#water sign thing maybe idk my heart is just bursting with love
froggywritesstuff · 7 months
dysphoria | angel dust
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ship/pairing: Angel dust x trans!male!reader (reader has a uterus and still gets his period)
fandom: Hazbin Hotel
request: Can I request Angel Dust comforting his trans boyfriend when he gets his period and is extremely dysphoric and depressed about the whole thing. This whole week has been a shit fest of dysphoria and crying.
warnings: maybe ooc idk , I didn't clarify in my writing but first confession of love i guess, periods, gender dysphoria, swearing, crying, emotional breakdowns, petnames (reader gets called baby), rushed ending, bad sex joke
word count: 758
A/N: sorry this is really short i have zero motivation to do anything 👍 fem and cis readers dni
You didn’t even need to tell Angel what was happening, nor did he need to ask. The second he saw your face contorted into one of discomfort, he was all over you. He hung up a dozen ‘do not disturb’ signs on your hotel room door (though it was basically a shared room at that point), prepared to verbally or physically attack anyone trying to disturb you. Before you could even mention cramps he had a heat pack fresh out the microwave for you, checking every five minutes if it was still warm or if you wanted it reheated. He would cuddle you tightly, him and Fat Nuggets doing their very best to cheer you up. Angel showed how much he truly cared for you. You couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend than him. However you felt nothing he could do would make the dysphoria you felt go away. He’s an amazing boyfriend but unfortunately he can’t stop your period or give you a dick. (he could do the second one if you asked him nicely)
”Ok I think this is all the chocolate in the entire hotel, I refilled your water, and I got you some of those snacks you like.” Angel listed as he sat on the bed beside you, dumping the food in your lap before readjusting the pillows wedged between your head and the wall, wanting to make sure you were as comfortable as you could be.
”Ange, you didn’t have to do all that.” you mumbled despite knowing it was pointless and he would continue to insist on helping you. 
He pulled you closer to him, letting you rest your head against his shoulder, “I told you it’s fine. I want nothin’ more than for you to be happy.”
You lazily snuggled up to him. Dealing with your period and the gender dysphoria that tagged along with it tended to drain your energy, "Thanks. I really appreciate you helping me with this."
Angel's arm snaked around your waist, holding you close to him, "Of course baby. But of the list of things I'd do for you, this is pretty mild. If your period was a person I swear I'd fuck 'em up real bad. Make 'em regret ever makin' you feel this way."
You couldn’t tell if it was just your hormones going batshit or not, but Angel’s words had you burst into tears. You quickly buried your face in the crook of his neck as he pulled you into a tight but comfortable hug.
”You’re ok babe, I’ve got you, just let it out,” his whispers comforted you as his hand gently rubbed up and down your back soothingly, not even caring that your tears were staining his shirt. 
Shaky breaths left your lips as you cried, “I'm grateful you're helping me. But I hate this. I hate my body. I hate it so fucking much.” your voice cracked as more tears rushed down your face. Angel was quick to pull out of the hug and cup your face, his eyes on you as his thumb caressed your cheeks. “It’s not fair.”
Tears brimmed Angel’s eyes, his heart breaking at your words, “I know baby. And you're right, it’s not fair. And you don’t deserve to feel this way one bit.” he pressed his lips to your forehead, “You hear me?" you gave a small nod as his thumb wiped away your tears, "And you're not your body. You're the hottest, the funniest, the kindest, the strongest, and the most handsome - yeah you're the most handsome and hottest man I’ve ever met, who also happens to be the best boyfriend in the world. And I wanna do anythin' to help you with this pain."
A small smile grew on your lips as you listened to him. He was so genuine and sincere, a big contrast to his usual sarcastic and snarky demeanour. On a day you felt like dying only he could make you feel like living, "I love you. So much."
He smiled ear to ear, feeling his heart swell at your words, "I love you too baby." he handed you one of the snacks he had brought, "Do you wanna eat something? And then you can talk more about what's botherin' you, or we can watch movies, or we can just nap. Whatever you wanna do."
You nodded, taking a bite of the snack, "That sounds good." Angel shifted on the bed so he was beside you again, one arm around your shoulders, while the other wiped your remaining tears.
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 4 years
Body Electric - Kaminari Denki - Smut
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder Pairing: Kaminari Denki/F!Reader Rating: 18+ (contains smut) Words: 5,491 Warnings: Sex work (Cam boy/girl), Quirkless AU, Aged-up Adult characters (someone is in grad school! wow!), mentions of masturbation (both male and female), mentions of casual ShinKami, established KiriBaku, Idk they are all just really sexually liberated and don’t care about watching each other cum. Is that voyeurism? I’m bad at tagging things. Title taken from a Lana Del Rey song. AN: Another BNHarem collab piece! The theme was sex work, and I have wanted to do a camboy Denki for a long time so here we go. This was really smutty in my head but Denki makes me soft and it turned out really cute in the end, I’m sorry? He’s such a dork I feel like any sexual encounter with him would just turn out like this in some way, idk.  Thanks to @unbreakablekiribaku​ and @sailorsero​ as usual for being supportive of me. Happy birthday to @lady-bakuhoe and @burnedbyshoto​ 🎂🎂 There is no one else I would rather be birthday triplets with!
Please check out the Collab Masterlist: HERE Look 👀 at My Masterlist: HERE Buy me a Kofi if you’re scared of clowns too: HERE
Sighing, you sat up on your elbows, squinting at the chat on the screen, willing your heart to stop pounding and your breath to even out. The donations were pouring in, the chat moving so fast you couldn’t even read it. “Alright, lovelies, I hope you enjoyed that. Be right back and we’ll chat a little bit, okay?”
Donations popped up, the chat slowing a little as the clients who only came to jerk off to you left, leaving those who considered themselves true fans. You stood and made your way to the bathroom to pee, rinsing your toy off in the sink and washing your hands. You went back to your room, pulling on a hoodie and settling in front of the screen again.
“Alright, I’m back! I have some time for a few questions and then I have to go for the night. Let me see what we got!” You scanned the chat, ignoring the normal inappropriate questions. Mindfucker:  Do you know who Chargebolt is? Cause I heard he watches your stream.
Your heart, which had finally slowed to a normal rhythm, picked up again. You most definitely knew who Chargebolt was. You gave him a good amount of money from your donations when you watched his cam shows yourself. “I do actually, he’s pretty popular on here, isn’t he?” You sat back a little, furrowing your brows. “How do you know he watches me?”
RedDaddy: He did a Q&A and mentioned your channel! Told everyone to check you out.
You recognized the names of the viewers and knew they were also regulars on Chargebolt’s streams as well, so you believed them. Chargebolt was gorgeous and funny, just your type. The knowledge that he was interested in you enough to watch you get off on camera was flattering. You hoped your blush wasn’t showing on your face. 
“I’m surprised he knows who I am!” You had missed the last Q&A he’d done, since it hadn’t been on his normal streaming day, and you’d been stuck at work late. Leaning forward again, you bit your lip, looking into the camera from under your lashes. “Can I tell you guys a secret? I watch him, too. Why do you think I never do shows on Thursdays? That’s Chargebolt day.” With a wink you sat back, trying to will the blush from your cheeks. Mindfucker: I knew it! I bet he’s watching right now. You smiled, shrugging. “I hope he enjoyed the show, then!” You tried to hold it together, suppressing the urge to burst into a fit of giggles at the thought, answering a few more silly questions from your regulars, before signing off for the night, promising to be back again the following week.
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, leaning your head back and groaning. It was wild that the guy whose cam shows you watched on the regular, the one who had inspired you to start your own, who you thought of half the time when you were filming yourself getting off on camera for strangers, knew who you were and was one of your viewers. 
It brought you down a whole rabbit hole for a second, wondering if he got off on you getting off. Why else would he watch? Did he ever donate? You assumed he had a secondary account so you wouldn’t know it was him even if you tried to look at your past viewers, just like you had a secret account so you could watch him as well. 
Cracking your eyes open, you clicked to view the donation tallies for the evening. You’d made enough to pay the rent on your apartment for the month in just one night. Sometimes you wondered how you ever managed to survive before you started doing this. It was meant to be a temporary side job, but you’d been running this cam channel under the screen name Neko for over six months, and you had clawed your way out of debt in such a short time, it didn’t make sense for you to stop.
You viewed a few more visitor stats with interest, before logging off the computer and shutting the laptop. You had to get to sleep for your real job in the morning, so you figured it was time for bed, pushing thoughts of Chargebolt to the back of your mind for now.
It wasn’t until later when you were lying down to sleep, that you thought of him again. Your eyes closed as you ran through a scenario in your head, wondering if he would mention you on Thursday, and what would come of all this? You had noticed your viewer numbers had spiked that day, so it was definitely beneficial that you’d caught his eye. You just weren’t sure what would happen next.
Denki was grinning into the camera, wiping the cum off of his abs with the towel he kept beside him, his chest and cheeks flushed pink. He adjusted in his chair, tugging the toy out of his hole and chucking it to the side, pulling his boxers back up over his softening cock. “I hope it was as good for you as it was for me, babes.” 
He chuckled at the comments flooding the chat as he reached for his water and took a sip. 
Tapeman: As always, you never disappoint me, Chargebolt.
“Hey thanks, Tapeman! I appreciate you always coming to hang out...get it? Coming?”
Mindfucker: Ridiculous.
“Aw, you love me, Mindfucker.” He winked at the camera. “So, did you guys enjoy my Q&A the other day?”
The chat filled with praise, making him grin. He loved to talk to his fans, and sometimes they had some great questions for him. He knew a lot of people just watched him as a way to get off, but he liked to give a little piece of himself to them because he knew that most of the people who watched were probably lonely, and he wanted to help with that in some way. He kept things laid back, joking and laughing with his viewers before and after the show, taking requests and doing his best to remember some of the regulars. Some of the few who had been with him from the beginning he’d made into moderators to help with keeping things somewhat orderly in the chat. Some of them he actually knew in real life, like his roommate Hitoshi, who used the alias Mindfucker.
Mindfucker: So are we going to talk about Neko? Denki’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, you mean the stream the other day? It was…” He made the appropriate motion as he said it. “Chef’s kiss, immaculate. She’s so beautiful…” Trailing off, he let himself think back to the way your chest heaved and the face you made when you came. “I would do anything for her, man.”
RedDaddy: Dude, I agree! She’s also super sweet, like, the total package.
Sighing, he leaned his elbow on the desk, his cheek resting on his palm. “I am a simp, my guy.” He sat up, squinting at the chat. “She said she watches, right? Is she here right now?” He scanned the names of the viewers, frowning. “She probably has a second account. Well, if you’re here, Neko, you should hit me up. I read all of my DM’s okay?” He grinned, winking again. “Alright, I have to go feed the cats so I’m outie 5000, thanks for hanging out and I’ll see you guys next week!”
He said his goodbyes, ending the stream and sighing. He wiped off his toy with the towel and clicked through his stats for the day, smiling at some of the comments that came with the donations. Hitoshi came into his room a few minutes later, holding one of the cats, an orange tabby named Miso, in his arms. “I fed them, you don’t have to.”
Was it weird that his roommate watched him fuck himself on toys and jerk off on the internet on a weekly basis? Nope. Denki had forgone all sense of modesty when it came to sex a long time ago, and Hitoshi was the same. It helped that they fucked around on occasion, best friends who got lonely and lived together sometimes did that, he guessed. Or maybe they were weird. It was whatever, he didn’t like to think about it too much. 
“What would I do without you, Toshi?”
“Kill the cats, probably.” He deadpanned, leaning in the doorway. “Burn all the toast you try to make, buy the wrong peanut butter, eat Cheese-Itz for breakfast every day, forget to pay the cable bill.” He raised his eyebrows. “I can keep going.”
“Fuck off, I got the all-natural peanut butter once, it was an accident!” Denki threw his soiled towel into the laundry basket by the closet and picked up the toy he’d used, waving it around a bit. “Did you enjoy the stream?”
Hitoshi snorted, eyeing the dildo warily. “I didn’t really watch, I had my eye on the chat. I was looking for Neko.”
“Man, I can’t believe she’s a fan!” He waved the dildo some more, watching as it jiggled. “I would let her do unspeakable things to me.”
“Look out, your sub is showing, Denki.” Hitoshi teased. “But I agree, she’s pretty great. I wonder if she’ll ever do private shows.” Pausing to scritch Miso behind the ears, he continued. “I’m sure they’d be in high demand.”
Denki stood, pointing at Hitoshi with the dildo. He really needed to put it down somewhere and stop brandishing it around like a sword. “Don’t even, I’d spend all my money on that girl.” 
“I know you would.” He chuckled. “I did try to go through the usernames and see if I could find out who she could be, but I didn’t have any luck.”
“It’s okay! I’m leaving it up to fate now, man. If the universe wants us to know each other, we will.” He stuck his thumb towards the ensuite. “I’m going to wash my ass and then we can play Among Us if you want.”
Hitoshi, completely unphased as usual, nodded. “I’ll get a team together. Check the discord when you get out.”
Humming, Denki made his way to the bathroom, picking up his phone on the way. It buzzed as he closed the door, and he glanced down to see he had a message from his other moderator and friend, Eijirou, aka RedDaddy. Tossing the dildo in the sink, he looked down at the screen and opened the message.
Eiji: No luck on finding Neko on the stream, but she said she never misses a Thursday, so I bet she was there.
Denki: Thanks for keeping an eye out, man. I appreciate you. Among us in 30?
Eiji: Bet. I’ll ask Kats to play too.
Your next stream day had you feeling nervous. Chargebolt had talked directly at you on his last stream, asking you to slide into his DMs, and you had yet to take him up on it. You didn’t know what you were so scared of, Chargebolt was a nice guy. You chalked it up to the fear of the unknown. If you sent him a message, what would you even say? ‘Hey dude, nice cock?’ It was bound to be a disaster.
Pushing your nerves back down, you made sure you were ready for your stream, excited for the news you were about to drop on your viewers. You were needing a little extra cash due to some unfortunate car trouble, and you’d figured out a way to make up what you needed in record time.
“Hey everyone, welcome!” You smiled at the camera, waving your fingers. “Thanks for coming! I see a lot of familiar names here tonight. Hi Mindfucker, Dynamight, RedDaddy, Tapeman, LightningMcQueen!”
LightningMcQueen: Hey, beautiful! I’ve been looking forward to this all week.
Dynamight: Chill out, McQueen, you look desperate.
RedDaddy: Be nice, Dynamight. Hi, Neko!
Dynamight: Fuck off, Shittyhair.
Mindfucker: How’s your cat, Neko?
“Be good, Dynamight. You’re lucky I know you don’t mean that!” You giggled at the antics of your regulars, smiling at the question about your cat. “Ichigo is doing good, Mindfucker, thanks for asking! I’ll bring her on camera after the show if you want to say hi!”
Minfucker just sent a cat emoji and you laughed, shaking your head. “I’m beginning to think that you’re just here for Ichigo and not me.”
The chat went crazy with people denying it, telling you how much they loved watching you every week. You lit up, feeling more excited about your news.
“So I have something I want to discuss before we get started today. I’ve decided I want to try out doing some private shows, so I’m going to be offering up a few spots. I’m going to give some of my longest and most frequent supporters a shot first, and if all goes well, then I’ll open them up to the rest of you! I’ll be adding a signup link at the bottom of my page after tonight’s stream, so if you’re interested you can apply and I’ll pick a few of you and we’ll work out a schedule! How does that sound?”
Dynamight: McQueen already has his credit card ready I bet.
“Aw, you don’t want to play with me, Dynamight?” You teased, giving the camera your best pout.
Dynamight: You couldn’t handle me, Princess.
LightningMcQueen: Hush. You’re a bottom, Dyna.
Dynamight: Die you fucking extra.
LightningMcQueen: Love you too, blasty.
“I was going to let you pick the toy today, Dynamight, but if you can’t behave then I’m just going to have to let someone else have a turn.” You gave the camera a disapproving look, frowning. You’d picked up that these guys were friends, so you knew they were just messing with each other.
A donation popped up from Dynamight with a comment attached. 
Let McQueen choose this time, babe.
“It looks like Dynamight is going to let you choose, McQueen. Which one?” You pulled over the box you kept your toys in and showed it to the camera. “Pick a color.”
LightningMcQueen: Yellow
You pulled the yellow silicone out of the box and showed it to the chat, smirking. “I call this one Chargebolt because it’s the same color as his hair. Are you sure this is the one you want me to use?”
When your stream ended, Denki leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath. The fact that he’d watched you fuck yourself with a dildo that you’d named after him was the hottest thing he could have imagined. He was jealous of that piece of bright yellow silicone more than he should be. He’d still enjoyed it, if the mess across his abs and chest were any indication. 
He cleaned himself up and pulled on a shirt, clicking on the link for the private show signup. It was pretty straightforward, listing the price and how long the show would be, and asking for his username and what he would be interested in doing or seeing and what day would work best.
Staring at the form for a moment, he contemplated his options. He could sign up with his LightningMcQueen account, and he might have a chance. He was the first one out of his friends to find your channel one night when he was bored and horny. Then he’d shown it to Hitoshi and then shared your info with Eijirou, Katsuki, and Hanta. He would be considered one of the longest and loyal viewers like you had said.
However, if you got a request from Chargebolt? What would you do? Would you ignore it? 
“Toshi!” He called out, knowing his roommate would hear him without him having to get up. “I’m having a crisis!”
The door opened, and the purple-haired man stood in the doorway. “I am not prepared to handle your bi panic right now, Denki.”
“Are you going to put in for a private show from Neko?” Denki pushed on, ignoring his friend’s exasperation. 
“I spoke that into existence last week, you know. You’re welcome.”
Flopping back in his chair, Denki closed his eyes. “Should I send in the request with this account or with the Chargebolt one?”
Hitoshi shrugged, watching their cat Sashimi wander into the room. “You’ve wanted to talk to her for ages, man. You could have messaged her forever ago and you wouldn’t be playing this game with her. Sign up with your actual account.”
“I mean, she must think I’m cute, right? Otherwise, she wouldn’t watch.” He sat up, logging out of his secondary account and into his main one. He had a few unread DM’s, so he clicked, his breath catching in his throat. “Dude, look.”
There was a message from you, short but sweet.
Hi, Chargebolt. I don’t know if you saw the stream today, but you should check it out if you haven’t. I left it up for you.”
“She wants you to see her use that dildo she named after you.” Hitoshi patted his shoulder, and then bent down to pick up Sashimi. “I signed up but I told her I just wanted to have a date with her cat. She probably won’t pick me.”
“She will, she loves cats.” Denki clicked on your page and scrolled down to the bottom where the signup was again, letting it populate his main account in the information, and writing ‘any day except Thursday’ in the section for the time that worked for him. “I’m going to get this girl to date me, just you watch.”
Snorting, his roommate closed the door behind him as he left. “I believe in you, Pikachu.”
Once his request was submitted, he went back to his DM’s and sent you a message back.
“I was there, Neko. I never miss a stream. I submitted for a private show, so I hope you’ll pick me. I’ve been one of your viewers since the beginning, you know.”
In your head, you tried to plan what you would say once you were face to face (via camera) with the one and only Chargebolt. Everything your brain seemed to come up with fell short. What did you say to this guy, who you’d been simping over for over 9 months, who lit up your screen every Thursday with terrible puns and panty-dropping smiles? You knew exactly what he looked like and sounded like when he came. It was a strange thing to think that you knew that but you’d never actually spoken to him before.
It made you feel a little better when you realized he knew just as much about you. That he watched you fuck yourself on a dildo you’d named after him, and then spent the rest of the stream showing off your fluffy white cat Ichigo. 
It was time to put on your big girl panties. You could do this. 
Chargebolt had been one of the few that you’d chosen to do these shows with. He was also the last one. You’d met with 4 others, the ones who were the most active in your chat, the ones you assumed were actually friends. 
Your first one was with Tapeman, who asked you to call him Sero. He was cute, with the widest, prettiest smile you’d ever seen. He made you laugh, and called you beautiful, and spoke to you in Spanish. You didn’t feel uncomfortable once with him, and the experience gave you hope that the rest would be just as nice.
Mindfucker was next, whose name was Shinsou and lowkey your favorite one. He didn’t want anything sexual at all, which surprised you. You sat with him and drank tea and you got to meet his two fur children, Miso and Sashimi, while he told you about his roommate. You let him admire Ichigo, and talked about music. He was sarcastic, but not in a mean way, and you were pretty sure he was going to be your new best friend.
RedDaddy and Dynamight had asked to do theirs together since they were dating. You wanted to question why they both watched your stream but RedDaddy, who was actually named Kirishima, answered it for you.
“We’re both bi, and we think you’re cute!”
“Yeah, plus McQueen has a thing for you so we like to be in the chat to help him out.” Dynamite, aka Bakugou, added in his gruff voice, folding his arms across his chest.
“Aw, that’s sweet!” You smiled at them. “He didn’t request a private show though, so I guess he doesn’t like me that much.”
Bakugou coughed and Kirishima grinned. “Maybe he was nervous! I’m sure you’ll meet him in one of these someday!”
“Enough about that dumbass.” Bakugou leaned forward, his hand on Kirishima’s knee. “Give us a show and we’ll give you one in return. Use that orange and green one for me, Princess.”
And give you a show they did. You got lost in how they looked at each other while they jerked each other off, and you were pretty sure they forgot you were even there at some point. When it was over, you suggested that they start their own channel.
Bakugou scoffed, but you could tell he was blushing a bit.
“I don’t know, Neko. I don’t think I could share him with anyone else. Except you, you’re the exception.” Kirishima grinned, winking at you.
But now it was Chargebolt’s turn. You made sure you had everything you needed, making sure Ichigo was out of the room, and then signed into your account. 
Chargebolt was online, so you made the private room and sent him the request. You felt like you were shaking, and you checked yourself in the camera to make sure you didn’t look like a wreck.
You barely had time to breathe before he entered the chat, his camera screen coming to life and showing you his smiling face. You melted a bit, biting your lip, gazing at how attractive he was. 
“Hey, Neko!” Chargebolt was as vibrant as ever, tucking his hair behind his ears, the black lightning bolt in his hair dark against the bright yellow of the rest of it.
“It’s nice to see you, Chargebolt.” You tried to relax, rolling your shoulders back. “It’s kind of weird knowing you can see me too.”
He laughed, leaning back in his chair. You tried not to stare at his arms in the tank top he was wearing. Chargebolt had a small frame, but his muscles were defined. You’d seen him plow through an entire bag of chips on stream once, without pausing to breathe, so you assumed he must be one of those people with amazing metabolism that you envied. “You can call me Denki if you want, kitten.”
