#we are now asking a retired lawyer and practicing doctor this question
thatndginger · 1 month
Cryptid asked me an insane question and I need to subject others to it too
This is assuming that the person you are taking a bone from does not consent, and you are ONLY taking a bone. You can't just cut a finger off and have the fleshy bits. You're just taking the bone.
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prorevenge · 4 years
Cousin tries to steal my mother's inheritance
The whole story was a few years ago and is very convoluted. In order not to write a novel here, I try to keep things clear and as short as possible. If some things are incomprehensible, I am happy to submit updates upon request.
Yes, we were too trustworthy and in retrospect we should have done more earlier.
The story begins in the early 90s when my parents got divorced. My mother had been given custody of me and my older sister by the court. We moved into my maternal grandmother's house. The house was built by my grandfather in the 50's and had never been renovated. There were 2 apartments in the house. One apartment on the ground floor and one on the 1st floor. My grandma lived in the lower apartment. But even though it was actually too small for a woman with 2 teenage children in the upper apartment, my mother initially wanted us to see the house as 2 separate households. It took my grandma some time to convince my mother to consider the house as a whole as not my grandmothers, but ours.
My mother and grandma decided not only to renovate the house, but also to refurbish it. But before that could happen, something important had to be clarified.
Because my grandfather had built the house and he died without writing his last will, the house was not legally owned by my grandmother at the time, but belonged in part to my mother and her sister (let's call her Estelle)
My grandma bought Estelles share.
The 40-year-old stove heating was replaced by a floor heating that was modern at the time, windows were renewed, old pipes and cables were replaced and much more. My mother put all of the money my father gave her after the divorce into the house. Among other things, she paid off an old loan that was still on the house.
In order not to repeat my grandfather's mistake, the three made a will. The share in the house that belongs to my grandmother should go to my mother after her death, as she lived in the house and contributed significantly to its value through her investment. Estelle should get a large amount of money and everything else my grandma owns should be divided equally between the two.
Fast forward to 2015. My mother had retired and took care 24/7 of her mother, who is suffering from dementia. The alternative of putting my grandma in a nursing home was out of the question for us. As long as it was somehow possible, my mother wanted my grandma to stay in the house that she built with her husband and that she called home. I haven't lived in the house for a long time, but I still visited whenever I could to relieve my mother of work. But these opportunities are few and far between, as I live and work around 2 hours away by car. So I was all the more pleased that my mother got help with housework for a few hours a week. This domestic help (let's call her Nadine) is the girlfriend of Estelles son Tim.
When Tim was a Teenager he had fallen out with his father and most of our family had very few contacts with him. He showed up once a year, called on our grandmas’ birthday and on Christmas. For over 20 years, he was, besides these 3 occasions, basically nonexistent.
Nadine works full time in a nursing home. After having been in the hospital for a few days, my grandma was supposed to be in that very nursing home for a while. The insurance companies offer this option so that caregiving relatives should be able to recover for a few days themselves and my mother really needed the break.
But my mother was not granted this break. On the second day, in her demented confusion, she crawled under her room neighbor's bed and did not let the nursing staff lure her out from under it. Nadine then called Tim, who came by. While playing hide and seek, my grandma was slightly injured and was taken back to the hospital. After that, she refused to go back to the nursing home, and my mother gave in and took her home.
In the next few months, it was 2016 then, Tim appeared once a week to, as he said, “take care of grandma”. This “taking care” consisted of going to Grandma, who was sitting in her TV chair, holding her hand, asking if everything was okay and driving off 15 minutes later.
At this point I would like to emphasize again that my mother has basically sacrificed herself since 2011 to look after her mother in need of care. She never moved more than 50 meters from my grandma without someone to take her place. Both my grandmother's doctor and the official auditors in charge of the nursing service had certified my mother that my grandmother was doing great under her supervision.
Estelle's birthday was in March. My mother told me later that Estelle had advised her in a conversation that she should put some money aside for the time when Grandma is no longer there.
Nadine celebrated his birthday in July. Since my grandmother was again spending a few days in short-term care at that time so that my mother could recover a little, Tim offered to pick up grandma for the party.
And in August the mood changed.
Estelle expressed concern that my grandma's confusion was really dementia and instead suggested that grandma was in her condition because of poor care from my mother. Tim was increasingly aggressive towards my mother. In a conversation I insisted on participate, he accused my mother of embezzling my grandmother's money and evading taxes. And although I am a peace-loving person, I lost my composure a little and I was only a blink away from beating him.
After we calmed down again, I suggested that instead of just coming by for 15 minutes a week and spreading accusations, he should really take care of Grandma and look after her for a week at a time.
He agreed.
Two weeks later, Tim and Tim's brother appeared with his family and picked up Grandma for a visit to a fair.
When they came back they told my mother that they had ordered a new TV chair for Grandma and that my mother should pay for it with her money. The reason was that my mother “lived rent-free in Grandma's house” and practically doesn’t do anything. Since my grandmother was so “gracious to take in a mother and her two children” she was entitled to the money, my mother supposedly saved on rent.
A few weeks later my mother had an appointment and asked Estelle to take care of Grandma during that time. When she came back there was also a note on the table. Estelle had taken grandma with her to look after her. First a week to try out.
The joy that my mother had about the free time she gained quickly vanished when it turned out two days later that Estelle took the opportunity to go to her bank with my grandmother to revoke my mother the right to access my grandmother's account. We only found out about it by accident.
A few days later Estelle appeared accompanied by Tim, his two siblings and their families and got clothes, jewelry and everything valuable that my grandmother owned. They said that my grandma wanted to stay with Estelle now because she couldn't stand my mother anymore.
The mood between my mother and grandma had deteriorated noticeably in the months since the first stay at the nursing home. At first, we assumed that the dementia was getting worse.
A few days later, 9 people came to my mother's home. Including my grandmother, Estelle, Tim, Ts. siblings and their family. When my mother was about to let 2 visitors out of the door, one of the group stormed through the open front door, pushing my mother and sister aside and demanding that they leave the (lower) apartment immediately. They supposedly had no right to be there and are only allowed to stay in the upper apartment.
A neighbor saw the incident and called the police. The group convinced the police that my mother actually lived in the apartment upstairs and had no right to be downstairs. To this day I still don't understand why the policeman accepted it that way. In any case, he asked my mother to leave the lower apartment until the matter was legally clarified. The police then disappeared. The group then took the opportunity to exchange the lock and searched the apartment for incriminating material that they could use against my mother. Unsurprisingly, they didn't find anything. My mother hadn't done anything wrong.
The day after, my mother went to see a lawyer to give her access to the home again. After a week back and forth, my relatives agreed to let my mother back into the apartment.
They cleared the furniture out of the apartment beforehand, because they thought it belonged to my grandmother, and switched back to the old locks.
Since they were 9 again and my mother had a nervous breakdown from the whole affair anyway and was on the verge of the 2nd, I wanted to receive the key in her place. However, they insisted that my mother personally collect the key.
Since I could already imagine why my relatives insisted of being in a group of 9 to give the key to a 70 year old woman personally, I had an idea. I picked up my smartphone in a clearly visible position and activated the recording function.
As I expected, most of them noticed my cell phone and remained silent. All except my grandma. Although she could hardly see anything, she recognized me and wanted to talk to me. She accused me and my mother of plotting against her. That she always supported me and she couldn't understand how we could do that to her. It broke my heart to hear what monsters my mother and I had become in her mind. But I knew that this was the dementia talking. I listened patiently and tried to explain what she had misunderstood, but I also knew that she had sunk too far in her illness to convince her of the truth.
One of the allegations in that conversation was that my mother and I wanted her out of the house. As already written that was not the case. But I have to be grateful today that my grandma said that. Estelle was sitting next to her at the time and reflexively replied "It wasn't him, the others."
At the time, I was too fixated on my grandma that I hadn't even noticed. Fortunately, I had my phone in my hand the whole time. When I listened to the conversation a while later, it finally clicked and I could slap myself today for not noticing it earlier:
Since the incident at the nursing home, the mood between my mother and grandma had deteriorated noticeably. We had blamed it on dementia, but now it was clear to us that in her condition between dementia and the strong painkillers she was taking, my relatives had talked her into believing some conspiracy against her.
My mother then applied for guardianship for my grandma. In Germany it is regulated in such a way that it is first checked whether the care is necessary. That was a relatively straightforward matter.
Then a judge has to check whether there is a possibility that a relative will take over the guardianship. This test was an on-site appointment at Estelle
As I could deduct from the court papers, the judge was of the opinion relatively quickly that family-internal guardianship was not possible. The decisive factor was apparently, among other things, the aggressive behavior of my relatives towards my mother, whereby the judge was almost injured with a burning cigarette.
Mrs. G. was declared to be my grandmother's guardian. A few weeks after Mrs. G. took over her job, she paid my mother a visit.
Ms. G. said that she was amazed when she met my mother for the first time. After all, she wasn't the hell spawn my relatives described her. We learned that Estelle's family had apparently spread wild rumors about my mother in town. We also learned that apparently my grandmother's set up a new will.
Since my mother lives in a small town, it didn't take long to find out that Tim was named the sole heir in the new will. Nadine had said the same to a friend and if you know someone who knows someone…. Small town.
My grandma died in July 2017. Shortly afterwards, I drove to the court to deposit my grandma's will there so that it could take effect. The lady there said there would already be another recent will. I still insisted on depositing the old one.
The will was opened a few weeks later. We saw for the first time what we are dealing with.
The new will was drawn up by a notary which is normally better than a handwritten will from over 20 years ago. In the will, Tim is established as the sole heir with Estelle in the 2nd position (in the event that Tim would have died before my grandmother). Not a word about the fact that part of my mother's house already belonged to her, instead she was only given a right to live in the upper apartment. But the real shock came when we saw the date. The will was written in July 2016. On the day when Tim and Estelle had so generously agreed to pick up Grandma from the nursing home. When they were still trying to pretend everything was fine and their “only concern was Grandma's well-being”.
I made an appointment with an inheritance lawyer. The lawyer first wanted to convince my mother to only sue for her legal inheritance claim and to otherwise accept the will. Challenging a notarial will is one of the most difficult cases you can try in German courts and it takes a lot of evidence to do that.
My time to shine. It took me almost an hour to convince the lawyer that my grandma had dementia and that the new will is therefore invalid. Doctor's reports that certify dementia back in 2011. The report for the guardianship. Every minute I presented her with new documents and in the end she is ready to go into battle with us.
So the matter goes to court, which means that the lawyers write letters back and forth. In one of the letters, Tim's lawyer mentions that there is an assessment from a doctor A. that clearly confirms that my grandma did not have dementia. That would contradict the evidence I submitted to my lawyer. So the court commissioned a new, independent expert assessment.
Although I had a lot of evidence and the behavior of my grandmother was always a clear sign of dementia for me, we waited a little nervously for the assessment.
We receive the assessment and what can I say, I haven't read anything so beautiful and sad at the same time for a long time. It is sad because the expert quotes from many reports that describe what my grandma was going through after she was brought to Estelles house. Nice because the appraiser completely dismantled the other side's argument. For every argument that the other side has come up with by then, the appraiser has evidence to invalidate it. Most impressive is the fact that the alleged report by Doctor A. is completely worthless to the other side. On the contrary, the doctor was so incompetent that he accidentally not only failed to refute my grandmother's dementia, he even confirmed it.
So there is a court date. The appraiser, Doctor A. and the notary who wrote the will are present.
A. is given the opportunity to defend his "report" before the judge. And he only makes it worse. It is going too far to explain that now. In any case, A. made it clear to the judge that he had no idea how to carry out the test.
Then it's the notary's turn. When he testified, it turns out that there were 2 appointments with him and my grandma. And in their attempt to look particularly good in front of the judge, Estelle and Tim admit that they were both present at both appointments. Not only that, apparently the conversation and further coordination between the notary and my grandmother went completely through Estelle’s hands.
The trial ends and my mother's lawyer is overjoyed. She explains to me that if there were any doubts that the new will does not reflect the will of my grandma, these are finally resolved by the statement of the notary.
A few days later, the judge gives the verdict and it's even better than expected.
The house was awarded to my mother.
Tim is no longer entitled to even one cent from my grandma's inheritance.
All claims that Estelle could still make against my mother, i.e. both the stated sum of money from the old will and possible claims under the law, are offset against what was in his possession at the time of my grandma's death. So she has some old furniture, clothes, some jewelry, etc. And what it looks like so far, that means that's all she can hope for.
tl;dr My cousin tried to cheat my mother out of her inheritance. Didn't work out for him in the end.
(source) story by (/u/Sam_Ronin)
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sahidchettair · 4 years
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Dressed in some kind of garb that Phil had only ever laid eyes upon in movies, she went about the room drawing all the eyes.
It didn’t take long for him to find her and get her attention in return, stunning dark eyes acknowledging his presence, fierce beauty and deep grief, but also intense longing. He understood it all, he was drawn to her emotions that she wore so openly and at the same time wished to be in her arms, or her in his.
“Phillip Walters,” he introduced himself, smiling.
“Laji,” she answered. 
In her words he found answers, her eyes told the rest.
“I am sorry for your loss.”
Through her grief she smiled.
“And this has to be Sahid.”
Laji, dressed in her beautiful ocean blue shiva brought her son of four down the stairs on her arm as she carried the last of her bags. A whole life and a half fitting in three suitcases. He would buy them new things.
He sat down on his heels in front of the skinny boy with the same color skin as his mother, the same deep gaze, and with a distrusting mean look that spoke of anger he did not yet understand.
“Sahid,” he said.
The boy looked up at his mom, who sighed. “Sahid,” she corrected him.
Phil nodded, though he had not liked to be corrected, and would never pronounce the name correctly. 
“You are going to live with me from now on, you and your mom,” Phil explained.
The boy started crying without sound and Phil let him.
“I want my Bapa back,” he said.
“He isn’t coming back, Sahid,” Laji countered, also sitting down on her haunches, fabric hitting the dirty streets of Atlanta in front of their one bedroom apartment.
The boy sniffled. 
Phil scooped him up in his arms and brought him to the car. “I’ve got you, boy,” he whispered into the boy’s ear, and felt him relax.
As Sahid came down, Phil tenses slightly, then offered the boy a smile as he walked into the kitchen. He looked worn, tired, exhausted at such a young age.
“Boy, why don’t you take a sip of my coffee and then follow me outside,” he said with a huge grin.
Raising Laji’s son hadn’t been easy, he had stopped crying for his father roughly a year ago, but now other things seemed to linger in those dark eyes.
Phil had been at the school several times over the last two years. Always leading the conversation with “what has he done?”
He hadn’t done anything. It was just the color of his skin and the deepness of his grief. He never told Laji of this. He remembered his own son and told the headmaster that none of this was his boy’s fault, and she should educate the students better.
Sahid stepped forward to take a sip, his face pulling at the bitterness.
Phil smiled. “When I turned seven my dad let me have my first coffee, do you think you are ready for that?”
Despite the bottomlessness of the boy’s grief, Phil had always liked his spunk. Sahid nodded firmly, and drank a full cup of coffee in four sips, making a face only once, then letting out a huge sigh which he must’ve copied from Phil.
“Good boy, well then, are you ready for your birthday present?”
Sahid’s eyes went wide at the notion.
“Come on then, follow me.” Phil walked to the back porch, stepping out of the way so that Sahid could see the trampoline that stood in the garden. He yelled happily and ran at the thing, needing a few moments to drag himself up onto it. He started jumping right away, laughing. Meanwhile his stepfather watched him from some distance, smiling. 
“Mister Watler, I have asked you here because of Sahid,” the headmistress said. She was a firm woman, strong, a well-known individual in the church community. She had also gone to school with Phil back in the day, she knew having this conversation with him was going to be difficult. 
“What are these issues, Andrea, because we both know Sahid is no trouble to you, nor his fellow students. He’s a great student, always does his homework, hands it in on time.”
“We are concerned about his attitude.”
Phil laughed. “Andrea, we both know Sahid has no attitude. He looks mean, sure, but he doesn’t hurt a fly. Has he been violent? Has he used curse words or been too outspoken in class?” He could see right away that she wouldn’t offer neither of that. So he shook his head and sighed. “If you ever call me here again, for something like this, you know we have a problem. My boy looks different but he’s a good kid, and I won’t have him being treated worse than all the other kids.” And with those words Phill stood, didn’t give her a second look before leaving the office. 
