#we are the depressed duo of this family we must stick together
daz4i · 2 years
heard that my brother got extremely drunk on friday so while texting him i asked him how he's recovering from that. his answer: "it wasn't easy, didn't get out of the house yesterday. but today I'm as broken as usual god bless"
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 152
Poor Alex, there was no way to know and changing the story would be more of a breach of the implied contract than going forward. Plus side this warning implies we'll get more info on how the biology of the infection works before RSB actually explodes. To be clear I am all for warnings, I just imagine this was one heck of an awkward position for Alex & co to find themselves in. Well one would think they wanted to get through the intros as fast as physically possible! Seriously bless em for sticking with the structure instead of saying screw it and diving right in. Must be frustrating but it really helps me get in the right space to listen. Yeah it was a bit of an altruism run. That Ben physically ill at the prospect of characters talking? Yuck it up, I was specifically promised three (3) distinct topics would be addressed including both coping mechanisms and back stories. Poor Azu. If someone doesn't hold her while she has a proper cry I will be an unhappy Magpie. Are the new kids going to be invited to the conversations that are totally for sure not going to be put off for a month? Retcon: Barnes and Carter actually fought well it. I guess they were just down to the tricky ones. Theatrical much? Cel is great, have I said that enough? Well obviously not it should be declared at least hourly: "2 o' clock and Cel is great". But right after last episode instead of backing down (and IDK implying Wilde told the new kids their pronouns), Cel is immediately introducing themself with them and emphasizing their importance. Hamid right in there with the leadership, telling the duo that the party needs to go into isolation. I know having Zolf around must have took some weight off his shoulders but the man has grown since season one or even since Prague. He didn't lose that just because he cheers up when not solely responsible for leading the party. Note there is a messy negotiation with Zolf about who is in charge coming up and it is a mark of my trust in this show that I'm not dreading it. Am curious if it will be explicit enough for the white picket fence kids to pick up on, I know I have a thing about rank but some people seem to miss that aspect entirely. OK point Zolf but even with his charisma score there has to be a better way to put it than "do that and you are responsible for infecting Jasper and the village". Wow I guess that is the case isn't it. Thank you leader!Hamid coming in again. Getting Cel the kind of updates on home Hamid was denied in quarantine is fairly low risk for great gains in Cel's comfort with the whole thing. Point of clarity: as much as I hate to admit it, once the quarantine began they couldn't really keep Hamid in the loop since Ishaq was in the care of the Harlequins. Its been implied even without simply escaping an infected person could have means of communication that work in am anti magic cell. The village however is public info. Zolf, I want that again in small words! Are we talking black death or infrastructure problems? Because a few targeted infections could take out the government but not directly kill the citizens. Cel is doing the forced cheer again. What the hell have they been through that they default to words of affirmation for gory violence? Like most characters acknowledge the gore or that it was helpful, not both. Barnes is more reserved outside of the fight. Issues? Trauma? Oh Helen spelling it out, he's my type, crap. "Emotionally unavailable pirate" is a lot of people's type TBF. No wonder I made a warding gesture on hearing Zolf's description and didn't warm up till Dover. These characters wear the red flag as a cape and I'm surprised when my heart gets broken every time. Eh Zolf came back and is doing well enough, maybe Barnes will turn out to just not be chatty vs heart rending. And Hamid in there with the initiative casting Detect Magic so they don't have to face all the risks implied with not checking over the bodies. Barnes and Carter are glowing "like a fireworks factory where things have gone wrong". Only Water Breathing on the mooks. Speaking of emotionally unavailable pirates, Zolf sounds resigned as hell. I know he's working on it but the situation would depress anyone and he's been having a time of it, what with the puzzles and all. Shutting down isn't actually coping better than being shouty just more convenient. Have I already mentioned I want someone to comfort Azu on screen so she can put herself first for once? Remember how bright she shone in Cairo? If she doesn't process soon she's going to echo Zolf's arc. Carter is trying to looking at the bright side. Thank you Ben and Alex, not only a mood lightener but one that reminds us that Zolf asks direct questions now. And Zolf just moved as clearly as possible to protect Azu after Carter lashed out in response to her. I know they have a ways to get to where Grizzop & Azu were but I think they are at least proper team mates. Maybe having Zolf on this side of the bars this time will ease anything Azu is carrying from their introduction. Cel is a delight. Did they just suggest hamster balls? I love how Alex jokes about his own set design. Ah there is Ben's Minecraft joke. I think that's what you call environmental story telling. I love the mental image of them making their entrance crashing the mine cart into the ambush, like half way between a roller-coaster and sledding. Ah its been so long Zolf can't apply his memories of mining. They are officially out! Azu and Zolf are finally breathing right. Hey Zolf broke the weather machine! Cel takes a look see. Plumes of smoke from