You choked on air at the nickname, trying to compose yourself. “Kitten?”
“Well, Neko means cat, doesn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow. “I won’t call you that if you don’t like it.”
“No!” You practically shouted. “No, I mean, it’s fine. I like it.”
“Sweet.” He grinned. “Man, I’ve wanted to get you alone like this for so long, and now I’m just feeling really nervous.”
“You’re nervous?” You were surprised. The always cool but super dorky Chargebolt was nervous because of you? “So am I.”
Chargebolt- sorry, Denki, rested his elbow on the desk, propping his head in his hand. “Well, glad to know I’m not the only disaster here. I’ve been trying to get the courage to talk to you for months, and then finally Hitoshi got me to talk about you on stream a few weeks ago, and now here we are.”
“Who’s Hitoshi? One of your regulars?” Knowing that you weren’t the only one who was sweating bullets had you relaxing a bit. 
“Oh yeah, Mindfucker! You know him right? He did a thing with you the other day, didn’t he?”
Eyes wide, you stared at him. “Shinsou?”
“Yeah, that’s my best friend and my roommate. He said he showed you the cats.” He shrugged. “You picked all my friends for your private shows. Sero, Kiri, Bakugou, Shinsou.” He paused, smirking. “I forgot that you don’t know that I’m LightningMcQueen.”
“That’s you? I was wondering why they didn’t send me a request, but it all makes sense now.”
Denki shot you finger guns and winked. “Kachow!”
“Oh god, stop it.” You rolled your eyes.
He chuckled, grinning at you. “So, did Shinsou talk about me?”
You giggled, remembering back. “He told me a story about how his roommate mistook a fuzzball for a spider and spent the afternoon sitting on a table waiting for him to come home and kill it.”
“It looked like one of those freaky poisonous ones from where I was sitting. I was afraid to let it out of my sight in case it got away and then multiplied and killed me in my sleep or something.” He took a deep breath. “Spiders are terrifying.”
This man was amazing. “You are everything I always thought you’d be, you know that?”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” He sighed. “You have to have some kind of embarrassing story to tell me so I don’t feel like a fool. You’ve got to make it even.”
“One year my dad hired a clown to come to my birthday party. He walked in the front door and I jetted out the back door and hid in the garden until he left. Clowns are just as terrifying as spiders.”
Chargebolt laughed, and the sound made your stomach do a somersault. It was just as bright and happy as he was. “That is the cutest shit I’ve ever heard!”
“I’m glad my childhood trauma is amusing you.” You deadpanned, trying to keep the smile off your face.
“Aw, don’t be like that kitten! I’m glad we can bond over our irrational fears like this, you know?” He 
You shivered happily. “Okay, okay.” You cleared your throat. “So, you didn’t write anything down here for what you wanted out of our chat today.”
“Oh, okay, down to business then.” He sat up straight. “Well, I wanted to tell you myself instead of submitting it on the form.”
Intrigued, you raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t want to give me a chance to back out?”
Snorting, and shook his head. “Nah, I think you’ll like it, kitten.” He folded his hands behind his head. “I want you to tell me what to do. I’m at your mercy.”
Swallowing thickly, you blinked at him. That was...really hot. “You like being told what to do?”
“I would love nothing more for you to pull my hair and peg me within an inch of my life while calling me your little cock slut.” He stared at you with an eyebrow raised, looking pleased with himself when he saw your expression.
Your thighs clenched together involuntarily. “Fuck.”
“Yeah, right? I mean, I’m a switch, I’d do the same to you if you asked.  But we can save that for next time.” He smirked. “So, you down?”
Next time? This man was going to kill you. “Take off your shirt, Denki.”
“Fuck yes.” He groaned, reaching behind him and tugging the garment over his head. 
His chest and abs came into view, and you let your eyes linger on the barbells through his nipples. “Pants too.”
He pushed his chair away from his desk and shimmied out of his shorts, kicking them to the side. You gazed at him in his blue boxer briefs, eyes lingering on his thin waist, strong thighs, and the outline of his cock. He was a sight to behold, honestly.
You held the fangirling back, leaning forward to get a better look at him. “Do you have any toys, Denki?”
“Of course, Kitten.” He moved out of view for a moment, coming back with a box. 
“Let me see.” He tilted the box towards the camera, your eyes flitting over the different colors and shapes inside. “The pink one.” 
“Okay, hang on, let me-” He cut off, standing up and throwing the pink toy on the bed. He picked up the laptop and moved it, laying down beside it and angling the camera so you could see what he was doing.
“Did you stretch yourself, baby?” 
He made a noise that sounded like a whine in the back of his throat at the pet name, obviously pleased by it. “Yeah, of course I did.” He glanced at the screen. “You should, uh, take your shirt off too.”
“I thought you wanted me to tell you what to do, not the other way around.” Teasing him, you crossed your arms over your chest.
He pouted slightly. “I’ve been good so far though, right?”
“All you’ve done is take off two items of clothing and move to the bed. You’re gonna have to work harder than that!”
Huffing, he lifted his ass off the bed and tugged his underwear down his legs, kicking them off, his hand already moving to wrap around his already hard cock.
“Did I say you could touch yourself, Denki?” It was getting hard to keep up the stern act you were putting on, but you knew it was what he wanted. You wanted to watch him touch himself, watch the way his eyes fluttered closed when his thumb brushed over the leaking head of his cock, and the way he would bite his lip when he moved his wrist a certain way.
You could be patient though, so you continued.
“If I was there right now, what would you want me to do first?”
He stilled, blinking at you a few times. “I would want your mouth first, I think.”
Humming, you sat back, pulling your shirt over your head, letting him admire the lacey purple bra covering your chest. “You’d want my mouth on your cock? Trace my tongue along that vein along the underside and suck on the head a little?”
Denki groaned, closing his eyes, his grip visibly tightening around his shaft. He looked like he was trying not to get worked up too fast. You were amazed at how your words were affecting him, so you pressed on.
“I’d take you all the way down until I was choking on it, and I’d let you hold onto my hair and fuck my face. God, you don’t know how many times I've dreamed about doing that for you. What would you say to that?”
The blush spreading down his neck and chest made him look so pretty. “Ugh, fuck kitten, you’re killing me.” He swallowed hard, opening his eyes to look at you again. “I’d tell you how good you made me feel, but I wouldn’t let you finish me off that way.”
“Oh no? Tell me what else you’d do.” You took the opportunity to move to the bed yourself, pulling off your leggings and panties all at once. 
Eyes glued to you while you unclipped your bra and threw it across the room, he continued. “Fuck, um, I would...god, you’re beautiful.”
Flushing at the compliment, you looked down shyly, breaking character. “I’ve heard you say that before and I still don’t believe it.”
Denki scoffed. “If you need a daily reminder, I’d be happy to be the one to tell you, kitten.” You could hear the sincerity in his voice, and it made your heart do a little flip. “I might seem like a dumbass but I’m using this camboy money to pay off my student loans for my masters in English lit so I can quote you entire sonnets from Shakespeare without hesitation if that will help you believe me.”
Your eyebrows shot up, impressed. Realizing you’d ruined the moment, you sighed, covering your eyes with your hand. “I’m sorry, I’m crap at this. I really just want to watch you cum.”
Chuckling, you heard him shifting on the bed. “Okay, how about this? Forget the toys. Just close your eyes and listen to me.”
“If you were here with me right now, just like that, I’d spend so much time exploring every inch of you with my tongue. I’d start with your lips, your jaw, your neck. Collarbones, shoulders, your chest, those cute nipples-”
“How are nipples cute?” You interrupted with a snort.
You could hear him trying not to laugh, his voice pitched a bit higher. “Shh, don’t ruin it.”
“I think you just did when you said ‘cute nipples’.” You’d never had this much fun with someone in a situation like this. “If I had a dick, my boner would have just died.”
Denki wheezed, and you opened your eyes to look over at him. He was gazing back at you, his eyes bright as he laughed into his palm. “God, I like you so much, kitten.”
Your grin softened, your heart pounding at his words. “Me too, Denki.” 
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Taking a Risk
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A/N: I think I just fell in love with Ron with this one. God, I love that man. Also ginger men should have more loving. I’m so glad I got this request because I enjoyed writing this every bit.
REQUEST by @tmrwriter​: I was wondering if you could write a imagine about the reader and Ron Weasley being really obvious that they have a crush on each other, but Harry and Hermione try to push them to get together? IDK but i <3 the work u do! Keep up the great work!!
It takes a lot of strength and time for a person to admit their true emotions and if emotions weren’t complicated, maybe everything would be much easier. 
You tried to ignore the butterflies and the uncomfortable heat on your cheeks as you were in the same room as him. Harry was digging deep into his potion’s essay, as well as Hermione, who was reading so fast. Both you and Ron have been trying to write the assignment for Flitwick’s class. He was sitting next to you, pretending to read the instructions for the assignment. Harry and Hermione already finished theirs, thanks to the brilliant Hermione Granger, who likes to finishe everything ahead. They had partnered up immediately after Flitwick said that the assignment must be done in pairs. Ron and you have decided to partner up as well.
That was harder than it sounded. Every time he was close to you, your body would tense up, your hands would become clammy and your cheeks were in this nice rosey colour. Every time you would glance at him, he was already watching you. His piercing blue eyes were soft on you, always were. The way he admired every little feature on you. The lines at the corners of your mouth whenever you smiled, the blush on your cheeks and the tension between your eyebrows. Every single bone in his body was telling him that everything pointed to him- that the blush on your cheeks were caused by him. 
When you caught him staring it was his turn to blush. His freckles that matched his eyes so perfectly hid under the blush of his cheeks. Sometimes you could see it reach his ears that almost glowed in a red colour. Just like him, you thought that all the signs pointed at you- that maybe, just maybe, in a glimmer of hope, you were the cause of his frustration. 
You’d bump into him- just gently enough to shake him out of his thoughts. He’d look at you with a grin and stared into your eyes until you felt your stomach twist and turn inside of you. It made you uncomfortable but excited in a pleasing way. You smiled and turned your eyes away, back into the book that you had to focus on but to God’s will, you couldn’t do it with his knee touching yours and spreading all sorts of feelings through your body. 
Oh, he did it on purpase. He wasn’t the shy, awkward kid you had met in your First year. No, something happened during the summer that made him so much more confident in himself. He’d bump his knee continuously,  teasing you even. 
You’d smile through your blush. “What are you doing?” you asked and he’d turn away with a grin. 
“Looking.” he dragged the word out as he flipped through the pages. 
He looked up at Hermione, still grinning and it didn’t last any second longer to let Hermione know what that meant. She moved her elbow a bit too fast until it hit the mug of tea and spilled it all over Harry’s essay and his robes. 
“Hermione!” Harry glared at her, feeling the boiling water scorch his skin. “That’s my assig-”
“Oh, I’m so sorry Harry!” she quickly got up, catching all of your attention. “Here- let’s go to my dorm. I think I have a book that can fix all of this.” she pulled his sleeve but Harry pulled back.
“I have all of my stuff here. Can’t you bring your book here.” he started to calm down a bit yet a little bit of anger was still present in his tone. 
Hermione couldn’t believe his brain. “No, Harry. No, I cannot.”
“Why not?” Harry kept looking as she continued to spread her eyes widely at him, glancing over at the pair.
“Because-” she tried to come up with an excuse. “-it would be faster if you take the essay before it’s too late.” 
“What?” Harry furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Oh, for God’s sake Harry.” she grabbed his sleeve and started pulling him with him, grabbing the essay in as well. You could see and hear them whispering something to each other, Hermione gently hitting Harry over the head with the essay.
“What was that for?” he rubbed the back of his head.
“How dim-witted could you be, Harry?” you could hear as both of them turned around the corner and disappeared.
Both you and Ron laughed at their disappearance. 
“Tossers.” Ron chuckled under his breath, catching your attention and making your realize that you and him were completely alone in the common room. Not a soul left.
It caused the blush to creep back to your cheeks, even your ears but you tried to focus back on the book... the book that was on his side of the table. 
“Okay, so how about we finally finish this assignment today and-”
“Isn’t it due till the end of the week?” he furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“It is but don’t you want to finish it sooner?” you asked, completely oblivious to his intention.
His smile fell into a fading frown as he turned around to the book and kept looking at you. He was a bit frustrated if he was honest with himself. This assignment gave the two of you time to spend together and you just wanted to finish this. So did that mean that you didn’t have feelings for him... not even a little bit. 
You could see him hesitating in his answer, making you a bit more aware of the true meaning of your question. 
“I guess so.” he said, forcing a smile on his face as he looked at you. 
It took you his answer to realise that you wanted to hear the opposite of what he said. It took you his answer and his hesitation to realise that this assignment gave both of you time alone and that you had done nothing but love that time alone with him. 
“Afraid of losing your reputation?” you bumped into him, trying to lighten up the mood that you had apereantly ruined. 
“What reputation?” he furrowed his eyebrows, feeling your knee pressed against him and causing him to get a bit more flustered. 
Seeing his face glow red, you felt the adrenalin pump your heart and risk the chance of getting it broken. You were done waiting for answers. You wanted to know now and the adrenalin gave you an enormous amount of courage to do so. You leaned forward, face to face as he swallowed thickly. 
Everything told you to just go for it. Every single bone in your body but you chickened out, so you reached for the book on his side and backed away slowly. 
Your heart was thumping, not only in your chest but you could feel every vein in your body press against your skin. “The one where you do everything last minute. Imagine shocking Flitwick with giving him the assignment  a day early.” you let out a nervous laugh, flipping through the pages but not really knowing what you were looking for.
He was silent for a while, trying to gather his thoughts and his body funtion because suddenly, he couldn’t move a thing- not even his mouth. 
“Uhm-” he cleared his throat, smiling a bit awkwardly. “Yeah.” he let out a gentle laugh, staring at you.
What did you just do? You leaned forward, close enough to kiss him and he caught you staring at his lips but it took you a milisecond to change your mind and back away. 
Merlin, all he wanted was to kiss you- to touch you, to hold you so close but all he did was watch you from the end of his couch. 
He stared into the piece of parchment. There was nothing written on there. The two of you have been sitting here for an hour and there was literally not even a draft- not on his side and not on yours. What did the two of you do for the entire hour if not do the assignment? 
He furrowed his eyebrows and looked on your side of the desk, finding another piece of parchment completely empty. He found you flipping through the pages of a book but your eyes were directed somewhere at the floor and your thoughts somewhere at the clouds. 
He felt himself lick his lips. You were about to kiss him, weren’t you?
He felt his confidence come back from the shadows it hid. He put the book on the desk, seeing as you have noticed it with the flick of your eyes but decided to ignore him. You didn’t say a word, only pretended to read as fast as Hermione and flip a page. The funny problem was that nobody else could read as fast as Hermione.
He felt himself smile as he approached you, slowly sitting closer and closer to you. His large hand placed itself on the top of the book and you could see nice veins pop define the lines of his hands. His nails weren’t bitten like Harry’s were but they were nicely taken care of and healthy. He pulled the book away and closed it, then putting it gently on the desk. 
You didn’t dare to look into his eyes. You knew that the moment you do, you’d melt away into a puddle of emotions. 
Your heart was pumping so hard in your chest you thought it would burst. When his nicely large hands removed themselves from the book, they followed up to your thighs and up to your own hands. They were so small compared to his and you found your fingers wonder on every freckle they had.
He smiled at the wonderfully nice and gentle reaction he got from you. It only boosted his confidence. He came too far, he was not about to back down now. 
“(y/n).” he spoke softly and quietly. “Look at me.” he continued. “I have to tell you something.”
With all your might, you looked up into his blue eyes, feeling your soul catch on fire as you did. He was smiling at you with courage but you could see flashes of anxiety come and go. 
You wanted him to tell you, tell you now. Right now!
So, you took his hands into a firmer grip and pulled them a bit closer- watching him with eyes that almost pleaded him to tell you what you wanted to hear. 
He took a deep breath in and out. This felt so much harder that he ever imagined it to be. You were his best friend and now, you were looking him with eyes that expected something and all he could hope for was that he would exceed in your expectations. 
“I like you.” he seemed to spill out, softer than he intended to. Your grip tightened and he could feel his hands squeeze as if you were expecting more. “More than friends.” he continued, raising gaze from your hands up to your eyes, only to find them glimmering in joy. Your smile was sincere and gorgeous- just like the rest of you. “And I would really, desperately want to kiss you.” he started leaning forward, seeing as you nodded gently and moved in as well. 
He was so afraid yet eager to finally get the chance to kiss you- no, not the chance. To actually, finally kiss you. 
It was just a small touch of your lips and as soon as he felt them against his own, he slipped in his tongue and deepened the kiss. His hand removed itself from yours and went up to your jaw, pulling you closer. Both of your hands went up from his abdoment to his chest, gripping and twisting the shirt in your hands. He smiled as he had felt your urge to kiss him, to feel proud of himself risking his heart to tell you what he had felt because he had felt it for so long, he almost felt himself burst. 
He removed his hands your cheeks and slid them down to your waist, gripping you firmly and pulling you onto his lap. The two of you parted only for a moment, a second, to take a breath, to look each other into the eyes filled with joy and lust. He wanted to lean in but you pressed your thumb on his lips, dragging it down and brushing it all over his lower lip. He smiled at your touch yet he still wanted more. 
“I like you too.” you said and it took him by surprise to hear you say that. He didn’t know he needed to. He thought that the kiss was just enough to prove him that you shared the same feelings as he did but saying those words to him felt even better, like a conformation. 
“Good. Because this would have been awkward if you didn’t.” he smiled and you laughed, pulling him into another kiss. 
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petri808 · 4 years
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Halloween games prompt chosen by @dragonlovesstars for @thenaluarchive Falling for You event. Focusing on Nalu only in this story. I had an idea going in, sorry but yeah... the characters totally hijacked this story and idk what happened 😅
Most of the Fairytail guild celebrated Halloween like they did most holidays... or really most normal days, by drinking and partying. But that never stopped Mira from setting up games just in case some of the members were willing to play. The boozers got a game of Trick or Treat where they had to pick from shot concoctions that could be a nice treat or a yucky trick. Younger members were off playing spooky themed charades, and surprisingly a few chose trivia.
As for Natsu and gang, they signed up for a special game called Scary Treasure Hunt which Mira promised would garner them the best treasure prize in all of Fiore! She paired them in twos, and sent them off into Magnolia to search for this mysterious treasure with only a clue to the first location. All in all, five teams were playing for the ‘prize,’ and not so surprisingly, they were paired in couples. With any type of challenge, Natsu was pumped up and ready to play! So, as soon as Mira said ‘go,’ he was dragging Lucy out the door because there was no way Gray was winning the prize before him!
“Slow down Natsu!” Lucy jerks her partner to a halt. “We haven’t even read the clue yet!”
“Oh, right!” He laughs. “So what does it say?”
Lucy holds out the card and reads out loud. “Instructions. Follow the clues to each location where you’ll be given a riddle and a clue to the next destination. I glide over water and rock to and fro. The canals I may travel, but the docks are my home.”
“What?” Natsu questions. “A boat? That’s not a destination.”
“The answer is right in the clue Natsu,” Lucy rolls her eyes. “The first location is the docks where they tie up the boats.”
“Ohhhh!” He grabs her hand, “well let’s go! Time’s ticking!”
When they reach the tiny Magnolia harbor, the pair search around at each boat looking for their next clue. There were only a few, and most were the smaller boats used to navigate the water channels. Of course, when they did find it, Lucy had to climb aboard to grab the scroll.
“Read it, read it!” Natsu bounces excitedly.
“First your riddle. Salamander, Salamander! The crowd chants with spellbound delight. You’ve come to a crossroad, do you choose left or right?”
“I— don’t get it,” Natsu scratches his head. “Is it talking about me? What the hell is the crossroads?”
“Huh?” Lucy frowns too. “I don’t get it either.”
“Is that all?”
“No, um,” she reads further. “Over the hill and through the lane, to strawberry street we go. Reach for the stars. Hmm, maybe my apartment is the next step?”
“Or the roof?”
“Could be? I guess it’s worth a shot.”
At Lucy’s apartment building, they took the access stairs to the rooftop, but at first, they don’t see anything at all. It wasn’t exactly a big roof to search, yet they saw no scroll. Frustrated, Lucy walked over to the edge facing the street below and rests her arms. Where else on Strawberry street would Mira have sent them if not her apartment? Though, so far, none of this made much sense to her. She looked down at the ground when something stuck to the wall grabbed her attention. “Found it! But I can’t reach it.”
Natsu looks over the edge and realizes he couldn’t reach the scroll either. So, he hopped off the roof, grabbing it as he falls, and landed on the street below. Lucy raced down to meet him.
“Good catch!” She congratulated him. He handed her the scroll and she reads it. “First your riddle. Through a leap, you know no bounds, nor fright of night, just solid ground. Okay this is seriously confusing,” Lucy grumbled, but continued on. “The dead slumber in their beds. We find solace in their peace.”
“I’m gonna guess the cemetery.” Natsu states.
“I agree.”
This really was turning into a hunt, though Lucy was starting to wonder what it meant. All of these locations and clues seemed tied together somewhat, revolving around their lives. Did Mira make it that way so it would be easier? By the time they reached the cemetery, she was no closer to figuring anything out. Lucy shivered at the idea of walking around a cemetery at night. It was eerie, maneuvering around the grave stones, searching aimlessly through the rows for the next scroll. This graveyard had no ties to either of them personally, but just being here made Lucy think about her parents.
After several minutes of searching, they finally found the scroll that was left on top of a headstone. Lucy wrapped her arms around herself tightly, a bit chilled both physically and emotionally.
Natsu comes up from behind Lucy and reaches around to rub her arms to warm her. “You okay?”
“Yeah, must be the wind,” she blamed, but his added heat helped to send those chills away. Lucy opened the scroll. “First your riddle. In the dark, we seek the light, and when we find it, we hold on tight for it will always guide the way home. That’s it,” Lucy turns it over and back, “there isn’t a clue.”
“Could ‘home’ be the clue?” Natsu asks.
“Yeah, but which home? Mine? Yours? Fairytail?”
“Well, she sent us to yours once already, and she probably wouldn’t have us go back to the guild unless we found the treasure, so I’m gonna guess my house.”
Lucy giggles. “That’s pretty smart thinking.”
“I have my moments.” He shrugs.
