#was just gonna stay in the shire forever
Could you please tell me where Morgoth is during The Lord Of The Rings? (Is he alive?)
I'm gonna answer this one first because it's the easiest:
Morgoth is alive and not on the world although his evil power still is infused in the world and his malicious lies still plague countless minds.
The First Age ended when he was tossed into space and cast out, far from the world he coveted and the Flame of Creation he sought. Beyond Time as well. He's unable to return as long as the Valar and the Sun and Moon and the Evening Star continue to sail around the world. What Morgoth is up to we don't know - or at least it is not written by any being living in the world. The Valar believe existence beyond Ea - the universe beyond the world Arda - is empty and lifeless but it is suggested that the original Song of Creation echoed out and created more than just the world. And Eru- who is God - saw that it was good even as twisted as the Song was by Morgoth - then Melkor - in his attempts to change the Song into something he thought was better.
(There's always That One Person in band practice who thinks they're funny, I swear.)
The world being made with song but still needing to be shaped by hand is an incredibly fascinating image. Because the Song wasn't just Making the world but the instructions of the world itself. In a way it was a prophecy that every angel that existed then took part in shaping.
The changes, the imperfections, the clashes... it made the Song better even if it wasn't perfect anymore. But because he kept trying to claim the world and make it his, Morgoth was The Enemy and all his works were cruelty and corruptions of good things.
There's a prophecy of what is functionally Ragnarok where the Final Battle will be fought, the ships of the Sun and Moon crash to the planet, and the Silmarils will break open and whatever Feanor made of them will become known. (Personally it always sounded like they're talking about nuclear detonation as part of the Doomsday Apocalypse.)
But part of that prophecy is that Morgoth will return.
Sauron's dead. Saruman is either sort-of dead or cursed to wander the world as a spirit forever. The orcs all retreated into dark unseen places, likely deep within the mountains - which funny enough is also where the Dwarves are implied to be hiding out at. If there's any Elves still alive in the world they don't make themselves known and same with the Hobbits but they are implied to be still around… just hard to see. Maybe Hobbits have become folklore takes of Brownies or Leprechauns or other fae things, much in the same way that the meta lore suggest that stories of Elves gradually became tales of the Fairies Courts.
Our world, by the lore of the Red Book of Westmarch from which the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings were "translated" from, is the modern version of Middle Earth. We live in what is likely still the Fourth Age. Sauron's defeat heralded the end of the Third Age two/three years later. The World began an untold length of time before the First Age, which lasted about 590 years (by their calendar). The Second lasted 3441 years, and the Third ended after 3021 when Bilbo and Frodo sailed to Valinor.
Whether they survived the sailing (remember: Bilbo was Old AF when they set sail with the Elves and Gandalf) and lived there in some place on Aman or on the small island of Tol Eressea isn't clear. While people who were neither Ainur (Valar/Maiar) or Elves were no longer allowed there after Numenor's Biggest Screwup, exceptions can be made and Bilbo had no idea he bore the One Ring and it was through him and Frodo (and Sam but he stayed in the Shire) who were able to keep the Ring from Sauron's hands.
But some day in our future, Morgoth will return. In what form we don't know nor when or how. He will be fought and finally be completely defeated, although there's some variations where it is said that if humans choose to side with him then all will be lost. But if defeated then the lost lands will rise back above the sea (Beleriand but maybe also Numenor). Humans and the angelic beings alike (the Maiar and the Valar as a whole) will sing a new Song of Creation before God Himself and remake the world anew.
If it's not super obvious, the series is a blending of various myths and cultural ideas as well as Catholic teachings. So there's a lot of heavy handed stuff regarding God and morality. And a lot of questions raised and worried over by not only the fans but Tolkien himself.
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cobbleztone · 23 days
Fictional countries i would love to live in and ones i world hate:
Wakanda - Would hate living here because in Marvel people think of theme being benevolent, but no they are entitled selfish dicks who openly threatened war with the world in the mcu after they backed out of a deal to share vibranium and France tried to take some by force. Also they violate several internal laws in Wakanda Forever by kidnapping an American citizen, destruction of private property, assault on an officer (several counts of these btw), freeing a criminal and harboring him in their country, murder, and trespassing.
Latveria - Hell Yes, canonically the happiest and safest place in Marvel because Doctor Doom is an amazing ruler with the country having little to no crime or violence at all.
Kahndaq - Yes, because who is gonna attack a country protected by a man who can go toe to toe with Superman and can use magic? If i go here, im safe.
Atlantis (DC) - no, because i can't breathe under water, and a lot of atlantians are canonically racist towards any surface dwellers.
Ninjago - hell no, there is a threat attcking Ninjago city (the only place i would live) every other week.
Anywhere in Tamriel (Elder Scrolls) - no, i dont want to, be eaten by a dragon, crushed by a mammoth, sent flying by a giant, mauled by a saber cat, or be anywhere near the Thalmor or Ulfric Stormcloak.
(Not a country but) Night City - depends, am i a corpo, ex nomad, or street kid, because corpo and nomad are no, but street kid? If i just stay where i grew up, im probably safe, especially if i have lots of friends (also, i would prevent Jackie from dying because i still cry from that)
The Shire - Hell Yes, stay away from Frodo 30 (or was it 50?) years after Bilbo's 111th birthday, and im safe because no danger approaches the Shire and Hobbits are quite and peaceful.
Gondor - mabye, depends on when, if its before the events of the Lord of the Rings, then mabye, if its during it, no, but if its after Aragorn is made King, then hell yes because im safe.
Rivendell - yes, peaceful, plentiful food, beautiful scenery, and hospitality unmatched by any other place.
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lotrmeditation · 3 years
Me: *sitting on Frodo’s porch for hours, picking grass, generally not moving and being a nuisance*
Frodo: Get off my lawn go home and eat an apple for fucks sake only chocolate and carbs is going to kill you
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shiresuggest · 3 years
Fic where everything is the same but Legolas in the hobbit is more like Legolas in LOTR and a soft poetry boy but instead of Tauriel spending the most time in the dungeons, it's Legolas and he sits by Gloins side every day and asks him questions and at first Gloin is super annoyed at BB elf bothering him but by day three he's starting to realize this is a lad who wants OUT of Mirkwood but doesn't know anything of the world outside and he basically adopts him in that time, and eventually when Bilbo thinks it's a good enough time he reveals himself to Legolas to ask where Thorin is being kept and Legolas brings him down there and they all make their escape but with Legolas and all their weapons this time with Tauriel cautiously following behind cause she can't let the prince get hurt and Gloin is being fatherly towards the elf and then they spot Tauriel while they're talking with Bard about passage through Laketown (they decide to use the rouse that Prince Legolas and his guard decided to travel with dwarves cause dwarves are strong and protective of young ones and Bard finds this HILARIOUS so he's all 'lol fuck ya I'll bill ur dad for the room and board' and Legolas has the money that Bard won't have to worry about how he's gonna feed them all while they're there) and Legolas ends up staying with them till the end. Obviously Thorin and the boys don't die and Tauriel cautiously goes to court Kili (fem!Kili??? Should she be lesbianing for the princess??? Ya that's different too) and Legolas decides to stay for a few years till the mountain is stable as the ambassador for Mirkwood so daddy doesn't cause a fuss like he did when he thought the dwarves kidnapped his baby boy and came to get him back with an ARMY behind him lmao, and Thranduil is annoyed but he's also tryina get in the pants of the new king of Dale (Laketown didn't burn but the Master did and Laketown is staying on the lake till they can get Dale rebuilt now that the dwarves are back and that means Bard is getting his throne back) and so he's okay with visiting, but then Gimli gets there and Legolas is all '!!!!!!!!!' And they're instant BFFS and Gloin is all 'ahhh. My boys are getting along' and then 50 years later his wife is all 'lol ya they gettin along real well behind that shed with their pants off' and Gloin is all 'don't you ever suggest they do seggs again I'm just glad they can get married and live asexual lives together' and it's beautiful. The Ring is eventually something they have to deal with, and it ends in Thorin and Bilbo (acearo BFFs forever that tend to commute between Erebor and the shire for a few years at a time and one time came back with bb Frodo) and Frodo going to the Undying lands, and Gimli and Legolas move to the Glittering Caves where they build a new city and live till Gimli is old and then follow them to the Undying Lands.
But!!!!!!! Fit this in with the idea that the Undying Lands is just another part of heaven that only specific people can enter and it's pretty much an elves only club, so they go to visit the Halls of Mahal a lot to visit Gloin and his wife and be babied by them and it's. Perfect.
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Never Was (Bilbo x Elf!Reader)
Word count: 548
Warnings: angsttttt kind of
Ok so I just wanted to do something smaller today and I decided to make this. Not gonna lie, it has me in the feels a bit. Enjoy xx
I remember how his eyes lit up when he talked about the Shire. The rolling green hills, the sparkling rivers, the reading nooks he could find underneath the soft canopy of a tree. He loved his home, and he missed it. But he was a part of a journey now, and he could not back out so easily. He had grasped my hand, telling me he would take me there when he got back. He was naïve, hoping he might make it back. And I knew in the back of my mind that there was a good chance he would not, but I shoved it to the side.
They had arrived unannounced, bringing a pack of orcs with them. I was one of the many who defended my home and in doing so, bringing the visitors in. The dwarves showed much hostility, the halfling showed nothing but kindness. We talked for hours, staying up almost all night, sharing our stories, our fears. We had known each other for less than a day but we already trusted each other greatly. I showed him through Rivendell, the hidden places I had found, the beautiful gardens, and the breathtaking views. He sketched down many of the places, saying he would finish them later when he came back.
He intrigued me, with his mannerisms and quirks. I could not help but fall for him, even though I knew him for so short a time. It was not uncommon for elves who might have just met each other to declare their love the same day. I kept it to myself, not wanting to overwhelm him. But it was clear he was amazed by me, and he kept going on about my beauty. It was flattering, and it made him even dearer to me. Many would-be scandalized, a hobbit and an elf was an interesting combination after all. He held my heart, and it was his alone. No one could take something like that from him. It was a delicate thing, love, and I knew he would treasure mine forever. He had to leave, feelings unsaid, pages to be written, but I kept on hoping for something more when he came back.
News traveled fast, and there came stories. A dragon slain, a battle fought. But I heard nothing of my hobbit. Many died, but his name was never uttered. I hoped, with all my naïve heart, that he might come back and bring me to Hobbiton, show me everywhere. But travel was slow, and I had to wait, wait for when he came back.
Days bled into weeks. I went about my life, living as I might have before, but it was different. I was different. I scolded myself for loving someone who went right to peril. I would only make myself distraught, so why did I do this? Weeks bled into months. Cities were rebuilding, people healing. But nothing of my hobbit. I still waited for when he would come back.
Word passed through. He had survived. But he was different. Never to be the same again. The light in his eyes faded, still there, but reduced to small candlelight, unlike the blinding sun it used to be. He crept farther back into the shadows, rarely seen outside. My hobbit, my Bilbo, reduced to almost nothing, but still holding my heart. But at least he came back, even if it wasn't to me.
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luna-redamancy · 5 years
You Always Find Your Way Back Home - Part Twelve
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The mug in your hands warmed you as you took in the reality you were surrounded in. The smell of chamomile filling your nostrils as you rubbed your thumb nervously over the rim. 
“All we can do now is wait,” Alvina’s words echoed in your ears as you stared out the window, wait. That’s all you can do, wait and hope for a miracle to happen. To hope the One Ring gets destroyed.
Huffing out of your nose you pressed your forehead to the glass, the cold making you sigh and shut your eyes. The sound of the rain’s pitter-patter soothing you temporarily.
Arms slipped around your waist, Thranduil’s head on your shoulder as the two of you watched the storm rage on outside your cottage. Your plants happily sitting in the window. 
“What’re you thinking about?” Thranduil hummed at you, his thumbs tracing comforting circles on the curve of your waist. 
“How much I hate storms,” You grumbled, watching lightning crackle in the distance, setting a tree ablaze. “It destroys so much,” You mumbled, letting your own hand fall to cover his own in an affectionate manner. 
“Well, storms are also a sign of new beginning, the past being washed away to allow a new dawn to begin,” Thranduil replied, pressing a kiss to your temple. “To have a new beginning, an old story must end,” He hummed again, looking out of the window once more. “An old story is ending, while ours is just beginning.”
Your eyes felt heavy as you opened them again, tears brimming the surface as you sniffled. “Will our story end a tragedy? Or a lovely happy ending?” You whispered out loud, sending a mental prayer to Vala to help you stay strong as you could only wait to see what fate had in store for you. 
Your mug now felt cold, the steam of your tea now lost, making you realize how long you had been sitting there wallowing. Shaking your head you made your way to the kitchen to pour it down the sink. 
Family photos littered the hallway, you with your parents, your cousins, your siblings, your nieces, and nephews. A bittersweet taste fills your mouth as you let your eyes linger on them. You looked so happy. Your eyes were filled with joy as you held your baby niece for the first time, as you hugged your sister at her wedding, as you smiled at the camera with your mother on her birthday. 
“Yet none of it is real…” Your expression went blank as you avoided thinking about the life you could have had if you never went to middle-earth if you never got placed in this world, to begin with.
Shaking your head again, you smacked your cheeks lightly to bring you back to reality. “Everything happens for a reason, stop it,” You huffed, grabbing out a bag of popcorn, “That’ll clear my mind,” You mumbled,  “A Christmas movie.” 
“After all these days of journeying beside you, Legolas, I haven’t seen you so troubled until now,” Aragorn began, eyes watching his friend very carefully. 
Legolas looked out onto the horizon, his jaw clenched and shoulders tense. “If Frodo, the ring-bearer, does not succeed in destroying this ring, I may lose my mother for good.” Legolas slowly let out, his eyes looking anywhere but Aragorn, afraid if they locked eyes Legolas wouldn’t be able to hold his facade any longer.
“The dark magic of the ring…” Aragorn struggled to find the words, “Took your mother from you?” 
Legolas nodded, “I lost her once, and I’ve lost her again because of the resurfacing of the ring,” He explained, his shoulders slowly losing their tenseness. 
“You’re worried Frodo won’t be able to complete his task?” 
Legolas stayed silent, he truly didn’t know what he believed. 
“Well. Hobbits are miraculous creatures, my friend, do not doubt so easily.” Aragorn gave a reassuring smile as they continued to look out on the horizon together. 
Legolas nodded, his eyes drifting up to the stars, the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand up, a feeling of dread washing over him. 
“The stars are veiled, something stirs in the east… a sleepless malice,” Legolas began a sick feeling stirring in his stomach. 
“The eye of Sauron is moving, watching,” Legolas’ eyes narrow into a glare as he pulls Aragorn back inside. “We must hope that Frodo and Sam make it before it is too late.”
“Hey! Hands off! That shiny shirt- that’s mine.” The Uruk-Hai commander Shagrat called out to the orc, Gorbag. “It’s going to the great eye, along with everything else that was on him!” Gorbag yelled in response, motioning towards Frodo, tied up and bare except for his undergarments. 
Frodo stayed still, realizing they still thought he was knocked out from spider venom. Carefully reaching up towards his throat, his eyes widened. The ring was gone. 
Sam marched through the gates, adrenaline and fear pushing him to find Frodo. “I can’t believe I left him… Oh Mr.Frodo, please be okay…”
Finding his way to a courtyard, Sam covered his mouth in shock. Over fifty orcs, slaughtered in the courtyard. “Frodo must be here somewhere,” He told himself as he began climbing the staircase, slowly realizing a few Uruk-Hai were coming toward him. Gulping down a breath, Sam glared as he unsheathed Sting. Letting a scream belt from his throat, Sam ran up the stairs toward them.
“That’s for Frodo! And for The Shire! And for my old Gaffer!” Sam yelled as he cut them down one by one, as he rushes past them and into the nearest place he could see, the tower. ‘Where else would they keep Frodo?’ He thought to himself. 
“Stop your squeaking, you dunghill rat!” Gorbag demands, his eyes filled with rage as he watched Frodo struggling in his binds. 
“I’m gonna bleed you like a stuck pig,” He growled as he pulled out a dagger, slowly moving toward Frodo. Before he could move any further, Frodo watched in horror and relief as Sting was protruding from the other side of his body.
“Not if I stick you first,” Sam grunted, shoving him off his sword. 
“Sam!” Frodo called out, relief filling his entire being as Sam began to cut his binds. “Oh Sam, I’m so sorry… for everything.” 
“Enough of that, come on,” Sam shook his head, helping Frodo up. 
“It’s too late, Sam,” Frodo’s voice was filled with despair, “-They have the ring now, they took it from me,” 
“I beg your pardon, but they haven’t done such a thing,” Sam smirked, pulling the ring from his pocket. 
“I thought I’d lost you, Mr.Frodo, so I kept it… For safekeeping, of course,” Sam showed Frodo the ring, Frodo’s eyes filling with amazement, “Give it to me, Sam.” 
Sam hesitated, the tone of Frodo’s voice startling him. “Please, give me the ring, Sam.”
Slowly Sam dropped the ring into Frodo’s palm, watching as Frodo’s body sagged in relief. “The ring is my burden, Sam… It will destroy you,” Frodo looked at Sam with pained eyes, “I could never ask you to hold that burden for me.”
Sam could only nod as he felt no words could describe how he felt about Frodo doing such a thing for him. To ease the tension, Sam cracked a smile. “Come on Mr.Frodo, we best find you some clothes. Can’t have you going through Mordor like that.” 