Phil was brought out of the house by the sound of a scream. He already knew what had happened, or at least could guess at it. He ran down the stairs and bounded onto the porch, naked feet falling into the grass as he made his way to the trampoline. 
Sahid lay on it clutching his leg, crying out, sobbing, his foot caught in the metal railing of the trampoline’s springs. His friends, all of whom Phil knew the names of, the names and the names of their parents, the names of their parents and what made them infamous. Except for Jimmy. The kids moved away as Phil got closer, an eleven year old Sahid didn’t even notice him coming closer, his eyes were solely on his foot. 
“Stop crying, boy,” Phil said, taking a look at the huge wound where the metal stuck into. It would need stitches, and he was certain neither of them should try to remove it. “Jimmy, go get Mister Drew from across, tell him to come here as soon as possible.” Then he looked back at Sahid. “You crying isn’t going to get you anywhere, boy. The pain won’t get any less, you have to power through that pain, understood.” 
“Yes sir,” Sahid said through gritted teeth. There were still tears, but they left his eyes soundlessly. 
Phil had to give it to the boy that he adjusted quickly, he didn’t go against anything Phil said, he followed it with conviction. And he was glad for it, because he ran a strict household. He stood to get pliers from the shed, and returned to cut the string that was stuck in Sahid’s foot, telling him to hold tight, because it might snap off and move. Which it did, but the boy gave no kick. 
Mister Drew came into view some minutes later, he was a retired doctor, but he didn’t ask any questions, just looked at the wound and scooped up Sahid in his arms to bring him back to his house so he could remove the spring. As Sahid left the garden, carried by Mister Drew, his friends left as well, leaving Phil alone with the now broken trampoline. 
He felt a little bad that his plan to sabotage the trampoline had resulted in his own kid in an accident, but it had to be done, he wouldn’t have people talking behind his back about letting those kids come play with his son. 
Phill sat in church smiling. He knew exactly why he was smiling, and while Laji on his side did not carry the same emotions, he wished she too was smiling, if only on the inside. 
There he stood, that skinny scrawny kid who packed a punch and could look so angry that people felt uncomfortable around him, ahead of all the other kids, singing with his angelic voice. He had a handsome face for his age, strong, with dark eyes you could fall into like his mother, and thick hair that was neatly combined, that always shone. 
Phil felt proud. 
But more importantly, he wished he could show all of this to Marsha. That he could get that woman and put her down next to him, point at that little brown boy that he had been raising, and tell her: see, Brandon would’ve been safe here, I would’ve protected him. I protected Sahid. 
And as those thoughts crossed his mind, he also felt sad. 
Because as much as Sahid lived in his house, ate his food, laughed at his jokes from time to time, and did exactly as Phil asked of him: he wasn’t blood. Phil didn’t see himself in those features, he saw some of Laji, most of all he started to imagine seeing Sahid’s dead father. 
But despite that, he would protect him. He would protect the good Christian boy who lived in his home, ate his food, laughed at his jokes from time to time, and did exactly what he asked of him. And he would be proud, because he saw on the faces of those around him that eyes were turned to his boy - HIS boy - that they didn’t see a little Indian kid, they saw Phil’s son. 
Laji had called him in rage. At first Phil hadn’t been able to understand her words. Afterwards he wasn’t even sure what he had done. Everything, every movement he made was done out of hate. How dare he?!
Phil had seen Sahid’s face and knew right away that Laji had been right. This boy who did everything he asked him to do, went behind his back and did the one thing he must’ve known would hurt Phil the most. He had turned his back on God, turned away from the faith that had taken him in, that had offered him a home and a podium, and instead taken to a different practice. A practice of heathens. A false religion. 
He didn’t calm down until hours later when Sahid pushed him into the table. He didn't cool down until his mother had told the boy to get out. When the last of the sounds of his truck had gone, Phil had cried. Because this was the boy he had raised. No matter what he did, no matter how much he had given the boy, he had still turned his back on him. Turned his back on family, and for what? 
“I am sorry,” Laji said. She too knew what it all meant to him, she had told him right away after they married that of course she would convert to his religion, of course so would Sahid. Hinduism had no place in their household. 
“You should’ve asked for more money,” Phil told his lawyer. “Now the boy goes free.”
“He’s already in a cage, Phillip, he’ll never be able to get out of this image you’ve created for him.”
“He better not.” 
“He killed her, Nadia, tell Bandon that. He might not want to believe it from me, but he did it. She was the only thing that made all of that happy. He’s not happy, so he doesn’t want us to be either!”
“Perhaps you are right Phil, but you do know he has an alibi right.”
“He probably paid someone to get her,” Phil said over the phone before hanging up. 
Phil held Sahid’s hair in his hand, pushing back his head. He was knocked out, closed eyes looking up, shiny dark skin gleaming with sweat. He opened his eyes a little, and even when it wasn’t there, Phil still saw the anger in the boy’s eyes. He fired one bullet next to the kid’s ear, and he screamed before falling back. 
“Phil don’t!” 
“Don’t do it!” 
He heard his friends yell behind him as he lifted the boy off the floor again and fired another bullet, next to the other ear. He was smiling as he did it, the boy’s head falling back, horror in his eyes. Good. He should suffer for all he had done to them. Perhaps now he would finally leave, leave for good and never come back. 
“Phil, shit, what have you done?” 
Phil shook his head. “Don’t worry, he won’t ever tell. He doesn’t dare to.”
He turned back to his friends, and walked away from the little figure on the floor, the skinny disaster that had been taking away his peace and quiet for the past five years. He had no pity.
“Phil, yo- the boy has become deaf.”
Only one friend shook his head, the rest just stared at the glasses of beer in front of them. Nobody had said much about what had happened, nobody had tried to stop him from walking away. They were all in this together now. He could see in their eyes that they didn’t pity the boy, they just worried for his soul. 
“That is inconvenient. But perhaps he finally understands that we mean it. He better have Cassie back soon, or disappear completely.” Phil turned away from his friends as he ordered himself another beer. Whenever they weren’t looking, whenever they weren’t trying to give him comfort, he would cry. Cry for Cassie, for his son who he could’ve raised to be stronger in the face of this tragedy, and for the boy who he had wished to be his son, but who had broken his trust.
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Thank you so much for writing this and sharing this, anon! I really love it 😊 it’s sad and sweet and there’s a bit of humour all at the same time! ❤️❤️❤️
WARNING: mentions of forced relationship, abortion
Hi darling! It's me again, the person who wrote a ficlet about IBTYF ddverse second generation (dash) a while ago. Guess what? I've written another part of this story! I hope it isn't rude to submit it here but really only you and your readers would be interested in it.
It's a bit long... but we all have more time now, don't we?
I apologise again for any mistakes, English is not my first language
David had bought this apartment several years ago. It wasn’t large, because he couldn’t afford a big flat. He was already in his thirties then but after he had quit his father’s company, he couldn’t find a salary as good as he had in Foster Records. His younger brother Marc has already made a great career. He also had a sub and children while David was considered a “defective” offsping. But still not banished, that was a success! Personally, David wouldn’t mind this, but he didn’t want to hurt his mum. Also it would be really horrible for his career as a lawyer, if he was banished by his father.
David entered the flat and smiled when he saw that Josh was already at home. They had been living together for several years. Josh also worked as a lawyer but his area was really specific: he defended subs’rights. The work was hard but the pay was small.
Living together at first wasn’t easy for them. They were used to having a sub mother taking care of the house or living on their own. But a union of two working Doms wasn’t a common thing. Gradually, they grew used to this kind of life and found out it was great to have someone who can share your chores and problems but also is an equal partner.
Josh’s parents knew he had a relationship with David Foster. They were okay with this but not very happy. They didn’t like the fact that their son was dating someone who had to hide his relationship and always be discreet. But still David visited them with Josh about twice a year. His family didn’t know anything about them. Well, his mother knew he was friends with Josh and sometimes seeing him, but no more. This situation was certainly bothering Dave but this was the best he could have.
Their relationship wasn’t always so calm. They had been in and out of it several times. They tried to date someone else. David had even got married to a sub girl who was a daughter of his father’s friend. He knew that she was in love with someone who was considered inappropriate for her, so he just married her to give her freedom. Several months later she escaped to Japan with her beloved, and David had told everyone he had known nothing about her plans. He hated lying like this but it also was all he could do to protect her. Her family still hadn’t found her.
Soon after his marriage came to its end, David ran into Josh again. They decided to try again and settled in this small flat in London.
“Hey honey! Have you already eaten? Because I’ve bought a frozen pizza”
“Pizza would be great, thanks. We also have some soup from yesterday in the fridge”, answered Josh. He was sitting at his laptop, still working.
“What’s new?” asked Dave, putting dinner into the microwave.
“Well, I’ve talked to my parents this afternoon”
“And how are they doing?”
“They’re really happy about this recording equipment you gave them for Christmas. They’ve recorded several songs that were written back in 70s. Also one of my friends helped them to remaster old tapes. They’re uploading this music into the internet now. And you know what? People are excited. Oldschool is fashionable now, as I understand. They’re asking questions about Queen”.
“Wow” David was surprised but mostly happy. “It’s great! Finally they can be famous without my father… or anyone staying on their way”
“Yeah, and Dad wants to write an article… or even, like, a book about Queen. You know, with all his old photos and so on. He wants to tell the true story of what happened to the band. But he needs to ask permission from your Mum. Because this story would be incomplete without his story and also it will show your father in a very… unpleasant way. Also he wants to mention John as an author of some of the songs”.
“I’ll ask him tomorrow. I hope he would agree”, said Dave. He was glad because maybe that’s how his mother finally would have some justice in his life. Nowadays people start to discuss sub rights more. And though the situation still wasn’t very great for subs, such situations as Queen’s record contract were almost impossible now. But it was at least legal at the time, but the whole story about how his father illegally put Freddie and Brian to jail and his mother was practically obliged to marry him… This could really harm his father and the whole Foster family, including himself. Not that he was so worried about Ray or even himself, but his brothers… it was not their fault they were born in this family.
It seemed like Josh was also thinking about this because he asked “And what about you, darling, are you okay with all this?”
“I… I’m not sure now” answered David. “You see, this can affect a lot of people, not only us and our parents. The Internet is a big deal now. But I think we should ask Mum first and then make the decision”.
Several days later
David entered his flat, saw Josh lying on the sofa and started telling him the news right away.
“Honey, I’ve talked to my mum” he said, entering the living room. “I’m afraid he’s completely against the idea of publishing the whole story. He explained that he doesn’t want to go back to this unpleasant memories, also he doesnt’ want to harm the family and overall he thinks we should leave it in the past. He says your father may write their story up to the meeting with Foster Records and then just mention that they came to a disagreement with the company. And he doesn’t want his name mentioned! I tried to convince him that it wouldn’t do us any harm because he had changed his last name but he is still worried. Maybe I’ll try to tall to him again later but now that’s all we have”.
“Well, I could expect this” Josh commented sadly. “Based on what I know about John, I mean. Maybe he feels like he’s had enough”.
“Probably” answered David. “I’m thinking… maybe we’ll get them together? Like, tomorrow my father will be out of town and I can just take Mum to your parents’ house...”
“Oh” Josh looked guilty “Sorry, I’m busy tomorrow, I have to go to the doctor”
“Is everything okay, honey?” David asked.
“Yeah, it’s okay, I’m just pregnant,” Josh looked up “But tomorrow I won’t be, so you don’t have to worry”.
David froze for a second, then he carefully approached Josh and sat beside him onto the sofa.
“Josh, I know that this decision is completely yours, but please can we talk about it?”
He was a bit confused by this light-heartedness in Josh’s voice.
“I just don’t want to make a big deal out of this”, answered Josh. “We both know that a baby could ruin our lives”.
“Why do you think so?”
“Isn’t it obvious, darling? We don’t have a claim and we cannot have one. I don’t want to tie you to us for the next twenty years or so. And I couldn’t raise a kid on my own in my current situation. My employer treats pregnant Doms kindly but I doubt he could significantly raise my salary. And my Dad has recently retired, as you know. I don’t want to be a burden for my parents. I know that wealth doesn’t mean happiness, but a child still needs food, shelter and clothes. That’s why my parents only could have two kids and I can’t now afford having even one”.
“But if you could, would you keep a baby?”
David was thinking that they should have such a conversation much earlier.
Josh hesitated for a while and then answered.
“I think I would because I want to continue my parents’ line of upbringing. This kid could be happier than most. And also I want to have a part of you… and me together and, like in books, “look into the face of eternity”. But I really don’t want to obligate you. It would be extremely hard hiding a relationship after we had a baby. Also the child won’t be protected by the law...”
“Well, do you think that we, as the two best lawyers of the country, can’t find a way to protect a baby?” David smiled.
“The best? You wish!” Josh also smiled for the first time that evening but then became serious again. «What can we do considering a child now can’t even have two same-status parents legally?”
“Well, I can’t be legally a father but I can give him or her rights at my property and write a will in your favour in case something happens to me”
“Your family would destroy us because they are your primary heirs. And… your father already does really despise my family. What would he do if he knew all this? Are you sure that you’re ready to take all the risks? We can’t escape the country right now because as lawyers we only can work here with our laws, you know. ”
David hugged him. He wasn’t sure about anything, really.
“When I was about twenty”, he started, “I’ve had a lot of one-night-stands who were Doms I didn’t really know. Of course, I used protection but as we can see, it isn’t 100% safe. And when I found out that I was pregnant, I had an abortion, like, immediately, because I was afraid that it meant the end of my life. Like, literally, I was scared that my father would kill me without even thinking. And I also feel that my mother hated me when he got pregnant because that meant he was stuck with my father forever. So I know this decision is up to you and you should make it based omn your feelings. But as for me, of course, I wasn’t ready for this… Since that dreadful moment, I thought that I won’t have any children because I didn’t see any way to have them without either me having a relationship with some sub I wouldn’t really love or me being banished from my family. But now I think I should do what you had told me – be brave to defend people I love. So if the financial situation and my family are the only things that make you think about not having a baby – I promise you this won’t be a problem for you. Ever”
Josh looked at him, tears in his eyes. “You’ve never told me you had been pregnant”.
“Sorry, I was too embarassed to tell anyone, even you. I thought you would consider me a coward and a bad person”.
Josh took his hand. “You’ve never been a coward. But are you really ready for this life-long adventure?”
“Only with you, honey”.
About eight months later
Josh was really confused. He had never seen his father crying before.
“Dad, please-”
“It’s okay, sorry, Josh,” said Brian, wiping his tears with his hand. “It’s just- when I’ve thought about him being called Freddie- It was too much for me”.
Roger hugged his Dom. He was also on the verge of tears. They all were in their old house where they took Josh from the hospital. (“And where’s the happy father?” asked Roger. “He’ll come very soon”, Josh assured him).
“You know, Freddie really liked the name Tiger. He always told me it would be fun to call a child Tiger. But your father-”
Roger’s speech was interrupted by someone ringing at the door. Brian went to open it. Suddenly they heard a strange sound – like he was crying and yelling at the same time.
“Darling, what happened?” Roger was ready to run to his husband but then Brian came back followed by David and…
“JOHN????” Roger now also was on the verge of crying. He hugged his long-lost friend.
“Sorry, Rog, Bri, I didn’t know I’m gonna come here, it’s just… my son brought me. He told me we have to discuss our songs but I’ve already told him-”
“Mom” David interrupted him “I also want you to meet someone. Your grandson, Richard Frederik-”
“Tiger,” added Roger.
“Mum, NO!!!” shouted Josh. “I’ve already told you: no Tigers, no Jaguars and no Chevrolets in my family!”
Everyone laughed and John sat beside him at the sofa and looked at the baby Josh was holding. He closed his eyes for a moment and tears started flowing down his cheeks.
“Mum, are you okay?” David asked worriedly. “Mum?”
John opened his eyes, caressed little Richard Frederik and turned to look at his own son.
“Well, young man, now I need to hear the whole story. I feel the evening’s gonna be interesting”.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Their Mothers Chose Donor Sperm. The Doctors Used Their Own. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/21/health/sperm-donors-fraud-doctors.html
Their Mothers Chose Donor Sperm. The Doctors Used Their Own.