As they walk back to Natsu’s cottage, it was becoming clear to both of them that this wasn’t really a scary treasure hunt, unless you count putting a scroll in a boat for a slayer or being sent to a creepy cemetery. No, Mira designed this specifically for them to figure out something, but what that was still eluded them.
Once they arrive at Natsu’s cottage, they go inside and start looking around. Again, just like on Lucy’s rooftop, it wasn’t quickly noticed. They search the place from top to bottom and still nothing. Where was it?! Natsu grabs a blanket off the couch to check under it, but drops it again when nothing is found. “Okay,” he laments, “maybe I was wrong and she meant the guildhall.”
“Maybe not...”
He looked in Lucy’s direction, who was staring at his wall of mementoes. And there, pinned up, is the unrolled scroll. “What does it say?” He questioned.
“Your final riddle. They are the ones we run to. Hold us close when we are afraid, soothe us in our melancholy. Laugh with us, cry with us. Protect, nurture, and push us to be better. They are our greatest treasure yet our most feared acceptance. What am I?”
“That’s not a riddle.”
“Well, not exactly... but it has an answer.” Lucy turned around to face him. “It was all about our journey here,” she smiled with moisture building in her eyes. “The day we met, the choice to go with you. That leap of faith cause I knew you’d catch me. You being there for me over and over again. It’s saying you are my greatest treasure.”
“I can understand that cause I always thought you were a treasure. But I don’t understand m the fear part or the ‘what am I’ question.”
“Oh,” Lucy blushed. “I-It’s describing a soulmate because it could be scary to realize when you’ve found yours.” It sure as hell was for her.
Silence gripped the room as Natsu’s face registered a blank stare. Lucy couldn’t tell what he was thinking, and frankly the longer he stayed that way, the more nervous she became. Was he not understanding her? What if he did understand her?! This is exactly the fear factor she had long tried to avoid! “Are you still confused?” She asked hesitantly.
“So... the answer is you’re my soulmate?”
“I guess, yeah you could say that.” Again he just stares and she could almost see the gears turning in his head as he processed her words. “Natsu?”
“Like Lucy and Natsu in Edolas? Or Nack and Lucia in Giltina?”
His brows furrowed, then suddenly a grin bursts free. “I got it! Making an egg is our greatest treasure!”
Lucy slaps her forehead. “Oh my Mavis! For the last time, humans don’t come from eggs, and even if we did, y-you don’t even know what it takes to make one.”
“Macao and Gildarts already told me what to do, but I’m still confused. Maybe you could show me?”
“W-what?!” She crisscrossed her arms over her chest.
“But the treasure?!”
“Natsu I’m not having sex with you to win a challenge!”
He walked over unphased and put his hands on her shoulders. “I don’t care about a challenge. I want our treasure.” He smiled wide. “Wouldn’t that be the best Halloween treat ever? I know you don’t think I understand, and I don’t about some of this, but what I do know, is after seeing Nasha, I just thought it would be great to have one of our own.”
“Natsu,” Lucy sighed, “its not right to have kids unless we both love each other.”
“You don’t love me?”
“I-I didn’t say that...”
“Then we agree!” He grins, “please Lucy, let’s make our own hoard of treasures!”
“Whoa! Whoa! Slow down Natsu! W-we just established how we feel but it’s another thing t-to jump into t-that, and we haven’t even kissed yet!”
“Pfft, well that’s easy enough,” he swooped in and placed a rough, sloppy kiss on her lips. “We’re at the crossroads Lucy. Is it trick or treat?”
Lucy was done, her mind was fried and her heart was beating so hard she felt woozy. None of this was how she’d dreamed it would happen, but then again just like their counterparts, maybe the spur of the moment was more their style anyway.
Lucy takes a deep breath. “Treat.”
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suntrastar · 4 years
abstract: chapter 1
chapter 2!!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Artist!Reader
Summary: Wait- Bucky Barnes attends your art class? And you didn’t even recognize him?
Word count: 7k (i am insane i know this!! you can also find this fic on ao3 !!)
Author’s note: hello! attempting to upload a fic on here for the first time ever! do i understand this website’s format. perhaps not. but am i going to try? perhaps yes! anyways hope you all like it :) likes and reblogs are very much appreciated!!! umm idk how this works if you wanna follow me you can?? do follows exist on tumblr dot com i think they do. hope they do. love you all. this is a long chapter buckle up (BUCKle up lmao i am not funny)!! enjoy ;o
“Hey, can you come look at this?”
You teach three classes a week- Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The latter two are enjoyable in their own right, but Mondays are definitely your favorite. Instead of teaching kids, who are funny and creative but so messy, and so loud, you get to teach adults. People your own age or usually older, putting you in a position of authority, valuing your opinion, wanting you to come look at things.
It’s a delightful power trip.
You turn away from the window to see who’s speaking.
It’s Steve.
Of course it’s Steve, your star student, staring at you with a worn, weary intensity, wiping a paintbrush on a paper towel. He’s already pushed his sheet of paper across the table, bumpy with water and watercolor paint, cream-colored edges starting to curl. He leans away from it, reclining in a seat that’s adult-sized but dwarfed by his frame, looking so forlorn, like the paper just abandoned him, moved to the opposite side of the table by itself.
You stifle a laugh.
“Sure,” you say, and make your way over to his table.
Steve fidgets in his seat as you look at his painting. You try to keep your jaw in check.
It drops anyway.
As always, it’s beautiful. He’s painted a sky, swirling with purples and pinks, and careful clouds, flickering in and out between layers of paint, elegant and pale yellow-orange. And the sun- it’s off-center, and you’re sure it was unintentional, but that adds to the effect, because it’s hot red, and dazzling, and slowly seeping into the still-wet sky. Tendrils of red like real sunbeams, pushing through the clouds like a real sunset.
You don’t know why Steve even takes this class. Half the time, you feel like he should be the one teaching.
“It’s gorgeous,” you say eventually, once your words come back to you. “I love how you painted the sun- the red, oh my god. You’re seriously a natural.”
“Thank you,” Steve says, and you push the paper back towards him. He looks down at it, still tense, brow furrowed, and you almost laugh again, until he looks back up at you. “I wanted to know what you thought about it.”
Power trip.
“I love it,” you say, giving him a reassuring smile, which he hesitantly returns. You might be laying it on a little thick, but Steve still looks distressed, and you genuinely like the guy enough to try to help him.
When he walked in with his friend for the first class, you were floored. People like Steve don’t attend classes like this- classes like this are attended by regular people. Not people that walk like dancers, all grace and light steps, not people that are extraordinarily jacked, with jutting shoulders and rippling muscles, not people that have a weirdly authoritarian air around them, like a politician, but less shrewd.
Still, you welcomed them and made awkward small-talk and tried not to stare at their arms and hoped you came across as a somewhat decent person. It’s your first time teaching adults, you explained, and Steve gave you a smile so sincere and reassured you that you would do great, boosting your confidence to the point where you actually did.
Steve is lovely. He’s passionate about art and has a good eye, a better eye than you, really, and he always tries so hard with whatever he does, and he’s funny in a dorky way, and completely unaware of it. He always wears a baseball hat and tucks his shirts into his pants and called you ma’am once, and looked so surprised when you burst out laughing and told him to call you by your first name. With him, two classes have flown by, and now, during the third, he’s warmed up to you enough to talk to you like a friend.
The friend he brings with him, though?
A total douchebag.
The night to Steve’s day, the rain to his sunshine. It’s obvious that Steve brings him along as some sort of moral support, to make himself look less out of place, which is fine, except the guy always treats you like you’ve perpetually offended him.
And maybe you have, maybe one time you did something that’s worthy of his eternal dislike, but you wouldn’t know what it is, because he’s never brought it up, because he barely fucking talks.
You don’t think he’s a naturally quiet guy. He definitely looks like he has a lot to say, but no matter what, he only ever talks in single-syllable bursts, quiet enough that half the time you miss what he’s saying.
He doesn’t ignore you, either- he listens to everything you say and lets his judgement flicker over his face- which is way worse. A glare is a slight misstep, a shake of his head means that you’ve just said something that he finds stupid, a scowl is a catastrophe.
You don’t even know his name. He’s never introduced himself, and always writes his name in a shaky, illegible scrawl on the sign-in sheet, and by now you don’t care enough to look it up.
Still, you’re nice to him, polite. It’s okay if he doesn’t like you. You don’t need to be liked- being noticed is enough.
You shift away from Steve to his friend, sitting next to him at the table. He’s staring at you in a way that you can only describe as violent, and you flinch, and then plaster your smile back on.
“How’s it going?” You ask, expecting no response, stealing a glance at his paper. He’s painted the entire sheet a watered-down blue, and you want to congratulate him, for actually participating this time, but you don’t say anything. “The watercolors working out for you?”
Your heart goes out to the poor paintbrush in his hand. It’s barely been used, is steadily dripping water, and is being throttled in his gloved grip. He always wears one glove- it’s weird, but you’re not going to pry.
He catches you looking and a whole myriad of emotion plays over his face; irritation and shame, a creased brow and a scowl. You have the feeling that you’ve taken a massive overstep, even though you haven’t said anything else, even though you’re not looking at his hand anymore, just at him.
His hair hangs over his eyes, glossy and carelessly wavy, which you would find pretty, maybe, if he wasn’t looking at you the way he is. Like you’ve just done something terrible.
“Sure,” he says, and that’s it.
Even when you turn away, he’s glaring.
You hate it, so you pretend it’s not happening.
Steve gives you a sympathetic glance before you head back. You wave it off.
“Shonna,” you call, to the fiftysomething woman hunched over her painting a few tables down, “how’re the flowers looking?”
Thirty minutes before your fourth Monday class starts, you arrive at the studio to find Rina washing paintbrushes in the sink.
“Hey,” you call.
She turns to you and gives you a surprised grin. “Oh, hey! You’re here early- come help with these brushes.”
You set your bag on the counter by the wall and join her at the sink. You’ve known Rina for ages- ever since you were roommates in college. The class before yours is taught before, some advanced painting thing that she is extremely overqualified to teach.
She’s kind of famous. And kind of self-absorbed, and a little bit pretentious, but maybe that’s just what happens when you’re as successful in your field as she is. No matter what it is, you can’t complain- she’s the one that helped get you this job in the first place.
“A couple of people in my class like to get here early, so I just try to arrive before them,” you say. She passes you a clean paintbrush. You reach around her and tear off a paper towel from the dispenser. “Did you dye your hair? It looks so pretty.”
“Yes!” She shakes her head, letting her hair sway. Last time you met her, she had dyed it pink. Now it’s mahogany red, straight and sleek and falling just past her shoulders. She looks a little unreal. “How’s your class going? Are the people okay?”
“Yeah, most of them are pretty nice.”
She passes you another paintbrush to dry. You consider bringing up Steve’s friend, but decide against it.
“That’s good- and you’re welcome, by the way. But okay, listen. Do you remember that one guy I told you about a while back, Dustin? So yesterday I was just sitting at home, and then he texted me…”
With the formalities out of the way, she launches into a story about someone you definitely don’t remember. Still, you humor her, listen to what she has to say, chime in at the right parts and say “really?” and “no way!” too many times. The minutes tick by.
When all of the brushes are washed and dried, you take them, since you’re going to be the one using them next, and start setting up for the class. Rina walks away and grabs her stuff from the counter. She lingers by the doorway, door already propped open, aimlessly scrolling through something on her phone, hesitant to leave for a reason you don’t know. Maybe she has more to say- if that’s even, like, possible.
You set the brushes in a container at the center table, and head over to the shelves on the far wall to pull out more supplies. Unfortunately, today’s class is revolving around watercolor again. It’s drudgery, such a boring medium- dull, unsaturated, painstaking when it comes to detail. You bring out a stack of paper, the least-depressing palettes, and then mason jars for holding water.
You’re setting the last jar on the table when Rina shrieks.
It startles you, making your hand slip.
The jar wobbles over the edge of the table and then falls, shattering into cloudy glass pieces at your feet.
“Shit,” you curse, and look over at her. “Rina, what the hell?”
Standing across from her in the doorway, having arrived early for class as usual, are Steve and his friends, two shades more flustered than usual. Rina is gawking at them.
Okay, they’re attractive, but not that attractive.
Not shriek-worthy attractive.
You sigh loudly and carefully step over the glass, making your way over to them. “Hi, Steve,” you say, and he jolts, like a scared cat. He’s blushing, stepping back into the hallway, hands awkwardly dangling at his sides. His friend is staring at Rina like he’s about to murder her, and you’re staring at him like you’re about to ask him to pass you the broom behind the door.
Because you are.
“Sorry about… that. There’s a broom behind the door, could you pass it to me?”
He opens his mouth to say something, and you are desperate to hear him, even if he’s only going to utter a simple yes, but Rina buts in.
“You did not just ask the Winter Soldier to pass you a broom.”
“Girl, what?”
All three of you turn to her, cornering back into the wall. She looks even more unreal, eyes blown wide, red creeping up her neck, giving her hair a run for its money, still gawking. You resist the urge to reach out and pull her chin back up, to close her mouth.
She alternates between looking at Steve and at…  
“That’s the Winter Soldier,” she says slowly, like she’s trying to convince herself, or you, and then steps closer to Steve, who instinctively takes a step back. He’s fully in the hallway, now. “And you’re Captain America.”
Steve’s jaw clenches. He stays silent, and you feel bad for him, that’s all you can feel, really- you are confused beyond reason, halfway convinced that Rina is losing her shit, still awaiting the broom, still awaiting Steve’s friend’s words, racking your brain for any image of Captain America or the Winter Soldier that you might have- and coming up completely empty.
You don’t watch the news, like, ever.
Little details float back to you. Steve’s dressing sense, his manners, his muscles…
The baseball caps that both of them are always wearing...
His friend’s glove…
Oh, fuck.
“Are you?” You ask dumbly. The question is meant for both of them, but you only look at one of them while speaking. A glare meets you back- a slight misstep.
You can’t even see your feet, in this situation. You’re walking blind.
Steve crosses his arms and looks at you sternly. He doesn’t look angry, but as close as he can get. “Yes,” he says, completely guarded and unfriendly and not lovely at all. “I thought you knew that.”
You are so stupid- how did you not know that?
“I didn’t,” you say, and you don’t sound convincing at all. Not much fazes you, but you are absolutely, positively fazed right now, and starting to spiral out. “I had no idea- I thought you guys could have been, like, bodyguards, or something, not actual Avengers, oh my god. I’m so sorry, shit, thank you for your service?”
You’re going to end it all- this is so embarrassing.
Steve’s mouth twitches. Rina is scarlet-faced. The Winter Soldier, god, looks so tense, like he might shatter, too, into silent, grumpy pieces all over the floor.
“You’re welcome,” Steve says, and marginally relaxes. He stays in the hallway, the Winter Soldier by the door- you should have paid more attention in your tenth grade history class, what is the guy’s name?
Rina peels herself off the wall, and you start to get nervous. There’s a painful silence, with lots of staring, where you’re still trying to coax a few rational thoughts out of your brain, and only coming up with one- Rina needs to leave.  
You try to tell her that with your eyes, with a pointed look, but you’re not great at this whole communication-through-expressions thing, so she doesn’t get the hint, or does and just ignores it.
“So, let me get this straight,” she says, tearing the silence like a plastic seal, voice starting to rise, from wonder to excitement, from painless curiosity to danger, “there’s two Avengers taking your class? And you didn’t even recognize them?”
“Nope,” you say, looking away, at a stain on the wall, at the distant glass shards still unswept away on the floor.
She trails off before she has the chance to call you stupid, because the Winter Soldier gives her a pointed look of his own. Low brows and dark eyelashes, blazing blue eyes- she has no choice but to listen. Your staring was irritating, but his is intimidating.
She scampers away, mumbling something you can’t catch and brushing against Steve as she leaves.
This whole thing is so unprofessional, but at least you can breathe again-
“Here,” the Winter Soldier says, and a broom handle comes into your view.
Just one word, but you’ll take it with open arms. You take the broom from him, give an unreturned, unfamiliarly sheepish smile and head back to the broken glass on the floor.
The broken glass is swept up and tossed in the trash. You avoid looking at the doorway, focusing on other useless tasks instead. Rearranging the supplies on the table, fiddling with the window blinds, chatting with the rest of the class attendees as they start to file in.
Then the class starts and you’re swept back into your demonstration, talking and teaching and showing off different techniques that can be done with different types of brushes. You only look in their direction once, right after showing off some technique you barely remember from art school with a fan brush- they sit at their table near the back, Steve paying attention as usual, his friend silently reacting, as usual.
So they decided to stay- that’s good. Great, even.
Until the next part of the class starts, when everyone gets to work on their own paintings, when you have to stop talking.
You mill around the room, searching for a conversation to join in on or a comment to make, but find none. Then you take a sheet of paper and hopelessly try to draw- search for a distraction and a spark up of an idea, something, anything, and come up completely empty. It’s just...
How famous are they? Like, A-list celebrity famous? Are they offended that you didn’t recognize them- should you start treating them differently? You don’t keep up with this stuff. You have an impossibly long list of other things to worry about- you don’t have the time to worry about this stuff. The Avengers aren’t something you think about ever, because why should you?
If you opened any newspaper or magazine you would find something about them- a charity gala they attended, some recent threat they neutralized, the latest gossip surrounding their personal lives. But those lives are so far detached from your own that you’ve never bothered to look.
You simply don’t care. You’re not a native New Yorker- it’s not like these people are your hometown heroes, that you grew up idolizing them. They save the world time and time again and society is forever indebted to them and all of that, but what are you supposed to do about it?
And most importantly, what is the Winter Soldier’s fucking name?
Enough of this chaos goes on in your mind to make your head hurt. Fuck it, you decide- you’ll face it. You straighten your shoulders as you stand, trying your best to look purposeful as you walk to their table, like you have reason to go over there. Yeah, they’re strong. Genetically enhanced and all of that, and they’re important: they’re Avengers.
But they’re taking your class.
You slide into the chair across from the Soldier without taking the time to gauge their reactions.
“Do other people here know?” You ask.
Steve startles, eyes widening, and then considers the question while swirling his brush in green paint. He’s working on a landscape today, you think. “Shonna might,” he says, not rudely. “But nobody else.”
So maybe not that famous. Or maybe the people here are just like you and don’t care.
But it still doesn’t make sense. “Then why did you think that I knew?”
“Because you talk a lot,” Steve says, like it’s the most obvious thing ever.
“Well, yeah, that’s part of the job-”
Steve cuts you off, and fuck, you hate getting interrupted. But he’s smiling, and you can’t bring yourself to get upset over it. “You talk a lot to us.”
More like to him.
You take it in stride, don’t let your confidence slip. You’ve purposely angled your head away, and you know the Winter Soldier is staring at you- you can feel it on your cheek, on your shoulder, on every nerve in your face. You don’t look back at him. This revelation hasn’t made him any less unpleasant.
“Yeah,” you say, like it’s just as obvious, “because you’re a nice guy, Steve.”
Steve raises his eyebrows so high that they disappear under the brim of his hat. You smile at him as nicely as you can, sugar-sweet, until he can’t take anymore and drops his gaze back to his painting. You turn back to the nameless man across from you.
Winter Soldier.
“Hi,” you say, only to him, and prop your elbows up on the table, resting your face in your hands. “I love the little pattern you have going on with your painting.”
It’s random splotches of black paint- calling it a pattern is an exaggeration. But you carry on.
“This is probably a bad time to ask, and it’s kind of a dumb question, but, like, what’s your name?”
He just barely raises an eyebrow, allowing for a fraction of surprise, before schooling his expression back into his usual mix of anger and boredom, a casual glare and slight frown. For a moment, you wonder what he looks like when he’s happy.
“You don’t know his name?” Steve is in disbelief, and then he winces, and you think he’s been kicked under the table. Abruptly, you laugh.
It rings out. A few people turn and stare, but you brush it all off with another smile.
He’s still staring. You don’t mind it.
The paintbrush in his hand is suddenly unsteady.
“My name is Bucky,” he says, slowly and loudly enough for you to make out the sound of his voice, for the first time ever.
He is definitely bothered by you asking, his mouth drawn tight, and you can’t even take the time to appreciate how cutesy his name is compared to his demeanor, because oh hell. It’s going to be difficult to keep up this whole dislike thing, if his voice sounds like this, low and rough and gritty like sandpaper, pleasantly grating over you and your skin…
You have to consciously remind yourself to keep on smiling.
“Nice to meet you, Bucky.”
Things should feel different, but they don’t. Nobody really reacts- everything resumes as normal. Steve focuses on his panting, adding delicate brushstrokes to the branches of a tree. You linger for a moment, and then get up from the table and flutter off to someone else.
For every class, you wear this kitschy apron, paint-stained, with strings tied in a hasty bow against your back that Bucky always aches to even out. Someone tells you something, and you respond eagerly, fully phased out of the past incident.
He stares until he realizes he’s staring, and then drops his eyes back down to his paper.
Steve wanted to attend this class for a number of reasons- he was bored and wanted something to occupy his time, he wanted to revisit an old hobby, he wanted to learn from you- some hip, emerging artist he’s a fan of, whose work he’s been following for a while now, who is seriously talented, although you have yet to prove it. He wanted to go do something separated from the events of his regular life.
So much wanting. Bucky wants to know why you’re so indifferent.
He doesn’t know if it’s a good thing that you didn’t know his name, or that you didn’t flinch or gasp or accuse him of something, or pointedly look at his left arm. Should he be thankful? Steve is clearly thankful, already loosening up, freed of any lasting tension.
Bucky just feels wary. You’re unsettling.
You come back over to their table one more time. The sleeves of your shirt are pushed up, and there’s a smear of something dark on your forearm, ink or paint. On one wrist you’re wearing a  bracelet made of braided leather. On the other you wear a bulky digital watch.
“Everything okay?” You ask, as if something not okay could potentially have happened, in your forty-five minute absence.
Steve fixes you with a friendly smile. Bucky can’t ever bring himself to do the same.
“Yep,” Steve says, and you nod your head, clearly relieved.
“Great!” You glance at him for a spare second, and turn away again.
Everyone he knows is so guarded, walls built high and doors barred shut. Except for you, if Bucky can say that he knows you, the perky art instructor, Steve’s favorite artist. You’re confident and flippant, and that should be a bad pairing, but somehow you can carry yourself within it just fine. Always purposeful in the space you occupy, not reacting to the knowledge of his and Steve’s major, momentous identities.
Bucky wonders, idly, as he blots water over what you so generously called a pattern, why you didn’t.
It’s not like he wants you to acknowledge it, wants you to call him a war criminal or a Rusisan spy. He just wants you to-
He doesn’t know.
