#warmings:strong language
onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Roasted Chicken
WARMING: Strong language,Transphobia, Fatshaming,. Tamiko (Eiko's mother) suck as a character, she is going to say mean and hurtful things to Ibiki and Eiko with a smile. Beware of her ableism and how fatphobic she is too, also not to mention how Shun Ibiki's mother) disrespectes him by missgendering him and treating him as if he were sick. This two characters are horrible and I am thinking of her horrible ending but first, we need to hate them more.
So... Beware hurtful commentarias are going to be said and insinuations to sex too.
WORDS: 1,707
Sorry for the cuality and if you do not like it too.
The clock ticked on the wall, two more minutes and his shift was over. He checked his notes on the desk, another day of hard-work done. He sighted and started to pull his jacket on and adjust his bandana, the scars still hurt him a lot. He wanted to scratch it so badly, but knew that if he did it, it would be worse. He tied up his desk, glanced at the chief’s table, his insufferable mother looking at him with needles for eyes. He did not care about those, he had long overcome his fear of needles, suffering, pain, fire, water, rats… he was fearless. -Amhya - said his mother, calling him by his dead name, something that he had got used to but she did not get used to his selective deafness. Usually, only towards her. - Amhya - said the chief once more, he could see how his peers were looking at him, with pity. He hated those eyes, so he took his backpack and hovered it over his shoulder. - Good afternoon - said to his peer Hayato. He nodded - She is calling you - muttered in a soft voice. Ibiki just needed to give him a subtle glance - Ibiki she would be even madder - The man kept silent looking at him - I have not heard my name been named - said in a monotonous tone. His peer sighted - She would be worse - Ibiki just raised an eyebrow. He left his job one minute later than he was supposed to. 
He reached the apartment complex that he rented with her. He glanced up and he could see her silhouette in the kitchen. The lights were on and she seemed to be working there, maybe preparing some dinner. He looked at his watch, he had time to have a shower and dinner with her. He started to go up. It was a small flat, perfect for both of them, one bedroom was enough and the tiny living room and kitchen perfect for a single couple. Although he disliked how low the ceiling was, it made him feel like in a cage. He took his keys out and opened the door, the TV was on with some kind of comedy show, he could smell her cooking. She had made some roasted chicken, and there must be buttered potatoes with veggies. “Is that cake?” said Ibiki while glancing at an almost circular cake that was cooling in the small counter. Eiko took the potatoes out of the oven with her mittens and smiled at him “It is a cake. I tried to make carrot cake but…” she looked at the cake “ I did not butter the mold as good as I should have. Sorry it looks horrible” Ibiki left the backpack near the entrance and approached the cake. “¡Hey!” She slapped his hand “Let the dessert alone” He did not move the hand for its place and grabbed a piece of cake. Using his strong fingers to dig out the mixture and tasting it. He liked his fingers without taking his eyes off her. “Well...how is it?” He answered by taking another bite of the cake “It looks ugly as hell, but it tastes delicious” She let a small smile show, he knew what he had done, he actually enjoyed that game a lot. She rested her face on her hand and looked at him “Are we talking about the cake or about you?” He gave her a faint smile “None, I was talking about your cunt, looks like an old woman’s” She got closer to him “At least mine is alive, for the smell of yours it has been long dead and rotten” She smiled thinking that she won. He went closer to her and hugged her from behind “But I eat fresh food, you…” he got closer to her ear “eat rotten pussy” She sighted “I win “ he said biting her ear a little “Nope, your pussy is dead, you have a dead kitty in your legs. I wouldn’t call that a win situation” He scoffed and bit her neck, she knew at that moment that he was mad. A loud knock on the door startled her, he grunted in her neck “There’s no one home” A knock in the window “Eiko darling!” Ibiki raised his head, Eiko went paler and froze in his arms. He could feel how her warmth left her body. He kissed her at the top of his head and went to the door, the high pitched female voice kept talking “C’mon Eiko darling! Don’t do this to your mamma! I just came to say hi to my sweet little doll! Open the …Oh well hello handsome” She changed her voice to a flirtier one. But immediately her tone changed, she couldn’t take the disgust out of her voice, she had clearly seen the scars on his face “Oh… you must be the charity work” Eiko’s footsteps went to the door. Before she could even reply nor Ibiki the woman burst through the door and hugged her “Oh my dear child, sweet Shun was right that I will find you here!” Ibiki glanced at the woman who invaded his nest, she pronounced a name forbidden at that house, his mother’s. “I was like I definitely needed to see you.How long has it been since you left home?”