Scores of children born through artificial insemination have learned from DNA tests that their biological fathers were the doctors who performed the procedure.
By Jacqueline Mroz | Published August 21, 2019 Updated 3:47 p.m. ET | New York Times | Posted August 21, 2019 4:36 PM ET |
Growing up in Nacogdoches, Tex., Eve Wiley learned at age 16 that she had been conceived through artificial insemination with donor sperm.
Her mother, Margo Williams, now 65, had sought help from Dr. Kim McMorries, telling him that her husband was infertile. She asked the doctor to locate a sperm donor. He told Mrs. Williams that he had found one through a sperm bank in California.
Mrs. Williams gave birth to a daughter, Eve. Now 32, Mrs. Wiley is a stay-at-home mother in Dallas. In 2017 and 2018, like tens of millions of Americans, she took consumer DNA tests.
The results? Her biological father was not a sperm donor in California, as she had been told — Dr. McMorries was. The news left Ms. Wiley reeling.
“You build your whole life on your genetic identity, and that’s the foundation,” Ms. Wiley said. “But when those bottom bricks have been removed or altered, it can be devastating.”
Through his attorney and the staff at his office, Dr. McMorries declined to comment.
With the advent of widespread consumer DNA testing, instances in which fertility specialists decades ago secretly used their own sperm for artificial insemination have begun to surface with some regularity. Three states have now passed laws criminalizing this conduct, including Texas, which now defines it as a form of sexual assault.
Dr. Jody Madeira, a law professor at Indiana University, is following more than 20 cases in the United States and abroad. They have occurred in a dozen states, including Connecticut, Vermont, Idaho, Utah and Nevada, she said, as well as in England, South Africa, Germany and the Netherlands.
According to the Dutch Donor Child Foundation, DNA testing has confirmed that a fertility specialist, Dr. Jan Karbaat, fathered 56 children, born to women who visited his clinic outside Rotterdam. Dutch authorities closed his practice in 2009, and he died in April 2017 at age 89.
An attorney for Dr. Karbaat’s family said they had no comment on the allegations and emphasized that the cases are decades old.
“Thirty years ago, people looked at things in very different ways,” said J.P. Vandervoodt, a lawyer in Rotterdam. “Dr. Karbaat could have been an anonymous donor — we don’t know that. There was no registration system at the time.”
In June, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario revoked the license of a fertility specialist in Ottawa, Dr. Norman Barwin, 80, and reprimanded him for repeatedly using the wrong sperm — including his own — in artificial insemination procedures over decades.
The college found that he had inseminated at least 11 women with his own sperm. In addition, scores of donor children claim they were conceived with the wrong sperm at Dr. Barwin’s clinic, though not the doctor’s.
He told one woman that he had used his sperm to calibrate a clinic instrument and that this contamination explained her conception. The college called that unbelievable and his actions “beyond reprehensible.”
“His actions will continue to have repercussions for his patients and their families in perpetuity,” said Carolyn Silver, general counsel at the college.
Dr. Barwin and his lawyers did not return calls for comment.
In the past, patients had little reason to suspect fertility doctors to whom they had entrusted one of medicine’s most intimate tasks, said Dov Fox, a bioethicist at the University of San Diego and the author of “Birth Rights and Wrongs,” a book about technology and reproductive law.
“In a word, gross,” he said of the cases. “In a couple more: shocking, shameful. The number of doctors sounds less like a few bad apples and more like a generalized practice of deception, largely hidden until recently by a mix of low-tech and high stigma.”
Fertility fraud
Dr. Donald Cline, a fertility specialist in Indianapolis, used his own sperm to impregnate at least three dozen women in the 1970s and 1980s, according to state prosecutors. Based on DNA testing, 61 people now claim he is their biological father.
Dr. Cline, who retired in 2009, pleaded guilty to two felony obstruction of justice charges and admitted that he had lied to state investigators. He surrendered his medical license and was given a one-year suspended sentence.
Calls to Dr. Cline’s lawyer were not returned.
Prosecutors said they were not able to press for a tougher sentence for a simple reason: In Indiana, as in most states, there were no laws prohibiting this conduct.
In May, Indiana passed a law that makes using the wrong sperm a felony and gives victims the right to sue doctors for it. Patients may sidestep the statute of limitations in these cases, bringing legal action up to five years after the fraud is discovered, rather than after it took place.
That provision is significant to accusers, because those who discover the identity of their biological fathers in these cases are usually adults.
Cases of so-called fertility fraud have prompted other states to enact similar laws that allow patients and children to pursue legal remedies from so-called doctor daddies.
After discovering the identity of her biological father, Ms. Wiley pressed for a similar law in Texas, meeting with legislators to demand better accountability of what she saw to be a grossly unregulated industry.
In June, Texas passed its own fertility-fraud law, and it goes further than those in Indiana and California. If a health care provider uses human sperm, eggs or embryos from an unauthorized donor, the law identifies the crime as a sexual assault. Those found guilty must register as sex offenders.
The bill passed unanimously in the state Legislature.
“It was a very compelling story of deception, and we’re seeing more and more cases of assisted reproduction being used improperly,” Stephanie Klick, a Republican state representative and a sponsor of the bill, said of Ms. Wiley’s experience. “We need to make sure that what happened doesn’t happen again.”
Some experts believe the measure is extreme. “Sexual assault is a step too far,” said Judith Daar, dean of the Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University. “Using that language, and imposing the ramifications that assault imposes, is highly problematic and more harmful than helpful.”
The Texas law applies when a health care provider uses his own sperm or the sperm of a donor other than the one the patient selected. But could a doctor or clinic nurse be convicted of sexual assault if the wrong sperm were provided in a mix-up?
“If a physician is rushed and inattentive, and grabs the wrong vial, a jury might find that the physician knew or should have known that the material was not what the patient selected,” said Ms. Daar, who leads the ethics committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
If a simple mix-up could result in conviction as a sexual predator, she fears fertility doctors in Texas may stop practicing.
Ms. Klick, the Texas legislator and a nurse, believes that this form of deception does constitute assault.
“There’s a physical aspect to it — there is a medical device that is being used to penetrate these women to deliver the genetic material,” she said. “I equate it with rape, because there’s no consent.”
“It’s creepy,” she added. “It violates so many different boundaries on a professional level.”
Doctor knows best?
A few years ago, Marenda Tucker, 36, took a DNA test to find out more about her heritage.
Ms. Tucker, a mother of four, who lives in Oregon, knew that she had been born through sperm donation. According to her mother, the doctor said he had used an anonymous sperm donor from the South.
The DNA test matched her to relatives of the doctor himself. “Once I had the matches, I realized it was the doctor, and I was like, yuck, gross,” she said. “When I talked to my mom about it, she felt violated.”
“Until now, I’ve been able to handle what life has thrown at me,” she added. “But this was this weird identity crisis.”
Reached by phone by a reporter at his home in Little Rock, Ark., with questions about Ms. Tucker’s conception, the retired physician, Dr. Gary Don Davis, said: “Well, that’s surprising. Let me check on that. Goodbye.”
Further attempts to reach him were unsuccessful, and he died in June.
Why would doctors secretly substitute their sperm for that of a donor, or even a husband?
Dr. Madeira, the law professor who has been tracking many of these cases, said that some specialists may simply have thought it was smart business. Frozen sperm was not the recommended medical standard until the late 1980s, and many physicians may not have had ready access to sperm when patients sought help.
“They could have self-justified their malfeasance in an era of ‘doctor knows best,’” Dr. Madeira said. “In their minds, they may just have been helping their patients by increasing their chances of getting pregnant with fresh sperm for higher fertilization rates.”
But others, she speculated, may have had darker motivations. “I would bet a lot of these doctors had power reasons for doing this — mental health issues, narcissistic issues — or maybe they were attracted to certain women,” she said.
Confronted with the test results, Dr. McMorries acknowledged in a letter to Ms. Wiley that he had mixed his sperm with that of other donors in order to improve her mother’s chances of conception. Laws regarding “donor anonymity” prevented him from telling her, he wrote.
“The thinking at that time was that if the patient got pregnant, there was no way to know which sperm affected the conception,” he wrote.
Before the doctor’s confession, Ms. Wiley believed she had already found the man who donated the sperm from which she was conceived: Steve Scholl, now 65, a writer and publisher in Los Angeles.
“We started this beautiful father-daughter relationship — he officiated at my wedding,” she said. “My kids call him Poppa.”
After learning the truth, she told Mr. Scholl that she wasn’t his biological daughter. He was stunned.
“It took me a while to process,” he recalled in an interview. “We felt so much like we’d found each other. We didn’t know how the reproductive industry worked. But very quickly, we both decided not to let this change anything for us.”
Ms. Wiley still calls him Dad.
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jarel-dot-thepoet · 5 years
Excuse the typos Character Asks
Character Asks
Choose a character and a question
Indy - sorrowful, wealthy writer
Sage - chipper, eccentric barista
Nova - mischievous, astute activist
Charleut - intelligent, sharp lawyer
Claud - sly, wise police officer
Neal - silent,  spontaneous movie director
Lora - sassy, correctional actress
Gray - informational, caring talent agent
Gemini - quirky, strong pet store manager
Havin - easy going, comical interior designer 
Gwen - shy, analytical banker
Patches - innocent, wild real estate agent
Doc - practical, blunt attorney
Harry - self-absorbed, glutton realtor
Loa - logical, stringent automotive engineer
Chief - philosophical, misunderstood politician
Jack - gentle, follower gardener
Deuce - mysterious, leader chemist
Roy - lying, nerdy bandmate 
Olivia - serving, fiery housemaid
Consuela - altruistic  firm casino co-owner
Constance - powerful, creepy casino co-owner
Joy - perky, pragmatic talent agent
Mrs. Feathersby - grandmotherly, assertive cafe owner
Dr. Whyte - optimistic, spiritual surgeon
Jensen - passive, generous nurse
Angeliica - feminist, tactical nurse
Stone - unexpected, remorseless police officer
Atticus - conversationalist, innocent bartender
Admiral - disciplined, sexually busy retired  veteran
Mr. Peru - soundful, pacifist butler
Daz - impervious, 
Fighting urges horned up searching for meaning feeling breathing living God please forgive these flesh feelings keep dealing me a strain in my pants my brain likes to dance I feel afraid sometimes without Lord I pray your Kingdom come evil need be delivered me from i feel bottom of ocean scum always comes with repercussions dumb didally down fiddling these emotions floating to my head crazed dazed in a hazed Hayes estate
Josiah - trustworthy, there landscaper
Doctor Profit - heartless, gassy teacher * Waiting is a new covenant, so wait patiently and you will see the return of Jesus Christ. * The killer of Casanova Hayes * the unexpected english teacher witha bold moustache piercing blue eyes takes brown skin elegant afro hair nice smile a kind voice whispering elegance peaceful harmonies bird talking chest as proud as the cockatoo merciful tattoos of kazoos and coconuts lustful legs that stood high enough to see the tempest shelf in southern creek high water soloist for sure team player and dauntful 
Dawn Delaware fifth sister  the child Karen Delaware was pregnant when she disappeared that hot day in Australia critic to town if Ostrasizer England smokes cigars piercing red eyes devilish tongue fierce brutality of the hands southpaws swearer of Osvits Germany ta I want to thank you for being my son my Lord my savior my grace mercy My Redeemer what treasure my everything my all amen
George Carl Bigsby - judgmental, prejudice grocery store owner
Z'riya Turner - affable, southern comfort Mexican store owner
Ashlee | Hectic - smarter than you, has to be right confidently beautiful curves radio talk show host producer
Lefwhich Greenfield - destined Turner of the turntables championship Dr. Profits twin cousin cornball hornball 
Nessie - grits thrower, angsty photographer
What do you do for a living 
Where's your money go most on
Least on
Where do kids come from 5 year old answer
Topic of the day
Wheres your worst kiss from
Best kiss
Who saw you running naked that one day down the street
Is the cat out if the bag secret bonus
Sandwich ir taco
Spaghetti or hamburger
Waffles or pancakes
Listen to music on low listen on high
Destined to live destined to die
Whi gets to watch what they want you or your spouse nobody who wins the argument
Do stacks stack best left to right or right to left
If I were atop a mountain and u wanted you to hold me would you cry ir ask why
If a donkey had a really bad smell but a really great smile would you hug it
Can you kiss an elephant and remember it
What causes reflections looking within or without
Do stalls needto he further apart or many more single bathrooms
West coast hemisphere easy coast hemisphere
If you could live anywhere and why
 Rigamortus would you prefer the body seen or sunseen
Truth be told what's your worst secret
Truth be told who do you live the most
Marry me yes or no after three years
Do the stanky leg or the waltz
Fishing or bowling 
Dog sitting or cat sitting
Miscues or misshapes
Music or reading
What do you di when you first wake up
Is there anything to wear in here jeams or slacks for gals dresses or pants
Austin texas or Atlanta georgia
Fila or fubu
Red wine or white wine
Questions or answers
Chess or checkers
Pig or cow
People watching or tv watching
Yes person or no person
Balanced or imbalanced
Perfect or flawed
Half full or half empty
Shark or lion
Chicken or egg
Basketball or football
Softball or baseball
Soccer or rugby
Do you stand tall or stand with a hunch
Breathe in breathe out ornbreathe out breathe in
Angry or happy
Sad or content
Joyful or hateful
Peace through war war through peace or peace through peace
Victory or fail
Thumbs up or thumbs down
Do you talk more or listen more
Effortless or thoughtful 
Faithful or hardship
Constipation or diarrhea
Jokester or serious
Golf or nascar
Do you believe in ghosts
Do you believe in werewolves
Do you believe in God
Flying ir driving 
Stay at family's house for the holidays or at a hotel
Do you walk in with confidence or doubt 
Day person or night person
Early to bed early to rise ir stay up late and ahh *stretches* after 12 pm
Wake up with a hangover dude I cant believe we did that or dude I cant believe we did that!
Lefty or righty
Sauce mixed in with the meat or sauce mixed in with the noodles
Bacon cordon bleu or bacon and eggs
Fitzgerald Jones or Fitzgerald Hawkins
What day do you clean your house
Check mail now when you come from home or later
Dinosaurs did they exist
If we could meet a celebrity who would it be
Why them
Where would we go
If we could meet Jesus without dying what would you say to Him
Beach or mountain
Fiasco or calm
Tupac or biggie
Elton John or Michael Bolton
Lois and Clark or lois and clark Kent
venice or Rome
How much would could a woodchuck chuck
If your brothers  dad died and your brother was left alone what would you say
Earthquake or sandstorm
Hurricane or fire 
Get shot or get stabbed
Art or home economics
Understanding or pigheaded
Left alone or social butterfly
Apples or bananas
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dontblameitonthe · 3 years
My Autobiography
An Introvert’s Avenue
My name is Alberta Sunshine G. Tajo, I'm 17 years old and I was born on March 13, 2004, in Mandaluyong. My parents are Cynthia Tajo and Alberto Tajo. I have an older sister named Chrisha Abeth and an older brother named Alberto Juan. As a child, our parents or relatives always ask us “what do you want to be when you grow up?” and I remember answering “teacher” back then. One of my usual playtime as a kid was teaching my stuffed toys or fake-checking my books. Then, I remember someone said before that children always want to be teachers at first as it is the first work or career they are exposed to. Thinking about it, it did make sense, especially in my case since my mother was a teacher, and I often accompanied her when she had tutors. But saying that my dream was to become a teacher didn’t exactly spark enthusiasm in people compared to doctor or lawyer. They wanted me to change it, even my mother expressed her disapproval saying the pay is not enough. 
As I grew older, they were right, it did change. In my elementary graduation yearbook, I stated that I wanted to be a “policewoman.” I can’t believe at least 20 people have a copy of that with my name and picture. Looking back, sixth grade was the time I started watching a lot of action movies. I was introduced to women in action films and little me said to the world “I wanna kick bad people just like them!” It was a phase. My father, a retired police captain, laughed every time I said that but also expressed his disapproval saying that the training is not a joke. It didn’t take long when I realized that as well.
As I entered high school, the question held a bit more weight now especially when the K-12 Program in the Philippines was introduced. The tracks were a bit more general but it was still asking me the same thing: What do I want to be?
