing much, we start a conversation and Sophie slowly walks in, forming a group.
“This gaming field must be shit, right? I mean, for who is a woman, isn't it?” Kyleen asks.
“Yea! No man likes to lose to a woman. They never accept that I play better than they do. Cause of this, when Michael called me, I thought he was going to argue with me.” she gives a shy smile.
"Actually, I was going to ask for my shield back." he gives an ashamed laugh.
"And complain to me how you lost." she completes, making him laugh. The way they look at each other makes my heart melt.
The four of them get carried away on a subject as I approach Luke.
“They're really cute.” I whisper.
"I think we're both a lot cuter." he snaps, smiling. I open a smile, denying the way he's sassy.
“You were not like this.” I comment with a smile. I take my gaze to the hall, finding my mother walking with Mr. Marshall, still arm in arm. "I think they're cuter than us." Luke follows my gaze.
“All right! She's your mother, I'll give you my arm. Do you think they'll be together?”
“I hope!”
“Are you gossiping about Debra?” I am startled by Kyleen approaching me and joining in our conversation.
"What's the gossip with Debra?" Leah already turns her attention to us.
"Is there gossip about Debra?" Michael leans against the table, moving closer.
I look at the curious faces trying to identify how my mom became the subject of the table. If she knows this, she will kill me!
"Don't let her know that." I declare before I lean against the table and tell her about my mother and Mr. Marshall.
I feel terrible, not only for the cramps and indisposition, but mainly for having to cancel with Luke. I've waited so long for this date and now I'm here, lying on the couch, suffering for being born a woman.
“Here.” Leah hands me a pain killer and a hot water bottle. I lay my head on her lap, wanting to cry. “It's OK.” she repeats calmly as she cuddles me. She knows why. “You can go out next week, he won't change his mind until then.”
“I know he won’t, but…” I catch my throat, not wanting to accept that I would cry about this, but I can't control it, letting a few tears fall. Damn hormones. “I don't know if I can make it another week, I was so excited.” my voice crack it. “Stop laughing!” I scream when I feel her body move.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! But you look so funny like this. Sorry.” she hugs me, holding back her laughter.
Before I can complain, the doorbell rings and I'm grateful that Kiki has finally arrived with food and a lap where I can cry more. Leah runs to open the door and I feel my heartbeat stop for seconds when his voice reaches me. I lift my head, seeing him come in full of bags and a Petunia on a leash.
“What are you doing here?” I quickly dry my face and try to fix my hair. I look awful. Luke looks at me confused and opens his arms, as if the answer is wide open there.
“I came to take care of you, of course.” he laughs. Leah is behind him, smiling like hell.
I sink my face into the pillow, wanting to cry more. I don't deserve him. I don’t deserve. Luke lets go of Petunia, who runs off to try to climb onto the couch and lick me. Leah helps Luke empty the bags in the kitchen.
While they straighten everything out in the kitchen, I go back to tidying up my appearance, trying to look at least presentable.
"I brought some soup that Calum made. Pain killers, sweets and some facial masks, This always helps you relax and get better.” he comes closer and I just want to bury myself. I look awful.
“I can't believe you came here and still brought all this.” my heart melts at the attitude and smile he gives.
"I'm sorry if you thought you were going to get rid of me." he sits beside me with a bowl of soup, pleasant smell by the way. I move closer, almost getting under his arms and snuggling into his chest. However, I still keep a safe distance and control my urges to cling to him.
“Well, since you’re very well cared for and accompanied. I think I'm on my way.” Leah still has the smile. “Get well.” she kisses my cheek. "Anything, call me. And you, take good care of her.” she orders Luke.
“Promise!” he raises his right hand.
Leah left, leaving us alone. Petunia lying on my lap, curious about the hot water bottle. Luke beside me, holding the bowl and spoonful of broth toward me.
"You know you don't have to spoon-feed me, don't you?" I ask before opening my mouth.
"Can you let me take care of you?" he counters, falsely sulking.
“You can, just don't need…”
“Sh-sh! Eat the soup.” he advances another spoonful into my mouth. I roll my eyes, silent.
"Calum who did it?" I ask impressed, after a few spoonfuls.
