#we all got a pandemic haircut
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Meanwhile: a few screenshots from my present gameplay within the Portsim save file ()by @florwalsims. Casey is a teen, has a weird haircut, and is being raised by a single dad. Her fat little cat is called Gingerella.
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nochukoo97 · 11 months
boyfriend drabbles (pt.32)
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pairing: jungkook x oc
summary: the one where you miss jungkook’s long hair and he drags you to go hiking
word count: 1.4k+
boyfriend drabbles masterlist!
“Hi baby,” You jump at the voice that calls out right behind you, head whipping to the back as your eyes widen at the sudden voice.
But a relieved sigh escapes your mouth as you spot Jungkook boyishly smiling down at you, his earrings catch your attention as they sway slightly as he shuffles.
“You scared me,” You frown, reaching back to poke a finger at his chest. Jungkook only hums with a smile, he takes his time to admire your state, glasses perched on the bridge of your nose, your tablet in front of you filled with notes, your hair pulled into a bun.
“Wanted to surprise you, are you not happy to see your boyfriend?” He teases you, leaning down to peck your cheek as he wraps his arms around you from behind.
“I am,” You sheepishly admit, chasing his lips to get a proper kiss this time, “Was thinking about you the whole day,”
“Yeah?” Jungkook untangles himself from you, walking over to plop next to you on the couch, the sudden weight pulling your body down a bit as you giggle, “Wanna watch something together?”
“Mm, but I have to finish this first Kook,” You hum, eyes advert back to the screen as you scrutinise your handwriting, scribbles etched all over your lecture notes, showing your half-asleep self taking notes.
“But I think you need a break,” He takes the tablet out of your grasp and settles it down on the coffee table in front of you.
“Baby, give me five more minutes-” Without finishing your sentence, Jungkook settles himself comfortably with his head in your lap, his own hand reaching out for yours as he guides you to stroke his hair.
You sigh, but your hands continue to card through his hair, pausing when you come to a realisation:
You miss his long hair terribly.
“Your hair is so short now,” Your hands gently smooth through his head, as your boyfriend peers up at your pouty face.
“Didn’t you say you missed my short hair last week? That’s why I got it cut baby,” His eyebrows furrow at your sudden sullenness.
“I did miss your short hair, now I miss your long hair”
He snorts from below you, his hands reaching towards yours to urge you to continue carding your fingers through his hair.
“What should I do with you huh?” He chuckles, finding the whole situation amusing from how affected you seemed to be over the length of his hair.
“I just miss all of you,” You sulk, “You look hot with your short hair but you also look cute with your long hair, but you look both cute and hot at the same time with either,”
Jungkook laughs at your ramble, “Maybe it’s time to invest in a wig,”
“Don’t be silly,” You grumble, “The only wig we have is that stupid clown wig you used to scare me on halloween,” You frown as you recall how Jungkook had hidden in your bathroom and scared the living hell out of you.
He may or may not have made you cry out of shock, but that’s only for you and him to know anyways.
“Then what if I miss your short hair?” He teases you, fully knowing you’d be annoyed by his teasing.
“Jungkook!” You scold him, pulling your hands away from his head as he sulks at the loss of contact.
“I never want to be reminded of that ever again,” You groan, hands running over your face as you recall the tormenting moment where you had impulsively cut your own hair mid-pandemic with Jungkook at home.
Only for the haircut to turn out uneven and at a weird and awkward length at your shoulders.
“But we cut it together! It’s a bonding moment,” He sits up, facing you as you sigh.
“Maybe I should give you an uneven cut too and then we can talk about this,” Another grumble leaves your mouth.
“Okay Miss-Grumpy, let’s watch a show now,” He gives you an affectionate peck on the forehead, which you weren’t going to lie, calmed you down.
“We’re watching Nailed It! today,” You tell him, and upon hearing the words come out of your mouth, Jungkook starts whining.
“Baby, we’ve finished that show! Let’s watch another show,” He clicks onto your netflix profile, snorting to himself at the name you’ve chosen: jungkooksrealwife123
It may have been a little spite back at all the other “jungkook’s girlfriend/wife” accounts online, but you’ve never specifically told him anyways.
“Kook, there’s different seasons to it, we have to watch the christmas one,” You grab the remote from him to start finding the particular series, but your boyfriend isn’t impressed.
“I swear, they all mess up on purpose, it’s so hard to watch someone burn a whole cake or spill the batter everywhere,”
“But you secretly like it,”
He keeps quiet because you’re right, he secretly enjoys watching you giggle at the TV when someone makes a silly mistake, or the way your mouth parts in awe when someone does something cool, Jungkook doesn’t mind sitting through a bunch of people spilling and burning stuff if it makes you happy.
Jungkook also may or may not have stayed up even after you had fallen asleep, to continue watching the series, but you didn’t need to know about that anyways.
“Baby wake up”
You’re ignoring whatever is trying to wake you up from your slumber, your eyelids feel heavy, the dream you were in slowly fading away.
“No,” Your voice is scratchy as you turn away from the voice, pulling up your blanket to hide away from Jungkook.
“Come on, you need to wake up now,” He whispers so close to your ear that his breath fans onto your skin, tickling you ever so slightly.
“Ticklish,” You whine, cowering away from him, hoping your boyfriend would give you ten more minutes, although you might have asked for ten more minutes half an hour ago.
“You promise we’d go on a hike today,” His voice drags out as you feel your boyfriend’s hands snaking under your figure, easily lifting you up from the comfort of your bed.
“Put me down! I’ll get up soon,” You smack his chest, with not much effort, but it doesn’t do anything to him.
It takes Jungkook a bit of effort to get you to wash up and change to get ready, but the fact that it was almost 6am in the morning, you definitely weren’t a morning person.
“Let’s go,” He hums, watching your still half-asleep figure trudge across the living room to put on your socks.
Jungkook has a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he notices a strand of hair left untied, or the faint lines on your cheek from when you were sleeping, the way you specifically looked for your christmas socks, even though it wasn’t even christmas yet.
He could live in this moment forever, simply just admiring you, as you.
“Slow down,” You’re panting, contemplating your decision to join Jungkook, who is literally almost twice your size from how much muscle he has.
“Baby we need to speed up if we want to catch the sunrise,” He grabs onto your arm and attempts to get you to keep up with his pace, but you’re exhausted, sweating from the sweltering heat.
“I can’t, I’m literally going to die of heatstroke,”
Jungkook halts in his steps and whips his head to look at you, and you realised that he took your words seriously by the look of concern on his face.
“Okay sorry, maybe I was exaggerating,” You smile sheepishly at him, Jungkook only huffs in relief, almost contemplating on carrying you back down and driving you to the nearest clinic.
Maybe he was being a little overprotective but that’s just how much he worries for you.
“Piggyback?” He wipes the sweat of your forehead with a towel as you grimace, feeling sticky and gross.
Your strong boyfriend carries you the rest of the way, and you’re wondering why you didn’t think of doing this earlier.
“Holy shit,” Your jaw drops when Jungkook gently puts you down, revealing a sunrise, hues of pink, orange and yellow paint the sky, it’s almost unbelievable.
“Worth it right?” He muses next to you, settling down on the grass before gesturing for you to do the same.
“So worth it,” You whisper, too awed to even speak properly, your heart swells at the moment, taking in everything.
“I love you,”
You turn to face him now, Jungkook has the biggest love-strucked expression on his face, making you smile so widely your cheek hurts. Oh, Jungkook, making you fall for him day after day.
“I love you too,” You lean in to kiss him, the butterflies flutter once again in your stomach, like you’re kissing him again for the first time.
taglist: @imlyfie @jksgirlhere @laylasbunbunny @borahaexoxo @jklvrs-world @jksoftii @yoongisgirl69
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juney-blues · 9 months
Every time i think about the still ongoing pandemic i get incredibly angry.
we could've put a stop to this in 2020 if we just let the wheels of capitalism grind to a halt for a month or two, but no, god fucking forbid we stop endlessly toiling away for someone else's profit for even a second.
Capitalism and The Basics Of Germ Theory came into conflict with eachother and capitalism fucking won, and now we're going backwards on our common understanding as a society of microbes, people are refusing to wear masks even for things that aren't deadly diseases because it got turned into a fucking culture war issue for some reason.