The class goes on. An older couple sitting a few tables away have caught your attention, chattering on and on about their personal lives.They have a pet cat that their landlord doesn’t know about, and when they retire they want to move to the seaside in Italy, and in May their son is going to graduate high school.
“High school?” You gasp, loud for no reason. “I hated high school.”
Before the class ends, you take your position at the front of the studio, and talk some more. He knows it’s part of your job, but you are excessive.
There’s an art exhibition going on at some museum, and one of the featured artists is an acquaintance of yours, and on Saturday the admission fee is discounted, and if anybody is interested, you have a stack of flyers on the center table. And you hope that everyone has a good week.
You look at Bucky while finishing up your little monologue, giving a half-smile that’s for the whole class, but seemingly only directed at him. He blinks slowly, and when he opens his eyes again, you’re looking somewhere else.
“Morning, pal, you ready to go?”
Steve gives him a hopeful smile as he peels an orange.
Bucky’s hair is still wet from his shower, dripping water onto his shirt. It’s early, too early to go anywhere. He doesn’t even know why he’s awake- usually after his wake-of-dawn runs, he falls back asleep, or lies down and just stares at his ceiling, thinking, until he grows restless enough to get up and do something. But today, the restlessness came much sooner, so he got up much sooner, and it might already be a mistake.
He takes a seat at the kitchen island, next to Sam, trying to think of something that Steve might have had planned for today, and coming up completely empty. “Go where?”
Steve looks hurt, for a brief second. “The exhibition at the museum, remember?”
“I’m not going to that,” Bucky says, harshly enough for it to be dropped.
Steve does not drop it. “Hey, come on. Just look at it.”
From his back pocket, Steve pulls out a flyer, one of the flyers you had out on Monday, folded up in a neat square- when did Steve pick one of those up? He holds it out, and Bucky, wishing he was asleep again, takes it.
He unfolds it, and the words are written in tiny letters, and the few photos on the paper are in color but too grainy to make out, and it gives him a slight headache, but he pretends to look it over. Sam leans into him to see it, loudly crunching cereal in Bucky’s ear.
“Looks cool, Rogers,” Sam says, and Steve grins, and now Bucky is the bad guy in the situation, for not wanting to go, even though Sam isn’t going either.
Bucky passes the flyer back without reading a single word.
“I’m not going,” he says, again.
But Steve is relentless. He sets the orange peels aside and gives him a look, and Bucky can already feel his resolve starting to crumble, and it’s kind of pathetic, really. Does he not understand that Bucky is already doing as much as he can?
“Why not?”
He picks the easiest answer.
“I don’t want to.”
Steve’s brow furrows as he splits the orange into two, giving half to Bucky. Sam slurps the milk from his cereal bowl.
They’re all blissfully silent.
“Come on, Bucky,” Steve says suddenly, almost begging. “I really want to see it.”
“I don’t-” He falters, he’s losing the battle. “How many people are there gonna be?”
Steve lights up. Bucky tries to stay indignant, tries to keep his face twisted in dislike, but it’s difficult with Steve. He’s always so full of optimism, has so much of it that it spills out through the seams, rubs off onto whoever’s closest.
“Not that many,” Steve says, like a promise, shaking his head. “That’s why we should go now.”
“Will she be there?”
Sam perks up.
Steve frowns. “No? Or wait, maybe. It’s a public place- I don’t know. She could be.”
It’s miles off from the answer he wants, but again, for Steve, he’ll take it. Bucky ignores Sam leaning across the counter like an idiot and asking “who’s she?” and eats his orange slices in silence.
Huge, bulbous heads, and beady little eyes. The limbs are long and wavy and contorted in the weirdest positions, seas of arms and legs and joints, women twisted over each other in gnarled embraces, a man with his arms twirling over and over again around his own torso. And the colors- a complete eclectic mess of everything- blue, red, yellow, green, purple. Everything.
You walk through the museum floor one, two, three times. The paintings on display are unsettling and ugly, and you’re on the verge of tears.
They’re gorgeous. Pain thrown on a canvas, told through canvas. It’s overwhelming- you’re overwhelmed, and you can’t do anything else about it. The museum just opened and there’s barely any people around- you can wallow in your sadness as much as you want to, for now.
Or maybe you’ll wallow in your frustration, instead.
This… you want to create like this.  
But you don’t have it.  
It being an impossible, nearly unattainable type of pain, or misery or anger or any other emotion so strong and visceral that you could translate it into something like this, something that evokes something else from other people. From an audience.
You might have had something like that once, but that’s all too far behind you now. Forgettable. What you need right now is an idea, a spark of inspiration, a single coherent thought. A confirmation that you aren’t completely lost.
You wander back to a painting in a far corner, all alone in a small alcove. A red woman, with her head nestled in green grass and legs wrapping around the sun, quite literally head over heels for it. Her mouth is wide open, gaping, calling, wailing, maybe. She has a hooked nose and a mole on one of her arms, and her white dress has fallen down to pool on the grass, and her legs are lithe and unshaven, prickly like the grass, just like the yellow spikes of the sun, drawn almost comically.
How do you even- how do you even come up with things like this?
By living an interesting life, probably. Through not being boring.
You stay there for a while. Long enough that more people start to file in, pretentious art students wearing all black, eccentric people with awesome haircuts, tourists. They peer over your shoulders, awkwardly, waiting for you to move. When you don’t, they leave you to be, giving you a rude look or two that you pay no mind to. There’s space on either side of you, if they’re so desperate to see. Sidling up right against you is kind of weird, but you’ll excuse it, for this painting.
Eventually, you realize that you should probably get going.
You’ve been standing so long that your legs are starting to ache, and there’s countless other Saturday errands you have to run- doing your laundry, buying groceries, calling up your mom- boring Saturday things to do.
You leave the red woman, regrettably. The fabric of your sleeve comes back dry when you wipe your eyes, even though you feel fully washed away, feel like you’re floating as you drift over to the elevator.
The doors slide open and a few people file out, and then it’s empty, thankfully. You step inside, press the button for the ground floor, wait for the doors to fully close-
“Wait,” a voice calls.
You’re not rude- you press the button to hold open the door.
When it fully opens, Steve steps inside, followed by Bucky.
You’re still out of it. You don’t even realize who they are, not until the doors have slid shut and the floor jolts as the elevator starts its descent and they’ve been staring at you for a solid five seconds.
“Oh, hi,” you say, after too much silence. You need to get yourself together. “You guys came!”
Put a little pep in your step! And more joy in your voice- nobody wants to listen to someone so drained.
Steve shrugs. “I wanted to see it.”
Bucky just smolders, clearly saying with his silence, “I didn’t.”
“Did you like it?”
Steve considers your question. The elevator stops at another floor and the doors slide open, but there’s nobody waiting to step inside. You wait for Steve to gather his words together, sure that he’s trying to come up with a nice way to voice whatever he’s thinking, which is definitely not nice. There’s no way that he liked the art, not one chance.
“It was… intriguing,” he says, at last. Neither of them are wearing hats today, because the museum doesn’t allow it. Even in this artificial light, his hair shines, golden-blond. “Did you like it?”
“Yes,” you say, without wasting a second. “The one of the red woman- it’s probably the best thing I’ve seen all year.”
“It’s only January,” Bucky grumbles.
His voice shocks you, sends an ice-cold jolt up your spine that you definitely dislike.
Steve turns to him, peering over your shoulder, surprised and disappointed. The two of them have a silent conversation with their eyes and you stand in the midst of it, waiting for the goosebumps to settle back down, waiting for the chill to go away.
It’s difficult- he clearly doesn’t like you, either- and even if he has his own troubling little backstory, which you don’t care enough about to google, it’s not justified.
It almost makes his aggression... amusing.
“It is January,” you say politely, dismissing him. “Great observation.”
The elevator reaches the ground floor and the doors side open. You exit in step with Steve, with Bucky right on your heels.
You all stand around in the museum lobby, a wide hallway down from the giftshop and a small cafe.
“Are you headed out?” Steve asks. He puts his hands in his pockets, feet planted wide.
Bucky crosses his arms. He’s wearing all black. If it were anyone else, you would make a joke- he could almost pass off as a pretentious art student, if the outlines of his body weren’t so visible through his clothes, all taut muscle and sharp angles. His hair curls over his shoulders, prettier than anything you’ve seen on any girl.
These guys are Avengers, you think, and proceed to push the thought away.
They look so… un-Avenger-y.
“Um.” You press a hand against your forehead, trying to formulate a response. Chores suddenly seem miles away, the last thing you should be doing. You have all of Sunday to complete them, anyway.
“I was going to get something to eat from the cafe first,” you say, nodding over in its direction. “You guys wanna join me?”
You don't know why you look at Bucky when you say it
“Sure!” Steve says, all cheery, still standing alongside you. He smiles and his teeth are pearly white.
Of course his teeth are pearly white. Dentists everywhere are probably cowering, clutching their little metal instruments for dear life.
Then he hesitates, and turns to Bucky. “If you have nothing else to do, I mean.”
Bucky pauses. You and Steve both stare him down.
“They have these raspberry-almond muffins that are to die for,” you say, like it’ll convince him.
He rolls his eyes. Bored and still gorgeous- if only.
“I’m free,” he says, and you don’t know why he looks at you when he says it.
You pay the bored teenager working the cash register with cash. He gives you your change, and when he turns away to prepare your order, you shove half of the bills and all of your coins into the tip jar.
Bucky sits at the farthest table with Steve. His knees can barely fit underneath it, and the tabletop is sticky, and he’s now willingly spending more time here, and with no disguise there is no way that he isn’t going to be recognized by someone, and he doesn’t know why he hasn’t fully booked it yet.
He doesn’t know.
Maybe because you’re not asking for anything from him, aren’t minding that he’s sullen or unapproachable or anything else- his presence seems to be enough for you, which is bothersome, and at the same time, mildly exciting.
“Are you having fun?” Steve asks, while you smile at the teenager handing you plates of muffins, little glasses of some milky-espresso-coffee drink.
“What do you think?” Bucky asks, while you start your journey back to the table, and Steve opens his mouth to respond, already bothered, and Bucky’s already guilty, but then Steve hops up to help you carry everything back.
You sit down laughing. Steve is laughing, too. The corners of your eyes crease and he can see all of your teeth, and you look at him for a split second, and then turn away before he can get a read on your expression.
He sits in silence, while you and Steve trade jokes and stories and easy banter, talking about art and local politics and all types of things he can’t bring himself to care about, things that Steve is relishing in. You’re witty, apparently, or at least quick enough to get a few quick laughs out of Steve, and Bucky would never say it, he’s barely thinking it, but he appreciates you for it.
And the muffin isn’t quite to die for, but it’s okay.
During a lull in the conversation, you break your attention away from Steve and turn back to Bucky. You look concerned, almost, still smiling but without showing all of your teeth, leaning towards him like you’re about to tell him a secret.
“I never apologized for before,” you say, and Bucky immediately sits up on edge.
Even Steve goes wary, eyes narrowing.
You suddenly give a long, weary sigh, and press a hand against the back of your neck, like whatever you’re about to say is going to be so tedious. “For my friend flipping out when she saw you guys- she’s literally crazy, she’s always doing too much- but on her behalf, I’m sorry.”
The silence following afterwards is deafening.
“It’s okay,” Steve says, after a long moment, while you’re still looking at Bucky- your eyes make his skin itch, and he doesn’t say anything else. “She’s not the worst that we’ve gotten.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything.
“Okay, great,” you say, and you slump back in your seat, looking away, back to your half-eaten muffin. You pick off an almond from the top and eat it. “Glad we got that out of the way. I just thought it would be weird if I didn’t say anything.”
“Thank you,” Steve says, so polite, even though you’ve done nothing to deserve his thanks. “Have you known her for a long time?”
“Yes, oh my god,” you say, and readjust yourself in your chair again, accidentally bumping your knee against Bucky’s, but not apologizing for it. He glances underneath the table, at your entire bare knee, visible through a rip in your jeans. “Rina- her name is Rina- was my college roommate for a while.”
“You went to college?” Steve asks.
“I have an art degree,” you say dryly, “which was… an okay decision, I guess. Sometimes I think I should have just dropped out and done, like, stand-up or something.”
You clearly don’t want to discuss it, leaving the last part as some sort of rhetorical joke. Steve takes the hint and nods, already closing the chapter, and you take a sip from your little glass, finally silent. The foam on the top of the drink sticks to your mouth until you lick it off. Bucky replies to it anyway.
“Why stand-up?”
You turn to him so fast that he almost misses you faltering, and give him a dazzling smile. He thinks of your bare knee under the table, and tries not to sweat. “Because I’m funny, Bucky.”
He doesn’t like how his name sounds when you say it. “Tell me a joke.”
“Oh, okay,” you say, and clasp your hands together. Steve is watching, rapt at attention. “Let me think real quick- oh, I have one. Which beverage has a black belt in karate?”
Bucky waits.
You wait, expecting something from him.
It’s Steve that has to say, “I don’t know, which beverage?”
“Fruit punch,” you say, exaggerating the last part, and Bucky just keeps on waiting.
Steve cracks a small smile.
“Let me tell you another,” you say. “What type of phone does a piece of fruit carry?”
Steve takes a few wild guesses. He’s enjoying this, and you are too, both of you feeding off of each other. “A phone-fruit. A fruit-phone. A frone?”
You shake your head. “A blackberry.”
Bucky doesn’t tell you that he has no idea what you’re talking about.
“Tough crowd,” you say, when he doesn’t react. “Don’t worry, I have more. Where do you go on red and stop on green?”
“Where?’ Steve asks, waiting, leaning forward in anticipation.
“When you’re eating a watermelon!”
It is not funny, it’s painfully unfunny, and maybe that’s why you and Steve burst out laughing. Bucky steals a glance at your watch, since he doesn’t wear one of his own. It’s nearing noon- how has so much time passed? Why is he still even here when he doesn’t even like you?
“Why are all of them about fruit?”
You look at him like his question is the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard. “What food is the best listener?”
Bucky just sits. All the foam in his little espresso thing has dissolved, having been left untouched. He doesn’t like the taste of coffee- too bitter, and caffeine doesn’t work on him, anyway. Maybe he should drink it, because you paid for it, and because you didn’t make a comment about old-fashioned manners or chivalry when Steve offered to at first, just shrugged and got in line.
He knows that you won’t care.
The drink sits on its own, glass beading with condensation.
“Corn is the best listener,” you say, without waiting for Steve to throw his questions or guesses at you, without waiting for Bucky to spit out another sentence. “Because it’s all ears.”
“That wasn’t funny,” he says, and glares at the spot beside your head.
You nod sympathetically, and he thinks again of the rips in your jeans. “I know. But it was about a vegetable.”
You stare at him straight-faced, crossing your arms over your chest. Steve does the same, and then he realizes- the two of you are a bunch of kids, punks, juveniles- mocking his stature, pretending to be serious, somehow not offending him.
“Jesus Christ,” Bucky says. “You’re…”
He can’t even help it. He looks back at you  and his face works on its own. He gives a single, dry chuckle, but he’s smiling, and dragging his hand over his face, scrubbing it off just as fast, but you still see it, and smile back and gently nudge his knee again underneath the table, and then turn back away again, and he’s still staring at your hair while you take big bite out of your to-die-for raspberry-almond muffin, already back in conversation with Steve.
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ghosthouses27 · 4 years
And The Universe Said I Love You
i love me some friends comforting friends so take some angst
(warning for emotional angst, possible thing that could be interpreted as a hint at suicide?? idk i just wanna warn just to be safe)
"Thanks for helping me Scar," Grian said, breaking the purple shulker box and shoving it back into his inventory.
"Of course!" Scar replied, fidgeting with the crystal in his hand. "It's always fun hangin' out with you G!" He swiftly shrunk the crystal down and tossed it into his inventory. "Say, wanna hang out some more? Just to talk or whatever."
Grian tensed, pausing his actions for a moment. Scar tilted his head, furrowing his brow. "G? You okay?"
He stared blankly at Scar before blinking and awkwardly smiling. "Y-yes yes, I am," he reassured, fiddling with his sword's handle. "Just zoned out."
"That's all?" Scar asked, his tone a bit sharper than he meant it to be.
A frustrated look passed over Grian's face for a moment before going back to a slight smile. "That's all Scar. I..." He looked away, taking out a rocket. "I've got to go."
The blonde looked up at him with glazed eyes. He suddenly looked more like a shell of a person rather than the once lively hermit Scar had known. His shoulders sagged and the faint rings under his eyes seemed more prominent than ever. "What?"
"Dude, you're obviously not okay," Scar said, stepping towards him. He moved to place a hand on his shoulder but Grian flinched away from his touch.
"I said I'm fine," Grian sighed. "I seriously need to go now Scar."
He gripped the rocket, about to light it, when Scar impulsively smacked it out of his hand. Grian froze and then turned to Scar, an annoyed look on his face that just barely masked the anger boiling under.
"I- sorry," Scar stammered. "But I'm not letting you leave Grian. You really don't look well, and I want to help you."
"THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE SAYS!" As soon as the words left him, Grian gasped and clapped his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide with horror.
Scar stared at him, taken aback. "What do you... mean?" he tentatively asked with a concerned look. "Who's 'everyone'?"
"I-It's..." The blonde looked down, scrunching up his face and clenching his fists. "E-Everyone one I-" His voice hitched and he started to shake. "I..."
Tears started to slip down his face and he burst into sobs that wracked his frail body. Scar wasted no time in wrapping the blonde up in a hug, letting him cry into his robes and try to catch his breath.
"E-Everyone I *hic* l-love a-always hurts me," he whispered through broken sobs.
"What do you mean?" Scar murmured, gently running a hand through Grian's messy hair. "Who's hurt you?"
Grian hastily wiped at the tears still falling from his eyes, sniffling and avoiding eye-contact with the brunette. "M-My old friends, *hic* back in Evo... I-I thought I could *hic* tr-trust them... b-but they destro- *hic* destroyed Evo-" He broke off into sobs once more, unable to hold them back any longer.
Scar gently pulled him even closer, softly hushing him and lightly dragging his nails across the blonde's scalp. "Grian I'm so sorry," he murmured. "But we can't change the past. We can only move forward and make things better."
"Can we?!" Grian burst out, startling Scar and making him step back in surprise. "Cause I tried to get close to people but all I ended up doing was making an enemy of everyone!"
"That's not true!" Scar protested, his eyes wide with shock. "What about Mumbo! Iskall! You three made such an amazing business last season!"
"Then what happened this season?!" Grian angrily gestured in the direction of Mumbo's base. "Mumbo went insane! This stupid god-forsaken jungle tore my best friend away from me! And Iskall? The last time we even properly talked was when he killed me."
He was trembling with anger by now, nails digging into his palms and tears still rolling down his cheeks. "And the only person who I ever loved, the only person I could ever trust with all my heart, died," he continued, his body swaying slightly with every aggravated breath.
"I loved him," Grian whispered, his voice cracking. "We went through so much together and he never left me. He was always there for me..." Fresh tears poured down his face but he held it together. "A-And then he died... right in front of me... and I couldn't help him."
Scar didn't really know what to do other than patiently listen, his heart breaking more and more with each word. "Grian... I'm so so sorry," Scar said again, his own eyes starting to water.
The blonde sighed, his body shaking from the effort. "It's me who should be sorry," he muttered, looking down. "I've caused so much trouble on here and I just... I don't deserve a place among you guys."
"Oh Grian don't say that," Scar argued, taking a step forward. "Of course you deserve to be with us! You're our friend! Besides, tons of other people do stuff on here that's chaotic and troublesome but no one gets mad! It's all in good fun."
"But they do it because it's fun!" Grian sighed and wiped his tear-covered cheek with his sleeve. "The reason I pull pranks, cause trouble, do so many crazy things, is because I don't want you guys to really... like me. I don't want to get too close to anyone because everyone just leaves me..."
He looked back up at Scar and chuckled, more tears escaping his eyes. "Maybe it's a sign though. Maybe it's the universe telling me that I should just leave. Maybe you'd all be happier with me gone-"
Scar cut him off by forcing him into a tight hug, much to Grian's surprise. Quiet sobs escaped from the brunette's lips but he tried to hold them back, for Grian's sake. "Please, please never say that again," Scar choked out, holding onto his friend like a lifeline. "Never ever think that we'd be better off without you. We're a family."
He pulled away, a small smile on his lips and tears streaking down his face. "And Grian?" The blonde stared up him, tilting his head slightly. "The universe would never say that."
"Because the universe loves us all."
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Lou/Kim Hosung Astrology: How He Loves
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OML he’s so precious i wanna squish his cheekies
As always 18+ under the cut
“omg i loved your astrology ask - romantic breakdown with Ayno so much! Can I get one for Lou, please?😊” - @randomkpopfiction
A/N I'm so happy to hear you’ve been enjoying my posts ! Here you go , I hope that you like it !!