Series tag: @kyle9no @uknowmeaskitty  @kazuha159   @scarecrowsragdoll @bringmetoawonderland @theincaprincess @disneymarina @bvckys-doll  @adelinepop   @bonza-bear @lunariasilver   @extremebuttface @tei-hayden @aestheticofeverything @thetrappedpoet @libbymouse @rustypotatospork @pale-butterfly @uknowmeaskitty @underthemoon-imagines @storiesbycaroline @jjongi @demetriolis @arien-midnight-lightning @nikolett3 @demonstakemyhand @raindancer2004 @burningmusicmachine @lunariasilver @indelwen-of-mirkwood@carolinesbookworld @sweetphantomofyournoodler @pastanest @sapphireduck @ashleygrrrl@rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @ziablackkat @redeemablezen231 @tigereyesf @bluerorjhan  @marvel-imagines-yes-please @burningcoffeetimetravel @the-force-of-imagines  @ywps @electric-cabaret @y--oungblood @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza @fantastical-67impala-fangirl @fandom-hoe101 @moony-artnstuff @londongirl2011​ @blankfatesworld​ @fandomtrashs-blog​ @damnittjim​ @whovianayesha​
Forever Tag:  @lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18@raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection​ @underthemoon-imagines​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​ @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​ @bad268​​ @legolaslovely​ @bthtallmadge2​
Thranduil Tag: @indelwen-of-mirkwood @sapphireduck @ashleygrrrl @katiegoddessofmischief
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Start of Time: 2/?
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Here it is finally, the second chapter of this fic!! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get this up, @teamhook ! I also have no idea how long this is going to be. Looking at my outline, it should be at least six chapters.
Remember that Emma can’t remember her name in this, so Emma is just “she” at first in this chapter, then “Wendy” later on. (You’ll see why once you read the chapter). I won’t lie, writing a story in which Emma can’t remember her name and no one else knows it either has been a big challenge. Hopefully I wrote it a way everyone can follow!
Rating: T
Trigger warning: Alice Jones appears in this but is Killian’s adopted daughter with Milah, and so is Henry. Henry has no relation to Emma in this. There is also positive past Millian.
Also on Ao3 and part of my Fandom Birthday Playlist.
Tagging the usuals: @snowbellewells​ @teamhook​ @kmomof4​ @let-it-raines​@whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @xhookswenchx​ @jennjenn615​ @kday426​ @welllpthisishappening​ @wellhellotragic​ @winterbaby89​ @stahlop​ @spartanguard​ @shireness-says​ @scientificapricot​ @xhookswenchx​ @distant-rose​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @vvbooklady1256​ @thislassishooked​ @bethacaciakay​ @hollyethecurious​ @nikkiemms​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @optomisticgirl​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @branlovestowrite​ @tiganasummertree​ @snidgetsafan​ 
I'm an atom in a sea of nothing
Looking for another to combine
Maybe we could be the start of something
Be together at the start of time
When she awoke again, the sun shone brightly through the curtains. She struggled to sit up, her mouth dry and tasting of cotton. Her head still ached, but it no longer throbbed. How long had she slept? Was the sun this bright when she woke up before? She heard sounds outside her door as she swung herself slowly around and stood up. The room spun a bit, but once she took a few deep breaths, she was able to walk across the room easily enough. Her clothes were folded neatly on top of a white dresser, and she made quick work of changing out of the pajamas. The fabric was warm and smelled of fabric softener - someone had washed them.
Speaking of washing, she suddenly realized how greasy her hair was. She could actually smell her own body odor, which was never good. It made her wonder again just how long she had been asleep. A shower would be nice, but she wasn’t about to ask such a thing of complete strangers. They had been kind, she understood that, but she couldn’t stay here any longer.
When she exited her door, she was struck by the quaint log cabin style of the home. Her bedroom was at the end of an open hallway that looked out over a great room with high beamed ceilings of exposed wood. On the other side of a stone fireplace, she could see the dark haired man named Killian at the stove in the kitchen.
She made her way quickly down the stairs and through the living area. She paused at the threshold of the kitchen, and when she did, the family’s chattering stopped abruptly. Little Alice sat at the kitchen island spreading jam on toast. A boy with dark hair just a shade lighter than Killian’s stood by the sink pouring glasses of orange juice. A woman with a dark pixie cut stood with mouth agape clutching a fistfull of silverware. For some reason, the domestic scene made a lump rise in her throat.
“You’re up!” Killian exclaimed with a wide grin. He lifted the pan of scrambled eggs he was stirring. “Would you like some breakfast?”
“Um, no thank you,” she replied nervously. “I um . . . I thank you and your wife for everything you’ve done -”
The woman interrupted her with an exuberant laugh. “Oh no, I’m not his wife. My husband David and Killian are best friends. Killian was delivering a foal at our farm last night, so I came over to babysit Alice.”
“I am not a baby,” protested Alice with a pout that said otherwise.
“Excuse me,” the woman corrected with a pointed smile at the little girl, “I was having girl time with Alice, my favorite seven year old.”
Alice tilted her chin with satisfaction than started slathering jam on another piece of toast.
“I’m Mary Margaret,” the woman said as she turned her attention back to their visitor. She extended her hand.
“I - um, that is, I . . .” Shit! What was the social protocol when you didn’t remember your own damn name?
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Mary Margaret exclaimed snatching her hand back. “I forgot.”
“Sooo, what are you doing here if you two aren’t married? At breakfast?” She shook her head and rubbed her temple. Why was she still talking? “Um, I’m sorry. How long have I been asleep?”
All four of the people before her spoke at once, but only Mary Margaret’s words penetrated her brain.
“You slept forever!”
“I was worried you were dead!”
“Oh honey, we’re snowed in.”
She shook her head as she tried to comprehend Mary Margaret’s words. “Um, okay, that’s a problem, I know, but I can’t stay here. I mean, I don’t . . . that is to say . . . I’m just, um, gonna go, okay?”
She inched her way backwards towards the front door as she spoke, stumbling once over a toy lightsaber. Killian rushed forward, and that only made her dart for the door faster.
“We really are snowed in, love,” Killian insisted as she reached for the doorknob.
“Well, I’ll just walk to the nearest town, or -” her words ended abruptly as she opened the door to a wall of white. The snow was packed in hard, letting in not a trace of light, yet the snow on the threshold had melted enough to tumble inside over her feet. She let out a gasp as the cold seeped through the leather of her thin, stylish boots.
“I told you we were snowed in,” Killian told her with a lopsided grin and a sparkle in his eyes.
She sheepishly tried to kick the loose snow back outside, amazed that he wasn’t at least irritated with her. Shoving the door shut was something else entirely, and it took both of them to get it done.
Hands shaking, she made her way over to a cozy armchair angled towards the roaring fire. She stared at the flames as fear clawed at her chest. Killian came over and sat on the edge of the wide hearth, tilting his head a bit so he could look into her eyes.
“I know you’re confused and frightened, but I promise you you’re safe here. We’ve got plenty of firewood and food, even a generator if the power goes out -”
“That’s not what I’m worried about,” she whispered.
He nodded in understanding. “We’re strangers, and I can’t imagine how terrifying this all must be. I know it takes trust to believe this, but we really just want to help you and make you feel at home.”
She glanced up to see Mary Margaret perched on the arm of the chair, smiling down at her encouragingly. Alice sat down next to her father, and he put his arm around the little girl and brushed a kiss to the top of her head. Surely a man with such obvious affection for his daughter couldn’t be dangerous. Right?
The boy stood a bit shyly behind Alice and Killian, shuffling his feet a bit before stepping forward to offer her his hand. “You were passed out when you met me in the truck. I’m Henry.”
She merely nodded as she took the child’s hand, still not sure how to respond with no memory of who she was.
“That does it!” Mary Margaret exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “We have to call you something. You sure you don’t know your name?”
She scrunched her face up, thinking as hard as she could, but all she could come up with was darkness, snow, and pain. She bit her lip as she shook her head in the negative.
Mary Margaret shrugged. “So we give you a name!”
Killian narrowed his eyes at his friend. “MM, we can’t just name her like she’s our pet.”
“Why not?” Mary Margaret shot back. “Alice doesn’t have a creature in this place for more than five minutes without it having a name.”
“I have a white rabbit named Tick Tock,” Alice told her eagerly, “and a turtle named Mossy, and a frog named Prince, and two goldfish -”
“You can introduce her to your menagerie later, Starfish,” Killian chuckled as he ruffled Alice’s hair.”
“We can pick a name from one of our favorite books!” Henry exclaimed. “Alice is already taken, but what do you think of Lucy like the Narnia books?”
She wrinkled her nose.
“Fern like in Charlotte’s Web?” Alice suggested.
“Fern!” Henry exclaimed. “Seriously? Charlotte would be better!”
“Charlotte is a spider,” Alice shot back before sticking her tongue out at her brother.
“What about Wendy?” Killian asked.
“Dad’s favorite is Peter Pan,” Henry explained.
“Yeah, but he like’s Hook best, not Peter,” put in Alice.
“Hey!” Killian chuckled, poking each of his children playfully in the tummy. “Hook is just misunderstood.”
She narrowed her eyes. Wendy . . . “That name sounds familiar,” she told them softly.
Killian smiled at her. “Perhaps because it’s yours?”
“Or maybe it’s someone you know?” Mary Margaret put in helpfully.
She shook her head, frustrated. Every time she thought of the name Wendy, it was as if she were squinting into the fog, trying to make out a figure in the distance.
“I don’t know!”
“It’s okay,” Mary Margaret said gently, patting her hand, “it will come to you, I’m sure of it.”
“And we’ll get the doctor out here just as soon as the weather clears enough for the snow mobiles,” Killian added, “as well as the sheriff. I’m sure someone you love is looking for you.”
She nodded and attempted to give him a small smile.
“So, are we gonna call her Wendy or what?” Henry asked.
“Don’t be so rude!” Alice yelled.
“I’m not!”
“Get along, please,” Killian admonished, and she couldn’t help but smile at the bickering siblings and their father’s resulting exasperation.
“It’s okay,” she told them, “it will be nice to have a name, even a temporary one.”
“So . . . “ Killian prompted with arched brows.
“So, Wendy it is!”
A wide smile filled her face despite her circumstances as the four people around her cheered. If she were snowed in, there were worse places she could be. And if she had to join a temporary family, this seemed like a pretty happy one to stumble upon.
The strong scent of cedar filled Killian’s senses as he opened the long forgotten trunk shoved into the far reaches of his walk in closet. He closed his eyes briefly, letting the woodsy aroma wash over him. Not only would the cedar have protected the clothing inside, it would also have eradicated the scent of the former owner. He could do this.
Killian opened his eyes and looked down at the sweaters and leggings that Milah once wore. He lifted one of deep purple from the trunk and pressed it to his face. All he could smell was the cedar. Not the lingering scent of the citrusy shampoo Milah had preferred nor the hazelnut creamer she always used in her coffee. Surprisingly, it didn’t make him sad. Instead, he was relieved. Relieved that her scent no longer clung to the clothing but also relieved that he still remembered details about her. He would never be able to forget her, and the truth of that finally brought him comfort after four long years.
He rose from the floor of the closet with a pile of clothes in his arms and made his way down the hall to Alice’s bedroom. He hated that Wendy had to use his daughter’s room, but Mary Margaret was already set up in the guest room. He also hated that Alice was sharing his bed. The girl was a cuddler who hogged the bed, and Killian was simply exhausted after two nights of sleeping on the very edge of the mattress.
Killian knocked on the door, but there was no answer. However, he could hear the shower running from the jack and jill bath that Alice shared with her brother. He eased the door open, calling out that he had the clothes he had promised. There was no answer, though he did hear a voice drifting from the bathroom. The voice was singing.
Killian let the door swing open and couldn’t help stepping into the room, mesmerized by the voice. Wendy was belting out The Pretenders “Brass in Pocket” with the powerful voice of a rock star. He drew closer to the sound as if he were a sailor and she was a siren calling out to him. As he rounded the bed, however, he fumbled and dropped the clothes in his hands. Wendy had left the door to the bathroom half open, and through it he could see into the bathroom. He spun away quickly, not wanting to be a voyeur, but he wasn’t fast enough to miss the silhouette of Wendy’s figure through the frosted glass of the shower door. He fumbled again as he picked up the clothes and set them on the bed. They now looked like Henry had folded them, but he didn’t care. He rushed from the room before Wendy caught him and thought he was a peeping tom.
He shut the bedroom door quietly behind him and sagged against it, his heart pounding like a teenager. Yes, four long years. Four long years since Milah passed. Four long years since a woman had been living in this house. Killian drew in several deep breaths and ran his hand wearily down his face. He had to get a grip! Wendy needed his help. This was no time to become sexually attracted to her. She had been through something traumatic to leave her wandering injured on a remote snowy road. She had amnesia and was understandably frightened and confused.
Mentally listing all the reasons he couldn’t be attracted to her helped his blood cool considerably. Besides, he had made a vow to Milah when she was sick that he would make fatherhood his highest priority. Making sure Henry and Alice were happy and thriving left little time for anything else. Hadn’t that been made abundantly clear after that disastrous blind date he’d let Mary Margaret set him up on?
Wendy had a life somewhere to get back to, and he had his kids to think about. He wouldn’t let her sultry voice, inviting curves, or golden hair distract him from those two hard, cold facts.
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a new beginning - 01
Pairing: LOTR! James “Bucky” Barnes x Reader
Warnings: so far go right ahead, no danger.
A/N: i should just stop watching things that give me fanfic ideas.
Main Masterlist
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Fear and disillusion always creep in the Middle Earth and peace never last forever. The age of peace within kids would end up with the uproar against the united kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor. Whoever, war pays a difficult price and those to pay it had been the King, the Queen and their descendants who died protecting the very thing they fought years ago to bring back. The Middle Earths were now a remnant of what it was when the ring was destroyed. The only surviving realms where some relative calmness existed were those of the Hobbits in the Shire, the Humans in Rohan, the Dwarfs and some remaining elfs. All behind that was said to be lost lands and places where no man could ever survive without losing his sanity.
   - However ... - the young princess said making all the children gasp in suspense which caused her to smirk as her eyes went back to the red leathered book in her hands. - It is said that Aragorn’s line survived the war and his heir will lead the age of darkness away and install new peace into the Middle Earth.
  - Princess Y/N, do you believe it to be so? - one of the lord’s daughters said, her voice insecure and looking around. Y/N smiled sweetly at the child, closing the book. - Do you believe peace will return?
  - It’s all about hope, milady. - she replied which clearly light up a a conversation between every child in the room who seemed to be excited over the return of an heir. 
  - You’re an excellent story teller, my daughter. - Faramir walked into the library along with his wife and the princess’ mother, Éowyn. 
During the beginning of her childhood, Y/N had been called Lady Y/N of Rohan, never the princess she was now called. That had come to be after her uncle and king Éomer passed on while fighting for the freedom of some of Gondor’s people after the rebels and orcs took over. After that, her mother and father had been proclaimed Queen and King of 
They were smiling at her and the children, who quickly thanked the princess and ran out to plan on the gardens as the weather had been rather sympathetic since no rain was falling down on Rohan. - I’m starting to think you believe these tales. 
  - You know my beliefs, father. - Y/N replied to him, walking over to the white shelf that had been a gift from Legolas so she could put all her books full of tales. She was one to stop travellers when they stayed in the castle and ask them about their adventures, their life stories or even tales they’d heard from their families and friends. The young princess was also the owner of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins book who had been offered to her by Sam when she had turned eighteen. It was safe to say she had the best collection of books in all of Middle Earth, even some elven books. - You once believed it could be better.
  - You concern yourself to much with things you shouldn’t concern yourself with. - Éowyn cupped her daughter’s face, pushing the locks that had fallen in front of her face behind her ear. - You have other things to concern yourself with.
  - Like coming to see your favourite dwarf instead of leaving him to see your father’s face. - Gimli pushed Faramir aside to look at the girl he hadn’t seen in a year. Both him, Legolas and the Hobbits from the Shire had became rather close to each other and would usually come over to see her parents which lead to them getting closer to the princess. - And to think I rode all the way here to celebrate your birthday. 
 - I apologise. - she smiled, lowering down to his height to give him a hug.
 - You should apologise to me, I had to ride with him. - Legolas made himself known, smiling at the young princess. - You sure grow into your mother’s beauty every day.
 - She sure does. - Faramir commented. - Starting to become rather hard to make sure no man tries and steal her away.
 - Father. - she rolled her eyes. 
 - So, Faramir, where’s that nice room I was promised? - the dwarf turned to the King who laughed whole heartily and along with his wife started to walk into the main bedrooms which were below the library and other activity rooms. Y/N and Legolas remained in the room and silenced was settled as she stared at him.
 - I know what you want, princess. - he said, crossing his arms. - Do you wish my death by the hands of your mother so deeply?
 - You promised. - she said, mimicking his position with her arms crossed too and an eyebrow cocked. - You said “once you turn twenty I’ll teach you”. Well, I’m turning twenty tomorrow so you have to. You promised and elves don’t break promises, you said it yourself. 
  - Why should you learn archery? You’re a skilled sword fighter, you don’t require archery. 
  - Consider that my enemy is rather far. I could protect myself better if I could shoot an arrow onto him. Or do you expect me to send my sword flying?
  - Who taught you to argument like that? - he chuckled.
  - You did. - the young princess pointed at him. - C’mon, it’s better if you do it now then tomorrow where everyone’s gonna be looking for me?
  - Fine. Lead the way, milady. - he said as she ran out of the library and down the stairs of the palace onto the hill filled garden where she would go whenever she felt trapped. It was also one of the only places she could escape her mother and father’s eagle eyes and where she had learned to sword fight by the hand of Legolas and watching some of the army men practice. It was also a place where she could look outside the border that had been built around Rohan after the King of Gondor fell. She liked to call it her little peak into the world. - Must you always be running?
  - I thought elves were immortal, Legolas. You mean to tell me age is finally catching up to you? - she teased as she reached the top of the hill. - You’re growing old.
  - I don’t grow old, Princess Y/N. - the elf replied back, taking his arrow from his back and handing it to her. - Don’t you dare break it.