Shoin's? Wreckage from all the storms. Zolf joins Cel and USES HIS WORDS! I am so proud of him. Like not kidding learning to proactively offer praise & comfort instead of only offering concrete assistance in reaction is a huge step. Oh Cel! Getting yourself killed fighting alone would not have been better than defending your patch. And Zolf is right there, god remember Paris? Remember Prague? Now look at him. And there is the reality check. Not as jarring as it could have been. Azu is face down on the ground near Hamid! No more putting on her game face and slogging through it! Yes, process all you need darlin, no reason to rush. Hamid checks in! Azu takes his hand and explicitly talks about how scary it was when he was missing. Hamid talks about putting on a brave face for Skraak! RQG really just said "we're giving the fandom everything they want" in an episode recorded before we had a chance to ask. Azu checks in with Hamid! Oh Hamid its ok not to be ok. Oh hat Azu! Hamid call your family 18mumble is a go! Alex I will scream if he gets another delaying tactic. Cross your fingers we might get Ishaq and Saira! Azu assures him it would OK. Timing Zolf Horses! Topaz! Barnes: right Well that's a fair reaction to a celestial camel, he doesn't even know what the T stands for. Azu hugs Topaz Thank you Alex for making judgmental celestial camel canon.  How GMs don't all go insane with power from the moment it hits they can rewrite their world on a whim is beyond me. A Shetland for Hamid, a standard sounding horse for Cel, a cart horse for Azu, and another Shetland for Zolf. Carter can't get the question out before Zolf shuts him down. He is sticking to his word to Skraak, the island belongs to the Kobolds. Hamid calls en route! Bryn remembers to roll for it! Ishaq is a great kid, such a good sign he sounds like a kid too. Yes the kids are all together in the country house! Dad is at a redacted location, thank you Alex! Mom is alright! Saira is busy and the biggest problem with Ismail is that he is now taller than Ishaq! Ismail is good at magic too. Family bonding time. Einstein is working. Emeka & Veseek are helping things. Ed is with the family. Zolf is not happy about the call. Fair Zolf but none of us are regretting that call. Eh it being a one time thing is fair. Have I mentioned I like how Hamid & Zolf bicker? Its not like with Grizzop. They assume good faith and argue about the issue not score points. Part of why I shipped them in the beginning honestly: charismatic as Hamid is he probably impressioned like a duck on the first person to care more about what he was saying than how he said it. They joke about how hard nonverbal shots are in a podcast. Yes Alex we really do respect your craft. Might have been reassuring Ben. Helen is on the audience's side as always and tells him to pay up on the promised coping mechanisms talk. And Alex makes them roll a perception check. Do not talk block. Carter has been trying to eavesdrop. Azu tells him he isn't invited and Zolf tosses something at his head. Carter slinks back off. Zolf is still not good with words but he is resisting the urge to take it back. That counts damn it! Azu: your not good at talking for someone who says we need to talk. Yes Azu, and thats what makes it special. He is willing to put himself out there and do things he is bad at for the sake of the team. I like how Helen plays Azu getting over her issues with Zolf rather than just leaping to "Hamid vouched for you so we're besties". I need a clip of this, Zolf is offering to listen and be there while respecting boundaries and citing his own experience. Helen is great, Azu jumps right into the 18 months by asking about his relationship with Poseidon. Which again makes sense, as Azu is still working on "we met after you drugged, trapped, and imprisoned me". Which I get but seriously couldn't it have been in the stew or something? Drugging a woman's drink has connotations. Azu backstory(ish) oh thank Alex her cult is still doing the good work. Zolf tells Azu this, and offers her an out? Hamid & Zolf offer reassurance. Yes Hamid specifically tells her it isn't her fault. Zolf assures her that she isn't responsible for Sasha's decisions. Cel and Carter are chatting about what they've seen on the island.  Barnes tells them to keep the volume down and does Zolf's thing of bouncing something off Carter's head when he's loud again. Hamid moves to check in with Cel. Cel calls him on it.  Hamid asks what Cel plans to do after quarantine! Thank you Bryn! Cel doesn't know, ow. Cel feels obligated to be more proactive. Hamid reassures and points out that they were able to do it as a team so its not on Cel for not acting alone. Cel what is your backstory, afraid of being the monster. Thank you, I could wrap myself in this episode like a blanket. Cel how do you know that about being friends with mercs? Hamid would do it again but wants them to have a choice. Cel: When I call you little buddy I m not referring to the size of your heart. And that was veering saccharine so Ben swoops in with the Harrison Campbell joke. Do not make me get into why Hamid might be using snobbery as a cover for continuing to care more about what people might think than what he wants. Its a cheap shot for what could equally be he's that age and still has some flaws to work through. Thank you Alex for being realistic about horse pace without turning it into a word problem. Wilde! Cel points out the inn keeper could be infected, the boys explain the system of watching one another. Zolf is not letting Wilde get cute with his team again. Wilde wants them "fully supervised" in the bath. I feared that Alex, Wilde turned himself off again. Zolf calls him on it, kinda. They skim past the bath, thank you that could have been problematic. Thank goodness they are leaving the cell door open but locking the trap door. The new kids are in quarantine with them. Fair, going to be fun, but fair.  