In junior high school, I was in the same school as before and the same school where my sister and brother graduated their junior high as top students. Wondrous Works Speed Learning Center, or Wondrous as we simply call it, is a small school in our subdivision and has been my school since third grade. It especially got smaller during my last few years there. Every grade only has one section and each section has less than 20 students. 
In seventh grade, I was an excellent student. I was the top student in our class, and I was active in school activities. Before eighth grade, I knew I wanted to take it easier. I think my younger self knew that I needed to take it slow at some point, or I would get tired. After all, I have expectations to meet as my sister graduated with high honors, and my brother just graduated as salutatorian. I figured that eighth grade was that ‘point’ as it wasn’t the beginning and it wasn’t near the end too. It was the worst year in my junior high. I cried at our event which I was supposed to be one of the hosts of, I wasn’t a consistent top student, and I was acting very “teenagey.”
In ninth grade, I remember crying in class because I felt so disappointed with myself. My classmates would be confused with my discontentment for my high grades, they didn’t understand how frustrating it was to always have two or three mistakes. My scores were always daplis. But it got better near the end, my academic performance as well as my behavior. At this point, I knew I still wanted to be a teacher. I enjoyed helping my classmates and doing class reports. But I wanted more options, so I took my time to know myself and imagined myself in different careers. I even became obsessed with personality types or in my Hogwarts house, which convinced me more that teaching was right for me. It was really difficult, the more I grew up the more I realized that practicality really did matter in my future as well. After all, I don't have generational wealth. It was then when I started looking at journalism, communication arts, multimedia arts, and business. I figured that most careers I was interested in belonged in Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), so ever since ninth grade I was sure of becoming a HUMSS Student. The field of study in that academic track was very interesting to me, it covers History, Literature, and Social Science. 
Then in tenth grade, I wanted to step out of my comfort zone, so that year I was one of the hosts in our event. It was a weird year for me, I expected it to be better but I was so tired of our school system and my life, but at the same time afraid of the change that was coming. All my life, I was surrounded by the same people every year. I was an introvert – still am – I was not like my other classmates who had friends from other schools, and leaving that school meant that my world was going to be bigger. In the end, I did graduate at the top of our class. But my parents weren't able to walk with me on the stage because there was no program as caused by the pandemic. In my graduation yearbook, I decided to stick with teaching so I stated that I wanted to be an “educator.”
Because of the pandemic, my expectations were not met. Instead of my world getting bigger, it only got smaller. I enrolled as a HUMSS student in Malayan Colleges Laguna, a private university in Cabuyao, Laguna. In the beginning, I was still active. I even volunteered for a part in our role play for Buwan Ng Wika and participated in recitations even through chat. Then on October 6 of 2020, my mother died due to cardiac arrest. I regret taking a week off from school, the grief hit me hard as time went by, not the other way around. I expected to feel as though I won’t be happy again, just like how dementors made the characters feel in Harry Potter. But it was worse. It’s not that I won’t be happy anymore, I know I am young and still have other things to love in life. But deep inside I just wanted to grieve. My heart rejected the idea of happiness, I did not want to be happy anymore. In sadness I found comfort. It was as though Sadness was the head of the team now in my brain like in Inside Out. So I regret that academic break because it only piled up my tasks and made things worse for me. Though I did not have good grades in all courses, I was not that disappointed in myself knowing my situation, the fact that I’m still learning, and I was enjoying some of my class. The important thing for me was that I passed.
Now in twelfth grade, I have to be specific with my dream. After a long time, I still want to become a teacher. I still believe that teachers are a great foundation for a better society. However, In picking a college program, one should also estimate themselves. I don’t feel capable enough to be a person that young people will follow or look up to, and I’m also reminded that teachers are not paid enough for the work they do. This is why I’m also considering taking Communication Arts in college as I also found myself interested in Media and Literature. I know the impacts of good writing and production. The only thing that doubts me is my skills in communication. I know it’s something I can work on, but it's hard for me to imagine myself as a good speaker or writer at the moment. Nevertheless, I will apply for both in the upcoming college applications. After all, the most important lesson my life taught me so far is that believing in myself made my goals a reality, and that one must define themselves with their choices, not their abilities.
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winchestergirl-13 · 7 years
The New Broken Scene
Pairing: TFW x Friend!Reader
Prompt: “She's Kinda Hot” by 5 Seconds of Summer
Word Count: 2,309
Warning: a couple swear words, a few feelings being touched on (not really angsty, but sad), fluff, talk of the end of the world, Winchesters being Winchesters.
A/N: this is for @sis-tafics “Jill’s Bday Pop Punk Challenge”. This was hard for me to write for as I had no idea what to do lol. I finally got this written up last night and I like it. The characters may be a little OOC, they may not be. It kinda jumps around at times, but I was trying to pick a character for each group of lyrics, so that’s why. I hope you like it.
Team Free Will, what a name. Let's see, there's a ex-blood junkie, a high school drop out with six bucks to his name, mister comatose over there, and a girl on the run. Sounds about right. 'Course, “titles” change over time, people/creatures add on every now and then, but any way you slice it, Team Free Will is just that. A team that saved the world; countless times mind you. To put it frankly, they were like the Kings and Queens of this new and broken scene, always finding a way to patch it back up.
My girlfriend's bitchin' 'cause I always sleep in She's always screaming when she's calling a friend She's kinda hot though Yeah she's kinda hot though (Just an itty bitty little bit hot)
“Damn, this chick won't leave me alone,” Dean grumbled to himself as he pressed “Decline” on his phone. Every time he answered, Melanie (or whatever her name was), would be practically screaming through the phone at Dean, or whining that he wasn't calling her back.
“Dude, just change your number or tell her you're not interested,” (Y/N) offered as she sat down next to him, cracking open a book to research their next case.
“You don't think I've tried?” he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “Screw it, I'll call her back and tell her it ain't working out. She's kinda hot though...”
(Y/N) watched Dean grab his phone as he stood up and placed a call back. She just shook her head with a smirk. When will he learn?
My shrink is telling me I got crazy dreams She's also saying I got low self-esteem She's kinda hot though Yeah she's kinda hot though (Just a little bit a little bit hot) She put me on meds, she won't get out of my head She's kinda hot though (One, two, three, go!)
When Castiel was in the mental hospital, Meg was his only sense of comfort. The doctor he was seeing didn't help him; only made him feel worse about his predicament, even if he didn't show it. The medication he was given didn't help; Lucifer always made an appearance. But now he was free of that place, and yet Meg stood by him.
Another normal day in the Bunker, relatively speaking. Castiel couldn't stop staring at Meg, but he stared at everyone for prolonged periods of time. Most just ignored it. Meg however looked up and held his gaze before Castiel looked away, a small blush spreading across his cheeks.
“Yes, Clarence?” she asked, smirking when he started at her sudden question.
“I uh...you...Ithinkyou'reratherbeautifulMeg,” he blurt out as fast as he could, embarrassment clouding his thoughts.
Meg caught what he was saying and made her way over to the flustered angel. Patting his cheek softly, she placed a small kiss to his rosy cheek. “Thank you, Castiel. You're rather handsome yourself.” And then she left, leaving behind a flustered and happy angel.
My friend left college 'cause it felt like a job His mom and dad both think he's a slob He's got a shot though (No, not really) Yeah, he's got a shot though (No, no, not really) When you've got bigger plans that no one else understands You've got a shot though (Oh my, that's a big plan you've got there)
With Mary back in the picture, Sam often wondered how she would feel knowing he left college, a chance at a normal life, to return to hunting with Dean. Would she think he was a slob? He didn't voice his queries aloud, mostly because he feared he was right.
Fate as it were, had other plans. Mary was going through some old files and records, trying to see just how much she missed (it was a lot), when she came across an old acceptance letter. It was addressed to Sam from Stanford. She knew he mentioned it to her, but she didn't know the full story. Did he graduate? Did he go back at some point? Figuring she'd get better answers from Sam himself, she set off to find her boy.
Dean was on a supply run with (Y/N), and Castiel was off doing some heavenly duties, leaving Sam and Mary in the Bunker. She found her son in the library, reclined in one of the rockers in the corner with a book in hand. He heard her footsteps and looked up, a smile on his face. “Hey mom. What's up?”
“I had a question for you, Sam. Found this in a pile of records in storage,” she handed him his old college acceptance letter. She watched as his face dropped at the sight of it, a sort of sadness creeping in his eyes.
“What did you want to know?” Sam asked, trying to hide how his voice cracked a little.
“What was it like?” Mary questioned, grabbing one of the chairs at the tables and pulled it over. With a sigh, Sam launched into his tale. How he got accepted, hid it from their dad, left hunting to go to school. He told her about Jess, how she sadly died, how he never went back and finished like he told himself he would. At the end of his tale, Sam was convinced Mary would think he was an idiot.
“Oh Sam, I'm so sorry. I wish you never had to go through that,” she comforted, placing a hand on his knee and giving it a small squeeze.
Sam gave her a tight smile, trying to hide the pain inside. Mary, however, saw right through it. A mother always knows. Standing up, she pulled Sam into a hug, feeling him tense slightly before slowly bringing his arms up to wrap around her. Running her fingers through his hair, she felt him relax into her touch.
“I'm proud of you, Sam. I always knew you'd go to a school like Stanford one day. I wish you could have gotten the chance to be a lawyer, but just know I am so proud of you. Despite everything, you still became an amazing young man. Quite literally saving the world. What mother wouldn't be proud of that?”
Sam felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Breathing a sigh of relief, he tightened his hold slightly, whispering a “thanks mom”. That was what he needed to hear.
They say we're losers and we're alright with that We are the leaders of the not-coming-back's But we're alright though Yeah we're alright though We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene Yeah we're alright though (Uno, dos, tres, cuatro)
Jack stared out the window from the backseat of the Impala as the scenery flew by them. He, (Y/N) and the boys had just wrapped up another case. Another win for Team Free Will. At least it wasn't another apocalypse.
Sometimes it felt like this world was out to get them, whether it be another monster, a human, or for Jack, another angel tried to take him away from his family. The Winchesters had blasted them away before they could do anything. He was grateful, but sometimes it felt like it was too much.
He looked over at (Y/N) and saw she had these white chords in her ears that were attached to her phone. Reaching over, Jack tapped her shoulder and she turned around with a smile as she pulled out one of the chords.
“Yes Jack?”
“What is that?” he asked, pointing to the earphone chord in her hand.
“These are headphones. They allow you to listen to music. Wanna listen?” she explained, offering him one of the pieces. Jack gently placed it in his ear and s grin spread across his face as music came through.
“This is amazing!” he exclaimed, shifting closer to listen with her. While he may not understand the song or know who it is, something about it stood out to him. This band, 5 Seconds of Summer (which he also didn't quite understand), their song spoke to him in a way. Him, (Y/N), Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Mary were definitely like the Kings and Queens of coming back from the edge.
Sometimes I'm feeling like I'm going insane My neighbor told me that I got bad brains But I'm alright though (We're alright though) Yeah we'll be alright though (We're alright though) 'Cause we're the kings and the queens of the new broken scene And we're alright though (One, two, three, four)
(Y/N) was on the run for as long as she could remember. Whether it was running from a monster or the local cop that caught her playing hooky from school, not like she could tell the cop she was hunting for a monster. From an early age, her neighbors thought she wasn't going to make it in life; her parents were almost never home (they were hunters, what would you expect?), she didn't do that great in school sometimes, and they caught her talking to herself sometimes and thought she had gone insane. Turns out she was talking to a Zana and only she could see her (Emma was a friend of Sully's; who she got to meet later on when he needed their help).
Yet despite all the negativity that surrounded her from an early age, she persisted. Her grades went up, her parents stopped hunting for a while (at least until she was older), and Emma knew that (Y/N) didn't need her around much longer. But it was okay, she checked on her from time to time before moving on to the next kid in need. (Y/N) proved her neighbors wrong when she got accepted to college. She'd spend a few years there and graduated as an English major, but turned to hunting instead. That was how she met Sam and Dean, on a werewolf hunt of all things. And she's been with them ever since.
Her parents retired from hunting and set up shop as a communications hot spot between hunters with the help from Bobby. But that was okay with (Y/N). It meant they would stay safe. For now, the world was in the capable hands of Team Free Will. And they were doing alright by their standards.
They say we're losers and we're alright with that We are the leaders of the not-coming-back's But we're alright though (We're alright though) Yeah we're alright though (We're alright though) We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene Yeah we're alright though (We're gonna be okay)
“Man, things just never seem to go easy on us, do they?” Dean sighed, sinking down into a chair at their kitchen table, an ice pack held to his cheek. Sam was rummaging through their first aid kit for some painkillers, the wound on his arm had stopped bleeding by now. (Y/N) limped over to a chair across from Dean and watched as Cas tried to heal him. Sadly, he used a little too much grace expelling the demons they dealt with and so healing would have to wait for a bit. He would recharge tonight and be good by morning.
“It's fine Cas. Just worry about getting some rest, alright?” (Y/N) replied, patting his hand before getting up to get some water for Dean. They four of them worked on patching each other up and then beers were passed around as they cheered to another job well done...sort of.
Sometimes they wished they didn't have such a burden on their shoulders, but if they didn't do what they do, who else would save the world?
“You know what boys? How about we do nothing tomorrow but take a day and relax. Have a movie marathon or something. Maybe start tonight when Mary gets home with Jack and show them all the movies they missed or don't know. Get them caught up on something current. Let someone else deal with the monsters tomorrow. We deserve a break. We saved this God damned world numerous times; let someone else save it tomorrow. We need this,” (Y/N) declared, getting up to go change before any of them could object. Yeah, she was right. Let someone else handle it tomorrow. It'll be okay.
Na na na na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na na na na But we're alright though Na na na na na na na na na na na Yeah we're alright though Na na na na na na na na na na na We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene Yeah we're alright though
“Well, here's to another job well done, boys. And Mary,” (Y/N) held up her beer for a toast, listening to the replies and clinks from her family around her. They saved the world again, and this time, it got them Gabriel. While he was still recovering, he was happy to be free and apart of their little ragtag family of misfits. He fit right in.
“Here's to family,” Mary saluted.
“To friends,” Castiel stated.
“To my saviors,” Gabriel replied.
“To my family,” Jack added, a smile on his face.
“To freedom,” came Sam.
“To Team Free Will 2.0,” Dean chuckled, but it was true.
“To us. The Kings and Queens of the broken scene. Earth's heroes,” (Y/N) cheered. They didn't know what would await them tomorrow, but for now, they were alright. Everything would be alright in the end. The Earth had them to protect it, it was going to be just fine in the hands of Team Free Will 2.0, which included two salty hunters, one half angel kid, dude that just came back from the dead...again, an Archangel turned Trickster back from Hell, a mother back from the dead, and a girl who didn't have to run away anymore. This was their family.
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Calling All Vaccinators: Closing the Next Gap in Covid Supply and Demand
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This story also ran on NBC News. It can be republished for free.
Beating back covid right now comes down to balancing supply and demand.
With hopes pinned to vaccines, demand has far outstripped the supply of doses.
But, as an increasing number of vaccine vials are shipped in coming weeks, the concern about shortages may well shift to human capital: the vaccinators themselves.
“We need to mobilize more medical units to get more shots in people’s arms,” Jeff Zients, coordinator of President Joe Biden’s covid-19 task force, said at a briefing earlier this month.
Already, there have been scattered reports that vaccinators are in short supply in some areas.
“Absolutely, we do need more,” said Tom Kraus, vice president of government relations for the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, whose members work in hospitals, clinics and large physician practices.
After all, vaccinating America is a huge undertaking.
“We are planning to vaccinate a lot more people over a shorter period of time than we’ve ever done before,” said L.J Tan, chief strategy officer of the Immunization Action Coalition, which distributes educational materials for health care professionals and the public across a range of vaccination topics.
Each year the U.S. vaccinates 140 million to 150 million residents against influenza, “but what we’re talking about now is much more intensive,” he said. For covid, the goal is to get vaccines out quickly to all those eligible in a country of 330 million people.
A state-by-state survey would be required to estimate how many total vaccinators are needed nationally, Tan said.
Still, experts are cautiously optimistic that this won’t be a hard problem to fix, pointing to efforts underway to recruit current and retired medical professionals, as well as medical students and nurses in training.