We all knew what to do, we all knew exactly how to stop the spread of a virulent disease thanks to a thousand years of science and research and understanding history, and we just didn't fucking do it because some rich assholes wouldn't've made quite as much money as they would've if we just died.
Thousands died, thousands are still dying, and thousands more have been disabled, and thousands more will be disabled, and this was preventable, this was so fucking preventable and i will never not be angry about it.
Staying home and not getting a haircut and not going out drinking with your friends for a few weeks was too Traumatic, and compensating people for the time they'd have to take off work would've cost the government Too Much Money, and wearing a fucking piece of cloth over your face was too Uncomfortable, and vaccines are giving your kids autism and turning the frogs gay,
and now there's a million fucking variants and even if you get vaccinated for one it still won't help with any of the others, and you people are still going out to coffee shops and bars and stadiums and concerts and swapping this disease around like it's a fucking trading card, and people are dying at a higher rate than ever and it's not even news anymore, and just
you assholes all win, all of you!
the bare minimum i can do to keep myself and others safe isn't even that effective anymore, because no one else is fucking doing it, i might as well start licking toilet seats and not even wash my hands afterwards for all society at large cares,
so everything is worse now for everyone, and we're never fixing this because you people just don't *want* to fix it, and at this point it's so entrenched that fixing it would take far more effort than preventing it ever would and even *that* was too much for you people
so you win.
the virus is here to stay, and people are going to keep getting sick, and it's going to keep tearing their bodies apart, and there's just nothing any of us can do about it because it's just the new normal.
and just ignoring it is easier than wearing a mask out in public, and getting your booster shots every couple of months, and avoiding crowds of people, and keeping your distance, and installing the proper ventilation equipment, and providing your employees with the proper ppe, and learning to live with an airborne pathogen in a way that isn't obviously stupid and dangerous,
everything is worse and we're not fixing it,
is this what you wanted? are you happy about this?
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project-do-over · 1 month
Bookwyrm1982 is available
Bookwyrm1982: hey
Violet_M00n: Hey buddy! How's things?
Bookwyrm1982: they're good. Can I ask you something?
Violet_M00n: Anything at all, what is it you want to know?
Bookwyrm1982: can you tell me more about the future? You mentioned a pandemic...
Violet_M00n: Ah, I was wondering when you'd bring that up. Yeah it was a disease knows as Covid-19, which spread massively across the world in 2020.
Violet_M00n: The whole world went into lockdown, economies shut down, people were told to stay indoors. It was a mess until they developed the vaccine a year later.
Violet_M00n: Hundreds of thousands of people died, which is what you'd expect. But there were also things you didn't expect.
Bookwyrm1982: like what?
Violet_M00n: like how people went wild panic-buying toilet paper. (make a note to yourself to stock up in 2019)
Bookwyrm1982: oh did the disease cause diarrhea or something?
Violet_M00n: Not at all, it was an upper respiratory illness. IS a respiratory illness, it's still around even though people don't act like it.
Bookwyrm1982: oh. Then why did they buy toilet paper?
Violet_M00n: who knows, probably some viral post or something convinced people it would run out, and then the news started reporting it which made more people panic buy it...
Bookwyrm1982: The virus spread through the mail?
Violet_M00n: What? No, why would you think that?
Violet_M00n: OH, right. Viral post. That just means it got spread around LIKE a virus. Not that it actually was one.
Bookwyrm1982: that sounds confusing
Violet_M00n: Language frequently is.
Bookwyrm1982: so what else was weird?
Violet_M00n: Culture kinda shifted massively. No one could leave their homes, so people started taking up hobbies. Like baking sourdough bread, or learning magic, or whatever.
Violet_M00n: A lot of us were saved thanks to the new Animal Crossing game. And massive online games like Among Us and Fall Guys became super popular.
Violet_M00n: Everyone learned quickly how to video chat. Zoom, the name of one of the platforms, became a household name.
Violet_M00n: People, mostly conservatives, started protesting having to wear masks and not being able to get haircuts.
Violet_M00n: And our government pretty much abandoned us all, trying to pretend the pandemic wasn't happening.
Bookwyrm1982: that sounds awful :(
Violet_M00n: Oh, it was. But there was good in it too. For example our partner and I got to grow really close because of it. And we gave up caffeine.
Bookwyrm1982: really? Why?
Violet_M00n: Seemed as good a time as any. Didn't really ever have to be up at a certain time, could nap if I needed to.
Violet_M00n: And now I don't need to worry Bout getting headaches if I can't find coffee, or falling asleep in the afternoon from the caffeine crash.
Bookwyrm1982: bit don't you miss coffee?
Violet_M00n: Yeah, a little. But now I can focus on coffee I actually like, rather than taking whatever I can get. It's freeing. And decaf isn't really all that bad, if you get the good stuff.
Bookwyrm1982: I couldn't even imagine.
Violet_M00n: I know, but there's a lot of stuff we could never imagine.
Bookwyrm1982: like you being a girl?
Violet_M00n: US being a girl, but yes, that's one.
Bookwyrm1982: I don't see how I could ever be brave enough to dress like a girl in public.
Bookwyrm1982: I just know everyone would stare at me, or make fun of me.
Violet_M00n: A lot of that is social anxiety talking. A lot of it is, sadly, true in your time too. People still use gay as an insult, after all.
Bookwyrm1982: I don't.
Violet_M00n: You do, and I don't hold it against you. You're just fitting in.
Bookwyrm1982: :( sorry
Violet_M00n: It's all good, don't worry.
Violet_M00n: Eventually we get experienced enough with the world that we stop caring so much what other people think, at start living life for ourselves.
Bookwyrm1982: I don't think I could ever do that.
Violet_M00n: You will. You could now, if you tried. Taking the first step will often show you just how much easier the road is than you think. And then it's just one more step, and another, and before you know it you're living life happily, more so than you could ever imagine.
Violet_M00n: But think about it for a sec. Wearing a pretty dress instead of whatever sweatshirt you grab from your dresser first.
Violet_M00n: Imagine hanging out with your girl friends without it being weird or you being the exception.
Violet_M00n: Imagine... Girl's PE class.
Bookwyrm1982: ...that does sound kind of nice
Bookwyrm1982: I've always envied girls for being able to wear so many different things, have so many different looks. While guys just have the default.
Violet_M00n: I know ^^ you'll get there.
Bookwyrm1982: ^^?
Violet_M00n: It's a smiley face. The carats are eyes. It's more Japanese style.
Bookwyrm1982: oic. Do people speak Japanese in the future?
Violet_M00n: No, but we get way more into anime as we get older.
Bookwyrm1982: ugh, japanimation looks so weird though, and everyone is always screaming.
Violet_M00n: heh, it's cultural. You'll start to understand it more, someday.
Violet_M00n: That being said, if you wanted to jump in on the trend now, it would be really cool if we didn't miss the Sailor Moon boat in your timeline. It feels like a cultural touchstone that we really missed out on.
Violet_M00n: You should give it a try. That and Cardcaptor Sakura.
Violet_M00n: And Ranma 1/2
Bookwyrm1982: Oh yeah, that guy from camp was telling me about that.
Violet_M00n: I know :3 you should really check it out.
Bookwyrm1982: is that a kitty face?
Violet_M00n: Yep! I'm sure that exists in your time though.
Bookwyrm1982: maybe. I don't think I've seen it.
Violet_M00n: I'm gonna have to get back to work, so pardon me if I don't respond right away.
Violet_M00n:... Which I'm just now realizing doesn't happen thanks to the time-skipping the client does. Oh well, still seems polite to say.
Bookwyrm1982: np, I'll talk to you soon.
Violet_M00n: or just keep talking now, I'll reply as soon as you do remember?
Bookwyrm1982: right. Time travel is weird.
Violet_M00n: you're telling me!
Violet_M00n is away
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trollprincess · 2 years
Okay, NO. I cannot be expected to wait another four weeks to talk about Glass Onion. I CANNOT.
I’m angry about only one thing and that’s that it’s not still in the theater because my immediate goal after walking out was to walk right back in again and see it once again to catch all the stuff that went on that I missed. (Like Helen. Helen! I spent so much time at the end of the movie going, “Wow, she does such a great acting job being her sister!” Except it was *her* all along and … Jesus, seriously give that woman an Oscar nomination.)