“He's been taking some cooking lessons, especially now that he's turned vegetarian.”
"You should do it too, to stop making eggs in the microwave." I let a fake smile in the end.
"Worried about me?" he asks smiling.
"Shut up and give me the soup." I ignored him, taking a deep breath and not smiling under his amused gaze.
Between spoonfuls, I play with Petunia, already feeling much better. At least the urge to cry has passed.
"You said you brought candy." I knelt on the couch, watching him carry the bowl of soup to the sink. Luke laughs, grabbing some white and pink boxes from the fridge.
“Yes, I believe sugar can help.” he puts the boxes on the table and pulls Petunia onto the rug. “You don’t!” she barks. “You can’t!” she barks louder. “Hey! Come! I'll give you your food.” I watch her follow him into the kitchen.
I open the first white box seeing a generous piece of Red Velvet. I pick up the fork he brought and already steal a piece. In the second box, I find four cupcakes and four donuts. My eyes widen as I open the third box.
"Did you go to Mr. Marshall's restaurant?" I question shocked.
“Yea! You said you liked his chocolate cake. He made this one especially for you.” I look at the smaller size cake.
“I don't remember him decorating with M&Ms.” I comment, stealing a piece already.
“Oh, I asked him to do it.”
I close my eyes, letting my body react to that information any way it wants to. He asked them to put M&Ms on my cake because he knows I like it.
Luke returns to sit beside me, picking up a white chocolate cupcake. I hold the box of Red Velvet in my lap, recklessly eating the cake.
"Argh! I feel so guilty. I'm going to get fat like this.” I complain, but without stopping eating.
“You are indisposed, you can eat what you want. Tomorrow we worry about our weight.” Luke speaks with his mouth full.
"I thought you didn't like red desserts." I comment, watching him take a full fork of my cake.
“How do you know that?” he looks at me curiously. Then I realize I've been cornered.
“In an interview last year.” then I fill my mouth, making it impossible for me to continue the conversation.
"Are you still googling me?" he puts again that amused/satisfied smile on his face.
“Of course, you were my boyfriend. I need to know what kind of people I'm getting involved with.” I shrug.
“I understood. Well, I really don't like it. I don't understand the need to make it red.”
“It's to be more aesthetically beautiful. It's like wearing makeup. You use it and looks more beautiful, it enhances your beauty.” Luke stares at me, holding back his laughter. I've seen this same expression when I defended my M&M’s organizer.
“Well, I know you're crazy about this cake, so I brought it.” he shrugs, like it's no big deal. But for me it's something. If Luke still has any intentions of winning me back, he's doing great.
“Thanks.” I advance toward him, kissing his cheek in shyly. I notice Luke is ashamed too, but maintains his pose.
After we stuff ourselves with candy. Luke and I were in the bathroom, trying to put on those face masks. At first I thought he brought it just for me, but when I saw him putting it on, I understood that he would participate body and soul in that night with me.
“This isn't right.” he comments still struggling with that piece of material.
"You didn't put it upside down, did you?" I approach trying to help.
“No! The eyes are here. So why don't stay?” I see the mask slip off his face. I hold back a laugh, taking the material from his hands.
"If you take the cape off, it stays." I pull out the plastic that holds the oils and put it on his face.
“Makes more sense.” he comments, watching me massage his face. “I need to shave.” he says as I massage his cheeks.
“No!” the answer comes out faster than I can think.
Luke stares at me in surprise at the revelation. With my hands still on his face, I notice the mood and walk away, drying my hands.
“And now?” I stare at him behind me in the mirror. Luke just raises his hands and shakes his fingers, demonstrating that we're going to get our nails done. The scene itself is so funny it makes me laugh. He's the best boyfriend anyone could have. "I think we'd better wait the twenty minutes for the mask, so as not to blur our work."
“Truth. Let's get back to the series then.” he turns around, his back to me, crouching down a little. I grab his shoulders and push off, climbing on his back. And like this, we go back to the room, on piggyback.
I go back under the covers, grateful that I'm sitting down because my legs are killing me. How can something that stays in the womb fuck my entire body? I shift uncomfortably, not finding a position that would make my legs stop hurting.
“Is it everything OK?” he asks, hitting play on The Office.