“As long as we continue to see this interest in volunteering, we should have a sufficient workforce to do it,” said Deb Trautman, president and CEO of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
Not just anyone can be a vaccinator. One can’t merely walk into a center and offer to help give shots. The training requirements vary by state.
To boost the effort, both the Trump and Biden administrations, using an emergency preparedness law first adopted in 2005, expanded liability protections.
With the recent expansions, those qualifying include pharmacy interns and recently retired doctors and nurses, as well as physicians, nurses and pharmacists. The government estimates there are about half a million inactive physicians and 350,000 inactive registered nurses and practical nurses in the United States.
States are also greenlighting dentists, paramedics and other first responders, said Kim Martin, director of immunization policy at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.
Some are also turning to nursing and medical schools, where faculty and students are often eager to participate. More than 300 schools nationally have signed a pledge offering to help administer the vaccine, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
The University of Houston College of Nursing, for example, altered its curriculum specifically to prepare students for administering covid vaccines — and teams of students and faculty have helped at community vaccination sites.
Others are joining the effort.
The Medical Reserve Corps, a national network of volunteer groups, has more than 200 units in about 40 states, Puerto Rico, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands assisting with various vaccination efforts, including administering the shots, according to a Health and Human Services spokesperson.
And the military is pitching in, too, with the Pentagon approving the use of more than 1,000 active-duty service members to help the Federal Emergency Management Agency with mass vaccinations sites, the first one set for California.
Although some of these groups give ballpark figures of volunteers, it’s hard to tally just how many have stepped forward in recent months to help vaccinate.
Becoming a Vaccinator
“It should not be left to just anyone that is willing, as there are clinical skills and preparedness that is required,” said Katie Boston-Leary, director of nursing programs at the American Nurses Association.
Even those skilled in giving shots may need a training booster in the war against covid.
When she volunteered, Boston-Leary said, she was required to complete four to six hours of online training across a wide range of topics, from the optimal way to administer intramuscular injections, to specific information about the two vaccines now on the market.
“Even a nurse like me has to go through that training,” said Boston-Leary.
To aid states in setting up training, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offered recommendations that all health care staff members receive training in covid vaccination “even if they are already administering routinely recommended vaccines.”
The CDC has different training modules, based on experience level. For instance, there’s a module for those who have given vaccinations in the previous year, but a different one for those who haven’t done so for more than a year. The time required to complete programs varies — people with the most recent experience require less total training time.
Tan said training laypeople with no medical background to give vaccines “is not the way to go.”
Instead, such volunteers can be used to help with logistics, such as directing people to the right areas, managing traffic, moving supplies around and similar duties.
Training programs exist even for people who aren’t vaccinators but assist with storing, handling or transporting the vaccines. That’s important because the two vaccines currently in use — one from Pfizer-BioNTech and one from Moderna — have different storage requirements.
They are shipped in multidose vials, which is not unusual for vaccines. The vaccinators themselves often draw up the syringes out of the vials, said Tan.
To avoid slowdowns as patients move through the lines, some vaccination centers have other trained staffers pre-fill individual syringes. Anyone doing this task should be “someone trained in administering vaccines as well,” said Tan.
At the clinic where Katie Croft-Walsh, 65, volunteered recently in San Antonio, her only job was to administer the vaccine. Other volunteers took care of registering patients, pre-filling the individual syringes and other logistical efforts.
She decided to volunteer after hearing that help was needed. The move came with a bonus: She would get the vaccine herself at the end of her first day participating, something she already qualified for based on her age but had been unable to secure.
A practicing lawyer, Croft-Walsh previously worked as a registered nurse and kept her license current by taking required courses each year since leaving her hospital job in 1998.
Training occurred on her first day at the mass vaccination site and covered details about each type of vaccine, along with the types of syringes available, the right place to inject the dose and other information. Her group, which she said included nurses, dentists, pharmacists and upper-level nursing students, were trained and overseen by health department physicians.
The patients were all thrilled to get a dose.
“Everyone was very kind and nice,” even if they had to wait a bit in line, she said.
She liked the experience so much that she has volunteered at more clinics — and plans to start volunteering with fire departments as they begin community clinics in her city.
“It made me remember why I went into nursing in the first place,” said Croft-Walsh.
Remember, No Squeezing!
To ensure safety, training is important, Martin of the state health officers group said. It’s not that hard to give an intramuscular injection, but you need to place it in the right spot. For adults, that area is in the deltoid muscle, “not too far up the shoulder, not too far down,” she said, both to avoid injury and to make sure the vaccine goes into the muscle.
Training videos show vaccinators how to find the ideal location, first locating the bony point in the shoulder, then measuring two or three finger widths down and placing the needle in the middle of the arm.
Administering an intramuscular vaccine too high on the shoulder can cause a rare and painful injury. Such injuries were more common years ago when influenza vaccines were first rolling out, said Tan of the immunization coalition. Training on proper technique helped reduce cases since then, he said, and is also part of current efforts to train vaccinators.
It’s also important not to pinch patients’ arms when administering the vaccine, said Tan, responding to a question about a hashtag making the rounds on Twitter called #DoNotSqueezeMyArm.
For intramuscular injections to be most effective, the needle needs to penetrate the muscle, not fat.
“When you squeeze the arm, it pushes up the fat layers,” said Tan.
Those getting the vaccines, he said, can play a role, too.
“I encourage patients to ask questions,” said Tan. “If they’re concerned their arm is being squeezed, speak up. Not in a hostile manner, but say something like, ‘Hey, I read this thing about not squeezing arms. Can you explain why you’re squeezing mine?’”
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Calling All Vaccinators: Closing the Next Gap in Covid Supply and Demand published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Calling All Vaccinators: Closing the Next Gap in Covid Supply and Demand
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This story also ran on NBC News. It can be republished for free.
Beating back covid right now comes down to balancing supply and demand.
With hopes pinned to vaccines, demand has far outstripped the supply of doses.
But, as an increasing number of vaccine vials are shipped in coming weeks, the concern about shortages may well shift to human capital: the vaccinators themselves.
“We need to mobilize more medical units to get more shots in people’s arms,” Jeff Zients, coordinator of President Joe Biden’s covid-19 task force, said at a briefing earlier this month.
Already, there have been scattered reports that vaccinators are in short supply in some areas.
“Absolutely, we do need more,” said Tom Kraus, vice president of government relations for the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, whose members work in hospitals, clinics and large physician practices.
After all, vaccinating America is a huge undertaking.
“We are planning to vaccinate a lot more people over a shorter period of time than we’ve ever done before,” said L.J Tan, chief strategy officer of the Immunization Action Coalition, which distributes educational materials for health care professionals and the public across a range of vaccination topics.
Each year the U.S. vaccinates 140 million to 150 million residents against influenza, “but what we’re talking about now is much more intensive,” he said. For covid, the goal is to get vaccines out quickly to all those eligible in a country of 330 million people.
A state-by-state survey would be required to estimate how many total vaccinators are needed nationally, Tan said.
Still, experts are cautiously optimistic that this won’t be a hard problem to fix, pointing to efforts underway to recruit current and retired medical professionals, as well as medical students and nurses in training.
“As long as we continue to see this interest in volunteering, we should have a sufficient workforce to do it,” said Deb Trautman, president and CEO of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
Not just anyone can be a vaccinator. One can’t merely walk into a center and offer to help give shots. The training requirements vary by state.
To boost the effort, both the Trump and Biden administrations, using an emergency preparedness law first adopted in 2005, expanded liability protections.
With the recent expansions, those qualifying include pharmacy interns and recently retired doctors and nurses, as well as physicians, nurses and pharmacists. The government estimates there are about half a million inactive physicians and 350,000 inactive registered nurses and practical nurses in the United States.
States are also greenlighting dentists, paramedics and other first responders, said Kim Martin, director of immunization policy at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.
Some are also turning to nursing and medical schools, where faculty and students are often eager to participate. More than 300 schools nationally have signed a pledge offering to help administer the vaccine, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
The University of Houston College of Nursing, for example, altered its curriculum specifically to prepare students for administering covid vaccines — and teams of students and faculty have helped at community vaccination sites.
Others are joining the effort.
The Medical Reserve Corps, a national network of volunteer groups, has more than 200 units in about 40 states, Puerto Rico, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands assisting with various vaccination efforts, including administering the shots, according to a Health and Human Services spokesperson.
And the military is pitching in, too, with the Pentagon approving the use of more than 1,000 active-duty service members to help the Federal Emergency Management Agency with mass vaccinations sites, the first one set for California.
Although some of these groups give ballpark figures of volunteers, it’s hard to tally just how many have stepped forward in recent months to help vaccinate.
Becoming a Vaccinator
“It should not be left to just anyone that is willing, as there are clinical skills and preparedness that is required,” said Katie Boston-Leary, director of nursing programs at the American Nurses Association.
Even those skilled in giving shots may need a training booster in the war against covid.
When she volunteered, Boston-Leary said, she was required to complete four to six hours of online training across a wide range of topics, from the optimal way to administer intramuscular injections, to specific information about the two vaccines now on the market.
“Even a nurse like me has to go through that training,” said Boston-Leary.
To aid states in setting up training, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offered recommendations that all health care staff members receive training in covid vaccination “even if they are already administering routinely recommended vaccines.”
The CDC has different training modules, based on experience level. For instance, there’s a module for those who have given vaccinations in the previous year, but a different one for those who haven’t done so for more than a year. The time required to complete programs varies — people with the most recent experience require less total training time.
Tan said training laypeople with no medical background to give vaccines “is not the way to go.”
Instead, such volunteers can be used to help with logistics, such as directing people to the right areas, managing traffic, moving supplies around and similar duties.
Training programs exist even for people who aren’t vaccinators but assist with storing, handling or transporting the vaccines. That’s important because the two vaccines currently in use — one from Pfizer-BioNTech and one from Moderna — have different storage requirements.
They are shipped in multidose vials, which is not unusual for vaccines. The vaccinators themselves often draw up the syringes out of the vials, said Tan.
To avoid slowdowns as patients move through the lines, some vaccination centers have other trained staffers pre-fill individual syringes. Anyone doing this task should be “someone trained in administering vaccines as well,” said Tan.
At the clinic where Katie Croft-Walsh, 65, volunteered recently in San Antonio, her only job was to administer the vaccine. Other volunteers took care of registering patients, pre-filling the individual syringes and other logistical efforts.
She decided to volunteer after hearing that help was needed. The move came with a bonus: She would get the vaccine herself at the end of her first day participating, something she already qualified for based on her age but had been unable to secure.
A practicing lawyer, Croft-Walsh previously worked as a registered nurse and kept her license current by taking required courses each year since leaving her hospital job in 1998.
Training occurred on her first day at the mass vaccination site and covered details about each type of vaccine, along with the types of syringes available, the right place to inject the dose and other information. Her group, which she said included nurses, dentists, pharmacists and upper-level nursing students, were trained and overseen by health department physicians.
The patients were all thrilled to get a dose.
“Everyone was very kind and nice,” even if they had to wait a bit in line, she said.
She liked the experience so much that she has volunteered at more clinics — and plans to start volunteering with fire departments as they begin community clinics in her city.
“It made me remember why I went into nursing in the first place,” said Croft-Walsh.
Remember, No Squeezing!
To ensure safety, training is important, Martin of the state health officers group said. It’s not that hard to give an intramuscular injection, but you need to place it in the right spot. For adults, that area is in the deltoid muscle, “not too far up the shoulder, not too far down,” she said, both to avoid injury and to make sure the vaccine goes into the muscle.
Training videos show vaccinators how to find the ideal location, first locating the bony point in the shoulder, then measuring two or three finger widths down and placing the needle in the middle of the arm.
Administering an intramuscular vaccine too high on the shoulder can cause a rare and painful injury. Such injuries were more common years ago when influenza vaccines were first rolling out, said Tan of the immunization coalition. Training on proper technique helped reduce cases since then, he said, and is also part of current efforts to train vaccinators.
It’s also important not to pinch patients’ arms when administering the vaccine, said Tan, responding to a question about a hashtag making the rounds on Twitter called #DoNotSqueezeMyArm.
For intramuscular injections to be most effective, the needle needs to penetrate the muscle, not fat.
“When you squeeze the arm, it pushes up the fat layers,” said Tan.
Those getting the vaccines, he said, can play a role, too.
“I encourage patients to ask questions,” said Tan. “If they’re concerned their arm is being squeezed, speak up. Not in a hostile manner, but say something like, ‘Hey, I read this thing about not squeezing arms. Can you explain why you’re squeezing mine?’”
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Calling All Vaccinators: Closing the Next Gap in Covid Supply and Demand published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
When Your Trusted Professionals Retire
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/when-your-trusted-professionals-retire/
When Your Trusted Professionals Retire
By Jon Friedman, Next Avenue
A few months ago, I received the kind of jolt from my tax preparer that many of us will get sooner or later. He informed me that he’d decided to retire in the coming years.
There’s no easy answer when you have to make an assessment that could affect you for years to come.
While I was happy for him, I immediately recognized the agonizing implications for me: that our 29-year association would be coming to an end and I’d need to find someone to take his place. Someone I could trust, afford and enjoy doing business with. Oh yes, compatibility would be crucial, too. 
His bulletin threatened to upend my life, the same way similar news from a long-time doctor, dentist or lawyer might. Finding a new specialist can be a major challenge and a potential point of stress or anxiety.
How would I go about the search?, I asked myself.
Suddenly, I had to start thinking about a new tax preparer’s expertise and track record and I had to fret about how much I might be paying.
Don’t we all settle into our little comfort zones, based on years or even decades of a professional relationship which — if you’re lucky — morphs into a friendship? 
The Strong Bonds With Our Pros
As we age, there’s great solace in knowing that these pros will be there for us. They’ve come to know us, our histories and our idiosyncrasies (and we know theirs).
Based on the long association, we hope they”ll give us preferential treatment when necessary: appointments on a moment’s notice and call backs without delay to answer questions whether mundane or critical. And maybe, just maybe, they’ll even give us a friendly discount on their services based on our years together.
The fellow who has been doing my taxes annually and I go back a long way — all the way to 1992. He’d been working on my taxes since George H.W. Bush was President, Phil Simms was the quarterback of my beloved New York Giants and New York Yankees great Derek Jeter was still a high school phenom in Michigan.
And now I’d have to find someone just as trustworthy, wise and knowledgeable of both the tax code and my unique financial life. Could I succeed in finding someone every bit as reliable?
A Wrenching Decision
The truth is, there’s no easy answer when you have to look someone in the eye and make an assessment that could affect you for years to come, perhaps the rest of your life.
Even specialists like doctors, dental surgeons, accountants and lawyers acknowledge that this can be a wrenching decision.
If you’re lucky, the retirement of one of these pros is a planned event, so you have time to choose a replacement.
Referrals and Recommendations
Often, physicians and dentists reassign their patients to the care of a partner or someone local they know and respect.
“In my case, I discussed my departure with three other solo practicing pulmonologists and asked if they’d be willing to accept my patients,” said Dr. John Pellicone, a pulmonary specialist who launched his New York City practice more than three decades ago and retired in 2015. “I then contacted each of my patients and requested that they indicate to which physician their records should be sent.
Dr. Paul Bizzigotti, an orthopedic surgeon in Cadillac, Mich., said: “A personal recommendation carries the most weight, My patients know they can trust my reputation and that I have their best interests at heart.”
This type of effort makes the hand-off easy, but it makes no allowance for matching the patient’s personality with the new medical maven.
In addition, selecting a new physician of dentist means ensuring that he or she is in network for your insurance plan.
The Questions to Ask
And there are other questions you need to ask, as Pellicone pointed out: “Are the office hours of the new provider practical? Is the office conveniently located? Who provides coverage for the new provider when he or she takes time off? If the patient requires hospitalization, will the new provider come to the hospital for a bedside visit or is the practice solely office-based?”
It’s helpful to do your own research when your pro is nearing retirement. But a word-of-mouth reference from someone you trust can be key.
That could help you know whether their expert’s personality would be a good fit for you.
I’m lucky. I have had the same general physician since the 20th century. When he has looked me in the eye and told me, “You need to lose weight,” I took it as constructive criticism and not a personal rebuke, based on our long association. (Thanks, Doc: I lost 40 pounds two summers ago!)