I also thought SO MUCH about the whole “you see what he wanted you to see” part of the plot, because yes. YES. I wish more movies did this gaslighting outside of an abusive domestic situation, *and* acknowledged it as such.
I also hope that when Benoit said, “I’ve got a guy,” he meant Philip, and ten minutes later Philip was clearing stacks of books out of their bathroom grumbling about why they can’t go do this in his salon, *Blanc*, you always do this, I don’t know how we didn’t break up ages ago, now go check on dinner while I rummage through what supplies I’ve got on hand.
Okay, but that last sequence … look, I called it sexy for a reason. That shit was so *satisfying*. I’m not going to pretend that it didn’t help that Miles felt VERY Elon on multiple fronts, which made it even better. But Helen getting to destroy it ALL - not just physically by smashing and burning and doing everything some of us wish we could do to a billionaire’s home, but by doing it in such a way that his whole damn empire is about to *fall the fuck apart*.
I kept thinking about Marta in the first movie and Helen in this one, how they both go up against the rich and privileged, although they wouldn’t have done so if a murder didn’t spur them on. They’re both exceptionally brave. Marta’s bravery may be more understated in comparison (God knows she doesn’t blow the house up), but they’re both the real heroes in movie where the urge is to go, “Well, Benoit is the hero, of course.” Even he would go, “No, I do this all the time. But HER! She’s a marvel.” God, I could watch a hundred movies where Benoit Blanc does his detective work while a woman stands up to privileged bullshit and wins over and over. I hope we get so many more Benoit Blanc movies. He’s SO good, but the movies also give him the BEST characters to work with or against.
Ugh, I just want to rewatch ALL of Janelle Monae’s scenes from the start. She had a scarf around her head in that scene with the box at the beginning and of COURSE she did, she’s wearing a robe, she probably just got up, but of COURSE she did, because she’s *Helen*, and she’s got a different haircut. And what I love is that yes, she smashed that box with the hammer because she was good and pissed and good for her, but also she’s the sort of character where if she actually sat down and tried to figure it out, you *know* she could. She’s sharp, she’s a teacher, she’s quick on her feet. But goddamn it, that box NEEDED smashing, and I feel like I could watch two straight hours of Janelle Monae breaking stuff and that would be my porn.
But I love Benoit Blanc so goddamn much, too. I’m not a James Bond fan so I haven’t watch Daniel Craig’s run (that’s on the character, not him), but I’ve adored him in other stuff. Like, he’s so much fun in Logan Lucky, a movie that doesn’t nearly get enough play for being VERY good and for featuring Southern characters without making them the butt of the joke. Oh, but Benoit.
Also, kudos to writing in the pandemic as a plot point in a way that didn’t make me want to whack the screenwriter on the head with a newspaper. Like, Kate Hudson wearing that jeweled chain mask was both so in character and SO infuriating because *people actually did that shit*, a fact I will NEVER get over.
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ms-moonlight-inn · 2 years
Time for Gallavich wedding headcanons: 1. Besides edible boxers from Carl and the honeymoon Car from Liam, what wedding gifts do they get? 2. What flavor was their wedding cake? 3. How the fuck do they have 120 guests at the wedding? Who are they inviting? (only to claim they have no friends a season later?) 4. Why did Ian say Mickey and not Mikhailo? 5. What's one thing in the wedding that way important to Ian? (Chiavari chairs level important)
Good Saturday morning to you my lovely @gallavich-headcanon 🌹🦋
*sharpens claws, opens dictation app*
Let's go...
1) Sandy convinces Debbie to weld them a custom set of manacles (leather cuffs, with the kind of chains you'd use to tie down a junkyard dog). It's accompanied with a greeting card handmade by Franny.
Lip gives them a gift card to something stupid like McDonald's in front of everyone, but then in private hands them an obnoxiously sweet 5-page letter wishing them all the best.
Tami promises them haircuts forever.
Frank promises not to throw up all over their wedding shoes.
2) Ok, call me old-fashioned, but I'm a sucker for a properly executed sponge cake that has an amazing filling & is topped with a perfectly paired icing. So, they go with two flavors. 'Cause why the fuck not?
Half the cake is a white sponge with a chocolate ganache and a white almondine frosting.
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The other half is the same white sponge with a raspberry filling and a white frosting that has a hint of citrus in it.
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3) I literally have no idea how in the hell they got 120 guests at their wedding. I imagine some of them could be former prison buddies. Maybe one or two from the club. Maybe Mickey used to roll with some of them back when he would do runs or shady shit? And it could be entirely possible that the guest list simply grew completely out of hand 'cause Mickey, in his "fuck you, Terry" giddiness told all of his guests to bring as many +1s as they wanted.
And the fact that they ended up with zero friends at the beginning of S11 could just be pandemic rules. Me, personally, I ended sloughing off a few people from my life during the pandemic. But, conversely, I ended up adding a bunch of new people to my circle. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Who knows. It's Shameless, best not to think about it. 🙃
4) OooOoo, THIS is the question I was hoping and praying you would ask me!
That wedding vow, whisperer-sigh Mickey™ we get?
Mmm, mmm, mmm. It's my headcanon that Ian has been saying Mickey's name just like that since all the way in S5.
Don't believe me? Look:
As you said, he goes from "Mick" to "Mickey" on his phone's caller ID in 5.11 —a highly emotional episode. And I'm damn skippy every time that his phone lights up in that episode, Ian says Mickey™ all soft and whispery both out loud & in his head.
In fact, I totally think that he says Mickey™ just like that at any & every highly emotional moment.
Hence, no Mikhailo at the wedding.
5) Ian 100% refuses to have "Living On a Prayer" as a wedding song. If you ask him, that would be the most tragic entrance song for the otherwise beautifully-planned wedding his fiancé willed into existence. From the very first moment that Mickey suggested it, Ian knows he hates that song.
Not in general, just as a wedding march.
But he can't tell Mickey that. Not with the way Grumpypants has been stopping around breaking shit. So, Ian bides his time, looks for his in... finally, an opportunity.
The rest, so the cliché goes, is canon history.
Have a lovely weekend. Always fun to hear from you. 🥰
I haven't forgotten about 🎒. It's on my hit list.
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Thinking about Kyle and Jasper in the early-stage pandemic
Jasper's a nurse, so they end up working long hours, double-shifts, overworked and understaffed and dealing with all the chaos of the summer-2020 stage of the pandemic
Kyle isn't too badly affected - he was already working from home, social situations have been difficult for him since he 'came back' 6 years prior, so he does his engineer work remotely
It's obvious that things are very tough for Jasper - I mean, we all know how it was back at the height of it all. But Kyle's there for them, of course.
Kyle sets his alarm 5 minutes earlier than Jasper's (even if that's at like 4:30 in the morning) so he can have a few minutes to cuddle before they have to leave
He sends them memes, encouraging messages, cute cat photos, etc. throughout the day. He knows they won't see it until later, but it's a little feel-good boost for their breaks
He logs off a few minutes early every day and starts dinner so Jasper doesn't have to cook after their shifts
(sometimes this means they're eating dinner at 9-10 at night when the hospital is just so swamped, but Kyle always waits so they can eat together)
When they get home he's got everything ready for them to toss their scrubs in the washer and hop right in the shower
... and even tosses Jasper's favorite towel in the dryer so it'll be all warm when they're done
He doesn't really get sick ever since he was brought back, so there's nothing stopping him from being just the cuddliest guy on Earth
Cedes full control of the TV remote when Jasper's home and snuggles with them on the couch while they catch up on their movies/shows
Usually Jasper falls asleep halfway through and he carries them to bed <3
Helps Jasper with their haircuts and dye since the barbershops are all closed. Kyle just lets his hair grow out until it gets annoying, but he kinda likes the wild rockstar look it gives him.
He'd also be the guy who develops a thousand hobbies since he's got so much time at home
The house always smells like baked goods. At first they were mostly burnt but he's gotten a lot better.
Basically he'd just be the most attentive pandemic-partner in existence let's be real
Maybe I need to write this into a fic actually...
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purplesurveys · 2 years
1603 - happy new year’s eve eve!