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lessy86 · 5 years
Memorial: Self-Insert X DMC and Gundam Wing Fic.
Just wanted to cheer myself up on this fic since my Grandfather on my mother’s side had passed away last week. I wanted to share this moment with you guys. Shout outs to my friends: @terrablaze514, @bettybattaglia, @violentmouths, @vergils-daughter, @dhalia111, and @keeroo92. Thank you all for making me feel better for this past week.
I was on my bed crying in heart-wrenching tears when I got home from work. During work, I got a phone call from my sister and my mother with a terrible news: My grandfather has died today. The last time I spoke to him was last month and he sounded healthy and well. Never knew that it was the last time I spoke to him....Damn. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye...
My thoughts were broken out of me by the knock on my bedroom door. I'm wiping my tears away while sitting up.
Me: Come in.....
The door was open and I saw both V and my big brother Wufei came through. I assumed that after I broke the news to my father, he must have told Wufei, who told V. I guess he wants them to be here with me when he couldn't. Shadow came out of V's body and start curling up to me for comfort.
Wufei: *Sits down on the bed next to me* you alright, my little sister?
Me: *Pets Shadow's head* Numb. Emotionally drained. Hurt. I’m guessing that daddy told you what happened, right?
V: *Walks up to me and nodded* We all tried to called you, but you didn’t answer. We got worried that you might’ve done something drastic until your Nana called. Your brother and I came here just to be sure. 
Me: *In shock of hearing all of this* Wait. Did you say all?
Griffon: *Came out of V’s body as well* Oh come on now, Queen! We wouldn’t let you be all depressed and shit by yourself now, do we?
Me: *Giggles a little bit* Thank you for checking up on me. It was all so sudden and out of no-where. Now I don’t how to cheer myself up now...
Wufei and V looked and nodded at each other, knowing what to do to help me out. 
Wufei: Well, come on sis. *Gets up from my bed and grab my hand to pull me up*
Me: Wait! Where are we going?
V: *Smiles at me* Well, One: you’re not staying home for a while tonight and two: We want to show you something.
Griffon: So let’s go, Queen! No time to waste! The night is still young!
So, Wufei and V dragged me out of the house into Wufei’s car and drove me to Kingside Lake that was right outside of the city. It was a santuary whenever I feel down and out. When we arrived at the lake, I was crying in happy tears this time of what I saw. Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Relena, Dante, Vergil, Trish, Lady, Nico, Nero and Kyrie. They all took the time to come here to keep me company upon my grief. 
Lady: *Hugs me* Judi, V told us about your grandfather’s passing. I know what is like to lose a grandparent. We all here for you, no matter what.
Trish: If you need anything at all, you call us. Okay?
I nodded silently as I hugged both of my female friends. Vergil gave a single blue rose as his condolences. I hugged him as my appreciation to him. He was stiff at first but hugged me back a moment later.
Dante: My, Vergil. Never thought you showed a little emotion to Judi now. How sweet.*Got stabbed by one of Vergil’s shadow swords*
Vergil: Just be glad that I won’t kill you in front of her, Dante. We’re here to support her.
Nero: *Shook his head at his father and uncle’s banters* Idiots....
Trowa: Seems that they haven’t changed one bit after all these years.
Nico: Remind Dante of anyone you know? *Looks at the former Gundam Pilots*
Heero: *Gives Duo a death glare* Unfortunately.....
Duo: Hey! I wasn’t THAT bad when I was younger!
Quatre: Actually Duo, you was kinda annoying to Heero and Wufei back in the day.
Wufei: You was annoying then and you’re annoying now, Maxwell!
Duo: Ah, come on Wu-man! Loose it up a little.
Wufei: For the last time Maxwell, It’s Wufei! WUFEI!
I laughed at their antics as Relena and Kyrie approached me and V. No matter the situations one of us are in like this one, we will always be there for each other as one. We are family that sticks together.
Relena: Judi, if you ever want to talk about anything, you let me know okay?