But one day…well, I don’t want to think about it.
Let’s face it. We’re bound to feel skittish the first time we enter the office of a new specialist for us.
“You can get intimidated,” acknowledged Mark Diamond, an attorney in Brooklyn, N.Y. who recently had to find a dental surgeon to replace the one he’d been using for 30 years.
Fortunately for Diamond, he found a new dental surgeon referred by his retiring one and is pleased — he trusts the man’s expertise and the office is a short drive away.
I’m happy for him. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to start finding a nearby tax preparer. April’s just around the corner.
More from Retirement in Perfectirishgifts
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Magic Words
You        might think this strange, but every day, before I start work, I stand        up, look to the sky, throw my hands in the air, and shout out loud: "I        feel terrific!"
This is what        I call an 'affirmation' -- positive self-talk to charge up my emotions        and help me produce my very best work. An affirmation can be as simply        as "YES!"...as uplifting as "I'm very happy at this moment!"...or        as determined as "I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to succeed!"
Try it for        yourself right now. Choose a positive message you want to tell yourself.        Then stand up, put your head back, throw your arms up, and shout it out        loud. Makes you feel uncomfortable? Good! You've just discovered how powerful        words can be.
Unlimited        Success & Wealth are All In the Words You Use
What's          the single most important asset you and your business possess? Forget          money and numbers. The true currency of business is WORDS. Communicating          your ideas, your offer, the benefits of your product -- using words to          achieve your aims is the single most important activity any business ever          performs.
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Unlimited        success and wealth are as simple as using the right words. You can get        everything you've ever wanted in life, simply by saying the right words        -- because the words which you communicate determine the quality of your        life.
This is true        whether communicating with others or with yourself. Especially with yourself.
Words have        the power to induce someone to laugh, to cry, to be kind, to be loving,        to be cooperative, or to buy. Or be unkind, angry, irrational. Whether        words are written or spoken, they have enormous power. Of course, when        words are spoken, the added factors of voice timbre, emphasis, emotion...all        have the potential to cause even more impact.
Use        Words to Achieve a Win -Win Situation
Here          is what few businesspeople seem to realize: People all over the world          really want to help and accommodate their fellow humans. But they must          be approached properly. The magic words I'll reveal to you in a moment          can manipulate a situation to bring you what you want -- which isn't necessarily          a bad thing.
Magic        Words Can Bring You Riches
The          same words, strategies and techniques which I've used to get the best          results from everyday situations -- like renting a Mercedes for the price          of a Ford, slashing the cost of a first class hotel room, and buying valuable          antiques at huge discounts -- can work magic for your business, too.
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Here are        3 of the phrases which have helped me build a career marketing over $500,000,000        of both my own and my client's products and services.
Magic        Phrase #1
Attract        All the Money You Need for any business venture you'd like to start. The        magic words here are "sophisticated investor." Every successful        professional -- such as a doctor or lawyer -- likes to think of himself        or herself as sophisticated. And you can often attract these people to        invest in your business.
Run an ad        in your local paper, highlighting those two key words. Other magic phrases        to include are "Local business person with excellent track record        and reputable history"; "start-up business opportunity, limited        investment, high potential return," and "references available."
Magic        Phrase #2
Receive Free Expert Help for your business. Simply announce, "I have        a business problem and need expert assistance" either to a local        business group (such as the Chamber of Commerce which you have in practically        every town) -- or putting an advertisement in the business section of        your local newspaper. I've been absolutely delighted with the quality        of assistance provided to me on several occasions by retired executives.        Seek them out in your local area, and you could benefit from this great        source of experienced know-how, too.
Magic        Phrase #3
Get Capable People to Work for Free. Your magic words here are "piece        of the action." Instead of paying a fixed salary, run ads offering        people one of these options:
* Hourly        rate for services rendered        * Percentage of sales        * Percentage of profits        * Royalty on sales        * Percentage of savings        * Fixed payment for each unit produce
Anyone with        a strong entrepreneurial instinct will be attracted by such an approach.        It means there will be no limit on their income, they will be more independent,        they can set their own hours -- and the harder they work, the more they        earn. This is just the type of person you should employ.
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Assume        The Other Person Has Already Said "Yes"
Ask          questions which assume the end result you seek. For example, speaking          with your bank manager about setting up a merchant account, you might          ask these questions:
1. "How        long does it normally take for a credit card charge to be credited to        my account?"
2. "What        discount or percentage of credit card sales will the bank charge us for        your service?"
3. "How        long would it take to get the service in place?"
4. "What        equipment do we need to buy to make it easier for your bank to process        our orders?"
Can you see        how the end result -- having a merchant account so you can process the        credit card orders -- is assumed by the very words used in each question?
Magic        Words Deliver Power
And          this is especially true when you're speaking to yourself. As I said at          the beginning of this letter, I use affirmations every day -- standing          up, looking to the sky, throwing my hands in the air, and shouting out          a positive message I need to tell myself.
Yes, I feel        ridiculous when I do this too. But that discomfort is just the push I        need to change my emotional state. The magic words in my affirmations        give me the energy and determination I need to produce my very best work.        And I truly believe they'll help you achieve your goals too.
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Ted Nicholas,        widely recognized as one of the greatest direct marketing wizards of all        time, is best-known for having earned 24.5 million dollars on the sale        of a single book that was primarily sold through direct mail. He is called        the Five Hundred Million Dollar Man because he has marketed over $500        million worth of products in 49 different industries. Ted's newest book, Magic          Words That Bring You Riches reveals 17 magic words that can        make you a fortune.
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jo-the-schmo · 8 years
Breaking... Ch.3
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: So this chapted is short and kinda boring, sorry about that. I’m mostly using it as set up for the rest of plot. Also I will warn y’all now, time jumps will be a thing, not in this chapter but in the next one. I hope you guys enjoy even if its terrible <3 Tags: @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @literally-melonkitty @deltablue202 @renae-writes
I had to re-add the tags sorry guys ;-;
Word count: 2081
Warnings: Vomit, Shakespeare (very important sorry), curing is ineivtable for me.
Breaking Boundaries
As the three of you entered into the study you instantly felt the air change. Alexander and Philip were both being oddly quiet. They both walked past you, Alexander sat down at his desk and Philip stood beside him while you were standing in the center of the room. You shot them an inquisitive look, Alexander’s eyes seemed to be searching yours for an answer to some unspoken question. Philip seemed to be debating with himself about something.
“Is something wrong?” You finally asked after a moment of uncomfortable silence. Alexander sighed.
“Miss Y/N, your story is not something that anyone with honor should take lightly. I practiced law, I practically perfected it. As a lawyer I would suggest you stand trial against this ‘suitor’ so that he can be put through the proper punishment for his crimes.” His face was serious but not cold. Philip moved around the desk.
“Father’s right, you can stay with us as long as you’d like but it might be wise to find him.” Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Last time I had this talk with anyone I agreed. But… I can’t agree to this, in this time there is no guy to put away. I wish I had a name to give them, they really look like they want to help.
“I’m sorry but I can’t give you a name. If he finds out that I’ve been conspiring against him, it will not end well. I appreciate how much you want to help me; I really do, but this isn’t something that I can disclose just yet.” I won’t be here long anyways, or hopefully I guess. Philip stepped up to you, his eyes were filled with sorrow, he was sorry on your behalf.
“If you cannot tell us his name then at least give us your last name so that we may be on the lookout for anyone speaking of you.” He said with care. I don’t want to make this any more complicated than what it has to be, but they just want to help me so much… Okay, I’ve already told Rachel my real last name but if I give them a fake one right now I can give her a reason not to tell them. Generic name, what’s a generic name I can say? Philip stared down at you with a pleading expression against his artful features.
“Fine… Taylor, Y/N Taylor.” Was that even a common name during this era?
“Taylor? I do not know of any person who goes by that name…” Alexander was a genius; I have to be careful!
“My family is from England but I was born here, my father immigrated here and began his career in North Carolina, most of our wealth came from before my parents settled here.” Was that convincing? Please tell me it was. Alexander nodded along, he didn’t seem satisfied with how the conversation turned but he was understanding.
“Very well, but just remember this Miss Y/N, you are welcome here. As an orphan myself, I have a tender spot in my heart for those who have come from that background. If you ever change your mind and you wish to take my advice, do not hesitate to ask.” He gave you a warm smile but Philip still didn’t look pleased. He forced on a smile, clearing his throat before he spoke.
“Would you like to sit down?” Your eyes softened. Is he disappointed in me or something?
“Yes, I would actually.” You chuckled tiredly and Philip followed you to the couch you were previously sitting at, your book still lying on the cushions. Quickly picking it up, you eagerly flipped to the page you left off on.
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream? One of Shakespeare’s lesser appreciated works on page.” Philip said as he sat down beside you, Alexander perked his head up.
“Ah, an intriguing choice, I do not see many choosing to read that, most people favor Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or my own personal choice, Macbeth.” Alexander stated while simultaneously asking you as to why you chose that.
“I enjoy the complexity of it. Shakespeare has a bit of a habit to making simple stories seem complex. Romeo and Juliet for example, it’s a beautiful story but it isn’t difficult to summarize. Romeo and Juliet, not meant to fall in love, their fear to tell the truth causes the deaths of two of their closest compatriots and their own deaths. But this story takes those same ideas and truly makes them complex. The anguish and history between all the characters makes the ending more interesting…” You realized you were rambling. Damn you Shakespeare for instilling my need to dissect everything! Alexander nodded along in agreement. Philip simply stared at you in awe, a familiar smile dancing on his lips.
“You have quite the mind Miss Y/N! I must say, your character reminds me very much of Titania, very tactful and… forthright seems to be the right word.” Alexander chuckled to himself.
“Really? I’ve always seen myself more as Helena.” You retorted. Alexander looked oddly surprised by the statement.
“I would be inclined to agree with Father, if Titania were to not have fallen in love with Oberon and Theseus. Her feelings for them always confused me about her character.” Philip said with thought.
“Right? How did such a strong woman fall for such horrible people?” It was rare for you to find someone who understood your ideas on literature. Most people think I’m weird when I talk about how much I love Shakespeare…
“Everyone has their flaws I suppose, hers seemed to be a poor taste in men.” Philip shrugged.
“Well, then I suppose it’s good that I don’t have that flaw right?” He quickly caught on to your subtle jab about his flirting earlier. His eyes were wide as you started to laugh at your own joke.
“Miss Y/N, I’m sure I do not know what you mean by that statement. I am the model gentleman and I will not stand for such accusations!” Philip responded with playful offence.
“How dare you, sir! Are you trying to insinuate something?” You made out between bursts of laughter. Alexander chuckled lightly at the two you, happy tears rolling down both of your cheeks. He looked outside and quickly stood up, getting yours and Philip’s attention.
“It’s getting late; Philip don’t you have work to do?” Alexander asked while putting his glasses down onto the table. Philip sighed and stood up.
“It isn’t that late Father, besides Y/N’s room may not be finished yet.” Philip gave an exaggerated hand motion towards you.
“No, no it’s fine! I don’t want to distract you from schoolwork or anything!” You hopped up off the couch and put the book back on the shelf where you found it. Philip followed you over to the door.
“Thanks for letting me use your study Alex.” You called out before leaving the room. Alex was too surprised by the name to call back out.  Philip followed you out until you both made your way back to the main hall.
“I wish we could converse longer but Father is right, I must retire to my chambers for work. I…enjoyed your company today, that means I look forward to tomorrow as well.” Philip said with a sly smile.
“If you can handle my strong opinions on literature, music and society in general then I look forward to tomorrow as well.”  You responded with a chuckle. You both said goodnight to each other, soon after Rachel found you and told you that your room was ready.
           That night you were given a room in the serving quarters, next to Rachel’s room. She gave you a night dress and laid in the shockingly soft bed, your thoughts swirling. Maybe this is all a bad dream. Maybe not a bad dream per say but a dream nonetheless. If I fall asleep, I’ll wake up in my own bed in my own apartment and in my own modern time period. Just close your eyes Y/N. You didn’t realize that you were tired until that thought faded away and left you in the darkness of your subconscious. You saw something in the darkness, a small light, a blue light. Light is usually linked to the idea of heat and safety but for some reason this one didn’t. It was cold and foreboding, you didn’t like it. The light came closer and as it began to engulf your body, you heard a sound, something wooden slamming against something else and then your own voice.
“Excuse me!”
           When you opened your eyes again you were still in the bed, still wearing the slightly scratchy gown, breaking out in a cold sweat. What the hell was that? That was…suffocating. Whatever… Everything happening right now is weird, just something new to add to the list I guess. You stretched out, got up and attempted to put back on the clothes that were given to you. Attempted being the operative word, you had to ask Rachel for help with tying the back. After that the both of you made your way down the halls.
“The first thing we will do today is check on Mrs. Hamilton, that’s the first thing we do every day actually.” She spoke with glee.
“Nice, so what exactly are-“ You were interrupted by a sound that made you feel squeamish. Coming from a room a few feet ahead of us. Rachel immediately ran for the door, you followed close behind. Busting into the room you both soon saw a disheveled Eliza, hunched over on the floor by her bed. Her face was half inside a wooden bucket, making noises that was a mixture of gurgling and gagging. Rachel made her way to her, pulled her hair back and patted her shoulder comfortingly. Eliza continued to vomit into the bucket for some time before she was finally given a chance to steady herself. You sat down beside her and looked her worriedly.
“Are you alright Eliza? Are you sick? Do you need a doctor? Rachel, should we go find a doctor?” You started to rattle off questions as the possibilities grew. Eliza shook her head, her eyes glassy as Rachel wiped the sweat off her brow.
“No, no Dear, I am perfectly fine. I am merely expecting!” She said weakly. Wait, expecting? Oh my god…
“You’re pregnant? That’s why your dress was… Eliza you are incredible!” You smiled at her happily, she looked confused for a moment.
“Incredible? I would not say that, although I am excited for this child.” She responded. This woman is the best person to ever exist. Not only is she the closest thing the United States ever had to royalty but she also deserved that shit! On top of everything she manages to have children and still be the best? Role Model of the year!
“Y/N, could you give me a hand with Mrs. Hamilton? I understand if you do not wish to clean out the bucket but if you could help her dress I would be very appreciative.” Rachel said as she helped Eliza to sit on her bed.
“I can clean the bucket, I don’t mind.”
“Truly? Thank you very much.” She picked up the bucket by the sides and handed it to you. “Take this outside to the garden, you will find a watering pump to clean it out.” She instructed you. You nodded and made your way down the hallways and out the back door in the kitchen. The garden was very beautiful, most of the plants seemed to be placed at random and yet it was still visually pleasing. No wonder Eliza likes it out here. You found the pump and quickly cleaned the bucket. Poor Eliza, pregnancy is rough. Once the bucket seemed clean you made your way back inside, intending on going back to Rachel and Eliza. Instead you stopped when you heard the sound of hooves and carriage wheels. Stepping inside the main room, the front door burst open and you were greeted with the site of an oddly distressed Alex. He mumbled something under his breath but stayed almost completely still, looking like the apocalypse had just begun.
“Alex? Are you alright? Did something happen?” You asked with concern. He looked over at you as you walked over to him, his voice was low and exasperated.
“John Adams just withdrew my seat in office.” He said with panic.
John Fat Motherfucking Adams!
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michaeljames1221 · 5 years
Is A Spouse Responsible For Medical Bills After Death?
It’s normal to freeze when a friend or family member has passed on and you start to understand that his doctor’s visit expenses and charge card bills have truly heaped up. Is it true that you are in charge of paying them? As a rule, the appropriate response is no. Special cases can exist, for example, in case you’re the enduring life partner and you live in a network property state, or on the off chance that you cosigned on a specific obligation, yet generally, beneficiaries don’t “acquire” obligation. Duty regarding taking care of off the expired’s tabs and in what sums relies upon state law and whether the decedent’s home is dissolvable.
The agent or individual delegate designated to deal with the home will take care of the decedent’s tabs as a component of the probate procedure. A domain is said to be dissolvable if the decedent left adequate resources and money to satisfy his obligations after his demise. The all out surpasses the sum he owed when the benefit of all that he claimed is included, incorporating cash in his financial balances.