Have you done any of the same things as me? [2022 Edition] by joybucket
experienced something amazing and miraculous? 🤩 I’ve experienced amazing things like getting a new dog, seeing the sea, having profound conversations with a few Grab drivers, etc; but nothing miraculous mainly because I don’t believe in miracles.
switched to a new primary care doctor? I don’t even have a main doctor.
tried a new medication? 💊 Yes. When I sprained my ankle, the Good Samaritans who helped nurse my foot also gave me these capsules to take every 8 or so hours.
felt afraid to leave the house? Yes - that time in July when there was a shooting in Ateneo. My family was out that day and that scared me more, but I was staying at home at the time and thought under no circumstances was I going out that week. Kaye actually invited me to dinner NEAR THE DAMN PLACE and I had to tell her girl did you not know people literally got killed 8 hours ago? lol.
had a new neighbor move in? I can finally answer this question with a yes, lol. We didn’t have any nearby neighbors for at least like a decade, but in 2022 there was a family who moved in across us; the abandoned house beside ours also finally got renovated and another family is I believe currently renting the place.
met a new neighbor? I haven’t. We usually keep to ourselves but for the family who moved in across us this month I am thinking of sending them a little something.
read the entire Bible? 📖 I haven’t touched that book since high school.
had a smoothie that tasted really, really good? 🍹 I don’t like smoothies. I did try this great mocha nut latte earlier this month and discovered how fantastic chocnut works with coffee.
had some significant health issues? Other than my sprained ankle, my carpal tunnel syndrome acted up quite a bit this year.
made a lot of surveys? I’ve never made a survey.
taken a lot of surveys? Like any other year.
gave yourself a significant haircut? 💇‍♀️ I always have my hair professionally worked on, whether it’s a trim or dye job. I do not trust myself with a pair of scissors for anything haha.
discovered a new YouTube channel you really liked? Earlier this year I found Institute of Human Anatomy, who I bingewatched for a while. Bea also got me into Korean Englishman/Jolly. She’s been trying to get me on the train since 2021 actually, but it was only this year when my attention was finally caught.
discovered a new favorite book? 📖 I didn’t have any major book discoveries this year.
re-read a book you really liked? 📖 I re-discovered Midnight Sun when I found it in our storage (after thinking my mom threw it out), but I didn’t re-read it per se as I never finished it in the past.
debated reaching out to someone and asking for prayer, but didn't? 🙏 I do not ask for prayers, at least actively. People tell me they pray for me which is always appreciated as I know it must mean a lot for them to do so; but it’s not something I would take the initiative to ask for.
started taking a new birth control pill? I have never taken birth control.
experienced anaphylaxis? Nope.
...and then had to be on Prednisone for three months because of it? Nope, I don’t have regular medications.
gained weight from a medication? I didn’t.
...and then lost some of it once you were off the medication, but not all of it? I didn’t.
discovered you had steroid-induced diabetes? Nope.
daydreamed a lot? 💭 Probably, yeah.
had overdue library books? 📚 I haven’t been to a library, much less borrow a book, since pre-pandemic college, so no. I’ve always been terrible at returning books though and I always get that Look of Shock from librarians when they see the total of my overdue charges LOL so you were at least right about that.
worn a mask? 😷 Just about every time I’ve gone out! The government has lifted mask-wearing for both indoor and outdoor areas so technically we have the choice/freedom to go maskless now, but people in Manila are rather paranoid and prefer wearing a mask still – I do, too. Provinces though, I’ve observed that they are much less cautious and people hardly wear masks there anymore.
worn a mask when cleaning, because you're allergic to dust mites? 😷 I’m not allergic so I don’t wear a mask. I sneeze a lot though, lol.
went days without washing your hair? A few times, yes.
felt overjoyed one day and then depressed the next? It happens.
thought about how much you missed going to church? ⛪️ All I think about is when I can finally stop going, so no.
thought about how much you missed painting? 🖼 Yeah, a little bit! I had some paint-by-numbers stacked in my closet for a while - they were 2021 Christmas gifts that I never got around to sending out lol, and I was always getting that voice in my head asking what the fuck I wanted to do with them.
....and thought about how you'd like to start painting again? 🎨 Sure. The resolution to that ^ is that I finally pulled one of the packs out and started painting. Just this December, actually. I plan on continuing the template for the rest of the company break/shutdown.
found out that someone got hit by a car and died while crossing a street that you cross all the time? I unfortunately saw the aftermath of a very graphic motorcycle crash on Christmas Day, and that dude I saw with his face down was most likely a casualty. I don’t pass the area all the time, just whenever we head south; but it was still spooky nonetheless. More sad than spooky though, considering a family’s gonna have to find out they lost someone on Christmas Day.
enjoyed watching the snow fall? ❄️ I have never seen snow.
wished you had a car? 🚘 I already do.
talked to your mom on the phone? 📱 A few times, but they were always 15-second calls where either of us just ask the other something urgent.
talked to your mom online? 💬 Yeah, whenever she’s at work we communicate through Messenger.
realized none of your bras fit you anymore? Nope, they all still work just fine.
received a package in the mail? 📦 I mean this year was no different and I still bought stacks upon stacks of K-pop merch lol, so yes I did receive packages a handful of times.
started watching Youtube Shorts regularly? Oh I irrationally hate those. Trying so hard to be IG reels/TikTok lol when YouTube’s strong suit has always been longer videos.
practiced self-hypnosis? 😵 No, I don’t believe in hypnosis.
discovered a new food you really liked? Not food exactly but my mom got this tub of local vinegar called pinakurat that is SO good; works with any Filipino breakfast food. I ask for it all the time now. 
discovered your bike had a flat tire? 🚴 Not my bike but our car! Happened on our way back to Manila from Zambales. We were a mere hundred meters away from the expressway (where my dad would’ve gone 90-100 kph) when we heard a loud pop. The place we got stuck at (Subic) is notably a safer city than other provinces so it was such a welcome surprise seeing Good Samaritans all over the damn road momentarily stop by and offer help – even more amazing was that the vice mayor of the city happened to drive by at the time and immediately stopped where we were to give tips about what we should do, where to go, who to talk to, etc. In the end, my dad was also able to get a lift from another Good Samaritan to the nearest vulcanizing shop to get the whole thing settled. 
Touching show of humanity, but at the same time also gave me some sort of existential crisis because fuck knows what would have happened had we reached the freeway and had the tire pop there instead.
made a new playlist of songs you really liked? 🎶 My sister and I made a few Blended playlists on Spotify but that’s about it.
got rid of a ton of old clothes? 👚 Not yet at least. But I’m planning on gathering clothes I know longer use and giving them to Reena to sell, all profit hers. Poor girl got scammed 20k recently and I just want to help.
ran/walked a Christmas-themed race? 🏃‍♀️ You will never find me in a race/fun run/marathon haha.
watched your city's Christmas parade? We don’t have one.
enjoyed eating salads? 🥗 Just tuna sashimi salads.
enjoyed eating chocolate pie? I’ve never had chocolate pie.
celebrated Thanksgiving alone? I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.
celebrated your birthday alone? I wasn’t alone. I was with my family on the day of; that same weekend my friends and I set off to Zambales for a quick beach trip.
didn't really have a good birthday? No, I had a fantastic one this year.
almost died multiple times? Apart from the time I had a bad fall in the bathroom and could have cracked my skull if not for the instinct of tucking my head, no.
enjoyed reading the Bible? 📖 I never enjoyed reading it and have no plans of touching one again.
danced around your living room? 💃 Sure, a few times.
written in cursive? ✍️ Yeah I practiced every now and then so that my penmanship doesn’t get rusty.
written in a journal? 📓 I have this account. I don’t write in journals because my mom is likely to snoop around.
written in a one-line-a-day journal? 📔 No, I don’t really do that when I have whole-ass surveys to fill out haha.
accidentally dropped a dish and broke it? Not a plate. But just this month my dad and I were unloading groceries when I dropped a tub of mayonnaise LOL. Luckily enough my dad got the one with plastic packaging that day, so the only thing that got damaged was the seal. Had we gotten the variant with glass packaging I would have gotten a mouthful.
went for a walk through the cemetery on Halloween? We went to a columbarium on All Souls’ Day (pretty close to Halloween, so I’ll count it) to visit my grandpa.
not brought your camera with you somewhere, and then wished you had? 📸 Not necessarily but I’ve had my phone die on me when I was at the beach wanting to take photos of the sunset.