Me: I will, Lena. Thank you. *Hugs Relena and she hugs me back*
We all gather around at our firecamp to have our own memorial for my grandfather. Wufei and I tell everyone our childhood stories about our grandfather growing up. Not the best kind, it’s worth share our memories to the people we cared about. Kyrie sang a beautiful song that left even Heero to tears. So, I got up with my Light Medallion in my hand and took a deep breath.
Me: I want to thank all of you for coming here to be my joy in the time of sorrow. You were there for me as I was there for you.  I don’t know what I’ll do without you guys. 
Griffon: We love you, Queen. Don’t you ever forget that! *Shadow roars as an agreement*
Nico: You know we got your back, Ju ju!
Me:*Smiles as I wipe my tears* As a traditional custom of the royal family, The seven sages bring light to the sky in honor of our loved ones that we lost. So, Relena. Heero. Would you and the others join me?
Heero and the other pilots nodded as they joined me in one circle. Heero has a Spirit Medallion, Duo has a Forest Medallion, Trowa has a Fire Medallion, Quatre has a Water Medallion, and my brother Wufei has a Shadow Medallion. Relena channels her triforce of wisdom since she’s the royal decendant of the royal family. The seven of us send our small amount of energy and have it ascend to the heavens above. Few of my tears shed when it happen. V wrapped his arm around my shoulder as all of us looked up at the night sky.
Me: You think my grandpa like our gift up there?
Heero: Yeah....He does.
Wufei: We’ll see him again. Eventually.
Vergil: For now, let’s live our lives to the fullnest.
Trowa: I agree.
I lay my head on V’s chest knowing that my family are right. My grandpa don’t want me to be sad forever. He’s in a better place now. I’m going to keep on living until I will see him again.
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A Chinese family spent 6 months working out together and the transformation photos are awe-inspiring
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/a-chinese-family-spent-6-months-working-out-together-and-the-transformation-photos-are-awe-inspiring/
A Chinese family spent 6 months working out together and the transformation photos are awe-inspiring
The Ding family documented their weight loss journey over the course of six months.
Jesse Ding, the photographer and the 32-year-old son of the family, took numerous before and after photos showing their progress. 
The family is keeping up their healthy habits by exercising and cooking healthy meals together.
Getting healthy is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, but one family didn’t wait for the beginning of 2018 to start reaching their health goals.
Jesse Ding and his family have spent the last six months transforming their bodies through diet and exercise. The 32-year-old used his photography skills to document and track his family’s progress with side-by-side photos, which he posted on Instagram. 
A post shared by 小野杰西 @Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Jan 3, 2018 at 5:07am PST
Ding told INSIDER in an e-mail that the change in their health routines happened when Ding’s mom and dad moved in to help his pregnant wife. Ding began bonding more with his father, which served as his main motivation for getting his health on track.
“My father has always been a rather quiet man who kept to himself,” he said. “When some business losses made him depressed, I noticed that his health was declining and this made me sad.” 
“I wanted to help him to get healthy again, so I purposely put on 10kg so that we could take the journey together. The photos were to help show him the progress we were making.”
A post shared by 小野杰西 @Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Dec 22, 2017 at 7:32am PST
After putting on the weight and convincing his father to start speed walking, Ding’s father eventually wanted to exercise all on his own. The duo started running and then lifting weights in the gym to put on muscle, Ding said. And once Ding’s mom saw their progress — which they tracked every 10 days with body measurements — she joined in and started working out with her husband. 
Ding said that this experience was different from past attempts to implement exercise and adopt a healthy lifestyle because they had each other for support and accountability. 
“First, you have to commit to it. You cannot just say you want to, you must mean it,” Ding said. “Then you must do it with love. Regular exercise, controlling your diet, and supporting each other is important.” 
A post shared by 小野杰西 @Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Dec 22, 2017 at 7:45am PST
The family transformation photos resonate with his followers. One of Ding’s photos has more than 300 likes and comments from people in awe of their progress. 
“Amazing work, ” one person wrote. “Just want to tell you that you and your family are a great inspiration, hope I can follow your example,” another commenter said. “Incredible story,” someone else wrote. 
A post shared by 小野杰西 @Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Jan 3, 2018 at 5:05am PST
The initial challenge was supposed to last from March to September, but the family is sticking with their new found way of healthy living and are focusing on maintenance.
Another change, besides exercise, that the family made was to their diet. Ding’s best advice for families who also want to create healthy habits is to focus on healthy eating as a unit. 
“One thing that is very important to me is to have meals together as a family. Home cooked, not fast food,” he said. “This helps a lot I think.”
The Ding family’s journey shows that making healthy changes is possible with small steps and a great support system. 
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