Let’s talk tall boi
okay so his big 3 by our best estimation is Aries Rising, Sagittarius sun and Taurus moon, 2 fire and an earth
His chart lean is pretty evenly split between fire and earth, with one more earth and one air. no water whatsoever
that’s notable because water is the emotional element, so that suggests he isn’t prone to big emotional driven actions
we will get into that more as we go 
it’s just something that sets the tone of his chart
also his perfect split between mutable and cardinal suggests he can take the lead or be incredibly adaptable
so he actually seems very chill just looking at those facts 
for the romance-y stuff lessgo
Aries are confident go-getters, so he will seem pretty sure of himself in all situations
whatever he does he puts his WHOLE DAMN ASS INTO IT
we do not half ass anything in this house we whole ass it
can be a little brash, but his moon will help stop that from being too prominent since Taurus is basically the slowest moving most careful earth sign. 
since Aries is a cardinal sign though, he may seem a little intense and take charge in situations where others don’t seem to have their stuff together
Sun in Sagittarius, he is adventurous, lacks fear, and longs for intellectual insights, like he will ask you so many questions and fire back anything he thinks fits his own life
is really interesting to converse with
probably really laid back but still willing to talk to anyone
the kind of person who could make friends anywhere and with anyone
probably super curious and less cautious than he should be 
Taurus moon is affectionate but a bit shy and likes things to be very familiar
they are generally uncomfortable with change so his sun is a great balance to push him into more outgoing settings and to try new things
even if his moon will be a little filled with butterflies 
aw im soft
since your moons is the depth of your feelings he is steadfast and intentional
slow moving but once he has chosen for himself it is his focus
he will be a steady and reliable partner, but still be fun and spontaneous since his sun is so fiery. 
honestly looking through this chart I’m like he would be anyone's coolest best friend and just vibe in the most interesting way what a neat person?? where do i get one ???
let’s translate these and his other signs into a relationship starting with 
listen Sagittarius is the peter pan right? 
he doesn't WANNA grow up 
he wants to experience life and DO THINGS
but his Taurus moon will probably make him shy away even though his heart is BURSTING OKAY
Taurus is also one of the more artistic minded and sensual signs 
so he is creative and romantic and probably loves a cheesy rom com with cuddles
you may have to encourage his courageous side when emotions hit but you may have to chill him out where danger is involved
since his Mercury is Capricorn which is the cardinal of earth he will be really smart about his communication
so he will think things out well and be incredibly clever and quick witted
it suggests his humor is a bit sarcastic and savage and honestly 
like i consider Cap the most ‘millennial’ humor 
as in sarcasm and self deprecation 
but since that Aries stands proud he will probably still simultaneously know he’s pretty fantastic
like he knows he is awesome but also judges himself really hard probably
Venus in Sagittarius so this is interesting
of the fire signs it’s kind of more reserved romantically
Has REALLY high standards when it comes to what he wants in a relationship and intends for them to be met
not like how you look or sound or whatever
but will not tolerate disrespect of degradation on either side
has a lot of pride in keeping his relationships solid and communicative
an enthusiastic speaker, once he has set you as a comfortable person to communicate with he will lean into that and probably has a zillion incredibly interesting things he has pondered over about life and love that he wants to have deep conversations about
he would be the coolest to have talks about really relative things
might need some pushing if you want to discuss emotions 
that Taurus moon will win out only if you nourish and validate his feelings
so if you meet and he likes you somewhere a long the line, it will be a push and pull between Sagittarius wanting to love everyone and Taurus wanting to be sure of someone
the philosopher mind of a Sagittarius will draw him to you platonically and if you are affectionate, steady and warm his Taurus will basically flop down like a huge dog and beg for pats-metaphorically
His venus suggests that he would love to entice you with his wit, his spontaneity and his laughs,
He knows he is charming and full of life and he will use it against you 
and probably tease the ever living shit out of you for it
say he is cracking jokes or being adorable and you stare at him fondly, or giggle at a joke
he will be playful back
expect him to call you out
he is going to say something like “Oh I know I am beautiful but you’ll wear my face out staring like that.” with a wink
honestly a little shit sometimes wtf
doesn’t get jealous and doesn’t tolerate jealousy
so if you start as friends it will be this seamless fit into his friend group and he won’t even care if Ziu lays all over you or whatever
it won’t even seem abnormal to him even if he likes you
in fact he will probably just join the cuddle huddle or make sarcastic jokes about it
Sagittarius venus love fun and new experiences but they are not about to enjoy a shallow relationship
expect him to solidify boundaries and ask you out officially pretty quickly 
They are not a flighty sign even though they are a bit in the clouds sometimes 
the love an intense and passionate love and will not settle for less
Get you those healthy boundaries Lou
so i imagine as adventurous but thoughtful as his blend of signs is, especially with a Virgo Mars
he is going to think of the most interesting and sincere way to ask you out
maybe plan a day trip somewhere special
idk a hike or the beach or something 
and after he’s spent the entire day building memories with you 
he will ask you if you want to keep making these memories
maybe show you a little album on his phone of the selfies he’s taken with you for the last few months
wow soft and cute i love it 
and if you say yes he is going to start by being like oh yeah okay cool
then he will walk a few steps away and turn his back and start freaking out about how happy he is
a bouncy giggle mess over there and you’re like.... are you okay
he’s like.... *cough* yes I am FINE
sure you are
his north nodes is Libra so he is likely to need you around as he accomplishes goals
basically he wants to experience life with you and not separate from you and will work to make sure those goals align with each other
probably neither against nor particularly for public displays of affection
it will matter most to him that you are there with him, and if you want to add affection into it he won’t be opposed
but expect snark
“If you need to hold on to me you can.”
I also see him as the type to fall asleep on you during movies and really relish if he wakes up still in your arms
really low key affection is his thing
probably writes i love you on your leg with his finger when you are in the car or around people but he doesn’t wanna shout it out
likes to put his chin on your head and kiss the top of your head so gently
gently cups the side of your face and stares into your eyes all dreamy 
so cute I’m soft 
soft hours are closing
18+  below the cut
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must he do this I’m scared
spicy talk 
playful but intesnse
Sagittarius are exploratory signs  so that will probably make it into the bedroom ngl
like they like new experiences
so he is going to be learning things and sitting you down to talk about hard yes’s and no’s
we stan healthy communcation
maybe a little switchy?
I think he prefers to be in charge of your pleasure but I think he would be down to try laying back and letting you take the reins
to be honest he seems like he would really be into blindfolding ?
like blindfold him and tell him he has to make you cum but he has to do it with just his hands
jfc those hands i think you’ll be okay
lives for excitement and trust in a relationship
it has to go both ways, the Taurus moon demands it
he wants you to trust him with your whole being and he will give that in return
he wants you to be greedy with your own pleasure
“Touch yourself for me baby, I wanna see you”
looks at you like a work of art he wants to paint with his hands and tongue and cum
probably nasty but in the absolute most intimate way
hey you know what he sounds like saying give me more already I expect that’s what you hear after your third orgasm sorry I don’t make the rules
with a Virgo mars (his actions) mixed with so much Sagittarius expect him to treat you like his own personal experiment
really wants you to be as vocal about it as he is 
communicate what you like and don’t
wants you to ride him so he can watch you and comment on how beautiful you are
“you want me to fuck you hard you have to earn it.”
teasing little shit i stg
the Taurus makes me think he is kind of really intimate about it all
the kind of guy who might spank you , but will massage it gently after, 
holds onto the back of your neck and pulls you into his thrusts 
probably furrows his brow in concentration
and he has this like.. excitable side with all this fire energy that makes me feel like he gets really energetic about the whole ordeal
like he is SO AMAZED you are letting him touch you that he just kinda 
probably makes the softest little groans when you run your nails down his chest
wants to be marked in places no one else can see
doesn’t think of it as ownership or “marking” in  a traditional way
thinks of it as little reminders on his skin for only you two to know about 
that’s kinda beautiful tbh 
aftercare is probably haphazard but it will involve a lot of touching,
like none of his signs are particularly care-taker-ey 
but he will be sure you get lots of affection after more intense sessions so  you feel loved and protected
probably kisses your face all over and pulls you into an embrace
mumbles about your future together as you fall asleep 
it’s really cute aw
TWO MORE MEMBERS and both have been requested, expect them soon!
thank you for requesting and while I have a few more astrology posts and one request for a short story coming down the pipeline, I also have a oneshot I wrote on my own and am currently editing coming. Expect some stuff!!
Requests are open !
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leatherjacketvan · 5 years
Back to You
A/N : This was a request! Thank you for sending it in! I hope you enjoy it! It’s super long but I felt the need to be detailed. Also, it’s poorly edited so I apologize. Enjoy! :)
*** The Past
“What do you mean you can’t do this anymore!?”
Shocked and confused you both stood in the comforting space of your living room. However, the tensions from the heartbreaks you both were now in the face of made your home feel far from a sanctuary.
“I- I can’t do this! It’s too much. I feel like our relationship is living off of borrowed time!” You replied, trying so hard to gulp all your feelings down. But they were bursting through like a busted water pipe and there was nothing you could do about it. No matter how hard you tried to keep it all in.
“So what? You’re breaking up with me!? Is that what this is!?”
“Van. . . I- I don’t know. I don’t know what this is. I just can’t keep pretending we’re okay. We’re not. . .”
“Everything’s been pretty fucking great for me! Why? Am I not good enough for you now?” He sneered. He was bitter and cold and it hurt to see him that way.
“Van. Calm down! We can’t talk when you’re acting like this.” You replied solemnly but sternly.
“Calm down? Y/N, you’re the one who’s breaking my heart right now! Don’t fucking tell me to calm down!”
“Van. . .” you replied. You sat down on the couch, a wave of emotions hit you like a tsunami. Sobbing into your hands as if you were a child. This was never what you wanted. But it was something that you felt that you needed to do.
Your brain always treated you with logic not with tenderness. You told yourself you couldn’t do this anymore.The constantly being away, the burdensome feeling you had when you weren’t around him, not knowing what the future would even hold for the both of you considering how you couldn’t seem to move past the fact you may never have or even want the time to just settle down. You convinced yourself it was the truth. . . that these were all valid reasons to leave. Maybe it was. . ? It felt like it was. . . You’re brain was all warped over the idea of losing him. You loved him. . . right? Yes- of course you did! How could you not? He was bright and kind. Caring for you and always there when he could be. But that was the thing ‘could be.’
He was constantly gone for long periods of time. You were constantly traveling back and forth for work. You loved him. . . yeah. . . you really did. But it made your brain melt and your heartache whenever you thought about all the times he was never around. Or when you were never around.
You sat quietly after you started to calm down from the wave of panic that had just possessed your body. He walked over to the couch, sat down right next to you and sighed heavily. Letting out a strange whimper as he began to break down too.
“Van, you know I love you. . . right?” you said softly. He pulled you into a tight embrace as your head faced the floorboards. He cried into your shoulder. You couldn’t dare to look him in the eye.
“Yes, Y/N. I know you love me. I love you too. . . I just don’t understand. . . Why are you doing this?” he replied, his voice was melancholy and strained. Both of your emotions were filled with innocence and desperation, which made the situation all the more devastating
“Because, right now. In my life. . . things are changing. I’m gone all the time, and so are you. I miss you constantly. I hate when you leave. Hell! I hate when I leave. . . But I worked so hard to get where I’m at. . . and so have you. Neither of us should have to compromise our careers for each other. It wouldn’t be fair. . .” you began.
“Van. I think you need to let me go. . .” you turned up to look him in the eye. But he was already staring into yours. His had become ghastly pale, his frame was slumped. His cheeks blushed from the sadness.
“I- I. . . can’t, Y/N. I love you. . . I love you so much I can’t-” he broke his words with a soft sob. You held him in your arms this time. The moment was so sappy but it was now a reality. And it was terrifying to think you were just going to leave one of the best things that ever happened to you. And that you were breaking not only yours, but someone else’s heart.
“Van. . . I’m gonna leave. It’s what’s best for the both of us. I know it. I think deep down you know it too.”
“You can’t!” he said, an absolute mess.
“Van. . .” you said sternly. You grabbed his face and intently looked him in the eyes. Your nose was all runny and your face was all red and puffy. You were far from a pretty crier. You knew that. He knew that too.
“Van, ju- just think! For one moment. . . . please. . . just.” you signed heavily. “I love you, I always will. You’re one of the best things to have ever happen in this lifetime of mine. And I say that without a fucking doubt in my mind. But if we keep this up. We’ll never be okay. Things will just get worse.”
He sighed heavily, he pulled your hands away from his face and held them gently in his.
“You’re going to leave me?” he whimpered.
“I think we need some time apart is all. I know this doesn’t feel right now, but Van I know it is. You can focus on yourself now. You can let me go. . . I promise.
I understand if you hate me. I hate me for doing this to us. . . But in the long-run. This is what’s right.”
He looked down at your hands, his thumb rubbed over the ring he got you for your last anniversary. It marked three years of your love for one another.
“You promise?” he mumbled.
“What?” you questioned confused.
“You promise, that no matter what. . . you’ll never take this off? Please. . . promise me.” he said solemnly.
“I promise, Van.”
*** The Present
You sat upon your brand new sofa and took a deep exhale of relief. “Finally!” you exhaled.
You sat in your new apartment. You had just got done decorating. It was finally a home now. All your records were organized by genre, artist and then release date. Your kitchen was now prepped for you to cook actual food, instead of takeout that you’d been eating for the past few weeks as you settled into your new place. Your bed was made up and your bathroom was stocked with all your essentials and favorite things. You had finally moved in.
The past few years had brought a lot of new perspectives into your life. They way you wanted to live it and so on. . . It was no longer a struggle to figure out the next step like it had been for so long. Because you had realized something. . . Life was too unexpected. And to map it out down to the smallest details was only causing you stress and even more stress. You got sick of living like that. So you decided to finally just let live. You weren’t old by any means- but you were getting older. And you were at a point in your life where you had to be a real adult now. Even though you’ve had a continuously climbing career, you decided to settle down for awhile. Maybe you’d change your mind in a few years. . . who knows?
You sat back and relaxed as you opened the bottle of wine that you had been saving for this moment. You filled your glass and slowly sipped on your pricey Rose. The dinging of your phone abruptly came from the coffee table. You slowly leaned over and picked it up to see a text from one of your long time friends, Quinn. You’d been college buddies, and she definitely made your homesickness a lot better whenever she was around.
“You’ll never guess who the FUcK is in town rn!!!” - Quinn.
“Idk is it ur creepy uncle who wears the button downs but without buttoning them? Because if it is. . . I’ll pass :)” - Y/N.
“No! … thank god. . . but Y/N like for real!!” - Quinn.
“Okay Q. . . who is it?” - Y/N.
“Y/N. . .” - Quinn.
“Y/N. . . it’s Van. . . :/” - Quinn.
“. . .” -Y/N.
“Do you want me to come over? I know how much you hate to talk about it. . . He’s only here for a few days anyway.”
“. . . yeah. You can swing on by. . . we’re going to need more wine tho :/” - Y/N
“Of course girly :) I gotchu. . . always. <3 .” - Quinn.
You gulped down your glass and set it to the side as you began to just drink straight from the bottle.
You stared into the blankness of your wall. You didn’t understand why you were so caught up about Van still. It had been years, afterall. He’s probably moved on by now. After you split ways with Van you didn’t really keep in contact much longer, afterwards. Their was the occasional ‘I think I left my favorite perfume at your place.’ or ‘ Mind if I drop by? I think I left fifa at your place.’
Your work had you flying around a lot after that. Going from city to city every other day for a few months at a time. That’s when one day you had the enlightening realization that it was all becoming too much and that you should just settle someplace for awhile. Which is exactly what you did. And something about you settling down now, without Van, made you feel a deep guilt that built up in your stomach.
The door opened and Quinn walked in. She sat down next to you and let out a deep sigh. “Men amiright?” she scoffed, taking her own beverage from the bottle too. You both looked at each other. Then at the ground. You just started to laugh. It started off as a small little breathy scoff, and then laughter just erupted from your lungs, and you couldn’t stop. You were practically screaming you head off with laughter like a madman. Quinn just sat confused.
“Quinn.” you paused mid-laughter.
“I’m fucked. . .” you sighed.
“Y/n. . .” Quinn muttered trying to get your attention.
“I think you still love him. . .”
“. . . I think so too.” you replied softly.
You both stared at each other once again. Eyes glassy and scared.
“What if he doesn’t love me anymore.” you asked desperately. It felt pathetic to say aloud.
“I think love always finds a way back to you. This just doesn’t happen to be a very convenient coincidence? No I don’t think so. This was meant to happen.” Quinn said.
In college you studied multimedia and she studied psychology. So your more meaningful conversations always ended with Quinn reciting something philosophical and you agreeing to it even if you had no idea what she was even talking about.
“I’m gonna go call him.” you murmured. You got up from the couch and walked into your bedroom. Scrolling through your contacts you found his name. The lame little eggplant emoji that Van forced you to put in his contact name was still there. You took a deep breath as the dial tones began to ring.
“Hello?” he spoke.
“Uh. . . hey.” you replied awkwardly.
“I’m sorry, who is this?” he asked.
Your heart sunk into your chest, you regretted this. This just felt like a mistake. “Um. I think you might remember me. . . It’s Y/n.” you spoke softly.
“Y/n!?” he replied enthusiastically. It made your stomach fill with butterflies the way he said your name.
“My bad. I just got a new phone, don’t have a lot of contacts in this thing yet,” he laughed.
“Van! Hi, I hope i’m not intruding on anything. . . Uh. . . um- a friend of mine told me you were in town.”
“Me and the lads just landed in Chicago.” he replied a little lost.
“Yeah. . . I -uh. Moved back home.” you said.
You grew up in the States your whole life. But moved to Chicago for University. You first met Van in Chicago and he always thought it was where you grew up. You never bothered to correct him on it.
“You moved back to Chicago?” he said. The tone in his voice had shifted from perky to solemn.
“Uh- yeah. Recently though.” you replied.
“Oh. . . um. . .” he said aimlessly.
“Yeah! Anyways- what a weird coincidence. Ya know. . . the timing and all. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to see each other while you’re here? It’d be nice to see you again.” you said.
“Of course, Y/n! How about tonight? We don’t play a show until tomorrow and it’d be fantastic to see ya.” he said cheerily.
“Yeah of course! Sounds great!” you responded.
“Awesome! I’ll text you a time and place,” he spoke.
“Yeah Van, I’m looking forward to it,” you said. A feeling of sadness had overrun your body at the sound of his sweet voice.
“. . .”
“Yeah. . . me too. Catch you later Y/n,” he said.
The line went dead and you felt colder than normal. You walked out into the living room. Quinn sitting on the couch with a smirk on her face.
“How’d it go?” she asked.
You scoffed, “I don’t know, how do you think it went? I know your nosy ass was listening in on every word.”
“I think it went pretty damn well if you ask me,” she replied.
“. . . Yeah. I hope so. . .”
Later that night you peeled out of your sweatpants and t-shirt and into something more casual. You were meeting him at some bar called ‘Patty’s.’ Van always made poor choices when it came to finding new places. He loved the dive bars. But, in your opinion, they just seemed like every girl’s worst nightmare. Sweaty old dudes checking you out. Mold growing on the walls of the bathrooms. Those sorts of things.
You double checked to see if you had everything in your purse, but really you were just trying to avoid the situation you whole handedly put yourself into.
When you got to the bar you were running late. You took a short walk from the train to the place you were supposed to meet and every now and then you would stall to ‘catch your breath’ or ‘adjust your shoe.’ Anything to postpone that awful feeling in your stomach. It was guilt and you knew it. . . It began to eat you alive ever since your phone call.
You walked up to the bar, took a deep breath, and walked inside. You looked around. It was noisy and old rock music was blaring from blown out speakers in the background. You looked over to your right. There he was. You felt your chest sink into your stomach. A few empty glasses already cascaded the table he was sitting at. You slowly approached him and saw the look on his face brighten when he saw yours. You took a seat across from him and began to prepare for an uncomfortable night.
“Hey” he said. He had a huge grin on his face, like a young kid when they see their crush. It made you crack a sad smile looking at that goofy lovable smile of his. The one you let down all the years ago.
You took a seat across from him. An awkward silence was held between the both of you. You had no idea on where even to start.
“So. . . what’s new with you?” he asked politely.
“Oh. . . a lot currently. I just finished moving in and I start work again at the office in a few days,” you replied. trying to make innocent conversation.
“Chicago, huh? What made you want to move back here?” he said. Only a few words in and it already felt like an interrogation. But you knew you owed him at least an explanation as to where you’d been and what you’d been doing all this time you’ve been apart.
“The past few years I’ve been all over. I just got a little homesick I guess,” you replied.
You could hear a slight breathy scoff come from under his breath. “What happened to not wanting to settle down?” he muttered as he stared at his glass somberly. He was starting to come off a rude and quite judgemental of your decisions, but his eyes were glossy and he looked so lost in thought. You could tell he was still hurt. Even after all this time.
“You’re right. . . I didn’t want to settle down. But, I don’t know maybe now I do,” you replied.
“So. . . Does that mean you’ve been seeing someone?” he questioned. He had the same negativity in his tone, but he spoke calmly.
You sat quietly, feeling the intensity rise “. . . No Van, I haven’t really thought about that part of settling down.” you replied.
“Oh. . .” he said softly circling the top of his whiskey glass with his finger.
“But how have you been?” you interjected into the uncomfortable silence.
“Oh. . . I’ve been great. Yeah,” he bluntly replied. You could tell he didn’t really want to come here for small talk, despite the happiness in his tone when you talked on the phone earlier. You thought he would’ve just loved to tell you what he’s been up to. But deep down, you knew you were foolish to think your guilt wasn’t going to come up to bite you in the ass.
He wanted something more.
“I’m glad to hear that.” you said, nodding your head with a soft smile.
“Yeah. . . Ya know. . a lot of songwriting, we’ve got a new album dropping soon.” he stated.
“That’s awesome Van! I’m happy for you! How are the guys by the way?” you replied.
“They’re all good. Bondy’s laid of drinking a little bit. Larry is. . . well. . . still Larry.” he chuckled awkwardly.
“That’s awesome! It’s good to hear you’re doing good!” you said cheerfully.
“Yeah. . . I mean, why wouldn’t I be?” he retorted.
“I mean- I. . . I don’t know.” you replied nervously.
You both sat silently for a good moment.
“. . . Van. What’s on your mind? You seem a little tense,” you mumbled out.
“. . . Yeah, well, here we are.” he replied coldly.
“Is it because you want to talk. . . like, about us?” you asked. You could almost feel your bones shaking and the goosebumps forming on your skin.
“Yeah. But uh- not here. I don’t want to talk about it here.” he bluntly stated.
“Okay. . . well we could. . . I don’t know maybe go back to my place?” you mentioned.
“. . . yeah, um. . . okay.” He replied.
You looked down at your hands as you fiddled with your fingers. A nervous habit of yours. He slid out from his seat and you followed suit. You slung your bag over your shoulder and the both of you headed out of the front door of the lame dive that you were so glad to finally be leaving. This wasn’t exactly how you planned on leaving it though. But then again, you had no idea what you expected to happen.
You and Van walked side by side, occasionally bumping into each other from the lack of distance between the two of you. You folded your arms in front of one another to make sure your hand wouldn’t accidentally meet his.
You walked down to the train and waited an awkward five minutes in somewhat silence as the Amtrak slowly approached.
When you got back to your building. You fiddled with your keys. Shaking a little bit as you tried hard to hide your nervousness. But when it came to Van, you could never seem to hide your emotions very well.
“Are you okay, Y/n?” he asked concerningly.
“Uh- yeah” you chuckled “New keys, you know how it is. . . that’s all,” you stuttered out. He nodded his head as in ‘yeah. . . alright.’ He could tell you were a nervous wreck. But deep down inside he was too. If it wasn’t for the intense pregaming he probably would’ve been acting the same way.
You finally made your way into your apartment. You tossed your keys into the dish next to the doorway and walked over to the kitchen. He followed behind you as you began to look through the cupboards for some alcohol. Preferably something with high content. The quicker you weren’t sober. The better.