discovered a new really good book? Nope.
read a book with a character named Simone in it? I did not.
had a doctor get irritated with you? Nah. I went to a couple dentists this year and they couldn’t have been nicer.
had a doctor not believe you about something? Nope.
broke out in acne all over your face? I had a few pimples show up here and there. I wouldn’t call it a breakout though.
found out one of your friends had COVID? 🦠 Yeah. People are still getting Covid all over the place but it’s no longer as bad or feared about as it used to be. “She got Covid” is just about as scary as “She has a fever” now.
wondered if you had COVID? 🦠 Every time I come home from being in an overcrowded place. Never got it though.
played Mahjong on your phone? 🀄️ I don’t even know how that works, so no.
used a lot of emojis? 🦄 🤪 💃 I use emojis frequently, but always the same ones. I have little use for the majority of them.
wore a cheetah-print mask? Nope.
worshiped God? 💃 Nooooooooooooope.
uploaded some new photos to Facebook? Yes, when Kimi passed I uploaded photos of me and him, photos of his urn, and Cooper and Agi standing beside the urn. I also always uploaded post-concert photos at the end of all of BTS’ online shows this year.
sorted through some old photos on your computer? Yeah, a few times.
wondered why your fridge was making funny noises? It didn’t.
gone for lovely and enchanting walks in the fall? 🍁 We don’t have fall.
wore the same outfit for days? Like, without washing? Eugh, hahaha. No. I do repeat outfits but I make sure it’s been like a month since I last wore a particular top-bottom pairing.
worn slipper socks? I didn’t this year.
gone out to eat with your parents? I took them out for dinner, just the two of them, earlier this year; but for the most part they prefer me to take the whole family out i.e. including my siblings, if I was going to give a treat.
enjoyed looking at your friends' baby pictures on Facebook? None of them have kids.
wondered what one of your friends was going to name her baby? We talk about it all the time.
wished someone would invite you to church, but no one did? Not applicable.
took more medication than you were supposed to when you were in severe pain? Not necessarily but I did take some desperate measures when I was dealing with wisdom tooth pain, pre-extraction. I strapped a cold compress to my face and also rubbed Katinko hoping it would feel numb.
wished autocorrect didn't make so many annoying errors? Well, not really. I just turned it off because autocorrect is an utter bitch when I’m typing in Filipino.
wished your cramps would go away? Don’t we always wish they would, when they do come?
enjoyed having a conversation with a random stranger while waiting in line for something? Not while waiting in line, but whenever I take a Grab on the way to a destination. I always make it a point to make conversation with my drivers because 1) everyone else probably wants a silent ride and I can’t imagine how lonely the drivers feel driving strangers all day, and 2) you wouldn’t believe the amazing conversations that can sometimes come out of those moments.
wished you could see your cousins more? Yeah, especially cousins on my dad’s side. 
thought about how much you used to love church? No.
had a certain traumatic incident keep coming back to haunt you? Not so much, no.
debated trying to get to know your neighbors more? Sure.
not eaten anything sweet on your birthday? This is true! I don’t really like cake, so I never planned on getting one made.
....for the first time ever, since you normally eat cake on your birthday? Nah, I’ve had a few birthdays with no cake.
eaten a lot of mango popsicles? I’ve never even had one.
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smallcatsims · 2 years
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And now the Kaylor eras. On top we have the 2014 glass closeting lesbian twin syndrome era where they publicly went on dates around NY holding hands and looking like a wikipedia entry for a butch/femme couple. 
Below we have post-kissgate 2016 super duper closeted era where they were still trying to be publicly “friends” while ramping up bearding/PR stuff. The same year Tay got her “coconut head” haircut and started getting involved with drama with other celebs.
I got kind of impatient, maybe I’ll do Lover/Rep/Folklore/Evermore some other time. I feel like with the pandemic and the gals being completely silent never being seen together at all there wasn’t much to put together in terms of outfits/aesthetics. At the bottom is what I envision them like today with their very private relationship. If they’re still together. There are many theories floating around but I like the idea of this. 
Also I’m cross posting this on both my blogs so if you just follow me for sims stuff and don’t know anything about Taylor Swift conspiracy theories, I’m sorry and don’t worry about researching it lol. It’s a very niche special interest type thing of mine. 
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bitchapalooza · 5 months
I’ve been thinking a bit recently about how screwed up our news channels and newspapers are. They blatantly lie and cover up the truth so much, they bend the truth in their favor or whoever’s high up’s favor. I’ve seen this more and more in my older coworkers and family whose main source of news is the popular biased networks on tv such as Fox. Just yesterday I had a coworker request that we pray for Israel and hope they win their war against Palestine, a devoted Christian man who just became a pastor in his spare time away from work unknowingly wished for the downfall of a whole group of people that did nothing wrong to deserve what is happening to them right now all because he got his news from a biased and lying news network. He didn’t even respond to Bethlehem being bombed Christmas Day, he came back to work criticizing Palestine and hoping Israel survives the onslaught(not his exact words, I’m paraphrasing here; still ticks me off either way).
I’ve noticed since the pandemic began that most networks that are not local like to perpetuate stereotypes and blame others, such as POC individuals or groups. They like to cause a panic and start arguments that only lead to more trouble. I remember Fox blaming covid on China and claiming it was purposeful and all apart of their strategy(or something along those lines) and then suddenly there’s an uptick in Asian hate and discrimination. Now I’m watching it happen again with Palestinians.
Israel is successfully getting away with playing victim and a huge part of why, here in the states, is because of our corrupt networks not reporting the truth. Manipulating the information so that it fits a narrative different from reality. While I watch in person Palestinian press and civilians, mostly innocent traumatized children, report their daily lives, there’s a man on another screen in a neatly pressed suit with a clean cut fresh 20$ haircut wearing an expensive brand watch telling me an entire country of people deserve this ethnic cleansing, they deserve this genocide of their race of their culture of their children and all the children that would never be allowed to be born because their lives were taken away before they could even start it. Israel cries victim as they bomb hospitals with the poor excuse of hamas being inside and no one bats an eyes. No one.
I don’t see them reporting the numbers like the Gaza press does. I don’t see them reporting the bombing aftermaths or the stories of pulling their neighbors, their mothers, their fathers, their children out of the rubble of their homes. All they do is report the actions THEY did but it’s twisted around so they look like the poor innocent victim and the good guys. And it’s sickening. The way networks are allowed to report the news in the way they choose to.
I don’t know how true this is. Im just one guy who barely understands the complexities of politics. But I do know that the way we get our information in the states is biased. Many people, older folk especially, rely on these networks and base their knowledge on what they report and how they report it. Which is why it’s so hard to get some people to really understand. To educate them and steer them in the right direction to a free Palestine.
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girlreviews · 6 months
Review #382: Currents, Tame Impala
Yet another album coming up on ten years old that forces me to reckon with the fact that I too am also almost ten years older than when it came out. They took five years to put out another! By the time they did that we were in the throes of a pandemic. So a lot happened. I had a lot of different haircuts. A lot.
It’s another breakup album. It came out the year I got married. I’m now divorced. It’s been pretty interesting revisiting this record, because my ex-husband and I were super into it. Everyone was, at least everyone who liked alternative music and wore flannel and tiny hats. Whatever iteration of hipster was hanging around East Nashville in 2015, they were playing it in every bougie coffee shop and thrift store. So it fell out of favor for me after a while, I got a little sick of it.
I had actually just seen them live a few years prior, right before moving Stateside. In Australia of all places, where they are from! At a festival called Groovin’ the Moo, in Canberra. I was there on a WILD ride, with a guy I met in London at a NYE party at the Ukrainian embassy (????) through a mutual friend who was dating my bestie. He and I hit it off, stayed up all night doing drugs, talking mad shit, and having a great time. Mans is moving back to Australia in three days. Oh well. Never mind. Nope, four months later I’m there visiting him. This was quite literally bananas, but really fucking fun — also a fucking disaster. It was like we were falling in love, getting together and breaking up all at the same time. The absolute fucking antics we get up to on this trip. We are invited to a house party, and are so drunk before arriving we accidentally break into THE WRONG house trying to attend. We wake up one morning in our room with the bed completely wonky, two legs snapped on it, potato chips absolutely fucking everywhere, all over the bed, floor, surfaces, and there’s just a pug dog snuffling around eating them all. Do not know whose dog it was to this day. Attend this festival, remember absolutely nothing about it other than seeing Tame Impala, return to the UK with a gnarly sunburn, a powerpuff girls pillow bought as a forget-me-not and a plastic frog table marker stolen from a pizza joint. If it doesn’t sound romantic, it’s because it shouldn’t. But we were in LOVE! It was a fucking disaster and it ended quite badly and I arrived in America a broken hollow shell of a woman. This honestly cracks me up. This is exactly the kind of bullshit you’re supposed to pull in your twenties, everyone. And Tame Impala is the exact right soundtrack for it, psychedelic pop rock weirdness. It was their prior album Lonerism that scored that particular moment, with the most prominent track for me being appropriately titled It Feels Like We Only Go Backwards. Teehee.