  - I’ve never broken anything. - she replied, analysing the mythical, at least to her, weapon in her hand. She raised it up, admiring it. - It’s gorgeous.
  - Yes, it is. Now .... - he pushed her feet apart with his, making her stay shoulder width apart. - Maintain this position always, it’s better for aiming.
She nodded before stopping once she noticed in the horizon something that didn’t use to be there. The outside was a barren land with dead grass and mostly no one and those who came to visit normally held up the banner of Rohan in their hands or horses in order to call attention to have the gates open. Although, someone or something seemed to be laying down on the grass.
The young princess dropped the arrow to the ground and started rushing down the hill to the gates who were opened for her by the guards recognising their princess. Without even looking back she crossed the border of Rohan onto the outside. It didn’t take her long until she found what was different in the horizon,
It was a men covered in blood soaked clothes whose face was unseen by the princess as his face was upon the grass. Legolas had followed right behind her, only thinking about what Faramir and Éowyn would do to if their precious daughter was to suffer any harm. He also wouldn’t wish any harm upon a woman who he saw as family. 
 - Go call for help. Run and don’t look back. - he told her.
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inactiive-shit · 5 years
Life As A Sanders
Chapter 11: Knights And Diplomas\
LAAS Masterlist
Read on AO3
Warnigs: None
Pairings: familial DLAMP
Summary: The twins graduate.
Words: 6,082
Ages: 18 & 22 & 12
If you had asked Logan how he felt about being an adult, the answer would have been simple: mostly calm, a little excited. They would have more freedom, but they never really had any complaints about the amount of freedom they got from their Dad. It wasn’t that crazy.
That was before Graduation Day.
Now, sitting in a crowded auditorium and preparing himself to go up on stage and collect the thing he’d been working toward for the last thirteen years, Logan’s opinion had changed:
He was fucking ecstatic.
There was not a calm bone in his body, and he couldn’t help the tremors running through him. He was grinning, so wide it made his whole face feel like it was going to split open, and he wanted to laugh. God, he felt amazing.
“L? You good?” Virgil was smiling as he asked. Logan would’ve stretched his smile wider if he could’ve.
“Yes. I am doing tremendously well.” Logan grabbed Virgil’s hand. “We are graduating, Virgil. We are getting to become real, functioning members of society. We are going to be able to do whatever we want. We can go places and buy things and we don’t have to tell anyone about it first.”
“But we will,” Virgil said. “We’ll tell Dad if we’re going to the store or going to meet somebody.”
“Yes, but we’ll do it because we want to, not because we might not be able to go.” He couldn’t help the energy oozing from every pore anymore than he could stop the blood pumping through his body. This was exciting and amazing and fantastic and wonderful and-
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed. “That is pretty cool.” He leaned back in his chair, looking every bit nonchalant that Logan looked ready to explode. Logan just kept on grinning, vibrating in his seat as the lights adjusted and music played and all those other graduation things happened. He didn’t hear most of it, too absorbed in his own excitement, too ready for whatever he was going to do next. He wanted this to last forever while simultaneously hoping it ended right now so that he could get started on something. It was the strangest feeling Logan had experienced, but it wasn’t necessarily bad.
Then, suddenly, Logan heard his name being called and stood up, walking up the aisle to the stage with Virgil right behind him. Hooting and cheering was echoing from all over the audience despite the fact that the Principal had explicitly asked for all cheering to be withheld until all the graduates had retaken their seats.
Within all the noise, Logan felt positive he could hear Dad and Ro and Dee. It was unrealistic to imagine that their voices would be heard when they were sitting so far up in the seats. But Logan knew what he knew, and that was that his family was every bit as excited about this as Logan was and they were making their excitement heard.
Every step approaching the stage felt like Logan was ascending Mount Olympus to meet with Zeus, or entering the Shire to see the Ring. There was an inflating, buoyant feeling in his chest, and if he wasn’t careful, Logan might just float away with all those ‘Happy Graduation' helium balloons.
He paused on stage to receive his diploma - a rolled up sheet of blank paper with a fancy bow on it because they couldn’t get the real thing until they’d gone to the bookkeeper to make sure that they didn’t have any outstanding fees - and shake the Principal’s hand, smiling up into the crowd. He found his family and beamed at them, resisting the urge to jump up and down like a lunatic. Logically, Logan knew there was no reason for him to be this excited. Not much was realistically changing. He wasn’t even taking his real diploma right now.
But something in him didn’t care about all that. He was doing something big, something huge, he and Virgil both were. They were going to take this step into real life together, and they were moving up to something else. College in the fall or a job, maybe. Logan didn’t know yet. What Logan did know was that it was his decision, and he had so many options.
Logan took his seat beside Virgil again, holding hands, both of them shaking. He didn’t hear the rest of the Graduation Ceremony, whatever people talked about or whichever of their classmates got their diplomas. Logan’s leg bounced up and down, up and down, up and down as the ceremony dragged on for eons. Then the students were standing up and their families were flooding in. There was a bottleneck at the doors, and Logan knew they’d be stuck for a while before Dad and Ro and Dee got to them.
“Follow me,” Virgil whispered, tugging on Logan’s hand. Intrigued, Logan followed Virgil through the crowd, both waving as they passed by Percy and her Mom. How she’d gotten into the main area, Logan didn’t know. Similarly, how Percy had graduated while turning in less work than Virgil was also a mystery, but at the end of the day, Logan was content just to know that it had happened. As much of a pain as their friends could be, and Percy in particular, Logan was glad that all of them had graduated. It wouldn’t be the same if they hadn’t.
Virgil bee-lined for a door being guarded by the physics professor - he actually owned a doctorate, why he was a high school teacher was beyond Logan - and they both paused there.
“Mr. Sanders,” he said, eyes on Virgil despite the fact that Logan was the one who had taken his class.
“Dr. Bhasin,” Virgil responded, giving a slight nod. Dr. Bhasin glanced around before nodding back and opening the door and letting them through. It shut behind them with a quiet snick.
“Virgil,” Logan said, all his questions stopping at the tip of his tongue. Luckily, Virgil got it.
“I didn’t want to deal with the crowd and I figured with the combination of having to get Ro and Dee here, they’d be late and get pretty bad seats. When I found out he was going to be guarding one of the doors for ‘safety purposes’ I brought him a bag of LaffyTaffy in exchange for letting me leave.” Virgil shrugged.
“LaffyTaffy,” Logan repeated.
“Everybody has a weakness, L,” he said. And while Logan wanted to repeat LaffyTaffy for the rest of his existence in complete bewilderment that a doctor who was as revered as his physics professor would disregard rules for candy, he could already feel that helium feeling rising up in his stomach again and he decided rather forcefully that he wouldn’t get stuck on his own lack of comprehension with his teacher’s strange and nonsensical patterns of behavior. He was not going into the humanities for a reason.
“Lovely,” Logan said instead and they ran down the hallway and then down a flight of stairs, ending up outside in the sun. Logan blinked quickly, the light burning his eyes after so long a time of sitting inside and waiting to be able to see his family. Outside, probably three fourths of the students’ families were waiting, like they were supposed to, for their kids to come out. Logan knew it was going to be a pretty long wait for them because so many others chose to try to enter the main part of the auditorium instead of heading outside, but he felt entirely, selfishly glad that Virgil had been able to foresee that particular issue.
“I see Ro,” Virgil said, pointing toward a shock of bright red hair. Logan took off running for it and Virgil followed half a step behind. They barrelled into him at full speed, nearly knocking him over. Then they were engulfed by three pairs of arms and teary laughs and Logan would float away if they let go of him. Luckily, they stayed that way for what could have been hours or days; all he knew was by the time he stepped back the other students had flooded outside also.
“My baby is all grown up!” Dad said, hanging onto Logan’s hand just as tightly as Logan held his. “Both of them!” He cooed and cried over them, grabbing ahold of their faces and kissing their heads. He took picture after picture as he did it, which was rather impressive considering he had tears smudged all over his glasses. While normally Logan abhorred such displays, and especially when they disrupted his meticulously done hair, today was anything but normal. Logan laughed loudly and leaned into it, feeling every sensation with amazing clarity.
“Are you excited for dinner?” Roman asked. For the first time today, Logan remembered: their graduation dinner.
“Nooo,” he groaned, drawing out the syllable. Roman snorted at him but Virgil, the only one with some sense, joined him in his whining.
“This is gonna suuuuuck,” he said, leaning into Logan. “So many people.”
“Ssssssocializzzzzing,” Dee hissed from his spot on Virgil’s back and Logan would deny the way he went right back to smiling at that adorable little snake sound. “Disssssgusssssting.”
“Exactly,” said Virgil. “Dee gets it.”
“Da-ad, they’re corrupting my brother,” Roman said. Virgil punched him in the arm and Roman feigned being mortally wounded. Dee cheered wildly and any semblance of respectability that Logan had vanished as he devolved into a round giggling - not that he would ever call it giggling, but some facts were simply irrefutable.
“Oh, come on, now,” Dad said. “Nobody’s corrupted.”
“Yet,” Roman said, sticking his tongue out at Virgil when Dad started walking toward the car. Logan coughed over a laugh and instead caught up with Dad.
“Who exactly is meant to attend this dinner?” Logan asked.
“Just your friends, kiddo! I promise, I wouldn’t invite anybody that you didn’t like.” Dad smiles at Logan, and Logan cannot for the life of him explain that perhaps, just for tonight, he does not like any of them enough to want to see them. But he knows that Virgil would like to go, and that Virgil is always less anxious with Logan around. So he took a breath and nodded.
“Adequate.” Dad gave him an odd look but opted not to say anything and they got home in relative peace.
Relative peace meaning only that Logan had not gone completely deaf by the time he stumbled out of the car to escape the unfortunately loud music Virgil had been permitted to play. How his twin had not lost all his hearing yet remained a mystery to Logan, but one he knew better than to look into personally.
The last time he had asked too insistently, he permanently lost one of his socks. He did not intend to have a repeat.
Logan wished he could say that he was not even kind of tempted by the blanket fort he saw in the living room when he walked into the house—it was unprofessional, ridiculous, and frankly the structural integrity was so bad it was a wonder it could stand at all. But that would be a falsehood and Logan was far too excited to even pretend that the blanket for was unappealing.
He discarded his shoes and the graduation cap quickly, diving into the fort. Roman laughed on the outside, and Logan would have complained about that too but he was suddenly contending with an armful of little snake.
“Moviesss,” Dee hissed, curling up in Logan’s lap. Dad crawled in after them, grinning.
“Yep, kiddo,” he said. “We’re watching movies until it’s time for dinner.”
Roman squeezed in after him and they all had to shift around a little so that they fit comfortably. “I think we should watch Mulan,” he said.
“Vetoed,” Virgil said immediately from outside the fort.
“Virrrrrrgillllll,” Roman whined.
“Roooooomaaaaaan,” Virgil responded, “no.” Roman groaned and threw his arms out, coming within an inch of taking Logan’s glasses off his face.
“Roman, do not underestimate me when I say if you hit me in the face, you will regret it.”
“Oh yeah?” Roman said. “What are you gonna do about it, specs?” Logan kept his face completely blank while he dragged a finger across his throat. That was one gesture that he had found particularly useful in life. It always caused Ro to make a face and stop whatever offending thing he was doing. As he did now, which Logan was grateful for.
“Snow White,” Dee said, hugging his stuffed snake to his chest.
“Ooh, good idea, kiddo,” Dad said.
“I agree with Dee,” Logan said. Dee wriggled happily, almost smacking Logan in the face when he waved his arms a little too exuberantly for the small, weak structure they were sitting in. Logan sighed, moving his face back, and refused to look at Roman when he made Offended Princey Noises and started babbling nonsense about having no allies.
What did he think this was, a war?
(If it was, Logan was totally winning.)
Logan snickered to himself while Virgil set up all their movies and then dragged himself into the fort, nearly knocking it over in the process.
“Got enough snacks there, emo nightmare?” Roman said, swatting at Virgil. Virgil held up a box of snowcaps. “Sorry, thank you, I love you, you are my favorite brother.” Roman snatched the candy away and very nearly hit Logan’s glasses off his face. Again.
Logan sighed and scooted a little closer. If he couldn’t get outside the range of Roman’s arms, he may as well get inside his personal space. An eye for an eye, right?
Logan adjusted his tie, in the same shades of blue and gold as his graduation garments had been, and then smoothed his hair back. He fiddled in front of the mirror, examining his outfit as though he thought it might betray him. If asked why, Logan would simply say that he wanted to look his best. He had just graduated, after all, and this dinner was going to make it as official as it got.
In truth, Logan was dawdling.
This graduation dinner was going to kill him if it was the last thing he did. Don’t get him wrong, Logan did like seeing his friends and he had been excited about getting to graduate with his peers all day. And that was part of the problem.
Logan had been excited and very nearly bouncing himself through the ceiling since the previous night. Graduation had gone amazingly, filled with pictures he was sure he’d get tired of looking at eventual (but for now still filled him with that indescribable, inflated feeling.) And now all he really wanted to do was sleep. Or maybe talk to Virgil about some of the things they wanted to do with this new-found freedom.
Instead, he was going to a celebration dinner with friends. It was not bad, per se, but it was not exactly ideal, either. Still, it wouldn’t be terrible to see them and Virgil was more excited about this than he had been about Walking, but he had done it for Logan. The least he could do was support his brother.
“What’re you doing?” Ro cried, barging into Logan’s room. At some point they had switched necklaces so that the pronouns read ‘they/them.’ Logan smiled slightly. He had bought them the pronoun necklace shortly after they came out, and Logan was always made happier to realize how much they liked it.
“Preparing to leave. What are you doing?” Logan said. He tightened his tie again. Ro rolled their eyes.
“C’mon, Poindexter. You can tie that in your sleep and we’re going to be late to your own celebration.” They snagged one of his wrists and began leading him toward the car.
“We are hardly going to be late,” he muttered but did not object to leaving. The restaurant, some pizza place Logan did not bother with figuring out the name of, had been reserved for a record number of people. Logan and Virgil and Ro and Dee and Percy and Dad, and Dad’s sibling Emile, and Emile’s son Kai, and Kai’s datemate Elliot. There were also Ro’s friends Anton and Marco, and Dee’s friends October and Seth, and a few people from Dad’s bakery, including Missy. Logan recalled he had invited his lab partner from Physics, Linda, and his two friends Nate and Corbin. Corbin’s boyfriend, Sloane, might also make an appearance, though Logan would not be surprised if he did. The two were figuratively attached at the hip. Virgil had only suggested two people: someone who Virgil only referred to as dickhead or The Critic, and Remy.
The latter, Logan knew, Virgil liked in a way different from how one liked friends. He also knew Virgil was still recovering from an unfortunate incident a few years prior that had ended with Logan and Ro egging someone’s house. Virgil had not expressed an interest in dating or trusting someone like that again, except for vague allusions to Remy, but it was not yet Logan’s place to be encouraging that.
Though he might. Virgil could be slow to trust and even slower to take a risk for himself. This was a risk that was almost certainly going to pan out in his favor because Remy was just as enamoured with Virgil as Virgil was with them. He would have to consult Ro first, get their expertise and advice on the matter. Logan preferred not to mess with romance. It was outside his realm of desires. As such, he had no idea what steps to take to help Virgil along with it. But he would, regardless.
Once they arrived at the restaurant, Logan was surprised to see they’d been beaten there. By none other than Nate himself. He was known for being chronically late to literally everything he attended, if he showed up at all—and Logan does mean literally. He had never, in all his time, known Nate to be anything other than late (fashionably, as Remy would insist, but what is fashionable about not respecting another’s time?)
“Hey, bro, I was beginning to wonder if you were going to show up,” Nate said, following the Sanders into the restaurant. Logan snorted.
“And I thought your M.O. was to never show up on time, simply to prove you did not have to. Has that changed or is this an anomaly to be discounted when making plans with you in the future?”
Nate smirked, leaning in a little closer to Logan as they waited for the wait staff to bring them back to the party room. “An anomaly, an exception. Who can say? Maybe I misread the time.”
“Or maybe you’re an ass,” Virgil said, shoulder-checking Nate as he walked by. Logan coughed over a laugh and tried to look sympathetic as Nate stared after him, affronted.
“What did I ever do to earn your brother’s ire?”
Resisting the urge to be outwardly impressed with Nate’s choice in diction (he’d been told it was sometimes a rather condescending thing to do), he said, “It’s how he shows love.” Then Logan hooked his fingers through Nate’s sleeve and pulled him along. It took longer than was strictly necessary for Logan to let go, but there were very few people in the world whom Logan would willingly come into prolonged physical contact (or, really, any kind of contact, but physical especially) with, and Logan had never been one to entirely forgo the things he enjoyed without ample reason.
“Oh, like a cat,” Nate said. Virgil turned around and hissed and Logan barely contained the laugh that threatened to escape at Nate’s horrified expression.
“No, not like a cat,” he choked out, adjusting his glasses for Composure™. “Cats are actually very loving creatures. It is merely a matter of understanding their ways of expressing love and reciprocating so that they understand you also love them.”
“Oh, really?” Nate said. He pulled Logan’s chair out without hesitating and took the seat next to him. “How do cats show love, then?”
“You don’t even like cats,” Logan said, leveling his best deadpan look on Nate. He was unaffected, however, and just raised an eyebrow right back.
“Humor me.”
Logan snorted and shook his head, but obligingly opened his mouth. “Well, when a cat bends its tail…”
Hours later—or at least, it felt like hours to Logan’s exhausted brain—they finally brought out the dessert. Dessert meant that the event was almost over, and that meant it was almost time for Logan to collapse into his bed and make his plans for tomorrow.