You grabbed a bottle of vodka for you and some whiskey for Van. You didn’t bother with shot glasses. Not that you were sure you had any, anyhow. You grabbed two regular glasses and began to walk out into the living space. You plopped down on your couch like you had earlier that day. But this time in an entirely different situation. With entirely different thoughts running through your head. He sat next to you. And you just sat in silence as you both poured drinks.
“So. . . um. You asked me earlier if I’d been seeing anyone. How about you?” you asked.
“‘Course not,” he replied.
You let out a little laugh, trying to break tension. “How come? You’re a fine lad. I’m sure the ladies are all over you. I know they were when we were-” you stopped mid sentence. Instantly regretting that statement.
“When we were together?” he replied.
“Uh- yeah, I guess,” you mumbled out, embarrassed.
He let out a little laugh. “No. I haven’t really found anyone all that interesting. I haven’t found anyone worthwhile,” he replied.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” you said, taking a long gulp of your strong beverage.
“Not to sound cocky, but you should. You’re amazing Y/n. No one could ever come close to you,” he softly spoke. You looked up at him. You forgot about how much his eyes glimmered in soft light.
“Bullshit! I’ve met plenty of girls who are way cooler than I am,” you replied with a calm laugh.
“Oh, so you’re into girls now I take it?” he snickered.
“Van! You know what I mean,” you replied with more laughter.
“Yeah. . . I suppose so,” he sadly replied.
“But I don’t think there will ever be someone quite like you,” he said. He took a strand of hair from your face and pushed it aside. You awkwardly looked down, not knowing how to respond.
“Y/n- I.” he stopped as he looked down at your hands that had made their way crossed upon a pillow. You looked down too. On your right middle finger sat the ring Van gave you.
“You still wear it?” he asked. He looked shocked, happy, and sad at the same time. An odd expression but one that you instantly detected.
“Yeah. . . of course! We made a promise. But do you know how much of a pain it was to keep track of it with all my travels.” You laughed.
“Y/n- I can’t believe you actually kept it,” he replied with a soft smile as he held his hand in yours.
“It was three years of undying love, remember?” you smirked.
“Yeah, I remember. I remember how you called me corny for saying that. . . but it was the truth,” he smiled.
“And it-” he stopped. Looked down at your hands and then back at you.
“Even after all this time, I still feel like maybe it is,”
You couldn’t detect why, but all of a sudden that guilty feeling rolled all throughout your body. You became a little flustered on how to respond. Before you knew it, you had tears in your eyes.
“What’d I say!?” he interjected; concerned.
“Oh God, I don’t know! It’s not you. . . Well I mean it is but it isn’t,” you began. Van instantly wrapped his arms around you; tightly.
“I know. I know. It’s okay,” he said. Comforting you.
“I’m so sorry,” you spoke. It came out a little bit raspy as you still tried to stop yourself from actually crying.
“No Y/n. Don’t be. . I. . .” he began to speak as he loosened his embrace and his eyes met yours. Your face was all red and your eyes were puffy. You were an ugly crier. You knew that. So did he. . .
“I think you were right. About having distance. Even if it met losing you for awhile. When I first heard your call I about freaked out with happiness. I couldn’t contain it. I couldn’t believe it was you. Y/n I love you. I’ve loved you from the very beginning. When you left. . . I thought maybe I could move on, but you’re the one. You’ve been stuck in my brain for what feels like centuries. And now that we’re here. Together.”
You looked him in the eyes once more as he held your face in his hands. He had a hopeful grin on his face as he looked right back at you. You leaned in closer. His lips caressed yours as he softly kissed your lips. But the intensity was astronomical. He pulled your body closer to his as if you were weightless. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck. Returning the gesture. You paused. Looking at him with a flirty smile.
“You know I heard this cheesy thing, but I think maybe it’s true,” you spoke
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Van replied with a cheeky grin.
“It goes like ‘no matter what love always finds a way back to you’ or something,” you said.
Hand held your hand and squeezed it tight. Giving you another passionate kiss on the lips before saying “I guess now both of us are corny lovers” he chuckled.
You leaned once more.
“Yeah. Maybe we are…” you smirked.
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sasukebarmitzvah · 5 years
watching every naruto opening and discussing my opinions because im bored liveblog
took me a little while to warm up to it idk why maybe because its not as up tempo and its a shonen and i want to get hype but i love it now. love the part where the camera pans around team 7 fighting randos they are babies… also its so funny when sasuke holds out his hand to naruto to help him out of the lake and he jsut fist bumps him. gay boy
Haruka fucking kanata baby!!!!!!!! a fav. like we all know this. i listen to the song just regularly a lot and every time it comes on shuffle im like Oh my god its haruka kanata. read the english translation of the lyrics… sns
this one got stuck in my head for a while lol. i like seeing everyone babie and i like naruto shaking his head at the end to dry off like a dog
DDMnanannaddnnaaaaa naaaaaaaaa nda aaWE ARE FIGHTING DEAMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOLI OLI OLIOOOOoohh!!!!! very fun very good also a very good time in the show, hello tsunade
**edgy shonen opening where theres something important in front of a chain link fence**
lol skipping 6-9 bc thats the huge chunk of filler which i didnt actually watch most of
heros come back is SO GOOD absolutely one of my favs. banger first of all. i love how its actually choreographed and naruto sakura kakashi are like moving to the beat and i love the part where the animation is like pencil sketchy and theyre running and their bodies warp bro its just cool. the part where everyone dramatically reaches for gaara is fun, also love deidaras moment. anyway i shake my ass to this song eveyrday
distance oh god oh fuck. YOU ARE MY FRIEND!!! the sasuke and naruto stuff where they are little baby at the beginning at the end we return to the same place theyre there and like about to stab each other i’m going to scream. i lvoe the song of course. hello sai! i love team 7s little spotlight moments where they get to pose to the music its so cute. why is sasuke snake jesus? DO you remember that long lost DREAM!!!!!!!!!!
BLUE BIRD YA BANGER ok the whole symbolism. when naruto falling next to sasuke rising is positioned like yin and yang lol. when naruto is falling from the sky but then sasuke comes to mind and he springs into action lol. ok random people from the fillers i dont care about. naruto fell in the lake he picks up the bird feather interspersed with a couple shots of sasuke horgh. additional reading: paper bag by fiona apple
closer is one of the ones where im like eh its ok its not my favorite and then it gets to the chorus and my dumb ass is jsut screaming YOU KNOW THE CLOSER YOU GET TO SMETHING THE TOUGHTER IT IS TO REACHIT. the funniest part where narutos moping and thinking of sasuke and then he just perks up and smiles at the camera like. gay boy. like getting to see the asuma fight scenes in this op, also it was so funny seeing him get all the screentime in this op knowing hes about to die like yeah very subtle
SHA LA LA!!!! LOVE IT i love it i love it soooo much first of all banger second of all naruto looking into the water and his reflection is sasuke. lollllll. metaphor m-e-t-a-p-h-o-r the little prechorus bit in the middle gives me chills. love sasuke walking into the purple pool like a smug motherfucker thats my boy. at the end zooming into sasukes pupil zoom out it’s narutos eye oh the poetry..
signs another one of the ones where im like eh whatever its fine but not my fav but by the chorus i am standing on the table freaking out. like fuck jiraiya but this one got me a lil. the lighting and choreography of the sasuke itachi fight bit is sooooo nice and pretty, love getting to see all the new players in the story. baby ame orphans fading to the shot of yahiko as pain.. :(
this one literally makes me cry. i get chills what the fuck. definitely one of my favs. am i a bitch? maybe. i like the song by itself but like the way the rise/general shape of the melody flows with the visuals its like oh god oh fuck. again fuck jiraiya but like the role his character serves as a link between these disparate groups of people and the way thats used in this opening… how it starts and ends with him writing and this is the arc where naruto reads tales of a gutsy ninja and he learns about how he got his name and jiraiya wrote the book and hes WRITING and im going CRAZY!! i’m starting to tear up watching it rn. the shot of konan and the pains in that moment just before they leap forward. Sayonaaaaaaara aa lksasldfkwpoeifjhnuerIELFeuiertekdjsnlfweiourbg kakashis moment is cool in this op. also love to see the girls getting fight scenes in this op cus they sure dont in the actual show LOL anyway yeah im at the part where the melodys just hitting sooo different oh my god naruto frog eyes
DIVERRRRRRR. FAV literally like naruto is drowning. hes drowning and everyone is pushing him up so he can breathe again everyone is fighting to save him and thnen he s ouf ot the water and then he sees sasuke drowning and he JUMPS BACK IN. FOR ONE PERSON EVEN THOUGH ALL THESE OTHER PEOLE were working to help him out he dives back in for SASUKE whos drowning in the eyehole of obitos mask which is cool. ok yeah this is another one where im like tearing up because THe cymbal is em….. the way The movement of the visuals is choreographed with the song is so much. nico TOUCHED the fucking walls.
this one kinda annoys me i dont know why it just wasnt my favorite. love the sasuke and naruto staring at each other intensely moment though, would this be a shippuden opening without that. also the part at the end where sakura holds up her kunai and it like slashes and covers sasuke and naruto… inch resting…
newsongs so weird i love it. like what the hell is going on. why is naruto running like hes from some weird gmod video from 2013. love the LITERAL choreography, everyone dancing to the song like this is a musical. theres just a lot of weird moments which is fun. love sai naruto and sakura making the seal together to shoot lightning. raikage leaping gracefully across the beach
i do not enjoy this one. i just dont. it just feels like we’re bootlicking which of course we are because this is the war arc and everything is a nightmare
i remember seeing the first episode with this opening and i was excited bc its like… great another naruto pining for sasuke one this is what im here for. a light banger. minato manlet monday. ohh right this was the one where gaara sees his dad again and his OH I SEE SASUKEE
Banger! nico did indeed touch the walls again. i like that this one is like visually thematically consistent thru the whole thing, i like the nighttime dimly lit atmosphere with the bursts of brighter colorful lighting, also whenever i see tsunade i freak out. narutos cute at the end
SUCH A BANGER!!! also very cool visual style, appreciate it for that like the last one, its got that pretty consistent aesthetic with the red sky and the high contrast black blocking its fun and cool to watch. did i mention the song is a bit of a banger. obito passing thru the rock is cool too bad hes an idiot
ok from this one there were two lines i remember always seeing in the english sub that made me freak out. and one of them was like “this red hot love burning my heart” and it was over kakashi and obito fighting like damn OK. also the “i put the candle out with my finger” thing sticks in my head idk why. hate that we have the narutos big meaty claws i mean manly hands moment though. omg its hashirama and madara and then it CUTS TO SASUKE AND NARUTO IN THE SAME POSE LOL OK…
SILHOUETTE IS a banger… not as much so as some of the others but its a lot of fun. very colorful op, we got some naruto pining for sasuke, classic. also love the thing where ppl are running and they age as they do and they sort of grow into their present selves, a fun visual bit. the end where narutos like obito be nice now look at all these people behind me who think youre a meanie please be nice :(((((((((
another one with a really good visual principle ugh i love how the style of the show is integrated w the styles of more traditional printmaking its very swexy and nice to look at
LINE uugrgh i love this one, maybe a fav… naruto chasing after the light and sasuke trying so hard to snuff it out as they both reflect on their memories of each other oh god oh fuck… also i love the bits where it just has all the characters in a row like it reminds me of that one post about how in the endgame trailer they had a shot of all the female characters together to be like Girl power!! and someone was like yeah thats them showing u exactly how many women theyre going to disrespect LMAO but yeah i do love this op. also the song itself being slower w/ the triplet tempo is a nice change of pace
blood circulator hee hee… the version of this with naruto and sasuke moments is A Lot but even just the generic first version is fun. the part where narutos like knocked on his face hes sinking into the tar and hes not even trying to save himself hes just staring at sasuke, but then he sees sasuke distressed and he goes bijuu mode immediately like What did u say about my mans? there is some homoeroticism
i really hate everything about this i hate it all. sasuke is cute. thats it. ok first of all why did choji cut his hair his long hair look was so gooooooood. hinata bimboification? i mean if anything it was fun to watch these fillers just cus it was fun to watch kakashi be the hokage but really goofy and also the Crumbs tossed to the kakairus… but yeah i hate everything temari got bimbofied too like ugh please let her be a dyke :( this isnt even me talking necessarily about the opening this is me just being like i hate the naruto ending. LOL SASUKE AND NARUTOS NO HOMO BRO HIGH FIVE AT THE END LOLLLLL
ok im done
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How would the TF2 mercs react to having an s/o who is shy?
Oh god… They are too cute. Too cute for their own good.
Heavy makes sure that he talks nice and slow, giving reassuring looks and smiling occasionally.
Whenever the S/O fumbles with something in their hand or stumbles on their words Heavy just melts and smiles, patting their back or picks up whatever they dropped.
If the S/O is ever expected to do something on the spot, Heavy quietly whispers encouragements and maybe a thumbs up.
Heavy is 110% gentle and understanding. He is his S/O’s #1 fan.
If the S/O meets someone new, Heavy will do most of the talking but will also push his S/O to speak up more.
Heavy helps his S/O to open up more, sometimes pushing them a little too much. He only wants them to show their true potential that he knows they have.
But will never push them into a panic attack or have them in an overstimulating setting.
If he senses that his S/O is uncomfortable in a situation he will shut that down immediately.
Pretty much always has his strong arms around his S/O’s shoulders and waist.
10/10 good boyf
Cute. But too introverted he thinks.
He was afraid that he scared his S/O before they got together, but once he found out that it was only shyness, he was relieved.
He loves his S/O dearly and will brag about them. (Idk guys, I just think Medic is a goofy and a tad crazy. I mean, have you read the comics? He’s a mad scientist, emphasize on mad.)
Will absolutely put his S/O on the spot he knew they could handle. It’ll start in front of a small crowd and once his S/O becomes more and more confident he’ll have them in front of bigger crowds.
Medic especially loves how his S/O blushes over everything. His heart just about bursts from his chest.
Hearing them giggle ever so softly makes him want to hug them and kiss them all over their face.
He is so proud whenever his S/O speaks up without him pushing them to.
He wraps an arm tightly around their waist in crowds or parties, making sure they know he’s there.
When he sees physical signs of discomfort he is by their side in a blink of an eye.
If it’s just a single person bothering them, Medic becomes a bit possessive and is all over his S/O to make the sorry loser back off.
At first, he just thinks they don’t like him, or that they’re playing hard to get.
He and his S/O are just about polar opposites and everyone sees it. But, not him. (He probably doesn’t even know what that means)
He just adores his S/O, often translating what they’re saying if they whisper too quietly.
He’ll use some really corny pickup lines just to hear then giggle and possibly snort.
Scout will do just about anything for his S/O so they don’t have to overwork themselves, but will gladly encourage them to speak out a bit more.
If anyone gives the S/O any trouble or makes them nervous, Scout in there in a flash to defend them.
The S/O has no worries when they’re around Scout, he talks enough for the both of them.
And hell, Scout could practically read their mind and take words right out of their mouth.
Sometimes his S/O will never have to talk, Scout just doesn’t shut up.
And if people start saying things like “I’m sure S/O could have said that themselves.” or “Why don’t you give your S/O a chance to talk?” Scout will roll his eyes and take a step back for his S/O to speak.
But they don’t.
They stumbler over their words and their face grows red with embarrassment, apologizing over and over again and explaining that they’re just very shy.
Scout’s face contorts into a smug smile as he steps by his S/O’s side again, giving them a small peck on the cheek.
It’s never a dull moment with Scout, that’s for sure.
Sniper is a bit awkward himself, so it took awhile for him to figure out that someone had a crush on him.
Sniper and his S/O would spend quiet evenings in his camper, lounging around.
Neither of them likes talking to people that much, which is great.
They’ll take drives around Australia just to explore and have a change of scenery every once in awhile.
They are very comfortable with each other, Sniper would prefer to be with his S/O than to be alone. Which is a huge deal to him.
If they’re ever in huge crowds or at the base, they’ll be right next to each other at all times. Just chatting away or getting stuff done.
Sniper is a bit more talkative than his S/O, but he doesn’t mind. He’ll answer questions for them, but will happily sit back and have his S/O talk as well if they’d like.
The two of them don’t stay with a lot of people for long, Sniper gets overstimulated or annoyed and his S/O gets rather uncomfortable and antsy.
However, after awhile they both realize that sometimes you have to step into the spotlight on your own. Together they help each other little by little to embrace people.
He’s had shy lovers for sure, but not THIS shy.
But god damn, they’re cute. He’s just gotta crack their shell.
At first, he slyly got around their shy barrier just to figure out who they really are, and he liked what he saw.
Spy would subtly have his S/O speak for themselves, it’d be so casual that nobody would even think that his S/O was awfully shy.
If his S/O gets anxious around his teammates, Spy is more than willing to lead them to his study.
He’d offer a glass of wine, or possibly water. Then they’d sit around and read a book or even chit chat about small things until his S/O feels like going back out there.
If Spy senses that his S/O is uncomfortable or if some poser is invading their personal space, he’s there in a second to protect them.
This happens especially during big events and parties. If his S/O wants to leave without a lot of attention, Spy skillfully whisks them away into the shadows.
Spy is very caring and gentle for sure.
Gives the sweetest words of encouragement. He is very genuine with his words and gives meaningful hugs.
He thinks his S/O is the most adorable thing in the world and will always push them to do their best.
Knows their limits and rarely ever goes past them and feels guilty when he does. It’s all in the best interest of his S/O of course.
Will become sickeningly affectionate towards his S/O, just because he adores the hell out of them and they deserve to know how much they mean to him.
Engie will start a conversation and invite his S/O into the mix, asking them a lot of questions and opinions, just to get them out there.
If they become a bit overwhelmed Engie will let them take a breather.
He will not by any means smother his S/O with too many public interactions but he likes seeing them coming out of their shell.
At first, he’d be really intrigued by someone who was shy, because he knows deep down that they’ve got an interesting personality.
He’d be really friendly, showing you around and introducing his future S/O to people.
He’d show them the ropes and tells them the do’s and don’t’s, creating a comfortable environment for them.
If they need any help or if they accidentally cause trouble, Demo is right by their side and will always take the blame if no one knew who caused the trouble.
Once they start dating, however, he is so so happy.
Just absolutely ecstatic.
He’ll probably avoid going to crowded places for their first few dates, just staying home or going to the movies or even a walk in the park.
Demo is severely conscious of his surroundings and gives his S/O a heads up if someone new wanted to talk to his S/O.
When his S/O starts to come out of their shell, Demo will start taking them out to more extravagant places and constantly praises them if they successfully order their food without stuttering or asks someone for directions.
Pyro has enough troubles with communication, but with the S/O in the mix, it becomes a lot more difficult to even begin to understand what they’re saying.
For a long time the team is convinced that the S/O is mute, but after they stuttered some words they are SHOOK.
However, the S/O can understand Pyro just fine and vice versa.
It’s almost as if they have some sort of secret language.
There’s not a whole lot of talking in the relationship anyway, they just like being together.
It’s very rare if they decide to go out for a night in the town since Pyro never actually takes off their suit.
However, this did some good because while they’re out, the S/O musters up all the courage they have and starts speaking to people. (Like, ordering food, asking how much something costs, asking people to move out of the way etc.)
Pyro claps everytime the S/O does something out of their comfort zone.
Perhaps they learn sign language too just to make things easier.
When Soldier addresses his crew, he’s loud, vulgar and rude, but to his S/O, he suddenly becomes the biggest and cuddliest teddy bear.
If his S/O tries to speak (which is usually in a whisper) Soldier will lean over and have them talk into his ear and he translates it back to his crew.
S/O: Since Sniper is feeling a little sick, why don’t we have Medic give him some medication?
Everyone knows that’s not how the S/O really talks and easily forgives them because they know Soldier takes everything a bit too far.
His S/O still freaks out though, frantically apologizing and mumbling but Soldier wraps an arm around them and gives em a big ol’ kiss.
“Because of you, Sniper will be good as new! HUZZAH!” Soldier will always praise his S/O and legit thinks that they are some sort of genius. (It’s just common sense)
Because Soldier doesn’t like to go out into the world anyway, most dates will be in solitude.
Soldier is completely comfortable with his S/O and is so gentle and supportive, his S/O always gains confidence from him.
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kelpiemomma · 6 years
Important Facts for Writing Horses
Bc my pet peeve is unrealistic horses since I’ve known so many at this point. This by no means is a 100% accurate guide, but the majority of horses you will meet will follow the following facts.
1. They’re not very loud unless it’s time to eat. My horse will make maybe two noises a year, unprompted. 9/10 horses will not make whinny when you kick them. They might grunt, if you gave them a solid kick, but they’re not gonna whinny. They’re most likely not gonna whinny when you ride them. And most horses I’ve known, even when getting shots or being in some sort of pain, have been completely silent. The only horse I’ve ever heard make noise when in pain was my week old baby, and that was the saddest, most pathetic, most pissed off noise I’ve ever heard.
2. They will make noise if they’re lonely. They don’t make a lot of noise, you’re most likely not gonna go out in a pasture of horses and hear them talking to each other, but if you separate one from the herd they might call back. Or if you have 3 horses and take 2, the one left behind will call for the two that are leaving. If you have 4 horses, take the 2 that one is bonded with, it will still call because it’s family is leaving. 
3. It is possible to literally run a horse into the ground and kill it with exhaustion. However, it’ll depend on the endurance, stamina, and training of the horse. A horse trained for endurance rides that’s about 8 to 12 years old will probably last longer than my out of shape 20 year old.
4. Them tripping is not a guaranteed leg break. Possible, yes, but I’ve been on a couple horses (older guys) who have happened to trip and either fall completely down, or simply fallen to their knees, gotten up, and continued on. Yes, horses are fragile, but if you hear about a horse breaking it’s leg it is likely because it’s being run too hard, too young, or through a traumatic accident (stepping in a hole, failing to properly land a jump, even turning too hard)
5. Horses don’t have heart attacks like we know them. I learned this from an actual vet. If a horse has a heart attack, they will 100% die, because their heart essentially bursts. It happened to two horses in under a week where I live in November, both of them well-maintained athletes. Heart attacks can be a freak occurrence.