Anyway, it’s a few years later, I have my shit together a bit now, I’m getting married or already am, and here comes Tame Impala with Currents. It seems like Kevin Parker maybe had some love adventure of his own and he’s gotta get it off his chest, he’s got some feelings. Here’s what I love about this record, and it’s gonna sound like I’m ripping on it, but I’m not. The lyrics, they’re really pretty… What word am I looking for here. They lack sophistication and depth. Man really just says what he would say to his bros when he’s trying to say how he feels about his relationship ending. They’re simple. They’re rudimentary. They’re clumsy. But they’re perfect. Are we poetic when we are messy in a breakup? Do I sound like I was poetic in any shape or form on potato chip pug hangover day? No. It is what it is. There were multiple different KINDS of potato chips, guys. It’s like we thought we were sowing potato chip seeds to grow a little garden. The pug got his head stuck in a bag for a hot second. You can’t make it what it isn’t. It’s a damn mess. But you CAN make the music and sound emote. And that he does, magically and wonderfully, carrying the lyrics. It works together so well. It’s a journey.
Let it Happen, first of all, I challenge you to run to this. It’s almost eight minutes and is great for keeping pace (I have mentioned my running playlists are wild and I’m not kidding). A friend pointed out to me this past weekend that something I tend to gravitate towards in songs — and they’re right — is ones that evolve and take you on a trip. The end of the song is unrecognizable from the beginning. I love that. This is one of those. It also just fucking slaps. Great start.
Eventually and Less I Know The Better are prime examples of the sonic mastery and lyrical lacking just sort of working. They’re also the most obvious breakup tracks and those simple words are what make it so god damn relatable:
“She said it’s not now or never
In ten years we’ll be together
I said better late than never
Just don’t let me wait forever
Don’t let me wait forever”
Past Life. FUCK, this song is so fucking good it’s so fucking DIFFERENT. Can’t even speak on it, just go stick it on and vibe your ass off, okay?
Disciples is my absolute favorite. For a few reasons. I also love me a short track. But this one is SO fun to sing, and it’s so chirpy and upbeat for a song that’s basically about telling someone you used to care for that they’re a shitty person now (“now it’s like the world owes you, walking around like everybody should know you”). By the way, have you ever done that, told someone you loved that you officially think they suck now? Interesting experience. Not sure whether I recommend it or not to be honest, maybe one of those things that you’ve gotta try on for yourself to see if it’s for you. But anyway, also there’s just some really great steering wheel slap moments of bass and percussion that make me want to DIE and ASCEND from this mortal plain to wherever this song was born from. I said what I said.
If not for Disciples, there’s no question that my favorite track would be ‘Cause I’m a Man. I still remember driving my friend Brittney home in my Lincoln LS, and she was like, you gotta hear the new Tame Impala track. I honestly was not impressed. But she was so animated, and made me listen over and over until I got it. This is a rare song for me, because even now I like it more with each listen. It’s not a surprise, since it’s about his own self reflection on how shitty men are, how they’re always just making sad little excuses for why they don’t measure up to women, and are always letting us down. He does a good job, he really does (“Cause I’m a man, woman, I’ll never be as strong as you”). But, throughout the song he makes these kind of lazy, semi-sexual “uh!” noises and they’re honestly hilarious. They just really add something. I can’t explain why. It’s sort of a nice touch of self depreciation that I truly appreciate.
It’s a one of a kind record, really. It was different from their previous, and their follow up didn’t match it. They have a new single out with Justice and I’m told it’s very good. I saw them again in 2022 at a festival in Barcelona, much less wild and drug fueled than my previous go around (I’m in my thirties now, who has the energy). The sound was bad and my feet hurt, BUT Kevin Parker did us all a solid and covered Last Nite by The Strokes which cheered us all up, because they got COVID and pulled out last minute. Ah well, Julian’s a creep anyhow and could never write something as self aware as Currents. He’s still hitting on teenage girls in his late forties. Kevin Parker, I better not find you pulling the same shit or I will be coming for you and it will be ugly.
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biandanxious18 · 7 months
When I was a kid, I had really long, hip-long hair, I remember. Then when I was 6 I decided I wanted it cut really short - boy-short -, not for any specific reason other than I thought it was pretty, I think I had seen it on women at the time, on TV too, and I thought it looked cute. It wasn’t about being rebellious or gender-non-conforming. I was 6. I thought it was cute. The length that in english you’d call pixie-cut, I guess, but in Brasil we call it “joãozinho”, which means “little john”.
My parents got me and all of my friends together on my birthday, we took a trip to my grandparents’ at the beach. My mom tied my hair in a braid and cut it for me. I went to the mirror and said I wanted it shorter. She cut it shorter. My mom always cut my hair when I was a kid. She cut and dyed her own hair too.
Anyways, in retrospect I think that was pretty badass of me. Little 6yo going “shorter”. I liked pink. I liked princesses. I had a phase where I refused to wear anything that wasn’t a dress. I just thought it’d be cute, I think. Or no, actually I just wanted to do it. I have no idea how my dad felt about it. He didn’t like to let my brother do overly feminine things, but I think he was mostly scared he’d be bullied for it. I don’t know. My dad is a feminist. He cries. He’s a bit sexist and a bit homophobic at times but he doesn’t want to be. He’s trying.
My mom is also a feminist, even though she says she enjoyed the attention of being cat-called by creepy, old men in the street. “It’s a compliment”. She says she misses it, made her feel young, pretty and thin, I guess. My mom is beautiful. I don’t know why I felt the need to say that.
She always cut my hair when I was a kid, but around my pre-teens I started to go to hairdressers. I’d always go through a somewhat yearly cycle of letting my hair grow, wanting it long, getting tired of it, wanting it short, getting it cut, loving it, wanting it long. Except when I didn’t love it, of course. I remember back in 2018 I got a haircut and it looked awful. I went home, crawled in bed with my mom and cried, I hated it so much. In retrospect, I don’t know why I didn’t do anything about it, didn’t re-cut it or something, I just grew it out.
I started dying my hair red in 2016. First time I did it at the hairdresser too. Expensive as shit. I didn’t like it. I said I did. To the lady, and whoever asked, and even myself. But I didn’t, it didn’t look how I wanted it to. Next time I did it at home. My mom dyed it for me because she knew how to. To get the roots and the back and all. I really liked it. I loved it. I never dyed my hair at the hairdresser again.
After that terrible 2018 cut I grew it out. Didn’t feel the urge to cut it the following year - or fought it off, I don’t know. When 2020 came around, my hair was the longest and most beautiful it had been in I don’t even know how long. The red really suited me too. People - my friends - couldn’t even imagine me without it, and when I would think of shaving the side of my head, for instance, I actually imagined it growing back red. It was part of me, even though it was fake.
Anyways, a month into the pandemic I shaved it all off. Clean zero, no mercy, didn’t spare a centimetre. Shaved it off. To be fair, it felt like it had been way more than a month by that point. It felt like it had been forever. I think I wanted something fresh, something new, something different and bold and radical and mine. And if it looked awful nobody would see it anyways. Once in a lifetime opportunity - hopefully.
I loved shaving my head. I had my friends on a video call. My mom helped with the back that time too. I have the whole thing recorded, took about 10 minutes. I loved it. It was cold in my scalp though. It was fun.
I wonder what my grandma thought of it. Or my grandpa. My dad liked it. Said I looked like an orthodox jewish woman a bit. I could see that.