Plans that would likely include driving somewhere (just because he could) to pick up something that he would need, as well as most likely taking Dee along with him because Dee loved car rides and always woke up nearly as early as Logan did.
So, while Logan was not particularly excited about dessert, he did help himself to a cupcake and had to wipe some of the chocolate icing off Nate’s face when he was too enthusiastic with his endeavour to eat it in one bite. (On a dare from Remy, no less, which should not have surprised Logan in the least.)
Currently, however, Virgil was ensconced in a conversation with Remy that was taking his entire focus, Percy and Nate were going head-to-head to see who could eat more cupcakes the quickest (the benefit of having a baker for a dad: unlimited dessert. Even when it was an ill-formed idea), Linda was trying to dissuade them (something Logan knew was futile from so much personal experience), and Corbin and Sloane were barely shy of making-out. With everyone that Logan was worried about or responsible for taken care of, Logan felt content and confident in taking his leave.
He stole out the front of the restaurant, slipping down to sit on a conveniently-placed bench before anyone noticed him moving. It had been a very long day, and while Logan had enjoyed his conversations Nate and Corbin and Virgil and all the congratulations and attention that he and Virgil were being given, he was very tired. A quick break now, and then he’d be able to stomach another cupcake or two before it was time to leave.
The day had been good, and Logan could not have been happier with the outcome.
He was still resting on the bench when a presence settled in beside him. “Are you asleep?” asked a young voice, and Logan cracked a smile.
“Not at all, little snake.” Logan opened his eyes and looked at his younger brother (he’d never had one of those before, and even now the thought made him feel impossibly brighter. Being an older brother, he decided, was a good thing. The thought of the responsibility had been nerve wracking at first, but now Logan could not be convinced to trade it for anything.) “What do you need?”
“I brought chess,” Dee said by way of explanation. He unfolded the board between them and pulled the bag of pieces out. “You said you’d practice with me, and I thought you might want to now since, ya know, you don’t always like loud people so much.” Dee looked up at him big, hopefully eyes and it was suddenly a struggle for Logan to not have to wipe his eyes.
“Of course,” Logan said, and he reached out to ruffle Dee’s hair the way Ro always did to Logan himself. Dee beamed up at him, one lower canine missing from an unfortunate incident regarding a swing set and a badly positioned seesaw. “That was very thoughtful of you.”
“Yesssss,” Dee hissed, up-ending the bag onto the board and watching as the pieces scattered. Logan laughed brightly, resisting the urge to ruffle Dee’s hair again and righting the pieces.
“Do you remember where they go?” Logan asked.
“Chad, Brooke, Charlie, Lilah, John, Charlie the second, Brooke the second, and Chad the second,” Dee said, nudging each piece into its correct place.
“My next question was going to be if you remembered their names, but I suppose that answers that question,” Logan muttered, even though that really did not answer any such question. “What about these guys?” He held up a pawn, the only pieces Dee had not yet put in their proper places.
“Well,” Dee said, barely glancing up, “they all look the same so I just call them the Dudes.” Logan internalized his groan. These antics were probably urged by the combined efforts of Ro and Virgil, though it is something Dad would do, too, because he always said you remembered things better if you gave them names.
Still, it would not fly if Dee wanted to join the chess club at school, like he’d been talking about, and even doing professional competitions. As cute as naming the pieces was, he would have to know their official titles.
But...well, that was something they could work on next time.
“In what directions can the Dudes move?” Logan asked.
“Forward,” Dee said confidently. Then, more hesitantly, “And only one square. But the first one gets a double jump?”
“Very good,” Logan said, and he moved one of his pawns two squares forward. “Which piece in the back row can move over the first row?”
“Is it Charlie?” Dee asked.
“No, but good guess. It’s the Knight. Uhm, I believe you named them Brooke.” Logan pointed to Dee’s horse head piece, and Dee picked up. “Do you know why they can do that?”
“It’s because they are horses, and that means they can jump right over the pawn-the Dudes’ heads.” Logan corrected himself quickly, pointing to the two squares on the board that Dee’s knight could go to. Dee giggled, jumping the horse over the pawns and neighing, landing it in the righter space of the two possibilities.
“Interesting,” Logan said, stroking a pretend beard. Dee giggled and Logan moved another pawn into position. Dee poked his tongue through the hole in his teeth while he contemplated the board. Eventually, he scooted a pawn forward to sit next to his knight. He was too new to know any strategy of the game, but Logan couldn’t help but imagine that Dee knew exactly what he was doing, with that cute little concentrating look on his face, and that he had a plan.
Though, it probably would not just be imagining for too much longer. It was no secret that Dee was extremely intelligent. It was only a matter of time before he was figuratively kicking Logan’s butt every game they played.
Logan would be willing to bet that time would come sooner rather than later. He couldn’t wait to see it.
Approximately two hours later saw Logan and Dee entering their fourth game of chess. Logan was focusing much harder now than he had been before. Dee had managed to take out half Logan’s pieces at least in their first two games - partly because Logan was going easy on him and still trying to teach him - but in the third game, either by some over-sight on Logan’s part or because Dee somehow did know some chess strategy, he had taken Logan’s Queen, or Lilah as Dee preferred, and had very nearly beat Logan.
“Have you been researching this?” Logan asked, allowing Dee the first move.
“Nah,” Dee said, scrunching his face up before moving one of his knights. “Why? Am I doing good?”
“Good?” Logan asked, and he was faintly aware that he was incredulous in the best possible way. “Dee, you are doing phenomenally.”
“Awesome,” Dee said, sounding just as excited about the game as he did when he asked for Sour Patch Kids at the store. He paused before asking, “Is it supposed to be hard? It just kinda makes sense, doesn’t it?”
“For some people, it does. For most people it is a very hard game that takes years of practice.” Logan moved his piece in counterpoint to Dee’s.
“Huh,” said Dee. “Well, that’s weird.” He didn’t say anything else, and neither did Logan, and Logan played the first game of chess in years in which he almost lost not once, but twice. It was an entirely unique experience.
People Logan recognized started pouring out of the restaurant, and Logan realized that they had spent for more time outside than he had intended to. He helped Dee pack up all the pieces and find the rest of their family still inside the building.
“Hey, Lo! I was beginning to think you ran off,” Dad said, wrapping his arm around Logan’s shoulders briefly.
“I think Dee should join the chess club,” Logan said with no preamble. Dad blinked, confused, but then he shrugged amicably.
“That would be great! As long as he still wants to when school starts up next year, there’s not any reason he shouldn’t.” He grabbed one of the empty cupcake boxes off the table and tossed it into a trash bin. “Anything in particular bring this up?”
“Well,” Logan said, helping to collect the trash. Sure, the staff could clean it all up, but they had all worked the bakery with Dad at one point or another. It was always a little pick-me-up when the patrons helped out. “We were outside playing and-”
“I almost beat Lo!” Dee exclaimed, jumping at Dad. Dee was swung up and around, onto his back, and Dad laughed.
“That’s really impressive, Dee,” Dad said. “Did you have fun?”
“Hey,” said a voice at his shoulder. Logan spun around, startled, and came face-to-face with Nate. “Where’d you run off to?”
“I was, uhm, outside. With Dee.” Logan very suddenly felt short of breath, noticing the dimple on Nate’s face when he smirked. “We were playing chess and got caught up.”
Nate hummed in response. “Did you enjoy your graduation?”
“Yeah, I did. I am exhausted, though.” Logan wondered, briefly, if this is how Virgil felt around Remy. He wondered if, perhaps, he was not in fact aromantic, but maybe something more like…
What an unfortunate time to realize he was crushing on his best friend.
“Here, I got you this.” Nate pulled a little box out of his pocket and offered it to Logan. Logan was hesitant to take it - with his rather suddenly realized feelings and absolutely no advice asked of anyone more knowledgeable about the subject, he had no idea what he was supposed to do.
“Uh, thank you,” Logan said. He took the box.
“Wait til you get home to open it?” Nate asked. Logan nodded mutely and stuffed the box into his own pocket. “Cool. Text ya later, nerd boy.” He punched Logan’s arm before walking, slowly, out of the room. Logan watched him go, conflicted. He was not, generally, one to hide his feelings. He would have to confess soon because if not, he would act unbelievably strange around Nate from then on. It would be enjoyable for no one. But for now he was better off waiting to get advice before making any definitive choices.
“What is up with people in leather jackets? Virgil, you. It must be something in the air,” Ro said, appearing next to Logan. Logan coughed over his spluttering while Ro laughed. “Anygay, we’re leaving too. Come on.” He grabbed Logan’s hand and dragged him to the car. It was so reminiscent of exactly what Ro had done to him earlier that Logan felt as though he were experiencing deja vu but in reverse.
You know, if that were a thing that could happen.
The ride home was quiet and Logan excused himself to his room immediately. He was not at all surprised when, no more than thirty minutes later, Virgil opened his door a crack, entered, closed it, and then flopped onto his bed soundlessly. In the dark room, wearing their pajamas, it was easy to pretend that they were both back to being six years old and sharing a room.
“It has been a day,” Virgil said, voice tired but light.
“Most are,” Logan said, and Virgil tossed his hand at Logan in a half-hearted slap. It landed on his face and they both just left it there.
“You know what I mean,” he said.
“Yeah,” Logan sighed. “It was good, though. Productive.”
“You can just say you’re happy.”
“I am ecstatic and also exhausted.”
“Fair enough. I feel ya. What’s the first thing you want to do with our new-found freedoms and diplomas?” Virgil’s fingers began tapping a rhythm into Logan’s face, soft and soothing.
“Store. Buy things I don’t need. Learn more about chess.”
“You have weird priorities, Lo.”
“What are you going to do, then?”
“Sleep in until noon, regret my decisions, and then, possibly something crazy. Something beyond insane. Something absolutely-”
“Are you going to hang out with Remy?”
“Maybe.” Virgil shrugged, shifting Logan slightly. “We’ll see what kinds of dreams I have.” They stayed quiet for a few minutes, Logan wondering what Virgil’s dreams had to do with anything.
“I like Nate,” he said. “In the same way I believe you like Remy.” There was a breath of silence before Virgil responded that very nearly made Logan’s head explode.
“First of all, rude and incorrect. Second of all, demi?”
“I think so. I’m not sure. I’ll have to look into it more.”
“There’s nothing wrong with changing your identity,” Virgil said quietly. “I thought I was gay for years before I realized I was actually pan and just had a lot of stuff about myself to figure out.” He paused, and Logan felt a tension he had not even realized was carrying leave his shoulders. “And, if you don’t want to, there’s no reason you even have to label it. You can just like who you like and leave it at that. Plus, now that you do like someone, I get exclusive rights to make you suffer.”
“Shut up.” Logan laughed. “Thank you, Virgil. That was...immensely helpful. But do not think this means we will not be talking about Remy.” Logan scooted slightly closer to the wall, allowing Virgil enough room to actually be fully on the bed. “Oh. I just remembered that Nate gave me a present. Could you grab my jeans?”
Virgil reached to the ground and found Logan’s pants, pulling the box out of the pocket and tossing it to him. “That all?”
“Yes.” Logan felt the box, weighing it in his hands.
“Come on,” Virgiled whined, “open it. I wanna see what’s inside.”
“Mind your own business,” Logan said, just a touch petulant, but went ahead and opened the box by his phone light anyway. Inside there was a chewable necklace—something Logan had been meaning to get for quite a while. He had a nasty habit of chewing whatever was near him when he was working or thinking—and a slip of paper. Logan did not bother to bite back his smile at the gift as he slipped it on and unfolded the paper.
Me and you could go out to the festival Friday night if you want. Meet you there at six.
Call it a date?
Logan did not squee when he read those words, but perhaps a sound somewhere in the neighborhood did come out of his mouth. Immediately he started chewing his necklace (convenient) and smacked at Virgil’s arm. Virgil laughed.
“Ro can help you get ready for your date,” he said. “But you should probably text Nate to let him know you accept.”
“Yes, yes you are absolutely correct.” Logan whipped out his phone, but then paused. “Is there not some form of texting etiquette? To not respond too soon so you don’t seem clingy?”
“I’ve never gotten that stuff,” Virgil said. “You like him, he likes you. You want him to know that, so why pretend to be disinterested? I don’t know. Respond whenever you want. As long as it’s coming from you, I doubt it’ll matter.”
“Okay,” Logan muttered, already quickly texting Nate that Friday sounded like a wonderful idea and that he absolutely could not wait.
“Well,” Virgil said, “now that our emotional shit is taken care of.” He yawned and stretched his arms above his head, repositioning himself slightly. “Night, L.”
“You better go out with Remy,” Logan said.
“Stop meddling.”
“God themself literally could not make me. Night, V. Love you.”
“Love you, too.” Logan fell asleep, and while he could not speak to the quality of Virgil’s dreams, his left him refreshed and excited the next morning.
Taglist: @supersoftsupersleep @trashcanego
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westcalled · 4 years
im only gonna write a quick tiny thing bc @daerhael​ is going to do some incredible meta but merry & pippin could’ve attempted to get back to the shire after the entmoot, or even after isengard’s fall, but instead they stayed because they wanted to help their friends and in doing so forever altered the fates of rohan & gondor for the better and i just think that’s neat 
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Hey so I reallllly need a drabble of pregnant!Emma getting a message from sleazebag Neal the ex asking if she's available? And Emma's response to said shitty ex? I love you forever you lovely human 😘💕
This totally isn’t something that happened to me in real life, totally not at all. And @captainsjedi @wellhellotragic @thejollyroger-writer and @shireness-says didn’t help me come up with responses to it. Definitely not 😉
And I definitely didn’t forget to post this the night I wrote it. 
Shoutout to my husband for his responses to this in real life. lol. 
It’s a transition. That’s all.
Killian got a new job in a new city, one that’s only four hours away, but the traffic often makes commutes so much longer. Last weekend when she went to visit him in the hotel he’s staying in, she swears it took her seven hours total to get though all of the traffic. Maybe it wasn’t actually that long. Maybe it simply felt like that because words can’t even describe how much she misses him while he’s away. It’s a weird thing to be separated from her husband, especially when they got married just a little over two months ago, but Killian really wanted this job, wanted this career path, and since she wasn’t particularly tied down to her old job, moving didn’t really cause much of an issue other than having to sell the house they’re living in, find a new one in the new city, and, well, dealing with the fact that she’s four months pregnant.
(Everyone can do the math for themselves on the wedding date and the progress of the pregnancy. She doesn’t care. Neither should anyone else.)
So she spends her unemployed days packing up the house, organizing trinkets and clothes and getting rid of the junk they’ve managed to accumulate in their three years of living together. She’s found at least five pizza cutters, and a part of her wonders how in the world that happened since they usually order from Gino’s three blocks over. But whatever. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that she’s tired of boxing things up, tired of having to go out to get more packaging, and tired of trying to find something to watch on Netflix at night when usually she has a sparring partner in figuring out what they’re going to fall asleep to.
None of this is her favorite thing in the world, but then again, she’s not going to complain (too much) about not having to deal with Killian’s weird, overly organized self. She’ll deal with that when they’re unpacking and he wonders why she packed some of their plates in the same box as a few blankets.
(Obviously to protect the plates.)
Her phone buzzes from its spot on the kitchen counter, and she rises from the ground, pulling her yoga pants over the slight swell of her stomach before leaning over the counter and looking at her screen.
Holy shit. Like, holy shit times two.
Neal Cassidy: So I hear you and Jones aren’t living together anymore.
She cackles. She really does. Everything about her ex-boyfriend, who cheated on her by the way, texting her to talk to her about the supposed demise of her current relationship is absolutely hysterical. For one, her relationship is fine. She and Killian are solid. Well, there was that one time he suggested she didn’t need so many pairs of boots, but other than that, they’re fine. And they are still living together. Not currently, but it’s not as if she’s staying in this house while Killian lives in the new one in Portland.
But also, why in the world does Neal know anything about what’s currently happening in her relationship? She hasn’t talked to him in over half a decade. The fact that she still has his number is surprising even to her. And she had no idea they still had mutual friends.
God, she hopes they don’t still have mutual friends.
Taking a screenshot of the text, she sends it to Killian, no caption required. He texts back within a minute.
Killian: Damn. You gonna leave me then?
Emma: I mean, I was thinking about it.
Killian: I wouldn’t blame you. He’s such a catch texting you like that because he thinks we’re separated.
Killian: We made it two months, love. Be proud of that.
She chuckles underneath her breath, adjusting her feet and bringing her bottom lip between her teeth as her thumb hovers over her screen.
Emma: Should I text him back to mess with him?
Killian doesn’t send back any words, just a string of gifs of people eating popcorn, and she laughs again at his ridiculousness before pulling out a barstool and sitting down, switching over to Neal’s message to text him back.
Emma: Yeah, we got married, I got pregnant, and then we decided it wasn’t really right for us anymore, you know?  
Neal Cassidy: That sucks, Ems. I’m sorry about all that. You know I’m always here if you need me.
“Oh my God,” she mutters to herself in complete disbelief over the fact that she’s even having this conversation.
What does Neal think he’s getting out of this? That she’s going to go back to him? Does he not remember how their relationship ended? That he ended it? And that it’s been a long time?
And he knows that she’s pregnant, so he’s definitely not trying to talk to her to get any kind of long-term thing.
It’s just…what the hell?
Groaning, she gets up and walks toward the freezer, opening it to look for some kind of ice cream. Except they have no ice cream. Did she eat it all? Did Killian throw it out while he was here last weekend?
She’s going to kill him if he did.
And then she really won’t be living with him anymore.
Okay, that thought process got weird. She’s not actually going to murder Killian for the possibility of having thrown out her ice cream. That would be excessive. Plus, she loves him or whatever. That’s another reason to keep him around. And she really doesn’t want to be the one to have to get up in the middle of the night to get herself ice cream when she’s the size of a whale and really, desperately needs food.