6. YOU DON’T HAVE TO KICK HORSES TO GET THEM TO MOVE QUICKLY. It irritates the shit out of me to see movies and video games where the person gets on the horse and auto-kicks it to get it to move off. You know what that’s gonna get you? Thrown off the horse from the acceleration. The proper way to get a horse to move fast quickly is to give it a firm squeeze- if it’s trained for it. I can hop on my horse and kick him all day long and, to be quite honest, he’ll more than likely ignore my legs (he was a lesson horse before we got him- that was over 8 years ago, but he maintains a steel side when he puts his mind to it). Horses that run barrels, run poles, or are used for any sort of steer sport will be moving forward quickly using a firm press of legs. Why? Because kicking hugely unbalances you.This woman 
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is a professional barrel racer, but you know what’s keeping her on that horse? The reins and the saddle horn. I have absolutely seen people slide off the back of their horse because they had no grip with their legs. It’s hilarious.
7. Horses don’t NEED bits or shoes, they’re just most common. Bits are put in the mouth for more direct contact, which means your hands have to know what they’re doing. Any bit can hurt a horse- CAN, not WILL. I’ve seen and heard about people doing fucked up things to their horse’s face with hackamores and bitless bridles. Shoes can be a help or a hindrance to your horse. Living where I do (very hard, very rocky, very dry ground) my horse cannot be without shoes. I tried for four years. My mother’s mare, who came out of South Dakota just last year, does not need them and so far shows no signs of needing them. The most important thing is to pay attention to your horse and what they’re telling you with their body. 
8. 99% of riding is body cues. Whether its your hands, seat, or legs, you hardly ever will use your voice. It’s not allowed in most competitions, so while they might use vocal cues in training, and you might use them on a trail ride, most people are pretty silent when they ride and focus on their body. The order of importance for riding is: seat, legs, hands. 
9. Stallions are not majestic. Geldings are not majestic. Mares are not majestic. Horses are fucking stupid and I love them. Stallions will spook at just about anything and will fight fences. Geldings will try to mount a mare over that fence and get stuck (nice fucking job, Chief). Mares, when in season, can squirt up to like 15 feet. It’s disgusting, and I’ve seen it. 
10. Stallions can be turned out together so long as there are no mares around. I know people that have a couple stallions and keep them turned out together, but they’re well away from any mares. Stallions will fight to the death over mares.
11. Sometimes geldings are proud-cut, or cryptorchids, so they might still have testosterone running through their system.
12. Look, if you want a steady ride, mares are your best bet. I love my gelding to pieces, I am blessed I’ve never owned a stallion, but once you bond with a mare she will go through heaven and hell for you. They are, most often, the most steady, most well-behaved, and the ones who will teach you the most. They say you can ask a stallion, tell a gelding, but you have to discuss it with a mare. The majority of the mares I’ve known will absolutely kick ass and take names before breakfast. I love mares.
13. Stereotypes to keep in mind: Arabian horses are proud, skittish, and have gorgeous gaits. Thoroughbreds are skittish, stupid, and excellent runners. Quarter horses could have a bomb go off next to them and maybe yawn a little. Paint horses are the best (that’s not a stereotype, that’s just a fact)
14. like 90% of grey horses will develop non-malignant carcinoma, which is a type of cancer. It can grow just about anywhere on the body (I’ve seen it, personally, on heads, penises, sheaths, and vulvas/anuses). I’ve heard they can even be inside the horse.
15. Colic is the universal term for belly-ache. Horses can’t throw up, their digestive track won’t allow it. Therefore, anything that bothers their belly can make them colic. It can be as mild as dehydration or constipation (I’ve witnessed the first, dealt with the last), as stupid as the weather changing (dealt with that, too), or it could be an abdominal blockage (yep, discovered that one, saved that horse’s life), or a twisted gut. The regular signs of colic are disinterest in food or water, kicking at the belly, or excessive rolling. It could also just be lethargy, or laying down and getting up. A good sign something is going on in their belly is to check the bit of skin between their belly and their flank- it should be a bit squishy, kind of like poking your forearm or bicep. If it’s hard at all, call a vet.
16. I’ve literally never, in all the colics I’ve dealt with and seen, seen a horse bleed from its nostrils. If your horse is bleeding from its nostrils enough to be noticeable, like it’s dripping, get a vet out there ASAP bc something is WRONG.
17. Riding tips: heels down, head up, back like a lady, hips like a whore.
18. Bonding with a horse is not an instant thing. It takes time. It took my gelding and I about two or three years to really start to bond. It took my filly and I about five or six months, mostly because she’s an absolute blank slate and I’ve seen her almost every day of her life. More than likely, there will not be an instant click with a horse. It’s a relationship. It’s needing to know who is the leader. It’s building trust. It’s understanding HOW your horse is, how they think, how they behave to certain stimulus. I have had my horse 8 years now and I fully understand that he is not a rock solid horse. He will never pull anything, he’s afraid of white things, he’s afraid of poles being lifted up off the ground, he’s distrustful about tarps, if I lift up the tractor tires I will only get him through them if I basically light a fire under his ass- I know him, what he can do, and what his quirks are. I’ve been on him when he spooked twice in under ten minutes at someone dumping poop almost three or four hundred feet away. Absolutely nothing to do with him, but it scared him anyway. I’ve spent eight years with him, he knows and trusts me, but I also know there are limits to what he is able to do because that is how he is and I respect that.
19. Horses will spook at a variety of things. Simon might spook at anything that moves. He’s mostly thoroughbred, so I love to blame it on that (don’t get me wrong, I love TBs, but their brains are often fried and need some time to decompress) but I also don’t know his full history. 
Things Simon has spooked at include:  -A closed door -That door opening -A table -A pole on the ground (white) -A pole on the ground (green) -Walking next to a roll top (a rolling jump, ours is green and white) -A stationary trash cash -Someone dumping poop a few hundred feet away -His supplements being shaken in their bucket -HIS OWN GODDAMN PENIS HITTING HIS LEG (my favorite Simon story and I fuckin love telling it) -The wind -???something in the wash??? apparently? the tree is moving, who fuckin knows. -A miniature horse -A miniature donkey -Tractor tires laying on the ground (in his defense, he’s too lazy to pick his feet up and has consistently dragged that tire towards him and tried to break his legs) -???idk i asked him for the canter v politely and he just flipped his shit and took off??? -a bug buzzing like 10 feet overhead. that same bug then proceeded to try and brain itself on Simon’s head and he didn’t flinch. -his own hay being carried out to him.
He’s dumb. I love him.
Things my mom’s mare has spooked at include: -Someone driving by with a broken trailer on their quad -Our quad for maybe 3 days after we first got her -the sound of a whip overhead (reasonable) -our 15 year old dog (too quiet, she didn’t like dogs back then either) -me, bc she stepped on my foot (made eye contact, stepped on me, and twisted as she ran off) and I was Pissed
My 7 month old filly has spooked at: -a child running towards her -a miniature horse Horses are dumb prey animals and I love them.
tbh that’s all i can think of right now. i’ll list more when i read or see something that ticks me off uvu
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queenof-sweetdreams · 7 years
Dance ONLY with me (Taeyong)
(since it wasn’t stated if they are having a relationship already or not, let’s say that they already know they like each other but never had the guts to say it straight) (requested)
Members: TaeyongxReader, Ten (NCT)
Summary: Taeyong gets jealous after he sees you performing an intense choreography with Ten.
Genre: IDK
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“5,6,7,8 and bend and up and around” Both you and Ten mumbled under your breath, following the choreography you made for the upcoming SM event. One of the dance teachers of SM decided to pair you up with Ten for this event and gave you the opportunity to show your skills by letting you do the choreography and praising you in front of Lee Soo Man.
Was it the 5th or the 6th year since you passed the Global audition for SM and became their trainee? You spent so much time in the dance practice room that you forgot how quickly time flies. 5 years and 4 months. Yes, that’s it. You were a trainee for that long and no one ever told you about a possible plan. You heard your teachers say something about joining an upcoming girlgroup or do SM stations and become a solo artist.
 Actually, you didn’t mind being a trainee as long as you had the chance to come up with your own choreographies and perform them on events like this one. Your passion could be seen by everyone and insipired many rookies, especially the NCT Dream ones, who looked up at you.
And now, you had the chance to show off your skills with one of the best dancers (well a rookie but still) in SM. You were friends with Ten but you wouldn’t call him your “buddy”, more like “just a friend that I admire” and you were so glad that you were paired up with him since he was easy to work with and he welcomed any thoughts you had.
Instead of picking something slow and contemporary, you chose to do something more like a hiphop style with a vivid music and rythm. Of course, Ten was in and your choreography came out pretty well. There were parts that you were too close to each other, almost sharing the same breath and parts that you both shook your body to the rythm. Of course, you had your twerking part but the fact that you had to bend over Ten to do that was kind of awkward but you two were professionals, so no feelings to it.
"And final pose" Ten's voice said as you both did the final pose which was you turning your back to Ten and his arm on your shoulder, kind of hugging you. Both of you were panting but still tried to smile since you were going to perform this on the event.
After few seconds, you saw Taeyong coming into the practice room and arched an eyebrow since you didn't hear the door opening with that "click". "Ten-ie, our manager wants to see you for your solo stage on the event. It seems that there might be some addings and changing to the schedule." The older male said before landing his eyes on you. Ten just nodded before bowing to both of us and saying happily "See ya later Y/N!" and exiting the room, leaving you two alone.
You greeted Taeyong casually by bowing your head slightly before walking over to your bag to grab a small towel to wipe off your sweat. "Change your choreography with Ten." You heard Taeyong's cold voice saying and furrowed your eyebrows together in confusion before replying. "Why? Ten seems fine with it and there is no time to come up with a new choreography in that short time." You answered before sitting down on the floor, moving your legs back and forth lightly to help you relax a little bit.
You heard him "tsk" before turning your gaze up to see him. He had his arms crossed as he narrowed his eyes down at you. "Well, you may be a professional and naive but there is too much skinship in this choreography. Especially at your twerking part..." He paused for a second while you observed him before continnuing. "And yeah, Ten may get another sign from this. So change it cause it doesn't suit you anyway. Too much skinship doesn't suit you." His voice seemed to be fainting as he said the last sentence while looking into your eyes, knowing that you'll soon realize that something else is wrong.
You just bursted out laughing when he finished before clapping. "That was a great lie. You could never be an actor. I swear, you are so bad at lying." You shook your head before getting up and stretching your arms to the side. He had turned his back at you, running a hand through his hair as he let out a deep sigh to calm down himself. You realized that he was too stressed and upset, more than usual. You raised an eyebrow as you tapped his shoulder. "Taeyongiieee, what's wrong?" He just shook your finger off and tilted his head to the side annoyed.
It was the first time seeing him react like this and it kind of made you feel like you were doing something wrong and making him dislike you. The truth was that he confessed his feelings for you a month ago and so did you but after that, none of you had the guts to ask each other out on a date and things got awkward between you two. He was avoiding you (or at least you thought he did) ever since that day and you thought that you shouldn't have confessed after him. Maybe he wasn't prepared and he just wanted to let it out and not feel burdened about your feelings too.
But you wouldn't stand this kind of behavior anymore. "yah!" You yelled before grabbing his shoulder and turning to look at you, his eyes wide by the sudden change of your attitude. "I asked you a question nicely and you don't even bother to answer and even shake my finger off like this." Anger was starting to fill you and you welcomed it and let it control you. It was your chance to let your feelings out this time."Let's not mention that after that day, you act as if we don't know each other. I don't know what I did to deserve this kind of treatment from you. You make me feel like a horrible person and you won't even explain me what I did wrong. I am sorry if I made you nervous on that day or if I did anything wrong but I just don't know anymore." You said before grabbing your bag and exiting the room, wanting to take a cold shower at the shower room or get some air.
You decided to go for the shower since you were sweaty and headed towards the ladies' bathroom where the female trainees had their lockers and could take a shower if they wanted. Soon, cold water was hitting against your warm skin, making you shiver but at the same time relax too. After finishing the shower and drying yourself up, you wore new clothes and exited the locker's room, only to find Taeyong leaning against the door, waiting for someone. You ignored him and passed by him only to feel him grabbing you by the wrist, making you stay in your place. "let's talk" He said in a calm voice as you turned to look at him, seeing that he was avoiding to make an eye contact with you.
He seemed calmer than before and more easy going, so you decided to accept and follow him to a near cafe. Once you had your orders and sat down, you looked at him waiting for him to explain himself or start talking. "Look, Y/N, I am sorry for treating you like that earlier." He said while looking down at his drink. You couldn't read his facial expression, it was something that you never saw before. "I just...I just wanted to be paired with you for that event and make a choreography with you and spend more time with you. But...the one that you got paired was Ten...and the choreography you made...well...it made me kind of...jealous" He trailed off silently the last word but you managed to hear it and blinked in surprise.
"Jealous? Of who?" You asked confused, leaning your head to the side as he seemed to get shy. "Ten...I got jealous that you seemed so excited to be paired up with him and make a choreography with him that has too much skinship...I don't feel comfortable when he touches your waist, not even for a second. I don't like it when you move your body so perfectly for him during the dance break where both of you show off your dance individually. I don't like the way he is looking at you. I don't like him looking at you at all." he said while frowning before sipping his coffee nervously. Before you could think of saying something, he continued. "You see, when you dance, your body gets lost in the music, any kind of music. Your hips, waist, arms, legs, lips, head and even your facial expression get right into the mood of the music you hear. You seem like a godess when you dance and that's why everyone in our company admires you, even our seniors. Even Lee Soo Man is thinking of making you an official choreographer." He added before lifting his head to look at you.
You were frozen in your place while he was talking. You didn't know if you should tell him that it was none of his business or assure him that you only liked him. Your heart seemed to have stopped for a second before hearing him talk again, this time with a small shy grin on his face.  "You know, if I was paired up with you, I would choose something more contemporary, because through it, you can express your feelings. Some people say that when you put your real feelings into this dance it could lead to something great." He took a small breath, seeming to get a bit braver as he leaned over the table a bit, towards you. "I wonder what would it look like if two people loved each other."
From the moment that he mentioned "love", you could feel your heart beating accelerate, the temperature of your body was rising and there was a weird feeling in your stomach. You were sure that your cheeks were pink from blushing after hearing all those stuff and his smile of satisfaction assured you. Without knowing why, you looked down at your tea and opened your mouth to talk but your mind wouldn't form a proper sentence in your mind. "Taeyong...I...You..we...love you...shy." You trailed off those words out of the blue, your mind a complete chaos.
He just let out a small chuckle before placing his fingers on your chin and lifting your face up to look at him. He looked so cute with his soft and innocent smile kissing his lips, his eyes wide full of happiness as he looked at you, making you feel safe and warm. "Y/N, let's date and take it slow. No need to rush into things and make mistakes. Let's start this relationship from this moment." He suggested and you couldn't bring yourself to deny this kind of suggestion.  You felt your lips curling up into a wide smile without you realizing it as you nodded. You just felt so happy and excited that you wanted to hug him but also shy cause you couldn't look at him. "Yes....oppa~" You said softly before earning a huge smile from him.
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sorikkung · 6 years
*♡ 。・゚゚・ soft bias tag
stolen not tagged bc im a fucking pleb who doesnt get tagged in shit ripppp LONG POST WARNING IM SORRY MOBILE USERS
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 1. WHO IS YOUR BIAS?
i really can’t choose between got7′s bambam and stray kids’ felix bc both are my ults so fuck the system i’m gonna do this as a poly au bc the world needs more poly shit and felix and bambam would be such a good pair
i noticed bambam first, technically i first glanced him in girls girls girls bc i was anime trash before i was kpop trash and he rEALLY looked like nishinoya from haikyuu so i called him nishinoya and thought he’d just be a first glance bias, until i saw a compilation of got7s dumbest moments and most of them were jackbam and i saw two specific clips that i recall, the one where they had to do the ugly dance of gggs outside the jyp building and bambam literally spazzed on the floor?? and the iconic how do you know im not big moment. i looked at him and went “tHAT ONE. THAT ONE, I WANT THE TRASH CHILD.” been in love ever since.
felix singlehandedly got me to stan stray kids, i first glanced changbin in hellevator then highkey forgot abt them as the show aired. then my friend sent me this clip of felix’s verse in grr from the live stage bc at this point the album hadnt even dropped yet. i was shook to the next dimension from his deep ass voice and his growling and i wanted to hear more so i watched the show and only fell in love with him more.
i betcha if this poly were to happen felix would see bambam dabbing and go “OMG IM NOT THE ONLY ONE STILL DABBING IN 2K18″ and bambam would see felix dabbing and be like “OMG HES CONTINUING MY LEGACY” and they’d hit it off from there
for both of them, i love how they’re both absolute crackheads. like they’re actually so stupid and what the fuck is going through their heads???? they make me smile like and idiot and laugh like no other so of course i love them. plus they have this adorable sweet side to them apart from them being memes and its so heartwarming to see that soft side come out, it makes them so much more of a three dimensional character cause there’s all these sides to them and they’re like so hardworking too and did i mention handsome? plus their love for their members ugh i could go on!!!
tough call bc im a HOE for affection and skinship but id honestly be too afraid to make them uncomfortable/be too clingy that they’d get annoyed at me so at first it would probably be felix bc lets be real. he comes from stray kids. have you seen bang chan? they bring skinship to a new level. once we all get settled in tho, i bet the three of us would be physically inseperable.
literally all of us. i always end up biasing ppl similar to me sigh we’d be so fucking wild. i betcha that would be the one thing we have regular fights over. who hogged the blanket this time???
felix. as mentioned in the initiate skinship, hes really clingy. then it would be me bc i am too. but thats not to say bambam isnt clingy, he’d be super clingy too but me and felix would bring it up a notch.
m e. i’d just let it slip out after they do some dumb shit and id just go “wow youre such a fucking dumb dork i actually love you” and then have an o shit moment.
M E bc bambam is a smOOTH motherfucker and felix is an affectionate motherfucker and i am w e a k although i feel like they’d be easily flustered if they were teased, which i would do, but i think i’d be flustered the most.
i wanna be sandwiched inbetween them bc im shorter than both of them lmaoo. but i bet we’d all bicker of who’s turn it is to be in the middle. another one would be when sitting on the couch, and we’d sit in eachothers laps in height order. itll work somehow.
bambam makes me think of black, white, red, and purple. black and white is bc his fashion sense is like modern and chic and those were also his most iconic hair colours. red because of his signature eyeshadow. purple just seems like a colour that would suit him, it’s royal and elegant but also homey and familiar?? but tbh he can make any colour his bitch.
felix is yellow, gold, orange, and brown, bc theyre warm colours like him!! the brighter colours are bc hes bright like the sun and the browns when its a more chill day, and its all down to earth and just feels like home.
ooft tough one...spring so i can spend my birthday with them (cause in AUSTRALIA spring is in september to november) and its cold at the start so we can have snuggle dates, and its hot at the end so we can go to beaches and have water fights and stuff!! and in the middle its perfect weather for nice strolls.
bambam can cook apparently and he likes being aesthetic af so he’d be trying his best to make the most bomb ass cookies, and then felix i bet is a disaster in the kitchen so i bet both of us will be stealing the batter while not helping at all and bams will be like “thanks for nothing you guys” and once realising that we weren’t gonna stop he’d turn on us and throw flour at us or something. foodfight!!
i am a hoe for bad puns it would totally be me all the time. bambam would look so disappointed in me and felix would just burst out laughing with me, and bambam would crack bc how can he stay mad?? if it was an inside joke or a reference to smth and not some random pun, bams would be the first to lose it tho.
me and bambam!!!! bambam already has like 3 cats and id be like ok lets get three MORE and MORE and felix is like “but im a dog person :(((” (at a fansign he said he was rip) so id be like well dogs are great as well lets get fifty of those too!!!
i wouldn’t be fucked microwaving poptarts (although id probably burn down the kitchen trying to cook eggs or smth but this is about poptarts so its not be this time.) so it would probably be felix and then i’d come to the rescue bc i have fire safety training from scouts.
bambam and i would lean over the tall railings and felix would pull us back bc as seen in the amusement park episode of the 9th, hes a pussy lmfAO he’d have a mini heart attack
bambam would act all tough and felix would be like “o shit pls no” and both of them would scream at the jumpscares and cling to eachother or me, whoever’s closest. i’d probably sit there and laugh and tease them for being a baby bc horror movies aint shit with me. but the rare occassion i do get scared, i’d lose my shit and they’d never let me hear the end of it. “whos the baby now huh??”
bambam is definitely the smooth flirt but he can be cheesy as well?? like he’d be smooth at times and smooth and cheesy other times. felix would be plain cheesy but sometimes he’d be smooth. same with me, i’d be a bit of both?? maybe slightly more smooth idk
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 20. WHO IS MORE COMPETITIVE? felix i feel like would be competitive in the moment but calms down quickly, bambam would be SUPER competitive and be a little petty afterwards if he lost or smug af if he won but after a while he’ll cool down as well, i’m probably the most competitive and most likely to hold a grudge or to rub it in their faces the longest lol.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 21. WHO WOULD HAVE TO BE GIVEN CONSTANT REMINDERS? (REMEMBER TO EAT, DON’T FORGET YOUR KEYS, ETC) idk...? all of us love to eat so i dont think taking care of ourselves will be forgotten, but i tend to lose things so maybe me being reminded idk???
ALL OF US! we’d have a group chat and see who could stay up until 4:20 to send dumb memes but if we get too tired earlier we’d sign out with some sappy message idk it would be a total wildcard whether the late night messages would be cute and sweet or straight up memes. i feel like a lot of the time it would be both, like starting off with some cute thing and ending it anticlimactically with a meme bc we’re dorks like that.
did i ever tell u poly!bamlix is all i ever needed in life??? thank you for your time i tag @just-oneofthegays and @neo-urban annd @bqngtqn <3
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constel-langst-ions · 7 years
*Loosely based on other tattoo fics and amazing tattoos Ive seen (all will be desribed as best as possible)
Warnings: Previous self-harm, scars, tattoos
No one really knew why Lance wore long sleeves and jeans all the time, per say. It was normal for him to be seen like that, always with his jacket on. No one questioned it, either. Only Hunk really knew what was below the heavy clothing.
They all found out after a particulary hard training session. Allura had called them all into the common room.
“Paladins! I have exciting news!” She announced, her voice unusually chipper, losing her usual loud and demanding tone. Everyone listened, eager to know the news.
“Me ane Coran have organized a day off. We wanted to congratulate you all on your improvent over these last few months!” She finished, holding out the last note. Her hands were clasped together, and she wore a large grin, the kind that made you start smiling with whoever wore it.
All the paladins wooped, chattering away about their plans for the next day. The only one who wad quiet, was Lance. He simply gave a small smile, adding a brief comment if a fellow paladin shot a tease or idea his way. If someone hadn’t been involved in the conversation, they could’ve guessed that he didn’t look forward to it.