The agent will utilize his money and exchange resources, if important, to cover off all tabs and loan collectors.
The condition incorporates resources the decedent possessed in his sole name and that include his probate domain. Resources that don’t need to go through probate to move to living recipients are excluded, for example, retirement accounts with named recipients or land that passes straightforwardly to a co-proprietor by activity of law. The agent has no power over these.
A decedent’s domain is viewed as dissolvable if the estimation of all the decedent’s benefits means $500,000 and his obligations, including home loans and vehicle advances, equivalent $350,000. The individual agent can take care of his tabs in full, in spite of the fact that she may need to offer the vehicle and the land to cover those credits.
What’s left—for this situation, $150,000—goes to the recipients named in the decedent’s will, or to beneficiaries at-law on the off chance that he didn’t leave a will. Beneficiaries at-law are people so firmly identified with him that they acquire by state law without a bequest plan.
Will IHC sue me for my dead spouse’s doctor’s visit expenses?
No they won’t (starting at July 1, 2019). That being stated, most medicinal lenders and emergency clinics, including IHC, will even now sue you for expired life partner’s doctor’s visit expenses here in Utah.
This past February, Jodie Elliott’s better half, Larry, passed away out of the blue. As she started dealing with any outstanding issues, a bill landed from College of Utah Medicinal services saying Larry owes $390.85 for an outing to a dermatologist.
Elliott says she called College of Utah Human services and educated them that her significant other was expired.
“They stated, ‘Goodness, well these hospital expenses will presently turn into yours and we’re going to change the bills and put them in your name,’” she said. “I stated, ‘I don’t comprehend for what reason I’m paying these in light of the fact that they’re not mine. I never marked for them.’” Sure enough, two or after three weeks a similar bill showed up requesting Elliott is in charge of the obligation. Elliott dissented, however it didn’t do any great.
“University of Utah Healthcare stated, ‘Well, it’s an Utah state law; at whatever point a husband or a life partner bites the dust, the rest of the life partner is in charge of all the doctor’s visit expenses.”
At the point when Get Gephardt contacted College of Utah Human services for Elliott’s benefit, a representative indicated state law, which says that on the off chance that something is a family cost, at that point it’s the obligation of both a couple.
At the point when Get Gephardt asked how a man setting off to a dermatologist is a family cost, College of Utah Human services alluded further remark to its lobbyist, Dave Cassel, the official VP of the Utah Emergency clinic Affiliation.
“In the event that it spares him from getting malignancy not far off, I would contend it [is a family benefit],” Cassel said.
Cassel says College of Utah Human services is working inside the law. “I think, similar to any business, they reserve the privilege to observe this law,” he said.
College of Utah Human services may have the right, yet their rivals don’t practice that right.
Get Gephardt called the other significant emergency clinic bunches in Utah, Mountain Star and Intermountain Medicinal services. The two organizations expressed that they totally don’t hit an enduring life partner with their late adored one’s bill. They’ll pursue the domain and, if it’s tapped, they discount the bill.
At the point when Get Sephardi told College of Utah Social insurance it is by all accounts the main association utilizing the awkward charging arrangement, it had a difference in heart.
“We are changing that arrangement,” said Kathy Shops, the managerial chief of income cycle bolster administration for College Emergency clinic. “We are changing our strategy to never again charge patients’ enduring life partners for obligation that is owing. Rather, we will charge the bequest or the probate.”
Concerning other enduring spouses who have been hit with their late friends and family’s bills, College of Utah Social insurance says it is examining its framework to discover who is affected, and plans to discount those obligations, as well.
Who is in charge of doctor’s visit expenses when a parent dies in Utah?
Are the offspring of a parent who has passed on in charge of their doctor’s visit expenses? There isn’t a will, one self-destructing home and property that the house is siting on that has not been isolated.
The short answer is that your parent’s domain is mindful to take care of the medicinal tabs. Neither you nor some other individual is dependable to pay your perished parent’s hospital expenses from your own benefits except if you settled on a concurrence with the therapeutic supplier that you would be actually in charge of your parent’s doctor’s visit expenses. This implies the advantages of your parent’s domain must be utilized to pay loan collectors, for example, hospital expenses and charge cards, before any recipients or beneficiaries get any property from the home, regardless of whether your parent left a will assigning you to get their property. Lenders are not qualified for be paid anything past the estimation of the property in the home. Relatives should be cautious when managing lenders after a friend or family member kicks the bucket. In Nevada, banks for the most part ought not be paid until after a statutory notice period wherein the loan collector must record a case with the court. On the off chance that the bank neglects to record a case inside the statutory period, the lender isn’t qualified for installment. Be that as it may, in littler bequests in Nevada (worth under $100,000), the statutory bank time frame may not make a difference. Prior to paying any loan collector, the relatives would be enormously profited by talking with an accomplished probate lawyer who will have the option to clarify the way toward accommodating leasers after a friend or family member bites the dust.
The obligations of the parent are claims against the parent’s domain just except if they are deliberately expected by a youngster. That implies that if the advantages are not worth as much as the cases, there might be nothing left for the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries can perceive what those cases might distribute a notice to record claims against the bequest. On the off chance that the leasers neglect to do as such inside four months of the distribution, the unfiled banks’ cases will be banished. You will probably require some assistance on this and you will need to counsel with a lawyer acquainted with the probate procedure. Subtleties and setting regularly influence the legitimacy and helpfulness of an answer that depends on a general explanation of the law. You should counsel legitimately with a lawyer and give extra data so as to get the best answer. You may reach me to give additional data and to catch up on the question(s) and my answer(s). Around then a lawyer customer relationship should be officially settled.
The parent’s domain is mindful. In the event that there is no will, at that point the property passes by intestate progression (Part 852 of the Wisconsin Rules). Everything goes to life partner. On the off chance that no life partner, to kids. On the off chance that there is a home in the parent’s name just, and its worth is over $50,000, a bequest must be opened in the area of the last living arrangement of the perished.
Medical Bills after death from disease is unnerving yet a reality. You would prefer not to consider taking care of restorative tabs after a friend or family member’s passing, yet there are approaches to deal with this procedure without intruding on your pain.
As a parental figure to somebody who has malignant growth, you’re without a doubt concentrated on adapting to every one of the subtleties of restorative treatment and afterward proceeding onward to the following part of your coexistence. You would prefer not to consider a future where your cherished one doesn’t endure. In any case, if the most exceedingly terrible happens, your family should know some essential money related realities about restorative obligation after death.
You will need time and backing to lament even as the associations that gave consideration will proceed with their ordinary exercises. This will in all probability incorporate sending bills for your adored one’s finish of-life therapeutic consideration. Here are a few points to consider.
Who Is Liable for Medical Debt After Death?
As a rule, the bequest of the expired individual is in charge of paying those obligations, not the beneficiaries.
The home comprises of the perished individual’s property, and the domain’s agent is in charge of satisfying obligations out of the home. The agent will utilize any accessible money to pay banks. On the off chance that the home needs more money, the agent will offer the bequest’s property to utilize the returns to take care of those tabs.
There are a few exemptions. For instance, any individual who cosigned the expired individual’s records could be in charge of paying those joint obligations. Another special case would be for inhabitants of the network property states:
Arizona California Idaho Louisiana Nevada New Mexico Texas Washington and Wisconsin
In these states, spouses are in charge of paying each other’s obligations on the off chance that one kicks the bucket first.
You ought to hope to keep on accepting doctor’s visit expenses and proclamations and protection related desk work if your relative had medical coverage. Know your privileges, nonetheless: banks can request to be paid yet that doesn’t mean you should pay obligations quickly or out of your own pocket.
As you picked up during your providing care time, overseeing real medicinal costs are constantly muddled. Presently you have the additional test of lamenting, as well. Debt.org, a main charitable, encourages you to check bills and explanations for exactness and keep nitty gritty records of all charging related correspondence. Devote some time in your calendar to deal with the desk work, and assign one spot in your home office or room to keep everything. Attempt to have it separate from your very own administrative work.
Handle the bills slowly, doing a little every day so you can stop before inclination depleted or overpowered. On the off chance that at all conceivable, speak with leasers before they start any obligation gathering exercises. Most will work with you, particularly once they become familiar with the conditions.
Who Can Sue You?
State laws by and large figure out who is in charge of paying an expired individual’s obligations. The laws are perplexing and different special cases can apply. You ought to counsel with a domain legal counselor experienced in the laws of your adored one’s condition of living arrangement at the earliest opportunity. Furthermore, significant therapeutic focuses normally have experts on staff accessible to help explore through troublesome budgetary conditions.
Life partner Duty regarding Doctor’s visit expenses in Utah Numerous couples frequently wonder on the off chance that they share duty regarding each other’s obligations. In many states the general principle is that all benefits gotten during a marriage are joint property yet obligation regarding the obligations of one companion doesn’t go to the next life partner except if the obligation was for the sake of the two gatherings.
Debts in Utah
In Utah, as a life partner, with certain special cases, as stipulated in the Utah State Code, Title 30, you can’t be held at risk for obligations brought about in your companion’s name except if the record is additionally in your name. On account of doctor’s visit expenses, except if you marked a structure, already, announcing that you will acknowledge duty for the situation the bill isn’t paid, you can’t be compelled to accept the obligation.
Utah Exclusions
Utah law has a few exclusions and special cases set up that cloud the issue of duty regarding therapeutic obligation or obligation when all is said in done. One such exclusion would become an integral factor in the event that one life partner acquires a doctor’s visit expense and, at that point the pair divorces. On the off chance that a judge had decided during the separation that the two gatherings were at risk for any obligations brought about during the marriage, there is potential for a bank to make a case against the life partner.
Many wedded couple build up trusts to deal with the issues of their bequest in case of either of their demises. Since the trust is viewed as a different element, any cases against the perished need to made against the rest of the bequest. Utah law enables a loan boss 120 days to document a case against the bequest once the court case is opened.
Should you as a spouse get a case or grievance for a suit with respect to a doctor’s visit expense or obligation, it is critical to counsel a lawyer. A lawyer can set up a legitimate reaction to maintain a strategic distance from a default judgment being held up.
Probate and Estate Administration Lawyer Free Consultation
When a loved one has passed away and you need legal help, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/is-a-spouse-responsible-for-medical-bills-after-death/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah https://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.wordpress.com/2020/01/07/is-a-spouse-responsible-for-medical-bills-after-death/
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aretia · 5 years
Is A Spouse Responsible For Medical Bills After Death?
It’s normal to freeze when a friend or family member has passed on and you start to understand that his doctor’s visit expenses and charge card bills have truly heaped up. Is it true that you are in charge of paying them? As a rule, the appropriate response is no. Special cases can exist, for example, in case you’re the enduring life partner and you live in a network property state, or on the off chance that you cosigned on a specific obligation, yet generally, beneficiaries don’t “acquire” obligation. Duty regarding taking care of off the expired’s tabs and in what sums relies upon state law and whether the decedent’s home is dissolvable.
The agent or individual delegate designated to deal with the home will take care of the decedent’s tabs as a component of the probate procedure. A domain is said to be dissolvable if the decedent left adequate resources and money to satisfy his obligations after his demise. The all out surpasses the sum he owed when the benefit of all that he claimed is included, incorporating cash in his financial balances.
The agent will utilize his money and exchange resources, if important, to cover off all tabs and loan collectors.
The condition incorporates resources the decedent possessed in his sole name and that include his probate domain. Resources that don’t need to go through probate to move to living recipients are excluded, for example, retirement accounts with named recipients or land that passes straightforwardly to a co-proprietor by activity of law. The agent has no power over these.
A decedent’s domain is viewed as dissolvable if the estimation of all the decedent’s benefits means $500,000 and his obligations, including home loans and vehicle advances, equivalent $350,000. The individual agent can take care of his tabs in full, in spite of the fact that she may need to offer the vehicle and the land to cover those credits.
What’s left—for this situation, $150,000—goes to the recipients named in the decedent’s will, or to beneficiaries at-law on the off chance that he didn’t leave a will. Beneficiaries at-law are people so firmly identified with him that they acquire by state law without a bequest plan.
Will IHC sue me for my dead spouse’s doctor’s visit expenses?
No they won’t (starting at July 1, 2019). That being stated, most medicinal lenders and emergency clinics, including IHC, will even now sue you for expired life partner’s doctor’s visit expenses here in Utah.
This past February, Jodie Elliott’s better half, Larry, passed away out of the blue. As she started dealing with any outstanding issues, a bill landed from College of Utah Medicinal services saying Larry owes $390.85 for an outing to a dermatologist.
Elliott says she called College of Utah Human services and educated them that her significant other was expired.
“They stated, ‘Goodness, well these hospital expenses will presently turn into yours and we’re going to change the bills and put them in your name,’” she said. “I stated, ‘I don’t comprehend for what reason I’m paying these in light of the fact that they’re not mine. I never marked for them.’” Sure enough, two or after three weeks a similar bill showed up requesting Elliott is in charge of the obligation. Elliott dissented, however it didn’t do any great.
“University of Utah Healthcare stated, ‘Well, it’s an Utah state law; at whatever point a husband or a life partner bites the dust, the rest of the life partner is in charge of all the doctor’s visit expenses.”
At the point when Get Gephardt contacted College of Utah Human services for Elliott’s benefit, a representative indicated state law, which says that on the off chance that something is a family cost, at that point it’s the obligation of both a couple.
At the point when Get Gephardt asked how a man setting off to a dermatologist is a family cost, College of Utah Human services alluded further remark to its lobbyist, Dave Cassel, the official VP of the Utah Emergency clinic Affiliation.
“In the event that it spares him from getting malignancy not far off, I would contend it [is a family benefit],” Cassel said.
Cassel says College of Utah Human services is working inside the law. “I think, similar to any business, they reserve the privilege to observe this law,” he said.
College of Utah Human services may have the right, yet their rivals don’t practice that right.
Get Gephardt called the other significant emergency clinic bunches in Utah, Mountain Star and Intermountain Medicinal services. The two organizations expressed that they totally don’t hit an enduring life partner with their late adored one’s bill. They’ll pursue the domain and, if it’s tapped, they discount the bill.
At the point when Get Sephardi told College of Utah Social insurance it is by all accounts the main association utilizing the awkward charging arrangement, it had a difference in heart.
“We are changing that arrangement,” said Kathy Shops, the managerial chief of income cycle bolster administration for College Emergency clinic. “We are changing our strategy to never again charge patients’ enduring life partners for obligation that is owing. Rather, we will charge the bequest or the probate.”
Concerning other enduring spouses who have been hit with their late friends and family’s bills, College of Utah Social insurance says it is examining its framework to discover who is affected, and plans to discount those obligations, as well.
Who is in charge of doctor’s visit expenses when a parent dies in Utah?
Are the offspring of a parent who has passed on in charge of their doctor’s visit expenses? There isn’t a will, one self-destructing home and property that the house is siting on that has not been isolated.
The short answer is that your parent’s domain is mindful to take care of the medicinal tabs. Neither you nor some other individual is dependable to pay your perished parent’s hospital expenses from your own benefits except if you settled on a concurrence with the therapeutic supplier that you would be actually in charge of your parent’s doctor’s visit expenses. This implies the advantages of your parent’s domain must be utilized to pay loan collectors, for example, hospital expenses and charge cards, before any recipients or beneficiaries get any property from the home, regardless of whether your parent left a will assigning you to get their property. Lenders are not qualified for be paid anything past the estimation of the property in the home. Relatives should be cautious when managing lenders after a friend or family member kicks the bucket. In Nevada, banks for the most part ought not be paid until after a statutory notice period wherein the loan collector must record a case with the court. On the off chance that the bank neglects to record a case inside the statutory period, the lender isn’t qualified for installment. Be that as it may, in littler bequests in Nevada (worth under $100,000), the statutory bank time frame may not make a difference. Prior to paying any loan collector, the relatives would be enormously profited by talking with an accomplished probate lawyer who will have the option to clarify the way toward accommodating leasers after a friend or family member bites the dust.