But I remember this one time. Not too many months later, a couple maybe, we went to visit my grandparents at the beach. And by that point I wasn’t going outside much, but the beach was such a wide, open space, we could social distance to a safe measure. So I went. And at some point I decided to take a walk along the shore and I just remember having the oddest feeling. Just feeling like… Feeling the absence of the male gaze on me, really. And I had never realised it was there before in the first place. But now it was gone. Like without my long, beautiful hair I wasn’t as attractive - as desirable - as before. And it felt… bad.
And it was weird, but I had never realised the validation I felt from being gazed at. How affirming it was. I guess this is what my mom was talking about. Maybe she was just more honest about it than me.
And don’t get me wrong because I don’t want to submit to gender conformity and whatever that feeling was about. And I had so many different hairs during the pandemic, just having shaved it really gave me some freedom to do whatever, because if all went to shit and it looked terrible I’d just shave it again. And I explored gender and gender-non-conformity and I look at the pictures from when I had really short hair a couple years ago and I think it looks so... I miss it.
I’m kind of growing it out now, though. I don’t know, I just wasn’t really doing anything about it and it was just growing, then last year I cut it but I didn’t really love how it turned out. Made me think longer hair suits me more. I look prettier, I guess. I hate how gender conforming I am nowadays. I don’t know if it’s because I moved countries and it made me feel more secure. Sometimes I’m not, though. [Gender conforming, I mean]. I’ve been thinking about it. I feel like when I was an antisocial kid I cared much less about how others perceive me. I remember once working on a group scene where everyone was sharing hurdles they went through to try and achieve beauty standards. I didn’t really have much to share. I didn’t diet, I didn’t put myself through things that hurt. It’s different now. I often think the more social I became along the years, the more I fell into that.
I liked a boy in my class when I was 6. A few years later - and I had changed schools at this point - one of my friends from that class told me he had liked me too, but not anymore after I cut my hair. I don’t know if that’s true.
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chandigarhbeautypalace · 10 months
Glamour Redefined: Discover the Best Salon in Ambala
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In the vibrant city of Ambala, where style and beauty have become synonymous with the daily lifestyle of its residents, one name stands out above the rest — Chandigarh Beauty Palace. Renowned as the best salon in Ambala, this beauty haven has been transforming and redefining the beauty landscape in the region. In this blog, we will delve into what makes Chandigarh Beauty Palace the ultimate destination for all your beauty and grooming needs, and why it’s the go-to choice for both locals and visitors.
A Glimpse into Ambala’s Beauty Scene
Ambala, a city known for its historical significance and vibrant culture, has witnessed a significant transformation in recent years. The city’s beauty and grooming industry has evolved to cater to the growing demands of its fashion-conscious and beauty-conscious residents. Chandigarh Beauty Palace has played a pivotal role in this evolution, setting new standards for excellence and service quality.
Chandigarh Beauty Palace — The Epitome of Excellence
1. Exquisite Services
Chandigarh Beauty Palace is not just a salon; it’s a sanctuary of beauty and wellness. With a wide array of services that cover everything from hairstyling and makeup to skincare and spa treatments, the salon offers a holistic beauty experience. The highly skilled and trained professionals at Chandigarh Beauty Palace ensure that each visit leaves you feeling pampered and rejuvenated.
2. Expert Stylists and Technicians
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3. Premium Products
Chandigarh Beauty Palace recognizes the importance of using top-notch products to achieve outstanding results. They have a curated collection of premium beauty products that are carefully chosen to suit various skin and hair types. By using these quality products, the salon ensures that your beauty and wellness journey is safe, effective, and long-lasting.
4. Customized Beauty Solutions
No two individuals are the same, and neither are their beauty needs. Chandigarh Beauty Palace understands this and offers personalized beauty solutions tailored to your unique requirements. Whether you need a bridal makeover, a relaxing spa day, or a quick touch-up, the salon’s experts create customized plans to meet your specific goals.
5. Commitment to Hygiene and Safety
In the post-pandemic world, health and safety have become paramount. Chandigarh Beauty Palace prioritizes hygiene and safety measures to ensure the well-being of its clients and staff. The salon adheres to strict cleanliness protocols and maintains a clean and sanitized environment for all its services.
A Comprehensive Range of Services
One of the hallmarks of Chandigarh Beauty Palace is its extensive range of services, which ensures that it caters to every aspect of your beauty and grooming needs. Here are some of the key services offered:
1. Hairstyling and Haircare
From trendy haircuts to intricate hairstyles for special occasions, the salon’s hairstylists are adept at creating the perfect look for you. Whether you want a classic style or a contemporary makeover, they’ve got you covered.
2. Makeup Artistry
Chandigarh Beauty Palace’s makeup artists are renowned for their skill in creating stunning and flawless makeup looks. Whether it’s for a wedding, a party, or a professional photoshoot, their makeup artists will enhance your natural beauty.
3. Skincare and Facials
Indulge in a range of skincare treatments, including facials, to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. The salon’s skincare experts are well-versed in catering to various skin types and concerns.
4. Nail Services
Pamper yourself with a wide variety of nail services, including manicures and pedicures. The salon uses high-quality nail products to ensure a perfect finish.
5. Bridal Packages
For brides-to-be, Chandigarh Beauty Palace offers comprehensive bridal packages. These packages cover pre-wedding beauty treatments, bridal makeup, and hair styling to ensure that you look your best on your special day.
6. Spa and Wellness
Unwind and relax at the salon’s spa, which offers a range of massages and wellness treatments. It’s the perfect place to de-stress and rejuvenate your body and mind.
Client-Centric Approach
What sets Chandigarh Beauty Palace apart is its client-centric approach. The salon believes in building lasting relationships with its clients by providing top-notch service and a warm, welcoming atmosphere. Your satisfaction is their priority, and they go the extra mile to ensure that your experience is memorable and enjoyable.
Word of Praise from Satisfied Clients
The reputation of Chandigarh Beauty Palace as the best salon in Ambala is not just a claim; it’s a well-established fact. Numerous satisfied clients have shared their experiences and praise for the salon’s services. Here are a few testimonials:
“I’ve been a loyal customer of Chandigarh Beauty Palace for years, and I’ve never been disappointed. Their team is not just skilled but also incredibly friendly. They make every visit a pleasant experience.” — Priya S.
“I chose Chandigarh Beauty Palace for my wedding makeup, and it was the best decision I made. I felt like an absolute princess on my special day. They understood my vision and brought it to life perfectly.” — Neha K.
“The spa services at Chandigarh Beauty Palace are a must-try. It’s my go-to place for relaxation and rejuvenation. The ambiance is soothing, and the treatments are exceptional.” — Rahul G.
Location and Contact Details
Chandigarh Beauty Palace is conveniently located in the heart of Ambala, making it easily accessible for residents and visitors. Here are the details:
Address: [108,109, IDS showroom Complex Urban estate, Sector 7, Ambala, Haryana 134003, India]
Contact: [+917206006006]
Timings: [Contact Us Anytime 24/7]
Conclusion: Experience the Beauty Oasis
Chandigarh Beauty Palace has earned its title as the best salon in Ambala through a commitment to excellence, a wide array of services, and a client-centric approach. This beauty haven is where you can elevate your beauty experience, revitalize your spirit, and rediscover your confidence. With a team of expert professionals and a wide range of premium services, Chandigarh Beauty Palace is your go-to destination for all your beauty and grooming needs. Visit the salon, experience the magic of transformation, and emerge feeling more beautiful and confident than ever before. Beauty is not just their profession; it’s their passion, and it shows in every service they offer.
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anthonybialy · 11 months
Logical Histrionics
Imposing fear is the only option.  How else would you reign over fellow yet inferior humans: sharing facts?  You act like you don’t even want to boss around others by law.  
Everyone seems as serene as expected while enduring an ideology based around jump cuts.  Twitchy startling is surely a reflection of sensibility.
Saving Earth is the goal of Democrats who are too busy to fix the economy.  Visionaries’ priorities are several levels higher than those of dull greed merchants.  The highest possible goal on this planet involves said celestial orb.  We all inhabit it, and only the reigning party cares about its continued existence.  That’s unless they’re peddling humorless delirium that combines a drama queen’s worries with utter smugness about pushing policies that allegedly address the phantom concerns.  You should stop opposing Earth.