They all turned to go to their respective rooms, before Allura sharply inhaled. They turned to her, eyes wide in surprise. “Sorry, paladins! It seems I have forgotten to add that the planet we’ll be stopping on has one of these ‘beaches’,” She air quoted, “that you all seem to love will be there. It is a peaceful planet, not dominated by any species, so do not feel the need to bring your bayards.” She rushed out the last sentence, having said it all on one breath.
“Now, shoo! We will be arriving in a few of your Earth hours.” Her face twisted with confusion at the term, and the paladins left her, laughing with glee.
“Woo-hoo!” Lance cheered, collapsing onto one of the couches. “This is gonna be awesome!” He smiled, positive energy radiating off of his form.
Pidge waved her hands at him, making a mock face of disgust. “Gross, get your happiness away from me.” She sat beside him, fiddling with her collar.
“'Dawh, Pidgeon, why so down? Afraid of the Lochness Monster?” He sprang at her to emphasize his own teasing.
“No, she’s probably afraid of sunburns.” Keith, having flopped onto the couch opposite to them, piped up. “I dont know about ypu, but I’m defintly going to burn.”
Hunk and Shiro finally sat down, hunk letting out a little noise of amusement.
“Me and Lance will probably tan, if there’s even a sun. I mean, I hope there is. What’s a beach day without the sun?”
“Don’t worry, guys, we’ll bring sunblock. Maybe snacks.” Shiro said, a smile tugging at his lips.
As if they had planned it, all the paladins shouted, in unison, “You’re such a dad, Shiro.” They all crumbled into giggles at that, Shiro affectionately rolling his eyes.
“Alright team, lets get ready for tomorrow and make it a fun day. No stress, no fights, and no computers.” His eyes landed on Pidge.
The girl squawked in astonishment, the rest of the paladins laughing and giggling as the stood and walked out, leaving a mildlu annoyed Pidge to deal with Shiro.
The minute Lance arrived in his room, he threw off his jacket and practically ripped off his shirts, kicking ogf his pants as fast as he possibly could. He sat down o his bed, wearing only boxer briefs.
He looked down at himself, and at the splashes of color on his arms, legs, and chest. And, beneath those, the white lines that littered his body.
“Oh god, how will they react?” He moaned, hugging himself.
His tattoos didnt help much to cover the scars; they were still clear as day. They started at his ankles and went up to his hips. His arms were worse. From his wrist bone to his elbow, there were scars. Thin and white, always mocking him for how scared he had been.
He couldn’t get a body suit; it’d be suspicious, and he would definitely be asked about it.
Feeling his stomach start to feel empty with anxiety, he started thinking about his tattoos, looking to get his mind off of the worryting thoughts that plaged his mind.
His first tattoo that he had ever gotten had been a warercolor wave on the inside of his left arm. It was long, stretching from his wrist to his elbos, effectively covering most of the scars. It was beautiful, different shades of blue making it look real, completed with white tips to represent ocean foam.
His second one was on the inside of his right arm. It was the solar system, each planet beautiful decorated in a different, vibrant color. Each had a splash of watercolor around it, as if someone dropped paint on it. It was probably his favourite one.
After the solar system, he got a tattoo on the middle of his chest, going from his belly button to right below his collarbone. It was a ribcage, plus a spine, and instead of limbs, it had flowers growing from it. The top faded to a rose, a petal ending before his collarbone. It was plain, simple black and gray, but it had taken the longest out of the others, and was the most painful.
Finally, the one that meant most to him: wings. He had a tattoo of wings on his back, them being large and so delicately tattooed, with attention to detail, that they almost looked real. The feathers were a vibrant blue, the same as Lance’s eyes.
From there, he got countless tiny tattoos that litteref his body. On his collarbone, he got the planets in order. On his other collarbone, he got a quote, saying 'I refuse to sink’ with an anchor beside it. He helf that quote dear to his heart.
He would never forget the story behind each tattoo, and how much they meant to him.
Without realizing, Lance had fallen asleep. He woke up to the sound of Allura’s booming voice over the comms, announcing their arrival to the planet, named Deshion.
He inwardly groaned, pulling on his pair of blue swintrunks before he threw on his normal outfit. Afterall, it was still a short trek to the area they would be staying.
He stepped out of the room, nearly running into Hunk as he did so.
He took a step back as Hunk nearly jumped out of his skin.
“Woah, sorry bud! I was about to come wake you.” Hunk grinned, searching Lance’s face for any sign of negativity.
“Nah, Im okay.” Lance looked Hunk up and down, silently congratulating the yellow paladin for his choice in wear. He was wearing yellow swimtrunks, with white, flowery prints on them. He was also shirtless, much to Lance’s surprise.
“Are.. you dressed..?” Hunk asked, looking at Lance with confusion.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah!” He snapped back to attention. “Yeah, yeah. I have my shorts on beneath.”
“Cool! Well, everyone’s waiting on the bridge for you, so whenever you’re ready, meet us there so we can go. The castle already landed.” And with that, he sped off.
Lance huffed and shoved his hands in his pockets making his way to the bridge. He was slow, and his face had lost the usual lively expression. He was not looking forward to this.
Lance regretted wearing his full outfit to the bridge. When he arrived, everyone was already wearing their full bathing outfits, Pidge even wearing a bathing suit (a.k.a, Lance mused, green shorts with a black tanktop.) He felt out of place, and ignored the team’s concerned glances.
“Are we gonna go, or what?” Lance grinned and fingergunned, even adding in a wink for extra reassurance. Collectively, they groaned, and all started walking into the escape pod. (the pod thing that leaves the castle? Idk man)
As soon as they got down, they saw Allura and Coran setting up towels and umbrellas. To Lance’s surprise, there was even a picnic basket in the middle.
But what really caught Lance’s attention was the crystal clear, blue waters. He almost burst into tears at the sight, but stopped himself. It had been so long since he had last seen an ocean, and he longed to play in the water, while splashing his teammates, and collecting shells. He wanted to bask in the sun and do chickenfight, and lose, just to let Pidge have the triumph of beating him
But a voice in his head nagged him. No, it said, you cant. They’ll see the scars. Judge you. Leave you. Give you pity. If not that, they’ll judge those tattoos.
He shuddered at the thought. All of those choices were terribls. But hey, if he was being judged for either of those things, it wasn’t new. People who saw the cuts left him, mainly friends. Or complete strangers saw them, and called him a freak.
The tattoos were worse. He was always called out for them, usually by middle-aged people, calling him rebellious and other nasty slurs. It sucked, so he resorted to wearing jeans and a jacket, even in the dead heat of summer.
And, he thought, even now, on the beach. He sat down on one of the towels, having promised to join the other paladins later. He watched as they splashed and played and ran. Watched as they did all the things he wanted to do with them, oh so badly. It tugged at his heartstrings to know that he lied, he wouldn’t join them. He couldn’t.
He couldn’t risk them leaving him, too.
Pidge sat on Hunk’s shoulders letting out a battlecry as she went to knock Keith off of Shiro’s shoulders. Much to her happiness, she had caught him off guard. He flailed, before falling backwards, ultimately taking Shiro down with him.
She jumped off of Hunk’s shoulders, ignoring how Keith stuck his tongue out at her. She turned to where Lance was sitting.
Why hasn’t he joined us yet? She thought to herself, narrowing her amber eyes on his still form. He was just sitting there, absently making shapes in the sand. He hadn’t even changed into his swimtrunks, for God’s sake!
Pidge knew she should’ve been somewhat suspicious, but this was Lance. He was a good actor, and Pidge knew it.
“Lance!” She called, waving her arms at him, “You said you’d join us!”
That seemed to grab his attention, as his head snapped up to look at her.
“Uh..” He looked like a deer in the headlights, and she would’ve laughed if it wasnt for him wincing.
“I cant..?” Lance cringed at his own excuse. It was terrible, he knew, and by Pidge’s expression, she knew too.
“Uh, yes you can.” She retorted, crossing her arms in annoyance.
“Lance, you promised.” She said, giving him puppy eyes.
Oh god.
He can’t resist that looks, and Pidge fully knows it.
Reluctantly, he stands. Well, its now or never. He thought to himself, standing up and tugging his jacket off.
Pidge watched as he stood and took off his jacket. Then his shirt. And that’s when she saw the tattoos.
She inhaled sharply, the other paladins following her gaze. Their jaws dropped.
Lance, with his perfect skin that he cared so much about, had tattoos.
All of them were floored. Each tattoo was detailed, absent of any mishaps. It was obvious that each had had much time and effort into them. Congrats to that tattoo artist, Pidge thought, they’re good at their job.
Lance slowly shed his clothing, dreading the moment when he would be close enough for them to make out the scars. He took off his pants next, pulling his swimtrunks higher up onto his hips. And he walked, inner arms pressed against himself as he folded his arms, attempting to hide the most visible scars.
Pidge felt her heart sink when Lance was close enough to them. Now she could see the tattoos, but she could also see the scars underneath them. Reallt, it was obvious. It was also clear that the tattoos were meant to hide them. It didn’t work. They could all see it.
But, she could also see Lance try to hide it. He had his head down and arms crossed. Yet, they all knew. And Pidge had just forced him out of his comfort zone, just because she wanted him to be there.
“Lance..?” She questioned, her voice quiet. She could hear the teams suprised gasps, and the noises the made after them, disheartened.
“Pidge.” He looked up, shooting her a cocky grin. But it was forced. His smile dropped, and he shifted uncomfortable.
“Look,” he started, uncomfortable, “I’m sorry. It happened in my past. I got these tattoos to cover them. Yadda yadda, big ol’ sob story.”
No one said anything, just standing as the waves lapped at their legs.
“If it makes you guys uncomfortable, Ill go find a swimshirt.”
That snagged Pidge’s attention. “Uncomfortable?” She spoke, utter disbelief in her words. “You think we’re uncomfortable?” She almost cried at that.
“Lance, we’re sad that you would ever do this, but we’re not uncomfortable. It makes me proud that, even though you have scars, that you’re willing to show them anyways. Not everyone is like that.
Lance seemed shocked at her words. Still, no one moved.
Then Lance shot forward, engulfing her into a hug. She let out a cry of protest.
"I’m so sorry Pidge! You didn’t deserve to see that. But.. just…” He stammered, reluctant, the rest of the team joining in on the group hug. Cooing softly, whispering reassurances and praise.
“It means a lot to hear you say that, Pidgeon.”
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punkspoonz · 7 years
get to know me, yeet
tagged by @bumpernums
I’m supposed to tag 10 others. We’ll see how that goes
1. Star sign: ♌ Leo ♌
2. Height: 5'3 :/ I’m not at all happy at this height
3. Sexuality: men
4. Wallpaper: a really pretty art piece by Nikk Mayson of ghosts in a vibrant alleyway.
5. Ever had a teacher crush? Yes. 6th grade. History. Mr. Y. He just so happened to get married to my 5th grade grammar teacher in the summer between my elementary>middle school transition. It was strange. But my goodness was he gorgeous. Always in a good mood. Very charismatic. Everyone loved him. I have this one memory of drawing during his class. He was walking up and down the aisles of desks while teaching and then quietly stopped in front of mine. He gently took the pencil out of my hand and put it back on the desk beside my notebook. I looked up slowly and in shock/slight embarrassment and he only smiled at me before moving on. My little 11 yo heart burst out of my chest.
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Oh boy. Idk. Hopefully with an apartment of my own with a pied crow named Gomez and maybe a big fluffy dog named Salem, or a sphinx cat named Morticia. Already done with my T shots, or close to it, and happily selling artwork from home with a big instagram following. I’m making decent money from it and most of my loans are paid off, but also work a job. Ideally animation with some voice acting, but aside from all that I also work on my own webcomic and I finally have a developed style that I am happy and pleased it. The final icing on the cake–which is a real 10yr goal I have–is that I own a Mystery Machine that I’ve painted and pimped out myself.
7. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? Somewhere tropical where the water is crystal clear and I can just live in a lovely little house right on the beach away from others for a small while and completely forget about my problems. I could walk in the sand barefoot and look up at the stars and feel the swift breeze.
8. Coolest halloween costume: Hm, I’m not sure i had a really “cool” one. I’ll tell you my faves. In kindergarten I dressed as a monarch butterfly. I these really big wings and a headband with springy antennae that had orange pompoms at the end. My mom had added freckles to my face I think she colored my nose in. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure why, but I was all for it as a kid. I remember proudly showing my wings off during show and tell that day at school. It was nice. The next one is a costume I used a few times. I was a witch! I had a bright purple wig on and a pointy witch hat to accompany it. Then I had this really cool cloak. The fabric was black and transparent with glittery purple spiderweb all over it and it had a hood. I also carried around a black broom and a trick or treating bucket that was a cauldron. As I’m writing this now, this next one is probably my coolest. It was a ninja turtle. Michaelangelo to be specific. I had a tmnt phase in my freshman year because Hot Topic was selling some dope tmnt stuff and I was all for it. I bought a turtleshell tmnt backpack (it came with the headbands) and I used it all through my highschool life. I think it was my senior year of high school that I decided to finally dress as one. My mom bought my one of those costume hoodies, I got Michaelangelo! So I zipped the hoodie up, tied the orange headband around the crown of my head, and emptied out my shell backpack to collect my candy in. It was really fun.
9. Fave 90s Show: oh boy. Probably every 90s cartoon. I don’t particularly have a fave.
10. Last Kiss: I don’t kiss and tell
11. Ever been to Las Vegas? Nah, but I’d like to visit.
12. Fave pair of shoes: these creepers/platforms I just bought. They add like an extra 3-4 inches to my height. They’re black, shiny, and pointy toed with metallic spikes all over them. Got them for $30 on depop~☆
13. Fave fruit: strawberries, mangoes, and cherries
14. Fave book: oh boy. I thoroughly enjoyed Horns by Joe Hill. The Captive Prince Trilogy by C.S. Pacat is AMAZING. But my all time fave read is a graphic novel called Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples. I’ve been with it since volume 1 and I reread it each time a new volume comes out. So I’ve read it 8 times now lmao. Let’s talk about it and nerd tf out.
15. Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: let’s not go down that memory lane.
I tag
@literal-trashlord @starlight-seeker @tentaclehearts @risforredd @soulpantheism @fabricatedportrait @scrotastic @that-one-guy-with-sexy-hair @transcoranic @gallotine @neon-exorcist @melancholysage
Some of you guys I’ve talked to, some of you guys I see a lot in my notes and your username always brings a smile to my face. I’d like to know you all more 💖
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
member: park woojin. genre(s): high school!au, hoobae!woojin summary: ludic. (adj) - full of fun and high spirits. in which park woojin finds himself entangled in the antics of the school’s troublemaker sunbae. (requested - bullet point format) word count: 1.6k
note: the very first request ever on this blog! thank you so much to the anon that sent this ;; i was going to format it in paragraphs but somehow i ended up going bullet-point format and and i don’t know i feel nervous presenting this bc i fear that it won’t reach your expectations but i hope that you’ll like it anon!  btw, thank you so much for all the reblogs, likes and follows that i’ve received throughout the week. it means a lot to me heheh! i’ll try to continue working hard ;; i really, seriously, truthfully, completely, thank you all! < 3333
you were known around the school as the school’s lucky trouble maker 
notorious for pulling light-hearted pranks, sleeping through classes or completely skipping it, and occasionally picking fights (which fyi is often bc of something you find injustice and for students can’t stand up for themselves so you just butt in and use your fists as a representative) 
and for majority of the trouble you cause, you usually escape the consequences and get out of it with light warnings and punishment 
hence the ‘lucky’ bit in your title
basically you’re the definition of the ‘c package’ 
authornim what in the world is a ‘c package’ - well obvs you wouldn’t know cos i made it up duh. 
cute, charming and cool. (it’s as lame as me i know but i’m proud) 
everyone just loves you okay
well,,, not really everyone bc there are a few students (mainly the ones you picked fights with) who hate your guts and a few teachers who don’t know what fun means 
but somewhere within the school, there’s one person who doesn’t really get the memo and is confused on why everyone’s whipped for you
introducing park woojin everybody
the first time he heard about you was from a conversation one lunch break when his friends were fanboying talking about you. “who are you talking about?” 
inserts daehwi’s dramatic gasp “oH mY gOd YoU dON’T knOW?!?! lol bye you’re deleted. idk who you are.”
he earned a lot of insults from his friends in one sitting that day
“have you been living under a rock” - park jihoon 
“how dumb are you to not know who y/n sunbae is, you’ve been here for as long as she has.” - bae jinyoung 
“hyung, are you sure you’re not the foreign student, like wth even i know who y/n is.” - lai guanlin
he felt so attacked, “well i didn’t know it was requirement to know who this person is to be socially accepted here.” 
but dw his ass was forgiven after he got forced to listen to the four of them educating him about you, “don’t you feel enlightened now?” cue woojin’s eyes going 360 into the galaxy bc he done w/ their crap
woojin just hears numerous stories about you like how you once won this verbal fight against this rude popular senior and her clique who were bullying a tenth grade student, or the time you pulled a prank on this serious teacher that no one saw laugh until you placed a whoopee cushion on his seat (you still got detention for that though smh), or when you were the matchmaker for pdhpe teachers, mr. park and ms. kang who are now the school’s couple goals and just other great things about you
so apart from that one time when he was zoning out in maths class and out of the window he saw you climbing over the school’s fence to skip class (he finally understood why some students refer to you as the cute fence girl)
woojin has never really encountered you before
which is really strange bc he’s developing a slight crush on you after hearing what other people say and also seeing you from afar during lunch breaks
like the sound of your personality is like making his heart go ‘!!!!’ and he can’t even explain what he’s feeling 
but he’s blaming his friends for it
and so this all changed when a classmate of yours pranked you by pouring a bucket of water at you one lunch break and in return you started a water fight in the cafeteria 
the principal heard about the chaos and started to quickly head that way 
so he witnessed you pull the fire alarm and he calls your name with pure rage that you were damn sure he was gonna hulk smash you
you made a run for it
mEANWHILE woojin just left the library and was walking towards the school canteen 
from afar he sees this girl coming closer and closer, running as if her life depended on it (cos it lowkey actually did) and he had this feeling that it was you
so as soon as you came close enough that his eyes could make clear of your appearance, he was proven right 
but further along the distance, he also sees the teachers who suck up to the principal and the principal himself trying to catch up to you
and being the smart kid he is, woojin moves to the side so he doesn’t block your way
however, you weren’t exactly the brightest during that moment and thought that he’d have to snitch on where you were gonna go and get you in more trouble
hence why you grabbed his hand and woojin’s now running with you.
rip woojin
you two manage to pass the school gates, cross the traffic light and hide into an alleyway seconds before the teachers reach up the gates
so you’re both heavily panting, he’s sh00k and awkward bc wth he didn’t even sign up for this crap but he immediately forgives you once he hears you break into laughter, causing him to do the same 
“sorry for dragging you.” you say sheepishly as you send an apologetic smile, “in my head, i was thinking you could have snitched and you could put me in more trouble but now that i realise, you wouldn’t have known where i was going in the first place.” 
“and now i got you into trouble too.” you mumbled to yourself sadly before your bottom lip juts into a pout
legit his heart started to parkour in his chest when he saw you pout bc he didn’t know you could be this cute??? like he expected it but he didn’t really expect it yknow
“ah, no..uhm...” he replies with a shy smile, “it’s..uh...it’s okay. i don’t mind.” 
what a shy awkward bean omg omg dONT YOU JUST LOVE HIM 
you let out a chuckle as you look at him, casually going on your toes to pat his head, “you’re pretty cute, park woojin.” 
woojin was sure he was gonna melt into a puddle after that like he doesn’t even know if he’s breathing or nah but whatever- he’s standing next to his crush who just called him cute. hE GOT CALLED CUTE. BY HIS CRUSH. 
w a i t 
“uh...h-how did you know my name?” he says in a confused manner bc he doesn’t seem to remember telling you-
you point at the right side of his chest, “well the name tag says park woojin and i’m assuming that you’re the park woojin that the younger students are talking about.” 
w a i t  p t  2
“what?” he says after recalling the second bit of your words. 
“you don’t know?” you say to him before you clear your throat and begin to imitate one of the ninth grade girls you tend to overhear, “park woojin - cute snaggletooth oppa. the most adorable awkward bean with reversal charms; he’s super shy but really sexy when he dances. ah, he’s so dreamy.” 
you end your acting as you clasp your hands together and you start to laugh as you notice the dark shade of red on his cheeks, paired with his red ears. 
“i didn’t know i was seen in that kind of light.” he shyly mutters to himself causing you to grin even more bc damn this boi is kinda really cute. 
“well, i can kinda see why they think of you that way.” you reply back with another grin as you notice his cheeks becoming red once again, “you just don’t know about it since the younger grades are good about keeping it lowkey from the seniors.” 
you look out of the alley, knowing that the teachers would have given up looking for you and you turn back around to him with another breathtaking smile. 
“well, you’re not really going to get any punishment apart from a detention since i’ll take all the blame for today, so mr. reversal charms how about i make up for causing you trouble by spending the rest of the school hours, skipping classes with me?”   
woojin remains in silence, almost as if he’s deciding your offer
but lmao he’s just freaking out internally bc you’re making his heart beat even faster than usual and it’s unhealthy for his kokoro plus how will he act cool around you?!?!? 
however you considered his silence as a yes and you take his hand into yours, gently dragging him causing his heart to flip. “i won’t take no for an answer, park woojin and even if it’s my first time to use it to be authoritative, you should say yes to your sunbae.” 
“o-okay, sunbaenim.” “good.” 
so now you’re just both walking wherever your feet may lead you like what you usually do when you skip classes
but his eyes are fixed on both of your hands and you look at where he’s looking before you flash a grin at him, “let’s just say that your hand looked heavy so i’m here to help you with that.” 
“wow she’s pretty cheesy. more emphasis on the pretty bit though.”
he hears you burst into laughter and he instantly covers his mouth with his free hand, realising that he didn’t just think it but he said it too. 
“d-did i say that out loud? god, i didn’t mean to. i swear- i’m so sorry ahh...this is so embarrassing.” 
but you’re just there laughing and quite close to tears which makes him lowkey satisfied bc even if he embarrassed himself in front of you, he’s making you smile (ong my goodness this is so pure and cheesy idek) 
after you calm yourself down, you shake your head in amusement.  “don’t be sorry, if anything, i’m kinda glad that my dumb ass dragged you, park woojin.”  
and so for the rest of the day, woojin finds himself falling for you harder than he had imagined. 
maybe getting into trouble will be worth it after all. 
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