Being pregnant is great. Just a grand ole time all of the time.
Sighing in defeat, she picks up her phone again, scrolling through a few more texts that Killian has sent her.
Killian: If you do text him back, you should talk about your boobs. They are bigger now than when you were with him.
Killian: I realize this is so you can feed our child one day, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate them.
Emma: You’re so weird.
Killian: I miss my wife and her breasts. It’s not that weird.
Emma: Did you throw out my ice cream?
Killian: If by throw out you mean I ate it, then yeah.
Emma: You don’t even like it.
Killian: I like the banana sunday flavor.
Emma rolls her eyes and swipes out of Killian’s messages, thumbing back through the list and clicking on Neal’s message. The guy was an asshole to her for years, broke her heart, and he’s obviously still a little sleazy. Why shouldn’t she mess with him some more?
Emma: You know, now that you say that, I really am looking for someone to get me ice cream in the middle of the night if you know what I mean.
Neal Cassidy: Oh?
Neal Cassidy: What exactly do you mean by that? 😏
Seriously? She really hopes he’s drunk because there’s no way he can be this dumb sober.
Emma: I mean that I’m over four months pregnant and sometimes I want ice cream in the middle of the night. and it would just be SO inconvenient for Killian to have to get out of bed when we have you to get me ice cream instead. So you’re really doing us a favor! Thanks so much!
This is by far the dumbest conversation she’s ever had to have, at least in the past few years, and she takes another screen shot to send to Killian, figuring he’s probably bored sitting in that hotel room by himself with an internet service that isn’t exactly fantastic. He deserves some entertainment too, even if he did eat her ice cream.
Killian: You are the greatest woman I have ever known.
Killian: I love you so bloody much.
Killian: I still think you should have talked about your boobs, but this is all good too.
She rolls her eyes once more. Her weird, charming, husband.
Neal never does text her back, obviously getting the hint, and when Killian comes home that weekend, he brings her three different pints of ice cream.
He only eats the one.
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lesbiankiliel · 6 years
Erina’s Brand-New Tolkienverse Fic Rec List
Happy Holidays, have Tolkienverse fic recs!
sorted by rating, oldest-to-newest according to my bookmarks, marked with * are special faves, and under the cut because so many amazing fics!
Finding Comfort by scarletjedi (7.2k, Gigolas, missing scenes, enemies to friends to lovers, book canon compliant)
*Color Me Mine by andquitefrankly (32k, Bagginshield, modern au, kindergarten au, they’re all about six, fluff, Smaug hordes crayons)
*A Detour to Your Heart by thekeyholder (9.8k, Bagginshield, modern au, Christmas, roadtrip through Europe)
*Elf-Friends by Lumelle (9.1k, Kiliel, Bagginshield, everyone lives/nobody dies, sex = marriage to Elves, Fili runs Erebor while Thorin is recovering)
Alone is a word not meant for you by authoressjean (5k, Bagginshield, modern au, Bilbo is Fili and Kili’s fave author)
*Breaking Tradition by ladyoakenshields (14k, Bagginshield, modern au, Halloween, fluff, established relationship, listen I don’t like Halloween but this fic is wonderful)
*Homecoming by alkjira (1.9k, Bagginshield, Kiliel, Bifur/Fili/Ori, Dís/canonical husband, fix-it, Dís is on a mission to get to know the ones said loved ones love and Víli is on a mission to get grandchildren, because dammit he’s not getting any younger.)
*****Love Me For Eternity by ladyoakenshields (223k, WIP, Bagginshield, How to Train Your Dragon au, fluff and angst, happy ending, this is pure brilliance, Kat is amazing ♥)
Those Who Stay by Poplitealqueen (3.1k, Durin family relations, Dáin is a kid, Dís is a kid, you just know they’re gonna end up in trouble)
Prince Kíli by Lunarflare14 (1.2k, Kiliel, Bagginshield, trans male Kili, Dwarf gender concepts, gender dysphoria, everyone is protective of Kili)
Truth, Honesty, and None of the Above by Ias (13k, Bagginshield, Kiliel, humour, engagement, secret relationships, Kili is an idiot)
*****Coffee and Floral prints by etux (3.6k, Bagginshield, modern au, humour, misunderstandings, Thorin owns a fancy café in Paris, Bilbo is a chef)
*****The Art of Searching for Yourself by etux (1.6k, Fili-centric, modern au, part of the Paris au, asexual Fili)
*****Candle Glow and Mistletoe by etux (29k, Bagginshield, modern au, pretending NOT to be married, Christmas shenanigans, established relationship)
*****Lights of Midnight by etux (2.9k, Bagginshield, Drogo/Primula, New Year’s Eve shenanigans, modern au)
*****where moments turn into forever by alkjira (1k, Bagginshield, Bofili, Kiliel, everyone lives/nobody dies, Shirement, established relationship, fluff, super cute)
*Cute Girls & Chemistry by starlightwalking (7.8k, fem!Kiliel, college au, aspec characters)
*****Hearts Will As Hearts Must by determamfidd (10k, Gigolas, Bagginshield, Kiliel, everyone lives/nobody dies, Legolas and Gimli meet upon Gimli’s moving to Erebor and they hate each other’s guts instantly, it gets better tho)
*****Glowing like Stars by snowmissus (soul_of_blaze) (2k, fem!Kiliel, mermaid au, absolutely freaking brilliant)
*****Ever On and On by yubiwamonogatari (2.9k, fem!Bagginshield, old ladies in love in the Shire)
*Stranger's Home by Sansael (1.2k, Dís/Dís’ wife, fix-it, everyone lives/nobody dies, family feels)
Merry Yuletide, From Erebor by starlightwalking (4.8k, Kiliel, Bagginshield, Yuletide, love confessions, Tauriel’s first Yule)
A Horse of Rohan by determamfidd (3.2k, Gigolas, canon compliant, Arod-centric, I have feels about a horse. A. Horse.)
*Twelve Months and Fifty Years by determamfidd (3.1k, Thorin & Frerin, Sansûkh appendix, afterlife doesn’t solve anyone’s problems, if you wanna cry read this)
*****Seldom All It Seems by starlightwalking (28k, fem!Kiliel, Sleeping Beauty au, angst with a happy ending)
*****Summer Lovin' by snowmissus (soul_of_blaze) (1.1k, fem!Bagginshield, fem!Kiliel, everyone lives/nobody dies, love confessions, flowers, summer in the Shire)
*****Snowflake Cave by RainbowUnderpants (fanart, fem!Kiliel, a very beautiful wintry picture ♥)
*****Cliché by mcmanatea (2.1k, fem!Bagginshield, firefighter au, cat in a tree, fluff, flirting)
*****what the stars confess when all is silence by MistakenMagic (8.7k, Bagginshield, Star Wars au, Force bond, PWP: Porg With Plot, Dís has dual lightsabers and is so cool)
Of Dwarfs, Plans & Courtships by alkjira (222k, Fili/Bofur, Bagginshield, Kili/?, crack, angst with a happy ending, courting)
*****The Courting Habits of the Line of Durin by diemarysues (54k, Bagginshield, slow burn, courting, Dwarves are fucking prudes, read also the rest of the series)
*****The Inevitable Love Story between Two Oblivious Idiots by Bgtea (116k, Bagginshield, Dwori, slow build, fix-it, letters)
The Search for Mad Baggins by Antarctica_or_bust (10k, Bagginshield, Frodo POV, fix-it, Frodo goes off to look for his Uncle Bilbo with Sam, Merry, and Pippin)
You're the only thing I want to see by authoressjean (2.3k, Bagginshield, modern au, Thorin has glasses but Bilbo had no idea)
*****Nothing Gold Can Stay by perkynurples (296k, Bagginshield, modern royalty, really slow burn, a fandom classic)
*Fall Down at Your Door by diemarysues (37k, WIP, Bagginshield, universe alteration, magic, Bilbo gets turned into a cat, most of the fic is in the form of letters)
I Sang In My Chains Like The Sea by orphan_account (56k, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Bagginshield, Aragorn/Arwen, implied Gigolas, Pacific Rim au)
Sometimes it's just that easy by authoressjean (2.8k, Bagginshield, modern au, sequel to Alone is a word not meant for you)
*Color by Numbers by andquitefrankly (46k, WIP, Bagginshield, sequel to Color Me Mine, everyone ships Bilbo and Thorin)
*****An Unexpected Addition by karategal (88k, Bagginshield, everyone lives/nobody dies, slow build, one of the first fics I read coming to this fandom and one of the best, read the rest of the series too)
**********Sansûkh by determamfidd (533k, WIP, Bagginshield, Gigolas + lots of others, lots of angst, glacial build, dead peanut gallery, everyone is dead but they’re hanging around, literally the best thing to ever grace this fandom or any fandom for that matter)
*A Most Sensible Idea by HildyJ (76k, Bagginshield, Dwori, arranged marriage au, Erebor never fell au, misunderstandings, pining, cultural differences)
*Oak and Mistletoe by HildyJ (55k, Bagginshield, Erebor never fell au, first meetings, fairy tale elements, falling in love, angst)
*****King's Ransom by Farasha (49k, Bagginshield, Kiliel, everyone lives/nobody dies, BotFA reimagining)
*The Lonely Isle by lily_winterwood (34k, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Bagginshield, Jurassic World au, raptor daddy Bilbo Baggins)
*****Cherry on the Cake by etux (1.4k, Bagginshield, modern au, part of the Paris au, demisexual virgin Thorin)
*Alone this Yuletide by Emsiecat (91k, Bagginshield, universe alterations, Shire au, fake/pretend relationship, Yuletide shenanigans, we all know where this goes *wink wink*)
Azhâr by yubiwamonogatari (152k, WIP, Bagginshield, Kiliel, Gigolas + others, everyone lives/nobody dies, angst, pining, fluff, fix-it, Thorin in the Shire, slow burn, Arkenstone may or may not be a Silmaril)
The Sons of Durin by KivrinEngle (95k, Bagginshield, modern au, follows the storyline of The Hobbit but in modern-day Scotland)
*Tamâmebrulu Id-Mudtu (Lullabies of the Heart) by rutobuka (comic, Bagginshield, everyone lives/nobody dies, sharing a bed, hurt/comfort, first kiss, all that good stuff)
*****The Took's Arrangement by snowmissus (soul_of_blaze) (62k, Bagginshield, arranged marriage au, Erebor never fell, one of the best arranged marriage au’s I’ve read)
*Of Iron by Poplitealqueen (16k, WIP, Bagginshield, Bifur/Ori, Kiliel, Bofur/Dwalin/Nori, canon divergence, Dáin joins the quest, Dáin is awesome)
Autumns That There Were by perkynurples (18k, Bagginshield, sequel to Nothing Gold Can Stay, modern royalty au, epilogue)
*****and sow a star divided in us by MistakenMagic (57k, Bagginshield, Star Wars au, the Force is shipper trash, Jedi Knight Bilbo, Jedi Master Thorin)
The Road Delivered Us Home by keelywolfe (117k, Bagginshield, alternate universe - canon divergence, canonical character death (not Thorin���s), slow burn)
The Unexpected Hobbit: A Journey by alkjira (193k, WIP, Bagginshield, Nwalin, Bilbo and Thorin's roles are reversed)
Bilbo Does Not Need Sex Advice (Especially Not From Officer Oblivious and Captain Clueless) (5.9k, Bagginshield, exactly what the title says, Fili and Kili give very bad no good sex advice)
Madness by orphan_account (33k, Bagginshield, Dwori, modern au, babysitter au)
Mistletoe by orphan_account (22k, Bagginshield, Dwori, modern au, babysitter au, Christmas)
*The Queen and her Burglar by snowmissus (soul_of_blaze) (3.7k, fem!Bagginshield, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus)
*****For The Ages Of A Day by perkynurples (50k, Bagginshield, sequel to Nothing Gold Can Stay, modern royalty)
Hidden Desires by lilithiumwords (7.4k, Bagginshield, smut)
Have At It by trulyunruly (11k, Bagginshield, smut, Thorin is a virgin)
Christmas is Coming by an_odd_ducky (1k, Bagginshield, modern au, PWP)
A Halo On Your Body by freakylemurcat (5.8k, Bagginshield, bathing, piercings, lots of them, read also the rest of the series)
*I'm Dreaming Of... by diemarysues (5k, Bagginshield, pre-slash, first kiss, first time, all kinds of smut, Christmas)
*Impartial Judge by bigmamag (46k, WIP, Harry Potter crossover, Gigolas, Kiliel, Viktor Krum/Hermione Granger, Bagginshield, Triwizard Tournament, Gimli is from Durmstrang, Legolas is from Beauxbatons, Legolas is part Veela)
*Deck the Halls and Dwarves and Quarries by diemarysues (6.3k, Bagginshield, everyone lives/nobody dies, Christmas shenanigans, Dwarf culture & customs)
*****Snowmelt by determamfidd (8.8k, Gigolas, missing Sansûkh scene, lots of smut, two nerds being dudes)
*Synergy by alkjira (7k, Dwagginshield, smut, dirty talk, mutual pining)
Where All Thy Beauty Lies by yubiwamonogatari (3.5k, Gigolas, established relationship, Glittering Caves)
Repurposing by katajainen (1.2k, fem!Bagginshield, PWP, Reshirement, a really hot summer day)
Spherule by yeaka (1.3k, fem!Kiliel, dom/sub, sex toys, bondage, PWP)
Not Rated
Song as Old as Rhyme by Wizards_Pupil (86k, Bagginshield, Dwori, Beauty and the Beast but with a twist, it has dragons)
Silence by jeza_red (7.8k, Thorin & Frerin, Sansûkh-verse, angst, but things get better, slowly but they do)
For Better or For Worse by TheEmcee (76k, Bagginshield, arranged marriage au, life debts, mutual pining, hurt/comfort)
170 notes · View notes
acryofpain · 5 years
Whump Rewrites: Part 2
Excerpt from chapter 4 of John Dies at the End by David Wong.
An hour later, I pulled my Hyundai into Shire Village. I couldn’t get a hold of John anymore, and every few minutes my phone would ring and then stop before I could answer the call, as if he was trying to contact me but failing. I resigned myself to the hope that whatever I had to do next would be apparent from a look at Robert’s place.
His trailer was one of only two that had yellow police tape over the porch and door, and the other one looked as if it had been abandoned months ago. I parked off in the grass across the lot and walked toward Robert’s abode. Nobody was there, or at least nobody that had come in a car. I knocked for some reason – brain still a little foggy and knee throbbing, producing a slight limp in my step – then went in.
They’d cleaned up the blood and guts. I guess that shouldn’t have surprised me, since I should have known they wouldn’t just let entrails collect flies for twelve hours. Still, I recognized the room from the photos I’d been shown, the scene of Robert’s spontaneous explosion. The carpet was a few shades off from its original colour and the walls were forever stained a faded reddish-brown. And there was a smell, awful and organic, sharp and rotten.
I decided right then that I would leave and go home and watch some TV and drink a –
I nearly pissed myself. It was a faint sound, from the other end of the trailer. The kitchen end. I stepped into the hall, expecting to see a flame-shooting vampire, a squid-clown hybrid, the Devil himself.
Nothing. Probably just wind. A micro-earthquake. Sudden termite migration.
It was heavier this time, violent. Adrenaline set my muscles on fire and, like a dumbass, I moved toward the sound. Definitely from the kitchen. In seven steps I crossed the Robert Marley estate and my shoes hit linoleum. I looked around at the counter, floor, and appliances, searching for anything that might’ve been out of place. No elves, no gremlins, no nothing. Not yet.
Dead silence. I realized I was holding my breath and had gotten a little dizzy, still not completely recovered from earlier. I realized I was not holding a weapon.
The refrigerator.
No. The freezer section at the top. The little door up there rattled with the sound, like it was bumped –
– from the inside.
Get out. Get out, David, go, go go, go, GO GO GO
With one last thump, the freezer door flew open. A small, shiny, frosted metal canister zipped out and bounced off the panelled wall above me before falling to the carpet, bouncing, and landing next to my shoe. I steeled my courage, then turned and ran my ass off.
In three flying strides I’d made it to the exit, but a half second before my hand would have ripped the knob off the front door, I happened to glance out the window and see a sedan parked out there where none had been before. Plain white, too many antennas.
Cop car.
Somebody getting out.
Morgan fucking Freeman.
He lit a cigarette outside his vehicle, ten feet away from me. I spun around, eyes searching for another way out, but even if there was one it would mean stepping over the possessed jar or whatever had come out of the freezer. It was now sitting on the tile, rocking back and forth, steaming faintly.
No thanks.
A glance back outside. My cop friend was still there, leaning against the car and blowing smoke into the air like some emotionally damaged black-and-white movie detective.
A hollow snapping sound. The canister hopped an inch off the floor and so did I when I heard it. It did it again, jumping higher, and I let out a low whine of frustration.
The rumble of an engine emanated from outside and I had the vague idea that maybe, just maybe, Morgan had changed his mind and was now leaving. But with a glance out the window I spotted the news van that was pulling up next to the cop’s cruiser, and he was straightening up, looking a little more than disgruntled with his visitors.
All of a sudden being arrested didn’t seem so bad – even if it had to be on live TV – and I should have ducked outside with my hands raised high in surrender. Fear kept me velcroed to the doormat, though. I could hear the muffled voices of Morgan and a news reporter having a terse, forced-politeness contest, the detective very adamantly insisting that he had no comments about the tragedies that had taken place inside.
Without warning, and with an incredible, ear-popping snap, the canister erupted, two tiny black pebbles shooting out and ricocheting chaotically before clattering to a stop on the tile. My heart was trying to punch a hole in my sternum at that point and I craned my neck around to examine the scene outside, the cop turning right to me at that exact second to gesture at the trailer. I threw myself back down, cursing under my breath.