The obligations of the parent are claims against the parent’s domain just except if they are deliberately expected by a youngster. That implies that if the advantages are not worth as much as the cases, there might be nothing left for the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries can perceive what those cases might distribute a notice to record claims against the bequest. On the off chance that the leasers neglect to do as such inside four months of the distribution, the unfiled banks’ cases will be banished. You will probably require some assistance on this and you will need to counsel with a lawyer acquainted with the probate procedure. Subtleties and setting regularly influence the legitimacy and helpfulness of an answer that depends on a general explanation of the law. You should counsel legitimately with a lawyer and give extra data so as to get the best answer. You may reach me to give additional data and to catch up on the question(s) and my answer(s). Around then a lawyer customer relationship should be officially settled.
The parent’s domain is mindful. In the event that there is no will, at that point the property passes by intestate progression (Part 852 of the Wisconsin Rules). Everything goes to life partner. On the off chance that no life partner, to kids. On the off chance that there is a home in the parent’s name just, and its worth is over $50,000, a bequest must be opened in the area of the last living arrangement of the perished.
Medical Bills after death from disease is unnerving yet a reality. You would prefer not to consider taking care of restorative tabs after a friend or family member’s passing, yet there are approaches to deal with this procedure without intruding on your pain.
As a parental figure to somebody who has malignant growth, you’re without a doubt concentrated on adapting to every one of the subtleties of restorative treatment and afterward proceeding onward to the following part of your coexistence. You would prefer not to consider a future where your cherished one doesn’t endure. In any case, if the most exceedingly terrible happens, your family should know some essential money related realities about restorative obligation after death.
You will need time and backing to lament even as the associations that gave consideration will proceed with their ordinary exercises. This will in all probability incorporate sending bills for your adored one’s finish of-life therapeutic consideration. Here are a few points to consider.
Who Is Liable for Medical Debt After Death?
As a rule, the bequest of the expired individual is in charge of paying those obligations, not the beneficiaries.
The home comprises of the perished individual’s property, and the domain’s agent is in charge of satisfying obligations out of the home. The agent will utilize any accessible money to pay banks. On the off chance that the home needs more money, the agent will offer the bequest’s property to utilize the returns to take care of those tabs.
There are a few exemptions. For instance, any individual who cosigned the expired individual’s records could be in charge of paying those joint obligations. Another special case would be for inhabitants of the network property states:
Arizona California Idaho Louisiana Nevada New Mexico Texas Washington and Wisconsin
In these states, spouses are in charge of paying each other’s obligations on the off chance that one kicks the bucket first.
You ought to hope to keep on accepting doctor’s visit expenses and proclamations and protection related desk work if your relative had medical coverage. Know your privileges, nonetheless: banks can request to be paid yet that doesn’t mean you should pay obligations quickly or out of your own pocket.
As you picked up during your providing care time, overseeing real medicinal costs are constantly muddled. Presently you have the additional test of lamenting, as well. Debt.org, a main charitable, encourages you to check bills and explanations for exactness and keep nitty gritty records of all charging related correspondence. Devote some time in your calendar to deal with the desk work, and assign one spot in your home office or room to keep everything. Attempt to have it separate from your very own administrative work.
Handle the bills slowly, doing a little every day so you can stop before inclination depleted or overpowered. On the off chance that at all conceivable, speak with leasers before they start any obligation gathering exercises. Most will work with you, particularly once they become familiar with the conditions.
Who Can Sue You?
State laws by and large figure out who is in charge of paying an expired individual’s obligations. The laws are perplexing and different special cases can apply. You ought to counsel with a domain legal counselor experienced in the laws of your adored one’s condition of living arrangement at the earliest opportunity. Furthermore, significant therapeutic focuses normally have experts on staff accessible to help explore through troublesome budgetary conditions.
Life partner Duty regarding Doctor’s visit expenses in Utah Numerous couples frequently wonder on the off chance that they share duty regarding each other’s obligations. In many states the general principle is that all benefits gotten during a marriage are joint property yet obligation regarding the obligations of one companion doesn’t go to the next life partner except if the obligation was for the sake of the two gatherings.
Debts in Utah
In Utah, as a life partner, with certain special cases, as stipulated in the Utah State Code, Title 30, you can’t be held at risk for obligations brought about in your companion’s name except if the record is additionally in your name. On account of doctor’s visit expenses, except if you marked a structure, already, announcing that you will acknowledge duty for the situation the bill isn’t paid, you can’t be compelled to accept the obligation.
Utah Exclusions
Utah law has a few exclusions and special cases set up that cloud the issue of duty regarding therapeutic obligation or obligation when all is said in done. One such exclusion would become an integral factor in the event that one life partner acquires a doctor’s visit expense and, at that point the pair divorces. On the off chance that a judge had decided during the separation that the two gatherings were at risk for any obligations brought about during the marriage, there is potential for a bank to make a case against the life partner.
Many wedded couple build up trusts to deal with the issues of their bequest in case of either of their demises. Since the trust is viewed as a different element, any cases against the perished need to made against the rest of the bequest. Utah law enables a loan boss 120 days to document a case against the bequest once the court case is opened.
Should you as a spouse get a case or grievance for a suit with respect to a doctor’s visit expense or obligation, it is critical to counsel a lawyer. A lawyer can set up a legitimate reaction to maintain a strategic distance from a default judgment being held up.
Probate and Estate Administration Lawyer Free Consultation
When a loved one has passed away and you need legal help, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/is-a-spouse-responsible-for-medical-bills-after-death/
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mayarosa47 · 5 years
Is A Spouse Responsible For Medical Bills After Death?
It’s normal to freeze when a friend or family member has passed on and you start to understand that his doctor’s visit expenses and charge card bills have truly heaped up. Is it true that you are in charge of paying them? As a rule, the appropriate response is no. Special cases can exist, for example, in case you’re the enduring life partner and you live in a network property state, or on the off chance that you cosigned on a specific obligation, yet generally, beneficiaries don’t “acquire” obligation. Duty regarding taking care of off the expired’s tabs and in what sums relies upon state law and whether the decedent’s home is dissolvable.
The agent or individual delegate designated to deal with the home will take care of the decedent’s tabs as a component of the probate procedure. A domain is said to be dissolvable if the decedent left adequate resources and money to satisfy his obligations after his demise. The all out surpasses the sum he owed when the benefit of all that he claimed is included, incorporating cash in his financial balances.
The agent will utilize his money and exchange resources, if important, to cover off all tabs and loan collectors.
The condition incorporates resources the decedent possessed in his sole name and that include his probate domain. Resources that don’t need to go through probate to move to living recipients are excluded, for example, retirement accounts with named recipients or land that passes straightforwardly to a co-proprietor by activity of law. The agent has no power over these.
A decedent’s domain is viewed as dissolvable if the estimation of all the decedent’s benefits means $500,000 and his obligations, including home loans and vehicle advances, equivalent $350,000. The individual agent can take care of his tabs in full, in spite of the fact that she may need to offer the vehicle and the land to cover those credits.
What’s left—for this situation, $150,000—goes to the recipients named in the decedent’s will, or to beneficiaries at-law on the off chance that he didn’t leave a will. Beneficiaries at-law are people so firmly identified with him that they acquire by state law without a bequest plan.
Will IHC sue me for my dead spouse’s doctor’s visit expenses?
No they won’t (starting at July 1, 2019). That being stated, most medicinal lenders and emergency clinics, including IHC, will even now sue you for expired life partner’s doctor’s visit expenses here in Utah.
This past February, Jodie Elliott’s better half, Larry, passed away out of the blue. As she started dealing with any outstanding issues, a bill landed from College of Utah Medicinal services saying Larry owes $390.85 for an outing to a dermatologist.
Elliott says she called College of Utah Human services and educated them that her significant other was expired.
“They stated, ‘Goodness, well these hospital expenses will presently turn into yours and we’re going to change the bills and put them in your name,'” she said. “I stated, ‘I don’t comprehend for what reason I’m paying these in light of the fact that they’re not mine. I never marked for them.'” Sure enough, two or after three weeks a similar bill showed up requesting Elliott is in charge of the obligation. Elliott dissented, however it didn’t do any great.
“University of Utah Healthcare stated, ‘Well, it’s an Utah state law; at whatever point a husband or a life partner bites the dust, the rest of the life partner is in charge of all the doctor’s visit expenses.”
At the point when Get Gephardt contacted College of Utah Human services for Elliott’s benefit, a representative indicated state law, which says that on the off chance that something is a family cost, at that point it’s the obligation of both a couple.
At the point when Get Gephardt asked how a man setting off to a dermatologist is a family cost, College of Utah Human services alluded further remark to its lobbyist, Dave Cassel, the official VP of the Utah Emergency clinic Affiliation.
“In the event that it spares him from getting malignancy not far off, I would contend it [is a family benefit],” Cassel said.
Cassel says College of Utah Human services is working inside the law. “I think, similar to any business, they reserve the privilege to observe this law,” he said.
College of Utah Human services may have the right, yet their rivals don’t practice that right.
Get Gephardt called the other significant emergency clinic bunches in Utah, Mountain Star and Intermountain Medicinal services. The two organizations expressed that they totally don’t hit an enduring life partner with their late adored one’s bill. They’ll pursue the domain and, if it’s tapped, they discount the bill.
At the point when Get Sephardi told College of Utah Social insurance it is by all accounts the main association utilizing the awkward charging arrangement, it had a difference in heart.
“We are changing that arrangement,” said Kathy Shops, the managerial chief of income cycle bolster administration for College Emergency clinic. “We are changing our strategy to never again charge patients’ enduring life partners for obligation that is owing. Rather, we will charge the bequest or the probate.”
Concerning other enduring spouses who have been hit with their late friends and family’s bills, College of Utah Social insurance says it is examining its framework to discover who is affected, and plans to discount those obligations, as well.
Who is in charge of doctor’s visit expenses when a parent dies in Utah?
Are the offspring of a parent who has passed on in charge of their doctor’s visit expenses? There isn’t a will, one self-destructing home and property that the house is siting on that has not been isolated.
The short answer is that your parent’s domain is mindful to take care of the medicinal tabs. Neither you nor some other individual is dependable to pay your perished parent’s hospital expenses from your own benefits except if you settled on a concurrence with the therapeutic supplier that you would be actually in charge of your parent’s doctor’s visit expenses. This implies the advantages of your parent’s domain must be utilized to pay loan collectors, for example, hospital expenses and charge cards, before any recipients or beneficiaries get any property from the home, regardless of whether your parent left a will assigning you to get their property. Lenders are not qualified for be paid anything past the estimation of the property in the home. Relatives should be cautious when managing lenders after a friend or family member kicks the bucket. In Nevada, banks for the most part ought not be paid until after a statutory notice period wherein the loan collector must record a case with the court. On the off chance that the bank neglects to record a case inside the statutory period, the lender isn’t qualified for installment. Be that as it may, in littler bequests in Nevada (worth under $100,000), the statutory bank time frame may not make a difference. Prior to paying any loan collector, the relatives would be enormously profited by talking with an accomplished probate lawyer who will have the option to clarify the way toward accommodating leasers after a friend or family member bites the dust.
The obligations of the parent are claims against the parent’s domain just except if they are deliberately expected by a youngster. That implies that if the advantages are not worth as much as the cases, there might be nothing left for the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries can perceive what those cases might distribute a notice to record claims against the bequest. On the off chance that the leasers neglect to do as such inside four months of the distribution, the unfiled banks’ cases will be banished. You will probably require some assistance on this and you will need to counsel with a lawyer acquainted with the probate procedure. Subtleties and setting regularly influence the legitimacy and helpfulness of an answer that depends on a general explanation of the law. You should counsel legitimately with a lawyer and give extra data so as to get the best answer. You may reach me to give additional data and to catch up on the question(s) and my answer(s). Around then a lawyer customer relationship should be officially settled.
The parent’s domain is mindful. In the event that there is no will, at that point the property passes by intestate progression (Part 852 of the Wisconsin Rules). Everything goes to life partner. On the off chance that no life partner, to kids. On the off chance that there is a home in the parent’s name just, and its worth is over $50,000, a bequest must be opened in the area of the last living arrangement of the perished.
Medical Bills after death from disease is unnerving yet a reality. You would prefer not to consider taking care of restorative tabs after a friend or family member’s passing, yet there are approaches to deal with this procedure without intruding on your pain.
As a parental figure to somebody who has malignant growth, you’re without a doubt concentrated on adapting to every one of the subtleties of restorative treatment and afterward proceeding onward to the following part of your coexistence. You would prefer not to consider a future where your cherished one doesn’t endure. In any case, if the most exceedingly terrible happens, your family should know some essential money related realities about restorative obligation after death.
You will need time and backing to lament even as the associations that gave consideration will proceed with their ordinary exercises. This will in all probability incorporate sending bills for your adored one’s finish of-life therapeutic consideration. Here are a few points to consider.
Who Is Liable for Medical Debt After Death?
As a rule, the bequest of the expired individual is in charge of paying those obligations, not the beneficiaries.
The home comprises of the perished individual’s property, and the domain’s agent is in charge of satisfying obligations out of the home. The agent will utilize any accessible money to pay banks. On the off chance that the home needs more money, the agent will offer the bequest’s property to utilize the returns to take care of those tabs.
There are a few exemptions. For instance, any individual who cosigned the expired individual’s records could be in charge of paying those joint obligations. Another special case would be for inhabitants of the network property states:
Arizona California Idaho Louisiana Nevada New Mexico Texas Washington and Wisconsin
In these states, spouses are in charge of paying each other’s obligations on the off chance that one kicks the bucket first.
You ought to hope to keep on accepting doctor’s visit expenses and proclamations and protection related desk work if your relative had medical coverage. Know your privileges, nonetheless: banks can request to be paid yet that doesn’t mean you should pay obligations quickly or out of your own pocket.
As you picked up during your providing care time, overseeing real medicinal costs are constantly muddled. Presently you have the additional test of lamenting, as well. Debt.org, a main charitable, encourages you to check bills and explanations for exactness and keep nitty gritty records of all charging related correspondence. Devote some time in your calendar to deal with the desk work, and assign one spot in your home office or room to keep everything. Attempt to have it separate from your very own administrative work.
Handle the bills slowly, doing a little every day so you can stop before inclination depleted or overpowered. On the off chance that at all conceivable, speak with leasers before they start any obligation gathering exercises. Most will work with you, particularly once they become familiar with the conditions.
Who Can Sue You?
State laws by and large figure out who is in charge of paying an expired individual’s obligations. The laws are perplexing and different special cases can apply. You ought to counsel with a domain legal counselor experienced in the laws of your adored one’s condition of living arrangement at the earliest opportunity. Furthermore, significant therapeutic focuses normally have experts on staff accessible to help explore through troublesome budgetary conditions.
Life partner Duty regarding Doctor’s visit expenses in Utah Numerous couples frequently wonder on the off chance that they share duty regarding each other’s obligations. In many states the general principle is that all benefits gotten during a marriage are joint property yet obligation regarding the obligations of one companion doesn’t go to the next life partner except if the obligation was for the sake of the two gatherings.
Debts in Utah
In Utah, as a life partner, with certain special cases, as stipulated in the Utah State Code, Title 30, you can’t be held at risk for obligations brought about in your companion’s name except if the record is additionally in your name. On account of doctor’s visit expenses, except if you marked a structure, already, announcing that you will acknowledge duty for the situation the bill isn’t paid, you can’t be compelled to accept the obligation.
Utah Exclusions
Utah law has a few exclusions and special cases set up that cloud the issue of duty regarding therapeutic obligation or obligation when all is said in done. One such exclusion would become an integral factor in the event that one life partner acquires a doctor’s visit expense and, at that point the pair divorces. On the off chance that a judge had decided during the separation that the two gatherings were at risk for any obligations brought about during the marriage, there is potential for a bank to make a case against the life partner.
Many wedded couple build up trusts to deal with the issues of their bequest in case of either of their demises. Since the trust is viewed as a different element, any cases against the perished need to made against the rest of the bequest. Utah law enables a loan boss 120 days to document a case against the bequest once the court case is opened.
Should you as a spouse get a case or grievance for a suit with respect to a doctor’s visit expense or obligation, it is critical to counsel a lawyer. A lawyer can set up a legitimate reaction to maintain a strategic distance from a default judgment being held up.
Probate and Estate Administration Lawyer Free Consultation
When a loved one has passed away and you need legal help, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/is-a-spouse-responsible-for-medical-bills-after-death/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah - Blog http://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.weebly.com/blog/is-a-spouse-responsible-for-medical-bills-after-death
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