“My legs.” I answer softly, lying down on the couch with my head next to him.
“Turn. Put your legs here.” he pats his lap. I roll over on the couch, leaving my legs in his lap, where within seconds Luke starts massaging my legs.
I roll my eyes, feeling my body soften. A moan wants to escape, but I hold it with all the strength in the world, along with the treacherous declaration that explodes in my chest. They were three dangerous words that could mess with him more than anything else.
“You are incredible!” I exchange the words, feeling more secure in that expression. The blonde chuckles, shaking his head as he squeezes my foot.
I can't focus for a minute on TV. The feel of him touching my skin so gently and stiffly steals all my attention. I shift my gaze between him and the screen so I don't get so in the face that I'm staring at him.
After twenty minutes of the mask, we went back to the bathroom, washing our faces and then starting to do our nails. I'm sitting, glued to Luke, my hand propped up on a pillow in his lap as he applies the black nail polish. Once again I shift my gaze between him and the new episode, but I don't care if he catches me staring in the meantime.
"Did we do that a lot?" I inquire softly. Luke doesn't answer me with words, too focused on his work, just nodding his head positively.
“Especially when you were feeling bad, or when I was really tired and stressed out.” he complements after finishing a hand. “Tv shows, candies, beauty treatments and massage. Once you wanted to invent climbing on my back, massaging me with your feet.” he starts to smile, still focused.
“I'm sorry.” I lay my head against his shoulder. Let out a low laugh, focused on him.
“It wasn't one of our best ideas. But I can't deny that it wasn't good.”
"Were you happy with me? I mean, we had a good relationship, didn't we?” I question after a while.
Luke stops and stares at the wall, maybe thinking. I analyze your profile apprehensive about the delay. Then his eyes connect to mine. It's like a screen, I don't need the answer anymore, it's there, explicit in the glow of his eyes.
“Yes. I believe we had a great relationship.” he goes back to painting my nails, putting the last coat on.
“Itn't was those weird, honeyed types, was it?” curiosity takes me more every second. Luke holds back a laugh, denying it.
“No! I tried once, but you hit me with the pillow. But that's not our style either. It's like wanting Leah to be cute.” he shrugs. "Don't let her know that." he looked at me in alarm.
“I won’t! Honestly, I'm glad it's you here.” he stops and looks at me curiously. “You know…not that she's not amazing. Even because she was taking really good care of me, but…” I swallow with his gaze so fixed on me. Oh Lord, where are the words?! “You are you!” I shrug. "Don't let her know that." I ask in an alarmed way, as well as he.
“I'm me?” he turns more to me.
“Yeah!” I take a deep breath, trying to find myself in the mess I decided to make. “You seem to know how to handle this whole situation and cause…" Why is it so hard for me to say that I enjoy his company? “You know…I like being with you.” I whisper, wanting to crumble into thin air and disappear.
I lower my gaze, not holding that moment. I've known Luke for a month. I know that he only has size and age in his identity, that inside he is as child and silly as the guys. But there's something about him, so subtle and unobtrusive, that intimidates me so much.
“I like being with you too… but something tells me you already know.” the playful tone breaks the pit of shame I was in. I open a shy smile, going back to watching him finish painting my nails.
“Can I ask you something?” I question fearfully, after he finishes. Luke nodded. "How was that day? The one from the accident.”
He just stops. His jaw locks and that glint in his eyes fades. He leans back against the sofa, snorting. I feel bad for causing this discomfort. I'm even thinking about withdrawing the question, however, Luke is already starting to speak.
“You had gone to rehearse for Vogue and then we were supposed to go to lunch cause I turned off your alarm, and then you were late and we can't have breakfast together.” he narrates quietly and with a lost look.
"Why did you turned off my alarm?" I frown, confused.
"Cause I thought that way you'd stay home with me." I pick up my lips, pressing them together so I don't laugh at his pout. “Well, I was at the restaurant when it happened. The manager came to me and told me what happened, apparently was already on the news.” he takes a deep breath before continuing. “I was the first to arrive, but you were already in attendance, so I only saw you in your room a couple hours later.”
"The nurse said you slept there." I comment quietly, letting my mind wander to that day. Your cheeks are easily pink.