“A year and a half…” Eiko answered in a monotonous voice, lifeless
“Oh you see dear you also miss me sweetheart! Shun gave me this direction” she then hushed her voice, but the size of the apartment and the fact that she did not know how to hush make it clear what she said “She told me that you are like an intern something for someone with a disability, like a helper of some kind” Eiko was voiceless. Ibiki saw that the woman left some bags at the door. She grabbed Eiko’s hand, jewels were shown in that wrinkled and bonny hand “ Oh dear you have put on so much weight dear! Oh! What do I see!” She grabbed her boobs and also looked at her hips. She was touching her like she was some  mannequin “Since when do you look so womanly!” she laughed. And make her turn around “Oh! Now you even have a butt, oh dear what happened?You have lost even that mustache and beard of yours” Eiko wanted to punch her. Neglecting that was what happened, years of neglecting led her body to be unshapen, not a woman not a man, and her ovaries hurting like hell. It led to her taking those damn pills because her body did not know which hormones should produce and the quantity, it led to her feeling unwell every time her period came. It led to all those identity crises, to hating her body in the mirror. How many times did she ask for a doctor? How many times her mother’s answer was “You just need some man to woman you up”? 
Ibiki had had enough today “Ma’am would you please leave my flat” 
The woman glanced at him, scanned him from top to bottom and put on her brightest smile “Sorry dear but I am your carer’s mother. My name is Tamiko, my parents really know how to name me, don't they?” She offered him her hand for a kiss, he did not even bother to leave his eyes out of her face. She gulped saliva, she was feeling uneasy 
“Why are you here…mother?” Eiko’s voice was feeble “Oh dear to see you, you know how much I miss you?” She turned her head immediately to her, giving her best shot with her smile. “Eiko my sweet doll” It gave her goosebumps. “Ma’am…”Ibiki touched her shoulder, now she was the one with goosebumps “Would you kindly leave OUR house?” said while pressing her shoulder a little. “I haven’t seen my daughter in years” She glanced at him once more “Oh! I know you! You were the man that helped me with that little incident, didn’t you?” 
“Little incident!” Eiko snapped, Ibiki kept his hand on Tamiko’s shoulder pressing her, she tried her hardest not to show the pain that he was making her
“Eiko, your volume. A lady shouldn’t…”
“GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE!” screamed her at the top of her lungs, tears dropping out of her eyes
“Dear that’s no way to…”
“You are not my mother, you never were”
“Oh! So you prefer that the hooker of my sister took care of you. Kids you gave them everything and THIS is how they treat you humiliatingly in front of strangers.” 
“You fucking put a reward on my head!”
“You missbehaved with…
“He fucking tried to hurt me…HE FUCKING TRIED and yes I would stab him again I would fucking rip every limb of his. I would cut his cock and fucking fuck him with it! He hurt us and you kept protecting him!!”
“Eiko he was just…”
“Ma’am leave our house now….” Ibiki’s deep voice was near her ear, he pressed her shoulder even more and she could not hold the scream of pain. She was covered in sweat and panic and left the house at all four escaping from those mad people. Eiko was trembling, in the living room, Ibiki threw Tamiko’s bags out of the varanda. The lady was running even leaving her belongings behind. He would not tell Eiko never, that he actually used genjutsu on her, one of his favorites. 
He closed the door, Eiko was hovering near a corner crying. Ibiki got closer and kissed her forehead “Let’s have a bath” That bitch of his mother gave directions to that pest. She hugged him and they went to the bathroom, helping each other cleansing themselves and enjoying the hot water of the tub. He made her closer to him, she rested her head in his chest. They remained silent, you could only hear how Ibiki’s fingers toyed with her hair, brushing it and making even more curls on her. She played with his hand giving tiny pinches in his fingers and palm.”You said our” she said in a wisp. He nodded and kept playing with her hair. The chicken went cold.
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