He saw you. Did you see the flicker of surprise on his face? He caught a glimpse of your head. Dumbass.
The two pebble things now sat innocently on the ground, unmoving. Waiting.
You know what those are, right?
Nope. No idea.
You know Robert had a stash of that soy sauce shit.
Faint voices, arguing outside.
He couldn’t just cram it under his bed. That shit moves. It has a will, an attitude. It bites.
And then I realized, all at once, what I had come here for. John led me here, of course. When I was on the stuff, the little hit in my bloodstream I got when it attacked my thigh, I could communicate with John. When it wore off, I could not. My one chance to save him lay directly before me, wicked as it apparently was. I picked up the pill-shaped... things, looking like two coal-flavoured Tic Tacs in my palm.
Suddenly, they launched themselves at me. I didn’t realize my mouth was hanging open until that moment and if I had known I would’ve closed it, I assure you. In an instant one was skipping off my tongue and I coughed, hacked, convulsed. It forced itself down my throat and I could feel it wiggling all the way down to my gut. I clamped my lips shut and slapped my hand over my mouth for good measure, pushing myself hard against the wall behind me as if that would keep the sauce away. The second pill landed on my left cheek and then there was pain, a bright, acidic burn that seemed to radiate down to my toes, mixed with the weird, buzzing itch that comes specifically with tearing flesh, the feel of whole nerve endings being torn from their roots and tossed aside. I tasted the copper flow of blood in my mouth, felt something moving against my teeth.
The fucking soy sauce was digging a hole into my fucking face.
I fell flat on the floor, thrashing and rolling like I was having a seizure. I forgot where I was, who I was, everything in my mind vaporized by a hydrogen bomb of pure panic. My face and shirt were wet and sticky with blood and I felt the second intruder crawl across my tongue and down my esophagus, my stomach wrenching with disgust. I heard footsteps outside the door now, felt relieved, knew I would throw myself at Morgan and beg him to take me to the emergency room, to pump my stomach, to bring in an exorcist, to call in the Air Force to bomb this whole town into radioactive dust and bury it under sixty feet of concrete.
And then, calm.
Almost zen.
Officer Freeman stepped through the door and stopped cold at the sight of me. I climbed awkwardly to my feet with my hand over my cheek as he glanced me over. He had two red plastic gasoline cans with him.
He’s gonna burn this place down.
And he’s gonna burn me with it.
He set the cans at his feet and lit another cigarette, likely because he hadn’t been able to finish his last one when the reporter – who he must’ve finally gotten to screw off – interrupted him. He smoked in silence for a moment, squinting past me like I wasn’t even there.
“So,” I began slowly, grimacing as the movement pulled at the hole in my face. “I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here.”
He shook his head. “Same as everybody. You’re trying to figure out what’s going on. I bet you’re wondering what I’m doing with these here gas cans.”
“I think I know.”
His gaze landed on the blood dripping from my jaw and trailing down my wrist, and he reached into his pocket to retrieve a handkerchief. I took it timidly and pressed it into place, stifling a noise of pain.
“Thank you. I, uh, fell. On a... drill.”
He didn’t acknowledge my lame excuse and picked up one gas can to screw off the cap, then started splashing the thick, rancid liquid around the living room. I watched him for a second before taking a tentative step toward the door. In a blur of movement, Morgan whirled, whipping his hand out. A revolver was now aimed right at my face.
“You leavin’ already?” I quickly shook my head. “Good. Help me.”
“I’ll, uh... I’ll be glad to. But first I want you to tell me what happened to John.”
“I figured he was with you.”
“Me? Didn’t he, you know, die?”
“Sure did. He was in the interrogation room and Mike Dunlow says to him, ‘look, we got dead or missing kids here so you’re gonna stay in this room until I’m satisfied or you die of old age.’ Your boy, when he hears that, he falls over dead. Just like that.”
“Yeah... that sounds like John.”
“And now he’s gone. Hospital says his bed is empty and there’s no sign of him anywhere.”
I carefully picked up the other gas can and Morgan put his gun away. My shoulders relaxed ever so slightly and I began to soak the couch, eyes flicking over to the cop every few seconds to make sure he wasn’t going to try and catch me by surprise. Gasoline dripped from the wallpaper around me, squished in the carpet at our feet, permeating the air. I eyed a half inch of ash that was hanging from the cop’s cigarette, watched apprehensively as it fell onto the floor.
It went out with a soft hiss.
He opened a closet and doused the contents inside and I half-heartedly splashed a few more things before I went down and tossed the half-full can into one of the bedrooms. The survival part of my brain was scrambling for a plan to get the cop’s gun or at least get it away from him, but in my current clarity of mind I understood the certainty of it all. Morgan was going to shoot me and leave me here, no matter what I did. I was just waiting for it now. It was an odd feeling.
The man moved over to the door, blocking my exit, and gestured to his gas can which seemed to be almost empty. “Pick it up and toss it out the door, into the yard.”
I hesitated. He put his gun on me again and I did as I was told, and he pulled out his lighter once more to ignite it. The gasoline fumes burned at my nose now and I was getting lightheaded, a bit unsteady on my feet. Man, I was tired. I hadn’t even slept the night before and then there’d been all this shit to deal with.
“Y’know, everybody’s gotta ghost story,” Morgan said out of nowhere. “Or something of the sort. And nobody thinks it’s real because they figure no one else saw what they did, but everybody’s got their story. Everybody.”
He gazed into the flame at his hand, like he was mesmerized by it. His gun was pointed downward and with a soft click his thumb pulled back the hammer, as if on its own.
“Now what I think,” he muttered to his lighter. “I think all that stuff is both real and not real at the same time. And I think the people who see it and the people who don’t are both right. They’re just like two different radios, switched to different stations. And I think somehow, through some chemistry or magic or voodoo, that faux Jamaican guy opened the door into Hell itself. He became the door.”
I nodded, opened my mouth to say something, then closed it again.
“And me,” he continued, stare hardening. “I intend to close it.”
He raised his gun, and shot me in the heart.
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teamhook · 6 years
Just another CS MOVIE AU… Happy Valentine’s Day Ch 4/5.
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Hello! Okay, so I bring you, musician!Killian AU inspired by Forever My Girl cause I see CS everywhere! Sorry, I’m stubborn and although I was told this should be a SF fic. Maybe I’m wrong but I couldn’t stop myself.
Maybe you guys can tell me if I was wrong…
I wanna thank @searchingwardrobes and @ilovemesomekillianjones for their Beta services. They each helped me so much.
So allow me to give you all Chapter 4 of my Valentine’s Day gift to all of you, my lovely shipmates.
I didn’t tag some of you before because I didn’t want to be too presumptuous but gotta share the love:  
@its-imperator-furiosa @djlbg @mayquita @andiirivera @captainsjedi @wellhellotragic @ultraluckycatnd @onceuponaprincessworld @aprilqueen84 @tehgreeneyes @hookedonapirate @thesschesthair @krustybunny @alexandralyman @artistic-writer @kymbersmith-90 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @snowbellewells @resident-of-storybrooke @flslp87 @searchingwardrobes @pocket-anon @branlovestowrite @seriouslyhooked @sherlockianwhovian @doodlelolly0910 @courtorderedcake @ilovemesomekillianjones @shireness-says @donteattheappleshook @jennjenn615 @bethacaciakay @thislassishooked @shipsxahoy @shady-swan-jones @tiganasummertree @cat-sophia @hollyethecurious @thejacketandthehook @dassala @allofdafandoms-blog @kday426 @winterbaby89 @snidgetsafan @delirious-late-nights @onceuponaprincessworld @let-it-raines @profdanglaisstuff @revanmeetra87  @stophookingatmeswan @kmomof4  @optomisticgirl  @lenfaz  @gingerchangeling @darkcolinodonorgasm @daxx04 @jennjenn615  @lizacstuff @lassluna @xemmaloveskillianx @xhookswenchx    @peglegsjones @shireness-says @laschatzi @onceuponataarna
The upcoming days consisted of Killian picking up Alice Hope from school, working on the garden, and playing the guitar. Every other day there were enjoyable family dinners, much to David’s dismay, but he would just have to suck it up.
Alice Hope had begged her mom for a sleepover, and she had finally relented. That evening after yet another dinner at his and Liam’s place, Killian was tucking Alice Hope into bed as she asked, “Dad, why did you leave mom?” She looked at him with the innocence of a child, not knowing the significance of the simple question.
He hesitated for a second. "There hasn't been a day I haven't regretted that decision. I have no excuse, but I was young, confused, and dumb. I know it was wrong, but I was lost."
She grabbed his hand and squeezed. "But now you are home, that's all that matters." She closed her eyes and Killian stayed until she fell asleep.
Liam and Emma overheard the conversation between Killian and Alice Hope. They are both moved by Killian’s honesty and the little girl’s need to comfort him.
After witnessing the tender moment they’d made their way to the front porch. The night was fresh, with a light breeze. Enjoying some wine, they chit chatted between the two of them.
Liam decided to give his brother and Emma a little space, and called it a night once Killian joined them outside. Emma swayed towards Killian.
“Emma, I think you’re tipsy. How much wine did you drink?” Killian asked as he attempted to steady her, but instead swayed with her.
She sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder, “Enough to be a little tipsy.” She smiled with her eyes closed.
He hummed, “Alright love, I’m going to give you a ride home.”
“Okay,” she mumbled. Killian guided her to his car, his hand resting gently on her lower back. Arriving at her home,  always the gentleman, Killian rushes to open her door.
“Safely delivered.” He smiled happily as he walked her to her door.
“I feel better, I didn’t drink that much.” She leaned into him to whisper a secret, “I’m a lightweight. I’m not drunk, I just feel relaxed.”
Killian studied her for a second. “Relaxed is not a bad thing.”
She nodded, “I was thinking, you’re in debt with me.”
Killian looked at her quizzically, “A debt?”
She looked at him, holding his gaze, “Yes, you owe me a date. A date with Killian Jones, Grammy Award winning singer.”    
“Love, do you think you can handle it?” he smirked, popping the T.
“Oh, I can handle it just fine, superstar. I think the only one that’s not gonna be able to handle it is you.” She poked his chest playfully.
“Emma, that’s not what I meant, but if you are serious, I’d love to.” Killian waited for her answer patiently.
“I am very serious,” she answered with a smile.
“Good,” he simply stated.
She finally went inside the house and before closing the door she murmured softly, “Goodnight, Killian.” The door closed before his reply is made.
“Goodnight, love.” He stood in front of the house for a second. He felt like a teenager, his heart beating profusely. Taking out his phone he dialed quickly and the phone rang once...twice… click
“Hello?” the voice answered.
“Scarlet, I need your help,” Killian blurted out.
“Killian, what’s happened now?” Will asked, afraid of the answer.
“You know how I told you about my friend’s accident? The one from my old town,” Killian said slowly. He knew he was about to drop a bomb.
“I do, what of it?” Will prodded.
“Mate, you might need to sit down, and before you panic, the news is nothing bad,” Killian reassured his manager.
“I’m sitting down now, go on. Tell me this news.” Will mumbles so bloody dramatic under his breath.
“I never told you, but eight years ago I was engaged.”
”That’s not so bad, mate,” Will interrupted him.
Killian laughed, “I never said it was bad, but it is news. My fiance, well, she was pregnant. I have a seven year old daughter.”
“I’m happy I sat down for this. Wow, Killian Jones, a father.” Will whistles into the phone. “Wait is she giving you trouble? I’m guessing that’s what you need help with? Do you need me to pay off the ex?” Will asked with concern.
“Will, that is not why I called. Mate, she had 7 years to contact me if that was what she was after. She is not a bloody gold digger. She was not some simple dalliance, I was bloody gonna marry her, you twit. What I need is your help planning a date, a special date.”
Will sighed in relief. “What do you need from me boss?”
The next day passed in a blur. Emma found herself in front of a mirror getting ready for Killian Jones once more. Maybe this was a mistake. Why did she think this was a good idea? Oh yeah, she was tipsy.
Her bed was covered with different outfits, but the soft pink dress felt right. It had a V-neck with a detailed bodice and belt. She chewed her bottom lip.   
Emma’s bedroom door burst open. “I hear someone’s got a big date tonight,” the intruder says. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“Shit,” Emma mutters as she winced. “Sorry? Rubes, I know you are super busy at the diner, and it’s not a big deal.”
Ruby sighed, “You are going on a date with your baby daddy, love of your life, the one that got away, and you say it’s not a big deal? If we didn’t grow up together I might believe you, but we did grow up together. Ems, don’t lie to me. You’re lucky Elsa is still out of town, and Marian is taking care of Robin. They would tell you the same thing I am. You’ve been yearning and pining for him since he left.”
Emma scoffs, “I don’t pine or yearn. It’s not like that anymore.”
“If you say so. Ems, about your wardrobe, you should totally wear that hot pink dress.” Ruby approached the bed and after a little digging she found the outfit she was looking for. “He will freak out if you wear this. This dress makes you look like a hot mama.” She wiggled her eyebrows, then moved to find shoes for the dress.
“I’m not wearing that. I decided on this one.” Emma pointed to the pastel pink dress. “I was thinking with my hair up? A high ponytail, and the makeup just natural. Nothing extreme.”
“That’s not really my style, but I think you can pull it off. Ems, can I ask you a question?”  
“What do you wanna ask?” Emma asked as she put away the rejected clothes.
“Do you regret it?” Ruby asked.
Emma snorted, “Regret what, please be more specific.”
“Okay, that night,” Ruby huffed. “Karaoke night? The night that record exec discovered Killian.”
“Oh, that night.” Emma smiled, she remembered that night so vividly. “I don’t.”
“No? If we would have gone somewhere else Killian wouldn’t have been discovered. You two would be married and maybe our little Hope would have a little brother by now.” Ruby studied Emma’s reaction.
“Rubes, Killian was going to be a star no matter what. He is talented, and I don’t know what you want me to say.” Emma was getting frustrated. “Who told you about the date? Because whoever told you should have minded their own business.”
“It was Hope, she is so excited her parents are going on a date.” Ruby crossed her arms. “She thought you might need help.”
Emma relented, “Fine, let me change and you can keep me company.”
Ruby sat on the bed pouting because Emma wouldn’t let her help. “Rubes stop pouting. I just don’t want to make a big deal, okay?”
“Ems?” Ruby called out.
“Yes?” Emma smiled.
“Thank you for not falling for Graham.” Ruby sighed.
Emma rolled her eyes. “How are things going with you guys?” Emma continued getting dressed.
“We’re good. I never thought we would get together. I mean, you and Killian were obvious. I still think Elsa and Liam are keeping it secret. Robin and Marian? For sure. Graham and I? Not so much. He pined for you for so long, and then after Killian left, you guys went out on a few dates. For a second I thought you guys would make it, you know? I know David was rooting for you guys, but I hate to say it, I’m happy it didn’t work out. I’m so selfish.” Ruby huffed.
“You’re not selfish.” Emma smiled fondly at her friend. “You deserve to be happy, and I’m happy you have that with Graham. Okay?” Emma said as she was doing her hair.
“I know, you are the sweetest person ever. So where’s the little munchkin?”
“She has been spending a lot of time with Killian. I figured she was the one that told you about the date.”
“She called me, but she said Liam was gonna drop her off so she could spend time with you before the big date. Do you know where he is taking you?” Ruby asked as they finished with her makeup.
“Mama!” Alice Hope yelled.
“Ah there she is.” Emma grinned. “In my room!” she yelled back.
Emma heard little feet running, then the door flew open. “Mama, you look beautiful!” Alice Hope gushed.
“Thank you. Do you want to help me with my lipstick, the final touch?” Emma lifted the lipstick and waved at her kid.
Ruby smiled at mother and daughter as Alice Hope excitedly walked to her mom and grabbed the lipstick. Emma positioned herself so that Alice Hope could put on the lipstick.
Alice Hope sighed contently, “Perfect. Mama, do you know where he’s taking you?”
Emma pretended to think for a second. “Sorry kid, I don’t know. Did Liam drop you off?”
“Yeah, he thought I’d want to visit for a little bit. Before your date. Auntie Ruby can you give me a ride back to Uncle Liam’s?”
“That was sweet of him.” Emma smiled and leaned in to hug her.
“You betcha, Munchkin, I’ll give you a ride.” Ruby said as she joined the hug.
After an hour a stretch limo pulled in to pick up Emma.  The driver promptly told her he cannot give her details or he will ruin the surprise. His job was simply to deliver her to Killian.
The drive was short, and they arrived at the school's athletic field, where Killian stood in front of a helicopter. The car parked and the driver rushed to open the door for Emma. Emma looked at the driver who only shrugged as he closed the car door.
Wow, was all Emma could think as she walked towards Killian. He wore  tight, black jeans, a black, fitted shirt tucked in, and a black leather vest. She will never ever admit to anyone that she secretly stalked Killian’s social media, and anything she could find. She had seen him on dates with models, actresses, and even singers. It had hurt more than anything. It should have been her. So maybe that was the reason behind her suggestion, about the date. He looked good, he always did, and his smile wa blinding.
“Hello, love,” he leaned in to kiss her cheek, “you look beautiful.”
“Uh, thank you. So do you-” his phone rang loudly, “you should get that, it could be important.” Emma said as she took a closer look at his phone. It looked familiar.
“All right, one second.” He answered, hello, yeah, sorry about that-- thank you MM. He scratched behind his ear which she knew he did when he was nervous, just like she knew all of his quirks. “Sorry about that love, it was my publicist, Mary Margaret.”
She nodded, “I guess that means you are coming out of hiding, or was it rehab for exhaustion? I think that’s what I read, you know, about your sudden disappearance.”
“You’ve been reading up on me, I’m so touched,” Killian teased her.
“I was curious, I admit it,” Emma confessed.