What random item will liberals decide needs to be banned for survival’s sake this week?  Gas stoves were wrecking us all these years we thought we were just making macaroni and cheese less crunchy than the ingredients are when opening the package.  Avoid al dente for firm guidance.  In more progressive states, you already don’t have a choice.
The sin of convenience will always be punished by the side that thinks every normal human activity is a guilty privilege.  Governmental gods issue it as a benevolent whim.  Revoking the right to cook as one wishes is reminiscent of interdictions against items as useful and harmless against plastic bags and straws.  You remember how our sidewalks were knee-deep in plastic detritus until wise and loving Democratic leaders decided carrying purchases and sipping drinks was prompting our downfall.  Chasing away residents is the liberal way of keeping streets clean.
Forgetting about what was going to prompt the universe’s downfall yesterday is how we keep life fresh today.  Sudden dread fades quickly.  But consequences remain.  Coping with a thousand petty bans overwhelms in stages.  You might think Democrats planned out liberty takeovers, but they just grabbed what rights they could one at a time in their style of living in the moment.
Feelings are important when results remain elusive.  Constant legal hassles do nothing but make fascist liberals feel smug, which for them means they got good results.  Imposers do the opposite of helping despite how they feel, which is an apt conclusion for the experiment of checking their ideology.
It’s not to spur anxiety, but you might be the wrong gender right now.  The way you are could be all kinds of incorrect.  That stands in contrast to being attracted to the same gender, which is immutable and unchangeable.  Venomously shrieking at anyone who dissents by offering helpful perspective to the confused mimics the style typical of dispassionate researchers.
You should be more grateful for being allowed to enjoy some of your decadent individual  choices.  There may be another scenario ahead where you would die if you were allowed to get a haircut, so know your shutdown experts are prepared to close up others’ shops in an instant.
Existence would have totally been worse.  Don’t freak about horrific death rates in the jurisdictions that capriciously confiscated liberty.  Other than results and outcomes, pushy humans kept those they shoved safe.
Getting upset at the enemy means different things depending on perspective.  Take noticing who set the globe back a few years.  Accurately reporting that China’s diabolical scheming paired with unparalleled ineptness unleashed a global plague will get you branded a racist long beyond the pandemic’s timeframe.  The case against a tyrant too cartoonish for a comic book movie is scientific in a way worshiping Andrew Cuomo wasn’t.
Your professional saviors need you afraid to implement their agenda, which is surely a reflection of rational inspiration.  Those who are so effective at issuing alarm that they themselves fall for them never stop to ponder that imposing constant fright might be a sign their views might not be quite very logical.
But it’s tough to boss you around when you’re calm.  Presuming everyone else also manipulates others in order to gain power shows a lack of empathy, amongst other very charming qualities. Personal uninhibited greed explains their contempt for businesses that sell products customers want as affordably as possible.
That one faction opposed to free trade is incapable of negotiation, which leads to seeking dominance.  Lack of success in both the business and political world means sticking with the latter where the marketplace is unable to decline.
Sellers of panic just can’t leave people alone.  Alack of trust when it comes to others shopping reflects a wholesale commitment to halting autonomy.  Taking your choice is the final one; naturally, only they get to make it.  Removing commerce is supposed to make you feel relieved.  Deciding what items to buy or whether to do so at all exhausts overwhelmed capitalists.
Constitutional circumventers are spooked that you might not do a good job of being in charge of your life.  Hysteria junkies need to make sure everyone else is as scared.
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terrie01 · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 7,592 times in 2022
That's 1,209 more posts than 2021!
29 posts created (0%)
7,563 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,058 of my posts in 2022
#cats - 300 posts
#btvs - 143 posts
#dogs - 134 posts
#leverage - 118 posts
#stranger things - 102 posts
#harrisco - 85 posts
#batfam - 77 posts
#sandman - 75 posts
#the untamed - 59 posts
#muppets - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#it is impossible to underestimate the amount of time we spend correcting bizarro claims from religious conservatives
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells Characters: Cisco Ramon, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Jesse "Quick" Wells Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Just so much sugary sweetness, Santa!Cisco, Christmas Summary:
Harry gets a special visitor for Christmas.
7 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
I'll be honest. I don't want diverse artists, actors, writers, etc, because people need to see themselves reflected in the world around them. I mean, I believe they do need that, but that's not why I want it. I want it because it means more varied stories and that benefits everyone, including me. I'm selfish. I want more stories. I want ALL the stories.
8 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
The weirdest thing about getting older is that even as your knees get creaky, your back unreliable and your stomach refuses to deal with the junk food you could live once live off of, you don't feel like an adult. Right up until you get a front row seat for teenage social drama. And then it's like "Nope, definitely an adult. Thank goodness."
61 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
Mental image of Damian in preschool or 1st grade. Little kid age. And they're going around the circle saying what their parents do.
"My father is a laawer."
"My father is a doctor."
Damian: "My father is an embarrassment."
62 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
One thing I've realized during the pandemic is that NTs are actually pretty rigid. Despite the fact that a certain rigidity of thinking and need for routine are often mentioned as hallmarks of neurodivergence (most often for people on the spectrum, but it does come up occasionally for other things like ADHD, anxiety, etc), the antimask crowd is overwhelmingly NT.
Among ND people I know, the response to masks has varied. Some really like them, because they don't need to spend a ton of energy thinking about their facial expressions. Some have basically gone "I don't like them, but whatever. It is what it is." And a small few have had sensory issues they can't figure out a work around for, so they just do curbside pickup and avoid situations where a mask is needed as much as possible.
And when you think about it, it's not very surprising. ND people, whatever our individual issues, are pretty used to having to move through a world not designed for us. Why would a pandemic be any different?
Meanwhile, we got to witness NTs having meltdowns because they couldn't get a haircut. The pandemic had interrupted their routine, and they couldn't handle it. For the first time, they were living in a world that wasn't designed around their desires.
So apparently rigidity and a need for routine aren't a ND thing, so much as what happens when human beings live in a society that isn't designed around their preferences.
16,940 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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talenlee · 2 years
November 2022 Wrapup
New Post has been published on PRESS.exe: November 2022 Wrapup
Intro paragraph! Probably too short! I have had a hard time writing this month!
First up we have the Game Pile articles:
Bart Vs The Space Mutants (in video form!)
City of Heroes Page 5
The Disney Animated Canonball Tier List
Straight Outta Tucson
Story Pile articles:
Air America
The Bear
The Engine of a Million Plots
The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated
There are other articles and honestly I think a bunch of them are great but I can’t really bring myself to look back on them. Truth be told I think this month, I can keenly feel the way that a lot of things that were functioning had to slow, that word counts crept down and that important things were made less important because of other, competing demands.
There were shirt posts, and you can go for more detail there.
This is also the first full month since Elon Musk took over a section of what I considered to be my personal public square and shit all over the floor. The day I write this, I know that he had just unbanned a number of actual nazis and banned a number of antifascist organisers, as well as banned people for things that definitely just look like they’re being annoyed with a thin-skinned billionaire being a turd. That means that rather than having a space to chill out, hang out, do cool things and goof off, a large portion of this month has been about watching a canary in a cage and wondering to myself if oh no, I really should probably be getting out of here.
I wrote my new bio today, for the first time since I started using Twitter seriously in around 2015. It looks like this:
Cis Male, White, Bi, He/Him
Get out, stay safe, reach out.
I don’t think Twitter is going to get a clean death and I don’t think I’m going to ‘stop’ on twitter per se. If nothing else, I gotta make it to next year. But it is not a safe place to post anything that inv0olves talking to people, and it is 100% just there to release links to my blog posts and to finish posting Magic: the Gathering cards on my secondary account. I need to stay there if my work asks me to but otherwise, I really think, today, that I’m going to have to start writing up some official protocls about Not Using Twitter in the name of just safety.
In the diary, I got a haircut. It’s the first time I remember getting a haircut since the start of the pandemic. I handed in marks. I got through a chunk of methodology writing in the PhD. I watched some fun streams. Desert Bus happened and Fox won a prize. I got to see a thing we made and sent raise a stupid amount of money as a raffle giveaway. I got to hear Jacob Burgess remark about our aesthetic. It hasn’t been a bad month per se, not in and of itself.
It’s just essentially part of me is having to move in a digital sense, and moving house is always stressful.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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