"I wasn't leaving your side." he answers in the same tone.
“Sorry I got you into this. And for being stupid the first time we met…again.” I add.
“It's OK! I mean, it was kind of good.” I widen my eyes, not understanding. “By making you fall in love with me again, I also ended up falling in love with you all over again.”
My heart races. The revelation takes me by surprise, not giving me time to hide the stupid grin gaping at my face. I roll my eyes, looking at the TV, which is currently playing with Jim asking Pam on a date. Ironically, she had the same stupid smile as mine.
"I never said I'm in love with you." I try to maintain my dignity, or whatever I'm supposed to maintain at a time like this.
“It's just a matter of time.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see him shrug. “You've already admitted that you like being with me. For those who hated me in that hospital, enjoying my presence is already a big step forward.”
I bite my lip, closing my eyes. He can’t be serious.
"I never said I hated you." I look at him, who was focused on the TV.
"And you never said you're not in love with me either." he blinks, smiling in amusement.
“I hate you!” I say loud enough.
“In seventh grade, when a girl said she hated a boy, it's because she liked him.” Luke comments, leaving me speechless, my mouth hanging open. "I will take your silence as a yes."
I kneel down on the couch, taking the pillow from my lap and hitting it. Hemmings starts to laugh as he shields himself from the flurry of beatings I give him. My God, how I hate him.
I return to sit on the couch more relieved, but still with my heart pounding. It's a mixture of very random feelings. I want to hit him at the same time I want to kiss him as I sink his head into the coffee table, telling him how much I like him.
The desire to let these feelings take over me fascinates me. But that's not how I wanted everything to happen between us. Expected to be a little more romantic, with me more tidy and less messy.
"You made me smudge my nail." Finally, I accuse him, sulking.
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bryan360 · 3 years
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My reactions through my Nintendo E3 2021’s highlight picks
Hey guys! You know me from what been checking on E3 announcement last week. I even did my other posts to mention it of 🐰Mario + Rabbits sequel game and 🏁🏎Forza Horizon 5 as my interests picks.
June. 13th, 2021 - Link Here
June. 14th, 2021 - Link Here #2
Now it's finally time that I can talk through Nintendo E3 2021's announcement of games and content; after reveals back in June 15th that I should've bring this sooner, but due to working on my other tasks that I'm gonna save it til today. Hoping that I had time for free time to explain of what I feel for Nintendo E3 2021 Direct reveal for this month of June; especially which one that I finding most interested so I could added through my wishlist on eShop app. So today, here's my interesting picks for Nintendo E3 reveal this year; whether you agreed or disagree of how it goes when you suggest other was. I know if everyone so close to look forward the Switch Pro reveal, but it seems that it didn't happen anytime soon. Anyways, now get into my picks that I screenshot and edited through last week's Nintendo Direct I've managed.
First top left - ✊😈Kazuya Mishima joining Super Smash Bros Ultimate
First off, I knew that there will be at least one Super Smash Bros DLC Fighter reveal; before saving the last one for coming months this year soon. What's really unexpected to see though is a second Bandai Namco fighter after 👻PAC-MAN, but sadly its not Lloyd that if everyone hoping he would've upgraded from a Mii Costume to a true fighter yet. (Like we ever getting another sword fighter once again. 😒) No, it was actually ✊😈Kazuya Mishima from the Tekken series. My reaction was caught my attention since it started when he carrying Ganondorf to the lava pit and so does other fighters that is really dark. Except for Kirby that thankfully knows how to get away, but still. If I remember his origin through reading wiki site though, at time he used to be good until his father Heihachi sees him as his weakness. Later when Heihachi kills one of the family members that Kazuya been fond of and being thrown by his father in the cliff until he eventually climbs back up when his devil gene activates. Ever since then, Kazuya is now antagonist for the recent Tekken games so far and seeing him to match fight against Smash was an unexpected sight. I remember the time after hearing Masahiro Sakurai's interview where he consider Heihachi to be playable for Smash 4, but pass over due to implement his moveset to be difficult. But here we are seeing for Kazuya instead that it really sure takes time to deliver. After his moveset through his reveal could be challenging to work it out on command. Let's just wait to figure out once Sakurai will finally bring us his next presentation next week, but for now knowing this Tekken fighter joining Smash was a unique idea that Sakurai managed to work it out.