Killian smiled, “Come on love, lets go.” He put his hand on her back and guided her to the helicopter. They climbed on and snapped their seatbelts securely. A small awkward silence fell between them which  Emma interrupted by asking him a question. “Hey Killian, is that the same cell phone you had in high school?”
Killian’s face reddened. “No, of course not.”
“I remember it. It has an antenna, Killian,” Emma countered.  
“Fine, it is, I really like the phone, okay?”
She could tell he was irritated. “Okay.”
They silence returned as they looked out at the view. “So where are you taking me Killian Jones?” Emma asked.
“It’s a surprise,” he simply answered as his hand inched towards hers.
“Killian, this date… it doesn’t mean anything is going to happen between us. I just want to make that clear.” Emma’s nerves were getting the best of her, what had she gotten herself into?
“I never said it was, but I think you’re protesting too much.  See that building there?” he pointed to a tall building, trying to change the subject.
Emma gasped, “The hotel?”
“Aye, that’s where we are landing. We’re perfectly safe. The restaurant we are going to is inside, I hope you’ll like it.”
The helicopter landed and Killian ushered her out of the chopper. They’re greeted at the door by the hotel concierge. “Sir, your table is ready.” H leaned in to whisper into Killian’s elven ear, “The paparazzi are here, we’ve tried to keep your visit private, but failed.”
Killian just smiled, keeping his hand on Emma’s lower back. “There’s no need to worry, I’m sure we will enjoy ourselves nevertheless.”
As they neared the restaurant entrance, multiple cameras flashed simultaneously and voices shouted loudly as Killian came into their line of sight. Over here Killian!  Questions regarding his whereabouts were being yelled out,  Where have you been? Were you in rehab? How was Barbados?
Once their attention landed on Emma other questions emerged. Killian tried to shield her, but she just squeezed his hand, and she simply said, “I’m the one that wanted the superstar experience.”
A clearly curious reporter, a petite woman, smiled at them and asked, “Killian, I think we'd all love to know,
who is the beautiful woman on your arm?”
He smiled at Emma and simply answered, “She is the one.” Emma’s grip tightened on Killian’s hand at his words. As a chorus of what's her name? Erupted from the crowd, Killian waved and said, “Sorry guys, that's all I got.”
He and Emma promptly disappeared inside the restaurant where they were greeted by the owner, a kind older man, “Welcome to the Nautilus, Killian and lovely guest, please follow me.”
Emma’s whole face lit up at the beauty of the restaurant.
“Nemo, thank you for accommodating us on such short notice,” Killian said sincerely. “This is my... my,” he scratched behind his ear, “My old friend, Emma.”
Nemo stopped abruptly, sharing a kind smile with Emma. “Lovely to meet you, my dear. I have a special table for you two.” He led them into the private section of the restaurant,  reserved for special occasions. They sat to enjoy the carefully selected dinner choices.
Emma had a feeling Killian requested the meal, it was her favorite, but with a gourmet twist. It was a surreal experience for Emma, nothing, in particular, stood out, just the fact that she was sitting across the table from her childhood sweetheart. Her kid's father. They had shared every experience growing up, but their paths had diverged. He lived a life of luxury, eating at places like this, staying in a different posh hotel in each big city he performed for, rubbing elbows with other celebrities, and she had the opposite. She was a mom above all. At this moment, all those differences faded and it was just them. The reconnection between them was so natural.
As they enjoyed their meal, Killian sat admiring Emma. Before seeing her again with his own eyes, the memory of her had stayed strong. But the beautiful girl he was going to marry all those years ago had evolved into an ethereal being. If she was beautiful then, she was breathtaking now. She simply glowed. How could he possibly think anyone could come close to filling the void she’d left. She was embedded in his being. He’d never stopped loving her. It was always her, she was the one.
They talked and laughed without knowing each other's thoughts until they shared their last dance with their inhibitions lowered. A kiss was shared; It was perfect. Their lips met in a chaste kiss which quickly morphed into one of longing. So lost in each other, they didn't notice when the music stopped playing. Their kiss halted, but they remained in each other's embrace and he started singing low in her ear.
Does your halo grow heavy
Hanging over your head
Boy you've held my heart steady
Since the first day we met
Every time I lose my way
Only you can bring me back...
Emma put her hand on Killian's chest and gently pushed him away. They’d gotten carried away.
It was Killian who spoke first, "Emma, I'm sorry. We, I fell victim to a moment. I remember what you said. I know this isn't what you want. I just want you to know one thing, you're the one for me. What we're to become is your choice. I want you to choose me, but I want it to be because you want me, not because I pushed you too hard or only because we have a child together; and if you only want to co-parent, I will accept it.  He smiled at her, conveying his sincerity with just one look.
Emma blinked and smiled back. "You were always better with words than me."
They don’t talk about it again, and things go back to being about Alice Hope once they get home.
Several days after the date, Killian decided he needed to call Scarlet to let him know he had no plans to return right away.
“Hello?” a distracted voice answered.
“Scarlet, this is Killian. Mate?”
“Oi, what’s going on man?”
“I’ve decided to stick around longer. I’ve been writing. So there’s that. Maybe a couple of months. I just don’t want to leave them yet.”
“Them?” Scarlet asked.
Killian quickly covered for the slip, ”I meant Alice, my daughter. There’s also my brother.”
Scarlet laughed, “So you’re saying this has nothing to do with her mum?”
Killian growled, “I’ll keep you posted.”
A week later a big cookout was planned in celebration of Elsa being back and Robin finally being released from the hospital. It was an extended family dinner that was going to be at Emma’s house.
The guests trickled in. Marian, Robin and Roland arrived first and Roland rushed off to spend time with his best-friend, Alice Hope. Ruby and Granny arrived next, and Granny quickly made a beeline to the kitchen to help with the meal. Liam and Killian arrive right after, and Alice Hope beamed with happiness as she introduced her dad to her best-friend. Killian ignored Liam’s knowing smirk. David arrived with a scowl set on his face, and finally, Elsa arrived with a smile on her face, greeting everyone with hugs. They’d set up a large table with all the fixings. From burgers to salads, some alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic for the kids. Everyone was enjoying themselves, good food, good drink, and good company. Killian was enjoying his time with his daughter, while Liam was distracted talking to Elsa. Killian chuckled at the obvious affection his brother has for the blonde.
Alice Hope smiled at her dad, before telling him, “Look Dad, I’m a hungry lion.” She growled as she gobbled her food.
“Oh darling, you’re doing it all wrong” he teased as he grabbed the ketchup and poured more on his hotdog. “Now it’s nice and bloody. Come on little love, let’s take a nice bite.” They growled in unison as they each took a bite, devouring their food.
“Little brother, do you want another beer?” Liam asked from the door.
Killian shook his head. “It’s younger brother and no, but I’d love a water.” His attention returned to Alice Hope only to find her choking, he froze. He no longer saw his daughter, but his mother.
They’re at her hospital room, he had snuck in to visit her, he was holding a bouquet of Middlemist flowers, her favorite. He wanted to help her feel better. The nurse is calling for the doctor, then she’s calling out to her, “Alice Jones, don’t you give up on me, not yet!” The nurse notices a young Killian frozen at the door, “Killian sweetheart, go find your brother.” But he doesn’t move, he is frozen in place as the flowers drop to the floor.
“Killian, what the hell man!” The irate voice of David brought him back to the present. “Killian, she’s choking.” David was at his niece’s side in a second. He yelled out to his sister, “Emma, Hopey is choking, call 911!”
Emma frantically rushed out to help her brother. “She’s not breathing!”
Liam was on the phone with the emergency operator and everyone was giving them space, trying not to get in the way. Roland was being held back by his parents who were trying to keep him calm.
David moved fast to perform the Heimlich, with Emma urging Alice Hope, “Hold on, baby. Stay with us, you need to breathe. Now breathe for me!” she commanded her daughter. Time slowed immeasurably until David finally got the food out of Alice’s throat. She took a gasping breath along with everyone around her.
With Alice Hope breathing okay and the EMT’s checking her, an enraged David charged toward Killian who was still frozen in his spot. David grabbed Killian by his shirt and ripped him up from his seat. “What the hell is your problem, she was choking! She was dying and you just stood there doing nothing!”
Liam rushed over to get in between the men. Killian still had a lost and haunted look, his eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry,” he stammered, shaking his head to try and clear the haunting memory.
“Father of the year!” David called after him as Killian left.  
Emma and Liam glared at David, and  Liam stopped David from chasing Killian down. “David, that’s enough!”
“David, take it easy, she’s okay,” Emma reasoned.
Liam sighed as Emma and David continued heatedly talking. He decided to go check on Ali for himself. He approached the small group of friends and family making sure she was okay.
“Hey little one,” he smiled warmly at her where she is leaning on Elsa.
“Uncle Liam, where’s my dad?”
Elsa shared a look with Liam. Bloody hell. “He uh...” Liam is at a loss for words, what can he say?
Elsa cut in, “Sweetheart, your dad, he was so worried about you,” she paused “he is a new dad and he had to step away for a little bit.”
Alice Hope smiled, “He freaked out didn’t he?”
Elsa and Liam looked at each other and both replied, “Yes.” Liam continued, “I’m afraid so. Ali, you gave us all a good scare.’’
“I know Uncle Liam, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, little one. Just don’t do that again.” She nodded, her eyes drooping with exhaustion from the whole ordeal. The excitement had tired the crowd and soon all were saying their goodnights.
David had left after having what appeared to be a heated conversation with Emma.
Liam and Elsa left once the house was clean and Alice Hope was asleep in her bed.
After the scare with Alice Hope and the painful memory of his mother’s death, all Killian needed was to numb the pain. He arrived at the old hole in the wall, the Rabbit Hole. Going straight to the bar, he sat in the first available chair and ordered a bottle of rum. He didn’t care that the quality of the drink was not the best, all he wanted was to drown in it.
Half a bottle later, the door opened, and an unlikely person sat beside him. “Killian, hey man.”
Killian looked at the source. “Humbert,” he slurred, “to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
Graham chuckled, “It’s been a long time, mate.” Graham bumped Killian’s shoulder with his. “It’s good to see you, but I think it’s time you call it a night.”
Killian laughed as he noticed the sheriff uniform. “Who called?”
“Killian, I’m sure everyone is worried about you. After what happened tonight do you really want to add to their worries? We lucked out with Robin, and from what I hear, we lucked out tonight with Alice Hope. I don’t think we should test our luck. Let me give you a ride to Liam’s.”
“Who called?” Killian asked again.
Graham sighed, “Does it matter? Let me give you a ride home.”
As Killian was about to answer he was cut off by another voice. “Graham, I’ll take it from here.
“Hey Dave, are you sure?” Graham questioned. “I know you’ve had a long week at the animal shelter, too. Sorry I haven’t been able to volunteer.”
“It’s okay, go home. I can handle this.” David waved him off and nudged him.
Graham cautiously stood up and told David, “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call.” “It’s nice to see you,” Graham said to Killian then he left the bar.
Killian smirked at David, “So you’re my new babysitter?”
David stared at Killian icily. “Don’t mistake my offer to ensure you get home safely as a sign of concern for you. I’m here for my sister and niece. Somehow you have fooled them into believing you’re here for them, but I’m not fooled as easily. You honestly think that you're ready to be a dad just because you spent a couple of weeks playing house? Really?” David shook his head. “Alice Hope was choking and you just stood there, Killian. We are lucky she’s alive, and I hate to think of what could’ve happened if she’d been alone with you. Do you honestly think you're equipped to keep that little girl alive every day? Cause from what I saw tonight, I doubt it.”
Killian listened to what the other man was saying. His guilt blinded him.
David continued ranting, “The memories are still fresh in my mind of all the bad years that my sister had because of your abandonment. I was the one there for her. I’m the one that got her through it. Emma finally made a life for her and for Alice Hope. You and I, we both know that you never deserved her, and you will find some way to mess it up all over again, and it'll destroy them. You know what the worst thing is? This time it’s not just Emma that will suffer at your selfishness, it will be your daughter too. Just do what you will inevitably do and leave.” David got up and stormed out, the door slamming closed.
Killian brooded for a second while David’s words whirled in his head. He stood up and staggered to the restroom. “Hey,” a gruff voice stopped him, “I’m going to call the pastor. Stay put.”
“Mate,” Killian slurs.
The man stopped and turned around, irritation on his face. “I’m not your mate, the name is Leroy.” “Bigshot,” he muttered.
“Leroy, I need to use to loo for a second,” Killian explained.
“Okay, go ahead, I’ll let Pastor Jones know,” Leroy grumbled as he walked away.
Killian entered the restroom and stared at his reflection. With a clenched jaw and anger coursing through him, he smashed the mirror. He was staring at his bloodied fist as Liam and Leroy walked into the restroom.
Leroy groaned, “Damn drunks! Who’s gonna pay for that?”
Liam sighed, “Don’t worry, he will pay for the damage. I’m sorry.”  The elder Jones looked at his brother with disappointment as he grabbed him. “Come on brother, let’s get you home.” They leave a disgruntled Leroy to clean up the mess.
Once they arrived home, Liam hurried to clean up the wound. “Little brother, what were you thinking? I cannot believe you smashed your hand through that mirror. Stop moving, I’m almost done.”
Killian winced but kept quiet. Liam could see the wheels turning so he added, “You’ll be able to play with Ali soon.” Liam smiled at his brother.
Killian sighed, “I never want to play again.”
That confused Liam. “Why not? It’s a God given talent to be able to play and sing the way you do. For goodness sakes, even Alice Hope inherited that same gift.”
Killian stared at his hand. “I don't deserve it, none of it. Just be honest brother, I’m the worst human around.”
Liam gripped Killian’s shoulders and stared him down, “Killian, we've all forgiven you, brother.”
Killian pushed him away, “You shouldn't have. I'm sorry that I left you all. I'm sorry that I didn't stay in touch. I still don’t know why I did it.”
Liam stared at him as he continued, “The further away I went... the longer I was gone... the more pain I was in, brother.” He sniffed, “I’m so sorry.”
“I know you are, little brother.” Liam tried to comfort him. “Brother, when mum died I was so stuck in my own grief I failed you, I overlooked yours. I have comforting words
for everyone in this town during their time of need, but I didn’t know how to talk to my own brother during his. I couldn’t imagine the pain of losing mum the way you did at such a young age. I think being famous just fed that pain, knocked down everything in its path. I'm the one who's sorry, Killian. I'm so, so sorry brother. You deserve a future, a happy one.” Liam tried to encourage his brother with a soft smile. “Now you must rest.”
Killian nodded in agreement as he headed to bed.
The next morning Liam woke up to find a note on top of the kitchen counter simply saying, “They’re better off without me. Say goodbye for me.”
Once Liam delivers the message the heartbreak unleashes a wave of pain and blame thrown between the adults.
Liam confronts David, “What did you tell my brother? I know you talked to him. Leroy told me that he called Graham and that later you arrived.”
“I didn’t tell him anything he didn’t know himself.” David shrugs.
“You self-righteous prick,” Liam seethes.
“Liam!” Elsa and Emma call out.
“Such language, Pastor.”
“Right now I’m acting as an older brother, not a pastor. The last time I saw my brother he was heartbroken. He hated himself and now I know why.”
“Oh, and what of my niece? She almost died and that good for nothing brother of yours just stood there doing nothing!”
“She’s my niece too!” Liam shouts, standing toe to toe with David.
“STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU, NOW!” Emma yells as she slowly backs away. She then turns her full attention to her brother. “David, whatever you did,” Emma started, shaking her head, “you had no right!”
“No? I had no right? If I hadn’t reacted, who knows what would have happened to Hopey.” David glares at his sister.
“Well, maybe you should explain to your niece why her father left town. Tell her that Killian is gone because you never liked him.”
Elsa approaches Liam as the siblings argue. “Liam, I’m sorry. I know Killian will come back.”
Liam leans to her touch, “I just hope it won’t take eight years again.”
The siblings argument gets louder. “I know you never truly gave Graham a chance, he was always a better choice than Killian, but you couldn’t let him go.”
“Is this about your obsession with Graham being the right guy for me? David, we both realized we saw each other as brother and sister. He fell in love with Ruby and they’re gonna get married. I think you’ve focused too much attention on my life, David. You need to find someone to love.”
In the end Alice Hope cries for her father, and Emma not only mourns her for her broken heart once more, but also for her daughter’s.
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distant-rose · 6 years
WIP Meme
I was tagged by @lenfaz, @optomisticgirl and @courtorderedcake to share five WIPs on my computer. Apparently no one is following the rules on this and I’m just gonna follow everyone’s led and share snippets. Number two is a tad risqué, fair warning.
1. Study Abroad AU, Emma and Regina
Flat 3, 16 Longridge Road is the cleanest and most beautiful apartment that Emma Swan had ever stepped in with its cream colored walls, crown molding and amazing street view. However, all of Emma’s excitement died when a dark haired young woman wearing designer clothes and jewelry that cost more than Emma’s tuition stepped out of the bathroom, gave her a once over and scoffed.
“Hostel is across the street,” she said sharply, raising her eyebrows significantly.
“Um, no,” Emma replied, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I’m not staying in a hostel. My name is Emma Swan, I’m from Boston University and I’m a part of the CAPA study abroad program.”
“Really?” she replied, staring at Emma’s scuffed sneakers. “Huh.”
“And you are?” Emma replied, trying to keep her annoyance to an minimum. All she wanted to do was find her bed and sleep.
“Regina Mills. NYU,” she stated coolly.
“Oooookay…” Emma bit her lip self-consciously. “Anyway, not that this hasn’t been lovely and all, but I’m exhausted and if you just point me towards an open bed, I’ll be out of your hair…”
“Spare bed is in Aurora and my room just down the hall,” Regina replied. “We were kinda hoping you were a no show because it’s a bit cramped in there. I took the single, she took bottom of the bunk beds so the top one is yours. You better not snore.”