Second top right - 🌟Mario Party Super Stars
How about that when where seeing the next Mario Party game brings us? Despite the recent 2018 Super Mario Party, this will be the twelfth installment to be heading Nintendo Switch this year's 🎃October 2021; this time having 100 remastered minigames like I've seen them before on previous Mario Party games. My reaction was good to see how it continues on, but sure miss that time I remember from my childhood for the original first Mario Party game on the N64 console. So what's get me attention is the recognized boards such as 👑🎂Peach's Birthday Cake makes a comeback! It looks the way that I remember from playing the N64 game when the layouts off frosting goodness and the song to match as well. It was really something when it comes from Nintendo and their past N64 games I have memories fond of. 🙂👍🏼
I give this Nintendo a good move when trying to bring back Mario Party again as a E3 reveal, but maybe just maybe if it will be this good from previous Mario Party games in terms of selling copies. Who knows? *Shrug*
Third middle left - Metroid Dread
However, if you really looking forward a new Nintendo game coming to October 2021 early is a most recognized franchise making a return....meanwhile Metroid Prime 4 is still in development. At least knowing this game can take us time before the fourth prime game can be finished, but man that everyone went crazy after the reveal of Metroid Dread! It the return of 2D Metroid game in action after the success of Samus Return for 3DS back in September 2017. My reaction was surprised and impressive for the looks and feels about this game's tone; especially the haunting part where the robot named "EMMI" (but don't be confused with the word Emmy as an Emmy Award like if would funny. 😅) trying to catch up with Samus and it's game over....😵 I think I could add this into my wishlist and it would be the first time I'll be owning this Metroid game for my Switch system. Fact: Metroid Dread was originally plan as a Nintendo DS title way back in mid 2000s, but sadly being cancelled due to technical limitations.
Fourth middle right - 💣WarioWare Get It Together
I was hoping if Warioware could come back for the lastest Switch system and they finally called. However, this game will take a different approach than doing minigames of yourself, but with your characters do it for you. For this latest Warioware game of picking noses, it'll be having one of the characters such as Wario, Mona, Jimmy T, 9-Volt, and others to do on all minigames with their strengths and skills they can managed. My reaction was pretty good knowing that Nintendo is making this a unique idea than doing a same microgame gameplay style from previous ones, but in a fun way. Cross my fingers if I'll be saving this as a digital download version. Like that time I actually got "Warioware Touched!" for my 2DS/3DS handheld system back in April 2016, but sadly lost it of deletion unfortunately....😧 Link Here #3
Fifth middle bottom - Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda
And finally is something that we're hoping to expect during almost halftime of their E3 direct reveal. Knowing this year is The Legend of Zelda 35th Anniversary, you probably hoping they can bring something to celebrate one of the most recognized series run. While it was shocking to know they won't be having plans to do; even for me that I finding baffling for Nintendo would do this. At least they wanted to make up for it by having to released the HD remastered version of Skyward Sword coming next month and giving us a second look for the upcoming Breath of the Wild sequel until it'll be released next year....eventually. What's my pick though is the Game & Watch version for The Legend of Zelda; the same thing of what it made for Super Mario and during its 35th Anniversary run last year. For this next one will have 3 related Zelda games: 1987 original, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, and a special Game and Watch version of Vermin, but playing as Link as he trying to clobbered the octoroks instead of moles. Looks like it'll be a different take from what the Super Mario version have, but hoping it won't be the limited edition once maybe I could get one of those a try. So for my reaction was pretty alright. 🙂👍🏼
Man that is the list for my interests picks I gotten, but after watching Nintendo E3 Direct for this year sure worth it at the end. It was very impressive direct despite of absent games not being showed like Bayonette 3 or Metroid Prime 4, but with other announcements such as Metroid Dread and Mario Party Super Stars does give us something for the win.
What did you think about this list of my interesting picks for Nintendo E3, though? Give yourself some likes and reblogs for this post I bring. Anyways, I'm just gonna check on my P-Pal's secret art trade part for me that I should've done it early. Sorry about making this post that I took hours to finished, @murumokirby360
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