2. Soft, Killian and Emma
“Just so we’re clear,” Killian murmured, manoevring her chin down so that he could kiss her. It started off as a gentle whispering touch but ended with a delightful graze of his teeth against her bottom lip. “I wasn’t and I’m not jealous of the wooden man child.”
Emma laughed, touching her nose to his for a moment before pressing a kiss against the pulse of his neck. He took a deep shuddering breath at the move, shifting of his hand and hook under beneath her shirt. His calloused thumb rubbed small circles into her skin that matched the slow deliberate movements of his hips.
“I know,” she replied, resting her forehead against his. She scratched her nails lightly against his scalp, enjoying the rattling groan he emitted and the urgent way that he encouraged to her grind down on him. “And you have nothing to fear...I want you, just you...just so we’re clear.”
The leather jacket was the first victim of her impatience, pushed from his shoulders and shucked to the floor without much thought. She shivered as the metal of his hook traced the line of her spine. His hand followed a similar path above her shirt. His fingers found home and spread, curling around the base of her neck as he pulled her into another wicked kiss that made her fingers clumsy as they crept to the top of his zip.
She pulled away, giving him a mock glare. “You’re distracting me...”
He gave her a feral grin before moving to lave his attentions to the spot behind her ear, mouthing and nipping at it until her bones feel like gelatine and her toes curled.
“My apologies,” he whispered as he traced the delicate shell of her ear with his tongue. “Does this help?”
“Not even remotely.”
3. Once and Future Thing (LP), Beth and Jim
He slammed his fist against the wall, a loud boom resonating through the room. Baskets hanging from the ceiling swung violently and oranges toppled from their perches onto the floor. Neither of them made much note, still staring at each other.
“Stop. Lying.”
“I’m not lying.”
“Yes you are! You’re always lying!” he shouted, face now red as he jabbed a finger in her direction. “You lie to everyone! Your friends! Your family! Your crew! Even yourself! But you can’t do that, not to me! You can’t lie to me.”
He paced around her, circling. She had seen him do this so many times before when she had been on the Silver Spell as a teenager. He would circle the captains of the ships he had raided, laying out their crimes before tossing them overboard. She never thought he would do it to her.
“I’ve never struck a woman in my life,” he said after a moment of pacing. “But, I swear to the gods, Elizabeth Jones, you test me in more ways than one. Just tell me where it is. I won’t ask again.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I just…can’t.”
“Just tell me, Elizabeth, please.” The anger in his voice was now underlined by a hint of desperation.
4. Christmas Surprises (LP), Killian and Emma
For the first time in what seemed like forever, Emma awoke before Killian. Her husband had always been an early riser, something that had become quite an asset when their children were still small, and often would leave a whiskered kiss on her forehead, murmuring his love for her before starting his day. However, it was now six-thirty in the morning and Killian was still dead to the world, snoring softly behind with a vice grip around her waist. Emma took a moment to cherish the feeling, placing a hand on top of his and squeezing it softly, almost without thinking. Killian muttered nonsense softly against the back of her ear, but did not wake.
Staring at the clock on her nightstand, Emma let out a heavy sigh as she came to the decision to leave the comfortable cocoon of her bed to start the day. It was Christmas morning after all and Lucy would be soon up and about before long, filled with excitement over goodies and presents, and Emma really wanted to get started on setting up the house for the day’s festivities. All five of her children would be in the house for the day plus her parents, siblings, Regina and Bobbi. It was going to be a full house for Christmas this year and she wanted it to be perfect.
Reluctantly, she left the circle of Killian’s arms and placed a quick kiss on the lines of his brow, smoothing a hand through his silver locks. Even in his old age, he was still a stunningly handsome man.
“I love you,” she whispered against his creased forehead.
“And I you,” he murmured back sleepily, shifting his face into the pillow and back into slumber. Emma gave his hair one last run through before she climbed out of their bed. Her old muscles protested a bit as she got up, reminding her that she’s not as young as she used to be, but none of that mattered. There was coffee to brew, bacon to fry and small clean-up jobs to complete before everyone arrived.
5. Summer Camp/College Basketball AU, Killian and Emma
The first time Emma sees Killian Jones, he’s playing a game of pick up with the other male counselors in the Amherst College gymnasium. He catches her eye and not necessarily in a good way. Basketball isn’t a forgiving sport and especially not to the less vertically inclined. Killian isn’t short by normal standards; in fact, most would find six feet even to be quite tall. However, in this game of pickup, he’s dwarfed by postmen and guards alike.
He didn’t seem to be bothered it though. The ball rolls off his fingertips with the smooth confidence of any guard who sleeps, eats and breaths the game. He makes a tight spin, his grip on the ball borderline palming, before he throws it between his legs and dishes it off in a behind the back pass to one of his more height inclined teammates who rises to the occasion and slams it down in a dunk that makes the hoop rattle.
Everyone in the gym cheers and whistles for the move, but Emma focuses on him, the short white guard whose game reeks of the street. He’s not celebrating with everyone else, rather he’s already sprinting back for defense.
“Whose the shortie?” Emma asks her roommate Gwen, a tall girl who plays post for Tennessee, while nodding her head towards small guard who looks like he’s two seconds away from slapping the ball out of his opponent’s hands. He looks hungry and Emma has a feeling that he’s dirty on defense.
Gwen follows her gaze and gives her a look of disbelief.
“Girl, you serious right now? You don’t know who that is?” she asks as she laces up her black Jordans with neon pink laces.
Tagging: @welllpthisishappening, @katie-dub, @winterbythesea, @shireness-says, @initiala and @justanotherwannabeclassic
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alicemoonwonderland · 7 years
The Thief’s Jewel - Part Five
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12]
Fandom: The Hobbit Pairing: Nori x Jaida (Orignal Fem!Character) Rating: NSFW for later chapters
Tagging: @atlerion @themissimmortal @insomniacapples(let me know if you want to be tagged)
Nori whistled a casual tune as he walked towards the armory where Dwalin had asked him to come. "Ah! Master Dwalin! May I say your tattoos look really nice today? Got them re-inked?" He smirked at the big brawny dwarf, crossing his arms casually.
Dwalin was sharpening his axes. Grumbling to himself. Huffing and puffing like a child. Disgruntled that he just couldn't get his precious jewel to tell him who had her so smitten. Mumbling a weak 'hello' to Nori when he approached.
Nori frowned a bit as he watched Dwalin. Usually he would snarl at him for his way of talking. "Everything alright, big guy? Something going on with Thorin?" Last thing he needed was the King to go off his rocker again.
Dwalins ears twitched and he lifted his head at the mention of his king. Sighing deeply as he shook his head. "Thorin is fine. Sit." He ordered. Pointing to a seat.
"Woof." Nori mumbled and sat down, leaning back casually as he watched those axes. "So. Whatcha need me for?"
Even though Dwalin accepted Nori, they were almost... friends he supposed, by now, after the quest at least. He hated beyond belief to ask for help. "I've got a job for ya."
"I figured as much. Who do you want me to spy on?" He played with one of his braids, tilting his head a bit.
"I want you to spy on me daughter." He said so quietly. Balin was going to kill him. But he had to know. That was his jewel for Mahal's sake! He couldn't just let anyone go taking her away!
"Daughter?!" His eyebrows shot up so high. "Ya got a kid!?" Dwalin? An Adad? Was he hearing this right? Or was he going deaf like Oin?
Dwalin furrowed his brows. "And what exactly do you mean by that eh?" He growled, gripping his axe tight.
"Wow wow wow, easy! I meant nothing with it. I just didn't know you had a little one."
"She ain't little no more." He grumbled, his shoulders slumping. But he still saw that little dwarfling. Running around as his shadow and making him flower crowns.
"Why do you want me to spy on her? If she's your daughter, I'm pretty sure she has a level head on her shoulders." He frowned as he tried to imagine a female version of Dwalin.
"Becuase. Shes met this, dwarrow, and I'll be damned if she'll even give me a hint at who he is. I just want to know." He flailed his arms a bit. "She won't shut up about him."
"Sounds like your typical lassy in love. Who is your daughter and where can I find her?"
"Which is fine and all. But it's been a bit now and I think its high time I at least know." He sat his axes aside and crossed his arms. "She'll be leavin' between seven and eight this morning. Takin' a walk. Figured you could just stalk the house."
"Yeah I could do that." Nori nodded softly. "But a name would be nice so I can give it to my network so they can keep an eye on her as well."
"I don't want anyone else watching her. You follow her. Find out the dwarrow. Move on. That's it." He said sternly. Practically glaring at the dwarf.
"Alright alright, I'll do it. No worries. I'll find out who it is and tell you. Just don't kill the poor lad."
"As you said, she's got... a good head on her shoulders. Don't think she'd settle for someone. Never so much as been interested before. Despite all the ones that have come for her, for obvious reasons."
"Seems he's quite a special dwarrow then." He mused.
"Well for his sakes he better be. Hate to snap a neck. Been keeping my hands clean lately." He said casually, smirking lightly.
"Oh that's so reassuring. Really feel so comfortable right now." Nori drawled sarcastically.
He chuckled gruffly as he stood, gathering up his axes. "How much is this gonna cost me?" He tried not to flinch at those words. Mahal have mercy on his soul. Asking Nori for help.
"Nothing." Nori spoke softly. "Just helping my friend out. That's all. Just don't strangle the poor lad."
"Mahal this is going to come back a bite me in the arse I can just tell. And what do you care about the dwarrow for?" He huffed.
"I don't. Just trying to keep your hands clean! And don't feel like helping you get rid of a body, thank you very much."
He huffed, muttering a few curses under his breath. "Don't you have work to do?"
"Yes yes yes. I'm going. Sheesh. Have an ale will ya? Or a good massage." Nori rolled his eyes amused as he bounced up.
"I'll have an ale when my duties are done. And my daughter gets home. Not a moment prior. And ain't no one touching me."
By Mahal that dwarf needed something to chill. Maybe he had to ask Bilbo for some of that Old Toby pipe weed. "I'm off now. I'll give you my report when I know more." He waved to Dwalin and started to walk away.
Dwalin grunted his response, watching the dwarrow for a moment. There was something different about him. Very different. He'd really come around since they first set off from the shire.
Nori moved to Dwalin's house, finding a good spot where he could hide and sat down. Crossing his arms and waited. He had a weird feeling about this. Really. Really weird feeling. Tugging on his braid.
His stomach drop to the lowest part of the mountain when he saw who it was that left Dwalin's house. Panic in his heart. No. Mahal. It could not be. But everything made sense now what she had said about her Adad. Mahal...he was a dead man.
Jaida, his one. Singing quietly, the brightest smile on her face as she skipped down the hallway.
He could swear that he could hear the sound of his heart breaking.
Dwalin would never let him court his daughter.
Nori stormed into the tea shop. Rage and panic battling to become the dominate emotion in his heart. He zoned in on his brother and grabbed his arm tightly. "Let's go for a chat, Dori." Nori snarled low and turned to his younger brother. "Ori, be a dear, and watch the shop for Dori." He dragged Dori into the back, slamming the door and just lost it. "WHY IN MAHAL'S NAME DID YOU NOT TELL ME WHO SHE WAS? YOU LET ME LOVE HER AND YOU KNEW!" Nori kicked against a barrel. "You knew! He'll never let me love her. Mahal why didn't you fucking say she was his daughter!" Tears appeared in his eyes. "Haven't I paid enough for the embarrassments be caused you in Ered Luin, and all I've done in the past? Aule, oh Aule, she's my One, Dori! My One and I'll never have her!"
Doris eyes widened as he watched his brother, the pieces starting to click into place. Holding his arms up defensively. "Mahal Nori I'm sorry. You're Erebor's spymaster, and Dwalin aggravator extraordinaire. I told you, you were playing with fire, I thought you were just trying to piss the man off!"
"WELL I FUCKING WASNT OKAY! I may be the damn spy master but why in Mahal's name would I spy on Dwalin! Damn it Dori! I take my job serious okay! I've better things to do than to spy on people who would die for Thorin."
Truth is, he had a new found respect for the captain of the royal guard. He wasn't quite the snobby lord he had assumed him to be, and was actually rather down to earth He seemed to trust Nori now. Not to mention the fact that he was too busy to even go to the feasts that the rest of the company was obliged to go to. He had to keep his eye on potential threats when anything like that happened.
Dori looked on at his brother in terror. His heart clenching and stomach twisting. "I only meant that you know everyone in the mountain. How was I supposed to think you didn't know she was Dwalin's daughter?"
"Oh c'mon! I know I'm an ass and a troublemaker but seriously?! Dwalin and I haven't been best buddies, made sure I stayed away from him during the quest." He punched the wall, his chest hurting so much. "Damn it, Dori! Damn it!"
Dori flinched, knowing that Nori was right. He'd seen Dwalin take swings at royal suitors. Rich dwarves who could protect and serve Jaida forever. And here was Nori. There was no way Dwalin would let him court the girl. He swallowed thick in worry for his brother. Sadness that he assumed the worst when Nori had only been making a true and honest name for himself since the quest.
Nori's face crumbled as there were tears in his eyes. "Fuck you. Fuck everything. I'm fucking done." He choked out, pushing past his brother and stomped out of the shop. He was done with everything. Here he was trying to better himself and he was fucked over. Maybe it was better that he left, go and live a vagrant life again.
Dori squeezed his eyes shut. Choking back his own tears. Mahal help him, what had he done? Dabbing at his eyes when someone came running in.
"Mahals balls Dori what happened?" Bofur shouted. Having been sitting at his normal table in the tea shop.
"Curses Bofur we're all fools." Dori whispered, taking a deep breath before explaining everything that had happened. His words so strained and airy as he tried not to break down. "I didn't know Bofur. How was I supposed to?"
Bofur sighed so deeply. Mahal he hadn't thought for a moment either that Nori didn't know. "It's alright Dori. I'll find him."
Nori arrived at his small quarters, starting to pack a bag. Tears streaming down his face as his heart hurt so bloody much. Taking something out of his pocket and whimpered. He had made her a courting bead. Well. It was pretty darn useless now. He had lost her before he ever actually had her. Damn his brother. Damn the world. Damn Mahal! He didn't even bother to look up when someone burst through his front door.
"Mahal Nori what are you doing?"
"I didn't know something was wrong with your eyes." Nori snapped coolly at his friend. "I'm packing." He put the bead back in his pocket and walked around to check everything to make sure he didn't leave anything important behind.
A frown appeared on Bofur's face. He had about five minutes to fix this if that. Looking around as he tried to gather his thoughts. "And what of Jaida, Nori? I ain't ever seen someone look at another dwarf the way she looks at you."
"It's better for her if I leave. There is no future for us. Dwalin will never allow it!" He growled as he found a few more daggers.
"Don't be a fool. You're her one Nori. That girl is beyond in love with you." He said seriously. She'd be broken into a million pieces if Nori left. "Hey now. That should sway Dwalin well enough. He wouldn't want his daughter to be unhappy now would he?"
Nori froze, looking so lost and scared at Bofur. "Dwalin hates me." Nori spoke weakly. "At least, dislikes me enough to not want me close to Jaida."
"Now we both know that ain't true. You were right up there with the Royals in the charge for the battle. He dug you out in the goblin tunnel. Don't you sit here and tell me that dwarf don't respect you. You'd give your life for the King. And you damned well do it for Jaida."
"It's his child! It's a bit different! Heck, if I was Dwalin, I wouldn't want a character like me close to my baby girl either! He's going to string me up!" Nori groaned and he sat down with his face in his hands.
Bofur walked over and carefully sat by his friend. Raising his hand and placing it on his shoulder, squeezing it softly. "Yeah you've got a past. But that's just it. The past. You haven't been that in decades. The King himself saw that. And you're just slipping back into that if you give up. Sneaking away like a coward. Now that ain't the Nori I know."
Nori sat up a bit, tugging on his braid roughly. "What am I going to do, Bofur?" He asked exhausted, rubbing his face. "How am I going to convince Dwalin not to kill me and to have the honor to court her?"
"Well first you've got to go talk to him. As soon as you can. Hiding from it will only give him the chance to pick more negatively at it. Then we'll take it after that. As it comes. I'll do whatever I can to help."
Nori sighed deeply, squeezing Bofur's arm. "You're a good mate. Hopefully you don't have to arrange my funeral soon."
"Well I know that!" Bofur puffed his chest out. "He ain't gonna kill you. He knows what that'd do to her. But I ain't gonna lie. He's going to take some convincing."
"And how in Mahal's name am I going to do that?" Nori mumbled worried as he got up, looking at himself and grimaced. "Maybe I should change."
Bofur chuckled and nodded. "You shouldn't go in their prepared for war no. Just take the piss. We'll figure out where to go after this."
"Ugh. Give me a moment. I'll...wear something different." Nori mumbled as he moved to his closet and pulled out some clothes, moving to his bathroom to freshen up and change. He'd rather fight a pack of Wargs than going to Dwalin. Or be chased by Wargs. Or fly on an eagle. Heck anything but Dwalin. "I'm going to die!" He moaned as he stepped back into the bedroom.
"I thought Jaida was supposed to be the girl of the relationship." He snickered. Standing up and moving to his friend. "You ain't gonna die. But he's probably gonna knock you around yes."
"Dwalin's form of knocking someone around tends to mean they've a big chance of dying!" Nori growled agitated as he crossed his arms. "Well. Let's get this over with and pray to Mahal he isn't going to put my head on a stake."
"Alright then. I'll wait here for you if you want. Or at the shop. Whatever you need." He said softly. Giving a small smile.
"Shop. Yes. Shop is probably best. Yes yes. Was nice knowing you, mate." He clasped Bofur's shoulder and walked out of his house, towards Dwalin. Praying to Mahal for a miracle.
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